#zelena mills oneshot
swanimagines · 11 months
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Regina Mills
Henry Mills
Peter Pan
Killian Jones
Mad Hatter/Jefferson
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Robin Mills
Drizella Tremaine / Ivy Belfrey
Zelena Mills (coming)
Archie Hopps (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
hi, can i request a fuc with zelena and its just her comforting reader because the reader doesn't feel good enough for her? i hope this makes 😅
- ☆ anon
pairing: zelena x reader
word count:
notes and warnings: lyrics from romeo & juliet by peter mcpoland . thank u for requesting this was so fun to write <3 i’ve never written for zelena tho and it’s been super long since i watched ouat lollll
taglist (let me know if u want to be added or taken off!): @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur
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There is no greater pain than this silence that overcomes me.
There is no greater burden than the weight that cannot be seen, cannot be felt by anyone but myself.
Day by day, it consumes me.
Day by day, you are blind to it.
You unlocked the front door, entering the house as quietly as you could. You needed to take in your surroundings before she knew you were home, though you had occupied the house for so long you had no doubt that you could seamlessly move through the house blindfolded.
You could hear the crackling of the fire in the living room, the hum of jazz playing on the radio in the kitchen. All around you resided the feeling of home, of a fulfilled longing you had carried your entire life.
You could feel, as well, her presence — you could feel her joy, the rapture that occurred every time she smiled.
Zelena was humming along to the jazz in the kitchen.
For a moment, you simply listened, basking in the mere suggestion of being near her. Her voice rang like the bells of heaven, perfection rising in every note.
It almost brought tears to your eyes, the simplicity of the moment in front of you. Turmoil had been writing and wrestling in your mind, never ceasing to call your name, and the prospect of walking into the kitchen to see Zelena cooking the two of you dinner promised to dissipate every worry.
Yet as you came forward, making your way quietly into the kitchen, your anxieties lingered still. They were a shadow cast over you, unrelenting and loud, so loud.
You could no longer hear the jazz, for your fears were your only focus.
You hardly heard Zelena greet you, hardly felt the kiss she had placed upon your cheek.
She began to ramble about her day, how the store hadn’t had her favorite coffee brand so she had to buy a box that was a dollar more expensive, now the woman at the cash register had complimented her emerald sweater.
Everything she said enthralled you — though it was all so uninteresting in itself, when graced with the effects of her voice the words came so alive.
You didn’t deserve her — you kept telling yourself that you didn’t deserve her. It had been going on for weeks.
She was perfect in every way. Her eyes gleamed like diamonds in the dim light of the kitchen. Her movements were practiced and graceful. Everything she did and said was a reckoning.
The two of you sat down to dinner. You could hardly eat, your stomach overcome by the clawing of your anxiety. It took everything you had to smile and nod as she continued with her stories, and when she asked you if your day, your replies were short and robotic. Dinner was eaten almost entirely in silence on your part.
There was no greater pain than your silence.
The two of you abandoned the dishes, for now — both of you had endured a long day, and all you wished to do was sit down with each other to watch a movie, simply relax in one another’s presence.
The pit in your stomach deepened. A restless pain buried there that you could not name, could not describe, and it consumed everything.
There was no greater pain than your silence, and she knew nothing of it.
“Darling, what do you want to watch?” Zelena asked airily, moving a pillow to sit on the couch. You immediately moved towards her, resting your head on her shoulder.
“I don’t know. Whatever you want.”
It only took her a moment to decide, and you could feel her smile as she spoke. “The Addams Family?”
You couldn’t help but smile, her radiance overcoming you. “Of course.”
Her excitement was tangible as she started the movie, and you could hear her quietly reciting the lines of every character. Gomez as he stood admiring Morticia as she slept, Wednesday tormenting her brother.
It was only when she shifted in her seat and disrupted your position that you realized you had started to cry.
Zelena didn’t seem to notice — you were completely silent, and your tears were few. She assumed you were asleep.
But when you sniffled… that’s when she knew.
She paused the movie immediately, turning to you, gently running her hand through your hair. “Oh, darling, what is it?”
You shook your head, unable to speak for a moment, for you had absolutely no idea what to say. You wished to disappear, to never tell her a single thing, and yet there was a part of you that only wished to reveal to her every one of your doubts. “I just think you deserve better than me,” you said, so quietly she could hardly hear you. As you spoke, the words ripped you open like daggers.
She was astonished, and her expression revealed so. “Never, my love… where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know,” you said, and it was the truth. “My thoughts have been so loud lately.”
She nodded, pulling you closer, and the comfort of her embrace enveloped you. “I only want you — we deserve each other, we were meant for each other. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give for you, you’re the only person I need.”
You didn’t respond — she kept going.
“The best parts of my day are those I get to spend with you. Even when you steal all of the blankets and I’m left in the cold,” she teased, “still every moment I spend with you is perfect. You’ll never lose me.”
“Are you sure?”
She laughed quietly, and her smile lit up the room. “Of course. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you murmured, leaning into her embrace. “Even though we watch The Addams Family every night.”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” she said with a smirk, and the movie began to play once more. “Cara mia.”
“Don’t expect me to reply with ‘ma chère,’ that’s terribly cheesy… ma chère.”
And though your fears had immediately silenced, the transition was not jarring — for you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
The burden of your silence had ceased, and there was no greater peace than that which came from love.
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enixamyram · 6 years
Imagine a Jones-Mills family trip to Disneyland (because they’re ironic like that). Rumple has Blessing in a carrier strapped to his chest. Killian has Desiree on his shoulders. Zelena is pouting because she drew the short straw and has to carry the diaper bag. Robin insists on riding the Alice in Wonderland ride several times.
This one is so long, it might as well just be a oneshot rather than a CA short! Haha! Again, so much fun writing this out! It was honestly just… Yeah, it was just awesome! Thanks for the idea, Anon! 
   The sun was shining brightly overhead, there was barely a breeze to cool them down as they walked, the smell of cotton candy and other sugary snacks filled their noses and made their mouths water, and almost everywhere they turned, there was a swell of screams and cheerful cries from all the people crowding onto the various rides and entertainment around them. It was busy, like it was every day of the year, and the small group shuffled closely together in order to avoid being lost in the crowds.
   Sitting on her grandpa’s shoulders, Desirae sat open mouthed and wide eyed in awe of her colourful surroundings. She couldn’t look at all fast enough. Every time she looked in one direction, something new had appeared behind her and she rushed to look back again. She twisted and turned as much as she could, almost falling off several times, saved only by the light grip Killian kept on her ankles above her bright blue sandals. At one point she lay back against him, hanging upside down and letting her dark blue dress fall down, revealing a pair of pink frilly knickers underneath.
   “Desirae! Stop that! Sit up right now!” Zelena said, putting a hand on the younger girls back and pushing her into sitting position, brushing the material of her dress back around Killian’s neck.
   "She’s having fun, mum!” Robin laughed, glancing back at the three of them. “Don’t spoil it for her.”
   “She can have fun without flashing her underwear to the world.” Zelena said strictly.
   “You’re just bitter cause you pulled the short straw.” Killian smirked, raising an eyebrow at the children’s bags hanging off Zelena’s elbow. They held everything from a change of clothes, to spare diapers, to an incredible amount of sunscreen, to the endless bottles of juice and water to keep them hydrated. All of it would have her weighed down if not for the quick spell she had cast to make them as light as possible.
   Zelena scowled at him but turned ahead and pouted slightly, saying nothing. It really was unfair if you asked her. Especially since Rumple wasn’t even biologically related to either of the girls. Yet he had been a second father to Alice for many years before and during the cursed years, and had been as big a part of Desirae and Blessing’s life as she was.
   Not even the sight of Rumple could cheer her up about it. Although she had promised to take pictures for when she was in a better mood to tease him relentlessly once they got back home. After all, The Dark One in denim was nothing compared to The Dark One with a pink baby carrier strapped to his chest.
   Blessing sat in said carrier, cradled against Rumple’s chest, her short blonde hair curled slightly at the end and bouncing with every step. Though unlike her sister, she seemed far more entertained with the way her feet hovered so far off the ground than the cheerful screams and flashing lights on every other side around her. In fact she barely glanced up at all, and even that was only when one of her mothers paused to move back towards her tickling her underarms and causing her to look up and squeal at them.
   Striding in front of their daughters and parents, Alice and Robin were arm in arm, grinning from ear to ear as they looked at the amazing sights ahead. It was their first real holiday together, as a whole family, travelling somewhere completely new for once. It had taken them a while to agree on just where to go, but in the end, Disneyland won out. Because what better place to go, than where their stories were celebrated the most.
   “So what next?” Alice asked loudly, not bothering to look back any more.
   “Lunch!” Zelena suddenly cried, wincing at her next step. “I need to put my feet up already before they start bleeding out.”
   “I told you to wear proper shoes!” Robin complained, pausing to look back at her. “I said we’d be walking all day!”
   “Zelena’s stupid footwear aside,” Rumple said, leaning against a nearby sign. “She’s right. A break would be good. Not all of us are as young and fit as the two of you.”
   “But the day’s still young! And we have so much left to do!” Alice gasped excitedly.
   “We also have all weekend to do it,” Killian chuckled. “Come on, Starfish. We’ll take a lunch and then keep going until dinner.”
   Alice felt her face drop but glanced towards Desirae and Blessing guiltily. They were both very distracted at that moment (Desirae by a nearby water ride and Blessing by someone’ puppy as it walked passed) but she knew it was probably best to get them something to eat and drink anyway. And somewhere shaded would be good too. Even though they both wore sunhats and even though they were layered in protective cream (and a few protective spells) it would be nice to hide the somewhere with air-con for a decent meal. As much as she wanted to do more today, she also knew being a parent meant sacrificing for your child’s best interest over your own selfish wants.
