#you just give teeny tint vibes
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cakegatedisaster ¡ 10 months ago
Bestie I'm like 5'7, 5'10 in heels
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bwoahtastic ¡ 1 year ago
Logan also gives me sugar glider vibes. Cute and chonky but also sometimes weird-looking for others 🥺
Oh plss! Logan just teeny tiny with big eyes, hiding somewhere high snd safe a lot (that includes on top of Alex's head) with will zoom down if you call him over with snacks! Everyone would think its adorable, although Dan did jokingly call him flying napkin once and that made Logie sad!
Also Logan,starting to trust James more and just crawling into the breastpocket of his shirts? Just chilling in there and feeling so safe! James sometimes forgets so one time he is doing an interview and saying Logan is adjusting well, and a tint sugar glider head pokes out of his pocket with a happy squeak!
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anemia-rp ¡ 3 months ago
"Maybe?" Even if she wouldn't admit it aloud, he was probably right about that. Plus she knew that side of her still liked to showed up when it wanted to. "No it's okay." she said with a small smile. "Yeah, I can kind of tell that you could if you wanted to. Not in a rude way, just the vibe I guess."
"That sounds... messy... to say the least." Reno was a bit taken aback for a moment before giving a small shrug. "That could probably solve a lot of things, but probably make a lot of things worse too. It would probably give you a bad headache too." She laughed some at the last bit. "Yeah believe it or not, I like my share of loud music too. It helps. Sometimes better than people can." She agreed. Reno had been to a few psychologists in her life but she never felt like they truly helped, each one seemed to tell her something different was wrong with her. All she knew was that she didn't have the best mental health.
"Such a meanie." she teased and playfully stuck her tongue out at him. "Hey what's that look for?" She looked at him curiously, leaning in some as if she were examining him closer. "Yeah I totally understand. With my hair not so much, I'm always cutting and dying it buuuut it's weird to see myself without my tattoos in old photos." she thought about it for a moment. "Actually it even feels odd to see myself even with just fewer tattoos. Have you grown it out before?"
"Yeah? You better watch out then! I might just haunt your dreams." she laughed, her happy smile still stuck on her face as he worked his fingers through her hair. "Really?" she looked back at him with a bright smile. "That actually makes me very happy to know. It's precious to me as well." she said with a small nod and a hint of a happy wiggle.
"Yeah? Do you even get a cute blush too when that happens?" She couldn't help but tease just a teeny tiny bit since the image of him flustered was really adorable to her.
"Oh my gosh but what if they did!? That would be so weird! Like if they just gave you a review after." She laughed and shook her head a little at the silly thought. "That's true, it does make a difference if they actually want you or if they just want sex. If they just want sex then there is a good possibility that just about anything would feel good to them." she nodded. "Yeah! It can really help make your partner feel good and sexy about themselves. For example, I'm usually shy when it's my first time with someone but if they do foreplay it helps me gain my confidence and I start to feel more sexy." She let out a small gasp and pouted cutely at him "You can't mess them up after you just did them!" She shook her head a little, her cheeks tinting pink again. "No, you haven't... yet." When she realized she added the last bit her cheeks quickly turned a bright red.
"I could do lots of things, and a lot of what I'll do depends on the mood I am. Which can change quickly." He seemed easygoing at times, but truth was he had a mood disorder what could make him unpredictable.
"My hard techno setlists have the ability to either heal you or make you go fully insane", he chuckled. "But my taste in music is so fucking wide ranged, I go from gangsta rap over nu metal to old visual kei, sometimes I'm just in a cheesy mood. However, I've heard that people who have a wide ranged taste in music are more intelligent than those who listen to only one genre."
"Do I tease you? No fucking way." He found it amusing how offended she became, even if it was more in a playful manner. "Before I let my hair grow I had dread locks, but then I went for the undercut and a side parting, but these days I like having a middle parting. Looks pretty, especially when I wear a hat." Yes, he found himself pretty and handsome, and you could see it by the way he carried himself. So posh and vain.
