#yin yang was first then mephone
Quick little drawing I did of my Yin-Yang baby hehe not my proudest work but it’ll suffice for now as a pfp until i make a better one
Along woth some extra doodles I made of Mephone (+ one Yin-Yang doodle in the corner)
I might do a post and drop a shitton of headcanons I have although first I gotta freak out over the finale after it’s released
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asideofchaos · 8 months
I’m still a bit stressed out from some drama happening in another fandom, so I decided to write up some more II headcanons to help me relax.
MePhone made both of the Idiotic Islands, and was originally going to send the season 3 eliminaties to them, until Walkie-Talkie and Indefinite Island happened.
Paintbrush once chased Cherries though the entire hotel after they poured glitter into their bristles. Luckily, Hotel OJ had 50 or so fire extinguishers on hand.
Clover is the unofficial therapist of Hotel OJ. She kinda just became it when people started going to her to rant about their problems.
Yin-Yang is an avid rhythm game fan, and they’re among the few things that Yin and Yang can agree on.
Among the glass contestants, Salt and Pepper are extremely sturdy. They claim it’s because of how much they take care of themselves.
After learning about Bot’s fear of anything with 8 legs, Cherries used an old delivery box to hide under and scare them out of their room for almost an entire day.
The Shimmers want to reunite the Egg with Fan and Test Tube so they can get a proper goodbye, but are waiting for Cobs to dealt with first.
Tea Kettle hosts a weekly picnic. It was originally just for The Sinkers, but then The Loony Balloonies and The Armless “Alliance” were allowed, then friends/family of them, and then basically anyone could come.
Lightbulb has the ability to short-circuit the hotel, she hasn’t yet, but she can.
Fan and Yin-Yang both love The Evililous Chronicles, with Yin-Yang having been the one to introduce Fan to it because they thought that he would enjoy the lore aspects to it. (If Miku and Vocaloid exists in II, then a series important to Vocaloid history likely does too.)
While it’s rare, Hotel OJ will occasionally have a karaoke night. It almost never goes well, but most of the contestants have fun anyways.
OJ loses his voice almost every-other month thanks to having to care for the hotel so much. Paper usually has to force him to take a break whenever this happens.
Test Tube has changed the password and has fixed the entrance to her lab, but still gets many people who somehow find their way down there and she is on the verge of just giving up on keeping people out of it because almost everyone knows at this point.
Cheesy collects joke books, he even has a small shelf in his room for them. He can strike fear into any contestant’s heart just by pulling one out, because now the next half hour will be nothing but horrible jokes.
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oscconfessions · 4 months
whenever i see people do ship names with yin-yang in it like 'cabyang' or something it makes me uncomfortable because yin-yang is TECHNICALLY TWO PEOPLE it should be YINCABYANG not *just* cabyang
maybe i'm mainly upset by this because i have DID and it feels like erasure of a DID character's- well- pluralness(?) but yin-yang is TWO PEOPLE in ONE BODY you NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT
if yin-yang GETS INTO A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP, BOTH OF THEM SHOULD BE ON BOARD WITH IT, BECAUSE THEY ARE A SYSTEM IN A CONSTANT STATE OF COFRONTING (unless one of them decides to be the main fronter for a while, seen in iii)
also a probably unpopular opinion of yin-yang being a truly good or at least DECENT dissociative identity disorder representation because holy SHIT is it demonized in media (I BLAME PEOPLE WHO READ JEKYLL AND HYDE INCORRECTLY!!!! I REALLY DO!!!! I REALLY FUCKIGN DO!!! but that's a whole different topic that shouldn't be discussed here cause its not on topic) because literally, the two of them, even right from the start clearly have been actual good DID rep imo, because while yang is at first seen as 'evil and bad', as ii progresses, you can quite literally see that he's Just A Guy! sure he's edgy and stuff, but his relationship with yin is treated really well! he's more seen as a mischievous chaotic guy rather than a "villain"! AND in iii, he even mends his relationship with yin with the help of candle!! and they become more functional together!! and more balanced!! you get to see GROWTH!!
i'm just glad yang wasn't another 'evil bad guy' """alter ego""". and yeah, sure, some alters don't do good things, not all alters are good, but by god does the media really like to focus on that and make only the 'bad ones' seen.
i don't know or care on how exactly they became a two-member system, i'm not going to start that flame of discourse about systems because it simply isn't worth it, i'm just happy that the ~"ooooooo evil person in the same body as good person" DID """representation"""~ stereotype in media is finally broken by a black and white sphere
anyways i ship mephone with yin-yang because i kin mephone and i want to kiss yin and yang
~ mephoneAnon
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mysanityisruined · 22 days
Follow Up Post [How the show hints towards MePhone4's creation of the show & his trauma]
The characters could've been based on his experiences. For example, Fan could've been created as a diehard 'fan' [haha] because MePhone wanted appreciation for what he created without strings attached. He wanted validation; this is obvious with his reactions to Ballpoint Pen's review.
Look at this. Doesn't praise him, doesn't congratulate him. Just expects results. Meanwhile fan knows everything about the show.
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More examples include Yin-Yang hinting at MePhone and 4S's past relationship [I STILL BELIEVE THEY SHOWED THEIR CHILDHOOD ROOM], Knife being violent as a hint towards 4S [stretch but i digress], Balloon could be a reference to how MePhone himself has changed over the seasons, Lightbulb being, well, herself so MePhone didn't feel invalidated for his weird quirks, The Cherries being the epitome of a childhood he couldn't have [aka with 4S], Taco being an example of how you can be the victim and the 'abuser' at the same time, I could go on but you get the gist.
2. The foreshadowing. Aka, the characters not remembering who they are because they don't have past lives. This is an obvious tell but MePhone COULD'Ve given them fake memories, but he didn't. Why? He didn't want them to leave, searching for said pasts. He wanted them to stay so desperately. He probably despised his childhood so much that thinking that his characters could've had good lives had him jealous, even.
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"It pains me too much to remember." JUST LIKE CABBY IT HURTS TO REMEMBER
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[btw this doesn't invalidate her arc. she can be created and still be ableist representing]
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3. Time perception. MePhone canonically has a bad perception of time, so he could've unintentionally warped the time perception of everyone, including himself, to make it seem like he had only been gone for a day during season 3.
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4. MePhone's lack of knowledge about the world. As Cobs said, the world he created is fantastical, though out of his control at times. He doesn't get food, proportions, and even more, because he wasn't taught about the world. He was couped up in a dome, but he does learn from his mistakes.
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He has an imagination because Cobs limited and shunned his to near demolition.
For all we know, 4S could've been a figment of his creation during season 1 because he longed so much to have him back. I doubt the theory of 'he never existed in the first place', but MePhone could've brought him back, and let himself die just to see him again.
And yet he pushes MePad away because of their creator, and his own fears.
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cabyang · 1 year
yinyang rant I've had in the discord for a while and now have the courage to post
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so yinyang is a funny character right? a little silly even. a goofy little guy. but what if i told you that all that sillyness is hiding so much insecurities you wouldn't even KNOW.
ok so first why would he be insecure? well this is kinda obvious but in episode 4 his team kinda. you know. tried voting him off the game. this hurts him, obviously. we can see this in ep 6 when nickel mentions it, yinyang looks shocked and everyone goes silent. in episodes 11 and 14, even more is added into the burning pile, though as of the time of writing this i can't really factor in ep 14 besides speculating about the next episode.
ok so how is this insecurity expressed, well first we have what i mentioned in ep 6, he freezes up, not wanting to think about it. in episode 10 when he's describing his alliance idea to paintbrush, he turns away from them. Not wanting them to see he's crying, now why wouldn't yinyang want paintbrush to see him crying?
in ep 4, yinyang looks at paintbrush whilst mephone is counting the votes, which implies that yinyang looks up to paintbrush in some sort of way, and when paintbrush looks back that implies they voted for him too. but that's besides the point.
in ep 12, yinyang intentionally hurts the floor in order to win, now before this point yinyang and the floor had a pretty neutral relationship, so it's not like they hated eachother or something. so he obviously did this to win, but why would he do this in order to win? wouldn't it be too far? why didn't yin interfere?
it was in order to prove them wrong. to prove silver wrong, to prove candle wrong, (who betrayed him last episode at the time). to show them that they both were capable of getting immunity by earning it. to prove their worth. which didn't work. like at all.
