#yet another beautiful credits piece from this series
beevean · 8 months
Super Castlevania IV
9 notes · View notes
katyswrites · 1 year
don't call me 'baby'
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: Sugardaddy!Steve, SMUT (18+), angst, mentions of pregnancy/a pregnancy scare, mentions of food and alcohol, unprotected p in v, daddy kink, oral sex (f receiving), creampie, ddlg dynamics, swearing, alcohol use, smoking, age gap, no use of y/n
Wordcount: 10.4K
A sugar daddy modern AU, a whirlwind summer romance in Italy, and two people from completely different walks of life, somehow finding each other in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But, what will happen when summer ends?
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PART 10 | meet me in the afterglow
Your walk to work was chilly enough to warrant a coat. That was perhaps the thing you missed least about home in the U.S. - even though the winters certainly got cold here, it was nowhere near the sub-zero temperatures you had grown up with during the coldest time of year. Maybe the only thing you missed was snow - in all of your time living here, you had only gotten a brief dusting once, and it had melted by the following day.
Still, a week out from Christmas, you now needed to wrap something warm around yourself as you walked down the street, heading closer to the city center as your shift was due to start. 
You were technically two minutes late to your shift, the coffee shop busy enough to have a line going out the door when you arrived. Yet, your manager Francesco said nothing - a small spark of joy in your day. 
You didn’t necessarily need to go back to work - Steve’s money had yet to run out. But, you felt good about earning your own money - and, the less you had to draw on his remaining funds, the less you had to think about him.
You hadn’t seen or spoken to Steve since the night of your argument. Well, that was only partially true - you had received one piece of communication from him. It came a few days later - you had been moping in your apartment, having barely left your room for days, when an envelope arrived. It had his familiar writing and wax seal, with another wad of cash and a letter made out to you:
I promise this is the last you’ll hear from me. I am a man of my word, so I promise to help provide for you until you’re finished with school. I’ll be transferring enough money to your account to cover all of your expenses, so no need to worry about your rent, food, anything of the sort… I really do want you to be able to focus on school, okay? So, please don’t protest, or try to send the money back. Please feel free to use the credit card if you need to. 
I’m sorry it ended this way. We both knew it was going to, but I apologize if I said anything out of line the other night. I truly do wish you the best. 
Take care,
Reading it had been a punch to the gut. The formality of it, the finality of it… you would’ve rather that you never heard from him again. You had stashed the letter in a box under your bed, and not looked at it since.
A few weeks after that, you had pregnancy scare. It was silly, really - but, your period was late, and if was the first conclusion your mind had jumped to. You had called Robin in a panic, begging her to come home - she did, with four different brands of pregnancy tests. Those 15 minutes of waiting for results were the most agonizing of your life - then, upon seeing them all negative, you fell to your knees and burst into tears.
“It’s okay,” Robin had cooed, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “You’re good it was a false alarm - you’re probably just late because of stress -”
“I know,” you sobbed. “I just -”
“What is it?”
You then had sat up, chest heaving as you sobbed.
“He’s really gone isn’t he?”
Robin held you in her arms that night as you cried yourself to sleep.
To your knowledge now, he had gone back to the U.S. - was he still in Chicago? Or, did he go back to New York? You realized it was better for you to not ask these questions, or to think of him at all. As the weeks had turned into months, you found yourself thinking of him a little less each day - but you still thought of him. You saw him in the passersby as you walked down the street, in every car window, in every businessman walking through the door to order a coffee. Sometimes, you’d hear a laugh, or get a brief whiff of cigarette smoke, and swear it was him. But it never was - it never would be again.
The days had dragged on, but luckily, you often found yourself too busy to dwell too much on thoughts of Steve. Between work and school, your plate was pretty full. With graduation in mere weeks, you had spent the entire term studying and working on your thesis. Steve’s remaining money, at least, allowed you to work far less hours than you had before - a small blessing, you supposed. 
The day was moving pretty quickly, the morning rush busy enough that two hours flew by without much notice. It was only during the afternoon lull that you found yourself able to look up from the espresso machine - only to lock eyes with a familiar face through the window.
Eddie smiled back at you, waving. You couldn’t help but grin, and beckoned him to come inside. He bounded through the glass doors, bursting into the coffee shop with the infectious, chaotic energy he always carries with him.
“Bella, how are you?” he asked, leaning over the counter with a big grin.
“I’m okay,” you said, shrugging.
He raised an eyebrow.
“Just okay?”
“Oh well - you know, a bit stressed with the end of term and all. But, that’ll all be over soon.”
“I’m almost done, too - just finishing up my exams, all of that nonsense.”
“Do you have someone for your thesis?”
You nodded. “Professor Hopper - he’s always had a soft spot for me,” you said, smiling fondly, thinking of the seemingly-gruff. 
“I have Clarke - I don’t actually know how much he knows about photography, he teaches chemistry for godsake, but apparently it’s a hobby or something, so he’ll sign off on whatever I do,” Eddie said, laughing.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you - I actually have my own studio space now.”
“What? Eddie, that’s amazing!”
He grinned. “Thanks - I mean, I’m still technically freelance, but I’m hoping once I’m fully graduated more work will start coming in. But for now, I don’t mind having some spare time to practice with the band.”
You did your best to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“Right - don’t forget me when you make it as a big rockstar, Eddie.”
He let out a hearty laugh at that, the infectious kind that had you joining in - you hadn’t laughed like that in quite some time.
“You know, you should come by later to check it out,” Eddie said. “I mean, if you want -”
You thought for a moment, then nodded.
“Sure, why not - I get off in about a half hour -”
“Perfect,” he cried, clapping his hands together. “I’ll just wait around then - and, uh, can I get an espresso? Since I’m already here and all.”
You rolled your eyes, fighting a smile.
“Yeah, sure thing Munson - I’ll take my sweet time with it, just for you.”
The end of your shift flew by, and soon enough you were pulling off your apron, linking your arm in Eddie’s as he led you out the door and through the city.
The studio, as it turned out, was only a few blocks away. The space was small, but nice - a big glass storefront allowed plenty of light in, even with the fading sun, indicative of the short days of winter. Some of Eddie’s work hung framed on the walls - city scenes, candids of people on the street, bands in action at his favorite club… and even a few of you, from the project you posed for a few years ago.
“Wow - this is amazing, Eddie!” you exclaimed, glancing around the studio with genuine pride for your friend. You knew this was always the goal for him, what he always wanted to do.
“Grazie mille,” he said, beaming. 
“Do you have anything lined up?”
He nodded.
“Some - nothing too interesting. A few weddings, graduation photoshoots, things like that. Oh, do you want to see the photo lab?”
You let him lead the way into the back room, passing through a dimly-lit room with machines and equipment that you were sure you had no idea how to use. Newly developed photos were hanging around on clothespins, or spread across the table in the middle.
“Back there is the darkroom,” Eddie said, gesturing to a small door on the other side of the room. “But yeah, this is where the magic happens.”
“You develop all your pictures this way?” you asked, examining a few laid across the table.
He shook his head. “Not exactly - only the stuff I shoot on film. A lot of what I do is digital, and I edit that on my computer but… I really do love shooting film. I only really do that for specific things. Oh, which reminds me!”
He turned his back to you, rummaging through a filing cabinet until he produced a large manila envelope, extending it to you. You furrowed your brow, confused. You turned it to examine it properly - the only thing written on it was your name and a date, in Eddie’s telltale scrawl.
“What -”
“It’s those pictures I owe you, from your birthday party - sorry, it took me a while to get around to developing them.”
“Oh,” you said quietly, gripping the envelope a bit tighter. “Uh, thanks - that was really nice of you, Eddie.”
You were still staring down at the parcel in your hands, your hands shaking a bit - you had completely forgotten that Eddie had been taking pictures all night. Most likely because you had been a bit distracted at the time. But now…
“I think they turned out pretty nice, if you ask me,” Eddie said. “But, you can be the judge of that yourself.”
You pressed your mouth into a tight line, nearly feigning a smile as you finally met his eyes again. He was looking back expectantly, and you realized he wanted you to look at them now. 
“Oh, yeah,” you mumbled. “I guess I’ll just -”
You opened it up, sliding out the stack of photos - they were slightly bigger than the ones you had seen from a digital camera, on a beautiful matte paper that you knew must have not been cheap. This, you realized, was Eddie’s belated birthday gift to you.
You thumbed through the pictures - the first few were just candids of your friends on the dancefloor, or deep in conversation around the bar. There were a few of you and Robin, arms thrown around each other and smiling ear-to-ear.
There were quite a few solo shots of you, raising a glass to the camera, mid-laugh, or dancing - somehow, he had made it look like you truly were the center of attention, as if to tell people this is who we were there for! 
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, laughing quietly at a few of the shots, including one of Robin flipping off the camera as she kisses Vickie. Then, your smile dropped, because there he was.
Steve, looking as handsome as you remembered, but somehow also a stranger, or like a figment of your imagination. Somehow, a small part of your subconscious had convinced you over the last few months that perhaps he wasn’t real, a true figment of your imagination that had been too good to be true. But there he was, large as life, his arm wrapped around you as you smiled into the camera. You were smiling in his arms, a girl completely unrecognizable in some ways. In another photo, he’s pressing a kiss to your cheek as you laugh - you remembered that one being taken, that’s for sure. You gently trailed your fingers across the picture, as if you were hoping to reach in and pull that happy girl out, just to shake a bit of sense into her. You didn’t even realize you were crying until a fat wet teardrop his the page, rolling down and off the edge.
“Whoa - are you alright?” Eddie asked, his voice tinged with worry.
You jumped, having nearly forgotten that he was there at all. How long had you been staring at the pictures of Steve? For a few minutes, or hours? There was no way to know.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you said, the thickness in your voice betraying you. You pressed the heels of your hands under your eyes, willing the gentle tears to stop, sniffling.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked softly.
You laughed dryly, more hot tears welling up as you did.
“Nothing! I - they’re beautiful, Eddie. Really - thank you. You - you’ve really got a talent.”
Your voice wobbled a bit at the end, and you sniffled.
“I’m sorry, I - it’s nothing to do with you,” you assured him. “I just - I’ve been having a hard time lately.”
Eddie cocked his head, confused. Then, his eyes flitted down to the picture in your hands.
“Oh - I’m sorry, I - is this about him?” Eddie asked quietly, gesturing to the photos. You just nodded, avoiding his gaze again as you stuffed them back into the envelope.
“I didn’t know you two had broken up, I’m sorry -”
“We didn’t break up!” you snapped, harsher than intended. “Fuck, I - sorry, that came out wrong. We didn’t break up, because we were never exactly together. It’s just complicated.”
Eddie furrowed his brow. “Yeah, okay - well, I’m sorry to hear about your not-breakup. I guess I’m just a little surprised.”
“Why’s that?” you asked.
He shrugged. “I spent a long time looking at all of those when I was developing them - you know how they say pictures tell a thousand words?”
You nodded.
“Well - I take pictures of a lot of couples - weddings, engagement shoots, all of that… and I’ve never seen two people more in love than you two.”
You felt your chest tighten - maybe you were being a lovesick idiot at your party, but Steve?
You shook your head. “No - Eddie, it… it wasn’t like that. I can promise you that.”
Steve made that perfectly clear.
Eddie shrugged again. “I’m just telling you what I observed, that’s all.”
“Well maybe you should mind your business,” you grumbled.
Fuck. You shouldn’t have said that.
Eddie’s face fell a bit, and he slowly took a step back, hands shoved in his pockets.
“My apologies,” he whispered. He was hurt, that much was obvious. You mentally kicked yourself.
“No Eddie - I’m sorry, I didn’t -” 
You sighed, frustrated.
“Things have been, like, really weird the last few months and… it doesn’t matter.”
“I could tell,” he said, voice quiet. “You’ve been.. Distant.”
You nodded, the awkwardness filling the space between you two. You had fucked this up too, somehow.
“So,” you said, clearing your throat. “Uh, it’s getting late, and dark… I probably should head home.”
“Yeah, okay - good idea, I have some stuff to work on anyway.”
You both nodded, avoiding eye contact as you both headed out back into the studio.
It wasn’t until you were at the door that you turned to face Eddie again.
“The place really is beautiful… I’m proud of you,” you said sincerely. He offered a small smile in return.
“I also - the pictures are beautiful. Thank you for these, I - they’re great.”
“I’m sorry if they -”
“Don’t apologize,” you said firmly. “They’re great - you’ve really got a gift, you know.”
You could tell Eddie was fighting a real smile, a small win in your book.
“C’mon, you know my ego’s just fine on its own.”
You laughed, and without thinking, pulled him into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry I lost it a little earlier,” you whispered.
“It’s alright,” he said, pulling away. “Heartbreak is funny like that.”
You decided not to bother protesting his assessment this time, too tired to start a fight again just to feel something.
“Right, okay.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take out the photos with… him?” Eddie asked, gesturing down to the envelope.
“No, that’s alright - I’m a big girl, I can go through them. I’m definitely going to hang a few of these up though, so thanks again.”
“Take good care of yourself darling, alright? And come by any time - for any reason.”
It was an olive branch, an assurance that things were okay. You forced a smile, nodding.
“Thanks, Eddie - you’re a great friend, you know.”
You bid your farewells, and left the studio with a strange feeling settling within you. You pulled your coat a little tighter around you, stuffing the envelope underneath as you charged through the chilly evening air to the nearest bus stop.
You didn’t get home until nearly 6pm, the winter sky fully dark by then. By the time you walked a few blocks and up the stairs to your apartment, your face was stinging from the cold, the wind picking up more since that afternoon.
Robin was on the couch, a rerun of Friends playing on the TV.
“Hey! You’re back kind of late,” she remarked.
“Yeah - I ran into Eddie, funnily enough,” you replied, hoping you sounded nonchalant.
“Oh really? How is he? I miss him - we should really make a plan to hang out with him soon -”
“Yeah, for sure,” you said, kicking off your shoes and hanging your coat on the rack. “He’s good - I saw his new studio, it’s nice.”
“Oh, no way! That’s great - I need to go sometime -”
“Yeah, totally,” you said, absentminded. “Uh, I’ve got some stuff to do, but I’ll be out here later -”
“Maybe we can get takeout or something -”
“Yeah, perfect -” you tittered, closing your bedroom door behind you, eyes on the envelope in your hands.
You bit your lip, debating what to do. Part of you considered finding all of the pictures of Steve, and burning them. But, that felt a bit dramatic. You pulled out the stack again, sifting through until you found the shots of him. You couldn’t help but smile, looking at how happy the girl in the photos was - if only she knew how quickly things would fall apart that night. The photo of Steve kissing you cheek was your favorite - it was just full of pure, unbridled joy. The one after that was the one you stared at for quite some time, though. You were looking into the camera, grinning widely. Steve, however, wasn’t - no, he was looking at you. You stared at him for quite some time - and remembered Eddie’s words.
I’ve never seen two people more in love than you two.
You had thought it was crazy - but, in the picture, Steve was looking at you like you’d hung the stars. Like, if he didn’t have you, he’d be lost. He was looking at you with eyes full of love - you just hadn’t been looking.
You gasped, realizing what Eddie had seen that you couldn’t - maybe everything had meant more to Steve than he had let on. No, that was crazy - wasn’t it?
What happened next didn’t have much explanation - it was probably crazy. You found yourself Googling Steve’s company headquarters in Chicago - it couldn’t be this easy, could it? But it was.
A quick call through the directory brought you to his secretary, a bubbly woman who was more than happy to help. You pretended to be the secretary of a business partner you had remembered Steve mentioning, saying how you wanted to send a thank-you gift - it had been too easy to get his home address, really. And, a confirmation that he was back in Chicago.
The next morning, you sent out an envelope, sticking on international postage. You debated not putting your name on the return address, but ultimately decided to include it - he’d recognize the address anyway. When you dropped it at the post office, you walked away feeling a sense of relief - and, perhaps, just a bit unhinged. TIme would tell if anything came of it. But, at the very least, it felt like finally closing the chapter of your life that had been defined by Steve Harrington. And, that was a good thing… right?
The day before Christmas Eve, you received great news: confirmation that you had passed all of your exams, your thesis receiving glowing feedback from the professors in your department. Your degree, which studied Art History and Travel and Tourism Management, meant that you would actually be able to stay here - you hoped to work in tourism in some way right here in Rome, or perhaps work in one of the city’s many museums - being bilingual would help, and more importantly, it meant you never had to set foot back in the United States again, if you didn’t want.
Christmas brought its usual cheer and celebration, complete with mulled wine and a potluck dinner you and Robin held for some of the other foreign students you were friendly with, knowing they didn’t have families to go to for the holidays. Your graduation only brought extra festivities, including a speech prepared by Robin given as a toast at dinner, saying how proud she was of you (and, how jealous she was that you didn’t have to worry about schoolwork anymore). It was silly yet sincere enough to make you tear up and pull her into a big hug. Eddie and Jonathan even swung by for a bit, joining in on the celebration until the wee hours of the morning. Robin and Vickie were all over each otherYou ate and drank to your heart’s content before stumbling to bed, leaving cleanup in the kitchen for the morning.
The morning of Boxing Day, it turned out, was actually the afternoon, with you and Robin oversleeping. You, to your own relief, felt tired, but not too hungover - the same couldn’t be said for Robin and Vickie, who stumbled into the kitchen with grimaces on their faces and grumbles as a greeting.
You spent most of the day cleaning up from the last two days’ festivities, washing dishes and clearing away wrapping paper, wiping countertops and vacuuming just enough until your home felt semi-in order. 
You were still in your pajamas as it was getting dark again in the evening, a rarity these days. When Robin said she was heading out to dinner with Vickie and likely would be staying at her place that night, you bid her farewell, looking forward to some time alone to fully relax and unwind. 
It was several hours later, after scrounging together a dinner of Christmas leftovers and half-dozing on the couch while a movie played, that your doorbell rang. You sat up with a start, your heart jumping at the unexpected intrusion. You stumbled to the door, grumbling about who could possibly be here at this hour - maybe Robin decided to come back after all, and got locked out again? You were ready to playfully ridicule her when you opened the door. But when you saw who was standing on the other side, you froze.
Steve Harrington was there on your doorstep, barely illuminated in the dim light. His chest was heaving, his hair just a bit disheveled. His eyes widened when he saw you, and you imagined you did the same. Your heart plummeted to your stomach at the sight of him, so real and alive in front of you. Were you dreaming? Was this some sick prank?
Neither of you said anything for a moment, two mouths hanging open, searching for the words.
“It’s Christmas,” you blurted out, the first words you’ve said to him in over four months.
“It’s December 26th,” he replied, simply and casually.
“I - well, it’s still a holiday, kind of.”
“Yeah, I know - do you know how hard it is to catch a last-minute flight on Christmas?”
You just stood there in the doorway, unable to think of anything else to say - what the fuck?
“What are you doing here?” you asked, words biting. You were lashing out a bit, but you didn’t care - this moment right now reminded you of a similar one over the summer, when he came to your doorstep to explain how he wasn’t engaged. What was his excuse now?
“Why did you send me this?” he asked, holding up a familiar envelope - the photo.
Why did you? You weren’t certain of that answer yourself. So, you went with the first explanation that came to your head.
“It’s a good picture of you,” you said quietly.
He rolled his eyes.
“Do not - I don’t hear from you for months, then I get this in the mail - on Christmas Eve, mind you -”
“I’m sorry, were you supposed to hear from me?”
“I don’t know!” he cried. “Maybe?”
You scoffed. “You can’t be serious - you made it very clear that you never wanted to see me again.”
“I - what?”
