#not tagging all the characters
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1296-very-good-year · 2 months ago
For ppl who liked Arcane season 2, is the honeymoon over yet?
Can we agree that S1 and S2 are completely different shows?
That none of the themes carried over between them?
That Piltover did nothing to earn Zaun coming to their rescue in the final battle?
That Viktor's "cure all weakness" shit came out of nowhere?
That understanding any of Jayce's actions post-talking to mageViktor requires a PhD in eyebrow twitches and nonsense?
That Viktor saving baby Jayce was an unambiguous retcon?
That Vi was just a cardboard cutout that Jinx and Caitlyn wrestled over?
That Vander lived and died at least 2 times too many?
That Isha was just a cute pet for Jinx to monologue at?
That Jinx turned from unhinged terrorist to a defanged, quirky jokester?
That Caitlyn's blink and you'll miss it dictator arc changed nothing and there were zero repercussions for it?
That Ambessa became a hypocritical moron whose anti-mage sentiment ate shit and died when she teamed up with robot mage Viktor, who didn't even PRETEND he wasnt going to hivemind her along with everyone else?
That Silco being close to Powder and Vi's mom, knowing them since they were born, only serves to weaken his relationship with Jinx?
That Mel went from a morally complex, savvy politician into a heroic battle mage, (in like 5 mins of screentime) while all other kinds of magic + Hextech were evil and corrupting and had to be destroyed?
That Ekko convinces Jinx that he went to an alternate reality and fell in love with her and she shouldnt kill herself and to become a revolutionary hero(?) OFF SCREEN?
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dr-fizzovich · 5 months ago
The Inanimate Insanity roleplay is the weirdest and freakiest Roblox game and no other game can compare to it. Inanimate insanity RP is just... pure insanity. You're most likely going to find young ii fans raised on DeviantArt or TikTok arguing over stupid silly things. Or maybe the goofiest roleplays ever. Cabby chasing MePhone X, trying to convince it to get into her bottom drawer, also known as "the cab". Paper and Lightbulb discussing emojicats while MePhone4 is spamming "I HATE EMOJICATS!!" behind their backs. "Tabley", also known as just Floory, on a table. Test Tube having a seizure and then gaining self-awareness. Balloon yelling out "HI HANDSOME TISSUES!! HI HANDSOME MEPHONE4!!". None of this happened in Inanimate Insanity itself and none will. But it's funny to watch.
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syncr3tical · 5 months ago
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waytooobsessedwithmcyt · 2 months ago
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I don't feel the need to elaborate
However if you want to ask me about my wither rose family or Shrub's little siblings headcanons, I will elaborate and nobody will enjoy it
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ampersketch-art · 14 days ago
This year I took part in the CPU Kerfuffle Discord Village Gift Exchange and my recipient was my good friend @royaltyfreeramblings! This is part 1 of the gift, as part 2 will (hopefully) show up before the end of the month. Anyways, Team Clutch.
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For those who don't know what CPU Kerfuffle is because it's a very niche thing, it was a SSBU fighting tournament hosted by Chongoshow around the early 2020s. All characters are represented by SSBU fighters, with most of them being fan submissions. And a lot of those fan submissions are already existing characters/concepts (looks at Google and Star Platinum). There hasn't been a new episode in years, but me and others still enjoy and draw art of these characters because they mean so much to us.
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flipflopitstimetomakeart · 10 months ago
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this project was so fun, but im glad its done LOL . hope you guys liked it :)
if you wanna see all the refs, click here and follow the links.
updated pest and poob refs
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tomatosoupandpasta · 6 months ago
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Guys which would you snatch
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moldsporr · 7 months ago
Some faves from raincode gartic phone sesh (was super fun)
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Shinigami's tits were drawn so many times. Raincoders sure do remember her boobs
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artistibatt · 6 months ago
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More whiteboard doodles
I was in a big pony/mlp mood as you can tell
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annihilatius · 20 days ago
Okay so months ago I made a post asking if anyone would want to see a thing I did where I assigned Pokemon to random Bioshock characters, and even tho a lot of y'all said yes I never followed up on it because that was only a little while before I fell out of Bioshock so I just tried to pretend it didn't exist... UNTIL NOW!!!
