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pepikhipik · 2 years ago
Z veřejnoprávního Českého rozhlasu odešel spoluhráč ruského Sputniku
Ano, odešel. Ale ne kvůli jeho napojení na Rusy, to v Českém rozhlasu nikdy nevadí. Dohnala ho jeho nenažranost v jiné kauze.
Nedávno rozhlas v Praze hostil prestižní konferenci Radiodays Europe, která se prezentuje jako „nejinovativnější a nejkreativnější iniciativa ve světě rozhlasu a zvuku“. Jak to jde dohromady s „devadesátkovým“ spolupracovníkem generálního ředitele, ví zřejmě jen René Zavoral.
Generální ředitel Českého rozhlasu René Zavoral najal jako „odborného pracovníka“ Jaroslava Rezníka, který fatálně zasáhl do fungování veřejnoprávních médií na Slovensku. Nyní ohrožuje Český rozhlas jako médium veřejné služby.
Blízký spolupracovník ředitele Českého rozhlasu Reného Zavorala a bývalý šéf slovenských veřejnoprávních médií Jaroslav Rezník má problém. Zahraniční studium jeho dcer měl totiž platit majitel agentury Roko Petr Kuba, který je aktuálně obžalován v jedné z největších korupčních kauz na Slovensku. Z dokumentů, které získal slovenský Denník N, vyplývá, že Kuba v letech 2015 až 2020 poslal Rezníkovi přibližně 200 tisíc eur, tedy zhruba 4,6 milionu korun. Bývalý ředitel slovenské televize a rozhlasu (RTVS) tvrdí, že mu peníze vracel v hotovosti.
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mariacallous · 7 months ago
Czech Radio (Cesky rozhlas) has suspended its ties with its Slovak counterpart STVR for an indefinite period of time over mounting fears of political meddling and interference in the Slovak public service broadcaster’s operations, the Sme daily reported on Monday.
A Czech Radio spokesman described the “forced demise” earlier this year of predecessor RTVS, and the creation, effective since July, of STVR in its stead as the “first step towards the nationalisation of the [Slovak] public broadcaster”, whose independence and impartiality now hang by a thread, the Slovak daily reported.
In July, Czech Radio head Rene Zavoral said he would have to wait to see “if the new [STVR] organisation will defend the principles of an independent, impartial and objective public service media” before deciding on whether or not to continue his organisation’s cooperation with its Slovak counterpart.
Czech Television (Ceska televize) is also closely monitoring developments in Slovakia’s media sphere, according to the investigative outlet Hlidacipes.org.
According to Sme, the Slovak public broadcaster is already facing increased political pressure and interference, with, among other instances of undue meddling, STVR management blocking a live interview with Matej Drlicka, the former head of the Slovak National Theatre recently dismissed by Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova, and instead airing a recording of it.
The move by Czech Radio will take off the Slovak airwaves its reporters who, until now, had helped cover foreign news in countries where RTVS did not have any or enough correspondents, including in geopolitical hotspots like Ukraine or the Middle East. All exchanges of news content will also end.
“Slovak Radio covers its foreign news from several sources, so it will continue to fully inform about events from the mentioned areas,” STVR responded, claiming the move doesn’t change anything in its long-term cooperation with its Czech counterparts.
The turmoil in Slovakia’s media sector is part of wider assault by the government of Robert Fico on the country’s institutions and judicial system since it won back power in last year’s parliamentary election. The three-party coalition, which includes the extreme-right Slovak Nationalist Party (SNS), appears determined to undermine the rule of law in the country, which is expected to bring it into conflict with the EU, in much the same way as the Hungarian government of Viktor Orban has found itself.
The Slovak government’s Act on Public Broadcasting, a controversial reform passed in June which gave the government greater oversight and control over the public broadcaster’s board, had already sparked large protests by the opposition, civil society and cultural sector. These have stepped up since the new culture minister, a divisive, hard-right, Russia-friendly former presenter put forward by the SNS, began driving the Fico government’s cultural and media power-grab.
Thousands of people protested on Monday in Bratislava against Simkovicova’s decision to fire, on dubious managerial grounds, Alexandra Kusa, the director of the Slovak National Gallery, as well as Drlicka of the Slovak National Theatre – both respected cultural figures in the country and abroad.
Another demonstration is planned on Tuesday evening against what is widely perceived as Fico’s increasingly authoritarian crackdown on free speech and his Orban-style attempts to put cultural institutions and public media organisations under political control.
