#you will get your transformers stickers i promise you
veveisveryuncool · 1 year
hi hi hi you wanted drawing requests, right???
Could you maybe draw, uh…
Kirby and Gooey placing cute stickers all over each others’ faces? (this is based off an experience I had at a sleepover once, lol)
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give em a moment they'll get the stickers eventually
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Donnie Tech Part 1/?
After many moons here are the promised observations of the cartoon shtick logic of Donnie's weapons for season one!! Will link a season two and movie version Eventually, but keep in mind I can't explain in depth how each bit of tech works, rather that I can pinpoint the functions for the visual bit. Keep in mind that Donnie's tech can pretty much do any ridiculous thing you can put your mind to, and that it can also backfire in any ridiculous way you can put your mind to.
Tech Bo:
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Collapsible, can become a shorter version of itself easily stored
Shoot a grappling hook AND function as a zip line
Can form a rocket from either end (usually at the same time, resulting in the bo spinning)
Is equipped to be a fire extinguisher
Can shoot out lasers
Has a button that activates the "Shopping Cart Protocol" to lock the Turtle Tank if it goes outside a set perimeter
Top can turn into a rocket powered fist
Turn into a giant drill
Turn into a saw
Turn into a tranquilizer
Turn into a tennis ball shooter
Turn into a selfie stick
Top can turn into a disco ball of "multidimensional reflective orb neutralizer"
Battle Shell:
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Has rotary engines (think jet turbine or computer fan) that help him fly around. He calls them "rotors" for short
Can transform into a seat so April can sit on his back
Can split up into a DJ set up in "music mode"
Jet Pack Shell:
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His fastest mode of transportation
Not much is shown, but April had a significant difficulty controlling it
Spider Shell:
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Has four arms with three fingers
Arms can turn into saws
Has a seemingly endless toolkit inside that includes basic things like hammers and wrenches, but also blowtorches
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Has night vision
Can function as binoculars
Is able to summon is tech ("communicates with microwave transceiver with class c encryption protocols")
Read mystic energy signatures after adding the crystal they found in Draxum's lab
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Has an app that can tap into every security camera in NY
Bug Slapper:
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Has a green Mad Dogs sticker on the side
Compacts itself into a metal suitcase and then expand back into a vehicle
So far only uses Big Mama's webbing material as projectiles
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Began as an automated smart lair designed with the intent as a cleaning assistant
Has a "disposal unit" which unlocks several of Donnie's weapons such as: guns, pinchers, drills, and flamethrowers
Can carry at least two turtles (Mikey and Donnie)
Is nicknamed "Cyber Bishop" by Donnie
Uses surfer dude slang: “dude”, “gnarly”, “buzzkill”, “okey dokey”, “dawg”, “you beefed it”, “brohounds"
As a smart lair has clear favoritism towards Donnie until tampered with. As a drone they share more of a familial or pet like relationship, and Shelldon has room to sometimes poke at Donnie's faults as well
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In conclusion there's not much to worry about breaking canon, the physics of our reality, or understanding complicated tech and science to write about Donnie's tech. He can do whatever he wants as long as it's silly, overly dramatic, and includes an unnecessary amount of purple guns. His tech bo is especially flexible with breaking the rules even before we get to his ninpo powers.
I'm keeping the Turtle Tank separate, because it also deserves its own post. Happy writing!
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py-dreamer · 3 months
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@dynamicsimp hope ya like it!
I literally did this in one day- help.
So yeah, I tried out the gosh-dang challenge and honestly?
Quite happy with how it came out! It was very interesting and actually very fun working on a piece with a monochrome pink palette!
Gosh, I haven't gotten to use my REAL lineless style (I use it for stickers but I haven't done any stickers in forever) where all the cel shading is real harsh and as it says in the title: no outline.
Lately, I've been more focused on lighting and texture in my digital works and just making everything 'softer' and more 'realistic' but dang, I forgot how much I missed just using my harsh and more cartoony style.
But because it looked good, here's the one with some light:
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I am very happy especially since I do believe there is some improvement in the style.
(In that it doesn't look as amateur as when I first started out. But I think that's mostly cause I used monochrome here)
Does anyone else get that struggle? Feeling like you're not advancing then keep pushing yourself to change and improve but also really missing the original style?
Anyways some of y'all might be wondering where I've been for pride month....
Mainly it has mostly been art block and just demotivation especially since I'm STILL WORKING ON THAT BIG PROJECT UGHHGHHHGGGHHGG.
(I'm not blaming y'all I'm just feral)
And just general procrastination.
I do have another project in the works. So to any of my lovely marshiemallows who have seen my previous posts,
you'd know that I'm very...opinionated about Macaque. More specifically his attitude in canon and how the fandom treats him.
(Keep in mind the thing was planned before s5)
DISCLAIMER: Again, I do enjoy Mac's character. I just think he's a bit of a d!ck and kinda hates how a lot of the fandom (not all) brushes that over and throws the bucket of Wukong's sins down on the king's head.
(I also would not hesitate to wack him with a stop sign on the chopping block if given the chance /hj)
But without further ado I decided to do something other than complain and present you guys this:
Yay! So if you're into Macaca bullying, join the Mac bullying train! CHOO CHOO!
(also big thanks to @furornocturna for beta reading and helping with characterizations and stuff. There will be another post just detailing bout the fic later but yea go check them out, their work's great)
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everlastingdream · 5 months
When Xavier got her a phone, Wednesday was adamant about never using the thing. But Enid did make her to concede to some extent by constantly looking as abandoned puppy through the whole summer. Which she spent in Addams manor because according to Morticia: "It seems that our family is more equipped to help you ease into your transformations, darling". Mrs Addams said it looking directly at seething Esther Sinclair, laying a comforting but firm hand at Enid's shoulder.
So yes, by the end of the summer Wednesday was accustomed to her phone and had several apps and contacts, which she tried to resist at first, but then agreed to. She gave the whole lecture that perhaps it was benefishial to have the means to reach everyone, but Pugsley pulled out the real whip to crack right in the middle of her speech. Enid blushed and didn't say a thing when equally flustered Wednesday (read: with just a bit flushed tips of ears) pulled him into torture room.
Well, yeah... Enid chose not to think about too hard. And every not easily defined moment they shared this summer...
So! When they started their second year Enid started a group chat, added Wednesday and instantly needed to teach her roommate how to mute it.
Wednesday muted everything she deemed unimportant which was everything and everyone. And it did sting just a bit, but Enid still considered Wednesday having everyone's numbers as her personal victory.
"Wens, I'll just grab second serving real quick. Try not to disappear like last time, okay?" It was a sore spot for Enid. After everything last year, she still started panic if Wednesday was gone without a word.
"I promised, I won't", even if her voice was annoyed, but Enid still noticed how guilt filled dark eyes.
"I believe you", Enid smiled softly, squeezing her shoulder to skip to the line. But she focused her hearing on the table she left behind.
"So when will you buy a ring, Addams? I need to empty a spot in my busy schedule to help if I want you picking something decent for my bestie", Yoko started as soon as she seemed to think that Enid was out of earshot. She was at it the moment Enid told her that Addams family was taking her for the summer.
"Never", Wednesday stated, not looking from her book. "Addams' gift a bracelet or a pendant. Rings can be in the way".
Yoko choked on her blood bag, and Enid felt a bit like doing the same.
"Nice one, Addams. Almost as nice as my meme you ignored yesterday", Bianka grimaced when Yoko's coughing almost covered her in blood droplets.
"I told you I muted all of you. I will check it at weekend when it won't interfere with my work".
"You are so- Oh my God, Yoko, you don't even need to breath, could you please stop getting blood everywhere?!" Wednesday nodded, even if she wasn't against blood, but coughing was starting to get on her nerves.
"It's not like wheeze It's not like I can just leave blood in my lungs. It would rot!" Yoko managed, looking ruefully at her almost empty blood bag. "For someone so principled you take it with you everyday. Text Enid to pick up me another bag".
Wednesday pulled her phone from thin air, earning rolled eyes from around the table. Enid felt a surge of pride. At the same time last year Wednesday would've refused, said that she was not Yoko's servant and in worse scenario take out a knife. But now she just casually texted Enid, leaving her phone on the table as she waited for confirmation. Her case was adorned with small sticker of scorpion Enid gifted her.
Enid checked the message to reply, sending a single smiling emoticon. Wednesday probably won't even look at it.
And then there was a clear minimalistic rington from across a cafeteria.
When Wednesday lifted the phone to read the message with small smile, Enid's heart skipped the beat.
"Damn, Addams, it's almost a love confession".
When Wednesday lifted her head from screen to meet Enid's eyes with almost soft look, Enid suddenly thought:
Perhaps it is
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fujocoded · 6 months
Funding FujoCoded: Stretch Goals!
It’s time! With our first goal met (🎉 thank you!), let’s talk about stretch goals. We have quite a few planned, so we're going to go through them one by one and explain what they are and why we chose them!
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Before we go down the list, here's something fun:
Sticker Unlock: At 45 backers, we also unlocked one more sticker!
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The goal of our campaign is to cover business expenses most of all. The unlocked content is an extra token of gratitude for your support that also helps us meet our own targets! 
With that said, let's get to our stretch goals...
$4,000: "That's Why I Ship On Company Time" Ao3 Sticker
At $4,000 we'll unlock one more sticker design that you can add to your collection! 
Our first version of this "shipping" sticker features VSCode and a terminal, but there's more than one type of shipping... here's to the other one!
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$5,000: "Using NPM with Javascript" Article
Next up, we have our first article. Our plan is to add an Articles section to @fujowebdev where we'll collect simple, free guides to help beginners get past the roadblocks we see them encounter!
This first one will cover the basics of NPM, a core element of modern JavaScript!
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"How do I install this JavaScript library? How do I run this open source JavaScript project? How can I get started creating my blog using a tool like @astrodotbuild?" are some of the most common questions we get in our Fandom Coders server. 
Let's give *everyone* the answer!
$6,000: Offering Website Art Prints
Next up, we'll turn the excellent art on our website into prints! These will be (probably) 8x10-sized art prints that will look amazing without breaking the bank. Full specs soon!
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...and speaking of the site, you have tried moving the windows, right?
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$7,000: "Catching Up With Terminal" Article
Next, another common issue for beginner developers: how to start learning how to handle the Terminal.
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This will require some research to determine the major roadblocks, which is how our project operates: active learning from those going through it all!
$8,000: "Crucial Confrontations" Article
And last (for now), something very dear to us: an article extracting some wisdom from the book "Crucial Confrontations": https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Confrontations-Resolving-Promises-Expectations/dp/0071446524
This may seem like an unusual choice, but it highlights how our teaching goals go beyond programming to cover collaboration!
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After years of working within our community, we repeatedly found that developing effective communication and confrontation skills helps our collaborators thrive. Unfortunately, the world doesn't teach us how to effectively (but kindly) hold each other accountable.
Some of our most involved collaborators have read this book and found the tools within it transformative. Given this experience, we deeply believe that making some of this wisdom easily accessible (without having to read the full book) will allow all of us to collaborate better!
If we can reach $8,000, this will enable us to test this hypothesis and learn how teaching soft skills beyond programming influences what we're able to achieve! It's a bold idea, but we're excited to see how it turns out in practice.
Help us make it there!
And that's all...for now!
If you want to hop on Twitch right now, you can join us as we put some extra polish on our shiny new FujoCoded website.
And remember, you can back our campaign here to help us achieve these goals and more:
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starlitvega · 15 hours
Transformers: One rambles because I have to talk about this with someone (but I mostly talk about D-16)
(as someone who has consumed barely any transformers content besides 20 second clips on TikTok)
Okay for starters, WOW.
This movie was AMAZING, and if you haven’t seen it yet I HIGHLY recommend you do.
The animation is phenomenal, and the voice acting is great. The design of Cybertron can only be described as jaw dropping, and some of the scenes in that movie gave me CHILLS.
If you can, PLEASE go watch the movie in theaters so that we can get a sequel!!
Also, I am NOT that good when it comes to analysis. I am making this purely to share my thoughts about the film and D-16 specifically. Additionally, I’ve only watched the film once, so once I rewatch it again, I’ll probably come back with a more in-depth analysis. This is more of a ramble if anything.
ALSO!! I am NOT a big transformers fan! This is the first Transformers film I’ve seen besides brief clips from TikTok and TV. I am not well informed on the lore at all, so if I sound stupid at some parts, that’s why 😋😋
And now, it’s time to yap
Fun fact, D-16’s VA, the incredibly talented Brian Tyree Henry, played Jefferson Davis in both Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse and Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse, and was Lemon from the movie Bullet Train!
But moving on, I love him so much.
I don’t know about any other iterations of Megatron/ D-16 but I prefer this one to the one in the Bay films.
For starters, when we’re introduced to him, we can already see how strong his relationship with Orion is. He helps him escape those archive guards (and given how smooth it was, it’s safe to assume that this isn’t the first time he’s had to do so), and when Orion pops out the cart, he swipes some dirt off him :)) (how nice!!)
He’s used to protecting Orion. He is used to helping him out when he gets himself in trouble. Because Orion is his friend, he’s got his back, and he knows that he’d do the same for him, and he does!
Whenever they’re reprimanded for their (Orion’s) reckless behavior, he’s always the first to own up, and admit it was his idea.
Got this from Twitter, but as the story progresses, the sticker Optimus gave him at the start gradually begins to fade, which is a sign of their friendship.
And not only that, but the fact that this symbol of their friendship ends up transforming into the symbol for the Decepticons at the end (talk about foreshadowing)— GOD WHY DO YOU HATE ME
Notice how D-16 objects to every idea that Orion comes up with, scared of how it would affect his rank at work and how he’s viewed in society, like when Orion offers to enter into the race. And on the day of the race, as Orion leads him to the sign above the starting zone, he objects then too, obviously skeptical. But despite his protest, he still follows him, and that’s because he trusts him. Despite disliking being dragged into whatever antics Optimus gets up to, he still does it with him because he’s his friend, and he knows that he can trust him; trust Orion.
D-16 doesn’t like breaking the rules, but if it’s for/with Orion, I feel as if he’d do nearly anything. Because they’ve got each other’s back, always.
