#you can unfollow if you want it's fine. i am allowed to say things on my own blog sorry if that makes you uncomfortable ig
ruvviks · 3 months
I’m not even a person who engaged with that post this is just such a wild reaction 😭 picrew reblog chains are so common and nothing in your post indicates that’s like, overstepping a boundary
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
As we all engage with the Egg arc on QSMP, I know we're all having a fun time talking about how emotionally devastating it all is, but I have seen some concerning takes about this, so I want to also reiterate that it is fiction. It's not real.
You can have real emotions about fiction (talk to any D&D player whos run a long campaign about this), but it is essentially fake, it is something you can box up and put away. And if you think you can't tell the difference between a fictional roleplay and real life child death, you need to step away.
Cause like, I have been seeing people comparing egg deaths to real life tragedies, and like. Guys. That's just offensively disrespectful. I do not want Chayanne to die. I'm team "storm heaven and get all the eggs back". I want the happy dragon ending. I have also had real life children die in my life and equating a pixel egg despawning to that makes me actually mad. We can have fun with it but this is fiction and you need to be clear to yourself that it is fiction. The QSMP admins are not "responsible to give you a happy ending" because it is essentially not real, they are ethically responsible for how they treat people in the real world (the players and the admins) not for what happens in the story they are telling.
There are two aspects of this that are important. The first is the most basic. Fiction is not real. It's lies we tell ourselves recreationally. No real people were harmed. No one actually died. The egg's admins are fine and now playing league of legends on stream. You can have real emotions about fiction, but you can also take comfort in the fact that the bad thing didn't actually happen. This allows you to engage with topics that you would never want to happen in real life (horror media, for example), in an entertaining way. Fiction is a safe spot to explore really concerning topics, whether that's something you're afraid of, something that has happened to you, or something that you'd never want to see happen in real life but it scratches that brain itch. And that isn't intended to say that you have to be comfortable with every topic in fiction. Suicide themes even in fiction are too close to real life for me, so I stay away from them. You get to set your own comfort levels with what fiction you're comfortable with. And that leads into my second point. The essense of fiction is that you are opting into it. Except in vanishingly rare cases, if you are engaging with something fictional, you are giving ongoing consent to engaging with the story by continuing to watch/read/listen to it. At any point you can tap out and step away, back into real life. You have the power to control your experience and say "yes I am watching this" or "no I do not want to engage with this actually". You can take the headphones off. You are an active player in how you deal with the fictional story, and if it gets too much for you, you get to step away. You get to write fanfiction and it is just as real as the original. If someone is dying in real life, no amount of blocked terms and telling your friends not to discuss it is going to keep it from happening. It is inescapable. It happens to you, it is enacted on you, you are a passive figure and you have no control. The only thing you have a control over is how you react to it, and this is why a huge element of grief is the powerlessness.
You have power over fiction. You can opt out of it. And if you can't tell the difference between a fake story and real events, a) you need to do work on that, because there is a lot of really upsetting content in fiction that is going to fuck you up, b) you need to step away from the fake story that is doing harm to you, and use that power that fiction gives you to opt out of it. Block terms. Unfollow people. Go do something in real life. Fiction is not real.
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damnfandomproblems · 14 days
This isn't a submission, it's a response to the ongoing mental health blog discussion.
Hey, so I'm a roleplayer who has considered making a side-blog for my mental health journey. I'm 33 years old and for a long time I didn't know what was wrong with me, until the beginning of this year, when I finally started seeing mental health professionals. I'm currently seeing two. For me it is a relief to finally be able to put a word to how I've been feeling for such a long time. Which has prompted me to want to talk about it, as I'm unraveling the mystery and am figuring out why I feel, think, and do what I do.
I have posted about it on my roleplay blog, tagged it so people could blacklist it if needed and put it under a read more so no one would have to look at it if they didn't want to and folks still have gotten upset with me and have even blocked me and unfollowed, too, which is fine, people have to do what they need to in order to feel comfortable on their own blogs, however, this is also why I have considered making a side-blog too, so no one on my main blog would have to see it all of the time.
People may think that I'm just talking about this sort of thing for attention, but I'm not. Some people will never understand what it's like to be crippled by mental illness for years and then finally feeling the sweet relief and freedom of knowing something can be done for it and there is a chance for getting better. In fact writing about it is often encouraged by therapists. Another thing, too, I'm not really allowed to speak about my mental illness to family and friends because it would damage quite a few familial relationships if I did, so it's not like I can write something up on Facebook and openly talk about it there. It just feels safer to talk about it on Tumblr where it won't get back to my family and friends.
Furthermore, I also know that there are other people out there that were/are like me. They know something is wrong but they don't have a word to describe what's wrong, and I have some hope that they will be able to hear what I have to say and that it might encourage them to go get the help that they need, rather than waiting 33 years like I did. I always think back to how I could have gotten help sooner and I just don't want others to make the mistakes that I did.
I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from in this discussion. Tumblr may truly be someone's only safe outlet... so some of you needs to stop jumping to conclusions about everything being for attention.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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soaringwide · 26 days
Hello, Soaringwide, how are you?
I just saw your Get to know your tarot reader - ask game. The questions are really interesting so I want to ask a few questions (I actually want to know your answers to all the questions 😆)
✒️ What’s a quote that sums up your philosophy?
🐦‍🔥 What’s a belief you once held that you no longer do?
🦅 What does personal growth mean to you, and how do you pursue it?
Have a nice day, and thank you for all the insightful PACs and tarot posts 💐
Hello :D
Doing okay today, it's 6 am and I'm about to go to work, and you? :)
Haha feel free to post as well (haven't checked if you did but I will) so I can ask a few too! thank you for your questions :D
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✒️ What’s a quote that sums up your philosophy?
I'm a massive fan of everything from Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet, but I've also been obsessed with Rimbaud's work every since I was a teenager. So, hard to pick but I'd say I keep coming back to this one:
“The poet makes himself a seer through a long, immense reasoned deranging of all his senses. All the forms of love, of suffering, of madness; he tries to find himself, he exhausts in himself all the poisons, to keep only their quintessences.” - Rimbaud
Idk there is something about embracing the chaos with all your senses and diving within you that I find extremely inspiring in Rimbaud's writings, and validating in a way, because it explains what animates me in life and explains why it seems I always look for intensity in everything...
🐦‍🔥 What’s a belief you once held that you no longer do?
There was a dark time in my life, the year leading up to the plague, where I was a bit too obsessed with a niche new age youtuber, some type of small scale online guru that i started listening because i thought she gave me spiritual insight on my life; which ended up confusing me and leading me astray more than anything.
Ever since I have a big dislike for anything starseed and magical alien related, because the whole thing left me a sour taste and comes with rotten ideas of like ''everything is meant to happen and will always be fine, you're destined for success if you just manifest it well enough, there is nothing but light, YOU are just so sPeCiAL, all your symptoms are proofs that you are ascending and everyone who doesn't believe that is in the matrix or whatever, ...", there is no critical thinking allowed and so many things that didn't fit with my world view that I was silencing because what she was saying was making me feel good in the moment.
