#yonko saga
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onepieceanimals · 1 year ago
Little Garden, AKA "Onigashima except no one's high"
Luffy vs Queen
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Sanji vs X. Drake
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Zoro vs Sasaki
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Sanji vs Who's Who
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wesleysniperking · 11 months ago
It just irks me when in the OP fandom people start speculating who’s going to be the new Strawhat, when there’s still so much focus needed on the other ones. Like, we don’t have time for a new member when the other ones (other than the monster trio) aren’t given enough time and focus.
This wouldn’t be such a big problem if there wasn’t the big debate on who is more “useless” pre time-skip or post time-skip. Or “the Strawhats are a yonko crew, and they should all have haki by now.”
Adding on to that, the recency bias doesn’t help the whole matter either. The same ones who push for a new Strawhat member also criticize the Strawhats as a whole because of the non-monster trio members having not unlocked any haki, or because some can’t 1v1 an adversary. Usopp has haki but those naysayers say it “doesn’t count”.
It’s all nonsense, of course, but admittedly it gets to me.
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So, why do we need one more Strawhat?
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magicalinternetgurl · 4 months ago
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everypageofnicorobin · 2 months ago
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I'm not gonna lie, even if Robin told Crocodile the location of Pluton back in Alabasta, I don't think there's any chance he'd have gotten to it. But, it's not like she knew back then that it was so well protected.
And that's Volume 104!! Now that the Wano arc is over, I'd like to give a final count of how many Nico Robin pages there were. Let's see here....
Well guys, I usually give a count of how many pages of Nico Robin there are in a saga, but it looks like the Wano Saga isn't fully colored juuuust yet! It's actually quite funny. When I started this blog, Wano was part of the "Yonko" saga (Zou - Wano). But it's taken so long for the arc to get colored that the saga has been renamed [Now there's the Whole Cake Island Saga (Zou - Reverie) and Wano Saga (Wano)]. Nothing I can do about it, just gotta wait for Volume 105 to get colored. But how exciting that will be!! Nico Robin, in One Piece's Final Saga!!! See you then!
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weird-anime-thumbnails · 5 months ago
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One piece ultimate theory #onepiece #op #anime #luffy from YONKO SAGA
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as-i-watch · 2 years ago
I wonder what Enel is up to in space....
Like seriously. What has he been up to? We're in the final saga of the manga and we haven't seen hide or hair of electric slim shady in years.
My guess if that he found a civilization that worshiped him as a god and where there's no rubber boys to challenge him
He is content.
And maybe he decided to come back to earth, saw that that silly rubber kid that served his own ass to him all those years ago is now being called 'the fifth yonko of the seas' and went 'nope'
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yettofindaname · 1 year ago
One Piece posting
So I've recently catched up with the One Piece manga (as of now, chapter 1100) and have some things to say. (unmarked spoilers for OP below)
I have read One Piece since 2015, and my modus operandi always is to wait a bunch and read a significant block of chapters, ideally a years worth. Factoring that in, I can finally say the Wano arc really tested my patience.
Wano is the longest arc in the series! And i'm not talking the saga (that started ten years ago) Im talking the get-in-the-island get-out-the-island part! Luffy got in Wano in early July, 2018 - and left mid August, 2022, that's four years! And the final showdown in Kaidou's base, the climax of two years of preparations, politics, backstory - took two whole years to boot. It was kinda sad, getting my fresh one piece dose and it's 50 chapters of the same of last year! I glad that is over!
Luffy is a zoan-user now, and I saw a good comment stated by a very vanilla wish-fulfillment-protagonist in a isekai one piece fic: Zoan users are - as stated on the manga by various sources - shaped by the animal of the devil-fruit they eat. Carnivorous zoans are more agressive, and so on - this is heightened when the user awakens, sometimes with the user losing their personality and becoming a single minded beast, as was the case with the mino-animals in Impel Down. The point here is: Would a devil-fruitless Luffy be all that friendly and freedom fight-y, had he not eaten the fruit of the Laugh-and-Freedom-Fight-GOD? Was he always like this, or did the Nika inside him ate the person and left the shonen protag? I (like the fic MC that made the coment) don't think one piece is this kind of story - and when we find out what is luffys True Dream (that being Pirate King is only a stepping stone to) is, it will probably be something very Nika like, even if the dream is older than the God-Possession.
