#yoga for adults 50+
patriciabeckeryoga · 2 months
FREE Yoga Reboot: Reset Your Wellness Journey
Wednesday July 31st 7:10 to 8:00AM PT (10:10 to 11:00AM ET)Grab Your Zoom Link Learn and practice techniques to increase flexibility, strength, and focus. Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for your day. Patricia Becker, a certified Yoga Alliance RYT® E-RYT® with 40 years of wellness experience, guides you to vibrant health through yoga and nutrition. Login 10 minutes early (if…
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championsofthegate · 29 days
//I am going outside my comfort zone and signing up for classes by myself! (although my cousin did decide to join me for one lmao)
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otterandterrier · 4 months
me: I can't fit in even a pin in this apartment anymore
also me: *buys a yoga kit*
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
I think the confusion around internet friendships, inter-generational friendships specifically, for a lot of non-fandom or non-gaming people is like. They view it too much like just approaching someone on the street or in a public place, when in my experience, they’re a lot more like workplace friendships (or maybe an all ages bookclub or hobby club for something like knitting? I dunno, I worked at Walmart instead of having hobbies in high school. Maybe a yoga class, I did a yoga class as a teen).
It’s not like we’re picking people out from a crowd and going “Oh, I need to talk to this random high schooler immediately,” of course it sounds weird when you view it like that. But a lot of the time it’s more, “this person who is ten years older than me is really into the same characters and ships as I am, so we see each other around the fandom a lot. Maybe I’ll send them a message and see what they think about this!” Fans exist in the same corners and we ‘see each’ (read each other’s fanfictions, look at each other’s fan art, analyze their meta commentary, etc) frequently. It’s totally acceptable to not wanna interact with those outside your age range, I don’t want to condemn that, but I don’t understand the idea that it’s so strange to interact with… other people with the same hobby as you? Like, my brother is in a video game league with 90% people in their late-30s to mid-50s, and he’s said that he thought it might be weird, but it isn’t because that’s the same age range that he interacts with at work. It isn’t like these people just picked a 22-year-old off the street, they all signed up for the same group.
It just feels a lot more equivalent in my mind to my high school job. I was the only minor, so my friendship with my coworkers was different from how they interacted with each other - I wasn’t invited out for dinner or beers after work or anything, and they generally cut the sex talk if I was walking over. But I still hung out with them at the counter while we were on shift together, we were in a video game league together, I knew a lot about their lives and they knew plenty about mine. Sure, some of them preferred not to talk to me and that’s okay, but most of them were genuine friends of mine. We were always in the same place so it would have felt stranger if they didn’t make friends with me or at least interact with me.
As long as you’re aware of age differences in your friendships, it really doesn’t feel that weird to be friends with a wide range of other fans. Some of my most positive relationships when I was a high schoolers was with my adult coworkers as well as with my adult fandom friends. I think it just feels weird because we need to recategorize how we think about internet friendships. They’re people that we are in the same space with frequently, like a job or a hobby club. We are in the same yoga class. Why would I ignore the high schooler in my yoga class if they’re excitedly showing me their new technique?
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ros3ybabe · 11 months
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Weekly Check In - November 12th, 2023 🎀
ugh I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blogs, and that’s not what I want to be doing!!!
I have finals coming up so soon, including exams and final papers (looking at you, psychology research paper). Not to mention I’m still working 5 days a week, classes 4 days a week, working out 3-5 days a week on top of all my adulting duties. It’s safe to safe I have been a little stressed lately, no doubt about that. It really got me bad because it was impacting my relationship with my boyfriend and the last thing I want to do is cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for him. I know I let my stress and anxieties get the best of me when I realized I was the one causing 98% of all of our arguments and issues this last few weeks. Luckily I was able to come to the realization that it had been my fault, so him and I talked it through and worked it out and I missed him that I would work both on myself more as well as work with my therapist and develop better coping strategies for times of high stress.
🩷 let’s recap this last week with some highlights! And then I will tal about my goals for the upcoming week!
I had to go talk to my PSYC TA about how far I’d fallen behind in the class and she was able to give me some encouragement and a lot of help and really set me on the path in the right direction, so I definitely have hope that I’ll pass this class with a B at worst, which is still an awesome grade!
I finally made it back to my cooking class and the professor was so kind, he told me it always upset his days when I’d miss class for the week and he asked me if was doing okay and how things were going. I think he’s in his 50s or 60s, and he’s just a very kind man, reminds me of my own dad. Has that typical old man dad humor and his cooking class has actually help me become more comfortable with my own cooking skills as of this semester. Definitely one of my favorite classes, and my classmates were the best too.
I registered for the next semester and I am sooo looking forward to the course load. Well, for the most part anyways. I have to retake Chemistry 2 as well as the lab but luckily the college offers a supplemental type of course to help with the actual class so that’s gonna be awesome. I’m also taking a sports medicine focused medical terminology course online, another once a week food focused course about food production, a psychology of emotion course (super super excited for this class), and I registered for a yoga class for the semester! I feel like having yoga twice a week will definitely help with stress and relaxation and just overall keep me on the right track health wise for the semester! I think I’m taking a total of almost 18 credit hours but other yoga class itself is 2 credits so it’s definitely gonna be an easier semester at least schedule and course load wise.
My work bestie had her baby shower! I can’t believe she’s 8 months pregnant with a little boy, he’s already so lucky to have her and her man as parents. She was absolutely glowing at her baby shower and I’m so happy that I got to go and support her. I’ve known her for going on three years already so it made my day to both be invited and get to see how excited she got when I went.
I bought matcha powder! (Amongst other health stuff, including some new gym gear for my lower body days) I have a mini traditional matcha set so I thought I’d finally use it no bought some matcha powder online! I’m super excited to try my hand at making myself matcha lattes. I even bought a milk frother so I’m a little excited.
I changed up my fitness goals and routine a bit. I’m still going to the gym 3 days a week for weight lifting, but now two of those are lower body days and the other is an upper body day. I’m also going to continue with my two days of cardio but on those two days I am also going to do some at home mat Pilates to help with my overall fitness, appearance, and health goals. I’ve heard that some lower intensity workouts are pretty good for women with PCOS so I thought incorporating that would be a good idea.
I’m Vitamin D deficient and I had no idea! I used to take vitamin D supplements at my old doctors request when I was a teenager but I stopped when I can rot college because I was no longer being advised to take it nor were my blood levels being check regularly so I figured ehh not a big deal but I recently got lab work done and yep, I am semi severely vitamin d deficient. So now I gotta look into different foods I can incorporate as well as a vitamin d supplement and more time in the sun!
I’ve been keeping up a decent skincare routine with a bunch of new products I bought and can I just say, the Anua Heartleaf Oil Cleanser is an absolute god send. I’m obsessed with Asian/Korean skincare. It’s done so much for my skin, I can’t recommend it enough!
overall, not a bad week this last week. this recap is for only (mainly) November 4th through yesterday, November 11th.