And ohmigod, that scene in the cave was literally had my mouth gaping. You could’ve heard a pin drop with the way everyone shut up.
Think, you just learned that one of the people who you admired the most has rigged the system against you, that since you were born, you were denied what is essentially your birth right, and the freedom that this prophet promised you was nothing but a lie that was fed to keep you going so he could live the high life while you toiled away endlessly in the mines. All I can think about is how devastating that is.
You dedicate your entire life to one man, and he ends up not only being a liar, but also a traitor. Shit I’d be pissed too.
And when we get to the end and Megatron is about to kill Sentinel Prime, but Orion jumps in front of D-16’s gun to block the blast, sacrificing himself in order to prevent his best friend from filling falling to the dark side— only for it to BACKFIRE at the end—
Im gonna end it all.
And then when his face starts to twist. You can see him going through so many emotions in that moment. Worry, confusion, and panic at first, and then frustration, anger, rage, and then finally, certainty. He makes up his mind here. He becomes Megatron here.
When he let go of Orion, he let go of himself as well. He exchanged his life, the life of Orion Pax and the relationship he had with him for his idealized future. The result? His now former best friend rises from the dead, now rechristened as Optimus Prime, stops his attempt at seizing control, and then banishes him.
And also the genuine SHOCK and DISBELIEF you can see in Megatron’s eyes when Optimus tells him he’s been banished, it just tells us that at this moment, he still saw Optimus Prime as Orion Pax, his best friend, and he can’t believe his best friend would do this to him.
And just think about it. Orion literally risks his life for his best friend, because they’ve always had each other’s back. He trusted him. and his best friend, the man he loved like a brother, ends up breaking this promise, choosing his own path, a path without him, betraying him
AND the fact that the action Orion does that ends up making Megatron is done out of love, a last ditch effort to remind his best friend of who he was, and the fact that the action that transforms D-16 to Megatron is done out of hatred and rage
they’re so doomed by the narrative oohhhh my god
Anyways that’s it for now 😋 sorry that this looks so messy this is really just me brain dumping here, I just had yap about this movie because it’s just THAT GOOD
Btw if any of you guys wanna recommend me some Transformers comics to start reading, please do I am very much interested in learning more about this lore tyvm!!!
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seffien · 2 years
yet another au: 'deep cut'. you'll see why the quotes are there in a second, and the reason is worse than you think.
small warning: big fan of body horror and horror stuff, so body horror and horror stuff will be present in this post.
basically, mr. grizz suckered deep cut into being on his side during RotM (which took place over, what, ~2 1/2 weeks in this au) with the promise of treasure. this isn't me trying to make deep cut look stupid btw. considering the demeanor of the actual mr grizz, i think he's just a Master Manipulator who took advantage of good people.
anyway, after deep cut joins his side, he gets them to come to a location hidden deep within alterna, then gets armed fuzzy octolings to ambush them. shiver somehow manages to fight them off, but is left weakened and on the floor.
she catches a glimpse of the actual mr grizz (just his eyes) and immediately tries to crawl away, but one claw swipe takes her out. they end up in his super secret science lab (which exists TO ME) and the results are...not pleasant. instead of fighting deep cut, agent 3 has to fight the following.
Eel It In: Eelthing
eelthing is Frye fused with her eels. not just combined, fused. together. frye isn't frye anymore.
eelthing's arena is like frye's, but the dome's screens are glitchy, the giant TVs are smashed, the graffiti/stickers on the ground are
torn, and everything is either gray or yellow.
stunning eelthing is just like stunning frye—just hit the masked eels. when that's done, the eels will explode into, uh...ink? and that ink that isn't really ink will recombine and form eelthing. it's like yellow devil but worse.
during phase 1, eelthing will separate into mutated eels, and those eels will perform eel downpour. the attack basically is eel downpour, just freakier.
during phase 2, eelthing will transform into a cylinder of eels that will spin rapidly and move around the arena. it's armor-breaking on contact, too. the move from phase 1 is there too
during phase 3, eelthing will actually stay in 'inkling' form for more than 3 seconds for once. this isnt good though, as when they stay in inkling form for this long, they will sprint straight towards you. when they get fast enough, they're invincible, and they create a path of ink as they run, but hitting the edge of the arena (which they do almost every time if you dodge correctly) stuns them. hit them when they're stunned out of every move, and you're golden.-
when defeating eelthing, they literally just...melt. and thats it.
2. The Fishy Foe: Sharkthing
sharkthing was supposed to be like eelthing, with shiver being fused with master mega, but something went horribly wrong. while sharkthing is fighting you, shiver is fully concious and aware of everything, but they can't do anything to stop it. all they can do is watch.
sharkthing's arena is like the octomaw's arena combined with shiver's regular arena. the water around the arena is murky, with giant rusted metal pipes in the background. the cage that covers the arena is also rusted and broken at the top. also, the entire arena starts out covered in sharkthing’s ink
for phase 1, sharkthing will dive into a puddle of ink, swim around, then swim up, attempting to bite the player. if you’re unlucky enough to get hit by it, it’s a OHKO. however, you can hit the puddle or throw a bomb on it and stun them.
for phase 2, a pillar of ink will form in a random part of the stage (read: wherever you’re standing) and sharkthing will leap onto it. they’ll spit globs of ink that explode booyah bomb style (but smaller) when they hit the ground. like master mega, when they do this enough, they’ll be left in a position where you can throw a bomb into their mouth
for phase 3, sharkthing gains 2 more attacks: summoning an inkstrike at your current position that looks like the pillar from phase 2, and diving into ink and reefsliding towards your current position and exploding when they reach it. they stun themselves after performing the second attack, giving you a chance to hit them.
when sharkthing is defeated, they collapse onto the ground. they do not get up.
3. Lean, Mean, Fuzzy Manta Machine: Fuzzball
fuzzball is just big man and fuzzy ooze. he looks like big man covered in fuzz, with the ooze part dripping from the bottom of his fins. he has glowing eyes (like someone we know) and his little hat is replaced with a tiny grizzco hat. specifically that one from splatoon 2
his arena is inside a mechanical dome, like the boss domes in splatoon 1, except it’s decorated to look like the inside of a spaceship.
fuzzball still dives into the ground like big man in phase 1, but will sometimes pop out of the ground and fall back down, spreading a good amount of ink in the surrounding area. if he falls on you, then your armor gets broken.
in phase 2, he swims around faster, and the arena suddenly sprouts walls that fuzzball can swim along. he will start to throw various bombs (fizzy bombs, torpedoes, splat bombs, n suction bombs) on top of popping out of the ground or off the wall if you're trying to swim on.
in phase 3, the arena kind of falls apart. five circles of the arena raise, like phase 3 of big man's fight, but the rest of the ground sinks, revealing a pool of fuzzy ooze. while fuzzball is more visible in the pool, you obviously can't go in it like he does. he still throws bombs, but when he's in the pool, he'll dive under and throw bombs from there, then resurface. there's also a new move for the third phase, of course, which involves him collecting a substantial amount of fuzzy ooze from the pool and tossing it at your current location. he also gets to throw another bomb: burst bombs. they don't do as much damage as regular burst bombs and aren't thrown as much, but when they are, they're thrown three times in a row.
when defeating fuzzball, he becomes extra fuzzified, then explodes, showering the arena in fuzz.
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sea-jello · 1 year
OKAY so i just researched the copyright laws again and i dont know how reliable google is okay, but its so weird. technically we do fall under fair use since what we're doing is "transformative", as in we're creating something new, but its also not transformative cause we're copying the show almost word for word. we also take quite a bit from the og material, as in script and songs, but we're not gonna make profit off of this. and fictional works are way more protected compared to factual works so right now the odds are slightly against us. if we do post in on youtube and it does get copyrighted, best case scenario it just gets taken down and worst case scenario we get sued. i THINK i think i think we should be fine going by claudia cacace logic. if you dont know who claudia cacace is shes an animator on youtube whos animating the entire show using the cast album and bootleg audios, BUT she does split them up into separate videos so worst comes to worst we can just split our video. so if someones willing to message mr joe iconis to ask if we can get sued, nows the time cause i sure as hell am not willing
also additional thing about taking sheet music from the internet. the og material isnt theirs anyways so i doubt they can go for copyright claims, but its still rude to just take it so we will definitely give credit and ask them if we can use it if possible. i have found a lot on musescore but theyre not entirely accurate so we're gonna have to do a little bit of changes. at least we have like a base to build on right
bottom line is i think we should be fine with releasing it to the public, so keep your expectations but keep them low
also im really sorry for taking all of you on this wack ass emotional rollercoaster i promise you will get an i survived bmcblr sticker when we get through all this
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silent-silver-slip · 9 months
Let's get the band back together
Luke returns home to the town he grew up in, and finds it no longer the place he remembers. Meanwhile, Reggie's enjoying life as it comes, yet can't help but feel something is missing. Bobby's just saving to get out on the other hand, but needs to wait a little bit longer. And Alex would say he's happy if anyone asks, but times are changing. Sometimes childhood friends grow apart and childhood dreams never come true. Sometimes you go back home and find the place you loved to be unfamiliar. Sometimes the world isn't as perfect as people promised it would be in your childhood. And, sometimes childhood friends do fall back together and, even if their childhood dreams don’t come true, sometimes happiness and laughter and love can be found anyway. Sometimes, you come home and sometimes you make a home to come home to.
A JATP fanfic that talks a bit about coming home, a bit about finding people, and a bit about music. But, most of all, I think it's about friends. Some of my favourite quotes are below the line, feel free to take a look if you're interested!
From where he unearthed it, his bass glares up at him, case dusty and faded but still with covered with stickers from all those years ago. Swallowing, Reggie reaches out and smooths down one of the peeling corners. The past feels a lot closer than it has in a long, long time.
Luke hadn’t been like the rest of them. Luke had always hungered for more, chasing the thin line on the horizon that called itself fame. Luke had never really been Luke without the music, and some part of Reggie—even then—had always known that. Except, things are different now. Luke’s back and they’re- Well, Reggie��s not entirely sure. All he knows is that his fingers are sore from the few times he picks up an instrument now, and he’s had meals with both Alex and Luke. Change is coming, but it’s slow and steady. Reggie looks forward to it.
And so, really, all it comes down to, in the end, is Luke sending a message, hope fluttering in his chest and a yearning in his heart. When the others respond, he almost feels like he can fly.
Oh, Alex thinks to himself, it sounds like hope.
Foolishly, stupidly, Alex wants to open his mouth and say: what if we did the impossible and brought the band back together? What if we unlocked those chests and let our childhood dreams fly free again?
Swallowing, Luke drops his bag on his bed, and places his guitar down much more carefully. He looks around, takes in old photographs and old notes. “I’m home,” he says. Only silence answers him.
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So I (finally!) bought a pair of really good noise cancelling headphones, and it has changed my life! It's the fanciest thing I've bought in years, so to recoup some of the cost, I’ve researched & written a little essay based on my experiences with extreme noise sensitivity.
Hypersensitivity to sound is something I’ve dealt with all of my life, but I only recently found out it's medically known a Hyperacusis. (Please note this is a separate condition from Misophonia.) If you consistently struggle to cope with noise, the info below could be helpful! I’m including a link to my ko-fi, and I will be answering questions in the notes.
(skip to the bottom to read fun facts about my tax return and/or street organs vendettas!)
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional, this is based solely on my experiences as a patient, and on what I have read and been told by professionals. Please notify me if you have corrections or concerns about accuracy!
BACKGROUND: Sensitivity to sound is a common type of sensory issue. While anyone can experience such issues (most people, for example, might be bothered by loud music in a crowded restaurant), some people are more sensitive than others, to the point it becomes a quality-of-life aka a medical issue.
If you consistently struggle with environmental stimuli that other people aren’t bothered by (background noises, bright lights, certain textures and tastes, etc), to the point it causes daily discomfort or limits the environments you can be in, I recommend reading about Sensory Processing Disorder.
SPD and sound sensitivity are both super common in autistic folks (like me!), but allistic (non-autistic) people can experience them too. Weep, ye prisoners of mortal coil, for none are safe, nothing sacred, not in this thy most accursed tomb of human flesh!
SOUND SENSITIVITY or HYPERACUSIS: Noise issues are particularly difficult to navigate in a world that is increasingly...noisy. The relatively new phenomenon of constant overhead music in restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls etc—all of this means that public spaces are increasingly inaccessible to people with auditory issues.*
As a kid, nothing quite triggered sensory overload/meltdowns for me like the constant exposure to noise I couldn’t control—the background chatter of other kids in the lunchroom, the constant noise in public spaces, being trapped in the car with the radio on.... I had so many fights with my siblings about the car radio, and who got to choose the music.**
But it’s not just loud sounds that are the problem. As an adult who lives alone and works from home***, I’m lucky enough to be able to avoid loud environments most of the time. This does wonders for my general levels of anxiety and discomfort. But even in a mostly controlled environment, I still experience problems. Because part of sound sensitivity is that even normal or quiet sounds can feel loud and intrusive. Here are some “normal” sounds that can cause me discomfort (ranging from annoyance to outright pain, depending on the day):
refrigerator/AC/ceiling lights humming
dishwasher/washing machine noises
ceiling fan making that damn ceiling fan noise
faint sounds of traffic
riding in a car
other people having a normal conversation in the background
someone talking to me in a perfectly normal inside voice
Unfortunately, even in a “controlled” environment, many triggering noises can’t be controlled. And many parts of life can’t be lived in a controlled environment. This presents...some incredibly freaking annoying problems. Luckily there are solutions!
There are sorta some solutions.
They are imperfect, but they help.
TREATMENT: And now I have something rather shame-faced to admit. In all the years of managing my symptoms, it never once occurred to me to see a hearing specialist for my issues with sound. I wasn’t even aware that treatment options exist, because none of my other doctors mentioned it. Instead, I’ve spent years finding my own coping mechanisms and tools, with help from therapists and psychiatrists, but without ever consulting an audiologist/ENT. It was only while researching this post that I found out that was even an option, holy shit.
So it turns out I am going to be making an appointment with my local ENT practice. shit.
Apparently treatment options include sound/acoustic therapy, systematic desensitization/exposure therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, sound machines, and other options that I had no idea even existed, goddammit.
