#conqueror’s haki
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wesleysniperking · 11 months ago
It just irks me when in the OP fandom people start speculating who’s going to be the new Strawhat, when there’s still so much focus needed on the other ones. Like, we don’t have time for a new member when the other ones (other than the monster trio) aren’t given enough time and focus.
This wouldn’t be such a big problem if there wasn’t the big debate on who is more “useless” pre time-skip or post time-skip. Or “the Strawhats are a yonko crew, and they should all have haki by now.”
Adding on to that, the recency bias doesn’t help the whole matter either. The same ones who push for a new Strawhat member also criticize the Strawhats as a whole because of the non-monster trio members having not unlocked any haki, or because some can’t 1v1 an adversary. Usopp has haki but those naysayers say it “doesn’t count”.
It’s all nonsense, of course, but admittedly it gets to me.
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So, why do we need one more Strawhat?
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 4 months ago
I’ve been thinking this but they’ve made Haki so stylised in Wano!
Like the close ups to Luffy and Zoro’s eyes when their observation Haki is triggered, along with like a wispy power trail (kinda like The Zone from Kuroko no Basuke XD)
And then Zoro demonstrated his armament Haki earlier and it’s like a roiling flame coating the blades.
And then earlier, Luffy briefly demonstrated his Conqueror’s Haki, and that was already styled as a wave of energy.
But like it gives off the feeling that power here is so much more potent and pure.
I guess it was kinda hinted earlier when Luffy turned around to catch the Beast Pirate aiming at him, but I hope we get more evidence that Luffy’s advanced Observation Haki still works and he can actually activate at will when he wants to. Albeit not as smoothly as Katakuri did.
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itsmeimclown · 2 years ago
so uhhhh was anyone gonna tell me that we probably definitely got foreshadowing to Zoro's conqueror’s haki all the way back in saboady?? Keep in mind this is the same arc conqueror’s haki is introduced (besides the interaction between Shanks and Whitebeard and excluding the first time we see it but don't know with Shanks and the resident sea king of Dawn) through Rayleigh and Luffy’s conqueror’s haki is foreshadowed with the bull. Look at this and tell me it's not.
Also sorry it's in English, it was the first video I found.
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Ideal ending to WCI is Luffy seeing Sanji cry and then awakening his devil fruit and unlocking Gear Fifth out of sheer RAGE and saying the classic line of “Who made you cry, Sanji?! I’ll DESTROY THEM!!!” and then proceeding to go on a rampage and fucking absolutely EVERYBODY up including the Vinsmokes, Pudding, AND the Big Mom Pirates. Toss in the trope of came back wrong and Sanji can immediately tell something is not right about this Luffy, whose smile is too wide, whose eyes are too distant, who continues to beat upon his enemies long after they’re down, who seems to take a sick sort of pleasure in hurting others, who grins and giggles and tells Sanji he’ll obliterate anything that makes him cry. Eventually he starts to scare Sanji so bad that even Luffy notices his reaction, and immediately turns on himself because if HE’S the one making Sanji cry then he’ll just have to destroy himself too. And that’s when Sanji finally leaps into action and does whatever he can to reach Luffy—including kissing him. Luckily that was exactly what Luffy needed to snap out of it, and when he comes to the Whole Cake Chateau is in broken pieces, the Big Mom Pirates are battered beyond fighting and the Vinsmokes are nowhere to be seen. And softly, tiredly, he asks if they won, if he can bring Sanji home, and Sanji cries again and says yes, take me home to the Sunny, I want to go home with you.
Meanwhile the rest of the Strawhats are like
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madamdionysia · 4 months ago
Plasma (Law x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Law never brings up his tattoos and their story. Then you ask him one day.
Word Count: 1,056
Read on Ao3
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Dividers By: @cafekitsune (thank you for all of your work!)
Notes: My thoughts about Law's tattoos and how Corazon caught fire spiraled into this. I also don't go in depth with the Donquixote Family side of matters, including the exact details of Cora's spying and muteness. It's mostly just a conversation between Law and the reader about his tattoos that could be read platonically or romantically. My medical knowledge isn't up to par with Law's, but I did my best.
Takes place sometime post-Zou.
