#yolo sd
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cl4mbulanc3 · 3 months ago
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AHHH art hehahhe
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ali-alena · 1 year ago
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i did this for my little (half) brother :) he said that this was his favourite show. its hanging in his room!(,,•́ω ก̀,,)
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
YoloLiv YoloBox Ultra Streaming Solution Does it all - Videoguys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/yololiv-yolobox-ultra-streaming-solution-does-it-all-videoguys/
YoloLiv YoloBox Ultra Streaming Solution Does it all - Videoguys
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Discover the YoloBox Ultra, the revolutionary independent streaming solution unveiled by YoloLiv at IBC 2023. In this blog post, we delve into the features and improvements of this new device, addressing a significant pain point for content creators. Learn how the YoloBox Ultra makes streaming to multiple platforms easier and more versatile than ever before.
Key Features of the YoloBox Ultra:
Enhanced CPU for Superior Streaming Quality: The YoloBox Ultra boasts an improved CPU, ensuring higher-quality streams.
4K Streaming Capability: Experience the future of streaming with support for 4K resolution.
Versatile Vertical and Horizontal Streaming: Stream in both vertical and horizontal orientations using a single device, catering to different platform requirements.
Simultaneous ISO Recording: Record from up to four separate cameras simultaneously for diverse content creation options.
Outdoor-Ready Bright Screen: Enjoy a 650-nit bright screen, making it suitable for outdoor environments.
Extended Battery Life: With a 20,000 milliamp battery, the YoloBox Ultra offers up to six hours of uninterrupted usage.
On-Location Power via USB-C: Stay powered up on location with the convenience of USB-C input.
Multiple Source Inputs: Four full HDMI inputs allow you to connect multiple sources effortlessly.
Stable Network Connectivity: Achieve network stability with support for up to three separate SIM cards for cellular bonding into the YOLO cast service.
Explore the YoloBox Ultra Ports:
Input Ports: 4x HDMI in, 2x USB Type-A 3.0 (compatible with webcams, portable storage devices, and wireless USB dongles), USB Type-C (fully functional interface), 3.5mm line-in (stereo), and 3.5mm mic-in.
Connectivity Ports: Ethernet port, Nano-SIM slot, and SD card slot.
Output Ports: 1x HDMI out and 3.5mm audio output.
The YoloBox Ultra is set to redefine streaming with its impressive features, offering content creators an all-in-one solution for seamless, high-quality streaming across multiple platforms.
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sentofight · 4 years ago
[[what is common between these two?
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the eye? nah. hair? nah. kill you for fun? nah.
using them both to torture lang mwaaaaaaaahahaha. swiggty swag to spread angst like a boss. 
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lcvitatiing · 6 years ago
¿Saben a quien extraño? @xgoner so mientras lentamente voy a ver si la encuentro.. dejo esto para que lo vea cuando entre al indie.
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nebluus · 7 years ago
i got accepted into CCA and SCAD and i’m lowkey shook
what do i do
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hzmsth · 5 years ago
Day 4. Ten interesting facts about yourself.
Ini kayanya bukan hal yang menarik sih, tapi kita coba aja. Here we go!
1. Aku si cerewet dan banyak omong
Yes, keliatannya kalo baru kenal mah diem banget. Tergantung situasi hati kalo mau ngajak kenalan orang baru akutu wkwkwk. Tapi kalo udah kenal?? Kesel pasti sama cerewet dan banyak omongnya aku. Kadang ngeselin juga soalnya.........
2. Aku si insecure sama diri sendiri
Insecure kenapa? Karena aku gak cantik, gak modis, gak sesempurna cewek lain wkwkwk. Apalagi dari segi fisik, terutama muka. Kalo badan, aku punya tinggi 167 dengan bb 57-60an, tapi muka ku sangat oily dan jerawatan sekali :))). Aku pernah ke dokter kulit pas kuliah, alhamdulillah cocok, tapi you knowlah harganya, gak mungkin aku tiap bulan kesana, abislah duit jajanku wkwkwk. Sampe akhirnya pernah coba segala macam skin care dari yang murah sampe mahal dan hasilnya kaya gak keliatan gitu. Sampe aku akhirnya mau gak mau balik ke dokter kulit dan bisa bayar pake gaji aku wk wk wk. Karna gak mau terlalu ketergantungan aku kadang gak pake obat dokter itu, jadilah suka muncul-muncul lagi nih jerawat. Apalagi kalo udah stresssssss berat, kaya sekarang :”). Sampe aku pernah mikir “aku gak akan punya pacar ganteng, aku nya aja jelek ko....” Gilak yak? Wkwkwkwk.
