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sungoddesslibra · 6 years ago
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hi ya’ll! ✨ exciting news!!!! @chrisjballard, @tramplurfy, & i are hosting a Yoga for Every BODY workshop at Source Energy Yoga in Lakewood, March 2nd & 3rd! it will be a 2 day workshop focusing on props, modifications, cuing, & body positive language. plus more in depth talk surrounding prenatal/postpartum yoga & pregnant bodies, restricted bodies, & bigger bodies! feeling so blessed & honored to be able to guide & spread the knowledge of yoga & focusing on everyone no matter your shape, size, orientation, race, etc. coming together in community, creating a more inclusive, safe space for everyone in their yoga journey! i hope to see you there! yoga instructors & all levels of students welcome! link is in bio to sign up! namaste ✨🕉✨ * * * * * * * * * * * #yoga #yogaworkshop #yogaforeverybody #prenatalyoga #postpartumyoga #bodypositiveyoga #yogaforbiggerbodies #yogaforall #inclusivity #yogateacher #yogastudent https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyeEnrlQ8l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n359gqosfm6q
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janicklemieux · 7 years ago
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Yes yes yes @themilitantbaker #iam #yoga #mindful #grateful #unapologeticallyme #mybodymyhome #gratefulformybody #allbodiesareyogabodies #accessibleyoga #yogaeverydamnday #bodypositiveyoga #fatyoga #bodypositive #yogaforall #yogaforeverybody #yogaforbiggerbodies #plussizeyoga #selfcare #bodyneutrality #janicklemieux #bordenyoga #openheartsoulutions #soulnakedjanick (at Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre)
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serendipitywyrd · 5 years ago
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Creating Synthesis ~ 31 July 2020 Day 22 ~ Waking Up at 06:00 for 30 Days . I can't believe July is over already! . I'm looking forward to our family Lammas/Lughnasadh celebration tomorrow. . We'll be partaking in a small ritual and feast. My main contribution will be baking bread for our offering and for the feast. . In our household tradition, this time of year - August 1st - is the time for initiation and transition. I'm looking forward to what the next few days bring. . As for today, I woke up a little late in a pretty intense dream full of magickal beings and a great big oak tree that was being tied down. . Focusing again on the root chakra, my yoga practice was short but grounding. Gathering up the foundation for the what's next! . I'm looking forward to announcing September's journey sometime next week. . 💜💙💚💛🧡❤🖤🦋🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜 . #lammas #lughnasadh #celebration #yoga #yogacurious #yogaforwitches #yogaforbeginners #yogaforbiggerbodies #yogaforeverybody #yogaforeveryone #yogaathome #wakingup #wakingupearly #tarot #dailydivination #tarotchallenge #divinationchallenge #30daysofyoga #excitedforthefuture #yogaandtarot #divination #changingmylife #fallinginlovewithmystory #serendipitywyrd https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTsJcMnyAr/?igshid=1xda1i9ga7gso
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ketolifecolorado · 5 years ago
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-103lbs but still dealing with pain: Fasted workout with Kelly. Addressing some low back pain since my injury flared up mid February. . It has calmed down but I definitely need to keep up with the very specific stretches and strengthening exercises that I learned not only back in 2018 when my injury first occurred, but the new ones I've learned this month at PT and with Kelly. . Kelly has a different intuition when it comes to pain because of the things that he's been through (go check out his page @_kelly_mcminn_fitness_ ) His eye when it comes to what is weak and needs stretching and strengthening, as well as his quick ideas as to the unique set of exercises he then suggests when he sees the weakness is honestly amazing.. Compared to any other physical therapist I have dealt with in the last 2 years his personal training advice is the most spot-on, relevant and doable. He always knows every modification to a regular exercise that you can do in order to work that specific random weird muscle the correct way while protecting for further injiry. Love it! 💕💕 . #personaltraining #learninghowtogetfit #workout #stretch #lift #yoga #yogaforbiggerbodies #cardio #extremeweightlossjourney #weightlossblog #weightlossjourney #transformationjourney #losingweightnaturally #keto #ketolifter #obesetobeast #fasted #fastedworkout #ketoneenergy #exogenousketones (at 303 Performance) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KEWsZA5e6/?igshid=4ol960iasti4
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ruraldeliveryroute · 9 years ago
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join me for the last yoga class in this series... #yoga #yogaforall #yogaforeveryone #yogaforbiggerbodies #lgh #lancasterpa #createkarmatoday #createkarma (at Suburban Outpatient Pavilion)
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serendipitywyrd · 5 years ago
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Creating Synthesis ~ 30 July 2020 Day 21 ~ Waking Up at 06:00 for 30 Days . Wow! Three whole weeks of waking up early! I'm super proud of me. . Creating this quiet morning space for myself has so far been amazing. . ✔ Yes, waking up is a bit of a challenge some days. ✔ Yes, I do get a bit cranky in the afternoons if I stayed up too late the night before. ✔ Yes, I'm learning to take naps! . It's all worth it to have a dedicated time for my yoga practice, my spiritual studies, my dedication to creating the ideas that inspire me. . During today's yoga practice, I focused on grounding movements and asanas. I feel so grounded and ready to face the day! . I'm deep in development of the 30 day journey I'm launching in September. This project will involve two of my favorite things: YOGA & DIVINATION! . If you want to know more... Send me a DM! . 💜💙💚💛🧡❤🖤🦋🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜 . #yoga #yogacurious #yogaforwitches #yogaforbeginners #yogaforbiggerbodies #yogaforeverybody #yogaforeveryone #yogaathome #wakingup #wakingupearly #tarot #dailydivination #tarotchallenge #divinationchallenge #30daysofyoga #excitedforthefuture #yogaandtarot #divination #changingmylife #fallinginlovewithmystory #serendipitywyrd https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRGgbdHp7W/?igshid=58v68u1i60rh
