#zaid mirani x ines delarosa
alj4890 · 2 months
Rough Start
(Tobias Carrick x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
Rewriting Chapter three of Book One if Tobias was there instead of Ethan Ramsey
A/N @jerzwriter what have you done to me? Making me rethink everything 😂 Keep it up 😉
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"It doesn't feel like I got any sleep at all last night." Sienna whispered. "I was too excited about finding us a place."
"Me too." Chris whispered back. "I can't wait to check out that place you found. If it has a bedroom and an actual full bath, I might break down and cry and then offer you my first born for finding it."
The two drew stares from their fellow interns when they began to giggle. They quickly sobered when Zaid glared at them and patiently waited for a late Dr. Carrick to join the group.
"Here he is!" Ines exclaimed with a little relief. "Good morning, Dr. Carrick."
"Dr. Delarosa." He grunted in greeting. "Dr. Mirani."
He leveled his furious gaze upon the interns.
Chris was shocked that this was the same man she'd met the day before. There was no encouraging smile, no humor, nothing but an irritated aura of anger radiating off of him.
"Are these the ones I have to listen to?" He grumbled.
Ines's jaw dropped. She quickly recovered when he cocked an impatient eyebrow at her.
"Yes." She stammered. "These are the new interns."
"A friendly reminder." He said to the group. "Everyone you're about to tell me about was alive when they came in. Think about that before you decide on any type of treatment."
"That's encouraging." Chris drily remarked to Sienna.
"Something you want to say, Valentine?" Tobias narrowed his eyes at her.
Chris could feel her temper snap. Biting back a scathing retort, she forced herself to speak calmly.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
Ines gasped and shook her head no at Chris from behind Tobias's shoulder. Even though it was rare to see, she knew to give Dr. Carrick a wide path when he was in a bad mood.
Chris ignored the warning. "I think it's unfair of you to try and shake our confidence before we've even had a chance to present our patients."
Her gaze never wavered from his.
"Shouldn't we at least have an opportunity to prove how good we are?"
Tobias folded his arms. He allowed the silence to stretch making everyone squirm, except Chris.
"Okay." He jerked his head towards the east wing. "Since you're so eager to prove yourself, Dr. Valentine, let's start with your patient."
Head held high, Chris walked past him and led the way to her patient's room.
Refusing to show anything other than her best professional manner, she presented her case. She didn't wince once as he barked out questions about the internal bleeding and the way she and Landry were treating it without surgery.
Tobias's irritation seemed to double the more he listened to Landry stutter on about needless information.
Without a word of praise, he left to hear all the others.
Chris sagged against the wall outside of her patient's room when he left with the other interns.
"What the hell is his problem?" She mumbled.
Marlene paused on her way in to check on another patient. "He probably didn't get laid."
The nurse snickered, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure he was nowhere near to overhear anything she was about to say.
A startled laugh escaped Chris.
"That's my guess. Danny also saw him covered in coffee when he first came in. I think he's had a rough start to his day."
Her eyes twinkled with humor. "No sex and no coffee can make Dr. Carrick a very angry little boy."
Chris struggled to keep from laughing as she hurried to rejoin the others. It was difficult to do during the rest of the rounds, especially since every biting remark made her believe what Marlene said.
The no sex scenario seemed likely. After all, she saw him leave by himself last night. It was a shame he'd insisted she think about what kind of relationship she could handle. They'd both probably be in more relaxed frame of mind.
When he glanced at Chris, she smiled at him. He blinked, momentarily forgetting what he was going to ask Elijah about his patient.
Shaking his head to clear it, he dismissed the group.
"Not you, Valentine." He called out. "You have one more patient."
"Is it you?" She couldn't resist teasing.
"Excuse me?" Tobias knew he shouldn't be surprised by anything she said, but it still made him almost trip mid step.
"Is it you?" She repeated. "Are you my patient."
"No." He was unable to think of a witty response.
"That's a shame." Chris followed him down the hall. "You look like you could use a doctor."
Tobias spun on his heel to face her. "I know I'm going to regret this, but why do I look like I could use a doctor?"
"I don't think just any doctor will do in this situation." She tapped her chin as if seriously considering the problem before her.
Tobias found himself lost in her humor filled eyes.
"Maybe you need one who can prescribe you the right medicine." She added.
His eyebrow lifted. Folding his arms, he leaned against the wall to wait on her to elaborate. A part of him knew where this was going and he was dying to see just how far she dared to go.
"So? What sort of medicine do I need?" He asked. "I'm perfectly healthy at the moment."
Her eyes darted down his body. "No argument here."
He snorted, unable to keep his smile from appearing. "Then I think we agree I don't need any medicine."
He led her into another patient's room and introduced her. After a quick consult, the pair walked down the hall together once more.
