#you guys will ship anything I stg
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
show-me-memes-pls · 2 years ago
You see, I would love to look at posts relevant to my interests. But every time I look at tags for a movie or show, it’s an onslaught of every character combo imaginable making out.
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b0ylik3r · 10 months ago
do you guys ever just have a moment where you realize that "oh. oh that ship im obsessed with. everyone else who ships it is a proshipper. they're all proshippers and think the ship that i like that is not a proship is a proship". because i just had that now.
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chsopnk · 6 months ago
「 ✦ XOXO ✦ 」
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☆. # SHIP — choso, toji, sukuna, toge (separately) x gn!reader
☆. # AUTHOR’S NOTE — first kisses with the boys. ;; requested.
☆. # WARNINGS — mentions of blood in toji’s part.
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i’d imagine your first kiss with choso would be sweet. definitely the most normal out of all of them (😭)
he’s never kissed someone before so you’re his first kiss ever!!
he really doesn’t know what to do at all. when you lean closer to him he’s like ????? because he’s not entirely sure what you’re trying to do
but once your lips touch his, his face goes BRIGHT RED
definitely freezes up and just stares at you wide-eyed
i think the first kiss with choso wouldn’t be anything wild. honestly, it’s probably just a little peck on the lips
like a “mwah” and that’s it, but he still freaks out about it
also. choso will definitely look all dazed afterwards, his fingers reaching up to touch his lips
might be a little confused at first since he’s not really sure what to make of it
give him 5 minutes and he’ll be back and asking, “can you do that again?”
with this one, there’s no holding back. he doesn’t care if it’s the first or last kiss.
he will bruise your lips 🥴🥴
toji would hold the back of your head and press you even closer to him, despite the fact that not a piece of paper would fit between you two
first kiss? no. he’s eating your mouth.
i feel like even if he told himself (and maybe you) that he’ll be gentle and that it’ll be this sweet little thing, he just CANNOT hold himself back
self control = 0.000 for this man i stg
but then if it does go out of control, trust that he’ll blame you for it. you’re just too hot, what can he do against that? 💀
i’d imagine your first kiss with toji would happen after a particularly hard mission. when one of you is all bloody and you’re both exhausted and aching.
and it’s definitely a ‘heat of the moment’ type of thing and after that, it’ll take 5-7 business days for both of you to come to terms with the fact that MAYBE, just maybe, you’ve got some kind of feelings for each other
he doesn’t know what a gentle kiss is and will always use tongue. the kiss to seal the wedding? good luck 😭😭😭
first important question here is: which mouth are you trying to kiss 💀 mf got like 3.
this man’s kisses are nasty—whether in a good or bad way is honestly your decision LMAO
with sukuna, it’s all or nothing. so there’s no sweet little peck on the lips.
it also heavily depends on who you are, i think. but if we’re talking about the first kiss you have with him, i’d say it’d probably happen during a fight.
as funny as that is, he likes when strong people fight him and i think he likes it even better if they’re a little feisty
now he probably always thought you were interesting and you’ve been hanging out together. but yeah. first kiss after or DURING a (probably) physical fight you have with him 💀
he’s rough with you.
a lot of tongue, teeth clashing probably. another one that will eat your mouth.
one hand is wrapped around your neck when he kisses you, always.
he also bites (😒)
i think with toge, you were probably best friends before the kiss happened.
you were on his bed together in the dorms. he was playing a game on his phone and you were watching him.
you were probably messing around with each other, joking and fighting with pillows or something like that.
and it’s the most cliché thing ever but:
he somehow ends up on top of you, his arms on either side of your head.
and then you just stare at each other for a while. both of your cheeks flaring up a bright red at the proximity, but neither of you tries to move away.
with toge, it’s slow and gentle i’d imagine.
not a quick peck, but there’s no tongue involved or anything—at least not during the very first kiss you guys have together.
but it’s a gentle touch, his lips lingering for a while before he pulls away. and then there’s another round of simply staring at each other. both of you are a bit dazed, looking into each other’s eyes while trying to figure out what exactly just happened
but once the moment’s broken, toge gets off of you, hiding his face in his collar to stop you from seeing just how red his cheeks are <3
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sneppu · 6 months ago
Hello! Welcome to The Sneep Zone
You may call me Nagi
Main blog: @nagoo (I'm also on Bluesky! absolutely NO MINORS on the bluesky, no exceptions. nsfw art will be going there.)
@headmasterseverussnape is my beloved
u better be able to tell fiction from reality i stg.
first and foremost: fuck jkr. i do not endorse her. i do not agree with her. we dont do that weird shit here.
we do different weird shit instead (bask in the decadence of The Sneep)
This sideblog is for me to post all my Snape art and Snape related ramblings! I am addicted to snape fics, and have found myself needing to make fanart for some of my favorite writers. such things will be posted here!
Severus Snape is my favorite guy!
I am known to refer to him as: Sneep, Snorp, Sneb, The Sneberous Sneb, The Snebulous One, He Who Sneeps In The Dark, SneepSnorp, Mother, Sneppu, El Sneepo, Snorpo, Snib, The Best One, The Only One That Matters, precious beloved sneep, Babygirl, etc.
rest assured, I am talking about Severus Snape every single time
I ship him with everyone! yes, even [insert character]. I always tag ships so block the tag or w/e if theres one you dont like.
I truly and genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, do not care even a little bit about The Grievances u may have about my ships or my sneeps. I cannot stress enough how much that is not my problem. If you're the type to throw a tantrum over ships and fictional content I'm just gonna block you tbh.
Dark/Fucky content WILL be found on this blog. Snape was practically MADE for that shit and I like to project my traumas onto him so like. ykno. I expect ppl with critical thinking on here ONLY.
in my ideal world, everyone would love and cherish Sneep. I tend to focus on marauder's era Snape
not to be rude, but i kind of only care about Snape really. the slytherins are cool and chill too (especially Lucius, Rosier, and Mulciber), but i mostly care about how they interact with and potentially fall in love with The Sneep. the marauders are rat bastards and i ship them with Snape in a "grovel eternally for the scraps of his affection" kind of way. I am not sorry.
dont expect nothing serious from me unless im waxing poetic about Snape or heavily projecting my own Tragic Past onto him tbh, and even then...
i have zero interest in any debates whatsoever. i cannot emphasize this enough, my thoughts are disjointed and nonsensical. The mere thought of having a serious debate about anything is stressful and unpleasant. I mean it as kindly as possible when I say it makes my eyes glaze over.
i am just here to draw Snape and shitpost about my favorite little guy.
i dont care that he's mean.
he shouldve been meaner, actually.
he's better than me and he's probably better than you too, because i wouldve absolutely lost it big boy style.
