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if-im-being-honest · 1 month ago
Update: I definitely want to cut but it's valentine's day next week and my bf will definitely see the scars wherever I cut and I don't want to upset him I'm trying really hard to wait until after valentine's day at least
ive discovered a wierd new emotion where i want to self destruct but none of my old habits are even that appealing. i don't want to feel ill from starving, i don't want to clean up the blood from cutting i don't want the loss of control i get from binge drinking i don't want the embarrasment of being alone because im isolating myself from my friends, its like ivve gotten too tired to fuck my life up its kinda strange
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if-im-being-honest · 1 month ago
ive discovered a wierd new emotion where i want to self destruct but none of my old habits are even that appealing. i don't want to feel ill from starving, i don't want to clean up the blood from cutting i don't want the loss of control i get from binge drinking i don't want the embarrasment of being alone because im isolating myself from my friends, its like ivve gotten too tired to fuck my life up its kinda strange
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if-im-being-honest · 2 months ago
Being autistic is being constantly reminded that something about you is intrinsically wrong and being punished for it by society
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if-im-being-honest · 3 months ago
Ok I've been trying to change some aspects of my life style to improve my physical health and I've decided to try a few things for my mental health as well. I do have a mental health issues and I'm autistic (and probably ADHD according to the psychiatrist who diagnosed me with autism) I probably won't become magically mentally well but it might help a little to make a few changes
Connect with others. Recently because of shifts with friendship groups and people dropping out and stuff I haven't really had people to talk to that I actually feel connected to I have people to hang out with but it doesn't feel the same so this is something I think will really help my mental health. There are a few people who I actually do connect with that I don't see super often so I want to try and talk to them a bit more I think that would be good.
Journalling, I used to do a lot of journalling and it really helped me process my emotions and be more assertive since I could work out what I really wanted so I want to try and do a bit more of that
Work on feeling more confident. In the past my confidence levels have come from other people and not from me I want to work on acting more confident I want to be able to feel comfortable in places and I want to improve my self esteem
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if-im-being-honest · 3 months ago
Six traits I want to develop
1. Loyalty
2. Always look out for others
3. Relaxed/trustable energy
4. Honesty with myself and others
5. Ability to stand up for myself and beliefs
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if-im-being-honest · 3 months ago
I think one of the worst things about having mental health issues especially without a specific diagnosis or understanding of your symptoms is that literally no one knows how to help everything just sucks and there's nothing you or anyone else can do except make another doctor's appointment and get stuck on another waitlist for months to years without support
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if-im-being-honest · 4 months ago
trying to eat a bit healthier
so recently I've started to try and improve my health I started by drinking more water and now I'm working on getting 60 minutes of physical activity everyday the next thing I want to do which I am a bit nervous about is improve my diet, I do not eat the healthiest food since recovering from disordered eating last year my meals have mainly been about making sure I am eating 3 meals a day plus a few snacks I haven't worried to much about what it is that I'm eating but I want to start eating food that actually has some degree of nutritional value obviously I'm going to need to be careful that I make these changes to my diet in a healthy safe way so I've decided to write down a few steps of what I want to do. I'm going off the NHS recommendations for what makes a good diet
-eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day-I usually get around this number but I'd like to get at least 5 portions I think this is a good place to start because it's about adding to my eating habits rather than taking away I'm going to try and have two portions of fruit/veg in every meal
-base every meal on high fibre starchy food i usually do this at home but when I'm at sixth form I will sometimes just grab the most random stuff and be like yeah that looks like lunch so I think finding good stuff to eat at college would be a good plan
-have one dairy or dairy alternative food product every day-now I know i really need to have more dairy stuff because I literally have none I have this weird thing about never eating white foodstuff I don't really know why but I'm sure if I have a look I can find dairy/dairy alternative that works for me
-next protein again I probably don't get enough of this especially considering I want to try and build muscle so I'm also going to try find some sources of protein I like (I used a protein calculator thing that says I should aim for 45g of protein a day)
-next eating less fat sugar and salt I mostly eat food thats high in this stuff because I don't know what else to eat so I feel like once I start eating more of the nutritous stuff i'll probably be eating a reasonable amount of fat sugar and salt
-the other thing is processed food I eat so much processed food because its so much easier to just grab and go but I definitely feel the difference between eating super processed food and homemade stuff and I'd like to try reduce the amount of processed food I'm eating
Update: ok I was going to wait another week for the exercise habit to take but I was able to go food shopping with my mum today so I decided to grab some fruit and veg that I will definitely eat so today was my first day of eating 5 portions of fruit and veg
