B O D Y A_r c h i t e c t u r e | Yoga sessions to elevate your body + soul
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R O U N D E D P L O W | AN O D E
After nine months of abstention from practicing really tightly closed shapes with my body, I now find myself yarning for a rounded plow practice every time I step on the mat. I am not sure if I miss the sudden burst of prana flooding the back body as it cracks open or the calling for introspection once the ears are covered with the knees and all external sounds seem so distant that time is paused for a few moments. This enclosed, spherical shape of a personal cocoon , fosters inward attention, an invitation to meditate and self-reflect. The ultimate yin asana and an ode to winter season. To practice:
Begin by lying on your back in a supine position. Placing a blanket or two under your shoulder & shoulder blades with your head hanging back laying on the floor, is highly recommended.
I personally like to begin with a happy baby pose with an emphasis on energetically pulling the knees towards the armpits and gently practicing lifting the tailbone as the legs reach for the torso and alternate hamstring flosses by playing the angle of the knees. This way you prepare the back body gently without forcing your way into the shape.
Ultimately you lift your legs over your head, aiming to bring your knees toward your armpits or ears and form a rounded, enclosed shape. Placing a block in an angle under your mid spine can act as a brake and help mitigate the effort.
The shins cover the ears gently and the palms hug the heels of the feet. Tops of the feet might be soft on the floor or if not accessible, feet flexed to reach the floor with your toes. Sandbags on the ankles are another prop you can use to aid the anchoring of the feet.
After a few breaths in this shape ( count your age in breaths maybe..) and once you feel the back body pliable and open, the knees may slide towards the ears right above the shoulders, reaching a higher point with the pelvis but always keep the dialogue flowing between the polarity of pelvis forward and feet back. Remember that breath animates the shape and is what ultimately transforms this into an experience. Focus on your breathing and the expansion and contraction of the torso and the back body.
Imagine your lungs projecting on the back of your thighs, open and available, stretching and expanding with every inhale contracting and regaining their shape with every exhale. Feel the expansion and contraction on every membrane of the body, from the gentle pressure of the soles of your feet into your soft palms, to the expansion of your skull towards the sides of your knees and the cage of your ribs to the soft surface of your quads.
Stay for a number of breaths, and maybe return to the previous shape if you feel any discomfort. I personally enjoy a good 5 minutes or more in this shape.
To come out of the asana, slowly roll your spine back onto the mat, removing any props on the way, vertebra by vertebra, until you are lying flat again.
A much needed stretch in every direction forming an X shape with the body, is a great way to balance it out.
P.S. I really miss teaching.
Will you join me online once we start again?
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Feelings move in spirals.
They seem to revisit us in patterns, reminding us that life moves in cycles rather than straight lines.
All existence flows in rhythms: the seasons turning, the tides rising and falling, the breath expanding and releasing.
The spiral of emotions reflects this rhythm, reminding us that growth is not linear.
What once overwhelmed you may now teach you.
What once defined you may now inspire your release.
Emotions are not obstacles to be overcome.
They are currents to be honored and observed.
To resist them is to stagnate.
To flow with them is to transform.
The spiral teaches us that emotions are not fixed,
they rise, shift, and circle back, each time offering a new opportunity for understanding and healing.
What seems like an ending is always a turning, an evolution.
Each step through the spiral brings you closer to harmony with yourself, closer to the center of your being, where stillness resides.
P.S. You are your home
#nevernedingpractice #yoga #journeytotheself
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First-time motherhood is a profound journey of transformation. It is a radical change that can feel as overwhelming as it is beautiful. In the Dao, we are reminded that life is a flow, a dance of opposites in harmony—yin and yang, chaos and order, stillness and motion. Becoming a mother invites us to step into this flow with humility and trust, without a map in uncartographed territory. In the chaos of sleepless nights and the mystery of a newborn’s needs, there is a wisdom that emerges. Just as water finds its path through the rocks, one discover their way eventually.
The newborn dependent creature, is the greatest teacher. They remind you of the power of presence—the Dao of Now. Each cry, each giggle, each milestone is an invitation to let go of the past and future, to simply be. Balancing between the roles of both the nurturer and the student, surrendering to the unfolding path.
Radical change can feel like losing oneself, but in the Dao, to lose oneself is also to find oneself anew. The letting go of the old self is not a loss—it is a transformation. Like the Dao, motherhood is a paradox: in the vulnerability, you find strength; in the selflessness, a new self emerges.
Trust the flow. Trust that the same force that spins the galaxies and grows the trees moves through you. You are not alone on this journey—you are part of the great, timeless current of life. Like the Dao, motherhood is infinite, profound, and always in motion.
(A reminder for those long lonely nights and days…)
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Finally the weather aligned with the season and we are spending our first weekend in cosy blankets here in Greece. A reminder of the most challenging season of all, the season of water 💦, the season of facing our demons, the yin of the yin, the time to learn how to adapt and regroup.
For me this will be the most overwhelming winter of my life so far…Lifechanging to say the least.
