#you guys sound like Mormons
redrockbutch · 1 year
Obviously AITA is mainly useful as a form of new soap opera, and part of this is that more than half the commenters don't realize how absolutely divorced from reality many of their suggestions and judgements are, but I will say it was very gratifying to have the usual "this person you're describing sucks and is unpleasant. Sounds like autism" get turned on its head to "ohhhh, of COURSE he's Mormon, that explains everything!"
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roses-red-and-pink · 3 months
Lolol sometimes it’s so funny reading peoples posts about “Mormon” theology that is based on Exmo stories, tradition/culture but not doctrine, and like random statements by some church leader 200 years ago that was not put into doctrine/canonized, or that he was corrected/reprimanded on, and all of us look back on like “well that guy was racist/sexist. Anyways moving on…” like tbh it just makes me laugh. Like I know our theology is a bit different than mainstream Christianity but y’all don’t need to make it sound like we are out here truly believing half the stuff you say about us.
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citronavalkiro · 6 months
Not a Mormon but I found this tag since one of my autistic interests is Mormon church history and I must say you guys are awesome! I really don’t like how the church tends to hide all of their doctrine on space like how there is gods of different planets and Kolob and you could be one too. Like who wouldn’t want the chance to become a god? That sounds like it would appeal to a lot of people! I asked a missionary in high school about that because I really liked that part and he laughed at me saying that it is anti Mormon propaganda which lost me for a while. I also like how you guys are trying to change the church for the better and make it more accepting of people who don’t quite fit the mold. Keep it up!
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bitterkarella · 5 months
Midnight Pals: Magic Man
Kiersten White: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the creepy kids show Stephen King: oh excellent! a creepy pasta! King: my boy joe told me all about those King: like that scary cartoon sponge man! Joe Hill: it was squidward, dad King: right right of course joe
White: this isn't a creepypasta White: it's about a weird show that everyone vaguely remember watching but can't remember any details of White: and also the time slot and channel mysteriously seem to shift Kris Straub: ah! candle cove! White: no White: no this is different
King: haha remember in candle cove when the boat is all King: "you have to go inside" Straub: yeah i remember Poe: spooky stuff! Koontz: ha ha! "you have to go inside" White: White: it's not candle cove
Barker: you're all saying it wrong Barker: it's all like Barker: "you have to go.... INSIDE" Barker: see, you gotta get the inflection right King: you said it exactly the same Barker: no it was way scarier when i said it King: "you have to go... inside" Barker: hmm no not quite right King: i don't see the difference Barker: kris who said it right Kris Straub: clive Barker: see??? King: i really don't think i said it any different White: ANYWAY
White: this is about a creepy kids show called Mister Magic White: these kids are forced to live on a set away from their parents White: until one kids dad tries to take her away White: but try to understand dad White: try to understand White: try try try to understand White: he's a magic man
White: now it's 30 years later and she's going to a show reunion White: and she's all "hey what happened 30 years ago? i forgot" White: and everyone's all "lol not telling!" White: gotta preserve the mystery White: at least til the final reel
White: see, these Mormons found an eldritch god in the desert White: and they thought White: you know what would be good to do with this? White: make a kids show about how you should always be polite King: uhhh Poe: no actually that kinda scans
White: the now grown up kids from the show have to reunite White: and defeat mister magic through the power of um... King: understanding? White: Yeah! it can totally be like understanding or forgiveness or something White: they overcome all their fears White: and they turn out totally fine
King: i didn't know candle cove was really just lessons about being polite! White: IT'S NOT CANDLE COVE King: "you have to go... INSIDE!!" Straub: there Straub: there it is Straub: you got it that time
King: creepypastas are so much fun, why don't we have more of them around here? Mr Creepypasta: now I've heard a guy tell a story hundreds of times. saying perfectly ordinary words. just mouth sounds. perfectly ordinary. nothing weird about them. very normal. nothing to worry about Chillz: here's the TOP tennnn VIDEooooos PROvinGGGG THAT the dracullllaaaa is real King: oh yeah now i remember
Eric Knudsen: i have a story about the terrible secret of space HP Lovecraft: what Lovecraft: what is the terrible secret of space? Lovecraft: is it a color? Lovecraft: cuz i already know that one
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
Welcome to Renting in a Big City!!! Come with me! Let me walk you through your options!