Idk I just LOATH how that movement targets vulnerable people at the worst time for them to give them false hope and derail their real potential for recovery by masking everything with a collective lie that serves no good except making whoever is spewing them richer and more powerful.
What made me snap out of it is when covid started early 2020 and she (of course) started spewing conspiracy theories about what was happening, of the like of ''the earth is purging itself to ascend, you have nothing to worry about you will not get sick... and also it was made by the chinese...'', and I was like, this is getting weird I'm out. So I just unfollowed and never went back to that...
🦅 What does personal growth mean to you, and how do you pursue it?
As a 31 yo, I truly believe that while you can't do much about your body aging (yes cosmetically you can, but it won't stop you from dying at some point), you absolutely can do something about your Heart.
There is something I noticed in people who let bitterness take a hold of their Heart (which can happen at any time but gets worse as you get older), and it's that it changes you, and I think you lose something here. You're no longer longing for the future, looking ahead and hoping to make a change in the world and in your own life. You're just defeated and looking at everything pessimistically, judging the youth for being too this or too that. You lose the spark, the passion and the ability to dream the future. Life becomes that heavy routine that has lost all magic.
So at this point, personal growth means never to lose sight of that, and how I pursue it is to always have something going on within me that pushes me forward, a dream to hold on, a passion to cherish, for that keeps my Heart young while I accumulate wisdom in the right places and age without losing myself.
But yeah, it's difficult and some days I can't do it so well, but I'm determined and it's like, the goal of my life I'd say.
ask me a question from here
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genericdragon · 7 months
Hello! Since my art and designs seem to be getting more attention recently(??????) and stuff like this has come up a few times, I thought I'd lay down some ground rules about my art and characters.
Art Rules:
Generally if you want to use my art anywhere PLEASE ASK ME FIRST!!! I'll most likely say yes I just want to know about it. If you're reposting it on a different platform or sharing it on Discord or whatever I'd also appreciate if you could tell me what other people are saying about it or send me a link to the post. Also free to use as pfps or whatever as long as you ask first. and unless I say otherwise (there are some things I don't want my name attached to yknow) ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO CREDIT ME!!! ("genericdragon on Tumblr" will suffice). If it's art that I made specifically for you you're free to use it anywhere without asking just remember to credit me.
Please don't edit my art in any way, shape, or form, aside from maybe cutting out the background or whatever. (including drawing on top of it, changing colors, etc)
You're allowed to trace/heavily reference my art for practice (don't know why you'd want to tho) but DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE OR USE IT FOR ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE.
Unless we're very close friends/mutuals do not expect free art from me. You can commission me on artistree or follow me on artfight (<- you are VERY likely to get free art this way.) I might do requests but only if it's something that I'd want to draw even if no one requested it. (no fetish baiting. I know it when I see it.)
Character rules:
If you want to use my exact humanization as your headcanon for that character or use them in your AU then be my guest! Again, just make sure to credit me for the design, and please tag me in anything you do with them :)
That being said, there are a few story related things that I'm not comfortable sharing with other AUs, but it's usually stuff that I don't post on Tumblr so you probably don't know abt it anyway. Just ask me if you're unsure. However I will also ask that you don't create an entirely new backstory for them if you're putting them in your own AU.
I can't stop you from taking inspiration from my designs but please don't just change a few things from my design and call it your own. They're not technically my original characters but I am still very attached to my humanizations and I'm not comfortable with them being modified like that. I'm glad that ppl like my designs but I don't want them to run too far away from me until they're not mine anymore yknow?
You are always always ALWAYS welcome to draw my character designs, especially when interacting with your own or other people's :) Tag me in any art you make of them!! I want to see it!!!
I made another post about it but self-shipping is allowed (as long as it's not a teenager who's way younger than you) just make sure to abide by the rest of these rules.
Also drawing nsfw of my 18+ characters is fine. (Unless I explicitly say they're a teenager or they are known to be a teenager in canon you can assume they're an adult) You can show me or not idc. Just don't send it to me without warning I don't wanna be jumpscared
Other Stuff:
I do not control the hyperfixation. If you followed me for one specific fandom/character that I don't post about often I can't guarantee that you'll see any more of it. Portal is the one thing you can ALWAYS expect me to come back to but the other stuff just comes and goes. Not saying that I'll NEVER come back to it again just don't hold your breath. Feel free to unfollow or block any tags you're not interested in, I don't take any offense to it.
Please do not reblog any art older than like... 3 or 4 years. I'll leave it up for now but if you reblog it I WILL delete it, sorry.
Continuing from that point, this is my blog and I will delete things as I see fit. Please do not download and repost my art if I delete it. If it's gone then I don't want it to be public anymore, please respect my wishes.
I won't throw a hissy fit if you like art but don't reblog it, I totally get that some things just aren't for everyone, but reblogging really does help a lot and I appreciate it :)
Please don't feel intimidated by me! Apparently some people think of me as a Big Scary Popular Artist and I have no idea where that impression came from but I'm not. I'm just a weirdo girl making my silly little drawings. Also PLEASE don't say anything to the effect of "your art is so good it makes me feel bad" or using my art to put yourself down. I have Kind Of Complicated feelings about my art so when people do this it really messes me up. Just don't, it makes both of us feel so much worse.
Asks are always welcome, although I do try to draw art in response to asks but sometimes I just don't get around to it, or it's for a fandom I'm not currently interested in. (Sorry to that one person who sent me an INSIDE related ask that's just been sitting in my inbox for several months)
I do have an nsfw blog, you can dm me for the url, although I may choose to withhold it from you for any reason. (I'm shy 👉👈)
Other than that just uhhhhh be reasonable treat me like a person respect my boundaries etc. I'll update this if needed but this is the most important stuff for now I think
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ikamigami · 5 months
Idk if it'll mean anything coming from me, especially since I'm anonymously sending this, but I followed your blog for a while and I noticed recently that your mental health has begun to spiral the more you interact with the TSAMS fandom.
You might get mad or feel attacked, but I'm saying this out of concern, even if I'm a fellow internet stranger. I see you taking criticisms other people have for the show and interpreting it as a personal attack against you. Yes, this show is important, especially to you, it seems. I know what it feels like to be attached to a character you deeply connect with and get frustrated when their issues are overlooked or not treated seriously. But at the end of the day, it is a show.
I'm not your parent, so it's not like I can control what you do, but the tsams-confessions blog only seems to make you even more upset. I think you should take a step back from everything, block that blog for your own mental health, and allow yourself a moment to breathe. I'm not saying to stop watching tsams, but maybe unfollow the tags on tumblr (I know I had to for my own sake lol) and just enjoy the show alone and with your friends. That's my suggestion
Again, I am sending this out of concern. It doesn't seem like you're enjoying the show anymore, it's only causing you increase distress, especially the more you interact with the fandom. I hope if you do take my advice, you'll be able to return to the fandom space if you wish to do so after some time with a clearer head and be able to enjoy things again. I know you struggle a lot with mental health, and it's likely you don't see what is happening to you.