We got Bartolomew Kuma's story and ho boy, is it a kick-in-the-feelings. Oda loves mistreating us, it's sadness porn all the time, but we are masochists and keep coming back for more. The World Nobles are like a whole nation of Jeoffrey Baratheons, really gives me the desire to cross the screen and strangle them one by one.
Oda takes his sweet time introducing loads and loads of new characters and going out on tangents, but I gotta give it to him: I fully believe that when one piece ends, there will be little to none loose strings - the man will lay everything on paper, from the backstory of the world to that of significant major players. In this stretch after Wano, we already got a lot of Revolutionary backstory covered, and also the God Valley - a central point in Garp and Rocks pirates lore.
In the same vein, I like how Oda gives us a progressively more clear view of the past: Legends become events you see in person, and legendary figures become humane. When One Piece started, Gold Roger was this paragon, unattainable pinnacle of a pirate, a very much tell don't show kinda deal. Now we know how he fought, what he liked, how he behaved - And it's nothing 'out of this world' - we even know his bounty and how it compares with those alive today, and it's a value that it's high, but not absurd. A slightly more expensive yonko, but yonkos are - today - beatable antagonists.
Speaking of Bounties, my bet for highest bounty is this: Monkey D. Dragon - 10 Billion Beri, give or take a few hundred million. It rounds off nicely in a universe where World Gvt level threats (yonko) that aren't trying to destroy the government are valued 5 Billion 'and change'.
The moment Nico Robin discovered that the books of Ohara were saved and the research her friends and family died to protect melted my heart - this was the reading-sprint kick in the feelings i was not expecting, but took with tears in my eyes and a smile in my face.
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Yeah, this feeling.
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wotakugobrazil · 1 year ago
Os Piratas do Ruivo são uma das tripulações Yonko no mundo de One Piece. Atualmente, no Novo Mundo, essa tripulação domina uma grande parte deste oceano como reis. Eles são liderados por Shanks, o Ruivo, que é o homem que está entre os Quatro Imperadores do Mar, os piratas mais fortes vivos. Os fãs não viram muito dos Piratas do Ruivo em One Piece, no entanto, com a história entrando na Saga Final agora, esta tripulação de piratas estará mais envolvida do que nunca. Ao mesmo tempo, Oda tem se concentrado muito mais nesta tripulação e, finalmente, coisas como a estrutura dos Piratas do Ruivo estão finalmente claras para os fãs. Embora esta tripulação seja forte, ela é categoricamente muito diferente de qualquer outra tripulação Yonko que os fãs viram na série. O Capitão dos Piratas do Ruivo Reprodução: One PieceOs Piratas do Ruivo são, claro, liderados por ninguém menos que Shanks, o Ruivo. Shanks é um famoso pirata que já foi aprendiz do próprio Roger. Navegando no Oro Jackson, Shanks aprendeu o ofício da pirataria com ele e se destacou em todas as artes, ganhando até mesmo elogios suficientes para ser considerado o líder da próxima geração que um dia alcançaria as mesmas alturas que Roger. Após a execução de Roger, Shanks decidiu criar sua própria tripulação de piratas, no entanto, deixou muito claro que não estava mais buscando o One Piece. Por que isso é assim é algo que os fãs não sabem, mas provavelmente tem algo a ver com sua última conversa com Roger. Tempos depois, Shanks estabeleceu sua própria tripulação de piratas e a nomeou de Piratas do Ruivo. Shanks usou os Piratas do Roger como inspiração para sua própria tripulação. Assim como os Piratas do Roger, a própria tripulação de Shanks não tem muitos piratas a bordo. No geral, existem 10 membros principais desta tripulação. Shanks é o próprio capitão, no entanto, ele não é chamado de capitão. Shanks é chamado de Chefe dos Piratas do Ruivo e este é seu título específico dentro do grupo. Isso mostra um nível de respeito que todos os membros da tripulação têm por ele. Ao contrário dos Piratas do Chapéu de Palha, onde cada membro simplesmente chama Luffy pelo nome, os Piratas do Ruivo usam a palavra “Chefe” ou “Ogashira”. O Primeiro Companheiro dos Piratas do Ruivo Reprodução: One PieceMais uma vez, uma grande diferença