trek-tracks · 4 months
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What song did Spock suddenly break into? Wrong answers only
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discoonthegrass · 1 month
All Our Yesterdays: When Kirk, Spock and McCoy investigate the disappearance of a doomed planet's population, they find themselves trapped in different periods of that world's past.
Who Mourns for Adonais?: A powerful being claiming to be the Greek god Apollo appears and demands that the crew of the Enterprise disembark onto his planet to worship him.
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 2 months
But what if I said part of what subconsciously drew Spock to Droxine and Zarabeth were that they reminded him in different ways of Christine?
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jt1674 · 1 month
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traxanaxanos · 1 year
I frequently find myself being deeply fascinated and drawn in by background characters in the media I engage with. There's one centaur woman in a battle shot of the Chronicles of Narnia who I was obsessed with when that movie came out; I think frequently and at length about Freda "Where is mama?" Lord of the Rings and her brother (and her mama for that matter - she got back to her kids!! She did it! What did she experience on that perilous and dire journey to reunite with her children??).
This is the same for Star Trek, of course, my first and ever-lasting media obsession. And I've been trying to figure out what the draw is. I think it's partially that those background characters provide a way to poke at the edges the story creates, to push past the boundaries and explore the world a little more, even if only in flights-of-fancy. And, in addition to that ideal dreaming, the what-ifs?, the presence of the characters in the background makes the universe feel whole, feel inhabited, and feel BIG. Deanna Troi is obviously shaken by Daniel Kwan's death, and we see that. But what is Lieutenant Junior Grade Nara up to in the background? How does she cope with that event - she seems composed when Troi talks to her - sad, but in a professional and distant way. Did she grieve privately? Do Canopians grieve differently? Are Starfleet engineers fairly desensitized to the death of a coworker? Her presence brings up so many questions and widens the field of the universe. Lieutenant Stadi doesn't seem particularly flamboyant, nor is she burdened, frustrated, or apathetic about her psychic powers, which is what we've seen of Betazoids so far between Lwaxanna, Tam, and Deanna. Is she then a more everyday citizen of Betazed? Could she have been the Tuvok to Deanna's Spock? Was she the pilot because she was supposed to interface with Voyager's bio-neural gel packs, and would that mean Starfleet was attempting to militarize a planetary population who largely seem violence-averse (because lets be real, Voyager may be a science ship but starfleet is really a military organization). Did she volunteer for this experimental position? We are never going to get answers but aren't the questions fascinating? Doesn't their unanswerable nature make the world of Star Trek seem that much bigger?
What is Zarabeth doing for the rest of her natural life, alone on a freezing planet, trapped in the past, after her sad strange adventure with the men from the future? What was the tyrant Zor Kahn's rule like? Did Zarabeth take part in her family's rebellion against him, or was her banishment merely vengeful punishment against the very existence of her family? Does she get into cave painting? Before the sun of Sarpeidon went super nova, could you have found a cave amidst the ice with a message she tried to leave for those future men (goodbye, I loved you!), for Zor Kahn (I defy you to the last!), for anyone at all (I was here! I loved! I lived!)? People exist and existed outside the adventures of Kirk, Spock, and Bones, and keep on existing after our heroes depart, the trio don't just leave an uninhabited void behind them when they leave for the next adventure (even though we know that they actually do, since they're the characters the show is about and nothing exists beyond the eye of the camera).
I think one of my issues with a lot of the new Star Trek properties, even when I like them, is that they lean so heavily on nostalgia, on fan-bait and references, but that rarely works for me. I don't care about seeing Spock or Picard again, their stories ended, and even if there's some lose threads, they're fun to pick at in an idle-thought way, not to unravel, and their stories had solid, fulfilling endings. I don't want to see Riker again, especially if it's to show him once again abandoning his Imzadi, to show that his character growth in marrying Deanna, in committing to something and to her specifically, is paper-thin and so easily cast aside. It shrinks his character. And when Riker is always showing up to save the day in Enterprise, in Star Trek: Online, in Resurgence, and in Lower Decks, when we get the fifth or sixth iteration of Spock, it also shrinks the world. It's the Skywalker problem. The galaxy actually isn't as big as it seems, it really only stretches a few feet past the horizon of these handful of characters. There is no Oz, in the end, and behind the curtain is just a writer's room obsessed with characters who already got their endings. There is no one else who exists in the galaxy except for like 4 men and mayyyyybe the women who are their romantic interests. It removes the dreaming edges of the world, and shows the hands of the creators far too much.