A lot of these don't go any deeper than, at least in terms of the Pokemons design and psychical body language (personality), "Because I Just Think It Fits Them." There is some clever stuff here but none of it is super deep.. and as you all know I'm no expert on Bioshock 2 and some other characters like Yi Suchong so my perception of what I think they're like may be flawed, so sorry if it's disappointing in that aspect
I don't want to explain my exact thought process for every single one of these because it'd be exhausting and it'd ruin a lot of the subtlety but I will explain more of the niche references or things that make no sense at first glance, like things you would only understand if you read the Pokemon in questions Pokedex entries, because I'm aware most of you aren't complete nerds like me (btw if you don't know, "ace" in Pokemon terms means the head and/or strongest Pokemon in a trainers team, you're gonna see that word a lot)
@splicedm0th @kluskinoodles @yuro-skell @bunnie-killer-laser-beam @fancysilverfox just tagging everyone who interacted with the original post so they can see it (sorry if I forgot someone this is just who I remember)
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Kingambit is to me the PERFECT Pokemon for Andrew Ryan like there isn't a single one that fits better. The way these are set up aren't necessarily saying which order which Pokemon is sent out, ace Pokemon most often go last or second to last, but Kingambit specifically goes last in Andrew's team because I imagine his Kingambit would have the ability Supreme Overlord, an ability that stacks the Pokemons ATK & spATK by 10% whenever an ally Pokemon faints. I'm not going to give actual competitive movesets for each character or even just a select few because that would literally take me hours but that was my thought process. Also shiny because why wouldn't the king of Rapture have a shiny?
Jasmine gets Mega Diancie because I just think she would and also because she deserves it. She's been through so much just let her have this one thing. Lilligant and Vivillon are there specifically because they can learn the move quiver dance, a reference to her being a dancer. I made her Vivillon the Polar Pattern to stand as a reference to the headcanon that she's Swedish (Vivillon is a Pokemon whose design changes based on where you are in the world, and the Polar Pattern appears in Sweden)
Brigids team looks ridiculous at first glance but the idea was that each Pokemon except for the last two are Pokemon that are good with kids or have an emphasis on motherhood (Kangaskhan), meanwhile Rhyperior and Kingdra are there so she can actually have some kind of firepower. This is one of the more flawed teams though I'm not fully satisfied with it. Yi Suchongs team really isn't that good either, I couldn't think of much for him, sorry... </3
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Side characters/less important characters get teams of three or one, or if I just couldn't think of giving them any more. Steinmans team is like that as a reference to how he acts, I took the idea of him being obsessed with making his (most often female iirc) patients beautiful, so I gave him "beautiful" (shiny) female Pokemon. The fact his Gardevoir can mega evolve doesn't really matter but if I was gonna introduce the concept of megas here, then sure he can have a mega too. Not really fully satisfied with Peach's team but it's serviceable I guess. Julie has a bit more thought though. Florges was THE Pokemon for her, Tsareena is there Because Grass Type but she has a Galvantula because I'd imagine she'd use it to get rid of any pesky bugs among her trees or something like that.
