#yokai grim
nami-moittli · 3 months
Thinking about my Twst x ykw AU again, so. Grimnyan. (I did trace to make this btw)
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Timelapse below the cut⬇️
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britishassistant · 1 year
People Die When They Are Killed (So Let’s Keep You Breathing)
“Kalim!” His footsteps pound as he races through the hallways of the school, breath coming in harsh pants. “Kalim!!”
Not here. He’s not at the front desk, not in the classroom, not in the Light Music Club room, so where—?!
Jamil’s eye catches the full moon rising outside the window.
He grimaces and throws open the next door.
He’s got to find him. The punishment for returning to the Asim compound without Kalim doesn’t bear thinking about. And that’s even if his stupid master has just done something totally innocuous in the name of having a “proper Japanese high school experience”, like go over to one of his many, many friends’ places for a “jam session”.
On the night of the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War.
The back of Jamil’s hand itches.
He grits his teeth. It’s a rash, just a rash, nothing more. He’s Kalim’s aide, a servant, maybe one with the potential for magecraft, but nothing compared to the Asim heir, one of the seven participants in this new Grail War.
He’s the one to do the dirty work, take care of the practicalities of technology and slit throats in back alleys. If they ever thought differently…
Why did he humor Floyd’s mood in basketball club this evening?! If he hadn’t, he and Kalim would be safe in the compound, preparing for the summoning. Instead he’s running through a dark school, searching for—!
He whips around on his heel to see Kalim emerge from a storage closet.
“Ah! Jamil!” The stupid, asinine, self-absorbed, obsequious, pusillanimous blockhead cheers as he waves. “Did’ja come here looking for me? Sorry I’m so late! Lilia asked me and Cater to put all the stuff back after club this evening, but Cater had a date to get to, so I told him to go ahead so I’d do it! But then the guitar amp got jammed, and it scraped the wall, so I was looking for some paint to—”
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you?!” Jamil hisses, marching over. “We need to get back to the compound right now!”
“Huh? Why?” Kalim tilts his head to the side.
Jamil fights the urge to pull his hood over his face and scream.
“It is,” The very edges of his tone are teetering with enforced politeness. “The first night of the Holy Grail War. The one that you are summoning a servant for, and participating in. It’s not safe to be outside right now.”
Kalim frowns even as Jamil begins frogmarching him away from the closet and towards the stairs, bucket of paint still in hand. “Well, yeah, but Uncle said that they wanna wait until like, really late to try it, right? And it’s just the first night, everyone else will still be summoning themselves.”
It takes everything Jamil has not to facepalm.
“Except,” He grits out. “There are certain times that are more ideal for summoning certain servants. You’re aiming for Caster at 2AM, but some servants will be summoned later than that, and most will be summoned earlier. And it’ll be a win for the master of the Shroud family or the Kingscholar family if they manage to take their opponents out right away rather than wait until everyone’s summoned and ready. Honestly, do you pay any atten—?”
He doesn’t even see anything coming.
One moment, he’s pulling Kalim along, intent on getting back to the Asim compound—
The next, he’s hitting the ground, instinctually throwing his master under him as the windows next to them explode.
It almost sounds like the very wind itself is trying to kill them, the whines and shrieks of gusts as wave upon wave upon wave of arrows pierce the walls and doors on the other side of the corridor.
Kalim is screaming, crying, and it’s all Jamil can do to try and push him to crawl towards the stairwell.
It’s a servant, he thinks as he tries to ignore the way his heart is pounding, the terror trying to get him to lose focus. The servant of a rival master, taking the opportunity presented to murder the heir to the Asim and any witnesses. Probably Archer, if the arrows are any indication, though Caster or Berserker aren’t totally out of the realm of possibility—
Kalim shrieks again as the windows on the floor below are shattered, the brightly colored fletches quivering where they’ve embedded themselves in the floor.
Right. Enemy servant. They need to either get out of the building (bad idea, open space with nowhere to hide from the threat, death sentence) or else find somewhere to hide and call for help.
Somewhere the servant can’t easily pick them off from the outside—!
“The coach’s office,” He gasps, “Behind the locker rooms, go Kalim, go!!”
Kalim’s eyes are wet and scared, but at least he responds to Jamil’s order, nodding and darting down the stairs as fast as he can, running bent double with Jamil hot on his heels.
The locker rooms are on the ground floor, right by the stairs. While they had thin slits of windows near the ceiling, to provide some natural light for the occupants, Coach Vargas’ office, piled high with dusty paperwork and sparkling trophies, does not have the same luxury. Small, contained, with no easy access from the exterior—it’s the only truly secure room in the building that they can easily reach.
Kalim raced through the door and Jamil pushes it shut behind them, frantically straining to drag the coach’s desk in front of it and fumbling around in the dark to find the fire extinguisher and loop it’s cord around the handle, just to be sure.
There’s a moment where he and Kalim are panting in the dark, ears straining to hear anything.
A distant crash.
His phone is in his hand before he even knows what he’s doing, jabbing in the number for Jakuzure-san, the senior steward of the Asim compound in this country.
“Viper-san?” Comes Jakuzure-san’s indistinct, shaky voice. “Where are you and Kalim-sama? The masters expected you both back—”
“We’re at Night Raven College.” Jamil says, barely able to keep the panic out of his tone. “Kalim and I, we were—there’s a servant outside. They’re using arrows, they’re trying to kill us, I, I don’t know if the master is nearby or not. We’re in the coach’s office, hiding for now, but it won’t last long. We need help, backup, now.”
“A-ah! Right!” Jakuzure-san’s voice gets even more tremulous, if possible. “I shall inform the masters, and they shall have our contingent of mages—!”
“Jakuzure? Who’s that?” Are the muffled words that Jamil can barely make out.
“Namir-sama! It is Kalim-sama’s aide, Viper-san. They are trapped at Night Raven College by a rival servant!” Jakuzure-san wails.
“What?!” Jamil can hear Namir Al-Asim’s voice much more clearly as he raises his voice and gets closer. “That little fool is…wait. Stop. Don’t you dare—! Give me that you doddering old fool—!”
“But Na—!”
There’s nothing but a dial tone.
Jamil stares at the phone in disbelief. He hits redial, and again, and again, and again—!
“Ja-Jamil?” He looks up to see Kalim’s quivering form in the corner, barely able to make out his features in the dark. “Th-they’re coming, right? W-when are they getting here?”
He wants to tell the truth for once, just once. No one’s coming, Kalim. They’ve left us for dead, so that Jawad or Namir can take your place as heir. We’re going to die. We’re both going to die here, in Coach Vargas’ office, and it is all. Your. Fault.
His throat tightens.
“They’re held up. Some other master is trying to get into the compound.” He lies. “We. We need to get ourselves out of this.”
The distant crashes are getting closer.
“Oi~~! Young masters~~! Come out, come out wherever you are~!” The voice calling out is light, boyish, like it could be one of their underclassmen. “It’s seriously lame for super powerful mages like you to go playing hide and seek like little kids! Won’t you come give me a challenge~?”
Kalim’s whimper is like a gunshot. Honestly, does he want this servant to catch—!
“Kalim,” Jamil’s whisper feels too loud, far too loud, but this may be the only way they survive this. “Do you remember how to draw the summoning seal?”
“What?” It takes a moment, but he sees the metaphorical lightbulb go off. “Oh! Oh, so if we summon my servant in here, we can deal with the guy outside and go save everyone at the compound!”
“Yeah,” And, Jamil adds in his head, if you have a summoned servant already, then Namir’s plans to usurp Kalim’s place as the Asim representative and heir will come to a screeching halt. “You didn’t drop that can of paint?”
“Nope!” There’s a sloshing sound. “Ah! I think I spilled some.”
It’s hard, trying to ensure the lines and characters are correct when daubing white paint onto the carpet with their fingers by the dim light of Jamil’s phone screen.