“I wish you well? Take care? We ended things, Steve - what else was I meant to think?”
He sighed, his shoulders sagging.
“I don’t know. I guess part of me - it doesn’t matter. But, what am I supposed to make of this?” he asks, waving the envelope.
“I - Eddie gave me a bunch of pictures he took at my birthday party… I thought maybe you’d want that one.”
He took a tentative step closer towards you, gauging your reaction. You held your ground, not breaking eye contact.
“Is that the only reason?” he asked, voice low.
You felt your heartbeat quicken, your palms clammy - he really was just so handsome. Still, there was something so boyish about him, something that reminded you of why you fell for him in the first place. He had cut his hair a bit, his summer tan faded - and he looked tired. Then again, you probably did too - you suddenly became conscious of the fact that you were in your pajamas, still looking like you had just woken up - you wished you could disappear, never to be perceived again.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “The only reason.”
He was close enough now that you could see his Adam’s Apple bob as he gulped, his eyes glancing up and down your form as he took a deep breath.
“Tell me that, when you sent this, there wasn’t at least a small part of you that hoped I’d respond - that, when you sent this, you hoped I’d call, or show up here. If there wasn’t, I’ll walk away right now, and you’ll never have to see me again.”
There it was - everything laid out on the table. So much was still unsaid - but, it was obvious that he also had been hurting the last few months, that he didn’t want this to end, maybe even nearly as much as you did. 
“You really flew all the way here because I sent you a photo?” you whispered.
He nodded. “Of course I did.”
“You realize how crazy that is, right?”
He chuckled dryly.
“Well, they do say it makes you do crazy things.”
“...it?” you asked, voice wavering.
He nodded.
“Come inside,” you murmured. “It’s pretty cold out there.”
As soon as the door was shut behind him, he began spiraling into a new explanation.
“I hope you know that I didn’t come here just to - you’re right, it is kind of crazy, but I didn’t know what else to do, after everything that happened -”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” you said, cutting him off. “I don’t want to talk at all.”
You both stood there for a moment, eyes locked on eachother. Then, as if reading each other’s minds, you both moved at once - you crashed your lips into his, fast and desperate. He sighed against your lips, pulling you close as his tongue slipped into your mouth. 
You felt like crying - you had missed him so much, more than you had realized - his voice, his warmth, his scent - it brought everything flooding back, the feelings you had buried in an attempt at self-preservation. But now, as you kissed him, you felt the tears well up, stinging your eyes as they rolled down your face, hot and fast.
“Whoa - baby, it’s okay - what’s wrong -”
“Nothing,” you cried, wiping the tears away. “I just - I really fucking missed you.”
You felt stupid to admit it, but then again, didn’t he come close to confessing that himself just a few moments ago?
“I know, I know, baby - you have no fuckin’ idea -”
Another kiss, passionate and apologetic.
“I didn’t mean any of what I said that night,” you gasped, pulling him closer. “I was just so scared -”
“I know, me too, baby - m’sorry -”
Baby. Babybabybaby.
He was holding your face between his hands now, backing you up until you were pressed against the wall, his lips finding yours again. He titled his head down to nuzzle at your throat, pressing his lips to the sensitive skin there. You tipped your head back, giving him full access to do as he pleased. He kissed and nipped at your neck, until you were moaning and crying out his name, pulling at his coat until it fell off of his shoulders. You twisted your hands in his button-down, his hands squeezing tighter on your waist in response.
“Fuck, Steve,” you breathed. “I’m sorry -”
“Stop with that,” he said, firmly taking your face in his hands again, catching your lips in another gentle kiss. “You’re right, I just realy don’t want to talk anymore -”
Then he was kissing you again, swallowing your noises as you whined his name, fingers gripping his hair.
“Bedroom, now,” you told him. “Please -”
“Yeah, okay.”
He couldn’t keep his hands off of you, both of you stumbling down the small hallway and into your bedroom, Steve slamming the door closed behind him with his foot.
“No Robin?” he asked, lips finding your neck again.
“No - ah! She’s at Vickie’s tonight -”
“Thank Christ,” he growled. “I don’t know how quiet I’m capable of being right now.”
He was apparently as desperate as you were, lips finding yours hungrily as he pulled your oversized t-shirt over your head, eyes practically rolling to the back of his head when he saw your breasts.
“No bra?” he asked.
“I was lounging around, until you showed up -”
“Thank god,” he practically snarled, his hands finding the small of your back to pull you close.
You reached between yourselves, unbuttoning his shirt, fingers slipping as they shook with anticipation. He reached down to help you, until he eventually shrugged the shirt off. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your bare chest to his, nearly crying again from the contact.
“I really missed you,” he whispered, a man ruined. “I never thought I’d be able to have you like this again -”
“None of that,” you murmured, pressing a finger to his lips. “It’s alright.”
You just stared at him, running your hands down his chest as you took a deep breath.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” he asked, face flickering with concern. “Oh god, are - are you seeing someone else? I didn’t even ask -”
“No! No, nothing like that,” you assured, biting your lip. “I just - do you remember the night of my birthday on our trip, on the rooftop?”
He nodded. “That was a really nice night.”
“I haven’t been totally honest with you,” you admitted, heart racing as you were ready to lay out the thing you had been terrified to admit aloud.
“About what?” he asked softly, cupping your cheek gently with his palm.
“Remember when I said something in Italian, and you asked what it meant? And I just said it meant I loved the gift, the star thing?”
He nodded. You took a deep, shuddering breath.
“That wasn’t exactly true. I - I said that I was in love with you,” you managed, voice quivering at the end. “That’s why I was so scared - I didn’t realize until I said it… I had broken our rule, our number one rule -”
“Hey, hey -” he cooed, shaking his head. “Did you mean it?”
You hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah - I still do.”
The few seconds that passed after that had your stomach doing somersaults - what if he still didn’t feel that way, and everything he had said in the doorway was bullshit? You thought you were going to be sick -
But his face softened, his eyes glistening - was he going to cry?
“Fuck the rules. I stopped following those a long time ago,” he said.
Your heart fluttered, your face heating.
“Are you saying -”
“How did you say it in Italian again?” he asked. “I’m sorry, I’ve been slacking on my lessons without you around.”
You laughed. “Oh, um, it’s sono innamorato di te. It translates directly as I’m in love with you, or I’m falling for you.”
He nodded. “Well then - sono innamorato di te.”
You felt like your chest was about to explode, and before you knew it, you were crying again. He was too, you realized, his cheeks glistening with tears as he choked a sob with laughter.
“We could’ve saved ourselves a lot of trouble if we both just said that in the first place,” he said, reaching to wipe away some of your tears.
“How long?” you asked.
“Since the night of the gala I brought you to. So… longer. I guess I win.”
You sobbed again, Steve swallowing the sound with another kiss. It’s wet and salty with tears, a mess of apologies and confessions.
“Steve - I -”
“I know, baby,” he whispered, kissing your salty cheeks. “It’s alright - I’m here now -”
The conversation truly stopped after that - you couldn’t keep your hands off of one another, shedding clothes until you were nude and devouring each other with desperation unlike anything you had ever felt before.
Steve was pressing his lips between your breasts when you asked, voice breathy and filled with need.
“Steve - I need you, please -”
“Mm - yeah, okay -”
Before he could move, you were reaching down to grasp his cock in your hand. He gasped, pupils blown as his head thumped back against the wall. The noise that came out of him was unholy, wrecked and ruined as you brushed your thumb along his leaking tip.
“Christ, baby -”
“Can I suck you off, please?” you asked, desperate to make him come undone. 
“Honey - you can’t - I just, I wanna fuck you so bad… I won’t last if I let you get your mouth on me, baby.”
You pouted, even as your heart raced with the thrill of knowing you’d have him inside you again.
“Next time,” he said, “I swear.”
A promise of a next time, of a thousand more times - you started kissing him again, lips bruising his - losing yourself in any drink or drug would never compared to losing yourself in Steve Harrington, you decided.
“Get on the bed,” he muttered, gently pushing you back. You did as he asked, falling back onto the mattress gently as he joined you, face hovering inches from yours.
His hair was a mess, pupils blown and lips glossy. He just shook his head, as if in disbelief.
“What?” you asked.
“You’re just so beautiful,” he breathed. 
You felt your face heat, and you buried your face in your hands.
“Shut up.”
“About you? Not likely.”
Before you could come up with a clever remark, he was kissing your neck again, his lips traveling down slowly between the valley of your breasts, taking his time - he was going to leave bruises, you already knew.
But he didn’t stop, traveling down, down, down - 
“What are you -”
“I never said I didn’t want to taste you first,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. “I miss having my mouth on you so fuckin’ much -”
“Fuck,” you gasped. “You’re unreal -”
“Says you,” he retorted. Whatever you planned to say next died on your lips, anything resembling a coherent thought dissolving as his lips found your cunt.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, back arching as his tongue swirled around your clit.
“Just as fuckin’ sweet as I remembered,” he whispered, his breath against your pussy making your chest heave.
He licked a stripe along your slit, making your back arch off the bed, your eyes fluttering closed.
“Be loud for me, baby,” he murmured, lips finding your clit again. You did as he asked, moaning and crying out his name as he devoured your pussy, eliciting desperate sounds from you as your fingers wound themselves in his hair. He groaned as you pulled on his locks, encouraging you to continue doing so as he opted to slide a finger inside you.
“Fuck - Steve! Ohmygod, fuck -”
You felt him smile as he lapped and licked at your folds, adding a second finger and beginning to pump them in earnest, finding that spot inside of you too easily. 
You were crying out, bucking your hips against Steve’s lips, like putty in his hands. For about ten minutes you were completely his, mind numb with pleasure as he took you apart with his mouth. You let him, feeling the blunt fingernails of his free hand digging into your thigh, pulling you as close as possible.
“Steve - I’m gonna - I’m so close, y’feel too good -”
Encouraged, he picked up the pace a bit, sending you completely over the edge. When you came, you saw stars, grinding down on Steve’s mouth and fingers. You were screaming, and he helped you through it, nuzzling against your core as you pulsed around his fingers. Your hand left his hair and found his temple, gently coaxing him closer as you rode out your orgasm.
You were still breathing heavily as he kissed his way slowly back up your body, worshiping every inch of skin he could find. YOu didn’t let your eyes open again until he was face-to-face with you, chin glistening with your release as he wore a smug grin.
“Such a good girl for me,” he murmured. “Tasted so good… you came so hard for me -”
“Mm -” you hummed, pulling him down for a kiss. You tasted yourself on him, the sensation completely euphoric.
“Do you need some time?” he asked gently.
You ran a finger over your clit, still sensitive and puffy, and shook your head.
“No, I’m okay - I actually really need you to fuck me.”
“Thank god,” he said, exasperated. “I don’t think I can go another second without fucking you -”
“I know -”
“I would dream about you, you know - all the time. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with a hard-on, of a mess in my boxers like a fuckin’ teenager -”
“I know what you mean,” you admitted, recalling a few times you had thought of him as you touched yourself since he’d left. 
“Please tell me you’re still on the fuckin’ pill -”
“Yeah, I am - God, Steve -”
“I know, I know - ready baby?”
You nodded, locking your eyes with his as he positioned himself above you, pushing inside of you ever so slowly. You could tell he was holding back, doing everything he could to not enter you in one rough movement. You winced at the stretch, nearly forgetting just how big he was. He kissed apologies across your face, gasping as he felt your warm walls envelope him.
“Fuck -” he groaned, burying his face in your neck. “I can’t believe I went so long without this - you feel so fuckin’ perfect, baby - such a tight, perfect pussy -”
“You feel so good,” you breathed, digging your fingernails into his shoulderblades. “Steve - I’m so full, please fuck me -”
He did as you asked, rolling his hips against yours, eliciting a groan from both of you. He was still holding back you could tell - but you didn’t have time for that, not after months of missing him, of missing this -
“Let go, baby,” you whispered. “Please -”
“What did you just call me?” he asked.
“I - baby,” you repeated. You realized you never had before - was that wrong?
“Say it again,” he breathed.
“Baby,” you breathed, gasping as he thrust into you a little harder. 
“Baby, please - fuck me, let go,” you cried.
It became fast and hard quickly, the desperation you shared impossible to mask. The slapping of his hips against yours was positively dirty, Steve’s arms caging you underneath him as he pounded into you. Your hand snaked down between you, your own finger finding your clit.
“That’s it, baby,” he groaned, continuing his relentless pace. “Touch yourself for me, just like that - M’not gonan last long, I’m sorry, you just feel too good -”
“It’s okay,” you assured, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I want you to lose it.”
He groaned, the room filling with the sound of slapping skin and moans, your names on each other’s lips.
Nothing else mattered, not when Steve was making you feel like this, not when he had flown across an ocean on a whim, a desperate hope to just see you again, even if only for a moment. You suddenly became so overwhelmed with love for this man, this person who had turned your world upside down - it was indescribable, impossible to even express. So you just held him tight, burying your face into his shoulder.
“M’close - I need you to come with me, baby - can you do that? I know you can, you’re always so good for me -”
You nodded, unable to formulate words anymore.
“I fuckin’ love you,” he cried, hips stuttering, his thrusts growing sloppier. “So much, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you - I love you, baby -”
His words sent you over the edge, white-hot pleasure surging through your body as you screamed his name. The feeling of you clamping around him sending him into his own orgasm. He spilled inside of you, your name on his lips like a prayer. He practically collapsed on top of you, the feeling of his heartbeat against yours feeling like home, like it was always meant to be this way.
Your breaths were labored, sweet kisses peppered across skin. Neither of you spoke for quite some time. After he rolled off of you, he immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you as close as physically possible.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, slow and gentle. It was only when you pulled back, brushing some of his sweaty hair away from his face, that you broke the silence.
“I love you, too,” you murmured. You brushed your fingers along his face, and he caught your wrist, pressing kisses to your palm and knuckles, as if determined to worship you every chance he got.
“I want more than an arrangement,” he whispered. “I don’t want rules, or a deal, or -”
“Yeah, that was obvious,” you replied, chuckling. “And, me too.”
“And, you were right - you have school, and I never wanted you to think I just wanted you like a trophy or something - you have your own life, aspirations, and i know that - I just like spoiling you, but I never wanted you to give up who you are,” he said, face soft. “I need you to know that.”
“I do,” you murmured.
You really did. 
“Besides, I graduated.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What? When?”
“Officially? A few days ago.”
He smiled, soft and sincere - part of you was worried he might cry again.
“Congratulations - I’ll have to take you out to celebrate.”
“Mm - sounds good to me. How long - when are you here until?”
There was still life to reckon with, after all - living on two different continents, jobs, obligations - the kind of thing that could ruin this. But, he just shook his head.
“I bought an open-ended ticket. So, until whenever you want.”
“I - what? What about work?”
He shrugged. “Turns out, when you run the place, you can get away with that stuff.”
Your jaw dropped.
“What? Are you serious?”
He nodded. “Brenner’s out. I’m in - youngest CEO in the company’s history.” 
You laughed, pressing your palm to your forehead as you stared at the ceiling in disbelief.
“Steve - that’s amazing. But how -”
“Shhh - we’ll figure everything out later. But, let’s at least ring in the new year together, yeah?”
You nodded cautiously - he really was here, now, and wanted to make it work.
“Okay,” you said. “Sounds good.”
“Hey - you know what’s really pissing me off, though?”
“What?” you asked, wary as a pit of dread formed in your gut.
“I have to thank Eddie fucking Munson for fixing this.”
You laughed, a real, hearty laugh, and in that moment, you realized things were going to be okay.
That night, you slept better than you had in months, safe and warm in Steve’s arms. That was, until you woke to Robin’s scream the next morning, both of you shooting up in bed with a start.
“WHAT IS HE DOING IN YOUR BED?” she cried, shielding her eyes. “God - I wish I could bleach my eyes - motherfucker -”
Then, the door was slamming shut, Robin bemoaning her luck as she bolted down the hall to her own room.
You felt your face heat with embarrassment, sinking under the covers.
“Well - I guess I owe her an explanation -”
“Later,” Steve saidly, shaking his head incredulously. “For Christmas, I’m getting you a fucking industrial lock for that door!”
Then you were laughing, blissful and unable to control yourself, Steve joining you. He kissed the giggles away, pulling your body to his, and not much talking happened after that.
It didn’t matter what real life held after this - because Steve was here, and he was yours. Wherever you ended up, you realized, if you were with Steve, you would be home.
He was here to stay.
author's note: Hi y'all - thanks for your patience! This story isn't quite done - there will be an epilogue posted tomorrow. But, that's essentially the conclusion of don't call me 'baby' - I told you it would be a happy ending! Shoutout to @is-writing for some help with this. And of course as always, Em, without whom this fic wouldn't have happened. Comments, reblogs, and messages are always welcome - keep an eye out for the epilogue!
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haesunflower · 9 months
the soulmates unfortunately series (zb1) [preview]
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ABOUT. here's the thing about soulmates, once you meet the one that is meant for you, you start to age. the biological clock starts to tick, and you are no longer the fresh faced 20 year old. years go by, and next thing you know it, you've grown old and wrinkly – right next to the love of your life. but here's the thing about y/n, she hated that.
y/n has had many soulmates in her lifetime, 4 of which had made a significant impact on her life. namely, her first husband, kim jiwoong. the man that she had a daughter with, zhang hao. the husband that raised her daughter, sung hanbin. and finally, ricky shen. (un)fortunately for her, her soulmates keep dying.
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genre: romance with adult themes warnings: mentions of death, blood, character death, killers, cursing, etc. contains adult themes. each chapter will have specified warnings. note: yujin is not in this series as he is not 18 yet.
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chapter zero: the first few soulmates
chapter one: the man she first married, kim jiwoong
chapter two: the man she had a daughter with, zhang hao
chapter three: the man that raised her daughter, sung hanbin
chapter four: unfortunately, ricky shen
chapter five: the finale
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PREVIEW OF CH ZERO. (below the cut)
“Got anything that’ll get me drunk in the next ten minutes?” 
You plopped down on the bar stool, haphazardly placing your purse next to you. The bartender is eyeing you strangely, as if in disbelief that you’re even inside their hole in the wall establishment. 
You sigh and pull out your identification card, a laminated piece of junk that tells you how old you really are. Scratch that, how old you are meant to be. He picks up the card and raises it up next to your face, comparing the woman in the picture to the you that sits in front of him. It reminds you that you need to get it renewed…again. After all, the last time you updated your photo was sometime in the 80s, reflecting a version of you with big hair and large colorful earrings. You don’t blame him for wanting to double check, contrasting the all-black ensemble you currently sport. 
“Listen pal, I just buried my daughter today. I would appreciate it if you could get on with it”. You might not blame him, but you are impatient. 
He slides your ID card back and pours you a whiskey on the rocks. “Sorry for your loss ma’am” he solemnly extends his condolences as he places your drink in front of you. You pick it up, raising it and nodding a “thank you” before taking a large gulp. It burns. 
You outlived your daughter. And you wonder if you’ve been going about life in all the wrong ways.
Atop the alcohol display at the bar is a small TV, flashing a report about a young woman named Somi who was murdered and found dead at her home – leaving her husband a widower. The news station flashed a photo of the blonde couple, sharing that they had just gotten married a week ago. She was beautiful. A shame. 
At that moment, a tall man enters the bar and decides to take a seat next to you. Other than the fact that he too, is dressed in all black – you feel a deeper sense of similarity. Like kindred spirits, you recognize broken souls like yours. You order two more rounds of the whiskey the bartender gave you. 
“I heard about your late wife in the news, I’m sorry for your loss.” You feign sympathy and slide the glass to the man next to you. 