First I cannot recommend enough one of these new-construction luxury apartment complexes! The amenities are killer and the maintenance is lightning-fast. Your apartment? This rectangular box with three interior walls. We don't like the term "studio" as much as "open concept." It's 400 sqft and the rent will increase 12% year over year (or maybe 30% 😉) once we start attracting all the rich people we want, and also if you attempt to move out at any moment that's not the exact end of your lease (with 60 days notice to not renew) then we'll charge you a 2-months-rent lease breaking fee.
Okay not your style? Don't worry we've got plenty of options in cozy residential areas within the city! Like this apartment! The building was built 150 years ago and the landlord is an 80 year old man who lives 7 states away and insists you mail him your rent every month since technology scares him. Need something fixed? No worries your landlord has great connections to a guy who knows a guy who has a son who's held a hammer once. He's very busy though so please give him 2 or 3 months to respond to anything. The ants were here first and they have squatters rights now so no you can't call maintenance about that.
Oh sorry I wasn't listening--both of those options are 2.5x your budget? No worries no worries I've got plenty of stuff in your price range. THIS beautiful place is only 40 minutes outside the city (2.5 hours in traffic, which is always). It's a modern-concept renovated shed and your neighborhood is the sad industrial remains of concrete and shattered dreams. The broker's fee for this is 5x rent. The construction outside your bedroom window has been going for 5 years, but it MIGHT be finished tomorrow? That's what we told the guy 5 years ago. (We do already have 7 applications for this place, so please decide quickly.)
Okay okay okay, I see the look on your face, not your style. You're a roommate kinda guy, yeah? Of course you are. Everyone is! (Not by choice.) Plenty of opportunities on Facebook and Craigslist to fill in a roommate slot! Just keep clear of rookie mistakes and you'll be golden. Rookie mistake #1: falling for a malicious scam which will take first last and security from you before vanishing into the night. Easy mistake. The best way to avoid it is to don't do it. Stay suspicious of any place pressuring you to make a decision quickly, which is all of them, including the legit places! Rookie mistake #2: signing in to the most batshit abusive and unstable roommate situation you've seen in your life, which the guy you're taking the lease over from was selling his soul to escape. You'll be WISHING you had the ant roommates then haha. We have fun here.
Man you're not looking excited :( that's bumming me out. Okay okay, something a little outside the box? You can get a room for SUPER cheap in this mansion right at the heart of the city, you just kinda need to join the cult that's living there. You can--oh wait what? Oh man, turns out the cult is selling the building :( yeah sounds like they're on hard financial times because they're the cult Shinzo Abe was assassinated over :( real sad. We DO still have a cool Mormon co-op if you--
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theangrypomeranian · 6 days
SO! for the hell of it, I decided to pick 5 of my favorite musicals for each Belcher and explain why I think they would love it. let's get started~
(long post warning lol)
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for starters, this musical is HILARIOUS. many songs and different parts make me laugh out loud and I think would make Louise laugh too. not to mention it is gory and bloody, which of course would please our lil maniac. I also think she would love Cheyl and Ash's relationship and maybe even relate to it with her siblings.
(this is also me begging people to watch/listen to this musical because imo it should be way more popular)
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Book of Mormon is iconic in every way and I think Gene would love it from the opening number. I also think he would relate to Arnold Cunningham and the journey his character goes on in the musical. some of the lines in the music numbers also remind me of the out-of-pocket things Gene tends to say in the show lol. fun fact, the guys that write South Park wrote and produced this musical.
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everything about this musical SCREAMS Tina Belcher. she would relate to Veronica Sawyer so hard and see all of her bullies in the Heathers. not to mention the toxic love story between Veronica and JD is totally something that 13 year old Tina would have written in one of her EFFs. all in all, this is the choice I feel the most confident about.
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if you think Linda Belcher wouldn't love this musical, you are lying to yourself. the music! the romance! the drama! Linda would ADORE this one and definitely belt out the songs while working in the restaurant or cleaning the apartment. you can’t go wrong with Phantom of the Opera.