3. Aku si Cuek tapi Perasa
Aku adalah orang yang tergolong cuek banget. Aku sama pacarku aja kontak-kontakan seadanya, kalo gak kangen banget atau dia gak maksa buat vcall, aku kadang gak mau hahahaha. Apalagi setelah kita sama-sama kerja, jauh dan cuti nya roaster, kadang kita cuma modal doa aja biar bisa cuti barengan. Sama bapak ibuku aja aku jarang kontakan, chat WA aja seminggu sekali udah bagus, apalagi telponan, kalo gak penting banget gak bakal telpon, karna sinyal juga jelek sih jaman kerja mah wkwkwk, suka capek juga abis kerja pengennya tidur. Bapak ibu ku tipe yang ngerti banget sama keadaan anaknya, gak pernah ngelarang atau ngekang atau manjain. Aku pergi kerja di Melak Kaltim yang plosoknya minta ampun aja bapak ibuku YOLO banget. Tapi dibalik cueknya aku, aku adalah si perasa yang misterius hahahaha. Aku kadang bisa aja diem tapi pikiran sama hatinya kemana-mana wkwk. Kadang kalo dulu pas kerja suka bahas keluarga tuh kaya pengen nangis gitu, apalagi dulu aku pulang 3 bulan sekali, sekali pulang di rumah cuma 13 hari :”)
4. Aku si Ambivert
Sebelum aku tau tes MBTI, aku udah bisa nebak kalo aku ambivert. Terus pas tau MBTI, pertama kali tes keluarnya Ekstrovert, agak kaget tapi aku mikir mungkin aku sudah berubah. Eh ternyata pas aku tes 1-2 tahun kemudiannya, aku jadi Introvert wkwkwk. Dan aku liat-liat rate ekstrovert sama introvert aku tuh gak pernah lebih dari 60%, jadi kaya 50an aja. Nah abis itu karna kepo, aku jadi sering tes MBTI dan selalu hasilnya kadang ektrovert kadang introvert dan selalu hasilnya di golongan Sentinels (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, dan ISFJ) wkwkwkwk.
5. Aku si Eneagram 3 a.k.a The Achiver
Eneagram itu tipe kepribadian kaya MBTI gitu tapi bentuknya pola dan geometri bersudut 9 dan tiap sudutnya ada angka dan artinya gitu (coba cek di gugel ya gais hehe). Nah aku dapet nomer 3 yang itu adalah The Achiver. Kalo di tanya ke diri sendiri, emang iya aku the achiver?? Jawabannya, iya. Aku baca dari artikel di google kalo nomer 3 sangat berorientasi denga “pencapaian” dan “sukses” dan juga “pengen diliat” gitu. Dan tbh aku adalah anak yang sangat menjunjung tinggi “kesuksesan” dan “pengen diakui” sama beberapa orang yang pernah sedikit merendahkan aku dan memandang aku sebelah mata. Mungkin aku kaya gini karna pengaruh “lingkungan” yang dulu “nuntut” aku secara gak langsung buat membuktikan kalo aku emang bisa.
6. Aku si Ambis(?)
Beberapa mungkin mandang aku sangat “ambis” atau emang aku yang gak ngerasa? Ini ada hubungannya sama eneagram nomer 3 itu juga sih, soalnya sifat Ambisius itu ada di eneagram nomer 3, plussssss aku si Scorpion Girl, yang mana scorpio juga dianggap sebagai orang yang agak ambisius. Mungkin kalo dari aku perasaan ambis itu ada kalo emang ada “sesuatu” yang bikin aku harus ambis(?) Jadi semacam ke trigger gitu...... Contohnya jaman sekolah (SD-SMA) aku selalu masuk 2 besar, sekalinya ada di nomer 2, segala pertanyaan tuh muncul di kepala “apa sih yang salah? Aku kenapa?” Padahal orang tua ku sama sekali gak pernah nuntut buat aku jadi nomer 1, 2, 3, yang penting anaknya bisa dan mampu lewatinya, itu aja. Tapi dasar akunya..... ambis ya(?)
7. Aku si yang (katanya pintar) tapi ditolak Universitas Negeri
Nyambung sama yang atas, aku emang selalu jadi juara, tapi juara “di kandang” aja. SMA aku swasta dan aku tau kalo peluang aku ke Univ Negeri yang aku mau itu kecil (karna track record dari angkatan sebelumnya). Tapi aku tetep usaha, tetep les, tetep belajar, tetep milih univ itu walopun semacam udah tau jawabannya. Sampe akhirnya bener, aku di tolak di SNMPTN, aku coba di SBM dan hasilnya gagal, aku coba ikut jalur Mandiri di Univ nya dan hasilnya gagal lagi, sampe terakhir ikut Tes Univ Negeri gabungan gitu (ada Undip, Unsoed, apalagi gitu 5/6 Univ tapi jurusannya tuh sisaan) dan hasilnya gagal lagi dan lagi. Biar gak penasaran, aku ditolak di UGM, IPB, Brawijaya, Diponegoro sama Unsoed (kalo gak salah). Sedih bat waktu itu tuh....