MANAGEMENT: In the meantime, here are my current coping mechanisms. I’ve relied rather heavily on hearing protection, which is very useful when used in moderation. Unfortunately, it can cause its own problems: it’s important not to overuse hearing protection, because in the long-term this can increase your sensitivity. So again: a useful tool, but be careful not to overdo it.
With that in mind, here are some of the coping strategies I’ve used over the last decade to manage my symptoms. This is not a perfect system and you should contact your local ENT clinic for better, long-term solutions, but in the meantime here are some tips I use to just get myself through the damn day:
Regularly spending time in a quiet controlled environment, to allow my nervous system to decompress.
Wearing earplugs, (I use two different grade, depending on the level of noise prevention I need), and always carrying an extra pair in case I need them unexpectedly. I bought a 50 pack for $7 and put spares in all my bags and jacket pockets.
(I mostly use Mack’s Ultra Soft, but there are so many types and materials and brands, including foam, silicone, wax, custom moldable etc. Even if you have trouble wearing things in your ears, you might be able to find something comfortable.)
Similarly: hearing protection earmuffs, the kind used in gun ranges and on construction sites. I bought mine online for $10. they look like normal wireless headphones, so I've never gotten comments when wearing mine in public (other than “cool heaphones” bc i added skull glitter stickers).
Sometimes I wear the earmuffs on top of earplugs, when life is just too damn LOUD.
Listening to music w/ earbuds or headphones is a great way to balance out background noises, especially if you can find soothing playlists that help you concentrate. Also useful to put in just one earbud when you need to pay attention in class/at work.
Pro tip: if your hair is long enough you can wear wireless earbuds without anyone knowing.
White noise, rain noises, ocean noises etc can be helpful! Some people like whale songs although personally this activates my primal fear response
Active noise cancelling headphones: the reason I wrote this post to begin with—I finally bought a pair! As in, a really good pair! As in, a depressingly expensive pair with noise cancelling technology that actually WORKS, holy shit. I probably need to wear them a little less at home (bc overprotection causes problems in the longterm) but they have absolutely transformed my ability to go out in public and i never ever want to take these suckers off again please take a power screwdriver and nail these to my head, bury me in the sweet sweet shroud of silence. holy canoli and cream puffs I want to marry form a civil partnership with these headphones. Plus they have a bunch of features, like being able to control the level of noise cancellation, so I can hold a conversation or be aware of some ambient noise for safety reasons.
Oh, and also they play music I guess?
Sorry sorry I promise this post wasn’t supposed to be me shilling for Big Electronics. I’m just excited, I’m an excited flabby little ball of expired flubber. ANC headphones aren’t a perfect solution, and I still sometimes wear earplugs underneath, and I will always be uncomfortable some of the time, but for me it’s been a big step.
Unfortunately the cost of good quality ANC technology means this isn’t an option for everyone, and the (much cheaper) gunshot protection earmuffs I mentioned earlier still provide an impressive amount of protection and bang-for-your buck (maybe even an equal amount of protection, if you can find ones that fit well). But if noise consistently prevents you from enjoying public space and life in general, and you’ve already tried earmuffs & earplugs and find they don’t offer enough comfort/convenience/protection, and if you’re in a position to save up for a one time non-necessity purchase of $150+, noise cancelling headphones are an option to be aware of. (Please always check the return policy so you can try before you buy. I ended up buying and returning 2 pairs before finding what worked best for me. And please look for a retailer that offers an extended warranty. You want those motherforkers to last).
There are cheaper options available, including some under $50. The ones I tried didn't work as well as my hearing protection earmuffs, but some people report good experiences, so that is something to consider. it's always good to know your options! Passive noise canceling is another affordable alternative.
Medication: A final tool in my toolbox, which for me personally has helped as much as every other method combined. Like, a lot, it’s helped a lot. It turns out some anti-anxiety medications can also help sensory issues. There’s not much research on this, and I only discovered it firsthand when a medication my doctor prescribed for anxiety ended up significantly helping my sensory issues. I no longer need medication for anxiety, but my psychiatrist still prescribes that same medication off-label for my sensory stuff. Ask your psychiatrist to research your options (they will probably have to do some digging to find relevant research, but you deserve to know all your options, even the obscure ones). Fyi, the medication I use is in the benzodiazepines class, but there are other options for those concerned about dependency or side effects.
(I'm also told anti-anxiety supplements may be helpful, though I haven't tried this yet. If you're on prescription meds, always talk to your doctor about contraindications before taking anything over-the-counter.)
So there you have it, my main coping strategies for sound sensitivity! They are not a replacement for medical treatment (except that last one which is in fact...medical treatment), but I find them helpful and I hope some of you will too! I’ve struggled for a long time, and I’m very pleased to have reached the point where I can just do things in public. Eating out in loud restaurants? I can do that now, and even enjoy it, holy shit! I can comfortably travel in cars for hours at a time, and walk around shopping malls and grocery stores with overhead music, and, and —and just exist. It is so so freeing, to feel like maybe, after everything, you are actually allowed to just exist in a world that wasn’t really designed for you.
Again, be careful not to overuse hearing protection—the goal is to allow you to be less uncomfortable and to function better, but if you find you are becoming more sensitive to noise, it is time to dial it back a notch. Or maybe consider listening to music (at a reasonable volume) to block out background noise instead.
*(This also includes people with hearing loss and related issues, btw. While that’s not my area of knowledge, I would welcome it if any of my HoH followers want to share their experiences.)
**A sign of sensory issues that parents often miss is when a child complains about music being too loud—but has no problem listening to their own music at high volume. This is because music that is already familiar to the listener (and that the listener enjoys) is much easier for the brain to process, since it knows what pattern of sounds to expect. Loud music that they get to control can be soothing for people with sound issues, especially when it blocks out background noise and sensations. This is why repetitively playing the same songs can be a helpful form of stimming.
***(working on this blog, actually. since it’s my only source of income, my 2020 income tax return literally lists my occupation as ‘Tumblr Blogger.’ Oddly, my parent didn’t feel this achievement was worth including in the holiday family newsletter.)
bonus fun fact: Charles Babbage aka “father of the computer” may have been autistic and hypersensitive to sound. He definitely had a huge problem with public noise pollution, and spent his later year waging a war on street musicians (and organ grinders in particular).
(bc like, yeah. screw organ grinders.)
Sometimes when I’m out in public and the overhead music is particularly unbearable, I’ll take a moment to look up to the sky and scream out: “HE TRIED TO WARN US! THE FATHER OF COMPUTERS TRIED TO WARN US!!! we should have listened, sweet heaven we should have listened!”
except i don’t scream it, i say it very quietly under my breath
(i have issues with noise)
so yeah that is my short essay. and here is the ko-fi goal
Tumblr media
k ciao i gotta go pick out glitter stickers for my headphones
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lexosaurus · 3 years
Going Angst Week 2021: Birth
I wrote a short five part fic for this year’s Going Angst Week! Fair warning as the event suggests, no one in this fic will make it out on top.
Chapter One: Birth
“Don’t think of it as a death, think of it as a sort of rebirth.”
That’s what Vlad had told him anyhow, after he discovered who—or rather what—Danny was at their college reunion. 
“Who were you before this? A nobody, right? Just some little hormonal fourteen year old from the weirdo family, unpopular and bullied. No real hobbies or activities to speak of, aside from…” Vlad’s red eyes pierced down at him. “Video games, am I correct?”
Danny diverted his gaze to the floor. Vlad’s aura only increased in amusement.
“But now,” the ghost continued. “Now you’re something else. Something different, more powerful. The world is your oyster, and all you have to do is reach down and take it.”
“I don’t know,” Danny finally spoke up. He had been hoping that speaking to the older halfa would begin to patch things up between them, but so far every word out of Vlad’s mouth seemed coated in poison.
He knew that deep down he shouldn’t trust a damn word Plasmius said, but Vlad was the only person in the world who he could relate to. And according to the Vlad, there was no one else like them in the Ghost Zone either.
“What is there to be afraid of, Little Badger? You’re a half ghost, you can do whatever it is that you want and nobody, nobody can stop you.”
“It’s not that I’m afraid.” Lies, lies, all lies. “It just doesn’t seem right, is all.”
Plasmius leaned down, forcing Danny’s eyes to meet his. He grinned, bearing his fangs at the boy, as if he could see through all the fear that Danny was desperate to mask.
“Oh Daniel,” Vlad said. “Your parents will never accept you. No good you do in your ghost form could ever convince them that ghosts aren’t all evil, that some are good, that you are good. Don’t you see?”
“No, you’re wrong. My parents will accept me. I just have to—”
“Oh, will they?” Vlad laughed. “Your parents? The same ones who’ve dedicated their careers, their lives to developing ecto-weaponry meant to kill our kind? The people who have written countless academic papers as to the dangers of ecto-life on Earth?”
“If I can show them that we’re not all bad, then maybe they’ll see.”
“Ah, so I bet that explains why you haven’t told them about what really happened in the lab, right? You just wanted to wait for the ‘right time’ to tell them. Foolish boy, don’t you know?” Vlad’s cocky tone died down, as did the power of his aura. In the first moment of sincerity Danny had witnessed from the older man, he turned to Danny and warned, “Your parents are too blinded by their ignorance to ever see the truth.”
Danny had been alone the day of the accident. He wasn’t sure why he did it, why he strapped on the hazmat suit (not before ripping off the Jack sticker), why he stepped in the portal, why he tried to figure out how to turn it on. Was it boredom? Teenage rebellion? Curiosity?
But delving into his reasoning was too little too late. Because the moment he tripped over the wire and hit the misplaced power switch, his life ended.
Dying hurt. It was terrifying, waking up as something else entirely, and passing out all over again.
At first, he could almost pretend that he was okay. But then he woke up the next morning and felt like he’d been hit by a truck.
And then he fell through his bed, hitting the wood floor below his bed frame.
And then he dragged himself out and saw the extensive scarring on his arm.
And then he knew. That what had happened in the lab wasn’t just a fluke, that whatever the portal did had changed him forever.
That he wasn’t okay.
Still, he tried to carry on as normal. Eventually, the lightning scars snaking across his arm faded (even though they remained when he transformed), and the aching of his muscles subsided (but the coolness in his chest never went away), and his relative anonymity at his school meant that people hardly noticed a change in him (even though his two best friends seemed to hover more now than before).
Everything was going to be normal. Even if he wasn’t okay anymore. Even if he wasn’t human, even if he was...some monster.
What even was he?
“Danny?” Sam poked his shoulder. “Hey, space case? You haven’t touched your food. Are you okay?”
The world snapped into focus, and he realized that he was in the cafeteria at school with his untouched lunch tray splayed out in front of him. He couldn’t even remember getting out of bed this morning, much less making it all the way till lunch.
Regardless, he picked the cardboard excuse for pizza from his tray and took a bite, chewing slowly, and tried not to choke as he forced the food down his parched throat.
“I’m fine,” he said.
He’d been saying that a lot lately.
“We’ve been trying not to pry, but…” Sam looked helplessly at Tucker. “Danny, is...is something going on with you? You’ve just seemed off lately.”
“No, nothing happened. I’m fine.”
“You sure dude?” Tucker asked.
Danny set his school-issued pizza back down on his tray. “Guys, seriously. I’m your best friend. If anything happened, I promise you’d be the first to know. I’ve just been stressed about school, it’s nothing.”
Sam and Tucker exchanged a glance, evidently not looking too convinced. Regardless, Sam gave him her best fake smile and a, “If you say so. Just know we’re here if you wanna talk.”
But he didn’t want to talk. They were human, he...wasn’t. They wouldn’t get it. They’d think he was a freak, they’d stop talking to him, they’d tell Jazz who would tell his parents who would kill him trying to save him.
No one could help him.
They finished lunch in silence, and then it was back to class where Danny managed to fall out of his chair twice and drop his pencil too many times to count. In biology class a glass microscope plate flew past his fingers, shattering against the tiled floor, and in English class when Lancer handed him papers to pass out he dropped those too, sending them scattered along the ground.
He saw the way Lancer peered at him as he stumbled to the ground, hands shaking as he desperately tried to grab the papers while everyone laughed at him. He felt cold—he was always cold since the accident—and he was sure that he looked just as much of a mess as he felt.
Mr. Lancer sent him down to the nurses office after that.
But he couldn’t go to the nurse because his heart rate was slower than a human’s and he didn’t need to breathe as much and he was so cold.
And he was fine.
So he took the hall pass and hid in the bathroom for the rest of the class period.
“Think of it as a rebirth,” Vlad had told him. 
Except Vlad was wrong. Danny wasn’t stronger now, he wasn’t more powerful. In fact, Danny Fenton had never felt more powerless, lost, and alone in his entire life.
If this was the start of a new life, then he was terrified to see what would follow.
next chapter>
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shakey-hands · 3 years
please please can we get fukuzawa awkwardly having to tell ranpo he’s dating reader and the two of them start fighting and reader is subjected to it??? 😍😍
haha yeah. first ask that imma answer, let me know if you guys want more. my asks are open for any (except mineta gross) mha, ouran, or bungo characters :)
{this one is gonna be done with she/her pronouns but if you ask for gender neutral or he/him or any other pronouns, i can do it}
The clock struck two when Y/N looked at her phone, leg bouncing up and down in a way that always annoyed the people around her. Great. It was thirty minutes past their meeting time and her boyfriend still had not shown up with what she understood was his adopted son.
It had been a good plan. Meet on neutral territory, gas up (what Y/N assumed was) a teenage boy with a sweets addiction, and then break the news. Y/N was not sure why they needed to go through such lengthy troubles to inform her boyfriend’s son that they were dating. He was at least old enough to understand what dating was. And from what she had heard from Kunikida, Fukuzawa’s son had a very prominent dating life of his own. But Y/N trusted her boyfriend, no matter how many times he looked off into the distance with quiet wisdom that felt vague.
Y/N sipped her tea, realizing that caffeine would only worsen her anxiety. It didn’t matter how many times Fukuzawa and Kunikida tried to tell her that the meeting wouldn’t be a big deal and that the son would love her, she wasn’t so sure. He was working at the Armed Detective Agency and was good at what he did. At least those were Kunikida’s words as Y/N and him were quietly reading in the same room as they did on Saturday nights. While Y/N appreciated Kunikida for his straight forward/driven personality, he did not fare well in comforting her.