Unedited (mostly) but I'm still happy with how it turned out.
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Fun facts:
Ancient tattoo pigments were made from soot, charcoal, and such.
Plasma is a component of blood, but it is also used to describe a state of matter. Whether or not fire is a plasma depends mostly on its temperature.
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It feels like an eon has passed since the question left your lips, tumbling to the ground between the two of you like dried timber ready to catch flame. Law’s lips parted, his eyes widened almost imperceptibly, but he tugged his hat over his face and schooled his expression with such rapidity you would have thought you offended him. But you know him better. Offering him your silence while he gathered himself wasn’t uncommon in this relationship, and Law was grateful for it right now as his inked hands ran through his hair.
He sighed, a sound of his relentment, and let his power take you to his quarters. For his own privacy. He wasn’t one to show vulnerability. Between his duties as captain and doctor, as well as his troubled past, you knew he had to be quick to think and act. Emotions would only hinder that swiftness required for survival.
Law starts with his hands, the word DEATH across both knuckles. The irony of his profession is not lost on you until he detailed Doflamingo’s plot for Law to give his own life for the bastard’s eternal one. If Doflamingo wanted life, the healing touch of a doctor, Law would be certain that he would never get it. When you point out that most tattoos across the first phalanges face away from the owner of them, Law corrected you.
“Proximal phalanges.”
You punctuated your statement with an eye roll and continued listening to him. He obtained his Devil Fruit powers before his tattoos, this you knew, but since ascertaining much of his abilities he decided on the placement of the tattoos. Not only for that pink feathered demon, but also for his enemies in general. A warning for what was to become of them.
The back of his hand related to his medical knowledge, as did the central part of the forearm design. And the surrounding prongs of his Jolly Roger. All symbolizing the extruding envelope proteins of a virus. The remaining circular designs on his forearms were both reminiscent of another virus design but also incorporated the Room ability of his powers. The spiked spheres surrounding the viral symbols representing another aspect of his doctoral talents, much like the rest of his ink explained thus far.
“It’s also a lymphocyte eradicating a virus.”
“A what?”
“A white blood cell.”
“Oh. Well, at least your Jolly Roger tat is self-explanatory.”
“Yes and no, I’ll get to that.”
He took a deep breath, steading himself once more. Then he removes his shirt, folding it neatly beside him on the bed. He scratched at the back of his head, his ink stretching and flexing with the skin it's permanently embedded in. Law lets his arms fall back to his sides.
“I never tell those about the man that saved me…”
But here he was, detailing his early years to you regardless. You listen quietly, giving him the space to dredge the words up through memories long buried. The fire set to his hometown. The loss of his loved ones. The manipulation of Doflamingo and the subsequent escape with his brother.
“Corazon means heart. His brother awarded him the Heart Seat when he returned, feigning muteness…”
So this was how his upper arms earned their hearts, you thought, for the one who saved him.
“Part of his cover, let me get there.“
And apparently Corazon held a clumsy streak, nearly setting himself on fire multiple times. Law went off the subject for a moment to list the various pranks the other Donquixote family members would play on the poor guy. But as it turned out, Law found out that Doffy’s younger brother was a commander in the Marines. No one called him by his real name, except his eldest brother as Rosinante lay on his deathbed of snow.
“When I first joined the family, Corazon would try his hardest to get me to leave. He didn’t like seeing children under his brother’s influence.”
A pang echoed in your chest, like a can crumpling. No one should have been under that influence, but you kept this to yourself. You had decided you had interrupted Law enough during his explanation and that you didn’t want him to recede back internally with the memories. It was best that he lay them out, like his surgical tools cleansed and neatly arranged to be used for his benefit. Perhaps it was a good thing, you thought, for him to get all of this off of his chest. Though the ink would stay.
“The last time I saw him was with this huge grin…”
He gestured to the Jolly Roger embroidered on your clothes. A toothy, rebellious smile. Much like the tattoos on his hands, that defiant DEATH in the face of Doflamingo. You let out a low chuckle, letting your thoughts process it all.
“And this heart…”
He placed a hand over his chest now, palm covering that miniature grin as if to hold Corazon. Above his fingers spread the tendrils of flame, curved and clinging to his clavicles in such a way that they shifted and flickered like a real blaze.
