#cross guild remastered au
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Part 2
In the East Blue, heading for the Grandline. They've pulled in for a pit stop at the Baratie.
Cora: "So I was thinking that once we get a decent enough ship-"
Law: "With what money, Cora-san? Your plan to pay for this meal is to bill it to 'Uncle Garp', how are we going to pay for a ship?"
Cora: In the process of forging Sengoku's signature on an official marine document. "I've got it under control"
Pt 1 -> Pt2 -> Pt 3
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cheekynoz · 4 months ago
Part 23
In the treehouse
Ace: "Welcome, to our hubble a bone."
Cora: "H... Hubble a bone?"
Sabo: "He means humble abode. This is our place."
Cora: Bent over so he fits inside. "This treehouse is your home? You don't have parents?"
Luffy: "Well Ace's Dad is-" Ace's hand smacks over his mouth.
Ace: "No. No parents. Just us. We're saving up to sail out to sea. To be pirates. To be free. We don't need anyone but each other."
Cora: "Oh sweetheart. That must be so hard for you. To... feel like you have no one, at such a young age. Even if you're strong. You'll be free of the limitations you suffer soon, I can feel it."
Ace: "Well... I..."
Cora: "Why don't you come down to the beach, and see our ship, and you can have dinner on there tonight? Come by in an hour, we'll have a feast ready!"
Pt 22 -> Pt 23 -> Pt 24
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Part 3
In the Baratie
Sanji: "Hello I'm Sanji and I'll be your waiter this evening. Can I get you started with something to drink?"
Cora: "Beer and juice please. What's good on the menu?"
Sanji: "Nothing since I'm not cooking today. Old man has me banished from the kitchen for improving the menu."
Law: "Aren't you like five?"
Sanji: "Aren't you like ten, and don't have a job? I think that says more about you. Beer and milk coming right up."
Little artwork
Pt 2 -> Pt 3 -Pt 4
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Part 1
Law and Cora escaping Minion Island on a shitty boat that could overturn at any moment on the waves, with two devil fruit users onboard.
Law: trying desperately to keep Cora alive after multiple gunshots, and a brutal beating. Stressing about the fact that they've made an enemy of a psycho (Doffy) and they have absolutely no plan on what to do next.
Cora: "Aww! My cigarettes are all wet!"
Pt 1 -> Pt 2
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Part 1
Marine #455: "If you're not even going to accept our offer, why have you come?!"
Mihawk: Legs crossed, covered in blood, leaning back in a Marine Captain's chair. "I was bored, and I wanted to ask you why you think I'm so cheap to buy"
Marine #455: "That salary is a bonus for you. You should be thankful!"
Mihawk: "Make no mistake pest, your salary is not a bonus, it is a gift to ensure I don't slaughter every last one of you. But it's pointless because I'll never join y-
Crocodile: Pushing the door open, stepping over Marine bodies like they're mud on the floor. "Mm. Am I in the right place?"
Mihawk: Eyes immediately going wide. "Who is that?"
Marine #455: "Sir Crocodile, he just took the Warlord deal. He's the f-"
Mihawk: Immediately. "I accept. I'm in."
Pt 1 -> Pt 2
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cheekynoz · 2 months ago
Part 25
In the forest, near the treehouse.
Ace: "You let him go right this second or I swear to God!"
Sabo: "We've killed before, we'll do it again!"
Shanks: Holding Luffy while spinning around. "I'm gonna squeeze and squish you till you explode!"
Ace: "LUFFY!" Running forward, Ace swinging his pipe wildly at Shanks, hitting his shoulder.
Luffy: "Ace! Ace this is Shanks! Remember? I told you about him! He saved me."
Shanks: Putting Luffy down to rub at his shoulder, laughing happily. "Mighty swing you've got there Ace. Ouch! I just came to check in on Luffy. You've got brothers now kiddo, that's awesome! Silly question, but you haven't seen me since I gave you this hat, have you? This is the first time you've seen me?"
Luffy: Climbing back up to sit on Shanks' hip. "You're silly Shanks! You should remember when you've seen me. I haven't seen you since you gave me the hat!"
Shanks: "Good. Good. Don't you forget what I look like now, while I'm gone. Short hair, a scar, and only one arm. Don't forget! You kids hungry?"
Pt 24 -> Pt 25
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cheekynoz · 4 months ago
Part 22
In the forest on Dawn Island
Luffy: Sitting in a circle with Ace, Sabo, and Cora. "So, you're his Mommy."
Cora: "No."
Luffy: "And he's not a wizard
Cora: "Correct."
Ace: "I still think he is to be honest."
Luffy: "And you guys are running away from some bad pirates who wanna hurt you?"
Cora: "That's right. We're kinda pirates? I mean, we're certainly not marines. But not proper pirates either. We have a ship!"
Sabo: "Marines are dumb. Gramps is a marine, and he keeps trying to make us be marines too."
Law: Tugging on Cora's coat. "Cora-san, we don't have time for this."