Take care of yourself. I don't know you, you're just words on my screen, but I still worry for you and hope to see you happy <3
Thank you so much for this beautiful message, dear anon 💗
You're absolutely right that I should distance myself from sams fandom. It helped a lot when I distanced myself from mha (my hero academia) fandom.
I'm taking others' criticism as personal attack mainly because of my paranoia. Whenever someone is saying something negative and it's related to something I was talking about I catch myself on immediately relating this to myself. That people are talking badly about me. I know that it's not the case every time.. but it's hard to not think like that when I see people saying something related to topic about Sun being suicidal.. Topic that I'm mainly talking about..
I just wanted to share my experiences alongside talking about show. I thought that people wouldn't have problem with that. But it turned out that they do.
The thing is that I'm blocked by tsams confessions blog. I'm getting the feedback from one of my friends. They're sharing what is upsetting them.
Which also makes me upset and on top of that there's also the fact that there are others who relate to Sun and his mental issues and they are the ones who are sending anonymous confessions pouring their hearts there saying their frustrations about the fact that others dimiss Sun's problems..
Someone even said that they were also ignored the same way Sun was.. and seeing later that people say that we want Sun to suffer to prove ourselves to be right is awful..
I was talking to one of my friends @magrigano ... They're deactivated now.. They are most definitely depressed themselves.. They often expressed how much they're upset about people not seeing that Sun is depressed.. They also relate to Sun a lot..
I'm worried about them because they deactivated and I don't have any contact with them beside Tumblr..
I'm scared that they took what people are saying to their heart..
I hope that they're fine but it concerns me that they deactivated..
If you or anyone else know @magrigano please check what's happening with them..
They often liked my posts and commented on them.. I think that they felt understood..
I know that this is just a show.. but fans are real people and this fandom treats people who are concerned about Sun (because they relate to Sun and his mental issues) awfully..
They don't seem to realize or maybe they just don't care that they words are hurting real people..
For me these people seem as if they want to be right. They want their headcanons to turn out to be true.
That anon I was talking about last time for example said that just because we're worried about Sun it means that we wishes him to be harmed to prove ourselves right and it's yikes.. but that's not true.. these words are very harmful because this is just assumption made by a stranger.. this person doesn't even know any of us and yet they don't seem to have a problem with making things up..
When it really isn't about who is right or wrong or what is canon and what isn't..
It's about letting others be. Why people can't let others relate to Sun and be worried about him?
I think that people like that anon likes to always be right. They think that they're superior than others. I'm making assumptions now, I know. But this is exactly how this anon comes across with what they're saying.
Because at the end of the day it's more than just angst and headcanons etc. Because people who relate to Sun and his mental issues are real. People who are worried about Sun are real.
Maybe my posts were only fuelling everything more.. but like I said I'm not the one who is sending those confessions about Sun - those ones who seem concerned about him and being upset with how fandom treats Sun's fans..
And it makes me worried.. because it's not only me.. if it was just me I wouldn't be that much upset.. but now one of my friends deactivated and I don't know what's happening with them..
I'm appreciate your concern and kind words, dear anon 💗
I just wish that this fandom wouldn't attack people who struggle with mental issues just because they want to be right.
Also it's important to note that not every person deals with mental issues the same way because everyone is different and also there are a lot more mental issues/disorders beside the more popular one. Let's take depression for example.
People think that when you're depressed it's obvious because you look sad and you sit in dark room and cry a lot.. but that's not true. Many people have atypical depression or they have high functioning depression.
People should learn more about mental health to not harm others with what they say.. or they should just simply not talk about mental health if they don't want to learn more about it..
It's not that people only ignore Sun's mental issues.. because with how they words things it comes off that they're dismissive of mental issues of real people who relate to Sun.. with how they say things carelessly, they hurt real people..
That's why I'm worried. It's not only about me. More people say that they relate to Sun and it hurts them as well..
I just wanted to be a voice for them.. I wanted to help for our struggles to not be ignored..
I think that it'd be enough if people just let us be. If they let us be concerned about Sun. If they let us relate to Sun.
But some people are just awfully mean and don't care if they hurt someone because they are right.
Also it's hard for me to just stop watching the show because it helped me realize so much about myself.. and I want to know how Sun's plot will resolve because I relate to him and because thanks to him and obviously Davis and EC.. I could finally connect the broken pieces of myself.. because when I'm looking at Sun I see a reflection of myself.. He not only deals with similar mental issues to me but he also has the same character/personality. His short temper and sometimes mean comments or his horniness it's all the same.. I just feel like I'm looking at slightly different version of me.. because his life is worse than mine ever was..
I often catch myself on saying that I wouldn't be as nice as Sun in some situations.. or I don't know if I would survive as long as him in his situation..
I think that he's strong but having your issues ignored is awful also if you struggle with depression or any mental disorder that others seem to not see..
Thank you for your advice, dear anon 💗
I think that I'll try to stick to just watching show and talking only to my friends.
I'm still worried about others who relate to Sun especially my friend @magrigano.. I hope that they're alright 🥺
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showmey0urfangs · 11 months
Alright Toni, since you decided to get on this public platform and start insulting me and dragging my name in the mud, seemingly out of the blue then fine, I'll bite and give you the attention you crave.
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For reference, this is the post they are referring to, that I made back in September, criticizing the gross implication that Louis enjoys being subjected to racism and being emasculated by white men. A post in which btw I did not even mention your name.
And this was the other post I made some time before that, expressing my dislike for the prevalence of what I consider to be harmful racist and homophobic tropes in this fandom—which earned me a series of hateful comments and anonymous messages, no doubt coming from all those lovely people in your comments who are calling me names and accusing me of all sorts of things simply for daring to disagree with the great Masterletters.
Well, newsflash Buddy being black does not place you above criticism when you say some dumbass racist shit. Nor does it give you the right to bully and harass other fans for expressing opinions you don't like.
I will reiterate the same thing I said a month ago: Me expressing my opinions on my own blog, in posts that I usually don't even tag, is not me policing other writers.
I am allowed to say that I dislike certain tropes and find the way they are written in this particular fandom—especially when it comes to Louis—homophobic, dehumanizing and racist. That is my opinion and you're more than free to disagree with it.
I don't comment on any of your fics, nor do I come onto your account or in your inbox to tell you what to write. And I have never attacked other fans anonymously. When I have something to say I will always do so from my own account. Hiding behind vague posts and anonymous hate messages is you and your friend's MO, not mine.
Since you all seem so convinced you're the bestest writers in this fandom and your interpretation of these characters is the only correct one, then great. Keep doing you! After all, I'm just a talentless nobody who is sooo jealous of your brilliant writing skills, so why do you even care so much about what I think? Why are you so obsessed with me to the point of continuing to stalk me and talk about me even long after I've blocked you?
It's always funny to me that you and your friends want to act like the moral authorities in this fandom, harassing and bullying other writers to the point that several of you got banned from discord servers and are blocked by half of the people on here for the nasty way you behave, and yet you still fail to see the irony of you perpetrating the same racist and harmful tropes in your own writing you claim to denounce. And you certainly seem to have no issue targeting any other black fans who dare to disagree with your very narrow interpretation of these FICTIONAL characters. You think it feels "off" that I called you 'kang' and yet it's okay for you and your friends to call me and other black fans coons, race traitors and other derogatory racial slurs?
