#you have terrible views on gender in general if this is how you act
oflgtfol · 1 year
zory i just cant get over these people bullying a non-native english speaker and jumping to theee worst most bad faith conclusions immediately and then dogpiling them immediately, all in the name of protecting the lgbtq community, but then in their bullying they’re also transphobic to the person they’re bullying. The hilarity writes itself
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bloodcursecycle-if · 3 months
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When a person commits a rather horrendous act against others, a karmic-like phenomenon called a Blood Curse is placed upon them and their bloodline. Terrible events occur every generation until someone is able to right the wrong committed. Your twin sister was the most recent victim of the Curse, being poisoned at her own coronation celebration ball. Now it's up to you to figure out how to break this curse before it claims you as well.
The Blood Curse Cycle is a WIP and new interactive CYOA novel. The focus will mostly be on the plotline, characters, and relationships. It's inspired by many JRPGs/RPGs. It's being written in ChoiceScript. While it will have a more story-based focus, there will be stat-based mechanics as well.
This is the revamped version of my first interactive fiction project, Under the Eyes of Themis. The premise is similar, but a few changes have been made.
You play as the youngest member of the Grasslands' royal family. Your family suffers from something called a Blood Curse, a supernatural karmic-like phenomenon placed onto people and their bloodlines for committing horrendous crimes against others. Sufferers from the curse will experience tragedy after tragedy until the Curse is broken or the bloodline ceases to exist.
Your sister is the most recent victim of the curse, dying from poisoning at her coronation celebration ball. Deciding you would like to not die a tragic and/or painful death, you set out on a journey to figure out exactly what your family did and how to break the curse.
Note: Because this is still a WIP, some names of characters or places may change during development.
Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Mystery
Rating: 18+
Tracked Tag: #blood curse cycle
Status: On Hiatus
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Create and customize your main character. Select their gender, pronouns, appearance, and personality.
Explore the continent of Runnet and its 8 nations, each with different views, cultures, and hidden secrets.
Join and lead a group of other Blood Curse sufferers to find out how to break your curses.
Romance any of your 5 companions: the Prince from the Woodlands, the Knight from the Dustlands, the Scholar from the Palmlands, the Healer from the Fieldlands, or the Assassin from the Floelands.
Choose to help or hinder your companions in their own quests to break their Curses.
Discover leads, find clues, and dig deep to figure out why your bloodline was cursed and how to break it before time runs out.
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Alceste Claudius d'Emeraude (he/him) - The Prince of the Woodlands Kingdom. Flirty and laid-back, he tends to not take anything too seriously... including his Curse.
Larisilla Cornaline (she/her) - The Knight from the Dustlands. Serious and blunt, it takes a bit for her to warm up to people. She is the most vocal about getting rid of her Curse.
Dionys Topaze (he/him) - The Scholar from the Palmlands. Kind and intelligent, his main area of study are Blood Curses, the types and how to break them. He is the closest to breaking his Curse.
Somnia Disthene (she/her) - The Healer from the Fieldlands. Shy and helpful, she specializes in treatments that neutralize a Curse's affects. Just don't ask about her Curse.
Enyo Perle (he/him) OR (she/her) - The Assassin from the Floelands. Loud and outgoing, they are eager to help out the group. Although, it's a bit strange that they've never brought up their Curse.
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I'm not sure if you've answered a question like this before but do you think Sebek would feel less insecure about his human-fae heritage if he became acquainted (or even friends) with someone similar at NRC? Or would he just end up projecting his own struggles onto them?
It'd be a different story if he grew up with one in Briar Valley, but I'm not caught up on the lore enough to know how common mixed fae-humans are there 😅
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I don’t think it would make a significant difference.
Firstly, the impression I get is that mixed fae-humans are rare, since fae are unlikely to mingle outside of their kind (pixies and Briar Valley fae behave similarly and are suspicious of non-fae; only the Dwarves seem to be friendly with humans). The chances of Sebek being even finding someone of his kind are low. Recall too that nocturnal fae (which Sebek is descended from) have beef with diurnal fae, so even if Sebek were to run into a mixed fae like him, he might still clash with them on the basis of that difference in background.
Another point I’d like to make is that one person for like a year or so may not be “enough” to totally change Sebek’s mind. Think about it. The way you’re describing it, Sebek has still grown up in Briar Valley his entire life and comes to NRC still carrying the attitudes he grew up with and the experiences of being looked down on by full fae. One encounter at school won’t be sufficient to counteract what is basically a lifetime’s worth of isolation and self-loathing. That just isn’t how character growth works; it’s a steady thing that you have to actively work toward.
As an example, Epel does not instantly shake off his views on traditional gender roles in book 5 just because he met Vil and lived under his dorm. Exposure alone isn’t “enough”. Epel has to be challenged and shown the error of his ways, as well as actually gain a respect for Vil’s perspective and then learn to overcome his own prejudices. A similar thing happens in book 7 when Sebek is confronted by the bigotry of his grandfather, which reflects his own attitudes towards his human peers. Again, he is being challenged and forced to face these unsavory aspects of himself and sees how that shows in others. It’s a process far more complex than simply meeting and/or befriending someone like you and realizing on your own, “oh hey, maybe I was wrong”. Sebek has to put in the work to change.
Looking at Sebek’s current circle also doesn’t yield any… hopeful results? He looks up to Lilia so much yet also puts up resistance and ignores advice from him to be more kind to non-fae. Note also that Sebek, despite being friends with Silver (a full-blooded human), he still holds a bad opinion of humans in general. It didn’t make him magically not racist or more understanding of humans when so much of his socialization fell outside of that purview. If anything, Sebek just acts like Silver is “one of the good ones” rather than his friendship with Silver making him more accepting of other humans.
Finally, I don’t think just the presence or the befriending of another person like him would change Sebek by itself. It would depends a lot on what type of person that other guy is. Who knows, maybe they’re just as bigoted and agree with his thoughts. It could also result in a scenario where Sebek feels comfortable staying in his own little echo chamber and refuses to venture beyond that. In another case, Sebek could very easily warp his views to confirm the narrative that already exists in his head. He could very easily tell himself “yes, this person is fine because they, too, have fae blood in them”. (Think of how many bigots use the “but I have a [insert marginalized group here] friend so I can’t be [X]ist!” excuse to justify their own terrible stances.) There are many ways this could go wrong or perpetuate what he already believes in. Confirmation bias is a thing!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
i haven’t read the books but from the way some book stans talk about lestat like he’s some saint, i was not expecting sam in that interview to be like no actually he loves being evil and he’s really good at it and all the stuff about male rage/akasha and the devil being like wow he’s so terrible i need to recruit him actually. and i’ve seen the odd comment on twitter that’s like oh poor sam for having to put up with this lestat character assassination. like i don’t wanna call ppl out but i saw someone say “he signed up for anne rice’s iwtv, not rolin jones’s iwtv 😢” like ??? no actually he did sign up for rolin’s adaptation. and then they act like he’s so put out by the changes like a) he’s getting paid to pay his favorite character i think he’s okay. and b) even if he has reservations or questions about a change or even outright disagrees with one, he’s always full of praise for the final product and for rolin in general. like girl he is fine lol. like he said, some changes needed to be made and were for the greater good e.g. wrt improving the louis character.
