#cabyang neg
oscconfessions · 4 months
whenever i see people do ship names with yin-yang in it like 'cabyang' or something it makes me uncomfortable because yin-yang is TECHNICALLY TWO PEOPLE it should be YINCABYANG not *just* cabyang
maybe i'm mainly upset by this because i have DID and it feels like erasure of a DID character's- well- pluralness(?) but yin-yang is TWO PEOPLE in ONE BODY you NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT
if yin-yang GETS INTO A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP, BOTH OF THEM SHOULD BE ON BOARD WITH IT, BECAUSE THEY ARE A SYSTEM IN A CONSTANT STATE OF COFRONTING (unless one of them decides to be the main fronter for a while, seen in iii)
also a probably unpopular opinion of yin-yang being a truly good or at least DECENT dissociative identity disorder representation because holy SHIT is it demonized in media (I BLAME PEOPLE WHO READ JEKYLL AND HYDE INCORRECTLY!!!! I REALLY DO!!!! I REALLY FUCKIGN DO!!! but that's a whole different topic that shouldn't be discussed here cause its not on topic) because literally, the two of them, even right from the start clearly have been actual good DID rep imo, because while yang is at first seen as 'evil and bad', as ii progresses, you can quite literally see that he's Just A Guy! sure he's edgy and stuff, but his relationship with yin is treated really well! he's more seen as a mischievous chaotic guy rather than a "villain"! AND in iii, he even mends his relationship with yin with the help of candle!! and they become more functional together!! and more balanced!! you get to see GROWTH!!
i'm just glad yang wasn't another 'evil bad guy' """alter ego""". and yeah, sure, some alters don't do good things, not all alters are good, but by god does the media really like to focus on that and make only the 'bad ones' seen.
i don't know or care on how exactly they became a two-member system, i'm not going to start that flame of discourse about systems because it simply isn't worth it, i'm just happy that the ~"ooooooo evil person in the same body as good person" DID """representation"""~ stereotype in media is finally broken by a black and white sphere
anyways i ship mephone with yin-yang because i kin mephone and i want to kiss yin and yang
~ mephoneAnon
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oscconfessions · 1 month
Tbh to me yinyang and cabby have a sort of siblings dynamic. I don't actually headcanon them to be related or anything, but I feel like cabby acts more like an older sister rather than a romantic partner, that's js me tho
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oscconfessions · 4 months
i am sorry anons of the confession stand I don't fw cabyang it is a GREAT ship don't get me wrong, their characters clash great together but like
i see yin-yang as a child and cabby as a woman maybe in her like 20s??? sorry cabyang likers I just cannot see them as anything other than child and woman in her 20s, no hate for shipping this I just personally don't
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oscconfessions · 8 months
we… hate cabyang. shut the fuck up, right now. it’s so… platonic and familial… to us. btw you can do whatever you want but also….. shut up shut up shut up. sorry we’re pretty out of it but mannnnn we requested the cabby and yinyang hugging from one of the charity streams- that was platonic!! not cabyang!!! sshhhhutup!!! we have the tag blocked amen we love tumblr but boooooo cabyang boooooo - 💥
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oscconfessions · 1 month
why is there so many cabyang haters / cabyang-negative confessions on this blog??
In my opinion, there literally IS chemistry between cabby and yin-yang as much as i've seen in my 6 rewatches of ii season 3. Who's the first one Cabby talked to after she won? Yin-Yang. Who did Yin-Yang give his immunity milk to in s3e15? Cabby. Who did Cabby feel bad about in s3e16? Yin-Yang. + many other moments i kinda forgor i dunno lmfao (+ i'm a spiritual fictionkin of Cabby, i remember having Yin-Yang as my husba- *gets shot* SGKCSOUCSKZFAKISHXWIGCAKHCAJGVKA)
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