"Guess I dreamed of worse things than you before." His hands could certainly hold a weapon and punch people in the face who looked at him the wrong way, but they could be gentle as well. "That's cute. Fondling a cat is supposed to lower the blood pressure, guess it's the same for when I fondle you."
He didn't respond instantly but you could hear him laugh to himself coyly. "Dunno, really. But maybe you'll figure it out one day?" His sense of shame was definitely not even small, and the imagination that others have seen him blushing flustered him even more. It ruined his attitude!
"That'd be horrible on the one hand, possibly so, but helpful on the other", he claimed. "Pft, if they just want anyone they should pick someone else but not me." To him this would have been equal to an insult. "Feeling good and sexy about themselves? Yeah, guess that's why I like getting touched, too. To feel desired so much and to get excited and at the same time ease into the situation. Otherwise it's just fooling around for me." And this was the current situation for him as well - something funny, but nothing that could truly arouse him. He could do all the sadistic things but what he truly needed to get in the mood was something else. Some less rough approach, at least from his own side. He wasn't one of those guys who would get aroused by arousing his partner. It just amused him, that's why he did it. But leaving others high and dry, yes, this had the potential to arouse him. "Nothing's messy with your hair", he claimed with a chuckle and looked her straight in the face. "What now, huh? Your blood shines through the skin of your cheeks, you enjoy yourself that much?" He snorted with some sinister smile, the corners of his mouth pulled down.
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icatchi-corner ¡ 3 months ago
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Yup! Inevitable holiday pfp! Wanted to do something a little less basic than a regular christmas hat, so I had to take some time to think of what to do for this. I briefly considered a gingerbread man outfit but I didn't think the colours would be distinct enough. So what I went with was a Christmas witch hat! With some extra christmas lights attatched. And a pretty fly red jacket to go along with it. This detail was a bit more subtle, but I also made the fur colour more of a pure white than the usual green tinted white I normally go with for this character to give it vibes of peppermint. Also, candy cane horns! I tried to theme this around X360 gamerpics because I grew up with that console, so something as nostalgic as Christmas it was only fitting. This is why I added a white gradient overlay to it all. Coincidentally, the Christmas lights on the hat are the same colours as the Xbox 360 facebuttons. But, X360 gamerpics of course are like, teeny tiny in resolution. So, I made an alt which uses the accurate resolution these would have.
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weirdly enough? Making a compressed version actually helped me a great deal with understanding what details I should emphasize in the art. Like making the lights brighter or the outlines more defined. Which, for a pfp is great since it will inherently be really small on peoples screens. I'd actually recommend making 64 x 64 (or even smaller) alts of your pfp's just to understand how you want to detail them!
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pinkacademic ¡ 2 years ago
Doing the Most when you don’t *Feel*the Most
AKA How to have the Pink Academia vibes when you aren't up to it. Maybe you're sick, on your period, overworked and overwhelmed, or maybe you're just not feeling it today. That's totally ok, that's how it be sometimes and there's no shame in a lower-effort day. But it doesn't always have to be all or nothing, because sometimes those tiny pops of pink can make you feel a teeny bit better.
Appearance: - match your hoodies to your scrunchies, to details in your leggings, or to your socks so that even in your sloungiest 'fit, you still feel put together. - take your hoodie looks a step above by trying long hoodie dresses and styling them to be sleek with cute boots and jewellry so it looks like you tried. You can also try cropped hoodies, or mimicking a cropped look by tucking it into a sports bra. - another alternative that channels the academia is with university sweatshirts and hoodies. Leavers hoodies from school, hoodies from your university, hoodies from your dream school, and cute tees from clubs and societies elevate your comfies into an academic feel. -if you're a makeup wearer but you're not feeling the full face, use mascara and tinted lip balm, and maybe a quick splatter of concealer and brow gel if you're so inclined. - you can absolutely compensate with accesories in every eventuality, to be honest, girlies.