Art tag: #nagi nyart
Have you ever written a fanfic about Severus Snape? If so, please PLEASE read this post Here
this shouldnt even have to be said but please do not??? take me stuffs and completely re-upload it without credit or permission?? dont do that to anyone, actually? like idk basic courtesy towards artists or w/e. you know better, i know you do.
BUT that said.. using my stuff for your header or profile pic is fine with credit somewhere easily visible, like the profile description, or pinned post!
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me-saw-hoo-dini · 2 months ago
Okay so some background info on why I made this account to begin with. I started watching the Banana Bus Squad/Vanoss Crew back in 2012 when they were playing Black Ops 2 and then I stopped watching them sometime in 2018 because I had simply lost interest. I still kept up with them when I would hear things (drama, allegations, relationships, children, etc) and then I actually started watching them again in 2023.
I blame Nogla for this because I stg he literally did start all of this (unless I dreamt it. If so I blame dream Nogla CUZ IT WAS SOME NOGLA) but back when I was first watching them there was some early GTA 5 video (IF ANYONE CAN FIND AND LINK ME THIS VIDEO with timestamp if you would be so kind I WILL LITERALLY BE FOREVER GRATEFUL) and Vanoss and Delirious were doing something stupid. From what I remember they were in a yellow industrial vehicle like a cherry picker basket and they were like falling over each other and laughing and in the background you can hear nogla repeatedly calling them gay. Not too long after that Nogla made that fucking “New YouTube Couple: H2OVanoss” skit (https://youtu.be/bT_tq_Xkg34?feature=shared) and I really started thinking about it and ya! Noglas right! These mfers are gay (not fr I’ll get into it at the end)! Anyways that delved into me “pairing” them up with each other and reading fanfics (H2OVanoss, Terrorsnuckel, DathiDeCalibre, and MiniCat. I no longer ship MiniCat ofc cuz MiniLadd can rot in hell and honestly DathiDeCalibre is alright but just kind of fell off for me after lui’s accusations and the 12 years it took for me to find out if they were true or false) I had an account on instagram where I would post about bbs/vc and I made friends with people who also watched them AND also shipped them. Eventually we all grew apart and then like a year after that I stopped watching bbs/vanoss crew.
In March of 2023 I had stopped watching another group of YouTubers I had been watching since 2020 when a Vanoss video was recommended to me. I watched it cuz “holy shit how are these guys doing?” And they were still hilarious like I remembered them to be and I’ve been watching them again since. That also means that I’m back into “haha silly ship” but I thought that the shipping side of this fandom had died cuz if I did see any fanart or fanfics they were from 2015-2020 but then Vanoss uploads his 2024 Christmas GTA 5 video (https://youtu.be/O5QusxUHZ6k?feature=shared) and BAM H2OVanoss moment, the comment section starts freaking out, and I check ao3 later to see if anyone is fast to write a fanfic and my god y’all ARE still writing fanfics! I didn’t see one last night about that video BUT YALL ARE STILL AROUND?? Not only that but one of the fic authors (I didn’t even read it yet I just really like the description and disclaimer) has a tumblr account (WHERE THEY ALSO POST FANART AND VIDEOS) and YOU GUYS ARE ALIVE IVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YALL BUT IN THE WRONG PLACES
I just wanna clarify the basics before I go since this post and account is mainly going to be about shipping and even tho I’m crazy I’m not THAT crazy. It goes for all irl ships but I’ll mainly be talking about it as if it’s just bbs/vc
1) People ship different things and as long as it’s legal and or isn’t against someone involved’s boundaries idgaf what you ship. There are totally ships that I hate/don’t like of course but I know to avoid them/keep scrolling without saying anything.
2) If the people I ship together are in their own relationships irl I can not stress to you enough how happy I am for them. I love literally everyone’s irl partners like if they’re happy I’m pretty much overjoyed! I LOVE LOVE! If it makes sense to ship a literal irl relationship I do. I cried at Wildcat and Kelly’s wedding photos because I was/am so happy for them and I need Terroriser and Lanai to get married NEOOOOWW!!! (No actual pressure). Even with Delirious and Liz I, once again and even tho I wasn’t even watching him at the time, cried when Delirious announce they were going to have a kid; BOTH TIMES because I was/am so excited and happy for them and even tho they aren’t together anymore I still wish Liz nothing but the best and hope she is doing well. I am never gonna be one of those weirdos going “their irl partner is in the way of my ship” or “how dare you break whoever’s heart” cuz wtf is wrong with you that fucking WEIRD?? These are irl people and they’re happy and I’m not one of those freaks getting reality and fiction confused. And course break ups suck ya but that’s not anyone’s business to make their own; that’s between the people who were in the relationship!
3) If ever any of these guys come out and say they are uncomfortable being shipped, having shipping fanart of them, or any anything specific they do not like I will stop. Once again I’m not going to get reality and and fiction confused
4) I AM going to make some batshit parasocial (if I’m using that word correctly) posts like “I truly do believe that Vanoss does have a soft spot for Delirious” or like “Vanoss’s best friend (in the group) is probably either Lui, Terroriser, or Delirious” or stuff along those lines were I’m doing like a deep dive analysis and even tho YES I believe that I don’t really mean anything by it? I am DELUSIONAL and I like playing with and organizing my delusions. It’s more of probably going to be something that explains why I ship something like the first example I gave. It’s never gonna be like drama starting like “I believe the reason so and so and so and so don’t do this anymore is because so and so did this and-“ like nah nothing like that. I might talk about my personal feelings on some of them but I’m never going to make a random ass “call out post” unless there’s legitimately a serious problem ya know. If you ever see a deep dive know it’s all for the sillies and that I know that I’m being delusional and reading too much into things that aren’t there (“struck by a flying ice cream truck— AND LIVE” head ass)
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takemeorleaveme · 9 months ago
I need to remind myself to just block instead of engaging in an argument with those people holy fk!!! BT SHIPPERS are so delusional they think buddie shippers are more of a problem because we are a bigger ship I hate to break it to you but just because you’re a smaller ship doesn’t mean you being toxic af is ok please grow the fuck up. The way you only see one side of it is so crazy to me and let me REMIND people there are some awful people who take things to far shipping buddie I get that I see it on Twitter but to bring it over to tumblr when we are just trying to vibe it out and have a good time and try and pick arguments with buddie shippers over here because some how we are being held accountable for Twitter users is actually fucking insane to me. Hate to break it to you but Twitter is a toxic fucking trash can of people of all fandoms it’s why I don’t use Twitter. Oliver left because of it I’m not disagreeing but he still obviously loves buddie and the buddie fandom if his interviews and Instagram are things to go off of while you guys are saying we’re delusional he’s in an interview saying he sees what we see.. so like wtf do you want from us really!? I am just gonna continue to enjoy buddie and if I see anything remotely BT or Ot3 related which that is just a whole other thing I refuse to speak on. I’m gonna block cause I stg y’all are just repeating yourselves and I’m losing brain cells. Also I would like to point out I don’t tag T*my if i did it was the anti T*mmy K*nard or it’s always strictly buddie if I have to stop tagging Oliver stark and Evan Buckley until that ship comes to an end I will but I tag appropriately and I can’t help it if they are creeping on our tags looking for a fight.