entre os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha e os Piratas do Ruivo é o fato de que eles têm um Primeiro Companheiro. Enquanto muitos fãs confundem o título de Primeiro Companheiro como aquele que se junta à tripulação primeiro, isso não poderia estar mais longe do que realmente significa. O título de Primeiro Companheiro simplesmente significa Vice-Capitão. Não tem nada a ver com a ordem em que alguém se juntou à tripulação e pode ser qualquer pessoa, escolhida de acordo com o próprio capitão. Quando se trata dos Piratas do Chapéu de Palha, não há Primeiro Companheiro, pois diferentes membros da tripulação se destacam em diferentes coisas e assumiram o comando da tripulação em momentos diferentes. No entanto, com os Piratas do Ruivo, há um Primeiro Companheiro definido da tripulação, e esse é Ben Beckman. Isso é algo que Shanks mais uma vez tirou do livro do Rei Pirata Roger. Os Piratas do Roger também tinham um Primeiro Companheiro, e esse título pertencia a Silvers Rayleigh. Ben Beckman é incrivelmente importante para os Piratas do Ruivo. Enquanto Shanks é principalmente responsável pelo grupo, Beckman é aquele que garante que tudo esteja em ordem quando Shanks está festejando. Shanks é bastante parecido com Luffy e é uma pessoa muito descontraída. Ben Beckman, por outro lado, é mais cuidadoso e reservado. Ele complementa perfeitamente a personalidade de Shanks e é, portanto, absolutamente essencial para que a tripulação funcione tão bem quanto funciona. Ao mesmo tempo, Beckman também é muito poderoso, já que até os Almirantes da Marinha o temem. Os Oficiais dos Piratas do Ruivo Reprodução: One PieceJuntos, Shanks e Beckman formam a liderança dos Piratas do Ruivo. No entanto, além deles, existem mais oito membros nesta tripulação, e eles são conhecidos coletivamente como os Oficiais dos Piratas do Ruivo. Esses Oficiais são incrivelmente poderosos por si só. Acredita-se que todos eles tenham conquistado recompensas altas para si mesmos e que a média deles seja a mais impressionante entre as tripulações Yonko. Ao mesmo tempo, acredita-se que os Piratas do Ruivo sejam a tripulação mais equilibrada entre todos os Quatro Imperadores do Mar. Dos oito comandantes dos Piratas do Ruivo, dois se destacam muito mais do que os outros. São eles Lucky Roux e The Chaser, Yasopp. Lucky Roux é o mais forte dos oito comandantes dos Piratas do Ruivo. Ele possui uma força incrível e provavelmente uma recompensa alta para respaldá-la. Recentemente, ele foi visto lutando em One Piece Film Red, no entanto, se o estilo que ele demonstrou é canônico ou não, ainda está por ser visto. Independentemente disso, Lucky Roux foi visto fazendo seu corpo girar enquanto lutava. Ele também parece ter chutes fortes, o que é algo que ele tem em comum com Sanji. Ao mesmo tempo, acredita-se que ele seja um usuário excepcional do Colorido dos Braços. Ele também possui um certo grau de habilidade quando se trata de tiro preciso, o que o torna muito especial. Enquanto isso, The Chaser, Yasopp, é outro Oficial excepcional dos Piratas do Ruivo. Ele é o segundo mais forte de todos os oito Oficiais e, mais uma vez, assim como Beckman e Roux, ele tem uma alta recompensa em sua cabeça e fez um nome para si mesmo. Ele é, com certeza, o melhor atirador de precisão em todo o mundo de One Piece. Segundo Luffy, ele pode fazer coisas que parecem impossíveis. Ele também parece se destacar no uso do Haki de Observação e, ao mesmo tempo, do Haki de Armamento. Quão Fortes São os Piratas do Ruivo? Reprodução: One PieceDos Quatro Imperadores do Mar, os Piratas do Ruivo podem ser os mais fortes no momento. Acredita-se que sejam a tripulação Yonko mais equilibrada, e isso foi quando Big Mom e Kaido faziam parte deste grupo. Agora, os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha e Buggy estão entre os Quatro Imperadores. Embora os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha sejam certamente fortes, muitos de seus comandantes não são nem de longe tão fortes e certamente precisam aprimorar suas habilidades. Enquanto isso, Buggy e seu Cross Guild possuem algum poder de fogo sério, no entanto, não têm mão de obra suficiente para competir com os Piratas do Ruivo. A única concorrência real para os Piratas do Ruivo atualmente seriam os Piratas do Blackbeard. No entanto, mesmo nesse caso, os comandantes não parecem ser tão impressionantes. Pessoas como