#you ain't fooling anyone boy
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crocs-simp · 9 months ago
“Why is everyone surprised when I say I have a gf”
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Gee benjamin I wonder why
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nartml · 6 months ago
was it casual when i had a panic attack at the thought of you dying was it casual when you risked your entire carrier just to feed me lunch was it casual when you were willing to die protecting me even though you wouldn't accomplish any of the goals you devoted yourself to was it casual when i spent so many nights rolling around in deep thought about whether you think of me like i do about you was it casual when i wished for you upon a shooting star was it casual when i refused to let you continue your way down a path of self-destructive loneliness even though you wanted me to was it casual when you needed to kill me and only me to grow stronger and be entirely untethered from your past but you just couldn't was it casual when i preferred to bear your pain and hatred and die fighting you as opposed to giving up on you was it casual when i could trade blows with you (read your heart) even though your supposed wife couldn't was it casual when i was your one and only was it casual when the hands that we blew off of each other bore the evidence of our cosmic connection was it casual when you cried your first tears of relief and happiness after you lost to me was it casual when you kept in touch with me but not with your wife was it casual when we fought and laughed and became inseparable was it casual when i can't exist without you was it casual when i put all my goals on hold because how could i focus on them when i can't even save you was it casual when you were my main motivation for training to become infinitely stronger was it casual when i'd remain a fool my entire life if being smart meant that i had to give up on you was it casual when you know my heart i yours was it casual when
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crispywizardtale · 2 months ago
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I sweat a lot when I sleep
Why is information like this so much more unnerving than @butterflies-and-bumble-bees's creepy anons
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bamgeut · 1 year ago
taehyun's big dumb smile while carrying the cake for soobin what if i collapse
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grughoul · 7 months ago
Your daddy know 'bout this?
(Don't be fooled, there's no daddy kink!)
Pairings: dbf!cowboy!bucky x f!reader
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Summary: A few days short of your 21st birthday, you decide to celebrate with your friend at the local bar. Unbeknownst to you, a close friend of your dad's is there.
When he sees you with beer in hand and in the lap of another man, things get heated. Somehow, you end up in his shirt, at his house.
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: pinv sex, passionate sex, forbidden realationship, violence, blood, underaged drinking, slight angst, cum eating, I love yous', mentions of masturation, tension, arguments, slight jealousy and protectiveness, pet names (girl, woman, ma'am, princess, sweetheart)
AN: not yet proofread, might be rough around the edges! Enjoy girlies🥹🫶
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It was his one free night in a long time, and his buds pulled him along for a drink. He had no real objections, for he was in a good mood and it'd get even better once he had a drink in him.
The group of men emerged from the damp, rainy night and dove into the smoke tainted air and usual bustle of the local dive. They ordered their drinks and made their way to the back where the booths were, a jumble of familiar faces greeting them on their way. Until-
Bucky saw a face he ought not to see in a place like this. "Excuse me a moment, fellas. I got somethin' to take care of."
Their group turned to him, confused. "Wha-" and looked in the direction he was already headed. "Well shit, good thing her daddy ain't come with us." The group shared a few nervous glances, then shrugged and chuckled. "Wouldn't want to be one of those boys right now."
"Well . . . " a voice chuckled loudly.
She could see the source approaching their table from her peripheral, his form vaguely illuminated by soft lamp light through the gloom. " . . . Aint this a sight?"
She knew that voice, she could hear the telltale grin that shaped it.
Catching onto the change in energy, the giggles and boisterous laughter of their small group died down. Tense glances exchanged between them, all eventually landing on the intruder, all except her own.
Commotion continued sounding around them, their table the only to emit an unusually low amount of noise. "Anyone wanna tell me whats goin' on here?" The voice asked.
Swallowing, she realised she'd been intently staring into a cadleflame. She belived that maybe she'd have a chance at going unnoticed if she sat still enough.
"I asked you a question, doll."
She winced. That was his nickname for her. Fuck. She tore her gaze from the candle, snapping it to her friend across the table and gave her a sidelong glance that meant 'trouble' to which her friend nodded in agreement.
The low light that made the place cosy just moments before now only existed to muddle her thoughts. But, it could work in her favour. She carefully pushed her drink behind her elbow, hoping it wasn't too late to hide, and her friend followed her lead.
She turned toward the man, a cheap grin plaster on her face. "Hey . . . Buck," she spoke slowly, as if it'd somehow make him more agreeable.
"Hey there, princess," he grinned. Hat on his head. "Wanna explain this to me?" Pointing lazily to their gathering.
She shrugged, attempting to act nonchalant. Because admitting your wrong would confirm it's wrong. "Nothin special, we were just leavin', in fact."
A scoff blew past her ear. "The hell we are." The lap she sat on stiffened beneath her, tapping his feet–once, twice–in a show of impatience, and rocking her body in the process. The man then whispered in her ear. "Who is this guy anyway?"
She inclined her head, nervous eyes avoiding the big cowboy that stood imposing at the end of their table, and murmured a quiet reply over her shoulder. "No one. . . in particular." A lie, of course. "Let's just go."
The cowboy chuckled. "You're not leavin' with him, you're leavin' with me." That drawl could make the most steeled stumaches jittery with butterflies. Her friend must've felt it too by they way she squirmed in her seat.
She had to screw her eyes shut in a moment of contemplation. Why'd he have to be here tonight? Why'd they have to go to a bar he frequented?
She looked back at her friend with panic in her eyes. Boy, were they in for it. She could think of nothing else then to simply ask nicely, hoping it'd appeal. "Please, just go."
He smirked, putting a hand on his hips and showing a stern but playful disposition. "Your daddy know 'bout this?" He tipped his hat in their direction.
She pinned him with her eyes, narrowing them with independent annoyance. "Im my own woman, B-"
'What's it to you?' The guy beneath cut her off.
Bucky switched his attention to the guy, and she could feel him shrink a little under Bucky's gaze. "Hell, no need for that tone! I was just sittin' with my buds over there." He pointed to the group of men Buck came with, no doubt to put some pressure on the poor guy. From the looks of it, they'd been listening in on our conversation, and now waved to her, idly laughing at the situation, ready to jump in at any moment.
She shyly waved back, a tight smile on her lips.
"See, I just saw your little group havin' a grand ol' time over here and wanted to join you," Bucky laughed. "And when I noticed that fine woman in your lap, I thought I'd have a chat with her." He disguised it well, but she could hear the anger beneath his humoured exterior.
"You two know each other?" The guy asked, I'll at ease.
"Well enough." Bucky took a moment to look her over, a scan for any harm. But his eyes stuck on the short skirt and thin shirt. If possible, he looked even more bothered. "Wouldn't you say, sweetheart?" He glanced at her, and she could see the danger that lurked in his eyes. It began to dawn on her more and more how knee deep in trouble she was.
She cleared her throat, a nervous blush creeping up her cheeks. "Mhm," she hummed. It felt like he could see through her.
The guy's hand slunk to the bare skin of her thigh, attempting to mark his territory when seamingly he'd decided his dislike of the situation. "Huh, what's with the hat anyway, you some kind of sheriff?" He asked. But cut Bucky off as he was about to answer. "Either way," he waved his hand dismissively. "She's fine where she is. She can make her own decisions." And just like that, he'd successfully stolen the point she'd been trying to make.
She shook her head. Stupid, stupid boy.
Bucky's face hardened, any sign of humour gone from him. "I assure you, I dont need a sheriff's badge to take her home, It's within my right." He braced his hand against the table, leaning closer to them.
Her uterus roiled at that. 'take her home'
"Now, get that hand off of her, boy." He snarled, annoyance and authority resounding in his voice, promising a solution to the mans cocky demeanor. "She ain't yours to touch."
"Why?" The guy asked. "She yours?" His hand slid higher, squeezing her thigh, challenging the much broader man.