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lemon-natalia · 7 months ago
Nona the Ninth Reaction - John 1:20
i honestly hadn’t considered that John would have access to a bunch of other info, like the FTL planning to leave everyone behind, via the politician he’s puppeting around. he’s practically running the government of this unspecified country at this point. i mean i guess it was good practice for everything he’d later end up doing as Emperor 
‘I’ve got plans for that arm’ um. what. y'know what i really really don’t want to even know
for a guy who keeps saying he didn’t want to nuke anything he’s reallyyy leaning into the nukes every chance he gets
something i find very interesting is that John possibly also has powers besides necromancy that he’s seemingly glossed over a lot? even though they’re very toothy, he can apparently grow roses, and earlier C— talks about him potentially stabilising the North Glacier like that’s something he could definitely do. i wonder if it is actually possible to use thalergy, the life energy stuff, which really never gets mentioned that much tbh, in a similar way to thanergy?
ok how on earth is ‘Cows exhibit mourning behaviour for other cows’ such a goddamn impactful line. like its a really chilling moment of John confirming that he’s willing to start a nuclear war rather than let the ships leave. and it’s also objectively fucking ridiculous
John’s reflection here on his friends doubting him, and how ‘People don’t forgive, not really’ is very interesting considering his actions at the end of HtN, where he asks Augustine if they can have a ‘fresh slate’ in the wake of him killing Mercy. idk really what i’m trying to say here, but i do wonder how much John really meant what he was offering there 
well what with Ianthe, Harrow, and Kiriona, John certainly took M—’s remark about recruiting teenage girls in the next cult to heart
what i’m personally choosing to take away from this chapter is that multitasking is the true villain of the Locked Tomb universe. get some sleep and stop trying to do six things at once kids, or you might just end up nuking the entire earth
‘I can’t Sister. It’s too big’ i’m quite frankly a little disappointed that John didn’t take the opportunity to make a ‘that’s what she said’ joke here
holy crap, the nun shooting herself is certainly a moment. this is really leaning into the eldritch horror of what it would be like to be a human and aware of the Earth literally screaming at you
there’s such a tragic contrast between M— literally begging in her last moments for them not to shoot John vs Mercy being the one to kill him & John killing her so horrifically in return
John’s been essentially levelling up in necromancy as all of these chapters have progressed, but it’s a truly horrifying level of power he displays here. it’s not even the nukes that end up killing a lot of people, because John points out that he was able to just straight up snap the necks of about half of the entire world population
so much about this chapter is just walking the line between absurdist comedy and abject horror, but there is something just so … viscerally disturbing about the mental image of John literally just eating dirt as he consumes the soul of the Earth 
THIS is where the Barbie comparison comes in??? this?! John modelled a body for the remains of the soul of the partially-absorbed soul of the earth after BARBIE?!! talk about taking Barbieheimer to a whole new level
‘I drank them in, and it wasn’t enough’ someone better at comedy than me has probably made a very Hungry Caterpillar joke about this chapter 
‘You and I went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar’ DUDE. ok i stg i made the Hungry Caterpillar annotation immediately before i read like the next page and saw this 
‘I picked you to change [...] I still love you’ well, there’s some form of answer about how John actually got his necromancy in the first place. there’s something so awful about being a human being given powers you just straight up can’t really comprehend by a being so much bigger than you out of love 
the message reads ‘THE/TOWER/HAS/REACTIVAT’. at this point i can’t really think of anything else it could say other than ‘reactivated’. and given this is the chapter where John describes himself as becoming God, there’s something very poetic about the chapter heading being John 1:20, in which John the Baptist confesses that he isn’t the Messiah
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antiscorbutic · 3 months ago
welcome to my polar explorers sideblog !
books n things ive read / some thoughts etc (updated frequently)
> Endurance - Caroline Alexander
what I started with. v good read imo pretty succinct and flows nicely. not too hero-worshippy iirc, nice pictures
> The Worst Journey in the World - Apsley Cherry-Garrard
I read (listened to) the audiobook narrated by Simon Vance and really liked it! tbh I wasn't super deep in to all this when I started it and was kind of shocked at how readable it was. my favorite part is birdie's letter about the land crabs.