🩷 my upcoming goals and things for this week! (November 12th thru 18th)
Keep up with all my homework and turning assignments in completed and on time. I’m trying to finish the semester off strong, or at least as strong as I can. That just means it’s grind time and I gotta buckle down and get my school stuff done.
Insurance. I need to purchase insurance because the state I live in says I make too much to qualify for full coverage insurance which is an issue with the meds I take and the doctors I currently see, as well as my therapist. Adulting, yay!
Complete at least a draft and/or reel for my dietetics mentor by Saturday/next Sunday as the deadline was to have something sent to her by Monday at noon. So my goal is to have some drafts of content for her as soon as possible.
Work out at least three days this week. I’ve been consistent with going every week for the last four weeks but I haven’t been as consistent with how many days within the week that I’ve been going. So that’s definitely a goal of mine.
Look into a Pilates class/studio I can join by the beginning of next semester. I definitely want to take some classes to help with form and proper technique, but I think I want to give myself some time to build more confidence so that way I can give it my all in the future classes I take. Plus, my finances don’t exactly permit me taking Pilates classes at the moment. So my goal is to do some research now and then make a decision by mid January.
My boyfriend and I are hitting a year and a half together this week! Ahh I love him so much, I’m so excited for yet another milestone. Pretty soon we’ll be coming up on two years and I just couldn’t be happier. My man is my best friend, I’m so lucky and grateful that I have him in my life, especially as my partner <3
Attempt to make a matcha latte! My matcha powder comes in this week so I’m gonna try my hand at making my own matcha now!
Keep consistent with my skin care and self care. Also pick up journaling again this week as I think it’ll help me sort out my stressors and anxieties without harming my relationship with my man or my relationship with myself. Self care and working on my own well being benefit me in so many ways, I just need to keep consistent with it.
Restart my Duolingo and Busuu streaks as an attempt to get back into learning the Japanese language! Also begin to pick up Spanish again! Spanish is not too difficult for me to understand as a lot of people I’m around speak the language and I also took classes in high school and some in college. So I think splitting my time between Spanish and Japanese will be good and keep me from being bored and dropping my language studies altogether. I’m going to start with Spanish Duolingo and just go from there with it! once I get more comfortable with the languages I will start making small posts in those languages! Spanish will definitely come easier than Japanese tho, that’s for sure.
that’s all for this upcoming week! It feels like it’s going to be busy but next week is our break for thanksgiving so that’s one week of rest and relaxation and recovery for me. I won’t be spending the holiday with anyone but I don’t mind, it gives me a day to be mindful and grateful and just give me some time to myself that day, and for the whole week. Everyone who knows me in person knows I definitely need the time for myself. I think it’ll be very restorative for sure.
for those of you who follow my side blogs for my fitness, I’ll be posting to it here soon as well! I think I might update you on my current split and routine more in depth then what I mentioned here. And I’m going to drop a review of some of the new skincare products I’ve recently bought and tried as well! I’ll try to do a mid week update this week on this blog too!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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ladykagewaki · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @ladyzirkonia
Were you named after anyone?
I think my mother had a cousin I never met she named me after.
When was the last time you cried?
I am guessing March, but I don't have a solid memory of crying recently.
Do you have kids?
Nope. No thanks.
Do you use sarcasm?
Usually not.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their height.
What’s your eye color?
Hazel, dark green, dark grey, some brown.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I do love a great thriller, something clever and interesting and terrifying, but I think I do need a happy ending after it all.
Any special talents?
Special talents? Uh...hm. I am good at building an efficient process. And I doodle a mean stick figure ;)
Where were you born?
This is kind of personal and don't feel comfortable sharing online.
What are your hobbies?
These days it's doodling my silly comics, raising exotic plants, and avoiding all the face to face contact with other humans that I feasibly can.
Have any pets?
No...but over 50 plants who are just as dramatic as my late guinea pigs were.
What sports do/ have you played?
When I was young I did gymnastics, figure skating, volleyball, softball, track and field (200m and shotput), then as an adult I got into lifting and yoga.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject at school?
Biology, Folklore, Social Psych, Cross Cultural Psych
Dream job?
Realistic: A process or project manager. Dream: Like @ladyzirkonia I day dream a bit of voice acting, though I've never done anything remotely close to acting (I was traumatized by dumb adults in my early years of theater stuff). Maybe being a florist. Or a travel blogger.
@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @indira-korr @marierg @isthereanechoinhere96
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visit-new-york · 2 years
The Edge at Hudson Yards
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THE EDGE NYC OVERVIEW The Edge NYC is “the highest outdoor skydeck in the western hemisphere” , and there is no better vista than the one the Edge has to offer because it grants visitors a full 360-degree view of Manhattan and its surrounding landscape.
From its perch on 10th Avenue bordered by 31st and 33rd streets, this Hudson Yards attraction offers a sprawling view of downtown Manhattan and the New York Harbor, where one can easily identify some of New York City's most iconic landmarks, including the views of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Freedom Tower, Battery Park City, the Verrazano Bridge, and Staten Island, and more, including parts of New Jersey to the west.
To the east, the sightline from the Edge at Hudson Yards runs almost parallel to the Empire State Building, the New Yorker Hotel, Madison Square Garden, and Brooklyn in the distance, and to the north, one can see the sheer magnitude of the greenery in Central Park, the skyscrapers of midtown Manhattan including the Chrysler Building, the George Washington Bridge, and the Bronx in the distance.
Because of these incredible views and the unique way to see them from high above, this has quickly become one of the best things to do in New York City.
WHERE IS THE EDGE? The Edge NYC is at the Hudson Yards Mall, bordered by 31st Street to the south, 33rd Street to the north, 10th Avenue to the east, and 11th Avenue to the west.
The closest subway stop to the mall and adjoining building that hosts the Edge NYC is the last stop on the 7 (purple-colored) train, 34th St. Hudson Yards.
It is also easily accessible from Penn Station, so if you are coming from out of town on the Amtrak, Long Island Rail Road, or New Jersey Transit, Hudson Yards is only a two avenue walk west. The A, C, E, 1, 2, and 3 trains all stop at Penn Station as well, making this Hudson Yards attraction an easily accessible location for train commuters from within the city and from outside of it.
The Edge NYC skydeck is highly visible if you are coming from the south or the east, so just keep an eye out for it as you leave Penn station and follow your gaze. If you take the 7 train to Hudson Yards, you’ll be deposited right at the base of the mall near the Vessel, closest to the entrance to the Edge at Hudson Yards.
Hudson Yards is also accessible by Citi Bike, with two stations bordering the mall at 30th street between 10th and 11th Avenues, and the corner of 34th Street and 11th Avenue.
The NYC ferry and the New York Waterway ferry also have stops at 39th street, just a short walk from the northern end of the Hudson Yards plaza at 33rd street and 11th avenue.
Upon arriving at Hudson Yards, enter the Shops at the street level and take the elevator, escalator, or stairs up to level 4, where the entrance to the Edge NYC is located. Look out for the “Beyond the Edge” shop, Shake Shack, or The Body Shop, and you’ll know you’re in the right spot.