8. Aku si gak sengaja jadi Engineer
Kenapa bisa jadi Engineer? Jadi karna tau kalo peluang aku kecil ke Univ negeri, jadilah aku harus cari cadangan di Swasta. Tibalah sebelum SNM dan SBM temenku tiap minggu ke Jogja, ternyata dia tes buat masuk Geologi/Tambang/Minyak di UPN (waktu itu UPN masih swasta ya gais, jadi tiap minggu ada tes gitu). Mereka cerita kalo tesnya gampang, tapi kenapa gak pernah lolos(?) Dari situ sisi “ambis” aku ke trigger, penasaran kan tes nya kaya apa wkwkwk. Kebetulan waktu itu bapak ibuku mau ke Jogja nengok mbakku yang kuliah disana (dia di UII). Sempet ditawarin buat tes juga di UII tapi aku gak mau, soalnya dari TK sampe SMA sekolah aku sama mbakku tuh sama terus, ya kali kuliahnya sama lagi, sekalipun disuruh beda jurusan wkwkwk. Tes lah aku di UPN ambil Geologi sama Minyak. Eh gak lolos cuy... Pulanglah aku sama ortu. Sampe akhirnya mau SBM aku masih belum punya pegangan Univ Swasta. Nah karna tes SBM aku mau di Jogja aja biar bisa ambil Univ agak leluasa (dulu jamanku beda peraturan gitu), jadilah aku 10 hari di Jogja bisa SBM, UM UGM sama tes UPN (lagi) wkwkwk. Pas tes UPN kali ini aku ambil Geologi sama Tambang, karna bapakku minta ganti jadi Tambang dan kebetulan Minyak juga udah tutup karna kuota penuh. Eh pas tes keluar hasilnya ternyata aku diterima cuy!!! Dari situlah aku bisa jadi anak Tambang wkwkwk walopun sempet mikir “kuat gak ya...” dan sempet kecewa karna jadinya kuliah di “Swasta” tapi ternyata Allah punya rencana lain, UPN jadi Negeri di akhir tahun 2014 wkwkwkwk Alhamdulillah jadilah aku kuliah di Negeri.
9. Aku si mau jadi apa aja wkwk
Aku lulus tuh ada aja lika liku nya, di tumblr ini aku cerita ko soal sakit dan wisudaku huhuhu. 1-2 tahun sebelum aku lulus aku tuh kerjaannya keluar-masuk rs doang. Sampe akhirnya Alhamdulillah aku lulus tepat waktu dan diwaktu yang tepat (harga batubara lagi baik hehe). Aku berdoa terus biar aku cepet dapet kerja karna bapak udah mau pensiun. Jujur semua lowongan yang bisa aku apply, pasti aku apply, selama aku bisa dan mau, aku apply. Sampe aku dapet panggilan jadi Freelance CS di Ruangg*ru Jogja aku mau, aku jalanin. Baru masuk minggu ke 4 aku keterima as an Engineer di Kontraktor kecil dan aku mau (itu yang di Melak). Sampe disana aku belajar banyak, dari yang awalnya blaster engineer, sampe akhirnya aku dipercaya buat jadi mine plan, ngerjain kerjaan yang lumayan bikin tidur tuh gak tenang wkwkwk. Tapi jujur aku masih cari tempat berlabuh yang lebih baik (sisi ambis aku ke trigger kayanya wkwk) karna disana ada beberapa hal yang bikin aku “harus move” biar aku berkembang, ini murni bukan soal kerjaan ya, jujur aku fine-fine aja sama kerjaanya hehehe. Tibalah akhir tahun 2019 Allah jawab doa aku buat move ke perusahaan yang bener-bener lebih baik! Tapi Allah ternyata punya jalan lain. Maret lalu aku resmi jadi pengangguran lagi hehe, kalo udah gini aku tetep jadi aku si mau jadi apa aja ko. Bukan berarti setelah pernah jadi “engineer” aku harus jadi engineer lagi. Aku mau jadi apa aja selama aku bisa dan mampu, selama pekerjaan itu halal. Semoga setelah Covid ini berakhir, aku bisa nemuin kerjaan yang lebih baik lagi. Aamiin.
10. Aku si gak jago bahasa Inggris
Aku emang gak jago bahasa Inggris dibanding temen-temen dan anak-anak jaman sekarang. Aku bisa baca dan tau maksudnya, tapi buat grammar apalagi speaking, wow lemah sekali :”) Kalo listening “agak” lumayan karna mungkin suka dengerin lagu. Jujur suka amazed sama beberapa orang yang nulis lancar banget pake bahasa Inggris, suka iri liat yang cas cis cus ngomongnya, suka minder sendiri aku tu.... Tapi kalo boleh jujur juga, sampe detik ini aku selalu belajar dan terus usaha biar “nambah” ilmunya, entah grammar atau speaking nya atau apa aja. Aku kadang belajarnya baca dari artikel atau Tumblr orang-orang, terus dari game grammar atau game yang berbau bahasa Inggris. Doakan aku teman-teman biar aku gak malas, aamiin.
