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You have everything you need in your hands. #morethanenough
Stop waiting until you have more.
Look at what is in your hands, that is more than enough. #makethemostofit
There is no need to have it all, just make the best of what you have. #usewhatyougot
You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing. #usewhatyouhave
Stop saying what you don’t have and can’t do, and start with what you do have.
God took what Moses had—a rod (stick)-and filled it with His power. #usingwhatihave
Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, offer God what you do have, and watch Him do the miraculous with it. #usewhatyouvegot
Whatever you hold in your hands, use it.
God can do mighty works with the simplest things.
Use what you have. #usewhatyoualreadyhave
Each person only needs to examine what they personally haveIt doesn’t have to begrand, majestic or even what the next person has.
God simply wants to know what you have.
Whatever you have is enough for God to do something miraculous. #whatsinyourhead
Do what you can with what you have, where you are, and God will do the rest. #godoftheimpossible
Whatever you have is enough for God to do something miraculous. #whatyouhave
Use the little in your hands and then you will accomplish great things. #inmyhands
God works with what is in our hands.
Many a times we look outside ourselves for help to do something, thus doubting God’s ability to use that which He had placed in us, take our little and make it into something more than enough for us. #itsinyourhands
God is asking us, “What’s in your hand?”
Don’t allow anything to hold you back.
God has given it to you for a purpose.
Use what you have. #inmyhand
1. YouTube/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. FB/LinkedIn: Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/X/👻/TikTok/Threads: @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion: @glamourmeetsgq
#useyourresources #whatyougot #youhavewhatitneeds #youhavewhatyouneed #usewhatgodgaveyou #whatisinyourhands #itisinyourhands #youhaveallyouneed #youhaveenough #youlacknothing #lacknothing #wehaveenough #lackingnothing #lookatwhatyouhave #makethemostofwhatyouvegot #usingwhatihave #usingwhatyouhave #usingwhatyougot
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Paella and Pukwudgies || Remmy and Kaden
TIMING: Before Kaden got shot PARTIES: @whatsin-yourhead and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: A very normal White Crest cooking class where Kaden pulls a Kaden and Remmy pulls a Jane
The world was a terrifying place. As Remmy stood outside the small building wedged between the bakery and what looked like a second hand office supply store, they couldn’t help but feel the anxious tension wafting around them. They’d hardly left Morgan’s place since the incident at Pat’s and they could tell she was getting a little annoyed with them. Because life, as per usual, kept moving along, even if Remmy didn’t want it to. It was with a strained hand and clenched jaw that Remmy had clicked ‘Sign-Up’ on the evening cooking class and now here they were, standing awkwardly outside the building as Morgan pulled away in the car and they had no choice, now, but to go inside. Or stay out here, but that really wasn’t an option. Remmy squeaked inside behind someone and made sure the door shut behind them before looking around the room, doddling in. The door opened again and the bell rang and Remmy spun on their foot to make sure whoever it was wasn’t-- well, they weren’t sure. But when they turned back around, they almost ran head first into someone else. A tall-ish man, with scruff and an annoyed look on his face. He almost looked familiar but Remmy couldn’t quite place him. “Oh, sorry,” they muttered. “Is, um-- is this one taken?” they asked, pointing to the station next to him.
It felt more and more like Kaden had to fight and claw for something normal. He used to be able to find pockets with Regan but they seemed fewer and farther between recently. When he saw the flyer for the cooking class at the shelter, it just struck him as something to do, something simple and easy and normal. And he figured it might be nice to sharpen his skills a bit. Cooking wasn’t something Kaden had ever really considered himself particularly skilled in, not before coming to White Crest. Really it was just because the rest of the town was seemingly woefully inept at feeding themselves. He didn’t understand. He spent so much time growing up eating shitty MREs or dehydrated fruit, anything that could easily be brought on long hunting trips. Whenever there was a moment to get a home cooked meal, warm and rich and fresh, well, there was nothing like it. He couldn’t imagine opting for anything else besides a good meal at a restaurant worth going to, maybe. Kaden picked a spot near the back of the class. He’d never been much of an eager student. And it looked like he might even get a station to himself. Even better. Unitil a straggler came in and ran smack into him. “Putain,” he grumbled, mostly to himself. His brow raised at their question. Part of him wanted to lie. There really didn’t seem to be a point to, though. “No, it’s not,” he said with a sigh, gesturing for them to take a spot there next to him. “So, uh, what brings you here?” Well that was a dumb question. “I mean, cooking. I figured. But, uh, why? All that.” Small talk was the worst.
“Oh, cool, nice,” Remmy said, too nervous now to turn and look for another station. Anxiety crawled through them and they shuffled over to it, setting the flyer down on the counter and glancing around. They used to come to the shelter often to help out in the kitchen, but it’d been months since they’d been back and the little bits of guilt still inside of them tried to resurface. They swallowed them back down and thanked the universe for the small distraction as the guy next to them asked a question. “Oh, um-- yeah! Cooking. But also, like...I used to come here all the time to help out during lunches, and uh, you know,” they picked at a corner on the counter. “I like cooking, so I thought I’d try a class and see if I could get any better. Not that I’m like, good at it or anything, just that like, you can always get better at things, you know! Especially cooking. There’s so much to learn and so many different flavors that go together, it’s like, you’re never really done,” they rambled, thinking about how they couldn’t technically taste anymore, so why did it matter? It mattered because they could still do this for themself. That’s why it mattered. “So, um...what about you?”
