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bodyarchitecture · 2 months ago
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Feelings move in spirals.
They seem to revisit us in patterns, reminding us that life moves in cycles rather than straight lines.
All existence flows in rhythms: the seasons turning, the tides rising and falling, the breath expanding and releasing.
The spiral of emotions reflects this rhythm, reminding us that growth is not linear.
What once overwhelmed you may now teach you.
What once defined you may now inspire your release.
Emotions are not obstacles to be overcome.
They are currents to be honored and observed.
To resist them is to stagnate.
To flow with them is to transform.
The spiral teaches us that emotions are not fixed,
they rise, shift, and circle back, each time offering a new opportunity for understanding and healing.
What seems like an ending is always a turning, an evolution.
Each step through the spiral brings you closer to harmony with yourself, closer to the center of your being, where stillness resides.
P.S. You are your home
#nevernedingpractice #yoga #journeytotheself
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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Sometimes we feel a little contracted, maybe tense or irritable, and that’s ok. Other times we feel open, light and blooming from the heart. Like the sky changes from a storm into a quiet morning, from a bright blue extension into a majestic sunset, our minds fluctuate from different levels of density. Our job is to be aware, to understand why we feel like that and to accept it with compassion, to love it with responsibility and then with love and kindness towards our humanity, letting go of what has no more purpose, so we transform into a radiant expression of ourselves. . . 📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo ❤️🧡 . . #urdhvadhanurasana #ekapadaurdhvadhanurasana #sunsets #beach #yogaasana #yogajourney #svadhyaya #selfobservation #selfknowledge #journeytotheself #consciousawakening #practicekindnessandcompassion https://www.instagram.com/p/B066B-eHF58/?igshid=p1090n8ua35m
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decaffienated · 6 years ago
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From February to Present #imcominout #progress #lovethejourney #getfitstayfit #workoutmotivation #journeytotheself https://www.instagram.com/p/B1RrSbvlXls/?igshid=9xc04y114fa
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
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Always there
She has long forgotten how long she has been standing there at the exact same spot in the middle of that small park below the heavy branches of that mature sycamore maple. Let there be sun or rain, snowstorm or heatwave, day or night she was there waiting for them to choose her instead of all the others offering their services.
She was kindly inviting everyone to the comfort of her lap, young and old, people of all race and all faith even the faithless.  She welcomed them with the same unconditional love and affection, hugging and holding their tired bodies, offering them a safe space to recover, to let go of emotions running high inside them, or just to emerge in the feeling of being totally accepted and held like in the womb of their mothers.
She could feel the warmth of their bodies touching hers, she could feel their heartbeat and thus she knew right away if they were at peace or emotionally stirred-up and excited, she was the perfect partner to all of them. She did not say a word, she did not judge them, she just listened with every cell of her body and held them safe. That is why they kept coming back to her again and again. Though there were some one-time encounters too, tourists, people visiting the town  and never returning to her, but to tell the truth, she had a diffrent link with her regulars.
The ones that kept returning to her, like that young man who always came around lunchtime, or the old lady who loved to feed the pigeons, the kid who made his homework after school, the homeless guy, who came back home to her every night. With them, it was always something special, some even caressed her rusty arms before leaving, the young mother sometimes cleaned her gently with a smooth wet cloth to get rid of the dirt and the dust, and the playful noisy children who always said hello and thanked her for being available.
Once, she heard two pigeons talking around her legs. One said to the other:
-          Look at this poor bench, she cannot move, she is cursed to stay at this park all her life. We are so lucky to have wings so we can fly away to wherever we wish.
She just smiled, and thought that in her next life too, she wants to be a bench in a park welcoming people of all kind, let it be day or night, sunshine or raining. 
Photocredit: @klein_kinga
#writeitout #writersofinstagram #soultalk #mik #modernliterature #creativewriting #createtoinspire #wordsaremysword #wordsfrommysoul #soulwriter #writersoul #adventureswithin #journeyofthesoul #journeytotheself #spirituality #spiritualawekening #personalgrowth #innerjourney #innerwisdom #innerdiscovery #readmore #readeveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAw9_kl8Vf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6myuqv280xav
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honor-thy · 5 years ago
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“I am a reflection of nature’s bounty and nature’s beauty. Mother Gaia lives in me. The primordial seed of the divine masculine lives in me. The spark of spirit Meets the flint of the divine feminine in form. And a fire of their union is born. I am the fire of the union of divine masculine and divine feminine. I love honor and value myself. This is true of all beings and this message can help heal the unworthiness many of us have inherited. The not enough. The too much. There is inherent value in every human spark of spirit made flesh.” Lovely words by Lauren Harkness @sensualalchemistress Photo: @byoliviaoh . How do you honor yourself? Let me know in the comments or tag your own post - #honorthyself & @honor.thy - I'd love to share your words. 💓 . . . #honorthy #poetry #wordsofbeauty #naturesgift #selflovejourney #journeyinside #journeytotheself #selfhealers #selfreflection #poetrysubmissions #writingprompt #writinginspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFLbYVncj5/?igshid=d7dwn4tx4pnp
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wayback · 8 years ago
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This rainy weekend was a perfect opportunity for me to hibernate with myself: to lounge in my jammies, cook, read, meditate, and get in some home practice. Today, the clouds are trying to part a bit and I am re-opening into the world. ••• #liveyouryoga #jennycyoga #yogateacher #yogamentor #atxyoga #yogaeverydamnday #practicemakesprogress #anoutwardmanifestationofaninwardjourney #wildthing #radiantheart #heartfirst #yoga #livebeyond #beyondyoga #manduka #movingmeditation #journeytotheself #changeisawhisper
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journeykeeper-blog · 6 years ago