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As you said so yourself, I have never interacted with you and as a matter of fact, I have most of your little group blocked, both on here and on any other platform, and carefully avoid any and all interactions with any of you. So I would appreciate it if you keep my name out of your fucking mouth!
And this is my PSA to everyone who liked that post, is friends with any of these people and/or endorses the way they behave towards other fans: please kindly unfollow me and refrain from interacting with any of my content in the future!
I come here to have fun and enjoy my silly little gay vampire show, and I always try to remain civil and have open discussions with everyone, even with people I strongly disagree with. But when someone decides to fuck with me and thinks they can intimidate me or silence me with cheap high school mean girl tactics, I will meet them with the same energy!
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I just wanted to say that I'm unfollowing you. You speak of self love and femininity and love for your body if you really loved your body even just one bit, you wouldn't stuff yourself like a trash can so that you look like you’ve been stung by thousands bees. Self-love begins with self-respect and you obviously don't have that how else could you do that to your organs, your bones you know that all your organs faten even your brain, it's almost funny that you just think you can present self-love and femininity if the only thing you present is is MC Donalds then you are also outraged when you get comments that people don’t want to see your naked fat body and you force them to see you as beautiful my tip self-love begins with respect stand in front of a mirror and first recognize who you are
At first I wanted to ignore you, since some things are just not worth the time and attention, but then I realised people like you are exactly the reason why I do what I do.
Surely you must have thought you were invited into a world of clichéd photoshopped Astrology babes, but that is not who I am or want to be. I live to trigger people like you.
There are so many women out there, feeling bad about themselves. Of different sizes, with different problems. What if I was a burn victim, or was battling a serious disease? Should I hide, or should anyone else hide because of that too?
Our bodies change and reflect what is happening to us in our lives. Mine bears the mark of many years of abuse I suffered. Depression and suffering can make people drastically put on or lose weight, and what you should worry about is their well being, nothing else. There was a time I suffered in a different way, and looked androgynous because of it, had a completely different form. Was I happier? I barely looked my gender, I was medicated. Hardly. Being comfortable in my skin as a woman was a process and a discovery for me. One that I cherish. It's something I fought for and won on my own, and quite frankly your stupidity and short sightedness can't take that away from me. I'm happy about every curve. One day life may take me to a different place again, I never know. I'm sure I will have a reason for that too.
Our bodies tell a story. They show what we have been through and who we are. The modern standard of beauty only allows women who are demure in a particular way. It's like having all trees only allowed to grow a certain way. But the world is diverse, and that's just not the reality of things.
My goal is to show one shouldn't be ashamed of themselves just because they bear the mark of the difficult things life put them through. So many people are ashamed, to the point they don't want to leave the house. My body bears the mark of exhaustion. Of having little to no means to care for myself, and absolutely everyone being against me just because it was more convenient for them. It is not going to look chiselled and polished. If I was a garden, I would be one that has no gardener and has broken branches after it suffered from years of a constant hailstorm. That is naturally going to show. And I'm not going to pretend otherwise. I'm not going to be silenced into pretending I was fine my whole life, even with my life improving. Because that would be supporting my abusers, who tried to silence me, just so that they can be comfortable and get away with things.
People go through things, and that affects what they do. My personal pet peeve is seeing people who did a lot of plastic surgery, but honestly, I don't really go out of my way to judge them. Because they also cover their scars with it. I don't know their story. Sometimes life is just so bad you don't want to be who you were before anymore, and it makes people go to drastic means, to change that.
You have no right to make any assumptions about how I lived my life, and what you said is complete bs. I was raised in Poland, where food is healthy and organic. And laughing at people who eat fast food can make you double cruel, when you realise some people in the United States, where I live now, simply have nothing else left to eat, as prices of healthy food here can be punishing, and they're forced to substitute on fast food. It's not how I live my life, but some people have it worse than I do. They are homeless and struggling, some of them resort to drugs out of despair. Watch your mouth before you insult someone like that.
I detest the hypocrisy that is put on food enjoyment. If a skinny girl enjoys fast food, she's "a hot girl enjoying herself" or worse she hears "give her another burger, she needs to eat more" which honestly is just as bad as your cruelty towards me. I always felt sorry for those women, who simply can't help their genetic disposition.
Life exists to be enjoyed. Food exists to be enjoyed. Historically, on certain holidays throughout the year, people used to do rituals related to the blood of animals and stuff themselves. Now, society has stigmatised it...so people are doing the same thing, ashamed, lonely and unhappy, getting sick inside their houses. People don't acknowledge the animalistic part of themselves. They're afraid to admit they don't want to just eat work have polite relationships and sleep. There is a part inside every human that wants to gorge on life. It wants to devour, fuck, ravage, pillage and burst through. I love these parts of myself together with all the other ones. Can you say the same for yourself?
People who don't love themselves to the core suffer physical ailments. Caring for your organs means acknowledging your mental and emotional state also has an effect on them. I personally know best the number one enemy of organ health is stress and hardship, because then you can't properly process even lighter foods. Repression is not anyone's friend. There used to be a worldwide culture about celebrating that. Now, people don't acknowledge it. It is absolutely my goal to talk about it and expose this part of human nature, as equally worthy to everything else.
The only right thing to ask people whose bodies have changed one way or another is if they're unhappy or why. It's to inquire what is happening inside them. Because that is the root of anything you see happening externally.
It is people like you that made me feel self hate for the longest time, for the fact that I was carrying things that were so punishing on me. I am not innocent or inexperienced, or untouched anymore. But now I take it as a badge of honor. I have the courage you never will. I feel sorry for you and your narrow mindedness. Someone must have hurt you once upon a time. Take your assumptions about me or people who are coming to my space, trying to heal, with you, on your way out the door.
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synechd0che · 2 years
I think my final thesis on this is that there are going to be people you don't want to interact with, or don't want to interact past a certain boundary of familiarity. That is perfectly fine. I think it's hard to acknowledge a parallel truth: that the internet is public and people are going to see your posts, follow your blog, and maybe even send you messages. Because a wealth of information (posts, pictures, ramblings) is available on someone's blog, it's really easy to compress the natural timeline for building a friendship.
I am guilty of this sometimes. "Oh someone followed me, and they blog about things that interest me, I'll follow them too and we'll be mutuals." That really tells me nothing about them as a person, other than the things I can find in their recent archive and tag word searches. I may later realize they post things that trigger me and unfollow them later. I may realize they're unkind, and block them. I may realize I'm fine with their content but they appear to be a minor so I won't dm them or converse on certain topics.
There are different levels to what sort of interaction people are comfortable with, and different people are sorted into different levels depending on their characteristics/behaviors.
In an offline relationship, some of this information would be immediately apparent upon meeting (general age, for example). Other things, you would never expect someone to tell you right off the bat (their sexuality, if they're stealth trans or closeted trans, their disability status, their faith).