Kalim shifts as Jamil places the finishing touches. “Wh-what about the catalyst? It’s back at the compound.”
“We’ll have to do without.” Jamil replies brusquely. “It’ll be harder, but not impossible. Just means we won’t know which servant will come.”
He hears Kalim’s intake of breath as he prepares to ask another question.
The next crash is right outside the office.
“Huh,” The servant’s voice is bright, slightly exasperated. “Are you hiding around here, little princelings? I’ve torn most of the building to shreds, so this is the last place left to look~! Jeez, you brats really love to make a guy work for it, ya know?”
Jamil tries to stifle the terror in his gut as he finishes the last sigil. “There! Kalim, do it now!”
“R-right!” Kalim’s whisper is filled with resolve.
He rubs his hands together, and Jamil feels the small room begin to fill with the cool feeling of Kalim’s magic, like standing by one of the canals or in the spray of a fountain on a scorching day. The incantation rises and falls, like steps to a song almost forgotten.
There’s a muffled thump.
Nothing happens.
“Kalim?” He whispers. “What—?”
Three arrows pierce through the thick, reinforced wood of the fire door to Coach Vargas’ office with sharp, staccato thuds.
“Found you~” The servant sing-songs.
“Kalim,” Jamil starts, volume rising with the number of arrows destroying the door. “Any day now would be great!”
“I-I can’t!”
“What do you mean, you can’t?!” Jamil snaps, stress making his voice crack. “Either you do this Kalim, or we die!”
“I’m trying, I am, but I, I, just—!” And there’s the wobble in his voice that Jamil has hated ever since they were kids, the one always heralded a crying fit, that lead to his parents taking him aside and saying be nice and let Kalim do better than you this time, you need to let him win, he is an Asim after all. “I can’t, Jamil!”
The noise that emerges from his throat is inarticulate and nearly bestial with frustration.
“Get out of the way then!”
It may be fine for Kalim, who can mess up and mess up and mess up and still be fine because he’s the heir of the Asim, doted on and praised and adored.
But Jamil is a Viper, is the one who always has to clean up these messes, who has to cover for these mistakes, and he has never ever had the luxury of being anything less than perfectly vigilant. Not when it was the life of his master and his own head on the line.
Please, he thinks as he opens the magic circuits he’s avoided using, that he’s been taught to pretend aren’t there, as he recites the incantation he’s not meant to know, somebody, anybody, come here and help me fix this. Don’t let me and my stupid master die like this!
He pushes—!
It burns, like sand scraping the nerves of his arms raw.
There’s a blast of bright light that fills the tiny office and whites out his vision.
The first thing he feels is the cool night breeze on his face.
The next is Kalim, quivering behind him. His hands are fisted tight in his hoodie.
When he finally blinks his eyes open, he finds his master unharmed, if ruining his favorite hoodie with the white paint coating his fingers. Instead Kalim seems to be staring at something…behind…him…
Jamil Viper turns to look.
The figure standing silhouetted in the moonlight is a monstrous one.
Towering horns protruding from its head, its eyes bulging and yellow, the stark white of its face contorted into a fearsome grimace which bare the tusks erupting from its maw. It looks like it walked out of the museums Kalim dragged him to when they first came to this country, thick leather and tarnished steel buckled over flowing, bloodstained silks. It clutches a polearm, the long, thin blade at the top gleaming viciously under the moon.
Behind the figure stands a grotesque beast that can neither be cat nor weasel for all that its features bear some resemblance to those animals. It’s head is maned with what could be an octopus’ tentacles, and its tail and hindquarters are scaled, with a hood cobra head swaying at the end of its tail, tasting the air. The grasping hands which serve as its forepaws clench and uncurl, the black skin of them cracking as the main head swings around to take them in, phosphoric blue flames leaking from its eyes, it’s ears, seeping out from between its bared teeth.
Jamil stares, mouth dry. There’s a throbbing in his right hand.
“I ask of you,” You say. “Which of you is my master?”
The boy with short white hair lets out a whimper and shifts closer to the one with long dark hair. “Ja-Jamil…!”
That one hasn’t stopped staring at you with a mixture of shock and awe since you materialized. Maybe not the most conventional summoning, especially since you can’t really feel much mana flow from him to you, but hey, you’re here, aren’t you?
In a physical body and breathing again since you died, what? Two hundred, three hundred years ago?
You shift your mask to the side of your head to get a better look at the boy you’ll be calling Master for the rest of this Grail War.
Hm. Skinny, but not underweight, some muscle on him from the way he’s crouched in front of his friend (who, white-haired, better fed, less muscular, better quality clothing, adorned with jewels, hiding—silver spoon heir or you’ll eat your mask). Wary line of the mouth, so not some idealistic brat you’ll have to babysit and cater to the whims of. Maybe a bit untrained in the magic department, but there’s potential there, you can feel it. Lovely hair, silky and well cared for, worn long as a samurai’s should be.
And your command seals on the back of his hand.
Not bad. No, not bad at all.
You kneel before the boy—this “Jamil”— and bow your head respectfully before your liege lord. Behind you, you can feel Grim mimic you, as best he’s able.
“Well met, Master. I am servant Rider. I and my allies will be in your care from now on.”
Your Master swallows, licks his lips. Is he nervous?
That’s kind of cute.
Which is, naturally, when you hear a bow being loosed.
Your naginata snaps out, slicing the arrows in half before they can touch your new master.
“Excuse me,” You lift your hannya mask back over your face, turning to confront the interloper. “We are trying to have a civil conversation here.”
The red-headed Archer gasps. “Oh no! I’m so sorry mister, I’ll just put killing you on hold…not. You’re in the Grail War now, newbie! Ya snooze, ya lose.”
“What was that, ya punk?!” Grim snarls, tail lashing and hissing. “Minion! This guy is challenging the authority of the Great Grim Sama! The strongest yōkai and the finest hero who ever lived!”
“And I’ve never heard of you!” The Archer says cheerfully.
Grim lets out an inarticulate shriek of rage.
You sigh as you study the Archer.
That garb…definitely old Europe, pre-1600s at the very least. Noble bearing, but someone who’s got used to roughing it. Plus that red hair and those arrows that strike as fast and true as the wind…
“You know, I always thought you’d be a bit nicer.” You say conversationally, “With the whole tragically dispossessed noble, steal from the rich and corrupt shit. Right, Ace Trappola?”
Ace Trappola, servant Archer, actually begins choking on his own spit.
You guess this is why people say never meet your heroes.
“Wh-how the hell does some freaky-ass masked weirdo know who I am?!” He demands.
“I was born in 1853,” You deadpan. “Even we’d heard of legends like you by then.”
The guy actually scuffs the floor with his boot, lets out a borderline embarrassed laugh as he scruffs a hand through his hair. “W-well, of course you have! You’d hafta be from some backwater to not have heard of—!”
Your naginata swipes across where his throat would have been had he not sprung backwards.
“Yes.” Your sweet smile under the mask is apparent in your voice. “I also heard how you unfortunately died to some monk bleeding you like a stuck pig. I may not have the same level of finesse as he did, but please forgive me if I get too rough, okay?”
Ace Trappola lands in the center of some kind of dusty field, teeth bared in a fierce grin. “That wasn’t cute at all, you know! Ah man, just my luck that I’d be stuck educating a crazy upstart of a junior.”
“First lesson,” The arrow in his bow quivers, appears to split into hundreds and thousands of itself even before being loosed. “Don’t get so cocky, brat.”
The arrow screams as it is fired, blotting out the moon and the stars with how many of them are covering the night sky and converging on you and your master.
“Grim!” You bark.
“On it, fgnah!”
Grim inhales to the point where he’s swollen to almost twice his usual size, the flames around his head sputtering and almost going out.
When he exhales, the night is lit with a torrent of his blue fire.
You knock away a few errant arrows from your master and his friend that managed to escape being melted in the inferno.