"You do need something." She argued. "It isn't something I would prescribe to just anyone, but you definitely could use a dose or two."
"And that is?" He prodded.
"Coffee." Her smile grew when he groaned.
"No thanks." He responded with a slight shudder. "Coffee and I had a major falling out this morning."
"I heard." Chris clucked her tongue in sympathy. "How bad was it?"
"It went everywhere." Tobias replied. "All over me and the interior of my car. I could have handled it all over me, but I'd gotten the car detailed yesterday."
"That is awful." She tilted her head, studying his profile. "But coffee is not the only thing I'd prescribe for you."
Here we go, he thought with anticipation.
"I'll bite." He said with his typical smirk.
"I bet you would." Chris whispered.
He cleared his throat and looked pointedly at her. "What else would you prescribe me?"
"A time machine." She promptly answered.
"What?" He stopped in his tracks.
"A time machine." She repeated. "To go back to," she glanced at her watch, "about ten and half hours ago."
"Ten and a half hours?" He mumbled.
"See, there was this moment when you could have had a dose last night of your needed medicine." Her smile turned flirty. "Probably a few doses."
She stepped closer and tapped her clipboard against his chest. "If you'd have given in to what was before you, you probably wouldn't have snapped at everyone you encountered today."
She walked off, casting a final wink at him over her shoulder.
"Might want to consider that the next time you're offered the right kind of medicine, Dr. Carrick."
A slow smile formed as he watched her walk away.
"I'll consider it." He said mostly to himself.
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storyofmychoices · 4 years
Strong and Bold
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Other Characters: Carter (OC patient), Mrs. Ashford (OC), Dr. Adler (OC),  Zaid Mirani, Ines Delarosa Book: Open Heart Book one (middle of book) *Bryce and Olivia aren’t officially “together”, but they’re together; Rating: General; hurt/comfort with fluff Possible triggers: a patient is given a difficult diagnosis Word Count: 1,000
Synopsis: Olivia is finding that the worst part of being a doctor is delivering bad news to patients. Bryce is there to comfort her.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Olivia pulled on a loose thread at the end of her pants as she sat on the bottom bunk of the on-call room, her back against the wall. Her mind flooded with images from earlier. Her eyes squeezed shut, trying to block them out. She only had fifteen minutes, and she needed to clear her mind before treating any more patients. 
“There’s the number one intern!” Bryce announced, entering the room, tossing his hair to the side with a shake of his head. “As the hottest intern, can I tempt you—”
“Just stop!” Olivia snapped. Her gaze turned down as she looked away from the surgical intern. “I’m not in the mood... I’m sorry... It’s been a really long day.”  
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, ducking down enough to see the tears shimmering in her eyes.  
She shook her head, never meeting his gaze. “I want to be alone.”
Bryce scooted onto the bed beside her, leaving just enough room between them to give her space. 
She hugged her knees to her chest, resting her heavy head atop them, her eyes closing once more. It wasn’t what she had meant, but she couldn’t fault him. She would have done the same thing if the situation were reversed. 
Giving bad news to patients is never easy; it was the thing she struggled with most about being a doctor. However, giving bad news to parents of young children was just about the hardest thing to do, and it took a toll on her. 
Carter sat in the hospital bed playing on his tablet, smiling as he cheered himself on. “Almost... Almost… WOOHOO!” His hands shot up in the air at his victory.
"Way to go, Bud! I knew you could do it!" His mother patted his leg. She treasured every moment a joy her son found, even if it was just in a silly game. It was more than she dared wish for at one point.
This was supposed to be a routine check-up. The 7-year-old’s leukemia had been in remission for almost two years now. He was back to school, playing baseball, and working toward his next badge in cub scouts. The folder in her hand would change all of that. Olivia stood in the doorway, her feet unwilling to carry her any further and ruin their good mood.
“Dr. Hadley.” Dr. Adler said softly; the pediatric resident on duty stood supportively beside her. “You can do this.”
She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her nerves, and then forced herself to step forward. 
“Dr. Adler! Dr. Hadley!” Carter greeted, putting his tablet down. “You just missed it! I finally beat the boss level!” 
“That’s amazing, Carter!” Olivia applauded as brightly as she could manage. “We need to borrow your mom for a minute, but when I come back, maybe you can teach me how to play?”
Carter nodded, happily picking up his tablet to begin the next level. 
“Mrs. Ashford, may we speak with you a moment?” Olivia clutched the file as she gestured toward the hallway. She saw it in his mom’s eyes; she already knew. You don’t leave the room for good news.
Tears slid silently over Olivia’s warm cheeks as she thought back to that moment, the look of sheer horror on Mrs. Ashford’s face and knowing that she had given that woman the one piece of news she feared most.
