#youre dumb but youre perfect
coatl-cuddles · 1 month
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Hello, Sky? Yes, I'd like to order three (3) doomed, self-fullfilling prophecy princes? Thank youuu
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synthwavecryptid · 2 months
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( chasing cars playing in the distance )
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hopezzy · 7 months
"oh yeah my old friend suddenly moved in with me and keeps saying we're engaged because he proposed to me once when we were kids and he started cooking elaborate dinners and jerked me off that one time but only to help me sleep and yeah he told me hes gay but dont worry hes just trying to be a good roommate since i'm letting him stay at my place for a bit until his boss recovers" -hiro, probably
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triglycercule · 19 days
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wahhh wahhh triglycercule post more NON jk fashion au related content i whisper as i post this. double post today because i genuinely love jk!dream and also if i dont post the dreamtale twins together i will actually die! you might consider her crazy way of somehow getting into trouble a form of bad luck but i see it as more of a being too pure for the world meeting a world that's not all that great. jk!dream lives up to her name she is a idyllic dream
valedictorian. practically a million extra curriculars. she can sing she can dance she can cook she can do advanced math she can fix a car jk!dream is everything jk!nightmare isn't (a loser). the types of trouble she gets into though aren't manmade (like some guy trying to rob her) but instead are naturally occurring. like one day the dreamtale household washing machine explodes because dream used it and coincidentally it was because it was faulty or something like that. really really crazy coincidences
nightmare is a fighting force in keeping her little sister alive i swear to god. she has to monitor dream a lot and when she can't she gets one of the mtt to do it for her. because if she doesn't there is bound to be something that hurts her. and because jk!nightmare is an absolute fucking loser who's stupid she came up with the genius idea of roleplaying a bigger issue than the one that dream's about to encounter (because then she gets to keep her safe and also feed into her pretend villian persona). like for example with the washing machine thing earlier nightmare would probably distract dream with some sort of evil monologue and then put her own load in the washer before she could. that way it won't FUCKING EXPLODE (comments from currently existing jk fashion au sanses :3)
"ah, my younger kin, dream. quite an enigma she is. on one hand, she's the epitome of perfection. even i can admit that, for she's loved by our school, family, and i. but of course, like all aside from i, she has her faults."
"for example, last week, our bloodline was strolling around the kingdom on the search for a new mirror of truth, as the one in our castle bathhouse had shattered. how did that happen? uh, i might've maybe... i shall maintain secrecy."
"returning to the point, dearest dream had almost lost herself in the shopping district, claiming she had seen a lost puppy in a mirror that she wanted to help. a chivalrous reason indeed, but my, dream can be quite... foolish sometimes. nevertheless, blood is thicker than water, and our bond has never been closer."
they still love eachother in this universe because there was no corruption thing. also nightmare's bullies were just other elementary school kids in this au so it wasn't like fully grown adults vs a 6 year old at least. she's recovered from it (somewhat) and doesn't blame dream. dream's too perfect for anybody to hate her. dream supports nightmare's delusion and nightmare keeps her alive. equivalent exchange (dream has no idea nm is doing this. ok now the mtt‼️
"oh. my. god. dream? like, dream dream? she's literally my idol, i love her so much! i'm the 7th member of her fanclub out of like, the entire school, which is like 300-ish students! she's cute, and pretty, and she gets this a lot, but her voice is literally like an angel's~ i've never heard what a hymn sounds like, but it probably sounds like dream's voice. and no matter how much i search up online, i can never find any dirt on her too! she's got a perfect online footprint! huh? why was i searching dream up? eh... haha... let's move on~"
"dream? she's really cool. there's a reason she's part of the star students at this school, along with swap and ink. nobody really knows what it takes for someone to become a "star student" though. none of the students know, none of the teachers either. apparently it's a title given to a student specifically from the principal? still, dream probably deserves it though. she's good enough to win a nobel prize. one day she's gonna cure cancer or something."