He looks taken aback at first, but accepts your offer. Now facing you, he raises his drink to you. You do the same.
He’s strikingly handsome, with platinum hair and dark eyebrows. You also don’t miss that he’s dressed in Yves Saint Laurent from head to toe. He takes a peek at your ID card still laying on the table, making sure to catch your name. 
“Next one’s on me, Y/N” he says, taking another swig at his whiskey, finishing his glass. He calls on the bartender, and buys an entire bottle for the two of you. The bartender returns his credit card, with the name ‘Shen Quanrui’ engraved. 
“Thank you Quanrui, that’s very generous of you.” 
He puts on a small smile, almost no one calls him by his legal name. “You can call me Ricky” he says as he pours into your glass. 
“Alright Ricky. Here’s to life.” you raise up. It feels inappropriate to be clinking glasses on the day you buried your daughter, but you figured you could make an exemption. Ricky too, seemed to be going through the same thing with his late wife. 
“To life.” he responds, tapping his glass against yours. 
Just two broken souls who had lost someone important in their lives, drinking to fill the hollowness. You almost don’t feel the familiar bloom in your chest, tugging at your entire being like a magnet trying to find its other half. And if you do feel it, you pretend it’s the whiskey burning its place in your heart. 
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tagging: @dwcljh@snowflakemoon3@kpoprhia@en-ct@jiaant11@caocoamamam@mashihope@wonluvrbot@littlegirltacos@ihrtgw@ollieluvrs@thejadeazalea@keiwook@yjhcloud@gyuvinnie@doobinnies@forrds
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I can't believe there is a "Cursed Cat Alastor Controversy" and that once again I had to have the evil lepreconartist who lords over the fandom making his gold off of Medrano's despair explain to me in order to understand what the fuck is going in on the fandom, yet again ... But I kind of hate you all so here's my hot take...
It's actual petty bullshit.
It's the equivalent of a fanartist calling out an AMV maker for "art theft" and demanding that a video they worked hard on be taken down because they used a piece of fanart for a character in an AMV tribute to the character that both the fanartist and the AMV maker (who is already an artist in their own right) already do not actually fucking own. Like, regardless if the AMV maker gives the fanartist credit. Instead of being honored by it, when they should know better that neither of them ever actually even own the shit to begin with, yet they still demand "credit" for fanwork.
I once saw a popular Asian artist in the svtfoe fandom demanding a boycott of the popular fan run merch store TheMysteryShack just as the beautiful fan made artbook Tales of Rebel Princess was about to launch exclusively through there because she alleged that the shop owner had stolen one of her friends fanart designs on a goddamn fucking Steven Universe tarot card pack of all things but I still really liked her Star fanart, so when I tried to respectfully explain to her that I wouldn't be boycotting the shop because of Tales of Rebel Princes launching and how I thought it was personally in very poor taste to not just contact the shop owner privately about the matter and instead making a big stink in public about boycotting his shop when she knew that one of her other artist friends that we knew she had also collaborated with in the past was just about to debut another big collaborative art tribute book dedicated to Daron and Star vs. there through this guys shop! And essentially it would be sad to see her knowingly taking business away from her other friend like that and demanding others in her following do the same and over something as small as a deck of Steven Universe cards, especially in understanding how little love svtfoe gets, since she was also a well known svtfoe fanartist ... All I got in response was "Well I'm happy for my friend but I'm Korean and you're just a Filthy American who couldn't possibly understand how disrespectful something like this is in my culture and blah blah blah if you instant on further harassing me about this I'll block you!"
And I was basically like "suit yourself being fake and having a stick up your butt honey I'm still getting my Star vs. artbook!"
And then she blocked me.
Good riddance. As if Miss Heinous would honestly ever head bang to Ruberiot...
But I guess what I'm trying to get here is that like...Oh, I'm sorry? You wanna make fanart for western cartoons? You gotta play by western rules then. Like it's late night here and I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But it's true.
If Aurelio Voltaire honestly deserves to have a deal be cut in my opinion so he can finally officially own his share of the "Vampair" series after Daria Cohen stole his voice to make it (half dry humor, half serious here, to be quite frank about this) then coma0423 deserves to cut a deal so that Amir Talai can have a bit of financial comprehension and his percentage of whatever kind of (I'm guessing financial) ~"credit'~ that Coma is now demanding from other fanartists who make Cursed Cat Alastor fan merch since Talai , after all, did design the original concept sketch that would become Cursed Cat Alastor that Coma saw and then decided to just runaway with when they made the meme ...
Listen to me... Fanart belongs to everyone and no one by nature of it being made by fans and no one can truly own a "fan concept" expect for the true creator of the thing that it's based on. Unless that thing is already in the public domain. And if it is it becomes Schrodinger's Cheshire Cat.
Schrodinger's Cursed Cat Alastor belongs to everyone and no one, babe. He belongs to The Hazbin Hotel Fandom and The Hazbin Hotel. If he actually becomes canon in the show somehow, then he'll belong to Amir and Viv, actually, maybe Coma will get proper credit then, but the concept won't even really be theirs anymore, just as it even isn't really officially theirs now, even if they officially do get hired.
First you're telling me that I'm not allowed to fuck the radio demon ... Now you're telling me that I'm apparently not even allowed to kiss a cute wittle kitty cat plushie of him between the space on his head between his ears if said plush wasn't crafted by or sold explicitly by the fanartist who again, stole the concept sketch of him from Amir Talai in the first place?
No. This is nonsense.
Stop making all these petty dramas off someone else's work that only feed the evil leprechaun more gold off of someone else's work or start making you're own original work from your own original concept that you can actually claim your own copyright to I'm exhausted.
Ever hear the phrase once something leaves your brain it belongs to everyone, not just you anymore?
This goes triple for anyone making fanart of someone else's work and that's a fact. Especially if it's only ever an extremely memed up version of an already canonically existing character that you were only so lucky went viral.
Stop the bullying. No one fanwork is that special. Just do your best to honor the source material and be flattered by other fanartists imitations of your fanartist imitation... It's the circle of cursed kitties and it feeds us all. *smacks paw down*
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j0kers-light · 1 year
His Lighthouse: The Morning After (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
The Morning After 
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Image credit
series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:    
The elusive 'morning after' a romantic night with a lover, whatever will Joker and Y/n get into? Now that they are set on dating and getting to know one another will anything separate them from that goal.
authors note:
Hello! Hello! I’m back with another update and I must say, I'm a humble girl at heart but I sob cry knowing that there's really that many people that enjoy my story! I intended this to only reach a few people, if any at all, yet here we are... It only makes me wanna write more! Did I mention this story is farrrrrr from over? 
@blackreaderatrisk   @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angell
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! 
Last Chapter  |  Next Chapter 
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You were absolutely stunning.
A natural beauty amplified in the morning light. Joker was so lucky he woke up at odd hours of the night. He would have hated himself for all of eternity for missing this. You, fast asleep and looking drop dead gorgeous.
Sometime during the night you wiggled your way out of his hold and rolled over onto your back. Joker still kept you close, it seemed that he craved physical contact even asleep, and he threw a possessive arm over your waist.
You had created some space between the two of you but your face was the first thing he got to see when he opened his eyes.
Joker wanted to wake up to the sight of you everyday.
Your beautiful lips slightly parted to allow for soft puffs of air to escape. Your dark lashes fluttering every so often in a deep R.E.M., (he wished you were dreaming of him) and your soft skin was highlighted by a ray of sunshine flooding in from the window. You didn't like that and it almost roused you awake.
You grumbled and turned into Joker's chest resuming your slumber. Suddenly he became the teddy bear. My, how the tables turned in just a few short hours.
You sought him out for protection and clung to him in your most vulnerable state. That subconscious choice had Joker speechless. No one had ever relied on him before yet you did just that. Seeking out his comfort while vastly unaware of the reaction that tiny decision would forever have on him.
He took extra care not to wake you up as he located the room remote on the nightstand and programmed the automatic curtains to move and shield you from the rising sun.
You earned your rest and then some. Joker would make sure that nothing bothered you.
On top of being kidnapped, (and quickly rescued) you let Joker finally have sex with you. And the clown definitely made up for lost time. Freaking overachiever. He might've gone overboard yet he heard no complaints. You were exhausted both mentally and physically.
Joker didn't consider himself much of a savior but he would do everything in his power to keep you safe. Not much could disturb you in the penthouse but he wouldn't take any chances.
You entrusted Joker with your heart until he had to leave and shatter it into a million pieces.
But that was negative thinking. Who knows? Maybe he could find a way to lessen the pain before then.
Joker chose to focus on the positive. Live in the moment. That's all you have. He pulled you closer in his arms and fell back asleep, holding you tighter than ever.
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You woke up disoriented, sore, and clutching a pillow for dear life.
You wiped your mouth knowing there was probably drool present with how well rested you felt. That was the best night of sleep you had in weeks.
Not much was said after Joker tucked the both of you into bed last night. You tried your best to say something heartfelt; you epically failed.
"You're stuck with me for five more months."
He said it with such confidence you wanted to believe it was true. That you finally had a chance with Joker.
Things were still unclear but hopefully you and Joker were on the same page going forward. Things seemed to be off to a good start. Joker physically slid right back into your life as if nothing had happened. It was the emotional aspect of things that you were worried about. You hoped you weren't moving too fast but then again there was a deadline here underlined in red twice.
Five months felt so short and the clock was already ticking..
There was so much you wanted to ask, experience, and talk about with Joker but right now his side of the bed was empty. You rose from your sleeping position, looking around the room for his presence and came up short. The room was quiet.
It was then you noticed the curtains were drawn but the sunlight still peeked out from the bottom. Dawn truly dawned on you.
It was the morning after and you were alone.
Greaaat, real classy. An empty bed totally screams positive relationship goals. You two were totally on the same page! You had the urge to toss a pillow in anger. How could you be so stupid to believe that Joker would take this seriously?!
"Don't overthink things Y/n. Maybe he went to the bathroom or some other lame excuse. Yeah, that would explain why he didn't wake up next to you after such a wonderful night together."
That's the lie you told yourself as you flung the covers back and stepped on the cold hardwood floors.
Fitting. It matched your current feelings towards a certain fugitive. You blinked back tears for even allowing Joker a chance with your heart. It really was just sex to him, no strings attached, and oh no...
You clutched your head trying to stop the bad thoughts from taking over but they kept appearing even as you struggled to breathe.
You needed privacy before this panic attack got too intense. You nodded to yourself and almost made it to your sanctuary but the aroma coming from your kitchen caught your attention.
It quite literally made you stop in your tracks to investigate.
You made your way through the archway that separated the common area of your penthouse from the private rooms. The sight that greeted you snatched every bad thought from your mind and tossed them straight in the trash.
"What are you doing?" You mumbled to your roommate.
Joker turned around so you could see the gaudy Kiss the Cook apron that Dick left a few BBQ parties ago hanging from around his neck. Joker opted out on wearing a shirt and his dark grey sleeping pants were hanging dangerously low on his hips, showing off muscle and V lines that you failed to notice before.
He brought the whole scene together by waving with a plastic spatula in greeting. "Hmm. Good morning Bunny."
Joker watched you sink into the barstool at the island counter wide eyed and speechless.
His green eyes scanned you from head to toe like he didn't see you every time he woke up this morning— which happened to be a lot.
He couldn't get over the fact that you and him were actually together. It was such a far fetched concept that it didn't seem real so Joker kept waking up in a cold sweat throughout the night thinking you weren't there. What if he didn't rescue you from the warehouse or worse? What if you died at that dumb charity event and his sick, twisted mind was making all of this up?
It wouldn't be the first time that his mind became his own worst enemy.
Joker woke up each time gasping for air hoping that his nightmare wasn't a reality, only to sigh in relief when he felt you in his arms.
He would squeeze you tighter (despite grumbling your displeasure of it in your sleep) and fell back asleep with his living teddy bear safe and sound. But the same nightmare would awake him again an hour later thus, repeating the cycle anew.
Broken sleep wasn't healthy but Joker was used to getting the bare minimum in order to survive.
He didn't want you to worry or worse, wake you. Joker had his demons and as much as he wanted to stay by your side and ignore them, solitude was the best remedy to clear his head. Well that and shock therapy, but he wasn't at Arkham Asylum anymore.
So he regretfully left you tucked in bed to roam the penthouse when he had the thought to treat you to breakfast. His thoughts always revolved around you. Funny how you caused his inner turmoil and was also the solution to rid them.
Joker couldn't get you out of his head though he feared the day he would no longer think of you.
A deafening silence in perpetual darkness. A different type of loneliness that Joker didn't want to return to. How could he return to his old ways after experiencing your blinding light? He would never be the same but that was something to worry about in the distant future.
He focused back on you, seated before him at the kitchen counter, trying to figure out what was going on. Joker cleared his throat and set about clearing the air.
"I had plans to bring you uh break fast in bed but it seems you're really too noisy for your own good." He eyed you briefly before turning around and flipping whatever he was cooking in the skillet over.
You blinked in shock as he set the utensil down and leaned on the counter, crossing his arms.
"How did you sleep?" He popped the letter p and waited for a response. You decided to answer his question with one of your own.
"You can cook?" You waved at the mess he made of your kitchen. "Like... actually.. cook?"
"Duh whatcha think I'm doing, Y/n? I got nothing on you but at least I can feed myself without burning the apartment down." Joker didn't break eye contact with you as he dragged the skillet off the burner and killed the heat.
A shiver ran up your spine. A man that could cook was a secret weakness of yours. It was hard to believe that Joker knew his way around the kitchen. Your mind was on tilt. "Uh I.. um.."
"Use your words Y/n." By the time you looked up, he was reaching to take something out of the cabinet. This domestic version of Joker had you weak in the knees. He didn't seem to notice.
"Do you like syrup on your pancakes?" Joker shook the bottle to gain your attention. You forgot to verbally say yes along with your nod, causing Joker to arch an eyebrow.
He slammed the cabinet shut and set the syrup down next to the plate of pancakes already cooked and ready to eat. You just now noticed them.
Fluffy golden brown cakes stacked high and glistening with melted butter like some fancy flapjack commercial. They looked too good to be true. Either this was a dream or Joker was trying to impress you. So of course you had to be dreaming.
You thought as much until Joker grabbed your chin from over the counter.
"What's floating in that pretty little head of yours hmm?" He loved that lost doey eyed look during sex but right now, not so much.
He slowly nodded his own head trying to urge you to speak with no success. You just stared at him so he let your face go with a sigh.
"AlrighTyyy then. Since you're incapable of speech, I'll talk. I found your pancake mix in the pantry and since you weren't, uh, waking up any time soon to make us anything. Tada." He gestured to his hard work. "It's.. it's magic. Now eat something so that brain of yours can start workin.' Here."
He scooped out the last pancake he made from the skillet onto your plate and dragged the larger serving plate closer for himself.
You were still speechless but glanced down at the fine china before you. It was your plum blossom set and it brought a smile to your face thinking back to the first time you served it to Joker all those weeks ago.
Funny how things changed but everything remained the same.
His pancakes didn't look poisonous and none of them were burnt either. (His first of many attempts were sitting at the bottom of the trash mocking him.) The ones before you looked perfectly normal and smelled yummy if your growling stomach had any say on the matter. Joker slid into the barstool next to you and loaded his own plate with food but kept an eye on you lost in thought. Did you hit your head or something? This silent treatment was unusual behavior even for you.
Right as he was preparing to force you out of your daze, you grabbed a fork and dug in. Joker would be lying if he said he didn't hold his breath waiting for your review.
You were chewing too slowly for his liking and he thought the worst when you suddenly glanced his way.
"These are delicious." You beamed.
"Well yeah. You did all the work, I just cooked the d__n things." So it wasn't as easy as he led you on to believe. Interesting..
You hid your mirth by hitting his arm. He bristled at the playful contact. "You know the rules, Joker."
It took him a minute to get what you were talking about but he rolled his eyes knowing all too well. "Sweetheart. I said a lot of bad words last night. Don't ya remember?"
He bit into his forkful of pancakes and smirked at your flushed face avoiding his eye. He dialed back his signature laugh into condescending chuckles, aimed at you.
"Don't go shy on me now, Y/n... you weren't last night when you kept begging me for more."
All the sinful things Joker whispered, groaned, and panted in your ear last night played in your head like a sports recap. You hated when he was right. You were practically begging for it but he didn't have to rub it in.
Joker turned out to be quite the sexual deviant and you just so happened to be his personal plaything until further notice.
You didn't mind. Joker took his job as a lover very seriously despite his apparent rough treatment of you. Another fact you discovered, Joker was verbal in bed. and he talked you through the most intense moments of the night with that silver tongue of his. Good Lord the things his tongue could do..
You cleared your throat, "I ah remember. But to answer your question, I slept very well and t-thank you for cooking."
Joker grunted in that weird way of his, this time it held a positive, don't mention it tone, as the two of you ate in silence.
You thought he would bring up what really made him ditch you in bed this morning but nope. Crickets. You honestly weren't surprised. Joker could avoid any topic when it benefited him. He wasn't the only one that ran away instead of facing his emotions. His 'I decided to cook breakfast' excuse didn't sit well with you.
You wisely kept that thought to yourself.
Thankfully Joker didn't seem to notice your lackluster mood (or so you thought) although he was rather quiet as the two of you finished up breakfast and he moved to collect the various plates and other tools he used.
As a peace offering, you volunteered to wash dishes and Joker immediately took you up on it.
He was dreading cleaning all of this crap. Why didn't you own a dishwasher? Probably another weird quirk of yours since you actually looked excited to manually wash dishes. He could tell by that ghost of a smile on your face. Yet your mood hadn't fully recovered.
Joker knew something was bothering you when you kept quiet as the sink filled with suds and hot water. He chose not to comment in case he was wrong with his assumption but when was he ever wrong? Uh never.
After you blindly handed him a knife to towel dry off, enough was enough. He felt insulted. You knew his track record with knives. Why hand him one? Before you could blink, Joker had you caged in between him and the kitchen sink with no way out.
Your soapy hands grabbed his arms on instinct. "J-Joker, what are you doing?"
Your eyes met his trying to understand what had gotten into him. His knowing gaze made you uneasy so you purposefully looked away.
"Oh. I see." Joker eyed you up and down, "Go ahead and get it off your chest Y/n."
You froze. How did he..?
"How'd I know you wanted to talk? C'mon sweetheart, that look on your face screams; I'm holding something back."
Joker watched you swallow and he glanced down at the marks he left on your neck. They were noticeable but still faint against your skin tone. He wished Wayne could see you all marked up and claimed. That annoying rich boy needed to know his place. Sometimes being a secret really sucked. Joker wanted all of Gotham to know that the two of you were together.
Would you be upset if he made an anonymous tv broadcast about it or leaked it to the Gotham Gazette? Joker knew saying anything would put you in danger but a man could dream.
There had to be a way. You stole Joker's attention away before he could think on it further. "I mean yeah I have questions but I doubt you'll answer them."
Joker visibly sighed. You didn't trust him in the way he wanted you to. Just what would it take?!
"Won't know if you don't ask, doll. Up you go!" Joker picked you up and plopped you down on the kitchen counter, ignoring your startled yelp.
He left you there shell shocked and mildly turned on to go drain the water in the sink. Dishes could wait, you were more important.
He dried his hands and yours before removing the apron he was wearing. Then Joker gave you his full undivided attention. Such a shame you were too busy ogling his abs to start asking him questions.
"Eyes up here princess." Joker said.
The endearment was new and it hit your core like an atomic bomb.