Olivia wiped away her tears. She needed to pull it together; she still had a couple of hours left in her shift. Her hand fell to the side, landing between them. 
He couldn’t know what had happened, but he could see the pain on her face, and that was enough. His hand drifted closer to hers, eventually taking it in his own and offering a reassuring squeeze. It wasn’t much but it was what he could give her while at least attempting to respect her wishes. 
Later that day…
“For you!” Bryce held a large sunflower in front of his face before extending it toward Olivia.
“Bryce.” She smiled, his name slipping from her lips as she accepted the flower. 
“I know they’re your favorites.” He shifted closer. “And, like the sunflower, you are strong and bold and true to yourself...and beautiful.” 
Her head fell to the side as she hugged the sunflower to her chest. Her words were no more than a whisper as she mouthed, “Thank you.”
“May I walk you back to your apartment?” He asked, leaning against the locker beside hers.
“I’d like that.” Olivia agreed, preparing to leave.
Zaid grumbled as he stood in front of the door, his gaze narrowing on Bryce, blocking their exit.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Bryce shrugged, feigning innocence. “I swear I didn’t do anything!”
“And Dr. Hadley just so happened to acquire a sunflower the same day one went missing from Mr. Harris’s room?” Zaid folded his arms across his chest.
“Who notices one flower missing out of an entire bouquet?” Bryce questioned quietly.
“Did you steal this flower?” She asked out of the corner of her mouth.
“No..." His head fell slightly to the side in consideration. “Borrowed without permission? Possibly…He’s in a coma. He wasn’t going to miss it!”
“The purpose of the flowers is to bring cheer. You needed it more.” His fingers brushed against hers at their side.
She couldn’t help but smile. “We’ll go put it back.”
“You don’t have to do that,” the warm voice of Ines interrupted. “I told him he could take one.”
Bryce’s eyes widened at her words but quickly caught on. “Uh, yeah, Dr. Delarosa said one would be okay. Just this once.” 
Zaid shifted his skeptical gaze to Ines, who moved beside him. “I don’t think so.” 
“Who’s it hurting?” She rested her hand on his arm; the rest of her words were too quiet for them to hear.
Zaid grumbled again and reluctantly stepped aside, letting the two interns out into the night.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Prompts: sunflowers - @julychoiceschallenge ; @wackydrabbles “It’s been a really long day” ; @choicesweeklychallenge​ “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I didn’t do anything!” 
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms ; @raleighcarrera ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex ; @caseyvalentineramsey; @trappedinfandoms; @anotherbeingsworld ;  @tyrils-star
Bryce //  Open Heart Tags:  @thearianam  ; @burnsoslow ; @mvalentine  ; @rookie-ramsey ; @missmiimiie; @princess-geek; @jamespotterthefirst ; @adrianadmirer ; @bitchloveskcbaseball ; @nyastarlight ; @lucy-268 ; @doriansapprentice ; @loveellamae
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openheartfanfics · 4 years
Ines x Zaid
🎭 Angst  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  | 📚 Series
One Shot 
Adventures in Babysitting - @rookie-ramsey ☁ To prepare for their approaching parenthood, Zaid and Ines spend a night babysitting the Ramsey twins.
Apple Picking - @awhmilkywey ☁
Are you okay? - @rookie-ramsey 🎭 Ines shows up at his door after a fight with her partner. TW: miscarriage.
Babysitting Weekend - @lucy-268 Feat.  Bryce x F!MC
Clowns and Chainsaws - @rookie-ramsey Feat. Baz
First Impressions - @rookie-ramsey ☁ Zaid and Ines spend some time with their newborn daughter. Baz makes an appearance.
First Pet Shenanigans - @rookie-ramsey ☁ Gabriella gets a pet rabbit. Zaid is slightly terrified of it. [Family]
Hairbows and Hoverboards - @rookie-ramsey ☁ It’s their daughter’s birthday. Feat. Uncle Baz
Heart Flutters & Dopamine Levels - @cocomaxley​
I can’t sleep, can I stay here? - @rookie-ramsey​ ☁ Zaid spends his day off taking care of his sick wife and daughter.
I might be slightly drunk. - @rookie-ramsey ☁ It’s 1AM and they take a walk.
Mirani’s Confession - @schnitzelbutterfingers 🎭 Ines’s wedding reception , featuring Zaid’s emotions and lost love, Abby’s advice and Ethan’s promise. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Occupied  - @cocomaxley​
Proposal, Interrupted - @rookie-ramsey ☁ Zaid is a little nervous about proposing to Ines.
Santa Shenanigans - @rookie-ramsey ☁🎄 Zaid and Ines’s daughter has big plans for Santa.