Luffy: "Hey! We're talking to your Mommy! Don't interrupt, or we'll steal him 'cause we're real pirates!!"
Pt 21 -> Pt 22
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cheekynoz · 5 months ago
Part 20
In the treehouse, Dawn Island
Luffy: "...So that's why they should put ice cream in the water!"
Ace: "But you wouldn't be able to get it anyway, because you can't swim??"
Luffy: "Oh yeah! Why can't they put it somewhere I can get it?!"
Ace: "There's not- No one's putting ice cream anywhere you're the one talking about it???"
Sabo: Standing on the ground, shouting up at the treehouse. "Hey! One of our traps caught a really big black bird! I can see the black feathers!!!"
Law: Standing on the ground, looking up at Cora trapped in a net. "How did you even fall for that?! The net was just, on the ground, not even covered up by any leaves?! How am I supposed to get you down?!"
Cora: "I got distracted by a butterfly!"
Pt 19 -> Pt 20 -> Pt 21
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Part 2
On a Marine ship
Mihawk: Unprompted, at the dinner table. "I'd kill you with Yoru. I'd exhaust all my effort in a single attack against you, and I'd cut you down with all my might."
Crocodile: Looking up at him from across the table
Marine #285: Whispered to Marine #254 "I have a feeling this is going to go badly if they're already threatening each other."
Crocodile: With a tiny smile, a blush over his scar. "How romantic, Hawk."
Pt 1 -> Pt 2 -> Pt 3
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 1
Mihawk: "Address 52... Mehork street. How has this even arrived here? Dear... Mehork. Is that supposed to be my name? My name is Roro...ronoa Zoro. You have my title. I got three swords. You only got one. From, Zoro. How amusing. I am the arch nemesis of a child."
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Pt 1 -> Pt 2
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 7
In a quiet restaurant, at Marine HQ
Crocodile: "It's nice to take a moment for ourselves. Just you and I. You've picked quite a lovely restaurant, amore."
Mihawk: "I figured we deserved it, after today's meeting. To us, Sir Crocodile." Raising his glass.
Crocodile: "To us, Mih-"
Doflamingo: Slurping the last of his cocktail. "You guys wait, I have to get another drink so I can clink my glass too. I'll get us all pink ones."
Mihawk: About to unsheath Yoru.
Pt 6 -> Pt 7 -> Pt 8
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 6
At Marine HQ
Mihawk: Staring up at the ceiling
Doffy: Hanging upside down, suspended by strings, laughing maniacally.
Crocodile: Walking into the room, coming to a sudden stop when he notices pink feathers hanging from the ceiling. "What the fuck is that?"
Mihawk: "Afternoon, Crocodile. This is our new colleague, apparently."
Doffy: "They did not tell me I was gonna be in a team of absolute hotties. So like who wants to play strip poker? Any takers? I will happily strip for you, Crocodile was it? Come a little closer Wani~!"
Sengoku: Wondering who approved Doflamingo's admittance to the Warlords. "I literally just want to have a meeting."
Pt 5 -> Pt 6 -> Pt 7
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 5
At the docks at Marine HQ. About to part ways for now.
Crocodile: "Where do you think you'll go for now?"
Mihawk: "I'm not sure. There's a young boy that keeps sending me letters. They're quite amusing. The recent one read, 'Oi Mihawk, you're done for when I find you,' so I think I'll go and see who my new rival is. Cut down some navy ships along the way. Where will you go?"
Crocodile: "Alabasta. I have... an idea, and I need to get a feel for the land. They're announcing a new Warlord in a week, apparently, so I'd wager we'll be back here a little after that to meet them."
Mihawk: Taking Crocodile's hand to kiss his rings. "Until we meet again. Perhaps you can tell me how you acquired your dashing scar, then."
Marine #045: "Did he just say he was going to cut some navy ships???"
Pt 4 -> Pt 5 -> Pt 6
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 4
Mihawk: Staring at the page for a solid ten minutes, stone faced. "I adore this child."
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Pt 3 -> Pt 4 -> Concluded for now~
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cheekynoz · 7 months ago
Cross Guild Remastered AU Masterlist
This is the Masterlist for the Cross Guild Remastered AU. Where Cora and Law escape Minion Island and go off on their own adventure. They will eventually meet Mihawk and Crocodile, thus forming the Cross Guild.
New Beginnings Arc
The Adventures of Cora and Law -Ongoing
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25
Warlord Workplace -Ongoing
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Letters from Three Style -Finished
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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cheekynoz · 6 months ago
Part 2
Mihawk: "Ah, another one. Why is it dirty? I seemed to have changed address, apparently. Address 902 Sword lane. Dear Mehork. It's over for you. Becas... Because I learnt how to cut a log. P.S., I accident dropped this in mud... Ah that explains the... dirt. It is indeed over for me young man, now that you can cut logs. Ah look, he's found a green pencil to give himself green hair. I ought to do something about this 'Mehork' nonsense..."
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Pt 1 -> Pt2 -> Pt 3
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