THE EDGE & HUDSON YARDS TICKETS There are varying prices for The Edge at Hudson Yards tickets for visitors of all types, with additional add-ons available, like a glass of champagne or a small photo book. It’s suggested you purchase Skip the Line Edge tickets in advance so you don’t have to wait in any queues on the day of.
Listed below are the options: (Open 8 am-midnight during summer hours)
GENERAL ADMISSION EDGE AT HUDSON YARDS TICKETS Adult (13-61): $36 per person Child (6-12): $31 per person Child (5 and under): Free Senior (62+): $34 per person
CHAMPAGNE ADMISSION EDGE AT HUDSON YARDS TICKETS (comes with a glass of champagne) Adult (21-61): $53 per person Senior (62+): $51 per person
PREMIUM ADMISSION EDGE AT HUDSON YARDS TICKETS (comes with a glass of champagne and a personalized photo book) Adult (21-61): $71 Senior (62+): $69
EDGE EQUINOX YOGA AT HUDSON YARDS TICKETS (mornings 6:30 am-7:30 am) (very limited availability) $50 per person
All purchased tickets come with a free digital souvenir photo
New York City residents get $2 off general admission ticket prices
Visiting at sunset will cost an additional $10 per ticket
Visiting during peak days (often summer and weekends) will increase the price of the ticket $2
All ticket purchases require selection of an hour-long specific entry time, available every ten minutes from 8 am-11 pm. The last entry time slot begins at 11 pm and ends at 11:30 pm, but the last elevator ride up is 50 minutes before closing at midnight. Visitors can stay as long as they like until closing upon arriving at the skydeck.
Before visiting The Edge, it’s best to buy your tickets online. The easiest way to secure your spot at The Edge NYC is to purchase tickets online, recommend booking the Skip the Line Edge tickets so you don’t have to wait in any queues on the day of as this is one of the most popular NYC experiences.
The skip the line tickets are general admission, to see all the other tours and ticket options available visit The Edge website as the tickets vary depending on the add ons you can choose from.
Alternatively, you can purchase a discount voucher that gets you into multiple NYC attractions for a fraction of the price if you plan on doing multiple activities on your trip to save money and hundreds of dollars! All you have to do is pick which attraction pass is best for your visit, make a one time purchase, and then the attractions are free or included in your pass!
CityPASS offers a 3 attraction pass or a 6 attraction pass with over 12 city attractions to choose from including the Edge. Using this pass instead of buying individual tickets can save up to 35% equaling hundreds of dollars in savings.
Another great option is the New York Pass which you can purchase anywhere from a 1 Day Pass to a 10 Day Pass that gets you into over 100 attractions. Once you purchase your New York Pass you download the Go City app and use that to get into the popular NYC attractions as well as some hidden gems.
Using New York Pass instead of buying individual attraction tickets can save you hundreds of dollars and up to 45% savings on popular attractions including free admission to The Edge!
TIPS, TRICKS, AND FUN FACTS FOR VISITING THE EDGE NYC To avoid crowds, it is best to visit the Edge at Hudson Yards during off-peak days and hours as this is one of the most popular observation decks in NYC. These are oftentimes during weekdays at non-sunset hours and during shoulder seasons when tourists are less likely to visit New York City, like after the Christmas rush and in the spring.
For those who do not buy a ticket package that includes a glass of champagne, the Edge NYC has a bar where the skydeck is located on the 100th floor that offers an assortment of refreshments including champagne, wine, beer, soft drinks, and light snacks.
There are also souvenirs available on the 100th floor, as well as on the fourth level of the Shops at Hudson Yards near the entrance to the elevators.
The Edge at Hudson Yards is located more than 1,100 feet above street level, and contains more than 7,500 square feet of space extending 80 feet from the main building. It includes glass walls angled outward towards the skyline, a glass floor section allowing visitors to look straight down to street level, elevated skyline steps to rest and look out over the horizon, and an eastern lookout point at the most extended corner for one person to stand and see the entire New York skyline.
The Edge NYC elevators are also a point of interest, offering interactive animation and drone footage of the surrounding areas as you ascend in just about 50 seconds.
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tnott · 9 months
Mental health in the Wizarding world
Part of the reason I gave Theo major depression was to explore mental health in the context of the Wizarding world. Based on what we see in the books, the Wizarding world is centuries behind the Muggle world when it comes to psychiatry and psychology. Harry's PTSD goes entirely unacknowledged, which is tragic. I think there's a decent case for Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape all also having PTSD, which again goes unacknowledged. St. Mungo's apparently uses electroshock therapy to treat delusions, which is horrifying.
So I decided to give Theo a mental illness -- not one that would be immediately noticeable, but one that would certainly carry stigma if it was known about. That, in addition to my own personal experiences with mental illness, was why I chose depression. I also chose to make it run in the Nott family. Studies estimate that developing depression is about 50% based on genetic factors and heritability, so this is realistic, and it also gives Theo 1) a family secret, and 2) her father as a resource to draw upon so that she's not left completely on her own. (I love her too much to do that to her.)
Her father gives her a name for her illness and shows her how to self-medicate with St. John's wort, which is a fairly effective treatment for mild to moderate depression, though it doesn't work for the kind of severe depression Theo experiences in her sixth year at school. But he also warns her not to tell anyone about her illness, because he knows that she will be judged and ostracized if it becomes common knowledge. Even in our real world in the year 2024, mental illness is stigmatized. I cannot tell you the number of teachers, professors, and even significant others I've had who have tried to tell me that depression isn't real, that I'm "pathetic" or "weak" or "just need to suck it up". My own brother has tried to tell me that my mental illness will be cured by doing yoga. Our current world is still pretty bad for the mentally ill, and I think the Wizarding world must be a hundred times worse.
So Theo keeps her depression a secret. Even following her suicide attempt at age 17, she doesn't mention to anyone that this is not the first time she's felt this way. The only people she's opened up to about it as an adult are @mayhemxmugglesxmagic's Draco and Pansy. In her professor verse, she tries to watch for the signs in her students and intervene as best she can without revealing her own illness, but she doesn't feel comfortable advocating for better treatment for people like her. She's already seen as a maverick for her magiarchaeology work, and she doesn't want the world to write her off as a full madwoman. When it comes to her depression, she's isolated and frightened, which I think must be the case for most of the Wizarding world's mentally ill members.