Table for Two  - @cocomaxley​
The Dinner Party Murder - @rookie-ramsey​ ☁ A dinner party results in the investigation of a stuffed animal’s brutal death. Feat. Ethan x MC, Bryce x OC
The Parent-Teacher Conference - @rookie-ramsey ☁ Zaid and Ines have a little meeting with their daughter’s first grade teacher.
There Can Only Be One - @cocomaxley
What should we name him? - @rookie-ramsey​ ☁ Zaid can’t say no to Ines. Or to the kitten she found.
You’re so adorable. - @rookie-ramsey​ ☁ Flirting isn’t Zaid’s area of expertise.
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tsrookie · 4 years
No matter how pissed I am at PB rn, they’re forgiven cause:
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kcnnarys · 3 years
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checkurwindow · 4 years
Zaid: I hate it, it’s the worst thing ever.
Ines: What is it?
Zaid: [gestures vaguely]
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cocomaxley · 4 years
Heart Flutters & Dopamine Levels
I'm participating in my first ever @wackydrabbles. This week's prompt is "Okay, wow, you just dumped a lot of information on my lap and gave me no time to process it."
Pairing: Zaid x Ines
Book: Open Heart
Summary: Zaid has an important question to ask Ines.
Word Count: 1,024
Thanks to @ao719 for your help and encouragement to participate! 💜🖤
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Zaid rested his fork on his empty plate. He looked at the woman sitting across from him, feeling a blush creep on his cheeks. Ines smiled at him sweetly. He patted his pocket feeling the small box. His heart began to race.
One week earlier…
Baz arrived in the apartment he shared with his identical twin. Zaid was pacing back and forth mumbling to himself. He didn't even notice his brother staring at him with a confused expression on his face.
“Bro...are you alright?”
Zaid jumped when he realized he was no longer alone.
“Yeah...no...yeah...no I'm…”
Baz began to worry about his mental state. With budget cuts at the hospital, the staff was working more hours and getting less sleep.
He placed his hands on Zaid’s shoulders. “Dude, take a breath. What's wrong?”
As instructed he took a deep breath to compose himself. He then blurted out, “I love her and I want to have kids and grandkids and I will punch anyone that flirts with her and I love her and iwannamarryher. Should I ask her to marry me and have my babies?”
Baz took a step back staring at his twin thoughtfully. “Okay, wow, you just dumped a lot of information on my lap and gave me no time to process it.”
Zaid slumped down onto the sofa, placing his head in his hands. “Please process and then tell me I'm not crazy.”
“Of course you're not crazy! That's awesome you're ready to take the next step.” He clapped his shoulder. “Everyone thinks you and Ines make a great couple. She's nice and you're grumpy. She's sweet and caring, you're cold and kind of a dick. It's the perfect balance.”
Zaid breathed a sigh of relief. “How do you think I should ask her? You know I don't like to make a big deal out of things, but for her, I would.”
Baz jumped to his feet, excited. “You could take her skydiving, then as you're jumping out of the plane, you yell, ‘MARRY ME!’”
He was not deterred at his brother’s negative response. “Ok, ok...what if you do a singing telegram-”
Zaid rolled his eyes. “No. Absolutely not.”
Baz was ready with another suggestion. “What about asking her during dinner?”
He nodded. “Ok, this isn't bad...keep going…”
“Then you could stand on the table and yell out how much you love her-”
“And we're done here.” Zaid walked towards his bedroom grumbling. “At least I wouldn't have to live with him anymore.”
Baz dialed a number on his phone. “Lahela, my brother is going to propose to Ines!”
Bryce replied, “That's awesome! Why are you telling me this?”
“Because he's going to ruin it. We have to help. Hell, I'll do it myself.”
Back at the restaurant…
Soft piano music played in the background. He took a large sip of his drink, trying but failing to keep his shaky hand steady. Zaid reached across the table, taking Ines’s hand in his, the warmth of it calming his nerves.
Finally, he got the courage to speak. “Ines, we've been dating for a while now and I've ever felt this way for anyone before. You have made me so happy. I love you.”
She smiled at her boyfriend. “Zaid, that's so sweet. I love you too, Mr. Grumpy.”
He chuckled at the nickname she had given him. He didn't mind when she called him that. He stood up from his seat and approached her. He was about to get down on his knee when all of a sudden the music stopped abruptly. He heard tapping on the microphone. Then he heard a familiar voice coming through the speakers.
“Excuse me, if I could have your attention please!”
Zaid quickly turned and saw his brother in the center of the room. Bryce stood next to him grinning awkwardly waving his fingers at the patrons in the restaurant.
“My brother is here today.” Baz pointed in Zaid’s direction. “Oh look! There he is. We're twins in case you couldn't tell.”
