#you do not get to be bald
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meidui · 8 months ago
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egophiliac · 9 months ago
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I feel like F/P/S was still a pretty weird one, even by Lance's standards.
sorry for (in an ironic twist) not doing much Ride Kamens art now that it's actually started; I've been pretty slow going through it and I feel weird posting about things I'm not caught up on! though I'm. definitely gonna have to set aside some time to actually get through episode 13, after what they posted today. (w-what did they do to my Leon) (NOBODY TELL ME I HAVE TO FIND OUT ON MY OWN) (LEOOOOOOOON)
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x1lema · 3 months ago
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Saitama 21
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witha-boxofscraps · 2 months ago
Walter Hartwell White makes me so inexplicably angry because oh my god at one point he’s like “Jesse. Do not call here. Do not come here. Do not contact me in any way ever when I am at home. Do not call when I’m at work. Do not come to my work. Do not contract me in any way ever when I am at work.” Which, you know, when they’re running a highly illegal meth lab, is a pretty valid ground rule to lay down.
But the next second he’s like “Jesse. Pick up the phone right now. You have nothing more important to be doing. I’m calling from my home. I’m coming to yours. I’m demanding your landlord gives me a spare key to let me in. I’m breaking down the door.”
One second he’s shouting “You’re a pathetic, useless junkie who can’t follow simple, rudimentary instructions.”
The next he’s like “Jesse. Jesse, listen to me. I am the only person in the world who understands what you’ve been through. The only person in the world who understands you. You can trust me, wholly and utterly. I am responsible for making sure you make Good Choices. I will save you from yourself. I call you son when I’m worried about you. I missed the birth of my daughter but I’m not as angry as I should be because I’m still worried about you. I called my own son your name by accident.”
And then the fucking next it’s like “I know where Pinkman is.” And he rats him out to be killed, only to let him be taken and tortured for 6 months by fucking neonazis.
And by that point, you think it’s over.
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giddlygoat · 4 months ago
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which could mean nothing
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theloveinc · 9 months ago
Togame Jo’s greeting kisses to you are always way too long.
The kind of affection that’s usually savored in private, instead displayed wherever, whenever, and every single time you see each other—he always takes two to three minutes just to kiss you hello, abandoning the task at hand (dozing off, attending to Choji, managing the Shishitoren) to mosey your way and pull your lips to his in something just a little too sloppy to be sweet, but a little too sweet to be… too distasteful.
Everyone’s used to it by now, even Sakura, knowing that when you arrive, there’s always a going to be a pause in action just for the sappy display of Togame drooping over you and announcing you to the crowd physically.
(What’s not readily exposed, however, and especially not in a room full of men, is that it’s not just a kiss Togame’s giving you, not just a hello that he hides behind his long bangs and your cheeks between his warm hands, but the kindest stare and sweetest little whisper, “missed you, baby,” as he wraps you up in his arms.)
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months ago
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
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Lego gay people ……..
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seriema · 1 year ago
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what wonderful sons you've got there, mr. geppetto!
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foundfamily-connoisseur · 4 months ago
Cramps are krampusing so uhhh my thoughts on these dudes as romantic partners and additional explanation cuz why not
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Explanation in order of chart
Doc Louis:
have you seen how much he cares for his boy? Absolutely doting and will always find a way to make time for you. Honestly the only thing you'd need to talk to him with is balancing time together as partners and his own time as Macs dad i mean coach
Piston Hondo:
super respectful and he seems very communicative and willing to talk about whatever issues you two may have in a relationship(although i doubt you'd have many). He's not as obsessed with his position in boxing as some of the other folks, which means of course he'll make time for you and would enjoy doing things you'd like to do(even if it isn't his personal cup of tea)
Don Flamenco:
He's a Spaniard. Love and romance is his whole thing if he sucks at that literally what is he here for. I think if there was an issue it'd be how petty he can be(less with you and more on personal vendettas/grudges with other folks), nothing serious tho
Bald Bull:
Ok ik he has anger issues and maybe it's the biases talking but he literally only gets mad when ppl are all up in his face. Only difference between him and me is I just start bawling when that happens lmao.
I think he's the only one with bigger problems in the "good partner" section but he gets higher up because if he isn't bombarded with the paparazzi he's literally chill. Nice sweet and domestic scene me thinks
Bear Hugger:
He would prolly rank higher but I feel he's the type to be a bit dense. Nothing enough to be a major problem but you gotta spell out some things to him sometimes lol. Maybe a bit more rowdy/"dirty" than preferred, but outside of that he's a 10/10
Disco Kid:
Just nothing remarkable tbh. For sure sweet and attentive but he might be coming home late from a party (and it really will just be him losing track of time but sometimes you gotta go 🤨 😒 and give him an earful). Only fault would be his overt friendliness that might lead to others thinking he's flirting and he doesn't get it till you pull him aside and tell him and he's like OHHHHHHHH my bad lol
Glass Joe:
I probs should've ranked him higher lmao idk why he's there. I think the only thing I could fault him on is his innate stubbornness cuz no way is that only staying in the ring. It isn't that he'll fight with you on everything but he has a few select things that are his way or the high way and it just he like that.
Von Kaiser:
Look at him. He is filled to the brim with issues. I feel like his PTSD or whatever we want to assume he has gets to him a fair bit. Again I doubt it'll ever escalate to violence but there are times where it really does affect his ability to communicate or do things. Its assuredly a talk you two need to have and something you need to understand getting into the relationship. Also please get him into therapy I think that'll help but he's 42 I don't think he believes in that.