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serendipitywyrd · 5 years ago
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Creating Synthesis ~ 29 July 2020 Day 20 ~ Waking Up at 06:00 for 30 Days . Woke up without my alarm... And waited for the alarm to go off ~ thinking it was in the 5 o'clock hour... Turns out it was 06:32! Without glasses the 6 looked like a 5? Lol . Got up and outside. I've been experimenting with different yoga practices the past few days - changing it up from my normal flows. Today was a loving and gentle floor based practice. . I'm building a project to share in September to help the yoga-curious (especially the bigger bodied) experience yoga. If you are interested in the details, DM me! . 💜💙💚💛🧡❤🖤🦋🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜 . #yoga #yogacurious #yogaforwitches #yogaforbeginners #yogaforbiggerbodies #yogaforeverybody #yogaforeveryone #yogaathome #wakingup #wakingupearly #changingmylife #fallinginlovewithmystory #serendipitywyrd https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOofaFnM4i/?igshid=1hqs2blovmsks
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serendipitywyrd · 5 years ago
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Creating Synthesis ~ 26 July 2020 Day 17 ~ Waking Up at 06:00 for 30 Days . I'm feeling really good today! The extra attention I've been paying to my neck and shoulders during my practices is paying off. This morning I woke up without pain! . Giving myself a hug is one of my favorite ways to wake up and stretch my shoulders! When was the last time you hugged yourself? . 💜💙💚💛🧡❤🖤🦋🖤❤🧡💛💚💙💜 . #selflove #selflovejourney #huggingme #gratitude #dailyselfie #dailypractice #dailydevotional #dailyreflection #dailyyoga #wakingup #wakingupearly #changingmyhabits #yoga #yogaforbiggerbodies #yogaforeverybody #motivation #inspiration #inspired #fallinginlovewithmystory #serendipitywyrd https://www.instagram.com/p/CDG0ilsnTUN/?igshid=15jfykzgl8872
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ketolifecolorado · 5 years ago
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103lbs⬇️ stretching is so important guys. Pain management is a thing and it's real. I'm so glad I was never prescribed pain meds during my injury and learned instead how to activate the brain to muscle pathways for specific muscles. Grateful for my life and my physical abilities. I wasn't able to do stretching like this 1.5 years ago. I wasn't able to do anything 1.5 years ago! All glory to the one above 🙌🤙 #physicaltherapy #personaltraining #stretching #yoga #yogaforbiggerbodies #yoga #crossfit #lift #gym #gymrat #weightlossjourney #weightlifting #womenwholift #femaleswholift #powerlifting #femalepowerlifter #asics #fabletics #ketonenergy #piriformis #muscleactivation #musclememory #braintomusclepathway #coloradofitness #gymspo #fitstagram #fit #ketolifecolorado #extremeweightloss #onederland (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XXpCzgFol/?igshid=1w6vo8vvztbsv
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ketolifecolorado · 5 years ago
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I'll be posting a video this week on this. 103lbs⬇️ naturally and not having this BS up in my life holding me back 🤙 . #naturalweightloss #nomoresugaralcohols2020 #nosugar #nomoresugar #nomoreprocessedfood #wholefood #eatclean #extremeweightloss #ketoextremeweightloss #ketoweightloss #ketoweightlifting #ketonesforfuel #exogenousketones #endogenousketones #curvywomen #yogaforbiggerbodies #liftingwhileketo #cleanketogenic #cleanketo #strictketo #recenteringmyvalue #myvalueisinhim #onederland #100lbsdown #healthygut #fakefood #fuckfakefood #nomoregluten #glutenfree #redrockschurch https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PM2BkAuTC/?igshid=82rjjunokk3b
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sungoddesslibra · 6 years ago
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hi everyone! ✨ just wanted to remind ya’ll about this amazing workshop coming up March 2nd & 3rd at Source Energy in Lakewood with my friends & fellow yoga teachers, Chris & Sam! our workshop is focused on yoga for every BODY, specifically pregnant bodies, bigger bodies, & restricted bodies. we will do a flow altogether as a group & then break off into specific groups depending on your needs. i will be focused on leading the prenatal group & we will go over modification/sequencing for each trimester, guided meditations & visualization to find peace & connect with your baby, pranayama (breathwork), mantras & affirmations, & gentle assists. we are so excited to be able to create space for people of all different levels & needs. it doesn’t matter if you’ve ever practiced yoga or are seasoned, all are welcome to be in this space of love & community! link is in bio to sign up! hope to see you there 🥰🕉✨ * * * * * * * #yoga #yogaworkshop #yogaforeverybody #prenatalyoga #yogaforall #yogaforbiggerbodies #community #clevelandyoga #cleveland https://www.instagram.com/p/BuEOhM_F5_O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19cs51xldts23
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ketolifecolorado · 5 years ago
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When your Keto Mastery Classmates are the shit 🤙🤙🤙💕💕🙌🙌🙌 . . . . . . . #betahydroxybutyrate #bhb #exogenousketones #fastedworkout #ketotransformation #keto #workingoutonketones #losingweight #personaltrainer #ketomastery #ketocoach #ketospecialist #transformationjourney #pruvit #makepositivitylouder #weightlossjourney #circuittraining #gum #womenwholift #GirlsWhoLift #biggirlslifttoo #curvygirlslifttoo #pruvitpromoter #ketomeals #NAT #intermittentfasting #ketonenergy #traumarecovery #yogaforbiggerbodies #muscleactivation (at Lakewood, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rO_XhgJmF/?igshid=1wcdkiyjs81mi
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