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listen idgaf if Hamilton is considered "cringe" or "problematic" by today's standards, I love this musical. and I think Bob would have a secret obsession with it. he already loves CAKE and some parts of Hamilton sound like it. plus we all know Bob is a big ol' softie and would be in tears through all of the last number. though he would definitely be FURIOUS with Hamilton for cheating on Eliza.
this was fun, maybe I'll do this again for other characters in the show. for now, these are my picks. *bows*
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brothermouse · 1 month
Sunday doodle 8/11/24
Pitched this idea last week and got some positive responses so here’s one part of my new project. You know where it’s a collection of sketches and letters set in a steampunk alternate history world where some guy is traveling through Deseret, drawing cool stuff he sees and trying to convince his friend back home that he’s not going to get murdered by the Mormons.
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Letter transcript:
My Dear Friend Victor,
As my previous letter was sent from a rather dubious, yet reliable location, I anticipate that this letter shall outpace it and reach you first. As such, I shall briefly recount its contents.
First you must know that I am well and relatively unscathed. When I arrived in St George I believed all my rough traveling behind me and it would be airships all the way to Salt Lake. Hardly thirty minutes in the sky a band of Confederate Holdouts revealed themselves and took control of the ship, intending to sail it back to one of their secret enclaves in the South to aid in their misguided “war effort”. Fortunately they were foiled by a Deseret Federal Marshal (Lt. Whitterby of the Danite division) who subdued the rebels and orchestrated an emergency landing in the town of Kanab, a good distance east of St George. As I said, the exact details are in my other letter which I sent from the Kenab post office. The postmaster there seemed old as Methusala, leading to my doubt on the speediness of that letter’s delivery. This letter I shall send from the St George post office which is of a more modern fashion.
But I must tell you of the mechanical wonder I encountered in Kanab! After the ordeal the band of Johnny Rebs were locked securely in the Kanab town hall (the town is too small for a proper jailhouse). The other passengers and I were given a little rest and refreshment in the same building (the town is also too small for a hotel). I took this time to write my previous (or possibly forthcoming) letter and send it off. After a while we heard the sound of twin airships approaching. These were the Thunderbird and the Tiancum, which Lt. Whitterby called for. One to return us to St George and the other to take away the villains. He asked us to remain where we were, that we might witness the official arrest and then sign documents witnessing that the correct persons were taken into custody (I swear these Mormons are obsessed with everything being witnessed!)
When the Deseret Marshals marched in they were accompanied by the most peculiar automatons. I was able to make sketches, which I have included. There were four of these contraptions, one for each of the Confederates. They each bore the stern face sculpted from copper or brass, I could not tell. I was told that they bore the face of that wiley old General O.P. Rockwell, who gave our General Sherman and all those Union boys such a rough time in the siege of Echo Canyon.
Each Rockwell was directed by its operator to stand directly behind the hijackers and hold the criminals' hands behind their backs, like a pair of handcuffs. Just as I was wondering why entire automatons were called for what a mere pair of handcuffs could do, one of the scoundrels broke free and made a break for it, rushing as though he would leap out of the window to freedom! But then the Rockwell machine did a strange thing. One of its hands dropped, as if it was on a hinge and a small device extended from the open wrist. With a pop, it shot a tiny harpoon attached with a thin wire at the man. I wondered at this, as the harpoon and wire were both far too small to catch a fish, let alone a desperate criminal. But when the harpoon struck him there came a sound like a deep angry buzzing and the man became stiff as a board and toppled over as if dead!
The foiled escapee was looked over and determined to still be alive, (though with quite a lot less fight in him) and was bound in the same manner as the rest. In asking Lt Whitterby what had just transpired, he told me that the machines “Rockwell Automatons” where based on a design currently being used in both London and Chicago ment to assist local law enforcement in apprehending and holding dangerous criminals. When I brought up how easily the man had been felled, the Lieutenant told me that that particular innovation was of pure Deseret origin. In the Chicago models a simple gun is concealed in the wrist, and the London model is given a club. Both were determined to be far too brutal for the liking of the Deseret Marshals, so an alternative device was created. This deceive, I was told, delivers a small electrical charge to the target, not powerful enough to kill, but just enough to temporarily confuse the nervous system and render the target harmless.
But look! I have been writing and sketching aboard the Thunderbird so long that we have been returned to St George so that I might continue my journey to Salt Lake! I must finish this letter and mail it while I can. As always I shall write to you whenever I am able.
Your friend,
Jacob K. Steinsworth
P.S. Please thank your wife, Isabel for her insistence that I carry a pocket Bible on this trip. It proved quite useful during the ordeal with those Confederate hijackers. Again, the full details are in the other letter.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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HOLLYWOOD, CA — Hollywood critics, actors, and producers are reportedly confused by Sound of Freedom, an action thriller produced by Angel Studios and starring Jim Caviezel, because it depicts child sex trafficking as a bad thing.