"Ohh Y/n! Did you just moan? I think you diddd." He walked up and settled in between your legs, smiling wide. Of course he noticed your reaction. Lovely.
Joker licked his lips in that distinctive way of his. He subconsciously missed his clown makeup.
You liked his natural bare face more. "N-No! I did not! Can you be serious for once?"
Rule number one: be careful what you ask for around Joker. His eyes clouded over and the temperature in the kitchen dropped a good ten degrees instantly. A serious Joker was scary. You were trapped on the counter with this unstable degenerate blocking your path.
And the danger excited you. His sharp eyes forced you to elaborate.
"I can't seem to understand how quickly you responded to rescue me. Don't get me wrong, I'm forever grateful, but Mac and Neo painted a clear picture that you never wanted to see me again. I mean, I went two weeks with absolute radio silence and that hurt Joker. I know I was the one who ran away.. but you let me go. Y-You encouraged me to! I know we sorta kinda settled things between us and I am willing to try this- try us out but..."
You stopped to take a deep breath. Your next words came out in a heavy sigh.
"How do I know for sure that your feelings are genuine? You said it yourself you suffered while I was away, that you still have voices and doubts in your head about me. It sounds like you're confused on how to proceed. You're still struggling with your emotions and I don't want to force you into something that you might not be ready for. If we need to slow things down or take another break I—"
"You are noT pushing me away just because you're the one too scared to jump all in." Joker cut you off.
His eyes were venomous green staring you down from his towering height. Even situated on the counter, Joker could make you feel so small. Deep down you actually feared him just a tad.
His palms squeezed your upper thighs as he came nose to nose with you. This is not how he wanted to tell you about his inner demons.
"None of that matters Y/n! I saw you get taken with my own eyes. What was I supposed to do? Sit back and watch as they killed you?"
He hissed the accusation in the combined space and you could smell the maple syrup enlaced with his words.
"Sounds like a normal Joker reaction to me." You commented.
Your response hurt more than it should. A few months ago that would have been true. But now? Now he had to feign indifference to save face.
"Sorry. Uh next time? when you get kidnapped, I'll sit back and take notes mkay? Whether you like it or noT, you're stuck with me, so no. I will not slow down ooor take a break. I have you all to myself and I refuse to let you go. Even if I don't know what I'm doin' you're not going anywhere."
By the end of Joker's speech his lips were hovering over yours. You could feel the truth and uncertainty in his words but you didn't have much to say as a rebuttal. He was willing to try something new despite the odds stacked against him.
Those expressive eyes of his held you hostage and you were unable to look away. They were begging for you to understand what he failed to say— what both of you were too scared to admit this early on.
So for now it was best left unsaid. Joker was leaning down to seal your lips with his when someone started banging on your front door.
Joker growled at the moment being ruined and was making his way to neutralize the noise when you ran after him.
"Joker, wait!"
You caught up to him near the dining room table. With a gentle hand on his chest you pushed him back. "You're a wanted fugitive, remember? Let me answer it."
He scoffed and pushed you aside. "Uh huh. A defenseless author with a target on her head wants to answer the door? You're asking for it now. Move."
He did have a point, however. "Joker I know that knock from anywhere it's not—"
"You got ten seconds to open this door or we're coming in!" A feminine voice hollered from the other side.
Joker eyed the door in newfound intrigue as the person began counting down. He returned your gaze when you answered his question. "It's Florence. Please. Go. Hide!"
Oh. A friend. Normal guests, not psychotic criminals trying to kidnap you. Joker was kinda disappointed.
Florence kept banging on the door in between her exaggerated countdown.
Your e/c eyes pleaded with Joker halfway between seven and five to leave. He almost put up a fight but retreated to his bedroom— out of sight, for the time being. You heard the bedroom door slam close and knew Joker wasn't in the best of moods after being interrupted.
He was finally opening up and giving insight to his inner thoughts and feelings until Florence came out of nowhere and forced him back into his shell. This tiny world you created with Joker in your apartment was just a façade. The world was still revolving and balancing Joker's existence and Gotham's would prove to be a difficult task.
Dealing with a grumpy Joker would be an even bigger one. That would have to be a problem to deal with later though. Right now Florence was on number three and louder than ever.
"Open the f___ing door Y/n! I know you're in there girl! We just wanna talk!"
Classic Florence to threaten you passive aggressively.
You took a deep breath and unlocked the door right as Florence got to one. To her left, Barbara was holding the only set of spare keys you had, save for the front desk copy downstairs and surprisingly Joker's set. How he came in possession of your keys was a topic to be revisited at a later date.
You greeted your friends. "Hey hi. What brings you—"
The Haitian woman shoulder checked you as she walked into your apartment. Barbara wheeled herself in, giving you a telepathic, 'she's pissed' warning glare in passing.
The redhead shook her head as you closed the door. You didn't have to read the room to know Florence was mad. You rubbed your aching shoulder. The message was well received.
Florence had her hands on her hips bringing attention to the body chain hanging snug around her waist. You saw the intricate beads, healing crystals, and evil eye charms attached to the gold chain, most likely made from a native from her home country.
Despite Gotham City's unpredictable weather, Florence wore a crop top and wrap skirt complete with impressive lace up heels. A vision as always and she knew it.
"Not you acting all cordial at the door. You almost died and I had to hear about it off the news! No phone calls, no text, f__k a letter would have sufficed! If Barbara here didn't fill me in, I would've thought the worst!" Florence listed off each offense she had against you with her long acrylics.
Each click of her coffin nails made you cringe. It was literal sorcery how she could braid hair with them.
You walked further into the room to confront Florence, more like de-escalate her ire.
"That was two weeks ago Flo." You mentioned. They didn't know about you getting kidnapped just yesterday. The less they know the better.
Barbara made a face before weighing in.
"It doesn't matter how long ago it was Y/n, we were so worried about you! It was terrifying to watch the news without knowing your whereabouts! No one heard from you until I got a call from Bruce saying you were laying low at his estate. You should have called us. We're your friends!"
She failed to mention that Bruce was first on the scene as Batman with his tech analyst Oracle on standby that fateful Friday night. Both were clueless as to where you disappeared to until you mysteriously appeared back at your apartment, otherwise unharmed the next day.
Your whereabouts after the gala attack were unaccounted for. Where did you go for the night? Better yet, how did you escape the carnage?
Things weren't adding up, hence Barbara here with Florence (blissfully unaware of course) trying to get more intel.
The billionaire mentioned that something was on your mind in the two weeks you stayed with him. Even worse, things fell flat literally out of nowhere and you were too eager to leave Wayne Manor. You refused to talk about it to him, maybe you would confide in Barbara.
Bruce said he dropped you off at your place yesterday afternoon and Barbara was determined to get to the bottom of things today. Florence was playing her part in the secret mission and rounded on you, agreeing with her redheaded friend.
"Exactly! Friends communicate but wait a minute, new information being presented. You stayed with the DILF?!" She looked at you both with a petty smile slowly forming on her face.
"Bruce is not a daddy." You crossed your arms with a dramatic eye roll.
"Girl you crazy!" Florence cackled but stopped when she noticed something peculiar. "Hold on... Oh my god." She gasped.
Barbara jumped in her chair and looked around. "What? What is it? What's wrong?"
If she looked further into the kitchen she would've seen the mess Joker made of it. You clearly didn't have any time to clean or hide the evidence of him being here before their unexpected arrival. The fact the mess was there made you panic and try to keep their attention isolated in the living room.
"You f__ked him!" Florence screamed.
Your face turned deadpan the exact moment Barbara spoke out. "Wait who??"
Florence rolled her exotic eyes. "Y/n had sex with Bruce Wayne! It's written all over her face."
"I d-did not!"
She scoffed, "Tuh the devil is a lie. You had sex with somebody and ya boy Wayne seems to be a biter." She poked your collarbone that was riddled with marks. Your pjs put them on full display and you slapped a hand over them.
"I-I uh.." You turned to Barbara for help but she seemed to be processing this new information poorly.
"I I I. You're stuttering Y/n. Was the sex that good you can't form sentences? Is he still here?" Florence followed your gaze and looked over her shoulder.
You made a panic induced noise that diverted her attention back to you and away from the archway leading to the bedrooms.
"Bruce isn't here because I didn't have sex with him! I was still in bed when you banged on my door like the freaking GCPD." Your state of clothing sold the story but Florence wasn't buying it judging by her pursed lips.
"Mmhm. You took a shower and didn't wrap your hair beforehand. Any woman with some common sense would protect her textured hair before showering unless she's too preoccupied by getting dicked down. I can see the water damage Y/n. You ain't slick." Florence tapped your nappy hair that was sticking out from under your silk wrap.
Busted and Florence looked smug as you struggled to make a witty response.
Barbara broke the silence, sounding a bit hurt. "Y/n.. did you really have sex with Bruce?"
You turned towards the redhead and sighed. It was easy to forget Barbara had this weird, complex relationship with the billionaire. If she wasn't so flirtatious and coy with Dick you would've been convinced she had a thing for Bruce.
Either way, you heard the betrayal in her voice and felt obligated to set the record straight.
"No, I did not Barbara." You glanced at Florence when she snorted. "Look. I said what I said. Believe me or not that's up to you but I have no reason to lie."
Barbara slowly nodded her head but both of you eyed Florence when she burst out laughing.
"That dick must've been grade A to have you this twisted. You look like you barely survived a one night stand with a sadist." Florence snickered and fell on the couch in stitches.
She was having way too much fun roasting you. She was right about the sadist bit. Joker did get carried away...
"She has a point Y/n. They look painful but regardless— I'm so happy for you!" Barbara squealed.
"Our girl is finally getting dick. Took her long enough!" Florence added in between wheezes.
"Oh my god." You groaned at your friends ganging up on you. You made your way to the couch and sat down next to Flo.
After a while their laughter simmered down until Florence could speak without giggling.
"Okay nah forreal. I can squeeze you in for an appointment. Your hair looking a lil rough baby." Florence patted your natural hair professionally. "Did he pull the braids out or something? What happen?"
You swatted her hand away. "See you ain't right. If you two are done hounding me, I'd like to relax for the rest of the day."
Joker was bound to be pissed with how long they were hanging around. He was not a person to keep waiting but you couldn't kick them out without raising suspicions.
"Oh? He wore you out these past two weeks and now you're trying to kick us out. Rude. We came over to invite you out for a girl's night." Florence propped her heels on the coffee table and Barbara nodded her head, situated in her favorite spot next to the accent chair.
Behind her you spotted Joker's ridiculous panda suit he left on the floor when the two of you arrived late last night.
It was riddled with scratches from the spray of bullets Two Face's goons made in retaliation to your rescue. A cold sweat ran down your spine hoping they didn't see it. How could Joker be so careless?! Oh right, he thought it would be just the two of you in the penthouse for the next five months. You weren't a recluse for crying out loud!
Although few in number, you had visitors and many deliveries that stopped by. You mentally shook your head and diverted your attention back to Barbara who clapped her hands in glee.
"You can rest later Y/n! C'mon, we haven't hung out in ages!"
Flo admired her acrylic set and added her two cents in. "Red is right. Plus you deserve some fun after your brush with death."
If only she knew just how true her statement was and how recent. You wanted to agree but..
You glanced towards your guest bedroom where you knew Joker was bound to be eavesdropping. Florence's stunning beauty blocked your field of vision.
"Unless you really do have a dick appointment with a tall handsome billionaire you not telling us about." She sang.
You spat the denial out through your teeth. "No, I don't."
Barbara snickered behind her hands and the motion caused her many bracelets to clink together. "Perfect! We'll make it a true girl's night and invite Morgana!" She whipped her phone out and began typing away. "Wait, what time does she get off work?"
"Three." You and Florence said at the same time but you added more to your sentence. "So this is a thing. Like we're actually going out tonight?"
"Yes but there's a catch. I was invited to a club by one of my clients." Florence said with a grimace.
Barbara looked up from her phone not understanding the issue. "Okay? Wow! That's amazing Flo. Which one?"
You and Barbara shared a look. "I've never heard of it, is it a new club or something?" You asked.
Florence turned her head and mumbled something off to the side. Her odd behavior was irking Barb who had enough and raised her voice. "Spit it out Flo!"
"It's in Atlanta aight! The club is in Atlanta." She huffed out.
"Like.. Georgia?"
"As in, almost nine hundred miles away, in a different state than us Georgia?"
Florence rolled her eyes at the two of you pestering her. "Y'all so childish. Yes, that Georgia. I flew down to braid his hair a few times and he always invited me to his club for bottle service as secondary payment. Wasn't interested before, but we could use a little bit of fun on his dime. Plus I'm tryna get drunkity drunk tonight."
You snickered seeing Barbara process this new information. She was the brains of the group. This would be interesting.
"How are we going to get there, Florence? Traveling with me and a wheelchair isn't the best thing in the world, I'd tell you that."
Florence quickly replied. "It's just a suggestion d__n. He has a jet so it'll be personal care for you and your equipment, I promise. It beats staying here in Gotham. Just about all of the warehouses and strips are closed due to that explosion last night."
You stopped laughing.
"Oh good point. Dad's been so busy handling the situation on top of the National Guard I didn't get to talk to him this morning." Barbara mentioned.
Were they talking about the bomb Joker caused to save you last night? It sure sounded like it. You tensed up in your seat and remained quiet.
"See? It makes sense to travel elsewhere since Gotham City nightlife is temporarily shut down. This is what happens when an idiot blows up a perfectly good liquor factory. We have to party outside the state!"
They were definitely talking about the warehouse Joker demolished. Barbara and Florence spoke in the background about tonight's travel details but you were stuck in your own world.
It was insane to recall but you were kidnapped less than twenty four hours ago and Joker's 'heroic actions' had citywide consequences. Most of the nightclubs in Gotham were housed in warehouses so it was sound logic to shut down the rest to protect the public from any other repeat hits or copycats.
Would it be too suspicious to turn on the tv to watch the news coverage mid conversation? You didn't expect any survivors, but you needed to know what lengths Joker went through to get you back.
Even if they were criminals beyond saving, their deaths somehow felt like your responsibility.
"I can't believe I'm agreeing with this.. Usually I would stress my dad's strict citywide curfew but technically it doesn't apply if we fly out of the state. Morgana's not answering her cell so she must be busy with an order. I'll fill her in later. How about we meet back here around, oh let's say, a quarter to eight then drive to the airport?"
You were still on the fact they were talking about last night's traumatic event to even acknowledge they were making plans without your say.
You reentered the conversation with a stage cough. "Um excuse me? Hi. The owner of the meetup spot wishes to speak. Do I have a say in the matter or...?"
"Nope." They both said.
You were overruled two to one. What was the point in trying to stick your ground?
You finally got to glance at the clock. It read a little after eleven am. For someone who went to bed super late and woke up extremely early, you had a ton of energy. But did you have enough for a girl's night? Would you have enough to face Joker after this and tell him you were leaving? You were way too young for this kind of stress.
You'd have grey hairs by the end of the year. Florence ended your worrisome thoughts when she stood up with a flourish.
"Alright I'll call and tell him that we're a go. Now you!" She rounded on you with a pointy coffin nail. "I want that hair washed and presentable to match your sexy outfit that you'll wear tonight. And if you fail to be ready at eight pm, I will personally cockblock your plans with Wayne. Have I made myself clear?"
Florence stood over you looking every bit the assertive girl boss she was. You nodded your head to appease her. "Yes ma'am. I'll be ready."
Neither her or Barbara looked convinced. You were notorious for rain checks after all.
"I mean it Y/n/n." Flo warned.
Barbara sent you another telepathic message, this one, sucks to be you, before they both made their way towards the door. You held it open, waving goodbye and promising to be ready at eight o'clock.
You closed the door with a soft click that did nothing to muffle your heavy sigh. Somehow you got roped into a jet setting night out. Just what were you going to tell Joker?
You could write a thousand speeches, captivate an audience with your riveting tales, but when it came to finding a way to tell Joker about tonight's plans, you came up short.
He would not take the news well, that much was certain and you really didn't want to put a wedge in the already fragile relationship. You liked Joker a lot but your pre-existing friendship with the girls was important too.
Who took more priority in your life? You rested your head on the front door, at a loss on what to do.
"Going somewhere bunny?"
You screamed at the low timbre caressing in your ear. You doubted if Florence and Barbara were out of earshot yet but you honestly did not care. Your roommate was a sneaky devil that loved to scare people, i.e. you.
"Joker, you got to stop creeping up on me like that! My heart is racing!" You placed a hand over your chest to try and calm the tempo down.
Joker could care less. He heard every word you said and had a bone to pick with you. He crowded your frightened form to the wall and eyed you down with that mysterious gleam you had yet to decipher. You couldn't tell what he was thinking until he spoke.
"Soooo you're leaving. Again." He growled.
Okay he was Pissed with a capital p.
You had two choices here. One, play the victim card or own up to the plans and hold your ground. You chose the higher ground.
"Oh that. Well you already heard but Flo, Barb, and I are doing girl's night. I can't back out or they'll get suspicious. I mean.. they already think—"
Joker cut you off. "That you're screwing Gotham's most favorite upstanding citizen, Bruce Wayne? Yeah I hearD. I'll let that slide solely on the fact that the Commissioner's daughter was sooo worried about your sex life she failed to notice incriminating evidence right in her face."
He stepped back to pick up his bulletproof panda suit off the floor and shook it playfully. "It's comforting to know everyone associated with the GCPD is dumber than a bag of rocks."
You didn't find his comment funny.
"Don't insult my friend right to my face, Joker. That's what you not finna do."
He enjoyed hearing your Blüdhaven dialect come out whenever you were upset. It was a different side of you that very few got to see.
You noted his aloof demeanor and decided to agitate the bear since he wasn't mad like you thought he'd be. "Meanwhile I'm surprised you're not more upset about their 'accusations'. A lot can happen in two weeks."
You quoted Joker's own words right back at him, much to his displeasure.
Joker's grin fell and so did the panda suit from his grasp. It sank to the floor with an audible thud as he approached you once more. "Watch it Bunny."
You pursed your lips. "Or what? You'll spank me?"
"Do you want me to?"
You could tell Joker was serious. He didn't stutter nor did he crack a smile. If your eyes weren't glued to his, you would've seen his hands balled up into fists and shaking by his side. This version of Joker was unknown to you and it was wise to tread carefully. He was unpredictable and visibly on edge.
You let out a shaky breath. "N-No! Look. I'm not running away.."
"Then why did you agree to go out clubbing in Atlanta? That's the very definition of leaving!"
Joker was trying to ebb his emotions but it was proving to be difficult when you stood there acting like you were innocent.
Didn't you see your hypocritical actions front and center? How dare you paint him out to be the villain here?! He shouldn't be punished just because you were scared to take a leap of faith. You talked up a good game about giving this relationship a shot but you ran away at the mere drop of a hat. It was not fair.
You should be the one questioning your feelings toward him, not the other way around. He stood firm on his feelings, (even if he was relearning them day by day) you were the one uncertain. You were the one who was afraid.
Joker couldn't help you overcome that fear, at least not in a healthy manner. However tough love was a tried and true approach to these situations...
"Why?" Joker growled again as he invaded your space.
He didn't care if you were claustrophobic. He couldn't even think straight let alone notice how his actions were affecting you. You backpedaled further into the kitchen and was creating some distance until your back hit the pantry door next to the stove.
Then you were caged in, standing before a raging lion.
Arms you previously admired and clung to throughout the night were walls of steel, blocking your escape. Joker's tall frame blocked out the light, plunging you into a dark void where you were an innocent mouse and he the Cheshire Cat licking his fangs in anticipation.
