#yesterday me and my neighbor (to my mutuals yes it's the one that has the egg laying rats)
sometimes i forget how much i mean to people
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library-graffiti · 5 days
Getting My Goat, Chapter 1
“Esther still has some almond croissants if you hurry,” my landlord and neighbor greeted me when I opened my front door that morning. He was sweaty, almost glowing in the light coming up from the street-level door that led to our apartments. He’d obviously been out on a run, but it seemed he’d also stopped at the bakery downstairs to pick up breakfast.
“Good morning to you, too, Leander,” I teased him.
When he got to the top of the stairs, the man faced me, stuck one of his muscular legs out and bowed with great flourish. He should have looked ridiculous. Instead, it was the opposite. With his tan skin, startling green eyes, and hair the color of a crow’s wings, all he needed was a change of clothes to look like he just stepped off the set of a drama that took place in ancient Greece. Instead, he wore loose shorts and a faded graphic tank. Not that I would ever complain about the eye candy. Leander Costas’ appearance was exactly how you’d expect the scion of a wealthy Greek family to look, which was what I knew him to be. Of course, he shattered the image every time he talked. “Good morrow, fair Maya, Lady of Applebaum. The bakery you doth seek yonder is yet replete with thine favorite confection.”
He maintained his bow through his entire speech then looked up at me with a huge grin on his face as he stood. “Was that better?”
I laughed. How could I not? His grandfather, my previous landlord, had been great, but Leander did as good of a job—plus, he made me laugh. “You’re a doofus.” I shook my head at him and moved toward the stairs. “Oh, and thanks for fixing the fire escape yesterday. It didn’t creak last night during that windstorm.”
“Anything for you, fair Maya, Lady of Applebaum. Also, it was a good workout. You see how toned my arms are getting?” He turned and flexed like a body builder, but then he performed another flourish and made a shooing motion. “You don’t want to miss the croissants.”
“Since when does Esther have croissants on Mondays?”
Leander shrugged and made his way into his apartment, finally, leaving me to my errand. He was an odd man, my landlord. But a Monday morning when I had a busy day ahead of me wasn’t the time to think about it. I had a croissant to procure and a meeting to attend.
The bakery downstairs wasn’t the reason I rented this apartment, but it was definitely one of the benefits. Esther, the owner of the eponymous Esther’s Eats & Sweets, grinned at me from behind the counter. “Guessing you’re here for a croissant? I had leftovers after filling a special order for a customer, and luckily Leander reminded me that almond croissants are your favorite. I might have sold my last one otherwise.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "I noticed how he watches out for you."
“What is that about?” I gestured to her face. “And yes, I’ll take your last almond croissant.”
“Hmph,” she said. “Like you’re going to tell me he’s not pretty. I’m absolutely and completely a lesbian, but even I can see he’s pretty.”
I handed her cash for the croissant as she bagged it for me. “Sure, he’s pretty. That doesn’t merit a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.”
I waved her hand away when she started to give me my change, and pointed instead to the tip jar.
Esther smiled as she dropped the dollar and change into it. “Didn’t you once tell me that you also like men that way?”
I rolled my eyes at her. “Yes, on our one ill-fated date, I mentioned being bisexual. It may have come up once or twice since, like, I dunno, that time I went out on a date with a man you introduced me to. Doesn’t mean I want to date every man out there. Especially not ones who are inappropriately younger than me. He can’t be any older than his late thirties, and I’m going to be fifty-three soon.”
“Speaking as your friend, you need to get laid. Of course, I can’t help you. You’re the one who wanted to be my friend instead of my girlfriend—”
I interrupted her. “I’m going to stop you right there. First, that decision was mutual. We agreed the spark between us was friendship and not romance. Don’t think I don’t know that you’re bringing it up to tease me about Leander. Second, just because he’s kind and watches out for me doesn’t mean anything. He watches out for all his tenants. And you know it.”
Esther opened her mouth to speak again, but I held up a hand. “None of your faff.”
“Have to tease you. Requisite for our friendship.” She grinned at me. “By the way, I’m doing a trial run with a new baker. Mouse got into culinary school and is leaving, and I’m happy for them, but I can’t go back to two bakers again. Too old for that shit. The one I like best is this woman who claims to be able to make all the Greek sweets I’m lacking in our offerings.”
“And on that note, I have to go. Got a meeting to run to,” I called over my shoulder as I headed out and back up to my apartment. “Save me some baklava if she works out.”
I made it upstairs and let myself get lost in the rhythms of my day. I’d been with this software company for a little over a year now, and the truth was I loved what I did. We developed software for educational purposes—fun games to teach young kids their letters and math and to teach older kids chemistry and even typing. I wasn’t quite as fulfilled by this as my former job, where I taught others to code, but the pay was better and I got to work from home.
Around noon, I heard Leander leave the apartment building. Leaving or coming into the building was about the only time I heard him. Heck, I heard the bakery more than I heard my landlord—especially when they were cleaning at the end of the day and Esther blasted her seventies rock.
I set my status to “away from computer” and went to reheat some leftover delivery Thai for lunch. I let my mind wander to Esther’s earlier comments about Leander. Even if I wanted to take a lover, it wouldn’t be Leander. As much as the man flirted with me, I didn’t think it was serious. He was like a golden demigod: perfect and untouchable. Especially to me. Even though I didn’t hear him bring lovers home, a man like that had to be getting some touch somewhere. And if he wasn’t? It was neither my concern nor problem.
I sat at my kitchen table to eat, a mystery novel my dining companion. I was almost done with my pad Thai when there was a knock at my door. I tucked my bookmark into the middle of a scene with the detective looking for murder clues to answer that knock. I didn’t bother with the peephole since I knew who it was. Unless I’d buzzed them in, the only person who ever knocked at my door was my landlord.
“Yes, Leander?”
The man in the hallway was freshly showered and dressed in what could only be described as casual chic. Jeans with rips that showed off his muscular runner’s legs, bright white sneakers, and an olive-colored Henley that stretched picture-perfectly over his chest. The man also had the nerve to smell distinctly like sandalwood. He made my leggings and plain T-shirt combination look shabby.
Leander smiled and held out an enormous spider plant in an exquisitely decorated hanging planter. He smiled. “It’s not dead,” he announced with no further explanation.
I, of course, didn’t take the plant. I just looked at my landlord. “Obviously it’s not dead. It’s a beautiful spider plant. But I kill those things.”
“No, you don’t. You didn’t.” He took a half-step into the apartment and continued to hold the planter out. “I rescued the one you threw out. It needed to be repotted.”
I stared at the man and his smile faltered, but he seemed to rally and tried again. “I like plants?”
“Wait. Are you saying this is the one I threw out? But why would you do that?” I stared at him and, somehow, he looked completely different. Leander was still unspeakably handsome, but in place of the cocksure thirty-something was an awkward man whose cheeks took on a pinkish hue as I watched. “I mean, thank you. You didn’t need to do that.”
I finally took the planter and was about to tell Leander it was time for him to go when a thunderous sound came from my hallway. Once the noise got closer, Leander crouched to greet the source of the cacophonous gallop—my enormous, former alley cat, Nimoy.
“Hello, handsome boy,” my landlord crooned as the scruffed-up tabby purred an outboard motor’s song and drooled in happiness.
I left the two of them to return the spider plant to its former home, hanging above the divider between my enormous living room and my much more modest kitchen. When I turned toward them, Nimoy rolled on his back with all four stripey legs up in the air like a golden retriever and begged for tummy rubs.
I cleared my throat and both males jumped as if they’d forgotten I was there. I had to swallow the laugh that bubbled up before I could speak. “Thank you, Leander, for bringing my dead plant back to life, but I need to finish my lunch and get back to work. I’ve got a major deadline this Friday so...” I pointed toward the door.
He stood and gave me a half smile. “I probably should have waited until this evening, but I saw the planter at that little hardware store up at the other end of South Avenue and was excited to bring it to you.”
I looked over at the planter. It was gorgeous, painted in perfect imitation of a Grecian urn with satyrs and nymphs dancing around the sides. It looked expensive. “How much did it cost?”
“You aren’t supposed to ask that about gifts.”
I watched him for a moment then let out a long sigh. “The resurrected spider plant isn’t enough of a gift? Fine. And thank you again, but you need to get out of my apartment now.”
“Of course.” He gave Nimoy one last scritch behind the feline behemoth’s half ear, waved to me, and was gone.
I waited until I heard Leander’s door open and close and I turned to Nimoy. “What was that about? Do you know?”
I shook my head as the closed door but I heard my computer chime with a reminder for my next meeting. It was a major code review, and for the first time since I’d started with the company, I would be the one to run the meeting. I took a couple more hurried bites to finish my lunch, grabbed a can of seltzer from the fridge, and planted myself back in front of my computer.
I told myself I had more important things to think about than confusing gifts from my handsome landlord, so I tore my gaze from the planter and focused on my work.
All through the afternoon, my eyes repeatedly drifted back to the planter. During the larger code review meeting, I managed to pay attention to what was going on. But as soon it was over, I stared at the planter again. I’d had plenty of landlords in my life but none of them had been anything close to as nice as Leander. Not even his grandfather.
When my workday ended, and I powered down my computer, I left my desk to stand in front of the planter. It was a PG version of the typical Grecian urn. The ones I’d seen in art museums were way more sexual, including full-frontal satyrs—some blessed beyond comprehension. These fellows on my planter all had loincloths. I turned it to see if the design was any different on the back and a piece of paper fell out of the leaves.
The note, in Leander’s handwriting, read: “Check to see if the soil is dry to the touch once a week. If it is, water it until moist. If it isn’t, wait another week.” I reached up and found the soil moist. Of course he’d watered it before returning it to me. I smiled at the thought of him taking what I thought was a dead plant, nursing it back to life, and returning it to me. I told myself that Leander was just being nice. No matter what my hormones might have wanted, I wasn’t going to sleep with the man. I put the note down and forced myself to get on with my evening.
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bluraydisco · 10 days
9/11 remembrance and a political post (You've been warned by a queer leftist that suffers from the woke mind virus. Trust me it's worse than covid)
It's 9/11. I can't believe it's been over 20 years since that tragedy. I remember it like it was yesterday. Mom calling me up as I was a slumber asking me if I'm watching the news. I watched in horror. It's the day America changed forever. But we must remain vigilant and learn from our past as a country. When that came to pass we were all one . We shared a mutual pride and a love for our country . We set politics aside to see if our neighbors are okay . Was there heavy racism against Brown and Arab people at the time? Of course there was.
Was it used as an excuse for the NSA to start mass surveillance? *Ahem*"patriot act *ahem* Was it used as an excuse to start two potential forever wars? Maaaybee? Were the actual funders caught and prosecuted? No because-natural resources. Did it lead to the this weird sense of patriotism for one man over country that eventually became so prevalent in the cult of personality that is now DJT? I believe so. There was a preview of this with George w. Bush and especially the tea party/ freedom caucus. *Keith Olbermann voice* REMEMBER FREEDOM FRIES?!?! Also, remember, before 9/11, the national anthem and the flag and military presences were never apart of sporting events on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, nowadays we are surrounded by hateful rhetoric and our discourse has become a carnival show from a man that said " Now my tower is the biggest in the city ". What a selfish selfish man. (If you can call him that). America dies if it's leader wraps himself with the flag and holds a Bible.
We need to rebuild, just like One World Trade Center. Dynamic. Stronger. Energy efficient. A true beacon of Hope and a remembrance of what makes America great as is. Not a slogan on a cheap hat (made in China by the way) but to look up and see the sky reflected in the panels and say "progress" and "hope" and "moving forward".
Instead of conspiracy theories. Instead of the word of God. Instead of mass hysteria and transpanic. Instead of scapegoating people of color and immigrants . Let us all take a deep breath. Exhale and be excited! Our future is in our hands. The future of our kids are in our hands. Let's learn from the past and move on from it and build a better future because that is the only way The American dream survives.
Call me as a "socialist"if you must you can even call me "woke" . It's the same tired rhetoric of the McCarthy hearings of the '50s and '60s where lgbtq people, artists, actors, directors, people of color, activists- were all on "the list". It wasn't because they were communist because none of them were. They were creatives. They were outspoken and the government wanted to censor and silence them . Fun history fact: It was when McCarthy went after the military that ending his political career. (Look it up. It's a fascinating story).
"Woke" today is what hippies was in the '60s and '70s. Love, empathy. Understanding. Unfortunately some of those hippies ended up becoming yuppies (especially those in silicon valley) and due to Reagan's tax policies (which we are still feeling the effects of today) The rich are getting richer. The middle class is disappearing. Everyone is working three or four to five jobs to survive just to pay rent. Yet it's the banks and Big businesses and Wall Street that get bailed out by our tax dollars. Not the average Joe.
I have faith that millennials and gen z are actually going to do what Genesis said they were going to do during Land of confusion. " Their generation are going to set it right".
The American dream is on life support - yes. But we are a strong lot . We are diverse not divisive. It's inclusive to everyone because all people are created equal. Everyone is valid. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. Everyone needs some sort of stability. Mental and financial. We're not a Utopia we never will be. However, we can strive to be better than we once were. That is all anyone could ask for.
We could make America great again by using the tax code back from back then. Return to the fairness doctrine in media. Stop corporate buyouts of media companies and sporting arenas (again, thanks to Reagan and partly Clinton). But going back to racially divisive and segregation and project 2025 making us a Christian theocracy is not the way to go. We are free and we should remain free. Our rights are important. They should remain important. We are America and we will not go back.
(I should be a speechwriter)
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mooncleaver · 3 years
PJO characters as romance tropes
pairings: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace; gn! reader
warnings: A MESS. 
masterlist is here !
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percy jackson
• ah yes, my boyfriend. • oh.. you’re here too?? i guess we can share him • KIDDING anyways • i think he would be in a neighbors au + friends to lovers for one • like do you not see the boy next door energy this man exudes?? • so maybe you moved in to this neighborhood or apartment i guess • and then this god of a man shows up at your door asking if you needed help with carrying your boxes • oh yes heart eyes from you instantly • then you feel bad bc he’s literally carrying all the heavy stuff • like couches, table, tv everything • the next day you stop by his door with blueberry pie • but this beautiful woman opens the door • its sally btw • and you’re saying, im so sorry i think i might have gotten the wrong door, there was this boy yesterday helpi- • she cuts u off like "oh! that’s my son percy"
• what a pretty name u think • you give her the pie and suddenly she’s dragging you inside • sally says he’s not here cuz he’s buying groceries  • and you guys end up talking over tea • percy gets back and when he enters his living room he sees you and sally just laughing and talking • after that you became friends • he invites you over all the time • at first he was always like "my mom says you should come over" • only bc he's too embarrassed to admit he actually wants to see you • after he found out you were the one who made the blueberry pie last time • he's begging you to teach him • anyways long story short you started dating after sally exposed BOTH of your crushes • NEXT ONE LMAO • strangers to lovers + vacation au • bc @dracodear made a vacation fic and i couldn't stop thinking about it • its one of those "i asked a stranger to go on a trip with me" yk? • kinda dangerous but i saw a guy on youtube do it • and i was like oh the wattpad girlies are gonna have a BLAST with this one • it wasn't a long or far trip, just taking the train to this hidden gem destination • after spending a few days percy is in love • he hasn't met such a fun and easy going person in a while • he really enjoyed the trip and later asks you out when you got home • WAIT OH MY GOD • FUCKING COLLEGE AU • i almost forgot • this is one of my top 3 aus/ tropes • IM GIVING YOU.. THE COLLEGE SWEETHEARTS CARD! • is that even a thing,, • BUT YES you met during orientation and been friends ever since • you’re aware of the mutual crushes you have so you confess during a study session • and you’ve been dating since then • you come over his dorm all the time to make variations of ramen • it's pretty genius if you ask me • my personal add, but ever since you discovered indomie you've never been the same. • it eventually turns into "couple that’s been together for a long time that domesticity is mundane but cute" • past the honeymoon stage basically but also not really • its like the "casual" kind of romance yk? • some people didn’t even know you guys were together bc of that • but you can also be the cheesy couple sometimes • everybody either adores you together, or are sick you of but lowkey rooting for u!! • everyone's otp methinks
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leo valdez
• ok work • he’s such a funny guy, i give him • blind date trope • piper set him up i don’t make the rules. • when you meet at the restaurant and he’s being himself, he’s scared you’re gonna think he’s weird • bc his other dates failed like that (im so sorry bb) • but surprise surprise, you just laugh at all his jokes and shenanigans • and his confidence just goes up 1000% • it goes on like that and you don’t even realize time has gone by • at the end you’re holding onto your coat hailing a taxi • and he’s rubbing his head asking if you wanted to do it again, bc he really enjoyed it • and you say yes ofc • many dates turned into a relationship! congratulations • hmm in a different story its either tsundere and sunshine or gremlin and gremlin. • i really cant think about anything else! • sorry leo lovers, ive never written for him or am too familiar with his character • but this is a camp setting • after gaea happened and he came back • you ran to him and kissed him, and then slapped him bc u rlly thought he died • no calypso. anyways • the tsundere and sunshine thing is a possibility bc • i just think he’s that typa guy LMAO THAT DOESNT EXPLAIN ANYTHING • but its lowkey opposite attracts too, bc no one can match his wavelength here • people question if you guys are actually together bc u and him.. • very opposite • but you’re just actually a very private person • you love him behind doors wait that sounds- • LOL U GET ME RIGHT?? • minimum pda but when you hold his hand and kiss his cheeks he gets flustered and then acts dramatic • that’s basically the dynamics • now for the gremlin and gremlin oh boy. • you two are MENACES • chiron is tired of you but lowkey adopted you as his unhinged children • you’re always joking around and stuff, tinkering new inventions together • there are burnmarks. everywhere. • that black spot on the sparring arena? • yeah that's bc leo was testing his "extreme fiesta fireworks 2.0" • you two almost burnt down camp more than once • but you are also emotionally mature and leo has doubts about himself sometimes • you’re always there to support him!!