She exhaled, releasing a frustrated hum in early defeat, he'd doomed them both.
The cowboys jaw tensed. Silently, but undoubtedly steaming, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and pushed them above his elbows. The veins on his forearms pop from strain, knuckles turning white from his fists clenching. "Fella. . ." He began, calming his composure, then pointed two loose fingers at the girl in the mans lap. "Had she been mine, you'd be on the floor already. Now, that girl, ain't of drinkin' age, neither is she to be touched by a slimy bastard like yourself."
Fuck, so he did see the drink. She shook her head again, warning him. "Bucky. . ." A very bad attempt at dissuading him from doing whatever he was about to do. She could almosy feel the guy beneath her sink into the booth they were sitting in. Perhaps he had some sense after all.
Her friend grabbed her arm, loosely yanking on it as her anxious eyes flickered between the men in conflict. She herself sitting in the lap of the guy's friend, who was preparing to step in if necessary. "We should go before this gets ugly," her friend whispered.
"Respectfully, ma'am, she ain't going nowhere without me." The cowboy opposed, directing his attention to her friend.
No, no, no no. . . Dread filled her, he'd drive her straight home to her parents.
Bucky's eyes fell back on the guy, now shrunken and small under his gaze. "So. . . Stand up, 'n leave, boy," he spoke with the authority of a sheriff but stood with the confidence of an outlaw. "There's no need for altercations, I was enjoyin' my night. N' I don't wish that to change-"
"I'll call on the bouncer," the guy shot out, his face probably as pale as his overly white and fragile shirt, pointing to a man behind the cowboy. Her eyes followed the steps down from the seating area, and through the dimly lit dive where a big man stood posted by the door. The guy beneath her then glanced at his friend across from them, both extending curt nods to one another.
She wanted to wretch, he was acting a coward and standing up to Bucky with the threat of enlisting two other men to his side. She sighed loudly, making a point for him to hear as she eyed her friend. "Well, I sure know how to pick em'." And her friend, inspite of the commotion they found themselves in, covered her mouth in snicker.
Bucky narrowed his eyes in a second of silent fury, then answered with a laugh, not missing a beat. "You mean that bouncer?" He asked and turned around, calling a greeting to the bouncer, who in turn tipped his hat with a smile. The type of gesture that indicated a longstanding friendship. "We're well aquainted," Bucky grinned. "But im sure he'd love to sort this situation out."
If they had any sense at all, the two men would leave with what little dignity they had left and realise that they were already outnumbered inspite of being 2 to 2.
"Leave, girls," the guy easily dismissed them.
She gave him a pointed look, flashed her eyebrows, and jerked her head to the side in a 'you had it coming' motion, and then grabbed her friend's hand.
"Asshole," she sighed and steered them out of the booth, taking the cider in her other hand. Silly as she was, she thought she could simply leave, perhaps just slip by Bucky. But no, his strong hand grabbed her bicep as she passed by, and set his blues deep into her own. "Wait by the truck, I'll drive ya' home." He said, looking between the two girls.
"Fine . . . " She sighed.
"N' dont even think of running, cause I'll catch ya'," he warned, and she rolled her eyes inspite of the burning that settled in her core.
She tried to yank herself free, but he didn't let go. "What? You wanna hear a 'yes sir'?" She dared the words, teasing, as nervousity built in her gut.
His eyes searched hers, a slow grin spreading over his lips as he leaned closer, bending down to whisper in hear ear. "Dont get cocky with me, girl." And his hand began sliding downward, making her shiver, leaving goosebumps in the wake of his touch.
She swallowed, that tone, the hat? God. Her uterus purred, and in a sudden surge on confidence, she answered. "No, sir."
He grabbed the glass bottle from her hand and grinned, taking a sip. "Good, girl. Now go." And pointed to the door.
Would it be wrong to say she started salivating? His words, together with his lips making contact with the same surface she had? There was something about it, something that made her . . . Pulse.
Bucky whistled and his friend–the bouncer–came bounding up the steps, him along with the group of dad's and bucky's friends only a few steps behind.
The bouncer tipped his hat to her and her friend in passing, a smirk on his lips. Nice to know there was still some gentlemen in the world.
She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He was quite handsome too.
"Dont even think 'bout it," Bucky warned.
She rolled her eyes, and then they were finally on their way out, meeting Bucky's group of friends on the way, all nodding and greeting her. "Tell your daddy we missed him tonight." One said, and they all chuckled.
The girls hurried off, giggling. But anxiety lingered in the depths of her chest. Those men were rogue witnesses in all of this.
As she held the door open, voices raised behind them. She could see the crowd turning to look in Buckys direction, anf she herself followed their gazes. And found them just in time to see Bucky's knuckles collide with the jaw of the guy she'd spent her night on, sending him sprawling.
Plunging into the deep night, the cold swept over them. "He's hot, ain't he?"
She didn't want to answer, or simply didn't want to admit it and just gave her friend a look of understanding.
"God, I was ready to pounce on him the second he called me ma'am."
The girl understood that too.
After about ten minutes wait, Bucky emerged from the bar. Unscathed, apart form bloody knuckles and dark cloud around his head. Before even saying a thing, he'd already removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "I only got one of them. Apologies, ma'am," he told her friend and opened the truck door for them both. "The truck'll warm you up."
"Thats ok, thank you," her friend answered, and the girls shared a knowing look. Their thoughts connecting in fiendish collectivity.
"Alright, get in. We'd better get goin'."
The ride was relatively quiet. We knew better than to anger him further. Anxiety was growing within her, though, she didnt wanna know what would happen when her friend was let off.
"Text me ok? I'll se ya' later." Her friend said, eyeing Bucky. She leaned her head through the open window of the truck. "But- let me know how that goes," she whispered. "And good luck." She raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her lips.
The girl rolled her yes. "Sure will." And with one last wave, they were off.
When there were only the two of them, they could say whatever they wanted with confidence. But so far, there'd only been a few sighs and breaths of shared irritation. Neither of them were particularly pleased with the situation.
But she wanted to be the first to speak. "I'll be 21 in a few days, Buck."
"Doesn't mean you have good judgement."
She bristled. "I'm not a little girl anymore!"
" 'Course not, I can tell by the way you dress. That what a grown woman look like to you?" He nodded to her body, barely covered apart from his thick jacket over her torso.
She pulled it closer around herself. "Like what exactly? What do I look like to you? A slut, a hooker?" Her face stung from embaressment. She felt like a child again, being berated for something she wasn't able to puzzle together by herself.
He clicked his tongue, jerking his head to the side. His patience was running thin. "Dont twist my words, doll. I'm callin you careless."
"That dont matter comin' from you, you're not my daddy." She knew the comment would get a rise out of him, because she knew he'd ment no ill intent, and she knew he cared for her. But she was mad, and so was he.
"No, n' you should thank fucking god he wasn't there to bust you. I was the better option, I can promise you that."
She exhaled a frustrated breath, turning her attention toward the windshield. Watching droplets of water paving their way over the condensation covered glass. "You weren't the only one to bust me, though, were you?" She spoke lowly, feeling like a coward for even asking. "The boys gonna say something?"
He gripped the steering wheel harder, his roughed up knuckles tearing. "I told em' I'd take care of it." It must've stung, but he took no notice. Other things pestered his mind.
Worry mixed in with all other emotions as her gaze drifted to his hands, and her mind immidetly moved into recovery mode. "So what's that mean, you gonna tattle on me now?"
He looked over at her, brows furrowed right beneath the rim of his hat. He couldnt begin to understand her. "That all you care about?"
"Right now? Well, yeah. I dont want a scolding."
"All grown and still daddy's little girl, worried about his opinions."
"And if I say yes, what then, girl?
"I dunno, m' gonna have to convince you not to."
"Like you convinced that guy to buy you beer, huh? What'd you do, flirt with him? Give him a handjob, suck him off? What did I miss before catching you?"