The shadows made his facial scars harsher somehow. More sinister than you'd care to admit.
Joker repeated his question yet your brain failed at forming the right words to answer. Your silence was not what he wanted to hear. Joker asked you again only this time, he shouted it.
You cowered away and he preened at the fear rolling off of you. Almost a month ago, he would have killed to see fear overwhelm your features, yet seeing it today, it was all wrong. Just wrong, wrong, wrong. He never wanted you to fear him but that dark, ugly side he tried so hard to tame, wanted— no needed to force you to see their way of thinking.
Fear was the only way. It was the only emotion Joker knew and perfected and so he used it well.
You whimpered when Joker's fist careened into the pantry door mere inches from your face. It almost drowned out his demand for answers. Almost.
You didn't know how to respond when he was like this.
Granted you were still emotionally drained from last night, (and from this morning when you woke up alone) you easily lost the battle against your emotions and let a tear slip out.
His world stopped spinning.
It was as if Killer Croc ripped Joker's heart out and shredded it into confetti paper. Joker feared nothing but the moment he reached out and tried holding your face in his hands- when you flinched away- he felt hollow inside.
He was scum, lower than dirt for invoking your tears.
Joker's hands hovered in front of your face, trembling from the thought of touching you, of invoking your fear of him more, he couldn't stomach the sight anymore. He did this. No. That horrid- evil side of him that he tried his best to hide whenever he was around you, did this.
It wanted your blood, your terror, your very life if you were foolish enough to give it. Joker knew he was a monster; it was common knowledge and he wondered daily why you allowed him to dwell amongst your beauty and kindness. All he ever did was cause you pain.
Perhaps he should leave. He couldn't hurt something out of his reach, so he nodded to himself and began to turn when your weak, watery cry stopped him.
"Wait! Please."
Joker's world began spinning again, one hesitant inch at a time.
He was the one that cornered, frightened, and made you cry so why was he the one acting afraid? Joker was scared to see your face, to find disgust there directed at him. Maybe today would be the day you came to your senses and kicked him out of your life for good.
But no. His Bunny was too merciful. Your hands mirrored his previous intentions and held his cheek like glass. Your hands were so warm on his scars it made him dizzy.
"P-Please.. I'm sorry. I promise I'm not running away! Don't ever think that I'm running from you or from u-us. It's just.. um my friends and I rarely have the same schedules and if I don't go tonight it'll be months before we get to hang out as a full group again. And with you in my apartment for the next five months I want— No, I need to spend time with them before I give you all of my attention. You deserve it! I'm so sorry Joker, I have to go, please don't be mad at me!"
You burst into tears and clung to his chest. He blinked in awe that his fear tactic worked. Finally you explained your actions! Although he hated the method he used, it all worked out in the end.
You feared Joker just a smidgen more than you previously did and in the future he would use that to his advantage. Joker sighed to himself. He was ashamed for even manipulating you like this, but as he wrapped his arms around you and shushed your hiccups like a baby– he knew.
The seed was sown; You knew better not to anger him again.
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Joker was used to making people cry and he hardly cared if they never stopped. It was part of the job description as Joker monopolized people's fear of him for his grip on power.
That is until he made you cry. Then, it was a problem. One that he couldn't seem to fix.
You two had slid to the kitchen floor where Joker sat with his back to the counter and you in his arms. He looked every bit a grumpy cat.
No matter how many times he patted your back or mumbled out at "There, there Bunny." or rolled his eyes each time you apologized he groaned, "Stop saying sorry and stop cryin.." you didn't.
You would simply tear up more and cling to him tighter.
This was Joker's atonement. His legs had since fallen asleep from your weight on them and he watched the time tick by on the stove's interface. Sooner or later you would tucker yourself out, right? Joker was by no means religious but he considered praying to something if it finally dried up your tears.
He was seconds away from shoving you aside and doing something more useful with his time- but once he raised a hand to caress the back of your head, it all stopped.
Just like that, you stopped. He was mad at himself for not thinking of it sooner. You secretly loved your hair being played with despite your strict 'no touching rule.'
You whimpered differently and shuddered in his hold as your gentle sobs came to a stop.
All was quiet until you looked up into muddled green orbs. Joker appeared to be absolutely bored but his eyes softened when he saw your puffy face staring up at him. Even with tear stained cheeks, you were beautiful. He didn't know if he was allowed to kiss you but nothing could stop Joker when he wanted something.
Right now, he wanted to kiss those pretty lips of yours. He wiped your lash line with the pad of his thumb and angled your head better to see him.
"You feelin better doll?"
You bashfully nodded your head. Your emotional outburst was so embarrassing now that it was over. To think you cried in front of Joker of all people! Ugh, you felt so pathetic.
Yet the way Joker's eyes regarded you like you were the most interesting thing in his world, it gave you a bit of hope. Who cares if your writer's mind over romanticized the moment?
Joker arched an eyebrow at your spaced out gaze and huffed gently. "Still not using your big girl words. I wanna hear you use 'em." He tapped your temple once, then twice to taunt your brain.
"I-I ahem.. I feel better. T-Thanks for letting me cry all over you." You wiped his chest that did little to absorb your tears. His muscles looked good wet. You cleared your throat after thinking that wild thought.
"Something else still on your mind?" Joker asked while tipping your head back with a lone finger. He had a sixth sense in reading your mind.
This relationship would be so much easier if he actually could, but alas. He was still pretty accurate at times.
"No. I just feel stupid for crying in your lap like some spoiled brat." You grumbled.
"Hmm, you do acT like one so no harm done." He laughed after seeing your annoyed scowl. "Now that your uh.. tantrum is over. You wanna relocate this chat somewhere else? Like.. not on the floor?" Joker shifted his knee and you both heard the pop it made after being in the same position for too long.
"Oh my gosh! Your leg! I'm so–"
Joker took that time to shut you up with a kiss. You tensed up for a millisecond but melted like wax soon after on his velvet lips. Unfortunately he broke the connection off prematurely and you failed to stop the whine that escaped your throat.
Joker chuckled once and pecked your lips, unable to deny you of anything. "If you apologize one more time, I'll give ya something to really be sorry for."
You barely had time to digest that warning before Joker abruptly stood up with you still in his arms. The sudden change of motion threw you off. He held you steady as you adapted to standing on your own two feet once again. You thanked him once the room stopped spinning.
Then you saw the state of your kitchen. Dishes were still lying around that weren't cleaned the first go around and it was slowly creeping towards midday. You had too much to handle before eight pm.
But one task at a time you told yourself. "I should finish cleaning and make us lunch before I start getting ready."
Joker's arms tightened around you after hearing your intentions. All that crying and you were still leaving? It didn't make any sense to him. You knew exactly what he was thinking and backed out of his arms with a sigh.
"I'm still going, Joker. You can go one night without me. I can cook you dinner before I go and I'll be back before breakfast. But I do need to go grocery shopping beforehand. I doubt there's anything in the fridge."
"There isn't." Joker confirmed.
You nodded and rocked on your heels in awkward silence. Your statement hung in the electrically charged room. Joker didn't help the situation by staring at you unblinking. Two pools of emerald bore into your soul and you crumbled like a cookie. Staring at Joker was like playing with fire. You had to look away to save yourself.
"Alrighty then. I guess I'll g-go get ready–" You made it around the island counter, headed towards your bedroom when Joker grabbed ahold of your arm.
"Uh where are you going?" He asked.
Did the man have separation anxiety or something? Regardless, your eyes traced from Joker's grip on your skin, up along his muscular arm to his eyes. Surely he wasn't hard of hearing.
"I just said I need to go grocery shopping. Geez Joker. It won't take me long and I promise I'll be back before you know it. I do have to change though." You glanced down at his firm grip, willing him to let go.
"You're not going anywhere without me."
Unfreaking believable. Who was acting like a spoiled brat now? Did all logic fly out the window this morning? You were literally speechless, gaping up at Joker until he explained himself.
"Both of us are going to the store." He sounded so sure of himself you wanted to believe it was possible. But this new level of insanity Joker cooked up was maddening.
How did he survive this long making these rash decisions?
You made a face and waved your hands wildly in a state of confusion. "Joker, you can't be serious. You're a wanted fugitive! There's an active manhunt for your recapture! Not to mention the explosion you created last night to rescue me has the entire GCPD force on go mode. The last thing you need to do is go outside."
Joker crossed his arms and stared you down. His facial expression was proof he didn't care about the authorities or their frivolous manhunt. His dramatic eye roll was a big, 'I don't give a f__k.'
You looked Joker dead in the eye and made an iconic hand gesture, "One does not simply walk into a supermarket with a reputation like yours."
Joker didn't get the pop culture reference. "Uh.. I'm not wearing any makeup." He pointed to his bare face. "So yeah, yeah I can."
He brought up a good argument. Joker did in fact look like a completely different person without his signature clown makeup. He could probably avoid detection if not for his scars. You were biased towards them but any other person would openly stare if they saw Joker's face. His hair alone would instantly raise alarm.
"That doesn't change the fact you're still.... well you." Joker arched an eyebrow at your choice of words so you quickly retracted your statement.
"I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I meant.. um green hair, drop dead gorgeous guy, oozing dangerous vibes, plus your uh.."
You gestured vaguely at your mouth. Joker just blinked.
This field trip must mean a lot to him if he truly forgot that his appearance was a major problem with attempting to blend in with society.
Self acceptance was always celebrated here, but not everyone has an elongated smile carved onto their face. You struggled saying that in a positive tone but you couldn't beat around the bush.
"Good Lawd this is pointless. Since you won't take no for an answer, you're putting a beanie on to cover your hair and I have a face mask around here somewhere to cover your scars. If I could, I'd put a brown paper bag over your head." You sighed wistfully.
His pointed glare dared you to try.
"Joker, this is still too risky." You trailed off and scratched the back of your neck, overthinking this idea since he wouldn't. Was his separation anxiety worth him potentially getting arrested?
You glanced up when Joker scoffed flippantly. Apparently so.
"Risky is my middle name, Y/n! I go under-cove-rrr more times than I'd care to admit with no issues. Gotham Citizens are annoyingly ignorant when it comes to being observant." The dark gleam in his eye had you believing him for a second.
Yet it wasn't enough. "I don't know.."
He hated hearing the hesitation in your voice. Joker was running out of excuses so he took you in his arms and held fast to your shoulders shaking them none too gently.
"Hey. Y/n. Look. Look at meee." You gazed up at Joker with doubt still clouding your e/c hued eyes. He took a moment to admire your beauty before he jumped back to the matter at hand.
"Nothing bad will happen. Can you- oh I don't know, trust me for once?" He cupped your face and stared straight into your soul.
Time slowed down whenever you stared at Joker. There was something about those electric green eyes of his that simply drew you in. His lips loomed closer and closer until they met yours with a rare gentleness that you never expected Joker to possess. Joker's kiss felt lighter than the pancakes he made for breakfast.
His tongue clashed with yours fighting for dominance- swirling like the butter and syrup on your plate- until you gave Joker full control. He licked the root of your mouth in victory and ever since you were a goner.
Joker pressed up against you- all hard edges and a festering heat. The combination made you weak in the knees yet Joker couldn't erase the narrative from your mind. This trip to the store was definitely risky and it went against your logic as an author.
Every character you read about or created never exposed themselves in such a way. They were smart to avoid detection at all costs until the coast was clear.
They weren't arrogant, thinking themselves untouchable and they never taunted the authorities. Joker was doing that and more. In Joker's case, his recapture was inevitable because Batman always tracked the clown down.. but not this time.
This time, Joker was under your protection and you dared the caped crusader to steal him away from you. You made a silent vow to keep Joker hidden the day you half-dragged, half-carried him into your apartment, unconscious and bleeding.
If Joker was going down, so were you. And so  you elected yourself to be the brains of this duo.
You seriously wanted to boycott this dumb idea of his. There were so many what ifs floating around in your head. If you spent the same amount of time thinking about the cons you would have known they were moot points since Joker was already determined to go.
He said it himself Gotham citizens were ignorant to their surroundings.
Barbara and Florence were living proof of that. If they were more observant they would've blown the whistle on your 'hide a fugitive in my apartment' quest a long time ago. Barbara saw right through your little white lie about adopting a cat but didn't press the matter any further.
You proudly wore a necklace of love bites and bruises that Florence pointed out although she didn't grow concerned when you denied it wasn't Bruce's doing. Who else did it then Florence? You mentally rolled your eyes. It was kinda sad just how little your two best friends cared. You might need this girl's night more than you thought.
And to get there you had to appease Joker. Your thoughts were abuzz as he pulled away from your lips for air. He swiped at the string of spit connecting your mouths with his tongue and rested his forehead against yours.
You didn't need more persuasion after that doozy of a kiss. You trusted Joker to some degree and it was high time to give him more credit where it was due. All you had was his word and a pinch of hope that this trip wouldn't backfire.
You played with the strands of hair on the nape of Joker's neck to gain his attention. He already knew you would cave in but your following words just solidified his theory.
"I hope I don't regret this. Get dressed loser, we're going shopping."
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And that's how you ended up grocery shopping with Joker.
The mere thought was insane but sure enough, you glanced to your right and the notorious criminal stood next to you reading the nutritional facts on a bag of chips in fake interest. You had to smack his hand when he tried to open the bag in the middle of the store.
He threw death glares at you for hitting him but eventually tossed the half opened bag into the cart.
"I totally regret this." You grumbled and pushed the cart away from Joker.
He said nothing but followed behind you, secretly keeping an eye out on the various shoppers and all available entry and exit points. Just because he told you he went undercover with ease didn't mean he was lax with surveillance. Joker was vigilant while maintaining a level of calmness. A shame you weren't in the same boat.
Your nerves were one thousand percent since the moment you two left the apartment and it was noticeable from how your heels tapped on the epoxy floors to your shifty eyes. Every sound made you jump. You still couldn't believe you agreed to this.
After explaining to Joker that you were quoting Mean Girls and not deliberately calling him a loser, (you knew better) you both went your separate ways to get dressed.
You spent half of your thirty minutes taming your hot mess of hair into a pineapple bun and tied it strategically with a scarf. It paired well with your designer halter top and black skinny jeans that made your backside look phenomenal. You chose to wear printed Louboutin heels to polish off the look and eyed yourself in the mirror celebrating a job well done. Until you saw the bruises on your neck.
Joker's 'handiwork' was on full display but nothing a little concealer couldn't fix.
Adorning bracelets and a pair of hoop earrings as finishing touches, you considered yourself ready to go. Joker didn't know what to say when he opened his bedroom door and saw you in the hallway applying another coat of clear lip gloss to those plump lips of yours.
Your smoldering gaze rooted him to the spot.
"I uh thought we were going to the uhh... store?" He managed to say.
You looked ready for a date not for running errands. Joker looked down at his scruffy jeans and grey long sleeve shirt feeling vastly underdressed.
You on the other hand were practically drooling at Joker's choice in clothes. All he needed was a jean jacket and he would be any woman's bad boy dream. Since when did ripped jeans look so hot? You fiddled with your hair scarf hoping you weren't visibly sweating.
"You weren't kidding when you said you went clothes shopping. I ah... you look.. wow." You stuttered in Joker's direction. Your heels clicked loudly on the hardwood floors as you sauntered over to him.
Just a change of clothes and Joker had completely transformed himself. He let a few strands of his hair peek out from underneath the dark beanie you gave him. The pop of green was the only color in his monochromatic attire. Maybe this disguise would actually work.
He had you fooled. Joker looked like a lead guitarist of a metal band and an incredibly hot one at that. He let you run your hands over his clothed chest, while holding back an amused grin. "Answer my question Bunny." He reminded you.
"What question?"
Joker shook his head. "If we go together it'll draw more attention, 'specially if you keep that on..." He cooed. He didn't have to crane his head to see that booty from the front. You could make anything look sexy but this fit of yours was killing him.
"Right.. yeah perhaps I can meet you there? It's the EverFresh on Yale St."
That would explain your dressy outfit. Only nannies of prominent families and the upper elite shopped at EverFresh. Their prices were inflated but the quality of food lived up to the company's name. Joker knew you would blend in with your outfit. Everything made sense.
Not much else was said when the two of you left your apartment and rode the elevator down to the main floor. You were sweating bullets thinking someone would identify Joker but alas, no one batted an eyelash. Other than a fleeting glance at him for wearing a face mask, Joker roamed freely amongst the public.
This was actually working. The realization was terrifying.
He could've been anywhere all these years. It made his reputation that much terrifying. Joker whispered in your ear to relax right before he disappeared into the foot traffic outside of your apartment complex. Then you were alone.
Despite his reassuring words you felt like everyone was watching you. One guy stared longer than you liked on the subway (it didn't dawn on you that you looked hot) and it raised your hackles until you heard someone subtly clear their throat a few distance away.
The subway car was packed but out of the corner of your eye, you could see the dark handsome figure of Joker holding onto the ceiling handle. His grip on it highlighted his bicep in the tight grey shirt he wore and the lady standing next to him was definitely enjoying the view. If only she knew those arms could snap her neck and the nearby populace in the blink of an eye.
Joker's green eyes glowed in the overhead lights before the subway went through a blacked out passageway. The staring contest pursued even in the dark. Keeping an eye on Joker helped calm your nerves and you let out a shaky exhale until a robotic feminine voice announced the station's arrival.
It wasn't far of a walk out the subway terminal into the blinding organic and healthy food market, EverFresh.
The place reeked of superiority. It made you want to gag but you mentally prepared yourself and rented a cart to begin your shopping. This wouldn't take long and you reminded yourself you were nothing like these people.
EverFresh was the only store you knew of where a pre-screening background check was mandatory before obtaining a membership and also where sweats were banned. You wished you wore your Saint Laurent YSL logo heels instead.
Sticking out like a sore thumb wasn't ideal right now. Yet none of that mattered when Joker entered the store five minutes after you.
Somehow he bypassed earning a stink eye from the greeter when he failed to rent a cart or handheld basket, however, Joker did gain the eye of every housewife, nanny, private chef, and female employee present.
There was an air about him that commanded attention while warning people not to stare for too long. It was apparent he didn't belong here but no one questioned Joker's authority. He naturally found you on the bread aisle and strode up to you with confidence.
Unfortunately you didn't see him toss a loaf of whole grain wheat into the cart but you heard his dramatic greeting, "I see you started without me, Princess."
A middle aged woman, (a politician's wife by the looks of it) sent jealous daggers into your back.
You thought bringing Joker along to the store would put him at risk with the cops but, oh no. His sexy, mysterious aura was gonna get you in trouble with the jealous shoppers. Joker was better off coming as the wanted man he was instead of this wickedly good disguise.
Joker chuckled at your dilemma and only made matters worse by following behind you like a dark shadow. From an outsider's perspective, he appeared to be your personal bodyguard but he was anything but. You grabbed a few more things before turning down the breakfast aisle when Joker decided to act a plum fool.
Your heels echoed on the spotless floor as you combed through the vast selection for the various items on your list. Since Joker was with you, he could help carry the majority of the load so you could buy in bulk. You were scratching an item off the list when you heard your name across the way.
"Oh Y/n can I please have it? I promise I've been a very good boy."
You slowly turned around to find Joker holding up a box of Cocoa Nuts and Frosted Flakes, shaking them aggressively. You were surprised that Colomy's brand of cereal was even in stock here but stared at Joker in disbelief. Whatever happened to keeping a low profile?
He swore your left eye twitched. You were just about to scold him when another shopper walked by getting an eyeful of Joker. She giggled out a hello, he paid her no mind.
"Please Bunny?"