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jason grace
• jason, jason, jason. • i had a wattpad phase for this man • still have a reading list LOL hmu if you want it, i have around 50 books • i think office romance yes. • that is totally not bc he gives me nanami kento vibes and i love office worker nanami- • BUT ANYWAY • he’s that employee that literally everyone has a crush on • and get this.. he’s CLUELESS • giving himbo but he actually got into the finance department • just imagine jim and pam but without the roy period.. or the karen agenda • he’s such a gentleman • knows everyone in the office, even the security guard • to give it some spice you guys are friends • it's relatively new however you've liked him way before • it's been the "admiring him from afar" kinda thing • and when you got paired for work (idk i don't work in an office) • you felt like you've achieved a long awaited dream • but then you realized you're only friends and are NOT dating • -100 for the ego • a lot of the women try to ask him out several times a year • and he’s always politely denying them with a cute blush on his face • you’re like lowkey mad that they don’t get the hint he doesn’t want to be with them • but what can you do • you also want to court him • you think he isnt interested in you bc one, he’s rejected every other person in the whole building • and two whenever you try to make a romantic gesture/ innuendo (or so you say) • he’s always like "yn you’re such a good friend" • it decreases your life span for 10 years • at this point you just give up • but then somehow he confesses • and he’s like, ive liked you for a while now actually, i dont know why you didnt see the signs. • maybe YOU are the dumb one here. • i also think he’s suitable for a rivals to lovers • but NO ENEMIES TO LOVERS i h*te that trope • lets say its a camp jupiter setting • you’re both cohort leaders and over these years you had this friendly rivalry • not so friendly at times but it started as a childish competition • and now its this.. • everyone in the camp is lowkey keeping an eye on u 2 • bc they ship you, and they also want to see who ends up "winning" • reyna is betting in a few months you will eventually confess • its like dancing around your feelings when its very obvious • when the tension gets too much..; • you are fighting in the ring and you end up with him on the ground, and you on top • you’re like "i win" • and then realize your position • and suddenly you are kissing him • I KNOW THAT IS CLICHE.. but i do not care i like when that happens (only if they’re both capable warriors) • you’re lowkey rbf badass, and he looks tough but gets flustered easily
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wtf this is literally just a brain stroke
if you got all the way here i respect you tbh
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tuiccim · 4 years
Almost Had Me Believing It - Part 4
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader    
Word Count: 1569
Warnings: Mutual pining, smut
Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist
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A few days later you and Bucky sit at breakfast discussing how to get more information about Frank. 
“Well, we know one way I could get in his house but I’d rather chew glass.” You grouse.
“You, uh, you don’t find him attractive?” Bucky stutters.
“No. I mean, Frank’s a good looking guy, but he’s not a good person. He gives me the creeps, honestly.” You shudder. 
Bucky reins in his smile at hearing that. He hated the idea of you liking any other man. At some point while running through the meadow yesterday, he realized you weren’t afraid of him. He was chasing you and you had this glorious smile on your face. There was no fear or anxiety about you as he tackled you to the ground. You had laughed as he did it and held onto him during the ride as if you felt safe with him. It was nothing short of a miracle in Bucky’s eyes. Very few people in his life watched him approach them without some apprehension in their eyes or tension in their body and nobody looked to him as a refuge of safety but you had. He still didn’t think he deserved it but he was determined to be a safe place and friend to you. 
“He’s not like you.” You say the sentence, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts, while causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. 
“Like me?” Bucky says in surprise. 
“You’re a good looking guy but you’re also good and sweet and kind. You want to help people, not destroy them, not hurt them. And you don’t give me the creeps.” You laugh lightly hoping to cover the emotions you feel towards the man in front of you. 
Bucky chuckles, “I’m glad I don’t give you the creeps.”
“Not at all.” You smile at him. 
“You’re a peach.” 
You smile at him and then the light bulb goes on over your head, “I have an idea.” You grab a large cup from the cabinet. 
“What are you doing?” Bucky asks. 
“Well, we are out of sugar.”
“No, we’re not. It’s right there on the counter.”
You take the container and dump it out in the trash, “Oops. As I was saying, we’re out of sugar. I’m gonna go borrow a cup from our neighbor.”
“How does that get us more information about him?”
“He’ll invite me in and I’ll plant a bug.” You say as you pull one of the devices out of your pocket.
“I’ll go with you.” Bucky says. 
“That’d look a little strange. Maybe he’ll let his guard down if I’m alone.”
“I don’t like you being alone with him.”
“I’ll be fine, Bucky. If I can take you to the mat I don't think I’ll have a problem with Frank.” You smirk at the supersoldier. Bucky gives you a nod and crosses his arms looking unhappy. “I’ll be back.” You say as you head for the door. 
Frank answers his front door within a couple of minutes and smiles, “Hey. What’s up?”
“I’ve come to beg a favor of a benevolent neighbor.” You repeat the phrase Frank had used a few days ago. 
Frank laughs, “Are you in need of coffee?”
“Sugar. I knocked the container over and lost it all on the floor. Do you have some to spare?” You keep your expression self-deprecating and sweet. 
“Of course. Come on in. I have all kinds of sugar you can have, gorgeous.” 
“I just need the white granulated kind,” you giggle as you slip past him into the house.
You follow Frank to the kitchen. He takes the cup from your hand and goes to the pantry to retrieve the sugar for you. Taking a quick assessment of the available real estate for a bug, you attach it to a space where you hope it can pick up sound in both the kitchen and living room. 
“So, I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you.” Frank says as he emerges. 
“About a job.”
“Oh! Great. Where?” You ask. 
“Do you have any bookkeeping experience?” Frank asks. 
“Yes. I worked for a couple of small offices where I doubled as the office manager as well as nurse. I’m pretty decent at that kind of thing. Where’s the job?”
“What?” You look at him utterly confused. 
“You know I’m a landlord and I have several properties. I need someone to do billing, take the payments, handle utilities, deal with the tenant requests. The accounting side has never been my strong suit and I added three more properties in the past year. It would just be part-time. If you're interested…”
“Part-time is exactly what I’m looking for right now. Do you want me to bring you a resume?”
“I’ll take you at your word.” Frank winks. “Why don’t you come back after lunch and I’ll have everything together for us to look at?”
“Are you sure about this? I don’t want to take advantage of our friendship, Frank.”
“I’m sure, gorgeous.” Frank puts an arm around your shoulders as he walks you to the door. “I’ll see you this afternoon, right?”
“Okay. Thanks, Frank.” You smile as you head back to your house. You find Bucky in the office messing with the receiver. “Is it working?”
“As soon as you attached it, I could hear everything. A job offer, huh?” Bucky raises an eyebrow. 
“Yeah. A lot of access that way.” You smile. 
“A lot of time alone with you.” Bucky grouses. 
“I’ll be okay, Bucky. This is good.” 
You had spent the afternoon with Frank going over everything with him touching you nearly constantly. Your skin crawled but you managed to play him off. His books really were a mess and you arranged to work with him for the next few afternoons to get things in order. This would afford you the opportunity to plant more bugs. Hopefully, this would also help you gain Frank’s trust and get him to eventually reveal his not so legal dealings. Bucky was unhappy with your report of the afternoon. He did not like you spending so much time alone with Frank. 
“Come here, Doll.” Bucky beckons to you from the living room.
“What’s up?” You ask. 
Bucky puts his arms around you and his hands grab your ass, “Jump.”
You wrap your arms around Bucky’s neck and jump wrapping your legs around him. Bucky presses you against the wall and you whisper, “Frank watching us?”
“Yup.” Bucky says as he presses his lips to the side of your neck. You arch your neck to give him better access. “Thought he might need another show. Don’t want him getting any ideas that you working for him is gonna get him anywhere.”
“I appreciate that.” You are desperately trying to hold in your moans as Bucky kisses your neck and your hands grasp his hair. Giving in to your own impulse, you pull his head back and meet his lips with your own. Bucky melds his mouth to yours and you feel his hands flex their grasp on your ass. His tongue slides into your mouth and the moan you had been holding in slips out. Your hips shift of their own accord and you can feel Bucky’s erection pressed against you. Bucky pushes away from the wall and carries you down the hallway. He pulls his lips away from yours and gently lowers you to the floor outside your room.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, you?” 
“Yeah.” He looks at you for a moment. “I hope you didn’t mind. I know I was touching-”
“Bucky. It’s fine. You’re just trying to keep Frank off me. I appreciate that. Plus, you're my husband, right?” You smile. 
“Yeah. I just, I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.” Bucky says. 
“I know you wouldn’t do that, Bucky. Don’t worry, okay? Good night.” You hug him around his torso and scurry into your room. 
Bucky retreats to his room and flops down on the bed. You had reassured him that you knew he wouldn’t take advantage, but that’s exactly what he was doing. He saw an opportunity to touch you again and he couldn’t pass it up. You had felt and tasted just as sweet as the first time he’d touched you a few nights ago. You were the one who’d kissed him though. For a minute, he allowed himself to indulge in the thought that you had wanted it, that you had enjoyed it. That your moan had been real. The kiss had been real. The way you rolled your hips against him was because you wanted him, too. 
Bucky’s hand moved of their own volition and pushed down his sweats. His cock was painfully hard and he had to relieve the pressure. Fisting himself he remembers your sweet whimpers when he had rutted against you the other night, the moans you released as the two of you kissed tonight, and he imagines his hand is you wrapped around him. He thinks of how wet you would be as he presses into you and the breathy little sounds you’d make as he bottomed out inside you. “Fuck.” Bucky whispers as he imagined your face scrunched up in ecstasy. His hand speeds up as he pictures you riding him and he bucks up into his hand. “Fuck.” he whispers one more time as he comes all over his stomach.
Part 5
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @buckyluvrs​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @cap-n-stuff​ @finleyjayne​ @caplanreads​ @connie326​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​ @bugsbucky​ @chrisevanscardigan​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @palaiasaurus64​ @rebekahdawkins​ @maaaaarveeeeel​ @tllynn15​ @learisa​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @fistmebuckyskywalker​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @liebs82​ @honestly-dontknow​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @baddie-barnes​ @aikeia​ @paleo-runaway​ @marvelgirl7​ @starlightcrystalline​ @xxloki81xx​ @kcd15​ @slytherinambitious​ @sallycanwait68​ @slytherdorxmd​ @fangirlforever2412​ @rainbowkisses31​ @whisperlullaby​ @thejemersoninferno​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @supraveng​ @dispatchvampire​ @juenenfeu​ @sxbby-barnes​ @allonszassbutt​ @y-napotat​ @reallymagnificentinfluencer​ @is-it-madness​ @harold231​ @buckysbaby32​ @purselover23​ @ene-rene​ @chrisevansbaby​ @rosesanchez12298806​ @xxpapasfritasxx​
Almost had me believing it: @farfromjustordinary​ @iheartsebastianstan @7minutes-tomidnight​ @thechaoticargonaut​ @marylimlp​ @buckybarnesdevotee​ @janaienaae​ @its-a-simply-me-thing @rosalynshields​ @oliviastan17​ @onlyjamesbuchananbarnes​ @fangirl-swagg​ @wrdro​ @vicmc624​ @lokilokilokilokilokiloki​ @fangirl-swagg​ @jonhsrevelation @ivettt​ @detroitobsessed​ @mypoisonedvine​ @thebuckysoldier​ @teenagedreams-bucky​ @chipilerendi​ @bloodyproudpotterhead​ @jaywolf840​ @mysfitdragony564 @disasterbii​ @daddys-minty-princess​ @whatrambles​ @emmabarnes @pitypartycityy​ @srrymydood​ @legendarysuitstudentfan​ @wittyrosebushb @stuckysavedmylive​ @perfectlymaximumphilosopher​ @potatopineappleposts1 @yolandamontezistherealwildcat​ @irishflutiegirl​ @itsaliceheree​ @fictionalhoomanofnowhere​ @thatchickwiththecamera​ @wendyswildwonders​ @empath-bunny​ @the-lake-is-calling​ @thebadassbitchqueen​
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usergreenpixel · 3 years
Hello, Citizens and Neighbors!
As I said in a post from the day before yesterday, I absolutely do not condone what the government of my country is doing and I feel ashamed of it. As comments and posts in my feed have shown, my Russian mutuals feel the same way and so does the majority of Russian people. Good. I’m glad to not be surrounded by atrocity apologists.
That said, I’ve been doing some reflecting on things for the last couple of days and whether I should continue with posting content like reviews or writing. It might sound dumb but I genuinely thought of stopping so as not to come off as the characters in Poe’s “The Masque of the Res Death”.
(For context, in that story they isolate themselves in a mansion and party away while a plague is killing off people outside.)
Anyway, my final decision is to keep posting reviews. Both Malmaison Media Salon and Jacobin Fiction Convention will open their doors to you on Tuesday.
As for writing, kind of ironic that the only wip (“A Light in the Storm”) I’m posting so far happens to be about a war. War of the Second Coalition (1798-1801), to be specific.
However, that story is not pro-war (people who know me are probably aware of the fact that I don’t condone violence at all). Its protagonist, Caroline, is not pro-war either, and the story itself is not about the French Revolutionary Wars, even though one specific battle does take place in the story (sorry for the tiny spoiler).
“A Light in the Storm” was not intended by me to condone wars, violence in general and anything of the sort. It is, however, intended to show the tragedy of such conflicts but also, in a way, show hope. Therefore, I will continue that story and the second part is coming today.
Yes, this is my resolve. I will keep making content with my usual (hopefully witty) humor (for reviews); with examples of hope and basic human kindness (for writing); with themes that I’m passionate about (like Frev) and with the research I like to do in order to keep learning more and keep creating more.
I started writing in dark times of my life where the alternative was the possibility of developing a full blown eating disorder (I recently found out that binge eating is a disorder). Writing gave me hope back then and hope is precisely the reason why I keep doing it.
In my opinion, if things I write, be it reviews or stories, help at least one person feel hope and distract themselves, then I’m doing my job well.
Hope has helped humanity get through awful times before and art has always been one of the main ways to inspire that hope. Therefore, this is what I aim to do - create to give others the hope creativity gave me a few years ago.
All right, personal stuff over. I hope you understand my decision.