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cocotangaje · 6 years ago
Meskipun sholat gue suka mepet waktu, doa sama ngaji ogah-ogahan, kerudung juga masih mood-moodan, ngomong hal yang nyakitin orang keseringan, tapi gue paling nggak mau, nggak berani, dan takut banget yang namanya ngecewain orangtua.
Mungkin karena efek dulu gue adalah anak paling bengal di keluarga kali ya, jadi merasa punya beban tersendiri buat bikin mereka jadi manusia paling bahagia. Waktu gue SD entah hati gue terbuat dari apaan, pemandangan mamah nangis di depan gue sudah jadi hal yang biasa dan gue sama sekali nggak ngerasain apa-apa. Beda bet ama sekarang yang liat mamah curhat seneng banget abis foto bareng sama sandiaga uno aja bisa bikin stress gue ilang dan emosi yang ketahan abis itu langsung keluar karena ngerasa lega beliau baik-baik aja.
Setakut itu gue menghadapi kegagalan bukan karena apa-apa, cuma takut bikin mereka kecewa. Bukan nggak mau anjir menjalani hidup yolo suka-suka gue selama itu nggak repotin mereka. Tapi ya gue takut aja jadi anak yang bikin mereka kecewa apalagi membuat mereka dipandang buruk gara-gara gue (yang meskipun saat ini gue udah bukan anak kecil lagi)
Gue nggak sadar sih hal ini gue rasakan sejak kapan. Bahkan kalo papap lagi ngomongin tentang politik, meskipun gue tau itu salah atau yang diomongin beliau adalah hal yang kurang tepat, gue lebih milih buat senyum dan dengerin beliau aja daripada sok-sok mengkoreksi hanya karena sekarang gue di kuliahan belajar tentang politik. Gue tau hal itu bakal melukai egonya papap. Sepintar apapun gue sekarang, gue tetap akan berusaha menjadi khalda yang nggak tau apa-apa kalo di hadapan mamah papap. Karena gimanapun pinter gue sekarang, yang ngajarin gue ngaji, yang ngajarin gue baca tulis pertama kali itu mereka. Bahkan, gue inget banget waktu gue SD gue jadi semangat belajar bahasa inggris karena papap bisa translate satu dua kata di film ratatoulie yang waktu itu ditonton barengan. Padahal saat ini gue tau waktu itu papap ngartiinnya asal-asalan, atau agak nyontek dikit ke subtitle bahasa indonesia. Berlagak sok jagoan doang. Tapi karena hal itu, membuat gue jadi semangat buat belajar bahasa inggris sampai gue merengek buat ikut kursus bahasa inggris.
Sedangkan dari mamah gue belajar banyak tentang perasaan. Tentang jangan musuhin orang, nanti dunia kamu jadi sempit kalo kamu nyimpen kebencian. Dari curhat-curhat yang beliau ceritakan ke gue sambil nangis. Makin gue gede, makin gue ngerti. Makin gue sayang, makin gue gampang buat memahami.
Waktu SMA gue nggak kayak gini. Gue bahkan pernah berantem sama mamah hanya karena gue menganggap beliau lebih memperhatikan adek gue daripada gue sendiri. Gue nyampe banting-bantingan pintu, nyampe nulis surat terus ditempel dibalik pintu biar papap baca saking gue nggak mau ngomong karena kesel dan takut juga kena marah.
Gue percaya, nggak cuma gue yang berubah. Mamah papap juga sama. Pertengkaran dan keberanian gue meluapkan emosi dan hal-hal yang gue rasa membuat mereka belajar juga. Makanya sekarang, kalo gue lagi rajin-rajinnya doa, gue selalu minta buat dibantu sama Allah biar bisa membahagiakan mereka. Biar bisa beliin baju yang mamah mau. Biar bisa beliin aksesoris mobil yang papap mau. Biar bisa ngajak mereka berdua makan di hanamasa bareng sama adek juga. Biar dijauhiiiiinnn banget dari membuat mereka merasa kecewa.
Tuhkan urusan beginian jadi cengeng bet gue.
Dah gue mo ngerjain resume dan essay dulu. Abistu edit video. Dadah
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cl4mbulanc3 · 2 months ago
some doodles of my new smiling friends oc and sarah💕💕
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is it really an oc of mine if im not ahipping it with a canon character
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sarahariantie · 5 years ago
Guru : Disini siapa yang udah besar mau jadi dokter?
separuh anak dikelas 4 sd hampir semuanya menunjuk tangan.
Guru : Siapa yang mau jadi pilot?
5 orang anak laki laki berusia 9 tahun berdebat dan berebut untuk menunjuk tangan. 