   But then suddenly Robin was sliding an arm around her waist, pulling her close and grinning at the others. “Okay then, tell you what. You guys take the girls for lunch and rest your old aching feet. Meanwhile, Alice and I will go off for a few minutes of alone time.” She said cheerfully. “We’ll meet up after and continue the family fun together!”
   “That works for me.” Rumple nodded, pushing away from the sign and stretching his arms slightly as Blessing wriggled in her carrier.
   “What do you mean old?” Zelena demanded.
   “Great!” Robin said, ignoring her mother. “Call us when you’re ready to meet back up!”
   With that, she spun a squealing Alice around in a circle before pulling her off into the crowd. She already had the perfect place in mind where she wanted to take Alice. In fact she had wanted to take her there since they first entered the park early that morning. And now that they would be doing it alone, well, that just made it even better.
   Meanwhile, Killian paused, watch the two of them disappear before looking at the other two, smiling and waving towards the buildings to their right. “Shall we?”
   “So where are we going?” Alice asked, letting Robin lead the way since she clearly seemed to have a plan in mind, judging the way she was still pulling Alice along rather specifically.
   “Somewhere special.” Robin grinned, looking up at a sign before tugging Alice aside, not giving her a chance to read any of it.
   “You’re not going to tell me, are you.” Alice said, rolling her eyes.
   “Just be quiet and enjoy the private moments we have together,” Robin said, pausing long enough to kiss the side of her mouth.
   Alice smiled back at her. “I’m enjoying every moment. With you and with our family.” She sighed happily, leaning against Robin and shutting her eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling in its entirety. “I never thought we’d reach this moment in our lives… It feels wonderful.”
   Robin came to a sudden stop. “Wonderful. Huh. Interesting choice of words.”
   Frowning, Alice opened her eyes and was immediately greeted with the sight of her smiling self beaming down at her. Or at least, the cartoon version of herself that this world had come up with for some bizarre reason. She stumbled back a step and looked up at the imagine, finally realising her cartoon picture was plastered on a poster that sat atop of a pink mushroom in front of Robin’s planned destination.
   “You’re kidding…” Alice said, looking at Robin in a mixture of genuine surprise and slight horror.
   However Robin was unaffected and just grinned back at her. “Well we’d better get in line!” She said, dragging Alice to where a crowd of people were already waiting to take their turn on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
   “Oh it feels good to get off my feet!” Zelena gasped, sitting back and smiling as she pulled her shoes off, taking a quick bite from the sandwich she had brought for herself. “God, I wish Chad were here to give them a proper massage.”
   Rumple cringed at the thought and turned his attention back to Blessing, making sure she was drinking all her juice. He had her balanced on one of his leg, the carrier now hanging off of one shoulder to allow some of the minor breeze they had to catch and cool his sweaty chest. He reached over, grabbing his own water and downing half of it without pause, his own sandwich barely touched at this point. Once again, he missed his magic and the ability to keep himself feeling fresh no matter how long he marched for.
   “It’s a shame he couldn’t make it.” Killian nodded, once again doing his best to remain civil. He always had done, even before their daughters had fallen head over heels for one another.
   “I know,” Zelena sighed sadly. “Next time, for sure.”
   “Pan!” Rae suddenly gasped, grabbing onto Killian’s top to pull herself clumsily onto her feet, standing on his leg and leaning against him for support. “PAN!” She cried.
   “What?” Zelena frowned at the young girl.
   “PAN!” Rae shouted, pointing hard at something behind her.
   “Did someone say Pan?!” A new voice shouted out.
   Suddenly all the others sitting at the outside tables looked up. Several children cheered and squealed, jumping up and crying out like Desirae as they pointed over towards the figure who ran towards them, followed by several other excited audience members. It was a grown man dressed in green tights, with red hair and a green hat sitting on top. He danced towards them with a big smile and came to a stop right beside Rae’s table, leaning towards her.
   “Hey there, everyone!” He called happily.
   “Oh God,” Rumple mumbled, purposely turning himself and Blessing away, glad that Blessing had no interested in the actor dancing around them.
   “Pan!” Rae beamed happily, reaching for him.
   “That’s right! I’m Peter Pan!” The man beamed, standing back and putting his hands on his hips. “What’s your name? Are you a Lost Girl?”
   “No, she’s not.” Zelena said, also turning her body away, hoping he would get the hint and leave them.
   He did not.
   “Uh, oh. Someone’s grumpy.” The man playing Peter said, leaning towards where Rae was beaming up at him and where Killian was attempting to lean away - and would have, if not for the back of the chair preventing him from doing so. “But that’s okay, I know what’ll make her feel better. A story! Stories make everything better! Do you have any stories?” He asked with an eagerness that was eerily convincing.
   Rae hesitated, putting a finger between her teeth before she shook her head, smiling shyly at him.
   “You don’t? Oh man. I love stories!” Peter said, looking towards some of the other people sitting close by, including a pair of young teenagers taking pictures of him. “Do any of you knows any stories?”
   “Yeah…” One of the girls giggled nervously.
   “Well let’s hear it!” Peter said, leaping over the gate and stealing a seat, sitting beside Killian and Rae - far too close for Killian’s liking. “Tell us a story!”
   “What is happening?” Killian hissed, leaning towards Rumple with a look of confusion and awkward terror.
   “An actor. Playing the part of Peter Pan.” Rumple cringed. “Or at least, this worlds version of it.”
   “Are you ready for the story, Lost Girl?” Peter asked Rae.
   “Yeah!” Rae shouted, just as loud as the crowd around them.
   Sitting side by side in a cosy yellow cart with the cartoon caterpillar head at the front, the girls had chosen to settle at the back, and out of everyone else’s way. After they had started and disappeared into the first dark tunnel, it was easy for Alice and Robin to get a little lost with each other. Especially as they started out staring at one another, grinning it cheerful and reluctant excitement for what was to come. In fact, what started out as a friendly ‘are you ready for this’ kiss, quickly turned into a passionate make out session that lasted the whole of the ride, until they were broken apart by the flash of lights from the exit and the crowds watching closely while waiting for their turn.
   “Wow, that was fun!” Alice grinned suggestively, climbing from the ride and reaching to pull Robin out with her. “But we better go find papa and the others now.”
   “Oh no!” Robin said, grabbing Alice’s hand and dragging her to the back of the line. “We’re riding that again.” She looked at her. “Properly this time!”
   Remembering fondly how their last ride in the dark tunnels had gone, Alice allowed herself be dragged along with little resistance. “Fine by me.” She grinned, winking at her as they took their place and waited together.
   “That was a great story!” Peter shouted, jumping up and clapping excitedly in Killian’s ear, grinning when Rae joined in with him. Even Blessing finally looked up towards him, only to grow bored almost immediately and leaned back against Rumple, eyes growing heavy.
   “Ugh, can you go away now?” Zelena grumbled.
   Peter, finally seeming to get the hint, gave an extravagant bow to her and the other tables. “If you say so. I better go find Tink! We’ve got some more adventures to have.” He jumped back over the gate, pausing to wave at Rae. “Bye, bye, Lost Girl!”
   “Bye bye!” Rae shouted, waving her free hand at him while the other continued to cling to Killian.
   “Thank God,” Rumple breathed, turning back around again and twisting Blessing in his arms until she was comfortable.
   “You can say that again. Now let’s get out of here already. It’s about time we met the girls before that idiotic man child comes back.” Zelena said, collecting the bags back into her arms.
   Unfortunately it seemed they spoke too soon. Suddenly another voice shouted over the crowd and drew the attention of everyone (Rae included) back to them.
   “Uh oh!” Peter gasped, looking towards the boys and girls over the gate. “I think I hear a pirate!”
   Suddenly all the kids were shouting and booing. They jumped from their seats and began clambering against the gate, cheering and talking over one another with Zelena, Killian and Rumple stuck between them. Even if they wanted to stand and get away, they wouldn’t be able to easily and not while Rae continued to squeal and bounce, leaning as far as she could in Killian’s arms and pointing along with the rest of them at the shape that had called out to Peter.
   And then a man was stepping forward. Or at least, someone dressed as man. Unlike Peter, this actor wore a mask that included comically enlarged facial features, including a fat nose on top of a long thin moustached that was upturned on either side, over the top of a large toothy grin. He had long black curled hair and wore a purple fancy hat with a thick white feather to match the long red coat with a white frilled shirt underneath. He strode forward in a pair of pink and white leggings with a hand on his fake sword and the other arm held up above him, revealing a long silver hook on the end.
   “No…” Killian said quietly in disbelief.
   “On second thought…” Zelena said, sitting back and smiling. “I think we’ll stay a little longer after all.”
   “Alice,” Robin breathed. “Pay attention.”
   “I am.” Alice said, leaning over and kissing her again. “I’m giving you all my attention.”
   Robin pulled her close then twisted her around suddenly so she was facing away from her, breaking their kiss and wrapping her arms around her chest and arms to keep the other girl pinned and prevent her from twisting around to face Robin one more. As much as Robin loved their private moments in the dark like this, she also brought Alice on this ride for a reason and she was going to sit through it no matter what.
   “I hated the film,” Alice grumbled, scowling at the white rabbit chanting in front of her. “Why should I enjoy the ride?”
   “Cause you’re on it with me.” Robin grinned, kissing the back of her neck.
   Alice smiled. “Well… That is a perk.” She leaned back in Robin’s arms, barely paying attention to the animatronics that quoted the cartoon to them. In her mind, that was Robin’s fault. If she wanted Alice to focus on the ride, she shouldn’t be holding her as close as she was.
   They both slouched down together, riding along the tunnels and through the various story scenes of the film. When they momentarily slid back outside, they paused to share a grin between them just before entering the second part of the ride.