Her mouth hung open in disbelief. "You fucking asshole!" She shook from anger, she never expected words like that to be thrown at her. Especially not by him. But she'd get him back, there was no reason behind her actions now. "Maybe I would've, I even bet it would've worked if I'd asked you. Right? You would've just loved having your friends pretty daughter gettin' you off, huh!" She half shouted the last sentence, her chest heaving with effort and fury.
"That's enough." His tone was unforgiving, shooting a sense of reality back into her.
"I'll shut up if you answer the god damned question Buck, would it have worked?"
But Bucky didn't answer, his jaw clenched and unclenched, biting back his words. If she thought the silence had been bad before? It was deafening now.
After calming down again, her words hit her like a freight train. She always had a friend in Buck, but now she wasn't sure. The words that'd been thrown back and forth had set them off balance, their entire relationship was on unsteady ground. Something had been rewritten in the rules between them.
There'd always been attraction, but that wasn't something they ever spoke of. They'd always been close, good friends even. But now, something had changed. And it made her feel sick. She'd had an ally in him, but now, she wasn't so certain.
After a long whole of shutting her mouth out of stubbornness, the fate of her father finding out was worse, so she broke. "Please don't bring me home, Buck. Dad'll throw a fit." She tried to smile, to soften her voice. But it felt wrong.
After a moments uncertainty on her part, and strained breathing on his, he spoke. "Im not makin' the detour, you can sleep at mine, that was always the plan anyway." He admitted, sounding utterly tired.
And now she felt extremely guilty, eyes studying him as he gripped the steering wheel harder. Her gaze drifted over his body, his face, his hands. Stopping on the roughed up and bloody knuckles. He'd beaten that guy for her. Out of jealousy, or simply because he was protective?
She turned away, her chest feeling hollow and followed the birches and sprucetress as they flashed by the truck. Their colors and textures blending together as they met the dark consistent sky above them.
Bucky's house was dark, he only lit a few tablelamps when they arrived. It was better that way, she recognized herself here, within the gloom and the safety of his home. It was second to her own.
"I'll get your something more comfortable," he said, his eyes avoiding her clothes, her body as a whole and disappeared into his bedroom.
Was it because he thought they didn't fit her, or the opposite? Had he been mad at himself for being attracted to her?
She nodded slowly, calling out to him, "we should do something about that hand of yours."
"It's fine, I'm fine." He said, re-emerging, meeting her eyes. "Here," he handed here a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, most likely too big for her. "I'll take the couch, n' you can take my bed."
She nodded again, and headed into the bathroom.
Buckys t-shirt was longer on her than the skirt she'd worn, so she opted out of the shorts. Luckily findig a roll of gauze in the bathroom cabinet.
She emerged from the bathroom, a pair of panties and the oversized t-shirt the only things on her body. "You want something to-" Bucky paused as she rounded the corner, and suddenly she herself stopped short–caught off guard.
Bucky stared at her, and whatever he'd been about to say was lost the second he looked up. Bucky cleared his throat, and with the weight of a 15 year long friendship on his shoulders, his eyes stayed glued to hers.
Inwardly, she smiled and hoped the lowly lit livingroom couldn't reveal the blush on her cheeks. "Found some gauze," she held the roll up, indirectly asking for permission to bandage him.
He opened his mouth to decline, she could even see his head begin to shake in dismissal.
But she cut in before he had the chance. "Just let me help, you can be mad and still let me help."
His eyes hardened, but hesitantly, he nodded all the same. "Im fine, doll."
She raised her brows with skepticism and made her way toward him, the fabric of buckys shirt doing its best at showcasing her breats.
Bucky clenched his fist in an attempt to control himself, he winced, the wounds on his knuckles re-opening.
"Yeah," she scoffed. "Sure seems fine to me." And placed herself infront of him. From his position on the couch, he had to look up at her. At that, a flicker of heat blazed in her core. Oh, those eyes. His big, pleading eyes, all sad and hurt. Did he want her gone or want her in some other way?
She kneeled, settling between his thighs and grabbed his hand. "You don't got to be so stubborn all the time. . . Just wanna help you." She wrapped his hand carefully, enjoying every second of his corse skin over hers. Once done, he tried flexing his hand, and winced again. He still hurt, that much was clear, but was too proud to admit it. "Want me to kiss it better?" She joked, hoping it would lighten the mood. But he did that thing again, where he said nothing, and instead clenched his jaw, as if holding back a yes. So she took her chance.
Keeping their eyes locked, she brought his wrapped knuckles to her lips, and kissed them through the bandage once, then moving further up to kiss the softer skin of the back of his hand. Again, his eyes were pleading, and he moved the hand to cup her cheek, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. She took it as encouragement and kissed his palm, his wrist, his forearm. She stood up on her knees, kissing his bicep and reached for his shirt to pull him closer. She cupped his face and brought him inches from her own, nuzzling her nose against his.
Finally, when her lips reached for his, he pulled away. "Stop, stop," he nudged his forehead against hers. "We can't," he moved his lips away, cheek to cheek, he kissed the soft spot in front of her ear. "We can't."
"Cant, or wont?" She asked dully.
Those pleading eyes were back, begging her not to make him answer that question. She nodded absentmindedly, pulled into her thoughts. She stood up and moved away from him, his hand sliding down her arm and locking around her wrist, stopping her. "Dont leave."
"I'm comin' back."
After a few minutes of bustling in the kitchen, she returned to him. Sidling up next to him on the couch, her curled up legs lulling into his lap as she handed him a whiskey glass, then cradled her own. He whispered a thank you, looking into her eyes, and she whispered a you're welcome, looking into his. Then they sat like that for a while, quiet, unmoving. Bucky's hands finding their home on her legs, glas in one hand and her knee in the other. Somehow, this wasn't crossing a line for them, this was their normal, this was something not even her family questioned, this was them.
"Im sorry, doll." he said finally. "I never meant to imply-"
"It's ok, Buck." He opened his mouth to speak again, but she stopped him. "Really, It's fine. I'd rather not dwell on it."
Another moments silence passed between them, it was uncomfortable, but the unsaid lingered in the air like a thick wall between them, and hung over them with the threat of smothering. "We need to talk about us."
"I didn't like the way he was touchin' you," he said, choosing the topic before she had a chance at it. If he had to approach them, he would do it indirectly. "It didn't look like you were enjoyin' it."
Her eyebrows raised, "You would've punched him even if I were enjoying it." She commented sourley.
He squeezed her knee, gently rubbing circles into the skin beside. "He acted like he owned you," He turned his unscathed hand upside down, brushing his knuckles up and down her sensitive skin.
It all went straight to her head, veins throbbed with heat she didn't know she could feel. All brought out by a single touch of his hand.
But she wouldn't let off. "And what do you 'spouse beating him for it is?"
He stayed silent, his hand turned again, this time to grab her soft flesh, squeezing it with purpose. Much like the guy had done, but this felt different. This felt good, real good.
She swallowed, closing her eyes to focus on the words she needed to say. "What made you think you had the right? If not that I already belonged to–" she stopped, and their eyes met in a quick glance.
He let out a frustrated sigh. "I was only protectin' you." He defended, but it didn't quite sound like he believed the words himself. Nor did she. But if he wasn't ready to see it as it was, she wouldn't pressure him.
Instead, she laid her head on his shoulder. "It shouldn't be this hard."
He shook his head, the words seemingly struck a cord within him. For he sat insilence, pondering, a long while. "I would've said no, you know. And it would've killed me." She looked at him strangely, forgetting what he was referring to for a moment. "I would've said yes, if you hadn't felt forced to it, like it was a last resort to keep your secret."
Oh. . . "Had I wanted it, you'd said yes?" She stared unbelieving into the dark space infront of them.
"Nothin' could stand in my way." He slid his hand further up her thigh, fingers exploring the skin just beneath the hem of his/her shirt.