Guru : Lalu siapa yang mau menjadi atlet?
lebih banyak lagi murid perempuan yang mengacungkan jari ingin menjadi seperti idolanya, Susi Susanti atau Liliyana Natsir.
lalu sang guru tertarik melihat seorang anak yang diam saja hanya memerhatikan. Ia pun menghampiri dan bertanya kepada sang anak.
Guru : Kalau kamu mau jadi apa?
Si anak : Aku mau kerja keliling dunia.
Mimpi.. semua orang sepertinya punya mimpi atau cita-cita. Dulu pada saat masih duduk di sekolah dasar saya paling benci kalau ditanya “mau jadi apa”, karena tertekan dengan cita-cita semua teman saya yang terlihat wah. Dokter lah, arsitek lah, insinyur, presiden dan masih banyak lagi pekerjaan yang melibatkan jas dan dasi. Karena dulu, saya kira cita-cita hanya sebatas profesi.
Dari kecil saya memang suka bertualang, bertualang di dalam kompleks naik sepeda ke jalan raya, jalan kaki menyusuri kali kecil di dekat rumah, jalan kaki ke sekolah, naik bukit di belakang perkebunan tante di puncak, menyusuri pojok pojok semak semak sekolah untuk memenuhi rasa penasaran saya “ada apa sih disana” atau sekedar membuktikan pernyataan teman saya mengenai “ada hantu di dekat UKS”. Dulu susah kalau jalan-jalan yang mahal, belum ada modal. Tapi memang intinya ya.. dari dulu mimpi saya ingin sekali melihat dunia (tapi bukan untuk konten instagram).
Seiring bertambahnya umur, mimpi itupun bertambah dan berkembang, yang tadinya ingin keliling dunia, ditambah ingin jadi atlet, ingin masuk sekolah unggulan, ingin jadi news anchor, ataupun ingin mendapat beasiswa dari LPDP Kemenkeu. Semakin membentuk persepsi saya mengenai mimpi tak lagi hanya sebatas profesi namun menjadi kumpulan bucketlist yang berteriak ingin diwujudkan untuk membuat cerita kehidupan seseorang lebih berarti (berarti untuk dirinya sendiri, bukan untuk orang lain). 
“Mimpi tak lagi hanya sebatas profesi namun menjadi kumpulan bucketlist yang berteriak ingin diwujudkan untuk membuat cerita kehidupan diri lebih berarti (berarti untuk dirinya sendiri, bukan untuk orang lain)” 
Itu yang selalu saya tanamkan dalam diri saya. Saya ingin cerita hidup saya menarik karena saya benar-benar mencintai apa yang lakukan, tanpa paksaan, tanpa beban pikiran apakah disukai orang lain atau tidak, dan bukan untuk menyenangkan orang lain. Prinisip ini saya jalankan, akan tetapi bukan berarti semena-mena dalam hidup ya, tetap pada batas wajar, tidak merugikan orang lain dan dalam konteks yang positif bukan menganut prinsip YOLO.
Kadang mimpi gak harus berat-berat, hal ringan dan receh juga saya jadikan mimpi. Mimpi ter-receh yang sedang saya proses adalah bisa main ukulele biar kalau trip bisa nyanyi-nyanyi gak pakai spotify. Saya ga pernah bisa main alat musik apapun, bahkan suling-pun saya gak bisa. Namun selama mimpi itu gratis, saya mimpi sebanyak-banyaknya, setinggi tingginya dan sereceh-recehnya.
Sebagai pengguna media sosial, saya suka mengamati kebiasaan para pengguna yang meng’update’ kehidupannya; dari mulai pencapaian hidup, unjuk kebolehan atau kecakapan, kelulusan, pekerjaan sehari-hari, liburan, pasangan, hari ulang tahun, hari pernikahan, dan semua hal bahagia.
Melihat pencapaian teman di sosial media terkadang membuat kita membandingkan hidupnya dengan hidup kita;
“ih seru ya hidupnya jalan jalan terus kaya ga ada beban”
“ya ampun kayaknya baru kemarin lulus s1 sekarang udah ngerjain thesis untuk master degree”
Seperti pepatah ‘rumput tetangga selalu terlihat lebih hijau’, saya pun terkadang masih suka membandingkan. Kadang rasanya sedih karena merasa  jauh sekali kita tertinggal, dari aspek karier hingga pendidikan. Harus selalu ingat, manusia punya timelinenya masing-masing. Dikejar wajib, Disusul silahkan, tapi satu yang harus diingat biar gak keluar jalur, kawan kalian bukan lawan untuk berlomba-lomba sampai ke garis finis.
Tolak ukur setiap manusia berbeda, garis finis pun berbeda. Justru disitulah uniknya setiap cerita manusia. Berbeda penulis, pasti juga berbeda akhir.