According to sources among the nation's entertainment elite, Hollywood insiders had been excited to learn there was a film coming out about sex trafficking but were then disappointed when they found out it's depicted as a negative thing in the film. Critics have been giving the film poor reviews, citing the filmmakers' "baffling" decision to take a stance against the practice, with The New York Times slamming the movie for "not having enough kink."
"It's just confusing," said one director. "You go through all this trouble to make a film about child sex trafficking, and then you end up making the traffickers out to be the bad guys?"
"Such a missed opportunity."
"Yeah, I guess I just don't get it either," said Ezra Miller (they/them). "You're not supposed to kidnap people? Or it's like, frowned upon? Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"
At publishing time, President Joe Biden had slammed the movie as "a far-right extremist domestic terrorist act" and called upon Congress to pass "common-sense Mormon film control."
(Babylon Bee)
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Hey Dr Price, I'm having some issues coming to terms with my identity. I'm a cis gay guy but recently I've been feeling less attached to "guy" I think I'm leaning into it/it's because I think I feel more like an object (and honestly that is 100% in line with my kinks too)
I'm just kind of struggling to know how I'm supposed to feel? I get that probably sounds kinda dumb. Maybe it comes down to never really being able to express myself when growing up having to just ignore all my feelings and be the perfect youngest son and the only one still going to church at the time (mormon so that probably reinforced alot of the negative feelings)
Do you have any recommendations on how to really figure out what I am and if I do fit it/it's?
Or how I can express myself?
It sounds like you believe you must somehow be nonbinary 'enough' or not-cis-man 'enough' to be allowed to use those pronouns. But you can just use them, dog. You also do not need to be certain. Ask friends to use it/its for you, have partners use it during sex or play, list it on your kinky profiles, roleplay an it/its using character in a game. If it already aligns with your kinks it should be pretty easy to work in to negotiations.
It sounds also as though your resonance with it/its has to do with your being objectified and infantilized in a non-sexy way, and not permitted genuine emotionality or flaws. This is a very common gay male trauma, often borne out of repression of one's sexuality and effeminacy, and a desire to compensate for one's queerness by pleasing other people. I recommend reading the book The Best Little Boy in the World by Andrew Tobias to see if you recognize any of yourself in it. I know that I do!!
But remember the most important rule of using it/its is to have fun! You don't need a big justification for it. I use it/its simply because it makes me hard.
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azure-clockwork · 1 month
How Does it Feel to Read Classic Sci-Fi?
Orson Scott Card: Two of the most interesting books you’ll ever read if you’re willing to look past a handful of things. And then you find the planet of Chinese people who worship having debilitating OCD. And the Mormonism. And the fact that the author is wildly homophobic and ought to read his own books.
Robert Heinlein (or at least the Wikipedia Summaries): I guess that’s a neat concept—oh, it’s a sex thing. Um. Gotcha.
Ray Bradbury: Man, I gotta read this thing for class huh. Well here’s hoping it’s good! *three hours later* oh. that’s why he’s famous. this will stick with me forever and I will never look at the phrase ‘soft rain’ the same again. christ. And then repeat 3x.
Isaac Asimov: Wow, this is such an interesting concept! I wonder how the exploration of it will influence the plot! Wait, hey, are you going to add any characters? Any of em? No like, with character traits other than ‘robot psychologist’ and ‘autistic’ and ‘woman’? None of em? No, ‘detective’ isn’t a character trait. Those are all just facts. Aaaand now I’m bored.
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hah, get a load of this guy! He’s never heard of nonbinary people before. Lol, what a riot; how dumb do you have to be to comprehend that these people aren’t men *or* women actually? Oh, wait, what’s happening. Oh shit, it was about society and love and learning to understand each other? And now I’m crying? And perhaps a better human being for it??
Andy Weir: Alright, this guy’s a really good writer. Funny, creative, knows so much engineering stuff…ooh, a new book! …I guess he can’t write women. Well, he wouldn’t be the first sci-fi writer…ooh another new book! And it’s more engineering problem solving and—wow. It’s not just women he can’t write. Please stop letting your characters talk to each other.