I forget if he clarified in the interview or not, but that bit he says about going to hell comes right from the books
But what had I done to Claudia? And when would I have to pay for that? How long was she content to be the mystery that bound Louis and me so tightly together, the muse of our moonlit hours, the one object of devotion common to us both? Was it inevitable that she who would never have a woman's form would strike out at the demon father who condemned her to the body of a little china doll? I should have listened to Marius's warning. I should have stopped for one moment to reflect on it as I stood on the edge of that grand and intoxicating experiment: to make a vampire of "the least of these." I should have taken a deep breath. But you know, it was like playing the violin for Akasha. I wanted to do it. I wanted to see what would happen, I mean, with a beautiful little girl like that! Oh, Lestat, you deserve everything that ever happened to you. You'd better not die. You might actually go to hell. But why was it that for purely selfish reasons, I didn't listen to some of the advice given me? Why didn't I learn from any of them-Gabrielle, Armand, Marius? But then, I never have listened to anyone, really. Somehow or other, I never can.
he's not a saint (but he wants to be one for a second lol) but I personally didn't feel like he was that "evil" either. anne rice wasn't rly a good writer and fired her editor 3 books in on top of it. the series was unplanned and it's a wreck. he does awful shit but nothing I'd view makes him rly "evil," so it was a struggle for me to get on board with all that. an internal fight about how he views himself, I could understand, but idk what was rly that bad otherwise. especially cuz she was so in luv with him that consequences for anything he does just drop off as the books go? let me not write a whole thing about this lol. but ya the good and evil thing is from the books. the rice-a-ronis do mention it in posts sometimes but ever since the show has aired, everything has to be explained away now, bcuz they don't like black and brown characters or fans judging their white fav. he's either an innocent meow meow or a gothic monster, depending what mood they're in that day to dodge whatever criticism comes for them.
AMC explores a lot of stories about violent men so I've never understood this insistence like it's going to be some soft romantic series. the romance is gonna exist in the violence somehow, especially cuz they're vampires. louis slamming dreamstat's head into a rock wall while being goaded to do it bcuz dreamstat says it's the only way louis knows how to luv is sort of peak loustat for where we're at rn. I'm sure eventually they'll be more tender but it's still gonna have gritty undertones for the network it's on and who is writing it. the stans luv to make it about gendered shit, like rolin is ruining it all bcuz he's a man, but anne rice wrote violent, fucked up things too. worse than the show is prbly going to go. it's all excuses. u can just not like something without having to justify ur dislike of it to death. like damn. it's not ur taste, just stop watching??
and yes sam is a grown ass man getting prbly a good paycheck from this so loll he will be fine!
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samuraiondo-mace-1177 · 2 months
Yakuza/Lost Judgement Headcanons: Sexuality, Gender, and ASD/ADHD
Strap in boys, this is a long ass post (some spoilerish stuff)
(I may not mention certain things since it's side content, and that's written by a separate team of people. However, some things are character accurate, but that's rare)
These are personal views so if you don't HC them aswell, I'm chill w/ that
Kiryu Kazuma - Biromantic Asexual with ASD
Yeah, he's quite gay with Majima, but I feel like a lot of people forget the fact that he's had 3 female love interests in the main story and rizzes up entire cabaret clubs in every game. So, he should probably be called bi instead of gay. As usual, asexual since he shows no interest in sex, seems to be repulsed, and sexual thoughts don't appear easily in this man's head. For ASD, he has some processing issues (socially, not physically), a hyperfixation on Pocket Circuit (knowing everything abt it), barely understands social conventions and how people act, and seems to have some sort of selective mutism.
Little note abt the whole Transmasc Kiryu thing: I'm pretty sure people are confusing the signs of autism with the signs of a transmasc character. Ya see, a lot of trans people are autistic and the signs I've seen people mention have just been signs of autism, not him being trans.
Goro Majima - Bisexual Genderfluid with ASD
The first two speak for themselves. Kiryu and Makoto. Then Goromi. Simple. The ASD tho. I'm aware a lot of people say he has ADHD but I don't think that's the case. See, he shows traits of Autism throughout Yakuza 0 and, at the end, basically says to Sagawa, "nah I'ma be insane for fun." He appears to be masking the ADHD traits. Due to him being able to focus well and remain sitting still in Y0 and not doing that in the mainline titles. There's a lot of stuff I could say, but then this would be a three hour read, lol.
Daigo Dojima - ASD
Literally nothing else other than he's way too much like me and one of my friends (we're both autistic woooooo)
Shun Akiyama - ADHD
(Someone on here told me abt the signs, and I got to Y4. So, I can wholeheartedly say that I agree)
Excessive tiredness is a sign of ADHD, and so is a terrible sleep schedule. He struggles with keeping track of time (a.k.a. time blindness). And obviously, issues with balancing general chores and work.
Ichiban Kasuga - AuDHD (possibly Demisexual or Ace)
He struggles to focus, jumps from a new idea to another, struggles with chores and remembering stuff. He's hyperfixated with Dragon's quest to the point where the first game is just him pretending he's in it. Ichiban also has a lack of personal public perception. Resulting in him not focusing on his own behaviour in public and acting in ways others may see as childish. Other members are shown to play along but may then feel a bit embarrassed after or during. He also doesn't seem to immediately think of sexual thoughts when it comes to things (like when you meet that fortune teller dating app woman in Infinite Wealth). Although, Ichiban appears to think that those sorts of things should only be done with a partner you have a strong bond with (tho, this is from memory. I need to rewatch cutscenes)
Joon Gi Han - ASD
(also information that someone told me)
He lacks an understanding of jokes and sarcasm. Typically speaks out of turn in conversation. Joon Gi is also naturally isolated from the group, showing his disappointment and sadness when this happens.
Takayuki Yagami - Biromantic Bigender Demi/asexual with ASD
The only reasons for the Biromantic and Bigender HCs is just because I've seen way too many clips of Kimura being Flirtatious with men and women, and dressing as both masc and fem, that I can't unsee Yagami as anything else. Demisexuality tho comes from the cutscene in Judge eyes/Judgement where he mentions that he takes relationships slow, and doesn't jump to having sex as soon as possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's scenes where he gets incredibly grossed out and sexual related things or doesn't immediately see something as sexual. Alright, this man stims, has issues processing info, hyperfixates, has issues expressing himself, large emotion meltdowns, confused by social behaviour, doesn't know how to comfort others, comfort clothes, repetitive behaviour, lack of sympathy/empathy, MASKS ALL THE TIME.