Which brought her to her boyfriend. His solid, piercing eyes would always soften as she talked about her day over their dinner dates and he would brush the back of his hand on her cheek in the moments they were alone with one another. While Y/N rarely noticed because she herself was too infatuated with him, Fukuzawa cared deeply for her after seven months of dating. Their last hurdle was introducing Y/N to Ranpo. Fukuzawa was not at all worried since Y/N had a knack for making sweets and made people feel as if they were special when she smiled at them. There was never a shortage of praise around her.
Y/N checked her phone again, hoping that an apology text would come through and she would not be left in the dark. That however was proving difficult. Fukuzawa was driving with Ranpo eating cotton candy in the passenger seat. He had to be bribed away from the sweets table Dazai had set up for some ungodly known reason to mess with Atsushi. It was embarrassing how long it took for Kunikida to pry Ranpo’s little grubby hands away from the snacks and then another amount of time for Fukuzawa to get Ranpo to put on his seatbelt.
It made Fukuzawa nervous that he was so late. He knew Y/N would be understanding, it was part of the reason he enjoyed her company so much. Knowing her, she would probably be bouncing her knee and staring down at the table, overthinking things. He, of course, was right.
As Fukuzawa was pulling into the parking lot, he spotted his girlfriend’s car. It was pristine, as always, and had a small cat paw sticker on the back left bumper. He smiled inwardly, realizing that he had been waiting for this. There was a future with Y/N and Fukuzawa couldn’t wait.
Ranpo still had yet to get out of the car, his glasses dangling from his shirt pocket and a light dusting of sugar crystals on his lips. He was pouting, of course. Kunikida did not pack enough snacks for the car ride, meaning Ranpo did not have the mental energy to get out of the car and go into whatever flop coffee shop the president insisted they go into. People were so stupid and Ranpo already just finished a case that was so obvious. The local police really needed to be more useful.
“Get out of the car,” Fukuzawa said, getting more and more agitated.
“No,” Ranpo said.
“Let’s go. I promise there will be sweets inside the shop.”
“So? There were sweets at the agency.”
Fukuzawa rolled his eyes, knowing Ranpo would sit in the car out of stubbornness. “Ranpo-”
“Yukichi?” A soft voice called out from the entrance of the cafe.
Fukuzawa turned to see Y/N standing right outside. She had a to-go cup of something hot in her hands, jacket sleeves pulled over her hands to stop the warmth from burning her skin. Even though it was overcast and windy, Y/N still seemed to have a certain glow about her that always took Fukuzawa’s breath away. She waved timidly, not knowing why he was awkwardly standing behind his parked car with a weird defensive stance. He nodded over to her, giving her a genuine smile before turning his head back to the car and glaring.
“Is everything okay?”
Y/N began to approach her boyfriend. The only other time she had seen her boyfriend have this stance was when she had bumped into some eyebrowless pale emo kid in an accident at the mall. Fukuzawa seemed to pick the weird fights, but she just smiled through it. His eyes held a certain annoyance the Y/N had not seen before. Her eyebrows furrowed as she took a step off the curb. Fukuzawa held out his hand, motioning her to not get closer. Y/N paused, unsure about his demeanor.
“Ranpo, don’t make me ask again.” Fukuzawa’s voice held a bass to it that Y/N had never heard before. She could only assume it was his dad voice that he has never had to use with her.
The window rolled down on the old car for just a crack. “I don’t remember a question being asked.”
The voice was whiny and slightly muffled, as if the speaker had sweets in his mouth. Fukuzawa rolled his eyes and put his hand on the glass. Y/N was slightly shocked by her boyfriend, but decided to let him do his thing. She was not a parent and the closest time she had ever been was when she had a babysitting gig decades ago when she was a teen. While she was interested in a family, she had neither the time nor mental capacity to follow through. So she stepped back onto the curb and took a sip of her tea, relishing in the warmth it provided.
“Ranpo, if you don’t get out of the damned car, there will be no sweets at the agency for a year.”
A clear threat had been made.
The door slammed into the car next to it, causing a dent that Fukuzawa watched form. Out from the passenger seat, a short man with a slight pout crawled out of the car. Definitely not the young teenager Y/N had been expecting. He was only slightly taller than Y/N and wore a cape. In fact, he looked like a full grown adult, maybe only ten years younger than Y/N. Her face said it all, though neither men were looking at her. They just stared one another down before Fukuzawa remembered his loving girlfriend stood awkwardly behind him. He motioned for her to come over.
Ranpo did not look impressed as he looked her up and down. Y/N looked too ordinary to know Fukuzawa in her jeans and plain jacket combo. Her shoes were dirty from all the yard work she had done throughout the years. As she got closer, Ranpo watched closely as Fukuzawa gently touched the small of her back before wrapping his arm around her waist. While Ranpo had never seen the President act like this, he did not care.
“Ranpo, I would like you to meet-”
Ranpo yawned loudly. “She’s way too old for me. Almost to hag status.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. She began to stumble over her words, not knowing how to respond. Fukuzawa’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. He couldn’t believe that Ranpo would even think he was trying to set them up. Ranpo made a disgusted face.
“No offense lady, but you don’t even look fun. Like all you do is sit in the dark and contemplate the excitement of frostingless yellow cake.”
How do you respond to that?
Y/N looked down, not sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. She was suddenly thankful for the sudden gust of wind that burned her cheeks, a sign that snow was rolling in. Who insults like that? The little sniffle that Y/N let out set Fukuzawa back into the present instead of the daydream he had slipped into where Ranpo got his ass beat.
“You can’t talk to her like that,” Fukuzawa said sternly. “And she’s not here for you.”
“Obviously. She could never handle the Greatest Detective.”
“No!” Fukuzawa said, tightening his grip on her waist. “I wanted you two to meet because we’ve been dating for a while and I thought it was finally time for you two to meet.”
Ranpo suddenly scoffed dramatically. Once. Twice. Three times. “And here I thought we agreed never to keep secrets! And all this time you’ve been giving your praise to someone else!”
Fukuzawa looked at the small man incredulously. “I’m allowed to date, Ranpo.”
“Not really!” Ranpo exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air. Those who were passing by continuously glanced, wondering why they were arguing so loudly in a public space. “How gross is that! You’re like centuries old!”
“Look, I just thought you’d want to be in the know. If I had known you’d throw a tantrum, I would have just waited until after we were married.”
In that moment, Ranpo and Y/N spoke simultaneously:
“Oh I’ll show you a tantrum!”
Ranpo pushed the old car to make it move back and forth in its parked place before beginning to punch the glass. There was no real power behind his throws, so there were soft thumps being emitted. Next he started to kick the tires, also without power behind his movements. He truly had transformed into a toddler, making the people walking by walk a little faster. He came off as some random crazy person on the street rather than an acclaimed detective.
Fukuzawa didn’t know where to look until a warm soft hand held his cheek, guiding his eyes towards Y/N’s. She smiled softly, ignoring Ranpo as he began to get physical. Her smile caused a chain reaction in Fukuzawa’s heart, making him resist the urge to get down on one knee at that very instance. He did have the ring adding weight to his pocket. She kissed his forehead, making him awkwardly bend down as she chuckled against his skin.
“You want to marry me?”
Fukuzawa blushed slightly. “In due time, of course.”
She chuckled again and nodded. “Of course.”
“I’m not calling her mom!”
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osakaso5 · 3 years
IDOLiSH7 6th Anniversary Special Story: Full of Heart...
Chapter 2: Tearjerking Memories
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Torao Mido: Atchoo!
Toma Inumaru: Caught a cold, Tora?
Minami Natsume: Don't infect the rest of us, please.
Haruka Isumi: Maybe it's hay fever? Apparently that can get pretty bad in August.
Torao Mido: Or, someone's talking about me... A pretty woman, most likely.
Toma Inumaru: Sure, whatever.
Shiro Utsugi: I must say, I'm impressed that you could reserve such an expensive-looking bar for us.
Torao Mido: It was no trouble at all. Besides, Haruka wanted to try going to a bar.
Haruka Isumi: He promised to take me here if I won in a game of Konpira Fune Fune. And I did.
Minami Natsume: Hee hee... Oh, Isumi-san. I didn't know you had what it takes to become a geisha.
Toma Inumaru: Don't teach Haru anything weird, now.
Shiro Utsugi: Since we're at such a fine establisment, we should make the most of it.
Shiro Utsugi: I'll have a Bloody Mary.
Toma Inumaru: You're going to drink? I thought we had a meeting...
Shiro Utsugi: This is a bar. We're not here to see the sights. Now go on, Inumaru-san, order something.
Toma Inumaru: A-alright. Uh...
Shiro Utsugi: As artists, you should enjoy life to the fullest. Don't worry about breaking the rules every now and then.
Minami Natsume: Should you be breaking the rules, Utsugi-san? I believe you're still an ordinary employee of the very strict Tsukumo Productions...
Shiro Utsugi: It'll be fine. I'll just climb the corporate ladder until I'm in a position where I can change the company to suit me.
Haruka's Thoughts: This Shiro Utsugi guy is really aggressive... 
Torao's Thoughts: He's supposed to be our newbie manager, yet he's the one pushing us around...
Minami's Thoughts: I'd expect nothing less of the man Ryo-san chose as his last minute replacement.
Toma's Thoughts: I don't think I've ever seen someone order a drink by snapping their fingers before...
Shiro Utsugi: Let's have a toast before we begin our meeting. Order something, everyone.
Toma Inumaru: I'll have beer.
Torao Mido: A gin rickey.
Minami Natsume: Oolong tea.
Haruka Isumi: Orange juice.
Shiro Utsugi: And there you have it. That'll be all.
Shiro Utsugi: Now, would you mind showing me your childhood pictures before our drinks arrive?
Minami Natsume: The pictures for our "Welcome to Kids Room" guest appearance?
Shiro Utsugi: Yes. Did you bring them?
Toma Inumaru: I've got mine, yeah.
Haruka Isumi: Me too. Show me yours first, though. I wanna see what you  looked like as kids.
Toma Inumaru: No way, that's too embarrassing. You go first, Haru. You probably look the most similar to when you were little, anyway.
Haruka Isumi: You think so? Okay, fine. Here you go.
Torao Mido: Let's see...
Minami Natsume: My, how adorable.
Toma Inumaru: Whooa! You were super cute! With a round face like that, I'll bet you were a little angel!
Haruka Isumi: Don't call my face round.
Shiro Utsugi: You were a textbook junior idol, if I've ever seen one. You'd have made a good duo with Mitsuki Izumi of IDOLiSH7.
Torao Mido: But that guy's my age.
Minami Natsume: ........ To think that Kujo-san whisked him overseas not long after this picture was taken...
Toma Inumaru: I'd have been so worried for him...
Minami Natsume: As would I.
Haruka Isumi: I came back safe and sound. Nothing bad happened to me either, other than a rude wake up call.
Haruka Isumi: If that hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't be the main vocalist of an outlaw group like ours now.
Haruka Isumi: Pretty cool, huh?
Toma Inumaru: Hey cool outlaw, your orange juice is here.
Haruka Isumi: Whoa! There's an orange slice on the glass! Wow, that's so neat!
Shiro Utsugi: Now, let's toast.
Toma Inumaru: Yeah!
Toma Inumaru: ŹOOĻ...
Minami, Haruka, Torao, & Shiro: Rules!
Minami Natsume: Am I the only one who finds this cheer somewhat... lacking?
Toma Inumaru: We might wanna rethink it, yeah.
Torao Mido: There's a lot of dinosaur stickers plastered all over your house, Haruka. What's this one called?
Haruka Isumi: Uh... That's Dee, the Growlysaurus...
Toma Inumaru: Ah, I remember those! You must've really liked Growlysauruses. Should I buy you one sometime?
Haruka Isumi: I-I don't need one, stupid! How old do you think I am?
Haruka Isumi: Give me my picture back. It's someone else's turn.
Torao Mido: I'll show you mine.
Toma Inumaru: Well?
Toma Inumaru: ...Your limbs were freaking LONG! This is basically just a tinier version of how you look now...
Minami Natsume: Oh my. I quite like the way you looked at this age.
Torao Mido: Yeah, I bet you do.
Minami Natsume: Is this a transformation belt?
Haruka Isumi: It is. I kinda wasn't expecting you to bring a photo like this.
Torao Mido: I learned something recently. Namely, that even a perfect man like me is more interesting with some mundane characteristics.
Haruka Isumi: I guess some kid who plays with transformation belts is a lot more approachable than a flawless celebrity.
Torao Mido: Exactly.
Toma Inumaru: You don't gotta make excuses, you know. The truth is that you just thought it was a nice photo, right?
Toma Inumaru: You said you like all this sentai and superhero stuff. For  what it’s worth, I think the pic's nice, too.
Torao Mido: ...That wasn't why I picked it, really.
Toma Inumaru: Yeah, right.
Torao Mido: It was a calculated decision.
Toma Inumaru: No need to play tough. It's fine that you chose a picture you liked from when you were little.
Torao Mido: I told you, that's not why.
Toma Inumaru: Ahaha! You're starting to sound a little too defensive.
Torao Mido: ........ Whatever. Maybe I'll just use a different picture.
Toma Inumaru: Oh, stop sulking, for Pete's sake!
Shiro Utsugi: Don't try to tear it up, now. I agree that you'll most likely garner more attention with a picture like this, Mido-san.
Torao Mido: I knew it. Okay, I'm going with this picture for the show. What about you, Minami? What kind of picture did you bring?
Minami Natsume: Mine isn't particularly interesting. Anyone can look up what I looked like as a child, after all.
Torao Mido: But you did bring a photo, right?
Minami Natsume: I did.
Shiro Utsugi: Would you be so kind as to show it to us?
Minami Natsume: Very well. Here it is.
Toma & Haruka: ...So cute!!!
Haruka Isumi: You were adorable as a kid, Minami! Like a girl or something! A really cute one!
Toma Inumaru: Kinda like Tora, you looked like a mini version of what you're like now, but in a different way! You've definitely got the air of a celebrity here!