Kaden nodded along with their explanation. Whoever they were, they were incredibly nervous. He was never sure what to make of people who were like that, not at first at least. He had a pretty decent feeling that it wasn’t him making them nervous, though. It seemed to him like a personality type thing. Not as fun to mess with but less concerning, he supposed. Hell, it had been a while since he’d tried to really intimidate someone and here he was, not even trying and succeeding. Still had the scary hunter vibes. Nice. “Good to hear it,” he said as he straightened up the small bowls and plates of ingredients in front of him. They sure did talk a lot, but he nodded along all the same. At least they weren’t too weird. And certainly not a mime with that much rambling. Two points in their favor. “Yeah, I like cooking. I’m pretty good but like you said, always room to learn more. Plus, there’s not a whole lot of point to me in doing something without ever trying to get better. Especially if you like it at all.” He doodled some circles with his pen on the edge of the printed out recipe in front of him. He hated the part of lessons that involved sitting still and listening. The doing was the best part. “I’m Kaden, by the way,” he offered while they waited.
Kaden. Hadn’t Remmy heard that name before? They racked their brain for a moment, felt like they’d almost gotten it-- but couldn’t place it. So they just held their hand out and said, “That’s a cool name! I’m Remmy!” with a grin. “Have you been cooking long?” they asked, the mention of him being good meaning he probably had been. “I mean, that’s probably an obvious answer, I just meant like…” they paused, “No, never mind. I don’t know what I meant. Uh-- did you always like to cook? Yeah, there, that-- that’s what I meant!” They beamed a little, looking over at him. The instructor was heading to the front now, ready to begin the basic instructions that was in the packet in front of them before the actual cooking started. “Oh, it’s starting!” Focused their attention up front, picking up the pen they’d been providing with and scratching it a few times to make sure it worked. “I wonder what we’re gonna make today. I’ve always wanted to try and make a flan. Have you ever made flan?”
“Thanks, I guess. Yours is, too.” Kaden’s brow furrowed. The name sounded familiar. “Do you know Blanche?” he asked. Really it wouldn't mean a whole lot either way if they did. Half the town knew pipsqueak. Still, worth asking, right? Hopefully the question wouldn’t fluster them as much as their own question had. “Breathe,” he assured them. They look like they had forgotten for a moment. “Anyway, my mom taught me. Way back. Not that I did a lot when I was younger but, uh, guess I like it.” Small talk was the worst, he always felt like it was a dance he hadn’t learned all the steps to. He brushed his fingers along the edge of the table, just to give himself something to do. “What about you?” A sigh of relief came as the lesson started. “Flan?” He thought a moment, trying to remember any equivalent. “Not really. I’ve made a crème caramel. Not very good, mind you. My crème brûlée is much better. I’ve gotten really good at pies lately, though.” The instructor informed them they’d be making paella. Nice. Not something he was too familiar with. He started getting ingredients together, picking the knife he wanted to chop vegetables with. “You ever made this before?” he asked them. There was a strange rumbling in the front of the class. Weird. Someone must just be rummaging for pots or pans. Didn’t mean anything.
“Blanche?” Remmy said, “Yeah! I know Blanche, do you know her? How do you know her? We met cause we both worked at Mooseventures for a bit. Well, I think she still works there even though I’ve told her several times that she doesn’t need to. She has enough to worry about, between school and-- uh,” they stopped short, “other things.” Turned awkwardly to face the front again, rubbing their arm absentmindedly. “Sorry, I tend to ramble a lot when I’m nervous. Not that you make me nervous! I’m just nervous in general. And about being here. As in outside, here-- um, anyway…” they cleared their throat. “That’s so cool! That your mom used to cook with you, that she taught you. I feel like most moms are good at cooking, you know? It seems like a nice way to bond. I learned mostly on my own when I got tired of microwave dinners. Um-- Bobby Flay was a big inspiration. I used to watch his cooking show on TV and try and replicate his stuff with whatever I had in the kitchen. I tried to make spaghetti sauce with ketchup once. That...did not go well. But you! That sounds impressive. I’ve never made crème brûlée before, o-or even tried. I’m much better at baking. Cakes, pies, brownies...cinnamon rolls are fun, too. Am I talking too much? I feel like I’m talking too much.” They turned away. They were probably bothering this poor guy, but the talking seemed to really help relax them. Swallowing, they started setting out all the pots the instructor told them, too. “Nope,” they said shortly, “never made paella. You?” The banging up front caught their attention, even if no one else really seemed to notice. They squinted for a moment, trying to focus in on it.
“Yeah I know Blanche. She’s--” Kaden paused a moment. He never knew how to describe her. Sure, he gave a shit but friends always seemed like the wrong way to phrase it. “She’s a pain in the ass most of the time but I care about her.” His brow shot up at the mention of other things. Did they mean supernatural things? How much did they know? “I know about the other things. By the way,” he said, figuring he’d test the waters. With how much they rambled, he wasn’t sure they’d hear him much either way. Still. Didn’t bother him much. If he minded awkward rambling, he wouldn’t be dating who he was. Still all he could manage to most of it was a nod as he messed with the knife in his hand, twirling and twisting it like it was a weapon and not a cooking instrument. When he looked back over, he noticed that Remmy was waiting. Probably for an answer. Putain. He played back what they had just said in his mind. “Huh? Oh no. I’ve never made pa--” There was another crash from the front. His grip on the knife tightened, his muscles tensed and then there was screaming and people dodging and jumping out of the way. Kaden made sure his knife was in hand and ran over towards whatever the commotion was. So far all he saw was quills. Putain de merde.
“Yeah,” Remmy answered, “sounds about right.” Blanche could definitely be a bit stubborn, always getting into trouble, but she had such a big heart, it was hard to not care about her. “Oh, you do? Good. Good! That makes it uh-- easier…” They awkwardly shuffled back to their station and started sorting out stuff, watching Kaden twist and twirl his knife. They wondered where he’d learned to do something like that. “I’ve heard it’s really--” but then suddenly there was a loud crash and Kaden was darting away from his station. Remmy’s instincts were to run, their body tingling, but they found themself dropping their shit and running for the commotion. “What is it? What’s going--” they started, but some deep instinct in them let their eye catch the creature and ducked just in time to watch quills soar over their head. “Woah!” they said, lurching forward. “Watch it!” they reached for the instructor, tugging them away. They looked across to Kaden, wielding his chef’s knife. “Watch the quills!”