"oh, dream? that girl with the angel halo crown thing? yeah, i know her. she volunteers at the dog park i bring my dog to, the bakery i go to get snacks, the local art museum, the ice cream shop during summers, nightmare's gang, the... car dealership? wait, hold on. how many volunteer opportunities is this girl doing? is she not getting paid? that has to be illegal. or at least some form of monster rights violation..."
both of the jk!au dreamtale twins are soooo silly i love them. the more and more i elaborate on jk fashion au the more i realize that this is just turning into sans aus but anime tropes but its okay i like it its funny. jk fashion au was always meant to be silly and slice of life and fluffy anyways. anyways i love her i'm literally her number one fan. i mean i AM the principal of this school aftersll,,,,,, this really was our,,, jk fahsion au. says dream at the end of the au (there is no end because this au has no lore what am i talking about
#i love coming up with dumb ideas for the jk fashion au its SO FUN#originally this started because i was like. huh. no nightmare corruption event (i mean jk!nightmare's corrupted but not in THAT way)#so i cant keep the canon personality that dream has. but wait. young dream. naive dream#and so thats what i did. dream's a naive gullible selfless chivalrous dumbdumb#but i was like ughhh it would be funny if i made her cool and amazing to go against jk!nightmare's embarrassing delusion#so thats how i got here. the sparkles surrounding her ARE an aura of sorts#she's just so perfect she LITERALLY sparkles#i was GIGGLING drawing dream watching a fucking WORM in awe. GIRL ITS A WORM#shes probably thinking omg life is so beautiful and wonderful and even this worm can find something to live for even if its to exist#and then she leaves the worm and a thunderstorm begins#jk!nightmare is DESPERATELY calling her to get home because she knows dream's gonna get struck by lightning soon#the world hates her but she loves the world. the WORLD. not monsterkind. EARTH hates her#shes actually so cute though wtf. all the jk au designs are. jk fashion is naturally cute#i love the little angel wings i gave her crown. that way the crown can be a halo and she has the wings to go with it#and the HANDS the FINGERS i gave her on that second little doodle........#girl i know youre fictional but youre my age and way out of my league so lets work something out here#laughing now i just imagined dresm getting swept up into a tornado and she's just appreciating earth's suddenness#dream sans#nightmare sans#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#utmv#sans au#tricule art#jk fashion au
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rickybaby · 2 months
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real-reulbbr-band · 30 days
isn’t it so weird that cats- the show where you have to interpret certain aspects to create your understanding of the world, its characters, and relationships
has a fandom subgenre that just loves shitting on “wrong” interpretations because they don’t agree with it or like it.
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mavspeed · 2 years
something that really pisses me off is this headcanon that ice would have been or was against mav pulling bradley’s papers for the academy.
like i’m sorry but I need some of you to think for a second. this is a man whose jet wash indirectly also led to the accident that resulted in goose’s death and probably carried that guilt for half his life too. this is also the man who was there to watch mav and carole grieve for the brother/husband they lost for YEARS. not to mention he was close to goose as well since they were both at the academy. like he would have wanted to protect bradley just as much as mav did when he made the decision to pull the papers. it’s a dumb moment for both of them but again. 100% they would have both thought they were doing the right thing for bradley.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
finnish cats shenanigans are always my favourite but especially on sasha cup day with the cup involved the hijinks ramp up to 100 lmaooo
"wheres my- (realising sasha is in front of him and quickly stutters to change it to our so he doesnt get wacked over the head) wheres our names?"
(luosty proceeds to cackle in the bg like the shit stirrer he is realising lundys slip of the tongue and if he noticed sasha definitely noticed)
"wheres my name? wheres my name ☺️?" and it was at that moment lundy knew he fucked up
it never ceases to endlessly entertain me how much of a punk lundy can be and im so glad sasha is here to put him in his place because sheesh this kid sometimes XD
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"and then luosty but i didnt want to give it to him but he took it" eh? is that so? who couldve guessed???
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environmental storytelling, captain said haha okay mine now its mine let go ☺️💢
Sasha Cup Day | 7.31.24 (x)
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kitnita · 9 months
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jason robertson postgame — DAL vs STL — 12.27.23
[we just talked about — the comebacks are great, but you don’t want to get down two-nothing.] yeah, I mean … a couple breakdowns. it’s hard — it’s hard, I mean, we’ve been doing it all year — all past couple of years, but it’s not gonna happen every game. [I think it’s six — five out of the last six games you guys have either had a situation where you’ve had to come back and you did. and so in five of them you did and this was the first one that you didn’t win, or at least get points.] yeah. I mean, like I said, it’s hard, hard to do. um … [laughs] it’s hard, it’s hard to score. but you know, you don’t wanna get in that situation. but I mean, it did feel like we played pretty well in the third period, yeah. [and then what’d you see on your goal?] yeah, I mean, I just — we got a big kill, very big kill, and just got on the ice and had some, um — you know, was kind of fresh, so. just trying to … get open, and roop found me, and then I was able to score. [do you feel momentum off that? I mean, I know you’re not a penalty killer, but do you feel momentum off the penalty kill?] yeah, absolutely. it’s a big moment in the game. um, a two minute five-on-three in the nhl is … I mean, it’s, you’re not looking good. but I mean, our pk has been — our five-on-three pk has been excellent this whole year, um … our pk has been excellent, you know, the wall made some saves. um, it’s unfortunate we couldn’t tie the game up.