Shiro Utsugi: This must be from around the time you were filming the movie Kagurazaka. Even as a child, you had very fine features.
Minami Natsume: Hee hee. Thank you. I do enjoy a bit of unfiltered praise every now and then.
Torao Mido: Was this taken at your home? That's a pretty big piano you've got.
Minami Natsume: Yes. I took piano lessons when I was younger.
Minami Natsume: I had to quit playing when my work got too busy to allow for it, but I finally resumed my lessons a few years ago...
Toma Inumaru: So you're basically a musical genius. That's cool.
Minami Natsume: Hee hee... Yes, it is cool. Now then, would you mind showing us your picture, Inumaru-san?
Toma Inumaru: Sure thing!
Haruka Isumi: What kind of photo did you pick?
Toma Inumaru: I figured at least one of us should bring in something goofy, so I got the funniest one I could find!
Torao Mido: Funny... Ah, you're at a festival, wearing a happi!
Shiro Utsugi: Oh, you've even got a sarashi wrapped around you. It looks very authentic.
Minami Natsume: You must've lived in a neighborhood that loved festivals.
Haruka Isumi: I'm jealous. I wish I could've worn clothes like this to a festival, too.
Toma Inumaru: I could take you to a festival around where I'm from. The neighborhood grannies would be all over you, Haru.
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, I wanna go! This picture's pretty nice. I bet it'll be good for the show.
[Phone rings]
Torao Mido: Hmm...? Oh, now that's unusual. Sogo says he needs to ask me something in person.
Toma Inumaru: Ask him where he is, and if he's nearby, go see him. It could be something urgent.
Torao Mido: But aren't we in the middle of a meeting?
Shiro Utsugi: We're all done now. You may go.
Toma Inumaru: Oh, that's it?
Haruka Isumi: We could've stayed at the agency if all we were gonna do is show our pictures...
Minami Natsume: Now, now. At least we got to deepen our friendship at this lovely bar.
Torao Mido: I asked Sogo. Turns out he and Tamaki Yotsuba both happened to be in the neighborhood, so they're headed here.
Haruka Isumi: Yotsuba's coming, too? I bet he's gonna freak out, because he's never been in a place like this before.
Haruka Isumi: I suppose I'll just have to teach him how us adults hang out.
Toma Inumaru: Says the boy sipping on orange juice.
[Door opens]
Tamaki Yotsuba: Good evening.
Sogo Osaka: Pardon our intrusion.
Haruka Isumi: Yotsuba!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Whoa... This place has a super mature vibe... I knew ŹOOĻ's up to no good.
Sogo Osaka: That's rude to the establishment, you know.
Tamaki Yotsuba: It's not my fault this place looks like people come here to make shady deals.
Sogo Osaka: It's calming. And there are plenty of places like this in the world.
Sogo Osaka: Good evening, Mido-san. ŹOOĻ. I'm sorry for dropping by on such short notice.
Shiro Utsugi: Good evening, Osaka-san and Yotsuba-san.
Sogo Osaka: Good evening. You're Utsugi-san, yes? ŹOOĻ's manager.
Shiro Utsugi: That’s right. Thank you for remembering.
Torao Mido: This has to be the first time you're asking me for anything. What do you want to drink?
Sogo Osaka: Just oolong tea, please.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I want this one! The frozen cocktail that looks like ice! I bet it's yummy.
Sogo Osaka: No, Tamaki-kun. It's alcoholic.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Really? Do they have a version without the booze?
Minami Natsume: I think the bartender could make you one.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Awesome! I'll have one of those.
Haruka Isumi: I want one, too.
Torao Mido: I'll have the alcoholic version. Should I go ahead and order you one too, Sogo?
Sogo Osaka: Ah... Um, alright.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So-chan!
Sogo Osaka: It's fine. This drink is basically just a sherbert, it won't get me drunk.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Don't you know that ice is just frozen water?
Sogo Osaka: I do know that.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So it's still booze! It's just been frozen!
Sogo Osaka: It can't be that strong. And besides, it's the same as yours.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So what if it's the same?
Sogo Osaka: Our matching drinks would make a nice picture for social media.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I can't believe your first approach to everything is still to be some kind of businessman.
Sogo Osaka: It's not as if people can tell how close we truly are based on a picture of some food. If that were the case, we wouldn't truly understand each other at all.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Especially since everything you eat is bright red.
Sogo Osaka: And you only have eyes for King Pudding.
Toma Inumaru: What're you mumbling about?
Sogo Osaka: It was just a mini meeting. We're done now.
Minami Natsume: Much like us, then.
Tamaki Yotsuba: I did it for you guys' sake too, y'know.
Torao Mido: Our drinks are here. Let's toast.
Haruka Isumi: Does MEZZO" have a cheer for when you toast?
Tamaki Yotsuba: A cheer?
Haruka Isumi: It makes things more exciting.
Tamaki Yotsuba: We've got a cheer for calming Re:vale down..?
Sogo Osaka: But it's a bit too long for making a toast. Hmm, a cheer for MEZZO"...
Toma Inumaru: Don't think too hard about it. It can be something simple, like one of you says "MEZZO"" and the other one says "rules".
Sogo Osaka: I see. We could give that a try. Tamaki-kun, which part do you want to say?
Tamaki Yotsuba: The first part.
Sogo Osaka: Alright. Well then, everyone raise your glasses...
Tamaki Yotsuba: MEZZO".
Sogo Osaka: Rules.
Sogo Osaka: So, what I wanted to ask you is...
Torao Mido: Hold up! We need to talk about your cheer first. Any thoughts!?
Sogo Osaka: Thoughts..? Tamaki-kun, what do you think?
Tamaki Yotsuba: It's kinda short.
Haruka Isumi: Totally. So is our "ŹOOĻ Rules!"
Minami Natsume: Isumi-san. Be careful not to hurt Inumaru-san's feelings.
Toma Inumaru: Ahaha! It's fine! Not like that cheer was my best effort, anyway...
Sogo Osaka: Thank you for the suggestion, Toma. We probably can't use this cheer all the time, but we'll try to make use of it when we can...
Toma Inumaru: Don't sweat it, seriously! It was just the first thing that came to my mind! You don't even gotta use it!
Sogo Osaka: I-I'm sorry if we can't use it often enough.
Toma Inumaru: I'm telling you, it's FINE!
Sogo Osaka: Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. Mido-san, may I tell you why we're here now?
Torao Mido: Let's hear it.
Sogo Osaka: To tell you the truth...
- - - -
Torao Mido: Ah, Ito-san. That brokerage firm CEO who likes traveling and photography...
Sogo Osaka: Yes, him. He took a picture of me once.
Sogo Osaka: And when we discussed his camera, he told me that he saves all his negatives...
Torao Mido: So he should still have them? Just go meet up with him, then.
Sogo Osaka: We don't have that sort of relationship. He may be my father's old friend, but I've been disinherited, so...
Haruka Isumi: Disinherited?
Sogo Osaka: Being disinherited means your parents have cut ties with you.
Haruka Isumi: You were adopted..? And he said you were a disappointment and chased you out?
Sogo Osaka: No, we're biologically related. I might still be a disappointment... But I don't regret my decisions.
Sogo Osaka: I wanted to live as a musician.
Minami Natsume: What a wonderfully sympathetic story. I like you. The world needs more artists like yourself.
Sogo Osaka: Natsume-kun...
Minami Natsume: I hereby pledge my support to Osaka-san. Mido-san, you simply must do something to help him.
Torao Mido: Like what..? I haven't seen the guy in ages, either.
Toma Inumaru: You should still have an easier time getting a hold of him than Sogo. At least call him once.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Toracchi, please! If you call him, I'll stop calling you an evil rich guy!
Torao Mido: I didn't know you called me that in the first place... Fine. I'll give him a call.
Sogo Osaka: Thank you.
Torao Mido: It's no trouble at all, really. You may be an heir with a strict upbringing, but I'm a spoiled youngest son.
Haruka Isumi: So did this Ito-san spoil you, too?
Torao Mido: He owns a boat that I got to ride on a few times, not to mention he's got a few unique side ventures.
Sogo Osaka: Unique side ventures...
Torao Mido: He never told me about them in much detail. He may be a CEO, but he doesn't have any family to share his wealth with. 
Torao Mido: So his side ventures have to do with finding said family... ...Ah, he picked up.
Torao Mido: Hellooo? Ah, Uncle Ito? It's been so long! Yeah, it's me, Torao.
Toma Inumaru: That's how I talk to the old ladies from my neighborhood!
Tamaki Yotsuba: He speaks just like Rikkun when he's asking for something!!!
Sogo Osaka: So this is what it's like when you're the youngest child... I wonder if even Iori-kun has a side like this...
Torao Mido: Ahaha. I'm doing fine, just fine. I've got a friend here who wants to talk to you, do you mind if I put him on?
Torao Mido: Here you go, Sogo.
Sogo Osaka: Thank you so much, Mido-san.
Torao Mido: Hmph. Let's just agree that you owe me one.
Haruka Isumi: I can't believe you're still trying to act tough, after sweet talking the guy like that...
Sogo Osaka: Ito-san. It's been a while. This is Sogo. ...Yes, that's right. Sogo Osaka.
Sogo Osaka: Ah... You bought an IDOLiSH7 CD? Thank you very much.
Tamaki Yotsuba: He knows us!
Minami Natsume: This bodes well.
Sogo Osaka: Is it at all possible for me to borrow certain old photo negatives from you..?
Sogo Osaka: I need the photo you took of me and my uncle in our garden. It's very important... Really!?
Tamaki Yotsuba: What'd he say!?
Sogo Osaka: He said he'd reprint the photo for me!
Haruka & Tamaki: Awesome!!!
Toma Inumaru: Yay! That's great!
Shiro Utsugi: Congratulations! Let's all have another toast!
Tamaki Yotsuba: MEZZO"...
Minami, Toma, Haruka, Torao, & Shiro: Rules!!!
Sogo Osaka: P-please, be quiet, everyone. Thank you, Ito-san. I'll come get the photo in a few days.
Sogo Osaka: Where are you now? ...What?
Sogo Osaka: The North Pacific..? 
To be continued...
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salemwritesxx · 4 years
lycoris radiata
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↳ pro-hero bakugou x pro-hero reader
summary: The myth around red spider lilies, lycoris radiata, is that, when you see someone you may never meet again, these flowers will bloom along the path. Thus, when Y/n and Katsuki depart on the morning of their 6th wedding anniversary to walk to their respective agencies and spider lilies bloom along the path Bakugou is walking on, Y/n gets an uneasy feeling, unaware that the legend surrounding these flowers may have a germ of truth to them after all.
w.count: 2k
content warning: angst, major character death, which leads to reader committing suicide, afterlife happy ending
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“Okay, hey-“, you grinned and pulled him back one last time to peck his lips, “-don’t forget our rendezvous tonight, yeah?”, to which Bakugou only rolled his eyes – in a playful way though as he immediately pressed a soft kiss onto your mouth once more, not caring that you two stood in the middle of the streets.
“Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”, and with that, you finally let your husband go, though as he walked away from you, you couldn’t help but witness red spider lilies blooming along the pathway, hence you yelled after him, “Babe? Be careful, okay?”
“Ha?”, when he turned around and you pointed to the flowers, Katsuki only laughed and gestured a ‘whatever’ and saying a “Don’t be so superstitious, Y/n. It’s just a myth!”
Even though you both chuckled as he turned around and walked away for real this time, you still felt a slight uneasy feeling in your stomach, though you simply thought it was because you were excited to celebrate your 6th wedding anniversary with your husband.
You screamed as if you were the one being impaled, your knees were shaking, feeling like the ground was opening up underneath your feet and you fell into a dark, black hole any second.
Coughing up blood, he was hanging on the villain’s arm which was weirdly transformed to look like a lance – Bakugou hadn’t seen it coming, if he would have, he…
“Pathetic.”, the villain almost spit into his face before dropping him onto the pavement like some sort of trash, only to jump back immediately when other heroes already attacked him again.
You were rushing to your husband’s side who was coughing up more and more blood while squirming in pain, his “Y- Y/- Y/n…” being interrupted by his coughs, though you were already dropping to your knees to hold him.
“It’s okay, Baby, I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay! Don’t worry, everything will be okay!”, you cried and sobbed, tears already streaming down your face while pressing him against your side and one hand against his wound where the villain impaled him.
Bakugou knew though. It’s why he was clawing at your hand so much, both of them soaked with his blood that just wouldn’t stop – he knew he wasn’t going to be okay. As he almost couldn’t speak anymore, because his lungs filled with more and more blood, he still grasped your hands as tightly as he could, smearing his own blood all over your arm in an attempt to stay.
“Y/n-“, gasping for breath, he was almost completely over the bridge as his tight grip slowly softened.
“I love you, Baby. I love you so much! Katsuki please, don’t go!”, not being able to suppress your desperate sobs, you barely choked out a “Please.” again as his grip loosened more and more around your own hand.
“I … love… y..o…u…”, were his last words, a single tear trickling down his cheek as his ruby eyes lost that sparkle you fell in love with the very first time you looked into them.  
“Katsu… No….Kat… Nononono please! PLEASE!”, literally begging him to not go, you hugged his bloody, heavy body so close against your chest while you cried, not caring about the explosions from further back into the streets as other heroes still fought against the villains, while rescue heroes only gradually managed to get through the wrecked buildings.
You shouldn’t even be here. Bakugou and you had been in two different agencies, it only should have been a calm day at your respective work places, wanting to be done quickly so you could enjoy your wedding anniversary tonight, but then, all available heroes were called up when the villain went on a rampage.
How…? How did it turn out like that? A harmless villain turned out to be so strong? How… could have anyone guess that? How could have anyone seen that coming?
So, it was true. Walking along a path where red spider lilies bloomed meant you wouldn’t see each other again…
Rescue heroes tried to calm you down and get you to let go of Katsuki’s lifeless body, but you just yelled at them, your voice high-pitched and so full of pain, and cried and held him tighter, not caring that you were full of his blood as you still couldn’t process that this wasn’t a dream, but it was reality… Harsh reality.
Your husband was dead.
And with that, your soul and heart shattered into million little pieces, unable to be whole ever again.