Makoto Tsukumo - ASD
He is a Hikikomori (a full time shut in basically) and a large amount of those are autistic. He has severe social anxiety, hyperfixations, finds it hard to communicate socially, avoids eye contact, and acts strangely.
Kazuki Soma - AroAce with diagnosed ASD
He follows the same stereotype as me, high intelligence and lack of empathy (I'm getting better at it though!) Soma has a low immune system, having an IgE allergy (prevelant in those with Autism). He blames his failed plans on the execution from the others, and not the plan itself. The AroAce bit tho. Idk, it just felt right for the character. He kinda reminds me of an aroace friend of mine in a sense so uhhhhhh
Note for Soma: You may be aware of the meme I posted of "Can Opener and then Leg Opener" w/ a picture of Soma. That was made out of a joke with the aroace friend that I previously mentioned. It was kinda making fun of the fact that I've seen people drool over that psychopath and there was a level of satireness making the meme. Idk dude, we made it at like 3am or smt, anything is funny at that time
(if you want me to give evidence or elaborate on something, just send me an ask lol)
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princelylove · 9 months
same anon that asked about the platonic/familial thing!
aahh that's good to hear, your highness! ^^/ I hope it's alright to ask for Yoshikage Kira with a quiet and//or shy child!reader,,, specifically when he's part of the Kawajiri fam!
maybe they're in Hayato's place or his younger sibling, but the thought of them being curious of Kira because woah their dad changed… his kid gets abnormally clingy to him within time. kinda really curious about the "fluff"//"comfort" with them but also… knowing Kira whatever fluff//comfort is going to be. very. questionable and damning- but in the end even if he hurts them… his kid still somehow trusts him and seeks comfort from him and listens to him much more than anyone else
ahh i hope this is alright! sorry if i rambled a lot or if it's too much ><;; you can change things up a bit if you'd like and go ham with it if you'd like !!
When it comes to Mr. Kira, you should generally be quiet and stay out of his way. Oh, sorry, I misspoke. I mean Mr. Kawajiri. 
Warning for discussion of gender roles/conforming to gender stereotypes, it’s gender neutral until I go on my “Yoshikage is a freak who cannot stand anything non mainstream” tangent but I talk about both masc and fem. I cut this short because I got a little too interested in the entire family's dynamic rather than just Kira, hope you still like it. ♡
I’m fond of Yoshikage, if I may be so informal, for his taste in fashion, he cares quite a bit about how he presents himself, and by extension cares how you do. He makes sure you dress appropriately for your age, and in a gender conforming way. He sighs every time you come home with pants on under your uniform’s skirt, or with your tie abandoned. God forbid you’re a part of a subculture that doesn’t conform- being a delinquent isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. Charms on your bag aren’t allowed until you’re older, and pushing your socks down like that makes you look ridiculous.
While Daddy is rather strict and loveless, Shinobu isn’t. She spoils you a little too much- especially considering she thinks she didn’t show Hayato the love he needed, and that’s why he acts Like That. She’s thankful he doesn’t bother you too much, but would it kill him to come downstairs and eat dinner with us? Oh, Mommy’s sorry, she doesn’t mean to vent, she loves girls nights with you too! Girls night isn’t a gender thing, you can have girls night with mother and be a young man! Sigh. Shinobu’s sorry. She’s just desperate for someone to hang out with her. That woman is so neglected. She loves to take you shopping and hear about your interests! Oh, you want to be alone? That’s fine too! Mommy will be right here when you need her! Waiting patiently! …. Are you sure you don’t want to watch some tv, maybe?
Yoshikage has assimilated well into a fatherly role, he accepts it as “being a man,” and therefore, part of his role in being normal. The only issue is he’s used to his father, who has very old and traditional views on what a man does, with absolutely zero chance of becoming open minded. He's more fond of his mother, really. Neither of your parents tell you no if you ask for something- it’s a bit different if you’re masc or fem, he has an idea of what you’re supposed to be from very early on and failing to meet those expectations means not getting the care you deserve. At least from Yoshikage, Shinobu will always love you. ♡
If you’re a girl, Yoshikage is fine with you being a daddy’s girl, as he was sort of himself, in a sense (Don't mention his relationship with his actual father). He’ll humor you asking him to buy you things, as long as it isn’t every week or terribly expensive. You mustn't become a brat. He isn’t really one for excessive materialism, but nine times out of ten he’ll humor you if it means you’re opening up to him. He’ll rent books and different types of media from the library for you if you ask (That he approves of), and he takes you to the park for some fresh air weekly, even if you’re older. He encourages taking care of yourself, but you shouldn’t be trashy about it. Do your nails, but not bright colors. Style your hair, but not in a tacky way, and leave it natural or, if you MUST dye it, dye it a natural color. He tends to nag you more if you’re fem- no boyfriends, come home by a certain time, etc. Typical overprotective girldad. He uses a softer voice when he speaks with his daughter- he knows he’s supposed to be gentle with you, and he’s not going to risk giving you a complex where you grow up to be like the women he murders and doesn’t keep. 
If you’re a boy, he’s less expressive with you, and you likely get most of your affection from Shinobu. He’s fine emotionally neglecting you because he doesn’t view you as something soft. You must be like him. Your brother’s already a failure, are you going to follow in his footsteps? He would still take his son to the park and get him a library card (Note: Doesn’t rent books for you, only gets you the card) and whatnot, but it’s obvious he’s doing it out of obligation (Shinobu lightly suggested it) rather than real love. Bummer! You get nice clothes, though. Being quiet as a boy is fine as long as you aren’t struggling academically. Which has its advantages! If you’re failing, he’ll tutor you, and that means more attention! That also means getting locked in your room and getting berated because “Men are supposed to be better than this, who will have you when you’re older if you’re stupid?” but hey. At least you can get out of hanging out with him by saying you need to study, but you can’t get out of his life lesson lectures. 
While Hayato is the weird child, you’ve taken on the role of what Yoshikage intended his future children to be like, hopefully. Well behaved, well mannered, you don’t have any disturbing hobbies (Which is bold coming from him), you don’t get in his way. For that, he rewards you. Gifts, quality time, letting you be alone, etc. Anything he can think of that will reinforce this good behavior.  Hayato has mixed feelings about you. He also has a bit of a complex when it comes to gender considering his canon dynamic with his mother of “I”m gonna be the new man of the house and take care of mom,” so your relationship depends heavily on a few things. Who’s older, if you’re closer with Yoshikage or Shinobu, if you’re a girl or a boy (Hayato hasn’t figured out there’s a third option yet, give him a couple years), etc. If you’re a girl, you get pushed in the same box as Shinobu. This creep is pretending to be dad, I have to protect mom and my baby sister! If you’re a guy, he’ll expect you to help him, but cuts you some slack if you fail because you’re younger. Hayato likely dismisses an older sibling entirely, they’re just getting in the way and not helping mom at all, regardless of if they help her or not.