Kaden went to lunge and tackle the pukwudgie running through the place, but it dodged and climbed onto a table before he could even hope to brush it let alone grab it. It crashed through plates and bowls, a set of kitchen knives went flying off the table and Kaden ducked to avoid the blades, cursing under his breath. “We have to trap it!” he shouted out, unsure of who the fuck “we” was. He was pretty sure he meant himself. What a time not to have any of his animal control gear. He glanced around for anything useful, a net or even a blanket. Yeah, funny enough none of those to be found in a cooking classroom. The beast hopped off the table and started weaving in and out between people’s legs at the various stations. He could follow its path by the screams and squeals as well as the occasional body falling to the ground after tripping over the monster. “Try and corner it! Can someone--” As he tried to run over to the monster, he had to push past the frightened attendees, really not sure anyone else here was equipped to help. He threw a hopeful glance over to his cooking partner. They knew about the supernatural, right? And they knew Banche so they couldn’t be completely immune to trouble. And they couldn’t be less helpful than Blanche with a pukwudgie, that was certain enough.
Right, corner it. The porcupine looking animal was dodging in and out of people’s legs, hissing and growling as Kaden chased it. Remmy shoved the teacher away, behind a cabinet to keep him safe, and leapt over and around some of the stations quickly. They grabbed a pot that someone had left on their station and dove off the table, trying to cut it off. It screeched, sliding to a halt, before turning and running straight at someone else. “No, no!” they shouted, as the person shrieked, ramming into one of the shelves. Plates and cups and cutlery dumped onto the floor, as everyone else in the room scrambled out of the way and towards the exit. Someone shouted about calling the police, or animal control, but Remmy couldn’t stop to think about that right now. “There!” they shouted to Kaden, pointing as it skittered straight for him. They positioned themself behind them, hoping the creature would take the bait and run itself straight into the corner. Its tiny body slammed into a cabinet and Remmy watched it wobble. “The shelf!” they shouted, abandoning the pot, leaping over the station, and onto the table, just in time to catch the large, heavy shelf that was about to topple. “Q-quick!” they said to Kaden, “it’s cornered! Grab it!”
“I am animal control! Now get out of my way!” Kaden shouted as he heard the cries and callouts from some of the other students, shoving aside anyone who was blocking his path. The beast came right towards him and he lunged, but it skirted away. Putain de merde. Him and Remmy almost had it. His eyes darted up to the cabinet and was about to brace his arms out to try and stop it, only, he didn’t have to. They had it covered. Well, shit. For a moment, he stood there, blinking, and stunned. Were they a hunter after all? Strange. “Right,” their words jostled him out of his stupor and he locked onto the pukwudgie again, darting over to it. He had no net, no plans, no nothing other than his hands. Against a quilled creature. Fuck. Kaden quickly kicked out at it, trying to topple it, and reached down for one of its legs, yanking it upside down by its feet. He did his best to hold it in place, pushing his knee into the beast’s belly and grabbing its flailing limbs together in his hands. “Is there a cabinet or closet we can throw this in?” he asked Remmy, seemingly the only helpful person in the room.
Remmy was trying to shove the cabinet back into place when they looked over and watched Kaden nab the creature by the leg, flipping it over. Wow, he was pretty fast with his reflexes. And he ate weird food. Was he…? No. Remmy needed to concentrate. They put the cabinet back and scrambled around, throwing a door open. “Here!” they yanked a tablecloth out and came back over, tossing it over the creature. “We can wrap it up in this!” they grabbed a cord from the closet as well, readying to tie off the top after he scooped it up. The creature was hissing and snorting under the tablecloth, quills poking through, but it’s struggle was getting more and more useless. “Flip it on three, okay?” They looked at him, hoping he’d trust them. “One, two-- three!”
With that resourceful thinking and the super strength that they clearly demonstrated, there was no doubt in Kaden’s mind by now that he wasn’t the only hunter in the room. “Quickly,” he grumbled through grit teeth as he tried to keep the monster grappled under his grasp. It was wriggling and fighting him and sure to break free in a matter of seconds if he had to hold on too much longer. The pain in his side was throbbing by now, but he pushed it aside, ignored it, focused on the task at hand; containing the monster He nodded and did as Remmy asked as soon as the tablecloth was in place. The pukwudgie squealed as he turned it around and watched his fellow hunter make quick work of the tie around the cloth. Kaden hopped away to open a cabinet door under one of the stations, pulling out all the items and artifacts he saw in it. No shelves, clear enough, didn’t see any pipes, best he had for now in lieu of a cage. “Help me swing it in here,” he shouted as he grabbed one of the ends of the beast in the sack, avoiding the quills where he could. “Three again! One, two, three!”
Kaden was strong, and he seemed to know what he was doing. It wasn’t far fetched for Remmy to believe he knew about the supernatural. And by the way he handled himself, he knew a lot. Definitely more than them. They couldn’t help but wonder what he was, even if it was rude to outright ask someone their species. But he wasn’t attacking them, so he wasn’t a hunter. He wasn’t looking at them the way Alain always did. His voice snapped them back to attention. “Right! Got it!” when he signaled, they grabbed the other end and shoved as hard as they could, watching the poor beastie slam into the cabinet, before shutting the doors on it quickly. They grabbed on of the heartier looking spatulas and jammed it into the handles of the cabinet as a little extra lock, before stepping back. They didn’t even notice the quill that had stuck into their leg. Looking back over at Kaden, they waited for another direction, before realizing the danger had pretty much passed. The room was mostly empty, except a few brave souls who had stayed behind to watch or had been too afraid to leave and hid instead-- including the teacher. Remmy backed away and leaned over to Kaden, murmuring, “Now what?” so only he could hear.