-------6 weeks later--------
You sat in front of Katsuki’s grave.
It was a cold spring night, though to be honest, you hadn’t been warm in the last weeks ever since that accident – the coldness you felt was never going to leave ever again.
Your fingers were softly playing your guitar. Making music had always brought peace to your husband’s mind, whenever he felt angry, frustrated, anxious or any other negative feeling, he would flop beside you and make you play the guitar for him. It calmed him and sometimes, you would both sing crookedly to get him back into a better mood – very fond memories indeed.
Tears were blurring your vision, even though you shouldn’t have been able to cry anymore with how many tears you had shed in the last weeks, but it still felt surreal. Knowing he was never going to come back again – never.
Slowly, your fingers stopped as you stared onto his gravestone. There were red spider lilies planted around – how ironic. Though they weren’t blooming as it was now spring.
Was is really just superstition? Or should you have been warned that day? That uneasy feeling you had felt - it wasn’t excitement, it was a sense of foreboding, and you had ignored it…
Putting your guitar, that had stickers with his hero name and your own, as well as stupid little things like a dick doodle on it, to the side, you sighed and rubbed your red, swollen eyes. You did have this guitar since your middle school days after all. And you remembered when all these things happened oh so vividly. Still hearing the giggle and laughter of your, back then in high school, boyfriend, while you yelled at him for being an idiot. Being angry over a dick doodle seemed so petty now.
Taking your permanent marker, you opened the cap with your teeth, before leaning in and doodling a broken heart onto the surface with the date of your husband’s dying day on it. Spitting out the lid of the marker, you put the pen onto your guitar, before staring back at Bakugou’s grave.
“Please tell me.. Who should be my soulmate now? Who will hold my hand while I drive? Who will hold me when I can’t sleep at night? There is nobody like you out there, Baby…. so please tell me…”, you were crying again as you sobbed and rubbed over your face, “Tell me, who could possibly take your place? My first and last love. I won’t be able to do anything without you…”
Your heart was hurting so much, you couldn’t take it. You knew he was irreplaceable, there was no one out there that could ever give you what he gave you all those past years.
Bakugou was sitting beside you, though you didn’t know – of course you didn’t, was he a mere spirit now, never leaving your side as his translucent hand touched your own.
“Please, you need to go on. Don’t do it…”, tears were in the corner of his eyes, wishing he could talk to you, wishing you could hear his desperate attempts to keep you from committing suicide. Katsuki loved you, he wanted to be with you, but he couldn’t be selfish anymore – you couldn’t throw everything away just because of him.
Though, as he was a mere ghost sitting beside you, he couldn’t do anything but watch.
With a shaking hand you then reached for the gun you had purchased today on the black market – to think, at last, you were doing illegal stuff even though you were a hero – before coming here and sitting in front of his grave for hours. You couldn’t possibly be alive without him beside you. It just hurt too much. You didn’t care about anything, you had no one besides him. Katsuki was your everything and all you wanted to do was finally meet him again.
Sobbing quietly, you then held the end of the gun against your temple, your e/c still staring at his gravestone, before you whispered one last time, “I want to meet you again. Please. I miss you so much.”
“I promise, I’ll be there.”, Katsuki whispered.
For the first time in weeks, there was warmth surrounding your heart and with a smile you barely mumbled “I know you’re waiting for me.”
And then, a loud bang echoed through the silent night and the cemetery, cherry blossom petals, that were in full bloom now, swaying in the wind and slowly falling down and onto your lifeless body.
“Y/n…Y/n…”, the familiar voice made you gradually open your eyes – above you, it was an ocean of pink and white cherry blossoms. But then, as you looked further back, you saw directly into Katsuki’s face, his smile making you feel so warm and fuzzy instantly. It was in that moment you realized your head was resting in his lap.
“You should have lived a long, happy life…”, his voice was so soothing and calm as he combed through your hair, though you just shook your head, tears already welling up in your eyes.
“I was already dead inside the moment you were gone.”, and then, you finally sat back up to connect your lips, Bakugou immediately slinging his arms around your neck and pulling you in closer as you both fell back into a pile of cherry blossoms.
“I love you. I love you so much. And now we’re together again.”, you whispered against his lips, lacing your fingers together and Katsuki squeezing your hand tightly, the sparkle in his ruby eyes back as tears shimmered in them as well.
“And we will never be apart again.”, he barely mumbled back, before you hugged each other tightly as your lips melted together tenderly.
Katsuki and you were sitting on the gravestone together, it was the day your lifeless body joined Katsuki’s in the shared grave. Watching your family and Katsuki’s once more crying so much, it really did break your heart.
“I wish they wouldn’t have to go through that again.”, he said and sighed, though also squeezing your hand tightly.
“Mh… But it was inevitable… I know they know that, too…”, since you and Mitsuki were quite close, she, of course, knew how badly Katsuki’s death affected you, even though she tried to help, the moment you were alone, you knew you couldn’t take the loss of someone so precious to you.
“Y/n… I know your pain was immense… I just hope you are both happy now wherever you are…”, Mitsuki quietly cried as she stood in front of the grave with your coffin in it, joining Katsuki’s, Masaru holding her close by his side, both of them a red spider lily in their hands that weren’t blooming.
Looking at each other for a moment, you both stood up from the gravestone and walked towards his parents, softly touching the flower, making them bloom in their hands.
“Let’s go. We are free now. Let’s see the world - together.”, Bakugou smiled and you chuckled and nodded, “Yeah.”, only to pull him closer and softly kiss him and whisper, “Together forever.”, which earned you Katsuki’s soft giggle and him pulling you closer to connect your lips once more.
Mitsuki and Masaru were both completely astonished when the red spider lilies in their hands started blooming, as if it was your answer to their question if you were both happy now, making Katsuki’s Mom smile and cry a little harder.
Though, once she looked ahead, she thought it was probably because she was sleep-deprived and in so much emotional pain, but… she saw you and Katsuki holding onto and smiling at each other. His mind must be playing tricks on her and yet, it was bittersweet to witness you two like that…
“They are happy…”, she wiped away her tears and with a smile on her lips, Mitsuki threw the blooming spider lilies into the grave eventually, knowing that her son and son-in-law were now happily dancing in the cherry blossom trees.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: ya boy literally chickened out the last minute and made it a somewhat happy ending instead of leaving it sad… idk i kind of just want them to find their happiness again in their afterlives 💌 my first idea was to make Y/n sing his heart out on like a roof and then jump, then I wanted him to sing his heart out in front of katsu’s grave and in the end, we just have some soft guitar play and a gun… but while I listen to the song I had playing on repeat while writing this, I still imagine Y/n singing loudly for his Baby and grieving terribly 💔
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Can you do: Debbie get embarrassed when Lou makes her squirt 💦on their honeymoon, Lou reassures her and tells her how much of a turn on it is. It’s now Lou’s favourite thing to do to Debbie.
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“Is it cliche to say that as gorgeous as that gown looks on you, I can’t wait to see it on the floor?” Lou asked softly, nipping the spot between Debbie’s ear and neck as the brunette shivered.
“Yes,” Debbie laughed. “But I’ll take it. The bad news is, it’s a little more complex to get off than an cocktail dress.”
“I think I can help with that,” Lou smirked, kissing Debbie’s neck gently.
“Tammy had to practically sew me in,” Debbie admittedly nervously. “And I’m not quite exactly wearing lingerie or anything under this.”
“Something sexier, I suppose?” The blonde chuckled.
“If you find sticky nipple covers and spanx sexy, then sure,” Debbie grinned sheepishly. “Not to ruin the fantasy or anything.”
“Honey, you know you could be wrapped in a garbage bag and I’d think you’re sexy and gorgeous.”
“Well, I do have something up my sleeve, I just need help getting these ones off.”
The room was a tangle of opal and ivory silk and tulle as the two broke into a fit of giggles transforming Debbie from cream puff bride to lingerie store mannequin, Debbie standing before Lou in her sticker bra and under garments, raw and vulnerable.
Lou didn’t have the words to express how privileged, honored and simply in awe she was to be the woman who had watched Debbie make her way down the aisle to her, draped in bridal beauty, but also now, stripped down to the bare basics, absolutely glowing.
“I’ll be right back,” Debbie whispered, giving Lou’s white bow tie a light tug.
Lou let out a small groan, not wanting the brunette to disappear at all.
“It’ll be worth it,” Debbie whispered. “Promise.” Debbie kissed the blonde, long and deep, tugging her in by the neck before pulling away and heading towards the bathroom of their suite.
Debbie whipped around for a moment, biting at one of her fingers as Lou looked up while she flopped down on the bed.
“Get naked for me?” Debbie asked softly as Lou let out another groan.
“Anything for you, honey,” Lou smiled, fiddling with her suit jacket teasingly.
The blonde caught the shiver that rippled through Debbie’s body before she turned back to the bathroom, cheeks burning.
The door closed with a click and Lou busied herself with getting undressed, shrugging off her jacket and pants, taking her time as she loosened the bow tie and placed her cuff links carefully on the night table before unbuttoning her shirt row by row. She left her underwear on for now. After all, Debbie had yet to see her something blue. A powder blue bra with lace cups and silky blue boxers. She’d even put her nipple rings back in for the occasion, figuring it would give them both a laugh and a sneaky something old.
Lou was just deciding where to position herself to wait for Debbie when she heard the bathroom door click again, the brunette emerging in barely anything at all, looking entirely ethereal, sneakily wearing her veil around her shoulders like a slip, white lingerie peering out.
“Debbie, you look—“ Lou breathed, still in disbelief that this stunning, brilliant woman was her wife.
“I think you’ll especially like my ass,” Debbie winked, turning herself around as she dropped the veil on the ground.
“As much as I love your ass, I think that—“ Lou stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth going dry as she took in Debbie’s panties, white lace with delicate navy script across her bottom reading Mrs. Miller.
“There wasn’t quite enough room for the hyphenate,” Debbie laughed. “But I think they fit the important part in there.”
“Mine,” Lou growled, wrapping her arms tight around Debbie and gripping her hips, nails digging into the lace. “All mine. Forever. My Debbie.” She whispered, her voice going entirely soft.
“Touch me, Lou,” Debbie whispered, her hands reaching behind her for the blonde as Lou stayed in her embrace around the Ocean, her head nested between her head and neck, nipping and whispering gently.
“You are the most beautiful bride in the universe,” Lou whispered, her hands sliding down Debbie’s hips, into the lace underwear, teasingly slow. “The most gorgeous woman always. My bride. My wife. My Deb.”
“Lou,” Debbie whispered, her legs shaking with anticipation as the blonde slid her fingers messily through Debbie’s folds as Debbie bucked her hips back up into Lou’s.
“Touch your breasts for me, honey,” Lou spoke lovely, sliding three of her fingers into Debbie, finding her already dripping against the lace with anticipation. “Massage them like I do. Pinch your nipples. Hard.”
“Fuck, baby,” Debbie hissed, playing with her nipples and nodding at Lou’s instructions.
Lou kept her fingers at a steady rhythm, pushing in and out painstakingly slow as she backed Debbie up against the bed, her knees buckling as she fell back, Lou towering above her.
“God, you’re amazing,” Debbie breathed, licking her lips as she looked up at Lou, eyes seemingly stuck on the creamy cleavage that was spilling over the cups of her bra. “I want to touch you, baby. Please.”
“Soon, love,” Lou promised. “I want you to come for me, Deb. Want your mess all over my fingers so I can taste you.”
“Fuck,” Debbie moaned, squeezing her eyes shut and groaning as Lou pushed into her harder and deeper. She swiped her thumb across Debbie’s clit as she gasped, never stopping her deep thrusts, Debbie’s hips bucking below her as she tried to match Lou’s thrusts, fucking herself on the blonde’s fingers.
“If I keep fucking you like this, do you think you can soak these panties for me, Mrs. Miller-Ocean?” Lou breathed as Debbie let out an incoherent garbled noise.
“Baby, Lou, fuck—I don’t know if I—oh god, oh fuck,” Debbie moaned, her voice going deeper than Lou had ever heard it as the blonde encouraged her, wiggling her fingers ever deeper, stimulating Debbie’s G-spot.
“That’s it, Deb,” Lou murmured. “Just like that honey. Relax. Let your body let go.”
“Fuck, Lou, I’m gonna—“
“That’s it,” Lou repeated, encouraging her lover as she kept up her thrusts, gripping Debbie closer to her frame, their breasts rubbing against each other as they both moaned.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Debbie screamed, as she fell against Lou, biting at her shoulder to steady herself.
“Oh, Debbie,” the blonde gasped, half moaning as she looked between them, pulling her fingers from Debbie slowly before sucking them into her mouth as Debbie watched with wide eyes.
“Oh my god,” Debbie mumbled, looking down at the sheets.
“Knew you had it in you,” Lou smirked, stroking Debbie’s thigh as she whimpered.
“I can’t believe that I—I’m sorry,” Debbie breathed.
“Are you kidding me?” Lou balked. “Do you know how incredibly sexy you are? And how sinfully delicious you taste?”
“Lou,” Debbie blushed.
“This is going to be quite the honeymoon,” Lou grinned. “And fuck, I cannot wait to make you keep coming like this for me. A hot, dripping mess just for me.”
“Just for you, baby,” Debbie whispered. “Always.”
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hottestthingalive · 4 years
Changes, Tricks, and Trust
He does what he can. And sometimes, doing what he can means that, when he opens the door for trick-or-treaters while his dad is wrangling Remus into his pirate costume and finds a man holding hands with a kid younger than even Roman and Remus (wearing a scientist costume and a cat costume, respectively,) who introduces himself as “Logan Abbott, and this is Patton. You must be Janus,” he just glares, and slams the door in their faces.
In which the Carroll siblings conspire against their father’s new boyfriend, Logan makes a promise, and Janus has a grudge against omelets. 
Notes: Look, okay, we’re all very aware this is two hours past Halloween, and an hour into No-Content November, but I wrote this in a day and am operating under the logic that it is both Halloween and not November somewhere, so let’s pretend we’re all okay with this and move on. Virgil also calls Roman and Remus peanut butter and jelly, which makes up for all my sins.
Roman also knows lots of words he shouldn’t at his age, because I am, in fact, projecting myself at six onto him. Let him have a big vocabulary! 