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Sander Cohens team requires no explanation but Anna's contrasts him interestingly. Her ace Araquanid counters his Volcarona (water/bug>fire/bug) and has an Oricorio too, but a different style than his. Also has a Decidueye to parallel with his Primarina. Most of the Disciples are obvious, (Kyle has a Noivern because it's a sound-based Pokemon and he plays an instrument) but Hectors Great Tusk was based entirely off the headcanon Kluski made that his favorite animals are elephants and I liked that (the idea was given to me by Yuro-skell though). Now that I look back, Alolan Muk would have worked for him but Great Tusk is infinitely cooler
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Here's when it gets a bit more complex: Sofia and Eleanors teams are built in a way where I do think the respective Pokemon *fit* them, but they're specifically made to where all of Sofias Pokemon counters Eleanors (dark>psychic, ice>grass, grass>water, bug>dark, fire>bug, fighting>normal.) The fact Eleanor specifically has an unevolved Eevee is representative of how Subject Deltas actions inspire Eleanor. If you get a good ending, the Eevee evolves into a Sylveon, and if you get a bad or neutral ending, it evolves into a Jolteon
Augustus Sinclair's team is entirely based off of "because I think he'd have them" really. I know that's disappointing but I was satisfied with it and I couldn't really be bothered to change it. Not all of these are gonna be clever, I just FEEL like he'd have a Gallade ya know. Also forgot to include it but the Gallade can mega evolve
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No Stanley here sorry. That's not motivated by how I dislike him, its mostly just because I know I wouldn't be able to think of anything... Grace has a Lapras, Altaria and Meloetta as a reference to how she's a singer, to which all three of those Pokemon can learn the move sing, and iirc also perish song? At least I know Lapras and Altaria can. Simon having an Omastar as an ace is a Pokemon community inside joke lol. I do still overall think it fits him through. Alexander The Greats team is by far one of the ones I'm the most satisfied with. (This is specifically spliced Gil btw not normal Gil) I think his team is perfect and fits his personality so well. His Rotom-Wash is shiny because of the color scheme actually. Whenever I think of Fontaine Futuristics, at least the place by Gils tank, I think of a very dangerous looking red, and Rotom-Wash fits the bill for that color perfectly
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Charles has a Spiritomb because in its lore, Spiritomb is a collective, almost hivemind vortex of 108 dead peoples souls trapped inside it, and yes I know this is a stretch, it kind of reminded me of how he used The Thinker to imitate a dead person, so in a symbolic metaphorical sense, Pearls soul kind of lives on inside The Thinker? Hate to explain this one but like I said it's so niche and specific I don't think anyone would get it if I didn't explain it. The reason why his Toucannon is shiny is a joke I'm not gonna explain, just google "shiny Toucannon" and you'll immediately get it lol. Charles and Reed's team parallel each other a bit too: both of them having birds with Toucannon and Xatu, both of them having Paradox Pokemon, both of them having a gen 4 starter, both of them having an Eeveelution. Not really satisfied with the Eeveelution part at all but these two were the hardest for me to put together and I just wanted to get it over with. WHATEVER it's FINE
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BONUS ROUND!!! If you thought I wasn't gonna include the Multiplayer characters you are sorrowly mistaken my friend... they all only get one but I put some thought into them. Barbara has a Marowak to the reference of how Cubones mourn the loss of their mothers (the mothers being Marowaks), so I thought her having a Marowak would represent her grief as a mother who lost her daughter. Buck has a G-Max Meowth in particular because it has the move "G-Max Gold Rush", a move that does damage and scatters coins across the ground, where the coins get picked up after the battle, as an obvious reference to him being a rich businessman. Blanche has a Lurantis as a symbolic reprentation of her personality: beautiful at a distance but deadly up close. Oscar has a Luxray because he canonically has cats. Luxray is a big cat. So I gave him Luxray. Yeah
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duin-i-guess · 10 months ago
I don't know why either
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lusticiars · 9 months ago
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Bunch of favorites chosen randomly
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lucabyte · 10 months ago
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mymk (and purrgatorio) text posts 1
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mysanityisruined · 6 months ago
Follow Up Post [How the show hints towards MePhone4's creation of the show & his trauma]
The characters could've been based on his experiences. For example, Fan could've been created as a diehard 'fan' [haha] because MePhone wanted appreciation for what he created without strings attached. He wanted validation; this is obvious with his reactions to Ballpoint Pen's review.