We take for granted the fact that as you become friends with someone offline, they may warm up to you and tell you more detail about themselves. This gradual sharing of information allows you to decide where you would like to place your boundaries for interaction with this person. Online, we assume that this information should be available immediately to contextualize even the barest interaction. We take for granted the fact that this is not information you would ask for in public, because we can see so much other information about them immediately.
The difference between online and offline interaction is that online, you're sharing your blog with a wide array of strangers, and you're going to have to get accustomed to the idea that not everyone that sees your blog is someone you want to be best friends with or have close conversations with. I only share sensitive information with people I trust, and that is normal offline. The anonymity of the online world makes it seem like it's low stakes to share this information freely because these strangers aren't your family/boss/best friend. However, plenty of people are capable of using that information to be unkind.
I think it's ultimately useless to expect someone to disclose personal information for the privilege of merely seeing your blog, not least because people can just lie. I think it's far more productive to say things like "I blog about X, I'd prefer Z people only look/don't reblog/don't message directly." This sets a clearer personal boundary for you, and puts the onus on the other person to respect your boundaries.
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Jesus saved my life as He would yours so I would appreciate it if you didn’t insult The One who loves the most.
Insulting Him is like having a very loving and caring person as your friend and abusing them for being nothing but good to you. Yet despite what you do to that friend they still love you, they never bully you back and only want what’s best for you… even if you’re too blinded by your pride to believe it. There are times when my actions and words insult Him indirectly just to please others, but I refuse to take pride in it. When it happens anyway, repent.
Many have eyes to see but refuse to believe, many have ears to listen but refuse to understand. And though we all have hearts to love, we give it to someone who doesn’t love us unconditionally.
Name someone who was open enough to teach the religious people who abused, tortured and killed Him. Jesus. Name someone who teaches others to do good, live holy lives, and actually practice what they teach without fail? Jesus. Name someone who forgave those who abused them. Jesus. Name someone who prayed for their enemies rather than curse them publicly for the sake of everyone’s approval. Jesus. Name someone who helped the poor, ill and weak while the whole world shamed and ignored their cries for help. Jesus. Name someone who would help their enemies who asked for it. Jesus. There was no catch to this kind of love, and there was no pride. That is how you love unconditionally.
You can brag about doing one or two good things in life but Jesus has done them all and He NEVER bragged about any of it. He didn’t make fun of evil, he REBUKED it. He didn’t shame sinners when they asked for His help, He SAVED US. And in His human life, He thanked His Father for it all. Only God can love us that way. Only Jesus can do that, and He’s waiting for us to seek Him. God is love. That is the truth.
The world hated Jesus then and it hates Him now more than ever. But no matter what we say or do, whether we are for Him or against Him know this: Jesus loves us. ❤️
He gave us the gift of forgiveness and salvation but He also gave us free will. We always have a choice when we fall ill: either seek healing or accept it and allow the disease to spread. We always have a choice when we face temptation: either seek proper guidance or allow ourselves to be deceived into thinking there’s nothing wrong with it. We always have a choice on who to believe: liars who tell us what we want to hear or the humble who speak painful truths.
We were given free will, so It’s time we learn how to be wise enough to use it.
If you want to unfollow me fine, if you want to abuse me fine. If you want to abandon me fine. If you want to point out my hypocrisy fine. I know who I am, what I am, I know what I’ve done and I know what to expect. I never know fully of course but faith taught me more than I ever could without it. Because of Him, I know who I belong to, I know who loves me the most even when I’m at my worst, and I know that God knows me more than I know myself. We’re all children of Christ, lost lambs gone astray and we need to make that choice to find our way back home where love is waiting for us. So if you’re saying ‘how can you say that when you don’t know me at all?’ well, neither do you.
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apple-bottom-jeansx · 3 years
I have absolutely no qualifications, other than I used to struggle with this myself and these are the things that worked for me. (I hope this makes sense)
Take notice of when you are actively looking at/focusing on your flaws, and then stop. Sometimes I am looking in the mirror just picking at what I don't like about myself. When I notice I'm doing this, I stop immediately. It serves no purpose, and is really harmful. It also habit. The more you stop yourself from doing this, the less inclined you will be to do it.
Dress yourself in things that make you feel good. This one doesn't have to be crazy unless you want it to be. The idea is if you are constantly seeing yourself in outfits that you look good in, that can easily transfer into simply believing you look good. It can be accessories, the colors you wear, anything.
Decorate the parts of yourself you don't like. This one sounds a little weird, but its so easy. I have been made fun of my ears in the past, and so, even though I don't think there's anything wrong with them, I'm insecure about them. I got two helix piercings and I am literally so obsessed and confident. It doesn't even have to be this permanent or expensive though, I saw one woman who didn't like her cheeks so she put glitter on them. Acessories are great for this as well.
"love yourself exactly as you are" does not have to be an end all be all if minor changes make a huge difference. Growing up I hated my eyebrows. Then, one day, I went to get them threaded and saw them shaped for the first time. That was all it took. I love my eyebrows now, even when its been a long time since I shaped them. People are going to try to say things like "you should love yourself without changing anything" which is mostly true, but if something like plucking eyebrows once a week makes the difference between hate and love, my advice is just do that.
meet yourself where you are. a lot of people out there act like you have to love all of yourself 100% of the time, but that is not realistic. First, understand that feeling neutral about yourself is also a great place to be. That is perfectly fine. Also understand that this is a journey and sometimes you won't like some things about yourself. Be gentle with yourself.
Along with the last one, you don't have to showcase features you don't like. I have a really long torso, and I sometimes get insecure about it. In a perfect world, I would love my torso. I am just not there yet. For the time being, I wear high-waisted pants when I wear crop tops. I love the way my figure looks in that combo, and I'm good with that. I don't need to wear low-waisted pants if that's not what I feel confident in.
allow yourself to admire yourself. This one is kinda the opposite of not focusing on your flaws. When I started this habit, I had exactly two features that I liked myself: my hair and my eyes. If I looked in the mirror and I thought either of those two things looked good, I would stand and admire myself for a couple extra seconds. Gradually, over time, I started to admire myself as a whole. Now sometimes I look in the mirror and I'll be full blown feelin myself and checking myself out. My roommate and I joke that I might love myself a little too much, but i'll take that over hating myself any day.
remove anything that makes you feel bad about yourself. People are constantly talking about how society has unrealisitc expectations for how people should look, but I never heard anyone actually tell me to remove these influences. Going on instagram, for example, used to upset me so much because each time it would trigger my feelings of hating my body and wanting a different one. I one day went through and unfollowed every account that made me feel that way, and those feelings largely also went away. Be it social media, magazines, or something else, remove anything that makes you feel like you need to change.
realize external validation is an okay place to start. Internal validation is the end goal, but it can be a very hard place to start. Compliments were everything for me in the beginning. One reason I would say this isn't end goal is because I would do things like wear outfits that I new other people would like. The onion that really matters is your own, not anyone elses's. Eventually you want to be able to tell yourself you look good, but this helped a lot for me because I was able to switch to thinking "hmm maybe I'm not as ugly as I thought if someone else thought I looked good enough to tell me about it"
dont be afraid of loving yourself. I could not tell you why, but I was terrified to let go of all of my negative feelings. I'm here to tell you that if you feel this way, it'll be okay. The transition is slow, and its not bad even if it seems scary.
