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wolfiesmoon · 8 months ago
The world in my hands
Riddle, Leona, Idia, Malleus x fem!reader (seperately)
hello twst community did u miss me😍
this is a request hehe!! the prompt i was given is yuu says "i may not be able to use magic but i can hold the entire world in my hands" and then holding the guy's face
i had no clue how to write lead-ups to this type of fic so they will be either very minimal or not there at all😭
i feel like my writing is SOOO rusty omg😥
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✧・゚: Leona Kingscholar
"Get out." Leona didn't look all that happy to find you laying next to him in his bed. You decided that as his girlfriend, you now have the right to sneak into Savanaclaw at night and then sneak into his bed, too. With the great hearing all the beastmen in his dorm have, you wonder how no one caught you. Or maybe they just don't wanna mess with you.
Regardless, you're not one to disrespect your partner's wishes, so you get up and walk around the bed to be right by his face, just off the bed this time. You thought of doing that randomly last night because you couldn't fall asleep. Both the sneaking into Savanaclaw and the thing you're about to do.
He seemed a bit flabbergasted while looking at you from his bed and honestly, you can't really blame him. You would say you'd feel the same way if Leona appeared in your bed in the morning but knowing his habit of falling asleep on you, you wouldn't even count it out.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in an accusatory tone.
You cleared your throat dramatically before placing your hands on both of his cheeks, making his face scrunch up in half surprise half annoyance. It's a funny expression on him.
"You know, I may not be able to use magic, but I can do something even better." you didn't even let him respond, quickly adding on "Because I can hold the entire world in my hands."
Leona's wittier than he seems at first glance and you can tell he understood what you meant instantly by his facial expression. But all he does is grunt and gently remove your hands from his face, then fall back on the bed.
After a few seconds of silence, he asks "Are you gonna join me or not?" while tapping the side of his bed a few times.
"Oh, but I thought you didn't want me in your bed?" you placed your hands on your hips, replying with the most sass you could muster. You're not sure what kind of reaction you expected from Leona, but it kind of seems on par with him. He's not one to get flustered by cheesy flirting, you suppose. But letting you on his territory, on the other hand...
"...Just get in here before I change my mind." he grumbled and you joined him without another word. As soon as you did, two strong arms wrapped themselves around you.
You also felt something touch your forehead. A kiss?!
"Leona, did you-"
"Shut up before I kick you out." and he just squeezed you tighter. Hm, maybe he enjoyed it after all.
✧・゚: Riddle Rosehearts
"You know, I may not be able to use magic, but I can hold the entire world in my hands." you smiled at Riddle knowingly before gently grabbing a hold of his face. You invited him over today, but were struck with the idea to pull this on him randomly. You like him best when he's blushing, after all.
He seemed a bit lost, if anything. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, looking at your lovestruck grin with confusion.
He's happy that you can still be happy despite your lack of magical abilities. But why are you randomly telling him about this now? While holding his face? There's no need to do that since he can pay attention to you perfectly fine.
Is that a thing lovers do?
"That's great to hear." He saw the way your face dropped when he replied like that and felt even more stumped than before. That wasn't the correct response, it seems.
"Could you explain what you meant?" He started after a short silence. Your hands are still warming his cheeks and he doesn't want it to end. It's a nice feeling.
"You know... I can hold the world in my hands because, uhh, you're my world..." you realise just now how awkward it is explaining flirty jokes. Well, you suppose it isn't exactly a joke. You're being completely serious.
"Oh." He seemed to finally realise what you meant, because his entire face went scarlet red.
"That is..." he seemed at a loss for words. He never thought a girl could affect him the way you do, but life is full of surprises.
"Hehehe, I prefer you when you're all red from being flustered, not from being angry." you gently kiss his nose, which only elevates the amount of red on his face. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at your teasing, but could he really get mad at you when he's getting kisses?
"I never realised you thought so highly of me." you felt that his face was getting warmer through your palms. And you wouldn't want it any other way.
✧・゚: Idia Shroud
"Would you turn away from that game for just one second?" you chided, hoping your boyfriend would finally listen to your pleas. He groaned in response, not intent on listening to you anytime soon.
Okay, seems you have to do this the hard way. You didn't want it to come to this, but there's no other choice. It's the conscequence of having a gamer boyfriend, after all.
You walked up behind him, swiftly turning him around on his spinny chair. He gasped in surprise and then his expression quickly shifted to one of annoyance. "Why are you so insi-EEK!"
Before he could even finish his complaint, you grabbed his cheeks. A little more roughly than you intended, looking back on it.
"You wanna know something?" you asked it like he had an option to say no, but the determined expression on your face made Idia think you're not giving him much of a choice. "U-Uhm, yes?"
"I may not have the ability to use magic, but, I can hold the entire world in my hands." you smiled awfully innocently compared to how determined you looked just seconds before. He seemed a bit lost, so you added on "I'm doing it right now, actually."
The reaction was instantaneous. It's like a chemical reaction occured because the entirety of Idia's face immediately turned red. The ends of his flaming hair began to burn in a pink color as well. Honestly, you think he might be at his cutest when he looks that way.
"Y-You.. That's dangerous!" he yells overly dramatically, swatting your hands off of his face. "I know, it's a dangerous skill to have. Does critical damage to Idia Shroud, apparently." you shrug.
"H-How do you... how do you expect me to defend myself against that?!" he shoved his face in his hands out of embarrasment.
"That's the thing, I don't. The point is to leave you all defensless and flustered." you smile mischeviously, even though you know he can't see it.
"I knew it was a bad idea to get a girlfriend... my poor heart..." he mumbled under his breath, almost unintelligible.
"What was that?"
"UM- Nothing!" you're kind of worried he might pass out from all the blood travelling to his face.
✧・゚: Malleus Draconia
To be honest, you knew that you had to do as soon as you saw that video pop up on your Magicam feed. Considering your boyfriend's frequent surprise visits, you'd assume it wouldn't be hard to find him and catch him off guard with something like that.
And you definitely know he hasn't seen it before, considering his... lackluster grasp of technology.
"Greetings." you almost fall out of bed, quickly turning off your phone to hide the evidence. Does he have to pop up at the most random times? You suppose you wouldn't have it any other way, though.
"Oh, hello there, Malleus." you quickly got up from bed and walked up to him. He wrapped an arm around you like it was second nature.
"I have something to tell you." you told him in a sweet, playful tone and he immediately seemed intrigued. He's excited when you're excited, after all. "Go on. I will always listen to you."
"I may not be able to use magic..." your arms slipped up towards his face... "But I can hold the entire world in my hands."
"Oh..." he thought about what you just told him for a few seconds before finally realising what you meant. Flirts with Malleus are hit-or-miss usually, sometimes he gets it, sometimes he doesn't, but you're glad he realised it this time. "Oh, I see what you mean, dear." his silly lovesick smirk was now mirroring yours.
"That makes me tremendously happy." he squeezed you in his hold. "I feel the same way. You too are my world." he kissed your cheek happily. You noticed his cheeks were a pretty pink color, one of the loveliest sights you can possibly witness in this world. He even gave you a peck on the lips for good measure.
You know, your original goal was to fluster him, but somehow, you get the feeling that you're the one getting flustered right now.
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bunni-v1 · 2 months ago
Hnnghh christmas Lighter smut where reader is dressed in nothing but a long ribbon and bow bc he’s been a good boy this year
🍓Did u read my mind? Get outta there… jkjk, but seriously this is EXACLTY what I was thinking about. I really can’t dedicate the time to a full fic, which breaks my little gay heart, but imagine with me if you would… (this is a full fic btw i fucking lied to you and myself)
Tw: Nsfw; kinda rough (not too rough); UNEDITED ITS HORRENDOUS
Christmas with the Sons of Calydon is pretty atypical. They have their own traditions that most New Eirduians would scoff at, but they’re rather important to those who live in these parts. Drinking, singing together (usually drunkenly and offkey), taking bike rides out to start a fire and literally burn away past regrets of the year, and of course fights — plenty of fights.
You weren’t exactly a fan of the fighting part, usually meant more work for you to do, but Lighter always seemed to have fun. Obviously he did, he never lost — he hardly broke a sweat for the most part. And he loved showing off, especially if you were there to watch him. Everything else was mostly normal, though… a little odd but custom made to your little ragtag group, and you loved it.
It felt warm, cozy, like family. They passed out gifts, most of them hand made or incredibly thoughtful since money was scarce for most of you. Lighter had gotten you a (rather expensive) bracelet with your and his initials engraved on it. It was sweet, and unexpected from the guy who pretended like the holiday was nothing for the months leading up to it.
It made you melt on the inside and feel nice and warm. However… his nonchalance about the holiday cause you one… teeny tiny, itty bitty problem. You had no clue what to get him, and you hadn’t gotten him anything — time had run out and no one would give you any good hints.
His insistence that you didn’t need to get him anything in return made your stomach ache. It was hard to focus on his fight when your head was rushing with ways to rectify the horrific mistake you’d made quickly. The red ribbon of the jewelry box wrapped around your fingers tightly, then unwound as you mulled over your options.
You could get him something for his bike, but you’d have to drive to the city and it’s unlikely he’d let you go without him — that’s if the stores were even open this late on a holiday. Maybe you could craft up something quick and easy, if you could get back to your place there surely would be something, but… that felt cheap. Especially compared to the bracelet.
“That ribbon’s pretty,” Caesar says next to you, drawing you from your thoughts, “Must’ve been one real fancy place he went to for ya.”
You sigh, leaning back against the wall a little, looking at the ribbon as you twisted it around, “I’m sure it was. He’s so hopeless sometimes.”
“Only because you’re so sweet on him,” She teases, nudging your shoulder lightly.
A laugh huffs out of your chest, then an idea strikes you. The ribbon is pretty. You actually had some like it back at your place, stored away from last years festivities. You twist the ribbon one last time, and then you grin, wide and wild. Lighter catches your eye as he socks his opponent in the jaw, smirking at you like he’d won a prize.
“Hey, Caesar,” You hum, turning to your friend who seemed a little uneasy at your expression, “How long do you think you can keep him distracted for me.”
She hums, watching him thoughtfully, “I’ll buy ya fifteen minutes — wait, why?”
“You’ll hear later~” You hum with a wink, and practically skip back to your place, leaving Caesar alone to deal with your very adrenaline filled boyfriend on her own.
It takes you half the time Caesar said she could get you to find the damn ribbon, and the other half is spent fighting for your life to get the thing on and look at least a little sexy. You tried to recall old articles you’d read on bondage and shibari, but it was hard to do without a guide. You’d managed to get all the good bits wrapped up and hidden, with a few extra crosses to make it look pretty.
You don’t get a chance to check because you hear Lighters heavy footsteps outside the door nearly as soon as you’ve tied the bow comfortably around your neck. Your able to sort’ve arrange yourself seductively on the bed for him just as the front door open and he calls out to you. You could tell he was annoyed from his voice alone. He never liked it when you left his shows early.
“Caesar told me you headed back here,” He called, boots thumping as he threw them off, “We’re you not enjoying the show?”
It’s a tease, you know it is, but there was an underlying annoyance in his voice that sent a tingle up your spine. He pushes the bedroom door open incredibly slowly, to the point you think he’s trying to surprise you with something. You have the gall to feel stupid for a moment right before his eyes land on you, and he stops at he takes in the sight.
There is an audible shudder as his eyebrows raise nearly to his hairline. He takes his sunglasses off, revealing those pretty green eyes that rake in every inch of you with hunger. Then, he smirks, shoving the bedroom door closed with his shoulder already working his gloves and jacket off to the floor. Forgotten without a second thought. The rest of his clothes follow quickly after.
“Merry Christmas!” You cheer, though you’re more nervous than happy. He clearly likes it, according to the quickly growing tent in his pants and how fast he is to strip himself, but he’s a little too quiet for your liking.
He sinks onto the mattress in front of you, hands ghosting around the bright red ribbon. Like if he touches it, it’ll all fall apart in his grasp. He traces each inch of it with careful practiced restraint, following the fabrics flow across your body until he remembers that you are under the fabric and he lands on your face.
His eyes soften when you smile nervously up at him, fingers tracing the apple of your cheek with such admiration it nearly makes you cry. “You like it?” You ask softly, unsure of yourself.
He scoffs like you’re stupid for wondering, “This might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
It draws a genuine laugh out of you, which he follows with his own as he comes down to nuzzle your cheek with his nose. Then a soft kiss that trails down to your lips, easing you into a slow careful dance of love and passion.
He readjusts your position so carefully, you almost don’t notice he’s doing it until he’s between your legs. Pressing them open then pressing his dick to the ribbons wrapping up your folds from him. You’re already dripping, the adrenaline from earlier enough to get you going, but the added friction just makes it worse. You’d never be able to reuse this stuff, that’s for sure.
His hands glide over your stomach, following the ribbon with lazy easy until he’s found the one covering you from him. His thumbs slide under the pieces, rubbing over the flesh of your abdomen gently. It’s then that he pulls away, a string of saliva keeping you connected as he presses his forehead to yours.
“You’re so perfect, you know that?” He murmurs quietly, “You could’ve given me a smile and I would’ve been happy.”
You shy away, “Well… I almost didn’t have anything to get you, but your gift, mmm, inspired me.”
He chuckles at you, reaching down to run his dick against your still covered folds. The silky fabric oddly making everything feel more intense. “I can see that. Very cute, by the way.”