- Citizen Green Pixel
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1;  report ix
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: doctors! au; humor, romance 
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.8k
g/n: ((unedited skfslkdf)) also,,, i will be releasing Parallel Palpitations very soon [which features this Jimin hehehehe stay tuned for that] PLUS, im very excited to release the report x AHHHHHH send me your thoughts pleaseee 
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle​ @btsmakesmehappy​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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You open your new group chat first thing in the morning, wanting to check on Soomin and Jimin. Just yesterday, the two had informed you of their concerns separately, both worried over the same thing. Soomin’s mother wanted to hold a small congratulatory celebration for her daughter’s KMLE results, and her subsequent acceptance at Woocheon, so there was going to be a party exclusively for all tenants of the building at the restaurant just next to the cafe. 
The two hadn’t worked out their budding acquaintance, as you had practically forced them to greet each other the last time you were at the cafe, so you thought this might be a great way to have them start over their tricky relationship. 
As you’ve expected, both of them had even tried to convince you to come, in the hopes that a mutual friend could help diminish the awkward air around them. You’ve declined each of them politely, not wanting to intrude on their little get-together. Besides, (just like you hadn’t forgotten to mention to them), this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of this wall hindering their friendship (to which, both of them had also quite strongly disagreed upon). 
A mere three hours after their outpour of sentiments, as you’re rewatching episodes of Dr. Romantic with Chohee, the pair drunkenly call you, requesting a video chat. You’re pretty sure not one of them is aware of what’s happening, especially with Jimin refilling his shot glass every thirty seconds; Soomin speaking gibberish, and Chohee literally teasing them through the screen of your laptop and yet none of them seem to mind a damn thing about it. 
So, with hopes that each of them arrived home safely last night, you type in your text message. 
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‘What is this place, really?’ you mutter to yourself, slightly regretting your decision to take the subway instead of a cab. You only ride taxis for places you’re not familiar with (such is the case with today) but you didn’t want to spend twice as much solely for transportation so you took the train to the building. 
Now you feel lost. You’ve just gone to the main entrance of the building, but there was scaffolding barring the entrance, and now you’re struggling to look for Entrance B with the singular tarpaulin saying “Please use Entrance B” and a faded arrow below pointing to the left. After a grueling ten minutes of asking people for directions and walking all over the place, you finally find Entrance B and hurry on your way inside. 
There’s already a small crowd forming where the directions for the processing of your license is posted, and you can’t seemingly read the directions all the way down with people clearly taller than you blocking the way. 
“What’s the matter? Can’t see the directions, smally?” 
Your instant recognition of his voice makes you hang your head low. You figure there’s no way you can get rid of this guy anytime soon. 
“Hello, Jungkook.” 
Why is it that he’s always there wherever you are? He couldn’t be stalking me, could he? 
Jungkook almost spits his water on the girl in front of him. Oh, so he heard your thoughts then. “Yeah, you wish, woman. I wouldn’t do that even if you had one million strapped to your neck.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Wasn’t asking for any conditions for you to do that, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts.” 
“Awh, you mad, babe?” Shaking your head at him, you try to continue peering over everyone’s shoulder to check the post. “If it makes you feel any better, I would for two million though.” 
You were just about to retaliate with a smart comment, but you see a girl walking towards Jungkook while twirling her hair with her newly manicured fingers. “Jungkook-oppa, you’re here!” she says, hooking her arm on his elbow. 
Ah yes, it’s the same brat that kept defending Jungkook’s ass during the KMLE exam. “Why don’t you come with us? My mom works here,” her voice gets down to a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. “If you come with us, you wouldn’t have to fall in line, then maybe we could have lunch together. 
Jungkook removes her hand from his, “No thank you, I’ll just wait here.” 
“With her?”
The audacity of this bitch. 
“Yes, with her.” Jungkook says, not skipping a beat. “She’s...better company.” Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
You try not to show much of your currently soaring pride on your face, but you can’t help but clear your throat as a terrible disguise for a snort. The girl becomes silent after that, with most of her friends trying to control their facial expressions after Jungkook’s reply. 
“Fine then, your loss,” she says with a flip of her hair, then makes her exit. 
You're unsure what to do now as the girl has already left, and you’re also not sure if you’re entirely happy about being left with Jungkook now. “Why didn’t you go with her? Could’ve saved you a lot of time considering the people here.” 
Jungkook clenches his jaw, as if in thought. “I don’t like cheating. I believe that there’s a different value in the reward that comes with something you worked hard for.” 
You’re surprised. You really hadn’t expected this kind of quote, coming out of Jungkook out of all people, but you find yourself nodding as he speaks, quite impressed that you share the same principles. 
As the crowd starts to disperse, you and Jungkook finally get your turns to take a look at the poster. “Is it often?” 
“What is?” 
You point a thumb backwards towards where the girl had gone to, “Having girls throw themselves at you all the time?” 
“Oh that,” Jungkook chuckles, then gives you a lopsided smirk, “Yeah, that. Hadn’t realized being this hot was so tiring.” Squinting your eyes at him, it then again dawns on you that you shouldn’t even have asked him that sort of question at all. 
“You know,” he says, nudging your shoulder with his, “I’m quite jealous of you really,” your brows crease together. This can’t be good. “At least you don’t experience all of that, cause you know…” he says, gesticulating his hands over his face. 
He did not just insinuate that you were not...attractive at all. Huh. This bastard can wait for his license alone then. 
“Goodbye, Jungkook.” 
“Hang on! ________, wait! I was just messing with you,” Jungkook laughs, running after you.
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The cashier is already scanning the last items on your grocery list by the time Jimin and Soomin had texted you that they were done with their licenses, and you three had agreed on meeting up by the mall’s concierge. It doesn’t take long before you all decide on having Italian for dinner, after seeing the restaurant nearest to where the concierge was. 
“Wait, it took you guys only half an hour?” you exclaim, recalling how you had to endure at least more than an hour with Jungkook as you waited for your licenses to finish. Thankfully though, the latter had other errands to run so you two parted ways as soon as you got your IDs. 
Jimin, always the gentleman, offers to get your group the utensils as well as a few condiments and spices you might need with your meals. “Soomin-ssi, do you know anybody else who’s going to Woocheon too?” he says, setting the silverware atop the napkins. 
Soomin thanks Jimin for the thoughtful gesture, sending a small smile his way. You squeal inwardly, wanting to know what happened last night for them to interact like this. “Um, also, I’m not so sure about the others who will be attending Woocheon too...I only got a glimpse of the list, sorry.” 
“Ah, no worries about that. So, how was the dinner party last night?” 
The two glance at each other, seemingly communicating with their eyes. Oookay, what’s going on between these two? What exactly happened last night? If they wanted to be alone, they could’ve just said so… 
“It was fun,” Jimin initiates, plastering  what seems to be a painfully wide grin on his face. Soomin nods along with him as she adds more, “Honestly, I don’t remember much about last night, but I do recall Jimin calling me ‘sajangnim’ the whole night. And I told him to not call me that, but Jimin here is a stubborn man.” 
“Yeah, you complained about that too last night,” you laugh, cutting your garlic bread into pieces. “Wait, what?” Jimin squints his eyes at you, “Were you there last night? How did you....” 
“I’m guessing you both don’t remember calling me last night too, didn’t you?” 
“We did?!” they say in unison, making your eyes go wide. “Did I do something stupid?” “Please tell me I didn’t say something I shouldn’t have?” 
“Hmm, well, it was quite the conversation last night,” you tease them, wanting to see how far this can go, “plus Chohee was there too so I have another key witness.” 
“What?” Jimin squeaks, lips pressing into a thin line, “what’s the key witness for?” 
“That, my friend, is up to you to remember and figure out.” You give each of them a wink, before turning your attention back to your pasta.  
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Transferring all your groceries to one hand, you fish your keys from your purse, shaking it lightly to hear its jingle as you blindly course your fingers through your bag. As the elevator doors open, you see your neighbor down the end of the hall, trailing after a man. 
Ayoung hears the elevator bell ding and turns to your direction. She excitedly points her thumb to her back, mouthing ‘new tenant’ to you. She keys in her code and lets the guy in first. The moment he’s inside, she leans by the doorframe and whispers how hot the guy actually was and how much of a lucky neighbor you were going to be. 
You shake your head at her, leaving Ayoung to entertain her guest. Of course, not forgetting to pray that she manages to score you a hot man next door.
© joontier 2021
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neovisioned · 4 years
♡ꜜ eddie ate dynamite﹫johnny suh
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fangs - matt champion PLAYLIST
pairing : johnny x reader (f), feat. ten as johnny’s best friend and roommate and jaehyun as your college friend. 
genre : fluff, another case of smut with too much plot, pianist!johnny, guitarist!reader, college!au, neighbour!au, strangers to friends to lovers, warnings : ten being a cockblock, it’s overall really cute. heavy making out, grinding, marking, slight choking, slight thigh riding, mutual masturbation, slight panty kink and menhandling, oral, penetration. word count : +22k synopsis : where you never really tried to make friends with your neighbours. after all, most of them – if not all – are families that would not have much time to talk to a college student. you don’t mind, you’d rather spend some time with your guitar. but your new young neighbour doesn’t seem as anti-social as you are, it’s eleven past meridiem when someone airdrops a tab sheet on your computer, you play it. a/n : i got this idea while i was showering just after i ordered my electric guitar, i also felt like shit so figured writing about my ult would cheer me up.
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Calm and clean streets, pretty cherry trees dotted in red, small park filled with multicolor flowers, you remember the day you moved in your neighborhood like it was yesterday. You don’t say it much, but you love everything about your district. Yes, it might be mostly – if not totally – filled with small families and couples in their thirties, and they usually don’t have much to tell you, you still love the tranquility.
No college students being obnoxiously loud, no parties every week, no gatherings of wannabe frats.
You have to say, you got lucky. The small – but convenient and comfortable – apartment you’re ranting is what you could call a “perle rare”, a gem.
After searching and searching for anything that could fit a college student and it’s budget, you found this very building, freshly built. Only fifteen minutes away from the city center, exactly seventeen minutes away from your university, you couldn’t really believe your eyes, you even thought it was a scam at first. A more than decently sized apartment at the second to last floor, elevators, almost soundproof walls, balcony, big windows facing south, you couldn’t ask for more.
Even better, the owner was a family friend, a deal that made everyone happy was quickly made and, a few days after your twenty-first birthday, you moved in.
It was a bit more than a year ago and you have to say, you quickly made yourself at home, you didn’t mind leaving alone either. Besides, you had friends over a few times a month, and your family didn’t hesitate to visit without any notice.
Ah, and, a few days after moving in, you found this very cute and cosy coffee shop down the street. Oh, how you got addicted to their éclair au chocolat and their croissant. You’re a regular there, now, and the short brunette girl at the register still makes fun of you for your pronunciation. They also make a pretty good iced vanilla coffee, one you’re drinking this very moment, hands turning cold over the transparent plastic.
“Y/N, hey ! I have something for you !”, a voice you quickly grew familiar to sings the moment your badge opens the front door to your building. Sun Sangkyu, building H7’s concierge, doesn’t even wait for the glass door to close behind you to stand up from his chair, searching for the said “something”.
He’s a balding man, you’d say he’s around sixty-something years old. He agreed to work at the desk for good money despite his age, you remember him saying he loves it, it distracts him for the day while his wife volunteers with kids in a less wealthy area. Sangkyu wears big glasses that often fall down the bridge of his nose, eyes half moons whenever he smiles with his little diastema.
“Ah-a, I know what it is !”, you match his tone almost perfectly, a smile stretching your lips. Walking a bit closer to the men’s cubicle, one he customized so much it contrasts with the minimalist style of the entrance.
Red banner for the Chinese New Year, you’re surprised he did not take it down sooner. Next to it, he has multiple drawings from the kids in the building, pictures of him, his wife and kids.
“There it is. Such a tiny box, what did you order ?”, he asks, and the middle aged men doesn’t hesitate to shake the box a little, bringing it to his ear. He’s a bit too curious for his own good, but you don’t mind, it’s funny.
“Guitar picks.”, you tell him with a laugh once he lets the cardboard box fall into your waiting hands.
At that, he frowns.
Small pout on his thin lips, his dark brown eyes shift to the left as he tried and search in his memory.
“But…What about the ones you brought last winter ?”, he asks carefully, almost like he’s scared of not recalling things well. But, after all, you were the only guitarist in the building.
“I…lost them…”, you answer after a few seconds of silence, like a child admitting they misplaced something to their father.
“Ya…”, his instinct kick in with the noise escaping his face, slightly rolling his eyes, drawing out the last letter. “Anyways, I have something else for you.”, he looks at something on the floor, probably where he left his leather bag.
“But, I didn’t or-.”
“My wife made some yesterday !”, he cuts you abruptly, wide toothy smile as he slides a paper bag. And, oh, you already know what they hold by the smell alone. Baozi, steamed stuffed buns Sangkyu’s wife can make like a real master, your mouth salivates with the thought alone.
“Oh, bless her.”, a sigh tumbles from your lips, clenching the small bag against your chest. As you open your mouth to thank him, the slight buzz of the door opening catches your attention. You notice a rather tall men pushing the door with his back, strong arms holding boxes.
“Thank you very much, Sangkyu. Have a nice day !” You conclude with a smile, nodding as the oldest returns the gesture, face already towards the unknown men.
You don’t pay much attention, quickly walking towards the elevator with your two precious items in hand. Your index taps the code and your floor number like a mechanism and, just before the metallic doors close, you catch the unknown men sighing, “One more box and we’re done, Mister Suh !” Ehm, the apartment on the second floor probably found a new owner, you think at first, the thought brushed away in a second.
The ride to your floor is a quick one, your full attention on the small box in your hand, one you’re trying to open as best as you can. But you quickly find hard to rip the thick duct tape with your left hand occupied with the wrapped food.
“Oh, fuck !”
What was meant to happen, happened. As the feminine yet weirdly robotic voice announces your floor with a “Floor number nine, floor number nine.”, you drop the small box. The cardboard hits the floor with a small sound, laying lifeless a few centimeters away from your shoes. Great, that will teach you. Leaning down, you pick the box up with a sigh, straightening your back as the grey metallic doors open in front of you, left wrist twisting to let your digits wrap around your keys. And it’s your turn to frown. Eyebrows furrowed, you take a step forward, taking your body out of the elevator before the doors close and head down again.
Boxes, boxes everywhere. Your door’s on the left, body naturally facing your apartment but your eyes can not help but look at the overwhelming amount of…stuff laying there. Probably a dozen cardboard boxes in the hallway, the door’s open to the empty apartment if it’s not for all the wrapped furniture in the entrance. Uh, so it’s not the second floor. You have to say, you’re a bit surprised. When you moved in, you remember this very apartment being owned by a middle-aged woman, the fake blonde told you about the three other places she owned and ranted all year around. Be it to travelers, students, young adults. Someone ranted it for two months at best, before moving out, you don’t even remember their faces, to be honest. You never asked why it was always empty, you just figured the area was more appealing to families that would rather buy their own place rather than rant it for god knows how much.
Well, seems like you have a new neighbor. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll introduce yourself later, once they’ll be done with moving in. Let’s be real, you’re not Bree Van de Kamp from Desperate Housewives but, you were well raised. Ah, and, you should probably tell them about your habit of playing the guitar a bit too late at night, you think as you finally take your attention off the open apartment and go for your own. Everything might be pretty well isolated, you don’t want to risk starting beef with people you barely know leaving right next to you.
Plus, who knows, maybe they’re nice.
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Knife stabs the duct tape, the brown layer easily ripping under the sharp object. Comfortably sat on your bed, you quickly tear the cardboard with your hands, leaving the packaging on the floor of your bedroom, neatly leaving the small bag of picks you ordered on your white sheet.
It’s around ten and a half post meridiem when you finally get around opening your order. College life is one you knew would be busy, but seventeen years old you never knew you’d spend hours on an essay’s introduction. But thank god, you finished a good chunk of your assignment, showered, ate and now, it’s time for a bit of relaxation.
It’s sort of a ritual for you, a way to reward yourself after a productive day. You take a long shower or a good bath – it depends on the bath bombs you have in stock –, you eat a good, hot meal and get to your room for some alone time with none other than your beloved guitar.
