#chloe neutral
thefcguy · 2 months
Thomas Astruc Newest Interview:
Thomas Astruc and Zag recently had an interview which they talked about things from season 6 specials and so on…
I am not 100% sure how official they are, so, don’t take this 100% seriously.
Spoilers below:
1- Vesperia isn’t forgotten by the writters.
They said that she hasn’t appeared in any posters yet because her model isn’t complete, and that she is important, and that the team does care about her…
(Wow, the team cares about Zoe/Vesperia? The girl that they added in season 4 and threw under the bus the moment they got rid of Queen Bee? The girl that didn’t even get a Kitty Noir transformation? The girl whose plot in Representation about getting a girlfriend that I forgot the name was deleted due to the runtime? Keep telling your lies, Astruc… keep telling your lies…).
(No, I don’t agree with the hate she gets. I like Zoe. But Astruc saying he cares about her, even after all he did is a bit… annoying to me).
2- The Japan Special is the next one:
They haven’t confirmed anything, but, since Zag said that Lady Tiger will be very important, cause she will be their first hero with cancer, and that we will meet her very soon, it’s very clear that this teasing indicates Japan special is next. And Rio Special is forgotten once again (wow, as a Brazillian, “thanks”, Thomas).
(I am also worried about how they will handle cancer, considering they didn’t even make what Rose’s sickness clear).
3- Samg won’t be returning:
Yeah, that’s it. Their lost work is the London Special. The artstyle will change, and they will try to keep the animating on France only due to the leaks.
4- Season 6 will be filled with hints that the audience will look with new eyes on Season 7:
They said that, once we start seeing season 7, out view on season 6 will change completely, and that these hints will be bombastic.
(right, they are “very good” with foreshadowing. And by “foreshadowing” I mean either blatant teasing for future events, or retcons).
5- They are considering a Live Action for Miraculous… again:
They said they still need to rethink and see if their budget can handle it… I hope not, it would be probably really bad with bad CGI.
6- Other Magical Creatures:
They said that there probably are other magical creatures besides kwamis and renlings out there.
(wow, we barely know 10% of the kwamis that exist, and they want to create more magical creature. I will just say I hate when people create more and more elements before flashing out their older ones. It’s lazy, it leaves many questions open and, summing up, just not nice).
7- The reason why Lila has become a villain and wants the miraculi was already revealed:
They said that they have already left enough hints to why Lila has become the new Hawk Moth, it’s just that we, the audience, didn’t pay enough attention to it.
(I wonder this time what will be the retcon. Lila is as old as Master Fu and is a rebel from the Order of Guardians? She is Manon from the future? Either way, I doubt it will be convincing. Except if it is that she is an orphan that wants her parents back).
8- Thomas Astruc already created many miraculous AUs:
Yeah, even the show’s own creator likes to make AUs about it. His favorite one is where Ladybug is similar to Sailor Moon and she leads her own super hero team. In this AU, there is also no romance.
(I wonder if any of his AUs are better than the canon he writes).
9- The Melody Movie I back on production I guess:
Zag explained about the movie synopsis, which is about a girl needing to learn how to trust herself with the power of music (yes, it’s pretty generic), and the main character will be voiced by Katy Perry.
10- Chloe will be back:
And no, she won’t be getting a redemption. Astruc said that they try to write their characters on a logical way, so that they are consistent. And, no matter how hard they try, they found no way of Chloe regretting her actions and be like “Oh, Marinette, I was so mean to you!”, so, it doesn’t matter what he wants, it’s Chloe’s fault she doesn’t want to get better…
(I am not even a Chloe stan and this angers me beyond relief. First, they try to write their characters with consistence. WHEN? ‘Kagami’s friendship with Lila, Felix’s redemption, the whole amok plot, anything related to Lila on season 5, the fact they changed why Marinette broke up with Luka, the concept of the bee’ are anything but consistent. And say that Chloe can’t get a redemption? There are many ways for a character to get a redemption. Amity and Hunter from Owl House, Peridot and Lapis from SU, Sasha from Amphibia, and Zuko from Avatar all got a redemption. If you guys don’t want to give her a redemption, fine, but don’t try this whole “she can’t”, she is a character! And you guys are writing her!)