“W-wait!” The friend cries. “You, you can’t fight him!”
You blink at the inherent ridiculousness of this statement. “Yes I can. That’s what we’re doing right now. Fighting him.”
“N-no! I mean,” The friend wrings his hands, flaking white stuff. Is that…is that paint? “I mean we don’t have time for you to fight him! There’s, there’s a master attacking the compound, we gotta get there and help them out right away! Right, Jamil?”
Your master says nothing, still staring at you.
“Huh? Oh, ah,” He coughs, suddenly looking anywhere but you. “Yes, Rider, it. It would be best if we made a strategic retreat for now. We need to return to the Asim compound, as we don’t know what Archer’s master is planning.”
You could take him. You and Grim could make mincemeat of Ace Trappola, given enough time and property damage. But if your master says otherwise…
“Alright.” You nudge Grim’s flank. “If that is what my master desires, your wish is my command. Would you be able to direct me and Grim if you rode in front?”
Your master and his friend nod.
“Heh! Be grateful, humans!” Grim boasts as he kneels down and you hoist yourself onto his back. “Thanks to my minion’s begging, I, the Great Grim Sama, shall allow you to ride me!”
The friend scrambles up with all the eagerness of a child mounting their first pony. Your master looks a little more wary as he approaches and grips Grim’s fur to get a good handhold to swing himself up and over.
“Don’t worry,” He stiffens up as you murmur to him. “I won’t let you fall.”
Oh, you think as he clutches at his ear and twists around to stare at you, wide-eyed. You like this one.
“Running away so soon?” Ace Trappola jeers, nocking another one of those multiplying arrows. “As if I’d let you!”
You lean over your master as Grim begins to run, your body weight pressing him and his friend down below the protective mantle of Grim’s manes. You’re not exactly eager to find out what those arrows will do to you if they lodge into you, but better you get turned into a pincushion than your master.
And if this Archer thinks that wielding your naginata one-handed will make you any less precise, then he’s about to pay dearly for it.
You see his arm prepare to let the arrow(s) fly—!
Something large and black comes hurtling through the air and hits Ace Trappola in the face.
You stare as Archer topples over under the weight of…
“Is. Is that a pot?” Your master asks, squinting.
“It’s a cauldron. I think.” You tilt your head.
“Nyaha! Nice one, minion!” Grim cheers, “That’s what you get for messing with the Mighty Yōkai Grim!”
“But that wasn’t—”
“WHAT THE HELL?!” Ace Trappola screeches, flailing under the huge mass of cast iron. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! DID YOU SERIOUSLY THROW A FUCKING CAULDRON AT ME?!”
“It’s dishonorable to attack an enemy’s back.” A serious voice calls. “As heroes, we should obey the laws of chivalry when engaging in our battles.”
The servant who has entered the field is the very picture of a knight in shining armor at first glance. His plate and chainmail gleam under the moonlight, his spear polished to an unearthly sheen.
But his face is decorated with a blue warpaint that makes you suspect his legend is much older and less clean-cut than he initially appears.
“Oh yeah, and it’s real fucking CHIVALROUS to throw COOKWARE at someone fighting a battle that YOU AREN’T INVOLVED IN, DUMBASS!!” Ace Trappola finally unearths himself, looking worse for wear. “What, did your mom drop you on your head ten times over or something?!”
The new servant’s expression darkens.
His posture shifts until he resembles a rowdy brigand more than a noble warrior, the new shadows blotting out some of the gleam from his armor, making it appear rougher and used.
“Hah?!” The blue warpaint turns his face into a mask almost as terrifying as your own. “Ya got somethin’ t’ say about ma lady mother you snot-nosed little fuck?!”
And there it is.
“A lady?” Ace Trappola smirks, bow now aimed at a new target. “That wasn’t what she sounded like last night~”
Wow. You didn’t know someone could turn that color from rage.
The servant—probably a Lancer—launches himself towards the Archer with a war cry.
“As fascinating as this is,” Your master mutters in front of you. “Maybe we should use this opportunity to make our escape?”
“Seems like it could be fun to watch,” You gently nudge Grim’s flanks. “But that probably would be best. Now, we’ll just make our escape qui—”
“FGNAH! SO LONG, SUCKERS!” Grim proclaims at the top of his lungs, heedless of your and your master’s attempts to get him to shut the fuck up. “YOU MAY LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY THIS TIME, BUT THE GREAT GRIM SAMA WILL RETURN TO CONSUME YOUR MEASLY SOULS!!”
With a single bound, Grim leaps from the ground to the roof of the ruined building your master was taking shelter in. He takes a running start, and vaults over the flimsy fence at the top into the air.
Your master and his friend scream.
You grin.
The flames that form beneath Grim’s legs aren’t like wings, you don’t think they serve any practical purpose to help him fly. But it makes for an astonishing sight nonetheless—looking down and seeing blue fire between you and the sprawling city below.
“Fl-flying!” Your master’s friend gasps. “We’re—we’re actually flying!! Look, look Jamil! It’s like we’re on a magic carpet, for real!! We’re flying!!”
“Kalim, be careful!” Your master scolds as he yanks him back from where he was leaning over the side to get a better look. “You are not going to break your neck after everything we’ve gone through to get out of this!”
“It’s not like it’s a big deal.” Grim rumbles beneath you dismissively. “Even if he fell, the Great Grim Sama would catch him, ya know?”
“That’s not the point,” Your master groans.
There’s a faint crash behind you.
You twist around to see Ace Trappola pull himself out of the roof of the ruined building and begin yelling at the Lancer back on the ground.
Did. Did that Lancer try to stop you all from escaping. By throwing another servant?? At you???
You shift back around. “What kind of troublesome war have you gone and got us involved in, Master?”
Your master groans, burying his face in his hand. “Don’t blame me for his incompetence.”
You can’t help the huff of laughter that escapes you with that sentiment. How many times in life have you thought the same thing?
You think this is the start of a beautiful partnership.
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sonoyin · 1 year
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Grim Reaper Koi! Look out he comin' for your soul!
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erisacolyte · 6 months
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Can I offer you a steampunk kitsune in these trying times? Like what I do and want to support me? Why not become a Patron: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
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fault-classic · 2 years
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twst-beam · 1 year
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WOE POORLY RENDERED WHISPER BE UPON YOU (literally just remembered this show I really liked it a few years ago)
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sushi-legion · 1 year
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Icon for Synfull uwuilyyy baeee
Icon commission for my friend synfull! ilyyy hommiieee I gave them the okays to make a grimsona basically and I was comm to draw them!
Posted using PostyBirb
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nefarrilou · 7 months
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Shikako the Spirit Guard ⛩️🎐
... enters @buttertrait's adventurer guild!
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Genetics Hair | Legs | Tail | Antlers* | Horns | Eyes | Ears | Nose | Lips Clothes Top Accessories Earrings + Necklace | Shawl | Tattoos 1 + 2
🦌 Antlers | Hoof
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Genetics @eachuisge-cc @ssspringroll @evilquinzel @magic-bot @katrina-ysims
Clothes @sentate
Accessories @ice-creamforbreakfast @mayasim4
Deer @kalino-thesims
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thefaeoffaith · 1 year
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Art dump
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ozzgin · 7 months
Do you think I can request headcanons for Nakamaro ?
Like in an alternate route, reader and him (he's in his twenties because... magic ?) are married and reader is pregnant.
But the funny thing is, Nakamaro can't bully the yokais because reader will exorcise him each time he tries.
Aaaaah I finished writing and only afterwards it occurred to me you might've wanted a modern day reader for this. 😭 I imagined the events in his own timeline. Oh well. I think it can work both ways. Just replace the ancient pouch with, I don't know, a visa card that he throws at your parents for wife payment.
Yandere! Onmyōji x Reader
Yokai Harem AU as the wife of Abe no Nakamaro, a legendary sorcerer and collector of yokai. Although you're not quite as powerless as to not keep his cruelty under control.