The sun’s already set, the streets’ lights filling your bedroom. And, that’s when you notice the dim light coming from the room right on front of you. The layout of every apartment being identical, you know it’s another bedroom, few meters away from your own. It’s a bad habit you developed after your old neighbor left, you’d pull your curtains to the side and eventually took them out, they clashed with your room’s aesthetic anyways. After all, if no one was leaving there, you would let your window wide open for a bit more light.
You figure you should maybe go and find where you stacked them and get ready to struggle for an hour before eventually, putting them up again. But for now, you don’t mind, if your new neighbor actually pulls his curtains to look outside, all they will be able to see’s your light purple colored walls, paintings and pictures, your overly packed schedule stuck right on top of your desk.
You don’t let your mind wonder too much, after quickly opening the thin packaging, you let the small plastic picks fall on your bed. Medium sized, you choose the color you like the best, abstract design in red, black and white. Now that you think about it, you really don’t know where the six other ones disappeared, you even used to keep the last one in your phone case.
Digits wrap around the slender neck of your electric guitar, picking it up from the stand it rested on for a few days now, instrument easily finding its place on your lap. Ah, how you love the feeling of the smooth material under your fingertips, left hand on the body to keep it from falling as you lean forward. The Jack cable you left laying there a few days ago moved a bit, hiding under your bed but you’re quick to grab it, plugging it where it belongs. A flick of the wrist, you turn on your amplifier, turning a few settings. Now that you have neighbors, maybe you should turn the volume a bit down. Until now, you could play as loudly as you wanted thank to the building’s isolation and a few other…reasons. The men living right above you was a bit older than Sangkyu, and he had a few hearing problems, plus he didn’t mind the music at all even if he heard it a bit, when your window was opened. The women leaving right under you is in her mid-thirties, a nurse that had a working schedule you cannot wrap your head around. One thing you know, she’s never there from nine post meridiem to some ungodly hour in the morning.
You’ll talk to your new neighbors tomorrow anyways, brushing the thought off as you place the strap on your shoulder.
“Eddie ate dynamite.”, you mumble under your breath, pick plucking at the three top strings. In tune, great. “Good bye Eddie.”, the three last strings are slightly out of tune, but your quickly arrange that with a few twists. Right hand flat on the six strings, you stand up from your bed, walking to your desk with a few steps. You had left a tab sheet open on your devise before going for your bath, screen lighting up as you open it. It’s a song you practiced once a few weeks back before forgetting about it. Bold, black letters, “Fangs – Matt Champion”.
Eyes scanning the numbers, your fingers quickly find the strings without you needing to even look at your guitar’s neck. Your body follows quickly, shoulders and head moving at the rhythm, it’s a chill tune you can warm your fingers up to. It’s a moment you adore, when your entire building’s silent, fresh breeze of the early summer sneaking into your room, multicolor lights flashing in your bedroom (tiktok made you buy them). Tones and sounds of stings being pulled fill your room, it’s no hard for you to remember the notes at the end, eyes closing as you finish the song.
A good song to start on, you think before opening your eyes and…?
“What’s that ?”, you ask out loud, eyes squinting at the window that opened itself on your screen. Apparently, someone’s trying to airdrop something. It’s probably a mistake, you think at first. A weird mistake, for sure, your laptop clearly had your name on it. Your index finger’s about to decline the request before you take a look at the actual picture sent. Is that…A tab sheet ? Your eyebrows furrow a bit more. Clearly, this was not a mistake. Eye travel to the window, could it be ? Your neighbor’s room is now lit up, but you can’t make anything up in it, unconsciously waiting for a head to pop-up. But hélas, no movement comes from the other side. It could come from anyone, but you doubt
“The Less I know The Better – Tame Impala”.
Ah, you’re not a stranger to the song, you have it in multiple playlists, but you never took the time to look at the tabs. At least the person has some good taste. It’s a weird situation for sure, is this…a request ?
Unconsciously, your fingertips press on the right strings. Eh, might as well try it, right ? Tune familiar, you go through the intro easily, though maybe you should’ve taken something to loop the sound. Irises focused on your screen, you try your best not to mess up, eyes sometimes traveling from your computer to the neck of your guitar. Brown polished wood glow under the purple light, it softly transitions to blue, green, and you stop after the chorus.
Maybe you’ll keep the sheet.
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Cold morning breeze, sounds of a city waking up. Birds singing a bit too loudly, a few cars driving by, chatter from families and young adults all around, voices muted by how high you’re apartment is.
You follow along, body turning in your bed, though maybe in a less graceful way, softly shaking the sleep out.
You changed your sheet right before going to sleep, after playing a few other songs, flowery fragrance comforting, nose deep into the soft fabric. You almost think about not leaving your bed but hélas, you have some classes to attend today.
At least, they’re starting a bit late. Sleepy eyes shift to your clock, the very one that woke you up, nine ante meridiem, you have an hour to get ready, that should be enough.
Another bad habit, your hand grabs your phone as you roll over to your side, cheek squished on your pillow, one eye closed. Maybe you should not do that, apparently the second eye's vision can and will go down if you do this too much. You have an appointment soon anyways, working on your computer all day long got your eyes dry.
Checking mails, social media, texts, you tour your phone before finally stepping out of bed.
Music theory class, multiple hours of it. But, at least, it didn’t end late at all, today was your only free day. But again, depends on what is your vision of freedom, you'll probably end up at the bakery slash coffee shop down the street to study a bit more.
Arms stretching above your head, your lips part in a yawn you quickly hide behind your hand. Fuck, you probably slept on your arm, shoulder aching under your fingertips massaging the muscle.
Walking around your bed, you take a few steps, dragging your feet on your floor towards your window. You needed a bit of fresh air before anything else.
The weather's pretty good today, you note as you fully step in front of your window, skin gratefully taking in the sunlight, a few white clouds here and there in the sky but nothing to complain about. The sun seems to already be heating the air up, maybe you can go for a light coat today, or a thick top alone.
Naturally, your eyes fall straight forward, to the very window you were looking at the night before.
Curtains pulled to the side, your curiosity gets poked, maybe you can have a quick look at the room, right ?
It looks empty anyways, you think at first, but it seems the universe wants to annoy you a bit today. Just as you're about to detail the room opposite to yours, a figure walks in.
His shadow is the first thing you see, stretching on the beige painted walls of the room before he eventually steps in front of his window as well.
Fortunately for your dignity, the men has his back turned but how... Broad do they look, even from a distance.
You have no idea why, but you're stuck there, one side of your brain telling you to leave before you get caught and inevitably get label as the creepy neighbor while the other whispers that you might want to see the strangers' face.
Shoulder blades move against the tanned skin, hands quickly run in his honey colored locks, pushing them back, it seems your neighbor's getting ready too.
That's when you realize your hand's still gripping your window's handle, right hand falling to your side, you really should go and get ready too but... You wonder, is he the one that sent you the tab sheet yesterday ? Wouldn't you want to put a face a the music taste ?
As you're about to take a step back, the men turns slightly, applying what you can only assume is cream to his face, digits running down his jawline as he angles his head as desired. And oh, the one second long glimpse you get at his profile is enough to make your lips part.
Shiny locks falling in front of his eyes, straight nose, full lips, sharp jawline, a curse almost falls down from your lips. You'd think anyone would find the guy attractive from the small peak you just got but... Isn't this a bit... Weird ? You suddenly feel like a whole voyeur, your eyes detaching from the stranger as your morals kick in.
He doesn't look like a father, or maybe he's very young father ? But again, you didn't see anything for a baby yesterday, nor did you hear one crying yesterday night...
Maybe he moved in here with his significant other, even though young couple usually go for the other side of the city.
Or maybe, he's a college student like you are, does he have a roommate ?
Pupils traveling up again to the window, you're about to get on your toes for a better look. Maybe you should say introduce yourself tonight, rather than guessing and throwing hypothesis out there. And maybe, just maybe, you want to get a better look at his face.
He turns around, you duck to the side.
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It’s around six after meridiem when you finally, finally get up from the sit you occupied for several hours now. Maybe you should’ve taken a break between two massive paragraphs to write, you think as your arms stretch up above your head. Thank god, the beloved coffee you decided to drop your bag in had some comfortable light beige chairs, cushion as still cloud-like, exactly like you found them the first day you entered the shop.
You wonder how they keep them so clean, someone must’ve dropped their dark coffee or chocolate on the unforgiving fabric at least once, you surely fear being one of these clients.
“You done ?”, familiar voice hums, and you just nod at the question, eyes falling on the black clock right behind the counter.
“Yeah, I can’t think anymore.”, you tell your friend, hand grabbing the second cup of coffee you brough, shaking it lightly to estimate the amount of liquid left. Jaehyun, maybe your closest friend in your university, pouts at that. Dirty blonde hair fall in front of his eyes as he grounds, before he lets his forward press against his computer’s touchpad. The poor guy had been struggling for an hour now, the rhythm of his fingers tapping on his keyboard gradually loosing speed. You have to say, you were in the same situation, writing and rewriting the same sentences again, brain refusing to cooperate after already vomiting out a few large paragraphs. But, unlike your friend, you decided to stop there for the day, you still had a full week to finish it anyways.  
“I can’t do this anymore.”, the Korean grounds again, dramatic nature kicking in as his head snaps back, rolling backwards, the men cannot go a day without faking death.
“Save it, we still have a week to do it.”, you sigh out, but you don’t hide the smile growing on your face at his antics. Though, you don’t wait for his answer, saving your own file before closing your laptop.
“Six days. Six.”, he corrects, like a day changes anything anyways. See, Jaehyun needs to turn his paper in a single day before yours, since he had chosen to attend the very class twenty-four hours before you. Rolling your eyes, you know the men cannot read your facial expressions, bag turned as you drop all your belongings into your bag.
“You gonna stay ?”, you simply ask, there’s no need for you to point out the slight difference in days. Jaehyun nods fingers running on his touch pad as he zooms out his Word Documents, eyes scanning over his six pages for any underlined errors. “Well, good luck. I didn’t finish this, want it ?”, you ask, eyebrows slightly raised as you push the still fresh iced coffee towards your friend, who doesn’t need more, lips wrapping around the straw.
“Text me when you’re home.”, Jaehyun mumbles, mouth filled with tiny ice pieces, pieces he quickly swallows. “Don’t work too late, text me too.”, you finish it like you too usually do, quickly waving before you walk out of view.
“Are you done, Y/N ?”, another familiar voice calls you out, one you know pretty well by now. See, the coffee shop is getting more and more exposure as days go by, but it does not meet the owner and workers will forget about the regulars, like you. “For the day, yeah. Still have a few things to write but I should be done tomorrow or the day after.” You smile at the brunette, Hana, coffee “Flâner”’s cashier. As said, she’s a brunette with the longest locks you’ve ever seen. Or maybe she has black hair, you think it depends on the lighting. Anyways, she’s been there since the opening, working 4 days a week, greeting costumers with a smile and a light French accent whenever she spoke, thought you remember her saying she was born somewhere else.
“Ah, I hope you’ll have a good grade !”, she says cheerfully, black irises leaving your form as she places some cakes into their signature black box. “Is…Jaehyun staying ?”, the smallest asks, even behind the counter, you can’t help but notice her small, petite figure. It’s like she doesn’t dare to look at you, and a small smile stretches your lips. Oh…She doesn’t hide her crush very well. You wonder, is Jaehyun staying late for another reason as well ?
“Ah, yeah. He’s proofreading what he wrote today.”, you explain, fainting obliviousness.
“Oh, alright !”, she responds with a smile, eyes flickering from your figure to the your friend’s. You’re about to leave, let them somewhat alone if you forget about the three other costumers drinking their tea, when your eyes fall the small cakes she’s arranging behind the glass. And god, how they look tasty. You guess they’re make of a chocolate mousse, a shortbread at the bottom, your mouth salivates. As said, you’re not the Bree Van de Kamp of your building but, if you’re going to greet your new neighbors today, shouldn’t you bring something ? And no, you’re definitely not doing this because of what happened this morning, no way.
“What are these ?”, you ask, taking a step closer.
“Un royal !”, she answers in French, your eyes squint as you try to say it back. How the fuck does she do that -r sound.
“Can I have two of them ? And a croissant, please.”, you order, hand already fishing for your phone. God, this shop will make you go bankrupt, they will also make you addicted to their food, if you’re not already.
“Sure, ma’am !”, the young girl answers, before she grabs yet another black box. Fingers push the cardboard until it takes the shape desired, iron tool dropping the cakes into it. You’ve done this so many times, it’s ironic. Right hand grabs the box, left hand turning your phone screen towards the young girl so she can scan the code.
“Thank you, good bye !”
“See you soon, Y/N !”
The glass door is pushed with a shoulder, smile stretching your painted lips when you give another look inside the shop, catching Jaehyun walking up to the counter. “Buying three coffees isn’t a way to flirt, Jaehyun.”, you laugh to yourself before leaving.
It looks like the sun is about to set, sunlight a lot less aggressive compared to the beginning of the afternoon. Cakes in hand, the walk to your building is a short one, though you come across the Hwang family from the fourth floor going to the park, greeting the mother with a smile, waving lightly at the twins she’s holding hands with. Ah, you really do love this area, you think as you walk along the park’s barrier, catching a few giggles and screams from young kids. And, from the sound of it, they started opening the water in the fountains.
“Cakes again !”, Sangkyu might be on the older side, he still has some sharp eyes, you note. The door closes behind you with a small noise, the lock activating itself. “Yes, cakes again.”, you say, shooting him a fake-ly offended glare, left hand to your chest. “But these aren’t for me, they’re for the new neighbor.”, you point out, walk slowing down in front of the men’s cubicle.
“Ah ! Mister Suh and…”, his face contours as he tries his best to recollect the second name. Oh, maybe it was a couple, good thing you got two cakes, even though you got one for yourself… “Right ! His roommate, Mister Leechayapornkul !”, his features light up with a smile as he correctly – you assume – recollects the second name. Ah, a roommate, you think, interesting. “Oh, I didn’t know they were two. I’m going to introduce myself now.”, you tell him with a smile.
“Ah, by the way, have you heard ? Miss and Mister Jeon want to organize something for the building’s anniversary, I’ll keep you up to date !”
On that, you leave the old men with a smile, quickly strolling to the elevator. The metal cubicle stops at the third floor, a young girl you don’t really know polite greets you before pushing the fifth button floor, she’s probably friends with the kids on that floor.
“Floor number nine, floor number nine.”, the metal doors open on your small hallway, and for the first time, you walk towards the right door. Deep, dark green color like yours, your shoes barely make a noise on the light beige carpet as they lead you to your neighbors’ place. You stay there for a second, mind questioning the dumbest things, should you wait a bit ? How many times should you knock…? Raising your fist up, the first joints of pointer and middle finger tap a few times on the dark wood. One, two, three. You wait.
Though, everything seems silent, if it’s not for the small noise of the elevator going up and down. Are they…Not there ? A small pout on your lips, you shift on your feet, both hands grabbing onto the black box. The apartment was silent, you guessed your new neighbors were not there, your luck.
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From : Jaehyun, 8:37 pm. : “im home !!” : “ended up proofreading and wrote the second to last part” The well familiar name flashes on your phone, alongside a picture you took when you visited his family on the country side. Jaehyun’s rather tall body’s folded as he tries to ride on a small tricycle, legs so long his knees are above the handlebars. Quickly, your thumbs tap on the small keyboard as you walk toward your room.
After entering your bedroom, you decided to eat a bit earlier, taking a shower before going back to your guitar. The shower was a cold one, if the sun had already set, the air was dense, heavy. Moments after stepping out of your shower, a thin layer of sweat managed to gather around your hairline. It’s like the weather suddenly switched to the middle of summer, and you definitely were not ready for it.
To : Jaehyun, 8:38 pm. : “is it because of the third coffee you bought :D ?”
To : Jaehyun, 8:40 pm. : “…i do not know what youre talking about .” To : Jaehyun, 8:40 pm. : “when are you gonna ask her ?”