A reminder that Change and chaos are inevitable in this life. The best we can do is create our own order and stick with it. Join me for the last 4 practices of the year, to create some order in our physical bodies and hope for the same effect in our mental state.
Last practice will be December 10th, right before my 40th birthday and the leap into my last month of pregnancy.
Tuesdays @20:00 online + recording.
*our little library of recordings will hopefully make up for the gap until we regroup in a few months.
Thank you for following along
More inspiration to come 🙌🏻
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After our annual intimate late summer retreat comes the official start of the weekly BodyA sessions. And right on time to get ready for fall 🍂. The time to reflect and let go of anything that has to go. The time to prepare ourselves in order to embrace death and silence. Yin is rising and we have some clearing out to do in order to let it flow freely. We will work on our backbends and our twists to support the lungs and the large intestine + create space for our breath.
Tuesdays @20:00 via google meets
Recordings available to practice on your own time.
Dm for link
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S E P T E M B E R + R I T U A L S
September is finally here.
The month of new beginnings and re- establishing our day to day rituals.
Personal Rituals are what brings us closer to structure and discipline in a tender manner.
A way to find a purpose even in the most desperate of times and balance the chaos of life.
The power of daily rituals lies in their consistency and the intention behind them.
They can improve mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being, providing a sense of control and grounding amidst the unpredictability of life.
What are your favorite daily rituals?
New season New beginnings
#BodyA #Yoga #dailyritual # Pranayama
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The irony of summer lays in its very core. The most extrovert of the seasons, ruled by fire + yang energy and yet the season when our bodies may feel the most lethargic they have ever felt throughout the year, especially if you are not living the “(Greek)summer” dream, but instead you are supposed to endure the extreme temperatures and sun exposure in the city. So ironically you may find yourself at the end of the day, in a state of depletion, longing for a cold shower and any other practice that could help move your body’s fluids and drain that lymph. That being said, make some time for your wellbeing during the day, in the morning + in the night, short but so essential. Try some yoga, some breathwork, go for a swim, try to keep yourself cool and avoid anything in excess.
•Our weekly practices will resume in September.
•T E N D E R E A R T H Retreat 20-22 September is sold out (dm me to join waitlist for any last minute opening)
Until then, stay safe and enjoy summer wherever 🌞
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Often in our practice we talk about finding center. Not so much a specific space or location, but rather the true sanctuary found within, where peace, comfort and solace reside regardless of external circumstances. That vague location in the realm of our minds is our treasure in this life. It takes a lifetime to approach but it is worth all the effort. After effort always comes grace and that grace is H O M E.
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Back to our regular schedule next week.
Trying to digest all the overwhelming experiences from a huge bucket list trip throuhout Peru and ultimately realizing that what stays are moments of actual presence.
The most vivid moment of the whole trip was on a boat in the Amazon jungle, during the heaviest downpour I have ever experienced in my life, surrounded by pure darkness, soaked wet and not sure if we’re gonna make it to shore safe. There was a shift of clarity, of realization, of pure presence that gratitude overshadowed any glimmer of fear or doubt. Gratitude I got to experience nature in all its glory, gratitude for the sun that was about to emerge and give us the most glorious sunrise highlighting the vastness of the river, gratitude for this life and all the circumstances that got me there. This feeling stayed and I am sooo grateful.
With gratitude I want to share my practice and open up new portals for embodied experiences.
Join me online every Wednesday @8:15 am
Recordings are available but live presence is highly recommended for the collective experience.
We will continue throughout May and then will pause until September.
Our annual late summer retreat is SOLD OUT but we have a waitlist.
It will be magical and will have small surprises to make it even more unique!
Love and light
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Leaping into spring and manifesting all things WOOD 🪵. Drawing inspiration from the vast knowledge of TCM spring is the season of wood element and wood is rigid when dry but softens when moist, a quality that reflects upon the relation between winter and spring. How did you tend to your waters during winter defines the health and flow of your wood qi during springtime. The holistic function of our organs mirrored into the cyclical nature of the seasons. Liver and Gallbladder are the dominant wood organs of Spring and the eyes are the portals to our liver. The fastest and simplest way to nourish your liver is to close your eyes and focus on your breath for a couple of minutes. Let’s reverse the damaging effects of our stressful realities with some heartwarming backbends, side body openers and vigorous pranayama, to stretch and purge our liver and gallbladder.
Mother Nature is the wisest teacher 🙏🏻🪵 🌱
Wednesday @8:15 am
Online + recording
#BodyA #yoga #pranayama #seasonalpractice #tcm #spring
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In Taoism, embracing the challenges of life involves cultivating a mindset of flowing with the natural course of events. To follow the principles of wu wei aka effortless effort, by adapting without force, allow challenges to unfold, understanding that they are part of the ever-changing Dao and embrace simplicity to find balance in the midst of chaos.
In yoga, we find strength in surrender, balance in poses mirrored by life’s unpredictable dance and learn in time how to embrace the irony of life, for in the stillness of a pose or the chaos of existence, we discover the beauty of resilience and the art of finding peace amid the twists and turns.