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providencepeakrp · 6 months
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Frederick’s Farm - Frederick has always been a household name in Bighorn Hills and his farm? Even more so. Ever so generous and kind, Frederick will have a petting zoo set up all week long and while he always accepts charitable donations, meeting and greeting with the animals is free of charge! Feel free to stop by, say hello, and meet some cute farm animals! Lucky Joe's - From subpar coffee to the best dang bagels you'll likely ever have the pleasure of putting in your mouth, Lucky Joe's will be offering free tastes and bagels and coffee for purchase each day of the spring market. Stop by and check them out and, if you're lucky, you might even score a meet and greet with Lucky Joe's son himself! Humming Bee - Join Thalia Clark for sunrise yoga each morning in the park at the center of the market. Regulars or first timers are always welcome with Humming Bee! Remember to catch the puppy yoga session at Barks and Recreation's adoption event this week as well! Fine Arts Club - Taking the art from their gallery to the streets of Providence Peak, take a walk through the park and find yourself in the middle of the Fine Arts Club's latest outdoor art installment. Allow yourself to become immersed in the local artists of Providence Peak and the amazing work they can do! Good Pets - The extravaganza isn’t just for humans! Good Pets has the chance for your furry friends to enjoy the season as well. From bandanas, to treats, to catnip blankets, they have it available all week long at their downtown vendor space. They’ll also be partnering with Barks and Recreation and showcasing some of the rescues adoptable dogs and cats each day of the festival! The Vinyl Countdown - Recently, the store has found itself overflowing with used and gently pre-owned vintage records. To make some space in their backroom, they’ll be set up during the festival with boxes of records for the city to choose from for just $5 a piece. 96.8 The Peak - The Keola & Mya in the Morning will have their coverage van strolling around downtown and at each of the daily events, reporting the ongoings to their viewers who are listening to the station. They will also be offering an opportunity to spin their wheel for a chance to win some free merch like t-shirts, drink tumblers, pens, and even a few $50 gift cards from local businesses such as Blooming Dale’s, The Burger Joint, and Room Service. Seek them out and test your luck to win something fun! The Grape Escape - Who doesn’t love free wine? The Grape Escape will have a tent set up during the extravaganza downtown with free wine tastings (with ID of course) with the goal to sell their new spring flavor of housemade wine. The tastings allow one sample per flavor per day. Below Zero - Whether your favorite flavor is chocolate, vanilla, or rhubarb, Below Zero has your back. The ice cream shop will have a stand set up in the midst of the festival so they can offer the event-goers a free scoop of ice cream as a cool way to welcome in the spring season. Providence Peak Memorial - Be sure to stop by the first aid tent the local nurses and EMTs have set up downtown during the festival for a free first aid kit and a quick lesson on emergency bandaging technics - just in case! Claret Public Library - The library, who’s main hub is in the neighborhood of Claret Park, will have a lending library set up downtown. Come and pick out some books to take home, bring some books to donate, or do both! While you’re at it, feel free to sign up for a library card with the local librarians hosting the booth. Wonderwell - The science museum will have a booth set up with interactive science experiments and one big presentation per hour to display the many topics citizens of Providence Peak can learn about in their exhibits. They encourage both kids and adults alike to mess around their their hands-on experiments and learn to have fun with science!
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endcant · 1 year
its almost every day that i work out and think about one incident in high school. my marching band had finally organized a block for injured/disabled kids to stretch and do yoga-like warmups instead of high impact warmups like jogging, running, and sprinting. the kids in “injury block” told me i should join bc of my asthma, and it made my practices way better.
this was because it granted me the ability to choose WHEN my asthma attacks started during rehearsal. instead of starting every rehearsal with an asthma attack, i could save my daily mandatory asthma attack for the very end of the night, when we would march our show for several minutes at a time nonstop and then be forced (not asked or permitted) to run from our instruments and grab water and run back.
weekday band rehearsals usually started around 3 and could last until 10 pm, and on weekdays i also had dance class, where i would have already gotten in my day’s serving of cardio in the form of dancing or running. so it wasn’t like running with the band was the only source of high-impact cardio jostling my lungs each day.
if i had an asthma attack at 3:15 PM, i would be woozy and sleepy and mentally and emotionally fried during the entirety of rehearsal, including blocks where we would stand still and practice the music. if i had an asthma attack at 9:50 PM however, i could get almost 7 full hours of actual high quality practicing and rehearsal in without feeling like i had half the usual amount of braincells and jello in the place of muscles. it was a huge game-changer for me as a drummer. suddenly i wasn’t making stupid mistakes that i couldn’t explain! suddenly i was able to retain new marching coordinates and exercises! suddenly i was able to march under the weight of the heaviest drums for hours without wobbling!
of course, after a couple of months of me participating in “injury block” and getting a lot out of it, our band director noticed me there and told me i needed a doctor’s note. i told him i have asthma and i have an inhaler perscription i could show him. he told me that that would be fine this week, but every rehearsal afterwards i would need a new signed and dated doctor’s note. i knew instantly that this was ridiculous and financially prohibitive. i tried to explain the asthma attack math. he did not care. so i went back to running and having asthma attacks at the beginning of each rehearsal and throughout parts of rehearsal that i now knew didn’t have to be that hard for me.
i had friends in band who would ask me on the field to chill and take a break because my asthma attacks were scaring them, but i was quick to inform them that my asthma wasn’t considered an important or serious injury or illness by the band director. it really made me bitter and i constantly found myself having out of body experiences during band in junior and senior year.
i still work out to this day and think about how few asthma attacks i have now that i am allowed to control when and how frequently i focus on high-impact exercise. and also since i no longer have to do that running on a dusty track with 100 other kids dragging their feet in front of me. i also think about how that band director was, generally speaking, the most hands-off band director i’ve ever met. he didn’t know a damn thing about marching or playing and rarely was present or tried to give us advice. his job was basically just to hire people who had specific knowledge. but still, that day, he decided to walk out on the field and specifically target me for god knows what reason and interrogate me about why i was doing yoga instead of running in circles.
i wasn’t mad about it at the time, even. i was very trusting as a kid. i’m mad about it now, though. and whenever i attend a group workout class and and the instructor tries to tell me i can cure my asthma by “pushing through”, they can be sure they’ll never see me again.
i guess part of what maddens me about it is how nearly every adult who ever taught me anything in any of the physical activities i chose to participate in treated me like i was lazy because of my asthma. and i just believed them. so i just worked harder than i should have. at the cost of my ability to actually perform well in the activity they were supposed to be instructing me in.
the incident that made me start to realize that something was wrong was when i couldnt lunge quickly for a visual move with my drum on because the drum harness fit me wrong. the drum instructors blamed it on my lack of core strength, and i believed them, even though i could feel the drums swinging and hitting my forward leg. a huge bruise-then-bump developed that was eventually visible through shorts. this did not bother me and i showed it off to friends proudly, much to their concern. one day i went to do the move and the swing of my drums knocked me right over. i don’t remember how much it hurt, but i guess i was down for awhile because a parent who volunteered with the band ran up and took my drums off of me. this guy, some other kid’s parent, saw my leg and cursed at the drum instructors for awhile until they agreed to try to fix my harness. i felt embarrassed and was certain at the time that if i had just been more firm in my core then there wouldve been no one yelling at anyone on my behalf.
i now feel bad that i let myself be so trained out of questioning why i was in pain that my drum insteuctors had to take the fall for it. i mean, the pain of that leg injury was nothing compared to having asthma attacks every time i had to rehearse with the full band.
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astrology stories: sims 4 legacy challenge
General Rules-
-Color palette is for the general aesthetic, you can choose to go all out with only those colors or just use them as accents.