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this is also proven by this line in ep 13, where the implication is that without the viewers interference, yin believes they are nothing. which after the failure of the last episode is about as reasonable as a self depreciating statement can get, which isn't very much.
this is also why he even bothers listening to a single thing silver has too say in ep 14. silver was telling yang everything he wanted to hear, that the reason everyone seems to betray him, being his chaoticness, is actually a good trait and only HE (and conveniently silver) have seemed to realize it. that what candle taught him was just useless fluff to make him weaker (silver literally called yang soft). telling him that he was smart, clever even, that candle was just too stupid to realize what chaos could do. that for once, his worst trait can get him what he truly wants, an immunity not earned via viewer vote. acknowledging his insecurities and twisting him to his advantage.
so what's next for yinyang? obviously ep 14 was a huge blow to yinyangs self esteem, like all of yangs character development got thrown in the rubbish, like if ep 4 was yinyang getting kicked in the nuts, ep 14 was him getting blown to smithereens. this has basically blown yinyangs insecurities wide open, but it's not like they were all that secret before. he's a fan favorite so obviously animation epic isn't gonna send him hurdling to indefinite island without at least some of that being addressed (at least i hope). so how in gods name is yinyang gonna recover his mental state completely in 5 episode or less? well, the quick answer is he isn't. the long answer is this.
we already had an arc where someone tried to "fix" yinyang, and that ended up with candle seeing the friendship as completely transactional and cutting it off as soon as yinyang didn't need her. (which i could talk about forever but i digress) so how would yinyangs hypothetical "oh my god he has so many insecurities we need to fix this oh god oh fuck" arc go? well imo, i feel like it would involve the people silver has been trying to get yinyang to push away the most, his friends. any one of them could do this, balloon is kinda going through his own thing rn so probably either cabby or the floor (i may or may not be biased towards one of these outcomes but nonetheless) helping him regain his self worth in increments, the main point of the arc being that you really cant fix everything in one conversation, and that things like undoing an entire seasons worth of people kicking you in the metaphorical nuts repeatedly take time and effort. we can already see the buds of this arc by cabby and balloon taking extra care to listen to yinyang after what he went through. which is nice. he deserves something nice that isn't immediately ripped away from him 5 episodes later.
so yeah rant over um yinyang deserves to win iii i rest my case
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spiritmander13 · 7 months
Second, I love the library so much. Such a nice place.
I am so excited for Season 2's comeback. Yet Silver and Candle are gone, and considering there possibly won't be a Season 4... I'll miss them. I hope we get some shorts or a mini-series detailing their lives in the library. Because there is such a lovely atmosphere with it and I absolutely LOVED it. I loved how Walkie-Talkie broke mid-convo with MePhone to yell at Yin-Yang and Clover to not run.
Finally, the Saberspark reference. Just... yes.
In conclusion, this season had it's ups and downs, and despite the writing, the allegations, and the backlash, I loved every moment of it. Favorite arc was definitely the Silvercandle arc. It just seemed like no matter what, fate always led them back together. And it's going to continue that way.
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jasminebelle096 · 1 year
Ok, so I just saw the 15th episode of II s3 that got released and MY GOD, this episode was wild and full of twists
First of all, noticing Test Tube's hand on Bot when they discovered Blueberry's dead body made me smile so much, there is truly a mother and child bond between them 😊 I just wish Fan was with them to complete the family but hey he made the choice to go back to the hotel along with Paintbrush and OJ, so we must accept his decision
Clover appearing out of nowhere just made me laugh and she looks cute with the Sherlock hat
Next, we got to see Yin Yang separately inside of their mind and it's been such a WHILE since the last time we saw them as their own individual in separate bodies (like in season 2 when they drank Test Tube's potion) also poor Goo who didn't want to create troubles between these two 😭 I would also react like him if I accidentally do the same, especially since I tend to say things without thinking much only to make me look like an idiot
And there's Test Tube who decided not to accuse Cabby after she saw her with Bot, it's nice to see that Test Tube seems to start understanding that Cabby may not be a bad person (and the little moment between Bot and Cabby is adorable)
But it's not as nice as the reunion between Candle and Silver Spoon ! The fact that Silver Spoon feels regret for voting out Candle and thus is trying to win the challenge so that Candle can rejoin, but then Candle telling him that he doesn't have to feel regretful and that he is capable to do things without her, it's just aaagh it feels so good to see them in good terms again
And then we have Nickel who is confessing his troubles to Clover, talking about Suitcase and all, bro I need to see more of them
Also don't hate me for that but I thought seeing Balloon and Tea Kettle pointing at each other like little kids is quite funny
The interaction between Mephone and Bot is so precious to me, Mephone cares so much about them 😭
But let's not forget about the BIGGEST twist of all in this episode
Blueberry who turned into a mastermind ??? Is he the Taco of Inanimate Insanity Invitational ??? It shocked me so much and I LOVE IT. Who ever thought that this small depressed blueberry would fake his death and then manipulate Yin Yang by pretending he is going to eliminate Cabby with Nickel's help so that Yin Yang would give his immunity milk to Cabby, which leaded to Yin Yang's elimination ? Well certainly not me.
And his evil smile, his evil stupid little face, his little smirk, he became a threat in less than a second and I'm SCARED. I have no idea if he will stay like this, but oh boy now that he rejoined the game things will be interesting.
So yeah, this is what I thought about this episode. The crew did a fantastic job, I hope the following episodes will be like that 😊
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amemberoftheosc · 1 year
My Thoughts On I.I.I Episode 14
I absolutely loved the newest episode! My god all the references and other things! Interesting challenge but I loved it as well!
[Spoilers incoming!]
I'm honestly a little surprised that they became friends in the first place but still, it's a very sweet friendship with Cabby letting go of file writing, in the very least for Bot, and also supporting Bot! It's just so sweet. I just can't believe that one of my oneshots kind of came true! (I wrote a Cabby & Bot oneshot on Ao3 a while back)
The ending scene too with Bot, Goo, Test Tube, and the creature was lovely! They finally met each other again :3
And Nickel and Balloon. Nickel and Balloon. Truly a breakup. I suppose Suitcase would've wanted this? I haven't watched S2 in a while but considering the artwork I've seen, I think Suitcase wouldn't have liked Nickel and Balloon being friends. It was on shaky ground in the first place and the past still affects them. Then again it's the past. Maybe Suitcase wanted the past to be left behind. I can't tell.
Silver Spoon's betrayal. I'll be honest. I wasn't expecting it. Not one bit. He is a trickster but I wasn't expecting him to, not exactly force, Yin-Yang to fall! Very unexpected for me.
Also I just remembered. Mephone's childhood. It's, odd seeing him happy about it. After all, we had an entire episode whose challenge was to recollect his memories. Does he not remember how bad his childhood was or was it actually a blissful ignorance? Or alternatively, he just doesn't want to remember. I'm willing to go with blissful ignorance but still it's rather odd.