“…Well, he was named for a heart and he caught on fire a lot…”
Law’s sweet, you realized, and had a wicked sense of humor. He elaborated that it initially symbolized that burning revenge he felt, a scorching desire to overcome the Heavenly Demon and take victory over him in memory of Corazon. Thoughts swirled in your head, ashes swept up by smoke. The conversation smoldered and glowed now like the remnants of the campfire on Zou, still warm and comforting against the chill of night.
“How come you never tell anyone else about your tattoos?”
“Too much explanation.”
“Then how come you told me?”
Law smirked and replied, “I don’t think I need to worry about you.”
Cryptic as always, you lamented, but he’s right. You weren’t one for divulging other’s secrets. Even as the conversation died out and Law shrugged his shirt back on, you couldn’t help but wonder if there’s anyone else that Law would let under his skin. If one day, the bridge between the two of you gave way to an inferno. That he would then collect the soot and charcoal left over, as deep as the pigment that’s marked on his body.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Usopp obtaining Conqueror's haki makes so much sense to me and I genuinely think he deserves it on Elbaf please please please
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beaulesbian · 10 months ago
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ah yes, thank you One Piece-summary/flashbacks-corner for including this specific Marco scene, where Zoro once again has to remind everyone that he would always follow Luffy's orders. It's just a thing that naturally comes out of his mouth ever so often. Love to see it!
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pippin-pippout · 9 months ago
I want to say there is A LOT of untapped comedic potential for two children of the world's greatest criminals fighting childish fights to just start screaming conquerors haki at each other and creating a mid-sized hurricane.
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cheekynoz · 3 months ago
Part 24
On the Black Swan, anchored at the beach.
Cora: Sat with a mini feast in front of him, concerned. "They haven't come yet."
Law: "I don't think they will. Probably the only thing that enticed them was free food, which they've probably found elsewhere. They're just feral children."
Cora: "And who else was once a feral child all alone, thinking he had to take on the world himself? No, I think something's gone wrong."
Law: "How can you tell?"
Cora: Standing up from the table, taking his pistol out of his coat, lighting a cigarette. "Because I'm fairly certain I just felt conquerors haki. Stay here. Do not leave the ship."
Deep into the forest
Ace: "LET HIM GO!"
Pt 23 -> Pt 24
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bubbydarkstar · 1 year ago
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uncle shanks in honor of the new ep
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sailing-ever-west · 4 months ago
you cannot convince me Nami doesn't have at least a little bit of conqueror's haki that death stare causes knockouts at a soul level
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wesleysniperking · 10 months ago
usopp positivity post #2
Usopp fell on top of a Celestial Dragon.
That’s one of the greatest things he’s done. It’s just as bad as punching one.
Some say it’s a sign of King’s haki. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t.
It’s still awesome though.
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Usopp fan club (feel free to join)
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 4 months ago
Oho? Did Zoro just exude the teeniest bit of Haoshoku against this Sumo wrestler or was that just his usual intimidation??
I know he ends up being able to use Haoshoku so I can only assume it awakens some time in Wano. And Luffy had hints of Haoshoku way prior to Haki being officially introduced.
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bambayah · 6 months ago
In light of the new Vivre Cards, (will totally ignore the power-scaling shizz happening)
Landscape photographer!Shanks x Farmer!Mihawk (but actually the owner of the lands he tills)
Shanks going out of the city to find inspiration again only to find it in a quaint and seemingly abandoned mansion with vast lands with only an eccentric farmer as its caretaker.
Seeing Mihawk, Shanks’ thinking of changing careers and be a model photographer instead with how effortlessly breathtaking the other man is even if the subject of the photo is the garden he takes care of and Mihawk just happens to be in the picture.
Down in the dumps photographer Shanks finds his muse in a grumpy, borderline misanthropic farmer.
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dreamripper · 1 year ago
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I needed her to be (a bit) ripped. She skinny af in the anime
I honestly think I won't recover from her. She's my muse. I love her
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
zoro doesn't have the conqueror's haki he has a secret one called the homosexuality haki and it works exactly when he wants to protect his captain
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