She sat up straight to look at him properly, she couldn't tell if he was serious. "You want me?"
"More than anything," his voice was breathless, barely a whisper. His index and long finger reaching further up, exploring more than he'd ever dared. "Cant even explain how many times I imagined you gettin' me off after you said it. How much I hated the thought, the sight of you with that guy, his hands all on you."
A pang of need shot through her. She put her whiskey down, and braced her hands against his chest. "But why tell me now, whats changed? Whats changed in this last hour?" His fingers rubbed the skin of her hips beneath her panties, sending shivers running over her body, shivers she'd only previously dreamed he'd be the cause of.
"You're right, it shouldn't be this hard. I'm makin' it too hard." His hand slid to her waist, still invisible to him, but no longer untouchable. Magnetically, they were pulled together, faces inching closer and closer to oneanother.
"And what about daddy?" It was becoming hard to focus, she wouldn't stop him for the world. Bow, they were close enough to feel the dampness of their breaths.
His hand continued exploring farthur up, fingertips finally reaching the soft, plush flesh below her breast. "Your daddy ain't here, is he?"
She began shaking her head in disbelief, lips brushing against eachother. "Dont promise something if you can't follow through."
His hand stopped, "I can, please," he begged, waiting for her go-ahead. "I can. . ."
His words vibrated against her skin, electrifying her body. "Fuck," she moaned, he's right there. Right, there, infront of her, for her. "Then do, please do, Buck."
And just like that, both hands were beneath her shirt, pulling her into his lips and squeezing her breasts.
Breathless moans filled the silent air, they tore at eachother greedily. Pulling and pushing eachothers bodies, fighting to get Bucky free of his clothes.
Snaking one arm behind her back, he guided her down onto cushions and placed himself above her. Still clothed by jeans, he rolled his hips against her core, grinding the rough fabric against her barely clothed clit. This, is what she had been craving. The exact static friction, the heat and movement between their bodies producing all the pleasure she needed. She moaned heavily, beacause still, she wanted more. Pulling her legs up and her panties off, she wordlessly signaled for him to do the rest.
With a groan, Bucky dove into her neck, kissing and sucking, all the while he unzipped his jeans and pulled them off together with his boxers. No time was wasted, he lined his member up with her core within a second, prodding and teasing at the opening. "Please, please, please." She sounded desperate, but fuck, she was. And feeling it was worse then sounding it.
"Yes ma'am." He said, and thrusted into her. A gasp escaped them in unisome. With the arm still around her waist, he pulled her into his hips, his body straining as he delved deeper inside her than she thought possible.
"Yes. . ." She whined. "More."
He kissed his way up her throat, their hips freed and collided into eachother with steady, strong thrusts, pushing her deeper into the cushions with every rut. Nothing could compare, he was unparalleled. Bucky, despite what he was already achieving, kissed his way up her neck, unfaltering in his duty.
Her hands found his face, cupping it and bringing him back to her, and their lips met again. "Taste so sweet," he murmured, sinking his tongue into her. The salt of her skin mixing with her saliva. "Want all of you."
She smiled against him. "Harder."
He did as ordered, keeping his pace and adding pressure. "Yeah," he moaned. "Being so good for me, girl." And pulled her deeper onto his member. Her breaths grew rapid and shallow, fingers clawing at his back as she had nowhere to go, all pleasure directed straight into her. "Close, so fucking close," she cried.
"Good," he chuckled breathely against her skin, and that was a she needed. Her back arched in euphoria, and stars stung her eyelids, speckling the darkness. "Good job, sweetheart. Just breathe," he continued thrusting into her, softly, easing her through the orgasm. "Good girl. Well done. . ." He whispered, kissing her jaw. The stars began fading and she regained her senses, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Beautiful, girl." He moaned, still rutting into her, chasing his own high while wiping the tears from her face. Her body began tingling, on the vege of breaking down.
"Dont know how much more I can take, Buck." She kissed his cheek, focusing on the skill of his lips.
"Almost there, almost. . ." he moaned, increasing his pace. The slickness of her core created a sickening sound together with the slapping of their skin. It was heavenly, but she could feel the pressure building within her again.
"Mmmh, m' gonna cum again, please buck, dont stop."
He didn't, he continued, intent on coming together with her. He bit into her lip, causing her to yelp and yield the hold on his face and licked a trail down her chest and breast, then taking it into his mouth. Sucking and slurping in an insane rythm with the slapping. "Yes, yes! Fuck, Bucky." she called out, and Bucky pulled out of her.
Coming only a second after, his seed spilling over her abdomen. "I love you, I love you." He moaned with faltering breaths, bracing himself on his forearms on either side of her, kissing every part of skin that he could reach.
Holy shit? "I love you too." She smiled lazily, drunk off of her two consequent orgasms. Laying her hand on her stumache, she felt his sticky substance coat her fingers.
His eyebrows knit together in guilt. "Sorry 'bout that sweetheart, I'll get a towel-"
She grabbed his bicep and shook her head, locking her eyes onto his as she brought the fingers to her lips and licked them off, popping them in her mouth to suck them clean.
Bucky stared, unable to form words.
"Cat got your tongue, cowboy?" She asked, a coy smile on her glistenting lips.
"Fuck," he awed breathlessly. "I just love you." He whispered, lowering himself onto her once again, this time striking his tongue into her core.
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imnameimswrld · 10 months ago
ⵌ ׄ ۪ 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ⁰⁰ ׄ ⑅ TW ‌˖ ֺ ᰮ
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—  DESCRIPTION   ੭ just some fluff of toto forever adoring y/n and has been saving her a seat for years.
—  PAIRING   ੭ toto wolff x platonic!reader.
—  FILE   ੭ social media au (request)
—  WARNINGS   ੭ none.
—  FACE CLAIM   ੭ liz of IVE.
❪ main masterlist | f1 masterlist | toto wolff masterlist ❫
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
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📍Shanghai, China
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liked by zhouguanyu24, georgerussell63, and 988 243 others
ynusername (late) Shanghai dump ! Thanks again Zhou for showing me around 😊
(晚)上海垃圾场!再次感谢周兄带我参观 😊
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user1 ya'll, in here chinese trans she called zhou "big brother zhou" 😭😭, that's so cute
user2 if it was anyone else, toto would have never let them post that picture of him 💀
↳ ynusername 😛
zhouguanyu24 always a pleasure y/n ! and btw, ur chinese is getting much better !
↳ ynusername well, I do have the best teacher :) [ liked by zhouguanyu24 ]
↳ mercedesamgf1 she's off limits guanyu.
↳ user3 you can't tell me this ain't toto talking 😭
↳ zhouguanyu24 I...
↳ mercedesamgf1 don't need her coming back home reeking of sauber. back. off.
↳ ynusername 😦 (the woman was too stunned to speak)
user4 poor zhou was just tryna be nice and toto just had to go all papa bear on him
ynusername added to their story ! • 1hr
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seen by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 977 243 others
user1 replied to your story !
girl, u underestimate ur power 💀
🎧 That's My Girl – Fifth Harmony
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liked by georgerussell63, mickshumacher, and 1 232 334 others
mercedesamgf1 our silver arrow princess 🫂.
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user1 how much ya'll wanna bet that toto posted this ?
↳ georgerussell63 he did indeed, and I totally saw him smiling like a fool doing it too
↳ lewishamilton and I thought I had toto wrapped around my finger, but bro praises the ground she walks on practically
↳ mickshumacher the girl gives the word "princess" a whole new meaning
↳ user2 help not the merc boys exposing toto 😭
ynusername merc 4 ever 💋 [ liked by mercedesamgf1 ]
user3 toto is literally yn's dad. prove me wrong- oh wait, u can't.
user4 so no one's gonna talk about the song choice ?? okay 😭
━━━━━━━━━━❪ 🖤 ❫━━━━━━━━━━
anon: Silver Arrow Princess, please 🥺 ! Toto Wolff looks like he would be more like girl-dad instead of boss.