Speaking of childhood, let's move onto Cabby! She didn't quite say what her parents were like. Overprotective of her? Worried for her due to her memory issues? That's what I'm picking up from it. It could be something else of course. Parents constantly arguing but I'm going with overprotective (got that from a oneshot I read). Always worried for Cabby back then, so they became overbearing.
I'll switch topics. The Floor! Not too much screen time, at least I think, but they were great at their job! Good to see them not being mistreated!
That's all I have to say for now. It was a fantastic episode and I loved it!
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pebiejeebies · 8 months
LOOK!! ANOTHER (sorta) IDENTICAL FACE REACTION.. THING!! (Yin Yang.. are you alright?)
BUT LOOK I HAVE MY.. EXCUSE EXPLANATION!! They’re both, the only two who have the same expression, AGAIN!! WOOHOO! NAILED IT!
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Same frame to me! They’re definitely beside each other.. 101%! (I am being delusional, forget this 😇)
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SEEE?? I WAS SO TOTALLY RIGHT!! (okay I’m gonna stop) But awee they’re both remembering the.. flower incident..
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SAME FACE (just.. go with the flow), SAME HAND UP!! FROM THE SAME SIDE! 
(Silly Candle, this was when Mephone wanted a verbal agreement that everyone would leave the island if eliminated, because of a certain man on the floor.. how silly of you Candle!!)
*counts like the forgetful idiot I am*
Ahem, 6TH TIME! Woohoo!! 
I’m so right guys please be proud of me/nf 
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The only two, with the same face, this is the *peeks up* 7th time! 
I win!! Right..?
Oh? Not enough you say? (If you did, wow I just read your mind didnt I?)
Well.. CHEW ON THAT.. in the next post, cause.. there’s gonna be so much videos
(First post) — (Next post)
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blackicek1lls · 4 years
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some pics of my favorite Inanimate Insanity characters
It's been a while since I've used MS Paint and that's where it all started. Inanimate Insanity kept me going for 5+ years, though my love has waned, it holds a special place in my heart. I just happened upon it through THE INTERNET and this niche series captured me. I'm sure I've made some very bad art that will never see the light of day but I'm glad I made it. I might come back to it but Hetalia and NSR caught me by the throat. Maybe in like 2 months.
Happy 10th anniversary Inanimate Insanity. I love this series to death.
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sketchy stuff cause I thought it looked cool
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another-day · 2 years
!!spoilers for episode eight part one of inanimate insanity invitational!!
woWIE this episode has a LOT to talk about
Bow trying to understand herself and Clover losing her luck are such cool things
body swapping can often feel overused and occasionally even similar to filler but this episode part NAILED IT!!
the idea that mass regeneration is a possibility, albeit a risky one, is another super cool thing that got introduced
it shows how rushing things rather than taking them step by step can end in disaster (not necessarily MePhone’s case though)
also Ballpoint Pen’s close relation in shape and status (in some way) relating to Steve Cobs was a neat design element
there is always the possibility of it contributing to MePhone’s underlying fear of Cobs but we can’t know for sure yet
speaking of the whole body swap thing, yin and yang must’ve swapped with one another because i don’t believe there is anyone else they could’ve swapped with
i don’t really know how to interpret that fact yet
there is also TONS of stuff leaning towards the Test Tube created Bow theory
main things include Test Tube pushing Bow out of the way when the bridge fell or her panicked over uninterpretable words in Cabby’s file
those details felt so rewarding on a second watch
also i’m glad to see Paintbrush and The Floor getting along!!
they were an unlikely duo but they make it work and that makes me extremely happy
seeing that Silver Spoon still has a petty grudge against Candle was also pretty funny
he was also a complete idiot in the episode and idk i found it hilarious
Goo panicking about the auto thing was another detail i loved
the fact that he doesn’t wanna tell her is clearly wearing him down as is the burden of knowing she’s a robot for Bow
the first part of this episode was honestly amazing and i can’t wait to see where the team might take it next!!
(i might make a seperate post about theories and all)
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nonadjacent · 2 years
anyway a ii3e9 live reaction at 12 am after being sleep-deprived because i hate my life so much
bowbot being a separate entity from spirit bow we love it
the first instance of seeing lightbulb in season 3 after she’s stuck at season 2 (aka hell /hj)
i feel like if i come out to goo and share my preferred name and pronouns he’d literally be all “Y’ALL THIS IS SALEM THEY GO BY THEY/THEM USE THOSE PLEASE!!!!”
too close to heart mephone shaking my fucking head
the whole months worth of animation joke made me flashback to me crying in ii2s14 all “WHEN DO WE GET NO TRAUMA OBJECTS” my prayers were not answered
okay can i say managing the money in anything sucks unless it’s simple budgeting like going to plan out the bills or so; i was literally scolded (an understatement) for not taking note of how much had been used up for our personal project
personal headcanon that floor can just summon things through his mouth like where did that thumbs up paper even come from
can we be honest as much as nickel is doing well in season 3 idk why i still feel like his season 2 cannot be disregarded anyway nickel director hell yeah
coming out to paintbrush would also be a relief in a very good way like they’d very much support you, but like they’d be the one who would give life advices every so often
paintbrush having their wanted roles taken gave me flashbacks to online classes /neg
AGAIN????????????/ YANG COMMITTED FRAUD AT LEAST ONCE???????????????????
i would watch a pinkers twitch stream istg
poems sign me up
127 attempts pupupupupwawpwaw pupupupupwawpwaw let me introduce you to so
oh i would absolutelt buy a nickel team merchandise
validation issues nickel kin moment
oh my god,
i am so sorry team
2 HOURS?????????
i love how candle just has interestingly opposing character development
oh awesome they’re immune
aw okay i feel like i can actually bring some life lessons from that
wait is goo just gonna oh okay
is there gonna be a bringing back soon?
can we give a good applause to adam holy shit that took commitment
aw man who am i gonna vote
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*waves* hi!!
So, i've been thinking: Where did Paintbrush's anger issues come from? In season 1 they dont show any (or barely show any) signs of having anger issues OR fire powers. I've been trying to give to this lore for quite for time, but failed.
Thank you! -MPW
Hi there! This is a great question!
You’re right. Paintbrush doesn’t display signs of anger much at all during season 1. Though to be fair, they don’t get much screen time at all. Their main gimmicks in the first season mainly being their gender, and being continuously interrupted/ignored. These are things that aggravate Paintbrush a lot later in season 2. So this means that their issues with anger must develop some time after the end of season 1. So let’s talk about it.
When we see Paintbrush at the very beginning of season 2, nothing has really changed since the first season. There’s nothing really significant about them right off the bat. They appear to be on relatively good terms with everyone. Especially Marshmallow, who they still regard as a friend after season 1. And interestingly enough, they seem to be on solid terms with Lightbulb before the competition starts.
In episode 1 of season 2, Paintbrush is extra friendly with the new contestants and is eager to meet them. As opposed to Lightbulb, who seems wary to trust them. As Lightbulb in early season 2, especially episode 1, was a lot more uptight than she appears later in the season
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It’s only after Paintbrush joins the Bright Lights that their behavior becomes more aggressive
When MePhone first places them on the team, Paintbrush is excited to be there. They show no hostility towards anyone on their team. But that changes quickly due to the behavior of their fellow teammates.
The frustration starts when Lightbulb gets upset with Paintbrush for assuming TestTube would be smart, only going off the fact that she’s a TestTube. Paintbrush, despite being correct in their assumption, is scolded by Lightbulb and accused of judging people based on appearance. This is the first time we see Paintbrush get genuinely angry at someone else.
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Even though this is minor and certainly not enough to constitute as an Issue, this is still worth mentioning. Because Paintbrush’s anger only gets worse from here.