Mr. Sandman:
he'd be a fine boyfriend for sure, maybe a bit stoic in public with the occasional discrete smile here or there, but his anger issues are so much worse chat. Like he clearly values his position as world champion that when he lost it he wrecked a BUILDING!!!!
Im not going to say anyone here would be violent towards you but that man might punch walls or some shit. More than likely just absolutely obliterate his punching bag. His obsession might cause issues in your relationship that could lead to neglect on his behalf. You are for sure fighting with him on talking it out but he's sweet outside of that. If I had to move him he might teeter onto the rank below but the others are just worse so he gets saved there i suppose.
Great Tiger:
He just seems full of himself. Not as bad as SMM but enough that you'd argue with him from time to time. I feel like he'd use his clones to play silly pranks and they're fine until one day he does it when you're super tense and you end up yelling at him. His biggest sin is just not understanding what's funny to him could be annoying to you. It might take an outburst to set him straight than a one to one talk, though
Super Macho Man:
Does he treat the women he's with well? Yeah of course! At least when it comes to spending dough on them. He doesn't seem like the type to want a relationship in the first place, and if he does it's very brief since he's always looking for someone hotter than the last(or whoever is the most eager). If there is a genuine relationship, he thinks that gifts can supplement any other aspect to a relationship beyond showing you off, and would get mad that you ask him for a little quality time once in a while(like shut up he literally bought you a Porsche what more could you want????)
Also I'm going to be so real here if he doesn't think you're up to snuff looks wise he's going to be a bit of an ass. Mostly it's just him being more willing to push you aside for events and stuff because he considers you to be "lucky" that he's even sparing a minute of his time with you. Then surprised Pikachu face when you leave
Aran Ryan:
Who started this list I'm sorry chat but his ass is NOT ready for a relationship. What you get from this man is an emotionally stunted mess who can't process his own emotions beyond anger, much less yours. He either is dismissive of you at best or if he loves you completely still sucks because he doesn't know how to deal with those kinds of feelings.
He'd be possessive but not in the cute way; someone can look at you for a moment too long and he's bashing their skull in. Like it can even get to the point where he's iffy about any male friendships as a result.
Additionally that man can't process emotions for the life of him. I just feel like if he's sad he's the type to suppress it and ignore it via boxing or literally anything else until it catches up with him years later. As a result, you can literally tell him your grandpa died and he'd be like "damn" and go on with his day. Of course he feels absolutely fucking horrible for you but he assumes that his way of dealing with his problems is the way you should do it since ignoring problems = problems don't exist anymore.
Obviously, this does not work and you just end up fighting/crying. Genuinely he just doesn't seem ready for any kind of relationship and I don't think he thinks therapy is real or is the type to say it's for sissys or something.
On that note he's got a bit of misogyny to him(his quotes are not slay girlbosses) that are only not worse because his sister beats him straight.
Would he cheat? Eh. If it started off as a hook up or something than I just think he'd forget he's even in a relationship tbh. If he's actually in love absolutely not he's got standards sometimes
Soda Popinski:
I flip back and forth on where I'd place him because he seems fine overall, but of course it's his vice that does him in. It's more of a matter on how much you think his soda vice impacts his life, especially with Title Defense mode where he's super serumed with it. He's absolutely coming back home every day sloshed and you can only put up with that for so long. It's a balance act of his good character outside of his vice and the vice itself.
Donkey Kong: that is a gorilla. Ideally no one wants to date said gorilla.
Little Mac: he's aromantic to me chat he signed it to me himself.
yeah nothing remarkable to him. At most yall are going to argue about how much money he spends on food but tbf you knew what to expect in this relationship idk why you're so surprised.
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kissingagrumpygiant · 4 months ago
solas and morrigan can be so personal. to me
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msue0027 · 5 months ago
let's talk about Charles i-want-to-snog-a-man-on-a-killing-spree Xavier
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kataracy · 8 months ago
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Kataang Week 2024 DAY 1 // Cultural Sharing
“I’m nervous. Am I doing okay?”
“You’re doing amazing Sweetie.”
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youhavethesun · 3 months ago
criminal we didn’t see abed watching the x files in community because I know wholeheartedly he would LOVE fox mulder.
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parisoonic · 2 years ago
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sunday shitpost
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1-up-chump · 13 days ago
Sitting here kinda mad at the idea that people are more willing to forgive magneto for his problems and wave off the really atrocious things as bad writing. But not do the same to Xavier like... is it really that easy to think that, when someone is given expectations and fail to meet them its harder to forgive than someone who made mistakes but atone? Its not an either or its both unfair to shit on someone who's made mistakes but wants to atone regardless of the standing.
No one talks about the bad writing with charles that they fumble his "complexity" either way in that when he does bad shit he either never atones and its shown as a "good" thing OR a "bad" thing and either way villainize him. Rather than actually do something with that and actually HAVE him make amends and evolve without him fucking DYING. ALL. THE. TIME
Have a moment in an x-men story where they're like "no. No more martyrs, dying is overrated and you're gonna fucking FIX your own messes and take the long way around to do it right this time. And you'll fumble and inevitably make more mistakes but you TRY to be better and actually DO it. What little you can."
If you can like, do that crap with magneto then you can do it with professor x
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