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piromantic · 5 months
gender rambling
this isn't about how i feel on the inside or trying to sort out any of that stuff. the older i get the less i care about applying the gender dichotomy to my own feelings or trying to describe myself within this framework that doesn't really mean anything, like i'm myself and i'm good with that
however. we live in a society.
ngl for this being the 'burnt out gifted kid transgender' website i've never actually seen any discussions about gender within competitive academic settings. i've seen some mentions of how toxic masculinity presents differently in nerd spaces, but still permeates it just as much as any other space. but it took like, so fucking long to even recognize it in my own life, let alone unravel how it affected me.
i sometimes play video games with a group of guys from my major and for the last year and a half i was The Team Carry because i had a few hundred extra hours of practice on them. they're all nearly caught up to my level now, and even though they're all the pretty typical 'woo feminism' cis men and have never said anything towards me that was weird or discriminatory, i've started to feel afraid that i'm going to be mentally demoted in their minds as soon as i lose the status of 'carry'. which is irrational, but as i started dissecting where this fear came from it started unraveling like years of my life
it sounds absolutely ridiculous when typed out, but when i'm in my own head i keep going in circles of 'am i, personally, going to lead to the downfall of feminism by not being a woman'.
because i am studying in a field where there aren't many women in general, let alone visibly queer people. things have gotten better for sure but i have literally been in a class where i was the only person who wasn't a cis man in the whole room. so i'm viewed as someone setting an example and paving the way just by existing, which feels like i'm just pulling off a giant deception on people who see me as a sign of community, which feels awful.
but also, i think i became aware of this on a subconscious level YEARS before i realized it outright. like i think about this reaction i have to video games and it takes me all the way back to fourth grade, when i realized that girls were never going to accept me, but if i was mean and smart and loud about it, boys might. so i got really into the Act Of Appearing Smart, which manifested as just being... ridiculously competitive. oh i know more digits of pi than you. oh i can recite more of the periodic table faster than you. oh i can do integrals in my head faster than you. etc etc ad infinitum
when i think back, so much of my life was spent trying to like, win scraps of gender euphoria through 'proving' myself in the academic system. and like. ???? playing the misogyny game is still misogyny. i look back and wonder whether i had a missed opportunity to make these spaces better if i had just pushed back on them a bit more, and whether i was just perpetuating them by being like 'hey guys, no need to stop the toxic masculinity! i'm a girl, and i can succeed in here, so girls who don't succeed just aren't trying hard enough!'
or, put slightly differently: was i just perpetuating the idea that the only way to succeed in these systems was to be masculine.
over time i found that the way boys (and men, now) signify that i've succeeded is to allow me to be in their spaces. guys will tell me about the girls they find hot, forgetting that it's not socially acceptable for me to agree. guys will drop the use of female pronouns when i'm in the group, slotting me under 'boys' or 'king' like the rest of their friends instead of making exceptions. and it's like. if i was a woman i wouldn't let this happen, and i know they would respect that.
BUT I'M NOT A WOMAN. and these things are affirming, but i feel terrible for finding affirmation in them, because they weren't meant that way.
(and i can hear my mother's voice in my head like 'you're not trans, you just want male privilege', and no, i really don't think that's it. i had a friend that used to say misogynistic shit to be edgy when we were in like, elementary-middle school, and i always shut that down immediately. but it never felt like i was defending myself as part of that group. i've just always felt a bit of distance there)
i guess the issue i've been trying to articulate is that things are fine on the surface, but the context for them isn't. if people were treating me the exact same way because i came out to them, i wouldn't feel bad. but i'm a coward and i hate coming out because it usually goes badly for me, and i'd also feel bad about coming out in my area of study specifically because i'm already in the minority right now. (and i don't think it would go over very well, despite diversity trainings and whatever getting more popular.) like i don't want to be the SINGLE they/them in my entire department. that's too much stress for me.
and i have this fear that it would just come across as becoming a stereotype, or being misogynistic. like ohhhh you think you're a man because women can't do math or something. <- insane thing to worry about
idk i need to stop stalling and finish my conference presentation already. if you read this far idk why you would but thanks for making it through all that
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pynkhues · 1 year
Okay, feel free not to answer this but does it feel like the fandom has generally had a harsher/less sympathetic view of Kendall in a post-finale/S4 world or is that just me? I feel like I see a lot more takes that position Kendall as the sole or primary inheritor of Logan’s poison when all of the siblings have elements of Logan dripping through and they’ve all suffered from his abuse (as opposed to just certain siblings - which I see way more than I previously did). It might just be me, but does it seem like the views/commentary around the siblings has changed? (Please note I mean no shade to anyone, just generally super interested in how the fandom view of characters evolves over time/morphs with recency bias)
Hey! Sorry it took me a few days to get to this (I'm a little slow across the board these days), but yeah, I'd say that I agree with you. There tends to be this fixation in fandom on which sibling was abused the most or which is the most likely to be abusive in the future, when the reality is their experiences aren't numbers you can compare. You can't compare Roman maybe being hit more (which again, isn't something we actually even know), with the psychological abuse of Logan humiliating Kendall as a boy by making him compete with and then wait on one of the few relationships he has outside of the family.
These aren't things that are quantifiable, and similarly, the insidious ways that the golden trio behave in the final season (or throughout the show's run) aren't things that can be plugged into a pie graph to give a sense of which of the three of them is the 'worst'.
I do think Roman and Shiv in some ways feel more defensible in the final season for some because Roman does seem to accept his ousting while Shiv's narrative feels so doomed, but I think a lot of that comes down to the woobification of Roman by a vocal portion of the fandom and the very specific and gendered bleakness of Shiv's arc.
It doesn't help of course that there's a sense that if it weren't for Shiv, Kendall would've 'won', which I think is a false reading of the show in general. The show has worn all its opinions on its sleeve since season 1, and Kendall as a character isn't one who wins even when he does. He, in Roman's words in 3.01 after Kendall's arguably had the biggest win he does across the course of the show, self-destructs. I don't imagine had he become CEO it would've gone any differently.