Kuzan foram capazes de derrubar vários Comandantes por conta própria ao mesmo tempo. Hancock, a Imperatriz Pirata, também fez o mesmo sem nem mesmo suar. É bastante claro que no momento, os Piratas do Ruivo são os mais fortes de todas as tripulações Yonko, e os fãs só esperam que eles confirmem esta afirmação nos próximos capítulos de One Piece. Confira também: One Piece conta a história de Monkey D. Luffy, um jovem com poderes de borracha cujo sonho é tornar-se o Rei dos Piratas, e da tripulação deles, os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha. Ao todo, o anime conta com mais de 900 capítulos divididos em diversas sagas, e ainda é exibido no Japão, sendo uma das séries mais populares de todos os tempos. Atualmente, o anime está desenvolvendo o arco de Wano, um país inspirado no Japão Feudal e dominado pelo Yonkou Kaidou das Cem Feras. A história de Luffy e seus amigos pode ser acompanhada na íntegra no Crunchyroll, em japonês com legendas em português ou na Netflix com as duas primeiras grandes sagas dubladas. Já o mangá de One Piece é publicado no Brasil pela Panini. Origem: Criticalhits
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years ago
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@akagamiko​ asked: 😘
It's international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse. (Still Accepting!)
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Ikkaku was standing by the tavern’s bar, laughing at Beckman’s recount of a mishap during the Red Haired Pirates’ most recent voyage. Naturally, Shanks had been the cause of the problem and had ended up being the butt of the first mate’s snarky asides about the whole situation. The ridiculousness of what had happened, added with Beckman’s delightfully dry sense of humor, had the engineer in stitches, her giggles rising above the din of conversation among their crews.
The feeling of warm lips and rough stubble against her cheek caught her attention, and Ikkaku turned to find the man she’d been laughing at’s chin resting on her shoulder. His expression could best be described as puppy dog eyes, and once again she found herself laughing.
“Look at the mighty Yonko, pouting like a kid,” Ikkaku teased, reaching up to pat his head. “Maybe if you didn’t always get yourself into ridiculous situations, Beckman wouldn’t have so many stories to share.”
Still, to soothe his ego, Ikkaku did lean in to press a kiss to his nose. Then she turned to the bartender to order another drink to put on Shanks’ tab. After all, Beckman had forewarned her that his story was just one of a multi-part saga that was Shanks’ most recent shenanigans.
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onepieceanimals · 2 years ago
Arc Navigation
Keep reading for easy blog navigation by SAGA and STORY ARC
For navigation by animal type and other catagories, see HERE
East Blue Saga
Romance Dawn
Orange Town
Syrup Village
Arlong Park
Alabasta Saga
Reverse Mountain
Whisky Peak
Little Garden
Drum Island
Sky Island Saga
Water 7 Saga
Long Ring Long Land
Water 7
Enies Lobby
Post-Enies Lobby
Thriller Bark
Summit War Saga
Sabaody Archipelago
Amazon Lily
Impel Down
Fishman Island Saga
Return to Sabaody
Fishman Island
Dressrosa Saga
Punk Hazard
Yonko Saga
Whole Cake Island
Wano Kuni
Final Saga
Egghead Island
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bardock1991 · 5 months ago
Both great choices
For me, I'd probably go with Thriller Bark from One Piece.
I think this arc does a great job in introducing Brook, setting up the upcoming Marineford Saga (Best Anime Saga, fight me), it ties back to stuff we got earlier in the story, mainly with Brook's bond with Laboon, we have one of the only times where ALL the Straw Hats fight as a single unit during battle (which should happen more often IMO), Despite being a downgrade from Rob Lucci, Moria still serves as a good antagonist & foil to Luffy by showing him a version of him that became lazy & apathetic after a really big loss against a Yonko & of course, the "Nothing Happened" scene, which is peak fiction in every way.
Plus, I'm a huge fan of the Halloween Theme of Thriller Bark. It's such a cool looking & distinct location, even by One Piece standards. I know a lot of people don't like Skypeia & Dressrosa due to how much those Arcs drag out & while i kinda agree, the good from both arcs outway then bad & for me, Thriller Bark is the same way.