Remember, loving yourself is a process. If you work hard for a little while but are still struggling, don't give up.
If you guys like this and I think of anything else I'll come back and add more stuff!
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Reminders before following MiraculousBeezCentral
The purpose of me creating this blog was completely out of satisfaction and "filling the holes" that the show failed to do for me (and even for others!). I created this blog to explore different kinds of bee heroes, scenarios, create AUs, to celebrate characters that don't get enough love in the show, some ships, memes, and to generally have fun. The purpose of this blog wasn't to bash characters outright, but some criticisms about some characters might come up on this blog every now and then. Basically, no character is safe from criticism on this blog. So expect that.
I'm Chloe Bourgeois/Queen Bee neutral. Look, I can relate to Chloe. I understand why Chloe is the way she is. I love the potential that Chloe can have. I love Chloe's style and I also think that Chloe can change. However, I'm not going to cater to Chloe and justify what she's done IN SHOW to other characters, especially to characters that I like. The way the writers choose to handle Chloe's character and growth is the problem, not the fact that she's written as a bully in general. I pity Chloe, but that does not mean I'm going to give her a free pass to treat everyone that isn't Adrien on her mother like garbage. Her upbringing is a reason, not an excuse. I understand why Chloe grew up to be the she is IN SHOW. It's not entirely her fault. However that does not mean that I agree with the way she handles it. That is that. When it comes to Chloe and her character, it's not going to be black and white with me. It's a grey area. Don't like that? Fine, you are free to unfollow me or block me, but I have the right to my opinion.
I didn’t only created this blog for myself, I created it to make friends and have others enjoy it too.
Constructive criticism and opinions of all kind are allowed. We can talk and you are free to send me anything that you want, but just remember that we should respect each other and not be rude to each other. We are not always going to think the same way and that's okay. We should be civil to each other. If you don’t agree with this, then it’s probably best if you don’t involve yourself with my blog.
Yes, I am a Scarlet Lady fan. No, I don't agree with everything Zoe chooses to do with it. YES, these two things can co exist with each other. AUs are supposed to explore the different possibilities of different universes. It's fun. I don't have to agree with everything that Zoe does to enjoy her content. I can still like Chloe while still liking Scarlet Lady. Yes, she doesn't want Chloe to redeem in her comic, but that's her right. It's her comic and she can do anything that she wants. I don't have the right to tell people what to think or how to feel. Don't like that? You can unfollow me or block me. I'm not going to be bias just so I can defend Chloe and make Chloe fans feel better.
I didn't make this blog only for Chloe content. I made it for all possible bee heroes. YES, that includes Sabrina, and YES, that also includes "Mary-Sue Zoe". Chloe is not the main character nor is she the only character that I’m interested in.
No I do not support Thomas. No I do not like Thomas. And yes I think the show suffers from severe bad writing.
I used to be a Chloe hater in the past, but I'm not anymore. Please notice the difference before going off.
I'm a Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Sabrina fan. I'm NEUTRAL on Chloe. I'm NEUTRAL on Zoe. I'm a ANTI Lila, Gabriel, Natalie fan. I dislike most adults in the show. Don't like that? You are free to unfollow me or block me. But these are my choices and my opinions. Accept it or don't, but I'm not going to be forced to change my opinion just to like or dislike characters in the way that YOU want me to.
I'm sorry guys if I sounded too harsh at all, but I just had to make myself clear. Don't be afraid to talk to me if you want to, but until I say otherwise, I'm Chloe neutral. I hope that your still interested in my blog and content and hope to share a bunch of fun AUs 😄
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vintageseawitch · 3 years
severus snape was not just a bully he was a literal racist and that did not change over the years unlike other characters' attitudes 🙏🙏🙏 what the fuck how are you pro-snape
hmmm. i feel there's an extremely back-handed compliment here. are you a lurker? are we mutuals? do i follow you or do you follow me? whatever the capacity, it feels silly to ask, but: are you new here? my bio, though novella in length because keeping things in a tiny, succinct packages is not my forte, clearly states at some point that Severus Snape is important enough to me to be mentioned a considerable amount. i'll be very sad if i follow you & enjoy the content you post because tbh this anon is super disappointing. the most common types i tend to receive are snaters who are too cowardly to tell me to my face they have nothing better to do than judge people doing the least harmful thing imaginable: loving/liking/appreciating a controversial, FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER.
"he was a literal racist and that did not change over the years unlike the other characters' attitudes" ummm fucking WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. what canon evidence do you have for this except your own warped headcanons?? Snape said the word "mudblood" fucking ONCE, as a teenage boy, while getting sexually assaulted by more than one person, in public, with no one there attempting to stop them. then Snape's one friend tries to defend him & Snape snaps something stupid because he was afraid & pissed off & ashamed. don't tell me YOU'VE never said something you're later ashamed of while in a temper or feeling cornered. don't tell me YOU'RE not allowed to make mistakes. that's right, it was a mistake, & he realized immediately so he tried to fix it & in the end his friendship wasn't worth it to her so he was alone, surrounded by people who won't help him, who let some other teenage boys get away with attempted murder, & adults who don't give a shit about him making him ripe for plucking. Snape fucking CRINGES then yells at Phineas Nigellus for calling Hermione that while the trio's on the run & Snape is an unwilling headmaster!!! have you forgotten this???? if anyone is racist it's Molly Weasley for her treatment of Fleur which was never given a legit reason why she behaved the way she did. i don't even want to try to count how many times Draco Malfoy calls Hermione a mudblood; are you harassing people with hateful anons for liking Draco? is he somehow more deserving of a redemption than Severus? if you think that, go fuck yourself.
Severus Snape made a mistake when he was very young. he was alone, traumatized, full of bitterness & anger. he first came over to the side of the light for selfish reasons but then so did Regulus & Narcissa & i never see people attacking THEM. Snape made a mistake & worked to atone for this & for 17 years most take for granted he was the puppet for two megalomaniacal masters, neither of whom gave a damn about his life (Dumbledore was worse in SO many ways). in the end, it seems like snaters feel like no matter what you do, no matter what is in your heart & everything you do to try to make it right, your mistake will always define you & death is all you deserve soduspsjapxjosn FUCK THIS SHIT. FUCK ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS.