also in general it's really nice to get an actual pov account -- the secondary books are lovely for helping muddle through sources and stuff but I get annoyed with how much time is spent on the Famous bits and not the unglorious monotony, which i love hearing about. I gotta read some actual diaries
> Madhouse at the End of the Earth - julian sancton
JESUS I did not know anything about the belgica going in AND I'd just watched aliens (1986) and WHY are there narrative parallels this shouldn't be real??? also amundsen is a real freak (<- value neutral)
> Endurance (2024)
uhhh sorry kids I hated this. I know it's based on the guys book but like the parallel heroic narrative thing was so icky to me. also the AI voices were giving "we didn't want to pay voice actors" and!!! fucking pointless to end it when you find the ship I want to know about the ship!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to watch a doc about the ship not about some people who found the ship. tragic for me
> Shackleton (2002) - TV miniseries with Kenneth Branagh
actually loved this. there was clearly so much attention and care put in to little historical details and even with all the silly dramatic Kenneth monologues i really enjoyed it
> The Great White Silence (1924) - Herbert Ponting
fucking WILD that as a card carrying member of the attention-span-ruined tiktok generation that as soon as I found this I was GLUED to the screen for the full like 2.5 hours or however long it is. seriously jumpscared by the cat's racial slur of a name (as ever) but honestly it's a good reminder of the colonial context we're in here so I kind of appreciate it. anyway absolutely mind boggling to see this early footage of the adelie penguins etc when I grew up watching them in planet earth and have always kind of taken their existence for granted. and I think the telling of the actual polar journey was pretty touching for being obviously like the same 15 seconds of footage of a miniature
> Endurance - Alfred Lansing
eh I didn't need to read both this and the caroline alexander book. it was fine. I always wish they'd spend more time on the elephant island castaways and less time on the small boat journey. I get that that's the like, famous impressive part, but I'm here to be reminded of the horror that it is to be alive day after day and I think more time should be spent on that monotony. also he didn't talk about the post-expedition AT ALL and I need my little "where they are after the reality TV series ended" title cards
> Amundsen (2019)
didn't finish it. too much back-at-home drama not enough being on the ice
> The Last Place on Earth (1985)
I haven't read the scott v amundsen book it's based on but jesus whoever wrote that must have fucking hated scott. I'm not saying they're wrong necessarily I'm no expert i AM saying hes wrong fuck this guy!!!! but holy shit did scott look like an incompetent asshole even compared with all the other incompetent assholes. needed more screen time of young hugh grant as cherry
> basically any bbc special about explorers
PLEASE correct me if I'm missing anything but lord I stg every one of these is the worst pro imperialism hero worship bullshit of all time. "james cook was a really nice guy actually" are you fucking kidding me
> empire of ice and stone - buddy levy
this is my first arctic account and I have. a lot of thoughts and feelings about the way arctic expeditions interact w indigenous people that I don't want to get into here. truly baffled by the number of polar bears they interacted with. also fuck stefansson so much like okay fine you left the ship but go find it again??? fucking rescue them?????
> in the kingdom of ice - Hampton sides
okay this might be my favorite modern account I've read. I love how much context is provided ... like I have Thoughts and Feelings about John Muir but his diaries being included and GOD Emma's letters being interspersed was fucking devastating. definitely the most emotional I've gotten. and all the interludes to explain the geography of a region and what its called now or in russian and even all of the many chapters about bennett added so much for me. AND giving full accounts of each group after they split the party without one getting only briefly summarized in favor of the other but also without making the timeline confusing???? -- I say this all even though hampton committed what to me is the cardinal sin of these books: skipping time that's "boring". a whole year of monotony??? julian sancton only you understand me
> labyrinth of ice - buddy levy
augh. OUAGHE. oughe!!!! I am devastated. good book :(
> alone on the ice - david roberts
not my favorite .... the author is clearly bitter that mawson is not as famous and heroic to history as someone like shackleton. also I really think he should have stuck to a linear narrative structure instead of jumping around. zero mention of possible cannibalism
not historical but overlaps / scratched a similar itch:
> outlaw ocean - ian urbina
modern investigative journalism on lawlessness on the high seas. fucking hard to read because it's largely about like, human trafficking. even the "light" stories are still rough. really, really good read though and i liked hearing about recent trawling and whaling in the south and thinking about it in relation to historical whaling etc
> frozen planet (2011)
I mean I'm a huge sucker for any attenborough nature doc esp the planet earth extended universe but this was also specifically produced around the 100th anniversary of amundsen & scott reaching the pole and I love to think about the boys seeing the penguins and seals etc for the first time .... wonderful stuff
> the thing 1982
I think I'm probably the last person to watch this one so I don't think I can add much commentary but as someone who has seen approx. 3 horror movies and two were alien and aliens I did not think it was as scary as it could have been. I do like a horrible Beast though so maybe that's on me
currently in progress!!!!!!!!!
> Erebus - Michael Palin <- I have the ebook instead of the audiobook so I'm making my way through it slowly :-)
> ice ghosts - Paul watson
other things I have out from the library but haven't started:
> eight bears - Gloria dickie (not directly relevant but highly recommended to me)
> late Victorian holocausts - Mike Davis <- a little too academic for me to parse easily but Mike ily and I think it's healthy to read about other things happening around the same era
> left hand of darkness
> against the ice - Ejnar mikkelsen
> to the edges of the earth - Edward larson
^ huge s/o to @jesslovesboats's sad boat books lists btw for helping me find more sad boat books that my library has audiobooks of <3 (im very much an audiobook guy so while I'm frothing to read more diaries and shit I have a hard time with it. yet another tragedy for me personally)
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lobotomy-lady · 16 days ago
may god bless Jim Carrey for bringing 80s villain flamboyance back and creating the best Fujobait western movie
is this about sonic?? I don't know anything about that (tbh aside from hannigram i dont rly ship anything with real actors bc it makes me feel odd since its an actual persons image rather than a drawing). but I'm sorry to be the one to tell u, jim carrey is not a good guy. his WAY younger gf who was not famous (to add to the power imbalence) killed herself over him giving her an incurable std & just basically fucking with her mentally.
im never surprised when a famous man turns out to be a known predator who is fucked in the head. sometimes its been public knowledge for decades & they STILL somehow have a good reputation. like tell me why seinfeld still has a career after dating a 16 yr old high school girl as a 40 yr old celebrity?? he recieved basically zero blowback for that. I stg no one gives a shit about these males being sex pests so its no wonder you didnt hear about the carrey shit. it permanently ruined my view of men to find out that nearly every goddamn male musician I listened to growing up fucked teenage girls. Im convinced that is something a very large portion (quite possibly the majority tbh) of men would do if they are given access to young girls & total freedom from any consequences due to their status.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year ago
The Abbey Grange pt 3
I'm fairly confident I've pieced this one together correctly. I'm a little annoyed that it appears that Lady Brackenhall didn't do it herself, but I suppose I'll allow it. I feel confident that she could have done it herself, though, had the narrative allowed her to.
...our door was opened to admit as fine a specimen of manhood as ever passed through it. He was a very tall young man, golden-moustached, blue-eyed, with a skin which had been burned by tropical suns, and a springy step which showed that the huge frame was as active as it was strong.
I stg, every time Watson describes someone in this story he gets hornier. 'As fine a specimen of manhood as ever passed through it.' Put your tongue back in your mouth.
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He's looking respectfully.
I've always thought that how horny literally every version of Watson seems to be was just exaggerated, but no. Reading/rereading these as an adult shows me that Watson is exactly that horny on main.
And by 'on main' I mean 'in a widely distributed publication'.
"I know so much already that if you go one inch off the straight I'll blow this police whistle from my window and the affair goes out of my hands for ever.” The sailor thought for a little. Then he struck his leg with his great, sun-burned hand. “I'll chance it,” he cried. “I believe you are a man of your word, and a white man, and I'll tell you the whole story."
First, the captain's kinda racist, I guess.