Lois Lowry: Oh, I remember this being fun when I was a kid! Wouldn’t it be fucked up to not see color? …upon reread, it would be fucked up to have your humanity stripped away, replaced with a tepid, beige ‘happiness’ for all time. Yeah.
Tamsyn Muir (let me have this ok): Haha, “lesbian necromancers in space” sounds fun. Lemme read this. Oh wow, yeah, this is right up my alley. OH GOD WHAT. NO. FUCK. OH SHIT WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING AND WHY IS IT REFERENCING THE BOOK OF RUTH AND HOMESTUCK BACK TO BACK!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! Now give me more please.
#Late night book reviews with Bluejay#Not really#and it’s 1pm#If you’re curious which books#or just wanna read another essay:#Card: Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead are good* and the rest is Fucking Bonkers. Xenocide is the one called out specifically#Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land’s Wikipedia page but my understanding is it’s not the only book Like That#Bradbury: short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” will fuck your up; double if you check out the comic. See also “All Summer…” and °F 451#Asimov: I; Robot is the specific ref but also its sequel novels where you’d more expect real characters and not just fact lists also#Le Guin: Left Hand of Darkness specifically but also I just love her lmao#Weir: The Martian then Artemis then Project Hail Mary#Lowry: the only stuff of her’s I’ve read is The Giver Quartet but I was shocked how good it was upon revisiting. Damn. That’s pointed.#Muir: Gideon the Ninth and its sequels. They’re so good. Read them. You will be confused by book two. That’s on purpose. They’re so good.#Yes don’t come at me for my tag formatting; 140 chars isn’t a lot. You try getting all three Bradbury titles in there#Also the lack of commas is an issue#Anyways I would rec basically all of these if you like sci-fi save for SiaSL (haven’t read it) and all of the Ender’s Game/SftD spinoffs#Also if you do wanna read Card’s work pls get the books 2nd hand or from a library. Or via the 7 seas. His money goes to homophobia :(#But most of em are good and all of em are classics for a reason (save for Muir who really should be lmao)#Also also don’t come at me for including Weir; he’s one of the most popular sci-fi authors AND came up in the discussion that prompted this#As did everyone else except Muir because that one is actually just self indulgent.#I worked so hard to tag the first few things such that it would be clear there was an essay beneath the tag cut#Anyways tags for like actual categorization n such:#orson scott card#robert heinlein#ray bradbury#isaac asimov#ursula k. le guin#andy weir#lois lowry#tamsyn muir
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coopcoops · 1 year
trey pitching the role of dave the lighting guy to his boy best friend: so you have a mullet and an enthusiasm for life and you don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin' but you totally want to fuck my silly little self insert mormon oc who i just so happen to be playing :)
matt: bet
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aaaaaa-musical-trash · 4 months
i thought it was time for a new intro post!
(UPDATE I MADE A CARRD IT IS VERY PRETTY https://thesquips0ng.carrd.co/#)
hi, i’m allie
very very multifandom
feel free to tag me in reblog games/include me in ask games! i love those
DISCLAIMER: if you send me asks related to fundraising, i will not be able to donate to your cause, regardless of what it is and i won’t put it on my blog unless you are vetted, as i can’t be sure of validity
i have two sideblogs, @musical-spam and @songs-summarised
personal tags i use:
art: #aaaaaart
writing: #wriiiiiting
fic recs: #allie’s fic recssssss
asks: #allie answers askssssss
book posting: #allie reaaaaaads
non-fandom stuff: #allie is taaaaaalking
my interests change a lot but some things i’ll be eternally into are:
my musical obsessions are the fastest to come and go, but probably expect falsettos, be more chill, 35mm and a lot of others
along with the musical theatre obsession comes the mandatory 20+ hour playlist so here it is
-animated shows!
i love love love the owl house and dead end paranormal park!! also helluva boss and hazbin hotel, but more helluva than hazbin
-tv shows!
that’s it
-other things!
a rotating cast of video games, i don’t post about them much though
trying to get into fiction podcasts probably expect a bit of that, but DEFINITELY the penumbra podcast i love that shit
an occasional enjoyer of webtoons
other other things i love are PJO, HOO and TOA, greek mythology, books in general, ancient history and geology
and i write sometimes! i’m gonna put the links to my fics here now
the violet hour roleswap AU:
the penumbra podcast roleswap au:
edit: oh oh oh i just remembered to do this
so if you’ve seen @sondheim-girly’s intro post you can see that they have a list of their musicals
well i also have that but i never showed you guys so now here it is! this is basically a list of musicals i may make posts about, i will forget to update it
(in order of when i finished it)
The Greatest Showman
Into the Woods
Legally Blonde
Be More Chill
Mean Girls
Dear Evan Hansen
Les Miserables
The Lightning Thief: The Musical
Ride The Cyclone
Some Like It Hot
Little Shop of Horrors
Come From Away
Avenue Q
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Something Rotten!