Work: - make a list of everything that MUST be done TODAY and focus on JUST those tasks. If you have nothing for TODAY, break down tsks that have to be done this week. - Alternatively, use today as a catch-up day for what you've been working on recently.
Self Care: - Ladies, its time to bust out the 00s movies to celebrate that you survived an absolutely Meh day. Bust out the Legally Blonde because surely Elle will give you the motivation you need for tomorrow!
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ohayopoko ¡ 4 years ago
Eren w IslandBaddie!S/o (SFW)
Note: I’m working on a ChubbyBlackFem island baddie fic and these are just a few of the headcanons that have been tickling my brain so here we go 😁
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-Teach him how to cuss in Patois, baby boy will love you forever
-His favorite cuss words are “skunt”, “pussyclaat”, “raashole,” and Eren’s triple combo is ✨“bumbo-pussy-raasclaat,”✨
-No, he’s never heard anybody use it before🤣 Eren literally sits and smashes all the words he’s heard S/o use until he gets a combination he likes
-s/o thinks his mouth is wickeda than hers and she’ll die on that hill 😭
-Don’t start showing Eren waistline cause then he’s gonna wanna fuck
-It’s the worst when s/o just wants to have fun and enjoy herself so she gives him a sweet, small, teeny, eensy bitsy whine and Eren’s all over her, dick print pressing on her ass
-The amount of quickies they’ve had in public is embarrassing 🙄
-He’s never had fruit from the tropicals before, so imagine Erens fascination with mangoes🤤
-Peels it with his teeth like a real yaardie and S/o knows he’ll eat like 5 mangos in a sitting so she buys them in bulk
-Eren eats his mangos like he eats his pussy, I’m talking sucking all the meat clean off the bone, bitchhh😫💕
-Eren’s mango seeds are chalk white and bald headed, that’s how much he really likes mangoes
-S/o wants a baecation and It’s Eren’s idea to go to S/o’s home country for a week
-Immediately regrets it cause the mosquitoes are eating his ass up and Eren hogs the bug repellent the entire trip but S/o doesn’t mind it cause she’s used to mosquitoes
-Eren wants to see all the beaches and historical sights and even though s/o grew up there she’s eager to explore with him cause it was never something she could of did as a child
-They collect shells and rocks from the beaches and it’s childish but they build a sandcastle together too
-Eren gets frustrated when the little windows he’s making with his fingers don’t look right
-It’s mostly Eren building the sandcastle and S/o supplies the water and the sand but it’s fun to watch Eren be so determined
-Of course Eren’s posting his sandcastle on insta, snap, Tiktok- everyone’s gonna see and acknowledge his hard work 👏🏻today👏🏻
-y’all already know Eren had to hit his baby girl with the pro camera when she wanted those beach pics and he understands the assignment 👏🏾✍🏻📝
-Hypes his baby girl up, tells her to keep posing and doesn’t show her any pictures until their done and s/o feels so pretty and she’s wearing a smile in each picture
-The night scene is just as exhilarating as all of the festivals and Eren wants to go every single night and they surf all the clubs in the area, popping in and out of parties with their bottles and flags
-Eren never knew he liked steel pan music until he’s heard it and it makes him feel oddly happy and S/o’s more than happy to dance with him
-It’s not passionate dancing, just laughing, giggling, moving with each other, vibing each other and being stuck in the moment and it’s a memory Eren and S/o will remember forever- even if they breakup
-Eren’s tan, but he gets even more tan with all the sunlight and S/o teases him about it but she low key likes it cause the golden brown tint to his skin definitely made fat ma purr
-There’s this coconut stand at the market that Eren’s obsessed with cause they cut the coconut up in front of you with a cutlass and S/o has to shush him when he starts asking if he can hold the big knife 😒
-Eren doesn’t use a straw when he drinks the coconut water, like he just drives the boat
-Doesn’t eat the coconut jelly, hates it for some reason and S/o finishes his coconuts for him
-It’s so easy to get weed in the Caribbean and Eren abuses the low currency exchange the entire time 🤣🤙🏻
-He’s smacked the entire trip, eating mangoes to amplify his high and S/o never refuses the blunt when he passes it so it’s just ✨vibes✨ the whole time
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zoey-wades ¡ 5 years ago
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Visiting Columbia University was cool...