I do think there's also this desire to see all three of the golden trio's acts in s3 in isolation - it's easier to end sympathetically with Roman because he broke at his father's funeral, when literally an episode earlier he was instating a fascist in one of the most powerful roles in the worlds. It's easier to end sympathetically with Shiv, who kills her brother and faces a broken end. It's harder to end sympathetically with Kendall, who alienates his family, threatens to take custody of his children off his wife, takes back a crucial truth and has to be forced out of a legacy he feels entitled to.
There's a sense of character death there, but no more than there is for Shiv or Roman, the former who has lost any ethical or moral core she may have ever had, and the latter who's lost any sense of purpose and destroyed a country in the process (even if in the end it was Kendall's choice, Mencken was always Roman's man).
To look at Kendall's actions in isolation though negates the particular insidious abuse Kendall faced in his life, and even in death. Kendall's alienation from his children takes on a far greater depth for instance when you consider it in the context of Roman echoing their father's words that they were never family to begin with, just as his terrible treatment of both Rava and Jess at his father's funeral takes on added weight when you consider the fact that he's not only grieving his father, but is feeling increasingly alone after his sister betrayed him and he's worried his brother's going to cut him out now that Mencken's president.
Does that make his behaviour okay? Of course not! But to view these moments in isolation paints them as inherently abusive instead of the long tail of abuse in a very lonely man who's only sense of self-worth is tied to the ghost of a dead man
The fandom's always been fickle with the characters though, so I imagine it'll come full circle. Don't forget at the start of the season a loud portion of the fandom was arguing Connor was the worst one because Kieran said he bought a person in an interview, haha.
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Pretty cool to see a blog like this but for the fgc. I have two requests actually, but you can pick one if that’s better for you. Male reader in a relationship with Vega from Street Fighter or Jedah Dohma from Darkstalkers? General romance headcanons about them is fine too!
I decided to do both Vega and Jedah! Though Jedah will have his own separate post!
Warning; Unhealthy relationship, stalking,
Being in a relationship with Vega [Male! Reader]
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Vega is interesting to me because he seems like a real Narcissus type - too focused on his own beauty to notice the beauty of others. However, I imagine the idea of being in a relationship does interest him, no matter the gender of his possible partner (though he probably holds masculine figures to a higher degree). He's just under the assumption that no one is worthy of his affection. But when someone he deems worthy comes around, he isn't exactly sure how to act.
He turns into an obsessive little fucker. Once he meets someone as beautiful as him (a rare feat in itself) he just wants to learn every little detail about his future boyfriend (cause he already decided that he must be with you). He wants to know what your favorite colors are, your work schedule, places you like to visit - he finds the answers to his questions sooner or later. (how he gets this information is none of your concern.)
His love is very physical - kisses every inch of your skin, hands constantly on you, sweet whispers of his passion late into the night, all that good stuff. However, it is never forceful. He remembers clearly how his stepfather would force affection onto his mother, making her uncomfortable and he wishes to never cause that kind of pain to anyone (a simple swipe of his claws would do just fine in most cases). Say the word and he'll immediately stop what he was doing, finding new ways for his boyfriend to feel loved.
If I had to choose a love language for Vega it'll be a tie between physical touch and gift-giving. He loves buying you stuff he thinks you'll enjoy - peculiarly fancy clothing and accessories [such as tuxedos and perhaps jewelry if you wear them]. He just adores seeing his boyfriend in outfits he got specifically for him and - if you so agree - would show you whenever the two of you are out.
Vega is rather possessive and shows that in little subtle ways, some might even pass you if you aren't terribly observant. If someone was staring at you a bit too long for his liking, he might conventionally stand in front of you, blocking the person's view of you or if you're wearing something more relieving, his jacket - it is cold after all! He wouldn't want you to get sick! (Or to have to claw someone's eyes out later on) The only times Vega won't be so subtle is if somebody tries to flirt with you, that's when his jealousy starts to show up a little - being touchy/overly affectionate with his words, perhaps a passionate kiss if he knows you're alright with that. God forbid it if some poor idiot was to put their disgusting hands on you - he'll make sure their lives end quickly after that.
His ideal date is just going somewhere and showing you off - worshiping you like a God almost. I imagine Vega taking you out to an intricate bar or an elegant party and showing you off to anyone that lets him. Which yes can lead to the latter becoming overly protective. Though in most cases, a simple glare from him or him just simply mentioning the two of you are together most people will back off.
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And I'll link Jedahs bit right here [🩸] whenever it gets out of the queue
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curreres · 1 month
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(carlson young) [THE LOOSE CANNON]. Please welcome [MICHELLE “MIKEY” HOLIDAY (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [26]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [SERVER AT BUCKY’S DINER]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
— full name: michelle leila holiday
— alias: mikey
— age/birthday: 26 years old, october 30th
— zodiac: scorpio sun
— gender/pronouns: cis female, she/her
— sexuality: pansexual
— occupation: server at bucky's diner
— face claim: carlson young
— height: 5'2"
— distinguishing features: intense eyes. perfume smells deep, smokey, and like roses. constantly reapplies her lip gloss. has lots of patchwork tattoos that she either did herself or had a friend do for her. really into nail art.
— general: always scribbling and drawing on whatever paper she can find. has a very typical "jersey" accent. clearly wants to be liked. enjoys being the center of attention. every pair of pants she owns have been drawn on or have had little patterns sewn into them. surprisingly charismatic. strange, but somehow likable.
— positive: passionate, determined, charismatic
— negative: obsessive, distant, quick to anger
michelle was named after a beatles song by a woman who was trying to appeal to michelle's birth father, an avid beatles listener. apparently it didn't work because he never returned her calls after their brief affair and michelle grew up with a mother who went through boyfriend after boyfriend and spent every dime she got from michelle's father on pretty things for herself.
meanwhile, michelle went without. she fantasized about what her father was really like, often writing stories of her father saving her from this terrible, drab little life that she led with her mother, especially when she learned that her father had money. she did everything she could to get her father's attention — did her best in school (though she wasn't very naturally bright), did all of the after school clubs she could, and even learned how to play the bass guitar like his favorite artist, paul mccartney.
one day michelle found out that every letter she had ever given her mother to send to her father had secretly been stowed away by her mother. enraged, michelle demanded that her mother send a letter — a letter michelle wrote herself detailing her accomplishments as well as inviting her father to the talent show where michelle was going to perform. despite her mother's warnings, the letter got sent and when she got a reply, michelle was elated! until she realized that her father sent it back unopened with a note asking her not to reach out to him.
from then on, michelle started acting out. she went out at all hours of the night, and if she ended up returning home, it wasn't until the early hours of the morning. she lacked purpose, drive, or anything really until she happened to meet taurus. he was attractive, successful, everything that she wanted! suddenly she knew what she wanted to do — she wanted to make sure that taurus was successful, and wanted to be by his side the whole time.
taurus clearly didn't view the relationship like michelle did, with the pair being on again, off again, committed but really not, but michelle didn't care — she was there for him no matter what. and when one day she stopped hearing from him, she followed after him, just as she always had.