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That just about sums it up. Thanks @fran_gipani_yogi for your words. 🖤 #yogateacher #yogatribe #yogafriendsarethebestfriends #dothework #journeytotheself #innerjourney #journekeeper #thegoldenrule #ifeveryonedidwhatyoudid #whatwouldthatlooklike #beunshit #peopleareshitsometimes #beslessshit https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhTu2vgLjd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15gmpwenfgccq
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spiritualhope · 8 years ago
For many of us, learning the hard way is the only way. And these lessons keep happening until we are full of dense experiences, and our wounds have blinded us, and our scars are the only marks that others see.... What we realize is through all the experiences that come to us, is that the real crime committed is.... that we forget that we are the creator, creation, and the created. And from this space we continue to diminish or suffocate our truth and our light, and we agree to deep and sabotaging experiences that continue to reassure our suffering. Until the time we meet a breaking point and we let go of everything that has held us back from making the choice that will ultimately set us free of our own bondage. These breaking points show up more than once in our lives to remind us of our ability to evolve, ability to move, and ability to forgive our own choices and learn a deep and loving message. That, in order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it. #sacredjourney #journeytotheself #knowingonesself #Truth #grateful #surrender #transformation (at Grande Prairie & Area)
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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I look for the silence that resides behind the words, the place in me where I have nothing to prove or explain, the space in which my body and my mind float in an ocean of stillness, and the waves have no other destiny than resting in its quietness. I look for the silence where my breath has no excitement, where my eyes are focused on that which can’t be seen, where my heart becomes alive by its light instead of its rhythm. . . . 📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo . . #silence #cittavrttinirodhah #innerseer #selfobservation #selfknowledge #journeytotheself #yogajourney #chakorasana https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zEHRCHUrL/?igshid=17nlch7jwxq3f
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
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#spilledink #igwritersclub #soulwriter #soultalk #readwriteunite #wisewords #wisetalk #journeyofthesoul #journeytotheself #createtoinspire #mik #instamotivation #wordsfromtheheart #innerwisdom #innerguidance #personalgrowth #sacredspace #sacredpath #doyoureadme #wisdomshared #innerguru #innerpeace #zensoul #zenthoughts #writerssociety #writersoul #soulinfluencer https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWGEm4lHKm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6vieypvckol7
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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Saturday last week I got to share the first event of Ritualistic movement. It felt great to share this practice, this ritual. I’ve been developing it for sometime and it has the quality to be mutable, it keeps adapting and transforming according to my emotions, the weather, the space, the predominant elements. When i get to share it, all of these aspects are influenced in regards to the participants. Sometimes there’s complex sequences of movement inspired in Āsana, sometimes the breath takes the protagonist role, other times is the Mudras and the internal exploration through the acknowledgment of the elements. There is a magical process on which one get to experience more of that which we need and less of that which we expect. There’s always a possibility to heal, to become our own medicine through the exploration of our matter. But more transformation is up to come. Yesterday some good friends came to have dinner at the house and we open a Pandora box I had locked in the closet for many years: the sacred geometry. This used to be one of my obsessions and for some reason I put it a box and stopped studying about it. Now, after the passionate conversation we had yesterday, I feel a call to tap into it again but this time from a different perspective. I feel I want to explore movement and it’s connection with the golden spiral. So, be aware of the next event, there might be some intriguing geometrical flows, spiral orbits, rhythmic breathings, and inner medicine to be embodied. . . 📸👉🏽 @b.p.wcislo . . #movement #ritual #organicmovement #intuitivemovement #geometricmovement #sacredmovement #ritualisticmovement #yogajourney #journeytotheself #innermedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rylFonhLz/?igshid=t1cskh3uq2hk
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
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Be brave to dive below the surface Even if the pressure gets higher. #wisewords #wisetalk #wisewoman #journeyofthesoul #journeytotheself #personalgrowth #springdecor #homestyling #naturaldecoration #countryhomestyle #wordsfrommysoul #wordsofwisdom #igershungary #wordsofig #readwriteunite #createtoinspire #homestyleinspo #springintheair #soultalk #soulwriter #writerscommunityofinstagram #instainspo #mik #igwriter #igdecor https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTlPCMFT5S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16ey4q92ey785
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
Sometimes I am truly amazed by the chain of coincidences that brought me to where I am right now. #createtoinspire #wordsfrommysoul #wordsfromtheheart #soultalk #journeytotheself #journeyofthesoul #morethanapicture #spilledpoetry #spilledink #poetsofinsta #readeveryday #writersoul #writerssociety #wisewords #wisewoman #whatsinyourhead #angelwings #angelmobile #angels #angelmessages https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRPX9iF5tc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12kia9teujmy6
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journeyofjoy · 6 years ago
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One single sniff And I am traveling through time On the featherlike wings of a cool breeze Into lush spring blooming. Gossipy birdies tweeting loudly among fragile green leaves While my sunkissed cheeks give a bright canvas to the widest smile ever painted on my face. A definite smell of new beginnings penetrates the air as I am exhaling into my new self. #writersoul #writeitout #soulwriter #journeyofthesoul #journeytotheself #personalgrowth #perspectives #springintheair #poetry #writersofinstagram #doyoureadme #morethanapicture #createtoinspire #wordsaremysword #wordsofmysoul #wordsfromtheheart #mik #instahun #poetsofinsta #igpoetry #soultalk #spilledink #spilledthoughts #writerssociety #poemsporn #readwriteunite #worldofpoets https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjAJU5lJ8q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o414xetfczb2
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