"Severus Snape was not just a bully" yeah you're right he was also honorable, good-at-heart, brave as fuck, fucking brilliant, & while sharp-edged, was dryly hilarious. also, don't you get tired of this same fucking "argument"?? because Snape wasn't the only bully in canon. Molly Weasley is one. so is Dumbledore. so is Hermione. so is Draco, Crabbe, & Goyle. SO WERE THE MARAUDERS. Peter Pettigrew turned out to be one of the worst; do you ever anonymously bully anyone for liking them if they do? while not counting for taste, if anyone DOES like his character, IT'S NOT. MY FUCKING. BUSINESS. nobody is hurting me for liking that character. i am not hurting YOU for liking a character. it's just easier for you to pull this fucking performative, fake-woke, absolutely repulsive purity-culture enabling bullshit than to speak up about things that fucking ACTUALLY MATTER.
do you want to know some characters i like that are ACTUALLY disturbing/toxic/any negative thing you can think of?? i like Acton from the Doyle & Acton New Scotland Yard book series by Anne Cleeland & he is a LITERAL FUCKING STALKER who plays vigilante & takes advantage of his privilege to get away with his crimes lmao. i like Father Konstantin from the Winternight Trilogy even though (or maybe because of is more accurate) he's a younger, prettier, blonder Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame with his behavior towards Vasya who is very much an Esmeralda parallel. it drew me in immediately, their dynamic in that trilogy; so poisonous & twisted & depraved was his obsession with her but it was so PASSIONATE i couldn't look away. i like Krennic from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. if you've seen it, he's the smol, angry man who thinks seeing a planet with historical Jedi sites get destroyed by a previously unknown super weapon is BEAUTIFUL. he has no qualms against forcing someone against his will back to helping to build this weapon, even if it meant killing his family.
so there are just a few that i can think of at the moment who are considerably darker than mere shades of grey; do you send hateful anons to people who like Darth Vader? what about Sauron? Morgoth? what if someone likes VOLDEMORT?????? omg (spoiler alert: they exist, & some have created some of the best hp fanart i've seen, but that's not the point right now). do you attack people for liking other morally grey characters like Kylo Ren/Ben Solo or Lestat? snaters are pathetic. if you don't like Snape, that's perfectly fine; it would just be really cool if you can take your toxic, purity culture mentality & if unable to shove it up your ass at least go haunt the places dedicated to bland, rich white boy bully-loving spaces. go on with your horrid belief that all people who are enduring trauma are only allowed to process/handle it in a set way otherwise they are the Worst Person To Exist (or... not, in this instance, seeing as Severus Snape is a FICTIONAL. FUCKING. CHARACTER). do you not realize this says so much to people in your own life who may see some similarities between themselves & a character you believe makes you a superior entity for hating & judging?? do you not give people you care about another chance after making a mistake???
i'd rather continue loving this prickly, snarky asshole than attempt to "earn your good opinion" or some fucking similar codswallop thank you VERY much. cheerio & all that, & i hope you're able to find something to do you enjoy that doesn't involve judging people for things that really don't matter. if you have an issue with what i post you can always unfollow/block me. complicated controversial comfort characters make for better things to think about than fake wokeness. toodles~
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Hi sorry for not asking this on your main account I just couldn't find the ask option there but I need your advice on something, how can I make an ask blog without feeling pressured from too many asks? Last time I made an ask blog I ended up feeling too pressured to answer every question especially since I don't own this canon character and ended up deleting my ask blog. So I feel like trying again with another fandom but I fear I might do the same, any advices?
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is that there isn't a specific type of way of making an askblog that will somehow soothe your anxieties about this stuff. At least not in a way that will last.
The good news is, it's something you CAN learn to deal with, and you can then apply it to other areas of your life and be a healthier person in general!
Strange as it may sound at first, feeling like you MUST answer asks, or feeling pressure to reply to everyone, can be a huge symptom of low self esteem. Why do you think this is your job? You're not getting paid for it. It's a volunteer venture! It's just play, in the playground of the internet. You only have so many hours in the day, and most of them are already accounted for. Rejection of some asks, or delaying them, is a natural part of this activity.
That's actually an important thing you have to accept, on both ends - rejection is a natural and normal part of ALL social interactions.
We cannot all be Yes-People. 
If we just did whatever other people wanted us to do indiscriminately, that would be fine consuming and difficult and unhealthy. So you must accept that you won't be able to reply to everyone, even if you want to be polite. You must also accept that some people will ‘reject’ YOU for this - unfollow because you’re not posting enough, or because they don’t like your answers, and you must accept that this is also okay.
This happens in the real world all the time! We cannot all love each other all the time. I ignore literally hundreds of asks because I get so many I physically cannot reply to each one. And I KNOW that because of that, people unfollow me! They get disappointed, because I cannot deliver their ideal experience to them. They may even get offended by the way I answer an ask! I know my manner of speaking isn’t always palatable to everyone.
But that’s okay - because it’s not my job to fulfill that niche for them, and although I harbor no ill will towards anyone personally, I am also allowed to sometimes be human and reply in less-than-a-customer-service-voice. It’s not a failure on my part or their part - we are just not well suited to one another, and we’re allowed to go our separate way, having a ‘rejected’ interaction!
The harder part about this, is, of course, putting it into practice with your own blog. You must, each time, allow yourself to take a deep breath and say ‘I cannot answer all of those, and that’s okay.’ You can set yourself a goal for answering, say, 2 asks a day or something, and then, when you fulfill that goal, you can feel like you accomplished that. Or you can allow yourself to have days off. 
The important part is treating yourself with the same expectation as you afford other people. If you followed another askblog that couldn’t reply to every ask, would you hold it against them? Or would you let them do what they could and move on? It’s important to allow yourself the same kindness you treat others with. 
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You are not wrong for wanting to be loved. But you don't allow yourself to heal and to grow by focussing so very intensely on being loved by someone else. You are outsourcing a good portion of your healing process onto a non existent other person you are hoping for. I know what I am talking about because I was the same for a long time and very much in denial about that. It's good to allow yourself to be sad and to want love and a relationship. If you would repress that wish, it would just get bigger and worse. So I don't agree with people who criticise you for talking about it. In fact, I think letting it all out here is a good thing. But I am hoping that it isnt in your mind all the time in such an intensity because that would mean that you dont even want to try to take your own hand and take a little step forward. I think thats where many of other peoples comments are coming from. I know so many young women who lost themselves to trauma and dont want to build the strength to catch themselves because they are hoping for the strength of someone else. You dont need to hold that hope literally but it speaks out of the degree of intensity and desperation regarding that desire. And guess what, maybe you will find a relationship while still being stuck in your healing process. Maybe it will go right, maybe it will go wrong. It depends fully on luck because you are not at a point where you can navigate these things safely for yourself. But thats okay. I am wishing you the spark and then the strength to get to a point where you are able to take things into your own hands. And until then I wish you the best of luck.
I am not that desperate for a relationship anymore but I am still a failure in societal terms. No job, no drivers license, lots of trauma and sadly an illness thats currently kicking my butt and makes future plans even more impossible. But I have grown so much the past years and when I met a friend of mine recently (who has a job, house, boyfriend etc) I was shocked to see how little she had grown in "soul" (not believing in anything but you know what i mean) and mind. She in turn told me that she admires me for being so calm and gentle with myself. Thats when I realized how much I had grown, despite still being a failure from an external view. I think you are very well able to reach such a point.
Reading what you write I see a gentle and smart person. That just measures herself by standards that wont make her happy even when fulfilled. And thinks that those fulfilled standards are what would make her loveable.