Another update: so I've tried eating dairy products and honestly it's just not going to happen I've read mixed opinions on the benefits of eating dairy so I think it's fine if I continue eating the occasional bit of cheese or tiny amounts of milk in my coffee but the drinking water, eating fruits and exercising and eating starch based meals have been coming along well I'm planning to spend this next week without any additional changes to make sure the current changes stick and then I'm going to start working on eating more protien Andy im also going to ask my gp if I can get tested for a b12 deficiency
Update 3: so I am going to get myself a protein shake at some point I'm trying to get one with 30g of protein but I don't have money to buy it right now so I'm going to see about getting some in January in the meantime I'm going to track how much protein I'm already eating and seeing how much more I'll need ok so I've had a look at my meals and I think adding a protein shake should definitely get me to my goal of 45g of protein a day
While I wait to have enough money for a protein shake I'm going to start trying to eat less saturated fats and sugar the main time that I am eating lots of fats and saturated sugars is when I'm snacking and through tracking my meals I've found that a lot of the time when in having these snacks I'm not hungry I'm just bored so I'm going to try and listen to my body and not eat just because I'm bored to reduce how much saturated fat and sugar I'm getting
I'm definitely eating less snacks when I'm not hungry but I'm still struggling to get a bit more protein I'm going to start focusing on switching to less processed food while I try to find a good source of protein I'm also going to try to get to the gym more often
ok so here's my plan to switch out some of my go to super processed foods with less processed alternatives
pot noodles-couscous recipe I discovered which I've been loving and homemade pot noodles
breakfast cereal-muesli is looking like a good idea
my various snack food crackers- I'm still going to eat them sometimes but I want to have some other healthy stuff to eat as well
i also want to make more of the sweet treats I have homemade
Also I need to work on consistency with my meals and working out so I can start to make more progress and go food shopping with my mum or just look around the supermarket to see if there's any cheap high protein alternatives (ideas: trail mix, peanut butter, almonds, chickpeas, protien powder)
also I've been thinking again about eating more dairy products I think I'm going to eat ice cream when it gets warmer and I may try some sliced cheese if it's just a tiny bit I think I might like it and I've had an idea of how to get more protien cheap I need to eat more beans and legumes and I'm going to have at least one good protein source in every meal
Update: I've replaced pot noodles with healthier alternatives so I'm going to switch my breakfast after I've finished my latest box of special k
update: I've been eating a lot healthier recently and don't eat much processed food but I'm still struggling to get enough protein I think I'm going to start with the more achievable goal of getting 40g of protein a day also I want to start cutting down the amount of sugars and saturated fat I eat just a little bit because I do still eat quite a lot of chocolate bars lol and fizzy drinks
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if-im-being-honest · 4 months ago
Transforming into vi from arcane
Okay if you've seen my previous post you'll know I'm trying to feel more healthy I've started by drinking a decent amount of water now I want to start working out I'm basically coming up with these health improvements based off the NHS website which says you should do 60 minutes of physical exercise a day (recommendation for able bodies people) I walk to and from sixth form 4 days a week and that's 60 minutes which leaves me three days where I want to try be more active. I want to do weight training because I'd like to gain a bit of muscle I know this is partly due to diet as well which I also want to make some changes to at some point but I'm trying to develop one habit at a time to make them stick so here are the workout plans for each of the three days:
Upper body:
Curls 4 sets of 12-15
Row things I know what I mean but I don't remember the name 4 sets of 12-15
Standing skull crushers 4 sets of 20-25
Push press 4 sets of 12-15
Push ups 4 sets of 25 to 30
Abs and core:
Leg raises 4 sets of 50
Bicycles 4 sets of 50
Toe touches 4 sets of 50
Planks 4 sets 30 secs
Lower body: this workout
I'm going to start with the lowest weights I can find until I can do the maximum number of reps and then work my way up to heavier weights will keep you all updated
update: I want to start working out more often than just three times a week so I can make some more progress so I'm going to try working out up to 6 times a week and then on the day I'm not lifting weights I'm planning on swimming when I can so I can get some cardio
update: I'm too busy to do full work outs regularly but I walk everywhere because I haven't passed my driving test yet (I'm definitely getting closer though) and public transport where I live has gotten obscenely expensive recently and I've been going to the gym twice a week
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if-im-being-honest · 4 months ago
health changes to make
ever since my first depressive episode I've picked up some bad health habits, the same thing happened with self care and now that I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty good at that I want to try improving my physical health, so I'm going to make a list so I can keep track of everything I want to do:
-starting off pretty basic I want to drink 8 glasses of water a day, I've started doing this habit and I'm already feeling so much better physically
-then I'm going to start trying to get 60 minutes of exercise a day, I'm gonna say that my walk to college counts towards this so thats already 4 days a week where I get my 60 minutes which just leaves 3 days where I'm either going to go on a run with a friend or workout at home or at the gym depending on how much time I have
-I want to try and improve is my diet this is something I'll have to be extra careful with as I have struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food in the past so I'm going to split this section up into a number of gradual changes
first of all I want to reduce the amount of super processed food that I eat I can physically feel how when I eat mainly super processed food I feel pretty sluggish so I think reducing the amount of super processed I eat will definitely make me feel better