But nothing beat getting to see New York City for the first time. Eleanor kept her nose pressed to the tinted glass window as their car slowly drove down fifth avenue. It was nothing like Cordonia. Here, in the middle of the city, everyone seemed so free. They didn’t worry about courtly etiquette or tradition. It was a mixed bag of so many different cultures and vibes. She could feel the electricity radiating through the car door.
She watched as a few girls her age walked down the street, holding Starbucks cups and giggling to one another. A few feet away, a woman in neon green exercise gear jogged behind a massive husky. People brushed past one another on the crowded sidewalk, and Eleanor badly wanted to jump out the car to join them.
“Ellie, what are you gonna say to the dean when we get there?”
The young woman peeled herself away from the window, acknowledging her younger brother for the first time since they arrived on the island.
As if a switch flipped, Eleanor straightened her back, lifted her chin, and addressed her younger brother, Jamie, with a clear and steady tone, “It is an absolute honor to be able to visit this campus. It has been my dream to attend this prestigious university ever since I was a teeny tiny Apple in my mother’s eye. As the Princess of Apples, it is only fitting that I attend this institution here in the Big Apple.”
At this, Jamie began giggling profusely, and their mother turned to look at them from the second row of the car. With a raised brow, she cracked a small grin.
“Booooo. Get off the stage,” her mother teased, giving her a thumbs down.
Eleanor scoffed in mock shock, “What? I’m super funny. Dad, tell her!”
Liam, who had been half asleep beside his wife, tilted his head towards her and smirked, “I remain impartial in this discussion, Bunny.”
The young princess leaned forward, and poked her father in the chest with a perfectly manicured finger.
“This is why Uncle Max is getting your Father’s Day present. At least he thinks I’m funny.”
Jamie snorted beside her, “Uncle Max thinks the dogs are funny.”
“Uncle Max also isn’t paying your tuition,” Liam responded, poking his daughter in return. “But if it helps, I do think you have your mother’s very...silly humor.”
Lyra shot Liam a look of disdain, “Wooooooow. Where’s the divorce lawyer? Those are some criminal accusations, Liam. I’m actually funny.”
Eleanor watched as her father grinned at her mother and reached out to grab her hand and kiss the back of it, “I know you are, my love. So funny. That’s why I fell in love with you.”
Lyra leaned over to place a small kiss on her husband’s lips, “Thank you very much.”
“Gross.” Jamie muttered, choosing to pull his headphones over his ears.
“Hey! How come I get an impartial answer and mom doesn’t?”
“Easy,” Liam shrugged, as the car slowed to a stop in front of their hotel, “I’ve known her longer. I just met you.”
“Daaaad!” Eleanor dramatically threw herself over his shoulders, “I thought I was your little princess?”
Liam laughed, gently attempting to shake his daughter free from his shoulders, “Unhand me, stranger! I don’t take too kindly to close contact.”
Lyra exchanged a conspiratorial look with her son, and nodded in the direction of the hotel, “Wanna check out the breakfast buffet, kiddo?”
“FOOD!” Jamie roared, scrambling to get out of the car behind his mother.
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eye-of-enigmatic-thought ¡ 5 years ago
Ben 10 Alien design reviews! – Heatblast
Our first alien we’ll review is Heatblast, also the very first alien that Ben transforms into in the series!
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Heatblast’s in-universe actual species are called Pyronites, which come from the planet-like star Pyross, I don’t know how any creature would be able to evolve on a star, but hey! It’s COOL, and we get a sweet fire boy out of it, and that’s what matters!