Prominent Czech artists also penned an open letter criticising the ongoing “purge” in Slovakia’s cultural sector, vowing to come together to create a network offering jobs and positions in the Czech Republic for Slovak colleagues affected by the changes or forced out.
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swivelbot · 7 months ago
My Top Ten favourite Star Wars side characters.
10: Nien Nunb, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker.
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9: Captain Phasma, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi.
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8: Saw Gerrera, Rogue One, Clone Wars, Rebels, Fallen Order, Andor.
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7: Zuckuss, Empire Strikes Back.
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6: 4-LOM, Empire Strikes Back.
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5: R4-P17, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Clone Wars.
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4: General Crix Madine, Return of the Jedi.
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3: Wedge Antilles, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Rogue One, The Rise of Skywalker, Rebels.
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2: TC-14, The Phantom Menace.
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1: Garindan Ezz Zavor, A New Hope.
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leanstooneside · 6 months ago
In for a penny, in for a pound
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liberte-news · 7 months ago
Petr Pavel je zdravotně v pořádku, malinko zlobí cholesterol
Komplexní vyšetření tehdy podle lékařů prokázalo, že je schopen ze zdravotního hlediska bez výjimek vykonávat všechny prezidentské povinnosti...
POLITIKA – Pavel podle zprávy absolvoval prohlídku 27. června a 4. července kvůli celkovému zhodnocení zdravotního stavu. Kromě podrobného vyšetření a krevních testů zahrnovala i specializovaná vyšetření včetně onkologické prevence. Pavel doplnil, že zveřejnění posudku o svém celkovém stavu vnímá jako odpovědnost vůči občanům a funkci, kterou zastává. Zavoral dospěl k tomu, že prezidentův…
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mycookwarereviews · 8 months ago
Zavor Crust 12 Qt Air Fryer Oven: Unleash Culinary Genius With This Multifunctional Powerhouse - https://tinyurl.com/2ns8voqo
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miwisconsin · 1 year ago
La Casa Hispana, celebrando el Latino Fest en Fox Valley y Appleton.
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 Connie Vargas, vocera de La Casa Hispana nos contó cómo esta organización se ha convertido en uno de los lugares obligados de conocer para los inmigrantes hispanos/latinos en el área de Appleton, condado de Calumet y Winnebago. La Casa Hispana se ha convertido en la voz y el espacio para que las organizaciones y entidades que quieren apoyar o conectar con la comunidad hispana sean puente importante para acercar ambas poblaciones. Uno de los principales objetivos es proveer becas a los estudiantes hispanos. “En estos momentos estamos viendo necesidades educativas . Los papás están llegando a preguntar cómo pueden hacer para ayudar a sus hijos a llegar a la universidad. Muchos de estos padres nunca han ido a la universidad y es la primera vez que van a mandar a sus hijos”, enfatizó Connie sobre la principal necesidad de sus visitantes. “Lo que la comunidad hispana necesita en esta región es que alguien nos ayude a educar a las personas que tienen negocios, para que sus negocios crezcan”, dijo Connie Vargas al preguntarle sobre las necesidades que tiene la comunidad en esa región.  Este sábado de 9 de noviembre La Casa Hispana celebrará el Latino Fest en el Pierce Park, 1035 W. Prospect Ave. Appleton. Varios artistas, comida puertorriqueña, venezolana y mexicana estarán respondiendo a los que quieren sentir la energía hispana.  En el momento Casa Hispana es liderada temporalmente por Ernesto Gonzalez, uno de los líderes con más de 30 años conectado con esta organización.  Calendario para el Latino Fest 11 AM: Nuestra Cultura Parade 11:30 AM: Pegasis 12:30 PM: Magic Show with Jonathan Rivera, Sponsored by Festival Foods 1 PM: Grupo Kn Zavor 2:15 PM: Tonantzin Dance Company 3:15 PM: Casa Hispana Scholarship 4 PM: Los Locales DIRECCION: Casa Hispana https://www.casahispanawi.org Address: 1475 Opportunity Way, Menasha, WI 54952 Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 AM Mon Phone: (920) 256-5799 Read the full article
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elenamirulla · 2 years ago
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Nelle storie avete votato in maggioranza per gli sketch "pucciosi" e così ecco qui diversi personaggi più o meno schizzati per lettori che li hanno richiesti in versione"puccio-tettosa". ☺️ 1 e 2 Belle/Belina di Sexy Tales 3 Cora, Regina di cuori di Sexy Tales 4 Dailan Doc, parodia 5 Fortuna de Il buio dopo la notte 6 Zavor, parodia 7 Demonik, parodia 8 Eve Kanz, parodia 9 Dailan Doc, parodia Quale preferisci? ✨✨✨ #sketchbook #sketchartist #sketchgirl #sketchaday #fumettoitaliano #fumettisti #fumettogram #fumettoita #fumetti https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpe_abCs8CF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyndsaymarvin · 3 years ago