With the creature tied up and contained in the cabinet, Kaden collapsed and sat on the floor, back against the door of the cabinet just in case. “Now we clear people out and I come back later with my cage and snare pole to get it out of here for real.” So that he could kill it once it was out of sight of the general public. It was never fun trying to explain why animal control was killing a “harmless animal.” He’d found methods to work around it. “Thanks for the help. Wouldn’t have guessed you were that strong. Guess I shouldn’t make assumptions.” He looked around the room and took in all the evidence of the chaos. Cutlery strewn across the floor, puffs and patches of flour lining the counters and walls, tables overturned. He sincerely hoped the janitorial staff in White Crest had a union. “You think we’ll get our money back?”
“Oh,” was all Remmy said. Animal Control. That was a dangerous job in White Crest. He had to be someone super strong and not afraid of dying, then, if that was the case. Right? No sane human would take that job. Remmy looked around the area, following his gaze to take in the mess the small, quilled critter had caused, wincing a bit. They bent over and picked up a pan, setting it back on the table in front of them. “Yeah, uh-- a lot of people say that. Guess it’s cause I look small and weak,” they said nonchalantly, looking back over at him. “Are you okay? You didn’t get stuck with a quill, right? I’ve heard that shit hurts-- or um, should hurt.” They glanced down at their own legs, “Uh…” looked back up quickly, ignoring the quill. “You know...I kinda hope so. I wanna sign up for another class since this one got ruined…”
Kaden waved off their concern. “Nah, any injuries I have right now I think are just leftovers.” His brow furrowed as he noticed something. “You might want to look at that, though,” he said pointing to the quill in their leg. They didn’t even flinch. They must be really tough, pretty seasoned hunter for their age. His mother probably would have pointed out that he should be more like them. “I get the impression you know some first aid but if you need any help, offer stands.” He pulled himself up to stand and brushed off the flour from his pants that he could manage. “Maybe next time we get here early and do a critter check first.”
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whatsin-yourhead replied to your post: [pm] Hi, um-- is this Shiloh? You don't know me--...
[pm] Yeah, that was me! I um– I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay?
[pm] Thanks for checking in.
I’m alright though. What about you?
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whatsin-yourhead replied to your post: do you leftly care?
I don’t get it.
Ain’t much to get. People just making fun of the way I talk, that’s all.
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whatsin-yourhead replied to your post “What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon?”
Woah, you can walk cats??
Do cats not walk? They have legs, I would assume they can walk.
Yes. I believe so. Well, I walk with them. I also watch videos of them on the internet sometimes. They’re quite humorous.
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Better Left in the Dark | Julie & Remmy
Note: this took place during the everlasting darkness
Remmy had gotten to Hambry exactly an hour after their last message to Julie. Maybe going out alone in the dark wasn’t exactly the best idea, but they’d found that there was a decrease in the amount of hunter run-ins they’d had since it all started. Maybe they were all too busy dealing with whatever evil things lurked in the darkness, or maybe they were just taking a break. Either way, Remmy didn’t mind it at all. In fact, it was refreshing. They’d left Moose at home this time and found a nice spot to stand and wait, under one of the lights so that Julie could spot them right away. It would be nice to finally be able to just do something for fun. To just sit and talk. Remmy would’ve been lying, too, if they had said they weren’t excited when Julie had messaged them. Sometimes they felt like they talked too much in their conversations, but Julie always talked back. Finally, they spotted someone in the distance, and waved her over. “Hey! I saved us a bench,” they said with a sarcastic quip, motioning to the almost completely empty park. “Best spot in the house.”
Julie genuinely wanted to hang out with Remmy. They hadn’t done anything since they tried to sleep together and for most people that would have been awkward enough but Julie was particularly shameless at times. Most times. Julie looked for Remmy and almost overlooked them because she didn’t spot the dog with them. Given that they were the only person there she decided a second look was necessary and in that moment she heard the familiar voice. Julie picked up her pace. “I didn’t realize it was you from a distance,” Julie admitted. “Is Moose off leash?” Not that Julie especially minded the dog but Remmy made it seem like it was kind of important to have the dog with them. Julie wasn’t aware they’d leave the house without him. She took a seat next to Remmy, giving them a smile. “I will admit I was surprised I even spotted you with the amount of people here.” No one really wanted to go to the park when it was dark. It did have an eerie feel to it, but Julie wasn’t one to really be uneasy in the dark.
“Oh, sorry!” Remmy said a little bashful suddenly, “I decided to leave him back this time. Cause like, it’s kinda dangerous out here for him. And like...I know he makes you a little uncomfortable. But I’ll be fine! I don’t need him,” they explained, giving a nod, “I feel safe with you. Or, um--” swallowed, looking down at their feet. “You know what I mean.” It was nice to just hang out, even if the sky was dark and the ominous sounds of night during the day were like a spooky ambient soundtrack. Remmy scooted a little to look over at Julie, able to see her just fine in the dark. They were almost surprised she’d come, but happy, nonetheless. Very happy. They chuckled. “Yeah, park’s very busy right now. Must be like...peak park visiting hour or something. I bet the sunsets are nice around now. You know...if the sun ever comes back. You’re like, staying safe in all this, right? Like, okay-- I know you can take care of yourself, but like, there’s some weird shit going on, you know?”
“It’s dangerous for him?” Julie questioned, wondering what was dangerous. He was a dog, not exactly the food source for most supernatural creatures. Then again Julie wasn’t aware of them all. “He doesn’t make me uncomfortable,” she was quick to defend. “I’m just not a dog person.” She shrugged, unable to explain that it was a nature thing. She was a fox, dogs and foxes just weren’t two things that got along. Dogs hunted foxes after all. Those subservient assholes. “And here I thought I was creeping you out,” Julie teased, giving a small laugh. Safe was pushing it though. “I mean, it’d be tough to find some asshole who’d be able to sneak up on us in the dark so yeah, I guess you’re safe.” Julie tried to think about sunsets as she looked at the night sky, but couldn’t really find anything nice about them. “I’ve never been here, around sunset or otherwise so I wouldn’t really know.” It’s not like Julie was one to just watch a sunset though. “Yeah a bunch of vampires are out and about because they don’t have to worry about the sun. I don’t have to worry about a thing. Slayers and hunters are being kept plenty busy by those idiots. What about you? Have you had any run-ins with them?”