“I know, thank you,” You hum, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he presses the two of you back into a laying position, “Now are you gonna unwrap your present, or are you gonna keep teasing yourself.”
A roll of the eyes and another smirk, “Y’know, I’ve never been a fan of ruining the wrapping paper. Shits expensive… so how about we go nice and slow.”
As he says that, he slides his dick between the ribbon, right up against your throbbing clit. You let out a surprised sound, quickly melting into sighs of pleasure and he fucks into the ribbon. Each push and pull stimulates your aching pussy into gushing out more for him, clenching on nothing as he fucks himself against you at a leisurely pace.
You take the chance to look down, moaning out as he head of him touches your thigh. The sight is something you’d see in a porno. Lighter follows your eyes, smiling to himself when he catches you practically going cross eyed at the sight.
“We look good together, don’t we, sugar?” He purrs. A rare nickname, sweet and extra praiseworthy — just like he thinks you are.
You nod along with him, fluttering your eyes back to his with a dumb little smile. Each drag of his dick makes your toes curl and nails dig into his broad shoulders. He sighs at the sensation, pressing kisses into your skin to quiet himself up. He’d rather listen to you, after all, and this was a gift for him.
His fingers begin to crawl up your body, dancing along the ribbon excitedly. They make sure to stop and tweak your nipples through the fabric, humming when he feels they’re sufficiently hard and sensitive under his touch. Then, finally, they reach the neatly tied bow around your neck.
The tug at it, gently unwrapping it from your neck and pulling it away with ease. Replacing the red of it with his tongue, licking and sucking new marks into the flesh. Your hips stutter against his, and he lets out a groan, squeezing your tit as warning. You whine, but don’t fight him anymore. His hands returning to unraveling the ribbon, pressing into the skin revealed until he is the only thing keeping the ribbon and his dick pressed against you.
You pout a little when he pulls away, pussy aching for friction once his dick is gone. You feel it clench as it looks for him, and god it makes you feel like a whore. He takes your hands from his shoulder and leans over you to tie them to the bed board above your head. You can feel how wet your were at the wrists, especially when he kisses them reassuringly.
“I love you tied up,” He hums, “You’re so pretty when you can’t do anything.”
You pout up at him, but he doesn’t stay to admire the look long, leaning over to the bedside table to grab the condoms. It occurs to you, in a state of lust driven stupor, that he shouldn’t have to fuck his christmas gift with a condom on.
“Ah, wait—“ He raises an eyebrow at you, hand just inches away from the condoms, “Would you wanna do it raw?”
He blinks at you, again surprised in the same way he was when he first saw you. “Are you serious?”
“We don’t have to—“ You quickly try to rectify the situation, but he cuts you off.
“No, no, we definitely have to,” He shakes his head, closing the drawer with one swift motion, “You’re trying to kill me out here, aren’t you?”
You shake your head, but he’s not listening as he pulls you up into the position he likes most. Legs over his shoulders, body bent in half so he can fuck you hard and fast. He gives you a few seconds to adjust to the position, then he’s pressing his dick into you at a painfully slow pace.
It’s because he’s just so big, he always has to go slow, but you wish he’d just fuck you through the pain right now. The stretch is perfect as always, and you suck him in like it’s nothing with how wet you already were.
He cusses when he finally bottoms out, pressing his face into the side of your neck. You can feel his hot breath fan against your skin, tingling deliciously. “Fuck you’re always so tight. I’m never gonna get used to it, sugar.”
You hum, though you’re in no better shape. Shivering and shuddering every inch, and still quaking as he sits still inside you. You play with his hair to distract from how hot you are, and how you wish he’d make you hotter.
He gives himself a moment to calm down, then he presses a kiss you your cheek, readjusts you just a little so your muscles don’t tense up, and then he moves. The first three thrusts are slow and easy, then he starts to slam into you hard.
“Oh fuck—“ You cry out as the deafening smack of his hips into your ass rings out across the room.
The pace he sets is brutal and unrelenting, you were hoping for it all night. The unspent adrenaline from his earlier fights coming right back to fuck you so good you know you won’t be walking tomorrow. Each slap of his balls against your quickly reddening ass is accompanied by a stifled moan.
He watches you with an intensity you weren’t aware he was capable of, eyes drinking in every single inch of your expression. He looked crazed, but that’s what made it so hot. He was obsessed with every little look, every little sound that left you.
“Don’t be quiet, sugar,” He hums, pushing two of his fingers along your bottom row of teeth to force the sounds out.
“They’ll hear—“
“Let ‘em,” He dismisses, “They know you’re mine anyway, who cares.”
You really couldn’t argue with that, especially not when he shifts ever so slight to hit your g-spot head on. A salacious moan rips out of your throat, and your sure Caesar has figured out what you were up to earlier from that alone. He doesn’t stop ripping sounds out of you, though, continuing his brutal pace and hitting that spot so well you think you’re seeing stars.
The build up to your orgasm is so quick you hardly have time to realize it’s happening. One second you’re fine the next your throwing your head back and moaning like a whore.
“Lighter- Baby, I’m— fuck me- god I’m gonna cum, Lighter.” You admit, way too loud for your liking.
He hums, seeming to switch gears and fuck you faster somehow, “Go ahead, I’ve got you. Lemme feel you cum for me.”
You nod, chest rising and falling rapidly as start litter your vision. You think you nearly pass out, but Lighters hard thrusts fuck you through your orgasm. You squeeze him so tight, like you’re trying to milk his own out of him. You want him to fill you up, want to feel his warm cum deep in your belly. Want to see it drip down your thighs and pool onto the bed when he pulls out.
“Cum inside, please.” You beg.
“Fuuuck… ‘re you—“
You nod, “I need it, please cum in me. ‘S part of your present.”
He groans, fisting the sheets next to your head, “Suagr, you’re fuckin’ killin’ me.”
Always one to please, Lighter does exactly as you ask. Filling you to the brim with his thick hot cum. You revel in his moans, and only slightly wish you could curl your nails into his shoulders to leave another christmas gift for the morning.
He eases you into a more comfortable position before collapsing on top of you. His weight is welcome against your spent body, as are the wet kisses he presses into your sore skin. He unties your hand with one of his, and you quickly wrap them up into his hair.
“I love you,” He mumbles into your shoulder, “So much. You’re the best gift a guy can ask for.”
You giggle at the praise, “I love you too, Lighter.”
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justhereforsubsevika · 2 months ago
Phone Call
@avonnimimi 's concept !!! Tysm for letting be borrow it , why the FUCK did none of u tell me about her writing its incredible
nsfw (obvs), dom!sevika (jesus i do not live up to my username as of late), public masturbation, phone sex, praise, degradation, spanking, bondage with ribbons, just gay shit, strap sex, referred to as dick/cock, slight anal (thumbing), aftercare, may have accidentally made the reader british sorry about that one lads
You weren't a tease. You were a lot of things, but a tease wasn't one of them. You were good, Sevika told you so daily. She prided herself on how good you were. She'd brag about you at kink parties, how you were the best sub she'd ever come across, how you never misbehaved.
Well. There's always room for change.
Sevika had a stressful job, some business shit you had tried your hardest to listen to but failed miserably each time she'd explained. You know she carries a briefcase and you know she wears a suit, and that's good enough for you. She does not like to mix work and play. At least that's what she'd have you believe.
It's a day like any other. You've sent Sevi to work with her lunch, a kiss and a full waterbottle. You don't quite understand what got you so desperate so quickly. Maybe it's the way her hand lingered on your ass ever so slightly when she walked past you to get to the shower. Maybe it's the way she pushed you up against the counter for your morning snog. Or maybe, just maybe, she's just really fucking fit.
You find yourself sitting and going through your phone, perversely zooming in on pictures of her where her trousers have slid down just enough so you can see her boxers, or her thong, depending on the day. Thighs clenched together, you pull forward your cotton pajama top and take a picture of your cleavage. You send it off and giggle at Sevika's response.
[What the fuck.]
[Nice rack.]
[But what the fuck.]
[Rack? Jeese]
[Baby, what's up with you?]
[Usually so good for me, stop acting like a slut. I'm working.]
It's not crystal clear whether or not she intended for you to get turned on even further by her chastising messages, but either way, you're turned on. You slip off your shirt and start taking videos of you circling your nipples and squeezing your tits, making a real show of whining and squirming under your own touch. Once it's sent, you eagerly await her response.
[Baby, my volume was on full!]
You laugh loud now, knowing that she probably had to shut her office door so quick when she opened the video.
[Fuck, princess. Stop it. I'm trying to focus.]
You pout despite the fact she can't see you. You decide you're too deep in and slip off your shorts. You take a picture of the way your light grey shorts are now much darker on the crotch area and send it over.
[Don't you fucking dare.]
You're not allowed to touch yourself. You knew this from the beginning. But you've been so good all this time, surely you've earnt being a little-
[Pick up the phone.]
She's ringing. You have no clue what she's gonna say when you pick up. You're a little scared, you've misbehaved for the first time in your whole relationship, so of course you're scared.
You pick up. Silence. You turn up your phone a little and start hearing some very shaky breaths.
"Sevi, where are you?" You ask, needing a better picture. Was she really touching herself at work?
"Mmmph, my office, princess." She groans out. Wet, sticky sounds start coming through the phone and your breath hitches. Shit, you really affected her.
"I thought your office was made of windows?" You ask in concern. No way is she fucking herself stupid for all her coworkers to see.
"B-blinds baby, but I have no lock, you know that? Someone could catch me any moment." She chuckles darkly before moaning down the phone. Instinctively, you whine back, subconsciously rocking against the bed. You're laying on your stomach now, stripped bare, trying to visualise Sevika's suit-trousers round her ankles.
"Yes princess?" she sighs out, the sounds of her pussy getting much louder. You worry her boss'll hear, her pussy is so loud for you.
"What panties are you wearing today?"
She starts whining down the mic, you hear liquid sloshing onto hardwood floor.
"Shit... um, I just ruined your panties baby." She says quite plainly, the image of her squirting through your panties in her office driving you crazy.
"Don't touch yourself, I'm coming home now." She groans. You hear paper towel ripping and giggle, clearly she didn't anticipate the mess she'd make. She shuts off the call and you decide to get dolled up, pinning up your hair with ribbons and putting on her favourite lingerie.
To ensure her comfortability and ease, you set out 3 choices of dildos for her to strap you with. One is 6 inches, clear and pink. You doubt she'll choose it, but it's cute at least. The second is 7.5 inches, a dark maroon colour. This one is your regular. It stuffs you up just enough to where its still comfortable, so Sevika's pace doesn't ruin you too bad the next day. The third, well, you've only used it twice. On days where Sevika's come home angry, days where she needs to release all her frustration on your pussy, days where she doesn't give a damn if you're screaming for all the neighbours to hear.
You smile at your work and decide to even light some candles, making the room smell woody and perfumed. You barely finish lighting the last candle when you hear the door slam. She must've been going 30mph over the speed limit, how the fuck did she cut her 40 minute journey down to 20?!
"Baby? Where are you?" She calls sweetly. You smile. Maybe she'll be kind and fuck you gentle and lovingly, pleased that you gave her a little treat at work. "I'm in the bedroom!" You shout back, kneeling up on the bed with your hands behind your back.
She leans against the doorframe, tugging at her tie. She smiles. "Hi, my sweet girl." She says soothingly. You smile and bounce a bit on the bed. She's definitely not mad! How could she be. All you did was make her feel good at work, why'd she be mad for that?
"Had a little fun today, right?" She quizzes, walking to the bed and running her hands over your three options. "Made me lose control, didn't you princess?" You nod and she giggles. It's weird. Sevika doesn't giggle.
"Yes Sevi, just wanted to show you I missed you!!" You say back, beaming. She smiles a little too wide back. Her fingers hover over the clear-pink dildo.
"Aw that's very sweet baby. Remind me though," she stops smiling and starts clenching her teeth between sentences, "haven't we spoken about sending me stuff while I'm working?"
She starts untying ribbons from your hair while she waits for her response. "Um... you asked me not to-"
"No sweetheart, I told you not to." She sighs and looks down before coming back up with that terrifying grin. Her eyes are a little too wide, a little too many of her teeth on display.
"I'm sorry Sevi.." you murmur, watching as she wraps the ribbons around her hands and puts tension on them.
"It's okay baby. First time you've been bad. You're allowed one mistake, right?" Somethings ingenuine about her tone, like she's taunting you, like she needs the correct answer or she'll do something fucking awful.
"Y-yeah! Just one mistake is-" you gasp when she wraps the ribbon round your neck, cutting off your air for just a second before she releases slightly.
"No, no you're not allowed a fucking mistake. Do you know how mad I am? Do you know how close I could've been to getting fired? If my boss walked past while you were moaning like a slut down the mic I'd have been told to march. Do you understand?"
You nod and she tightens the ribbon again. "Words, princess." She hisses it out like she's never believed the title less.
"I unders-stand," You splutter, hands coming up to grasp at her forearms. She lets go and your chest heaves, holding your neck as she throws off her blazer, not bothering to take off her trousers as she hoists the harness over her hips. She still reaches for the pink one, and you smile for a second at the knowledge that your sweet sevika's still in there somewhere. But she doesn't attach it, instead decides to shove it into your mouth. Your eyes water at the sudden intrusion, gagging and gripping your thumbs under your fingers. You moan against the cock she's using to fuck your mouth, eyes looking helplessly up at her. Her expression is cold, she's not cooing you or rubbing your cheeks as she usually would. She instead opts to grip the top of your head, slamming you forward with each thrust.