His smiling face met his brother’s surly one. Zaid moved his hand across his throat trying to stop his brother from continuing. Baz didn't get the hint.
He cleared his throat. “I'd like to dedicate the next song to Zaid and Ines on a special night.”
Baz sat on the piano bench and began to press the keys. Zaid realized that he did not know how to play the piano nor did he know how to sing. However, that did not discourage Baz.
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
He turned to his friend. “Lahela, sing Jasmine’s part…”
Bryce shook his head. “Nope, I'm out, man.”
Zaid covered his face with both hands. “I wish I was an only child.”
Ines couldn't contain her laughter. “What is all this about?”
Zaid took her by the hand and led her out of the restaurant as Baz continued to serenade the people inside. When they were finally outside, he turned to face his girlfriend.
“Ines, you make me a better man. I never thought I'd find love until the first time I heard you laugh. The sound made my heart flutter and dopamine levels go all silly. The more I've gotten to know you, the more I realized I never want to be without you. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He dropped down to one knee. Ines gasped, then covered her mouth.
“Will you keep my heart fluttering and marry me?”
He looked at her with vulnerable eyes, her own filling with happy tears. “Yes, Zaid! Yes!”
She pulled him onto his feet and into a deep kiss. “You make my heart flutter too.”
He placed the ring on her finger then kissed her again. Nothing could ruin this moment. Not even the fact that he could still hear his brother singing inside the restaurant.
Sucks to be my friend tag list: @ao719 @emichelle @the-soot-sprite @zaffrenotes @burnsoslow @annekebbphotography @loveellamae @aestheticartwriting @dcbbw @mfackenthal @flyawayboo @princess-geek @poorchoicesplayer @rookie-ramsey
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terrm9 · 4 years
Pictagram post, Ethan Ramsey x MC (x their daughter)
Okay so this was absolutely spontaneous and unplanned, but I was looking for one picture on Google and in the process I found this *adorable* one and I immediately got an idea and now I am posting it
I have never done any fake Instagram post before but it was so much fun haha
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years
Miami Heat: Part 3/3 - Ethan Ramsey x MC
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The morning after the unexpectedly eventful night.
Rating/Category: Mature / AU mini series; completed -> masterlist
Warnings: NSFW (+18) - some light smut + inappropriate language
Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay - I had to rewrite the whole thing lol I’ve changed my mind and moved this concept to the alternative universe because I’m done with angst these days I’m also done with my rewrites so here we go, I don’t even feel it anymore, I just want OH back
PS. I’m posting these once a week - am I Pixelberry enough?
Taglist (let me know if you want in or out)
@caseyvalentineramsey  @interobanginyourmom  @newcolonies @ernest-harrington @openheart12 @perriewinklenerdie @mvalentine @ethandaddyramsey @kaavyaethanramsey​ @lion-ess24 @choices-love-affair​
It was 6 in the morning and a loud beep woke Tiffany up. Her eyes had no time to prepare for this unexpected sound - she blindly reached for her phone, turned the alarm off and decided to let her senses adjust to reality.
She just had the wildest dream. As the current number one in the rankings, she - the most promising intern - was chosen to attend the National Medical Symposium in Miami with her mentor, Dr Ramsey. Two days of lectures and meetings gave her a different perspective on her work, along with new opportunities and experience other interns could only hope for. Apart from the typical conference schedule, Ramsey had a side assignment prepared for her. The desperate quest to save Dr Banerji’s life called for desperate measures – Tiffany’s special mission involved some spy work and dealings with the ultimate scumbag, Declan Nash from Panacea Labs. The vision blurred before she managed to get to Nash.
Then there was whiskey in their room…Lots of it. Oh, God, the room. The hotel completely mixed Dr Ramsey’s reservation and prepared a couples suite for them! He wasn’t as pissed about it as she’d expect him to be. Was it all an elaborate plan? Her brain followed her up to a club – the vivid image of a rather intense slow dancing and their bodies rubbing in all the right places set her on fire. This was the part where most dreams usually end.…But not this one. They were in the suite again. Ramsey's hungry eyes scanned her head to toes and she’s never felt more desirable. Then something snapped and took her to the next vision. Their naked bodies, mantled by the dim bedroom lighting, were locked in a passionate embrace on the king-size bed. She could almost taste him and the pleasure burning them from within…
Tiffany opened up her eyes for good this time. She looked at the window and could definitely tell that it’s early in the morning. Luckily, the blinds protected her tired eyes from the excessive Miami sunrise. She tried to move, but something…someone…had a strong grip on her. Her sleepy gaze skimmed the bed in search of the obstacle, only to find Ethan Ramsey clutching her breast in his hand. Ethan Freaking Ramsey was sleeping naked in bed with her – he smelled like sex, whiskey and expensive perfume. Her whole body burst into flames again, eyes widened with a sudden realization. It wasn’t a dream.