You send the message before locking your phone, throwing the devise on your bed. You’re quick to set up your guitar, since you left you amp’ plugged in yesterday. Right index flicks the switch up, before you plug the Jack cable in. However, as you’re about to flop on your bed again, you notice the screen of your phone lightening up as your college friend calls you.
“How did you know ?”, it the first think he asks, tone whiny, the second you accept the call and press the speaker button. “It is very much obvious, Jaehyun.”, you laugh out, left hand finding its place around the neck of your black and white guitar as you bring it on your lap.
“Do you she’s int-.”, Jaehyun starts as you play out a few random chords, thumb stroking the six strings ever so softly. “Yes.”, you cut him before he even manages to finish his sentence. “She’s into you. I thought you knew.”
“I, uh, I wasn’t sure.”, he mumbles, and you hear his fork pick whatever his eating. After hanging out around the male for some years now, you figured your good friend was a bit clueless when it came to his looks and charms. Yes, Jaehyun knows that’s he’s handsome, you don’t miss the opportunity to remind him whenever he gets dressed up or send you a selfie, as a good and supportive friend.
But, Jaehyun doesn’t really weight the affect he has on girls, guys, and everyone in between. You remember when this guy in your Music Therapy class, and another girl, you don’t really remember what hear studies were about, but she was in your distant group circle and they both had a big – massive – you’d say, crush on your friend. You remember both of them throwing some light hints at first, thought the girl went a bit harder after as the first eventually dropped it. Jaehyun, him, was completely oblivious until you told him one night, when he was staying over after a night out. “Ask her out already !”, you sign out, left hand over your guitar’s string, blocking any sound.
“I will soon, okay ! Give me some time, I’m…Thinking about the right way to do it.”, your friend starts, drinking something in between his words. “Anyways, moving on ! How’s your neighbor ?”
You sigh at the question, opening your laptop as you search in your files for something to play, you really should organize your things a bit better, you think to yourself.
“They weren’t there.”, you breath out, eyes unconsciously flickering to the window. From this angle, you can’t really see much, apart from the vague shapes behind the curtains, yellowish light on before you even came in your room.
“They ? Oh…Is it a couple ?”, Jaehyun asks, tone slightly disappointed. See, this morning, you obviously told your friend about the airdrop…Thing. Obviously, you had texted him before going to sleep but decided to keep much of the details for a real life conversation. After a hushed story-time, eyes travelling to your teacher every now and then to make sure he was not looking at you, you told him about what happened this morning.
Of course, it immediately poked the blonde’s curiosity, who would not be. As said, you and Jaehyun had been friends for some years now. When you two met, he was in a relationship that ended a few months after, you being there for him had strengthen the bond, he had been single ever since and you, had been single all the way. Sure, you had a few crushes, two or three people shooting there shot but, the crushes were always short-lived, nothing serious.
So, when Jaehyun heard that you found someone attractive after months of radio silence of the channel of your earth, someone who lives next to you at that, your friend jumped on the occasion, already hoping for something to happen before you even got to introduce yourself to the guy.
“I don’t know, Sangkyu said they’re two roommates.”, you inform, trying to recall the two names the oldest men told you hours before.
“…Are you sure you don’t want me to stalk ?”, Jaehyun proposes for the second time today. As soon as you finished your small story this morning, the Korean asked if you wanted him to do some stalking, promising and selling his apparently, amazing, skills in the domain.
“Jaehyun, no. I didn’t even introduce myself.”, you breathe out, half-desperate, half laughing at his antics. “Alright, alright. Go see them soon, alright ?”, there’s a small silence, you simply hum at his question. “Play me something while I do the dishes.”, your friend yawns and you oblige pretty quickly, after finally finding a song to practice to. Maybe you need a little more practice on the song, one by Frank Ocean in the “channel ORANGE” album he put out in 2012, if you recall correctly. On the other line, the sound of water running and dishes being done drowns the voice of your friend slightly singing to the song, one you two have on the collective Spotify playlist you have. Your attention stays on your screen, just in case you forget a chord and, as you’re starting the second chorus, something comes between your eyes and the sheet. Your hand comes flat on your guitar strings, stopping the music at once. You already know what it is.
Jaehyun does not stop the water, but his voice does comes closer, microphone muted every now and then as you hear him struggle. “Why did you- Oh, fuck, nooo. There’s sop everywhere.” You laugh breathlessly at his whines, eyes quickly looking at the black screen of your phone, like you’d be able to see your friend. Though, you hear him wipe his screen, cloth going over his microphone again.
“There ! Why did you stop ?”, he asks, bringing his mouth a bit too close to his phone. Staying silent for a second, your finger tap on yet another Airdrop. “He sent another one.”, you simply say, a bit quietly, as if your neighbor will be able to hear you. Pupils look over at the window, you almost want to get up and walk to your window but…
Jaehyun gasps softly over the phone, “Play it, play it.”, he says as you’re scanning the sheet sent. And oh, he’s that type. It’s crazy how two songs alone help you draw a quick sketch of your neighbor’s personality, or his music taste at the very least. Unlike yesterday, you don’t hesitate and open the file sent, though you have to say you already know the chords.
“Jae’. He sent The Neighbourhood’s Daddy Issues.”, you squick into the phone after grabbing into with your right hand. Jaehyun knows well, you still love the band but had an unhealthy obsession a few years back, not to mention your massive crush on Zach Abels.
“Oh. Ooh. He’s like that.”, Jaehyun notes as well, before he presses you again to play it. Urged by your friend, you lean forward to adjust the reverb on your guitar. “That’s…Kinda hot, though.”, your friend whispers out and you, yourself, can’t comprehend the sound that comes from your lips, something between a laugh and a choked gasp.
“Jae’…What ?”
“No, but, I mean…Daddy Issues, that’s hot.”, he tries to explain himself, you quickly shut him up by running your fingers over the six strings. You don’t really need to look at the tabs, from memory, your fingers find their rightful place.
“3D, 5D, 3G, 5D, 5B, 5G.”, you say as you play the notes, humming the rest as you play the intro.
“C minor, G minor, B flat major.”, and from then, you remember the song pretty easily. Between two chords, you turn the volume on your guitar up, just to make sure your neighbor’s hearing you play.
“That’s flirting.”, concludes Jaehyun once you’re done with the song, you know him well enough to know his mouth a bit agape.
“It is not.”, you tell him, though you’re not sure yourself what this is.
“You have to talk to him like, right now.”, he urges so loudly you have to turn the volume on your phone down.
“Now ? No ! I’m in my pyjamas, and I don-.”, you start, and it’s your friend’s turn to cut you off. “’kay, okay ! Go talk to him tomorrow, please ?”
“I will, don’t worry.”, you start, but before you can continue, you’re phrase’s cut again but this time, it’s by…A piano.
Your mouth parts for a second, a single syllable falling from your lips before you close your mouth. The tune’s familiar, but you never heard in played on a piano. Your head slowly raises, eyes fixated on your window.
“Can you hear this ?”, you quietly ask Jaehyun, who answers with a soft “Yeah”, sounding as dumbfounded as you do. Slowly, you get up from your bed, leaving your guitar on your bed, that’s when you realize how hot it is. The fabric of your shirt sticks to your skin, hands lacing into your hair as your push them up in a makeshift ponytail to let your neck get some air.
It's after a few notes that you finally put your finger on it. The Weeknd's last album, “After Hour”. “Repeat after me.”, you tell Jaehyun, I single “Oh” coming from his lips as he recolls the song.So he's a musician as well, you conclude easily. You never heard anyone play this very song on the piano, you wonder if it's his own arrangement.
On the other end of the line, the blonde's silent, carefully listening to the soft piano tunes as you do the same. Few steps take you to your window again, just like you did this morning. This time, curtains are pulled to the side, enough for you to  see the same broad shoulders under a black hoodie, back straight as his head hangs down towards the keyboard.
From your spot, you can't really see his fingers, but you do see his hands quickly running over the black and whites, pressing confidently. Seeing a pianist's always mesmerising, eyes stuck on the figure, you try your best to get a better view but, what can you do from your room ?
When the song ends, unlike this morning, you don't hide behind your wall. Your neighbor doesn't move, stretching his arms above his head, fingers laced together, a curse falls down your lips.
“Y/N. Send him a sheet.”
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It's around five in the afternoon when you find yourself in front of your neighbor's door, holding a black box of cakes, for the second time this week. Your classes had ended two hours earlier today and maybe, maybe you should use that time to work on your assignment but since last night, you don't think you can go another day without introducing yourself to the building's new people. Plus, you have enough time, you tell yourself.
It's ironic, isn't it ? You weren't the type to go out of your way to speak to your neighbors, most didn't have a lot in common with you but now. Now, this nameless, a bit too handsome young guy moves in and you're bringing some patisseries in front of his door.
Music brings people together, you've always thought, you've always known and this, this is a pretty good example. You're pretty sure you wouldn't have went out of your way like this if the guy didn't send you a tab sheet, if he didn't play last night.
Like yesterday, you bring your first up, knocking a bit more confidently this time, thought you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
You barely have the time to let your hand fall down to your side when a deep, voice a bit far away let's out. “Coming !”
Of course, broad shoulder guy had to have a deep voice to go along side.
“Oh, hi.”, your soul almost jumps out of your body when the deep green door abruptly opens to reveal none other than your - handsome - neighbor.
“Hi...! Uh, I'm your next door neighbor, the name's Y/N.”, you let out, maybe you should thank your past self for practicing this very line right before stepping out of your apartment.
Your right hand's stretched out in front of your for him to shake, but your attention's on something else. Deep brown eyes stare down at you, they almost make you feel small. Or maybe they're a honey brown, you wonder as the plane blocking the sun finally moves away to reflect into his eyes.
Yes, definitely honey brown eyes, the same eyes that turn a crescent shape, just like before a full. moon.
He smiles at you with the same full lips you saw from your window, hands wrapping around your own.
“Ah, yes. Johnny, nice to meet you !”, he says, hand slowly shaking your own. Finally, a name on the face. You quickly notice the slight simple in the middle of his cheek before he lets go of your hand.
“Oh, I bought some cakes from the coffee shop down the street.”, you tell Johnny, both hands one the black box.
At this, his lips turn from a smile to an - o shape, eyes round. Maybe you guessed right at the moon phase.
“You didn't have to !”, your neighbor blurs out, hands at his sides for a few seconds before they eventually accept the gift when you slightly push the box towards him. Your eyes fall to his hands for a quick second and yes, definitely some pianist hands.
“It's just a small welcome gift ! I wanted to drop them yesterday but, I think you weren't there.”, you explain, a lot, lot more relaxed, though turning your attention away from the men's hands. This isn't the moment nor the place.
“Ah yeah, me and Ten we're out for the first grocery shopping trip.”, he explains, right shoulder leaning against his door frame. You get a quick glimpse at the apartment itself, though you don't look at it too long, everything looks already set up. You remember taking a week to get everything as home-like, but you guess having a second pair of arms help.
“Ten ?”, you ask, right hand wrapping around your left upper arm. Probably the one Sangkyu was talking about the other day.
“Yeah, he's my roommate.”, Johnny answers, letting a silence settle between the two of you. “Do you want to come in ? I won't be able to eat two cakes by myself.”, the men proposes after a few seconds, pupils landing on the black box. He probably saw the two cakes thank to the transparent part of the cardboard box, at the top.
Come in ? And... Eat with him ? Suddenly, your palms grow sweaty, slightly shifting one foot to another. “Oh, but. Your roommate.”, you mumble out.
Sure, at first, you bought two cakes, one for him and one for you. Though you thought you'd eat them by yourselves, when Sangkyu told you about the second person living there, you figured you'd keep the two cakes for your two neighbors.
“He's at his parents’ house to get some things, he won't be there until the day after tomorrow.”, the brunette tells you with a smile. His body moves a bit more, enough to let you enter. “Come on, I need someone to help me eat all of this.”
How can you say no to this ?
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“Wait, it ends like that ? There’s no way he does that.”, laughs Johnny, a full laugh that shakes his chest, right under his plain white t-shirt. Short sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, his body leans back, black jeans covered legs spread on his one person sofa.
“I swear he does, watch the second season !”, you interject quickly, straw mixing the iced tea in your long glass, ice cubes clashing against each other before eventually melting away.
“Yeah, I guess I will…! I never thought he’d kill her.”, you neighbor says, and he seems genuinely choked, bushy eyebrows raised.
After taking a step in his apartment, the pianist led you to the biggest sofa, where he left you for a few minutes. People say boys are bad at decorating their place, but you have to say Johnny and Ten’s apartment was already looking pretty good. Beige walls, a few black and white pictures were hung up right above the dark sofa. Wide windows on your left, your apartment has the opposite view. While you have a view towards the city center, street lights fascinating at night, Johnny has an amazing view on the park.
Large television right in front of you, you quickly notice de PlayStation 4 and switch neatly placed under it. On your right, just like your apartment, the small open kitchen, counter the only thing separating the two rooms. The honey-eyed seemed to have found his marks easily, navigating in the kitchen quickly. After taking out two plates and two small spoons, he placed the two cakes, refusing your help every time you offered it.
“Iced tea ?”, he had asked, taking out two long glasses when you agreed. Red hibiscus iced tea was poured and handed, before he sat in front of you. You do not remember well how the conversation around the series “You” started, but you recall seeing his Netflix profile on the tv screen.
“So, you live alone ?”, he asked after some seconds of silence, pillow lips wrapping around his metal straw.
“Yeah, I’ve been there for a year, I’d say.”, you start out, spoon digging into the chocolate mousse. “You’ll see, it’s lovely here.”, you tell Johnny with a smile he mirrors.
“I’m sure it is, everyone’s really nice. Especially Sangkyu.”, you laugh at that, the old men really has the power to give one memorable first impression.
“Ah, Sangkyun-.”, you laugh, “He’s something.”, you point out, yourself taking a sip of the iced tea. “Really good memory too, he made fun of me for buying two sets of guitar picks in a few months span.”
“Oh, right, the guitarist.”, Johnny smiles, placing his empty plate on his table. Pink tongue pokes out to wet his lips, your eyes shamefully follow the movement before forcing yourself to find his honey eyes again.   There it was, you didn’t know when nor how to bring the subject up, but you were thankful it happened naturally. For two people, two strangers, the conversation was going pretty well.
“Exactly ! By the way, sorry if the music’s too loud.”, you add quickly, yourself reaching towards the table to leave your empty glass. You’ll have to ask for the receipt. Johnny’s reaction is almost comical, his head shaking from left to right. “No, no ! It’s not too loud, not at all. T-That’s why I sent you a sheet, I liked it.”, he blurs he words out quickly, cute, you think.
Crossing one leg over the other, your eyes shift to the left for a quick second at the small compliment. “Thank you. You’re a good pianist.”, you return with a smile, spoon scraping the last bit of biscuit.
“Thank you very much, it means a lot. Have you been playing for long ?”, he asks, glass a quarter full left on the table. His right arm comes behind his sofa’s backrest, getting more comfortable.
“Since I was…eleven. Got an acoustic for my birthday and ended up selling it for an electric a year and a half later. What about you ?”, you explain, remembering the light brown instrument your parents got for you, you also remember it being way, way too big.
“Ah, yeah, I’ve always liked the sound of an electric guitar better. I was seven, or eight. My mother wanted me to learn and I ended up really liking it.”, he explains, fingers tapping on the sofa’s fabric.
Music brings people together, you tell yourself a second time when Johnny tells you about how her mother loves the sound of a piano, how she’d always stop next to her when he played. A kind of art that helps you learn more about a person, when he tells you his favorite songs to play and you tell him yours.
“But you do have a real pianist’s hands !”, you argue back when Johnny down plays one of your compliments, to which the brunette looks down. Crescent shaped eyes fall on his ring clapped fingers, a small smile on his lips he struggles to hide. “You noticed ?”, he asks, and you try to convince yourself his voice did not get lower.
“Well, yeah. A music student always looks at people’s hands.”, nice save, Y/N.