"Cute that you think I'd even consider letting you off this easy," she grumbles when she discards the pretty dick, spit-string snapping when she chucks it carelessly behind her. She turns you round and pushes your face into the bed, binding your arms with the ribbons and tying them in a pretty bow. You tug and realise there's no way you're breaking free.
"Mm, Sevika, I'm sorry," you whine against the duvet, wiggling your ass while you hear her rustling behind you. You turn your head and notice that that particular strap is gone. Oh fuck. You fucked up, you fucked up big time.
She grabs the ribbons between your wrists and massages your ass, pulling you off the bed a little. "I'm gonna need you to count for me. Can you do that?" She says softly, pinching and rubbing at your skin. You groan and push your ass back. You attempt to look back at her with wide eyes, but when she looks at you she pouts mockingly then looks away, eyes fixing onto your ass. "Can you count or what? Or are you already too much of a dumb puppy to speak?"
You whine and drop your head down. "I can count, I'm sorry." She hums in satisfaction and removes her hand.
With a harsh thwack she places a slap on you. You yelp and lurch forward, but she keeps you in place with her hand on your binds. "O-one," you whimper, legs already trembling. She huffs and brings her hand down on the other cheek, the burning sensation stinging you and shooting pain up your spine.
"T-two- three-" the third slap comes down before you can splutter out your numbers, the pain starting to warm your pussy, starting to feel so fucking good that you're upset you've never misbehaved before. You moan and arch your back, wanting more of this sick pleasure. You wish you could see Sevika, her face no-doubt stern, eyes trained on your ass.
"F-four, mmph five, six, s-seven, ah fuck, fuck, eight-"
By the time you're at twenty you're screaming, ass painted in handprints that you're sure must be bruising already. She grunts and you feel her shifting, feel your panties get stretched and pulled over the cheek of your ass, your pussy exposed. You feel so pathetic, your pussy soaked from your punishment. She pushes your lower back, forcing you to arch up, making your ass look even more perked, making your pussy even for open for her. Sevika squirts lube onto her dick and you open your legs where you kneel on the bed, preparing yourself to receive her.
Sevika presses her thumb to your asshole, swiping her tip against your clit. "Is this what you wanted?" She rasps, her thumb dipping a little ways inside you while she pushes her cock into your pussy. "Did you want me to ruin you? To stretch you out?" You moan and shove your hips back onto her dick, her whole thumb slipping into your ass. You groan at the pressure, never having experimented with anal before. "It's what I needed, Sevi, needed a reminder of how to be good for you.." She groans and fucks into your asshole, pushing her thumb down a little to concentrate your pleasure. The sensation sends sparks of pleasure to your pussy, and you whine since she's barely a ways past the tip inside you.
She pulls out her thumb and spits on your asshole, massaging the muscle while she pushes her length inside. Your voice cracks as you moan, the stretch of her cock almost too much to handle. Your hands flex and she takes one in hers, holding it, reminding you that you're safe, that your loving girlfriend is still under her hard exterior. Eyes welling up, you cry out "please, ruin me."
Sevika wastes no time in bottoming out in your pussy before pulling all the way out. She grips your hand tightly as she slams her cock into you, your ass jiggling against the sheer force of her thrusts. She scoops up your head and holds you against her body, hand quickly slipping down to your neck to prop you up. She sucks harshly against your neck, forcing out more strangled moans from your throat. Your ass burns where it slaps against her hips, still raw from your spanking.
Her thumb, at long last, stops toying with your asshole. She shoves it into your mouth, pacifying you, your moans coming out as muffled hums as you suck on her. As tears roll down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure, her tongue lolls out from between her scarred, dark lips. She licks up the salty tears from your skin, sucking against your face, nipping at your cheek, soft kisses littering across your face when she fucks into you harder.
Your legs quiver when she picks up her pace, one arm clamping your chest so your body is flush against hers. You can feel her nipple piercings from under her shirt, and you moan at the knowledge she's not wearing a bra.
"I hope you're learning your lesson," she pants, licking and kissing at your ear between heavy breaths. "Ruined those panties so bad I had to throw them away," she chuckles darkly, her hips moving in a way that you know feels good for her too. "You know how wet you made my pussy, baby? Dirty bitch made me so fucking horny.." she whispers it against your neck. You feel her lips quivering, occasionally getting trapped between her teeth, her teeth grazing your skin before her tongue falls out her mouth to soothe the burn the sensation leaves.
"Do you like it when I fuck you like this?" She slaps your pussy as she pounds into you, "when I remind you who owns you?" She slaps you again and you cry out her name, your head lolling back over her shoulder. "Y-yes, yes, all yours, all S-Sevika's," you groan out, her rough fingers making harsh contact one last time before rubbing hard circles against your clit.
"Gonna cum for me baby?" she teases when your hips start to buck, your hands gripping at her shirt behind your back, arms fighting your restraints. "Please, please, I'm sorry I was bad Sevi, please let me cum?" you plead, trying to look up into her eyes. She harshly grabs at your breast to keep you propped up, her fingers swiping at your clit at a brutal pace. Your breath catches in your throat and your chest feels like it's caving in. A glance down at your stomach heaving, her cock sticking through your tummy, reminding you how deep her dick is into your guts, and you cum onto her. She moans softly with you, her fingers pulling at your nipple as your bodies roll in unison. You whine as she bites against your collar bone, fingers slowing down on your clit, her cock slowing inside you.
"So good princess," she whispers as she pulls out. You collapse forward onto the bed, mouth agape, drooling onto the sheets. You're shaking, hands trembling within the binds. "Breathe baby," she mutters, tracing soothing circles on your lower back. You suck in some air, flexing your fingers and curling your wrists once she unties the ribbons from around them. Sevika kisses your wrists, up your arms, massaging your thighs and whispering how good you were, how well you took her. With a flop she drops her harness beside you, walking away to the bathroom. You whine and she comes back for a second: you don't want to be without her right now. "Okay, it's okay baby I'm here." She brushes your hair out of your eyes, guiding you to bundle into her arms. She lifts you, your legs wrapped around her waist as she collects the various things she needs to fix you up. She laughs out her nose when she returns you onto the bed because she can see your mess smeared against her trousers.
She gently cleans you off with soft, warm towels, being careful when touching your beaten-raw ass to clean up where your mess has gathered in your asshole. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" she says softly, running her hands over your back. You hum and sink further into the bed. She squirts aloe vera over your ass, her touches soft and gentle as she massages it over your skin. You sigh at the cooling sensation. "So pretty baby, bruising up so nice," Sevika groans, gripping at your waist. You giggle and wiggle your hips, your ass jiggling. She chuckles down at you, kneeling between your legs to massage your shoulders. "Pussy's so ruined honey, I'm sorry if I hurt you."
You nod, still too shaken to speak, and carefully turn onto your back. Outstretched hands welcome Sevika into your embrace. She rests her head on your breasts and cuddles you until you drift off. Once she's sure you're fast asleep, she gets up to change out of her work clothes. She can't help but admire her angel sleeping peacefully on the bed. She bends down to you, playing with your hair and tucking it behind your ears. "I love you so much princess."
idk how to end it but yes
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worldlxvlys · 1 year ago
can you do more texts w toxic!gf!reader + chris? u write them so well 🫶🏻
texts w/ chris who has a toxic! gf (part 3)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing, chris is in a toxic relationship
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accept decline
“hello?” he answered, his voice cracking slightly.
“hey, you doing ok?” i asked.
“are you?” he asked, trying to shift the focus off of him.
“nice try, but i asked you first” i said.
he chuckled lightly at that, before answering, “i will be when you get here. just seeing that pretty face is enough to cheer me up”
my face broke into an embarrassingly wide grin, and i tried my best to regain my composure.
“good, cause according to find my friends, i’m a minute away”
“i think your phone is slow cause i see you” he spoke.
my eyes scanned the streets through the windshield, looking for the green fresh love crew neck he had on when i dropped him off.
finally spotting him, i drove to him and pulled over.
he hung up the phone as he opened the car door, climbing in.
without a word, chris leaned over the center console and pulled me into a hug.
i gently rubbed his back and pressed a light kiss to his neck.
he took a deep breath in, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck.
“i love you so much, chris” i whispered to him.
although he didn’t realize the deeper meaning behind the words, it still felt good to get it off of my chest.
“i love you too, ma. more than you know” he whispered into my neck, his breath tickling my skin.
“she’s a fucking idiot” i spoke as i pulled away, looking him in the eyes.
i brought my hand to his cheek, lightly rubbing it.
“she doesn’t deserve you, chris. i swear to god if i was her, i would never treat you like this” i glanced down at his lips quickly before letting them return back to his eyes.
“you deserve someone who cares about you. someone who’ll look out for you, and be there for you. someone-”
“like you?” he cut me off.
my breathing began to pick up as he stared into my eyes, both of us waiting for the other to make a move.
“chris” i whispered as he leaned in slightly, our noses touching.
suddenly, chris’s phone loudly rang out, signaling he was getting a call.
we both jumped away from each other in surprise, being caught off guard.
“shit” he breathed out, before answering his phone.
“layla? what the hell do you want?” he spoke.
i leaned back in my seat as he continued to talk to his girlfriend, and i attempted to collect myself.
hearing her name was a painful reminder of the reason why i’ve been shoving my feelings for him aside, he has a girlfriend.
i swallowed harshly, trying not to let my face reflect how hurtful the reminder was.
when he finished, he turned to face me.
“did she apologize?” i asked, already knowing the answer.
“no, she didn’t. she pretty much just told me i was overreacting and to come back” he spoke in an annoyed tone.
i rolled my eyes at this, “of course she did. she doesn’t care about anybody’s feelings but her own”
“she’s not always like this, you know? i think she’s just dealing with a lot right now” he spoke up.
“yeah, well, that doesn’t give her the right to take it out on you. and it’d be one thing if she apologized to you and took accountability, but she doesn’t even think she’s doing anything wrong”
he let out a heavy sigh, it was clear that he was overwhelmed. “i know”
“alright, it’s fine. let’s go do something to take your mind off of it. where are we going?” i asked as i buckled my seatbelt.
he followed suit, pulling his seatbelt on. “no clue, got any ideas?”
after thinking for a minute, i spoke “well, i know you’ve been wanting to do a picnic date for a while, whether you’ll admit it or not” he smiled at the thought of it. “and it’s pretty early in the day still��
he raised his brows at me, urging me to continue. “so, how about a picnic date with me?” his eyes widened.
“as friends of course!” i rushed out quickly, “since you…have a girlfriend” i awkwardly trailed off.
“yeah, sounds good” his smile faltered the slightest bit at the mention of her, but quickly grew again.
“aww, you do pay attention when i talk” he spoke.
“of course i do” i looked at him weirdly, before continuing. “looks like we’re getting some food” i grinned.
christophersturniolo just posted !
tag list: : @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock
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rikupid · 1 year ago
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[10:23] 💭 jaemin texting you this..
warnings: masturbation, nsfw texts, mentions of unprotected sex, jaemin is obsessed with u and ur pussy like badly that’s literally all this is
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jaemin’s obsessed with your pussy.
recently, though, his obsession’s started to get out of hand. he thinks he’d do just about anything if it meant being able to have his face between your thighs for hours on end, mouthing at your cunt until he feels satisfied.
part of jaemin knows that realistically, he can’t just ditch everything to have you sit on his face every second of the day. you’re both busy people with things to do, and honestly, the thought makes him upset.
another part of jaemin thinks that, well, nothing is ever truly impossible. if he wants to have his nose in your pussy all day, then he can. responsibilities could come later if it meant getting a taste of you and hearing the way you moan his name so beautifully every time he eats you out.
jaemin’s just thinking about you and your pretty pussy, phone in his hand, and he’s already so hard.
without a second thought, he pulls up your messages, fingers flying across the keyboard. jaemin doesn’t think you understand just how badly he needs you.
jaemin: i need you so bad rn baby
jaemin: can’t stop thinking about your pussy
you: babe. i’m at work
jaemin: god
jaemin: your pussy is so nice i’d remove my ribs just to suck my own dick after fucking you so i could taste you longer
you: ???
jaemin groans and wraps a hand tightly around his cock. the thought of you at work in your tight little pencil skirt makes his mouth water. if it were up to him, he’d be under your desk right now, eating you out while you try to focus on whatever stupid task your boss assigned for you that day.
he slowly starts to work his hand up and down his cock, smearing pre-cum from his leaking tip all over his length. the slide is wet, just like your pussy, and jaemin seriously can’t get you out of his mind.
jaemin fucks up into his hand and can feel himself getting close already. it should be embarrassing how quickly he cums just by thinking about you but he thinks that at this point, he’s too obsessed to care.
he wishes it was your pussy he was fucking instead, desperately needing to feel your tight walls wrapped around his cock. nothing compares to the way you suck him in, taking jaemin’s cock like you were made for it.
jaemin cums all over his hand at the thought of fucking your tight pussy with a loud groan. his cheeks are red as a momentary wave of shame washes over him for how dirty his thoughts are, but he realizes that if any person were to ever get a taste of you, they’d be the exact same. who can blame him for being obsessed with his girlfriend’s pussy?
he’s quickly brought back to reality when he hears his phone pinging with notifications. he picks it up, looking to see who texted him.
you: jaemin
you: what was that ??