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charliedawn · 2 years ago
How would they react if you kissed their scars ?
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Vincent had remained with the mask for so long, it had become part of your everyday life.
You had never questioned it...not until you walked into his bedroom one day and found that Vincent had not yet put on his mask.
He hadn't heard you come in—too focused on his latest piece of art.
So, you made sure not to disturb him as you looked at his new 'piece'.
You shivered. You really didn't want to be thinking about the poor guy trapped underneath the wax.
So, you focused back on Vincent instead.
The bad part of his face was not completely facing you, but you could make out the disfigured part he wanted to hide...It broke your heart.
"...Vinny ?"
You called him and Vincent's eyes widened in shock at the sight of you and he hurried to reach for his mask, but you were quicker.
You grabbed the mask and took a couple of steps back.
Vincent didn't understand what you were doing until you placed a soft kiss on the interior of the mask and finally put it back on him.
He let you and his breath hitched as he saw the genuine smile on your face.
"You're very handsome...Don't let the mask fool anyone."
He was stunned.
Truth was, Vincent had worn this mask all his life and had never thought for a second that anyone would call him 'handsome' in his life.
It brought tears to his eyes as he suddenly hugged you and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
His new piece of art left unattended as he asked you to kiss that part of his face again and again...his mask slipping off in the process.
But, he was too happy to care.
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Now, Jason is the insecurity boy.
He hates that he's tall, hates his face, hates his clumsiness...
But, whenever he would be with you, his insecurities seemed to wither into nothingness.
He still had problems with leaving the mask behind though. People used to call him awful things and even though he had partially healed with time, the pain was still there.
So, when you walked in when he was getting ready—he almost fell backwards and covered his face with his hands.
He was afraid and screamed when you tried to touch him—only for you to fight against every single survival instinct in your body and hug him tightly.
"...Ssh...It's alright. You don't need to be afraid. I love you. Your face doesn't change that."
Jason was shocked at your words and he gripped the fabric of your shirt tightly to hide his face and not let you see him cry.
He held you like you were his only lifeline, and maybe you were.
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Now, Bo is a whole other story.
He doesn't like physical affection.
But, you still wanted to show him that you loved him.
So, as he was working on a car, you asked for a tool. He was so focused on his task, he absent-mindedly obeyed and just gave you one of his tools to keep you happy—not expecting you to take his hand instead.
You stroked the damage skin on his wrist and looked up at Bo who seemed uncharacteristically quiet, no longer focused on the car.
You then pressed your lips to the scars around his wrists and his eyes followed your movement with baited breath.
He suddenly retrieved his hand, as if burnt by the sensation alone.
"What in the carnation do ya think you're doin' ?!"
But you didn't answer.
You only shook your head and grabbed his arm gently to bring it back to your lips.
You peppered it with kisses and Bo licked his dry lips before smiling and closing the gap between the both of you to kiss your forehead.
"...You' really sumthin', ain't ya sugar ?"
In response, you stuck out your tongue cheekily at him and smiled.
However, you didn't expect it when Bo mimicked you and the tip of your tongue touched his.
You took a step back and flushed red as he tipped his hat at you.
"Well, now that we've shared our DNA, I'll go prepare dinner.", he announced before turning away to leave.
"GROSS, BO !", you finally shouted after him—but a small hidden smile tugged at the corner of your lips.
He laughed.
"Yeh yeh. You'll live."
He then hurried out of the house—ignoring the way you tried to call him back.
His own face felt hot and he hurried outside.
~That was dangerous. He almost lost control.
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Brahms loved it when you took care of him, he had found a comfortable daily routine with you.
But, of course...You had to become curious.
You waited until he was asleep before slowly creeping into his bedroom to try to remove his mask.
You smiled as you saw his peaceful sleeping face and couldn't resist laying a kiss on his masked cheek.
You then hesitated about your plan. Would he be mad if you took a quick look ?
However, before you could think about it any further, Brahms grabbed your hand and yanked you forward into his arms.
You let out an undignified surprised yelp.
His breath was shallow and you felt so ashamed of having been caught, but he then quickly whispered in your ear.
"Brahms...Likes Y/N...Don't want them to be...afraid..."
Your heart squeezed as you wrapped your arms around him and smiled.
"Brahms has nothing to be afraid of. Y/N will stay with him. Because Y/N loves Brahms."
Brahms' eyes widened at the use of the l-word and his grip on you tightened as he let you take off the mask.
You were speechless for a second and Brahms thought it was because you were horrified and immediately tried to reach for his mask, but you shook your head and threw his mask away.
"...Pretty.", you muttered and kissed his burnt side with tenderness.
His eyes watered and he held you infinitely closer.
He never wanted to let you go.
His mother had called him pretty only once in his life, and he remembered feeling so much happiness from the word alone.
It made him happy and sad at the same time.
Because, it also reminded him of the burns on his face and the fact that his face would never be the same again.
You would never see how pretty he looked back then. You would never see the face he wanted you to see...But, you still found him pretty.
And that made Brahms feel as if you had sown a part of his heart back into place.
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Freddy. Freddy doesn't have insecurities. What he does have however is a painful fear of rejection and a huge ego clashing in an eternal battle for dominance.
His ego as the big scary demon and his fear of who he used to be...
He hates his reflection. He would never admit it to you, but you noticed the way he constantly avoided mirrors.
"...Ain't you gonna try to escape ?", he finally asked one day—hiding the true depth of the reason behind the question.
He wanted you to answer yes, so he could completely be overwhelmed by the demon and be done with it.
Freddy used to be a scrawny little nuisance—just good enough for manual work.
He had never been a great scholar, barely made it to high school.
Freddy—the pushover—that's what people used to call him...Well, until he killed them all.
"Nah. Have you seen me running...?", you answered with a small playful grin...But, it didn't work. He frowned and let out a small huff.
"Come on. Don't go all witty on me. Give me a real answer."
You tilted your head quizzically at him. Why the sudden need for an answer ?
He didn't dare look at you in the eye and that's when you understood. Freddy was doing the most Freddy thing.
He was testing you.
He wanted to know if you really stayed because you liked him, or because he was just another mere distraction.
"I'm telling you that I have no intention to run."
You finally told him the truth and Freddy's eyes widened as he crouched in front of you and stared at you—his claws gleaming in the dark.
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"You don't believe me ?"
"Ya just saying stuff...To make me happy.", he muttered under his breath and you gasped at the accusation. That's when you cupped his face and forced him to look you in the eyes again.
"I would never lie to you."
You then kissed him on the lips and his eyes widened at the unexpected action.
"...Here. Is it enough proof for you ?", you asked with a knowing grin and Freddy felt stunned for a second before he chuckled.
"~Maybe.", he smirked and then pulled you closer to him. "Gonna have to get more proof. Just to be sure."
You snorted.
"~Of course."
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"Say Myers...Can I see you without the mask ?"
His...mask ? What a strange request...
Now, why would you ask that ?
He tilted his head at you—pondering.
His confusion must have shown as you answered his silent question.
"Well...Every time I see you without it, Michael takes over and I'd like to see you without it."
Myers didn't move for a second and you thought you had offended him or something...But, he then decided to trust you and removed the mask.
You were immediately drawn to his two green eyes that seemed to be boring into the depth of your very soul.
He was handsome, even though a few scars here and there from years of surviving.
You raised yourself on your tiptoes and you saw the momentary panic in his eyes.
He wanted to look away or hide away from your gaze—but couldn't. He only kept staring while you continued examining his features.
You looked each other in the eyes and then, an inexplicable impulse took over you.
You kissed his chin and smiled when you felt him holding you a little closer than necessary—his eyes squeezing shut.
It felt...good.
His beard tickled your face, but you didn't mind. You giggled and hugged him back.