“Well, like, if I get into trouble, it could be. You know?” Remmy shrugged. Better safe than sorry. They couldn’t afford to let anything happen to him, he was too important. “Oh, okay. Well...still. I promise it’s fine. I don’t like, always need him. He’s not a medical service dog.” They couldn’t help but grin at Julie’s tease, shaking their head. “Please. You couldn’t creep me out if you tried. I’ve seen you without your shirt on.” Smile turning into a smirk, they leaned back against the handle of the bench, putting their feet up. “Well, me either, so guess we’re both in the dark.” A pause. “Get it?” It was nice, just being here. Just sitting and talking. No motives or anything about it. Just...being with a friend. No secrets or crying or overwhelming guilt digging away at their chest. “Vampires? I haven’t run into any lately. Or like...ever. Kinda wanna keep it that way. But like, there was one thing with a hunter, but-- some cop lady stepped in. It was totally fine. I think it was more of like an...opportunistic thing, you know? Though, sometimes I wish there was a way to tell if someone was a hunter so I could avoid them. It’s hard to know. I hate just walking around, minding my own business, and suddenly someone is waving a sword or a gun at me.” The frowned, furrowing their brow. Maybe Ricky knew of something. Or maybe Morgan had a spell.
If Remmy thought it was dangerous, Julie wasn’t sure why they would be coming out here so late at night but it wasn’t like Julie to really try and understand someone’s methods. If Remmy wanted to be out here in a potentially dangerous situation, more power to them. “Seeing me without my shirt on should be enough to creep you out because how is it possible for me to be so good looking naked? It’s something I still can’t answer.” Julie tried to say all that with a serious face but it broke at the end and she snickered into the back of hand to try and hide it. “In the dark, that’s where I prefer to be.” Literally. “But yeah, I got it.” Remmy was a punny kind of person - Julie didn’t tend to go the cheesy routes when it came to joking but it was a pleasant change. “A cop saved you from a hunter?” Julie turned to look at Remmy, trying to figure it out. “I’m not following.” However as she listened to Remmy’s dream of a hunter radar, she had to scoff. “It’s kind of obvious - not in the split second you know they’re a hunter obvious, but all of them have a tell. Large majority of them like to be in control - the most popular being security, military - no offense - or law enforcement. You won’t catch a hunter having a teacher as their day job. I told you if they’re older than 40 you really shouldn’t give them the time of day, some supernatural creature is gonna rip them a new one very soon. They’re getting older, they’re not at their peak. If the hunter is in their late 20s early 30s, that’s their prime. You better be careful around them. Also, notice their personality. I’ve never met a hunter that could hold any sort of relationship because they’re just shitty people inside and out. There’s something that’s just off about them and that tends to ruin things.” She stopped talking and picked her head up. “Fuck that sounds like me.” She broke into a laugh unable to believe she just described herself.
Remmy let out a long, loud laugh. One like they hadn’t done in a long time. How was it that Julie always managed to make them feel good and lighthearted, if even for a moment? They shook their head. “Please. Of course you do. If you look good in clothes of course you look good naked.” A boisterous grin that faded the more she went on. “It wasn’t like...a big deal. They jumped me in an alley and she just came over and knocked him out, then took me somewhere safe.” I couldn’t fight back. But Julie didn’t need to know that part. She’d probably be disappointed Remmy didn’t fight back on their own. But with no one to protect, they couldn’t bring themself to harm someone. They listened carefully to what she was saying, about the tells. Those weren’t things Remmy was good at recognizing, and they furrowed their brow. “I don’t think that sounds like you,” they said quickly, sitting up and wrapping their arms around their knees. “You’re not a shitty person. At least, not to me.”
“She knocked him out?” Julie was impressed, she wanted to meet this cop lady that just creeps in the night knocking out hunters and saving zombies. “Did he hurt you though?” She was aware Remmy healed fast but she was curious to know if Remmy had gotten hurt. “I take it the cop knew what you were? Or at least about the supernatural? Or did she just think you were getting jumped by some thug?” Remmy was incredibly lucky that cop was there, not everyone gets to be saved by a cop at the right place and right time. Julie had to laugh at that, not a full on outburst but a gentle one, finding it amusing that Remmy didn’t think she was a shitty person. “I am though. If only a little.” She shrugged. “It’s all good though, I don’t care if you see me like that, it’s not a lie.” She’s always been a terrible person. Just born wrong.
“Yeah, like, with her gun,” Remmy replied, “it was pretty badass. He didn’t hurt me, no. She um, like-- knew he was a hunter but not about me? I dunno, it was hard to explain. I didn’t feel like really telling her, either.” They shrugged, rubbed the back of their head. “Hey, stop saying that!” They said, nudging Julie with their foot. “I won’t have you talking shit about my friend, alright?” A slight tease, sticking their tongue out at her. They didn’t know why Julie kept insisting she was a shitty or a bad person, but they’d never believe it. She’d helped them when she’d had no reason to, she’d done what Remmy couldn’t, and she’d stayed even after Remmy freaked out on her. Whatever she’d done in the past didn’t matter to Remmy. She wasn’t a bad person. “I don’t think you’re a shitty person. Just...so you know. I don’t.”
“Sounds badass, I wanna meet her.” Julie understood Remmy’s decision not to spill about her zombie nature, Julie herself didn’t enjoy telling people shit. Remmy included, unfortunately. “Okay, fine. You are entitled to your opinion.” Although Julie really didn’t understand why. That part of the friendship thing confused her. Julie never really hid that she didn’t really care and thought most people would see that and take it as it is. Not like Remmy who chose to believe Julie wasn’t shit. The idea of that being true was unfathomable to Julie. That was the basis of her whole… point of view. “I don’t think you’re a shitty person either, so hah.” Julie stated as if she somehow managed to one up Remmy in some way, although she didn’t know how.