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a/n: quick silly jaem hard hour inspired by that text i saw on twitter 😭😭 literally have no clue why that inspired me but i hope u guys enjoyed.. jaemin i need u
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violetrainbow412-blog · 2 years ago
Wearing pink [S. R.]
Spencer Reid x bimbo!reader
word count: 2.7k
request: Hear me out... Spencer introducing bimbo f!reader to the squad! 😭🩷
A/N: Honestly, I had never written anything like this and I hope it is the correct idea of a bimbo. I based her on some TV characters, so (if you're a fan of this type of reader) I hope you like it!
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“Baby, you're so nervous,” Spencer giggled, listening to the click of your heels from one side of the apartment to the other to check that everything was in order.
“I'm not nervous, I just want everything to look nice” you complained. Your gaze went to your boyfriend, who was wearing an elegant suit that you had bought for him last month, and you noticed that his tie was a little crooked. You immediately went in front of him and your hands acted on their own to accommodate it, as they had done so many times.
It was the first time Spencer's unit mates would see you and you wanted to make the best impression of all. You kept asking if the dishes looked good, if your skirt was smooth, if your hair was combed, if your makeup looked good. And each time he just smiled and nodded, recording how precious you were.
Honestly, the fact that the team found out about your existence was mere coincidence, the result of an unfortunate event that ended up unmasking Spencer. He had spent the night with you, since the cases had kept him too busy the last few weeks, and when he left the room, he only gave you a kiss on the forehead so as not to disturb your sleep. Although he wasn't very hungry, his body was in desperate need of coffee, so he opened your cupboard for something to take back to the office. Everything in your kitchen, which you hardly ever used, was pink, lilac, or any pastel variation of a few others, so it was a relief for him to find a single black thermos. Without paying much attention, he took it, poured the hot liquid, and then walked out.
There was no case, yet, so he sat down at his desk after waving to Morgan and Emily. He felt his phone vibrate and he thought it was a message from JJ, but he found that it was you who was contacting him.
Hey, are you leaving without saying goodbye? 
He smiled inadvertently and apologized saying that you looked so pretty that he hadn't wanted to disturb your calm. I could almost imagine you blushing from your soft bed.
Okay then. Good luck today, handsome. 
Love u xx
"No way! Are you a plastic girl?" Garcia yelled, from his partner's side. Spencer jumped a little when he heard her and it seemed she had caught everyone's attention.
“A what?”
"Your cup" the woman stretched out her hand to pick up said object and showed it to the rest: it had a bright pink print, with some images of a blonde girl and various objects, including a text written with something like newspaper clippings. which enunciated Burn Book.
"Where did you get that, Reid?"
"Who is she?"
“It's Regina George, from the movie Mean Girls. You don’t know her?" Prentiss muttered and at first, he immediately denied it.
“On Wednesdays we wear pink,” Garcia quoted, hoping he would have a clue, and again he showed he didn't know what they were talking about. But after taking a closer look at it, he suddenly remembered that he had looked at a poster with her somewhere in your room and it all made sense.
“When I took it, it was black”
"It's probably one of those magical cups that reveal the image with heat"
"I guess that's the scientific term"
"So where did you get it from? Did it just show up at your house by chance?"
"No, it was at my girlfriend's house"
At that, Emily's eyes widened, Garcia gasped loudly, and Morgan, who inconveniently just took a gulp of his coffee, almost choked on the hot liquid.
Penelope almost took the doctor by the neck to ask him why he had omitted such important information and he only shrugged his shoulders and replied that he had never commented on it because they had never asked.
It didn't take long for Garcia to yell at the missing team members what they had just found out and pretty soon JJ and Rossi were also gathered around the man to find out what was going on. To everyone's dismay, Hotch interrupted almost immediately, and they didn't manage to ask Spencer any questions. And he said it would be better if they were that curious to ask her themselves.
“Reid, I swear you don't even introduce us to that girl I'll never talk to you again” Garcia had threatened him, clearly exaggerating just to convince him.
When Spencer saw you again, he filled you in on the whole situation and asked if you were okay with hosting a unit dinner, to which you happily agreed.
"Everything looks immaculate, you don't have to worry," he assured you, taking both of your hands and leaning in to kiss you.
"But what if they don't like me?"
"What reason would they have for that, huh?" he insisted, holding your face in his hands. He really liked your lip gloss, it always tasted delicious and made your lips look flawless. 
"Because they're like mega-cool detectives and I... well, I won't even know what to tell them."
"Let them ask the questions, I assure you they will be dying to know everything about you" he smiled at you, quite confident that the evening would go perfectly. It was the first time Spencer had introduced the team to a couple, so they would behave prudently. Or at least so he hoped.
The sound of the doorbell caught your attention and you practically jumped towards the door to open it for whoever was there, but not before asking your boyfriend for the thousandth time to make sure you looked good. When you opened it, you saw a blonde woman and a bald man who, from Spencer's stories, you assumed were Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan. They asked your name and you agreed, finishing verifying that it was the place with the presence of your friend behind you.
"Hello! We thought we had the wrong house” she sighed, completely nervous, and Morgan didn't even say hello because he had been stunned to see you.
You were very pretty, generally speaking, you were wearing a white skirt, a tight top, and a light baby pink sweater, plus huge heels that made you almost level with your boyfriend. You were like a model and it's not that he didn't trust his friend's flirting skills, but that you had simply exceeded his expectations of him.
You received them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, while they secretly observed the place. Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ soon arrived, in exactly that order, and when they were all assembled, they took seats at the table. Spencer helped you serve dinner, which you had ordered from your favorite restaurant, and pretty soon all of you were eating and drinking the wine that David Rossi had brought as a gift.
Although the conversation had been pleasant during the first few minutes, it was obvious that everyone wanted to ask you questions, quite surprised to see the type of girl you were and how they never imagined that their friend would fit in with someone like that.
"So since when are you guys dating?" Emily murmured, trying to be nice, but also dying of curiosity.
"What will they be now, love? About six months?” you said, reaching out to hold his hand on the table.
“Six months, fourteen days, and seventeen hours”
"He's the mathematician here, so you can listen to him" you joked and the others laughed. The courtship time somewhat dismayed the team, because, although they didn’t blame him, they wished they had known sooner.
"And how did you two meet?"
“Oh, for my dad. Spencer went to give a conference to his police officers in New York a while ago and he asked him for a private consultation on a case that had been giving everyone a headache. When he helped him figure it out, Dad was so grateful that he invited him to dinner so he could meet our family. My parents loved him so I thought of it as a sign and we kept in touch after that."
"Now I understand why he kept looking at his phone and smiling in his spare time," Morgan muttered to embarrass him, like an older brother would, and the team laughed at the memory.
"And who is your father?" Rossi asked. Reid had never mentioned what had happened, but still you seemed familiar to the man, as if he had seen you somewhere before.
“He worked for a few years as a police chief here in Virginia, but now last year he got promoted to the commissioner or something; his name is Joseph Sanders”
You probably had no idea how important that position was to police officers, but they all exchanged glances as if you had just told them that you were the daughter of the President of the United States himself. Rossi immediately snapped his fingers as he winced, telling you that of course he knew your father and that he had seen you when you were a girl of maybe ten years old. The others only weighed in on the fact that Reid was now the commissioner's son-in-law.
“Hey and, no offense, but how did you fall in love with our boy wonder? He's always been a bit shy”
Now it was your boyfriend who was worried that they might make him uncomfortable or point out the clear difference between the two of you, but your carefree giggles put him at ease every time.
"It is enough to see that face to do it, don't you think?" you responded affectionately and the girls smiled at your response.
"Actually, she called me to invite me to have coffee after dinner with her father and although at first I thought it was hopeless I realized that she liked spending time with me and that's why I kept asking her out”
“He was so sweet. Flowers, chocolates, dinners. The whole package"
“Yes, well, it's that I did a little research on the best courtship methods and found common factors like that in most of them. It was only necessary to combine it with the right environment and make some modifications to them so that they were pleasant in front of you. Did you know that in the 19th century it was well seen that men…?”
"Reid," Derek interrupted, as a signal for him to stop rambling, and his friends smiled at the doctor's soft apology.
“Half the time I don't understand what he's saying, but I love hearing him talk,” you said sincerely. He had never taken that as an offense, because, although many people didn't understand his talks about him either, at least you always paid attention to him "I honestly don't know how a person can have a brain of that size"
“In fact, brains don’t vary in size but rather in areas of development, so it is incorrect to say that one person has a bigger brain than another. In such a case, one person has a more developed brain than the other”
The group looked at him accusingly again and he was about to feel guilty, but your lips crashing a kiss on his cheek considerably improved his mood.
After many more questions, everyone was able to realize that you and Spencer couldn't be more than complete opposites. You loved everything that Reid didn't know and he knew a lot of things that didn't matter to you. There were no books in your house, if glossy magazines counted for anything, and Spencer didn't even have a modern cell phone. Your house vibrated with pink and expensive things, while he only cared that there would be a bed to sleep in when he got home. But even with everything you looked really in love and the team wondered how that was possible.
Although you tremendously admired the man's capabilities that wasn’t the most important thing to you, but his wonderful beauty of him. He was someone who drew attention with his eccentricity, that every time he walked into a room he left a mark and someone many women wished they had, which he didn't even notice. And by becoming your boyfriend, without any explicit sense of ownership or anything, he had become all yours.
You liked holding his hand in the streets, you liked that he came to work and the clients were surprised when he kissed you, that everyone said how lucky you were to have found a man like that. Besides, he had passed one of the most important tests: he had your parents' approval, which was usually not an easy thing to come by.
And right now, it seemed that you were winning the sympathy of your boyfriend's family too, because the fact of seeing him so happy by your side was reason enough for them to like you and, therefore, also approve of you.
When it was time to eat dessert, the girls invited you to go shopping with them one day and all the compliments from the men were related to your last name, even astonished that Spencer now belonged to the spheres of high police society. They told you many things about themselves and you, with some effort, tried to take it all in.
"It was a great pleasure meeting you, you can come back here any day you like," you said to say goodbye, once the night was already quite advanced and they decided that the best thing (for the comfort of both the hosts and the guests) would be to leave. 
“The pleasure was ours, Y/N”
Just like at the beginning, they kissed your cheek, and one by one they left, giving you kind words of thanks, until only you and Spencer were left.
"How was I?" you immediately asked your boyfriend, who was already looking at you out of the corner of his eye with a smile.
"You think so?"
"I know it" he assured you, moving closer to you to hold you by the waist and causing your skirt to ride a little higher to the height of your butt "They loved you"
“But can you believe your friend Emily was wearing flats with that dress? It's not right and I didn't mean to be rude by mentioning it, but I died when I saw it” you started to babble, still under Spencer's grasp “And your friend Penelope has such a…quirky style. She wears colors that shouldn't mix, but somehow it looks good on her. And your boss, Aaron, shouldn't wear a suit jacket with a casual shirt. The others were relatively good, but the next time I see Jennifer I'll be sure to treat her to a moisturizer for her skin”
"And leaving that aside, did they at least make a good impression on you?" he laughed. He wasn't upset with you, it was inevitable that you would notice that kind of 'signs of bad taste' as you called them.
“Oh, they are adorable. You can tell that they love you very much, everyone speaks with admiration of you. Even your friend Derek, even though he tried to annoy you every so often."
“Yeah, I'll make him pay” he muttered under his breath, making you smile.
Carefully you reached up to reach his lips with a kiss and he sighed pathetically into your mouth as you clung to his body. Your skin was so smooth wherever he touched, as if you were a delicate piece of porcelain in his big hands.
“I hope you had a good time”
“Of course I did, sweetie. I already told you, you were perfect"
Perfect. You loved that he described you that way.
"Do you have to go home?"
"Probably. Why?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I just thought maybe we could go to my room. I bought something new that I think you'll like” you said innocently, while you held him by the tie that you had arranged so carefully at the beginning of the evening. Upon hearing this, he wasted no time and carried you in a bridal pose, taking you there while you laughed out loud.
No one questioned Spencer when he arrived later than usual the next morning, smelling of cherry shampoo and with a suspicious purplish mark, knowing that the only one to blame for that would have to be you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14
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♠️ Being found in the Borderlands all by your own. ♠️
Summary: You have already been in the Borderlands for a few days and are familiar with the essential components. After a game, you've lost everyone you had a good bond with. You are the only one who was able to survive. Physically and mentally injured, you sit on the side of the road in the middle of the destroyed and desolate Shibuya district. Ready to drop everything - ready to give up - you'll be found by new players who may or may not have the willingness to help you back up when you've fallen so far.
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Characters: Arisu, Chishiya & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Threats, Weapon (Gun)
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A r i s u
The sight of you reminds him a little of himself. He knows the look on your face when you stare in the middle of the void and don't make any effort to move from the spot, even though you know exactly how dangerous it is to just stay in one place and do nothing. When Arisu finds you, he immediately knows what's going on inside you, which is why he's already determined to help you in some way. The problem is that he doesn't know how to help you, considering he doesn't even know how to help himself.
And yet he dares to come to you after a moment's hesitation. Slowly, so you don't think he's trying to hurt you, but… even that wouldn't matter to you at that moment.
At least you don't even dare to look at him. You could say that your self-protection mechanism has left you completely. You're not afraid. No grief. Just… well, what do you feel? Nothing. Actually, it's just an oppressive void.
"I like to be part of someone else's suffering."
With these words, Arisu manages to draw your attention to him. He may get a confused, almost bewildered look from you, but it's worth it to him right now.
