#own it
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green-eyed-guy71 · 4 months ago
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godwantsit · 1 year ago
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sixbucks · 1 month ago
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wejustvibing · 9 months ago
...Everyone was like "Lewis can't be doing this traveling, bla bla bla bla" and then I did like supposedly they call it one of my best qualifying laps ever. So. But that was because of the vibe that we got. I think it was really just about like, for once being able to, you know, creatively express myself, you know, and you gave me the platform to be able to do that because in Formula 1, you can't. It's so, the moment you step out of the comfort circle that everyone's in, there was just so much push back. But now fashion, fashion's in. Everyone's getting fashionable and in the sport because of what we did. - LH
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askinnyblackman · 6 months ago
i just saw that video of the child in gaza with his head blown off and i just want to say to everyone preaching “lesser evil” and “harm reduction” to say: eat my ass
you have been voting for the lesser evil for so long that it seems you have either forgotten or become desensitized to the fact that you chose evil
the problems you claim to condemn cannot be solved by the institutions that are causing them, and you know this
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happinessoncorneliastreet · 2 years ago
@taylorswift performed the "1989" set for the last time not owning it
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matiixoxo · 4 months ago
How to study - a guide for ♡ good grades ♡
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for most of my school years, I never studied. I have naturally good memory and was quick to understand things... up until maybe year 8. Then things got a bit harder, my grades started falling. I only started to truly study during year 10, and that's how I developed my various ways of studying.
i will be listing the methods i use below. these have helped me a lot and hopefully they can help you too! That said, here are my methods:
method 1 - two notebooks
this is my preferred method for sciences, aka, biology, chemistry, etc.
what i do is have two separate notebooks for each subject.
one is to use during class. its messy, disorganised, an info dump of everything the teacher says.
the second one stays at home. there, everyday after school, i rewrite my notes, this time more aesthetic, more complex, prettier. i also research online and check the powerpoints used by the teacher to make sure I'm not missing anything. I take my time with this notebook, because rewriting my notes helps consolidate them in my mind, and is a great tool for revising for tests. it also means that during class, i can pay more attention to what the teacher is saying instead of trying to do pretty titles and such.
method 2 - flashcards
i also mostly use this for sciences, it helps a lot.
flashcards are the best. You can use ones ready made on your computer, or handwrite your own. I prefer to handwrite because, even though it takes time, as I said before rewriting helps consolidate the material in your brain. After every class, I write down questions and answers on white rectangles I bought from the nearby stationary store, punch a hole in them, and add them to the ring where I have all the other flashcards.
when I'm close to a test, I keep my flashcards close to me at all times. when I am bored, or have nothing to do, I take them out and flip through them until I feel I know everything. I try to go through them at least twice a day.
this method has saved me in so many ways.
method 3 - close by
this is the method I use for history, languages, and english.
I rewrite all my notes on my computer (but you can do handwritten, i just prefer computer so i can print many copies) and then print them out. a week before a test, I start leaving the notes in places i pass by often, eg, my desk, my bathroom mirror, taped to the inside of my wardrobe. every time I see my notes, I force myself to read them all. because I pass by the places so many times, I'll be constantly rereading the same thing, helping consolidate it in my brain.
ofc, this might not be enough, so I also suggest reading your notes like this - read the first sentence. then read the first again, and then the second, and read the first again, followed by the second and then read the third, and then reread the first, second, and third sentences. then read the fourth. and reread the first, second, third, and fourth, and then the fifth, etc. this method is amazing and helps memorize stuff so easily. sorry if its confusing ♡
method 4 - exercises
this method, in my opinion, is better for subjects like maths, physics, etc.
it's pretty obvious what it is. just do and redo exercises, correct them, grade yourself, Google past papers and test yourself again. do this until you are confident that you understand everything. and even then, keep doing exercises.
method 5 - essays
this one is for English, and you might hate it. I mean, who doesn't hate essays?
