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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
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Yesterday was energetically a line in the sand. Today, 3/27/2019, we move forward as different beings. We may look the same on the outside, but on the inside, we are not the same. Gain access to my full channeled reading for today and every day after by subscribing here: https://www.elleninspires.com/expressions/daily-numerology-inspiration OR at link in bio ☝🏽. #numerology #numberenergy #source #art #artist #painting #limitlessness #purepotential #ellenrobinsonnumbers #international #beyou #itstherevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #art #artist #wholeness #creativecatalyst #joyoracle #numerologist #allow #thetransformationalfire #ofnumberenergy #toevolveyourconsciousness #andfreeyoursoul #channel #open #evolveconsciousness #freethesoul #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvgyLVpn_Ob/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pegr4oijs4y
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
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3/24/2019. Today’s energy grid includes quadruple 9s. Nine is the completion number and energy. Nine surrenders. This is not quitting. Surrendering is very similar to Receiving. This is an excerpt from my written Daily Channeled Numerology Insights & Inspirations for today, 3-24-2019🌟❤️👁 Get the full reading for today and every day thereafter by subscribing to my Daily Channeled Numerology Insights & Inspirations here: https://www.elleninspires.com/expressions/daily-numerology-inspiration OR at link in bio ☝🏽. #numerology #numberenergy #source #art #artist #painting #limitlessness #purepotential #ellenrobinsonnumbers #international #beyou #itstherevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #art #artist #wholeness #creativecatalyst #joyoracle #numerologist #allow #magnanimousemerging #thetransformationalfire #ofnumberenergy #toevolveyourconsciousness #andfreeyoursoul #channel #open #evolveconsciousness #freethesoul #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZQ0QznSWj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a98ugd8cp4f2
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
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Yesterday was energetically a line in the sand. Today, 3/27/2019, we move forward as different beings. We may look the same on the outside, but on the inside, we are not the same. Gain access to my full channeled reading for today and every day after by subscribing here: https://www.elleninspires.com/expressions/daily-numerology-inspiration OR at link in bio ☝🏽. #numerology #numberenergy #source #art #artist #painting #limitlessness #purepotential #ellenrobinsonnumbers #international #beyou #itstherevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #art #artist #wholeness #creativecatalyst #joyoracle #numerologist #allow #thetransformationalfire #ofnumberenergy #toevolveyourconsciousness #andfreeyoursoul #channel #open #evolveconsciousness #freethesoul #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvgyQpLnFiw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xfegmh0prl89
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
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Divine Will & Divine Love come together today in a one two punch 🥊 to Ground & EmPOWER us. The SELF in its TRUTH, FREES. 3/26/2019. Gain access to my full channeled reading for today and every day after by subscribing here: https://www.elleninspires.com/expressions/daily-numerology-inspiration OR at link in bio ☝🏽. #numerology #numberenergy #source #art #artist #painting #limitlessness #purepotential #ellenrobinsonnumbers #international #beyou #itstherevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #art #artist #wholeness #creativecatalyst #joyoracle #numerologist #allow #thetransformationalfire #ofnumberenergy #toevolveyourconsciousness #andfreeyoursoul #channel #open #evolveconsciousness #freethesoul #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BveRyMvHvGw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jmwmqibnum3u
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
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3/25/2019. Today’s energy is a melding of the mystical & the practical, the divine feminine & the divine masculine to ultimately deliver us to the New Order. Subscribe to my written Daily Channeled Numerology Insights & Inspirations here: https://www.elleninspires.com/expressions/daily-numerology-inspiration OR at link in bio ☝🏽. #numerology #numberenergy #source #art #artist #painting #limitlessness #purepotential #ellenrobinsonnumbers #international #beyou #itstherevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #art #artist #wholeness #creativecatalyst #joyoracle #numerologist #allow #thetransformationalfire #ofnumberenergy #toevolveyourconsciousness #andfreeyoursoul #channel #open #evolveconsciousness #freethesoul #thejoypractice® (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvbgGhondfZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xho82s8vju6m
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
Part III: The ONE invites us to BEGIN. #numberone #one #oneenergy #begin #beginning #beyou #itstherevolution #peacefuldisruptors #rockyoursoul #soulfire #authenticexpression #numerology #numerologist #numberenergy #confidence #start #elleninspires #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BsV-BdsHAll/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q0yc3b4wli5q
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ebrobinson9-blog · 6 years ago
Part II: The ONE invites us to BEGIN. #numberone #one #oneenergy #begin #beginning #beyou #itstherevolution #peacefuldisruptors #rockyoursoul #soulfire #authenticexpression #numerology #numerologist #numberenergy #confidence #start #elleninspires #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsV90nJHSBj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8t543etf0c0c
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