Myers wouldn't cry, but he did feel the need to talk—him who usually never did.
He opened his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
"Well ? Aren't you going to return my kiss ?"
You then tapped the side of your face with a small playful smile and Myers couldn't help but smile back.
However, you didn't expect it when he suddenly leaned forward to kiss you on the lips, securing the back of your head with his large hand.
It made you feel safe for a second before he pulled away—all too soon.
He then put back his mask and even though you couldn't see it, you knew he was smiling underneath.
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trancowboy · 11 months ago
arthur morgan is so funny he'll be playing tough guy right up until a pretty boy looks at him sweetly and says please and then he caves and does whatever he's asked like buddy........ you ain't fooling anyone
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moonlightsunrisetehe · 9 months ago
Noa ain't slick. He claimed to be the biggest human hater, then he gets the telescope scene with Mae and then all of a sudden this boy goes "you're coming with us" & keeps her from harms way.... Okay Noa you ain't fooling anyone 🙄
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supercap2319 · 3 months ago
"Golly gee, Cooper. I'm horny as heck!" Archie cried. He tried to do a little backseat bingo Veronica at the passion pit, but ended up getting rejected by her. "I sure do wish Ronnie'd let me cop a feel! But she's as frigid as an ice cream scoop on an Antarctic expedition! Mrmph!" He glanced at Cooper hungrily.
"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Cooper asked.
Archie leaned in closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, I was thinkin'... maybe you and me could... you know... experiment a little. Since Ronnie's not givin' me any lovin', I gotta find some... elsewhere."
"What about Betty?"
The red head waved a dismissive hand. "Aw, shucks, Betty's sweet and all, but she's just too... nice. You know? She'd probably make me wear a raincoat and promise to call her momma afterwards." He laughs. "No thanks. I need someone who's..."
"Exactly!" Archie beamed. "Someone who knows how to have a good time without all the mushy stuff." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Whaddya say, pal? Wanna help me... unwind after all those blue balls I've been carryin' around?"
"Sure. where do we start?"
Archie grinned mischievously, "Well, first things first - let's head on over to the old abandoned barn out past the tracks. It's the perfect place for a couple of red-blooded American boys to... explore their masculinity."
"Sounds well, Daddy-O."
"Gee whiz, that's the spirit!" Archie exclaimed, opening the door to his jalopy. "Hop in, pal. We've got some... business to attend to." As you both get in, he starts the engine and peels out of the parking lot, heading towards the abandoned barn.
Cooper was buzzing with excitement as he and Archie drove towards the old abandoned barn. He couldn't wait to see what they could explore together. Archie kept casting eager glances at you as he drove, his foot heavy on the accelerator. "Say, Cooper, have you ever... y'know... fooled around with another guy before?"
Cooper shook his head. "I haven't. Ain't even been with a Dolly."
Archie's eyes widened, and he let out a low whistle. "Well, hot diggity dog! I guess today's gonna be a real eye-opener for both of us then, huh?" He parked the jalopy behind the dilapidated barn, out of sight from prying eyes. "What about you? you fool around with anyone?" Cooper asked.
Archie scratched the back of his neck, a slight blush coloring his freckled cheeks. "Aw, shucks, I mighta played around a little in the showers after football practice. Nothing too serious though! Mostly just... you know, comparin' equipment and whatnot."
"Anyone I know?"
Archie's blush deepened, and he cleared his throat. "Well, I ain't one to kiss and tell, but... let's just say my buddy Jughead's been pretty curious lately. Don't go spreadin' that around though!"
"I promise. cross my heart." Cooper crossed his heart.
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beatleskinkmeme · 9 months ago
Summer of Love Fanworks-a-thon Master Post
Please check out these fanworks and leave a comment!
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Grateful for him by @johangeorghohman
5 + 1 things, 5 times George wished that Paul never met John (because George has a big fat schoolboy crush on Paul) + 1 time he was grateful that they did met
everything to be discovered by @backbenttulips
John and Paul exploring a romantic relationship with each other during the 2000s-2010s, and navigating life as famous old people and grandparents.
the size of a loneliness by @backbenttulips
Brian survives his overdose in 1967. John and Paul come stay to make sure he gets better, taking care of him in their own emotionally inept way.
Knocking at Your Door by @eveepe
5+1 fic. When they’re kids George learns that an easy way to calm Paul down when he’s getting the horrors is to give him a quick little kiss on the mouth. It becomes his go to method to soothe Paul when he needs to.
I Fancy Me Chances With You by @hootiepgh
Paul participates in a charity auction during the 70s. “Bid on a date with Paul McCartney” John pays an absurd amount of money to win. Paul is shocked. They go on the date and they’re both very awkward, neither are sure why John paid so much and what it entails.
I'll Never Do You No Harm by @hootiepgh
Aftermath of the "I want a divorce meeting," when Mal drives Paul home. Paul is broken and crying. Mal calls John and tells him how upset Paul is. John comes over. All the angst please!
But as the words are leaving his lips, a noise comes from behind by @hootiepgh
Mid-1969, Allen Klein and the Beatles are having a private meeting with Allen still trying to convince them to have him be their manager. He gets really frustrated and lashes out at one or all of them, and in an act of self defense Paul, Ringo, George, and John end up accidentally killing him. Afraid of what might happen if anyone finds out, they all agree to cover up their involvement in the crime. Their personal lives/ marriages start to crumble as they're forced to rely on each other as the only people they trust. Would like the inclusion of McLennon and George X Ringo
If I Needed Someone by @hootiepgh
Paul gets shot during the 1966 Memphis concert. John (doesn't) deals with the angst and the guilt.
Taking Trophies by @m1ssunderstanding
AU where John and Paul see each other sooner, forced into confrontation around 1971 when things were at their worst with John spewing his anger to the public and Paul taken aback by it. Of course this leads to some post-breakup, angsty, possessive sex.
Everybody Loves Somebody by @bewareofdarkness
Soulmark AU, the four of them are soulmates
invisible string by @scurator
McHarrison boat vibes on the Queen Mary for the Venus and Mars release party. Um, bonus points for George showing off that he won Bob Dylan in the divorce
deeper than oceans you run by @timrothencrantz
AU where they went through with doing Beatle island and establish their commune (?) or whatever the plan was. Polyamory ensues. This either fixes everything or makes everything worse (or somehow both)
yellow, orange, and blue, i love you by @menlove
Soulmates au where one sees colour for the first time when you touch your soulmate. I believe it would be fun to see how this would play out. This one could be a fic, a comic page or even an illustration where the boys realise what happened when they introduce themselves, whatever the artist prefers!
take it away by @monkberryfields
Younger John meets an older Paul at a record shop. Paul offers to teach John how to tune his guitar and play a few chords but at a price...
Posy by @ohjohnnysblog
Mclennon does a roleplay where they pretend John is a shy virgin groupie. Bottom! John
Banana Milkshakes and Armpit Hair by @crepesuzette2023
Will someone finally come on Paul's eyelashes?
I ain't no fool, and I don't take what I don't want by @crepesuzette2023
Mal and Paul make love al fresco during one of their trips. Paul wears nothing but the flimsy scarf he's seen wearing here.
all by design by @forthlin
the classic “john and paul do increasingly sexual things with each other while coming up with increasingly elaborate justifications for why it’s not gay” scenario, except they both DO know that it’s gay, they just each think they’re pulling a fast one by convincing the other one that this is normal guys-being-dudes behavior.
I've Just Seen a Face by @javelinbk
when John met Paul
Meeting on the Turret Stairs by @sleeper9
a John/Paul moment backstage (Hamburg/touring years/rooftop/artist's choice) based on the piece, Hellelil and Hildebrand, the Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton.
Oh no, he's beautiful by @sleeper9
The first time John wears his glasses around Paul he finally gets to actually see Paul's face and oh no, he's beautiful
Run For Your Life by @pie-of-flames
A recut of any footage into some kind of Beatles horror movie trailer (maybe Paul is dead?)