BodyA practice
Wednesday @8:15 am
#yoga #life #taoism #wuwei #efortlesseffort #embracetheironyoflife #yogawillsaveoursanity #BodyA
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F I T S + F O L D S
If you have been in one of my classes you probably heard me ranting about a fit of a knee in an armpit, a heel in a palm, a knee in another knee and so on, or of course my favorite topic of all… the perfect hinge of your hips in a forward fold.
The truth is I am obsessed with forward folds, their introspective nature, the geometry 📐 it takes to make such a huge fold truly sustainable, how they invite us to find our roots and establish a solid ground, their therapeutic aspect for the kidneys and adrenals and the fact that they pair perfectly with a backbend to crack the whole posterior chain open.
It takes a great amount of effort to transform a fold into a perfect pleat, much like an origami.
Make (sometimes huge) effort to receive grace 💫
I am sure Mr #isseymiyake would agree..
BodyA practice Wednesday @8:15 am
Google meet room + recording 🙌🏻
• Practice anytime + anywhere •
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Tend to your soil
Plant your seeds
Tend to your soil
Be patient
Watch your seeds sprout 🌱 and flourish
Enjoy the fruits of your labor
Digest the experience
Accept the cyclical nature of our existence
BodyA practice
Wednesday @08:15 am
Google meet online + recording
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B A B Y I T ‘ S C O L D O U T S I D E
Deep in the depths of winter our body’s reservoirs are susceptible to depletion and our fascia to stiffness.
Cold exposure can disrupt our body’s balance and Qi flow.
Protect your physical body with warm clothing and soft fabrics + warm and well cooked meals.
Nourish your kidneys with warm fluids, soups and broths, southing sounds and rest.
Engage in warming practices but always weave in complimentary restorative aspects.
Take care of your Bladder Qi by engaging in some deep stretching for the posterior chain of the body and balance it out with some restorative heartwarming back bending.
Create your own heat and pump your lungs with breath-work.
Feed your creative fire with visualizations and manifestations for the future.
Let’s heat up
Wednesday @8:15 am
BodyA practice
Online on GoogleMeet + Recording
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All that winter coverup has you feeling like carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Well let’s shake that wintry shrug off of our shoulders and reclaim our posture.
Big shoulder opener and hip opener energy imagining our spines as winter trees with their roots grounded in the Kidney Essence (Jing).
Hint: we will use a block and a wall 🙌🏻
Wednesday @8:15 am
Online + Recording
#BodyA #seasonalpractice #yoga #pranayama
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B A L A N C E + V I T A L I T Y
In the profound realm of TCM the kidney and bladder aren’t merely anatomical entities; they represent an intricate dance of energies, embodying the very essence of yin and yang within us.
The kidneys are revered as the root of life, the foundation of our vital essence or ‘Jing.’ Much like a deep reservoir, they store this precious essence, determining our vitality, growth, and reproductive potential. As the seat of our ancestral energy, the kidneys play a pivotal role in our longevity, aging process, and overall vitality.
Flowing in harmony with the kidneys, the bladder channels the transformative power of water, the element associated with these organs.
In TCM philosophy, water is not merely a physical substance but a symbol of adaptability, resilience, and the ability to find paths of least resistance.
The bladder’s function to store and excrete urine mirrors its broader role in managing life’s challenges with grace and flexibility.
When the kidney-bladder system is in balance, there’s a harmonious flow of energy, ensuring robust health, stamina, and a deep reservoir of vitality.
However, imbalances can manifest as various symptoms – from urinary issues and back pain to deeper systemic concerns.
Recognizing these signs is the first step towards restoring equilibrium, often through acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and mindful + restorative practices.
This Winter Contemplate the wisdom of the kidney-bladder system, the profound connection between our inner essence and our capacity to navigate life’s ebb and flow.
Like the undulating waters guided by the moon’s gentle pull, may we too find balance, resilience, and a deep reservoir of vitality within the intricate dance of our being.
In embracing the teachings of TCM, we honor not only our physical bodies but also the timeless wisdom that connects us to the rhythms of nature, the essence of life, and the boundless potential within each of us.
Next #BodyA practice Wednesday @8:15 am
Online + recording
More info @link in bio
#yoga #seasonalpractice #pranayama #TCM
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Being an introvert by nature, to me solitude comes easy and is even a necessity especially after interacting with multiple people during the day. I do not enjoy neither loud interactions nor large groups of people and often I am being labeled as an antisocial, a loner, cold or distant…I never cared much about labels either. I do know that I prefer more intimate interactions and I am terrified of public speaking or introducing myself in larger circles…However, yoga helped manage some of that introvert’s angst. By cultivating a solid home practice where I consciously get to be with myself, the need for community arises on its own. A need for meaningful interaction, a need to create and share in community. The more I practice the more I want to share this practice.
First BodyA class of this year
Wednesday January 10th @8:15 am
Online + recording
Would love to practice with you 🙏🏻
Dm me and I’ll send you the link
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