Next I want to include more fruit and veg in my diet, I'm autistic so in order for me too feel comfortable eating a variety of fruit/veg I'm also going to need to drown the food in sauce but thats probably healthier than not eating vegetables at all
Supplements: so first of all I don't like fish but it's recommended you eat fish as part of a balanced diet so instead I'm going to have a fish oil supplement I also want to try pre workout, possibly protein shakes and either creatine or BCAA and I'm struggling to eat more dairy/dairy alternatives so I also want to try a calcium supplement
Also I want to be able to drink alcohol without overdoing it
Thats everything that I can think off right now, im going to right down my motivation as well
-improved mental wellbeing
-feel safer in my body
-stop feeling mildly ill all the time
-look more attractive
update 1: okay so I have now gotten into the habit of drinking water regularly the next habit to develop is getting exercise. The things I want to improve so I can feel healthier are flexibility and cardiovascular strength
Update 2: so I know I said I wanted to get better at cardio but I want muscles more so I'm going to do weight training instead I haven't started yet but I made a playlist and I have workout plans for at home and at the gym so I just need to get started first workout on Saturday since I'll be doing my brisk walking until then
Update 3: I have started working on my diet by making sure I have at least 2 portions of fruit/veg in every main meal
Update 4: I'm working my way through the diet changes I wanted to make I have noticed some of the health issues I had have resolved themselves now that I'm treating my body better but there are other health issues which have not gone away so my next health related goal will be to speak to a doctor
update 5: I've been going to the gym consistently and I'm starting to get into weightlifting a little bit I'm also being more mindful of how much I'm drinking and I think I'm starting to get the balance worked out I'm struggling to bring myself to make a doctors appt to discuss my health issues for a couple of reasons
it could just be anxiety
I can't really prove any of my symptoms pain and fatigue are vague, feeling like my chest is being crushed, being breathless and getting dizzy when I stand up could all be explained away I guess the only really weird thing that's going on other than neurological stuff that's related to my tics is this thing that happens where my breathe catches i guess and when I try to breathe in it sounds like a dying penguin idk i just don't feel ill enough to seek medical attention
I'm just quite busy right now since it's getting towards exam season and I don't want to be taking time of sixth form college to go to appointments
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if-im-being-honest · 4 months ago
Got exams coming up...
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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if-im-being-honest · 4 months ago
One day I'm going to go to a party without having a panic attack before hand, but apparently not today
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if-im-being-honest · 5 months ago
4 consecutive months of uti's and now thrush, can't wait to find out what happens in month 6
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if-im-being-honest · 5 months ago
Contacted the consultant that prescribed me birth control because I've felt really fatigued since I started taking it and want to try switching to progesterone only and he told me that it isn't a known side effect of the pill which I get no side effects of the pill are super well documented but I've read a lot of stuff that says fatigue is a side effect and the fatigue started within a day or two of starting taking the pill so I really think I should switch pills
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if-im-being-honest · 5 months ago
I have to get better I have to get better I have to get better I don't want him to leave me
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if-im-being-honest · 5 months ago
Thanks to everyone whose already filled it out
so for a school project I'm researching the impact of self harm online communities on users mental health. It's 5 questions, 4 single choice and one open ended question. Obviously it mentions self harm but nothing in depth or detailed and of course completely anonymous so if your comfortable with it and feel like pressing some buttons feel free to fill out the questionnaire: how do self harm online communities affect users mental health (jotform.com)
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if-im-being-honest · 6 months ago
so for a school project I'm researching the impact of self harm online communities on users mental health. It's 5 questions, 4 single choice and one open ended question. Obviously it mentions self harm but nothing in depth or detailed and of course completely anonymous so if your comfortable with it and feel like pressing some buttons feel free to fill out the questionnaire: how do self harm online communities affect users mental health (jotform.com)
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if-im-being-honest · 6 months ago
hi, so first of all you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I could use some help because I have a UTI and want to prevent it in the future but don't exactly know how. This is the second one in like three months and it really sucks, if you have any tips on how to stop it that would be so awesome if not that's cool too thank you so much
Well I actually just got my results back from the doctor and there's blood and white blood cells in my urine but their having trouble finding any actual bacteria so I don't know if my personal experience has helped but I've done a lot of excessive googling recently so here's what I've red about
1. D-mannose and cranberry juice seem to be very popular and have plenty of studies showing they reduce the risk of uti's
2. A lot of the official information focuses on hygiene practices wiping front to back, peeing before and after sex, peeing when you need to and drinking enough water
3. See a healthcare provider for support, UTIs are very treatable and no big deal unless you leave an infection then you could end up with all kinds of issues, best practice is to always ask your doctor if you can, for help. But obviously that can be hard for some people because of cost, having a bad doctor or medical anxiety
Hope this helps
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