   “See?” Robin laughed as they neared the end.
   “Okay. I’ll admit. The stories a little more fun in the ride version.” Alice nodded, pecking her cheek. “But I think our first ride through was still the best.”
   As they came to a stop and climbed from the cart for a second time, Robin took Alice’s hand and began to head in direction of where most of the restaurants were located. They both knew they had to meet with the others eventually and there was no doubt they would all still be somewhere they could sit and rest. After all, they would need all the rest they could get for today.
   And then suddenly Robin felt herself being pulled to a stop. She looked back and saw Alice smiling at her, biting the corner of her lip. “You… Maybe want to go again?”
   “No…” Killian groaned, looking around but both Zelena and Rumple had gotten quite comfortable now.
   “Sit back and enjoy the show, Hook.” Rumple smirked, Blessing having now fallen asleep curled up slightly in his arms, oblivious to everything happening around her.
   “HOOK!” Rae gasped, looking from Killian and towards the actor and back again. “HOOK!” She gasped excitedly, pointing towards the actor while staring at her grandpa. “HOOK!”
   “Think she recognises you.” Zelena smirked.
   “Shut up.” Killian moaned, trying to sit Rae down in his lap, but she was more excited seeing Captain Hook than she had Peter Pan and refused to let herself be settled.
   The two actors had begun to walk around one another. Hook said very little as he waved his sword at Peter who mocked and giggled at him, jumping around and running in circles like it was a game of tag. Every now and then he jumped the gate and ran among the children with Hook pretending to try and chase after him while unable to actually follow and every time he did, the three actual fairy tale characters got a lovely view of his ridiculous head, including the enlarged cheeks and chin that went with the nose and smile.
   “Can we go now?” Killian asked, trying to sound more bored, like he didn’t care which way or the other.
   “And abandon the show?” Zelena cackled. “I think not!”
   “Let’s leave it to Desirae to decide,” Rumple said confidently, leaning forward, being careful not to jostle where Blessing had turned and curled against his chest now. Not that he needed to try so hard, it seemed the young girl was completely undisturbed by the cries of many people still shouting around her. “Rae? Rae? Do you want to go now? Or do you want to watch Peter Pan and Captain Hook?”
   “HOOK!” Rae cried, pointing and bouncing on her feet still. “HOOK!”
   “That decides it,” Rumple said, leaning back and smiling at his old enemy/new friend.
   “I hate you both.” Killian mumbled, slouching down in his seat while keeping his hands on Rae’s hips. He had to be careful to keep her from falling as she continued to bouncing up and down on his leg.
   “Okay, we should really head back now.” Alice giggled, walking for the excit, back alongside the crowd of people still waiting to have their turn.
   “We should.” Robin agreed firmly. Then added with a devious smile; “Or… We could have one more ride.”
   “Really?” Alice laughed. “Come on. Even I’m getting bored of it now.”
   “Yeah but think of it this way,” Robin said, pulling her forcefully to the back of the line once again. “We started this ride with a kiss… Shouldn’t we end it that way as well?”
   Alice pretended to pause and think it over. “Well, that sounds fair to me!”
   “How long are they going to do this?” Killian hissed.
   “For as long as it entertains.” Rumple shrugged, looking towards the kids and teens still laughing around them.
   “Yeah, well, I’m going to get us some more drinks,” Zelena said, standing and wedging her way through the crowd, pausing to pat Killian’s shoulder and wink down at him. “Don’t go anywhere.”
   Killian lashed out a hand, grabbing her wrist tightly. “You are not leaving me here!”
   “Well you can’t come. Rae’s enjoying herself so you have to stay for her sake.” Zelena said, pulling her arm free. “Have fun, Captain.”
   Rumple chuckled, watching Zelena disappear into the crowd. Then turned as he caught Killian glaring at him. “What?” He asked.
   “You’re not going anywhere.” Killian warned, then added quickly. “Don’t forget, if you move, you’ll disturb Blessing.”
   “Oh no worries there.” Rumple said, putting his feet on Zelena’s recently vacated chair, smiling as he looked back towards the show just as Hook bent over and had his backside kicked by Peter, sending him toppling to the ground. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
   Killian was suddenly regretting the idea of keeping Rumple around and groaned loudly, watching his cartoon self struggle to scramble back onto his feet and those ridiculous looking shoes. Rae couldn’t stop laughing and more than once pointed at Killian and pointed back again, as if reminding him again and again that, yes, that was supposed to be him.
   “Okay, now we should head back.” Alice sighed sadly.
   “Are you kidding? They made us sit up front this time. We couldn’t finish how we started we everyone able to watch us.” Robin argued grumpily.
   “Robin, enough, okay? If I have to see those stupid things again or hear any of their high squeaky voices, I’m going to lose my mind.” Alice said sharply, rubbing her temple at the very idea of passing through those damn tunnels once more.
   “You won’t hear them. Not if I’m doing it right.” Robin said quickly.
   Alice ignored her attempts to flirt and kept walking. Or rather, she tried to keep walking. She didn’t get very far when suddenly Robin reached down, picking her up off her feet and physically carrying her to the back of the line.
   “ROBIN!” Alice yelped, kicking her legs out.
   “One more time!” Robin promised.
   A few parents shot Killian a dirty look but he ignored them. He didn’t care if he sounded like a miserable old bugger. Seeing his cartoon self run off like a coward when Peter got all the audience to start making ticking sounds like a clock, was both a great insult and an even greater relief. Killian was an inch away from carrying Rae off mid performance, even if she hated him for it, while Rumple had never looked like he was enjoying himself more. Even now, he was still grinning at the (real) pirate with a smugness that wasn’t going to be wiped away easily.
   “Can we go now?” Killian growled as the crowd around them thinned out and everyone returned to their seats to finish their lunches.
   “Yeah, the fun’s over now.” Rumple said, standing and shuffling Blessing in his arms. She whimpered and her little blue eyes blinked open staring up at the shocked expression on the older man’s face. “That’s what wakes you?” He blinked.
   As if she even understood him, Blessing smiled slightly - a smile that matched her mothers cheeky side - before shutting her eyes and cuddling back up against him. Rumple shook his head at her before turning and heading back inside the restaurant, followed by Killian where he had settled his granddaughter back on his shoulders, ignoring her restless fidgeting. While he knew she was eager to be released on her own two wobbly feet, there was no way he was going to risk letting her get lost in this crowd.
   As they made their way through the main restaurant and for the exit, they kept an eye out for Zelena but she was nowhere around. At least not until they found their way out of the building and back into the main area of the park.
   “I thought you were just getting drinks?” Killian demanded when he caught sight of Zelena, hovering across from the exit, waiting patiently for them.
   “Guess I forgot.” Zelena shrugged innocently. “So did you enjoy the show?”
   Scowling at her, Killian stormed passed, letting Rumple come to a pause behind him, still smiling at his back. “Oh he loved it.” He said loudly, then glanced at Zelena and lowered his voice so Killian could no longer hear. “I think we’re gonna need to ask for a special request for Captain Hook to come see Desirae, don’t you think?”
   Zelena smirked back. “Even without your magic, you are still the Dark One.”
   “What are you two whispering about back there?” Killian snapped, looking over his shoulder at them.
   “Oh nothing!” Zelena sang, walking over and reaching up. “Now give Rae here. It’s your turn to carry the bags.”
   Killian side stepped away from her. “After what I just sat through? I don’t think so.” He walked around her, heading off with Rae falling back to hang upside down behind him again, giggling and waving to her grandma.
   “Hey! Over here!”
   Alice and Robin caught sight of Rae’s flashing knickers before they saw the faces of the others. They hurried over, both looking very pink in the face and grinning with deep matching breaths.
   “You two look like you had fun,” Zelena said, pushing aside her irritation at still being stuck with the bags. “How many rides did you get on in the end?”
   “Oh… Not many actually.” Robin shrugged.
   “Just the one really.” Alice admitted.
   “Just one? Was the line that long?” Zelena blinked. Well, all the lines were long but she had discovered that the park was actually quite good at getting everyone moving at a brisk pace so as to give everyone a chance.
   “… Yeah. Let’s go with that.” Robin nodded, ignoring the puzzled look her mother gave her.
   Quick to change the subject, Alice looked between her daughters. “Aw, is someone tuckered out?” Alice asked, walking over to Rumple and brushing some strands of blonde hair to the side of Blessing’s head, kissing her sleeping forehead softly.
   “Yeah, she fell asleep near the start of the show.” Rumple nodded.
   “Show? What show?” Alice asked.
   “Forget about it!” Killian said quickly before anyone else could answer. “Now are we going to go on some more rides today or not?”
   The girls looked questioningly towards Rumple and Zelena for answers, both of whom were smirking to themselves and each other. It was obvious something had happened while they were gone, but neither had any idea what could pull such mixed reactions from the three of them.
   “We’ll tell you later.” Rumple promised.
   “We’ll show you if we can.” Zelena grinned, then looked at the girls. “Seriously you are both still very red. Lemme guess, roller-coaster?”
   “Uh- yup! That’s right!” Robin nodded. “Very exciting! So much fun! Couldn’t get enough of it.” She looked at Alice and shared a secret knowing smile. “Definitely do it again some time.”
   Alice grinned back, reaching over and entwining their fingers together as they began following Killian across the park. “Sometime soon.”
   As oblivious as ever Zelena shrugged and walked beside them. “Well, we have all weekend for you two do it again. But for now, Rumple, give me my granddaughter! Now! Grandma Zee wants time with her precious Blessing as well, so hand her over!”