He felt her move and groaned disapprovingly, squeezing her breast and bringing her closer. She let out a silent moan, her body connected with his. She was the little spoon, so she automatically pressed her butt into him. It didn’t go unnoticed, she immediately felt his arousal growing.
“Good morning.” She gasped when his hand travelled all the way from her breast between her legs.
“Good morning, indeed. You’re already soaked.” His fingers teased her while her ass was sliding up and down his length.
“And your boner already drills my butt, Doctor.” They both laughed and he started kissing her exposed neck. She arched her back to give him more access.
“Oh, is it making you uncomfortable?” His tongue went up her neck just to land on her earlobe. She moaned so loud it made him even harder.
“Very much. In fact I want you to get rid of it immediately.”
“And how would I do that?”
“I don’t know.” She straddled him, dragging her nails down his chest. “We might be able to…ride it out.”
“Christ, Rookie.” He stared at her bewildered and wrapped his hands around her waist.
“Was it too much?” She bit her lip nervously, letting her body slide off him, but he immediately brought her back on his thighs.
“No. I’m just not used to this kind of…talk.” His fingers glided up her leg. She felt her skin burning under his touch.
“Me neither. But there’s something about you…Something that pushes me beyond my limits.” They studied each other in silence for a moment, adjusting to this newfound intimacy. None of them thought waking up together after a night of pure sin would feel this casual, but life proved them wrong again. She leaned closer and captured his lips in a soft kiss, that quickly turned into a heavy makeout session.
“We should probably...” Tiffany whispered incoherently while Ethan kissed his way to her breasts. “Wrap it up and start getting ready for our breakfast.”
“I'm not willing to let you go, not just yet.” His hands gripped her ass, squeezing it possessively. “We still have some time for a quick ride.”
“Well, well, well, look at you, talking dirty to me.” Her laugh paired up with a moan caused by the sensation of Ethan's mouth sucking her nipple.
“How did I do?” He looked up expectantly, shifting his attention to her other breast.
“It suits you. Color me impressed.”
The „quick ride” outstretched to a shared bath that resulted in a hastily attempt to get ready in time. Ines insisted on meeting at 8:30 in the hotel restaurant and given the new circumstances they couldn't be late. This task was harder than it seemed, as they couldn't keep their hands off each other.
Now that they crossed all the lines there was no way back. Ethan barely recognized himself in this self-indulgent behavior. He was waiting for the regret to step in, but Tiffany clouded his judgement and completely took over his thoughts. It could end in a disaster, and it probably will, but at that particular moment he felt...strangely content. She made it so damn easy to go down that unethical road and he's never felt more alive.
When they finally managed to get dressed without further interruptions, Tiffany emerged from the bathroom dressed in a skintight floral dress that accentuated all her curves. She stood in front of a large mirror in the corridor and began applying a nude lip gloss. He leaned against the wall next to the mirror and watched her, completely hypnotized.
“Isn't this sticky thing kind of useless? We're heading for the breakfast, you know.”
“I don't think it'll last that long.” Tiffany pouted slightly with a finishing touch. She glanced at Ethan and his perplexed expression made her giggle. “You'll smear it before we leave the room.”
“What's the point then?” He moved closer, noticing a few bruises on her neck. His love bites. His finger followed his eyes, tracing the marks on her soft skin. “You should cover those. We don't want Ines asking all the wrong questions.”
“Already tried that. My concealer lost against you, Doctor Ramsey.” Tiffany grinned mischievously and spun around to face him. Her finger ran across his jaw right before she planted a sticky kiss on his lips. His mouth immediately opened, allowing their tongues to reunite.
“Now I'm wearing lip gloss, perfect.” He muffled, looking slightly annoyed while getting rid of the stickiness with the back of his hand.
“That was the point all along.” She snorted with laugher.
“Is making me uncomfortable your hobby now?” He narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on her waist.
“Yes, that and making you hard.”
“We haven’t seen you after the reception, what did you do?” Ines asked. Images of the previous night buzzed around Tiffany’s head. Her gaze instinctively found Ethan’s. He looked like he saw a ghost.
“Nothing much.” She answered quickly, remembering how good nothing much felt while they were doing it. “We drank some whiskey and decided to check out the club downstairs. It wasn’t worth it so we left almost immediately and went straight to bed.”
Ethan almost choked at her smooth description and its wild accuracy - they did go straight to bed after all. A brief smile appeared on his face before it vanished as he took a sip on his black coffee.