-You can start off with however much money you would like and if you want a bit more of a challenge rags to riches style.
-Divide the amount of earnings amongst the # of sims in the household (example: $20,000/4 sims = move heir out with $5,000.)
-Normal to Long lifespan
-As for traits, I picked one defining trait and you can roll or pick the rest based off of what you think suits the generation.
*All of the goals in each generation are meant to be worked on, but not completed. Unless you would like to. I wanted to give some general guidelines to tell your story with some creative freedom.*
Mods used (Not Required*)-
Lumpinou’s LGBTQIA+
Lumpinou’s Relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul
Carl’s Dine out Reloaded
UI Cheats
MC Comand Center
*I use quite a few more mods than listed, but I find that these are very helpful for storytelling. However, completely upto you if you'd like to use them.
Packs used-
I have all expansion packs, stuff packs (except fitness stuff) and game packs.
Gen One - Pisces
You spend all your time lost in your thoughts and wildest fantasies. The world doesn’t really operate the way you want it to. All you want to do is wander in your local park with your journal, an easel, and a yoga mat. You spend so much time at the park you always keep a tent or sleeping bag with you incase you fall asleep counting the stars. Most people don't understand the way you live, but that doesn't bother you because you love spending most of your time alone. One day when you're in the park a certain someone catches your eye and you awkwardly introduce yourself. There's an instant connection. You decide to start selling your paintings so you can build a proper house to hopefully share with them one day. Sure you just met, but you've always been a hopeless romantic with a wild imagination.
Aspiration: Soulmate
Skills: Painting 10, Writing 5, and Wellness 5
Career: Freelance Painter
Traits: Socially Awkward
Lifestyle: Hungry for Love and/or Outdoorsy
Colors: Purple and Blue
-Live in a micro/tiny home in the suburbs (Any world that is suburban with a park nearby)
-Have a child ONLY when you have a livable house
-Decorate your house only with your art (No store bought paintings)
Gen Two - Capricorn
You grew up feeling very loved, but misunderstood. As you got older you began to realize that you didn’t learn a lot of usable skills. As someone who loves to spend time alone, you had a lot of time to teach yourself the skills you desired. It seemed that your parents had no idea of the world around them, they were very much confined in their own bubble. With every realization you begin to resent your parents more and more. It becomes your life mission to reach the top of your career and make as much money as possible. Towards the end of your adult years, you achieve your goal. You still want more, so you risk it all. It doesn’t end up working out and you lose 50% of the money you invested.
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (teen) and Fabulously Wealthy (adult)
Skills: Entrepreneur 5, Charisma 8, Handiness 5, and Logic 10
Career: Business Investor
Traits: Overachiever or Ambitious
Lifestyle: None
Colors: Green, Gray, and Yellow
-Live in San Myshuno
-Participate in city life (festivals, parks, events, nightlife, collections)
-When you become an adult remove half of the money in your household due to a poor investment
Gen Three - Sagittarius
You’ve never been one to take life seriously because you have yet to see any consequences. Your parent stressed the importance of working, so on your birthday you get your first part-time job. You have such a carefree attitude towards it that you skip a few days here and there. Surprisingly, your boss doesn’t really take well to that behavior. So weird, right? Time to find a new job at your local coffee shop. During the training you are required to taste a variety of beverages. You then realize this is the key to doing it all. You can stay awake long enough to do all your school work, work a job, and have a social life. When you become an adult, you take all the skills you learned at the coffee shop and start working as a Mixologist.
Aspiration: Live Fast (teen) and Party Animal
Skills: Mixology 4, Cooking 4, and Charisma 8
Career: Retail, Barista, and Culinary Mixologist 
Traits: Self-Assured
Lifestyle: Coffee Fanatic
Colors: Orange and Red
-As a teen start a retail job, but don’t go until you get fired. Then start working at a coffee shop.
-Go out with your friends at least once a week
-Throw many parties
Gen Four - Aquarius
Due to your parent being incredibly reckless and loud, you chose to avoid them at all costs. You felt it was a lot for you to handle. Now your parent wasn’t exactly in tune with their emotions, I mean all you remember is their wild behavior. Most people around you found you bit odd and had a hard time making deep connections. Thankfully, you had a computer in the house, so you were able to find community through online. It’s not that no one liked you, but anything beyond a surface level relationship was hard. With all the time spent of your computer, you taught yourself all the ins and outs. One day you decide to meet up with one of your gaming buddies and meet for the first time. You did not expect this at all, but you form a crush on them. When you start working for the tech company you’ve been admiring from a far you finally find your people. 
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Skills: Programming 10, Video Gaming 10, Entrepreneur 5, and Charisma 6
Career: Video Game Streamer (Teen) and Tech Guru Start-Up Entrepreneur (YA-Elder)
Traits: Geek
Lifestyle: Techie
Colors: Green and Blue
-Collect all the void critters as a kid
-Meet all of your friends through online gaming
-Have a crush on one of your “online” friends
Gen Five - Virgo
Some would say you’re judgmental, and they would be correct. Your parent was obsessed with technology, they really thought that it was the most important thing ever. You look down on anyone who relies on it, as you see it as a crutch for someone who lacks the ability to think for themselves. You have a hard time organizing your thoughts, it’s almost like there's someone else in there. When you had the idea that you wanted to study law in university you struggled to come to terms with technology making its way into the legal system. Why do we have to change things that already work? Being resistant to change, you continue to avoid it. You’re forced to use it at times and you complain the whole time. Upon Graduating, you start as a Paralegal and the first case you're assigned to involves a start-up entrepreneur and you start to get flooded with memories from your childhood. For some reason you start to connect to this person and develop more intense feelings for them.
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Skills: Research and Debate 10, Charisma 3, and Logic 9
Career: Law Judge
Traits: Perfectionist
Lifestyle: Technophobe
Colors: Brown, White, and Blue
-Get a History degree
-Fall in love with a Tech Guru
-Your differences ultimately lead to divorce and you never get into a relationship again
Gen Six - Taurus
Growing up your parent was very unpredictable. They never really showed you how to develop relationships, so you struggled a lot to form connections. What you did understand was food. You loved watching the cooking channel from a very young age. When you found out you could get paid to try new foods all the time, you knew exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. You dream of living in a big penthouse apartment in the city. You cannot wait to be able to frequent all the food stalls and fancy restaurants downtown. On your birthday you move out immediately as a teenager. With little to no money you move into a scummy studio apartment. The apartment smells, leaks, and is so loud. One day you’re downtown trying out a new food stall and you meet an interesting person. Later to find out they’re living your dream. You ask them out and things move pretty quickly. As you are not to familiar with healthy relationships, you struggle a lot to trust them. You stick around because they have everything to want.