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female-malice · 8 months
Your rape comparison is dumb because it gets exactly to the point that you're missing. I come from a place in Nigeria with a history of arranged between young women and older men. A long time ago this practice was not only common, but largely an expected process when it came to joining two people. Today most people in Nigeria acknowledge this to be immoral and some even consider it to be sexual trafficking. I would be inclined to agree. Yet only a few hundred years ago it was not questioned. Not because rape wasn't looked down upon back then, it simply wasn't considered rape. I have a traceable family history to men I would consider to be rapists by today's standards. Do I consider them heinous men? No. It was simply the expectation and the culture of the time. Marriage was considered a unification of families rather than individuals. The opinion of the girl being married off was seldom considered. I don't think every slaver was a heinous human being either. For a large amount of time in many cultures having slaves was simply how large amounts of work got done. Yes, it required the belief that humans could be relegated to property. But that wasn't an idea they culminated on their own. Just like most of the belief systems they held. The same is true for us. Everyday I go to work for someone else to provide for myself and my family. In modern society, if I don't work, I don't eat and I die. I believe in the future we will have considered it a barbaric slavery to hold a man's basic needs hostage behind working for someone else. Maybe it will be "UBI" or something else, but I do believe that in the future most people's basic needs can and will be met without the systems of work we have now. And I don't think we'll consider every person who ever owned a business and made people work for a living, a heinous person. If you judged every person from 1000 years ago on their actions and dispositions most of them would probably be "bad men". At that point calling someone bad in that context becomes largely meaningless and renders the exercise a complete waste of time. Even a peasant from the late middle ages would likely be a terrible misogynist with them engaging in catholic traditions that gave them complete control over their wives, which I think we would agree is bad regardless if they treated their wife well or not. What people like you are too stupid and self-centered to understand is that, 200 years from now, people who look back at certain practices you supported as barbaric. No matter how convinced you are of the morality of certain practices, now, in the present, a different society in a future era, might consider them destructive. Something like lobotomies were viewed as compassionate and medically supported in the 1950s.  What are society's views on lobotomies now? Does that make these people bad if future generations do something different?
This is a response to this post:
I've been slowly making my way through the 9 hour death camp documentary called Shoah made in 1985. The entire thing is interviews with victims, witnesses, and perpetrators. One of the common themes that everyone comes back to in those interviews is "you can get used to anything."
Rape is not a social construct. The definition of rape is clear and consistent regardless of culture. Cultural relativism does not excuse crimes against humanity like torture, massacres, mass rape, and slavery.
It is not monsters and demons who commit these heinous acts. It is regular human men with hopes and dreams and curiosity about the universe. In certain cultures, it is normal for men to rape their property. That does not mean that every man in that culture is capable of this. But most men are because you can get used to anything. And if you can't, you're free to kill yourself. The men who have empathy for women are considered freaks and outcasts by certain cultures. Those men live painful lives in the margins of society. They are disturbed by their own society and they can't adjust to it. Inevitably, a woman will fall in love with one of these disturbed empathetic men. And her husband will kill them both. And life goes on as normal. And the undisturbed men will go back to singing and laughing and dancing.
Many descendants of slave owners feel that their ancestors were not evil. They feel their ancestors were just people of the past who adjusted to life back then. But it's important to remember that tons of people did not adjust to those systems. Tons of people were horrified by those heinous acts even back then.
I already know what humans of the future will consider barbaric about our time. I'm not well adjusted to my society and I can't get used to it. And I'm asking men to stop trying to adjust to barbaric and sadistic cultural tendencies.
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oldmanhorseface · 3 months
I've got a very complicated relationship to womanhood as a transmasc system, and Uses of the Erotic by Audre Lorde fixed me.
It's an essay that I highly recommend discussing uses of the erotic. Though, in Lorde's definition, it isn't just sexual material. In fact, there is little focus on sex at all. Rather, it focuses on reclaiming pleasure, physical and not, for ourselves, and to embrace this as fuel to better our lives.
And in the beginning, Lorde discusses the nature of white patriachy, and how this system uses the pornographic - pleasure without feeling - to oppress. Women are viewed as as objects for the pleasure of men, who cannot have any pleasure for their own. The ideal is set at a woman who is ultimately an object, who is fully disconnected from herself and from her needs.
And she argued this is the overall goal because once you connect to the erotic - to the intimacy within yourself found in pleasures of all shapes and sizes - you can demand absolutely nothing less from all that you do. And that is extremely detrimental to white patriarchy, to have women who are dedicated to their self-fulfillment, and who demand from others to be treated in ways that suit them and not the patriarchy. (This is a terrible summary, please read the essay!)
I think very often about the concept of the cop in your head. The colonizer, the misogynist, whatever. The internalized structure of oppression you use to oppress yourself. Your expectations for yourself - what you want, who you think you should be, what future you think the world should have - are so tied to further that on such base levels, from gendering your body parts to what you even think it means to be a man or a woman. To have her call that out and to invite a framework outside of it fucking rattled my brain into being normal. Like, genuinely, I do not think I've ever felt like a man until then, specifically because like… yeah, no, my body is not a woman's body. My body is a man's body, because I am a man. The idea that it's a woman's body is what is fed to me by white patriarchy, because every barrier they can place between me and my inner peace is a method of keeping me under control.
Further, as a black transmasc - black women are generally very masculinized under white patriarchy, so much of black womanhood and black femininity becomes about reclaiming this. The first 20 years of my life were spent wrenching womanhood from white patriarchy, in learning how to find the feminine through that forced masculinization. That isn't something you can just leave. I would not know how to be a man if I had not been a woman first and the idea of these two things being opposed is, once again, the work of white patriarchy. Who does it serve to set these parts of myself at odds? To hate the woman who spent years trying to feel herself in the face of being made a non-person. Certainly not me.
I am a man, I'd like SRS, I love the way my body looks and feels on testosterone. But I also know womanhood; I know gathering together, i know finding alternative solutions, I know demanding and making waves because you're expected to be quiet. Those are just as much part of how I navigate life as they were before I started HRT.
I do not know how to view the world like a cis man because I'm not one, and I frankly don't want to be one. I only know life as an act of creation - making something for yourself in face of being marginalized. And so, too, my manhood is best expressed as an act of creation. I would never want to have been born a man, to that end, because there is so much core to me that could only be obtained from being a woman that I just wouldn't even be the same person anymore.
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harbingerofwhump · 1 year
Your new tumblr name (title? pseudonym?) is terribly intriguing will you please share your wisdom/headcanon
Ahahaha, so, I have to be honest it came more from an inside joke with a couple friends than a specific "kaz is a femboy" headcanon. But also, I think it works well with Thoughts/headcanons that I've had about Kaz anyway so I stand by it lmao, so!