"All right, you don't have to say anything. Let's just… let's just sit here together for a little while and look into the distance. And if you need someone to talk to, then ... I'll be here."
What a strange guy, you think.
Still ... it's quite nice gesture, of course.
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C h i s h i y a
Just on the way to the next game, Chishiya meets you. He actually had better things to do than take care of you, which is why he didn't want to pay attention to you at all, but he finds it strange that you don't respond to anything.
He's just a few feet in front of you and you're looking right at him. His gaze is focused on you, you don't react. He speaks to you with a "Hard Game Finished?" but you sit silently on your spot and don't even make the slightest attempt to give him an answer. Nonsense. Apparently, you didn't even hear him. What if he waves? You're still not moving.
That eventually makes him come over to you, just to see if you're at least reacting to it. It's sad to say nothing's happening here either. Only when he squats in front of you and looks straight into your eyes, do you at least give the reaction of you to move your eyes so that you don't look straight into his. Eye contact has never been your strength.
"Pale. Slight tremor. Indifference."
He doesn't care if you listen to him at all, but the fact is, he's going to have to give up the upcoming game after all.
"A slight shock, it looks like."
Without thinking about it, he sits down on the stony, cold floor, inspecting the wound in your face while keeping a healthy distance from you.
"I can stitch the wound when you come back to reality."
Why is he even telling you this? He'll have to start smiling about it himself. There won't be any feedback from you either way.
"It's okay", he says, "I have time."
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N i r a g i
Most people who know him know how impulsive and violent Niragi can be, but as far as you're concerned, you have absolutely no clue. You didn't even mean for him to trip over your legs. You just sit on the floor and try to deal with the straightforward experience somehow. Forget the pictures of your comrades being brutally murdered. But now you are being prevented from doing so by being all the time riddled with a psycho, one might say, whom you have never even seen before in your life.
Normally, you'd apologize for what happened. I don't care if it was really your fault or not. As long as they leave you alone and go back on their way. And if there weren't any excuses, you'd at least take your legs and just walk away to get out of the situation.
Today, however, it is different. You let the curse and the provocation come upon you. Insults pass you by and don't interest you in the slightest. This, however, makes everything feel even worse. Don't you always say you shouldn't get involved with people like that? That you should just ignore them because then they'd stop harassing you? After all, it should be boring to just give monologues at some point, right? Not with Niragi, who will eventually point his gun at you, threatening to kill you if you continue to ignore him.
"Do it," you whisper softly to yourself, which is more than just serious. "Kill me," you continue, "there's nothing keeping me here any more…"
That's where you finally turn to the unknown, whom you have taken out of concept with these words.
He lowers his gun slowly and only looks at you with irritation. Did you really just say that? Did you really just give him permission to kill you with his own hands? To shoot you down?
Even him makes this speechless.
"Looks like someone's already done with their life."
Without saying anything else, he looks down at you in disgust, holding the gun loosely with both of his hands again, before only a bored "Hm" comes over him.
"Freak", he says, leaving you alone from now on.
Luck in unhappiness, you think ...
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reesespeanutbutterfuck · 8 months ago
love marks & battle scars
[rival! enemy! ken sato x baseball teammate! undercover KDF agent! reader]
part 1
drabble | part 2
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pairing: kenji sato x reader
cw: sfw for now, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, hardcore!intimidating!reader, matsui’s daughter!reader, cursing, minimal details are changed to fit into the storyline, ken and reader will get kinda freaky eventually, spicy themes, allusions to sex, mdni u have been warned !!! don make me come for u D:< !!!, girldad!kenji, reader becomes emi’s mother figure, goofy ahhhh writing as usual
a/n: ch one takes place in ken's first game in the beginning btw
ken sato, your egotistical new teammate has been ticking you off and thinning your patience, being a threat to your place in yomiuri giants. 
ultraman, your nemesis who always gets in the way of your job in the kdf, that you only joined in hopes of finding leads and getting clues to track your parents.
and somehow you even ended up being a co-parenting his… kaiju daughter. something you never signed up for.
What beautiful, festive night with clear skies it is tonight. 
After lazily strolling through the back of the arena, Ken finally found his way to the open door leading to the bleachers, where he can already see the bright lights inside the dome and hear the cheers of the lively crowd. He elatedly took a deep breath before he entered the arena through the entrance that led him to his designated team, all in the middle of having an adrenaline rush. 
It was his first time playing as a member of the Yomiuri Giants. Very exciting. There really is nothing that gives his system a fulfilling rush than baseball.
Ah, what a nice night to–
“Oi, Sato!” 
Be nagged. Great way to prepare for a game.
“He-hey! Shimura!” with a smug smile, he merrily raised to greet Shimura like how an old friend would to another. “Nice team. Is the place for Captain open? Because I’d love to take you up on that.”
Shimura annoyedly narrowed his eyes at him. “Lucky you, it’s open, and also unlucky you, because that spot is good as reserved this season.”
Ken slightly tilted his head, “What’cha mean by reserved?”
“Technically, the Captain of last season would still be the unofficial Captain of this season until a new one gets decided. And I don’t plan to replace my current Captain anytime. Unless someone in the team can surpass them. Only the best players in my team are chosen as the Captain.”
He registered the information he heard. Just like an heir to a throne. A King. That sure sounds nice.
“So, this former Captain-current unofficial Captain of yours has been the team Captain for consecutive seasons? Then, that must’ve only meant he’s unbeatable. He better watch his back if he wants to maintain his streak.” now that he’s here, surely not.
Shimura failed to contain the slight smirk that plastered itself on one side of his lips. In the side of his face that is out of Ken’s line of vision, so Ken doesn’t see. He thinks, clearly he doesn’t know what he’s saying nor who he's dealing with. 
“I’ll introduce you to the acting Captain of this team as a formality.” he chose to play it cool and not push it further, it’d be better if he observes you himself.
“Where’s [L/N]?” Shimura asked the busy team, getting their attention to him and Ken because of the mention of the last name. He scanned the team, seemingly looking for someone yet guessing from his furrowed brows and craning of his neck, it seems that the acting Captain that he’s looking for isn’t here.
“Arrived not a while ago. Still at the back, Coach.” one of his teammates in the middle of tying their shoelaces answered and jerked their thumb towards the door trailing to the locker room.
“It'll have to wait later, then.” Shimura acknowledged, “By the way, about your little imaginary advertisement title during the PressCon. Just to remind you again, no place for your so-called Ken Sato Show in my team. So don't try me.” Shimura warned him while pointing his index finger on his chest.
Ken raises both of his hands defensively forcing laughter. “Okay, okay. Got it.”
Ken’s attention drifted to someone emerging straight to the team out of nowhere, wearing a dark tinted helmet and a motorcycle jacket.
“[L/N], about time.” Shimura turned his head to you in relief. In Ken’s point of view, it’s like your arrival meant the team was saved. Looks like even Shimura has his favorites. Too bad you’re going to be dethroned soon. “Did you forget your batting helmet so you wore a motorcycle helmet instead?” Shimura pointed out your outlandish attire.
You let out a muffled snicker under your helmet. You held the helmet with your hands to take it off. Ken waited to see the face of his newfound rival under the helmet, fully expecting a man, preparing to say something to assert dominance over you. His expectant smile dropped when after you removed your helmet and shook your head to free your hair, the moment your hair flowed and his eyes lay on your face, was also the moment he realized...
You were not a man.
The Captain of the Giants… is a woman?
What the f–
Well, he wasn’t trying to be sexist or anything. No, no, not at all. He knows a lot of strong women in his life—his mother is a solid proof one of many. He acknowledges women are just as capable as men. It’s just, it’s been so long since he was last updated with the Giants even before he got in. First reason is because he really doesn’t care about the identities of his future teammates. And second, because he—what’s the term?—Lost interest in them when he cut off everything associated with Japan, because it reminded him of his dad who traded him and his mother to the Ultraman gig. Gosh, how long has it been? 
“Where did you come from?” 
“Audience’s entrance. Your interviewers are camped in the corridor on the way to the locker rooms.” You tossed your helmet to the nearby bench. 
My god, not even your height or the way your physique looked under your baggy jacket gave away the fact that you were a woman.
Ken, after a moment of being taken aback by your appearance, straightened himself subtly when you glanced at him for a few seconds. He’s not nervous, is he? Of course not. No one ever makes him, the Ken Sato nervous. He fought the urge to hit his own head with his palm. For god’s sake, Kenji, snap out of it.
“Who’s this?” Your tired eyes shift from him to Shimura. You don't know him? Once again, you did it. The fact that you didn’t know him added to the damage you did to his ego.
He observed you closely. You had a stern expression, sharp eyes, a prim, somewhat almost restrained appearing composure and a low, sultry voice. He does admit, your intimidating aura really does reflect that of a leader. Oddly attractive.
Yet not enough to distract him from his goal.
“Your new teammate, Ken Sato.” Shimura answered with his hand gesturing toward Ken. “Sato, this is our consecutive Captain, [Y/N L/N].” Shimura introduces you to him. 
Shimura’s words echoed in Ken’s ear. “only the best players are chosen as the Captain”, You’re the best player of this team. You, in front of him, right now. 
“Nice to meet you, Captain.” Ken forced a smile, trying to pull himself together.
Your eyes went back to him after, he can tell you’re sizing him up. It didn't take long before Ken got lost in his thoughts again. You had a sharp gaze, one that if it were possible to kill, he would be down lying on the floor. Your gaze almost even looks like a glare already. 
He was snapped out of his thoughts when after moments of not moving, you walked towards his direction. He expectantly prepared himself mentally to converse with you, but he was beyond shocked when you walked past him.
Did that really just happen? It did. The proof was the trail of your scent you left walking past him. Your perfume smelled musky, yet also sweet. Not painful to the nose. 
He’d lie if he said he wasn’t expecting you to interact with him, welcome him in your team or initiate anything, anything at all. But you just… didn’t care? Shouldn’t Team Captains, even acting ones greet new teammates? If he were the Captain he’d do it. Is this how they welcome teammates in Tokyo? He had never been this humbled in his whole life.
Shimura didn’t have any reaction, as if it was just what he had already expected from you. You sat at your team’s side of the bleachers to change your shoes and wear your face guard, not even looking back in their direction to even lay your eyes on him again. Ken still cannot believe what had just happened. He’s stupid for expecting, and you’re clearly not friendly, and it’s fine. He can take that. 
On the bench, you stifled a yawn. If you yawn freely, Shimura would notice it with his hawk eyes and nag you asking why’d you tire yourself out before a game and of course you cannot disclose why. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed today because of the aftermath of your discreet job outside baseball. Neronga was a resistant one, you’d say. If Ultraman hadn’t meddled with your mission, you would’ve finished the job sooner and you would’ve had enough rest.
“Yo, Captain.” one of your teammates, Otomo, approached you.
“Stop calling me that.”
“Why? You were the Captain last season, and surely you’ll still be in this one.”
You glared at him and diverted your attention to your shoelaces without replying.
“What’d you think about our new teammate?” Nothing but a show-off. “Heard a while ago Sato over there was also aiming for the same title.” Otomo gestured his head to Sato.
Your hands continued tying your laces. You’d like a healthy competition. Whatever he wants. You don’t care about the Captain title on its own, anyway. You only care about being Captain because it meant you were the best out of everyone in the team. While Sato was changing in the locker room, you stood up after you finished wearing and fixing your baseball gear.
You were fixing the soles of your shoes when your vision caught some of your teammates piling up while watching something on their mobile phones. Some of them seemed to be genuinely fanboying on Sato and some of them didn't like him. You? You're part of the latter, like these guys.
“[L/N], it’s Sato’s PressCon last night. Come watch with us. He claimed himself the greatest active player.” you overheard as they kept replaying that one part over and over and laughing. You were right. That Sato is conceited. And he’s not even subtle about it.
Greatest active player, huh. You’d like to see if he can walk his talk.
Before the game started, Shimura called you all to discuss the sequence. And you and Sato were accidentally placed beside each other.
“You lead.” Shimura points at your direction. You weren't sure who, because Sato was placed little more in front of you.
“Coach, do you mean, me?” You clarified.
“No, Sato.” he pointed at the new guy, Sato. “You’re first one up. Bat.”
Your narrow eyes focused on this Sato guy. You sized him up once again. Usual pretty boy, pretty face, but petty attitude. What’s special about him? First impressions, off. But, you do have to see how he plays first to judge him.
“He’s the best player in his former team. Let him lead.”
You wordlessly retreated and stepped back to give way to the players. You stared at his back containing his jersey number, Sato, number seven.
Meanwhile in front, Ken fights the urge to look at you. “Don’t worry guys, I’m about to change this team’s trajectory just tonight.” he confidently walked off with the same cocky smile.
Although it’s a bummer he won’t get the chance to watch you play first, he took the opportunity and stepped inside the court. He took his mind off of everything not inside the court. He has to focus. This is his time to prove himself. 
You do want to be the best, but you don’t always expect to be the best. There’s a fine line that differs between those two. Although, yes, your father would be displeased if he finds out you’re anything but the best. But if he's always a show-off, then you already have that advantage over him. He isn’t a formidable competition at all.
The crowd screeched when his face went all over the jumbotron's LED screen. While in the point of view of the audience, it’s very noticeable how he seemed uncomfortable with his left shoulder. Looks like it isn’t just you who has a skill issue today. He still had the strength to bicker with the catcher from the other team, though. He’ll be fine.