**This will be updated as we get more fanworks!!
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7ndipity · 2 years ago
Dating Taehyung headcanons
Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: swearing, lil suggestive
A/N: I was planning on posting Hobi's hc list tonight, but then I got an ask for Tae's, so I figured screw it, why not post both!
Requests are open
Oh boy...
First off, he's the living personification of a love song.
Falls hard and fast, and tells you as soon as he realizes it. Like, no warning, no lead up, just "I love you" while you're in the middle of setting up dinner or smth.
He's a classicalist when it comes to romance. I'm talking slow dancing in the kitchen, midnight picnics, the works.
But he's also the King of randomness, and his style of flirting very much reflects that. Like when he complimented Yumi on 'Jinny's Kitchen' for her socks?
Which is, I mean, is kinda nice, cause it shows how he notices the little things, but still what?
Calls you things like 'Darling', 'Babe', 'Soulmate'(yes, Jimin got huffy when he found out)
Y'all are that Instagram art couple. He calls you his muse and everything.
Takes pictures of you constantly. If you don't like having your photo taken(me), he'll find 'your angle', even if it's literally just half your hand in the shot.
Dates with him go one of two ways.
1. Absolutely nothing has been planned out at all, and you just end up driving around till you come up with something, like his solo vlog from last summer.
Or 2. Elaborately themed dates where he takes you to some jazz club he's found, just so he can show off and dance with you.
Really random forms of affection. Like biting and watching you sleep.(sounds vampire-y, I know, but it's sweet I swear?)
Tries to play the shy and humble card, but you know damn well he's just fishing for praise. (Pls just brag on this boy, I beg you!)
If you're not into skinship, I'm so sorry...
But, he is the CLINGIEST MF to ever have clinged!
Comes home and literally just flops on top on you.
Always wants to be touching you, not even in a suggestive way, he just feels better with you near.
And almost none of that changes when it comes to pda.
Like, if he wants a kiss, he's going for a kiss, he doesn't give a fuck if someone sees.
Has to hold you to sleep(you've seen the clip of him whining cause Namjoon wouldn't let him cuddle)
Pouty bby🥺
Gets so fucking jealous.
Wants to give off 'bad boys vibe, but he ain't fooling anyone. He's a puppy.
Fights with him are brief but harsh, but you always reconcile quickly cause he can't stand that tension.
Loves to tease and rile you up, but call him Baby, and he'll fold immediately.
(He has a Noona/Hyung thing, no I will not elaborate)
Having full conversations in Tete speak, that no one else can understand.
Introduces you to Yeontan as his new mom/dad(I'm not emotional, shut up)
All in all, can I have a Taehyung, please? I feel like it would help sm. (See you in pt.2!)
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aheathen-conceivably · 1 year ago
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🎶 In the desert you can't remember your name 'cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
It had been months of looking for work, of walking the compacted sands and hot asphalt of Strangerville as Antoine’s hopes dwindled closer to nothing. The most recent shop that turned him away had given him directions to a ranch so deep in the valley he hadn’t even known anything was there before. He had second guessed going at all, wondering if it was a fool’s errand or a disgruntled local’s cruel idea of a joke. 
But as he walked onto the plateau that spanned the top of the landscape, his worries melted into stunned silence. It was like a different world, suspended above the one below with vistas so grand he didn’t know they could possibly exist in this world. As though his wonder couldn’t grow, he suddenly heard neighing that he recognized from his fondest memories.
There was no word for the horses other than magnificent, no way for him to express how much they fulfilled every dream he ever had of this place or every feeling of freedom he expected to find here. They seemed to live the way he wanted to, simply existing in the hot desert air without any bounds placed upon their heads.
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“Hey, mister! Mister! You looking for work or somethin’?”
Antoine pulled his eyes away from the horses begrudgingly, toward the voice that had spoken to him. It was a lone man across the enclosure, his heavy boots marking every step he took across the sand toward where Antoine stood. 
For a moment, Antoine smiled at him. When he left New Orleans he had never expected to see anyone here who looked like him, and the unexpected presence of another black man immediately made him feel more comfortable, “I am, sir. Work on your ranch. I was told you were looking for help.”
Antoine’s relief quickly dissipated as the man narrowed his eyes and spit into the sand, “Well that was before all you Okies started passing through. You know I’ve got a family to feed too right? I can’t just hand out jobs to every straggler who walks by.”
For a moment Antoine went to respond, but he could see the purposefully hardened expression tighten on the man’s face, so he simply tipped his hat and walked away.
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Before he could take ten steps a small, breathless child ran in front of him, “Sir, wait! My momma just finished a loaf of bread, if you wanna come inside! She can spare a slice or two and maybe some jam, maybe…”
Before he could finish a loud voice boomed from behind him, “William you leave that man alone, you hear? I’m sorry, mister. My son, he’s a bit soft hearted, I’m afraid.”
Antoine looked down at the boy and smiled, “That’s alright, I’ve got a girl just about your age. Her name is Violette. But you tell your momma to save that bread for someone who really needs it, alright, son? I’ll be just fine.”
The sound of heavy boots approached again, and the man put his arm around his son before looking back up at Antoine, “You ain’t no Okie, are you? Not with that voice. Where are you from, anyway?”
“New Orleans. We have a farmhouse down the way, just before town.” 
“New Orleans, huh?” The man looked back down at his son with a whistle, as though the words themselves were foreign and impressive. Then he gave him a quick tap on the back, “Go back inside to your Momma, Will. Tell her I’ll be in shortly.”
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As his small feet ran away, the man looked back at Antoine, “Listen here, I’m Abraham. I don’t have much, not enough to guarantee pay week by week, but at least it’s something. And your girl, Violette you said? She’s welcome to eat here if you need. My wife works down at the schoolhouse but she’s a mighty cook. We can get you set up with schooling too. But don’t expect much else; I reckon the pay round here isn’t gonna get much better with time.”
It was a better offer than Antoine had heard since he arrived, and pay seemed inconsequential next to that fact that Violette wouldn't have to go hungry again; maybe she could even have a friend in this lonely and foreign place. He looked down at the the man’s hand extended in front of him and reached out to it like a lifeline, “I’ll take it, sir.”
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skayafair · 10 months ago
No but it's so mind-blowing how transparent everyone in this show is relationship-wise.
It doesn't take half a brain to clock Edwin as glaringly and gloriously gay. Idk how Charles didn't reply with "oh don't you worry mate, I knew all along" in ep.6 because again, OBVIOUS.
No one said anything about Charles but basically anyone who takes a single look at him instantly knows he's bi. Like, it doesn't even need confirmation at this point although his behavior is it on its own. It's funny even how so many people watched the trailer and went "I thought he was the fruity one".
Idk about Crystal but she's giving bi vibes too, especially with her first reaction to Niko sprites be damned and purple color theme. And I know purple most likely represents her psychic abilities but idc.
We don't know about Niko but several people in the fandom (including myself) felt her experience really reflects our own - aroace spectrum one, and also she's giving lesbian/sapphic vibes. And again, from what I've seen the fandom is pretty united in this.
Niko doesn't think twice making a date with a woman for Jenny because of course she's a lesbian, no questions asked.
Also is it just me or is the Cat King pan? I refuse to believe he'd limit himself in anything when it comes to this.
And that's just for starters!
Because everyone knows there's something going on between the boys™ and it ain't straight.
Crystal knows Edwin's jealous and the show is trying to sell it as "jealous as a friend who doesn't get all the attention anymore" but it's fooling no one (and I believe not Crystal either).
Edwin does gets jealous immediately when Crystal comes into the picture because Charles has a crush on her from the first sight and it's obvious.
Crystal and Charles are very clear with their feelings and intentions towards each other.