Content: female reader, arranged marriage, mentions of pregnancy
[Main Story] [Character Guide]
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Your family had vehemently opposed the marriage. To think their one and only daughter would fall into the hands of such a cruel man. The famous Abe no Nakamaro, descendant of Abe no Seimei himself, has quite a contradicting reputation. He has saved many lives, cured countless illnesses, protected villages from monsters and brought peace to the land. Yet many have also witnessed his ruthless nature: the arrogance he has towards humans, the disdain and utter disgust he harbors towards demons. He is quick to punish, rarely forgives, and never forgets. The yokai he’s captured under a binding contract are kept on a leash, like cattle before slaughter.
It is this man who approached your parents one day, when you were still young, demanding your hand. He claimed you had special powers and a lot of potential under the right guidance. Such spiritual prowess would waste away in a family of plebeians. You don’t remember much of the discussion, only the expressions: the man’s mocking grin as he threw a pouch fattened with coins, the frown of your parents who wanted to refuse, the uneasy, grim eyes of the horned demons brought to intimidate. It was clear they were there against their will. One will find just how difficult it is to go against the wishes of the onmyōji, and you happened to be his most ardent desire. Thus, with a heavy heart, you’d been sent away with the stranger who promised you were to live a life of luxury. One your parents could never afford.
True to his word, you have not struggled since. In Akutagawa’s short masterpiece, Hell Screen, artist Yoshihide is wicked and vicious towards everything and everyone except his beloved daughter. Similarly, the sorcerer seems to have a soft spot for you in particular. He often praises your talent, and patiently caters to your whims without complaint. You once inquired about it yourself, as the idea weighed heavily on your mind: why is it that he does not show the same hostility towards you? He stared at you as if you just grew two more heads. "You're my wife. What else is there to question?"
This favoritism, however, is to the benefit of everyone. Especially to the yokai under his command. You've grown rather fond of the demons in your years spent alongside them, and they've quickly learned that your presence means safety from any punishment. Some need reassurance more than others. To these you've even begun to feel like a motherly figure, shielding them from the wrath of an unforgiving master. At last, an authority even Abe no Nakamaro himself can't disobey: the word of his wife.
And soon enough, as if your marriage wasn't already the ultimate argument, you welcome the return of your husband with the news he's always longed for: you are the soon-to-be mother of his child. His name has just been guaranteed to continue its course through time. To say he is elated is an understatement. You've only seen him smile so genuinely once before in your life, on your wedding day.
"Can you imagine the powers this child will command?" He muses, referring most likely to the fact you've both been blessed with an innate, unmatched talent in onmyōdō. You finish rolling the parchment paper and gently tap his head with the scroll in a scolding manner. "You better not burden the kid with your bizarre expectations!" The same man feared throughout the country is chuckling apologetically at your gesture. "As the Mother says."
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Perfect Match - Yae Miko & Lynette x Male!Hybrid!Reader
A/N: This is the start of a new fluff series, which will feature all the animal/yokai/adepti/hybrid girls and a reader of the same species - Kokomi included. If Fem!Readers will be interested, I might do a bit for the hybrid men. Enjoy! CW: Male!Reader, reader is the same species as the character, mentions of kids, might contain lore inaccuracies.
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Having someone who can understand her and relate to her way of being is such an immense joy for Miko. Kitsune are nowhere near as numerous as they were back in the day, so having a handsome, charming and attractive one as her husband is a true blessing. 
As a fellow fox envoy, you have more than the necessary knowledge on fur care, so she'll gladly use your skills. Gentle brushes through her tails not only help keep them in pristine condition, but also feel wonderful. Nothing compares to your ear massages, however. When she lies in your arms and your hands scratch at them lightly, she just melts away, quietly mumbling about her day. 
If Miko feels more cuddly than usual, she will have no problem with asking you for some fox cuddles. Fox bodies are a great deal better for cuddles, with the fluffy fur and flexible, small bodies. There's no better thing than curling up on the beanbag in your bedroom on cold days. It adjusts so perfectly to your little, furry bodies, and retains warmth very well. If she's in the mood for scritches, you will be able to tell as she always lies down on the couch, belly up and ready for affection. 
Since you molt too, the ever-present hair is not as much of an annoyance for you. It also helps in diffusing the responsibility for stray hairs in food. Both of you have pink fur, so how will you prove it’s hers? 
Not transforming into her other form recklessly granted her one big advantage - anonymity. Even if she is a fox of rather refined taste, who said that simple and silly pleasures don't interest her? The rumors of two small foxes zooming around and playing in the woods under the cover of night always bring a smile to her face. Her mind still can't understand just why and how sprinting around and tackling each other is so fun. And when you’ve had enough fun, you can either go back home or find one of your well-furnished hiding spots and spend the night there, curled into each other without a care in the world.
Affection towards you comes naturally to her, obviously, but your Kitsune blood pokes at the more foxy part of her mind. When you’re alone, no matter the form, Miko has a tendency to nibble on you. It can be your shoulder, your lip, ear or finger. Her teeth are very sharp, true, but her gentleness removes any risk of harm to you. Just this simple and natural (for Kitsune) act tends to get some nice reactions out of you with how openly she admits it. The small, barely visible teeth marks look so good on your skin, so why should she hold herself back?
When the exhaustion from your secret zoomies kicks in, Miko will gladly have you climb up on the roof of your residence and stargaze. A single blanket and your hand in hers improves on the experience, changing it from grim and lonely to comforting and familiar. Four hundred years is a lot of time, but one day, both of you will roam the skies as Kitsune Ascendants, together, for as long as the universe itself exists. Miko never stops the dreamy sigh from escaping her lips while considering the future you two have before you. Perhaps, with enough time, you will even become genuine fox deities. 
For now, however, using life for all it's worth seems like a sound plan. Whenever a particular gust of boredom hits you, Miko will coax you into participating in her schemes. Her favorite type of activity is creating problems in the shrine - especially those of the "What would happen if Lady Guuji saw this?!" variety. As the shrine maidens would struggle to solve the conundrum, you and Miko would wait in your fox forms, hidden in some dark nook of the shrine, listening and waiting for the right moment. When it eventually comes, you would emerge from the hiding spot and turn back into human forms behind a corner, and approach the maiden seemingly out of nowhere. The looks of terror on their faces are sure to stick in her mind for weeks, if not months to come. 
Of course, turning into inanimate objects is also a possibility, but is a lot more risky. Since there's no mobility to be had, an escape in case of someone trying to use the item for its intended purpose, oblivious to the fact that it's actually you and Miko playing a prank would require a shift back to human form, which in turn would reveal Miko's fairly childish sense of humor. The only people she can fool recklessly are the maids, but they've learned by now that, in a Kitsune's home, nothing is as it seems. Pranking you is out of the question since you can easily pick up her scent, though it doesn't mean that she won't try to mask it with perfume or cook distractingly delicious food. Beware!
Occasionally, when you wrap your tails around each other and love for the other fills you to the absolute limit, you might just experience shared dreams. Your adventures are very varied in activities and locations, but all have just one thing in common - you.
Having and raising kids, especially as many as you were gifted with, is an enormous task, but as most things in life, does not go without its benefits. They are cute, amusingly chaotic and so lovely. They way they stalk finches and other birds, their irises expanding before pouncing and failing to catch it never fails to make her chuckle. Their play fights look concerning, but Miko knows better than to break them up. A few bruises and scratches never killed anyone. No matter what they do or what form they take, they are always eight balls of pure, chaotic Kitsune energy. 
Even if their stamina for spreading entropy is baffling, it's not infinite. They will drag themselves home eventually, dirty, exhausted, but absolutely happy - as children in that state usually are. After a big meal and a thorough bath, the kids will turn into their animal forms and snuggle up to you and Miko, thus forming a big pile of fur, ears, tails and snouts. It's extremely cozy, warm and relaxing, but the sheer amount of Kitsune makes it hard to crawl out of it in the morning. That said, getting a bigger beanbag is a good idea - who said those eight are the last kids Miko wants? 