The game began, the pitcher pitched. He missed. The second pitch, he missed again.
Your face crumpled. You made a point once again. He, in fact, can’t walk his talk. You crossed your arms and sank your back against the backrest of the bench. You’ve lost interest in the game.
For the third time, the pitcher pitches, and for the last chance that he had, he hit the ball. Oh, lucky is he. The crowd goes wild, the commentator announces the successful bat and the giant screen shows his face. Even if he batted successfully on the third, it didn’t reverse the disappointment you felt now that you can judge him. He then came running the bases.
You looked away and rested your chin against your palm with crossed legs, not paying attention to the game, but all of a sudden, your eyes caught something familiarly strange flying outside the dome. 
Is that…
You squinted to see clearly, and when you saw it again, your eyes widened. It vanished again for a while, but your sighting of KDF jets told you everything you needed to know to confirm what it was. You flinched in your seat when one of the KDF jets crashed and exploded near the dome, interrupting the game, also startling the people inside the dome who were now instinctively starting to evacuate the area. In the middle of the flames of the explosion, the creature emerged and showed itself clearly, just exactly as the one you suspected.
“Gigantron.” You and Ken mouthed at the same time, from different spots inside the dome.
The creature roars, frightening people even more. Everything was chaos, like that of a dystopia. People were pushing each other in the exits to get out of the dome as soon as possible. You stood up from your seat, picked your helmet up from the bottom bench, not turning your back on Gigantron, you pushed the door with your palm to the nearest exit. You pushed your way through the waves of people until you reached your motorcycle outside.
You revved the engine and sped up en route to the KDF headquarters. You need to get there before the last jet takes off.
In the dim-lit interior of the KDF Headquarters, Chief Officer Dr. Onda silently watches the monitor screen.
Aoshima, the KDF Captain hurriedly went to him after the difficult situation unfolded. “Sir, we have an emergency. Gigantron has ambushed our jets and taken it down. The package cannot be tracked, as of now.”
“Is Saturnine inside the headquarters right now?”
“Uh, Agent Saturnine is currently off-duty tonight, Sir.” Aoshima responded, wondering why out of everyone, he specifically asked about Saturnine.
Dr. Onda exhales and doesn't reply further. He maintained his stoned expression under his aviators. He focused on the monitor cameras showing the chaos the Gigantron made.
His forehead creases in distress. “Scramble all jets. Kill Gigantron. Do what you can to retrieve the package.” he orders his personnel.
“Yes, sir.”
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2024, don forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
incomp taglist (do comment if u wanna be added): @moonjellyfishie @aise-30 @lovingyeet @ririkacchi
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remedyturtles · 2 months ago
10 with Leo and Raph would be so interesting. (Thought I can't really picture either of them saying somthing that mean to eachother, so maybe mystics are involved?)
I hope you have a nice day!
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great minds think alike y'all. thanks @bluemoonsymphonies and anon for the prompt! i hope u both enjoy....
wordcount 1k, pre-movie
10. "Please... what am I doing wrong?" "What aren't you doing wrong?!"
Leo’s throat hurt. 
Just add it to the list of bullshit that Raph was doing to him. Because there was absolutely no reason that Raph had to come and interrupt him while he was snoozing on the bean bag. Like, this lecture could’ve totally waited until later. Maybe after Leo had gotten some fucking sleep. 
“You’re not taking this seriously!” Raph said.
“You could not be more of a broken record if you tried, Rapha.” Leo hadn’t gotten up from the bean bag and suffocated a yawn into his fist. He was tired of the grating arguments and he was tired, just bone tired of the fighting for no reason. And tired in general. Because his head was so loud and when he laid down to sleep there was just… screaming there too. 
“That’s because you’re not listening to me.” Raph poked him right between the eyes. “I gotta drill it in that empty head somehow.”
Leo twitched. That was a bit harsh, especially since it wasn’t a gentle poke. He was feeling a little ganged up on and crawled out of the bean bag to stand his ground, crossing his arms. “Yeesh, tell me how you really feel.” 
“I think you’re lazy and unmotivated.” Raph scoffed. “We’ve got so much we could be doing and you’re sleeping in the middle of the day.”
Leo… paused. Stared at his brother with a bit of hurt shock. He was really coming at him, no holds barred. He held up his hands in surrender and said, “And wow, I think you’re a huge jerk. What the hell, dude? For your information, I barely slept last night, so get off me.”
Something flickered in Raph’s eyes. But it didn’t stay. He scoffed again, louder and more derogatory, raising up his lip to sneer with his snaggletooth. “You’re not even trying.”
“Wow.” Leo repeated. Hands still raised, skin goosebumping, a chill from the undisguised scorn. This was different from the usual annoyed arguing. This was … mean. “Okay. Please, let's hear it. What am I doing wrong, then?”
“What aren't you doing wrong?” Raph spat back, chest heaving. Genuine anger sung hot and heavy. 
Leo stared. This sounded a lot like the inside of his own head. Which didn't make sense, because that wasn't Raph. He pushed and he pushed but he was never like this. Not his Raph. Not his lovable big lug of a brother who truly only wanted the best for all of them. 
“Nothing to say?” Raph tilted his head to the side. His eyes were rather blank, now that Leo was making painful eye contact with him. 
“Are you feeling okay?” Leo prompted.
Raph blinked rapidly, surprised, then shook his head. “What are you talking about? You’re the one who's a problem here."
"Yeah, something is definitely wrong." Leo stepped forward, cataloguing other symptoms as he went. "You give me a hard time, you piss me off, and you nag me. But you're never, ever mean. So what gives?"
Raph was sweating. Not any of his usual sweat, not a scent Leo could pinpoint with scary accuracy. Something unheard of. When Leo got closer, he could see the pin-pricked pupil and too-quick breathing. He practically growled at Leo as he got close. 
"Relax." Leo smiled, charming, getting another step closer to the lion's den. Flickering his gaze over Raph to try and find some kind of clue. "I get you, I know you want me to try, etc etc. But you wouldn't just brush past me telling you I hadn't slept, because you know I hate being honest about that. You'd be beating my ass with a pillow to go to bed then and try again in the morning. So either you've been possessed by a demon or cursed. Which is it?"
"I'm not –" Raph lurched forward.
But Leo had already spotted it. He pinched the little bug between his thumb and forefinger and pulled – a parasitic scarab bit down into the skin of his neck. The moment it left Raph's body, the little pincers wiggled agitatedly in the air, and Leo surveyed the bug with a distasteful eye. 
Raph inhaled sharply, hand flying to his neck, and took two staggering steps backwards. He breathed, "What the fuck."
Leo waved the evil little beetle at him. "Did you piss off someone? Maybe walk through a magical rainforest?"
"I – I – " Raph's face morphs into one of pure horror. "I'm so sorry."
"Aw, buddy." Leo opened a portal and flicked the beetle through it, sending the fucker to the moon. Then he waved it away and opened his hands in offer. "It's okay. I know you better than that." 
Raph scooped him up in a hug so tight it took his breath away. He squeezed and squeezed and Leo bore it with the patience of someone who'd been a teddy bear for this man many a time. 
"It's okay." Leo mumbled to him. 
"Not really." Raph replied, miserable.
"You didn't mean it." Leo shrugged.
The arms around him tightened. Raph shuddered a breath.
"Okay, maybe you meant it a little bit." Leo amended, because it wasn't like this conversation was new. Just the vitriol at which he spat it. "But bud, I know you're not coming at me to hurt me. I'd never think that. You're literally doing this because you want me to be my best. I'm not stupid. I'm just really, really good at acting like it."
Raph pulled back enough to show his red eyes. "Then why won't you work with me here?"
Leo couldn't say, because I'm scared my best isn't good enough. Instead he pat his big brother's arm and said, "Let's get you checked out and make sure that beetle didn't cause any lasting effects, hey?"
"Leo–" Raph growled.
Too late. Leo eeled out of his grip and danced away, waving over his shoulder. "Come on, chop chop, I don't have all day you know."
Raph… sighed. And followed, shoulders hanging.
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shakirawastaken · 2 years ago
dsmp if... you were a romance trope
i got inspiration (sapnap, dream, george, karl, quackiy, wilbur) 
sapnap (hockey x figure skater): - im in the middle of heartbreaker rn and SHUT UP - i LOVE THIS TROPE - IM NOT EVEN A FIGURE SKATER I DO TAEKWONDO BUT I STILL FROTH OVER THIS SHIT - and then in addition to that one tommyinnit is a figure skater and everyone else is on a hockey team “ice these hurts” or smt h like that - i love this trope. - anyway i think that this trope comes hand in hand with enemies to lovers - his hockey team and ur figure skating group are at the same winter sports competiton - and you have to share a rink - booooo - so everyday you end practice with the sight of a bunch of hockey buffs roughhousing in the stands, waiting for you to finish - and everyday a certain brunette one sneers and smirks at you as you walk off the ice - “had a nice practice ice queen/king?” he asks you teasingly - “shut up, yeti” you mutter back gratingly as you bump your shoulder into his build as you pass him - and he comes up with a new one everyday - and you quip right back at him, unphased - one day, he comes into practice early just to spite you - what he wasn’t expecting is to see how good you actually were on the ice - he sat there like “ :O” and just watche dyou glide across the ice with what seemed like barely any effort - and he watched how passionate you were in your craft and the dance - and bro was whipped right then and there - so that day as you were leaving he said “you were amazing out there” and it took u jumpscared - you were like “no insult today?” - and he was like “dang, didnt know u liked them that much ;) but not today, not for something as beautiful as that” - and i think you can guess where it went from there... :)
 dream (ceo and employee romance):  - AKAIAKAKAHAKH TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION - i mean hes a ceo alr so its like one step in the door you know - anyway hes a ceo - bro wears those fancy ass suits everyday and has like a wine cellar mini fridge shit thing in his office  - any way you pull up to his headquarters one day for like an interview and you were so fucking nervous  - you ran into him in the elevator (and no clue who he was) - and you basically vented to him for the 30 second elevator ride before scurrying off to your interview - bro didnt even get dreams name or anything - he kinda just smiled and wished you well as you ran away  - he thought you were so cute  - and you thought dude was hot as fuck  - anyway you got the JOB!! LETS GOO - the next day, your supervisor is like taking u around showing u the works - ....and you meet the ceo - its dream - and youre like :0 and he’s like  *smirk wink* ;) “hey” - and youre like “well fuck hes the ceo i cant be in love with him” - and you avoid him - but he makes it his life’s mission to get on ur radar - in the break room, in ur cubicle, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot man is ON YOU LIKE A MOTH TO A LIGHT - eventually he convinces you to go to fancy dinner - and WOW hes paying?? so that shit was FIREEEE - fancy wagyu steak and 102379182 year old wine i mean cmon - it was good ok - he asks you out after dinner and assures u ur job wont be at risk and everything - ba da bing ba da boom  - now youre dating happily and he spoils the FUCK outta you  - lmk if you want this one as a big fic with dialogue
george (neighbors): - tell me why whenever i have my delulu daydreams with george he’s always a neighbor - very much boy next door vibes - omg HES YOUR COLLEGE ROOMMATE NEXT DOOR - stoppppp - on move in day he pulls up with his family and u with urs and youre like - “hi ! nice to meet you im so exicted to move in!” and bros like “same!” - sometimes hes loud bc hes talking to his friends but you dont mind - hes a cs major and ur  whatever u want major - one day you decided to start singing  rlly loud while cleaning - ur singing taylor swift - and then george could hear you from the room next door to yours - so he writes up a little post it note that was like “loved the concert! when’s the next one?” and stuck in on your door - you found it and started mad blushign - you had a crush on him since day one awwww - anyways you two started communicating via post it notes and songs played loudly through the walls <3 - till one day you hear boyfriend by big time rush - and then you play girlfriend by avril lavigne back - and then he slips you a post it note under the door and you open the door before you could read it  - and its an unspoken like thing that you start dating - its so romantic how you can saw you guys starting dating because of taylor swift !!