I've kind of always imagined Kaz as being very gnc (if not trans or enby). He presents himself however is convenient for him in the moment (for jobs, cons, etc.), or to make a statement (mocking the merchers), but when the way he presents doesn't really matter, that all goes out the window. Which doesn't have to be tied to Femboy Kaz but it can be, and I think he'd very much be the kind of person to say "fuck gender norms I do what I want" (insert tangent about autistic!kaz and social norms/expectations in general here) and at some point he realizes that what he wants is to wear pretty dresses and makeup thank you very much
And it can serve a purpose beyond personal feelings too! It's no 'mock the merchers and make them uncomfortable by dressing as one of them' but I think he still could (and would) use it to make a point and as a a sort of... act of rebellion? (since we have at least some indication that sexism/misogyny is prevalent at least to some extent in the grishaverse), especially if he found out any of his crew (crows or otherwise) had been having problems with it. Like just, him whole-heartedly embracing femininity and making it everyone else's problem, he knows it doesn't change anything, it isn't a weakness or something to hide/be ashamed of --- in him or anyone else --- etc., and he will gladly make other people uncomfortable with that and put them in the position of having to either face that or do mental gymnastics to hold on to their preconceived ideas
Also also also! I dunno I just generally have feelings about like…. As Kaz starts to heal, he has to open up not just to his friends but also to himself? If that makes sense? Like he has to figure out who he is as a person, just himself --- no 'I live to exact revenge in Jordie's name', no masks/personas, no Dregs, no Inej and Jesper & Co., just. Him.
(Which isn't to say these aren't still critical aspects of/don't have a critical role in who he is, but. Ya know. There's more to it, he has to figure out who he is beyond that, etc. I'm definitely not explaining this well but hopefully my point is getting across?)
Anyway, sorry, bit of a tangent there. Point is, I think his healing journey comes with its fair share of self exploration/discovery, and I imagine gender presentation/exploring femininity, especially as a man, being an unexpected but important part of that.
But I think one of the biggest things for me here is that like… disability (trauma, chronic pain, mental illness) can be really alienating, not just from society/people around you but also from yourself and your own body? And how you dress and generally present can be incredibly important regardless of identity and neurotype and physical capabilities and all that, but then to bring in those other aspects --- the way it impacts how others view and treat you, how you generally feel, your own connection to your body and personhood, etc (how many times can I use "etc." in this post, lol) --- as well... Idk maybe this isn't a common experience but at least to me that all really intensifies the role/importance of outward presentation?
Plus, between his reputation and his limp/cane and the gloves, Kaz is probably already so accustomed to people taking the very nature of his existence as an invitation to… be invasive, I guess? (There's definitely a better way to explain what I mean but.) But anyway, even if a lot of the time people know better than to actually push him or voice their speculations and invasiveness to his face, it does happen and he knows it, so what's one more thing to give them? * Cue fun femboy times *
Idk if I… actually made any sense here and I was definitely very brief/vague but. Just some of my thoughts. If I was better at putting said thoughts into coherent words for people not living inside my brain, I'd be writing a whole essay on this, but alas….
Sorry I feel like this is probably a disappointing answer since none of it is actually inherently about Kaz being a femboy, but it's also not a specific headcanon I have about him, just something that can fit well with ideas/thoughts/headcanons/what have you that I had already, so I don't have much to offer there.
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otnesse · 1 year
This is a reply to @stupidflandersissexy's reblog to Marcia Brady's posts since I've been banned by the latter and thus can't do a direct reblog.
#some really interesting points here#the only thing I disagree is the little mermaid having the supposedly having lgbta subtext#there are other things people can be or feel like outsiders without being lgbt#but still good points#it's true that she doesn't have a job or anything#they were working to support their families and feed their kids
The LGBTA context is more of a yes and no,to me. I don't see it,but I can understand why people have such a point of view. Personally,Ariel comes across to me as way more of a curious,open-minded and analytical teen girl living in an intolerant society. One doesn't need to be gay to feel stiffled because of said circumstances(not to mention I've seen good cases for Ariel as an ableism allegory). Even the "turning human" can be about having the means to live a fully free life(another point towards a disability context,IMO. Accomodations,and all that jazz).
Now,onto Belle. She was supposed to be the misunderstood outcast whom people mercilessly judge due to not accepting different opinions,but she walked around the town getting lost on books while everyone else worked to make a living. Considering how Belle wasn't shown having to work,or otherwise struggling with finances,she truly came across as privileged and it gave the movie unintentional classist undertones - framing the girl who could afford to daydream 24/7 as inherently superior to the people who had to make a living generates some unfortunate implications. The worst is that said scene could be so easily changed by having Belle read while the rest of the villagers were having different ways of leisure and/or enjoying their free time,and show them bullying her(or at the very least gossiping about her) for not being as social.
The worst is that Belle could've been a great protagonist with that personality. A flawed heroine is a good way to stenghten the moral of the tale - true beauty comes from within. Then,Belle loves the Beast with all her heart,and vice-versa,making each other better people. Belle-as-a-snob also had the potential to make the point about the town being close-minded and judgemental stronger,by showing how such environment affected her. Maybe she was mistreated in some way,or whatever. To top it all,there's a parallel with Beast - there's a beautiful side in the prince,and there's a beastly side on Belle.
All the potential above was wasted on putting some girl on a pedestal."
Not to mention Ariel can also qualify as an autistic allegory as well. I know she certainly acted as one for me, at least (I need to know your secret on how you could understand how some people could view her as an LGBT allegory without agreeing with it, because I really can't understand it at all. Mostly because Ariel, heck, even her original counterpart, fell for someone of the opposite sex, meaning it killed any possible allegorical/metaphorical connections to that bit. Not to mention she stayed the gender she was born in, anyways. I think the closest I've ever gotten to seeing any allegory to LGBT to otherwise technically straight characters was with the protagonists from Sex and the City, and that's only because it was exceedingly transparent.). And a funny thing is, Ariel's part of the reason I converted from Episcopalean to Roman Catholicism as a kid (though unlike Ariel and Triton, my dad was supportive of it. Heck, my loyalty to Ariel and connection to her grew even stronger after a genuinely terrible College experience, one where the professors often times tried to beat my Conservativism out of me during lessons as well as brainwash me into their line of thinking. They ultimately failed, but I still carry the mental scars from it. In one sense, you could even see Ariel in the various conservatives on College campuses who are outright marginalized and not even allowed to speak and give their views on those college campuses (and you have to admit, regardless of your political views, conservatives STILL have some right to speak rather than constantly being silenced and even forcibly brainwashed).