Her scoff was louder than the gossip she'd start about you. Your membership would take a few points for sure.
Steam was coming out of your ears you were so embarrassed.
"You are acting like a child. Yes, you can get them! Anything to shut you up." You scanned the area making sure no one was getting too suspicious. If anyone were listening in, it sounded like a nanny discipling her charge. If only Joker was an adolescent and not a full grown man with a twisted sense of humor.
This was the first trip to the store that no one had asked if you needed help or huffed at you to move out of their way. Usually a store associate would have bothered you by now. The lack of customer service put you on edge.
Joker invading your personal space and practically purring in your ear didn't help relieve your paranoia either. "Thank you Mommy." He said while tossing both boxes into the cart.
You never felt more embarrassed in your entire life. You wished the floor could swallow you whole. And so everything came back full circle.
"I totally regret this." You grumbled and pushed the cart away from Joker.
Yet he never left your line of sight. He stayed glued to your side even while you struggled to reach things on the top shelves and made sexual innuendos as you chose between two pieces of meat.
"Hmmm. Why not get that one Y/n? We both know you like thick pieces of meat." His words made the tips of your ears tingle and it flushed beet red when a blonde standing next to you gasped in shock.
She looked Joker up and down, no doubt about to shoot her shot but you tossed both packets of meat into the cart and hissed at Joker to follow you.
He did, but not before winking at the blonde. No matter how many times you told him to behave he would say or do something attention grabbing and shoot your stress levels sky high. He was doing it on purpose now. You were about to reach the floral section when you rounded on Joker.
"Stay right here and watch the cart. Do not walk off, do not flirt with another shopper.. again.. and please don't eat anything I haven't paid for yet."
He rolled his eyes and gave you a lazy army salute, which was his way of saying, 'I will make no such promises.' He was already looking for something to get into by the time you turned around.
Your attention focused on the florist center which took up a decent size of the market. It alone contributed to the sweet, inviting smell that wafted throughout the store.
Arrange me Not owned leasing rights within the supermarket but their primary location was a blooming success in Otisburg. And with good reason. Their work was amazing with each bouquet arranged with a personal touch for the expected recipient. They made common flowers works of art and you were lucky enough to know the owner.
Morgana planned on expanding to a third location in New Gotham by the end of the year. She could put old Pamela Isley out of business if the botanist turned super criminal ever returned to an honest living.
Regardless, you knew your friend was here in person today based on the more elaborate, premade bouquets on display. You walked up to the counter and decided against ringing the bell placed there.
It was too noisy, the florist mentioned time and time again.
"Morgana you busy?"
You didn't have to wait long before curious brown eyes shot out from the back followed by a dazzling smile when she recognized her current customer. Morgana had her long silky hair done up in a high ponytail today with a wreath of wildflowers acting as a makeshift hair tie.
If her hands weren't caked in dirt she would have hugged you. "Never for you Y/n! What will it be today? Lilies? Garden roses? Ooh! Peonies are in right now and I have a full crate that I can ship over from Otisburg to—" You stopped her rambling with a gentle wave.
"I'd love any arrangement you make Morgana but that's not why I'm here."
"Oh." She scratched her face, leaving a streak of soil there. "Did something happen again? I haven't checked my phone today."
Out of all of your friends Morgana was the most level headed when it came to your life drama. She didn't panic like Florence or Barbara would and it was one of the reasons why Morgana was the only person you texted after you woke up underground in Joker's bunker.
You hated having favorites but you could tell Morgana anything simply because she wouldn't overreact or care about the information. She was truly a free spirited individual. Which meant you could be as blunt as you wanted— no harm done.
"No, nothing bad happened. Flo, Barb, and I are doing girl's night. Barbara texted you the full details but I wanted to make sure you knew before your shift ended. We're meeting back up at my place at a quarter till eight. Florence got this client of hers that's flying us out to Atlanta."
Halfway through your explanation Morgana wiped her hands and face clean with a cloth and rounded the counter to stand by your side. It was acting as a barrier from giving you a hug. She pulled away with a laugh after hearing the end of your sentence.
"Oh she been giving that man pussy!" You joined in with her peals of laughter.
"That's what I said because ain't no way he's offering to fly us all out free of charge! He owns a club so I guess he's paying for everything else tonight. We just gotta come as we are."
"I have yet to turn down a man's money. Consider me in. What's the dress code?" Morgana asked. Unfortunately, you were just as clueless.
"Uh I don't know." You checked the group chat but nothing was mentioned. "I mean it's Atlanta so probably hot girl summer. Florence mentioned she wanted to get drunk so. There's that."
Morgana sighed to herself. "That means someone gotta stay sober to watch her Haitian a_s. We are not getting kicked out of a club again. I nominate you this time." She rolled her eyes when you muttered, well duh, but continued. "But say less I'll be ready. Is Cindy down?"
You totally forgot to include the businesswoman! It was quite last minute and you hadn't talked to her since visiting her office with Bruce two weeks ago.
"I doubt it."
Morgana hummed, "Won't hurt to invite her just in case she can pull a miracle." Out the corner of her eye she saw a client come up with a pickup ticket. "Ooh gotta go girl, but I'll see you tonight!"
She waved you off and greeted her new customer before coming out the back with a massive centerpiece bursting with spring florals. The lady gushed over the piece and struggled holding it with her two arms, it was so huge. It was absolutely beautiful and after seeing it you turned to Morgana—
"I'll bring you a bouquet when I come over tonight." She knew you too well. You walked back to where you left Joker and the cart with a content smile.
You killed two birds with one stone; informing Morgana of tonight's plans while shopping for groceries, all without an incident. Maybe tonight wouldn't be as bad as you thought. That is if Joker let you go.
The man had separation anxiety and boarded a boat down the river of denial. You didn't want to anger him or ruin whatever that was growing between you and him. Everything would work itself out, you thought to yourself and rounded the corner, only to arrive at an vacant spot.
"Where..." So obviously you weren't tripping. You left Joker by the wine and spirits section near the checkout yet he and your cart full of food were gone.
You frantically looked around but other shoppers were milling around minding their business, blissfully unaware. There was literally a madman on the loose and they went about their day as normal. Joker was nowhere in sight so you did the same thing your mom did whenever she lost you in the store.
You went up and down each aisle searching.
You couldn't call out Joker's name— wanted criminal and all— bummer right? Each aisle came up empty. You didn't spot a black beanie anywhere. You didn't hear any screams of terror nor did you see a crowd of women lining up for his number. He simply vanished. Your stress levels were over 9000.
"Excuse me miss? Did you lose something?"
You whirled on the store associate who stopped you on your fourth trip around the store. She took in your dilated eyes and distress, hoping you'd explain.
"Miss?" She put a halt to your panic with a comforting smile. "What seems to be the problem?"
"My cart! I left it right here and... and.." You choked out.
"Miss Y/L is it? Your membership card was authorized for a purchase over twenty minutes ago. I assumed your bodyguard went on ahead with the groceries since he opted in on a home delivery service."
Screw the GCPD capturing Joker. You were going to kill him yourself.
Did he know how much delivery services cost?! Scratch that. What was he thinking leaving without you? The man couldn't follow simple instructions and did he have to take your purse with him? At least you had your phone and apartment key in your back pocket, however your anger for a green haired clown was at an all time high.
You had to save face in this uppity store so you faced the store associate with a tight lipped smile of your own.
"Is that so? Well, I guess he got impatient while I was off browsing in the flower section. Thank you for your help."
She returned your smile and moseyed off to assist another customer, leaving you stewing near the exit. Joker better have a good excuse after pulling a stunt like this. It was gonna be a long subway ride home as you plotted about all the many ways to get even with the Crowned Prince of Crime.
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 24/03/2024
Aphex Twin Snakes
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by Snowva
I suppose we'll round off this streak covering rips with sources I'm far too unfamiliar with, with yet one more that I, like Poké Village, discovered on my own. Yes, I admit it: I am uncultured, I am weak, and I am not yet properly educated on the world of Aphex Twin. Now, that's not to say that the artist hasn't had an impact on me all the same - it wasn't that long ago that I wrote about just how much the Season 1 rip Aphex affected me way back in 2016. So I do have a tenuous attachment of sorts to their music, yet its an attachment I only get reminded of through rips and other remixes. Aphex Twin Snakes is one of those reminder-rips, one I found on a whim just browsing the archives of the Volume L album - and it's an absolute banger.
I may not have actual investment into the Metal Gear franchise yet either, but its at this point impossible not to know of the most legendary music of the Solid series. There's of course the beautiful credits theme to Metal Gear Solid 2, Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday - as performed by Bob Dylan (yes, by the REAL Bob Dylan!), and the long-overdue-for-coverage main theme for the series' third game, Snake Eater - but the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 2 has always felt like THE Metal Gear theme in my head. You can immediately tell something is changed in Aphex Twin Snakes - before the elements of Aphex Twin are even implemented, sound effects from the Metal Gear Solid series are sampled to create a far more prominent "beat" for the track, sort of in the vein of Banjostruck or the various Hideki Naganuma-inspired rips a la September. It's a fantastic way to transition the rip into the more jungle-y style of the Aphex Twin track used, which is Carn Marth if I'm to trust the Wiki - but attachment or not, its novelty as a jungle remix of such a proudly-orchestral piece is appealing all on its own.
The rip sells you in just the first 15 seconds alone as a distinctly different-feeling take to the legendary theme, but continues to impress throughout. I'm always caught off guard by how hard the intentional stutter in the track at little over 30 seconds in hits, and not long therafter the sound of Snake's iconic death sound from the series is used to amazing effect to punctuate the rip's change in tone. Midway through, we're even treated to a little bit of a "dialogue" in a codec call seemingly between Snake and Aphex Twin itself, only communicating through a change in music to the track Windowlicker. This is obviously not really the same thing as something like the canon-to-the-channel dialogue in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but it is a really fun surprise althesame - when Aphex Twin Snakes was uploaded, we already knew that Snake was to reappear as a character in the King for Another Day Tournament, and so this little moment of interaction from the character (or the Figment, if we're to be lore accurate) feels all too fitting, its as if he himself was shocked to encounter another source in "his" own track.
After this little interlude, Body & Blood by clipping. is added to the mix, giving the rip a vocal performance quite different in tone from the rip's first half. It was the first half that sold me, and though this shift in direction is certainly a form of escalation, it is maybe a bit too drastic for me - whenever I come back to Aphex Twin Snakes, it is the Aphex Twin part of the first half that I'm most drawn to. But I'm of course althesame thankful that we even get rips with such variety and risks taken in them (sort of like Metal Gear Solid 2 itself, hm?), and that the rip knows not to overstay its welcome. Each of these three sections of the rip get just enough time to land, and all three feel polished to a sheen. This is the first rip by Snowva I've covered on here, but if Aphex Twin Snakes is anything to go by they have an absolute knack for quality - and have helped remind me of yet another incredible artist that I need to start actually listening to.
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett AU ~ Part Six
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
Warning: themes of a mafia lifestyle; SMUT; possessive tendencies; murder; death; age gap;
A/N: taglist is open!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Part Five
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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The meeting with Andy went well.  After Presley explained what she had done to survive, the girls exchanged numbers and Andy promised he would keep his men looking for Charles Blackwood.  We also called the other Kings and let them know what was going on.  To say they were upset is an understatement.  
Security was beefed up at the house and the school allowed us to set up security.  The guards were dressed to blend in like a teacher or an aid so it wouldn’t spook the kids.  Everly and Joshua knew who they were, in case anyone approached them, or they had a funny feeling about someone.  Joshua was especially vigilant, taking his sister’s hand anytime they had to go somewhere. I was proud of my boy.  
It was three months later, and we hadn’t had one incident, which I was thankful for but knew it was only a matter of time.  On a beautiful Saturday morning, I woke to Presley pressed up against my groin.  Ever since that first night, Presley slept in my bed. Any time I was home, that is where she slept. After putting the kids to bed, Presley would strip for me and I would take her apart, piece by piece, before putting her back together.  
It was bliss. 
She fit perfectly against my body when she slept, and I fit perfectly inside her when I fucked her. It was like she was made to be my missing puzzle piece, the one thing to make me whole again. As I tightened my grip around her waist, she sighed a happy little sigh, and I knew she wasn’t ready to wake up yet.  Unfortunately for her, my cock had other ideas.  
I let my fingers skim her skin so she could continue to sleep. They followed the curve of her hip until I was at the edge of the lace panties she pulled on after my shirt.  We had to sleep with something on, in case Everly made her way to my room. I let my fingers dip inside her panties and softly stroke her clit. She sighed again and I grinned.  My girl was a moderate sleeper, but I had fucked her three times in the night, made her come twice each time before I filled her. I wanted two more because I was greedy bastard. But it made her tired so here we are. 
I made my finger slide further down her pussy and slowly sank one finger into her soaking wet heat.  She was dreaming of me. She told me once that, before we were together, that she would wake up wet and bothered if she had dreamed about me.  That was an ego boost if ever there was one.  I slowly moved inside her. She was still feeling tight, no matter how many times I had taken her. She was perfect.  
When I hit the soft spot inside her, she moaned softly, her head twisting from the pleasure. She was waking up, but I wanted her to come when she woke.  I added another finger and pumped a little bit faster, deeper. I kissed the sensitive flesh under her ear and whispered, ‘come.’ She let up and cried out softly as i felt her pulse around my digits. It was the fucking sexiest sight i had ever seen.  
Her eyes flutter open as the aftershocks rocked through her body.  “Curtis,” she panted.  
“Yes Kitten, I’m right here.”  I kept softly stroking her as she moaned.  I rolled her to her back and climbed on top of her. My cock was stiff and dribbling and I needed to be inside of her.  I rubbed the tip over her sensitive pussy lips and then gently pushed in.  Her back bowed as her body accepted me. Christ, it was beautiful to watch. 
“Oh, fuck, Curtis, so big,” Presley cried out. Her cries, her moan, her words just make me bigger.  I pumped into her slowly, making sure that she was filled with each stroke. Her warmth is intoxicating, heaven, mine.  
“Fuck, Kitten, still so tight. No matter how much attention I give this pussy.” Her back bowed at a particularly hard thrust up into her. “You’re amazing, Presley.”  
“Curtis,” she cried. Christ, her muscles tightened, she was getting close. “Curtis, please, please let me come.  Please baby, I need to.”  Tears were escaping her eyes.  
“Come Kitten, let your cream out.” I thrusted hard and held myself in her, grinding my pelvis into her clit and she exploded, screaming out a little more than I realized. I kissed her to swallow her cries and then withdrew from her and pumped my hips a few more times before my balls tightened and my spine went ridged. “Fuck, Presley!” 
The release was glorious.  
As I held my girl a few moments later, stoking her hair as she laid on my chest, she whispered, “I’m going to call the cops for attempted murder.”  
She looked up at me with a mischievous sparkle. “You, sir, tried to kill me this morning.” Her giggles mixed with the rumble of laughter in my chest filled the warm spring air in my room.  
My Kitten has jokes.  
Who knew that she should be the one arrested for stealing my heart? 
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I never expected my life to be so wonderful.  
My life with Curtis and the kids has been everything I had dreamed about a a little girl.  The perfect home, the perfect kids, the perfect partner who would do anything to see me protected and loved.  Like i was precious to him. Like I was his queen. His equal.  
His life.  
After the talks with Andy, he agreed to allow Natalia or Natasha as she is known now, to stay with us so that i could have a friend and protector.  What I didn’t expect was the reunion between Adam and Natasha.  
Adam had a girlfriend when he started to work at Everett Manor.  But after Christmas, they split up again.  Turns out, his girlfriend was still seeing one of the chefs as his former restaurant.  So, she and her daughter went back to New York.  Adam promised that he never tell her about me and that he would never allow something like what had happened at the house happen again.  
Where does Natasha fit in this?  When she fled with me, it essential broke off the secret relationship that had going on.  Adam had no idea what had happened to Nat, but with the way my mother was murdered for her role in my escape, he never spoke about it again. He mourned their relationship in secret until he was released.  
When they saw each other again, it was out of a movie. Adam pulled her into his arms as she cried for her beloved. It was beautiful.  Now, they are rekindling their love, and I couldn’t be happier.  
I love spring in Concord. The leaves changing back from a dreary brown to a vibrant green, the indication that new life approached. Josh and Evie had warmed up to the idea of me being more than just a nanny to them. They loved how happy their father was now and it helped me win them over. I decided to treat the kids to a trip to the zoo.  They’ve had a lot of babies being born and who doesn't love a baby animals.  
Nat and I walked with the two guards assigned to the kids and took lots of pictures.  We were able to get in and see the baby monkeys, which Josh thought was amazing.  We also got to see the baby elephants.  Evie liked that, especially when the baby elephants would trip over their ears. Junk food was eaten, the petting zoo was done, and the kids were having a fabulous time.  
As we headed to the exit, with Evie asleep in my arms, I looked around for the car and saw a man staring at us.  I froze. “Presley, is everything ok? What’s wrong?” Nat looked at me with deep concern.  She began to look around in the direction I had been looking. But it was too late.  
“I think I saw Marco in the parking lot,” I whispered.  
Nat’s eyes went wide. She picked up the phone to call our head of security as she spoke to the other guards.  Marco was Charles’s right hand when he was still with our family.  I knew that he had left to learn from other bosses, but I never forgot Marco.  He had always been kind to me until the day when Charles assaulted me. He was the one who stood in front of the doors so I couldn’t escape.  
“Presley, let’s get you home,” Natasha murmured in my ear.  She gripped my elbow and guided me into the SUV, taking Evie from my arms to strap her in. That felt wrong.  Removing Evie, my little girl, from my arms. Joshua looked up from his zoo activity book and frowned.  
“Presley, are you ok? You're crying.” 
I wiped my face and sure enough, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. “I’m fine Josh, I just hurt my arm carrying your sister.  I think she is getting ready to grow again and it makes me sad.”  
“Dad said that the other day when I had to ask for new baseball pants because they were so short,” he replied. “Says he doesn’t want us to grow anymore but I don’t know how to stop that.”  
I let go of a giggle.  “No, I don’t suppose you know how to stop it, It just happens.”  
Curtis was waiting with Clint at the door when we pulled into the driveway.  Laura stepped out just as I was getting Evie out of the car.  “I’ll take her,” she said with a squeeze to my hand.  
“Thank you, Laura.”  I kissed Evie as Josh raced to give his dad a hug.  
“I missed you too, bud.  Could you go with Laura for a few minutes? Need to talk to Presley about something.”  
“My birthday?” Josh’s eyes lit up and Curtis laughed. He pointed inside and Josh scampered after Laura.  
He turned to me, and my knees wobbled.  He caught me before I could fall.  “It’s ok Kitten, I’m right here.” He kissed my head as my body began to shake with sobs. He lifted me into his arms as he nodded for everyone to head in. Before we went into his office, he took me to bathroom. He held me as I calmed. “Let it out sweetheart.  You’re safe here.”  
“Curtis, I’m so scared.”  I gripped his shirt, fisting the collar, hoping that this was just a dream. A horrific nightmare that I would wake up from in Curtis’s arms. 
“Jensen already pulled surveillance and is looking it over.  Andy had reached out to the other kings to let them know what happened.  All of the families will be on high alert.” He took my face in his hands.  “Even when you have been crying, you are still the most gorgeous creature on this earth.”  He kissed my lips softly before kissing my nose and then my forehead.  He reached over to get a wipe from the cupboard and carefully wiped the running makeup from my face. “Better?” 
“Yes,” my lips still wobbling. “Curtis...” I whispered. 