“I haven’t seen her around since,” Remmy admitted, “I think she might’ve left town.” They tilted their head, giving a confident nod. “I am. And just for the record, it’s the right opinion. Everyone else is wrong, you included. I’m obviously the only smart one.” It was nice, being able to be teasing and sarcastic with Julie. There weren’t many people Remmy felt comfortable being that way around, aside from Deirdre and Nell. And sometimes Blanche. Remmy gave a short chuckle. “Well, good. I’m glad. If I have your approval, then I guess no one else matters, right?” They looked back up into the pitch darkness of the “night” sky. It was temporary, like all things. Well, like all things were supposed to be. But Remmy wasn’t. Not really. “Hey, did you find what you were looking for in town yet?” they asked suddenly, sitting up.
“She probably died.” Julie admitted, feeling just a tiny bit sad that she wasn’t able to meet this hot police woman that knocks people out with her gun. Oh well, she’s bound to be a police officer one way or the other. Julie playfull rolled her eyes, listening but not really believing. The last thing she needed was for Remmy to waste time trying to convince her otherwise. It was better to make her believe it. “Everyone else is wrong, huh? Wow, Remmy, I guess you gotta gain some cerebral power after all of those brains you eat.” Julie teased, finding her joke rather funny. Julie knew Remmy was only exaggerating that her opinion was the most valuable - but it was interesting to think about her approval having any value to someone. Generally it didn’t. In fact she couldn’t think of one situation where someone actually valued her opinion. She looked over at Remmy, taking a moment to think about the question. “I haven’t, no. I haven’t actually tried really hard to find it…” It really had been in the back of her mind so she prioritized other things. “I should really get on that though, thanks for reminding me.”
“Yup, that’s the big plus to being a zombie,” Remmy said with a grin, “I gain all the intelligence of the brains I eat.” Even though neither statement was true, Remmy still grinned widely at Julie. They could only wonder what Julie’s life had really been like, but from the small snippets she’d told Remmy, it seemed like she’d had a life that hadn’t exactly made her believe she was worth something. Remmy wished they could say something, do something, to make Julie believe them. That she was worth something, if only as a friend to them. “Oh, well-- what else have you been doing around town, then? I guess there’s been a lot going on lately, hasn’t there? I’d probably get distracted, too.”
“Imagine if it actually worked like that, though. I’d imagine eating animal brains wouldn’t be all that great.” Julie tilted her head. “Or maybe it would. Animal intelligence is different from human intelligence. Hm.” She let her mind follow that train of thought for a moment before looking back to Remmy. At the question she kind of ducked her head and averted her eyes. “Uh, you know, enjoying what this town has to offer.” She said, wincing. She wondered if Remmy would get the hint. Julie was distracted by all the different kinds of people the town had and she was busy sleeping with some of them but she had to admit that was getting… boring. Friendship though, that seemed interesting to explore, to figure out. Not like she’d admit it though, feeling it might be odd to know be that experienced in the area of friendship. “What about you? What keeps you busy?”
“Man, if it did work like that, it’d be a godsend,” Remmy said, giving a little chuckle at the thought. “Hey, animals are like, super smart. Maybe I’d know what it’s like to be you a little bit, then, yeah?” They teased, putting their hands on their head as if they were dog ears. “Or I’d be able to communicate with Moose. Oh, now that’d be cool. I could learn to speak dog.” They put their hands down and tilted their head, confused, but curious, by her answer. “Are you like, okay? You’re not in trouble or anything, are you? I know this place can get like, overwhelming and stuff.” They scooted a bit closer to her on the bench, legs folding up. “Me? Oh, you know. Work and keeping my friends outta trouble. I like, barely have any free time now, which is crazy considering all I had when I got here was free time. But since I work two jobs now and do the fighting stuff, it feels like I’m always out doing something.”
“Don’t eat a fox’s brain please. I’d actually be offended.” Julie’s tone was light but she was serious. She had a closer kinship to foxes than to people she felt sometimes and wouldn’t want anyone to hurt them mainly out of protectiveness. “Go for it on a dog’s, you might actually learn something, yeah.” She chuckled, wondering how funny it would be to have Remmy start to bark in an attempt to speak dog. Although she knew it wasn’t like that. It was all body language. Eh, not like it mattered anyway. “I’m not in any trouble, don’t worry. I’m not the kind to get in trouble.” Cause it maybe but get caught? Nah. “Keeping your friends out of trouble, huh?” That was kind of funny to think about, the kind of friends Remmy kept. “Well, I’m one less friend you have to worry about on that point.” Even if she was one, Julie wasn’t someone to be restricted like that. “So I take it that your work and your friends are keeping you busy? What other job do you have? I thought it was just security stuff.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I only eat cow and pig brain. That’s about all they have at the butcher’s shop, and I’m not really the...find my own brains kinda person,” Remmy assured, hoping their joke hadn’t offended Julie too much. “I would never. Don’t think I could actually eat a dog brain, either. It just seems...wrong.” Remmy felt a little bit like a hypocrite, being okay with eating a cow brain or a pig brain, but nothing else. They shrugged after a moment. “Oh, okay, good. I was gonna say I’d beat them up on your behalf, but like, I wouldn’t, and you definitely wouldn’t need me to. So...moot point,” they chuckled. “I mean, I know I don’t have to, but I still do. Kinda part of the whole...being friends thing. You worry even if you don’t have to.” Remmy was always worried, after all. They just wanted their friends to be happy, to be healthy. And it seemed harder in a town like this. Julie was different, though. They understood that much. “Yeah, that about sums it up. I don’t mind, though. I like being busy. Less time to sit around and think about stupid things. Oh, um-- I’m just helping a friend out around his firm. He owns his own architecture firm and needed some help around the office, so I told him I’d help out and stuff. Extra money never hurts, you know? And then the like, Ring stuff. That’s mostly at night, though.”