Look at this. Doesn't praise him, doesn't congratulate him. Just expects results. Meanwhile fan knows everything about the show.
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More examples include Yin-Yang hinting at MePhone and 4S's past relationship [I STILL BELIEVE THEY SHOWED THEIR CHILDHOOD ROOM], Knife being violent as a hint towards 4S [stretch but i digress], Balloon could be a reference to how MePhone himself has changed over the seasons, Lightbulb being, well, herself so MePhone didn't feel invalidated for his weird quirks, The Cherries being the epitome of a childhood he couldn't have [aka with 4S], Taco being an example of how you can be the victim and the 'abuser' at the same time, I could go on but you get the gist.
2. The foreshadowing. Aka, the characters not remembering who they are because they don't have past lives. This is an obvious tell but MePhone COULD'Ve given them fake memories, but he didn't. Why? He didn't want them to leave, searching for said pasts. He wanted them to stay so desperately. He probably despised his childhood so much that thinking that his characters could've had good lives had him jealous, even.
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"It pains me too much to remember." JUST LIKE CABBY IT HURTS TO REMEMBER
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[btw this doesn't invalidate her arc. she can be created and still be ableist representing]
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3. Time perception. MePhone canonically has a bad perception of time, so he could've unintentionally warped the time perception of everyone, including himself, to make it seem like he had only been gone for a day during season 3.
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4. MePhone's lack of knowledge about the world. As Cobs said, the world he created is fantastical, though out of his control at times. He doesn't get food, proportions, and even more, because he wasn't taught about the world. He was couped up in a dome, but he does learn from his mistakes.
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He has an imagination because Cobs limited and shunned his to near demolition.
For all we know, 4S could've been a figment of his creation during season 1 because he longed so much to have him back. I doubt the theory of 'he never existed in the first place', but MePhone could've brought him back, and let himself die just to see him again.
And yet he pushes MePad away because of their creator, and his own fears.
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waytooobsessedwithmcyt · 2 months ago
*stumbles in, bleeding from multiple stab wounds* c-can you yap about your AUs?
Seriously tho, I wanna hear what you have to sayyyy
I would literally wake up from being dead if someone asked me to talk about my aus
I'm constantly trying to pair the ESMP characters onto my other hyperfixations and right now I'm thinking about PJO so you can have my ramblings about that
Gem and Fwhip are Athena cabin, Fwhip's technically the head but Gem's basically in charge, they're twins in this au too so they're full siblings
Pearl is Demeter, but she's also descended from Aries, she's the sole reason everyone wants Demeter's cabin on their team for capture the flag
Sausage is Hermes kid because 1. He had a son named Hermes in s2 and it's just funny and 2. He'd totally betray the gods
Scott and Xornoth are Unclaimed but very powerful demigods, honestly everyone is hoping they never get claimed because they do not want to see their fights once they have actual training, they're full siblings
Joey and Shrub are both in the Iris cabin, honestly Joey's kind of pissed about it and like in Chalice of The Gods, Iris really wants him to like her so she keeps sending him really colorful gifts. Shrub started out at camp before being recruited to the Hunters of Artemis
Katherine is a flower nymph and the reason that Shrub was hesitant about joining the hunters of Artemis, Katherine also mildly scares the other campers because she cut a monster's head off just for stepping on her flowers
Jimmy and Lizzie are in the Poseidon cabin, but Lizzie is also half naaid, they are not full siblings but they were raised together
Pix is the pizzia delivery driver Apollo ordered that got lost by the border, as soon as he stepped inside, he got claimed by Hermes
Joel is a son of Aries and a nymph, he definitely shares his father's feminism and violent nature, unfortunately those two things often collide and he ends up killing campers who insult Lizzie
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mushroompoisoning · 1 year ago
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fear and hunger art. There will be more I am obsessed
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