Charles immediately smells something fishy with the Cat King and Monty and turns his jealousy full volume, like even Edwin wasn't THIS persistent with prodding despite being more vocal about it.
Despite the fact that Edwin's coming out technically happens in ep.6, NO ONE bats an eye when he's starting to hang out with Niko A LOT. Charles, who - see above - was immediately alarmed by the Cat King and Monty, has absolutely no problem seeing how close his dearest friend grew with the new girl on the team. Partly it's because Niko is a member of their group and is friendly with everyone, including Charles, but STILL. Niko is the only one besides Charles who's allowed the physical contact to the point of pretty tight hugs and handholding. Yet it doesn't even cross anyone's mind that there might be anything but friendship between these two. BEAUTIFUL *sheds a tear*
So like. I'm ND so human relationship is usually even more confusing to me than to a neurotypical person, and I know it's very complicated as is, to everyone. That's why seeing a show where everything is so EASY and crystal clear without simplifying things to a cardboard state was such a relief and a comforting experience. It's just nice to have it easy for once.
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fizzywashere87 · 8 months ago
Erm... Trans Masc reader x R!Mikey fluff? Pls?
TM!Reader x R!Donnie fluff?
TM!Reader x R!Leo fluff?
TM!Reader x R!Raph fluff?
Any fluff pls
Im feeling low-key melancholy (u know why) and I need comfort
Or if your cool with it, gut wrenching angst that will make me hurt to the very core of my being and make me cry like a baby?
-xoxo Nardo
notes: yes. just yes. okay, i apologize in advance if these are not what you wanted/posted too late... but i hope you enjoy pookie!! i'm gonna write them as hcs so you get all in one AND it's not built like a script!
Hehe just in time for Pride Month! :3
Warnings: male reader, male pronouns used, cussing?, fluff!!
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RotTMNT x TransMasc! Reader
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Okay, we all know cuzzo's like the biggest sweetheart-
He's going to love you unconditionally for two reasons
One, in his mind, nothing can be worse than his whole.. situation.
Two, you're literally the most majestic, the most gracious person and lover to ever walk the earth! In his eyes strictly- not mine /J /NS I JS WANTED TO BE FUNNY
Raph's gonna support you no matter what decisions you make in life and he's going to follow your every move :3 -seriously he cannot live without you-
Is on top of your pronouns and will threaten anyone who tries to a fuckass skank
He'd get you like the Transgender flag but like the big one so you can wear it like a cape! -He says you're his hero and heroes have capes :3
Also gets you tinier flags and pins so you can wave 'em n wear 'em -hehe see what i did with the alliteration?
You can sit on his shoulders 'cuz you know he's tall and stuff
Best experience ever bro
He is also adorned in the Pride Attire™
OMG yk like the lil corks they put on sharp things?
You put some of those on him but like it's pride (cuz you know- you gay an stuff /ref) and now it's a festive safety feature!
Proudly displays you to the world an' I wanna make that so clear
"This is my s/o! Ain't he just the handsomest?"
Yeah he's cute
Helps you with anything you need
If you choose to bind he'll help make sure it's on safely and shit
Raph always makes sure you're comfortable and happy
If you're happy he's happy!
Raph loves you and he'll treat you the same (just with these added perks) no matter what- as long as you're happy my boy is thriving
Now this one-
This one...
Motherfucker's gay as shit we already know-
Yeah no fucking surprise there when this one came outta the closet
He's probably TransMasc too :3
"It's cause I'm gay isn't it?"
Yes tf-
Okay but like he's good to you and that's all that matters
Again, he doesn't treat you all that different besides the added perks >v<
He's such a simp for you don't let his annoying attitude fool you
Bro's gay and homophobic for you /ref amor would understand
Helps you with whatever you need, seriously
Call him and he's a portal away
Big help with transitioning
His room's got a big ass section dedicated to pride
Flags, pins, posters, uhm- what's with the sock and why is it hard as a rock?
aw what the shit man.
Don't speak of that with him he'll get pissy and you don't wanna deal with Pissy Leo™
Y'all have the most Gender Fits™ istg
Both of you guys are wearing the flag-cape thingy I'm not sure what to call
You went with the Transgender Theme and he went with the Gay Theme
Says it suits his color n he's not lying
Another one to proudly displays you
"Nobody's in the way Leo." April would roll her eyes alongside the rest of his brothers
You'd either match Leo's energy or tell him to stfu-
Back to the pride parade-
Nobody actually gives a fuck he's green
"I know a place," Ahh boyfriend
You guys have a blast marching around and the Gender Fits™ are your new favorite outfits
He loves you so much and he will show it through his one liners/pickups lines
It's really bad-
"Are you testosterone because you're testing my heart strings!"
*Receives the window treatment*
Gayest couple in New York but you guys OWN IT
~Othello Von Ryan~
Bro is literally indifferent
It's not that Donnie doesn't care- no he cares tenfolds and it shows
But he also doesn't care
Like he doesn't make as big of a commotion about it verbally
He does show you off literally everywhere tho-
"Ah yes, my superbly handsome s/o, [Name]!"
And he does have a pride section in his lab :3
He's just Autistic ∞
Is on top of allat medical shit for you
And also will help you with literally anything you need
"Donnie, it's Pride Month, you know what that means!" "Huh? Do you want me to like- make gay tech? What?" /reffff
Yes tf
And he does just that
He ended up making you a Lil' Reminder Guy
It reminds you to like- do stuff
Ion wtv tf you want
Just tell it when it needs to tell you to Do Stuff™ and it will
Take meds, walk the dog, eat, drink water, SLEEP
And it's gay LMFAO
Also probably created a pride flag printer :0
He's literally the best omgie
He's smart and hot?
insert ring on finger plz -><-
Except you giggle cause 👉👌
Donnie picks out your Gender Fit™ because he needs "his handsome significant other looking his best!"
Any of them masturbators wanna be dickheads? There's now a virus taking over their whole ass phone and it spread to their computer
He swears it wasn't him and it happened to be convenient timing
You let it go 'cause what the fuck they had it coming
Man the love is seen and is On The Brain™
Donnie does literally anything for you and will do it with Pride~
~Magic Mike~
Mans is all for it but in uppercase letters
Mikey's second favorite thing about Pride is defo the colors
The first being people being able to be themselves and all the happy faces :3
It's pretty much his scene
You give him literally the biggest excuse to be A r t i s t i c
Drawing on you 24/7 hkhuyhgygti-
Displaying you like his biggest achievement
In his eyes, you are again, his eyes, not mine /J AGAIN SORRY IM NOT FUNNY-
"Look at my adorable s/o, [Name]! Isn't he sososos adorable?"
The threatening stare he gives after makes anyone shit their pants and they will not DARE to disagree
Mikey will do literally anything for you and is another one to do it with Pride~
He won't fully leave you to pick out the fit but he is definitely pitching in A LOT
"You would look so amazing and handsome if you put it with this!!"
Places the cape on you so dramatically you laugh every time
Paints your face for the occasion
Cannot convince me he doesn't make a face while doing it LMFAO
Dating Mikey means you've got yourself a guard dog
Should anyone imply that you're anything besides amazing?
He's sending their fuckass twinkass self beyond where they came from-
Heavily assisting in your transition
Whatever you need is there as fast as he can possibly cause it "cause it"?
Mikey makes fun in all the annoying and uncomfy stuff you'd have to get through and you're so grateful you have him there to help
Also has a pride section in his room
It's so bright and colorful between all the flags and posters and pins
He collects those pins like they're sports cards
You literally give him an excuse to be so A r t i s t i c
His muse istg-
"My handsome angel face!! Look what I made! I seen something that made me think of you, and then it gave me an idea to paint this!!"
Your heart fucking melted oml
He's so precious bro
Holds you extra tight because he loves you so much
He'd do anything and everything for you
No matter what you do or say he'll always stick with you <3
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don't click see more to see the tags. i had a lil too much time on my hands-
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