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 4 years
Everything She Loves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cuMzSm
by BrutallyRomantic
In response to a prompt from Tumblr: 'When Zelena discovers that Regina has feelings for Emma, Zelena tries to seduce Emma.' / Oneshot
Words: 1950, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Emma Swan/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cuMzSm
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evilqueens · 7 years
What are some oq fics that you would recommend?
okay i took the greatest of care selecting what matters most to me. i also categorized as best as i could so it wouldn’t look like a mess of links i was just throwing at you – even though they’re all pretty much complete AUs, but i also attempted to summarize to help. bc you’re worth it, nonnie. 
that being said, i’ve been awake since 2 in the morning, so i for sure forgot a lot of fics, and this is probably still a mess. regardless, this will be my oq fic rec masterpost that i will add more to when i’m not so tired.
- ̗̀ modern AUs  ̖́-
sunny side up (by @queen-of-the-merry-men, in-progress) - robin asks regina for her eggs during breakfast one day, but it turns out he means the baby-making kind. this fic’s still getting started, but it’s so adorable so far, and i’m so in love with how this person writes platonic bffs robin and regina, it’s so sweet and enjoyable to read while you wait for them to realize they’re in love with each other
what would they say (by @queen-of-the-merry-men, in-progress) - aka (bc i gotta warn you) the most epic slowburn to ever slowburn. like, some people try to give that trophy to other fics, but i strongly disagree bc i definitely count fic years, and boiiiii. i don’t even know how to summarize this… the gist, regina falls in love with the husband of her late best friend. the long, regina goes through some serious shit (including her best friend dying), and robin’s a real supportive guy, a good boy (who also goes through some shit i.e. his wife dying), and they fall in love
you’ve got mail (by @gray-autumn-sky, complete) - based on the movie (that i will watch one day), robin and regina become pen pals, not knowing they hate each other in real life. you know you can’t resist an enemies-to-lovers trope, bc no one can resist an enemies-to-lovers trope. and it’s written by tara, a quality person, so there. tbh i don’t know how to properly flail about how much i love this oneshot without spoiling it, so just know that i do, and should the day come that more is added to this verse i will spontaneously combust.
time just flies, but i still carry on (by @robinwright, in-progress) - idk how to summarize this without spoiling. to put it vaguely, robin’s an asshole and four years later he’s back to fix his mistakes. i just feel assaulted by this fic, and i need cassie to formally apologize for it (through a prequel and a happy sequel please
baby gates and deadbolts (by @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x, in-progress) - regina meets a baby roland at the store, and he approves of her hair. adorable, with undertones of emo bc it’s gabi. but it’s sweet, and full of parent OQ, which i’m always weak for.
eye of the beholder (by @mysterious-song, in-progress) - a blind robin falls in love with regina’s voice. this fic is so sweetly written, i’m just in silent awe. it’s beautiful. i want more so bad.
the song that summer sings (by @writtenndust, in-progress) - movie-star regina walks into robin’s humble bookstore, and wholesome love happens. you have no idea how far up this fic’s ass i am. i’m so in love. it’s so adorable. like, why am i still talking? why are you still here reading this? go read the fic. already read it? read it again.
- ̗̀ supernatural AUs  ̖́-
fallen (by @dee-thequeenbee, in-progress) - demons. fallen angels, actually, walking the earth, fucking shit up. of course regina’s one of them. and of course robin’s gotta get in her way. this concept is so cool, i love that this fic exists, and i can’t wait to see it progress
wild hearts (by @regal-pixiedust, in-progress) - amidst a zombie apocalypse, regina meets the survival group of robin, henry, roland, and david, and together they try not to die. stressful af, but there’s a healthy dose of regal believer in here, too, so it’s worth it.
broken souls (by @regal-pixiedust, in-progress) - regina can see dead people. she used to help ghosts move on in her younger days, and robin’s newly dead wife insists she gets back into the hobby. this fic is a wild ride from start to almost-finish, and i’ve loved every second of it.
- ̗̀ historical/magical AUs  ̖́-
happiness can’t be arranged (by @gray-autumn-sky, in-progress) - set in some time period that’s not now (i don’t know history, sorry tara), robin and regina are forced to marry each other. basically you read this fic and alternate between NOW KISS and wondering when robin and regina’s parents are finally going to die. but it’s also some quality hood-mills family stuff, and it gets even more adorable by the chapter, so you’re welcome
in sickness and in health (by @mysterious-song, complete) - a memory-loss AU (i, am trash for memory loss AUs. there aren’t enough of them). an adorable oneshot of robin waking up in the hospital to a pretty lady, whom he immediately wishes he was married to. his wish comes true. i love this oneshot so much, it’s so cute, and i wish every day that there was more
oq prompt party: sabrina au (by @lala-kate) - based on the movie sabrina. assuming bad intentions, robin tries to romance regina away from his infatuated brother in order to protect their family’s fortune. he falls in love with her instead. i first read this while i was not in a good enough mindset to reblog (and i’m sorry about that), but i fell in love. i would give a limb for this to continue. whatever you want.
not unless you wish it (by @miladylocksley, in-progress) - after a heist, robin finds a genie lamp amongst his new possessions, and out pops regina. you know when fics just kinda stay with you? and their existence just pops into your head randomly? that’s this fic. every now and then my brain is just like ‘remember the genie au?’ i do, brain. i do.
- ̗̀ canon-divergent AUs  ̖́-
from the missing pages (by @gray-autumn-sky, complete) - a page 23 AU. baby regina walks into the tavern that night, and meets robin. the only page 23 au that matters to me (the only one i’ve read fully, but whatever). it’s sweet, it’s stressful, and it makes for a nice reread every now and then
oq allergy-verse (by @gray-autumn-sky) - two super adorable s3-AU baby ficlets, here and here. regina, soulmate to her forest-bound thief, is allergic to trees. and robin’s gotta deal with that heartbreak. tbh i’m just hoping that if i keep talking about this tiny verse, tara will continue to add to it, so here we are
chimera (by @revolutionsoftheheart, in-progress) - post-s5 AU. zelena dies, and regina’s left to raise baby peanut. five-year-old baby peanut decides to scare the shit out of her aunt with her new imaginary friend. this fic is painful, and it hurts too. but i’m so intrigued as to where jakie’s planning to take it, so i’m here. hurting.
- ̗̀ holiday AUs  ̖́-
actually, love (by @revolutionsoftheheart, complete) - a snow storm leaves robin no other choice than to spend christmas with his ex, regina. this fic right here is the main reason this category exists. i love it so much.
ethereal (by @revolutionsoftheheart, complete) - two strangers meet in their dreams, and fall in love. basically jakie’s the queen of holiday one-shots. this is everything i could’ve wanted and more, and i’m still so happy she wrote it
i hope this list is in any way beneficial
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
Love, Fun and Gossip: Part 1 (A Storybrooke Modern AU OneShot)
A/N: This is a High School and Modern AU oneshot about Amelia Mills in high school. She's the head cheerleader at Storybrooke High. The first couple of chapters will be based on high school. This story features the following characters; Mills family - Cora (principal and mother of Amelia, Regina, Zelena), Henry Sr (the mayor and father of Amelia and Regina, stepfather of Zelena), Zelena (18, oldest Mills sister, Ingrid's bff, assistant netball captain), Regina (17) and Amelia (16, head cheerleader) Fisher family - Alistair (father of Richard, Ingrid, Helga, Gerda and husband to Maria, history teacher), Maria (wife to Alistair, mother of Richard, Ingrid, Helga and Gerda, geography teacher), Richard (20, oldest Fisher child), Ingrid (18, Zelena's bff, netball captain), Helga (16, Amelia's best friend), Gerda (15), Their aunt Anne (maths teacher) Jones family - Brennan (father of Liam and Killian, science teacher), Mary (mother of Liam and Killian, religion teacher), Liam (21), Killian (18, jock, quarterback). Nolan family - Mary Margaret (English teacher, mother of Emma), David (PE teacher, father of Emma, football coach), James (Emma's uncle, David's brother, drama teacher also the netball coach) Emma (16, cheerleader) Gold family - Robert (father of Neal, business teacher), Milah (mother of Neal, cheerleading coach), Neal (17, jock) Lucas family - Granny (diner owner), Ruby (16, Amelia's friend, cheerleader) Spencer family - Martine Spencer (mother of the girls, childcare and health teacher), Charlie (17, she's a bully and a bad girl), Lesley (18, also a bully and bad girl) Also with; Marcie Jacobs (17, cheerleader), Becky Bauer (16, cheerleader), Lesley Masterson (16, assistant head cheerleader, Amelia's bff), Robin Locksley (16, jock, Amelia's male bff), Daniel Colter (18, jock), Graham Humbert (17, jock), Molly Faerie (Mal) (16, cheerleader), Cruella DeVil (16, netball player), Ursula James (17, netball player), Kyle Black (Blackbeard) (17, jock) and many more. The characters listed are the main characters in this series. Amelia starts off with Killian but will end up with Ingrid. Oh and in this story and the world in which it is set two women can biologically have children together (if it is true love). ~ Storybrooke High was one of the best places to go to school. There was gossip like all schools and wars for popularity and love as well as scandal and underage drinking. However the school was a really good one for grades. Cora Mills was the principal of the school. Amelia Jane Mills was the school's golden girl. She was head cheerleader, an A star student and the school's greatest golden girl since the school was established. She was also dating the school's quarterback Killian Jones. Killian was two years older than her and was her opposite. She was the golden girl he was the bad boy. She was popular even without him on her arms, but she still dated him. She previously dated Kyle Black but dumped him when he cheated on her with the school's top bully Charlie Spencer. Charlie was Amelia's ex friend who was her friend during kindergarten. Charlie made her way through all the boys of the school, well most of them, she hadn't been into Killian Jones, Robin Locksley, Graham Humbert and Daniel Colter. Everyone else she'd been into. Charlie had a gang of her and her 18 year old sister Lesley Spencer also in the gang was Ursula James. Amelia had her own gang