“It’s cool you have an agreement with the butcher. Does he know what you are?” Julie wondered how many other clients he had. She was curious as to how those brains tasted. She had only tried a bird brain here or a squirrel brain there. Not much to be said about them (they were small). “I mean food’s food but if you have a preference, that’s fine.” If Julie was starving she’d get whatever brain she could get her hands on. Thankfully, she’d never been that hungry. “You’re really protective aren’t you?” It was unusual for Julie to see it directed in her way and she couldn’t understand why Remmy was like that. Julie would happily beat someone up for another person but that was because she liked the fight not really just to be protective. Could it be the same for Remmy? They were doing fights in the Ring after all. “Do you secretly like beating people up? I’m not going to be the person to judge you for it.” Julie would actually be someone to encourage that. As Remmy told her that bit about friends worrying when they didn’t have to, Julie thought about it. Worrying about someone, about their safety and happiness? That seemed like an awful lot of energy spent on someone who was temporary. She liked Remmy. They were cool but to the point of spending time thinking about Remmy’s well-being? Julie couldn’t imagine doing something like that, worrying about something like that. Especially when Julie would eventually leave and then what was the point of worrying about someone who you would not be nearby to? “You’re straight up ballin then aren’t you? Don’t be asking me for money anytime soon.” Julie teased.
“I mean, I haven’t told him what I uh-- what I am, but he probably does know. He’s...really nice about it. He always gives Moose a treat when we go in. I get Moose’s food from him, too, so he probably takes pity on us,” Remmy said with a shrug. “I mean, I guess? I just...want people to be happy. And safe. And I like...have the ability to do that now, you know? I couldn’t save my friends before, but I can now.” The last part slipping out unintentionally. They shifted again, crinkling their nose. “I don’t think I like it, I just-- it makes me feel good sometimes? And not people! Just...weird monsters, like the lobsters on the beach. It’s just, easy to forget in the ring. It makes me feel free. I don’t have to worry about anything when I’m fighting.” The only other person they’d been able to talk to about the Ring was Nell, so it was a relief to be able to talk to Julie about it. They let out a sigh. “Not sure that makes sense, but...it’s how I feel, I guess. And hey! I would never ask to borrow money from you. You’re like, broke as shit,” they teased back, giving her a little nudge with their foot.
Julie figured the guy knew something was up. Who would just want to eat pig and cow brains? While it was a delicacy in some cultures, she doubted even they would require as much as Remmy does. “You couldn’t save your friends before?” Julie didn’t know what that meant and threw the question out of plain curiosity. It was interesting to learn why Remmy seemed really protective. In almost every conversation they’ve had Remmy was always offering their brawn in some way. Julie wondered if Remmy thought that was all they had to offer. It was best not to go down that route, Julie wasn’t the best for those kinds of talks. “Weird monsters are people too, Remmy.” Julie was intrigued by this Ring mention though. “I worry when I fight,” Julie teased. “I worry about getting my ass kicked!” She chuckled, knowing while she isn’t the best fighter out there and there was someone bound to put her on her back - she was quick and always knew there was the option to escape. A fixed setting of a victor and loser wasn’t for her. Julie didn’t fight to win, she fought for survival (mainly her own) and sometimes that meant escape. “Hell yeah, I’m broke as shit. As far as you know.” She gave a knowing smirk and turned away.
“Oh, yeah, I just mean...back in Afghanistan,” Remmy mumbled, giving a nonchalant shrug. They could feel their chest doing that twisty thing it did when they started talking about it and swallowed the big lump in their throat. Arms tingling, like how they got before a fight. “I guess I didn’t really live through it either, but,” they looked over at Julie, “I’m here. They’re not. All I mean.” They were glad for the topic change, though, tilting their head. “I just mean like, things that hurt other people! Ne-- Er, my friend collects them, the ones that attack people, and brings them back. There’s a bunch of different people that do the fights.” They let out a laugh. “Yeah, right! You could probably kick anyone’s ass! I don’t believe you worry about that at all,” they joked, shaking their head.
Afghanistan. Julie had her own memories of that. A smile threatened to come about which she hid by pursing her lips. Julie honestly didn’t know what to say other than inform Remmy that losing others and staying alive is a common thing in war and in life in general. Julie may not know how to comfort someone but she knew she shouldn’t say that. “It sucks when you can’t save people.” Julie tried but it felt awkward coming out of her mouth. “I mean, I assume so. Only person I try to save is me and I’m still here, so.” She joked, but maybe it wasn’t the most respectful joke to make but Julie was never good at this. Why was she even trying? Oh right, friendship. Have to be nice or something like that. “Just the things that hurt other people? Careful, sounding a little hunter-ish.” Beings attacked people for various reasons, some for pleasure, some for survival. The same could hardly be said for normal humans who just attacked others out of pure enjoyment. “I mean, you’re right. I could probably kick anyone’s ass.” She shrugged. “But I don’t make a habit of kicking ass unless I need to. Too much work.”
“Yeah,” Remmy murmured quietly, “I guess.” They let the rest of the conversation die in their mouth, it didn’t seem like something either of them wanted to talk about. They ruffled their brow, folding their arms across their chest. “No, it’s nothing like that. I don’t hurt people,” they said a bit defensively, shifting. It wasn’t like that at all. Remmy was helping. Nell said so. Nell said it was a good thing and they’d be good at it, so how could it be bad? It wasn’t. “You sure do say it a lot online, though. Guess you’ve got more bark than bite, huh?” they teased back, shrugging.