This encounter seems to put Paintbrush in a bad mood, as they later lash out at Suitcase for not helping the opposite team, calling her selfish. As the competition goes on, Paintbrush continues to lash out in anger. Resorting to physical violence with both Fan and Yang (and by extension, Yin)
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Paintbrush seems to have dropped the subject by the next episode, and continues to get along with Lightbulb, but after this point they are much more prone to anger.
Though it’s not like the anger isn’t justified. They always have reason to be upset. The main cause of their frustration? Inadequacy. From both their team, and the team’s leader
Lightbulb certainly struggles as leader of the Bright Lights, though it’s something she never admits, or may not even realize. She punishes people for little-to-no reason and often ends up ruining challenges.
Paintbrush expresses this frustration with Lightbulb’s inadequate leadership in episode 4. They quickly shut down Lightbulb’s cookie pizza idea, leading to Lightbulb bringing up her own past issues with Paintbrush, like the way they judged TestTube based on appearance. Eventually leading to Lightbulb questioning Paintbrush’s artistic abilities (though that’s technically not something we see any proof of until episode 12 of season 2)
This is what pushes Paintbrush over the edge. They quickly express their grievances with Lightbulb. Expressing how much of a horrible leader she’s been.
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From this point, Paintbrush and Lightbulb appear to consistently be at each other’s throats, which continues to fuel Paintbrushes anger.
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(Though as I explained in my last Lightbulb Analysis, Lightbulb still considers Paintbrush a friend)
This anger brought on by Lightbulb’s inadequacy as a leader later extends to Paintbrush’s other teammates, and even occasionally the hosts.
The first notable instance of Paintbrush’s anger extending from a rivalry with Lightbulb to a general anger is when they begin to argue with Fan in episode 7
Paintbrush once again takes up the role of leader, providing a pep talk to the rest of the team. Which we know they do because they feel Lightbulb is unfit to lead, both from previous actions and later dialogue, as they tell lightbulb in a later episode, they took the job as team leader because “someone had to”
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This is when Fan interjects, saying there’s no need to try in the contest because of the clear winning pattern. Paintbrush snaps at him, thinking that’s a ridiculous idea, but one by one everyone else agrees not to try for one reason or another.
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At this point, it’s not just Lightbulb who isn’t trying. It’s everyone. And this is what causes Paintbrush’s anger to go from targeted aggression, to full on anger issues.
From this point they snap far easier. Episode 10 seems to be the height of their aggression, as they snap at multiple members of their own team, and even resort to physical violence.
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Speaking of which, to answer your other question about their fire abilities, when they get physically aggressive with Fan in episode 10, their tendency to catch fire is established as a genuine power, rather than just a physical gag, as it was treated in the past.
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So that’s how paintbrush’s anger issues evolve over time. They start to get better after episode 10 as more and more members of the bright lights start to make amends with Paintbrush (which I may cover in a future post) but I hope it’s clear where their issues came from now!
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chipsfics · 4 years
part 6 2/2
2/2 is finally here! sorry for the long wait!
rated: PG-13 for swearing and crying.
Down in the basement. It's dark, musty, and everything is still covered in cobwebs. Once Tissues flicks on the light, the only thing that changes is the "dark". His brain is buzzing with activity- What could go there, what could he put here? So much wasted space in the hotel- and he was 99% sure that nobody else had been down here in a long time. He had to try and avoid being suspicious- But he'd already pretty much failed when Trophy caught him tiptoeing down the stairs to the basement at 7pm on a Wednesday. He went over to the covered-up couches and the chair surrounding the television set and small table- He carefully lifted up the sheets as if they were going to fall apart like wet paper towels. Underneath, the couch was the same dull orange-ish color as the rest of the hotel's furniture- probably a spare put down here. The furniture was suprisingly in pretty good shape, although the covers were kicking up a lot of dust that made his nose itch. He stifled a sneeze. The TV was tiny and old, but still a flatscreen- Looked like from when Meeple HQ was just dipping into television production. The small, outdated meeple logo on the power button confirmed his suspicions.
He picked up the cord attached to the back of the TV and plugged it into the small, dusty, offwhite outlet. Surprisingly, the TV almost immediately turned on with a loud startup jingle that just about made Tissues jump out of his skin. He walked over and looked at the screen, which had the old Meeple logo spinning on it's screen as it tried to boot up. Once it finally finished the startup sequence, the screen was on an empty DVD selection menu. "Hm." Tissues scratched his head as he continued to explore the area. What else could he fit in there? And more importantly, how would he get it down the stairs? 
Tissues sat down on the couch and a puff of dust fluffed out of the cushion. He sniffed... sniff... achoo-! Tissues sneezed. Tissues pulled out his phone and started to browse online for something to buy to fill the room- He had a little extra cash, because despite being eliminated first, he was still compensated for participating in II. That, and the lawsuit against Mephone that OJ pulled a while ago got him enough money to last for a long time. A minifridge, a new game console, a recliner... too many options! He wanted to make this basement space absolutely perfect. 
The more he thought about how hard it'd be to order all of this stuff and not have OJ- or god forbid, Trophy- notice what he was up to was leaving him puzzled as well. Maybe he needed to call in some backup... Or just do all these activities at night (although that'd be even sketchier if he got caught.) In a moment of frenzied impulse, Tissues loaded everything he was pining after into his online shopping cart and purchased them all at once. He turned off his phone and rocked back into the couch, processing what he'd just done. It was a bad idea, he knew that, but something about it was so thrilling. His heart was pounding- It was like he was making the hotel into his home, cozy underneath the earth, exciting and secret and all his. He was giddy.
After that brief moment of happiness, Tissues paused as he realized something. Oops. How was he going to pull this off? He scratched his chin, and another lightbulb went off above his head. To find someone to help him... He went back up the stairs, clinging to the handrail as he tried not to look backwards- He /has/ to find a way to get up the stairs without having to scale them. Yinyang was, of course, busy that day (with some kind of... event? He didn't say), so his only option was... sigh.
Cheesy was in his usual spot- loudly unwrapping and eating fun sized candy bars on the couch, throwing the candy wrappers on the floor after he's done with them. Tissues waved to get his attention. 
"Hey Tissues, what's up?" Cheesy said, and looked around. "Where's your boyfriend?"
"He's not my-" Tissues sighed. "And he's doing something today. Listen, Cheesy, would you be willing to help me with something?"
Cheesy narrowed his eyes. "Like what?" 
"Something... against the house rules," Tissues said. "It involves snacks! And TV," 
"I'm interested," Cheesy said. "I'm always down to cause some trouble. What exactly are we talking about here?"
"So." Tissues looked around. "There's a place in the basement that's completely unused, and already has chairs and a couch and stuff, and i'm planning to fix it up into a kind of secret hangout spot?"
"Hmmm, interesting..." Cheesy nodded. "Sounds fun! But how're you gonna pull that off?"
"That's what I need you for," Tissues said. "I ordered a minifridge, some video games, and a couple other things that i absolutely can't carry down the stairs myself- That's where you come in." 
Cheesy looked deep in thought for a couple seconds. "I'm in. But you have to let me hang out down there too," 
"Of course! Just don't tell anyone, ok? Especially OJ." Tissues said.
"No problemo, Tissues." Cheesy said, winking. "Until then, do you wanna play Space Bubble with me? I need a player 2 to complete this level." 
"Seriously?" Tissues said. "You wanna play video games with me?"
"Sure, whynot. It's not a huge deal," Cheesy said. "You seem like a cool guy."