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djevelbl · 2 months
Do you perchance have or want to yap about cup head... (Totally not desperate for cup content trust) :3
Random thought, but I wholeheartedly believe that if the stars aligned, he was in a rage-induced blackout & he had his younger self in front of him, Inky Mystery Cuphead would in fact kill him on sight and without hesitation.
Like think about it: he has absolutely NO forgiveness for himself, and even in the latest chapters he STILL doesn't understand that he was a CHILD and thus not even mature enough for a decision like BETTING HIS SOUL??? so much so that back in the Labyrinth (sigh. one day we'll stop talking about this one I swear) & in his dream-prison-thingie the past decade hadn't even happened — if it was up to him, who he is today would be long dead, buried on the Isles probably
So. He'd probably kill his younger self if he could — out of jealousy? Out of anger? idk, I just really really think he would
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
#just saw that tweet abt pink days on the set of the barbie movie & i think it made me realize why it - the marketing etc - annoys me so#'margot robbie went around collecting fines and donated them to charity haha' okay. look.#that's just the perfect metaphor for how it worked for us - me - anyone who wants to align themselves with me - when we were girls#isn't it#because you grow up and you desperately want to fit in with the other girls but you don't & you don't know why#but you're surrounded by things and people telling you what a normal girl is like & little-to-none of it is things you find appealing or#interesting. makeup and fashion and skin care. gymnastics and romance. you're told that you are obligated to be pretty#but prettiness has never been part of your perception of yourself. femininity is an arcane concept#an exclusive club that will never grant you entrance#& the only comfort you can give yourself is deciding that it's dumb anyway. shallow. vain. who cares about looks and boys and all of that#idiots that's who#but this is Doing It Wrong too isn't it? because now everyone who has taught you that you will forever fail at femininity turns around#& tells you that's patriarchal oppression and YOU'RE the bad one by distancing yourself from something that always made you feel defective#'YOU may have never lived up to this impossible standard of perfection but some ppl do and actually it's fine to be like that!#hyperfeminine traditionally beautiful women are the most oppressed group of all & finally we will stand up for our rights!'#'girls can be pretty AND conpetent' but that's not what they're actually saying. isn't it.#because performing femininity correctly is the prerequisite. a threshold you can never cross and you know that. & that's fine#but somehow that's wrong too because you're not supposed to make peace w that are you. you're SUPPOSED to want to do it right#even if you don't and never have and never will#and once again everyone is yelling at you that this club isn't meant for you. if you criticize the barbie movie you're antifeminist#if you refuse to wear pink I'll make you pay a fine#hashtag girlpower#(well im not a girl. not a guy either. and not a secret third thing. just bad at femininity.#bad at being a person. and y'all don't need to tell me you don't want me in your club#I've always known that. i just wish you'd stop expecting me to beg for entrance.)
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if dorian didn't show up, do you think louis would have shot minnie?
I do. I know some people think either he wouldn't have or he would've missed so that's why the writers had him shoot Dorian instead, but mmmmmm no, I don't personally think so. I like to think that if he had taken the shot, his shaky hands would've caused him to shoot her fatally.
Mostly because I'm already so normal about the fact that of the Ericson crew, Marlon and Louis are the only ones with a body count. Well, that we know of, but shown to us in the game, at least. Plus, we know it's Louis' first kill.
Like yeah, Clementine and AJ become part of the crew and they have bigger body counts, and if we're counting indirect kills caused by actions, then Tenn has a count... and I guess everyone has blood on their hands for blowing up the boat... but I'm talking about killed directly with a weapon like....... I lied, I'm not normal about that at all, Louis and Marlon are the ones who have killed someone in Louis' route. I'm also not normal about the fact that Louis kills Dorian and then even as he's clearly in shock, he tries to go with Clementine to get AJ, and then later on when they talk about it, he says it feels like bile but not quite and he's glad he has it in him to do it.... listen, listen, listen... I'm obsessed with that.
Anyway, so if Louis shot Minerva, I think he would've accidentally killed her and can you imagine? He's already enough of a mess after killing the woman who pinned him down and tried to cut his finger off [or succeeded] but he knew Minerva, they were friends before the twins were taken. Even Violet couldn't kill her even though that would've been the smarter thing to do, and we know thanks to meta knowledge that killing her would've saved lives, but Violet couldn't, and I don't think Louis would intentionally either.