(He also mispronounces most of the words. This is still projecting. I apologize in advance.)
Many thanks to @smileyzs​, who stayed up far too late to help me edit, and the rest of @waffle-gang-incorrect-quotes​, who had to listen to me ranting about this as I wrote it. Y’all deserve the world. Thank you for putting up with me, and this fic. 
Warnings: Implied gore (but not really), food mentions (mostly candy), a fair bit of angst, Janus manipulating his brothers but not in an intentionally cruel way.
Relationships: Romantic Analogical, familial logicality, familial virgil, janus, roman and remus, platonic loceit, intrulogical, and logince. 
Words: 5328
“Roman, Remus,” Virgil says calmly, holding up a knife, stained with guts and gore, the key piece of evidence to the brutal mutilations of two innocents, “who decided to carve ‘Logan is a butt’ into our pumpkins?”
They point at each other, faces the picture of wide-eyed innocence. Virgil is not fooled. 
“Janus, do you know anything about this?” he asks, turning away from the twins to look at his nine year old, who is currently pretending to be very occupied with the book he is reading at the dinner table. Virgil wonders if Janus knows that he hasn’t turned a page in the last five minutes. Probably not. 
“Oh, why would I ever do that?” Janus wonders, looking up from the book, his puppy-eyes matching those of the twins. “It really is too bad though. Clearly, you can’t have Logan over for Halloween anymore. Tragic.” 
Virgil pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Janus, you’re the only one tall enough to reach the knife block, and I found the knife hidden under Remus’ bed. I know it was you three.” He puts the knife down on the table, really hoping the pumpkin guts won’t stain the wood, and says “Kids, remember what we said about playing with knives without adult supervision?”
“Not to do it,” the twins mumble in unison. Janus says “Do it only when we’re in trouble, like defending ourselves from a vicious intruder about to invade our home?” instead, which was not the answer Virgil was looking for, and he’s very sure Janus knows it. 
“Look,” Virgil says, sitting down in one of the chairs that his kids have covered in fake cobwebs and pumpkin stickers, “I’ve already invited Logan and Patton over. And I… I really, really like him. A lot.” He turns a bit red, at that, and ignores Janus rolling his eyes. “But if you guys really think he’s that bad after you meet him tonight, I’ll break up with him, okay? You three are always going to be my top priority. Just promise me you’ll keep an open mind, yeah?” 
“Okay,” Roman agrees, and runs to jump up into Virgil’s lap, burying his head in Virgil’s shoulder. “I’m sorry we messed up the pumpkins and were mean to Mr. Logan, Dad.”
“It’s okay, peanut butter,” Virgil tells him. He expected Roman to be the apologetic one — for a six year old, his son has  developed quite the sense of right and wrong. He’s a bit more surprised when Remus does the same, squirming into the hug and saying “I’m sorry we called him a butt.” He snickers, a bit, which makes Virgil think he’s not all that sorry, but he lets it go. 
“Thank you, jelly,” he says, and looks expectantly at Janus. 
“Sure, whatever,” Janus says, snapping the book closed. “I’m sorry we messed up your decorations, Dad.”
“I don’t care about the decorations, hon,” Virgil reminds him. “I’m just glad you guys didn’t get hurt, okay? No more knives. Now c’mere, Jan.”
Janus begrudgingly joins the hug, wrapping his arms around Virgil and the twins both, and they just sit like that, Virgil and his children, in the quiet of the kitchen. 
“Okay,” he says finally, “let's get you into your costumes, yeah?”
Janus just wants his dad to be happy. 
He saw what happened the last times his dad went on dates. He got all excited. Dressed up. Kissed his sons goodbye, smiling and happy and practically dancing on clouds. 
And then, one day, he’d come home a bit off. He’d put on a smile, he’d act like everything was fine, but then he’d make them omelets for dinner. 
Janus hates omelets, because Dad only makes omelets when he’s sad. 
He’s heard his dad talking about it on the phone late at night with Uncle Remy, who isn’t really their uncle, but who calls himself their uncle every time he comes over anyways. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Dad will say, with his voice choked up like he’s crying, and Janus will stand with his back against the door and hear Remy’s voice murmur something soothing, always including curse words about his dad’s ex which Janus isn’t supposed to know the meanings of.
Janus isn’t supposed to be up, on those nights. But he is, usually, staying up after they’re put to bed every time Dad makes omelets for dinner, because he knows that once he hangs up, he can wander into his dad’s room with some mumbled excuse about nightmares and do his best to comfort him without mentioning the breakup at all. 
He does what he can. And sometimes, doing what he can means that, when he opens the door for trick-or-treaters while his dad is wrangling Remus into his pirate costume and finds a man holding hands with a kid younger than even Roman and Remus (wearing a scientist costume and a cat costume, respectively,) who introduces himself as “Logan Abbott, and this is Patton. You must be Janus,” he just glares, and slams the door in their faces. 
“Who was that?” his dad asks as he enters the room, holding Remus in his arms, who is finally in his costume, and not running around naked, as he has been for the last eight minutes. 
“No one,” Janus says, the picture of innocence, and then the doorbell rings again. “I’ll get it!”
“No, it’s fine,” his dad says, already crossing the room towards the door. “I’ve got it, honey. Thank you, though!”
He opens the door, and his face transforms, going from Regular-Dad-Face to his Sappy-Dumb-Blushy-Face. Janus hates the Sappy-Dumb-Blushy-Face.
“Logan!” Dad says, all high-pitched and pink cheeks, and Janus braces himself to be ratted out by stupid, stupid Logan Abbott. Which is a stupid name, too.
“Hello, Virgil,” says dumb, stupid, Dad-stealing Logan, whose voice is all soft, which just gets Janus angrier, because he’s making an effort to sound genuine about it. “And you must be one of the twins. What’s your name?”
Janus feels rather gratified when Remus just sticks out his tongue, though less so when his dad says “Remus, be nice,” in his Please, Kids, We Talked About This voice. “Come in! This is Janus, and Roman should be right down.”
Logan looks over at Janus as the door closes behind him, and Janus crosses his arms over his chest. He waits for him to say “Ah, yes, we met earlier,” or “Right, I remember,” or even “He slammed the door in our faces earlier,” but all that Logan says is “It’s nice to meet you, Janus,” with the kind of smile that sappy people in movies wear. He thinks, reluctantly, that it’s a nice smile, and that the kid, at least, doesn’t seem so bad.
“Octopus!” says the boy beside him, pointing at Janus, with pure glee in his big brown eyes. “Octopus!”
“I’m a kraken,” he grumbles, all kind thoughts towards his dad’s stupid boyfriend and his dumb kid gone. 
This Halloween is gonna suck. 
“You’re a dumb scientist,” Remus says to Mr. Logan, arms crossed across his chest, as Roman and Janus mutter together behind them, his dad walking with the little kid who had introduced himself as ‘Patpat!’ and whom the adults call ‘Patton’. His dad has managed to fix the pumpkins, despite all odds, and they look rather nice as they walk away, off into the wilds of the neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. 
Remus has been designated the distraction while his brothers figure out a way to get Logan Abbott to go home and leave their dad alone. “You’re good at being a distraction!” Roman chirps, and Janus mutters “And you won’t betray us like Roman would.” 
He is good at being a distraction. And he loves his dad more than anything (except maybe his brothers) and Janus is very smart, and if he says getting Mr. Logan to go away will make their dad happy, Remus will believe him. 
Plus, it is a dumb costume. 
“Why am I a dumb scientist?” asks Mr. Logan, who doesn’t seem very insulted by this, merely curious. 
“Your lab coat is covered in green and blue and red,” Remus tells him, using his sword to point at the splotches. “Everyone knows potions are green and blue and purple. And you’re a butt.”
“Well,” Mr. Logan says, and though his eyes curl up like he’s smiling, his expression is still neutral, “I had my assistant deal with all the purple ones, because purple potions smell bad.” (Remus wants to laugh at that, just a little bit.) “And the red isn’t from potions.”
“What’s the red, then?” asks Remus, despite himself. 
“The blood of my enemies,” says Mr. Logan matter-of-factly. 
“Cool,” he breathes, looking at Logan with newfound respect. “Why’d you murder them?”
“I am an evil scientist,” he answers, adjusting his glasses. “It is in the job description.”
“Also a butt as well, apparently,” Mr. Logan adds thoughtfully. “I wonder if I can add that to my official scientist business cards. ‘Dr. Logan Abbott, Mad Scientist and Butt Extraordinaire.’”
“Bad guys get business cards?” Remus asks, having forgotten altogether about being a distraction. “I’m a pirate. Do I get a business card?”
“Are you a good pirate or a bad pirate?”
“I’m a bad pirate,” he declares, waving his sword in the air. “Roro is a prince-sailor-man, like Prince Eric from Disney, and Janny is an evil kraken we have to team up against! And Dad is a wicked witch who sent the kraken.” 
“A wicked witch, huh?” Mr. Logan says, glancing behind him at where Dad and Patton are. Remus follows his gaze. Dad certainly doesn’t look very wicked, even though he’s wearing a cloak and a hat and scary makeup, but maybe that’s just because he’s smiling, holding hands with Mr. Logan’s kid as Patton babbles on about something. 
It’s hard for his dad to look evil in general, to Remus at least, but especially when he smiles. He’s never found Dad to be very scary, not like he’d been able to spook Roman and Janus every so often, but when he’s smiling, when he’s happy, he just looks like home. 
And Mr. Logan looks so happy, too, looking at his dad, and, well, Roman is the romantic of the house, but Remus has been forced to sit through every one of his brother’s Disney movie watchings, and his favorite movie had always been the Princess Bride (which Dad thinks is too old for Remus and Roman, but lets them watch with him and Janus anyways.) Mr. Logan looks like all the movies, all the descriptions in books, all the stories of love Remus has ever heard. Love-struck, his mind supplies. 
“Yes,” Mr. Logan says, looking back at Remus, that lovey-dovey gaze gone but his eyes still so, so happy, “I think you’d get a business card. What would you put on it?”
He grins, and starts describing his Evil Pirate Captain Remus Caroll cards. Privately, he thinks that, no matter what Janus says, anyone who looks at his dad like that can’t be so bad. 
Plus, Logan’s evil, like him. And he’s okay with being called a butt, which means maybe he’ll teach Remus more, even better insults. 
“Aw, beans,” Roman says when he sees Remus happily chatting with the enemy. Janus has stronger language in mind, the kind of words that would get him grounded. 
Sure enough, when Remus returns to them, carrying his candy basket in one hand and his sword in the other, he scuffs his sneaker-clad foot against the ground in a way that Janus knows to mean I’m about to say something you really won’t like. 
“He’s nice,” Remus says defiantly, and Janus scoffs. 
Fine. He has to do everything himself, huh?
If it’s up to him to protect their dad from Logan Abbott, that’s fine. He just has to keep Roman on his side for as long as possible, right?
“So you’re abandoning us?!” he snaps anyways, because despite everything, he’s hurt. He didn’t think Remus, of all people, would turn so quickly. “What about Dad?”
“I think he likes Dad!” Remus protests. “A lot! It’s like all those Disney movies!” 
Roman looks between them, clearly conflicted. Uh-oh, Janus thinks. 
“Hans seemed like he liked Anna a lot!” he answers, hands on his hips. “We’ve got to be Dad’s heroes, right, Roman?”
Roman’s expression solidifies into righteous anger. “We gotta keep Dad safe,” he agrees, reaching out to hold Janus’ hand. Janus, meanwhile, tries to ignore Remus’ hurt expression the best he can.
“Here,” he says, reaching into his bag and digging out a pack of gummy worms. “I know they’re your favorite.” 
Remus’ expression brightens as Janus drops them into his candy basket. “Thanks, Janjan!” he says, beaming.
“Just don’t get in our way,” he says, and turns towards Logan.
“Okay, Roman,” he says. “You know what to do.”
His brother trots forwards, successfully swapping places with Remus, who drops back to go walk with Dad and Patton. Janus comes up on Logan’s other side, pointedly looking at the ground.
“Hello, Roman, Janus,” Logan says. “How is trick-or-treating going?”
“Good!” Roman says, cheery as always, though Janus can see his hands trembling. Janus doesn’t respond. 
“I like your costume,” Logan tells his brother, and sounds almost sincere about it. “You’re a prince, right?”
“A sea-prince!” Roman declares, puffing out his chest. “Thank you, Mr. Logan!” Janus shoots him a glare, and Roman just winks. He blinks, taming his expression slightly. 
Huh. Seems Roman is being much smarter about this than he had thought. 
“Y’know,” Roman says, cheery as ever, “Dad’s told us so much about you, Mr. Logan!”
“Does he?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What does he tell you, then?” 
“Wellllll,” Roman hums, turning on the puppy-eyes. “I’m not sure you want to know, Mr. Logan.”
“If you don’t want to tell me, that is perfectly fine,” Logan answers, which is both completely against the plan and infuriatingly heartfelt. 
“He says you’re, uh, stupid,” Janus mutters, taking matters into his own hands. 
“Yes!” Roman exclaims. “Very stupid. And, and a big ol’ butt! And a meanie. And insuff-bly rude to your co-workers.”
Janus barely resists to smack a hand to his face — that last bit is stolen word for word from Uncle Remy’s rants to Dad about his boss when he comes over for dinner, and mispronounced at that! — but it seems to have worked, as Logan looks rather shocked.
“Oh, did he?” he asks, seemingly distressed. Yes! “Oh dear. That’s not very kind of him, was it?”
“Nope!” Janus answers, suddenly cheerful. Yes, yes! Now stupid Logan would go away, and Dad would be safe, and there would be no omelets for dinner or anything-
“I’d better go talk to him about it,” Logan says decisively. No, no, NO!
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Roman says, experiencing the same panic, but Logan is already dropping back to walk beside Dad, picking up Patton, who giggles and throws his arms around Logan to hug him. 
“Damn it!” Janus exclaims, stomping in his anger. 
“You cursed!” Roman says in shock, pointing at him. 
“Yes, Roman, I cursed,” he snaps. “That didn’t work at all!” 
Roman looks on the verge of crying, and he instantly regrets it. “Sorry, Ro,” he says, reaching out to take his brother’s hand again. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was my dumb plan.”
