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vibrationalenergy · 7 years ago
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I think therefore I am seems to be the reflective #frequency that is front and center in my life. My work. So why am I sharing a #shawarma with you? Because today I am on the road and wondered what to have for lunch. In my mind I heard shawarma. No idea what it was..ie never eaten one. Within moments I pulled into the place I was visiting & there literally in front of me was a sign - shawarma. So following my inner Guru I stepped inside ordered and now inviting my taste buds to explore new possibilities. What new possibilities are you being guided to embrace in your #vibrationalenergy today? #bestoftheday #goodvibesonly #awakening #consciousness #honoring #dailyfocus #innerguru #instalike
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livingjivawell · 4 years ago
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⭐Weekly Guidance⭐ KUTHUMI ~ Cloak of Wisdom. You already know the answer you seek. Trust what you know. FAIRY SPOTTING 🧚‍♀️ ~ Its time to go fairy spotting! Its said that seeing is believing, but in fact the opposite is true, believing is seeing. I love the synergy of these cards. Kuthumi telling us to trust what you know, & the fairies telling us to believe what we see. Wear your cloak of wisdom, the answers are within you, trust your inner guru 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondaymorning #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #monday #reikihealersofinstagram #reikicharged #oracledecks #oraclecards #kylegray #faithintheprocess #fairies #fairiesarereal #guidancecards #weeklyguidance #weekly #keepersofthelight #trusttheprocess #innerguru #innerstrength #haveagreatday #haveaniceday https://www.instagram.com/p/CGzdM9dFkk8/?igshid=s7b5jifxuacs
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anandashreeastrology · 6 years ago
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Happy Thursday (Jupiter Day) . Jupiter Retrograde April 10 – Aug 11 . Feel like you're caught between two worlds? Get back to your center. Jupiter, the bright planet of wisdom and expansion, has ground to a halt on the edge of Scorpio and Sagittarius -- in Mula, the root star. . This is a powerful juncture of karmic endings and new beginnings, and also where a powerful black hole swirls at the center of our galaxy. . It’s said that where Jupiter goes, the river of knowledge (jnana) flows, and the light of awareness expands. As Jupiter turns and back steps now, this light expands inwards. . Jupiter will linger on the karmic knot until the end of April. This is an especially powerful time to clear away toxic relationships, unneeded cultural and familial patterns, and disempowering beliefs. . Jupiter’s brightness will steadily increase until mid-June. Anchor to your inner teacher, and allow for greater self-understanding and healing to unfold soon. For more Vedic Astrology insights follow @anandashree_vedic_astrology #darkzone #astrologyreadings #vedicastrology #jyotish #nakshatra #jupiterretrograde #centerpoint #karmichealing #selfawareness #innerguru https://www.instagram.com/p/BwIIEn2Hb8W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nvv3zhfdeoxq
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ashtangini · 6 years ago
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Knowledge is the true teacher. We don’t have to follow the law which is unfair. We don’t have to follow a guru which is corrupt.~#soulleadership #practicetrust #buddha #wisdom #innerpeace #innerguru #leadership https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt8PDUIhRT-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dgo1wt207c3k
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gineenlee · 6 years ago
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Work in progress...the #large #mandala #painting is first, and it’s #sketch #painting is the 2nd one. The title is #mandala #for #producing #joy . . Almost done! . Mandala for Producing Joy, #watercolor #pencil #watercolorpencils 22” x 30” Started 3-22-2016 (I thought it was finished...but No, upping the color is needed.) . . Sketch painting 8 1/2” x 11 “ 6-19-2013 . . #mandalashare #artshare #mandalauniverse #onenessismytruenature #blessings #oneness #watercolorpainting #instaart #instart #innerguru #spiritualart #spiritualartist #healingart #mandala_art #mandala #meditation #meditationtools #focus #beautifulmandalas #peace #mandala_sharing #gowithin (at Springfield, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZHamSh7vB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q8cbzl7us9iq
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spiritualceo · 7 years ago
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“#Yoga 🧘‍♀️is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way. With yoga, we become aware of how and where we are restricted — in body, mind, and heart — and how gradually to open and release these blockages. As these blockages are cleared, our energy is freed. We start to feel more harmonious, more at one with ourselves. Our lives begin to flow — or we begin to flow more in our lives.” 👌🏻-Cybele Tomlinson . . . . #therealyoga #yogafitgirl #yogafitlife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalifestyle #soulwork #innerwork #innerhealer #innerguru #innerguidance #selfheal #selfhealing #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #holisticallyfit #holisticfitness #holisticcoaching #holisticlifestyle #holisticlife #holistichealthcoach #yogacoach #yogacoaching #livingintheflow #intheflow #flowvsforce
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
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#spilledink #igwritersclub #soulwriter #soultalk #readwriteunite #wisewords #wisetalk #journeyofthesoul #journeytotheself #createtoinspire #mik #instamotivation #wordsfromtheheart #innerwisdom #innerguidance #personalgrowth #sacredspace #sacredpath #doyoureadme #wisdomshared #innerguru #innerpeace #zensoul #zenthoughts #writerssociety #writersoul #soulinfluencer https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWGEm4lHKm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6vieypvckol7
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dpfagency · 5 years ago
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#newageshaman #innerguru #listentoyourheart #namaste #blessing #innerpeace #upli… #newageshaman #innerguru #listentoyourheart #namaste #blessing #innerpeace #uplifting #freeyourself #todayidoit #wisdom #quotes #sunshine #happyness #peace #kindness #riseyourvibe #happyness #love #temple #bodymindsoul #innerpeace #today #hereandnow #wellbeing #harmony Source
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spiralconsciousness · 5 years ago