Speaking of Violet, if Louis killed Minerva, I hate to think about what that would've done to Vi. I think she might've actually left at that point, like what was planned before it got changed to her being burned. I don't think she would've attacked Louis over it, though, like yeah she attacked Clementine in the cell but Louis? I don't know, but I don't think so just because it's Louis and he'd be a mess about it anyway.
Though if he did kill her, it would be a neat parallel to draw... y'know, because Louis forgave AJ for killing Marlon even though he was pissed and heartbroken, and Violet was annoyed with him the entire time... but could she ever forgive Louis for killing Minerva? Y'know? We already have a similar parallel with AJ shooting Tenn, but still.
If Clementine killed Minerva in that moment, though, then I could see Violet attacking her since in her eyes, Clem proved her right.
So yeah, I get why they added the Dorian kill to his route. It adds another compelling element to Louis as a character, but we also need Minerva alive for episode 4; Louis can't kill her, he can't miss, and he's not going to stay with her because we need Violet to stay on the boat and him to be on shore for all routes.
#asks#twdg louis#twdg minerva#twdg clementine#twdg violet#twdg marlon#twdg tenn#honestly whenever i see someone say louis is the boring option i'm just like '.......that's your opinion but also how can you say that??'#then again i'm sure other people look at me saying violentine just isn't for me and they say the same thing so y'know... i can't talk haha#also time is such a weird thing because i look at the entire cell scene in louis' route and like... i'm not even mad about violet anymore#like yeah i still don't believe she was brainwashed like i'm sorry y'all only believe that because kent said something about it#not because there's all this evidence toward it in game like vi being pissed at clementine makes sense she doesn't need to be brainwashed#for it to work like her being vulnerable and easily manipulated into submission makes perfect sense especially with minerva there#it's like everyone was pissed that she attacked clementine and people needed a way to excuse it so it's not violet's fault when like...#that's literally what makes it interesting like calm down it's okay if violet is pissed and scared and behaves accordingly#also my controversial opinion of the day that i'll hide here in the tags so maybe people won't find it sksksk but#I personally find the concept of vinerva and the doomed tragedy of it more compelling than anything violentine did#like i'll defend violentine and i do believe it's an important and good ship it's just not my personal favorite#anyway but then the whole thing with lilly and minerva is so good and louis screaming FUCK YOU at minerva?? amazing love it so good#i love when the soft character who never chooses violence is so pissed off that all that anger they have boils to the surface and it's raw#like... he's SO mad he's SO furious he's SOOO UPSET like he wasn't even like this when marlon died or anything like he hit his limit#and then shooting dorian through the mouth while an accident is just well done i love it and i love his reaction of mortification#and apologizing and YET he still tries to go with clementine he's trembling and can barely string together a sentence but he wants to go#he wants to help her he wants to save aj THAT is the gut reaction he has after everything that just went down#'louis isn't loyal or good for clem because of the vote' babe tell me you don't understand any nuance of louis' character without telling m#it's fine IT'S FINE you don't have to agree and i just have to remind myself that it's fine not everyone likes louis we're okay#this drives me crazy in the best way like y'know what? i love the cells scene in louis' route all of it even the stuff i used to rant about#even the stuff that used to piss me off now i'm just like 'no wait past cj was dumb she wasn't looking at it this way aaaaaaaa' sksksks#that was my tag ted talk about the cell scene thank you
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zhongrin · 7 months
i cooked some snacks for tonight and tomorrow. i hope the yandere lovers in my blog will enjoy their (bite-sized) meals <3
but also, i did a little exploration in genshin and...
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i think something's wrong with that bird. someone save it. /silly
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toads-treasures · 1 month
@pouroverpaloma thank you for the tag!!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
The warm brown of his eye was nearly swallowed up by its black pupil, “We shouldn’t do this here,” he rasped, his chest rising and falling rapidly beneath her hands, “I’m sorry, I…I wanted to do this differently, properly.”
I write way too long of sentences to tag as many people as there are words lol but I will tag @hauntedliz @galaxycunt @serial-chillr @sleketon666 and @forget-me-maybe and whoever else wants to share!!!
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
can't believe none of you have mentioned that in kunikida's new years mayoi side story, he asks yosano for help cleaning ranpo's desk because he 'doesn't know what he's allowed to touch' help that's so precious to me. he respects his coworkers so much i can'tfucking handle it they are just a little family
AND THEN YOSANO IS LIKE 'oh tanizaki while you're out shopping can you buy some candy and ramune. ranpo's almost out we need to top him up' why is this 26 year old manchild receiving more love from his coworkers than i ever have from my parents
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nartml · 5 months
disliking scott isn't racist, y'all are the ones making it about race 💀🙏
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