You learn the young men kept music as a hobby and currently studies international commerce et economics, Ten is a long, long time friend pursuing performing arts. You learn your neighbor’s not only a good looking men, brown locks falling in front of his, nose crunching up every time he finds something funny, rosy lips tugging up to reveal a row of white pearls. He’s also extremely well mannered. Soft spoken, polite, his chuckles put you in a comfort zone, the way he almost doesn’t let you help him clean the two plates a bit too cute. You find his presence entertaining.
Maybe it’s because you just met him, things to learn about him awaiting, but you don’t see the hours running by, nor does he.
It’s around ten post meridiem when Johnny insists to walk you to your door, handwritten receipt of his hibiscus iced tea in hand.
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“Do you want me to st-”, Jaehyun asks over the phone for the third time in a week, or maybe for the fourth time, you lost count. Your devise rests right next to your laptop, which is propped on your desk.
“No, Jae'. I don't want you to stalk him.”, you breathe out into your microphone, fingertips tapping on your touchpad at a random rhythm. A paragraph, the conclusion, and you should be done on your essay.
“Too late. Got him !”, he almost chants out and, at that, there's a silence. Clear sign of your disappointment and your blonde friend's concentration. “Oh, wow. He's a photographer too ?”, he asks as if you can see his screen.
You hate it, you hate how your curiosity gets picked by the simple sentence. Needless to say, Jaehyun was filled in by every bit of information you got once Johnny walked you to your door, at least he waited two days before searching for your new neighbor's Instagram. Or at least you think.
“Oh wow. OH. Woah.”, your friend gasps into his microphone, your index taps aggressively on your keyboard, deleting the last sentence you wrote. He’s obviously doing it on purpose, pushing your bottoms. The blonde knows how curious you are, he’s just trying to see how long you can keep it together.
“Uh, Ja-. Show me, what did you find ?”, not very long, obviously.
“Ah, see ! Wait, I'll send you some screenshots. He's hot.”
He is, you want to answer, but would rather shut your mouth for now or you’ll never hear the end of it. Eyes finally leaving the screen of your laptop, they travel to another, finger unlocking your phone.
Your text messages with your friend enlighten your features, bubble appearing at the bottom.
“Finding him was extremely easy.”, Jaehyun points out, before a few screenshots are sent at the same time.
And indeed, you see how easy it must've been for your blonde boy. User johnnyjsuh.
He must've been pretty popular in his old schools, you think after looking at his followers.
Pictures of him in the same white shirt you saw him in days prior, pictures of him with an argentic camera, selfies, mirror selfies, outfit pictures. His feed is almost as good as Jaehyun's. And that says something.
Unlike Jaehyun, you don't have to be careful, worried you'll accidentally like one of his pictures. Shamelessly zooming on the screenshots your university friend sent you, you unconsciously pull your bottom him between your teeth.
He's cute. Too handsome it should be illegal.
“That's a lot but, yeah.”, Jaehyun giggles, you learn you don't have much of a filter between your mind and mouth. “Follow him !”
“Are you crazy ?”, you almost scream out, eyes wide at the suggestion. “He'll know we searched him up.”
Basic social media rules, you can't follow the guy when you don't even have his number, nor talked to him more than twice at this point, if him talking to you in the elevator counts.
“Alright, alright. Don't scream in my ears like that, I have earphones.”, he complains, not leaving you a second before continuing. “Y/N, don't be a coward, airdrop something.”
“I-.”, you start out, attention drown back to your computer. With one tap of your finger, you manage to hide your word document, piano sheet open behind it. You’ve searched a few sheets the day prior, downloading one before going to sleep that night, just in case.
After all, he sent you two tabs, why wouldn't you send him something ?
Tap, tap, you open the airdrop settings. You really should, hm ?
“Alright. I'm doing it.”, you finally say, more to yourself but your friend softly cheers on anyways.
“Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish.”, from the songs he sent you, it's a fair guess your neighbor is familiar with this one too, you’d doubt he doesn’t know who Billie Eilish is.
“Johnny's IPhone”, it's a click away. One you reach, tapping on the touch pad again. Sent. There.
“Now we wait.”, you announce, leaning back .
“Tell me if anything happens, I have a call to take.”
On that, simple goodbyes are said, you promise Jaehyun you’d tell me if anything happens, he hangs up after saying good bye a second time.
Minutes go by, you don't really know how many, maybe five where you debate going back to your essay, finger frantically tapping on the Word Document icon. Before a few notes are heard.
Piano notes, fingers pressed down on white and black keys. It has the power to make you smile, lips tugging upwards, there’s obviously not a doubt who’s playing at this very moment. Even the way he plays feels confident, he's sure of himself, he knows what he's doing.
Attention for your school work long gone, your pupils naturally find your window again.
It's slightly open, the music would come in easier if it was fully pushed, you think to yourself.
Do you even have to hide anymore ? You guess not. He knows, you know, it's just music you want to enjoy, you convince yourself even though your palms are slightly warm, heart fluttering in your chest.
Leaving your phone on your desk, you quickly walk to your window, right hand in the handle pushes it towards yourself. Warm breeze enters your bedroom, in a soft gush that sends your baby hairs floating away from your face, framing your features.
The sun's just starting to set, purple hue tiger stripes on the blue sky but your eyes are on another shade of purple.
Johnny's wearing a light lilac hoodie, brown locks the only thing you can see, he hasn't moved his piano, his back facing you again.
Forearms against the window frame, you lean forward, humming at the summer sent floating in the air.
A bit too quickly, your neighbor ends the song, hands lingering on the keyboard. Finally, his right hand grabs the very phone he propped up on his piano to see the sheet you sent him, sliding it in his back pocket.
He stands up, fingers toying with a button on his instrument, probably turning some things off.
He turns around, you don't duck to the side.
The men's visibly taken back, his turn stopping mid-way, lips slightly parting for a second. Honey brown eyes find yours before his pupils travel down at your body behind your glass window. He genuinely smiles after a few seconds, eyes half crescents, full lips tugging upwards, you can almost hear his giggle.
“Hi.”, voice soft, Johnny says once he opened his own window a bit more, forearms on his frame, mirroring your own posture.
“Hey, that was very good.”, you tell him, head tilting to your left.
“Ah, thank you. I messed up somewhere in the beginning, though.”, one hand scratches the back of his neck like an embarrassed teenager, before his elbow rests on the frame, hand holding his jaw.
“Ah shoot, I'll send something easier next time.”, you tease, to which he laughs lightly, the sound airy.
“Would be easier to send it by text, wouldn't it ?”, Johnny asks, one eyebrow raised and you have to say, you took a second to understand. But when the brunette hands you his phone, pricy devise between two apartments on the ninth floor, your eyes grow wide.
Your number, he wants your number.
Probably just because you two are neighbors, you have a bunch of your neighbors’ phone number too...
And also probably because sending sheet via airdrop isn't the most convenient thing in the world. Don’t over think it, Y/N. Don’t overthink it.
Two hands grab his phone, just in case, and you struggle to remember your phone number all of a sudden.
You have to retract in your room, too scared you're going to drop the devise with your slightly trembling hands before eventually typing in your name and phone number. You don’t get why you’re so nervous, maybe it’s because Johnny didn’t stop looking at you, slightly giggling at your antics.
“Oh, by the way. I'm sorry if sending that tab sheet the first time was too much. I just couldn't resist.”, Johnny blurs out once he gets his phone back, sliding it back into his pocket. It’s his turn to look slightly nervous, hand rubbing at his shoulder.
“Ah, no, not at all ! It was fun, plus I think we might share the same music taste.”, you reassure him with a smile.
“Really ? You should send me your playlists.”, your neighbor says with an enthusiastic tone, eyes lightening up.
If Jaehyun was there, he'd tell you this was blatant flirting. Maybe you'd agree. At that very moment, you thank your past self for having a pretty organized Spotify accounts, you're one of these people with matching playlists accounts and vague names, a playlist for each feeling almost.
“Yeah, sure ! I'll send you my Spotify user !”, you immediately tell him, as keen as he is.
“Nice, and I c-.", his sentence is abruptly cut by a surprised noise falling from his lips, brown eyes looking up at the sky. He sticks out his right hand, palm up.
Rain starts pouring down.
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Saturday, laundry day. It’s not a moment you particularly cherish but at least, you do not have to walk meters or kilometers to wash your clothes. Half thorn basket on your left hip, your right hand mindlessly scrolls through Johnny’s playlist, small smile on your features.
See, after the rain started pouring down, you two decided to return to your rooms in unanimity. Now that he had your number, communication was a lot, lot easier. As promised, you sent him your Spotify profile, where he followed you and you did the same.
User youngho’s listening to “The Weekend – SZA” from “late summer nights and city lights” playlist.
Your playlist.
User citylight’s listening to “Angelina – WIINSTON” from “yellow” playlist. His playlist.
Blatant flirting, Jaehyun would say.
Johnny has his playlist organized by colors, a simple theme you quite like. You have to say, you like all of them but, you had to follow his “purple”, “blue” and “yellow” playlist, where your neighbor managed to capture the color’s feeling. However, after a few days, the “red” playlist sat untouched. You didn’t dare. For having a similar playlist Johnny was actually shamelessly listening to, you knew exactly what the “red” playlist held.  
To : Johnny, 1:25 pm. : “how does angelina only has 40k view on youtube !!”
You quickly type on your keyboard, right after saving the said song to your likes. Finding new artist and finding new song’s always fun, especially when Johnny’s as invested as you are. He’d send you his thoughts on some songs, and you quickly learned the brunette was musically more intelligent than some people in your course.
From : Johnny, 1:27 pm. : “I honestly don’t know….” : “It’s such a catchy song too like”
Double text. Fuck, Jaehyun really got into your brain, didn’t he ? The notification bar slides down for a few seconds, enough for you to read his texts. At the same time, the metallic doors of your elevator open up to the lobby. Leaving your devise in your basket of dirty clothes, you figure you’d answer in a few minutes, once you’re done with your laundry.
“Good afternoon, Sangkyu !”, you call out the the older men before he manages to see you. It’s a fun thing you like to do, catching him off guard whenever you can. Turning his face towards you, the bold men vigorously waves.
“Y/N ! Hello !”
You don’t stop by his cubicle, rather turn to your left right before. There’s built the building’s laundry unit, you thank the architect every week for this. You do pay a little for it every month but again, it’s better than having to walk for minutes with a basket of heavy fabric. Four small machines and four bigger, it’s enough for everyone in the building. It’s also where some announcements are tapped, probably because people usually sit around the laundry room waiting for their clothes.
You’re probably going to watch an episode of Chambers while your clothes watch, you think to yourself as you open the door. It seems the universe has some other plans for you.
By now, it’s almost comical how easily you recognize Johnny’s back. Brown t-shirt on his broad shoulders, his head bob to a rhythm you can’t hear. He’s dropping his wet clothes in the machine to dry them, face turning towards the noise as you close the heavy door behind you.
“Oh, Y/N, hey !”, his smile is heard through his voice, right hand taking his earphones one. Johnny places his Airpods in their case, one you quickly notice is Marvel themed.
“Hey, Johnny.”, you wave with a hand, taking your earphones off as well.
“I was just listening to your playlist.”, the brunette says, shaking his earphones in his hand. You laugh at that, leaving your basket on the table. You assume the second basket there is Johnny’s. “Same !”
There’s a comfortable silence, the brunette pushes a few buttons on the machine and his clothes are sent for a cycle. You, yourself, drop your clothes in the washing machine after setting your phone on the brown table. You’re about to turn around and sit down, but you’re abruptly blocked by a tall figure, accidently bumping into Johnny’s chest.
“Oh, sorry.”, he breathes out, you hear him place another basket on his machine, right hand on your shoulder as if his chest did anything more than surprise you. “No worries…How many clothes do you have ?”, you ask with a laugh, not meaning to sound rude. But your neighbor’s dumping a second whole basket into the machine right next to you.
“Ah, Ten. He needs an entire outfit every day. Sometimes he even changes in the middle of the day.”, the machine quietly starts after the blue liquid is poured, Johnny leans against it. You’ve never seen your neighbor so up close, how is his face so symmetrical ? Slender eyes curling inwards, short little lashes batting a few times.
“Y/N ?”, fuck. His lips sure were moving and you didn’t register anything at all, you probably look dumb.
“I’m sorry, wh- what did you say ?”, clearing your throat, your eyes travel down to the machine, looking at the settings like you forgot to turn something on.
“I found your guitar picks. I mean, I assumed they’re yours.”, he says again, but he doesn’t hide the wide smile on his lips. You probably look dumb, really dumb. Right hand fishes into his back open, before he presents what indeed is one of your guitar picks, the light blue one. He holds it between his thumb and index, you notice he does so the right way, maybe he plays guitar.
“Oh, yeah. That’s definitely mine. Where did you find it…?”, you half ask, already knowing the possible answer. His palm opens to reveal not one, but two other picks of different colors.
“Washing machine.”, he says simply.
You learn Johnny uses a detergent that smells like vanilla and some flower blossom you can not distinguish, but the smell sure is comforting. It floats in the air as he folds his clothes next to you while doing a very detailed report on The Weeknd’s new album.
“But he’s right, though. “Repeat after me” is just a song where he brainwashes her but it’s so good.”, you tell Johnny while you take care of your wet clothes.
“His storytelling skills just keep getting better.”, he approves while popping a candy in his mouth. “Want some ?”
“Oh yeah, thanks !”, dropping the small chocolate in your hand, both your attentions are caught by the sound of the door opening. A lady in her mid-thirties enters the room, dyed red hair stopping at her shoulders.
“Miss Jeon, hi !”, you great the lady with a smile, one she easily returns. For the entire year you’ve been there, you don’t think you ever saw her without one tugging her lips.
“Hey, kids !”
Ah, yes. Miss Jeon also insists on calling everyone slightly younger than her “kid”. You don’t mind, though. You notice the rolled up paper in her right hand as she takes the hairband out.
“Doing laundry, eh ?”, she starts out, “Ah, it’s a great thing you two are here. Me and my husband are organizing a little gathering for the building’s anniversary.”
Right, Sangkyu told you about it, you remember. You hear Johnny hum behind you, to what Miss Jeon continues.
“It’ll be Saturday in two weeks ! Johnny, you and your roommate could come and get to know everyone a bit better, yeah ? Though I see you’ve already made friends with our Y/N.” Oh no, there she goes. You love the Jeons, but they’re so, so talkative, and they never know when to stop. They’re like parents taking your old embarrassing pictures out when your friends are over. Your eyes grow wide, a slightly embarrassed chuckle coming out of your lips.
The lady struggles to unwrap the paper, to which Johnny leaves the shirt he was folding to help her out.
“Ah, thank you. You know, Y/N isn’t really that talkative, but I think it’s because we didn’t share a lot in common, and we’re not as young and handsome as you.”
God. Stuck on your chair, wide eyes look at the scene as your neighbor chuckles. “Oh, really ?”, he urges her to continue to your misbelief,  but you quickly understands he’s doing it on purpose, crescent eyes sparkling with amusement as he looks over at you, the young and handsome bit wasn’t necessary but it sure did boost his ego.
Miss Jeon finally unfolds the paper, a big announcement on the anniversary gathering she’s holding. In the park, with the date and hour, you guess you should find an appropriate dress for the event and something to eat to bring.
“Anyways, it’s great having new faces ! You’ll come, right ?”, sticking he paper to the wall, the lady claps her hands, a little joyful jump when Johnny nods.
“Yeah. We’ll go together, yeah ?”
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You learn Johnny isn’t only a good looking guy, he’s also a really good friend.
The friendship grows easily, after Miss Jeon left, he helps you out with your clothes while already planning what to bring for the gathering. The brunette tells you he’s better at cooking salty dishes than sugary cakes. You agree on that, it’s one of the many reasons why you buy anything sugary at the coffee shop down the street. Nonetheless, you and your new neighbor decide to challenge yourselves, you propose some French crepes and Johnny agrees on using his kitchen for it, with the help of Ten who’ll surely be here. Surely, the kids living in the buildings would love them and, they aren’t that hard to make.
You two walked to your apartment floor, basket in hand, though Johnny’s ability to carry two at the same time is rather impressive. One on top of the other, you try to be as discreet as possible when your eyes travel down to his arms, flexing, to his ring clapped fingers, gripping at the handles. He doesn’t walk you to your door but, is it really necessary ?
