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ellinorosterberg · 1 year ago
Shipping m/m isn’t a fetish. It’s a genuine love for a ship. Why aren’t people talking about het ships being fetishized? Is it just homophobia or something else?
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swan2swan · 3 months ago
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December 22, 2015: Jurassic World Is Closed
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fionaapplerocks · 29 days ago
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rainintheevening · 8 months ago
Notes for Jurassic World fic(s) I will never write:
Gray and Zach are so close now.
Zach is... obsessive about knowing where Gray is, and keeping an eye on him at all times. This results in his girlfriend quickly dumping him. He honestly doesn't care.
Gray has some troubles sleeping, but Zach has a really rough time. Unless he can hear or feel his little brother near by.
Gray's habit has always been to study whatever scares him, 'knowledge not fear' is his motto. He is torn in the case of the dinosaurs. Sometimes he never wants to think about them again. Sometimes he devours another book about them, and can't stop spouting facts at the supper table.
Zach is all in on studying the dinos. He reads everything. He learns to roll with Gray when his little brother is getting overwhelmed with it and doesn't even want to hear the word 'dinosaur'.
Claire and Owen come to stay for a couple weeks after the initial crisis.
Karen instantly clocks that Owen is only person Zach trusts to watch Gray without him.
Gray is out in the back yard learning survival skills from Owen, and Zach falls dead asleep on the couch.
When Owen is there Zach stops being the 'dad' and just acts like a teenage boy. Both kids relax around Owen like they haven't since the island.
Especially after their parents get divorced, they both stay in close contact with Owen, even after he and Claire break up.
He shows up out of the blue for birthday parties, and then stays for a week. He also vets all of Karen's man-friends and is right every time.
Zach takes a gap-year to work, and because he's not sure what he wants to do. He and Gray are still super tight, and he's reluctant to leave his little brother to the wolves of high-school (especially a genius nerd who has already skipped one grade and is on the cusp of skipping another)
It's all over the news the morning after the world as they knew it ends (again). Dinosaurs loose in America. Gray goes white as paper. Under the table his hand finds Zach's. Mom turns the TV off.
Gray is fumbling for his phone (Zach insisted he have one after the island), calling Owen.
Maisie, Claire, and Owen come to visit for a week or two, so Maisie can be around other kids who know a bit about what it's like to be attacked by dinosaurs.
Gray and Maisie really hit it off. They get up to mischief and annoy the heck out of Zach and snuggle up to Owen on the couch so he can't get up when they fall asleep on him. (Claire takes pictures.)
The boys promise to visit at the cabin (though they know Mom will probably never let them, just because she still hasn't let them travel alone, but three more years and Gray will be 18, so they can do whatever they want).
Zach teaches Gray how to drive.
And this is from 1 and 2. Still have to see 3 a second time. Will have more ideas then, no doubt.
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multifandomsimagine · 2 months ago
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Imagine being worried about Zach and Gray when news comes out about the dinosaur outbreak
When Zach told you how his parents were sending him and Gray to Jurassic World to visit his aunt, you weren't really worried. Jealous maybe but not concerned. The park had been operating without any problems for a decade and with the increasing amount of guests that visited every year, no one thought anything could go wrong. It's why you said your goodbyes to the two boys without any fear or nervousness, only with the promise that they would bring you back a souvenir.
But now as you watched the news channel show the shaky videos of dinosaurs escaping their exhibits and running wild through the park, you only felt dread and anxiousness as you listen to the reporters explain what they knew so far about the situation.
Dropping whatever you were doing, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and quickly tried to call Zach. Holding it up to your ear, you waited with bated breath for the ringing to stop and for him to pick up. When he didn't, you tried again. As each attempt failed, your worry only grew especially as texts began pouring in from your and Zach's friends, each one asking if you had heard what had happened at Isla Nublar and if you had heard anything from Zach.
Knowing that if you answered the onslaught of messages and calls would only triple, you opted to ignore them and instead focused on the tv. Instead, you hoped that perhaps you would see them on the news where they would be safe from harm or that he would respond to your messages. Anything that would let you know that both he and Gray were alive.
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thosetrollkids · 1 year ago
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shitty edit from a larger thing that i won't finish probably
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phantomdragoness · 18 days ago
It's honestly a bit mind-boggling to me to think Zach and Gray were so close to joining the Camp Fam. If circumstances were different, they would've been with the rest of them when the Indominous broke out, possibly even ended up stuck on the island as well, or could've been the reason the others got off the island with everyone else.
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loveallthegays · 2 years ago
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ellinorosterberg · 5 months ago
How ‘bout we turn every form of “Nah, they’re not gay, they’re just friends lol.”
To “Nah, they’re not friends, they’re just gay lol.”
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swan2swan · 1 month ago
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I admire the restraint the writers had for not copy-pasting the dialogue from the original movie's fence-jump, and instead subtly including it organically.
No "Are you crazy? We can't jump!" No "On three!" Not even the obvious "three..." afterwards.
This time, the kids jump on two.
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hauntedxchris · 11 months ago
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dailybigbro · 1 year ago
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Today’s Big Bro is Zach Mitchell from Jurassic World! He loves his little brother!
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rainintheevening · 8 months ago
Beginning to think Owen Grady might be Chris Pratt's best character. He's:
Good with animals
Take-charge man
Dad-mode dialed to 100 (seriously the speed at which that man takes children and vulnerable people under his wing....)
Kind and gentle
Stubborn but not stupid
Quick with a wisecrack
Clearly gives great hugs (he's literally built for it)
Protective instincts through the roof
Chalk Owen Grady up on the list of 'men that give me high hopes'.
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gold-wolf-soldier13 · 4 months ago
zach and gray need to give claire her props😭like what did owen do that was so impressive honestly claire was the one to shoot that pterasaur while owen was too busy tyring not to die
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Everett: [while watching Harlan and Cyrus make out] Oh wait, I'm gay! Austin: Yeah, I'm not. I just like gay porn. Blake: This is nothing like porn at all. Wait... is porn even real?
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beatlebug987 · 8 months ago
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