of her and the cheerleaders who were her friends. Her best friends were Helga Fisher, Ruby Lucas, Lesley Masterson and jock Robin Locksley. In her gang were some of the school's popular sports stars which included Emma Nolan, Daniel Colter, Killian Jones and Ingrid Fisher. Ingrid was Amelia's friend since they first met and Amelia had a crush on Ingrid. Ingrid felt the same way but didn't do anything about it due to Amelia dating Killian, who she thought was a bit of a jerk. Well he kinda was he controlled most of what she did. The school thought Amelia and Ingrid would make a better golden couple of the school. Amelia shortly after her birthday in November, had had enough of Killian controlling her and dumped him after she caught him kissing Emma. Emma wasn't interested in him so she kicked him and started dating Neal Cassidy another jock. Emma was 16 and one of the cheerleaders. Amelia soon moved on from Killian by dating Ingrid, and she lost her virginity to Ingrid. Amelia had turned 16 in the November it was now nearly January. The gang had a party for Christmas, where everyone was drinking and Amelia ended up sleeping with Killian, in an attempt from Killian to win back his girl. Well, she had been drinking and Killian had told her if she wanted to and she said something that he thought meant yes. The towns age of consent to sex is 16. A couple of weeks after the party Amelia missed her period. She soon panicked and rang her girlfriend to pick up a pregnancy test, on the phone. Ingrid picked the phone up. "Hello, this is Ingrid Fisher, the netball captain of Storybrooke High, who are you and what do you want?" "Ingrid, it's me, your girlfriend, Amelia. I need you to pick something up from the pharmacy. I need a pregnancy test." Amelia told her. "Ok, baby. I'll pick that up for you." Ingrid said. Ingrid knew what Killian forced Amelia into at the party, she was angry but knew that Amelia wouldn't have let him do it if they weren't drinking. Ingrid soon arrived at her girlfriend's house with a couple of pregnancy tests. Ingrid smiled. "I bought like three pregnancy tests. Oh and whatever happens I will be right here by your side." Amelia nodded. "I'll go to my room, I have an on-suite." Ingrid kissed Amelia's forehead and followed her upstairs to her room and sat on the bed while Amelia took the tests. "Amelia, if you are pregnant, it's not biologically mine, it will be his. But the kid will be mine if you decide to keep it because I will adopt it and help you raise them." Ingrid told her. "I know. But in this town, can't two women have children together? We can biologically have children together one day." Amelia told her. "Yes we can. Wait? Does that mean it could be mine?" Ingrid asked. "Sadly not. We don't know if our relationship is true love yet." Amelia told Ingrid. Ingrid sighed, soon the timer beeped and both of them looked at the tests. "Ingrid, I'm pregnant." Amelia told her. "Ok, will you be keeping the kid? I mean I know in Religious Education you don't like it when abortion is mentioned." Ingrid asked. "Yes I'm keeping the baby. And I will ask my coach if I can take on a supporting role with cheerleading." Amelia said. Amelia and Ingrid talked about their plans for the future and keeping the child, raising it like they would their own as a couple. They would soon have to tell Amelia's family and their friends, oh and Ingrid discussed moving in. Soon, Amelia's parents and sisters arrived home. Which meant they were soon to find out. ~ Hope you enjoyed. Chapter two tomorrow hopefully, or soon. Soph.
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enixamyram · 6 years
I have a prompt if you're interested: Tilly is awake, and she remembers Robin. But the problem is, Robin is still cursed.Tilly went near the bar everyday to stare at Margot through the windows. Zelena saw her many times, she thinks Tilly is a stalker and went to warn Tilly. She knows Robin has a lover, but she never met Alice, she only heard about her. After a talk with Tilly, she knows she's alice, and she intoduce Tilly to Margot, trying to set them up.Margot and Tilly started to become closer
A Stalker?
Summary: Zelena notices a girl watching from outside the bar and recognises her as someone who’s been hanging around a lot ever since Margot returned. Thinking her to be a common stalker, Zelena goes out to give the creep a piece of her mind… Before she realises that maybe this girl isn’t a stalker after all, but actually someone very special to Robin.
  “Hey, I need to pop out for a bit. Can you and… Margot, close up forme?” Regina asked, already pulling on her denim jacket with the sleeves alreadypushed up to her elbows.
 Zelena rolled her eyes. Sooner or later Margot was going to catch on andask why Roni always stalled whenever she said her name. God knows what excuseRoni would give but it better be a good one. The last thing they needed was forMargot to think Roni had lost the plot.
 “Sure, fine,” Zelena sighed, leaning against the counter with an oldcloth clutched in hand. She didn’t say anything aloud, but she silently hopedthat Regina wasn’t going to see a certain voodoo witch doctor. Feelings or not,that guy was bad news and not just because he wanted Rumplestiltskin’s dagger.
 “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Regina said, leaving the bar without a lookback.
 Zelena watched her go for a moment before turning to finish her clean upof the bar’s counter top. It was late in the evening during the middle of theweek, so they probably wouldn’t be getting many more customers at this point,which was actually quite nice. It gave them the chance to tidy things up,meaning they could leave as soon as possible when closing came.
 “Hey, mum,” Margot said, walking around behind her with a trap of emptyglasses stacked in her hands. “Where’s Roni gone?”
 “She had something to do. We’ll close up tonight and see her tomorrow,”Zelena explained, unable to resist reaching over and gentle give her daughtersshoulder an affectionate squeeze. She had missed her so much, she could barelykeep from it as if reassuring herself that her baby girl really had come backhome.
 “Oh, okay then,” Margot said, shrugging her shoulders and continuingpassed towards the backroom to set the glasses in the dish washer.
 She so obviously loved working here again. But then she always had. Evenwhen Zelena had been cursed to be Kelly, Margot had loved helping out at thebar and was thrilled when Roni gave her an official job, not even caring whenKelly had tried to speak out against it because it might affect her school work.And she had been gutted when Kelly had made the choice to move them away fromthe Heights and, therefore, away from Roni and the bar. Zelena wondered if partof Margot’s love for the bar came from a secret part of her unknowingly missingher loved ones from back in the Enchanted Forest. In which case, Zelena felteven more guilty for separating her from everyone when she moved them away.
 Speaking of which, that thought made her wonder about something else.Because out there, somewhere in this world, was a young woman whom her daughterhad fallen for before the curse was cast. Zelena hadn’t had the chance to meether before everything went to hell, so she had no idea who it was or even whatshe looked like, but she hoped that wherever she was, she was safe. If nothingelse came from this mess, she just wanted her daughter to find happiness. Thekind that could withstand anything thrown at them.
 “Can we get another round over here?” One of the men still hangingaround called from his seat by the window with his group of friends. A regularthat was honestly one of the nicest guys Kelly had the pleasure of serving. Itwas the only reason he got away with calling out for more rather than coming toget it himself.
 “Coming right up!” Zelena said instantly, flashing him a smile only topause when she caught sight of something.
 There was a shape standing on the other side of the window. A youngblonde woman dressed in a red and black plaid shirt, a brown skirt and a largegreen coat over the top with black leggings that had a series of holes alongeither leg. Zelena frowned suspiciously through the glass. She recognised her.That girl had been the one who was hanging around an awful lot as of late.Never coming in but always watching from the outside, ever since Margot camehome…
 “Kelly?” The man called, breaking her train of thought just as somethingawful dawned on her. “You alright?”
 “Yeah, just need to deal with something.” Zelena said, seeing a suddenflash of red as she threw the cloth down on the side with more force than wasnecessary. “Margot will be back in a moment to serve you.”
 With that she stormed towards the door and stepped outside. The girldidn’t notice her coming, she was too busy looking out for someone inside thebar, trying to peer around the blind spots in her way in order to search forthe same person she came to see every day she stopped by. In fact she onlyrealised Zelena was there when she grabbed her by the arm and roughly pulledher away from the window, earning a squeal of surprise as she did.
 “Look you,” Zelena snarled, forcing the girl to look at her. “I knowexactly what you’re doing here and it can damn well stop. You leave my daughteralone, you hear me?!”
 “What?” The girl yelped, automatically trying to pull away but toostartled to put any strength behind her attempts.
 “You think I don’t recognise a stalker when I see one?” Zelena said, lettingher go and putting her hands on her hips. “You’ve been hanging around eversince Margot got back and it’s damn well going to stop right now.”
 “Margot…” The girl mumbled, her eyes taking on a slight dazed look asshe glanced towards the bar.
 “Yes, my daughter!” Zelenahissed, leaning down towards her. “So just know that if you don’t back off andleave her the damn well alone then you’ll have me to deal with.”
 “I… I didn’t mean…” The girl shook her head, glancing from Zelena to thebar and back again.
 The girl had a look that was so panicked and confused, that some ofZelena’s anger faded into sympathy. It was possible that she didn’t really meanany harm. But despite what movies and TV shows tried to say in this stupidworld, stalking someone’s home or place of work was not romantic. It wascreepy, and Zelena wasn’t going to let her daughter be a victim from it. Still,maybe Zelena didn’t need to be so hardon this girl.
 Zelena paused herself and looked the girl up and down. There wassomething about her… Something in her eyes that just didn’t sit right withZelena. She didn’t have the look of an obsessed stalker. In fact right now she waslooking so lost, and a little hurt. In fact there were tears building in thecorner of her eyes as she took a small shy step backwards but that wasn’t whatgave Zelena pause. There was something else that wasn’t right about the way shewas looking around and particularly at the bar. It wasn’t so much the look ofsomeone who was lost in a place. It was like someone who knew where they werebut for some reason couldn’t reach what they had come here for.
 “I’m sorry.” She said finally. “Goodbye.” She started to turn and walkaway, a look of heartbreak flashing over her expression.
 “Wait.” Zelena said, still frowning down at her.