Number Two Video: Part Two. The Two Energy has a deep rooted fear of abandonment & rejection and will therefore “overgive” in relationship in the effort to be loved Forever. What often ends up happening is the other person feels smothered and ends up leaving anyway. The reverse is also true, a person might withdraw their love and attention with the unconscious hope that this will draw the other to it. Ultimately, What the two energy invites, is the love of self. Receiving the love that the SELF already IS. #twoenergy #two #numbers #numerology #numerologist #itsallforus #beyou #itstherevolution #authenticexpression #soulportal #joy #love #joyoracle #thehumantribe #heartoftheworld #presence #freedom #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYlTOjh1J6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r71io2ote7n8
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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I’m writing this morn. Workin’ on my #Numbers Book @ellenrobinsonnumbers Wearin’ my @ellenrobinsonclothing #JUMP FOR #JOY #Beanie! #elleninspires #boutique #clothing #books #shop #allow #grace #youaresacred #ellenrobinsonwords #ellenrobinsonauthor #ellenrobinsonnumbers #jumpforjoy #thejoypractice®️ #heartoftheworld (at Inspire, the joy practice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlYBjuggfC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=om4t5xbbptup
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
The Eight Energy exists to bring us into our Abundance. #abundance #enough #youarelove #beyou #itstherevolution #creativecatalyst #express #soulportal #soulessence #joy #joyvibration #joyoracle #authenticexpression #numbersareenergy #ellenrobinsonnumbers #numerology #eight #numbereight #numbersareenergy #numerologist #thejoypractice®️ (at Mass Ave INDY)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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Kitty Cat. Cats bit rats with the 7 energy. 🐈 The Seven Energy says: Don’t Bother Me. I will come to you when I’m ready. Attend my next Numerology Learning Session to learn more about this beautiful language that is steeped in love and compassion! #kittycat #sevenenergy #seven #dennisthecat #numbersareenergy #internal #observer #analytical #thinker #mystic #scientist #numerology #numerologist #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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There is a new British film releasing 7/27/18 entitled Apostasy. Apostasy is the Abandonment or Renunciation of a religious or political belief. Everything is energy and Numerology is a Language that has been given to us to help explain energy. Letting go of things - people, things and beliefs is the 9 energy at work. Nine is the energy of letting go & completion. It is a necessary part of moving forward. Of evolving. To what do you cling? #nine #energy #numbersareenergy #numbers #numerology #numerologist #ellenrobinsonnumbers #soulportal #soulessence #authenticexpression #joy #joyvibration #joyoracle #heartoftheworld #creativecatalyst #allow #letgo #ending #surrender #forgive #compassion #wisdom #elleninspires #thejoypractice®️ (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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NUMEROLOGY LEARNING SESSION- June 13. This will be a two-hour session to receive an introduction to the Beautiful Love Language of Numerology. Each number, 0-9, carries meaning. We can take this meaning and apply it to our lives to gain freedom. Copy and paste this event link into your browser: https://m.facebook.com/events/2099010623648178/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22%3A[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22add_ticketing_flow%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%7D]%7D. I am keeping the cost of this learning session low to allow all those that want to come to be able to do so. If the cost is still prohibitive for you, please contact me here: [email protected]. Appropriate for mature pre-teens and up. #numerology #learningsession #numbers #freedom #allow #lovelanguage #soulevolution #ellenrobinsonnumbers #numerologist #heartoftheworld #joyoracle #joyvibration (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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It’s almost Mom’s Day! And @twistedsistersindy has lots of options for a special gift! Plus, I’ll be there THIS Saturday, May 12, 11am-4pm with my Born From Original Art leggings and dresses, hand-painted jean jackets and clutch bags, and select paintings. I’ll also have copies of my newest book, A Good Mother, and will be signing copies! And lastly, I will have with me gift certificates for Numerology sessions with Moi! I so look forward to seeing you! #twistedsisters #numbers #numerology #popupshop #shopping #momsday #mothersday #mothersdaygift #elleninspires #leggings #dresses #jeanjackets #books #art #author #artist #art #booksigning #ellenrobinsonwords #ellenrobinsonnumbers #ellenrobinsonart #ellenrobinsonclothing #thejoypractice®️ (at Twisted Sisters)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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READY She landed in what seemed a barren land Nothing was familiar Nothing to hold onto Nothing to define Nothing She started to feel a bit afraid But then she realized The experience of this place Was purposeful A necessary step To get to the next place Which was Ready. #nine #end #complete #completion #endofacycle #endofanera #onethrunine #numbers #numbersareenergy #numberenergy #beyou #itstherevolution #ready #allow #peace #begin #author #numerologist #soulportal #spiritualmessenger #joyvibration #joyoracle #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ #ellenrobinsonwords #ellenrobinsonart Art by @elleninspires (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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ebrobinson9-blog · 7 years ago
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Numbers are everywhere! Have you signed up for the Numerology Learning Session on June 13 yet?? Go to the link in bio to sign up! The powerful language of numbers is truly loaded with love, peace and affirmation. This is an introductory session with subsequent sessions to be scheduled. See you soon! #numbers #numberenergy #learn #understand #soulportal #authenticexpression #numerology #numerologist #ellenrobinsonnumbers #thejoypractice®️ (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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