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Skills: Writing 8, Cooking 5, and Gourmet Cooking 6
Career: Food Critic
Traits: Glutton and Materialistic
Lifestyle: Junk Food Fiend
Colors: Green, Cream, and Orange
-Never cook, only order takeout (your favorite food is pizza)
-Go out to eat once a week
-Gain skills by reading, watching tv, or taking classes
Gen Seven - Libra
Growing up your parent was super critical of you, so you developed a need to control your surroundings to a T. You’re obsessed with aesthetics, everything needs to be cohesive and pleasant to look at. You have perfectly curated your image from your irl fashion to your social bunny presence. As an avid social media user, you’re constantly taking photos of your ootd and your healthy meals. The obsession with aesthetics extends to your friends, you make them all dress in a way that compliments your look.  Every so often you decide to reinvent yourself which means new clothes, new hair, and even new friends. One of your friends hates that and begins to work against you. They are declared your rival. There is nothing that will stop you from becoming the worlds biggest Trend Setter.
Aspiration: Admired Icon (Teen) and World Famous Celebrity (YA-Elder)
Skills: Charisma 9, Photography 5, and Writing 9
Career: Simfluencer (Teen) and Style Influencer Trend Setter (YA-Elder)
Traits: High Maintenance
Lifestyle: None
Colors: Neutrals
-Use social bunny as a teen 2-3 times a week
-Go out to dinner once a week with your friend group
-Change your appearance and get new friends every life stage
Gen Eight - Aries
Being born into a family of fame, you get a leg up in life. As a kid you were always interested in sports and it was easy to get on whatever team you wanted with your parents influence. The extra attention you got didn’t bother you as a child, but as you got older you started to get angry. The attention become more and more overbearing. The only way you could think of to get away from it all is to travel. As an adventurer you want to go somewhere with a lot of physical activities to manage your anger. While on vacation you fall in love with the beautiful scenery and lifestyle of the sims in Mt Komorebi. You feel like you can finally free yourself from your upbringing and make a name for yourself in the athletic field. You casually date a bunch of sims, but they all seem to only be interested in you because of your family. Until you finally meet a Komorebi local who has no idea of where you came from. The connection is unbelievable. 
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Skills: Fitness 10, Skiing or Snowboarding 5, and Rock Climbing 5
Career: Professional Athlete
Traits: Hot-Headed
Lifestyle: Frequent Traveller
Colors: Red, Orange, and Yellow
-Date at least 5 Different sims before marrying 
-Live in your childhood home and travel to Mt. Komorebi often (You can decide to move there)
-Marry someone from Mt. Komorebi
Gen Nine - Cancer
Your parents had this undeniable connection and showed you what healthy love looks like. Watching your parents together was something you aspired to have one day. As a child you struggled a lot, you were desperate to grow up causing you to be a bit moody. You didn’t have many friends growing up being way more focused on finding a partner. On your first day of High School you bump into someone in the hallways, love at first sight. The two of you start talking about everything, completely inseparable, and you realize they are the one. Everything you want, they want. Its fate. Upon graduating your partner proposes to you and you both go off to university together. While pregnant with your 4th child you get some upsetting news about your partner. They cheated on you with your housekeeper. You’re then left to decide whether or not you want to forgive and forget.
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Skills: Parenting 10, Research and Debate 10, Logic 2, Charisma 6
Career: Education Administrator
Traits: Family-Oriented
Lifestyle: Close Knit
Colors: Pink and Blue
-Marry your High School sweetheart
-Get an Economics degree
-Have at least 4 children
Gen Ten - Leo
While your parent was pregnant with you they experience a heavy life changing event. When you were born you got to listen to your 3 older siblings talk about how amazing your parent was. That’s not the experience you got at all being the last born. You try your hardest to get the attention from your parent they way your siblings got it. Nothing you do seems to work, but you will not give up. Everyone tells you that you need to grow up, but you disagree. You can’t get any attention at home, so you sign up for the drama club. Leading you to channel your, what they say “childish”, behavior into performances. You’re a natural and getting the validation you crave. Although, it starts to go to your head a bit… As you get older to start to audition for small gigs, like commercials, they go pretty smoothly. You can’t seem get anyone to take you seriously, but you settle for the gigs because you’re still getting the attention you lacked from childhood. No one you dated ever was able to put up with your behavior, so you end up having a child by yourself.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Skills: Acting 5, Charisma 5, and Comedy 10
Career: Actor
Traits: Self-Absorbed
Lifestyle: None
Colors: Vibrant Colors
-Join the drama club
-Never take any serious acting gigs
-Have an accidental baby with unknown partner
Gen Eleven - Scorpio
Naturally, you grew up very inquisitive. I mean you grew up with only one parent and they have no idea who the other parent is. So you set out trying to figure out who they are and where they are. As you got older you began to develop a keen sense for mysteries. Although, some claim you are your biggest mystery that you have yet to solve. While your parent basked in any attention that came their way, you sat quietly in the background. This was very intentional on your part. Sitting in the background not many people notice you. This allowed you to hone your detective skills. You find manage to locate your other parent and develop a relationship later in life. You manage to do so with your natural abilities and a bit of help via the detective agency. The further you progress in your career the more taxing it becomes. Your mornings are filled with the delicious scent of freshly brewed coffee and before you know it you’re hooked. You love being active and find your self at the gym quiet often, not before coffee of course. Through getting to know your “new” parent you actually find out you’re one in the same. So, of course you quickly become very close.
Aspiration: Body Builder
Skills: Logic 5, Fitness 10, and Charisma 5
Career: Detective
Traits: Inquisitive (toddler) and Snob
Lifestyle: None
Colors: Pink, Purple, and Red
-Buy the observant and gym rat traits with your reward points
-Get a coffee every day and workout on your days off
-Go to active work at least once a week
Gen Twelve - Gemini
Growing up you noticed your parent was constantly questioning everything and everyone. You chose to take a vert different route, take everything at face value. It doesn't have to be that deep. Everyone loves you, you have such an infectious presence. You have such a way to turn any moment into a memorable one. From the glamorous to the intimate events you host, you’ve managed to develop a strong network of people. This allows you to climb that corporate ladder with ease. Some of the few things you’ve kept constant in your life are your friends and career. Do you sometimes make quick decisions with little to no thought? Yeah, but it hasn’t failed you yet. For the most part everyone you have chosen to represent is a bit questionable, but nothing you can't tackle. Until one day you’re faced with the task of representing one of the most undesirable in town. So what they're quick to take whatever they lay their eyes on. So what they’ve broken into an unknown amount homes. It’s fine, you’ve got this.
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Skills: Charisma 10, Writing 5, and Comedy 5
Career: Social Media Public Relations
Traits: Outgoing
Lifestyle: People Person
Colors: Pink, Beige, and White
-Buy the incredibly friendly trait with your reward points
-Host a networking event once a month
-Ask to represent the local klepto
Feel free to offer feedback or suggestions to improve the challenge 💕 I am currently playing through this challenge and editing it as I go.
Last Edited: 09/02/2024
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mjjune · 2 years
15 25 Questions + 15 Mutuals
Thank you so much @bebewrites and @awritingcaitlin !!! This is a lot of questions, RIP
Since this is so long it's under the cut <3
1. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos? 
2. What is your favorite soup?
miso or like, japanese-style clear soup, also wonton soup... can i say all asian soups???