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It’s such a refreshment, to have someone who perfectly fits her needs. The chemistry between the two of you is natural, as in a world of noisy humans, feline blood guarantees at least a little quiet. 
Sure, she loves her brothers, but even they tend to be louder than she can take. Moving to your house was a notable step up in Lynette’s overall living comfort. Your movements, as silent and graceful as hers, never disturb her sleep nor catch her attention. Although for a child of The House that would be concerning, she never once caught you lying or acting even slightly suspicious.
Speaking of silence, most onlookers would never guess that you’re a couple if they were to examine your average day. Very few words are exchanged between you - your tails and ears, as well as subtle facial expressions, can signal almost everything. The right gaze into your eyes can get her exactly where she wants to be - be that an outing to a cafe, a cuddle session or an intimate moment - without the need to utter a single word. Frequently, your house is filled with nothing but the silent ticking of the clock. 
Having never experienced real intimacy, Lynette longs for your touch. She likes her cuddles tight and warm. There is no need for a fireplace to comfort her when she can snuggle into your arms and rest on your chest. The heat radiating from you is addictive, just as the rhythmic beating of your heart and gentle breathing are. Your touch is precise and skilled, scratching and caressing just the right spots to make her drowsy just after a few moments. What’s even more wonderful is the simple fact that you are nocturnal as well, meaning that you will never judge or get upset over her sleeping most of the day. Napping is her favorite activity, and should you join her, feels like heaven. 
Night is when you truly feel at home. The delightful stillness of the capital encourages exploration of the streets, now free of the crowds and bothersome noise. For somebody as agile as you two, scaling the outer walls is no problem, so the highest tier tends to be your hangout spot. Thanks to the wonders of portable kettles, it’s quite easy to have tea in the moonlight with Lynette, along with delectable biscuits. The nightly chill helps cool down the beverage, and in your excellent company, time flies by at breakneck speed. Before long, the sun rises again, and the Court Of Fontaine awakes. It’s not as much of a problem as it is an annoyance.
Being in a similar body to her means you face the same problems as she does, as well as share a few preferences. Your lifelong enjoyment of fish dishes means your skill in cooking them is up to par. Even despite being able to cook various exquisite and complex meals, such as the renowned Squirrel Fish, Lynette tends to ask for mostly simple salmon sushi. The strong taste of the raw fish coupled with the gentle base of rice tickles her taste buds in all the right ways. 
When it comes to ear and tail hygiene, she prefers to do it herself, but the care you provide on demand is undeniably pleasant. Lynette would much rather groom yours, without much real thought behind the reason as to why. Perhaps interacting with your unique features eases the feeling of standing out from the crowd? 
Sometimes, instead of a standard kiss, she might bump your cheek or touch your nose with hers. It's a silly little gesture, one that she will do her best to keep under wraps. One morning, however, somnolent Lynette did just that while greeting you in her family home. Luck had it that Freminet was the only witness… What would be if Lyney saw it? She wouldn't hear the end of it for at least a week, that's certain. 
Lynette is no stranger to catnip. Her sense of smell is as developed as that of a cat, and the plant still activates her hormones all the same. The magician used it only on a handful of occasions, scared of both clouding her mind and her brothers finding out. Now that she lives with you, the threat of the latter is no more, and she can enjoy her narcotic with you in privacy. Though the sober Lynette is reserved, the high Lynette is an absolute cuddlebug with her purring matching the dishwasher in volume. The sleep afterwards remains one of the best things in life in her opinion. 
Just use it in moderation. Addiction to catnip is a real problem amongst the feline population, and she doesn't want either of you going down that path. 
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Thanks for reading!
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aquasarsstuff · 3 months
Spending the night with Lilia Vanrouge
Tags: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader, fluff, long-haired Lilia, yokai!Lilia, historical au, reader gets
A/N: I made this while waiting for the rain to stop. Like please stop now, I'm sooo hungry. Kinda regret not going out earlier. Welp- it's already noon, so I used some of my stacked noodles. Also, I was listening to Renegade over and over again while writing this lol, it help with my writer's block especially the part where I had to describe Lilia lol. Yes, there's some secret meaning in some parts here cuz why not
Your school has been demanding all your attention to be poured in your studies. Hence, you weren't able to visit you lover that was living deep in the mountains. You hunch over your desk after reading a ton of books. It was already midnight, and you were sure that if Lilia was here, he would have already lightly scolded you for staying up late. You stop working on your desk, and neatly arrange your school materials. Grabbing the lamp you have; you place it not too far from your futon. After all that work, you slip inside your futon and fell asleep.
The next day, while you were in school and about to leave, you saw a glimpse of Silver and Sebek who was also studying there. As usual, the two were having a one-sided banter. You walk towards them but was blocked by students who were also about to leave. You sighed defeatedly when you don't see them anywhere after trying to force yourself out of the crowd. You wanted to ask them about Lilia. You made up your mind; You were going to visit him tomorrow. It was weekend anyway, and the school schedule only lasts up until the weekdays. You were also studying for hours this past few weeks, and you were not like Riddle who enjoys doing it all day. You were going to spend the day tomorrow with Lilia, and also take a break from your studies. You were hitting two birds with one stone.
Before you head out mountains, you patted the head of the yokai you were living with. Grim merely rolled away from you but still not waking up. You softly laugh before shaking your adorable friend.
"Grim, wake up. If you do, I'll buy you a can of tuna this morning when I pass by the market." And as you expected, all it takes to bring Grim out of his bed was bribing him a can of tuna. The stock of food in the house was also running out, and you just can't bear the thought of leaving him alone in the house and then having to handle the mess he will make in the kitchen when you come back.
When you went outside, you carried Grim like he was some pet cat. Your left hand was occupied by a bamboo basket. You bought some berries and nuts, along with cans of tuna as you promise Grim earlier. Since you haven't had breakfast yet, you thought why not come by Epel's place. You walk away from the busy marketplace and entered a bakery. Immediately the scent of apples filled your nostrils. Delicious deserts made with apples were decorating the place. Epel was in the counter talking with Ace and Deuce in a seat near him. The sound of chimes hitting each other attached on the door, alerted the three people inside.
"Y/N!" Ace called you loudly. You took the vacant seat in front of them. "Did you come here for breakfast too?" Deuce asks you while taking a bite of his omelet. You nod.
"Good morning, Y/N. What would you like?" You gave Epel your order alongside with Grim. As what happens every day, the Adeuce duo somehow never fail to have a squabble.
"I'm not going!" Deuce protested against Ace.
"It's just some rumors. Don't tell me our juice is scared to come to the woods at night, because of it," Ace plasters his signature smirk at Deuce, while the blue head just glares at him. This piqued my interest.
"You don't know?" Deuce looks at you.
"Obviously. Why would they be asking?" Ace pipes in much to Deuce frustrations. Epel sighed at the duo and took over the conversation.
"You see Y/N, recently there's been whispers of a creature lingering in the woods who extinguishes any ignited light. All they see is an unseen silhouette, and then darkness." You turn your head slightly at his explanation.
"Myahh?!" If anything, you were more scared of Grim's sudden outburst...
Ace groans when he heard that. "It's pretty windy up there. It could just be the wind. That shadow, whatever it was, was probably just for dramatic effect."
"But, Y/N you're going to the mountain, right?" You almost laugh at Grim worried expression.
"You should be careful, Y/N." You nod at Deuce.
"Don't worry guys, I won't stay that late. I'll be back before sunset."
With a bamboo basket filled with berries and nuts, you trudge through the forest's thick foliage. You strayed the trail after reaching a place filled with vines. After a few minutes, you finally saw the cottage you were looking for, but the man you want to see was not there. As you were just about to call out and walk towards it, you notice thick strands of hair, much longer than yours taking purchase upon your shoulder.