Also, it gave us arguably the funniest scene in the entire show, which is an absolute plus
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Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
For RWBY that's easy, I really like V5, though it seems like the FNDMs view on it has evolved in recent years.
Besides that hmm, I actually quite liked several of the early Naruto filler arcs, Land of Sea, Birds, ETC.
In both cases I liked them cos they were great for exploring the worlds and characters and in the latter case were nicely grounded which fit with what I wanted from the series at the time.
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starterpak · 3 years ago
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One Piece ワンピース [ Whole Cake Island ] Roronoa “The Pirate Hunter” Zoro vs Charlotte “Demon Lady” Amande ☠️
Requiem Aranea  ♪
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one-piecee · 3 years ago
Chapter title: We die together.
Let's see if I can manage not to scream about the last panel before getting there... let's just get everything else out of the way first.
Kaido!! Let's talk about Kaido for a second. I hope we get his backstory soon, because I'm really intrigued by him and his mindset. He looked so distraught when Luffy was held back by CP0, and he defeated him. That's either because he defeated him with someone else's interference (meaning we sort of get another Katakuri-esque mentality) or he just wanted to keep clashing with Luffy, seeing as he hadn't had a proper one-on-one in ages and he seems like he quite enjoys fighting. So yes, I want more!!
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Aside from being distraught about the defeat, (and I'm jumping back and forth a little) Kaido definitely lives up to his name in my opinion. He fought Big Mom (Almost forgot about this actually!!) the samurai, scabbards, then he fought Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kidd, and Killer (albeit not quite intensely), then he had another clash with Luffy, then he fought Yamato, then he fought Luffy again and now he's already looking for more trouble, and looking for more people to fight--
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It is a little disturbing, though, having to see a panel like this:
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I never would have ever expected to see a panel with Kaido being written as the victor. Luffy has lost multiple times in the story by now, but not having a clear winner is always indication of him coming back but this says it clearly- Victor: Kaido.
I'll talk more about Luffy but let me mention some other stuff first:
First of all!! This arc is doing a splendid job at really showcasing Nami's loyalty and complete trust in Luffy. She refuses to believe he's down, and not only that but she also literally screams directly at Kaido - AND CALLING HIM AN OVERSIZED SNAKE
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And also!! Thank you Marco!! Again!! For the thousandth time!!! For helping and saving us!!!!!
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Second of all!!
The more I read, the more I love Yamato!! Like I would love for Yamato to join the strawhats, genuinely. Yamato's connection to Ace and just the overall vibe and ambitions. Also!! Yamato's idea of refusing to ever surrender and become a slave is similar to Luffy's own mindset. When Momonosuke wanted to surrender to Kaido because he thought Luffy had lost and there was no chance of ever winning without him, so Yamato said this (amazing, goosebumps, lovely, amazinh, amazing, amzaing):
They'll (The Samurai) live and then what? They'll be slaves until the day they finally die from exhaustion. In the end, surrendering won't save anyone!! All the Daimyo that allowed Orochi to have his way went to their graves full of regret. Everything Wano endured for the past 20 years was for the sake of this battle. Even if surrender is our only option, I'd rather we die together!!
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What happened to Luffy? We see Momonosuke say that Luffy's "voice" has vanished, and surprisingly (!!) so does Law - signaling that Law, too, could hear the voice (?) of things or perhaps this is just another one of those Koby moments, where a great Observation Haki allows you to "hear" or sense people. In the manga we get SFX next to panels of Luffy that show that his heart literally stopped beating. This all seems to point to him "dying" but BUT and this is the important part - Zunisha hearts something.
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Momonosuke, I can hear it...!! It really takes me back. I can hear the drums of liberation... this is the first time in 800 years. He is there, without a doubt-
He has returned.
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I've seen so many people make different theories, is Joy Boy literally taking over Luffy's body or has Luffy come alive again with Joy Boy`? Is Joy Boy the "devil" in luffy's devil fruit awakening, did he come back because Luffy "died"?
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kozumela · 3 years ago
shanks' flashback
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here's an icon ver for the homies 😔🔥⬇️
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tryna get back on track with my colorings😭
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marcus-vice · 3 years ago
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Before you guys ask, no, that last one is not a joke.
Buggy is officially an emperor now!
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gizaoyas · 4 years ago
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"Is that a good reason to take someone's life? She would've died if it hit her"
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