quackity (academic rivals): - DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THIS TROPE IT BRINGS ME LIFE ALRIGHT - alright - two law school students FIGHTING IT OUT ACADEMICALLY - you guys met in ur freshman year english class or some shit - clashed together in a discussion group - and its been game on since then - your texts with each other are flaunting texts - “hey alex, guess who got a 97 on the last midterm?” - “guess who got a 99 ;)” - over time, the texts started getting more and more hostile - people started to thing you two actually hated one another’s guts  - but in reality it was more for the thrill - but this continued throughout your law school careers - and you both become successful lawyers in the end!! - and when the headmaster calls you both into his office and says - “youre both valedictorian! congrats! you have to give a speech together” - well its like all the hatred faded away - you grinned and cheezed at each other before giving each other the biggest hug ever - so you both wrote a speech together - and soon the day of graduation came - and q goes at the end “i wouldn’t be here without the person who motivated me through it all, so thank you (y/n)” and youre like “hey man *sob* wtf *sob” - and you kiss him on the cheek and cheer to all the graduates  - after the ceremony he catches up to you in the parking lot, grabbing your wrist before you could go off with ur family - and blurts out word soup - and ur like what - and hes like “i really like you, and law school wouldn’t have been the same without you. can we be more than friends?” - and youre like “duhhh” and kiss him right there karl (best friends to lovers): - YOU ARE IN LOVE BY TAYLOR SWIFT  - that is the song for this SCENARIO - you two met when you were little kids in like first grade - your friends werent there on that day so you hung out with each other - hooked to the other since then and there - it was always “karl and you” and “you and karl” - you came as a packaged deal - through ups and downs you were there together - you graduated high school together and were going to the same college together now - while karl barely got into any romantic relationships, you seemed to be going through a few of them  - you were desperate for a love connection and honestly i aint blaming u - one day after a horrible date he came over to your dorm and u had an impromptu sleepover - you were in karls old shirt and some pajama pants and he was in his pajamas - and you two were just watching a movie together - before he turns to you abruptly, and you turn to look at him - and he’s like “you’re my best friend”  - and you saw a switch flip in him - since then, the dynamic between you two changed (for the better) - you became more flirty more touchy  - you started to act like you were a couple more and more - one day you saw him open his wallet to pull out his card  - and u saw that he has a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and then you knew that he was it for you - you ask him out that night - and hes so happy hes picking you up and spinning you around - <3 wilbur (musician x fan trope): - okay this is inspired by those tik toks that are like “did you see the way he looked at me” and its harry styles staring and eyeing down a fan in the audience like YES - and he’s a musician so it fits! - imagine lovejoy is like a HUGE HUGE Band so maybe this is in the future - anyways you and ur friend go to a lovejoy concert - for the sake of the story, youre not that big a fan of lovejoy just familiar with hits like sex sells and one day - the whole time ur friend is like “theyre so good hes so good its all so good” - you two end up a few rows from barricade  - and you and ur friend start screaming it up as you should - youre not oblivious to the way the lead singer keeps looking over in your direction, winking and smiling - imagine a sweaty, singing wilbur glancing over at you during sex sells and giving you a smile as he rasps out “you know sex sells i know that” - brb ascending to heaven - anyway a time comes when he stops to speak to the audience - he wastes no time - he struts over to your side of the stage and points at you  - “what’s your name?” - and you scream it at him - “what a lovely name!” - the crowd cheers - “ahre you single?” he asks with a grin on his face - the grin grows when u nod at him - “give me ur number!?” he asks and you nod at him as ur friend is dying next to you - he gestures u and ur friend to the front of the stage by the barricade  - and he passes you a marker and make syou WRITE YOUR NUMBER ON HIS GUITAR OR HIS SHIRT OR SOMETHING - oh yeahh go you go you thank yoU! let me know if you want any of these to become a bigger story/imagine and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2 WITH OTHER PEOPLE :D reblogs appreciated
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blitzwhore · 2 months ago
Hello! I have questions. Do you think Blitzo ... knows about Stolas's ACTUAL relationship dynamic with Stella? I mean, he probably has an inkling that Stolas's married life was not happy, but I wonder if he knew how much of a bitch she truly was, like she's an actual danger to him (Striker deal). I keep thinking of a quote from a site called "A Softer World" and one of them [Homewrecker, noun. Someone who frees an injured animal from a trap. (Go! Run! You're free!)] and it actually fits Blitzo. Just can't wait for Via and that gremlin lizard to have that revelation. It was really recently in time for him.
Also, just a fun thought, I know some people have this idea of Stolas's mom being a nice lady that's either dead or hiding away but I think it'd be interesting if this woman is someone who's the opposite of Stolas with Via, that she resents the baby, just BOOKED it as soon as it arrives, maybe not even waiting for it to hatch. Would also be interesting if she had bluntly told Stolas that he's just a tool in his marriage just as she was she was and to just accept his fate, not being mean just stating facts but it still crushes him hard, in the first and last meeting Could be one of the factors that pushes Stolas to be more truthful to Via about the actual family life without sugarcoating or being avoidant.
Just spitting out thoughts. Have a good month come to you!
Hi! I like answering questions 😂 I absolutely do not think Blitz knows what Stolas and Stella's dynamics were like. Firstly because until The Full Moon and Apology Tour, Blitz did not know Stolas was capable of being emotionally hurt. The face he puts at the end of Full Moon when he sees Stolas cry is a mirror of his face when he said "he can get hurt?" in Western Energy. He's having that realisation all over again—except for emotional pain this time. And the idea that Stolas can suffer emotionally is cemented when he hears Stolas sing All 2 U, and hears Stolas' drunken ramble that he just wants to be held and wanted. So Blitz definitely didn't know Stella had abused Stolas before these episodes, and I very much doubt Stolas has told him in the 3-ish weeks they've been living together since the trial.
There's also the fact that Moxxie stated in the trial that they don't know who wanted Stolas dead. They have absolutely no clue it was his own (ex-)wife who wanted to kill him, and the show made sure to let us know. And I think this is going to come back later on in the show. I think them (or at least Blitz) finding out it was Stella who hired Striker is going to be a Big Deal.
And then there's the (maybe less relevant, but still important in my personal opinion) fact that Blitz and Stella have never interacted or been together on screen (except for the "sorry I fucked your husband" line). Every time in the last 2 episodes that Blitz was faced by someone wanting to hurt him and Stolas, that someone was Andrealphus. Stella was very pointedly Not There. And, personally, I think this is because Blitz meeting her and seeing what she's like is going to be A Thing. I think it'll put so many things into perspective for him, and it'll make him want to defend and care for Stolas and Octavia even more fiercely than he already does.
(I also have this headcanon that Blitz will someday verbally defend Stolas from Stella, becoming the first person to ever do so. And I just love picturing Blitz just roasting the fuck out of her. "Wow, it's no wonder Stolas was so desperate for it, you couldn't make anyone cum if you tried").
Love the idea of Stolas' biological mother just ditching as soon as his egg was laid! I hadn't thought about it, but it really would make sense, and would explain why he kept the circumstances of Via's conception from her so she wouldn't feel guilty for Stolas (which obviously backfired).
Great thoughts all around!
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kortac-sweetheart · 20 days ago
leashed ♡
nikto & krueger x reader
a/n: this is honestly pretty self indulgent but i felt proud enough to share. reader’s outfit is described semi in depth and dresses typically feminine. they’re also described as having a “soft chest” but only once and vague on what sort of chest. their height is mentioned frequently, because they’re a lot shorter than the men. i based them off myself, i’m a feminine transmasc guy so :) no usage of (y/n) either (any other traits about reader are not included) (also i have no fucking clue how a military base is set up so i bullshitted it lol) beta read several times because i like stroking my ego sometimes, hope u enjoy!
to say that it’s an incredulous sight would be an understatement in every sense of the word.
two of kortac’s most dangerous, ruthlessly efficient and stone-faced operators being walked into base, leashed, by a short and dolled up stranger. the one holding the leashes dressed in a cute black body contour dress, stretching in all the right places, emphasizing their wide hips and soft chest. an expensive looking fur shawl was wrapped comfortably around their shoulders, dainty silver jewelry jingling with even the slightest movement. their legs wrapped in coquettish white tights decorated with pretty hearts and tiny bows along with kitten heeled black mary janes. and most importantly the bottom of their face obscured with a black mask, adorned with white lace and frills. the sight so fantastical and out of place that it would be enough to make any operator assume that they’re hallucinating.
even stranger still, when the trio finally reach the drop off point for operators the short one leading stops and turns on their heel, facing the two men. they straighten immediately, as if at attention before being soothed by the stranger. they curl their index finger down, as if calling a dog, in kruger’s direction.
the onlookers hold their breath, as if waiting for this odd trace to break and for kruger to pounce on the stranger. instead he bows down, bending at the waist to be eye level with them. they begin lifting kruger’s veil ever so slightly and the tension in the room spikes once more. the stranger’s head and hand slips under his hood without ever revealing his face and there is an audible, kiss. the surrounding area so quiet a pin drop could be heard.
nikto waits patiently, his gaze never once straying from his fellow operator and the stranger. never once fidgeting or twitching, standing stoic as if carved from stone. the only indication he’s made of flesh and blood is his chest moving ever so slightly with his steady breaths.
when the stranger removes their head from under kruger’s veil they turn to nikto. once more signaling for him to bend down to their height. he does so instantaneously, without hesitation, and awaits the stranger’s next move. their hand gently cups nikto’s cheek, his hand cradling their own with all the gentleness he could muster. they lean in, never once being forced to stand on their tiptoes. and they plant a (what feels like) eternal and tender kiss to his mask.
leaning back, the stranger then sighs, as if disappointed and both kruger’s and nikto’s hands twitch ever so slightly. they reach up and unlink nikto’s leash, before reaching under kruger’s veil to undo his. the stranger then signals for both of them to lean down this time, and the other operators have to strain their ears to listen to their quiet voice.
“play nice with the other operators ok? i don’t want to hear about any attempted homicides when i come to pick you two up. understood?” the stranger’s gaze shifts from nikto to kruger, expectantly.
“understood.” they both affirmed promptly, nodding as if to emphasize their promise to them.
the stranger’s body language slackened, opening their arms for a big hug. both of them, incredibly, took to the hug immediately. squeezing a small cute squeak out of them, holding them still for a few seconds before letting go.
“i love you both so much! stay safe and have fun ok? see you two on friday!” the stranger beams at them before turning heel once more. and finally, finally the two kortac operators speak.
“mhm, love you liebling, friday can’t come soon enough~” kruger crooned. (crooned, fucking crooned at them.) before kissing his palm and blowing the invisible kiss in their direction.
“da. get home safe, solnishko.” nikto murmured, reverently bowing towards the stranger.
the stranger only spared them a enthusiastic wave goodbye before rounding the corner and vanishing from view entirely.
the pair then turn around once more, eyes and stance hardening instantly.
“let’s get to work.” kruger nods his head in the direction of the base’s main office, heading there in quick and measured strides.
nikto doesn’t say anything in reply but he falls in place comfortably besides kruger, nikto’s pace matching kruger’s easily.
the two kortac members quickly disappear out of sight as well, and the room lets out a collective breath no one realized they were holding.
one particular onlooker, johnny “soap” mactavish turns to the rest of task force 141 (who are equally as confused), aghast, and exclaims, “what the ever living fuck was tha’?!”
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umeoniii · 2 years ago
giving aot men head
eren, reiner, jean, levi, armin
hair puller. he pulls your hair esp when it feels nice. he pushes your head, like he pushes your head to the point your choking, gag reflex or not. and he just does it over and over while his eyes are rolling to the back of his head. erens words are more taunting and meanish. like he
says things like “i bet you won’t even last 2 minutes with me in your mouth” like he’s trying to challenge you. when he cums he switches up where he does it. sometimes in your mouth. sometimes he lays his tip on the tip of ur nose and cums there. when he really wants to get on ur nerves he’ll do it on your forehead so it gets in your hair. he plays around a lot. sometimes he’s just serious and mean though.
don’t even know what he is. i just know he likes recieving head. he doesn’t like to be too rough, but sometimes he just can’t help it ya know? sometimes the way you’re practically swallowing him makes him literally go berserk. so if he pushes you or grabs you so hard his intentions aren’t to hurt you. he talks a good few phrases. “fuck hon’- feels s’ good” or “hah..’ look so pretty, when.. when you do this.” depending on how far in he is, makes up for how much he speaks.
he prefers to cum in your mouth and when he’s about to cum is when he starts to talk oh so fast about how much he loves you. between him being in your throat and how fast and breathy he’s speaking, you have absolutely no clue what he’s saying . i also agree with everyone’s statement that he cries during sex.
he probably would start tearing up more than you are from having a full mouth . and definitely after he orgasms, he just probably starts full on crying and needs some time alone. that’s just sometimes, not all the time!
praises u to death. the whole time besides whining and grunting he’s literally trying to get out how good you are to him and how good you always make him feel. sometimes he kind of gets super sentimental and just ruins the sexy mood a bit, bcs he’s talking so much. but it really is super sweet how nice he’s being about it. he likes it when you look up at him, your eyes all sparkly and pretty lookin. sometimes he just caresses your face, hands all shaky and clammy. he just can’t help how much he wants to touch you and have you know that he loves u. jean doesn’t care where he comes if you’re giving him a handjob as well he likes it on your hands or just in your mouth.
he likes it so much so his whole demeanor changes when you go down on him. he starts breathing all heavy and he gets quieter, he doesn’t even have time to be sassy anymore. he’s pushes your head as well, not much hesitation, unless he like is super into it, at that point he’ll just leave it up to you.
he just grunts and groans the whole time and rubs your back. sometimes he’s looking down at you, other times his head is leaned back towards the ceiling with his eyes shut. and surprisingly he likes cumming onto your face. he thinks it’s hotter when its on your face. he’ll make you wipe it with your fingers and lick it off.
nvr rlly knows what 2 do. even when it’s been like your 100th time suckin him off he doesn’t know where 2 put his hands. so he just kind of hesitantly rests his hands on your shoulders or head. n he tries his hardest to keep quiet but it’s absolutely so difficult to. so he’s just super duper loud and whiny for the whole world to hear. it’s why you can’t have sex w him outside of the comfort of your own home. he doesn’t like being super rough so he just kind of lets u take over and do what you want. sometimes you ask him to be more involved and he tries. maybe he’ll snake his fingers into your hair and push it a little. he doesn’t have a preference on where he cums because he doesn’t really control it, he just does it whenever it happens.