Second, this is an exact template of what not to do when being interviewed regarding a crime you have committed. Never believe that they know everything. Never agree to tell them anything. Say nothing.
Captain Croker is kind of an idiot.
But then, given the racism, we already knew that.
"So far as I am concerned I regret nothing and I fear nothing, and I would do it all again and be proud of the job."
This is also exactly what you should not say in this situation. He's just determined to be a waking talking exemplar of what not to do, I guess. And he's doing a great job of it.
"...many a time since have I kneeled down in the darkness of the night watch and kissed the deck of that ship because I knew her dear feet had trod it."
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That seems unsanitary. Sir, please desist.
Is this why they transferred you to another ship? So people would stop coming across you licking the deck? People walk on that. Sir. Sir, please.
This is yet another example of things you shouldn't do. Just in case you were wondering.
If you want to kiss her feet and you're both into that, go for it. But don't just, like... kiss the dirty deck of a ship where hundreds of people have walked because she walked there. Not only is it unhygienic, it's kind of stalkery.
Yeah.... no.
This guy is giving unhinged vibes.
"One day out in a country lane I met Theresa Wright, her old maid. She told me about her, about him, about everything."
Theresa 100% knew what she was doing here. There is no way she looked at this guy literally kissing the ground Mary walked on and didn't realise that he would be down to murder. Theresa wins the prize here. Excellently executed. Get the dumb stalker to kill the abusive husband. A+ work. She deserves a raise.
"This drunken hound, that he should dare to raise his hand to her whose boots he was not worthy to lick!"
Was not expecting to tick off 'foot fetish' on my Sherlock Holmes bingo card, but there we go.
"Theresa was always my friend, for she loved Mary and hated this villain almost as much as I did. From her I learned the ways of the house."
My dude, my dude. Theresa fucking played you.
"At first she would not open to me, but in her heart I know that now she loves me, and she could not leave me in the frosty night."
That's a really quick turn around from 'it was only friendship for her and I was happy with it' to 'I know she loves me now'.
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"Theresa was as cool as ice, and it was her plot as much as mine."
It was all her plan. I bet she made sure the husband was awake at the right time.
"...since she was trying hard to shield him and so showing that she loved him."
Really? Was she though?
"See here, Captain Croker, we'll do this in due form of law. You are the prisoner. Watson, you are a British jury, and I never met a man who was more eminently fitted to represent one."
I guess Watson has enough horniness in him for 12 people.
I mean, I don't have a problem with the guy being allowed to go free, the victim literally burned a puppy alive. Also, I'm pretty sure he was manipulated into being there at the right time. Because there's no way a maid who has been frequently mentioned to be really good at her job, just blurts out her mistress's private business to a guy they met on a boat in the middle of the road. She knew what she was doing. And the husband just happened to come along?
"Come back to this lady in a year, and may her future and yours justify us in the judgment which we have pronounced this night.”
I note that this is as much of a 'happily ever after' as we get for this story. I choose to believe Mary had already moved on in a year and had given up the pretence of being in love with him.
But I am cynical, as we have previously discussed.
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 year ago
👻🦋🦈💘📚🚦🍬 for the writer ask game
yippee thanks for the asks!!!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Ooooo okay im answering barrissoka for this; During the rebels era, Ahsoka eventually meets with Barriss by accident and they discuss and become happily ever after the end i will end my life if this doesn't happen thank you and goodbye.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
BARRISS. 100% barriss. also when i was writing tangled the series fanfiction, cassandra was probably my fav too fr
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
this one is tough because i've only ever started writing for like two fandoms- and by the time i write for a ship ive already consumed as much media and fanfiction and humanly possible, therefore absorbing their personalities and attitudes into my brain, making them easy to write :D but i guess out of the two fandoms ive written for, probably rapunzel from tangled the series. dont come at me.
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
well, i personally both are easy to write for me when i really get into it- like when my brain is LOCKED IN. but okay hear me out. i fucking love writing fluff and reading it, but by god angst is somehow easier for me to flow with then writing yk???
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
(im sorry in advance) YES I KNOW MANY!!! of course these shall be barrissoka because yes but i know a lot of other amazing writers too for other fandoms!! i recommend: @kaaragen is an AMAZING author and their work And if we fell together has my heart and soul and god fucking damn it take my money ANYWAYS- The author mylordshesacactus has amazing works!! the author Gabby(kirahsoka) has amazing works too!! the ao3 series Clouded Light and the works Lost Shepherd and Coming home to you (A personal fav!!!!). Also my amazing friend @jedimasterbailey and their fic The Padawans!!! Another one of my favorite authors is @lesbiansandpuns whose work i absolutely love so much i stg especially The moments when we smile and those between has me on my knees not even joking (their other works are literally godsent as well). also!! @425599167 is an amazing author and their take on Barriss Offee as a whole is absolutely wonderful, their work The Erosion of the Spirit had me dissociating for a good week on that fic, literally amazing. I also really adore Let's call it love by my friend @stellanslashgeode!!
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
ok im a sucker for happily ever after alright??? but i love me a good build up!!!!
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i've been in a LOT of fandoms but i didn't start writing for any until recent (last couple years) which are Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (the tangled series) (judge me and i will eat you) and Star Wars! for TTS prob my fic Painting can wait (guys this is my old writing please bare with me) and for Star wars probably Love you anyway. (even if you hate tea) because i kiiiiinda wrote that one as self indulgence. again if i hear anything i will eat you.
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here is little art snippet of an oc!
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archonadeptus · 2 years ago
A/N: This is my favourite ship ever I'd simply perish for them. This is going to be a series on tumblr, and once its complete I'll be uploading it to ao3! It's my first Alhaitham x Kaveh fic, so please be kind! I hope you guys like it.
Warnings: Ship fic! Alhaitham x Kaveh, if you dont like then please don't read♡ Light description of a breakdown. Angst, no comfort just yet! Pre-relationship. (They're crushing so bad why can't they communicate I stg) Not fully proofread, I'm lazy rn I'm sorry -
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Light of Kshahrewar - Part One
Everything had been absolutely draining and much too loud all day. Alhaitham was extremely grateful to have his soundproof earpieces with him at all times, otherwise he was certain he would have snapped at the other sages. How dense does a being have to be? Let alone those who are considered sages of Sumeru, one of the highest positions throughout the nation blessed by Nahdia, the god of wisdom. Why must they argue about such trivial things, something that could be fixed so easily with the slightest bit of communication? The thought of somebody without a decent mind like Alhaitham taking over as the true grand sage truly concerned him. If anything the thought itself was rather daunting. Sumeru, instead of being known as the land of wisdom, would be known as the most idiotic land throughout the seven nations of Teyvat.