"Ah, really? sorry, ehehe, It's just that, people don't usually want to be around me... on purpose," Tissues said bashfully, smiling, and grabbed the second controller. In his head, he was wondering when Yinyang was getting back. This game would be really fun with 3 players...
The next morning, Yinyang was still nowhere to be found. It'd been like this a couple times before, and Tissues wasn't too worried- They were probably just sleeping in or taking an extra long shower or something. He figured he'd be able to catch up with him later. Although, the thought lingered in the back of his mind- something was wrong. Was it him? Did something bad happen to his friend? He pulled himself out of bed all at once, stumbling a bit and catching himself before he fell, sniffing and sighing. Down the elevator, no Yinyang. Into the kitchen, no Yinyang. Past the living room, Trophy was sitting in Yinyang's usual spot. Trophy sneered at him, but Tissues was too busy with too much on his mind to really care. 
Tissues took a deep breath. Into the basement. It'll clear his head. Stairs, step, step, stumble- whoops, back on his feet and step, step step again. Flick on the lightswitch. Vision blurs a little bit. Stress or vertigo? Doesn't matter.
Someone was sitting on the old couch, twiddling his thumbs, looking upset. 
"Yinyang?" Tissues said, and he jolted up and looked.
"Tissues," He said, his voice was shaky. 
"What- uhh, What're you doing down here?" Tissues said, sounding concerned, walking over and sitting next to his friend. "Are you... alright?"
"Umm.." Yinyang shifted in his seat, getting more choked up. "I... well."
"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Tissues put his hand on Yinyang's, and he immediately melted into the gesture. "D-do you need a hug?" Tissues smiled sheepishly.
Yinyang wordlessly nodded and pulled Tissues closer into a soft embrace. He was shaking really bad. Clenching and unclenching his fists, gritting his teeth. Tissues pat him on the back. "Is there anything I can do to help..?"
Yinyang didn't respond. He was crying. They stayed in that hug for a long time before Yinyang stopped shaking.
Tissues pulled away, his eyes sparkling with sympathy. He pulled a tissue out from his head and handed it to Yinyang. "Here you- sniff.. go, buddy. Please feel better... It hurts my heart to see you cry." 
Yinyang laughed. "You..." He sniffed, smiled, and wiped his face off. "Have to stop being so kind to me. I'll just end up disappointing you, or hurting you," 
"Wh.... no way..!" Tissues' eyes widened.. "I think- I... you're the only real friend I've ever had..! I love you and- and I really do care about you!" Tissues was getting choked up..
Yinyang laughed again, tears rolling down his face. "Dammit... this is what I'm talking about." Yinyang sniffed. "You're the only one who's ever cared about me, and it hurts- it hurts because I know that I won't ever be able to let you go." Something about Yinyang's voice was so sad. 
"Stopp it- sniff, you're gonna make me cry too..!" Tissues wiped his nose, and paused for a moment... "and... sniff... You're gonna have to try really hard to get rid of me. I'm already imprinted on you like a baby duck you know like in the cartoons where-"
"Tissues, what the hell are you even talking about-?" Yinyang laughed. "You nerd...!" He punched Tissues on the shoulder. 
"Aahhh, ahaha, oww.." Tissues smiled. There was a moment of silence. "Are you feeling any better... do you need to talk about anything else, i mean..?" 
"ah.... Tissues." Yinyang sighed. "I'm so scared of scaring you away. But... there's something I need to tell you... I. How do I say this..." Yinyang took a deep breath, and seemed to have regained some of his composure. 
"It's okay...! You can tell me anything..!" Tissues put a hand on Yinyang's shoulder, and he shivered. 
"Tissues. I've never said this to anyone so ... i apologize if we mess up. But... I think I'm in love with you." Yinyang looked away in shame and embarrassment. 
Tissues stared at him, wide-eyed, his face red. "W-wait. that's a funny coincidence, because.. Nobody has ever said that to me. Yinyang, I..."
"It's okay if you don't-" Yinyang sniffed, "Feel the same or, whatever. It's been forever since we were able to agree on anything, and it's kind of... terrifying. But i love you. We love you. And..."
"I love you too!!" Tissues stood up on the couch suddenly. "I was so worried you thought that I was hitting on you because I was and I was scared that you didn't like me like that and I just realized that i like liked you a couple days ago and-" Tissues rambled on and on...
"Shut up." Yang said. "Hey!" Yin scolded. "Now is not the time," 
Tissues laughed. "Sorryyy... I just got- really excited, and emotional, and I've never been in a situation like this and-..... just, wow. What does this mean? How does this work, are we like, boyfriends now?"
Yinyang blushed. "I dunno, probably. I'm too busy fighting with myself to learn how relationships work..." Yin laughed. "It's not... can we just... hang out down here for a little while...? I'm... still kind of processing. A lot of stuff."
"Of course..!" Tissues scooted up next to him and cuddled up to him. "I'm so scared, and happy, and worried, and sad, and just... emotional. Everything is changing."
"We're in it together," Yin grabbed Tissues' hand. "Thank you... for a lot. for everything," Yang added. 
"I love you," Tissues smiled. "I love you too." Yinyang said.
Hotel OJ was a vague silhouette on the horizon when the sun finally set- millions and millions of uncertain years stretching before them, as inperceivable as the distance between stars.
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Here is the fanfic of nickel singing with a side of bickel
crow submitted:
 The show has ended a couple years ago, and everyone was enjoying themselves.
   Suitcase won, to manys suprise. After a while though, everyone though that she deserved it. She didnt even keep it; She gave it to Oj for him to use to run the hotel.
   How sweet of her.
   Everyone is talking and interacting with eachother. Nickel is talking with Baseball while sitting on the couch. Suitcase and Balloon are enjoying their time together, Yin-Yang is fighting. Everything is as normal as it gets here.
   Until theres a knock on the door.
   Some people turn to the door, mixed emotions all through the people who heard the knock.
   “Hey, Nickel? Can you get the door please?” Soap asks.
   “Alright” Nickel responds, sliding off of the settee and walking to the door. While doing that, another set of thunks come from the door.
   He grips the doorknob and twists quickly, but before he could pull the door open it slams into Nickels body, full force, and sends him backwards. Knife catches him before he can hit the ground, though.
   “Mephone what the Fuck?!” Knife yells as Nickel holds his head and groans in pain.
   Once Knife knows Nickel regained his bearings and isnt in pain anymore, he props Nickel back onto his feet. Nickel thanks Knife, who rubs his upper back slightly with a tiny smile.
   Nickel looks at the door to see Mephone in all his not really wanted glory.   A chorus of annoyed voices rupture from the past contestants as Nickel wanders, and sometimes stumble, back to Baseball, who gently holds his face is his hand and asks if Nickels alright.
   “im fine” Nickel mutters as Baseball lets out a relaxed but slightly concerned sigh.
   They both turn back to face Mephone as he nonchalantly basks in everyones annoyance.
   “alright alright i know i know… Be QUIET!-” Mephone yells while snapping his fingers, silencing everyone “-One question at a time please”. There is a cheeky smile on his face.
   “What are you doing here?” Soap questions, walking to Mephone. Mephones smile became more smug and nonchalant.
   “Well, i know how much you guys missed being in Inanimate insanity-” Mephone started.
   “No we didnt” Trophy interrupts, an extremely pissed off expression on his face. Mephone stared at him in annoyance, before letting out a short sigh.   “SO, i decided to have a challenge after so long!” Mephone finishes, a uncomfortably happy tone in his voice.
   Everyone either gasps or groans. Mephones grin quickly turns to a frown a everyone reaction, before, just a quickly, changing back to a smile.
   “Dont worry, its not gonna get anyone hurt, the challenge is actually pretty peaceful!” Mephone explains.