“It wasn’t dumb,” Roman says, sniffling. “Mr. Logan’s the dumb one.”
“Yeah,” Janus agrees, and glances back at his dad and Logan. Dad looks all smitten again, and Logan, disgustingly, looks equally sappy. “We’re not gonna get anything done with them like that. Let’s… let’s just trick or treat with Remus for now, okay? We’ve got this.”
“Okay,” Roman agrees, and pulls Janus back to where their brother is happily munching on a Snickers bar. 
They do end up having fun. And with Patton there, for all the dumb, costume-mistaking kid’s faults, adults are too busy cooing over him to care that Janus and Roman and Remus take a few pieces of candy from the bowls. 
Okay, Janus thinks as they return to the house, time for Plan B. 
Roman glares at the villainous intruder seated beside his father on the couch, as he and Remus and Janus trade candy on the floor. He’ll thwart this Logan Abbott’s evil plans! He’s a prince, after all!
“I’m gonna start making dinner,” Dad says, standing up. “I know it’s late, sorry. How does grilled cheese sound?”
“That sounds amazing,” the villain says, smiling like Hans at Anna in the beginning of the movie. “Do you want any help?”
“Just watch the kids for me, please?” Dad asks, and Roman nearly gags as he kisses the Hans-ome Villain on the cheek. Hadn’t Dad learned anything from Frozen?!
“Yeah, of course,” agrees Roman’s nefarious nemesis. Roman narrows his eyes, and checks again to make sure the fireplace is off, and that Mr. Logan — no, Dr. Logan, he’s too evil to be a mister, just look at his lab coat! — is sufficiently blocked off from it. He’s not a snowman, and neither are his brothers, but one could never be too careful! Princes always made sure to have all of their weaknesses defended against!
Janus follows their dad into the kitchen, but not before he glances at Roman and mouths Keep him busy, as he points at their vile adversary. It also could have been Reap the city, but Roman is pretty sure that doesn’t make any sense. 
Remus, the traitor, is playing with Patton. “I’m the tickle zombie!” he declares loudly, sticking out his tongue and making groaning noises, wiggling his fingers at Patton, who squeals in excitement and darts away. “Twickle zomvie!” he yells to his father, who nods gravely. 
“You had best run, Patton,” Mr. Logan tells him. “I hear tickle zombies are ruthless creatures.”
“Tickle zombie,” Remus groans in agreement, and Patton screams again, running towards the kitchen. 
There is silence in the living room for a few minutes after that, until Logan finally says “What’s your favorite kind of candy, Roman?” 
“Like I’d tell you that, you mal-volent maley-factor!” he exclaims, drawing his sword and pointing it at him. “You’d probably poison all the Starbursts!” He quickly realizes his mistake, and does his best to look even fiercer.
“Why would I do that? I like them too, I’ll have you know,” Mr. Logan says, though he looks rather surprised. “How old are you, Roman?”
“...Six,” he says grudgingly, when he can’t figure out how this bad-natured boyfriend of Dad’s would use his age against him. 
“You have a very impressive vocabulary for six, Roman,” the execrable evil-doer tells him, raising an eyebrow.
“Janus and Dad and kindergarten taught me to read,” he says proudly. “And we ran out of books for me, so I’ve been reading the dictionary when we can’t go to the library!”
“That is very impressive,” Mr. Logan repeats. “What’s your favorite book?”
“It’s-” he starts, but then remembers Mr. Logan is the enemy. “None of your beeswax!”
Mr. Logan doesn’t seem as hurt by that as Roman would have expected, and silence reigns over the living room for a few minutes (save for when Patton and Remus come sprinting in and out of it). Roman finally lowers his sword, putting it beside him. 
“I can teach you to use that,” the atrocious antagonist says finally, gesturing to the sword. 
“What?” Roman asks, immediately on the defense. “I can use it fine, Padre’s poisonous partner!” 
“I’m sure you can,” Mr. Logan says, adjusting his glasses, “and a very good insult, by the way, but I took fencing for many years. I can at least give you a few tips, hm?”
“...Fine,” Roman agrees, intrigued despite his best efforts.
Besides, how bad can loathsome Mr. Logan be if he likes Starbursts, anyways?
Janus knows he has lost Roman when he comes bounding into the room when Dad says “Dinner!” exclaiming “Dad, can I take fencing?” 
“Logan Abbott,” Dad says, far too affectionate, “have you been teaching my son sword-fighting?”
“Maybe just a bit,” Logan says, not-so-subtly returning the broom to its place near the back door. “Is that… Is that alright?”
“Of course it’s alright,” Dad replies, handing him a plate of grilled cheese, complete with tomato soup. “It’s very sweet of you. This is all he’ll be talking about for months, though, I hope you know that.”
“It’s so cool, Dad!” Roman exclaims, proving his point. Remus is already sitting besides Patton, tearing into his grilled cheese, and Janus feels something cold settle into his stomach. 
“Brothers conference, now,” he declares, standing up and marching towards the living room. He’s gratified to see that the twins still follow him, at least, even if they have been swayed to the side of Logan Abbott. 
“I like him, Jan!” Roman says immediately, eyes wide and pleading. “He’s nice! And Dad likes him, and Remus does too!” 
“And Patton’s great too,” Remus adds, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t wanna be mean to them!”
“What about Dad?” Janus exclaims, desperate. “Remember the last time we liked one of Dad’s dates?” 
He’s referring to She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named, who had looked so nice in photos, who Dad had spoken of like an angel, but who had met them with a fixed smile and broken up with Dad only a few weeks later. Remus’ face falls, but Roman’s expression only hardens. 
“Logan’s not like that,” he insists. “We won’t help you anymore, Jan.” 
His brothers leave him alone in the living room, and Janus scowls at the ground. Fine. If they won’t help him, he’ll do it himself. He doesn’t need them anyways!
He ignores the choking feeling in his chest and the burning at the corners of his eyes as he returns to the table. 
Patton likes Virgil and his family. 
Remus is funny, and Roman knows all about all the princesses, and Janus, for all his grumpy-wumpies, has the best costume. And Virgil is so nice, and makes the best jokes, too!
Patton is all of four years old, and he, quite honestly, finds himself liking everything and everyone. But he especially likes his Papa’s boyfriend’s family. 
They’re nice. And they make his papa happy, too, and he doesn’t feel scared around them at all. He’s pretty sure Janus could beat up any monsters in his octopus — no, kraken — costume anyways. 
Janus looks sad when he comes back to the table, face all red and angry, and Patton reaches across to pat him on one of his tentacles. “You’re a very good kwaken,” he says.
Janus just stares at him. “...Sure, whatever,” he answers, turning away and taking a huge bite out of his grilled cheese. Patton is impressed, frankly. 
Papa has told him that Virgil being his boyfriend means that he and Virgil are like Nate-from-daycare’s parents, romantic partners. Patton asked if that means if he and Virgil are gonna get married someday, like Nate’s, and his dad’s face turned all red. “Maybe,” he said. 
Patton hopes so. He’d like to have Virgil as his other dad, he thinks. Virgil is nice. And Patton has begged for siblings so many times that getting Janus and Remus and Roman in the bargain is like what his dad says about cool things — bee’s knees. They’re like the bee’s knees!
So, Patton is hopeful. 
He pats Janus’ tentacles once more. Hopefully, his maybe-future-big-brother will feel better soon. 
“I just want to stay up for an extra hour, Dad,” Janus says, nearly pleading. “It’s Halloween! Just until Mr. Logan goes home.” 
His dad looks desperately between him and Logan, who is sitting in the living room with Patton in his lap, snoozing against his chest. The twins had fallen asleep halfway through the movie, and Dad is holding Roman in his arms, Remus already tucked in upstairs. 
“It’s alright, Virgil,” Logan says. “It is Halloween, and I’m trapped here anyways.” He gestures to Patton on his lap, and Dad laughs at that. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Thank you so much, L,” Janus’ dad says, obviously relieved. “I’ll be right down, okay?”
“Okay,” Logan nods, returning Dad’s smile with one of his own. 
“You should just go now,” Janus says once his dad is upstairs. “You ruined Halloween. And Dad hates you, and we hate you, so you should just go home!”
“I am aware that you don’t like me, Janus,” Logan tells him softly, far too nice. He’s the kind of wonderful guy that would have Dad making omelets for days afterwards, unbearably sad. “And… I must confess, I do not understand why. Do I truly make you that uncomfortable?” 
“I don’t care about you,” he snaps, sinking back into the couch cushions, refusing to look at Logan, eyes on the credits rolling across the TV screen instead. “But I won’t let you hurt my dad.” 
“Hurt your father?” Logan repeats, eyes wide. “Why on Earth would I do that?”
It is late, and Janus is tired, and he still feels like crying. And so he finds himself spilling it all, from the omelets to She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named to his dad’s calls with Uncle Remy. He’s crying, he finds, partway through, and Logan doesn’t reach out to hug him or anything like that, but he listens. He nods, and he asks questions at all the right times, and passes Janus the tissues from the coffee table whenever he needs them. 
“Janus,” Logan Abbott says when he is done, and he looks like he wants to cry, too, “may I promise you something, now?”
Janus nods, too tired to do anything else, and he gets the feeling that if he had shaken his head, Logan would have respected that, would have remained silent. 
“I swear,” Logan says, fiercely passionate, “I have no intention of hurting your father, or your brothers, or you, in any shape or form. If I should do so, I would be a person who does not deserve you, your father, or your brothers in any shape or form anyways, as family or friends or even acquaintances.” He takes a deep breath, and Janus realizes his eyes are glittering with tears when he lifts his hand to wipe them away. “I did not mean to intrude on your family, and if you fear for your father around me, or dislike me that much, it is not my place to remain here. You will always be Virgil’s priority, as you should be, and I would never keep myself in his life if I made his son that unhappy.” 
“Okay,” Janus says, voice small. 
There is silence, after that, and much sniffling, and Janus thinks. 
He thinks about his brothers, who have taken to the Abbotts so quickly. He thinks about Patton who, in the end, isn’t such a bad kid. He thinks about his dad, who seems so happy around Logan, who had asked them to keep an open mind that afternoon, who would be so sad if he had to break up with Logan, even for Janus’ sake, though he’d never say it.
He thinks about Logan, who seems so sincere, and who isn’t really anything like She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named, or any of the others who had made his dad cry, who Janus thinks he could like one day, who could maybe be his dad too. 
“I guess you can stay,” Janus says, watching the TV carefully, and in the reflection, he can just barely see Logan relax. “For now.”
“Thank you, Janus,” he says. 
“If you hurt my dad, though, I’ll kill you myself,” Janus tells him, and means it. 
“I’d deserve it,” Logan answers simply, and for that, more than anything else, Janus starts to like Logan. He doesn’t laugh at the threat, or threaten him back, or even ignore it. 
He takes it seriously. He considers it. And he finds it justified. 
Yes, Janus thinks. With enough time, and maybe a little candy-related bribery (it is Halloween, after all) he could like Logan Abbott. 
“I had a lovely time tonight,” Logan says. Patton is in the car, strapped into his carseat with the driver’s door open just in case, still sleeping away, and Virgil has long since put Janus to bed, too. 
It is late. The moon is full overhead, a watchful eye on a quiet world, and it shines down on Logan and Virgil, who linger still in the doorway. 
“I’m glad,” Virgil smiles, though the expression falters quickly. He reaches up to Logan’s cheek, finger brushing at a stray tear track. “Have you been crying?”
“Janus and I had a bit of a heart-to-heart,” he explains, intertwining his own fingers with those of Virgil’s free hand. 
“The boys seemed to like you,” Virgil says, and though he looks no less concerned, he smiles anyways. 
“I liked them too,” Logan laughs, a shy, soft thing. “And Patton adores you, of course. I knew he would.” 
“I’d say I’m amazed they warmed up to you so quickly, but I’m not,” his boyfriend tells him, and grins, truly grins, mischievous and light and so full of love that it makes Logan feel dizzy. “You’re so wonderful, I’m surprised it took even that long.” 
“Flirt,” Logan accuses, but he steps closer anyways. The night is chilly, but he hardly notices next to Virgil Carroll, who seems to exist to provide warmth and light to the universe. “They were very protective of you.”
“Perhaps they have reason to be,” Virgil says thoughtfully, smile widening. “What with you around, standing on my doorstep in the dead of night, not kissing your boyfriend goodbye. That ought to be a crime, I think. Look at me, associating with criminals. You’ve turned me bad already!” 
Logan rolls his eyes but leans down to kiss Virgil anyways, a chaste, sweet thing that still manages to take his breath away. “You are incorrigible.” 
“You love me and you know it,” Virgil tells him. 
“I do,” Logan agrees. “Very much.”
They hug goodbye, and steal one or three or eight more goodbye kisses, and before he knows it Logan is driving away, off into the quiet of the moonlight. 
There is something magical about Halloween, he has always thought. A magic of change, and of tricks, and of trust, too. 
Virgil’s sons like me. A change. 
They attempted to drive me away, but Virgil had warned me ahead of time that might be the case, so I did, admittedly, have the upper hand. A trick. 
Janus, as of now, will let me stay. A trust, the trust of a boy who will do anything to protect his father. 
Above all else, Logan decides, he will not betray that. 
There are other Halloweens, of course, and there are other holidays, too. There are presents, and laughter, and the occasional argument, but one that is always resolved by the next day, and Janus receives that candy bribe, as well.
There are still omelet nights. There might always be. But now, instead of calling Uncle Remy, Virgil starts to call Logan, on these nights, seeking comfort when work goes badly or one of his sons is hurt or in the midst of just a truly bad day. And eventually, there will be no need for calls at all, for Logan is there to make toast and offer cuddles and tuck the boys in bed on those rough days, and, after he is supposed to be asleep, Janus will see his dad and a man who is almost, maybe, very close to being his father too, curled up together, offering support and comfort and love. 
Logan has his bad days, too. And so do Janus, and Roman, and Remus, and Patton. But none of them have to face them alone. 
One day, many Halloweens later, Janus will call Logan ‘Papa’ for the first time, sleepily, halfway through Hocus Pocus, and they will both cry, just a little bit. 
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