Shoving his key into the door, which was comically still tangled up with Kavehs, was twisted and pushed open. Immediately upon entering, books and blueprints were scattered all over the floor. Shutting the door with his foot, he locked it and tossed the two keys into the intricately designed key dish, courtesy of Kaveh. He had designed it himself, despite Alhaitham paying for the materials. Kaveh had begged to design 'decent furniture' for inspiration. Alhaitham finally agreed and let him. He couldn't let his roommate sulk otherwise that would cause problems for Alhaitham himself and he most certainly didn't want that. Thus, he practically shoved the bag of mora in his hands with a silent prayer to the god of wisdom to shut Kaveh up. It did work, and after designing said key dish, Kaveh finally had his inspiration back for a project he dubbed to be 'even better than The Palace of Alcazazaray'. How one would get a giant design like that from a mere key dish truly baffled Alhaitham, but whatever kept Kaveh happy right? Back to the matter at hand, he had decided to slowly make his way through the room following the trail of mess and various ink stains. He hated to admit it to himself, but after the day he had faced full of idiots he was finding himself growing angrier by the minute. He didn't want to deal with his own idiot he kept at home. Usually on any other day, he'd come home, ignore whatever mess was made and remind Kaveh (for the hundredth time) to do his share of the chores. Of course he knew that would fall on deaf ears, but he'd then retreat into his room and read until dinner. Alhaitham didn't think he'd be doing that today.
"Kaveh." His voice spoke as he pushed open the door to the architect's room where the mess seemed to be its greatest. He expected to see Kaveh hunched over his desk as per usual, in a world of his own whilst he would mumble incoherent things to himself and scribble on a half finished design. This time though, he saw Kaveh in the middle of his floor with a broken pencil before him and a ripped up piece of paper.
"If you're here to nag then I'm not in the mood."
'Neither am I.' Alhaitham thought, deciphering the rather sorry sight before him.
"I wouldn't have to nag if you kept things tidy and actually did your share of the chores." Kaveh had his head buried in his knees, his hand gripping onto his arm to shield his face and cushion his head.
"I just said that I'm not in the mood, Alhaitham." His eyes were fixed onto the ripped up paper and his legs seemed to drag him to it. Moving to pick it up, he caught a glimpse of a very detailed set of sketches before they were ripped from his hands. "Don't touch that!" Alhaitham was completely used to Kaveh shouting at him, it brought him great amusement so he'd jab at the architect to get him to yell more. It was a wonderful stress reliever and he couldn't help but adore Kavehs dramatics. However, this time felt different. It didn't feel light hearted, there seemed to be real weight behind his words - not that there wasn't usually but this felt a little more serious. You could slice a knife through the sudden wave of silence.
"Why are you sitting here feeling sorry for yourself when you could be working on that design you've tried to destroy?" It was beautiful. He paused as Kavehs sharp crimson gaze met his own, they were glassy. He needs to stop talking, he should give Kaveh some space. "So when you complain that you have no ideas, it's actually that you destroy them instead? Is it that you don't want to make a living for yourself for once?" Why is he still talking? Alhaitham knows that it's not the time to lecture him, but some horrid part of his anger seems to enjoy blowing off steam like this.
"Stop. Just... Just get out!" Kaveh threw the broken pencil at Alhaitham, but he just moved away and glared.
"That's rich, get out of the room I pay for? Surely you remember you didn't pay your half of the rent this month either." Kaveh hated the way Alhaithams gaze remained so calm, even as fat glistening tears made their way down Kavehs cheeks.
"If you don't want me here anymore then just say that! I'm sick of you dancing around things like they mean nothing to you!" … 'Like I mean nothing to you.' Kaveh wishes he added on that bit, but he didn't want to know the truth. He doesn't think he can face Alhaitham saying that he hates him.
"Fine, if that's what keeps you happy. I'm sick of the mess, I'm tired of coming home to your yelling. You're just as bad as the sages I dealt with today."
'Ah,' Kaveh thinks, 'he's had a bad day too then.' Maybe Sumeru was out to get them.
"Oh really? That's a miracle, the mighty 'Acting Grand Sage' of Sumeru who's known to be completely emotionally unavailable, is getting irritated by his colleagues!" Alhaitham narrowed his eyes. "It's not my fault I've got so much work to do before I even think about getting paid to meet your absolutely ridiculous rent deadlines!" The scribe simply rolled his eyes, ignoring the way more tears fell from his crimson eyes. Kaveh may be a dramatic person with rapidly fluctuating moods, but he hadn't ever seen him cry before. This was… new territory. One which both Alhaitham and Kaveh didn't seem too sure about stepping into.
"Ridiculous deadlines? Kaveh, it's the basics. They're bills, I don't control these deadlines. Don't be so dense." Alhaitham simply crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at Kaveh who was still curled up on the floor. Did the architect always look so vulnerable and small like this? Why's he crying? Alhaitham's eyes trailed around the room, but he couldn't piece it together just yet. It was too messy. "Usually people can pay them on time, unlike you." He paused for a moment, hearing Kaveh sniffles. "Aren't you going to tidy this all up?" I need to see what's wrong, I can't figure it out like this. You're worrying me.
"I'll get to it! Just leave!" Kaveh yelled, hair scrunched up in his hands with his eyes shut tightly. Those tears were falling so much quicker now, Alhaitham couldn't handle it. How can he make it stop?
"Leave yourself, you're clearly not bothered." Kaveh's eyes grew wide, glossy and doe-like as he met the scribe's hardened gaze.
"Seriously? You're kicking me out right now? This is ridiculous! Every single time you swoop to a new low, Alhaitham!" He simply turned and began to leave the room only to return and throw Kaveh's individual key toward him.
"Leave." With that, Alhaitham dodged the mess as he made way for his room quicker than he'd like to admit. Kaveh's crying was soon muffled once again as he activated his earpieces. The sound was too much… Too heartbreaking. By morning, things would be like they never happened. They'd eat breakfast, nag at each other, and continue their work like usual - it was their routine. That didn't happen this time.