It’s funny how the universe seems so willing to put him on your path.
Every now and then, you catch a glimpse of the men through your window, walking in his room, mindlessly walking back and forth when he’s thinking about a composition, pen taking on his full bottom lip. He seems really concentrated whenever he tries to write something, eyebrows furrowed, whispering quietly to himself. He catches you carelessly dancing to songs late at night under your lights, moving like nobody’s watching, hands in the air as the singer’s angelic voice seems to control your body, silently giggling when you catch his eyes and abruptly stop.
He seems to vaguely have the same schedule as you do, you see him getting ready some days of the weeks, applying cream on his face like the first time you ever caught a glimpse at his sharp features at a distance. And you bump into him in the elevator every other day, both so exhausted with your classes, heavy backpack carelessly throws over your shoulders, so tired you two would rather smile and stay silent in the metal cubicle. You see him with his roommate a few times too, the first time happens to be right in front of their door, both of them carrying two bags of groceries.
Finally, you’re introduced to Ten, a much smaller and a bit thinner guy, though you quickly find out his personality might be as big as Johnny himself. His bright smile and laugh are both extremely contagious, and you also notice for yourself how much he cares about his appearance. Just like Johnny told you when you first saw him in the laundry unit, he wears different outfits like he’s going for a runway every day. Sharp eyes covered under his jet black hair, you can’t help but notice the multiple piercings on his ears.
Funny enough, you catch your new friend at the “Flâner” coffee shop, getting the exact same cake you brought him and some dark coffee, he tells you he got addicted to everything they do but regret not having enough time to sit down and study here.
On top of that, he never stops texting you, you never stop texting him. Conversation flows easily to the point where you sometimes have to pause to type out a response while you’re on the phone with Jaehyun.
Ah, your dear friend Jaehyun. Your blonde friend follows the events like a drama, though you tell him multiple times that “Nothing will happen, we’re just neighbors.”
Are you, though ? You don’t know if neighbors send each other sheet, you and Johnny never stopped, it became easier with his number. You don’t know if neighbors talk to each other by the windows, for so long it leaves marks on both your arms at the end of the night, red dent on your skin. You don’t know if normal neighbors talk to each other that much.
You and Johnny tip toe on the lines between neighbors and friends, the line between friends and…a little more ? The line snaps right before the building’s anniversary.
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Thursday, one in the afternoon when the metal doors of your elevator open to your hallway. The sun’s shining, birds singing, your teacher’s car broke down, leaving you with a free day. Truly, the universe was on your side, you thought when you got the text from your classmate. After texting Jaehyun who told you he already went to the mall at your opposite, you decided to use that time to buy some curtains and take a day off your studies. A well deserved day off, you might add.
After searching again and again, you thought it’d be better to get new ones. You remember the old ones got dirty anyways. Plus, it’s not like you want to hide yourself from Johnny, he has some and you figure you should too for some privacy every now and then. A pack of clear curtains in your hands and some cushions in a bag for your living room, you step out of the metal cubicle, only to be greeted by a Johnny standing right in front of your door. Attention caught by the sound, your friend turns around, half expecting to see you and, he looks slightly flustered ? Short eyelashes bat a few times, rosy cheeks as he opens his month just to close it right after.
“Hey, Johnny ?”, you start, completely clueless at first, you don’t notice the white fabric he has in his hand. “Do you need something ?”, you ask, setting down all the new things you bought down, alongside your bag as you fish for your keys inside.
“I-uh…”, he starts. Why is his voice so shaky ? Eyebrows slightly raised, a knee down, you look up at your friend with a curious look. At that, the brunette looks away. Honey eyes diverge to his right as he shifts his body from left to right.
“Johnny ?”, keys in hand, you rise to your feet, slightly turning away to open your door, struggling a little at the last lock.
“We uh, got some clothes mixed up.”, he tells you, pink hue on his cheeks. You take a few seconds to understand, before recalling the meeting in the laundry unit.
“Oh ! I didn’t even notice anything missing.”, you tell him with a laugh, before your smile wavers to a more…stunned expression. The white fabric he’s holding in a hand, you only need a second look to distinguish the lace waistline you know too well. Your panties. He’s holding your panties. God, you didn’t even notice ? You wear these often, you don’t have that much panties. “Oh.”, you say again, with a much different tone. Heat washes over your body, a much deeper shade of pink coloring your cheeks.
Lips dry, you extend your hand down, almost timid to hold your own piece of clothing.
Johnny stays quiet, handing you the white underwear, hand hiding in his pocket right after.
“Erhm, thank you.”, you mumble out, hiding the fabric behind the pack of clear curtains, like he did not have the time to look at it before.
“I’m sorry, I found them in my shirts this morning and I first thought about just leaving them at your door but it would’ve been even more awkward.”, he laughs slightly, hand rubbing at the back of his nape again. You laugh lightly at that, it sure would’ve been even weirder to find your panties in a box in front of your door. Creepier too.
“Would’ve been very Joe-like.”, you tell him with a smile, the atmosphere immediately a lot less tense. You’re thankful for it, it’s clear Johnny didn’t want things to be…weird either. He laughs a little, cheeks high, before noticing your new purchase, especially your curtains.
“Oh, redecorating a bit ?”, his arms cross in front of him, biceps building up, stretching the sleeves of his shirt. “Ah, a little. I just needed new curtains, I forgot where I stored the old ones.”, you tell him, shoulder leaning again your door. “Putting them on was a nightmare.”, you sigh a little, head resting on your door as well. When you first moved in, you had to put the curtains all alone and only remember the ache in your neck and arms.
“…Was it ?”, he asks with a sly smile, eyebrows lightly furrowed like he’s questioning your experience.
“Some of us aren’t blessing with your height, Johnny.”, you tell him with a fakely annoyed glare, “I almost fell down and broke my back.”. You dramatize with a pout on your lip, to which Johnny only smirks lightly.
“Need some help ?”, Johnny finally, head tilting to the side. “I don’t want you breaking your back.” Yet, Johnny thinks.
“Ah, please !”, no need for him to propose a second time, you’d take anyone to help you with these demons any day, let alone someone like Johnny. One hand turns your door handle, proceeding to push it with your body. “Welcome to my humble home.”
Johnny lightly chuckles at your antics, curious eyes scanning over your apartment. It’s always weird to see an apartment so similar to yours yet so different, he hums at the sent of the light incense you blow out right before leaving. Sliding your shoes off, your friend follows quickly after, though he takes them with one hand to neatly store them right next to your door.
“It’s really pretty.”, he hums behind you as you walk towards your living room, letting the back full of cushions on your table. Smiling brightly as his compliment, you have to say you were pretty proud of your decorating skills. You took multiple months to pile everything you wanted up and, after a year, all your plants grew green and luscious.
“Thank you very much !”, hands gathering your hair, you quickly attach them with a hairband you always have on your wrist. “Do you want something to drink ?”
“Hm, maybe later ! Let’s start with these nightmare curtains first.”
“Alright, let me just get the stool.”, and on that, you take a second to remember exactly where you stored it before quickly jogging to the small closet near your entrance door. You don’t remember the last time you used it, you take a few seconds to take the cold iron object out of its hiding place, one foot stuck in a random box you still have there. You finally pull the object with a sharp tug and not without a small sound of struggle. Johnny is quick to grab into the heavy object and lets you take care of the pack you just bought. For the few seconds you take to move from your living room to your bedroom, you pray you didn’t leave anything too embarrassing there, you really didn’t think you’d have Johnny over today. But thankfully, when you open your bedroom door, the only think you left on your bed’s your pyjamas or rather, shirt you sleep in you didn’t fold the morning.
“So that’s the room.”, Johnny notices softly, the very room he seems fragments of from his own. Curious eyes look over your desk and the multiple things you sticked right above it, before they travel to the side he definitely never saw from his window. Denty fingers gaze at your guitar’s neck like he’s afraid of touching it without your permission, though it’s definitely clear you don not mind.
“It is ! Is it weird seeing it entirely ?”,  you joke a bit around as you sit the pack down on your desk. Scissors you leave on your desk are used to cleanly open the transparent protection as Johnny opens the stool and places it where he desires. “Really weird, I’m used to…this.”, he jokes too, thumbs and pointers digits forming a frame in front of his eyes. “And that’s what you see. My room looks so empty from here.”, Johnny notes, leaning a little in front of your window.
“It looks like you only have a bed and a piano in there.”, you tease him.
“I don’t ! I spent two entire days decorating it ! I’ll show you next time.”, he promises and somehow, it has the power to make your lips part a little, heat slightly burning your cheeks. The brunette doesn’t notice though, and immediately starts helping you out with your curtains.
Or rather, you help him. Johnny does most of the work on your curtains and you won’t complain. The men takes things into his hands, stepping onto the stool. Where you needed to climb the four steps, Johnny barely needs to climb two, body barely needing the extra height. His hands work quickly to detach the metal bar on each side, fingers twisting at the sides. When the black bar is finally off, he hands it to you so you can work on the hoops and slide the curtains in, which you do quickly.
As easily as he took it out, Johnny slides the metal bar back in before screwing each side in. From this angle, his jaw looks even more sharp, eyes focused never leave his work. He looks even more intimidating, especially when his eyes look down at you and you have to dodge eye contact. “Much easier like that.”, you say, almost dumbfounded at how easily he just did…that. Johnny laughs with the breathy giggle you’re starting to get used to. “See, only took a few minutes at best.”, Johnny says while stepping off the stool, hand lightly touching the curtains.
“Wait, let me throw this away.”, you mumble out, picking the packaging in your hands. Again, Johnny isn’t slow to follow, telling you he’ll help you with your stool. The young men follows you quickly, easily finding the small closet you store anything and everything in once you point it with your index. From your small kitchen, the sound of the stool being pushed inside and the door closing is followed by Johnny’s joyful “Done !”.
“What do you want to drink ?”, you finally ask when the brunette sits down right in front of your kitchen counter. Elbows on the cold grey material, he stares for way too long at the two choices you offer him. Tropical juice in your right hand, still unopened bottle of some bubbly beverage in the other, your friend acts like it’s a life or death decision. “C’mon ooon.”, you laugh out, arms getting tired at the way you’re holding the heavy bottles.
Finally, the brunette points your right hand with an index.
“Oh, you’re a slytherin ?”, he asks when you open your cupboard. Glasses on the bottom and mugs at the top, you look up at the same exact mug he noticed. Right in the middle, the grey and green logo is a clear statement on your Hogwarts house.
“Yes, a very proud slytherin.”, you tell him while setting the two tall glasses on the counter, pouring equal amounts of juice into them. “Let me guess, Gryffindor ?”, you ask, arching an eyebrow.
“I actually never took the test.”, Johnny says, to which you dramatically gasp. “And I never watched the movies. One of my friend’s just a really proud slytherin as well, I bought so many slytherin themed gifts that I just can recognize the logo right away.”
Double gasp, you set your glass down, eyes growing wide as you’re trying to judge if he’s actually joking or not. You found he definitely isn’t, but he does find your reaction quite funny. His laughs resonates into his glass, liquid half drowned.
“Are you for real ?”, you ask him just to make sure, and your neighbor just nods.
“A hundred percent, I just never really had the chance to watch it.”, poking his tongue out, pink muscle collects the drop of juice threatening to fall down.
“In 2020 ?”, you’re dumbfounded, you never thought someone could actually go so long without watching it. “You have to watch it.”
“I will. One day. Maybe.”, Johnny teases, eyes falsely rolling back.
“Now.”, you tell him, a certain sense of urgency in your voice. “I won’t let you get out of my house uneducated, young sir.”, you tell him before looking through another cupboard, hand pushing some unopened chips bag and opened for too long biscuits. Finally, your hand find the flat package you were looking for, proudly taking out for Johnny to say right after checking for the expiration date. “I have popcorn.”
How can Johnny refuse ? How can he, who he has to say, already has a soft spot for you, say no to such a proposition ? Not when your clutching the said uncooked popcorn bag against your chest, slight pout he’d probably kiss away on your lips. Wait, what. Johnny understands he’s utterly fucked once he agrees after a very short time thinking, he’s fucked because he knows the more time he spends with you, the more he’s probably going to fall. You, on the other hand, only understand what you did once Johnny comfortably takes place on your coach. You’re unaware of it, but you have the same exact soft spot, the same small butterflies whenever music is heard from the other’s bedroom, the same tiny smile creeping up whenever one sends a song recommendation, the same tingly feeling in the middle of your chest whenever one catches a glimpse of the other.
Another thing the two of you have in common, you two have some impressive actor abilities, if Johnny acts cool and unbothered, totally not lowkey stressed and watched over by adrenaline at this very moment, you can do the exact same.
Has his thighs always been so…Muscular ? Firm ? Your eyes quickly move away when you catch the train of your thoughts, looking into your bowl like it’s most interesting thing ever as you pour down the hot popcorn. Picking one up, you pop in into your mouth, unconsciously trying to distract your thoughts. This brand’s popcorn really good, right amount of caramel on each piece, you wonder what hickeys look like on Johnny’s caramel skin.
Fuck, bravo. Way to go. It’s his jeans, you blame it on his jeans and how they seem to perfectly hug his legs as he spreads them on your coach, one arm right behind it as he scrolls on his phone with the other.
If the brunette’s thumb is scrolling ever so slowly on his twitter timeline, his mind isn’t really able to read the small tweets at this very moment, not when you set the bowl full of popcorn down on the table before dropping on your knees in front of your tv. Why does he have to see everything in such a way, Johnny quickly blinks and tries to get his attention back on his phone but what can he do when you’re right in the background, in the peripherical vision.
He sees you looking for the movie in the pile of CDs and games you have, before finally finding the very first Harry Potter, a triumphant “Ah-ha !”, coming out of your lips.
“You’ll love it.”, you tell Johnny once you place the CD in the CD player, something you haven’t done in actual months, seating down right next to him. You’re some what grateful you only own one single sofa that’s enough for two people and a bowl full of popcorn right in between.
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“Wait, is that how Cedric dies ?”, Johnny’s mouth hangs open at the young actor laying seemingly lifeless on the grass after a fatal spell, a gag sound coming out of your friend’s lips when Voldemort’s bare feet comes in contact with the Hufflepuf’s face. “I hate this shot.”, you tell him, slightly disgusted at the scene, before you yawn loudly against your hand. The glass you refilled many time is now empty, you leave it right next to the empty pizza box Johnny insisted on buying.
It’s midnight, you can barely process the hour it is, not how long you stayed by Johnny’s side to the point where you’re curled up next to him under the blanket you two are sharing. At the end of the first movie, you were happy to see a pretty speechless and invested Johnny, it was still pretty early, around four and a half in the afternoon and you both agreed to watch the second. At the end of the second, he offered to buy pizza and something to drink while you popped the third movie. Let’s just say Johnny got a bit excited when you said the four movie was your favorite and midnight being still a bit early for two students, you agreed on watching a last one.
“So, what do you think ?”, you ask once the credits starts rolling, lazy smile stretching your features. Your tall friend flops off the coach, letting his body slowly fall on the ground to grab his phone charging. “This one’s definitely the best, I mean, the whole Marauders thing ? Love it.”, he tells you, head resting on the sofa you’re still on. “I wanna know what my house is now.”, he mumbles while unlocking his phone, searching the right quizz.
“Wait, wait. Let me read the questions !”, you tell him, hand stretching to get his phone, and the brunette gives it to you without hesitation. You, who took the exact same official test four times, are familiar with questions and ask them one by one. Day or night, forest or beach side, Johnny thinks about his answers before. Familiar animation before the sorting hat reveals his pick, you hide the phone with a hand. “Guess.”, you tell him after looking at the result, results you would’ve easily guessed.
“Gryffindor ?”, he asks with a slight bit of doubt in his voice.
“Gryffindor !”, you tell him with a dramatic shout, mimic the sorting hat’s. His head rolls back with a grown, eyes screwed shut even though he has a smile stretching his full lips.
“Ah-! I lowkey wanted to be a Slytherin.”, he tells you, big puppy like eyes looking at you from below.