3. What is your favorite…rock (idfk)?
uhh idk if it's a rock technically but i love opals
4. Choose a familiar: 1) very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever 2) a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants 3) a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
the raven for sure lol they bring you shiny things, idc what it says.
5. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them? 
jupiter maybe? since it's the biggest and might be entitled?
6. if you were a worm would you love me? this worm question courtesy of ✨ @/legiomiam✨
yes 🥺
7. Least favorite type of clothing?
Dresses/skirts and pantyhose/tights
8. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
10% chance. I can't run for shit. Unless hiding actually worked, I wouldn't survive. I am very small though and good at hiding.
9. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
Talk to vegetables~
10. What do you think of whales?
they're the best!! i was obsessed with whales most of my childhood
1. Are you named after anyone?
my middle name is from my paternal grandmother <3
2. When was the last time you cried?
lmao, when i announced my 30 days notice at my job a few weeks ago.
3. Do you have kids?
0 and never shall
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Literally 50% of what I say is sarcasm
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Probably mannerisms and like?? aura?? idk the right word.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings definitely. Don't really watch horror movies tbh
8. Any special talents?
Uhh my elbows are double jointed?? I do some calligraphy ?
9. Where were you born?
In a hospital in the worst town to ever exist lol
10. What are your hobbies?
Video games, yoga, calligraphy, learning languages
11. Have you any pets?
My parents have a feral cat who adopted us but other than that no
12. What sports do you play/have played?
LOL NONE 0 like I said I can't run for shit (and have asthma). I did band? And musical theater (backstage)? lol
13. How tall are you?
5'1'' i'm a teacup adult
14. Favorite subject in school?
Honestly I liked all of them. Spanish was my highest grade, but English/Language arts was probably my favorite.
15. Dream job?
Lmao best-selling novelist so I can quit my regular job (I do actually like my day job tho)
Mutuals (only if you want to!!) @arionawrites @brimorganbooks @carminasolis @ceph-the-ghost-writer @daisywords @elijahrichardwrites @faelanvance @flowerprose @ghafasinej @hadeschariots @isabellebissonrouthier @moondust-bard @rsdan @sleepyowlwrites @writingmoth
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
Dandy Generation Gameplay Rules
Generation Challenges
First Decade - Sexual Revolution
Second Decade - Vietnam War
Marriage and Family
Divorce now allowed for whatever reason
Adoption now allowed
First Decade - Baby Boomer era. All couples should reroll for number of children even if they had already capped out their number.
Second Decade - Can marry sims of other cultures as well as have same-sex relationships (cannot marry)
Woohoo is now openly allowed and birth control now available (3% chance of pregnancy)
Second Decade - Teens can "mess around"
Bottle feeding now allowed
Teens come of age at 16 rather than 14.
Elder death rolls now done on d20 rather than d6
Birthdays are now as follows - Infant @ 6mos, Toddler @ 3 years, Child @ 6 years, Teen @ 13 years (marrigable age @ 16), YA @ 18 years, Adult @ 30 years, Elder @ 50 years
Affairs % = 20, Auto marry % = 50.
Architecture and Design
Bikinis now allowed
Apartments now available
Showers allowed
House can now have pop-art, carpet, patterned and brick floors
Kids paintings may now be hung anywhere (any size of canvas available for painting)
All wallpaper available
Fire alarm available
Women may wear pants freely
Second Decade - May now have expensive comfort items like couches, beds and chairs
Phones allowed but can only be used within own home and must always be used in the same room (preferably same part of room)
Private pools allowed (upper middle class)
Housing upgrades/updates are allowed again
Education and Hobbies
Elementary and High school are now mandatory
Better grades means better marriage (A-rich, B-well-off, C-Average, D-poor, F-destitute)
TV now allowed but only the three oldest/cheapest options and can only be watched between 6am-9pm. Only News and Classic channels allowed.
Pop music allowed (radio listening requirement lifted), Listening device allowed
Sunblock, snorkel and sun lounger allowed
Second Decade - May now visit Sulani and play with dolphins as well as study robotics, bowling alleys also became popular
Second Decade - Meditation, yoga, incenses and tea/coffee brewers are allowed and lava lamps become common as well as space heaters, kotatsu tables, in-home hotsprings and bubble blower.
Second Decade - Spooky and Japaense Folk music available as well as Action and Comedy TV channels.
Second Decade - All subjects available for studying in University and student loans are available
Parties and events allowed again
Second Decade - All YA's who remain single must roll to join (or start) a cult on their YA birthday (set MCCC club settings to monitor: enabled, open members: 3)
Second Decade - University not allowed until after serving in war
Second Decade - Female and Singles Nights are now unlocked
Career and Money-Making
Unlimited meals on the stove is allowed again
Butlers, Maids and Nannys may be hired by rich sims
Available jobs for men include: Criminal (boss), Doctor, Entertainer (both), Gardener, Military (both), Politics (both), Scientist, Writer (both), Critic (both), Culinary (chef), Painter, Detective, Secret Agent(both), Actor, Athlete (both), Critic (both), Engineer (Mechanical), Freelancer (Fashion Photographer, Writer), Interior Decorator, Law (both), Veterinarian
Women may have the above jobs with a few exceptions. They cannot become Military (Covert Operator) Doctors, Politicians, Scientists, Critics or Detectives.
Part time jobs available include: Babysitter, Fast Food, Fisherman, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer and Retail
Women may no longer marry after they become pregnant or as long as there are children or younger in their home. They can return once all children become teens. They cannot work active jobs as their goal is still to raise their kids.
Playground equipment available (except ballpit)
Second Decade - jobs for men include previously stated with addition of Conservationist (both), Astronaut (space ranger), Business (both). Jobs for women include previously stated with the exceptions of Astronaut and Business (Investor). Part time jobs remain the same.
Second Decade - Women have maternity leave (3rd trimester only) and no longer have to leave work when they become pregnant
Second Decade - All YA's (age 18-26) may be drafted at any time during decade. This does not include those who become YA's during decade, are primary caretakers for their children or have mental illness. Not all YA males will fight but all will roll for draft.
Musically inclined sims may opt out of a real job to be street performers.