Remmy seemed to feel strongly about the fact that they weren’t hurting other people and Julie had to lean back a bit, knowing she might have hit a sore spot with the saving people and added to the wound. Julie would have argued it was, but something was keeping her mouth shut this time. “Right.” She said, eyes turning down, shutting the conversation. “I say a lot of things online.” Most of the shit she doesn’t even remember saying just because she hardly cares about the conversation. Half of it is just bullshit that comes up at the time and leaves once something else catches her attention. “Now I know I gotta be careful or else your friend will round me up and put me in that ring.” Julie’s clients were mainly human so technically if they only rounded up those who attack humans, well, she’d be included in that. It was just another reminder she needed to keep some things close to her chest.
“What? No, she-- she wouldn’t do that. To you. She doesn’t-- they don’t round up people. Or um-- fox people. Only, like, monsters. And you’re not, a monster,” Remmy stuttered through, rubbing the back of their head. Maybe this had been a bad topic of conversation. “I-- sorry. Um. Let’s just-- drop it.” They sat up, looking around. Sighing, they shook their head. “It’s um-- getting late. Blanche is gonna get worried if I don’t check in soon.” They felt a little bad, but even they had to be careful out here, and they got the feeling they might’ve said something wrong to Julie. Something they didn’t quite know how to fix. “But um, thanks for hanging out. It was fun. We should-- we should hang out again, if you want. We could go to Al’s, they’ve got great milkshakes.”
Clearly they had both gotten themselves into a conversation that was better left unspoken. Julie was fine with that, it’s not like she wanted to talk about it anyway. “I get it,” Julie affirmed with a nod. She was perfectly fine to just stay out here but Remmy had other concerns and they had people who worried about them. What must that be like? “Milkshakes sound cool, though, we should definitely do that.” Julie was genuinely interested in going to Al’s and having some milkshakes with Remmy. She made no move to leave, perfectly fine staying by herself in the park. She just shifted in her seat to give Remmy a small wave so they could head back.
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This is a quick sketch of what my brain looks like sometimes. Mangled, broken, contorted demon bodies crawling quickly out of the darkness, dragging their limbs, reminding me that if they don't get what they want, the screaming will never cease. Yes, they are singing Willy Wonka, but eerily, and harsh. #creepy #art #horrowtw #horror #verucasalt #demons #ink #bodyhorrowtw #scream #whatsinyourhead https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9YlabJV9q/?igshid=m70f0jmgij2b
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What's in your head?
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Carving is 99.99% complete! Now the printing fun can begin. 💡🧠💡 #whatsinyourhead #whatsonyourmind #printmaking #linocut #linoleumprint #speedball #bauhaus @bauhaus100aspen #waltergropius #limitationmakesthecreativemindinventive #sawstudio (at Studio For Arts And Works) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfwfPLFl2L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3ekba7vc8kkx
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Sometimes I am truly amazed by the chain of coincidences that brought me to where I am right now. #createtoinspire #wordsfrommysoul #wordsfromtheheart #soultalk #journeytotheself #journeyofthesoul #morethanapicture #spilledpoetry #spilledink #poetsofinsta #readeveryday #writersoul #writerssociety #wisewords #wisewoman #whatsinyourhead #angelwings #angelmobile #angels #angelmessages https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRPX9iF5tc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12kia9teujmy6
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“There's a chance if you take it And a heart that you break is still a heart Hold her hand…”- #PromNight by @themidnightofficial. Ahhh, the #Prom!! A magical #night filled with hellhounds, vampires, ax murderers and telekinesis! The @BouletBrothers host a #dance to die for with their #ZombieProm!! The looks were amazing and the guest judges were wonderful(@tananarivedue has quickly become my favorite #horror #talkinghead!)! You ain’t seen nothing yet, it’s gonna be a night you’ll never forget! 👸🏼💖🧟♀️ #bouletbrothers #bouletbrothersdragula #bouletbrothersdragulatitans #dragula #dragulatitans #dragfilthhorrorglamour #lgbtq #horrorgeek #spooky #creepy #zombie #zombies #whatsinyourhead #november #autumn #autumnal #terrorverse #lateautumn #lateautumnnights (at North Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRfUhpum_y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whatsin-yourhead replied to your post “Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?”
[d: I mean it's not /that/ stupid, is it] Maybe kids who do it on a dare?
What, like that movie? Are kids really that dumb?
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@whatsin-yourhead replied to your post “What's a strange interaction you've had with someone else in town?”
[pm] Is that really the strangest thing you've seen?
[pm] Maybe not the strangest but it was traumatizing strange nonetheless. Why?
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whatsin-yourhead replied to your post: What is your least favorite type of ghost?
There’s more than one /kind/ of ghost??
There’s more than a dozen different kinds of ghosts, and those are just the ones I’ve seen. I’m willing to bet there’s plenty more out there that I’ve never run into.
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@tommyvext is the man! THE TRUTH FINALLY COMES OUT. YOUVE BEEN LIED TO. NO ONE IN BAD WOLVES PLAYED ON ZOMBIE AND NONE OF THE GUITAR PLAYERS OR THE BASSIST PLAYED ON THE ALBUMS OR WROTE ANY BAD WOLVES SONGS. #truthhurts #badwolves #frauds #betternoisemusic #fivefingerdeathpunch #breakingbenjamin #zombie #whatsinyourhead https://www.instagram.com/p/CR0R29JhEET/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Reposted from @madamemayhem Caption this... (This crazy awesome shot of yours truly was the winner on photographer @joeysconcertphotos ‘s Instagram story this past week so thought I’d share. 😉🖤🤘🏻) . . . . . #rockgirl #photography #rockandroll #instamusic #rock #concert #singer #rocknroll #hardrock #photooftheday #musicislife #livemusic #live #madamemayhem #zombie #whatsinyourhead #rocksinger #femalefronted #samsontech #captionthis #wireless #concert #rockshow #imbluedabadeedabada #FMMUSICMANAGEMENT https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-S61KnCbs/?igshid=1f57pn1rn7ahd
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