   “Whats the challenge?” Balloon asks, nervously.
   “Its a Singing competition!!” Mephone says. Everyone is suprised. Usually the challenges require people to do something physical.
   “I decided that the challenge would be easy, so here are the rules. And get into your season 2 teams and go outside!” Mephone says.
   Once everyone begrudjingly trudges outside and groups together, Mephone lets out a salisfied huff while walking outside himself, leading the teams to the stage where the old eliminations took place.
   “good! now, you much choose one person from each team to sing on stage.-” Mephone motions to the stage. “-theres no need for any coordinated outfits or dancings or anything like that”.
  "The other team members will be watching on the bleachers-“ Mephone quickly motions to the bleachers. ”-And.“
   "Who will be judging the performers?” Baseball interrupts, walking towards mephone with Lightbulb following him.
   “Yea Mr.phoneman!-” Lightbulb leans on Baseballs side. Baseball only glances at her. “Who will be judging our lovely singers”. She motions to the rest of their teammates, who are talking between each other.
  Mephone stares at lightbulb, annoyed at the nickname she used for him, before letting out a small hmph.
   “You will!” Mephone exclaims, motioning to the two of them. Baseball and Lightbulb both raise their eyebrows in shock, Lightbulb gaining a smile.
   “Wont that just let us use bias for judging?” Baseball asks, slightly concerned.   “Ive figured that out! if you guys use any bias or opinions while judging, like purposefully giving the other team a bad score, even if their great or giving your own teammate a great score, even if they suck, then your team will immediately lose!” mephone explains, pointing a finger to the team leaders before swinging his arm back so his side in a relaxed manner.
   The two people only look at the host and respond with a ‘okay’ before walking back to their respective teams.
Lightbulbs Pov~
  Once you and Baseball split off to your separate teams, you quickly begin scouring your fellow cast members to try and guess who has an absolutely spectacular voice.
   You cant choose who to sing so you play enie meanie minie mo to help you decide.
   Enie, meanie, minie, mo, catch a tiger by its toe…
   And you are it!
   Your finger lands on Painty!
   “Heeeyyy Brush full of paint!” You beam at your tall friend, strolling over to them before leaning against their side. Paintbrush looks down to you, staring at you in slight suprise then gaining a curious look.
   “Can you do me a-” You make an broken ok symbol with your hand, “-Itsy-Bitsy little favor and-”
   “You want me to sing, huh?” Paintbrush chuckles. “Sure, i’ll sing”.
   You stare at them for a short while before grinning at them and hugging them.   “thank you!!!!!” You cheer, bouncing up and down before hugging them tightly. Paintbrush lets out a soft huff while smiling. You let the painter go.
   “I wonder who Baseball is gonna choose.” Paintbrush mutters to you, leaning down so you can hear it.
Baseballs POV~
  You scan over your team once again and sigh.
  Who do you choose?
   Nickel is amazing at singing but doesnt like singing in front of anyone other than yourself, Suitcase is far too anxious, Balloons voice is too high to be enjoyable, you doubt Knife will sing, Trophys an ass and you dont even want to talk to him, Soap will probably only sing the song she made herself, microphone will probably make everyone deaf, and cheesy will make puns instead of sing.
   You feel stumped.
   You decide to try your luck and ask Nickel to sing.
   You look over to where Nickel is and walk towards him quickly. He doesnt seem to notice when you stop right next to him, nor when you kneel next to him. Hes probably zoned out.
   “Hey Nickel?” You ask, gently placing a hand on his upper arm.
   Nickel goes slightly rigid under your grasp but relaxes when he turns and sees you. You take your hand off his shoulder.
   “What, Baseball?” Nickel questions.
   “Can you sing for us?” You ask hopefully. As soon as the words left your mouth, Nickels stoic yet curious face shifted to an annoyed pout.
   “Why do I have to sing?” Nickel complains, crossing his arms. You frown yourself and let out a short sigh.
   “Please?” You beg. Nickel looks away from you and lets out a hum. You hmph and think for a bit. Puppy dog eyes. They always work on him.
   “Nickel…” You plea. Nickel turns back to you and, as soon as he looks you in the eye, his pout drops as he stares into your eyes for a couple of seconds. In those seconds you can tell Nickel was struggling to not cave under pressure just by the, almost guilty, look on his face.
   “Fine! I’ll sing for our team” Nickel barks, quickly turning away from me and shutting his eyes.
   “Yes! Thank you!” You cheer quietly, engulfing his body into a bear hug. Nickel huffs, but hugs back anyway. Once you both let go, you stand up and turn back to the others doing their own thing.
   “If it makes you feel better, once we are done with this you can wear my jacket” You say, looking down to him. Nickel looks up to you with the ghost of a frown on his face.
   “I was gonna steal it anyway” Nickel verifies. You expected him to do that, so you arent surprised.
No Ones POV~
  Right after that interraction, Mephone walks to the two teams.
   “Have you guys figured out who will be singing?” Mephone questions, gaining everyones attention.
   Once the team captains both respond with an affermative noise. Mephone smiles slightly and calls for the two singers and the captains to come and meet him backstage.
  “So, here’s what you’ll do,” Mephone says, Mepad standing next to him patiently.
   “The singers go in alphabetical order, so Paintbrush will go first, and then Nickel.” Mephone says, pointing to Mepad. Mepad has the team logos, The Bright lights above the Grand Slams, displayed on his screen.
   “When the designated singer comes onto stage, one of the judges will ask the person what they are singing, the singer will tell what they are singing, and they judges will let the singers sing. easy, right?” Mephone Verifies.
   Mepad had cute cartoons of grey circles with stick limbs displaying everything Mephone explains.
   Once The four contestants give some sort of action to show they got it, Mephone starts again. 
   “The judges will then rate the singers performance based on how good the singing was out of a score of 10 each, so the highest a singer can get is 20 points. Understand?” Mephone finishes, looking at the four for verification. The four contestants all said yes.
   “Great! You will have until tonight to prepare for your performance. Dont let anyone know what you will sing.” Mephone says, waving a hand to dissmiss the others as he turns to talk to Mepad. The contestants leave.
   “soo… What are ya’ll gonna sing?” Lightbulb Inquires, turning to the other three people. Paintbrush snorts softly, Baseball laughs, and Nickel facepalms with a small, cute smile.
   “Lightbulb… Did you not hear what Mephone said?” Paintbrush asks, looking down to the blonde. They ignore the other two leaving them to be alone with Lightbulb.
   “MmmAyyybe??” Lightbulb says. She sways her hips in a playful manner before skipping to Paintbrush before they could get too far away.
   “You will have to wait until when we perform” They confirm, point a long finger and tapping Lightbulbs nose. Lightbulb giggles.
   All of the contestants talk amongst eachother, some conversations more pleasant than others, until Mephone walks infront of everyone and calls for their attention.
   “So, I gave instructions to the singers on what to do. All you guys have to do is wait for me to return later so we can hear them sing. You can go back to the hotel and do what you want, or whatever. Oh By the way, theres not gonna be a prize, since this is just for fun” Mephone says, waving his hand dissmissingly.
  The teams then start to walk, or run, back to the hotel so they can go back to what they where doing previously.
   “Im guessing you already know what your going to sing?” Baseball muses while turning away from his book, now sitting next to Nickel on the sette in the lobby.
   Nickel only responds with a hum while he sleepily leans against Baseballs torso.
 Timeskip cause im lazy ,_,
  It is just about time for Nickel and Paintbrush to perform. The two are standing backstage, Paintbrush is pacing anxiously and impatiently and Nickel fiddles with the strings of his guitar, playing a small tune.