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compsonn · 8 months ago
Most Well-Written Fics 2024
back at it again for the third year in a row!! personal favorites from this year across multiple fandoms!
no particular order, just based on the order of my bookmarks.
for reference i am sooo picky, i have read over 6000 fics according to ao3, and i've read 700 since the beginning of the year. i only have 53 bookmarks in total... but here are some bookmarked fics i read this year!!!
this year i got into some random shit, blah blah blah, honestly most of these are not faulkner levels of literature doing monuments for the english language but they were good and make me feel a sort of way, so, here you go
Harry Potter (Drarry)
This Year's Love by trishjames / drarry E, longfic. love it a lot. genuinely made me want to become an adult. they were meant to be cry emoji
Yes, But It'lll Cost You by mintaminta / drarry T, privated. this one had such a good vibe, reminds me of fun and school and calm darkness. very nice.
Bad Habits by No_One_Special_01289 / drarry E, lowkey porn, longfic. those last few chapters got me SO hard, they love each other omg cry emoji. poor harry. i think i skipped most of the smut when i read it but the plot was so good. literally star crossed lovers UGHHHHH LET THEM BE TOGETHER
Recursion by tessacrowley / drarry E, longfic. its written really well and it's witty, but i kind of think this author just self-inserts herself for draco in all her fics because... that boy was soo pathetic in canon. genius au basically. but i can forgive her bc the fics are good
House M.D. (Hilson)
yes Medical Malpractice Husbands whatever shut up i like the fics and they're probably in love so leave me BE. these fics are good.
Look, Don't Touch by ORiley42 / hilson E, voyeurism fic.... guys HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT OK that makes it sound SOOO bad but trust me i bookmarked this one because the author took such a horrible trope and made it genuinely not feel that creepy. like this fic is SO funny. it's really good. and the author is straight up just a good writer
the sea and the sky and you and i by thismagichour / hilson M, hanahaki angst. its really good because wilson just gives up and its soo heart wrenching bc he thinks house doesnt like him back and just wants to die. poor guy.
My Hero Academia (Dabihawks)
i have not given a Phuque about MHA for the past five years but i had this phase this year where i was briefly re-obsessed with dabihawks so here are some fics
planting trees (making shade) by nightquake / dabihawks T. basically hawks KHS for a good cause ..? really well written, has high tension and good allusions. loved this one. its the kind of fic u know is good by the summary
Hawks Lays an Egg by ButterflyApocalypse / dabihawks T. never in my entire Life 18 Years have i ever enjoyed mpreg except this fic, because he isnt even pregnant he just has this egg. it's such a good funny fic. i was asking myself why i had it bookmarked from like four years ago earlier this year so i reread it and i was like Yeah ok it deserves the bookmark. SOOO funny and ridiculous. crackiest fic.
MISC random fandoms (Battle Cats (????) and A Clockwork Orange)
nyankopalooza by Sanodigy / Battle Cats Game gen. No clue how i even found this. its so funny. ive never read a fic like this. its so funny. and weirdly well written, i like experimental / weirdly formatted fics. i used to play this game when i was a kid
Bitva Gruppa by VoidVesper / a clockwork orange X fight club, alex delarge X tyler durden E. its straight up a horrible plot, AKA CHILD GETS ASSAULTED. warning for underage and assault. it's not a morally good fic (clockwork orange is intentionally a morally wrong book). but holy shit the writing is great. like it reads like it's anthony burgess. just really good. probably one of the only fics here where i straight up bookmarked only because of the writing style
OK that wraps up this year's edition!! please give these fics a read, your life will be Fulfilled. byebyee
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 16 days ago
S/O is cuddling or at least sitting down next to the main 10/12 (whichever you feel like or even other skeletons) and they starts petting their head, kinda doing papouilles (yes. The French thing. No clue how to say that in English)
Which would pur, or any other reaction honestly.
Bonus point if Skeleton also does papouilles back.
Thank u <3
Undertale Sans - You know how dogs' eyes sometimes roll back when you're petting their ears? That's Sans right now. You can tell he's struggling so hard to not fall asleep but that it's a battle he can't win lol. He's in paradise right now, and yes, if you hear very closely, you can hear something sounding like a purr. It's so faint it's barely noticeable though. Ten minutes later, he's snoring.
Undertale Papyrus - He's more and more leaning on you, and eventually ends up on your lap. Papyrus loves physical affection and he could never have enough. He's holding your arm and kinda drag it back to his head when you want to stop lol. No stopping. He could do this forever. Papyrus can gladly reciprocate too. If you try to leave, he starts to do it to keep you with him longer. Like I said before, he's good at manipulating people into giving him affection.
Underswap Sans - He's resigned to his fate, sighing every ten seconds or so. You are holding him tight by the spine, forcing him to stay by your side. He's kinda mad, and regularly tries to escape by trashing around and growling like a gremlin. PLEASE. HE'S BEGGING YOU. He has a ton of things to do today, he doesn't have time for this!
Underswap Papyrus - Honey melts on you, purring hard. He loves head massages and being touched by his S/O in general. He's clinging to you, slowly drifting to sleep. You can feel his soul calling yours regularly to check if you're still with him. It's rare to see him fully relax because he's so damn anxious all the time, but that's definitely one of these times. If you're lucky, you can hear him mumble in his sleep about how much he loves you.
Underfell Sans - He's a bit tense at first, not used to being touched like that, but the longer it lasts, the more he relaxes. Eventually, he cuddles against your little spoon style and keeps nuzzling your stomach, clearly happy. Red won't show too much his feelings, that's why he's hiding against you, but you can tell he likes that. He might even surprise you by doing it back when you least expect it, a few days later.
Underfell Papyrus - He's purring, mortified. He can't stop. He wants to stop, he desperately tries to stop, but his body isn't answering him. You found his weakest point, and you can practically do anything of him right now, as he's kinda paralyzed on your knees, entirely red. What kind of sorcery is this? He hates it! Well, no, don't stop, he loves it, but also stops it! His mind is confused!
Horrortale Sans - He's dead on your lap, purring like a tractor and desperately headbutting your chest for more. The hole in his skull itches all the time and that for sure soothes the pain a little. He whimpers from time to time, trying to have your hand to touch certain parts he wants. He's not moving for hours though, and he's HEAVY. But that's the life you chose. Willow will most likely come to stop him at some point because his purrs are making the house shake and he needs to focus lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - It depends if he's on a good day or not. On the good days, he will definitely purr and reciprocate, because that must be tiring to pet his head when he is way taller than you. On the bad days, he's just going to cry because you're too nice to him and he doesn't feel like he deserves it.
Swapfell Sans - Nox is desperate for affection and he will melt in your arms. That's a bit shocking the first time it happens, as he's pretty much clinging to you and burying his face against you. Doing this on his rough days can actually get him to confess a little about what's bothering him, so that's a good strategy to keep in mind.
Swapfell Papyrus - Aw, you're too nice to him. No, really, you're too nice. You can tell he's weirdly tense, and that's because he stuffed the couch with whoopie cushions and suddenly realized it might compromise his cuddling session. He keeps insisting to go cuddling in bed, which you start to find suspicious. Until you push a little too much on the couch and it suddenly farts in agony. Rus throws himself at your legs, begging you to keep petting him. You leave, offended, dragging Rus's body on the floor lol. Please, let him have a boobies session... He's begging you.
Fellswap Gold Sans - You're doing it all wrong. Sit down and let HIM massage you so he shows you how it's done. He expects you to learn from his gestures to reproduce it better on him next time. You're happy about the massage, but also offended? That's a weird feeling. Wine is definitely good at what he's doing though. He's extremely good at massaging people, despite his sharp claws.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's holding you in a death grip. You're not going anywhere. You're going to pet him for a very long time. He falls asleep quickly, but Coffee clings to you and refuses to let you go, hugging your entire leg. You're not going anywhere without him. He's purring loudly too, smiling in his sleep. He's so happy right now his soul is shining bright orange in the entire room.
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tillichan · 1 month ago
𓂃 𓈒𓏸 Your life in Blue Lock for @checkoutmyflow 𓏸𓈒 𓂃
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You joined Blue Lock project as a maintenance staff member. One of your relatives was invited, so they asked you if you'd like to join this project too and help. You surprisingly agreed, because you decided that this's a good chance to become more confident and motivated. Your duties in Blue Lock are simple, but still very important. It consist in cleaning, helping with meal prep and running some errands of Ego and Anri. At first, Blue Lock boys had no clue about you, but as soon as they started preparing for the match against U-20, you were introduced to each other. Then you slowly got to know each other better, becoming friends. And not only friends with some of them.
Romantic Matchup: Baro Shoei
The first time you and Baro met was when you were introduced Blue Lock players as their manager. While Anri was explaining that you were the one who helped with cleaning and cooking, Shoei finally realized why his room was extra clean every time he returned from the practice and why his towels were disinfected. It was you, you were the one who took care of him, treating every player individually. Shoei started admiring you and your contribution to his comfort. And against this background, Shoei started developing feelings for you. Not that he actually showed his appreciation or crush, but it was still obvious for his teammates. How could they not? After all, this Baro who gets annoyed and angry often, became calm and polite every time you're around.
Isagi: Nagi, we have a big problem! Our business is failing before it even began. You need to get here now! Nagi: Huh? What happened, Isagi? It's such a hassle... Isagi: Looks like Baro has a crush on our manager. Chigiri: Wait... Baro has what? Kunigami will be upset. Isagi: Kunigami? Why would you bring him up? Chigiri: Forget it! But more importantly, it seems like you're right, Isagi. This's the first time I've seen Baro like that. He even looks... shy? Nagi: I wanna take a picture of this. Shy maid Baro is amazing fan-service! Baro: You three, come with me.
It was a really slow burning relationship. Even though Baro is very confident and straightforward, he didn't want to confess you for a long time. Just because romantic feelings are new to him, he didn't know what to do with his big crush on you. So he behaved with you normal, helping you with your stuff and talking to you without irritation in his voice. Just being nice with you like all the other Blue Lock boys. But this was a great move for Shoei! Snuffy was the one who pulled you two to each other. Being very observant, Marc noticed your mutual feelings. He was very subtle, suggesting to Baro that he must confess his feelings. Aiku and Lorenzo joined this conversation immediately, making this subtle talk not so subtle. After hearing a lecture by Oliver Aiku entitled "One thousand and one way to seduce a girl" with very important comments made by Lorenzo, poor Snuffy, they forgot about him. Baro was ready to explode. The last Aryu's comment: "Pinning over the girl without doing anything isn't glam", was the last straw. Rest in peace, dear Ubers. Strangely enough, this conversation actually helped Shoei to confess you. He blurted out the confession, when you shared your self doubt with him, saying that you feel like you can't find anything good in yourself. Shoei just can't understand why such a sweet and caring person thinks of yourself in such a bad way. "Don't doubt yourself, you're doing an amazing job. That's why I fell for you"
• Shoei your number one hype man, though he doesn't look so. He's very self-confident and somehow this confidence carries over to you. Every time you talk something bad about yourself, Shoei interrupted you. Yes, sometimes it's not in gentle way, but he's so honest with you, talking that you're amazing, that your self doubt melts. Shoei doesn't baby you, he protects you, he pushes you to be better, he assures you that you're THE QUEEN, his queen. • Baro is very protective, especially knowing that you can't stick up for yourself. He always makes sure that Blue Lock boys are gentle with you. He protects you whenever Oliver or Otoya decide to make Shoei jealous, flirting with you. And, oh, he dislikes Kunigami. Oh, how Shoei hates his moon eyes fixed on you. Every time you're talking to Kunigami, Shoei does his best to hid you far from him. Yes, he's jealous, not that he really tries to hide it. • Blue Lock boys were shocked when they found out that you and Baro are dating. Of course, they knew about his feelings for you, but they didn't expect that you actually like him back. Even though they enjoy teasing him, they find it very cute how Baro treats you. Seeing King Baro so smitten with someone, this's their favorite show.
Isagi Yoichi is your best friend in Blue Lock. He's more confident than you, besides he is good at meeting new people, so it wasn't hard to get along well with Yoichi. Your first interactions were small and didn't last long, he helped you with your duties, whenever he had time. He is one of the most responsible Blue Lock boys, who tries to keep his personal space as clean as possible. Slowly you two became close, bonding over anime, manga and your drawings. Yoichi adores your drawings a lot! He's your personal hype man, when it comes to... almost everything. But especially drawings, because he adores manga, he even encourages you to become a professional mangaka or artist in the future. He absolutely can't understand, how such a cute and adorable person like you fell in love with Barou and became his significant other. Feeling yourself your protective older brother, Yoichi is ready to confront Shoei if he hurt you one day. But, of course, it won't happen.
Kunigami Rensuke has been in love with since you met. You're sweet and cute, an embodiment of his ideal type. Even though Rensuke tries to hide his little crush, his friends already know about it. And of course they truly enjoy teasing poor Kunigami, whistling every time Rensuke talks to you. How did they know? It's actually not so hard to understand. Kunigami turns shy and awkward with a slight blush on his cheeks, whenever you're around. His signs are very subtle, but these ones who know Kunigami a little can catch his feelings for you. Because he behaves this way only with you. Rensuke would like to be your hero, protecting you and sticking up for you, but unfortunately your heart is already taken, which is really frustrating for him.
Marc Snuffy in your mentor. The two of you bonded over Baro, because you often visited him at the Ubers training ground. Snuffy is gentle and understanding, but also very confident. He can give you a lot of advices about personal growth, if you'd like to talk to him about it one day. Knowing about your low self-esteem, Mark helps you to become more confident in a subtle and gently way. Snuffy adores your relationship with Baro. The way this stubborn player switches to lovey-dovey mode whenever you're around seems kinda surrealistic to Marc. But he's happy to find leverage to him.
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