“Good for you! Sleep is so important, and these two days were terribly exhausting. I was basically sleeping with my eyes open when we were leaving the banquet. Am I right, Zaid?” Zaid didn’t share her excitement, but he nodded with a grimace that meant to be a smile before chewing into a ham sandwich. Tiffany smiled at Ines with relief. She intended to change the topic, but the resident was faster.
“Ethan, you haven’t said a single word! You look like you had a long night…Was the couch uncomfortable?” Now it was Tiffany’s turn to choke on her drink. Zaid scanned her with his poker face, then turned the critical gaze to Dr Ramsey sitting next to him. Ines gave him an encouraging smile, anticipating the answer. Ethan stared at her in horror, his face turned red and Tiffany knew he was about to say something clumsy as hell.
“The…Couch. The couch was…fine.”
“Just fine?” Tiffany’s question blindsided him and it was followed by a playful smirk that burned his skin to the bone. Her bright green eyes stuck on him, her brows arched. He swallowed loud and scratched his stubble, averting her gaze.
“We’re in a five star hotel. It can’t be just fine, Dr Ramsey!” Ines played along without having a single clue on what was really going on, while Zaid lost interest in this awkward conversation and went back to the restaurant for more food.
Ethan was finally able to put himself back together and his gaze met Tiffany’s. If eyes could talk, his would be screaming: why are you torturing me?! But it took him one look at her glowing face – just one look, and all the nervousness vanished into thin air. What is she doing to him. He smiled with disbelief and shook his head.
“Aren’t you ladies a little too harsh on a hungover man?” He spoke up, glancing between Tiffany and Ines to avoid suspicion. “Well, the couch was so good I wish I could stay there longer. When are you two leaving Miami, Ines?”
Smooth – Tiffany mouthed directly to Ethan, while Dr Delarosa got carried away with her response, talking about all the arrangements for her and Zaid. Dr Addams felt guilty about not listening to Ines, but her mind was racing and wouldn’t dare to stop. She was fixated on Ethan, and he seemed to be in the same kind of trouble. Meanwhile, Zaid came back to their table with a plate full of little cupcakes. He listened Ines and her monologue intently, trying to make sense of what was going on when he was gone. The weird dynamics between Ethan and Tiffany was enough to put two and two together. He smiled to himself and a loud whistle escaped his mouth. All eyes were suddenly on Dr Mirani and his plate, waiting for an explanation. His grin swung at the attending and his young intern.
„This Miami heat is really working you up, huh?”
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Sent by @aeriacatz
'What's the point of playing Open Heart 2 if I don't see a scene where Ines and Zaid get married..'
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storyofmychoices · 4 years
Dance with Me
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (OC) Other Characters: Zaid Mirani, Ines Delarosa Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Rating: general, fluffy, dancing in rain
Synopsis: Bryce and Olivia dance in the rain in the parking lot outside the hospital. 
Another fluffy drabble because it’s missing Bryce hours again.
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“Dance with me.” Bryce offered his hand as he backed into the steady downpour of rain outside the hospital.
“You’re crazy!” Olivia laughed, shaking her head, her arms crossed standing under the overhang. The humid summer air hugged her closely, but the spray of mist that found its way to her brought a refreshing tickle to her skin.
He held his arm extended toward her, repeating his request, “Dance with me.”
“Bryce!” Olivia looked around; there were patients just in the lobby and doctors and interns that would see. They weren’t exactly hiding their relationship—there’s only so many excuses you can use when being caught together—but they didn’t need to blatantly put it on display for anyone to view either.
“Liv!” He challenged, matching her tone and posture.
“You’re really going to leave a guy… standing here…. in the rain… getting soaked—and may I add,—looking more dashing… by himself?”
“Maybe!” She shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. Her gaze drifting down his chest, his scrubs clinging to him under the weight of the rain. The outline of his abs was just starting to show through. “I mean, the view is definitely improving by the second.”
He ran his fingers through his thick hair that was flattening under the weather. He shook his head quickly to the sides, sending the accumulated water temporarily away. “I hear the view is even better up close.”
“Is that so?” She laughed against herself; his big brown eyes pleading with her. There was something in them, something she hadn’t seen before, a distant longing underneath his jovial expression. This mattered to him. “Ugh fine!”
“Ooo,” she gasped softly as he quickly pulled her against his chest in one smooth gesture. Before she knew it she was swaying and spinning in his arms, as he held her close. His hands rested low on her waist, rocking her back and forth in sync with his own. “What are you doing?”
“Dancing. I thought that was obvious,” Bryce offered with a cheeky grin. He tossed his head back, shifting the wet strands of hair away from his eyes.
“Okay, but why?” She asked, though she wrapped her arms around him anyway, her fingers softly caressing the back of his neck. She scrunched her nose, her eyes closing, as the rain cascaded over her face.