Add A Little "Crunch" with ZAVOR's Crunch Air Fryer Oven
Add A Little “Crunch” with ZAVOR’s Crunch Air Fryer Oven
Air fryers are probably the only reason why I don’t eat fast food every day, and it’s especially thanks to ZAVOR’s Crunch Air Fryer. No, seriously. I really don’t like cooking! Maybe it’s because it doesn’t come naturally to me, or that I have to put in so much effort for something that’ll be gone once it’s eaten (my husband will eat it all, trust me). With ZAVOR’s Crunch Air Fryer Oven, I’m…
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Savor Cooking More With Zavor Noir. These Pans Make it Easy
Savor Cooking More With Zavor Noir. These Pans Make it Easy
Your cooking may never be quite the same after trying the Noir Cast Aluminum Pans from Zavor. It’s time to bring family and friends together again, and that means food.  These pans were introduced last year but I never got a chance to try them until now. They’re lightweight cast aluminum (not heavy like cast iron).  Perhaps more importantly, food doesn’t stick to them because of their Whitford…
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crazytummyblog · 4 years ago
Zavor LUX LCD 6 Quart Programmable Electric Multi-Cooker: Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Yogurt Maker, Steamer and more - Stainless Steel (ZSELL02)
Zavor LUX LCD 6 Quart Programmable Electric Multi-Cooker: Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Yogurt Maker, Steamer and more – Stainless Steel (ZSELL02)
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand When time isn’t on your side… Zavor is! Our story How we got our start? Back in 2018, the former market leader pressure cooker brand was forced to close worldwide. A small but mighty team of key players behind the US branch decided that with our experience, knowledge, and passion, we would set out and start our own brand on our own terms. What makes our…
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beccasbythebay · 5 years ago
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Pressure canner came in now I'm just waiting for the inside rack to arrive to get cooking. #zavor #pressure #canning #homestead #homesteading #preserving #urbanfarm #kerr #ball #texas #itsasouthernthing #corpuschristi #beccasbythebay https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QXE_jD0XL/?igshid=1tqxuxmo1yot3
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bacarasbabe · 3 years ago
This seems so heckin fun! I’m so excited to participate in such a cool activity.
1. Three personality traits that I look for in a significant other are humorous, understanding, and sincere.
2. I love going out to eat at a restaurant for a date. I also enjoy exploring something new with a person, such as visiting a museum or touring a city.
3. My three favorite emojis are 😂👌🏼😊.
4. I am afraid of bugs and disappointing my loved ones haha.
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After running your application through our Award Winning™️ patent pending process, we've matched you with:
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Get ready for load of adventure with Garindan Ezz Zavor. He's one super secret spy that's been forced into working for the Empire. Fear not! He loathes them just as much as the next guy. His ultimate goal is to get off this backwater system, Tatooine, and make his way to his homeworld to free it from the grip of the Empire. So if you've got a ride off this dirt bucket baby, he's all in! As you evade the Empire together on your wild space adventures I just know that you'll look Garindan in the... goggles and know that the two of you are ment to be together! So sweet! Again, as long as you have a ship, you're the only gal for Garindan Ezz Zavor!
Toot toot!
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thaumatological · 4 years ago
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fuck all the new star woars where the long snoot stans at
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sovereight-blog · 7 years ago
exsecrated replied to your post: because i’m on a roll , shipping call ^_^ 
zara and trevor they kill vampires together as their foreplay then find the nearest hotel to fuck but they also do domestic shit like browse online stores together contemplate getting a dog take turns cooking dinner dates they’re like that couple from fma except she’s one inch taller than him and never lets him live it down and forehead kisses and i love yous that are said more through touches than words until shit hits the fan and then the words come out and hmmmmm their dynamic is so so good what we’ve discussed so far reeve and it’ll only get even BETTER i see GOOD THINGS IN THEIR FUTURE and messy things which is even better hehehehehehe 
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mycookwarereviews · 8 months ago
Our Experience with the Zavor ZPot: A Culinary Adventure - https://tinyurl.com/2deevce2
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