As far as Belle... my current views on Belle are a bit more...complicated. I can't really say I'm necessarily "anti" towards her (Certainly I don't dislike or even hate her per-se. I guess the closest I can state to an actual negative emotion towards her is terror and fear, more on that later. There's still some potential to being restored, contrast with the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars, who I'm now fully anti towards thanks largely to George Lucas being a grade A idiot and boasting his pro-Vietcong credentials at their expense), but she definitely fell hard regarding likeability as of late (to give a good hint as to how far she fell for me, when I was younger, she was second place regarding the DP list, just below Ariel. Now? She's second-LAST, just barely above Merida). But I will say it's slightly closer to anti at this point. And there's a whole lot of reasons why she's a bit closer to the anti scale of things for me.
This may be multiple posts due to a text limit.
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If there is one thing I can praise both Zootopia and Detroit Become Human on, it’s how they tackled confirmation bias. What’s that, you ask?
To oversimplify this term in psychology, because I’m a psychology nerd like that sometimes: confirmation bias is a type of bias that a lot of people have about something or someone. They seek out events or facts about a specific topic that paint that topic in a negative light and use that specific piece of evidence a “proof” that all of something is bad. This can be pushed further by a bad experience with this topic. This is the bias that bigots like racists, misogynists, misandrists, homophobes, and transphobes, have which explains their bigotry. NOT excuse it, do not get it twisted.
For instance, Alice is a misandrist. This is due to her terrible experiences with men. Since she was hurt by one man or a few men, in her eyes, ALL men are evil predators. She’ll actively ignore men that haven’t done anything terrible like abuse, murder, assault, or any crime you can think of and ONLY focus on male criminals and male predators as her “proof” that ALL men are evil creatures.
This can also apply to other things that aren’t related to race, gender identity or sexual orientation. For one example, someone having a fear of dogs or hating dogs.
This is not because they prefer cats over dogs, but because they have had a bad experience with dogs and think that a dog simply barking loudly means that they want to attack or that dogs attack unprovoked. In actuality, dogs attack when they feel scared or threatened just like any animal on the planet, including human beings themselves, and dogs are only aggressive if they are not trained properly and/or they’ve been abused. And of course, dog breeds like the Doberman can become scarily dangerous if they are placed in the wrong hands.
Another example is where I mention Casual Geographic (highly recommend you watch him his videos are interesting to watch) who has a bias towards pelicans because when he was a kid, a pelican nearly gouged his eyes out. In his own words, he said, “so yeah, **** them.”
Now like with every bias, because EVERYONE has a bias towards something, it is perfectly normal to have these biases. It is very common to have and bias is an unconscious thing. It is up to YOU how YOU handle those biases you learned that you had.
Judi in Zootopia has confirmation bias towards Nick due to her bad experiences with a bully who gave her a scar on her cheek who also just so happens to be a fox. What she did with the bias next is what ends up peeving off Nick, because she reflexively reached for her can of fox repellent when Nick simply stepped one foot in front of her. This scene hits hard because not too long ago, he told her that he only acted like a sly and mischievous scamming fox because he was muzzled and treated differently as a kid by the Boy Scouts.
In Detroit Become Human, North hates humans in general because of her experiences in Eden Club where she was nothing but a sex doll and she was essentially forced into prostitution just like the other Traci models. Any action that involves sparing a human receives a negative ping. Any action that leads you to the perfect pacifist route will have her look upset and annoyed. I highly doubt that she wouldn’t be hostile and cold towards any humans. In fact, I do not blame her for being this way, in fact I felt the most bad for North. And it also makes sense as to why her Android revolution if Markus dies or is kicked out of Jericho always fails no matter what.
I’d like to think that for North, it would take her a very long time to trust humans.
And that’s the thing with confirmation bias and other types of biases. For certain people it’ll take longer for them to think about their own biases as well as the facts that counteract their views and it will take longer for them to change their mind on things, if they change at all. Everyone has different world views and realities, so that is something to always keep in mind.
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Creative Project - Route map (mind map and notes below)
Self destruction for mental health - Queer focus
Risky behaviour - Historically
Historically the LGBTQIA+ community has faced discrimination and legal prosecution, even as extreme as death, for the crime of being themselves. All behavior was risky by admitting you were queer or even the assumption that you were anything other than "normal".
Lack of education on matters affecting the community that were based in fact and not bigotry of the time. The HIV/Aids crisis is one of the most well documented cases of health care not serving all, allowing patients to die alone and terrified because the act of sex between consenting adults was villainised. Access to treatments, believing it was a myth, medical professionals refusing treatment due to patient status we're all hurdles that the generations before me had to deal with and try to survive.
Lack of role models/advocates for young people in the community.
Lack of positive representation in the media has been a massive drawback for marginalised groups in society throughout history. Young people thrive when they see themselves represented in the media they consume, with LGBTQ people it is no different. We don't want to have queer coded villains, be the bitchy, loud and obnoxious side character. Young people need a more balanced view of the world around them that is diverse and safe to exist in.
Lack of information/education/support regarding drugs, alcohol, sex, domestic violence. Sex, drugs and alcohol have always been a part of queer culture, the togetherness of nightclubs and thriving nightlife are relatively recent compared to the lives of those who had to thrive underground, away from public view.
Risky behavior - Current
Government halting progress for LGBTQIA+ people (specifically trans people, leading to people sinking themselves in debt for private health care) . “The trans debate” - reducing people down to a question allows room for hate and contempt to grow against a peaceful section of society and
Chronically underfunded and understaffed medical facilities for trans people leads to longer and longer waiting lists that people are literally dying on. Gender affirming health care for a period of time was on the rise, patients were being seen but thanks to the latest Tory governments this progress has been destroyed. Plunging people into a sea of uncertainty and fear regarding their own body and how they interact with the world.
Waiting lists so long for GIC and sandyford services resulting in people not using the services - resulting in people not getting checked or treated for sexually transmitted illness, terrible mental health conditions and some cases suicide.
Unrelenting abuse from the media - negative queer coding 
Unprotected sex as a method of self validation/harm due to poor mental health regarding identity for both trans and cis people.
Drug misuse - so disillusioned with life that it is easier to use substances to escape reality, also the society painted picture only adds to the normalisation of queer people and substance abuse. Smoking in order to get a break and remove yourself from situations/ give yourself a moment to breathe has got abnormally high rates among the LGBT community.
Issues with food in order to achieve ‘perfect’ body standards for lgbt people. 
Constant fear of becoming irrelevant- constantly recreating yourself to be validated and seen, leading to a dependency on technology and access to social media. When that happy hormone is released in the brain it becomes just as addictive as smoking.
*Materials to experiment with* 
Ideally working in 2D 
Mixed media 
Lots of text 
Photography and digital manipulation
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