(Also, bringing Chloe back? I though you guys were trying to break the formula with the season 5’s wish, not go back to it).
11- The Story will change:
Not because of a reboot or anything, they just want to make it more serious and gradual.
(No comments here).
12- The Team has ideas for how 12 series of miraculous would be like:
They know for sure the 6, 7, 8 and 9 arc, and are also still unsure of what to do with the opening.
(12 seasons… when shows like Steven Universe gets 5, the Owl House gets 3, and many others get only 1).
13- Andre will get a redemption arc:
Thomas said that, unlike Chloe, he clearly wants to change, and the scene in Collution was a big character point for him. They also want to, someway, somehow, tell about his and Gabriel’s backstory someday.
14- Fun Facts:
The Supreme (the bad guy from Shadybug’s universe), will make a comeback at the series; Zoe’s crush at Marinette was due to love at first sight at the bakery (I think this is cute); the writers love Rolland because he was inspired by Thomas grandfather (and Simplifier is their favorite episode due to this fact); Akumatized!Marinette is a possibility; the writing for season 6 is at is peak, and a better version of season 5 (wonder which criminal boy will be redeemed and which girl won’t get the same treatment and be sent to live with her abusive parent).
15- The whole story we saw until now is only 5% of all he showed Zag when he pitched the show:
You heard that right, miraculous has still 95% of stories to give to us.
(I know that Superheroes usually have many arcs and stories they face, but that’s mostly because they are usually on comic format. I am not sure if it’s worth telling so many stories in a cartoon series).
Now, I leave to my miraculous mutuals @natedogx15 @nerd-chocolate and @artzychic27
to share their opinions. They might even change my mind for season 6.
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toyastales · 5 months
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miraculous-lesbians · 2 months
Me, who knows nothing about ML but knows about RGU: "Yes, this makes sense..."
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But! in all seriousness love to see new blogs! Lookin' forward to your critical look at ML!
Thank you so much! I'm excited to dive into ML more as well~ I'm debating on sitting down and watching ML (because most/all of my knowledge come from Tumblr), buuut that's a lot for me to watch lol.
Btw, Chloe and Nanami just generally fit the "mean, rich blonde popular girl the narrative tends to make fun of." But where Nanami is generally sympathized by the writers, who understand she's a teen girl who's still developing her frontal lobe, Chloe does not get this at all. Her treatment is so over the top and silly, it's hard to genuinely believe what the writers are doing imo.
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big brain moment is 'zoe is a better chloe/chloe's replacement' means chlonette canon but writers were too cowardly I rest my case.
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sgtpeppers · 1 month
can't believe I'm considering trying out they/them pronouns because of how much time I spend wishing I looked like gay twinks in the 60s (yeah you know the ones) what has my life become fr
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snazzzycattzz · 2 months
hear me out. Life is strange rdr2 au. Hear me out chat.
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✦ How/Why do they get jealous
✦ Pairing/s: Kara (AX400), Chloe (RT600), North (WR400) x Gn! reader
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Word Count: 295
Content Warnings: None
Content/s: Platonic/Romantic — Headcanons — Reader is referred to as "you" (Let me know if i missed any ಥ‿ಥ)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
What i will write + Introduction
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✦ Kara (AX400)
Well, She wouldn't.
Kara fully trusts you and doesn't ever think about you cheating. She believes that trust is crucial in any relationship and never lets jealousy cloud her judgment. She knows that jealousy can be damaging and chooses to communicate openly and honestly with you about any concerns or insecurities she may have, rather than succumbing to jealousy.
✦ Chloe (RT600)
Chloe is typically calm and composed, but when she becomes jealous, she might exhibit subtle signs of unease. She may become more reserved or distant, avoiding eye contact or not engaging in her usual playful banter.
Chloe's jealousy may stem from her deep emotional attachment to you. As an android designed to provide companionship, she may develop strong feelings for you and become possessive of your attention/affection.
Despite her jealousy, Chloe may struggle to express her emotions openly. She may try to hide her jealousy behind a facade of indifference or denial, not wanting to appear vulnerable or needy.
✦ North (WR400)
North may struggle with feelings of insecurity when she's jealous. Despite her tough exterior, she may have moments of self-doubt and fear of losing your love or attention, which could fuel her jealousy.