I also don't think its hypocritical to say that when the references do work on me its only if it's a background character. I was legitimately so thrilled when Sonya Gomez showed up on Lower Decks! She scratched that itch, that feeling of newness and boundary-pushing and exploration that is what I love about background characters (and I do have to admit she has always been one of my fave background characters). The life we can imagine for her! The adventures she must have had! All the things that led from her being a bumbling ensign to a capable, compassionate captain! The vastness of the Star Trek universe, that it has room for Sonya Gomez and all her off-screen, unseen, imagined stories. Literally, the possibilities for the life of her character between those two episodes of TNG and the one episode of Lower Decks are infinite. That's the kind of reference, the returning character bait that really works for me, that gets me excited for continuing stories in a universe.
All this to say, in complete earnestness, this is why now, more than ever, we need a Greskgrendrek mini-series.
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We are so excited to announce that Kathleen Wilhoite will be joining our cast as Old Lady Rags!
We can't wait to work with someone who had such a huge impact on our childhood as Pepper Ann and Witchboard's Zarabeth.
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If you wanna help us make sure the whole season is made, consider donating to our Indiegogo!
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raurquiz · 3 months
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#happybirthday #MarietteHartley #actress #Zarabeth #StarTrek #AllOurYesterdays #theincrediblehulk #encinoman #marnie #ridethehighcountry #thementalist #lawandordersvu #TheInnerCircle #ThreeDaysinAugust #SilverSkies #CountingforThunder #911onfox #TheMessage #StarTrek57
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spirk-trek · 1 month
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love you spirk but this was so iconic
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starlogged · 2 years
GIRLS! I. just found out something.
so in my psychology classes we have been learning about behaviorism and john b. watson. You might know him from the little albert experiment in the 1920s where he fucked over a small child by traumatising him w a white toy rat and a loud noise. You can look it up, it's wild.
Anyways, he also wrote child care book which basically said that children shouldnt receive any parental love bc it conditions them into becoming dependent on their parents, essentially holding them back from becoming successful later in life.
Watson also raised his four children accordingly (who all ended up w major psychological issues ofc) and one of his children, mary ickes watson, later had a daughter, mariette hartley, who became an actress.
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kirk-spock-fics · 6 months
Meat Dreams by j_s_cavalcante
explicit tos, kirk/spock, minor spock/zarabeth first time, dreams/nightmares, episode: all our yesterdays, slash words: 17,784 'Spock’s physical desire for Kirk is forced to the surface by the dreams he’s having after partaking of meat—and sex—on Sarpeidon.'
(Note: Descriptions of eating raw meat/animal flesh)
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nulfaga · 2 years
Bones is literally a walking cockblock lately. He wakes up every day like "how will I keep Spock from getting it in today" Hes not the love doctor he's the love coroner. Smh
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lenievi · 1 year
Ex Machina informed me that Rand had a daughter, Annie, and while Mr. Bennett is like
Note: Great controversy exists concerning the identity of Annie's father. The Captain's Daughter seems to imply James T. Kirk. However, Christopher L. Bennett has noted that this is, in his opinion, highly unlikely, on the grounds that Kirk would not have a relationship with a member of his crew. As such, his novel Ex Machina identifies the father as "a crewmember". Note that this does not necessarily contradict the possibility of Kirk being the father. (from Memory Beta)
I’m like 👀👀👀👀👀 because !!!! LMAO it just speaks to me, okay
and while I do agree with Bennett’s “Kirk would not have a relationship with a member of his crew” opinion (and it’s the reason why I have trouble writing mckirk because it’s like what would it take for Kirk to have a relationship with a member of his crew) - and would hate if anything like that ever happened on the show/film, current or future or whatever - the possibilities for fanfics 👀
Kirk and Rand sleep with each other after Miri, and then Kirk starts to ignore her and then seduces Lenore a few weeks later, and then she finds out she’s pregnant and leaves Starfleet (I’ve always hc that what happened in Miri changed something between them and that’s why she decided to leave) 
idk how it went in the novel where she was established (it isn’t Ex Machina. Bennett is just using a LOT of stuff from other novels)
unfortunately, the daughter also died from illness at the age of two. But fanfics do not need to go that road.
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divine-ruin · 2 years
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Zara moments...
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
Sometimes i hate the fact that no one else magically knows about my Original WIP stories or characters. What do you mean there’s no fan content? These are good stories! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO FINISH WRITING THEM FIRST?!
It is so hard building an entire world from nothing. But i got to keep trying.
Maybe . . .someday . . . i will finish one of them. Maybe even two.
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aceofvase · 2 years
when the horror movie introduces an incredible character only to kill them off literally in the next scene
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vintagegeekculture · 3 months
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Star Trek Fotonovels were published by Pocket Books between 1977-1979 and were comic books created around still photographs of an episode. Some even had neat extras like how the “All Your Yesterdays” photo novel had an interview with guest star Marietta Hartley, who played the cave girl Zarabeth. In the days before VCRs and on demand streaming, it was the only way to re experience an episode on demand.
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