Upon waking, the morning sun filtered through the wider windows. Kaveh designed those. He had told him he needed more sunlight, especially if he were to read his books all the time. He didn't want Alhaitham to damage and strain his eyes, the architect said it would cause trouble for him else and he didn't want to deal with it. Thus the large pretty window in his room allowed sunlight to bathe him every morning, and the moonlight to shine upon the book's words every night. Opening his eyes fully, he sat up as the warm blanket fell from his body. It was… strangely quiet. Peaceful even. Alhaitham wondered when that would be broken by a certain roommate of his. Standing up, he kept on his nightwear for the time being for breakfast and stepped out into the hall. It's clean. Why was it clean? He was certain that there were ink stains and blueprints all over the floor… Did Kaveh truly take what Alhaitham said to heart? Hm, it was about time he supposed. Finally, a helpful roommate. However, upon entering the kitchen, Kaveh was nowhere in sight. Nevermind, maybe he was sleeping in today after all of this apparent cleaning last night. The scribe didn't mind, especially if the chores were done which, by some miracle, were done. Preparing himself breakfast wasn't exactly unusual, so he made himself something easy though the scent didn't exactly make things feel the same. It didn't taste as good as when a certain architect made it either. Kaveh's dishes were rather extravagant, Alhaithams were bland. After shoving the food into his mouth and swallowing, he stood and placed the bowl and cutlery by the sink. As an apology for not making breakfast today, Kaveh could wash up. Walking back out, he passed his room. It was silent and there were no loud and irritating snores that he usually heard at night that usually unfortunately sent him to sleep, there was nothing. Maybe he should check on him? Knocking lightly, the door seemed to push open. Why is it empty? Where's the mess?
"Kaveh?" Pushing the door fully open, he stepped in. Where was the colour? Where was his Light of Kshahrewar? Where is Kaveh? He… Truly moved out? "Kaveh… You fool." He took a deep breath in, Kavehs scent of pardisarahs filling his lungs. It was overwhelmingly comforting. "You didn't have to go." I didn't want you to go. He'd bring him back, he'd go out, find him drunk out of his mind somewhere and bring him back. It would go back to normal, the way it's always been - the way it should be. "Kaveh. Wait for me." He immediately left the empty room and returned to his own, getting his usual clothes on after having what felt like the quickest shower of his life. Something which of course Kaveh would scold him for… A scolding he strangely missed. Putting on his soundproof earpieces, he grabbed his key and opened the door once again. "Don't be too far, my Light of Kshahrewar."
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engagemythrusters · 2 years ago
here we FUCKING go… 🙃 I just know it’s gonna kill me
Oh my goodness commandos! Aah! I love commandos :D
Big upset whh are clones being held prisoner :(((
Echo and Re—Y E A H
Ooh who are the other guys??
Imperial ships look so janky I stg
Echo 🥰 I missed you
Hehe gregor
H O W Z E R?!
Ah I hadn’t seen his cheek I didn’t know it was him! I just thought it was another with a similar haircut!
Nemec that’s a fun name I love
Fireball is also fun! He does indeed look like he’s been hit with a fireball hehe
Hey be careful with the commando tho :(
Gregor has plot armour gregor has plot armour gregor has plot armour (convincing myself he’ll be okay and the rest of them too)
(I say through the tears)
… clean slate?
Oh no… reconditioning?
I am no longer feeling blessed
I am dead. Ceased to exist. I’d rather that than watch this hurt
LOST FIVE OF HIS MEN?’ oh :’(( poor clones
Crosshair baby you’re drugged I don’t think you can do this…
He… switched to stun…
I don’t know what that means but he never stuns so… it’s something…
And immediately to paradise island wow okay I’m in pain it’s fine tho cause look at how pretty etc etc
Aw he’s so happy… this kills me.
she’s ducking nuts I love her so so much
Tech you nerd
Wow this is a vast change from what I was feeling two minutes ago. Whiplash city in this ep. Good god.
So am I 😭
You’re gonna be the death of tech 😂
Big hug 🥰
“It hasn’t been that long” IT HAS FOR ME
Ew. Tarkin. Die.
Please please go save Crosshair. Please
Hunter stop. Hunter please. He needs help.
Crosshair haters gonna have a problem after this. Of course they’ll still find something bc people will do anything to hate a normal ass character.
Oh god… Crosshair… :(
No. No I need more.
I need to know if they get him. I need him safe…
Overall thoughts: (assorted weeping)
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knowlessman · 3 months ago
…okay, feeling the right kind of bored to jump right back in, maybe I'll wait another day or summat before posting this time so the one-ish (?) ppl who read these can have a chance to see the last batch. bnha s7e5-9
(toga and dabi) aha, so they did get some of twice's blood. …I forget if we already knew that 'XD
spinner: "people are worshiping me? I don't have a great cause or anything" well, neither did Stain
why would you… well, ig they are makin aoyama into a double-spy, so in theory it's cuz of that? still a bit of a begging-for-trouble kinda name
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"that's why this has to be the end" …hah? eh, this was… maybe the plan? ig? also how in fuck's name was this tall fucker sposed to be hiding behind aoyama, wtf am I even looking at -- ok so it was the plan, also the non-tumblr-sexyman villains in this have exclusively the dumbest of fits, you look like somebody took one of those flip-and-match kid's books and lined up the top and bottom thirds of Emperor Zurg with the torso of… (looks up Maximillion Pegasus and discovers that he actually has a set costume, then grasps at straws for like ten minutes) The Professor from Tolarian Community College
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-- (…no, even that doesn't work, I legitimately can't see Prof going with this top setup, the man Costumes himself)
KUROGIRI????????????? EHHHHH???????????? -- ohhhhh yeah Ditto exists, dunnee -- when suddenly avengers endgame
…this fight is going to be Hard to Follow. yeah sure just dump the entire player handbook and a couple splatbooks and half the monster manual in a pit and see how it goes. how in fuck is everybody going to resolve a single turn? -- …dnd has done bad things to me bc now I wanna do literally that. that's at least a week in a hyperbolic time chamber right there
shinso! and ditto. "there are no side characters here" more like, normies with no imagination will consistently undervalue niche-but-game-altering quirks
…aha… oops, kinda mislaid a main character there
heh. they came up with a countermeasure for pajama sam's pajama slamma -- daaaaaamn, and they got Ditto spamming eraserhead's debuff from outside the cage and everything. they went full SCP chamber several times over
…so, tomura's new ace in the hole is, he can throw thumbs at you like he's a Fromsoft enemy. gonna be honest, mr jammies, less than awe-inspiring
(all might outlining the full plan) okay so they do at least have anybody watching gigantomachia, good. hopefully some of them cameras are pointed inward, p sure I remember there being a telepathic link kind of a thing
"this is just growth. this is just my final form" ah, less fromsoft and more resident evil, then. well, bakugo is kind of a rocket launcher, ain't he?