“Why not?” Bryce rested his head against hers, breathing in the earthy scent of the rain on her copper hair. It reminded him of the many rain showers he found himself in back in Hawaii. There was something special about being caught in a summer squall, the scent of the air, the way the colors of the world changed. It was one of the few things he actually missed about home. The rain in Boston just wasn’t the same. But right now, at that moment, with Olivia in his arms, it was pretty damn close. “Thank you for this.” 
Olivia snuggled up against his neck, letting him shield her face, as they swayed to the steady sound of the rain around them, letting the earth make them more a part of it.
A short while later...
“What do you think you’re doing?” Zaid questioned, blocking their access to the door.
“We’ve seemed to have gotten caught in a shower.” Olivia bit her lip innocently. “We thought we’d better get dried off.”
“You found yourself in this situation, you can find yourself out of it too. Preferably, away from the hospital,” Zaid suggested, gesturing them back into the storm. “And don’t think I didn’t see you out there, messing about. Children, you are. Did you really think you could waltz back in here, tracking water through the hospital?” 
Olivia shrugged, hesitantly speaking. “We didn’t really think about it?”
“Clearly,” Zaid grumbled, narrowing his eyes at the pair of them. He knew more about them than most at the hospital, having the misfortune of bad timing, somehow always walking in on them just when things were beginning to get interesting.
“Come on, Zaid, you know you’re my favorite, right?” Bryce winked, attempting to cozy up to him. 
Olivia tried to contain her laughter as Zaid’s eye began twitching. “It’s okay, Bryce. Let’s just go. We can figure something out.”
“AWWW! You two are so cute. I had a suspicion,” Ines beamed coming over, shifting her gaze between the pair, noticing their joined hands. Olivia’s face warmed, as a color that rivaled her hair spread across her damp cheeks. “Come on dears, let’s get you dried off before you catch a cold here.”
“You can’t actually catch a cold from the rain,” Zaid groaned, grumbling something else under his breath too quiet for them to hear.
“Be useful, Zaid, call a custodian or better yet, just get a mop.” She smiled warmly and motioned Olivia and Bryce down the hall toward the employee locker room. “You two go ahead. Let me know if you need anything. We’ll take care of this. Go on.”
“Thanks, Ines,” Olivia replied, as she and Bryce made their way down the hall, hand in hand, the sounds of their shared laughter overshadowing the squishing and squeaking of his shoes.
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms​ ; @raleighcarrera​ ; @mfackenthal​ ; @the-soot-sprite​ ; @virtuallytakenby​​ ; @zeniamiii​ ; @kaavyaethanramsey​; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex​ ; @caseyvalentineramsey​; @trappedinfandoms​; @anotherbeingsworld​ ;  @tyril-nia-kaya​​
Bryce //  Open Heart Tags:  @thearianam​  ; @burnsoslow​​ ; @mvalentine​​  ; @rookie-ramsey​​ ; @missmiimiie​; @jamespotterthefirst​ ; @adrianadmirer​ ; @bitchloveskcbaseball​ ; @nyastarlight​ ; @princess-geek​ @loveellamae ; 
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openheartfanfics · 4 years
Zaid Mirani
Zaid x Ines
Colossal Pain - @takeharryandgo ☁ Ethan and Zaid bond over their disdain towards the interns. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Grumpy Bear - @jerzwriter  ☁
Casey proves who knows Ethan best as Zaid treats a young patient. Feat. Zaid Mirani
Zaid & Baz
Picture It - @cocomaxley​
Twins-giving - @the-soot-sprite ☁ The great twin Thanksgiving side off.  
When They Were Kids - @thegreentwin This is a series of interviews with characters from Choices Open Heart when they were kids, at various ages. Complete fluff.
Baz and Zaid Mirani
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crazy-loca-blog · 4 years
I saw people sharing some MAJOR Open Heart spoilers... is it OK if I ask you to please, please, please add some type of warning? I don't mean to be rude guys, it's just that I'd like to be surprised in future chapters... and I guess I'm not the only one who thinks like this 😢
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brokenmemoriesblog · 3 years
Holy shit!!
I'm in love with Chapter 11 of open-heart it's so
kjishjdflsaghfvndkvhgdo;ijvspdcos ( Super excited I'm sorry)
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openheartheadcanons · 3 years
Ines x Zaid Headcanons
How they get together - @rookie-ramsey 
First date - @rookie-ramsey
As parents - @rookie-ramsey
With their work child (MC) - @rookie-ramsey
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cartoonish0geek · 3 years
I'm still bitter about this-
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Ines is so perfect and Zaid knows that, they belong together!!!
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And I was fine about it at first because-
🌠 gay rights 🌠
But Pb did her dirty by using a reused character, and not just any reused character, one from std 😭 --- she deserved a whole new character
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Ines deserved better
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