Siapkan pena, pensil warna, spidol, cat air, untuk lukis semua mimpi. Nikmati, kalau gagal ya coba lagi. 
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festfashions · 6 years ago
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I seriously can’t believe how much fun I had at EDC this year. A weekend that started as a last minute decision became a totally great experience -- but don’t they usually start that way? I was hesitant about attending EDC this year because this weekend coming up I have Lightning in a Bottle, and I didn’t want to be too exhausted or get sick. I told myself, you know what, f-it, yolo, I’ll just not go too hard at EDC.
Then I saw the sunrise two nights in a row.
And I regret nothing.
EDC 2018 - My Electrified Experience
Truly I still didn’t go “hard” I’d say, I only attended the rave Friday and Saturday because I couldn’t take off another day of work to go Sunday night. This way I also gave myself some time Sunday to recover. I am still a little in shock of how late I stayed up each night, how time just flew by and all of a sudden it was 4:30 am.
EDC is an absolutely crazy place. I’m struggling with how to explain it exactly… if you like to party, this is the event. There’s so much going on, there’s lights on everything and music coming from every angle. It’s a carnival for adults with rides and alcohol and costumes.
Insomniac is the best at throwing big production raves in my opinion. Their events are a combo of Disneyland-meets-Cirque-du-Soleil — two of my favorite things. My favorite part though of any event is getting ready, and you can see at Insomniac shows this is a lot of other people’s favorite part as well. We get to be creative and be colorful and just have fun.
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Friday I wore my eyeball crop top from Pretty Little Thing and these little white booty shorts from iHeartRaves. My glitter was applied with highlighter (personally using this is my favorite because it holds the glitter, comes off easy, and adds extra shine behind it!) and I use a biodegradable brand called Universal Soul. I very carefully applied some of the glitter to my eyelids as an eyeshadow and on my lips as well. You have to be SUPER careful around your eyes because you can damage them with a loose piece of glitter.
We left for the festival around 6pm and it didn’t take us too long to get there. We had some fun moments in traffic with other headliners as we approached the event. At one point we almost missed a turn and had to cut in, and the other car said we only could if I did a shot with them. We “cheer”sd from our cars and they let us in. A couple minutes later we ended up next to them in some stopped traffic and I popped out to trade kandi really quick. It was hilarious because everyone was yelling from the other cars cheering us on. I live for these vibes.
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I went with one friend to EDC, Rob (@PinkyPinkston on Instagram) this year. We stayed at the Luxor which I would not recommend going forward (lol already wrote them a review on Tripadvisor). Rob’s great because he’s always down for whatever and we have a lot of fun together. He doesn’t mind if I lose him for a bit to take photos and stuff. Plus it’s always nice to go with a guy just to feel safe.
Once we got to the festival we took the route that leads you down the bleachers, where you get a full view of the whole racetrack as you walk in. This is my third time to EDC and my first time ever walking in this way, and I’m so glad I finally got the chance to! It’s one of those moments people always talk about, and I felt like I’d missed out so much before.
They give you a few moments to take a photo then make you go down all the way. It’s pretty cool to see the WHOLE event from that view.
Once inside we had tons to explore. Seven main stages, art cars, rides, interactive art pieces, sponsored interactive areas and so many people to meet. I feel like every step you take at EDC you’re meeting someone new. People just love to talk to new people here!    
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Friday night, and I’m not totally sure how it happened, but I ended up meeting this group who had these cool bikes they were riding around the festival. They invited me to join them so we rode around and even went behind the stages to ride on the racetrack!
That whole night flew by, Kaskade’s set was amazing, per usual, and that was about when I realized that I TOTALLY lost Rob so I struggled with failed texts then finally found him. We danced through a few more areas then made our way back to the exit. On the way there we found this awesome art piece that had a LED ceiling and was playing classical music. Everyone was just laying underneath it relaxing. I knew one of the songs and busted out some ballet moves which ended with a round of applause from everyone there. What a moment.
We headed home, made it out of the parking lot really easy at 4am and went to bed.
Saturday AM I pretty much felt like I couldn’t do this another day, but we rallied and headed to the pool to relax. After spending some time in the sun and eating some lunch I decided it was nap time, so we did a 2 hour nap before it was time to get ready for day 2.
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Saturday I wore a mix of pieces from “old” outfits I’ve worn to raves. The top I actually wore to my very first EDC back in 2014. I liked this look a lot because it was one that I really couldn’t see myself wearing to any other event besides an Insomniac one. There’s definitely a look and feel to EDC that’s different than say Coachella or Lightning in a Bottle. As someone who loves fashion, I love that I get to dress uniquely to each of these events!
Saturday we left the hotel a little earlier, more around 5pm and had no traffic getting in. It was nice to see the festival grounds with some daylight before the sunset. I liked being able to take a lot of photos during magic hour as well!