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🔥 Embodiment is NOT just the positive stuff that you post on social media. . It's also the mess you leave behind when you start over. . It's the long, sleepless nights over a decision that you knew was wrong, but made anyways. . It's the way your heart shatters when you recognize the toxic nature of your own ego & behavior patterns. . It's the commitment to not just accept, but of truly love ALL of you, not the just polished, pretty parts. . Embodiment is looking in the mirror and seeing ALL of your Self, and acting from a place of honesty & faith despite all the times that you didn't. It's seeing the bad times as being redirected to your right way, and the good times as confirmation. . Embodiment of your Higher Self, Divine Self, Inner Guru, it takes honesty, self-love, and a fierceness that is just waiting to be discovered beneath your quaking ego. 🔥 . . . Let me help you to embody your Divinity! 🔥✨ Join the free sacred workshop space in the Somatically Aligned group, or dm me today for your FREE 20 minute assessment. Links in bio! . . . #innerself #higherself #selfmastery #innerguru #divineself #loveandlight #transformation #mindsetmatters #ascension #awakening #magick #selflove #somaticallyaligned #lightworker #shamanism — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/366yA1K
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vibrationalenergy · 7 years ago
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Your inner child is telling you to get out and play today. So what are you going to do about it? Cards are from the #vibrationalenergyoraclecards the #vibrational #earthchildren deck created by Debbie A Anderson #bestoftheday #intuitivereadings #divinewithin #innerguru #childrensoraclecards #childsplay #innerchild #innerchildcomingout #instalike
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livingjivawell · 5 years ago
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Do you use your inner guru to guide you? We all have an inner guidance, a beacon guiding us on the right path, but are we really using it? When you are unsure of something, which path to take, or what to do, really sit with the question & see how it feels internally, the answer can be found within. Sit quietly, close your eyes & breathe deeply, bring into mind what is bothering you, play out different scenarios of what you could do in your minds eye. You will feel deeply inside what is the right way & what isn't. Your guidance will tell you. Your natural instict will tell you. What is right will have a natural rhythm within, it will feel good, what isnt will feel internally as you are going against the flow, there will be a feeling of uncertainty around it. Really feel into these feelings. Make it a habit to do this, as you practice this more it will become second nature to do this. You will begin to recognise the good & bad feelings straight away. Have the courage to follow your instict & let your guidance work for you. Your internal guidance system is always working for your highest good so use it to its full potential. Have faith in this & be led to what is right, trust yourself 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Distant healing Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #youaretheguru #guru #innerguru #trustyourself #askandyoushallreceive #askquestions #askforhelp #wednesdsywisdom #wednesdaythoughts #highestself #highestgood #gutinstinct #trustyourgut #gutfeeling #beacon #guided #gowiththeflow #boss #ownboss #ownbosslife #bosslady #beincharge #beinchargeofyourlife #follow_me #feelthefeelings #secondnature https://www.instagram.com/p/CEodQSsFaUI/?igshid=1ucsjvacc0f7d
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anandashreeastrology · 7 years ago
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HAPPY GURU PURNIMA – Full Moon of the Guru . Infinite gratitude to all my gurus – past, present, and forever <3 . In India, this full moon marks the holiday of GURU PURNIMA, a special time to celebrate and honor our teachers and guides.  The relationship that one may have with a mentor is highly revered as one of the most significant relationships that one may have in life. The guiding light of this full moon gives a tremendous illumination of our life’s direction. . It is also is a powerful time to listen to our own inner guru, and to open our ears to hear the wisdom and knowledge that lies deep within us, if we only pay attention. . Interestingly enough, the word guru means ‘teacher,’ but literally translates as “dispeller of darkness.” Although this full moon is totally eclipsed for several hours, there is tremendous potential to shine light into the shadow now. Blind spots we may have will be illuminated, and details we’ve previously overlooked can come into sharp focus. . This is a powerful time to do spiritual practice, mantra, and meditation. Listen closely to the voice within and honor your own inner light, the one that shines from within and reveals the path of your life. . Give thanks to all your teachers, be they coaches, yoga instructors, advisors, counselors, friends, or family members.   Take the time to remember and appreciate good advice and supportive words that have been spoken in your life.  . Read more:http://www.anandastrology.com/blog/-mystic-full-moon-of-our-guides-guru-purnima Follow Anandashree on Instagram @anandashree_vedic_astrology #gurupurnima #teachersrule #guidinglight #vedicwisdom #vedicastrology #jyotish #mentoring #spiritualguidance #yogaspirit #innerguru #lovelight #shadowwork #illumination #gratitude🙏 #yogateacher #compassionforall
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spiritualceo · 7 years ago
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“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in the silence, and the #truth comes to me.” -Albert Einstein Einstein . . Einstein knew the power of his #feminine energy and tapping his #intuition and #higherconsciousness . . Your highest and most brilliant ideas💡will #flow to you when you stop seeking them, and just allow them to surface. . . Your Soul speaks to you in whispers. Still your #mind and hear your #Soul✌🏻🙏🧘‍♀️ . . . . #inspireddaily #inspiredwomen #inspiredyogis #therealyoga #yogavibes #yinyang #yinenergy #divinefeminine #highvibetribe #divinefeminineenergy #higherwisdom #higherself #raiseconsciousness #higherwisdom #higherconsciousness #divinefemininerising #divinelight #divinepower #mindbodyspirit #soulwork #soulpolishcoaching #consciousshift #innerwisdom #innerguru
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vibrationalenergy · 7 years ago
Card for today from #vibrationalenergyoracle #deck by Debbie A Anderson is #quiettime . Remember to take a moment today to #connect with your #innerguru #peaceful #contemplation maybe #meditate #walkinnature or just sit In #silence . ❤🦋 #divineguidance #inspirational #inthesilence #quiet #oraclereading
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