   They both can hear Mephone giving a speech on whats going to happen in a couple of minutes, then the others chatting amongst themselves. Time seems to be passing a bit slower than normal, and soon Nickel zones out and Paintbrush sits next to him.
   “Alright, Paintbrush, Its your time to shine” Mephone says, walking up to Paintbrush and Nickel. Paintbrush quickly hops up from they seat next to Nickel, the latter snapping back to reality.
   Nickel bids Paintbrush a 'good luck’ as they walk onto the stage.
   Once Paintbrush is at the center of the stage, and their behind the microphone, Baseball and Lightbulb stop their soft conversation and turn their attention to Paintbrush. They feel a little more nervous, but they supress it quickly.
   “Hi Painty!-” Lightbulb perks up and waves.“-What are you gonna be singing for us tonight?”. Baseball lets out a very quiet sigh with a small grin on his face as Lightbulb kicks her legs back and forth excitedly.
   “uh, im going to be singing Little Lion Man by Mumford and sons” Paintbrush says, their nervousness slightly obvious.
   “Alright, you can start singing” Baseball says, sending Paintbrush a comforting smile.
   Paintbrush smiles back before the songs music starts playing. They wait a few beats, take a breath in, then they grab the microphone and start singing
        “Weep for yourself, my man, youll never be what is in your hea~art.
         Weep little lion man, your not as brave as you were at the sta~art.
        Rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left.
      Wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head.”
  Baseball leans forward slightly and Lightbulbs quietly squeals while bouncing in her seat.
                                 “But it was not your fault, but mine.
                                  And it was your heart on the line.
                        I really fucked it up this time, didn’t i my dear~?
                                               Didnt I, my dear.”
  Music plays and Paintbrush takes a few breaths. They messed up a few times, but their performance is so far really good.
    “Tremble for yourself, my man, you know you have seen this all befo~re.
��           Tremble, little lion man, youll never settle any of your sco~res.
    Your grace is wasted in your face, your boldness stands alone among the wreck.
   Now learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck”
                                 “But it was not your fault, but mine.
                                  And it was your heart on the line.
                       I really fucked it up this time, didnt i, my dear~?
                                  But it was not your fault, but mine.
                                  And it was your heart on the line.
                       I really fucked it up this time, didnt i, my dear~?
                                              Didnt i, my dear.”
  Paintbrush takes a deep breath as they survey the bleachers, taking a break before they have to sing again. Everyone seems to enjoy their singing.                                               
                         “BUT IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT, BUT MINE.
                            AND IT WAS YOUR HEART ON THE LINE.
                                               DIDNT I, MY DEAR.”
  The music stops. Home stretch.            
                                 “But it was not your fault, but mine.
                                  And it was your heart on the line.
                       I really fucked it up this time, didnt I, my dear~?
                                               Didnt I, my dear.”
  Paintbrush lets out a sigh of relief. The song is over and people are applauding. They relax and, put the microphone back into its stand. Paintbrush perks up when they hear Lightbulb talking
   “You sounded Incredible Painty!!!!” Lightbulb cheers, still clapping a few seconds after everyone else stops.
   “Thank you” Paintbrush says, rubbing the back of their neck.
   “You did great paintbrush! But i have to deduct a point” Baseball says, guilt obvious in his voice. “You sounded really good but you messed up a few times. Not too much though”.
   “well, ye, you did do mess up a few times, but it didnt really hinder your lovely singing, imma give you a nine out a ten!!” Lightbulb beams, holding up her hands, ond finger bent.
   “soo.. I got eightteen points?” Paintbrush asks, giving the judges a confused look. Once they give Paintbrush a 'yes’, they hum and walk backstage.
   Once they enter the room, Mephone turns to Nickel and motions for him to go onto stage. Nickel quickly gets up and hurries to the stage.
   Before anyone says anything, Nickel quickly lowers the mic stand to fit his height, letting out a small huff.
   “Hey Nickel! What are you going to sing?” Baseball asks, giving him a small wave and a smile while ignoring Trophys mocking comment about Nickels height. Lightbulb also waves to him, but she was a lot more energetic.
   “uh, Im gonna be singing Hallelujah by Pentatonix” Nickel responds, lightly rocking on the balls of his feet and strumming one of his guitars strings.
   “Alll Righty-do! You may commence singing!” Lightbulb Declares extending her arms as if she was presenting him something.
   Nickel nods before starting to play his guitar. After four beats of pretty notes he starts singing.
                                 “Well I heard there was a secret cord.
                             that David played and it pleased the lord.
                          But you don’t really care for music, do ya~?”
  Almost everyone stares in awe, most people gasping as well. Some, mainly the women, can feel their eyes tearing up. His voice is beautiful. Like an angel. Deep like his normal voice, extremely smooth and rich, lullaby sounding. It feels like a saint came down, straight from heaven, just to sing for them.
   Baseball only smiles lovingly.
                         “Well, it goes like this, The fourth The Fifth.
                                   The minor fall, The major Lift~.
                           The baffled king composing Hallelujah~!”
  A couple of the contestants who had tears in their eyes previously start sobbing. Mephone, Toilet, Paintbrush even Mepad, who doesnt have emotions, feels completely silenced due to how incredible Nickels singing is. Everyone feels the cant do anything; They’ve been completely mentally broken due to the gorgeous singing, unable to do anything else but stare in awe, cry, and mutter swears.                                               
  Nickel takes a soft breath in, opening his eyes slightly to look at the ground. He shuts them again. After four more beats, He starts to sing again.
                            “Your faith is strong, but you needed proof.
                                   You saw her bathing, on the roof.
                        Her beauty, in the moonlight, overthrew you~.”
                                 “She tied you to, The kitched chair~!
                       She Broke Your Throne, And she Cut Your Hair~!
  Nickel relaxes more as he lets the song flow and the notes come naturally. Baseball seems to be the only one whos not paralyzed by the sheer amazingness of Nickels singing and just basks in the beauty of his voice, most likely because he has heard Nickel sing before.     
                                 “Baby I’ve, been here before.
                           Ive seen this room, and ive walked this floor.
                             I used to live alone before i know you~.”
                         “And ive seen your flag, on the marble arch~!
                                And Love Is No~t A Victory March~!
                      ITS A COLD AN ITS A BROKEN HA~ALLELUJAH!!”
  Nickel takes in an unnoticable breath.
  Everyones eyes, minus Baseballs obviously, widen as some peoples eyes move to cover the open mouths, amazed at the sudden shift from extremely powerful to soft.
                                                                      “Maybe there’s, a god above.
                               But all I’ve e~ver learned from love.
                         Is how to shoot somebody, who outdrew you.”
                           “And Its Not A Cry~ That You Hear At Night.
                       ITS NOT SOMEBODY, WHOSE SEEN THE LIGHT~!
                     ITS A COLD AND IS A BRO~KEN HA~ALLELUJAH!”
  Final stretch. Nickel furrows his eyebrows as he gets more and more emotionally into the song.
             ��                                !HALLELUJAH!
  After Nickels voice fades from loud to soft to nothing, the only noise left is the final four beats of the song. Everyone stares at Nickel, utterly astonished and unable to bring themselves to do anything but gape at him. The ones crying continue to sob.
   The only thing that snaps everyone out of their trance is Baseball clapping. Soon, once everyone comes to their senses, everyone else joins in. Nickel stares at them, concerned and slightly flustered.
   “T-That was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!” Lightbulb cries, sobbing violently. Baseball glances and her, then back to Nickel with a concerned smile.
   After Lightbulb shouts, all of the contestants, minus Baseball, began to scream compliments about how amazing his voice sounds and questions along the lines of 'Why havent you sang to us sooner?’ and 'Can you sing to us more?’.