“I’ve got it handled. Trust me Presley, I’ll do everything in my power.”  He cupped my cheek.  
Its taking everything in me to not lose my shit. This scumbag knew that sending one of his men to scare my Kitten would get a reaction.  But it won’t be the one he is looking for. We are seated in my office, Presley curled up in the alcove of the window, lost in her thoughts. I smiled at her then turn back to my staff.  “Tell me what happened.”  
The head of Presley and the children’s security is a man named Sid Johnson.  He’s been a good soldier and rewarded him with this detail.  He sat up straighter in his seat before he started to speak. “There was no indication of any threat while we were in the zoo.  We never lost sight of Miss Adams or the children.  If they went to the bathroom, we stood guard. If we needed to relieve ourselves, we made sure it was one at a time. The kids were not aware of the team until we got here.”  
“Ok, so how did this guy get the slip?”  I took a sip of the whiskey that had been poured to keep myself calm. I was raging inside but I needed to know the details so I could protect my family.  
“I’m not sure.  We checked the parking lot before they exited and there was nothing, boss, I swear. When Presley stopped and Natasha called it in, we immediately swept the area, but he had left before we could intercept.”  
“Ok,” I studied the men in the room.  All of them looked fearful for their lives. Good. But this is not time for my men to fear me. I needed them to be on guard. “Clint, we need new protocol on the kids and for Presley independently.  No one in this family goes out alone from here on out.  Please integrate Natasha to receive protection as well.”  
“Mr. Everett, I don’t think that’s necessary,” Natasha began to protest. I raised my hand to stop her.  
“Natasha, you are with Presley almost every moment of every day.  If it protects her to add to her detail for you, then that is what will happen.  She can’t lose you too.  She did that for five years and it almost broke her.” I looked back at Presley, who was staring out the window.  “Clint, put a plan together and we’ll reconvene in two days.  Until then, I am locking down the family in the home until tomorrow.”  
That snapped Presley back. “Curtis...” 
I ignored her.  “Double security around the compound. Twelve on twelve off for the foreseeable future. Dismissed.”  Natasha held back as did Clint. “Yes?” 
“I would like to move onto the children’s floor until we find Blackwood or her father and finish this,” Natasha said, conviction in her voice and determination in her eyes.  
I looked at Clint, who nodded. “Fine, you can take Presley’s old room.  She’s with me.”   
Natasha nodded. She left the room and Clint waited until the door was closed.  “Boss, neither Giovanni nor Blackwood have been seen in town.  I’ve reach out to Nick and the others and no one has seen them.  But we can assume they know Presley is in the area.”  
“Keep up with the Kings and let me know who i need to call.  Thanks Clint.”  He nodded and tilted his head at Presley, like he would his queen.  Something in my chest tightened but I needed to focus.  As soon as we were alone, Presley began to argue but I stopped her.  “Kitten, I want you to feel safe.  They will be close but still give you your privacy.  This is only when you are outside of the compound.”  
“But I have plans with Cat, its Joshie’s birthday and...” 
“Presley, this is non-negotiable. I promised you would be safe, and this is me keeping that promise.”  She turned and stomped out the door.  But my heart clenched at the thought of something happening to her.  I placed a call to Andy and updated him directly and then went to comfort my girl. 
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Finding Amelia in Concord was an accident.  
A happy accident but an accident nonetheless. One of my men was visiting a girl he had met in the city and just so happen to see Ameilia with another woman walking through town. I reached out to some of the men imbedded with some of the Kings of Boston and one came back.  She was different, hair color and demeaner but he was privy to the information that Amelia Giovanni was now Presley Adams.  
I hated that name.  
When I questioned my informant, he advised that he was sent on assignment by his boss Curtis Everett and had just met Amelia when he became the head of the detail for Everett's children.  Amelia was their nanny but also Everett’s lover.   
I destroyed a lot of items in my office that night. Once the alcohol induced rage had left my body and i was able to think again, I needed to set in motion my plan to get her back. Giovanni agreed to fund whatever means necessary to get his daughter back and get her back in line.  While I was happy to have his support, I wouldn’t go as far as he wanted to get her submission.  That amount of force cost him his wife.  I wouldn’t sacrifice Amelia.  
At least, not right now.  
I had a plan and I was sticking to it. Sending Marco may have been a stupid move but I wanted to see what reaction Everett would have. Knowing that he has my Amelia has been torture.  I should have walked in and taken my property. Her father gave her to me, and she is mine.  
“Boss, we have our informant on the phone,” Marco said.  
“Good, and Marco, great job.”  He did exactly what I wanted him to do. I picked up my phone. “Yea?” 
“Boss, Everett has increased security around Miss Giovanni and the Everett children.  But there has been a development. I am confirming that Miss Romanoff is the same as Miss Romanov. She changed her hair color and eye color, but I can confirm that it is her.”  
“Fuck!” That adds a wrinkle to my plan but nothing “I won’t be able to handle. Ok, let me know if Amelia plans on going somewhere public.  We’ll adapt.”  
“Yes sir.”  
I hung up and looked out the window. I wanted to see her.  To hear her voice again.  To see how much she had grown up from the young naive girl I used to know to the woman I've seen in pictures.  
I thirsted for this woman, lusted after her.  
She is mine and I will take her back.  
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A couple of days later, my informant sent a message.  
Tomorrow, Grocery store, 10 AM 
I contemplated whether it was a good idea to see her in a crowded store on a Saturday. But it would make sense. It would take longer for her security to penetrate  through the crowds.  It would give me more time.  I smiled. “Marco!” 
“It's time we went and visited the future Mrs. Blackwood.”  
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“Pres, I want to head to the market to get the stuff for Josh’s cake. I’m taking him with me, but do you guys want to go?”  Adam looked over at me and Natasha as we looked up ideas for a Captain America themed party.   
I looked up from my computer.  “I would love to go.  I want to get some ingredients for a tart I saw on Instagram.  Nat?” 
“I can’t, I need to go back to Newton to check in with Andy and get my updated paperwork.”  She frowned.  “Sid will be able to cover.”  
The paperwork for the legal name changes and identities had taken forever but I finally had official ID and papers saying that I was no longer Amelia Giovanni, and I was now Presley Adams.  It was a freeing experience. I mourned a little that I lost the name that mother gave me but at the same time It allowed me more freedom.  
“As long as you’re safe sweetheart, I’ll miss you on our shopping trip.”  Adam kissed Nat gently, to which I gagged like the annoying adopted sister that i was to them.  Nat gave me a smirk while Adam grinned. “Don’t be jealous, Pre.  Just because Mr. Everett is out of town on business until tomorrow doesn’t mean you can become a full brat.”  
That part made me sad.  Curtis has been gone for most of the week at a meeting of the five Kings and their seconds with the head of the Boston families.  I thought it was interesting that the head of the five families that made up the suburbs of Boston were called Kings but the actual head of the five families was just called “The Don.” Curtis explained it came from his boss’s roots in the Irish and Italian mafias.  
As we arrived at the busy market, i pulled out my phone to check the ingredient list one more time.  I just needed some apples and honey.  Adam had checked it over and confirmed we had everything else.  “This place is a zoo today,” I commented.  
“It always is on a Saturday, which is why I usually shop on Fridays but since Josh was on that field trip and had to leave early, I forgot,” Adam said. “Why don’t we split up and get through this faster? I’m going down the baking aisle, you head to produce, and I’ll grade the honey for you.  Sid,” he called to my head guard.  “I’m taking Josh and Evie will stay with Pres that way we can get out of this faster.”  
“Sounds good.  Max will stay close to you and I’ll stay with the girls.” He smiled at us. “Ladies,” waiving his arm in the direction of produce.  Evie giggled and I took her hand.  
“Why are you giggling at Sid, Princess Evie. Do you like Mr. Johnson?” I whispered to her.  
She gives me another shy giggle.  “He’s handsome, like daddy.” She hides behind my legs to peek at the bodyguard.  
“Yes, he is, but don’t tell your daddy, ok?  He won’t like his princess growing up.”  I laugh as I look over the apples.  I find the ones I’m looking for and reach for a bag when I look up and my whole world stops.  
He can’t be here.   
He’s not supposed to be here.  
I grab Evie and pull her behind me. I wouldn’t go down until my child is safe. I look around and Sid is flirting with a girl.  I look back to see if he is still there and he’s gone.  
“Miss me, Amelia.”  
I gasp as i turn around and see Charles Blackwood.  He looks the same, his hair combed back and sleek, suit pressed, his tie perfectly knotted. If he didn’t disgust me, I would consider him handsome. His gray blue eyes are sparkling with anticipation as he runs a hand through his dark locks. I finally got my bearings. “I’m sorry, you must be mistaken. I don’t know who Amelia is.”  
His laugh is melodic before he snatches my wrist. He saw me going for my panic button. I try to pull away but his grip tightens. “Right, I forgot.  Amelia Gionvanni no longer exists.  My apologies, Presley. That is really a shame because I preferred Amelia.”  
“Let go of me.” I keep Evie behind me but I’m shaking. “Please leave me and my daughter alone.”  
His smile turns murderous. “Daughter? Well, it's nice to know you are no longer a virginal bitch any longer,” he whispers. He lets go of my wrist.  “I can’t wait to see what you can do Presley.” I press the panic button and he smirks. “I’ll see you real soon. Have a nice day, Presley, Miss Everly.”  
“Presley!”  I turn to look at Sid who is running towards us and I look back.  
Charles Blackwood is gone.  
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I was infuriated.  
I cut my meetings in New Hampshire short and cursed the fact that the Don likes to meet away from Boston for all of our protection.  I climb the steps to my plane with Clint on my tail. “Get us to Boston,” I barked at the pilot. Thank fuck the man leaves himself on permanent stand by whenever we fly.  I don’t allow any of my family to fly commercial any longer.  Not since... well the plane is an investment.  
Two hours later, I stormed into my home.  Its late, my children having already gone to bed, but my staff and security are waiting for me in my office.  I throw open the door and wince as I know I might have woken the children, but I am too heated to truly care.  I will check on them after this.  But i needed to check on one more person first.  
“Where is she?” 
“She’s in your room, sir,” Adam offered.  “She had dinner with the children but refused to eat.  As soon as she saw that they were settled, she went into the room and locked the door.  Natasha tried to coax her out but without success.”  
“I need to see her first.  Give me ten.”  I turned and took the stairs two at a time.  I pulled the key from my pocket and opened our bedroom door.  “Kitten?” I could hear the faint crying coming from our private lounge area.  When I walked in, I could see her in the window seat, curled into herself. “Oh, Kitten.”  
“Curtis?”  She couldn’t even move, her soul crushed and her body unable to respond. I rushed over to her and pulled her into my arms, sitting her in my lap.  She began to cry harder and the fire in me raged on.  
“I’m here Kitten.  Fuck, I’m sorry.”  
“It’s not your fault.” She leaned into me and I knew she could feel how fast my heart was beating.  “Please relax baby”.  
“Relax?  How can I relax?  That motherfucker was in my town, in my store.”  I closed my eyes.  “I will kill him if I see him again.” I tried to calm my breathing but every time I closed my eyes I only saw how broken she was just a few moments ago.  
“You have to stay calm Curtis.  If you kill him, it could start a war with my father and that doesn’t help anyone.” 
“I can’t stay calm Presley.  How can I stay calm when a deranged asshole got close to my children?  That he threatens my woman. That he got as close as he did to the woman that I love, and you want me to remain calm?”  I know I shouldn’t take it out on her.  If anything, it should only be against Blackwood but since I couldn’t get to him at the moment, I would have to shift to my security team.  But then I felt Presley pull back to look at me.  And I realized what i just said.  
“You love me?” It was just a whisper of a question but it what the moment that could make or break us for the future.  
It was time to be honest with her and frankly, myself.  
“Yes.  Fuck Presley, I think I’ve been in love with you since I saw you with my daughter, comforting her when Josh is being a brat.  I love how much you love them. I love the way you kiss me, you hold me, you come for me.  Fuck it, I love you. I love you so much Kitten.”  
A single tear falls from her eyes.  “I love you too.”  
The world has imploded because Presley Adams is in love with me. I grab the back of her head and kiss her hard.  I pull back a little.  “I love you. We’re gonna fix this ok?  I’m going to fix this. You are my whole world, my love.”  
In this moment, it's just us.  I don’t need to worry about everything else for a few more minutes.  Because the woman I love is in my arms.  
I love Presley Adams.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
better when I’m with you - yuta oneshot
hi!! it's been a while since i wrote a scenario for yuta, got this idea from a clip on tiktok i think it was keshi and his fiancé during a radio intervie. it was such a cute conversation i just had to do it. hope you like it! 💛
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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There's only one person Yuta would drop everything for, doesn't matter if he's in the middle of the most important meeting or about to sign a multi-million dollar contract. He'd put the world on pause if he has to, all for you.
Luckily when your call came in, he just wrapped another long meeting and was just reviewing contracts and other paperwork's. Seeing your name flash on the screen of his phone, he didn't even wait for the first ring to finish. Picking it up immediately.
"Hi, lovely. What do you need?"
"Hey, is it a good time or are you busy?" you say from the other side of the phone. Yuta chuckles, leaning back on his chair before turning to the side to look out the window. It's a beautiful day, a shame he can't take the day off and take you out on a date.
"Never, what's up?" he asks, already feeling relaxed when he heard your voice. All of the stress from today's work washed away. A kind of magic only you possess.
"So a package arrived here at your apartment, I wanted to get it so you don't have to do it later but the people at the lobby won't let me since technically we don't have the same last name"
Yet, he thinks.
Just thinking about finally calling you his wife puts a smile on Yuta's face, but right now he also thinks you're the most precious thing in his world. "Is that your way of saying I should've married you sooner?" he teases you, earning a few giggles from you.
Like a boost of energy, Yuta feels his body buzz with happiness hearing you laugh. "Yeah, totally the point of what I'm trying to say here. Such a hassle I'm not a Nakamoto yet" you know exactly how to keep him on his toes.
"Okay, baby. I'll call concierge, tell them what's mine is yours"
"Be careful, I might just runaway with your money"
"Yeah yeah, you already know the code to my safety box. That's more of a commitment than anything else right?"
"That's cause you're crazy, Mr. Nakamoto. Who proposes like that? Only you my love would put half of his assets under my name as a proposal" you tell him, recalling how exactly he proposed to you. It wasn't your typical getting down on one knee, Nakamoto Yuta has a tendency to one up himself when it comes to impressing you. Him proposing with a piece of paper stating that a home is to be built under your name and his. A home for your future family.
"That's because I can only see my future with you"
"Okay Mr. Romantic, text me when I can go pick up your package. Drive home safely" you tell him, always reminding him to come home safely to you.
"Will do, wifey. Save some kisses for me"
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9leaguesofmirrors · 1 year
My Favourite Steve Characters
It's September 1st, also known as Steve Pemberton's birthday! I did one of these lists for Reece's birthday, and I wanted to do one for Steve too because I feel like not enough people talk about his amazing acting
These are in no particular order
Tony Martin - The Interrogation Of Tony Martin
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This film was originally on Channel 4 and can now be found on Netflix. It's a verbatim piece about the true story of Tony Martin and why he killed two young boys that intruded on his home. Steve manages to be both cold and unsettling and surprisingly sympathetic in the role, everything he does is subtle and refined to produce an incredibly realistic performance
Trevor - Love's Great Adventure
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I don't think I'll ever stop singing the praise of Love's Great Adventure, people overlook it because it doesn't have a dark twist but it's honestly one of the best episodes of the entire series! Steve Pemberton delivers such a raw performance that it left me wishing there was a spin-off series! The entire episode is beautiful, and Trevor is a huge part of the reason; I could praise Steve's ability to dig up such pure, unbridled feeling in every character he plays for ages!
Dr Bessner - Death On The Nile (2004)
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I'm a sucker for a good Agatha Christie, especially Poirot, so finding out that Steve Pemberton was in one of the remakes made me very excited - and, as always, he delivers. Dr Bessner is a character which may end up fading into the back of people's memories, but Steve Pemberton managed to make every scene he was in very entertaining. It goes to show that he knows how to pull focus without taking away from other cast members, a credit to both his dedication and kindness
Len - Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room
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I mean, he won a BAFTA for this one, that says it all! When we first meet Len, he's portrayed as a sweet, funny man with plenty of charisma. However, as the episode continues, Steve manages to show this façade break more and more until we see to the core of a man that's ruined his life and lost his way. Steve managed to perfectly portray Len as a flawed character while simultaneously making the audience sympathise with him and want him to get the help he needs
Galen - Thinking Out Loud
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NOBODY can deny Steve Pemberton's range, not after watching Thinking Out Loud. He's positively frightening as Galen, using stillness and a measured delivery to create an unnerving character - at one point, he leaned forward and I actually jumped backwards!
Pauline Campbell-Jones - The League of Gentlemen
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This list wouldn't be complete with the iconic Pauline Campbell-Jones! Steve's comedic timing and delivery skills makes her one to watch, but there are also moments where we see another side to her that's unexpected yet surprisingly heartwarming. Yet another example of Steve's fantastic range giving even the most comedic characters depth
Joe - The Last Weekend SPOILERS BELOW
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Like Thinking Out Loud, this episode has a very controversial ending. But I want to step away from that for a moment (might make a post about it at some point, I'm not sure) to appreciate how incredible Steve was in it
At first, you sympathise with Joe; he has to deal with having a terrible illness and, on top of that, his partner doesn't exactly treat him that kindly. Steve's ability to pull at the audience's heartstrings really comes into play here... but, even before the big reveal, there are subtle moments where you get the sense that something isn't quite right
And that ending! Steve completely transforms and we're left with a Joe Madison that we've never seen before - and hope we never see in real life! It's perfectly sinister and 100% one of his best acting moments in the series
Of course, these are just a few of his roles and, like Reece, he's a real chameleon that can truly play any part (even if, sometimes, it's just Pauline). Benidorm is on my watch list so I'll be getting to that as soon as possible! I hope Steve's career continues to be full of opportunities!
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devildompossum · 1 year
Ok so things we know
1. In the og game each of the brothers represents the seven lords in tsl, which was likely written by Simon in an attempt to process the war and the loss of lucifer and the brothers
2. MC often takes the place of Henry, mostly by Levi but I'm sure I could find it in events if I felt like looking rn
3. Events happening in nightbringer seem to imply a direct correlation between the past and the present, like mc suggesting lucifer hide the credit card in the freezer from mammon
4. Simon HASNT written tsl in nughtbringer. This is mostly implied by Levi not knowing what it is when you get transported into the story, so I guess you could also argue that he just hasn't found the series yet, but I doubt Simon would have written any sizeable chunk of a book series that close to his own trauma after only a year since the fall
So there's a decent argument to be made for mc being at least partially the inspiration for Henry in the same way the brothers were the inspiration for the lords. Which, especially with Levi, is pretty beautiful when you think about it.
Like ok. So you have to live with this random person and you hate being around people let alone strangers. And yeah maybe you're a bit more antagonistic than you need to be, but you're so used to people being negative about your interests (and maybe you have a self loathing problem). But then this stranger goes through a huge amount of effort trying to learn about your favorite series to gain your friendship and it becomes something that ties you two together. (And yes maybe it was part of a ploy, and you will be mad at them later but you'll also forgive them later). They become your best friend, your Henry, your everything just like the book. You complain together, rewatch the movies and point out where the books were better together, your relationship isn't Just based on the book but it is an important part.