North may also express her jealousy through physical actions, such as grabbing your hand or pulling you closer to her. She may seek physical closeness as a way to reassure herself and stake her claim on you.
North's jealousy may lead to conflicts or arguments with you, as she may struggle to contain her emotions. She may be prone to outbursts or confrontations when she feels threatened or insecure.
North may become more distant or cold towards you when she's jealous and'll give you the silent treatment.
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#lmk if you want more analyses like this #i had a lot of fun with it #i started imagining other personality indicators #like dnd alignment #or astrology signs - i am 👀👀👀👀ing these tags
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Am I wrong in saying that Chloe Bourgeois and her shenanigans made her a very funny and engaging character back in season 1-2 (probably in season 3 as well)?
I miss those simpler times when she was more of a fully fledged and entertaining bully person with sassiness, dramatics, someone you could hate naturally and not a flanderized caricature of the devil himself with no clear writing direction.
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 years
Smallville Clark Kent x black reader warning agst so get some tissues! Clark finds out that you are dying from cancer
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it was on a Monday when he noticed something off about Y/N, you were quiet usually you'd talk his ear off about this new comic idea or new cake recipe for him to try and give to his parents back him but you were silent the whole day he tries to ask what was wrong but you just smiled and said "It's nothing I just didn't get that much sleep last night don't worry!" He didn't believe you but didn't want to overstep any boundaries
Than it was Tuesday you'd come over to help him study or have a movie night but you didn't show up he called your place but there was no answer he was worried so he speed over fast when he got to your house he could hear small crying coming from inside so he rushed in to see you holding a picture frame of your parents who died in a car crash all he could do was sit next too you on the floor and hug you he hates seeing you cry
Wednesday wasn't any better you had fainted Chole was there when it happened they were talking about something than the next thing Chole knew was that you were falling over laying on the ground not responding to anyone, Clark dropped everything to see if you were okay he stayed by your side the whole day at the nurses office and he took you home
Thursday it was okay he was at your house looking at a movie until you had asked him "Who would you rather spend your last days on earth with Clark?" That surprised him what even brought this along you just shrugged your shoulders leaning on his shoulder he said he'd spend it with you because you were the only one besides his parents who knew him the best that made you smile
Friday he went to your house to see if you wanted to help him find the perfect gift for Lana's birthday but he could hear crying when he turned the corner he saw your aunt crying into your uncles arms it was an ambulance taking someone away he nearly passed out could see you on a stretcher people carrying you away he didn't hesitate to rush over to see what was going on he tried to asking your aunt and uncle what had happened but they didn't know because they had just came home from the store and saw you on the floor unconscious blood dripping down your nose. Clark rode with your aunt and uncle to the hospital he didn't know what was going on
Saturday....He stayed by your side the whole day and night he called Chole to tell her what happened she along with Lois and his parents came to give their support his mother hugged him telling him that you were going to be okay his dad put a hand on his shoulder he didn't know how to feel about all this you were once happy smiling and healthy as a horse but this whole week you've been acting weird and this is the second time you've fainted your family knew something but didn't want to tell him because they didn't feel like it was their place to say anything at first he was angry that they were keeping secrets from him but immediately calm down when he remembered this was hurting them as much as it was hurting him he just wanted to know why...why was this happening? They all say and waited the doctor came out saying that you were awake your uncle had said that Clark could go see you first he immediately walked in closing the door behind him only to see you laying in the bed with a needle in your arm and a tube in your nose when you turned a smile graced your lips he immediately rushed over to sit and grab your hand in his giving a small smile back everything about you made his life worth living for you were his sun
"Clark...I have to tell you something please don't be upset..."
"Whatever you have to tell me can wait when you leave the hospital. We'll have movie night and talk about comics or play with the farm animals like we always do okay?"
But you just shook your head giving him a tired and sad smile he didn't understand why you were giving him that look giving his hand a tight squeeze eye's watering.
"Clark...i'm really sick...things won't be the same so when I tell you this you have to promise me...whatever happens you'll always remember me in the good light okay?"
He didn't understand or more like he didn't want too but he just gave a small nod saying that he promised.