"What do we have here?" You were suddenly aware by a presence as soft as melody. Before you could turn around, a finger reaches out from behind to catch your chin and spun you around. You were met face to face with Lilia. His face was uncomfortably close it made your heart ran erratic. His ruby red eyes that were looking through mine felt like it was holding the cosmos inside them.
When he started to inch his face closer to yours, you felt inclined to close your eyes. Suddenly, his finger disappears at your chin. A laughter that sounds like a bubbling brook then follows. "Someone has a mind that dances with the clouds."
You suddenly had the urged to bury yourself six feet because of this suave Nobusuma. You were just about to compose yourself when he drops himself to the ground and reach for your hand that wasn't occupied by the basket and kissed it. He looks at you teasingly. His eyes held the allure of a siren's call, like it was going to enchant and ensnares you with an irresistible allure.
While you were distracted, Lilia grabs the basket out of your hand and took a piece of its content. He greedily munches on the berry, its residue leaving a light tint of red on his lips. "I accept your offering after abandoning me for a long time, my enchanted rose."
"Stop making me the bad guy here Lilia," you sighed, finally out of your flustered state. "Where's Silver anyway?" he playfully plastered a frown on his lips, making him look like a puppy that was just kicked.
"I can't believe this; I just got betrayed by the closest to me. Poor me."
Safe to say, you spend the rest of the day trying to comfort his crocodile tears.
It was already the golden hour, but you still weren't back in your place. You just couldn't bear to move and wake the sleeping Nobusuma in your lap. You gently touch the silk fabric of his black kimono. You traced the hand-painted crane design with the tips of your fingers, until you too fell asleep. When you woke up, a warmth and an aroma of a Chrysanthemum envelops you. You suddenly scramble up, escaping from Lilia's embrace.
"Oh no! It's already dark! I have to get back to Grim."
"Venturing the mountains at dark is filled with peril. It would be wise to stay here," he stopped me when I was just about to leave.
Suddenly, his face morphs into a grin. "Don't worry, I won't do anything with you."
"I wasn't thinking about that!"
"Not yet atleast," his eyes glints with mischief.
Lilia: If that doesn't convince you, I heard from human travelers-
Y/N: I know it was you, Lilia.
Lilia: *smiles innocently*
Not sure about this, but let me add it.
Black kimono made of silk: represents a wealthy or high status
Crane design: Revered for their supposed thousand-year lifespan
Enchanted Rose: I dunno why I pick rose, but since he is a yokai and a fae in cannon I added enchanted. And reader's pretty enchanted with Lilia in this fic (I tried-)
Chrysanthemum: Often use as a symbol for immortality
Mind that dances with the clouds: a person who is a dreamer, or has thoughts that is beyond ordinary
okay- im done. You guys interpret the rest
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sweetbunpura · 15 days
Since spooky season is just around the corner and you already made a post about the Halloween event(s), what kind of costumes do you think Rollo and Yuu would wear, if any at all? Would they do couples costumes??
Since skeleton, vampire, mummy, pirate, knight (headless horseman), werewolves, and jiangshi (Chinese hopping vampire) are taken. The two bounce ideas, Rollo suggests a priest and a nun, but quickly pushes it aside at Yuu suggesting a different version of the nun outfit. Grim said they should go as ghosts, but Rollo veto'd it.
"Damn, most couples costumes are normally comedic..." Yuu grumbles, pacing the floor of the lounge room.
The ghosts float above the couch as Rollo marks out another idea on his notepad, Grim digging through the bowl of candy until Rollo pulls his paw out.
"Perhaps we should pick something from your world?" He hands Grim a lollipop before the feline starts to complain.
"Well, my world is pretty close to how yours is in terms of costume ideas."
"Hey, you recognized Horns costume." Grim said. "Why don't we pick something like that?"
"A jiangshi?"
"Yeah, but do it in whatever language you speak. I forgot what it was called."
"Japanese? You're asking for me to pick a japanese mon-" Yuu froze as an idea dawn on her. "Yokai, we could be Yokai!" She picks Grim up and spins him around. "Thank you, Grim!"
Yuu takes off out of Ramshackle, leaving the two confused as to what just happened. A few days before the Halloween events kick off, Yuu shows up with 3 boxes and a gleeful smile on her face.
While everyone dresses up, all eyes flick towards the Ramshackle trio as they appear in their costumes. Grim's a Gotoku Neko, Rollo a male gray kitsune, and Yuu is a female black kitsune. While everyone looks at them, stunned, Yuu runs over to hug Crewel and Vil.
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efangamez · 2 months
Yokay welp can mathematicians help me lmao
So. I am trying to edit how footage works in GRIM (feet in an area).
So, many weapons do damage at the center of a 3x3 grid, each tile being 5 ft. See image below to help.
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So, if I am trying to communicate this for people who may not be using tiles or grids to play for some reason, how would I communicate this? I do the same for 5x5 tile grids.
As it is in GRIM, it's 15 foot area, and that is not correct. I am horrible at math, and I thought this was because when you draw a line corner to corner it is 15 ft. long, which I now know is... not write lmao.
Help me pls!!!!!
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months
Nu carnival x werewolf reader
Sfw 🤍 version, gn
You met while he was still living with his grandparents on the farm. You met in human form but we're too nervous to interact. Not until some bandits were targeting his grandparents and you couldn't help but shift into your giant beastly form to scare them off. It worked but before you could slip away Yakumo followed you to say thank you. He hates confrontation and loves how you can protect him without actually having to hurt people. You make him feel safe. Oh and he loves to pet your fur!
He was originally tasked with hunting you down when your wolf form scared the citizens. When he found you and actually talked to you you opened up and got close. He hunted a mutant wolf instead to protect you when he realized you weren't an actual threat. He loves your company when he has night patrols in either form. He appreciates how protective you can be but he struggles with expressing his affections and gratitude.
He thought you were a church grim at first. A big dark wolf like dog who protects the church. He was embarrassed to find out you were a werewolf and not a grim. It's a cute name though so eventually it becomes his nickname for you. Rumors spread how the church and priest are protected by a fierce grim so now people leave you alone in your wolf form thinking you were sent by the god of Klein as a protector. You don't mind the rumors though. People don't mess with you much anymore because now they see you as a protector.
For a guy that spends all his time in the woods he has never met someone quite like you before. If you fall asleep with Topper he thinks that is the cutest thing in the world, and will definitely nap right along with the two of you. His instincts in the woods are just as sharp as yours are but it's nice to have company that respects nature as much as he does. He likes how you can easily take care of yourself and he doesn't have to worry about you.
He makes it very clear that yokai are more impressive than werefolk. Always bringing up how you don't have magic and calling you “puppy” because you aren't a few hundred years old like he is. He's just trying to get a rise out of you. He likes being able to watch you shift between your forms, and does actually respect you even though he refuses to show it. Your senses are sharp and you can actually tell when he's casting an illusion. That he finds extremely impressive and will brag about.
He thinks you are the cutest thing ever, both forms, always. Big razor sharp claws, adorable and he wants to hold hands. A maw filled with teeth like arrowheads, cute enough to kiss. Big intimidating frame, more to cuddle. He will smother you with love and affection if you let him. It's kind of funny when a stranger calls you scary and he is genuinely confused and asks how. He didn't even realize you hade more than one form because he recognizes people from their essence rather than sight, and your essence is the same in both forms.
Wolf? Wolf! He is so happy to have you as a partner! Both of you have similar instincts and can read each other's reactions immediately. Your wolf form makes him feel safer and he loves watching your tail wag when you're happy. He likes your human form too but he finds human body language harder to read so he prefers your wolf form. He wants to know how you're feeling.
Hunting dates! He loves your wolf form so much, but it did scare him a little in the beginning. Not that he'll ever admit he was scared. Also he says because you are a werewolf you are better than the other humans around. He's trying to say he sees you as an equal as best as he can. He actually warms up to you faster in your human form but he admires your powerful wolf form so much.