Heatblast has a pretty neat design, I especially like his skull-like features on his face, and the ‘tear’ markings on him are a neat touch, altogether with his flaming head makes him look even ghostly! it gives me Ghost Rider vibes, but with MORE fire, and this time the space kind rather than the hell kind.
I also really like how his stone plates scale away at the end of his limbs, and you can even see small specs of the stone plating that give way for the inner magma body! It adds on for how Heatblast channels concentrated fire from his body. I also like how big his hands are, you can tell how that he makes big fireballs outta them (because YOU try blasting fire from those teeny tiny human hands!), his weirdly cylindrical feet are an odd touch but still a neat detail.
Also, that rocky collar is adorable, it comes across as a sort of ‘container’ for Heatblast’s flaming head so no excess heat scatters and lessen the chances of burning something on accident, but it does however look a tad stiff, what happens if you wanna look and lean down, firey boy??
Now that I think about it, a lot of Heatblast’s rock segments do make him look stiff in some areas especially around the abdomen, it’s to be expected in a way with a rocky design, but I feel they could’ve used more segmentation around the different segments of his abdomen, and there’s only one or two lines needed honestly.
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Heatblast in Ultimate Alien looks the same but with a different pallet and a slightly but not too noticeably bulkier build. As much as I love the previous design’s bright colour scheme, I actually like his darker colouration better; it makes more sense to me as his stone plating would have to be constantly singed from his element. His inner magma body is also more notably bright and has a more firey texture. He loses the ‘tear’ markings which is a shame, but nothing detrimental to the original design. His flaming head also is a bit more ‘flowy’ here, and I think giving it more flowiness improves it!
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Omniverse Heatblast has a more dynamic pose and design, the flaming head is much more ‘flowy’ (nice!) and he is much more bulky, I do miss his more leaner build in the original design, but the bulkiness looks good too and it gives the impression of our boy Ben growing! ...Unless if this design is only shown during the flashback sequences of Omniverse. The ‘rock collar’ now also has the front segment cut out and so helping Heatblast looking less stiff. The odd posing of his legs however look a bit too wonky, but that’s probably just the model and maybe he looks better when in action in the show?
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Reboot Heatblast is conceptually the same but also has some noticeably different design choices, it’s one of the redesigns I actually think look neat! I like his classic designs better, but his reboot is cute too. I’m sad he no longer has his freakishly huge hands and more spindly legs anymore, but I’m glad they still kept his skeletal-like facial structure, and amusingly enough his firey head is no longer only having his face bare, but is now engulfed entirely around the head! I really like that said flames give his face a different tint of colour, I do wish we had that on his classic designs. The shape of the flame along with the rock collar reminds me a lot on the appearances of spacesuits, and I guess that’s fitting for a cartoony alien! And a cartoony alien with the added bonus of being on fire no-less! HOUSTON, WE GOT A PROBLEM!
Overall, Heatblast has a pretty solid design throughout all his incarnations and redesigns, it’s hard to pin down a ‘favourite’ as I like each for their own reasons, and they all look and are conceptually the same aside from different colourings and different details. The stiff positioning of Heatblast’s rock armour around on his abdomen does still bother me throughout all his designs, though the reboot I guess you can say is more justified due to its more cartoonier style. Heatblast isn’t actually my favourite alien and nor is he entirely ‘my thing’, but he’s my favourite of the more humanoid aliens, and you can see why he’s popular!
Now... *ahem* time to address the elephant in the room...
Remember when I said Heatblast is the first alien Ben turns into? Well, I initially wanted to post his first appearance as an ‘intro’ to the review for fun, but guess how that turns out for Ben and the poor forest he’s camping in.
Yeeeaaaah, Steve Blum’s wonderful voice acting aside, that hits a bit too close to home in this current climate, huh? So, if anyone needs it, here’s a guardian article that details various charities to donate to for Australia’s bushfires.
<Intro     Wildmutt>
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