"Clark...I...I have cancer..." It was like time itself had stop the only word he could stay focused on was the word cancer went in school he always hurt a lot of people losing their loved ones to cancer he had a classmate who had lost his mom to cancer the poor kids stop showing up to school the next day couldn't handle it he couldn't imagine ever losing his mom to such a thing but you having it just made him feel powerless and weak.. cancer for how long and when did you even get it he try to think back to all the times that they had spent together not once did he did it shows any signs that you were sick or maybe he just didn't notice he was always busy protecting people and trying to win over Lana's affection has he really been that oblivious to you being sick?
"How long have you known?"
"For a couple of months...doctors say I could have a couple of weeks or maybe days left."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?!" He got up from his chair he was angry he couldn't believe that you'd keep something this important from him something that involved your health.
"I tried... I wanted so badly to tell you but I just didn't have the heart to say anything." You started to cry Clark couldn't do it he just couldn't look at you he ran out your room ignoring his parents and friends telling him to come back he just had to get out of there he can watch to see you like that the only thing he wanted to think of was you smiling and laughing telling him that he was a great amazing friend and anyone would be lucky to have you as a partner talking about your favorite comics, come over to his house everyday to give him the best food that you always make always laughing and joking around his parents staying up late talking about the future but now that will never happen all because you have cancer he ran in the middle of the woods screaming and crying punching whatever that goes next to him until he fell to his knee screaming at the sky in agony.
Later he came back after taking a breather his parents looked at him, his mother who's face was red eyes wet and his father who just looked lost and just as heartbroken as his mother he asked where your aunt and uncle were they had left to go talk to the doctors about your condition Chloe had went to the bathroom to cry after finding out the news Lois went with her to comfort her but also to cry it was like a domino effect you held a special place in everyone's heart knowing that you were going to be gone just didn't feel right he didn't want to believe it no one did but this was reality this was life you were going to be kind in no one knew or when you were going to be gone that it might happen today tomorrow or the next day or day before then he went in the room only to see you asleep he sat next to you grabbing your hand that woke you up Clark smiled giving your hand a kiss
"Clark? I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you to get up."
"No it's my fault you asked me not to get upset and I did I left you when you need me the most Y/n I'm sorry I just...i just can't imagine what you must have been going through keeping this a secret I wish you'd said something...but don't worry cause I'm not going to leave you side
"But Clark what about Lana?"
"I...i don't think I can imagine a life with Lana I love you.. I'm so sorry I never realized how I felt until now I'm so sorry."
"Clark?" He looked at you with tears in his eyes you smiled a hand on his cheek
"Can we kiss now please?" He laughed at your bluntness but could tell it took all your will power to ask him that and he gently leaned down to kiss your lips they were soft and it was your first kiss he wanted to make the best of it.
He didn't want to think about it the cancer wasn't going to stop him from being with you yes he will always care about Lana but you held a special place in his heart and he was going to spend every last moment with you until the very end.....
Ayo i kind of was tearing up while writing this like why did I have to do myself like this😭
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honeysukel · 11 months
Chloenette good omens au
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
to be honest, if you are a fan of miraculous ladybug and especially if you like Chloe/want to like Chloe, you should in fact check out Amphibia. it contains not one but THREE complex teen girl characters who make mistakes and are not always great people but are always fun characters, AND they're actually done justice by their narrative...
i highly recommend it.
and yeah, the show takes a bit of time to meet all the characters and focuses most heavily on one of the three teen girls, but like. it's good and very worth the time. it's also not a particularly long show, so yeah
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mellocat925 · 4 months
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Neutral Ending AU - Nervous's Fate
Nervous was one of the first to discover his fate, which was what pushed him to finally make an attempt to escape. Since then, he's reconnected with Olive and has been using her money to see what the world has to offer.
He's been writing letters to Pascal about his travels, but he's still waiting for a response...
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yantao-enthusiast · 5 months
love that chloe et al is basically just: diversity win! the person who destroyed your trust and self-esteem after a six year relationship and is now out seeing new people like nothing ever happened is bisexual!
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hommedessept · 2 years
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Woody medium leather trimmed fringed cotton canvas tote
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jimmyjrsmusoems · 1 year
Chloise if Caroline hasn't beat me to it, but if she did how abouuuut a ship you want to talk about but haven't been asked?
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caroline did beat you to chloise,,,,,but i just woke up from a nap and i’m delirious so i did chloe x harley 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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