We Are The Tigers
The Prom
Spring Awakening
35MM: A Musical Exhibition
A New Brain
Moulin Rouge!
The Violet Hour
Sweeney Todd
The Last Five Years
A Killer Party
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Merrily We Roll Along
Book of Mormon
& Juliet
The Sound of Music
School of Rock
In The Light
Hedwig And The Angry Inch
The Great Gatsby
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
A Chorus Line
A Commercial Jingle For Regina Comet
Anything Goes
The Phantom of the Opera
In the Heights
Bare: A Pop Opera
Mamma Mia!
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cordeliaflyte · 7 days
i was tagged by alia @nevergoesout to do this picrew and talk about my interests <3
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^ literally what i look like and dress like. the cat beside me is clara. real life clara for size.
hmmm my interests... i am very much interested in onomastics, which is the study of proper names. i am especially interested in given names. nothing delights me like when a country releases annual popularity lists of given names. there is nothing as exciting as seeing a name rise or plummet in popularity.
and the etymology of given names is so interesting to me too. like do you guys know about names invented in the ussr and used by communist parents.... like marlena used not as a contraction of maria magdalena but as a combination of marx and lenin. or damir, which, as well as being a distinct kazakh and tatar name with turkic or arabic roots was used as an acronym for a russian phrase meaning "bring on the world revolution"...
it is also very beautiful to me when unrelated or very distantly related languages and cultures end up having very similar sounding names. like soraya (persian) and sariah (mormon). or naomi which is used in hebrew and japanese but obviously has completely distinct etymologies. it fascinates me so much. and how certain names are introduced into certain cultures or how existing names are used to translate foreign names...
in the last year or so, i have gotten really into perfume. and as the weather is getting cooler, i stray from my refreshing loves like the below:
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(jardin exclusif by mancera + every storm a serenade by imaginary authors)
into warmer, more comforting, gourmand ones. i recently tried lune feline and i'm in love it's so perfect... and i just finished my sample of whiff of waffle cone so i am crying myself to sleep... it's sweet but also has a smoky, slightly burnt note that i love so much.
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(lune féline by atelier des ors + whiff of waffle cone by imaginary authors)
i have recently finished reading war and peace 🕊️ which was recommended to me by @lesbianaglaya and ADORED it. i will be thinking about prince andré forever. it's such a wonderful, rich, sumptuous book that i would recommend to everyone wholeheartedly.
aside from that i have been reading so much fiction recently and barely any nonfiction so i have decided to dive head-deep into sartre's being and nothingness. i am embarrassed to say i understand very little of it </3
tagging @lesbianaglaya @kendallroyvevo @rottingpetal @murderballadeer @divorcedwife @schalotte @twodoorsnotone 🦦🐇🪲🍄‍🟫🏔️🗻🪺☁️🍯🍮🗡️🪻🪆🐋
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fierceawakening · 6 months
You know, I said it already earlier, but I’m still really wondering how prison abolition IS supposed to work for rapists, anyway.
Like it seems like we’re agreeing that putting someone away in a box is an unjust punishment for not asking for consent. And that logic seems sound.
But when you actually study people who commit crime, whether it’s rape or abuse or whatever, you run into the problem of recidivism: someone did a bad thing, got caught, got imprisoned. How likely are they to do it again later?
Some people aren’t at all. If someone takes responsibility, or made a disastrous mistake, they’re highly likely not to repeat it.
But some people do bad things in part because they hold beliefs that allow for them.
Those of you who’ve followed me for a while likely know I’ve been closely following the Ruby Franke/Jodi Hildebrandt child abuse case. These were a wealthy Mormon momfluencer and a licensed therapist, both affluent and white. So not the sort of people who we usually think we’re saving with prison abolition really.
Anyway, they pleaded guilty to horrific child abuse. They basically got it into their heads that because the children acted defiant and wet the bed into adolescence (both likely responses to being abused imo), they needed to be abused severely and frequently until they stopped.