   Nickel winces and backs up with uncomfortable look on his face, trying to get away from the loud group of people.
   “uh.. I think you guys should quiet down. We need to give Nickel his score” Baseball says to the crowd, looking back to them with a concerned look on his face. When the crowd quiets down, Nickel lets out a relaxed sigh and moves back to his spot behind the microphone.
   “So..uh, what score did i get” Nickel asks, strumming his guitar quietly.
   “Ten! your singing is incredible!” Baseball says, happy and loving smile on his face.
   He turns to lightbulb, expecting her to say something, but he is met with the girl agressivly trying to rub tears out of her eyes. She stops after a couple of seconds, blinking with wide eyes, before letting out a relieved sigh.
   “Dude, bro, your voice is unreal!” Lightbulb exclaims, a large grin on her  tear stained face “-I would give you a thousand if i could, but sadly im only able to give you a ten”
   “Ok, i got a twenty” Nickel verifies. Before he can turn to walk backstage, Mephone appears, with Paintbrush, next to him.
   “The Grand Slams win! By two points.” Mephone announces, ignoring the suprised stares from the past contestants.
   “You guys can go and do whatever, now” Mephone instructs, waving his hand while walking off the stage.
   Everyone stars getting up and walking back to the hotel, some stopping to stretch their legs. Nickel and Paintbrush walk offstage, Nickel stopping to put his guitar back in its case. Some of the people walking back to the hotel talk about how stunning Nickels voice is and why he would hide it.
   Baseball waits for Nickel to come and walk back to the hotel with him. Once he sees Nickel quickly walking towards him, his guitar case strapped on his back, Baseball smiles and waves to him.
   “Hi Baseball.” Nickel says, walking with the tall man back to the hotel. Baseball responds with a friendly hello. They talk as they walk back to the hotel together. Once their both situated back in the hotel, and Nickel has put his guitar down in a corner somewhere, Baseball hands of his jacket, as promised.
   “I feel like i messed up when i let you convince me to sing” Nickel muses, not not moving from where he sits, leaning against Baseball while he read.
   “What do you mean?” Baseball asks, turning from his book in favor of looking at the smaller male in confusion.
   “Everyones probably gonna ask be to sing constantly.” Nickel mutters, furrowing his eyebrows, crossing his arms, and letting himself fall down so he is now laying across Baseballs lap.
   Baseball lets out an understanding sigh as he begins to run one of his hands up and down Nickels back, returning to his book.
  "Your singing voice is really pretty, so i wouldnt be suprised.“ Baseball says calmly, "But if it annoys you, you can tell them to stop”. Nickel flips onto his back and looks up at him. Baseball stares softly at Nickel and gives him a nice smile.   “Yea, but their just gonna ask why, and if they dont ask why their gonna say 'But you have such a good singing voice’ and other annoying shit” Nickel whines.
   “If they ask why or ask you anything like what you described, you can just tell them you dont want to sing. And if they keep bugging you then ill step in and Tell them that you dont want to sing” Baseball offers, opening his arm as Nickel sits up again, wrapping is around his waist.
   After Baseball says that, Nickel utters a soft 'Thank you’ as he relaxes and gently burries his face against the formers chest. Baseball goes back to reading his book.
THIS IS SO GOOD??!?!? ajhgiusdhfkjdsf i love this crow you’re a blessing....love these babeys ksajdhgkjdgj
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starlitfunkster · 4 years
That Moment When You Have A Very Long Text Post For Those Who Want To Give You A Gift
So if you don’t want to do this and just want to do one of my OC’s, its the ones that I have shown off so that way you don’t confuse anyone who hasn’t been here in a long time. In short, the first part of this post is my OC’s, as it is a shorter list. The read more will have all of my favorite characters from all of my favorite franchises (including Bomberman).
Problem Sleuth (most recent): Masterful Leader, Antique Ace, Runned Starchild, Nihilistic Void (Can be in Heinoustuck for AA, I haven’t finished with ML, RS and NV yet)
MLP (even if she’s just a joke): Minty Fresh
MHS (oh boy here we go (don’t worry i will post some of them on the archive blog)): Bijue, Yuuri, Limonca, Staff, Beu, Eclair, Frost, Kitsaru, Tangy/Margo, Oracu, Vimian, Habbit, Bakeneko, Yami
Bomberman: Petal Bomber, Spirit Bomber
Homestuck Intermissions: Yeol, Deceit, Netta, N, Bisy
Isle of Objects (which is being rebooted on Quotev, with archive images going onto the archive account one at a time): Illumina, Chamomile, Cocoa, Sunhat, Pluggy, Jewel, Cakepop, Sweetie, Sketchbook, Muggy, Savepoint, B-Day Cake, Candle, Silk, Rocket, Egg Putty, Prince Antennae, Dog Bowl, Blueberry, Bubble Wand, Nagatama, Addie, Subbie, Log, and Carde
Homestuck Fantrolls (will be posted on the archive account): Pamina Lovlou, Dollia Jonezz, Zolzen Acerui, Masara Lucend, Lumare Slithr, Riseta Gloria
Homestar Runner Series: Bubbles, Fructosians, Coach X, Coach Y, Flame, Whispy, King Cobra, Kira Miracuru, Kay-T, Seraphock, Wendy the Weatherdoll, Kasairo, and The Artist
Favorite Characters
Problem Sleuth: Problem Sleuth, Pickle Inspector, Hysterical Dame, Nervous Broad, Death, Godhead Pickle Inspector, Demimonde Semigoddess (You can also draw these in Schemastuck and in Mobsterswitch if you so wish)
Homestuck (oh boy): John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Nepeta Leijon, Davesprite, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Fefetasprite, Erisolsprite, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Aranea Serket, Sollux Captor, Mituna Captor, Jake English, Lil Hal, Karkat Vantas, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Aradia Megido, Meulin Leijon, and more in the Intermissions!
MHS: Hikky, Liddy, Chaps, Dokky, Inky, Juno, Rosso, Tubee
MLP: Apple Jack, Rarity, Princess Cadence
BFB (OH BOY): Gelatin, Firey, Coiny, Puffball, Needle, Pen (i mean ben), Ice Cube, Balloony, Woody, Bubble, Ruby, Nickel, Fries, Remote, Tree, Liy, Stapy, Foldy, Marker, Flower, Robot Flower, Bell, Taco, Grassy, Cake and Loser
Inanimate Insanity: Lightbulb, Marshmallow, Paintbrush, Bow (Inanimate Insanity II Bow is a little less annoying in my eyes), Test Tube, Taco, Fan, Yin-Yang, MePhone 4, Balloon, Soap, OJ, Pickle, and Pepper
Homestuck Intermissions (mostly Felt): Clubs Deuce, Itchy, Doze, Trace, Fin, Clover, Crowbar, Matchsticks, Eggs, Biscuits (You can draw these guys in Trickster Mode, though thats only if you want to-)
Bomberman: Plasma Bomber, Any of the Bomberman Brothers, Pretty Bomber
Fan Characters: While I normally don’t choose favorites, I have come to the conclusion that if people wanted to draw them with my characters you can as well. Representation of yourself is the best, especially if they are a Felt or MLP OC.
Pokemon: My favorites are Meloetta, Ribombee, the Popplio family, the Snivy family, Steenee, Floette, Aromatisse, and Sylveon
Sonic Series: Tails, Cosmo, Cream, Chaos (just any chao because they are all wholesome and cute)
Kirby Series: Knuckle Joe, Kirby, Meta Knight, Poppy Bros Jr
Homestar Runner Series: Strong Sad, Homestar, Marzipan, Pom Pom, and Coach Z
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