We had VIP access passes so Saturday we spent a lot of time checking out the VIP areas. At EDC these are over the top with so much more to do and see. One area had arcade games, and another allowed us to go backstage behind the DJ booth!
We also saw a pool and even a ball pit which to play in. Inside one of the VIP tents we found two people with typewriters offering free haikus. Mine said:
On the runway and In the crowd she knows both sides An aerial view
I really loved seeing the crowd from the Quantum Valley VIP area best, and it was here that we watched the fireworks Saturday night.
Each night the fireworks at EDC are something else, they’re over the top and a perfect addition to an electrified night. I had these awesome glasses they were giving out at the Smirnoff Experience that changed the light into little hearts, and watching the fireworks with these was so cool.
As we were leaving for the night I turned back to look at the grounds one last time and could not believe I was watching the sun come up over the mountains. Time flies when you’re having fun.
We got to our car and it took us roughly an hour to get out of the parking lot this night. The traffic flow out was terrible, the only way we were able to get out was to weave through parking rows.
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We ended up driving home Sunday am, which gave me a little FOMO for day 3 but I had to be realistic, Lightning in a Bottle is my favorite event of the year so I needed to rest for a few days so that I can live it up there.
EDC was an amazing time though. I got to meet a lot of awesome people and dance for hours and hours. I just love how late EDC goes when most of our big production raves end at 2 am. According to my health tracker I climbed 9 floors each night of EDC with the number of steps I took. This equalled roughly 10 miles each night. You’ll all be happy to know I didn’t even have to break out my knee brace once this weekend :) I was taking it easy!!!
Well that was a super long recap, and there’s still a lot I didn’t cover, but I’ll share little bits as I go with photos I post of people’s outfits. So be sure to watch as I share them all with you! I’m glad I decided to go to EDC, sometimes the last minute decisions are worth it!
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disismrc · 3 years ago
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Really enjoying this SD Knives/Nova Blades Anthem. Ya'll have a great weekend!!!!!!! Stay sharp, safe & sanitary!!!!!!! #bestknivesofig #blade #blades #edc #EDCCOMMUNITY #everydaycarry #edcgear #edcknife #everydaydump #edcdump #geardump #handdump #knife #knifepics #knifefanatics #knifecollection #knives #pocketdump #pocketknife #hatefreeEDC #usnfollow #usnstagram  #dailybadass #noonecares #edccarry #knifefanatics #edccooperative #blade #edclife #fixedbladefriday #sdknives #novablades (at Yolo County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWHUKHMvmuu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deedgy · 4 years ago
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take too long to post untill 30 days so here i come, taking all the challenges
DAY 1:
independent, tough, potty mouth
DAY 2:
me time, being with my family, being with my friends, being content with everything, when i inspire someone
DAY 3:
i and my staffs joking around about physical distancing
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DAY 4:
LBJ, i have paid the DP yadaaa, wondering when this pandemy will be over huuh
DAY 5:
from my mom's WA dp
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DAY 6:
yuuup that's meh!
DAY 7:
so maaaanyyy, it's like asking a favourite child to a mother, well let's pick end game because duh im a marvell team
DAY 8:
the power of music is great! adele is my queen! she can break my heart from the boy in my imagination
DAY 9:
happiness comes from our heart, it's not from your money your position or even someone else. Happiness is when you are fully content of what you have now
DAY 10:
not many, these are the list of my future bridesmaids: cempaka, sadwi, sarah, zeli, naran, dudu, and for the boys maybe i can think Buyung, Fandy, and Ridwan
DAY 11:
just regular siblings, my older brother, Mas Bhram, living his settled life in Tangsel, my older sisters: Winny and Finny, we argue a lot and gossip a lot!
DAY 12:
FRIENDS you havent lived if you havent watched it!
DAY 13:
sooo many! again like asking a favourite child to a mother, but let's say aroma karsa by Dee
DAY 14:
girly, casual with a twist, sometimes edgy
DAY 15:
to beautiful beaches in Indonesia
DAY 16:
my friends! damn corona sucks!
DAY 17:
deep conversation of course
DAY 18:
30?! omg sooo many okay lets try
1) i dont like my name, too long, too many consonants, spelling is too hard
2) cotton ink is my fave clothing brand
3) in the middle of a traumatic state of not dare enough to dream big
4) have my current cellphone since 2016
5) culinary is also my world, not really good at cooking but have a great palate
6) love seeing bridal world, really curious to learn about the culture from Sabang to Merauke
7) as bad as Indonesia can be, i dont want to live abroad, i love the weather and the food here
8) i want to have a bookshelf
9) got a bad accident in the fly over in 2018
10) i am currently learning arabic, damn this language is so hard!