Anyone else see a flaw in that logic?
Anyway. The current buzz on this is about how long they should be in prison, and determining that will be based on whether the parole board thinks they’re likely to reoffend.
And I was watching a YT on this case by a forensic psychologist, just giving his take as an interested guy with relevant training. And he said that based on how long they’d abused the kids, what they’d said in the immediate aftermath of their arrests, and the whole elaborateness of the religious beliefs that justified it (essentially, a kid doesn’t pee and poop himself after a certain age unless a demon is making him do it), that he considered it very likely Ruby is CLAIMING remorse because she knows it’ll lighten her sentence, but very unlikely her beliefs have changed.
He didn’t say it was impossible they COULD change. He said he’d worked with offenders of various sorts and some do! But that it takes a lot of time, because the person has to be willing to look at, question, and rethink things that to them are fundamental, and that’s never easy and rarely fun.
(It took me YEARS to stop thinking all the things I’d been told by a high control group for example. It took time even once the group rejected me. That’s how invested I was.)
So back to prison abolition. You’ve got a rapist. He’s served his time. Or maybe he hasn’t. Maybe we’re just throwing the doors open because it’s about time.
How are you making sure he’s invested in a process that leads him to rethink how he understands sexuality and intimacy?
How do you keep people safe while he goes through that process?
If we really do recognize, as we very much should, that rapists are people, how do we give them space to change like people while keeping others safe?
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fagsex · 18 days
i really do think a lot of people here / violent fandom warriors in general would be a lot happier getting into football. imagine all the fun of getting into a war over high school anime boys, but with the luxury of being able to talk about it with virtually entirely normal people. you dont gotta know much to start with just one team you just need one team. theres 53 men on the roster already, thats 53 peopl- i mean characters you dont have to reddit the ages of and swear to jesus theyre actually 30000 years old before you horny post about. doesnt that sound fun. and they have character arcs and battles. diversity too! britain covey is mormon and the team still loves him. its like found family trope. and some of them get taken in from rivaling teams so like youve got enemies to friends to... the sky's the limit. you can still scare people off like you usually do, but now, they sell merch for you virtually anywhere from september to february. theres also gambling you guys love gambling ive seen the genshin impacted. theres crossover events with your friends teams every week! theres even a boss level: pretending last years superbowl winner doesnt sound, and act, and look, like an actual, literal, muppet.
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ha-youwish · 4 months
this video basically explains why i’ve been more visibly black lately on tumblr.
like tumblr is not only extremely white its also very liberal aka white people who say “sorry poc people for being white” (and yes i said poc people like that bc that’s literally what yall sound like. people of color people, really?)
i dont know how to explain it in a better way that he does in the video, so i’m gonna add on to what it says with something ive been thinking about.
at first i wanted to give people space or comfort them when they realized racism was bad or whatever. but also i am so tired and frustrated seeing white liberal people say the most obnoxious shit with their full chest like with the conversation about rap a little bit ago. AND every time my “learn how to draw black people or die” post gets more notes it becomes an exercise in self restraint
like i get the effort and on some level i appreciate it. but if the second i express my frustration with this whole “i’m so self aware that i dont have any awareness of this thing guys look at me give me points” thing and you get mad at me for that? you look goofy. you look dumb to me and every other black person on this site. idgaf if youre not white if you arent black and you pull this shit you have the same underlying mindset and should check yourself
dont be mad at me because i dont want to be your teacher. dont be mad at me because i dont want to aunt jemaima you into unlearning your biases. dont be mad because i dont want to hold the hand of a you being a little white baby
being black on this site feels like standing on a rocking chair. i feel unbalanced, like i can’t criticize people even when they fuck up because they not technically racist. do you know how much i have to hold back when a white person tells me about the time they “found out about racism”? youre so fucking lucky i want to strangle you but im not because youre a good person, because youre “listening and learning” and typing in all caps on the internet about how fucked up the world is
tumblr is what you get when theres a bunch of leftist white people in one space, a bunch of people who are aware of social issues but dont know how to not make shit about them and always take shit personally. you all sound like my ex roommate who grew up mormon but lived in the gay dorms with me. you sound like the soccer team i was on who heard me make a joke about my skin color and laughed so hard and paraded me around to tell the joke to everyone else at the party.
fuck this idk how to end this post. you guys just sound fucking stupid
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