…really. really guys. really. no hay palabras
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(toga v uraraka, dabi v shoto, etc) ayup. reaching pretty far and deep into character motives that make less sense the more I try to understand them -- I mean dabi's is more or less straightforward
(shoto v dabi, uh, happens) -- HOW, again, does the entire todoroki family exist in the same show as bakugo. and how is the zuko also the uncle iroh
how am I not even halfway through the season
…spinner really didn't have anything going for him, huh. and all for one didn't even trust him with anything interesting, so he just made him big. spinner is the yamcha of this show I stg
(dabi's chest is glowing) uh-…oh…….
was introduced to the crack ship concept of hawks x endeavor recently. watching hawks and endeavor fight AFO here, with hawk's ongoing analysis and seemingly perfect read on the old man… I mean. like, yeah, why not, y'know, I can see it.
heck yeah, earphone jack and Diet Crona!
…dangiiiiiit, they got me with a cliffhanger when I was already a bit farther than I thought I was gonna watch. gotta cut it here anyway
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sadandyetverysexy · 2 years ago
I personally revile the BatmanxJoker ship but god. DAMN. The way batman just completely avoids even permanently injuring him and just refuses to put him down in ANY way permanently when he has the power and money to do so really makes it seem like the mf is just too in love to kill this guy. Like that’s the level of “I can’t kill you” that makes a mf seem in love, cus it’s not even a “I can’t kill you” it’s a “I can’t let you die” bruh. Once you start ACTIVELY GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY TO KEEP THIS GUY ALIVE, you are being a Weird Mf. He’s not just not-killing Joker, he is regularly protecting the man. That’s gay, homie.
Batman doesn’t even have to do anything! Bruce Wayne could 100% bribe some mfs to put Joker in a cement prison at the bottom of the ocean with the bare necessities to live out the rest of this miserable life there. He could let another Justice League member do it, some of them have killed. Dude could really just stop saving the guy. He isn’t your boyfriend, let the guy perish. I stg it looks like if Batman had to choose between saving a friend or saving the joker that mf would choose the Joker. (We all remember that scene with Jason, right? Not THE scene, but that other one?)
He’s not your hubby, he’s not your bae, you have no reason to keep protecting this heinous mf. I don’t think Batman is in love with the joker, and I hate that ship, but damn does he act like it in some ways.
prompt: "murder is good actually" au
danny moves to gotham and is actually shocked by how many ghosts were born there due to violent deaths, still lingering and waiting for their murderers to be put down for good. he starts a "can we have a little murder? as a treat?" campaign to convince batman that nobody in the city would think less of him if he let the joker die. it gets popular real fast
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reddeadreference · 2 years ago
Blog Update: (kinda) Travel Blog Style
Reminder: Various polls will be closing within the next 24 hours. (see pinned post for links)
Drafts: 61
Queue: 8 (7 POI posts, 1 face angle post)
So I was getting the remaining POI entries I need between the two and I have Arthur go to the Hermit Woman... you either have to run off her dogs or kill them. ... I had to kill them. I just survived a bear attack I'm not dying to three dogs.
Arthur hogties the woman, writes in his journal, and as I have him get on his horse to leave he shouts back,
"You take care now!"
Arthur please...
Speaking of bear attacks I'm VERY curious to know if the camp will react in ANY way to Arthur coming back all scratched up so I'm hoping the wounds don't fade til I ride all the way back... to Clemen's Point... from North Big Valley... The blood faded from his coat but the scratch marks are still there.
Had the rude racer come up to us and ask to race down to Owanjila. Said no. He called us a coward and he's very lucky we have places to be.
Autopilot... Crashed into the tree those damn O'Driscoll's cut down to make Arthur and Micah crash that wagon. Why does no one ever fix that?
Just as we reach near Diablo Ridge (near the edge of West Elizabeth) we have to help a guy with a bear trap and I see our bear scars finally fade away from our back... now we only have the face scar... gotta hurry if I wanna show camp.
Just as I see camp in the distance... face scar is gone. Mission Failure.
Walking towards where Micah's at the fire, bear pelt over my shoulder.
Me: Micah I fought a bear and won, look, look!
Micah makes some noise, laughs, "got ya there."
Arthur: Just name the place my friend. Just name the place.
Dude... we fought a BEAR and won. Think we're scared of you???
Oh to be as happy as Uncle looks playing the banjo.
See's Micah bothering Abigail, beelines for them.
He walks away says "Ladies" to Karen, Tilly, and Grimshaw.
Karen: *happily* Hello!
Me: WTF Karen?!
Proceeds to follow him around camp antagonizing him.
He brags about putting money in the box (after fucking teleporting I stg he was behind me)
Arthur: What do you want? A medal?
$25 hm? weeeell.... lemme just put in... $100.
Scene comes up where Karen is complaining about Grimshaw, Grimshaw shows up.. with a broom.
The fuck are you out here sweeping, Susan?!
Arthur: *to Karen* My lady.
Karen: Leave it.
What did I do?!
As we're leaving camp to head to the Braithwaite place to get a photo of their secret I see Hosea walking away into the woods... with a plate. Where the fuck did he get a PLATE? I thought we only had bowls?!
Then we see him kicking Sean awake (who's supposed to be on guard) and I realize it's for a scene... but then I go over and look via photo mode... plate is gone.
Rowing over to the manor and there's a couple sitting on the beach. cute.
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I think that's all the things I need for POIs (besides the Grey's secret because for some reason whenever I go to get that entry the paper is gone and neither wrote anything down for it.) so those should be all up within a week.
While I'm out here might as well get some photos for those little islands.
Is there a reason that the music on these fucking things is so fucking creepy at night????
If I hit a snake with my boat... it'll be fine right??? . . . It hissed and disappeared but there's no X on the map... but it did a lil flash on the screen... Q-Q I'm sorry Snek.
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On the bright side my heath is going up from all this paddling.
got to the sunken/wrecked ship. Never noticed an eagle can spawn at the top of the mast.
So.. just like in real life.. shooting a hole in your boat is a bad idea. Not sure what I thought would happen. In hindsight I should've done this closer to the camp and not... ya know, on the island across from it. That being said if you're ever stuck on one of those islands just set up a camp and poof magically you're back on the main land.
Rolled around in the mud to see if I could get Grimshaw to make me wash... she comes up to me... and says they were worried about me Q-Q I didn't think I was gone so long. I just went around the islands for about a day and a half.
Went fishing off the dock
"You sir, are a fish." Arthur is too precious for this world...
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