Special Rolls
Draft - All YA Males roll d6 - Evens are spared, Odds get drafted (roll d20 to determine when to make survival roll. One number for each day in decade), must join military career and roll for survival. All eligible, unmarried females roles d20 - 1 = drafted as nurse (must roll for trauma trait)
Vietnam War - All drafted soldiers must roll 2d6 - Snake eyes = death. All drafted males must remain on military lot for 2 years
Trauma Traits - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-headed, 3) Clumsy, 4) Erratic, 5) Meloncholic, 6) Mean(or Evil), 7) Lazy, 8) Non-Committal, 9) Squeamish, 10) Paranoid, 11) Cold-Blooded, 12) Impassive, 13) Insane, 14) Joyless, 15) Unstable, 16) Avoidant, 17) Cruel, 18) Hostile, 19) Obsessive, 20) Repressed
Cults - roll d6 - odds start or join a cult - roll d6 again to determine which cult and change/add traits as necessary- 1: Friends of Fortune (kleptomaniac, add $1000 per year to leaders funds, ends with leader being considered fraud and breaking up) 2: Dragon Empire (Evil, add $1000 to leader funds each year and sacrifice townie sim, ends with leader being sacrificed) 3: Brother Nature - Vegetarian, move to lot with other members, ends with sim returning home) 4: Woohoo Womb (Player, open love for all members with no birth control, ends with disease scares) 5: Grilled Cheezus (Foodie or Glutton, only eats grilled cheese, minus $1000 each year, ends with sim being sick of grilled cheese) 6: Anarchy Echo (Erratic, minus $1000 each year for fines, ends with sim being killed)
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wh4thefnk · 1 year
Do you think Alba’s appearance is genuinely concerning in what it says about what Chris is attracted to? Leo consistently goes for women in their 20s but they’re models so while they still look young next to him they still look like “women” in the “acceptable” sense if that makes sense. Alba can’t help how she looks but she’s not model tall like Leo’s girls and while she does have some curves (debatable but I’m talking about her chest and yoga ass 😂) she’s not Salma Hayek or Sofia Vergara or even Shakira for it to make up for her lack of height. I’m not ngl, the shower video made me a little uncomfortable for a second there but that might have just been because of what it was lol. Plus it showed that while she’s not extremely curvy she does have what society celebrates as a banging body.
She’s obviously a grown woman though and in less than a month’s time she’s gonna be closer to 30 than 20. Imo, I do think she looks young but not enough to assign sinister motives to Chris (not defending him btw I hate his ass so much right now lmao) especially lately because those crow’s feet and smile lines courtesy of vaping are something serious. She’s not that youthful in the face and we’ve got to remember Chris sees her in person not just in photos lol.
If you actually look at closeups of her face from even a year or two ago she doesn’t actually look like a teenager. There’s one from her getting ready for MHGTP where she honestly looks like she could already be 30. I’m still 50/50 on how much she deliberately plays into the Lolita thing vs her not being able to help her appearance. What do you think? Should we be side eyeing Chris for being attracted to her physical appearance?
The short answer is no, I don’t think it’s concerning in a sinister way that he’s attracted to her and he should not be called words with meanings that do not apply to him. She does not have a prepubescent looking body, she can’t help how she looks like and she’s an adult; that’s the bottom line. I’d also like to add I don’t really have a problem with the age gap itself; all I thought about that was “Well that’s disappointing, a Hollywood cliche”
He’s still getting a side eye from me; it’s sort of a grey area cause I do feel there is some sort of line of appropriateness that has been crossed; it has nothing to do with legality or “sinister motives”; it’s just icky, for example let’s rewind back to 2020, let’s say she was indeed just one of her instagram a la tinder finds; what did his view look like exactly? Did he see the bird and milk bath photoshoots and any other photos where she looked intentionally very young and overall he still was like “Yep, I’m into her, let me follow”??? Isn’t it tacky that he’s at an age where he can play a teenager’s father (Defending Jacob) while his girlfriend is still playing teens and advertises herself as a teenager through her agency?. To top it off the visuals are striking when seeing them side by side; he looks like her uncle.
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yinyangyogaacademy · 2 days
Understanding the Global Impact of Yoga: A Look at Yoga Statistics
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Yoga, an ancient practice with roots in India, has evolved into a global phenomenon, transcending cultures and generations. As more individuals embrace yoga for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, examining yoga statistics provides valuable insights into its growing popularity and influence.
The Rise of Yoga Worldwide
Recent yoga statistics indicate that approximately 300 million people practice yoga globally. This remarkable number showcases yoga's transformation from a niche activity into a mainstream wellness movement. The global yoga market is projected to reach $66 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing demand for holistic health practices that address both physical fitness and mental well-being.
Demographics of Yoga Practitioners
Understanding who practices yoga can provide deeper insights into its appeal. Here are some key yoga statistics regarding demographics:
Gender Distribution: About 72% of yoga practitioners are women, while men represent approximately 28%. However, the number of men participating in yoga is steadily rising as awareness of its benefits for physical health and mental clarity becomes more widespread.
Age Groups: The largest demographic of yoga practitioners falls between the ages of 30 and 49. However, interest in yoga is also growing among younger individuals (ages 18-29) and older adults (ages 50+), indicating that the practice caters to a diverse audience.
Health Benefits Supported by Statistics
The increasing popularity of yoga is largely due to its myriad health benefits. Numerous studies and yoga statistics illustrate these advantages:
Physical Health: Approximately 85% of practitioners report improvements in flexibility, strength, and overall fitness levels due to regular yoga practice. Many also find relief from chronic pain and enhanced cardiovascular health.
Mental Well-Being: Yoga is well-known for its stress-relieving benefits. According to yoga statistics, about 88% of practitioners experience reduced anxiety and improved mood after incorporating yoga into their routines. The mindfulness and meditation components play a significant role in these mental health improvements.
Holistic Wellness: Many practitioners view yoga as a holistic approach to health. Around 77% believe that yoga positively contributes to their overall well-being, integrating physical, mental, and emotional health into a balanced lifestyle.
The Impact of Online Yoga
The digital landscape has revolutionized how people engage with yoga. During the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for online yoga classes surged by over 50%, as individuals sought ways to maintain their practice at home. According to recent yoga statistics, this trend has persisted, with many people continuing to favor virtual classes for their convenience and accessibility.
Workplace Yoga Programs
As the importance of employee wellness gains recognition, many companies are integrating yoga into their wellness programs. Yoga statistics reveal that businesses incorporating yoga sessions see a 32% reduction in employee stress and a 24% increase in productivity. This data underscores the effectiveness of yoga in fostering healthier work environments.
Regional Popularity of Yoga
Yoga’s appeal varies across different regions of the world. In the United States, yoga has become a multi-billion dollar industry, with millions of practitioners attending studios and classes. In Europe, countries like Germany and the UK have embraced yoga, with a growing number of practitioners looking for both fitness and stress relief.
In Asia, particularly in India, yoga remains deeply rooted in tradition, with millions practicing it for spiritual and health benefits. Locations like Rishikesh, often referred to as the "Yoga Capital of the World," attract both locals and international tourists seeking authentic yoga experiences.
The Future of Yoga
The future of yoga looks bright, with ongoing innovations and the emergence of various styles. New forms, such as aerial yoga and hot yoga, cater to different preferences and interests, further expanding yoga's reach. As awareness of mental health continues to rise, more individuals are likely to turn to yoga as a means of managing stress and improving emotional well-being.
The growing prevalence of yoga across the globe is reflected in compelling yoga statistics that reveal its widespread acceptance and effectiveness. As millions of individuals embrace this practice for its holistic benefits, yoga remains a trans formative force in promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Whether practiced in studios, at home, or online, yoga continues to inspire countless people to enhance their quality of life and foster a deeper connection with themselves.
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belvatoplaces · 8 days
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