 The girl paused mid turn, keeping her face down and not looking at her.But she did wait, which only encouraged Zelena’s belief that maybe… Was she reallyjust a random stalker? Or someone else?
 “Who are you?” Zelena asked.
 “A… Tilly.” The girl mumbled, still not looking at her.
 The name didn’t sound familiar, but it almost sounded like she hadchanged her mind. Was it just a slip of the tongue or was she hiding something?“Why do you keep coming here?” Zelena asked stiffly.
 “Doesn’t matter…” Tilly mumbled.
 “Yes it does, now answer me. Why are you stalking my daughter?” Zelenaasked, hoping the harsh questions would make the girl give her some realanswers, though she was no longer quite sure if stalker was the right wordafter all. There seemed to be more to this girl that what she appeared.
 “I just… We knew each other…” Tilly said quietly, seeming to choose herwords carefully and keeping her eyes on her feet.
 “When?” Zelena said suspiciously.
 “Before.” Was all she said, still keeping her face turned away, hidingfrom Zelena’s cold gaze.
 And then it slowly dawned on her. Or at least, she thought it did. Wasit possible? Could it really be what she thought it was… Zelena wet her lipsand crossed her arms over her chest. She had to find out but she had to do itsubtly in case she was wrong.
 “Sometimes these lives feel like a curse, don’t they?” Zelena askedcasually. Even that would probably sound weird to someone who was cursed ororiginally from this world, but Zelena could also brush it off if need be.Especially if it turned out her original stalker hunch had been correct.
 Tilly’s head snapped up at those words and she looked at Zelena withwide eyes of recognition. That was all the confirmation that Zelena needed.
 “You’re awake,” Zelena said slowly.
 “So are you.” Tilly mumbled, still staring at her in shock. “Is Robin-”She asked quickly, hope lighting her features.
 “No,” Zelena said quickly, shaking her head and watching the hope die. “Robin’snot awake.” Zelena paused and frowned. “But you are. How? And who are you? Andhow do you know my daughter?”
 “I’m… I mean. I have these… I have this ability. Sometimes I see things inmy sleep and. I ran into R-Margot a couple weeks ago and… I think the dreamsand meeting her again… It helped wake me up.” Tilly explained shyly. “I justwoke up from a nightmare the other night and. There was like a puzzle in myhead and I knew I needed to piece it together to understand so I stopped takingmy pills and after a while… All my old memories came back to me.” It hadn’tbeen easy, but Tilly decided to leave the harsher details out for now.
 “Wait… Are you… You’re not… Alice?” Zelena said, suddenly rememberingthe girl that Robin had told her about. The young love she’d fallen for in theEnchanted Forest that Zelena never had the chance to meet before the curse was cast.
 Robin had kept her crush a secret from her mother for a long time atfirst. When she finally revealed that there was someone special out there, shehad then kept the person’s identity a secret, only telling that it was a youngwoman she had met when she had been hunting the troll causing damage to nearbyvillages. She hadn’t really explained why she wouldn’t tell her any more, justsaying she wanted to get to know the girl first before she made any seriousmoves like introducing her to friends and family, and Zelena had respected herdecision. After so many years of questioning everything Robin did with herlife, Zelena was trying to give her some well deserved space.
 Ironically, Robin had been about to introduce them just before the cursewas cast. The morning before Regina showed up at the farm, Robin had revealed overbreakfast she wanted to set up a diner date for everyone to officially meet oneanother and finally gave Zelena her first hint as to who it could be by givingup the first name. Alice was pretty common so Zelena didn’t think twice aboutit when she heard, but now she realised, looking into this girls eyes andremembering what Roni had said about Rogers and a young girl who went by thatexact name… This was Alice. TheAlice. Freaking Nook’s Alice!
 And, apparently, her daughters Alice, as well.
 “You know me?” Alice blinked.
 “Yes. Robin told me about you.” Zelena nodded, sure enough a lightblossomed in Alice’s eyes at that comment. If she had any doubts about who thisgirl was before, they were gone when she saw the love in her expression, justby knowing that Robin had talked about her. “So that’s why you’ve been hangingaround.”
 “I’m sorry,” Alice said again, ducking her head slightly.
 “Don’t be.” Zelena said softly. “I understand how it feels… Wanting tobe with someone you love but with the curse and fake memories getting in theway. So you try and get as close as you can and… Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry.”
 Without thinking twice about it, she opened her arms and took a steptowards her. She hesitated when she saw Alice flinch slightly, but didn’t lowerher arms and after a short pause, Alice’s body relaxed and she stepped intothem. The two women clung to each other, sharing their grief over the secretsthey would need to keep. Zelena shut her eyes, rubbing Alice’s back slightly incomfort, remembering the stories Regina had told her and knowing how much thispoor girl had been through, before allowing herself to smile.
 “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Zelena whispered softly into herblonde hair, giving Alice a gentle squeeze.
 “You too,” Alice’s voice hitched slightly.
 They stayed as they were for at least a minute or so, holding oneanother like they had known each other for years. Somehow it was so easy to becomfortable around each other despite the fact that this really was their firsttime meeting and Alice shut her eyes, enjoying the warmth of her first hugsince the curse was cast. If she really let her mind go, she could almostpretend they were back in the Enchanted Forest and this was the meeting theywere supposed to have. The kind where Robin was there with them and Zelenaaccepted her as part of the family.
 The two women finally pulled away at the sound of the familiar voice.Robin/Margot stood in the doorway of the bar, looking at the two of them with aslight confused frown. When she caught sight of Alice there was a flash ofrecognition but only vaguely, and she quickly looked back towards her motheragain.
 “Everything okay?” She asked.
 “Yes, yes, Margot, it’s fine.” Zelena said, keeping one arm around Alice’sshoulders and trying to fight the urge to tear up. “Actually, I’d like you tomeet someone.” Alice flashed her a look of surprise but Zelena just gentlysqueezed her arm in assurance. “This is Tilly. Tilly, this is my daughter,Margot.”
 “Hey,” Margot said, smiling at her. “You’re the girl from the othernight, right?”
 “Yeah,” Alice said quietly. “Um... Hi.”
 “Tilly’s going through some stuff. Why don’t you take her inside andmake her up a drink.” Zelena said, giving Alice a gentle push forward.
 “Yeah, sure.” Margot held the door open for her. “Come on in.” She saidwith a friendly smile.
 Alice once again glanced nervously back at Zelena, as if checking thatthis really was okay, before returning the soft smile to Margot and steppinginside. Margot then escorted her to a comfortable seat near the furthest end ofthe bar where it was warm and gave them a certain amount of privacy. WhileAlice took a seat, Zelena set about making sure everyone else in the bar wassatisfied, freeing Margot up to make Alice a special mocktail she had made upherself one day when she was bored and experimenting. When it was clear that noone else had need of her, she allowed herself to wander towards the two girls,subtly checking up on them.
 “So what’s up?” Zelena heard Margot asked after Alice had taken a sip ofher drink. “Mum said you were going through some stuff?”
 “Um yeah,” Alice nodded slowly, thinking over what to say. “Um… It’s myp-dad. We were… Separated for a while… And we recently met up again but…” Alicewet her lips and shook her head. “He doesn’t even know who I am anymore.”
 “Oh, I think I get it.” Margot said slowly, nodding her head. “You’vechanged. And now you don’t quite fit into his worlds anymore.”
 “Yeah,” Alice whispered, staring up at Margot in awe.
 “That must be hard.” Margot said, not noticing the star struckexpression on Alice’s face. She leaned forward against the bar top. “But, you’restill the same person deep down. It might be hard to connect while you adjust toyour changes but you’re both still you. And the real selves inside you willshine through no matter how much change you go through, so hang in there. Okay?Things’ll get better.”
 “You think so?” Alice asked quietly.
 “I do. I think if people really know and care for each other, they’llalways find their way back together again.” Margot explained. “Even big changeswon’t keep them apart forever.”
 Alice swallowed hard. “Thank you.” She said, a little breathlessly.
 Zelena smiled before walking up to them. “Well you two look like you’regetting along. You’ll have to come round more often, Tilly.”
 “Yeah,” Alice beamed at her. “I’d like that.”
 “Me too,” Margot chimed in, grinning at Alice. “I think you and I aregonna get along.”
 The two girls smiled at each other and Zelena had to physically fightthe urge to roll her eyes are how damn obvious they were, which was even moreamusing since she knew Margot definitely wasn’t doing it on purpose. Yet herethey were. Grinning like love struck idiots with little lights in her eyes thatZelena hadn’t seen since before the curse.
 Zelena leaned against the counter; resting her arm on the top andwatching them talk about their meeting before this – the one that had helpedwake Alice up – which apparently involved Margot saving her life from an oncomingcar. Zelena was only half listening to it. Otherwise she was too busy noticinghow even cursed, there was something strong between them. Something more thanjust a simple spark. And it was so obvious now that it was right in front of Zelena’sface.
  This hadn’t been how any of them had plannedfor this meeting to go, but it did give Zelena a surprising rush of hope forthe future. Like seeing the two girls together this way was an assurance thatthings were going to work out for all of them. And once they had broken thiscurse and woken everyone, Zelena looked forward to having a proper drink withher daughter and Alice.
 And whatever else would come after…
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 6 years
Boobie Trapped
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vQq4Ex
by Stessa
As Sheriff of Storybrooke Emma Swan has dealt with some ridiculous situations, but she never thought that she’d find herself stuck in a hole in the woods with the Good Queen unable to get out. And all because of Regina’s boobs.
Hint: Zelena might have something to do with this. (She totally does).
Swanqueen oneshot.