11) after LBJ, i think im going to visit Banyuwangi ive just known that Banyuwangi has an airport haha
12) want to try a cruise holiday
13) have a promise with Sarah to visit Japan
14) have a culinary list in JKT and BDG in my phone, and also a holiday list
15) love teaching, currently have two students, aliy and rania, they both are great. teaching opens my eyes wider about the education world and somehow i have a little interest there
16) desperately in need of a job
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17) kate spade purse and marc jacobs watch are my first splurge things
18) currently re-watching old hilarious disney series, like suite life of zack and cody, thats so raven, hannah montana
19) never like sports
20) my first date is a movie date
21) trying to highlight the beautiful verses in Quran, inspired by dian sastro
22) follow alice norin since the first day of signing in to instagram
23) cant sleep with lights on except if im very exhausted
24) an extrovert but love a me time, especially when i do the shopping
25) stay at home period makes me love cats
26) never use the same make up or skincare product because i like exploring
27) Solo is the best place to have a culinary holiday
28) there is one month when i worked my ass off i worked for 12 hours/day for almost every single day and after that they say i couldnt take my annual life, oooh yeaah boo you!
29) i remember that time when i became the "step daughter" in the office and i proved them wrong
30) very up to date! im all ears when it comes to talking, you can hit me up on my dm or any media, feel free!
DAY 19:
a fair-skinned guy in my kindergarten, monkey love is also a love right? i dont know haha
DAY 20:
Rio Dewanto, Nicholas Saputra, Vino G Bastian, Ryan Reinolds, soo manyyy
DAY 21:
Love is a strong word, it can not be wasted away for a wrong person. Be careful!
DAY 22:
today i got a death nap, gosh i dont feel fresh at all, i should get a job, pleaseee god
DAY 23:
Dear Future Me,
Youre doing great for deciding any decisions in your life. Thank you so much for surviving this far. I know that ure an independent tough girl. Are you in the best version of yourself right now? if not, it's totally okay. Keep going! better days are coming! always be grateful of what you have and yolo! you know the two meanings of yolo haha!
past yourself
DAY 24:
no matter how close your passion to your job is, working is working! it's not always rainbows and butterflies and it's not always thunderstorm too, so you gotta handle it! find the meaning from your job! take a deep breath and conquer the world! if you are tired, take a break, dont quit! result never betray effort! god bless you all!
DAY 25:
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my kitten, Dulur! shes been adopted
DAY 26:
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it was SD Priangan back then in 2001-2007, small school but really powerful, so glad to be alumni of this school
DAY 27:
my former area manager, Kak Meiliya, i really look up to her on becoming a business leader, she's such a lady boss, an alpha woman, very inspiring!
DAY 28:
loving someone can make your days brighter and also can make your days gloomier, be careful on choosing people you give energy to
DAY 29:
have a mon-fri 9-6 job, have time to pray, being healthy, can save some money
DAY 30:
i feel dizzy maybe because of the death nap, have a nice day everyone!
0 notes
dinedreamdiscover · 5 years ago
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We are truly blessed to be able to travel to #TBEX and wake up to beautiful sunrises with cows mooing outside our window. And to meet amazing and talented people like Wayne & Bambino who create these sculptures at @portersculpturepark. Thank you for allowing us to stay as a @harvesthosts member. Even if you are just passing through Montrose, SD on the I-90, be sure to stop and check out this amazing place and meet the artist. You will not be disappointed! #PorterSculpturePark . . . #DineDreamDiscover #JustPlumCrazy #LifeInTheRV #YOLO #VisitBillings #LifeThroughTheLense #6000MilesForMy60th #60thBdayCelebration #BalloonFiesta #BucketList #RV #FullTimeRV #TravelBlogger #Travel #GoRVing #RVTravel #RoadTrip #bday #60thBirthdayCelebration #60thBirthday #GetOutside #Nature #Camping #Glamping #HereTodayWhereTomorrow (at Porter Sculpture Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Egs6rBvjw/?igshid=1dpdpuifcwef8
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sappypatheticfool · 7 years ago
A new POT SD just told me he's a cop. 😳 I know, I know. The risks. But we had so much fun talking on the phone. He wants to take me out for lunch and drinks. I agreed to it. He doesn't live here. He lives in another state, that he's willing to pay for my traveling costs. The logical side of me shouldn't waste my time. But my reckless ho fat ass is like BISH YOLO!
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payperreview · 5 years ago
WWE Smackdown Results
June 11, 2019
Sacramento, California
Commentary: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves
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Miz defeated Elias via pinfall
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Drew McIntyre defeated Miz via pinfall
Then Shane McMahon defeated via Submission
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The WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions, Daniel Bryan and Rowan make their way to the ring.
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Heavy Machinery v. The Yolo County Tag Team Champs A.J. Kirsch and Dave Dutra
Sonya DeVille defeated Carmella via Pinfall
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Bayley (WWE SD Champ) defeated Nikki Cross via pinfall
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The New Day defeated Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, & Sami Zayn
Trouble in Paradise on Ziggler
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