But then they get sent to the past, to a time no one likes to talk about, when you and your brothers are filled with so much grief and pain and still struggling to adjust to the darkness. To a time when you hurt, so bad. When you didn't know who you were and didn't have any friends and desperately needed one. And you meet again and become friends. And it's slower going this time around, but they know exactly what to say to make you feel better and they introduce you to new shows and don't roll their eyes when you talk about the things you like that you're just now discovering. And someone from your past sees that, someone who it still hurts to think about much less see again so soon. And that someone, who is dealing with his own grief and pain and hurts just as much seeing you again, sees your growing friendship and it inspires part of his novel. The main character takes shape in his mind watching you and your friend, and he writes the perfect outsider to a group of struggling brothers who love eachother but don't know how to express it. And he writes a novel (and another and another and another) and publishes it a world away from both of you under a pen name.
And years down the line, after you've found the book series unknowingly based on your family and become utterly obsessed with it and memorized every trivia piece and collected all the merch, a random stranger moves into your house.
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iviarellereads · 7 months
Wheel of Time full series spoiler thoughts on EOTW 29-38
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
It's really fun to look back at the stedding as, oh, this is literally a little piece of another dimension. It might've grown the local seeds and supported the local animals, but it is obviously disconnected from the local reality, to block the One Power and all.
So many references to Hawkwing sending armies across the sea, and yet nobody really believes it, or expects the Return.
The farmer gave Rand the dark, plain scarf… and then Rand wears it around his mouth… almost like a… black veil on this Aielman… OK that's a bit too much ellipsis for me to keep going but I had to squint and see if the words really meant what I thought they did.
In Play For Your Supper, one of the songs Rand names is "Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap", now how would a name like that have made it as far as the 2 Rivs?
Rand starts having little thoughts on the road that he can't quite track the source of. "Too late now." in Four Kings, for example. LTT starting to slip in. Or the taint madness, if you prefer that explanation for the hallucinations. Either way.
Ishy treating oblivion as a reward. Cute.
I feel kinda sneaky putting Mili Skane's name down in ch 33. It's kind of a spoiler, we're not told it, but I like tagging the characters that appear, for future searchability. If she ALSO appears later in the series, well, I wasn't lying about the Companion entry.
Almen Bunt reminded me that Elayne's kids could have a stronger claim to the throne than she did, because of the bloodliney shit Andoran nobles use to measure their kin-distance from the first queen, but only if everyone involved admitted Rand's lineage publicly. And, only because it was Rand's body that she conceived with.
Which gets me on to how weird and icky the Moridin body swap is, because besides everything else, we don't talk enough about how the Dark One resurrected Ishy as Moridin into somebody else's corpse, that body's original soul had his own family and life, and first the DO took it to punish Ishy with continued existence, and THEN Moridin and Rand swapped balefires and then bodies so Rand's in some completely random dude's face and genes.
(I only had about 5.5 hours of sleep last night as I write this, can you tell?)
At any rate, EOTW 34 cracks things wide open for any show-firstie who looks at the X-Ray feature or the episode credits. Episode 1x07 lists Tigraine Mantear instead of Shaiel, so when the first season was finished, seeing so many people go back and start reading the books and be like, well hold on now… That was precious and priceless to witness.
“The Queen is wed to the land,” Thom said as brightly colored balls danced in a circle, “but the Dragon . . . the Dragon is one with the land, and the land is one with the Dragon.” For this to appear here, with Almen Bunt, when his next appearance is just after Zen Rand emerges and the Dragon is one enough with the land to offer a bounty of apples from the orchard on Bunt's sister's farm… Same chapter, same day, still sleep deprived, and I need a moment to just sit in this feeling of beautiful symmetry.
No doubt I'll come back to it when the quote comes up, but: Thom was twice Morgase's age when they were together. Given the dates we have as long as the Fandom.wiki is properly sourced because I don't want to go doing extra digging in the Companion and stuff, that means that 14 years ago, Morgase was 27 and Thom somewhere in the 50-60 range, 55 being a solid guess, putting her at 41 and him at 68 around the start of the series. I'm still very, very glad the show agreed with me that there was no need of him being so old, especially when his love interests skew so young, Mo being the exception but she still looks young.
So much of chapter 36 is just "yep, setup." I daren't even start listing or we'll be here all day and this post will be much longer than I try to keep them, even for two-weekers when the first week's not quite long enough to justify a post. But the one that gets me is Rand finding it funny, the idea of him wanting to be a king, when he will end up the de facto ruler of a decent chunk of the Westlands.
37 and 38 do little in the way of setup but to continue setting up just how much Byar's gonna nurse that grudge for the next 12 books or two years. Well, that and finally showing Perrin's golden eyes. Mo asks if this was foretold, and well, we know it was… just not in a prophecy she'd have seen. Verin has, though.
I will say, I prefer how Egg and Perrin rescued themselves in the show, even if the wolf stuff maybe could have been moved forward into season 1 to make it make a little more sense to show-onlys.
And, do we think Mo was Warder-compelling Lan not to go after Nyn? Or just reminding him that it's out of character and out of keeping with his guiding principles? I'd like to think Mo treats Lan better, BUT she does hand off his bond to Myrelle without telling him later soooo…
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mundanemiseries · 10 months
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@un1awful : 
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to? 🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? 🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? ✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
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[ oc emoji asks | accepting ]
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to?
Koko's quite well off. Unsurprising with his adoptive father being leader of a gang and all. Outside of that, among his posessions from his own time that ended up here with him, he has a rather sizable stock of his timeline's currency, Credits. Even if functionally useless in modernity, he holds onto it for the sake of keeping parts of his native time.
What he does have from his time that may still hold some value here, another currency more commonly used between him and his peers, platinum. He had a solid stock of it on him but, assuming it held just as little modern day value as his credits, Kokabiel's decided to just....stash it away with other keepsakes of his old life. If only he was aware of the fact it did hold quite a bit of value in the modern day.
money aside he's not really one for much of a lavish lifestyle, too used to the years spent adrift in the ruined remnants of the Zariman, and the smaller, yet comfortable space that was his Orbiter and Dormizone
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
oh boy do i ever. imma give u a bunch cause i have...a lot of these
ofc there's the two on his page(s) on the carrd:
"...and with a beautiful smile, i look to the stars. knowing that for you the future is worthwhile, dispite bearing innumerable scars." 
"...and yet i saw god staring back at me in the mirror, with the face of a child but the soul of a demon. epiphany came over me. the gods would not be the ones to punish us. the children were."
Both from the series W.arframe - The Ouroboros on youtube, prolly some of my favourite wf fanworks and a piece of media that constantly lives rent free in my head
another being:
"we may have forgotten so much about being human, but the one thing we will never lose is our ability to change." - SCP 3812 (also happens to be both of Koko's modern day verse tags)
i could keep going but...imma leave it at those three.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Honestly? When it comes to getting gifts he's not used to getting gifts at all so just about anything is something he's really happy to recieve. If there was anything specific I'd point out? Likely something to do with his hobbies, sewing supplies and fabric to make plushies with, cool paints he doesn't have for his miniatures, that kind of stuff.
As for giving gifts himself? A pretty good gifter, typically giving handmade items though he if knows there's anything in particular the other's mentioned/been wanting/etc he'll opt to get them that instead, potential costs be damned. He's got the money for it and while he doesn't care to use it for himself he's always more than willing to for the people around him he cares about.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
Internally? Frustration, anger if the situation is serious enough. At whoever would hurt his loved ones, and admittedly...at himself. Even if he doesn't actively try to think it he's spent his life a soldier, a protector against those that wished to lay claim to the system for their own. And seeing those he cares for hurt...even if he wasn't involved to begin with, he feels responsible. It feels like Thursby all over again, his boy's screams over comms as he was torn limb from limb, feeling like if he hadn't stepped in, the boy might have been able to slip under corpus radars just that bit longer.
Regardless, his first priority if anything happens to those he cares about is them. No matter what, minor, major, his first reaction is making sure they're okay. If what happened to his loved ones was something major, however?
Whoever hurt them can only pray to the voids that Koko may deal with them swiftly.
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS:  “Les Hackel hates his life. He works a dead-end job, was just dumped by his high-maintenance girlfriend, and still lives with his nagging mom. One night, he discovers a fresh incision behind his neck. His friend Danny tells him it's a bomb, that someone has implanted one in his neck, too. And then the messages start coming in, forcing Les to carry out missions with deadly results. Les is partnered up with a series of oddball characters to commit heinous tasks. The violence escalating around him, Les pieces together the clues that reveal the horrific plans to breed a monstrous race of beings.”
REVIEW: Evan Marlowe’s screenplay is a nice blend of satire, science fiction and political commentary. His main character, Les Hackel is an amalgamation of J.D. Sallainger, William S. Burroughs and Hunter Thompson character who suffers from more contemporary issues.
Marlowe’s screenplay takes a classic 50’s/60’s science fiction tale and adds a bit of Lynch and Cronenberg to it, then takes it to another level with amazing life-size puppet designs that give the film a surreal and trippy feel. Enhancing all that is a fantastic vocal cast that brings these performances to life and at times allows you to forget you are watching puppets. As Hackel’s life begins to spiral out of control he contours bizarre characters that he is accepting of, unlike Dorothy in the land of Oz. Marlowe keeps Hackel grounded and easily accepting of the deadly tasks he is assigned without questioning them. When the police become involved they are aware and accepting of everything Hackel has done, but there is something lurking in his past that they are trying to get him to admit to. Marlowe seizes and engages the viewer’s attention with this wickedly delightful tale that ultimately pulls back the curtain in the final act to expose the story’s dark secret. For all its freakish elements the story builds tension and suspense to culminate in a shocking release.
With 30 credits to his name, features and shorts, the production values of the film showcase Marlowe’s talent as a director, cinematographer and editor. He obtains performances from both his voice actors and puppeteers that bring these characters to life.  I enjoyed their work as there was such a life quality to their performance, yet there was something reminiscent of the human puppets of the Jim Henson studio. Given the grotesqueness of several of the character designs, the film is still beautiful to look at. There are several scenes that are almost monologues, or where characters discuss social or philosophical issues, and the director magically edits the sequences creating energy and a nice pacing. The film took several years to complete. While he did not have to worry about his puppets aging, the film’s execution and look are cohesive and seamless. The gory special effects are intense and very lifelike, and reminded me of some of the early films of Peter Jackson. The score by Patrick Savage and Holeg Spies adds another level to the film as it accentuates the visuals, the action, and adds another dimension to Hackel.
ABRUPTIO features a first-rate cast of actors voicing these characters. Rather than going with performances that are caricatures, they create characters that have peculiar ticks that flown through the puppet designs to enchant the viewer. Some of the actors are clearly recognizable, a few become apparent when viewing the credits.  Actor Sid Haig voices Sal in one of his final film appearances.
ABRUPTIO is currently doing the festival circuit, and while I highly recommend seeing it in a theater, if there is a streaming opportunity don’t pass it up. Evan Marlowe delivers a mad-cap genre classic full of dark humor and gore. It is a ride not soon forgotten. Marlowe is a talented visionary and I am excited to see what he serves up next.
CAST (voices): James Marsters, Hana Mae Lee, Jordan Peele, Christopher McDonald, Robert Englund, Darren Darnborough, Rich Fulcher and Sid Haig. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Cinematographer/Editor - Evan Marlowe; Producers - Kerry Finlayson & Kerry Marlowe; Score - Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies; Lead Puppet Designer & Fabricator - Jeffrey S. Farley; Lead Puppeteer - Danny Montooth; Visual Effects Designer - John Sellings. OFFICIAL: www.abruptio.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/AbruptioFilm TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/MUGGBqrYL1A RELEASE DATE: Pending, a selection at numerous film festivals
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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anoiaa · 2 years
Includes: A classroom of the elite OC (original character)
summary: An obssessed money freak steps in the world of cote with a goal that only the Advanced Nurturing High School can help him accomplish
Give credit!
Gambling, Gambling, Gambling 
The world revolves around this action. There isn’t a single time where you haven’t bet your life, money, friends or even career for something else;better than what you initially had. You go for more money. Isn’t it ironic? People are chasing paper that changes value as soon as you spend it. 
It's Greed.
Yes, greed. 
And I have a whole lot of it. I would do anything for money. You must be wondering: why? So i’m going to tell you; It’s power. Money is the power to—Everything! You can never lose in this world as long as you have money! countless amount of it and you can: rule the world, but a whole continent, corrupt the government, change the law!...Isn’t it beautiful?
So why would it be wrong for me to be greedy? It’s not wrong for me to want those things with all my might; so I gamble my life for it  — but people think i’m crazy for that.
I enrolled in ANHS to disconnect myself from the world. It is the only school that doesn’t allow communication outside the school. I wasn’t particulary running away from anything, I wanted a new change of environment, away from the people I know; specifically my family. 
Now those people are not humans, but that’s a story for another time. All you have to know right now, is that I have a dream goal, a goal that only this school can grant me. The only issue however, is that I have to graduate from class A no matter what. I didn’t know that the school ranked their students based on ability. Apparently those in class A are ‘elites’ and those in class D are ’failures’, the good part is: I am a member of that ‘elite’ class, the other part is: ‘Ayanokoji’ of class D. 
I have eyes that can see  —  unlike these lots, but who can blame them? I know very well that he is the X that class C’s leader had been searching. I wasn’t sure at first, but then Sakayanagi had to boil the water by giving him 40 protection points, “how clever” is my sarcastic remark to her “maiden in love” approach. I didn’t want to catch unecessary attention to myself which is why I gathered my own bits of data from the shadows.
I don’t know what drives his motivation, but i’m sure he has a wish deep down in his heart. We are all humans after all, we have dark secrets that we don’t want anyone else to know about. Perhaps being a agenius had it’s own problems in itself, but it’s not like I would know, right? I’m just an average teenager in a quest to fulfill a goal, like a main character of some anime serie. But i’m not the main character and surely you know better. 
I just want to end up graduating in class A to create a better world. But my picture perfect might be a nightmare to everyone else, yet I don’t care with every single piece of meat inside of me. I will do everything to achieve it, and that incluses using all the cards I possess in my hands. 
I told you before right? 
that I gambled my life.
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sunmarketing · 3 months
Naples Italy Part 1
Episode Naples, Italy Part 1
  In this episode, the FAQ is: How do I get to and from the airport? I am an inexperienced flyer and need to know how to get there and back if I don’t take a taxi or Uber/Lyft, which can be very expensive.
  Today’s Destination is Naples, Italy Part 1
  Today’s Misstep- I took the Subway in the wrong direction. 
  Travel Advice: Use Chat GPT for travel ideas, but verify the results
      Today’s destination: Naples, Italy Part 1
  Naples, Napoli is about an hour from Rome by train.
It’s an Under-rated city. Some rough edges may exist, but give it a chance.
It’s a city not to be missed. It’s a Step 5 trip because you need to be experienced as a traveler to be here solo.
My new Servas friend Rossana has lived in the Vomero neighborhood for 20 years.
Here’s some more background. The third-largest city in Italy is full of history, art, architecture, and delicious food, yet it gets a bad rap for its crime and grime. While these blemishes are a reality for residents, they're far from ubiquitous, especially where tourism concerns them. Find higher ground at places like Certosa e Museo di San Martino, and you'll be rewarded with spectacular views. Stroll the Via Caracciolo e Lungomare di Napoli as I did for a full day, or chat with friendly locals like Rossana, and you'll experience some of the magic this port city holds. And, of course, you can't forget the joy that comes from that first bite of Neapolitan pizza (in the city credited with inventing the pizza), nor that perfect gelato. 
  The Art Stations, distributed along Metro lines 1 and 6, include more than 180 pieces of art created by 90 international authors and local architects, allowing them to combine different architectural styles. I often used the Quattro Giordano metro stop. If you don’t ride the subway, you miss all of these.
  Mappatella Beach is where I went swimming along the coast.
Via Chiaia (Vee-ya, Kaya heeya) district is a high-end and strolling area.
Art Museum with Toledo.
  Beautiful old and pop art.
Rossana is retired, volunteers with kids, and lives with two cats.
  Today’s Misstep: I took the Subway in the wrong direction because I did not realize there were three levels instead of two. Don’t make my mistake. Ask if there’s another level before you board the wrong train. And if you are wrong, you can always go back the other direction.
Today’s Travel Advice- Use Chat GPT for travel ideas, but verify the results
  In previous podcasts, I mentioned how to use Chat GPT for travel. If you’re not using it, you could miss out on some great hidden gems for your travel. I bet your tour guides use this tool to learn some secrets and factoids for their upcoming tours. So why keep yourself in the dark? Use Perplexity or whatever AI program you like best, and explore before you leave home. However, do check the responses for hallucinations.
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#finishedbooks Gay Guerrilla by various. Among all the negative experiences waiting for my visa for two and half years, I had two really positive visceral experiences. The first was after winning a grant for "urban" artists, I booked some out of state museum trips and later found out they revoked my grant on a technicality and I ended up even more broke lol. But I went anyway and it was seeing a Gee's Bend quilt in person that I really just felt something. It was the most beautiful abstract design with an intuitive asymmetrical design that you could see by the denim material patched in, that it simply came out of necessity. On top of it...it literally warms you and I just sat there imagining if I could only wrap myself in it I would thank it...and then more so if I could learn to create this for others. The second was while quilting stumbling on Julius Eastman's "Femenine". Even the cover art of a beautiful medium format photograph of a black man in suit drowning but doing so with such grace is symbolic. But the piece itself just unfurls from its initial declamatory theme into a space of vibrant coloring and pure emotional resonance...all through repetition. Repetition has always played a huge part in my art, especially in my short films, as it was clear to me sometime ago that black culture is not one of the places in which freedom within repetition is marginal. For repetition is reality and the seriousness of life. Yet Eastman or even a Coltrane really discovered quite intuitively how to overcome this Sisyphean horror through signifying Nietzsche's eternal reoccurrence to reveal that the practice of freedom draws its main power from freedom itself. More in terms of musicology it reminded me of what I thought was the pioneering minimalist Steve Reich piece in “Music for 18 Musicians," but this felt so much more organic. It had the short tonal phrases, steady tempo with again the repetition but I realized Eastman was allowing for improvisation for each instrument introduced that completely opened up the piece. Now in context I realize it was the evolution of an earlier piece “Stay On it” that no one gives him credit for but was the first true work of minimalism, and capped by a lost track, “Masculine” (turns out over 85% of his work was lost when he went homeless). So to the book! You realize immediately it was a labor of love as the essays are really put together by anyone who was even familiar at with Eastman as virtually until 2005 his music had been dead since his death 1990. 2005 saw a re-release of what music could be found that is told through the musicologist's essay who made most of the discoveries. His music began in the late 60s and carried to the early 80s. It was the early 70s that he made his proto-minimalist discoveries that have fallen through the cracks of history and his fall was compounded by the double standards that were applied to him. One can clearly see in Eastman's interpretation of a John Cage performance that sent the legendary composer in a fit of rage as he interpreted his directions as he was suppose to, but simply added a racial and sexual commentary to it. His blackballing grew and he seemed to challenge it by giving his music provocative names like his series of piano pieces he titled the "Nigger series" and later another classic in "Gay Guerrilla" that effectively left him out of the contemporary classical music scene (he explains why he chose these names quite elegantly at the end of his album "Unjust Malaise"). From their it plays out a lot like Basquait's life with a downfall into substance abuse encouraged by his increasing distrust, and frustration & sensitivity at the racism. Both recall that prophet Mohammad maxim "die before you die." I will conclude with Eastman's quote, "What I am trying to achieve is to be what I am to the fullest - Black to the fullest, a musician to the fullest, a homosexual to the fullest...It is through art that I can search for the self and keep in touch with my resource and the real me."
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