You were probably brought to the palace in your wolf form when some guards thought you were just a beast. They brought you to Dante because of his beast taming. No one expected you two to start dating. It makes sense though with both of you being protective and respecting each other's strength. He doesn't treat you like a monster and genuinely values you as a person. His guards have also gotten stronger since you arrived because he punishes them with training if he heard anyone call you a beast or monster.
I will come back and edit this if I can ever think about anything other than ‘he wants to study you’. Yeah I know I need to re play his story to get more of his characterization.
He’s seen so many different creatures in this world that you being a werewolf does not even faze him anymore. Some of the clan members may be a little jealous that you and Eiden are so close despite you not having a gem. Whatever though, Eiden likes you just the way you are so the others are just going to have to get over it.
You may come to the manor looking like a wolf but will leave looking like a poodle. Lord help whatever poor soul who says you are scary or ugly or really anything about your appearance. Aster is going to ruin their lives. Even if you have thick skin or ignore insults he does not. No one is allowed to be rude to his partner. He loves when you play with his pups and he blushes if you say the two of you are like parents.
More forms means more fun! Even for wholesome reasons. He loves when you are in wolf form and he is in his little bat bear form and it's just a big cuddle pile. It looks like when one of those big dogs has a tiny little stuffed animal toy from an outside perspective, very cute. Aster let's you stay at the manor only because Morvay begged and Asters wolves like you. He is used to gathering blackmail on people because of Aster, so if anyone is mean to you he is more than happy to give some juicy info to Aster.
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folkwitchofthewest · 1 year
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Author’s note: Hello peeps! This is my first post here on Tumblr. I am very excited, and I hope you enjoy the story. This story was based on a writing prompt I found and immediately fell in love with it. Angst and fluff are 2 of my specialties. Also the reader in this story is a yokai, you decide what kind. Anywho, happy reading!
Description: ROTTMNT Donnie x F! Reader!
During the battle for NYC, reader is captured by the Kraang, and is held hostage. Used as a bargaining chip to force the turtles, mainly the reader’s genius boyfriend, into surrender. After the battle they wake up in a strange place with a familiar voice.
Reader’s guide: Y/N (your name), e/c (eye color), (y/s) your species.
Warnings: Blood, injuries, fluff at the end.
Word count: 2,838
This was bad. This was very, very bad, you thought as the leader of the Kraang slammed you into the floor for the second time during your fight.
A cry escaped past your lips, no matter how hard you tried not to make any noise, you didn’t want to give that thing the satisfaction of knowing how much pain it was causing you. A choked gasp was drug into your lungs as it pressed its seemingly unbreakable and ridiculously powerful robotic hand into your chest, restricting your breathing, like a snake constricting around its prey.
You were the Kraang’s prey, you realized with a shudder. And true to form, as prey would, you squirmed, and struggled as if your life depended on it. Because it did.
“Stop struggling, weakling,” Kraang shouted, as lifted you off the ground just enough to slam you back down again.
Another pained gasp slipped past your defenses, as you scrunched your face in pain, and bit your already abused bottom lip hard to keep from groaning. A ragged cough tore out of your burning lungs, feeling as if someone was raking rusted barbed wire through your chest. Thank goodness you were a yokai, or you doubted you would have survived this whole ordeal thus far.
“Your resistance is futile,” he growled, menacingly lowing his pink face closer to yours,” And yet, I might still find some use for you.”
You shudder as his hot breath brushed against your face. You wanted to gag, scream, cry, push the monster away, but alas you couldn’t make your body obey the simple command to move. Sharp claws wrapped around your limp body and picked you up as if you weighed no more than a feather.
“Come, let’s see just how much these menacing little pests care about you,” your pink captor sneered.
No, he had seen the bond you shared with the turtles, with Donnie. When had he seen it? The invasion had only begun a few hours prior. He planned to use you as a hostage. Oh Pizza Supreme in the Sky, no. You were going to be a bargaining chip in this deadly game of poker. Please no. Donnie would surrender without hesitation if it meant saving you. Your beloved purple turtle has always been your knight in shining technology, your rock, your shield, your everything. The Kraang could not do this. You wouldn’t let it!
An adrenaline rush shot through you, a grim determination settled over you, and you began to thrash, and kick, but to no avail.
“Stop squirming!” Kraang snarled, holding you up by the throat. Out of nowhere the metal fist of the suit punched repeatedly in the stomach. Blood spurted out of your mouth suddenly, coughing and spluttering. The fit left you gasping for breath as warm slick blood ran down your chin and neck. The coppery taste left in your mouth made you want to puke.
‘Coughing up blood after severe trauma is most likely a sign of internal bleeding,’ you remembered Leo telling you once.
Oh great, you would probably bleed to death before this was all said and done, and no one would be any wiser. You suddenly felt extremely light headed, and weak.
“Y/N!” the voice of your beloved boyfriend screamed somewhere to your right.
In a dizzying blur of far to quick motion you were suddenly face to face with Donnie, who looked as if he had just laid eyes upon the most horrifying sight ever. Claws dug into your left wrist and jaw, as your head was lifted slightly, your body going rigid, tears finally cascading down your cut and bruised cheeks. Tears of fear, for your life and your boyfriend’s, and pain as your arm was twisted cruelly behind your back.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, locking eyes with Donnie.
“Don’t apologize, dearest,” Donnie shook his head, ever so slightly.
His white knuckled grip on his tech staff looked as if he could shatter the device with his bare hands at any moment. His body was ramrod straight, and if you looked closely you were sure you could see a small tremble claim him.
“Let her go, and I might let you live,” Donnie snarled words dripping with venom, as he elegantly twirled his staff to point threateningly at the Kraang.
A nauseatingly amused laugh came from the slimy monster behind you.
“You are in no position to make threats, you wretched little thing. You see, if you do not surrender, I will kill this one,” the Kraang smirked, scraping his claws from your jaw to around your throat.
Donnie twitched. He was enraged, and terrified, feeling so many emotions he did not understand nor wish to feel. How DARE this monster threaten you?! The poor turtle stood frozen for what seemed like an eternity in his head.
“Oh, did I touch a nerve, threatening your mate? Lower your weapon and surrender. Or she dies,” Kraang smirked, a strangled sob escaped your lips as it’s cold, hard, claws pressed around your delicate throat a bit harder,” On your knees. Now.”
An ultimatum was laid in front of the genius, and for once in his life, Donnie did not know what to do. If he surrendered, he lost the world; if he did not, he lost his world. His thoughts were racing a mile a minute. You were not his mate, not yet anyways, you were both still teenagers after all. But in the few short years he had known you he had fallen hard, and knew you were the only one for him the moment he laid eyes on you. He could not lose you.
“NOW!” Kraang roared, wrenching your arm behind your back so violently a sickening pop filled the air, and you felt a blinding searing pain rip through your shoulder.
You screamed, loud, long, blood curdling. The hand around your throat the only thing keeping you upright as you suddenly feel your strength leave you. The marrow in Donnie’s bones seemed to freeze. The sound shattered his heart, and he knew what he had to do.
His staff clattered to the ground as he raised his hands slightly in surrender, dropping to his knees.
"Wait, don't hurt her. Please," His voice held tense resignation that you had never heard.
“D-Donnie, n-no. D-Don’t give h-him w-what he w-wants,” you begged, through the tears and blood streaming from between your tightly clamped teeth.
“Beloved, save your strength. Everything will be alright. I promise,” Donnie tried to reassure you, his voice shaking, barely above a whisper.
The sight of Donnie on his knees, head bowed, looking at you as if his soul had been crushed with those heart wrenchingly beautiful eyes, hands in the air to signal he would not put up a fight. The sight forced open a pit in your stomach that threatened to swallow you whole. The pain you felt now, looking at him, was so much worse than the physical pain plaguing your body.