Words: 5389, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Wishverse Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Alice | Tilly, Robin | Margot, Hope Swan-Jones, Lucy (Once Upon a Time), Cinderella | Jacinda Vidrio
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
Additional Tags: Not Serious, Sorry Not Sorry, Magic, Trapped, Breasts, Booby trap
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vQq4Ex
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
Love, Fun and Gossip: Part 2 (A Storybrooke Modern AU OneShot)
A/N: This is a High School and Modern AU oneshot about Amelia Mills in high school. She's the head cheerleader at Storybrooke High. The first couple of chapters will be based on high school. This is the second chapter and the reveal of Amelia's pregnancy with Madison to her family and friends. Previously in part 1 - Amelia was revealed to be pregnant and we were introduced to the story. Ship: Amelia x Ingrid Characters: Amelia, Ingrid, Killian, Cora, Regina, Henry Sr, Zelena, Alistair, Maria, Helga, Daniel, Robin, Emma. See part 1 for other characters. ~ Amelia's parents Cora and Henry and her sisters Regina and Zelena had arrived home and Amelia sighed. "Well they are home." Amelia said sighing. Ingrid took her girlfriend's hand and smiled. "I'm right here, come on let's go." The two of them walked downstairs. "Mum, dad, Gina, Zel, I have something to tell you." Amelia said as she came into the living room. They all sat down. "Guys, I just found out I'm pregnant. Killian's baby. Ingrid is going to stand by me, and I keeping it." Amelia told them. Cora nodded. "Well, I'm shocked but I'm supporting you no matter what, I'm your mother and that's what mothers do." Henry agreed, he wasn't too pleased as his daughter was pregnant but he would stay by her side. Amelia was a daddy's girl anyway. Zelena and Regina hugged Amelia showing their support. Ingrid smiled. "Cora, I'm thinking about moving in if that's ok with you? I have a car and Amelia has one too so we could take turns giving each other lifts and I can use her car when she can't drive anymore." Cora smiled. "Yes I agree, I'll contact your aunt and tell her to tell your mum you are moving in, but you do need to tell them Amelia is pregnant." Amelia and Zelena both smiled. Ingrid took a quick trip home to collect some things. She called her family to the living room. "Mum, dad, guys. I have some news. As you know Amelia and I have been dating, well a couple of weeks ago at the party after we were together and she and I had sex, don't worry though, but she slept with Killian, they were drunk. Anyway, she's pregnant and it's his, I'm moving in and raising the baby as my own." Ingrid told them. Helga nodded. "Ok, so, will we see you?" Maria asked. "Yes, I'll pop round to see you." Ingrid said. Ingrid packed up some stuff and took it with her. She soon got back to the Mills house. Amelia was sat reading a book about pregnancy that she had found. Ingrid sat with her and looked at the book too. Ingrid chuckled. "This looks interesting." Amelia giggled. "It probably is." They soon fell asleep and in the morning they went to the school. The told their friends Amelia was pregnant and Robin wanted to go and punch Killian but he didn't, because Amelia said he shouldn't. They were all shocked but said they would support her. The school all didn't know she was pregnant, however the staff did. She went with Ingrid to go and tell Milah, her coach she was pregnant and Milah gave her a job coaching. That night Granny gave Amelia a small paid job as a waitress occasionally at Granny's which she took. The bullies hadn't found out yet about the pregnancy. Amelia booked an appointment with the doctor who she was assigned to for prenatal appointments and things were well. Ingrid was liking living with Amelia as they shared a room because Amelia wanted Ingrid in her room with her. Amelia and Ingrid as well as their friends went to go shopping for maternity clothes at the mall when the bullies noticed. They didn't say anything but they now knew, what would they do. Would they tell Killian? ~ Thanks for reading. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 1 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Amelia and Killian discovering they are going to become parents. A/N: This story is in the universe of HookedCamelot and is somewhat a sub series to Becoming A Father, however is not following Becoming A Father fully as Killian has two hands and no hook in this story. It follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 10 parts. They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 1 is them actually discovering they are pregnant. Arthur is Amelia's twin brother in this series like Becoming A Father. Ruby is Amelia's ex in this story, not Mal like in Becoming A Father. Oh and this is set in a Modern universe. Killian does not have a hook in this storyMagic does exist though. Emma is Ingrid and Arthur's daughter in this story. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Regina, Ingrid, Arthur, Ruby, Robin, Zelena. Appearance from Emma. ~ Amelia Mills and Killian Jones had a love story that was very complicated. Amelia had been dating him when they were younger and she was distraught when he started being bad but he soon became better. He soon left and she was devastated, because she was devoted to him and also pregnant with their daughter. Two years after their daughter was born, Amelia, who had support from her beloved dashingly, handsome older twin brother and his girlfriend Ingrid, starting dating a girl called Ruby. Ruby had been her friend before they started dating, and she was great with Madison. However they soon broke up as Killian returned. Ingrid found Killian for Amelia and brought him home. Madison was soon growing up from the two year old she was. When she was three her parents got married. They decided to wait a while before they had another child. When Madison was ten they decided to try for another child. Amelia had brought back her best friend Helga from the dead after she was in an accident and aged slightly from using the magic. Amelia and Killian soon tried for a child together, hoping to have one. Killian hadn't actually been through the feeling of becoming a parent and Amelia hadn't had a nice experience despite the help from Ingrid, Arthur and her friends and family. So this felt like becoming parents for the first time, even though they had Madison. One day Amelia was talking to her sisters Regina and Zelena as well as her sister in law Ingrid and her friend Ruby in Frankie and Benny's, one of their two favourite hangouts the other being Granny's. Her best friend Robin had just gone to get some drinks for everyone. Amelia thought she was pregnant and she thought Ingrid knew too. 2 years ago Ingrid and Arthur had a daughter they called Emma, who was two years old. They had a son already who was four called Ryan. Like Amelia, Ingrid could spot the signs of a pregnancy due to having two children. Emma was currently sat with Arthur at the table looking through the kids menu, and playing with her daddy's beard. Amelia chuckled. "Ingrid, look, Emma likes my brother's beard." Ingrid looked at Emma. "Yes she does, she always likes playing with it but she might pull it off." Amelia laughed. "You should tell her that then." Ingrid turned to Emma. "Emma, sweetie, don't pull daddy's beard, you might pull it off." Emma listened to her mummy and sat on Arthur's knee instead. Amelia sighed. "I miss Madison being that young." "Well, haven't you guys being trying?" Arthur asked. "Yes, Killian and I have been trying to have a baby." Amelia told them. "Amelia, I do actually think you could be pregnant." Ingrid pointed out. Regina nodded. "You do decide to have decaf a lot and go for water or diet drinks." Amelia chuckled. "Well, I'll have to take a test. Ingrid, you have tests don't you?" Ingrid smiled. "I'll call at yours later and give some to you." Amelia nodded with a smile. Ingrid called at Amelia's house and handed over the tests, then went back to her house. Ingrid had given her two tests. Amelia went into the on-suite in her and Killian's bedroom and took the two tests. She waited for Killian to arrive home before finding out the results. He came up behind her kissing her neck. "Hello babe." He said. Amelia moaned into the neck kiss. "Killian, I took a pregnancy test. Well I took two, Ingrid gave me two. The results are nearly ready." Killian grinned and looked down at the tests when the timer beeped. Amelia looked at the tests too. "Killian they are both positive we are going to be parents together. Well, like officially together because I was without you with Madison." Killian grinned and held his wife in his arms kissing her neck. "I hope it's a boy." "I want either, but yes I do hope it's a boy too, so I can have two wonderful boys in my house." Amelia told him. A week later they went to Dr Whale for an appointment to see how far along Amelia was. Whale had been training 10 years earlier when Amelia gave birth to Madison and Whale had delivered Amelia's niece and nephew. Killian was anxiously waiting in the waiting room while Amelia checked herself in. He didn't know what he was doing, so he picked up the pregnancy magazine in front of him and started to read it. Amelia came over and placed her hand in his, looking at the magazine he was reading. "Is it a good read Killy?" Amelia asked. Killian shrugged. "I just picked it up, I was intrigued by it." Amelia chuckled. "Well, it's a magazine about pregnancy that mentions the basics and talks about everything you want to know. You can take it home." Killian nodded, smiling. Soon the two were told to come in, Killian bringing his magazine in. "Amelia, you are pregnant and the sample you provided confirmed this." Whale told them. "I would like to do the normal stuff so Killian would you go back to the waiting room." Whale added. Killian nodded heading back to the waiting room and continuing his reading. Killian was soon allowed back in when they did the scan to see how many weeks she was. Whale looked at the screen. "Amelia, you are roughly 12 weeks pregnant from the look of the scan. I'll see you again soon, I'll give you both a copy of the scan and for friends and family." Whale went to fetch the scan pictures. Amelia nodded looking at the screen and then at her stomach. "Oh that's why I felt like I was gaining some weight." Killian chuckled. "You're fine you don't look too pregnant yet babe." She giggled slightly. "You are charming and devilishly handsome Killian Jones, and also good at telling a women she isn't too pregnant." Whale gave them the scans and they left to go to the family meeting at Granny's. At Granny's they told everyone that Amelia was pregnant. Zelena smiled. "I knew it, you have been a bit different." Everyone laughed at Zelena and they all looked at the scan pictures. Amelia, Ruby and Ingrid went maternity shopping for some clothes for Amelia and they helped Amelia tell Madison she was to be a big sister. Madison was excited to be a big sister. And everyone was excited about the baby. Killian was finding his magazine interesting too. ~ Hope you enjoy part 1. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
Love, Fun and Gossip: Part 3 (A Storybrooke Modern AU OneShot)