what i do is, I go to chatgpt, and ask it to suggest possible essay questions on possible things that might be on my test (eg., shakespeare).
then, I write an essay (using the PEAEAL structure) and ask chatgpt to evaluate it and rate it out of ten, tell me where I should improve without giving me the exact answer to what I should improve. then I rewrite the parts that were wrong, and send it to chatgpt again. I do this until I get a 10/10. I keep doing this with multiple questions until I'm confident I know the topic well
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how i truly, truly, managed to get good grades was making studying enjoyable. I started romanticizing it - lighting candles, installing an aesthetic clock on my computer, spending hours on pretty diagrams, going to cafes with my notes and studying there.
get a friend to study with you too sometimes. Trust me when I say, romanticizing studying is the best study method.
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seoul-bros · 7 months ago
Jikook Week 35 Complete (06/08 - 13/08/2024)
Their thirty fifth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2016.
BTS were on the last leg of their Most Beautiful Moment in Life On Stage: Epilogue tour extension and this week they gave their last three concerts in Bangkok (06/08) and Tokyo (13&14/08).
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They headed to Bangkok on 04/06/2016........
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performed on 06/08 and were travelling back home the next day.
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There are lots of fan cams of the Bangkok concert on line including this one of I Need You
and this one of No More Dream
On the 12/08 they travelled to Tokyo for the last concerts of the tour. Can you spot the difference? Yep Jimin went blonde for the first time.
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TwiX Link, TwiX Link 2, Twix Link3
That night, Hobi started a live and then, after briefly visiting with Jimin and helping him get Taehyung to break dance for a ramen cup, he leaves Jimin to live stream on his own. Asked if he could invite another member he tells us that Jin goes to bed early and then....
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Jimin proceeds to show ARMY how well he eats....
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teaches us the use of ga in Busan dialect and orders everyone to bed in an outrageously flirty manner because it is after 10 pm.
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Finally on 13/08, Jikook's recording of the choreography for Own It dropped. I remember the first time I saw it and I was blown away by the dancing but it isn't just that. The low lighting, the fact that it is just them alone in the studio at what we assume is late at night makes the tension all the more palpable.
Doing what you love with someone who excites and inspires you, what could be better than that?
Post Date 13/08/2024
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cjlouwho · 2 months ago
i was thinking about writing some rockon but i'm embarrassed to post it because i don't like my smut. i wish i could post anonymously but most swat people are 911 too and no one's trusting anon fics anymore after all that.
Listen, no one hates their smut more than I do. But I’ve come to realize that as long as body parts are touching, people will love it 🤣
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yutamayo · 2 years ago
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Shinji really said trans rights
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hometoursandotherstuff · 2 years ago
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voraciouskingdom · 5 months ago
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Own the fact that you are different. Own that you are a deep feeler and thinker. Own that you’re tuned into a different frequency. Own the fact that you sense things others don’t. Own the fact that you want to talk about angels, energy, miracles and spirituality. Own that you’re done having meaningless conversations. Own that you’re done holding yourself back. Own that you crave freedom to feel the "now." It’s ok that your family doesn’t get you. It’s ok that you’re friends don’t join you. It’s ok that the world judges you. It’s ok that you want to dance barefoot upon the earth and endlessly gaze at the stars. It’s ok that you cry over sunsets and chase moonbeams. It’s wonderful in fact. It’s beautiful. You have come a long way to be who you are. So own it. Own all of it. Love all of you. The world needs you to be exactly as you are. You hold the balance in this crazy world.
~Eryka Stanton
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 1 year ago
One of the clearest examples for me I think that people have just started saying "twink" because they can't get away with saying faggot was when I saw someone call Leo Varadkar a twink
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crehador · 2 years ago
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gonna be real with you kensei i don't think "sleeveless" is his defining feature stop being a coward and call him the one with a 69 on his face
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hale-my-nathan · 7 months ago
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Trump Weird News - Trump Is Project 2025
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