Kraang's laugh echoed in your ears, taunting you and your dear boyfriend. Your eyes squeezed shut, you could no longer keep them open. Your alertness was fading, and icicles began floating in your veins. You were cold, and disoriented. Where was Donnie? You knew he was close, you could hear his voice, muffled as it may be. He always kept you warm and safe.
Suddenly you were flying, weightless and free. And then the world came crashing down, ever so painfully around you. It felt like there was fire everywhere, licking your skin, deep in your bones. Fire so hot, it felt like freezing cold water had been dumped all over your body. And then something soft, and strong lifted you from the fire. You cracked your eyes open, and purple filled your vision. Donnie? Was he…was he cradling you in his arms? You could barely hear his voice over the blood pounding in your ears, crushing your skull. He was saying something, but you could not make out what. All you knew was exhaustion, and pain. Darkness, blessed, sweet darkness beckoned to you. Donnie was here, Donnie was holding you; if he was then you were safe, and everything would be ok just like he promised. You let the darkness have you, while Donnie’s pleas for you to stay with him went unheard.
Something soft and warm was wrapped around you, and something squishy under you. These were the first things you were aware of as your muddled brain emerged from the void. Annoying beeping pierced through your consciousness next. What was that, and wasn’t someone going to turn it off? It sounded like the microwave announcing whatever delicious food it had been warming was ready to be eaten. The thought of food made you nauseous, or was that the oddly salty smell that filled your nose and mouth? You felt floaty, like you were drifting lazily on a cloud through thick and heavy fog.
“Y/N…….ome…ack. Lease…..cme…ba,” a smooth rich voice drifted into your awareness.
It was soft, and comforting. Whoever it belonged to seemed slightly distressed. Who did that voice belong to? You knew them, and you trusted them with your life. That much you remembered. Something soft brushed across your cheek, the touch light as a feather.
“Open your eyes darling,” the voice called again, still muffled, feeling like cool aloe on a searing burn.
Maybe you should do as the voice asked. It sounded important. And you trusted this person, what was their name again? It was right on the tip of your tongue.
“Y/N, please come back to me,” the voice was clear this time, desperate, longing.
A sharp inhale and your eyes snapped open, bright light came flooding in, blinding you. A small quake ran through your body, which felt oddly weak and heavy. A sensation ran through your body, one you had never felt before. It wasn’t pain, simply an uncomfortable burn in your muscles, especially your chest and left shoulder.
“Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me, dearest?” A purple mask and wide, concerned, bloodshot eyes filled your field of vision, shielding you from the harsh lights above.
“Donnie?” your voice barely above a whisper, but full of deep affection.
“Oh beloved! Are you alright? Are you in any pain? Can you breathe properly?” he peppered your tired mind with concerned questions, his hands hovering over you as if he wanted nothing more than to touch you, but afraid you would break like glass under his calloused fingers.
“I’m ok, sore but perfectly fine. I promise,” you reassured him, your hand reaching out to grasp his.
Your throat felt like sand, dry and scratchy. Your e/c eyes drifted over to a cup sitting on a small table behind your dear boyfriend. Donnie followed your line of sight, and quickly scooped up the object of your desires. He gently held the straw to your lips and instructed you to sip, not gulp.
You did as you were told and a sweet reward met your parched throat. Your eyes drifted around the room’s bland walls and obnoxiously beeping machines, while Donnie’s never left your battered face. He looked pale, the bags under his eyes prominent despite the mask, eyes puffy, and red. Had he been crying? Once you had your fill and your voice felt suitable for civil conversation, you looked to Donnie once again.
“What happened? Where are we?” You inquired, softly.
Donnie explained that after the battle the family escaped to a yokai hospital in the Hidden City. After all, they couldn’t very well waltz into a human hospital with 2 frantic humans, an exhausted rat, 4 mutant turtles in varying states of injury, and a critically injured y/s yokai asking for help. Besides every medical center topside was surely flooded with casualties nor would they know how to treat the injured beings. Yes, the Hidden City was certainly their best bet to get the treatment they all so desperately needed.
He also gave you a run down on his brothers and his own injuries before moving to yours. An abundant collection of ghastly looking bruises and nasty gashes littered your body. Plus an unholy number of sprains, tears, and pulled muscles. As you suspected, you did in fact have extensive internal bleeding, a punctured lung from multiple broken ribs, a badly dislocated left shoulder, a severe concussion, and several broken bones.
“I thought I was going to lose you. For 12 deplorable hours I thought I would have to navigate my way through this dreadfully dark life without you, my light. You are the air I breathe, and while we were waiting for news it felt like I was suffocating, terrified of losing my air. My precious diamond, do not ever scare me like that again,” Donnie blurted out, rare emotion filling his voice as even rarer tears flowed from his expressive eyes.
He quickly buried his head in your shoulder. Whether it was to hide his tears, the blush that was rapidly growing on his cheeks, or to find comfort you did not know; however you were left speechless at the uncommon display.
“Donnie,” you stammered, failing to find your words just yet.
You settled for running your hand over his bandana covered head, and caressing his cheek. Donnie was never one for physical touch unless it was someone he was very close with, or he was in need of a way to express emotions he was uncomfortable with. He was never good with feelings either, so such an outright statement driven by emotion was quite unheard of.
“I’m sorry, I just - I was only - I was simply…..frightened. Beyond belief,” Donnie muttered into your shoulder, obviously having a hard time finding the words to express how he was feeling.
Now this was more on brand for your certified mad scientist. He must have put a lot of thought into what he was going to say to you when you woke up, and you suspected had a little chat with Dr. Feelings.
“Tello, look at me darling, please,” you requested, your fingers moving his chin up so his red rimmed eyes met your tired ones,” Dearest, I will never leave you. I swear as sure as Metro Tower is still standing I will always fight to stay by your side. What we have, well, you would think someone tore it right out of one of those nauseating love novels Leo reads. You are my guiding light, what makes life worth living, you are my everything. I love you, Donatello. I always have. Today, tomorrow, and forever.”
His eyes seemed to bore holes into your very soul as he soaked up the meaning and significance of your words. And suddenly more tears sprang forward in both your eyes as a smile graced his lips for the first time that night.
“I love you too. More than you will ever know,” he sniffed, as you brushed his tears away.
“You look exhausted. Have you slept at all?” you questioned, resting your hand on his cheek.
Donnie simply hummed and leaned into your wonderful touch.You let out a sigh, and painfully shuffled over in your surprisingly soft hospital bed. His drawn on eyebrows shot up in a silent question, rather alarmed. You couldn’t help but giggle at the expression on his face, you found it quite adorable.
“Come,” you said, patting the empty space in the bed,” keep me company.”
“Leo would freak if he saw us, spouting some nonsense about tearing your stitches or infection,” a sly grin creeping onto his features as he slipped off his battle shell, and climbed into bed with you.
“Well, it’s a good thing it's only us then, isn’t it?” You giggled.
After several minutes of readjusting making sure not to jostle each other's injuries, you were both comfortable, cuddled up close to each other. Your head rested on his plastron, and his arms were wrapped snugly around you. You began to gently draw patterns on his plastron, this always relaxed him, and you knew exactly how to get him to sleep.
A contented churr rumbled through his chest, deep, comforting. A contented sigh escaped your lips as your eyes became heavier.
"I love you, darling," you whispered.
"I love you as well, beloved," he whispered back, before drifting off to sleep.
In that moment, everything was perfect. Yes, you had all been through hell. Yes, it was going to be a struggle to return everything back to normal. But you would all be there for each other, because that's what family did. You were safe in Donnie’s arms, and he in yours. You had 0 intentions of letting him go anytime soon, vowing to keep away the nightmares you knew would surely come.
But for now everything was alright. You had all survived, and would continue to do so.
You finally lost the battle with sleep, and your last conscious thought was of your purple turtle, and the undying love you held for him.
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