A/N: This is a High School and Modern AU oneshot about Amelia Mills in high school. She's the head cheerleader at Storybrooke High. The first couple of chapters will be based on high school. This is the third chapter and the confrontation between Amelia and the bullies. Previously in part 2 - Amelia revealed her pregnancy to her friends and family and the bullies saw her go shopping for maternity clothes. Warning for really angry Robin. Ship: Amelia x Ingrid Characters: Amelia, Ingrid, Regina, Zelena, Daniel, Ruby, Robin, Cruella, Molly, Killian, Ursula, Lesley & Charlie Spencer, Becky, Marcie, Lesley. See more characters in Part 1. ~ The bullies had just seen Amelia and her friends walk into the maternity shop. They looked shocked, but knew it would be a big bit of gossip for the school. Ursula and The Spencer girls waited for Amelia to walk back out the shop. Meanwhile in the shop Amelia was looking at clothes that she could wear instead of Ingrid's netball sweatshirt. Even though it was comfortable she needed maternity wear. Amelia found some really cute stuff and some nice dresses so went and tried them on. They soon paid for the things and walked out the shop. They were soon greeted by the bully gang. Amelia, Ingrid, Robin, Regina, Daniel, Zelena, Ruby, Cruella, Molly, Marcie, Lesley and Becky all sighed when they saw them Charlie glared. "I heard from a little birdy that someone has a bun in the oven." Ursula walked over and stood next to Amelia. "Yea she does look like she has a bun in the oven." Lesley Spencer walked over to Amelia. "Well I bet it's true then." Lesley Masterson glared at Lesley Spencer, they had the same first name but Spencer was a bitch. "Leave my friend alone Spencer." Lesley Masterson approached Lesley Spencer and punched her to the ground. Daniel was shocked. "Guys it is true, I am pregnant but I don't want everyone to know." Amelia said. Charlie glared at Amelia. "Well, what are you gonna do with it? Give it up? You can't raise a baby. You are not mother material." Amelia started to cry. "Don't you ever say anything like that to me again." Charlie laughed evilly. "Or what prego?" Amelia cried and Ingrid started to console Amelia despite rage building up inside the blonde. Robin had that rage building up inside the minute Charlie said Amelia wasn't mother material. Charlie calling Amelia prego made him so angry that he charged at Charlie. Daniel who was shocked and quite scared tried to help Robin. Regina, Cruella and Molly all charged at Ursula, while Zelena helped Ingrid console Amelia. Marcie went over to Lesley and helped her kick Lesley Spencer. Ruby and Becky just stared at the fighting. Killian was there at that exact moment to see Amelia and Ingrid, Amelia in bits. He walked over to his ex girlfriend. "Amelia what's the matter?" Killian asked. Ingrid looked at him. "The Spencer's and Ursula James called her names and she's upset." Killian nodded, he was enraged. He wanted to be Amelia's friend, he knew they'd never be together again but that she did love him and loved him like a friend, like they were in kindergarten. Marcie walked over to Killian. "Killian, Amelia is pregnant with your child, and the bullies said she's not mother material." Killian was shocked but sat down next to Amelia. "Amelia, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I will be there for you and the baby but I will be there as a friend and a baby daddy if you'll let me." Amelia smiled. "Of course. I'd like that." Charlie soon got up from her beat down from Robin and charged at Killian who beat her to a pulp with Robin's help. Will Cora suspend the Spencer's and Ursula? ~ Hope you enjoyed, also out will be Part 3 of my other series. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 2 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Killian setting up, painting and arranging a nursery while Amelia impatiently waits to see the nursery and Amelia finally seeing the nursery and it being completely perfect so she starts bursting into tears because its completely perfect and she is loving that Killian put so much effort into it. A/N: This is part 2 of the story that is in the universe of HookedCamelot and follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 10 parts (edit: 8 parts). They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 2 is Killian, Arthur and Robin doing the nursery and Amelia impatiently waiting to see it. Ingrid, Ruby and Zelena go shopping with Amelia and Madison bringing Emma too. Regina is looking after Ryan. Ruby is Amelia's friend. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Arthur, Ingrid, Robin, Ruby, Zelena. ~ Amelia was currently 5 months pregnant with a cute baby bump. She had got some of the stuff she needed for the baby's nursery, but still needed some clothes for the baby. They had found out it was a little boy. Amelia was really excited to be having a son. She wanted to name him Liam after her husband's brother, Liam. Killian agreed. Killian soon decided to start work on the nursery so he asked Arthur and Robin to help. Arthur asked Ingrid to take Amelia out for the day so she wouldn't spoil it for herself by seeing them do the nursery. Ingrid decided to take Amelia to the mall for shopping for the baby and some of the stuff her and Killian needed, as well as maternity stuff. She also brought Emma and told Zelena and Ruby to come so they could have a girls day. They arrived at Storybrooke's mall with Ingrid putting Emma into her stroller. Ruby smiled. "Where should we go first?" Ingrid looked at Amelia. "Amelia, would you like to go for some lunch? I know Emma would." Amelia nodded. "A bit of lunch would be good. I think the baby is hungry too." They headed to Frankie and Benny's and ate some lunch, while they were waiting to order they talked. "So, I know Killian and I need a pushchair well.. We do have Madison's old one that you used when Emma was a baby. But I want to buy a new one for him." Amelia said. Ingrid nodded. "Yea it is better to buy a new one." Ruby smiled. "Amelia, do you have a name for him?" Amelia nodded. "Liam. Liam Mills Jones, that's what we want to call him after Killian's brother Liam." Zelena chuckled. "That's a good name. If you have any more kids call one Zelena.." Ingrid playfully hit Zelena on the arm. "Zel, she's not gonna do that she probably has better names and like she has labour to go through so don't ask her." Amelia nodded in agreement. The waitress soon arrived and took everyone's order. Amelia ordered a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger with extra bacon and fries, Zelena ordered a BBQ Cheeseburger with fries, Ruby ordered a salad, Ingrid ordered a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger with fries, Madison ordered a hot dog and fries and Emma got chicken nuggets and fries. Meanwhile, Killian, Arthur and Robin were doing the nursery. "Robin, do you think she'll like it?" Killian asked. Robin smiled. "She will, we are doing a good job." Arthur was painting the room light blue. Killian smiled, he and Robin were building the crib and some other things for the room. They were nearly done with the nursery and knew Amelia was impatiently waiting to see it. After lunch, they headed to the baby and pregnancy shop. Amelia looked around the shop looking for more maternity clothes. After Amelia tried some on and got some breastfeeding stuff, they looked for baby stuff. "Amelia these baby clothes are so cute." Ingrid told her. They picked up some of the baby clothes for newborns. They soon went looking for the pushchair. They found a good one for Liam that they could use for the first year of Liam's life and went and paid for the things. The pushchair and things they bought were sent to the pickup zone. Amelia knew that Killian was doing the nursery, so she watched Ingrid closely. They decided to go to the toy store, so Emma could pick a bear for being good. Emma and Zelena went to go look for a bear while the others waited. Amelia looked at Ingrid as Ingrid's phone beeped, with a text from Killian. "Um... Amelia are you ok?" Ingrid asked. Amelia nodded. "I know Killian is texting you. And that he's been making the nursery." Ingrid sighed. "Yes he has and he's just texted me to say he's finished." Emma and Zelena came back with a bear which Emma named Bruce and Ingrid gave Zelena the money to buy him. Zelena gave Emma the cash to pay and Emma handed it to the lady. Zelena then carried Emma back and put her in her pushchair. They collected the things they bought from the baby shop and headed out. Amelia, Ingrid, Madison, Zelena and Emma arrived at Amelia and Killian's to see the nursery. Ingrid guided Amelia to the nursery. Amelia started bursting into tears. Ingrid looked at her. "Amelia are you ok?" Amelia nodded with tears in her eyes. "It's completely perfect." Killian looked at her. "Amelia, why are you crying?" Amelia glared at him. "Pregnant women cry a lot, and I'm crying because I love it and you've done an amazing job." Amelia went over to him and kissed him as Killian wrapped his arms around her. He chuckled. "Well thank you. I'm glad you like it." They all had dinner together with Emma showing her uncle Killy the bear she bought. Everyone had a great time. Killian was also enjoying his wife's pregnancy. He cuddled up to her on the sofa putting his hand on her small bump. ~ Hope you enjoyed. Soph.
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evilqueens · 8 years
OQ Fic Rec/Review Week: Day 1
for @oqcelebration​! 
day one - a new fic that has promise.
i’m gonna do three fics for this actually, all of them by @queen-of-the-merry-men​
Sunny Side Up (AU) - When Robin Locksley, a small town firefighter, asks his best friend, Regina Mills, the town prosecutor, for her eggs she assumes he's talking about breakfast food, turns out that's not exactly what he has in mind. Robin wants to have a child and is hoping to use her DNA to make it a reality.
this fic is only two chapters in, but i immediately fell in love with the first chapter. it’s so well-written, i love the idea, and (avoiding spoilers) how regina’s ‘struggle’ is handled in the second chapter was so well-handled, and i absolutely can’t wait to see how this story progresses.
Across the Hall (AU) - When Robin Locksley decided to spend his winter break in his college dorm he never expected to find his across the hall neighbor passed out in the hallway. After carrying her into his room they realize that they're the last two people left in their dorm. Drawn together by the loneliness of the holidays these two neighbors finally get the chance to know each other better.
this fic is too adorable, it’s light (even though the concept is these two spending break alone (and sick in regina’s case)), and the banter is written so well and in-character (die hard is a better christmas movie). the first chapter was great enough to stand as an incredibly cute oneshot, but i’m so happy it’s being continued.
365: An OQ Anthology (Canon Divergence) - On New Year's Eve Regina visits Robin's grave and makes a wish. One she never expected to be granted. If you were granted more time with someone you lost... how would you spend it?
this... is heartbreaking. that first chapter is painful, but this concept is so intriguing, the characters all well written and in-character (angry at zelena), and i can’t wait to see where it’s taken. i’m very much hoping for a happy ending!
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