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I wore my SEVEN leggings to meet with two numerology clients yesterday. Seven energy resonates with FAITH &TRUST. It is both the scientist (must prove through facts and data) and the Mystic (trusts). As you balance your seven energy, allowing the full spectrum of the energy to come forth. Sometimes we need more data. Sometimes we simply KNOW. Trust that you know for you. You can TRUST your LIFE. #Seven #sevenenergy #numbers #number7 #soul #private #solitude #youaretheguru #believe #travelingnumerologist #ellenrobinsonnumbers #numerologygno #numerologist #numerology #elleninspires #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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@youaretheguru https://www.instagram.com/p/BxktQxbCHNT/?igshid=gyk5cvrdte26
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When the universe is beating you over the head with signs and synchronicities CONSTANTLY and you're seeing them, you're getting them, you just have no idea where to start 😭😭😭 #signs #theuniverse #synchronicity . . . #spiritjunkie #spirit #spiritual #universe #universalsigns #alignment #angels #angelnumbers #111 #333 #555 #purpose #balance #passion #goalswithsoul #goalswithheart #empoweredchoices #spiritguides #guides #empowerment #youaretheguru #youalreadyknow (at Sheena Cunning)
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Boom 👊 RG @theurbanhowl which is coming soon.... Follow them you might see my words there too 😘#urbanhowl#word #truth #quote #thisismyyoga #eightlimblife #youaretheguru #flyingyogini
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Sometimes its ok to not be ok It feels as if energies are running high at the moment, anxieties are creeping in, know that this is ok, sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun shines, there will always be an ebb & flow, this is the natural cycle of life. • In these times, the days you wake up & feel like nothing will go right today, when despair creeps in. Know that its not forever. There will always be good days & bad days, without dark there can be no light, this is true of our emotions too. Next time you have a moment of darkness, witness it with compassion, knowing its not forever, take comfort from that knowledge. It really is ok to not be ok, its part of the natural human cycle. Sometimes we put so much emphasis on happiness, & we really give ourselves a hard time when we're not in that state, but know its not normal tk feel continously happy, if you do, then you are suppressing your natural synergy. When you start embracing this you are able to live more compassionately & lovingly with yourself. Reiki is a wonderful tool to practice sekf love & assist in these times of unease. It can be beneficial in easing anxieties & helping well-being. Please contact me to book an appointment. 🙏💝 Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 Click www.livingjivawell.com in bio for Reiki appointments #itsokaynottobeokay #youaretheguru #beselfless #loveyourself #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourmind #selflove #selfcare #reiki #reikitreatment #reikibenefits #reikihealing #reikilove #selfcompassion #showcompassion #bethelight #emotions #yingandyang #darkandlight #lightanddark #dayandnight #cycles #ebbandflow https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcve_vFhbv/?igshid=1j2uskz5oduas
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Do you use your inner guru to guide you? We all have an inner guidance, a beacon guiding us on the right path, but are we really using it? When you are unsure of something, which path to take, or what to do, really sit with the question & see how it feels internally, the answer can be found within. Sit quietly, close your eyes & breathe deeply, bring into mind what is bothering you, play out different scenarios of what you could do in your minds eye. You will feel deeply inside what is the right way & what isn't. Your guidance will tell you. Your natural instict will tell you. What is right will have a natural rhythm within, it will feel good, what isnt will feel internally as you are going against the flow, there will be a feeling of uncertainty around it. Really feel into these feelings. Make it a habit to do this, as you practice this more it will become second nature to do this. You will begin to recognise the good & bad feelings straight away. Have the courage to follow your instict & let your guidance work for you. Your internal guidance system is always working for your highest good so use it to its full potential. Have faith in this & be led to what is right, trust yourself 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Distant healing Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #youaretheguru #guru #innerguru #trustyourself #askandyoushallreceive #askquestions #askforhelp #wednesdsywisdom #wednesdaythoughts #highestself #highestgood #gutinstinct #trustyourgut #gutfeeling #beacon #guided #gowiththeflow #boss #ownboss #ownbosslife #bosslady #beincharge #beinchargeofyourlife #follow_me #feelthefeelings #secondnature https://www.instagram.com/p/CEodQSsFaUI/?igshid=1ucsjvacc0f7d
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I will send distant Reiki to anyone that needs tonight 🙌💫💖 ° Tonights new moon in Virgo is the first of 3 super new moons. These super new moons are leading us to a new moon eclipse in December, this will activate a new portal to a new beginning. New moons are about new beginnings, and with mars in retrograde, which is about revisiting the past, this new moon is a great time to use that energy to make a plan as to how you would like to move forward in life. Use this time to see how you can move forward with lightness & ease. Pull on the virgo energy of organisation & planning to do this. This is a beautiful time for creation, embrace it. I will be sending Reiki to anyone who would like this evening at 8pm BST (-1 GMT). This is a wonderful tool to assist you through the transit of the new moon, & help bring in all your desires. To be included, drop me a comment below 👇 & be sure to follow me 🙌 ° Happy New Moon 🌚 ♍💫✨💖🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Distant sessions available ✨ Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com ° ° ° ° ° ° #newmoon #moonphases #moon #starsandmoon #nightsky #starsigns #virgo #virgo♍️ #virgowoman #virgolady #distantreiki #reiki #reikiblessings #reikibenefits #reikipractitioner #reikicircle #onelove #helpingothers #loveandlight #loveyou #lovewins #careforothers #manifestyourdreams #youaretheguru #youarethecreator #createyourlife #dreamsdocometrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPR02bFCEV/?igshid=1xrb1x310ixot
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