I know that a lot of what I say and would say to you sounds cynical to you or wont fully reach you. I had people tell me all sorts of useful but ultimately useless things when I was in a similar position to yours. Hell, minus the desire for a relationship I am STILL very much in a similar position to yours and have them telling me stuff and advice I think is complete nonsense. But those things people tell you are like seeds and some will bloom someday, even years later. And some wont and thats fine.
There is one thing I would like to ask of you and please dont see this as an attack or something to dislike yourself for. You talk extremely harshly about yourself, which of course is your right to vent especially on a private blog. When you call yourself a failure or useless for not reaching certain societally expected goals you are calling other people the very same thing. To be extremely honest, that hurts to read (which isn't an accusation but a statement of fact). You do not only deem yourself a horrible person unworthy of good things, you deem those "failings" in themselves to be properties that make any person horrible and unworthy. Do you mean that? If yes, I will unfollow you with a heavy heart because I do not think of people like you or me as a failure or anything else destructive or hateful.
If no, and you only apply these things to yourself, I ask you to (if you like) try to see yourself a little bit through external eyes. Kind external eyes that is. Those with which you would look at someone else who tries really really hard but just doesnt get there yet, or maybe never. That this person is still doing a very fine job at being alive. I wish I could lend you my eyes for a minute and give you some time and space to breath
Anon, thank you so much for your kind heart and for taking the time to write this all out to me. It means so much 💕 I know it was down the bottom but it felt really important to me so I wanted to address it first ; I’m genuinely sorry from the bottom of my heart that my comments about myself leaked over into what you thought I might feel about other people. But it’s fully and 100% not how I feel about other people in similar situations. I’m just very angry at myself and frustrated over where my life is, so I use harsh words like that. I also do it because it tends to hurt less when others say them to me if I say it first. But never for a second have I thought that way about anyone else, and I’m sorry if it seemed like it did. I’ll try harder to refrain from phrasing things in a way that could group others into my feelings that are solely about myself. 💕
As for the first bit I think it is on my mind all the time. I have a very unhealthy and unrealistic , maybe not obsession, but desire to love someone and be loved. I can admit that I put too much into it. But I don’t really know how to stop. Like I can say I don’t care or try to not care as much but those feelings don’t go away. For me the most important thing in life is love, so not having that relationship is hard for me. I try to not priorities it so much, but genuinely don’t know how to stop those feelings because no matter what I do they are just there. I don’t necessarily want the strength from someone else. I just want someone to make it worth it. I’m not expecting anyone to fix me or save me or change me. I just want that person that I can look to and feel like putting in the effort for. I hate myself very much and my main thing is just trying hard to not cause trauma for other people. I don’t live for myself and I don’t know how to live for myself. But living for other people who are all off and happy with others in their own way is hard for me sometimes. Having that person who I love and who loves me and knowing I’m trying to get better for and do my best for so I can make her life the best it can be feels very comforting to me. But I also know there is a whole bunch of problems within that as well and isn’t healthy either. So I guess it’s a good thing I’m not in a relationship because that’s probably too much to put on someone. I just genuinely don’t know how to not feel that way. Maybe it’s something that pass as I get older, I don’t really know.
Also I’m so happy and proud of you!! I think that’s so incredible you’ve able to get yourself to that point and grow in that way 💕💕💕 it’s amazing!! And I hope you continue to do so. I don’t know you, but just from this I can tell you are an amazingly kind and wise person. This world is absolutely blessed to have you in it - as am I that you reached out to me, so thank you 💖🌸
I’m sorry again for how my comments about myself can come across. I do promise to work harder to make it seem that way. Because it certainly isn’t true 💕💕💕
Thank you again so much for reaching out and I hope you have an amazing and beautiful day 🌸🌸🌻💕💕💖
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snom0001inu · 3 years
Now that it's calm........
A lot went down and I want to apologize to everyone because that was not the intention whatsoever. I have not made commentary because I did not want to fuel the fire, nor was it my intention for others to become involved.
Let me make this very clear.
I blocked Starlatte first on Tumblr and then on Discord because she repeatedly crossed boundaries and as an adult, I felt the need to draw the line of communication there. The claims that I'm retaliating for being blocked are false and just straight petty.
The post I made was just to warn others and Star was never named in the post. SHE chose to publish Cherry's ask to publicize what was happening even after Cherry asked her to keep it private for her own safety.
I genuinely worry about Star, but she does not want to be helped, she wants to be enabled and a victim. I was civil with her, I really was. But I never claimed to be her best friend or ever said I would denounce the people she hates so much. When she first approached me about what-the-hazbin, I told her to prioritize her own mental health over my blog. She insisted she could handle it but still unfollowed me. I never took any negative interaction personally because she's a minor and I'm the adult.
Also, I am not affiliated with the people she pissed off earlier in the week due to her ignorance on the sex worker community. That's their beef and the fact that 2 different groups (fans and criticals) are saying the same things about her should be pretty telling.
(Readmore for more info but tbh, I don't like super long posts so I'm just going to ask that you DM me if you need me to clarify more)
Just.....take it from an adult who's already tried to deal with her nicely, do not personally interact with Star. She has an extreme parasocial relationship with Vivienne Medrano and just cannot keep being enabled by newcomers. We could've just blocked each other and left it at that but she always needs to be the victim and stir up drama, this is your warning sign if you've ever been hesitant about your interactions with her.
And yes, I still believe she is lying about her age. As I stated in my original post, someone already reported her blog under "harmful to minors". Again, if Star didn't blow this up as much as she did, nobody would know her dirty laundry. Tumblr isn't known for the best tech support, we all know this.
I believe she's lying about her age because she keeps miscalculating and claiming different ages. I know she's shown her "proof" but she's conveniently leaving out the part where she claims she was 12 in 2014 (meaning she's 19 turning 20). She also keeps switching between it being Autism that forced her to make the mistake in numbers, that her phone forced it, that her laptop forced it, that it's because Tumblr doesn't have autocorrect. It's a new lie for her everytime and she needs to stop being so harmful to herself and others. If doxxing was my intention, I would've done it without her consent. I wouldn't have allowed Cherry to reach out to her. Because yes, Cherry asked me if she could and I said it was fine but not to expect much since Star does not want help. If I wanted to doxx her, I could've done it a long time ago because she's always posting too much personal information without any prompting. She's been approached about this before and is hostile to anyone who points this out with an excuse that she's a minor, has Autism, is a POC, etc etc
I know Star's patterns and know for a fact she's been making posts about me after blocking me herself. I know this because again, I've seen her do it multiple times to other people. I took this chance when I blocked her and knew she'd throw a fit as soon as she saw that I was still civil with the people she wants everyone to hate. Which again, she wasn't supposed to see in the first place due to being blocked.
Feel free to verify the information about me yourself, I'm really sorry everyone that got involved had to be in the first place. But I promise you, Star is not a victim of abuse from her former friends. She's the main one with the abusive and manipulative behavior with the idea that she can control people and Vivienne Medrano.
Original "call out" post (April 21st, 2021): https://siaesnow.tumblr.com/post/649085106252890112/this-is-serious-yall-someone-ive-been
My archive for the month of April 2021 : https://siaesnow.tumblr.com/archive/2021/4
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