“Oh, really ?”, you ask, slightly surprised. You had to say Johnny was more of a Gryffindor than a Slytherin.
“Yeah, I wanted us to match.”
Full lips out in a pout, it’s your turn to think about kissing it away.
You understand you’re fucked when Johnny helps you out in cleaning your living room, washing your glasses while you dry your plates and bowl. He understands he’s fucked again when you hum a song he’s familiar with but can’t put his finger on the name. You both are fucked when he slides right behind you to set your glasses in your cupboard, chest brushing against your back. It feels strangely domestic, comfortable and…Normal ? A soft “Be careful”, comes out of his mouth and his breath moves a few pieces of your hair, arms stretching up to carefully place the glasses he just washed. It’s your turn to walk him to his door, where you two understand Ten’s already fast asleep, loud snores coming out of one of the rooms.
How strange it is, people say time alters in airports, empty trains stations and others. Time alters in front of Johnny’s door. He leans against his door frame like the first time you two met, lazy eyes looking down at you as you stretch a bit more.
“It was fun.”, he tells you quietly, tired smile stretching your lips. You return it, sighing as your muscle wake up.
“Yeah, glad I got you into Harry Potter.”, you tease him a bit, “Might have to buy you some Gryffindor themed things.”
“Ten’s gonna lose it when he learns he wasn’t the one to get me to watch it.”, you frown at that, head tilting to the side.
“Wait, he tried ?”
“Yeah, but he never sold it like you did.”, he hums and for a moment, it seems his mind isn’t really where his words are. Honey eyes drop for a quick second to your lips, but he regains his thoughts as quickly.
“Oh, he’s gonna kill me, isn’t he ?”, you joke a bit, though you’re surprised you managed to get Johnny into the saga quickly when he told you before that him and Ten knew each other for years. The brunette’s laugh is breathy, controlled so he doesn’t wake up his roommate who’ll probably kill him right before killing you. “If he finds out, totally. We don’t have to tell him, though.”, and, did his voice just drop even lower ? You didn’t think it was possible, the man’s voice is already deep but right now, in the dead of the night, it almost seems sultry.
“Oh wow, having our secrets already ?”, you breath out, biting a laugh down on your bottom lip. It does it for Johnny, his attention was already on them right before but, his slightly clouded mind could not really help himself. He doesn’t take his eyes away, not even when your mouth slightly parts at the realization. Only then do you wonder if it is mutual, your breath alters for a second, just when the taller let’s a simple “Yeah” tumble from his lips.
He leans down, or at least, you think he does. A millimeter, maybe you dreamt it, maybe he was going to hug you, a millisecond, a third voice gets heard from the deeps of the apartment.
“Johnny ? Turn the fucking light off.”
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“Y/N-ah, Y/N !”, Sangkyu sings the moment you step foot in your building with your grocery bag. You guess quickly it’s because of tomorrow’s gathering, the old men always loved a reason to party, with moderation obviously.
“Hi ! You seem particularly happy today.”, you tell him, stopping in front of his cubicle, you notice he added another drawing to his wall, probably the kids on the first floor.
“I am ! We finished making the cakes a few hours ago and they are de-li-cious.”, his eyes disappear as he smiles brightly, you decided you love this man with all your being.
“Ah, I can’t wait to taste them !”, you hum, switch your bag from your left hand to your right. Even without knowing what him and his wife did, you can at least guess without a doubt that it is going to be as delicious as he says it is.
“Just a day ! What are you making ?”
“French crêpes !”, you tell him while lifting your bag, proud smile at your pronunciation, you just went and bought some milk and flour for it right after leaving your university, Johnny told you he had everything else.
“Ah, yes, with our new neighbors, hm ?”, he starts, smile turning vicious and oh, you know where he’s going. You wonder if Jaehyun and him are working hand in hand. Let’s just say Jaehyun did not drop the subject, not when he learned you accidently ignored his texts the other night because of a movie night with the brunette. Not when you told him you think Johnny almost kissed you. Or hugged you.
“Yes.”, you tell him simply, not going any further. You hope he will drop the subject, but you know he probably won’t.
“We hear you two playing, but you should both play something together.”, Sangkyu tells you, not taking the hint or maybe, he decided to ignore it. But he is not wrong, you two should play something together. You have to say, you didn’t know your playing was so loud but if no one ever complained, it was a good thing, right ?
“We should.”, you tell him with a smile, ready to go towards the elevator, his voice stops you a second time.
“Do you like him ?”, he suddenly asks. God, he really is acting like a father who also wants to be a friend. You suddenly stop right in your track, hand turning towards the oldest.
“Who ?”, you ask dumbly, but Sangkyu isn’t one to take your fake attitude.
“Johnny.”, he tells you straight forward and a bit too loudly, arms leaning against his counter with a too happy smile.
“Sangkyun…”, you whine, quiet in case anyone walks in.
“Y/N-ah…!”, he mocks the tone of your voice and you whine even more.
“Come on, you can tell me.”, you says, you know he won’t ever let you go and even if he does, he’ll draw his own flowed conclusions, better tell him already.
“Maybe, yes.”, you tell the oldest before walking a bit too quickly towards your elevator, index jamming into the up button.
“I knew it !” and, when you hide yourself in the metal cubicle, you see your old friend making a few happy dance moves with his arms, you wonder if you’re seeing Jaehyun in the future.
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“Alright, how’s this ?”, you ask Jaehyun after stepping right in front of your phone. You’re actually video chatting with your blonde friend, but you can barely see half of his face, he decided to hold his phone so close you could only see from his hairline to the bridge of his nose.
“Turn around.”, he says, breath overloading his device’s microphone. You do so anyways, showing him the outfit you decided to wear for tonight. Obviously, it was just a small gathering between neighbors, you didn’t have to go all in with a cocktail dress but, a nice and pretty one was expected. Following your friend’s order, you turn to show off a black, thin strapped, body hugging dress you got a year ago and yet, never wore.
“Is that your mom’s jacket ?”, Jaehyun asks, chewing on what you think is a handful of chips. You hum at the question, you’re indeed wearing the oversized jean jacket you mother used to wear when she was in college. “The dress looks hot, when did you buy it ?”
“Eh, last year ? Around the middle of the summer.”, you tell your friend, stepping out of your phone’s camera to search for your earrings. “Wait, you never wore it, right ?” “Nope.”, from a distance, you can hear Jaehyun mumbling something about you having too many clothes. Maybe he’s right, but you brush the remark anyways, taking your rings.
“How’s my makeup ?”, you ask, kneeling in front of your phone, you step closer to let the blonde have a closer look at your eyes makeup. “You know I don’t know shit about makeup !”, he complains, finally letting you see his face as he moves his phone. “Jaehyun, does it look good ?”, you ask him, acting annoyed at his antics.
“Yes, you look good.”, he says, voice somewhat a high pitched tone as he snaps a picture once you stand up again. “If lover boy doesn’t kiss you tonight.” Small smile stretches your lips at the compliment, you decide to brush the second sentence off, applying some lipstick before checking your watch.
“And you’re telling me he acted like nothing happened ?”, Jaehyun asks, sound of the chips bag covering his voice. You sigh at that, eyes rolling a little, you think no matter how many times you’ll tell him, he’ll keep asking. “He did. I mean, his roommate was there so, he couldn’t really…Y’know ?”
A quick glance at the bag you’re supposed to bring down to the gathering starting in fifteen minutes, it holds the dozens of crêpes you, Johnny and Ten made a bit earlier. Just like it was planned before hand, you showed up after class to their apartment, Ten was the one who opened the door. Apparently, Johnny was a bit late, his teacher’s lecture went on for a bit longer than anticipated and when he showed up, he immediately helped with the batter. The brunette greeted you like he usually would and acted like nothing happened the night before, though you don’t blame him, not when his roommate was between the two of you half of the time. You had to bring your own pan after realizing how many crêpes you’d actually make and, after about two hours, you left to get ready. Let’s just say Jaehyun was not happy with the lack of exciting events. You weren’t either, but you still somehow hoped something would happen tonight, somewhere deep in your thoughts. However, you didn’t want to think too much about it, tonight was a gathering to celebrate and have fun, you didn’t want to overthink what happened the night prior.
“Anyways, I have to go.”, you finally tell you friend, who simply tells you to enjoy yourself and text him after before hanging up.
Heavy bag of crêpes in your hand, you slide out of your apartment after spraying some perfume on your neck. Locking your door, your neighbors are quick to follow as you agreed to go together and, fuck.
He looks hot, Johnny looks hot. There’s a slight second where you stay silent and take in his figure, legs hugged by a tight pair of black jeans, cotton white blouse slightly open on his caramel chest, the golden hour isn’t even here and yet, the slight bit of sun hitting his skin makes him glow. You know, you know he caught you staring and yet he stays silent, slight smirk tugging a side of his full lips.
“Y/N, Ma’am !”, Ten’s voice drags you out of you reverie. The men takes a step closer, you notice the very pricy Yves Saint Laurent grey and white top he’s wearing. “You look fucking good ! Right ?”, it seemed the men only needed a few hours to get familiar with you, but you don’t complain and smile at the compliment.
“You do, you look amazing.”, if Ten managed to make you smile brightly at his antics, Johnny’s low voice only makes you blush and your eyes waver a bit, not knowing where to look, almost unable to keep eye contact with the tallest. “Thank you. I-, hm, you too.”
“Thank you. Let’s get going, I don’t want to be late.”, thankfully, he doesn’t say more, hand grabbing onto his own bag where you assume he has the chocolate and strawberry spread.
“Wait, what about me ?”, his roommate asks, acting so offended you wonder if he isn’t actually hurt by the lack of compliment you and his roommate showed. The smallest frowns, angry glare at Johnny who doesn’t even notice him as he went towards the elevator to call for the metal box.
“This shirt looks amazing on you, very pricy too.”, you tell your neighbor with a laugh, stepping right behind the tallest, waiting.
“And I already told you it looked good.”, he says, right before stepping in the elevator.
“Thank you, Y/N.”, the black haired says your name a bit louder, but you don’t pay too much attention either.
Poor thing, if you and Johnny aren’t aware yet of the tension, Ten sure is, and he hates every bit of it when he understands, stuck in an elevator where he’s the third wheel. By the way, has your elevator always been so small ? Your back leans against one wall as Johnny does the same right in front of you, honey eyes traveling from your eyes to your uncovered collarbones. The brunettes tries, he really tries to stop his eyes from traveling down but they do eventually, swallowing built up saliva when his pupils travel down your hips, to your naked legs.
Ten’s almost about to say something, just to break the thick silence before the doors opening saves the young men, he decides he definitely is not going to stay with the two of you tonight.
You, on the other side, seem to finally be able to breathe once you step out the elevator, Johnny’s attention did not go unnoticed. Try and act normal, probably the only thing going on your mind and Johnny’s.
“Hey, look who it is !”, Miss Jeon’s voice is heard before you can even see her. You’re familiar with the park the gathering is taking place in, but it sure looks amazing in the late afternoon. At this time of the year, the grass’ green, flowers bloomed, small fruits are starting to turn red under the summer sunlight. Even better, the water fountains are on, the one right in the middle is large, tall, multicolor lights when the moon shines. Finally, when you and your two friends turn the corner to enter the park, you’re physically greeted by Miss Jeon who’s wearing a really pretty pen skirt, hair flowing in the soft summer wind. “Miss Jeon !”, you greet her with a smile which isn’t enough for the lady who pulls you into a hug. One hand grabs yours and the tallest makes you swirl around, a high pitched “Wow ! Look at you !”, coming out of her lips.
“You look amazing, darling. You two, too.”, as always, the lady is extremely cheerful. You notice hers and other neighbors’ kids already playing around in the park, loud screams every now and then. A bit closer to the fountain, multicolor light are hanging from the threes, you can faintly distinguish a song playing. Large tables are set there, alongside chairs were parents and others are all talking together, setting whatever they bought.
“Go set everything there, we’ll start eating soon.”, Miss Jeon instructs, and you follow her orders as she stays in front of the park to greet anyone coming.
Everything is quickly set up where all the deserts are, neighbors come until you they flood the park, you almost think everyone’s here. “I did not expect so many people.”, Johnny tells you, taking a plastic cup to get himself some juice right before giving you a cup.
“Me neither.”, you tell him, eyes glazing over the last people walking in. Almost everyone responded to the call, a pretty heart warming sigh. Some of your neighbors you never actually talked to are here, mostly because they’re from other buildings from the same project.
“I see Ten is already making friends.”, you continue, eyes catching your friend talking to another neighbor, one you think is in his early thirties, you’ve talked to him once, maybe.
“Ten is a social butterfly.”, Johnny laughs into his cup, before eventually taking a step forward toward the black haired. If his roommate was going to socialize, he might as well too.
“I think it is overrated.”, ah yes, now you remember why you did not much to this guy. James is a foreign, blonde, man bun type of guy who finds everything overrated, it’s almost impossible to talk about your hobbies and interests with him without being ripped apart. He probably isn’t that mean just, not that good at social interaction. You see Ten’s expression turning from excited to somewhat confused, to what you intervene.
“What is ?”, you ask, and you don’t really like when the blonde acts like he did not notice you and Johnny walking.
“Oh, Y/N, hi. Long time no see.”, he says, not paying any attention to Johnny. You greet him anyways, slightly taken back by his attitude. “And you are ?”
“Johnny.”, the men behind you says, stretching a hand out to shake his.
“Oh, strong grip.”, slight contortion of the blond’s face, he quickly retracts his hand when Johnny lets go.
“Anyways, when are you letting me see you play ?”, James ask and oh, how you have to search in your memory to understand what the fuck he’s talking about. The blonde wants to learn how to play the guitar, that was, maybe eight months ago.
“Oh eh. One day, maybe.”, you awkwardly laugh.
“We hear you play every night, don’t say you don’t have time for me !”, he tries and laugh off the sentence. Ten shifts, poor thing seems taken back but thankfully, Johnny’s quick to react. As you’re about to respond, his hand slides on your waist, “I’m pretty busy with uni’, but I can send you some great guitarists’ videos.”, you choke out, mind slightly bugging at the brunette’s touch.
“She’ll let you know when she has time for you.”, the tallest does not hesitate and, it visibly annoys the blonde. A sharp “Okay .”, tumbles from his lips before he leaves towards the salty foods.
“He’s weird.”, Ten finally says, Johnny doesn’t take his hand away.
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It takes hours for Johnny to address it again.
The midnight breeze always feels special, soft, fresh, it licks the thin layer of sweat the bolt sun created on your skin. Your jacket’s off your shoulders, loosely hanging on the crook of your elbows, seating on the cold marble of the fountain.
Soft sound of the water running behind you, all the kids have been sent to sleep, alongside their parents and other hard working adults needing of sleep, just the low sound of some jazz music you’re unfamiliar with and some chatter as the background noise.
You shoes kick off some small rocks and sand, eyes looking up at the multicolor lights still hanging on the trees. You laugh off one of Johnny’s joke, before he gets serious again, his left hand lightly touching the fountain’s water.
“By the way, sorry about earlier. I didn’t ask if I could touch you like that.”
You have to think for a slight second to understand what he’s talking about, hand grabbing onto the bowl of ice cream you set aside for yourself. Your spoon digs into the chocolate cream, taking a fair amount of whipped cream.
“Oh ! Oh, no. Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind.”, I liked it, you would’ve said if you were a little bit more brave. Spoon in your mouth, you eagerly gulp down the frozen desert, Johnny only softly smiles.
“Is he always like that ?”, he asks, body turning a bit more to face you. He’s close, really close, but it became normal. It became normal for him to have your naked thigh against his, you shamelessly look down at it for god knows how many times tonight. It became normal for you to almost be able to feel his breath die on your skin.
“I don’t know, tonight was the second time I ever talked to him.”, you tell him, tongue quickly cleaning the tiny drop of ice cream forming at the corner of your lips. Johnny stays silent for a second, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips, before its feels like he shakes his thoughts away. His gaze stays fixated on your eyes so confidently it’s even worst than him looking at your lips, you shift under his pupils, crossing a leg over the other.
“He seems really pushy.”, Johnny breathes out, and he finds the exact same octave he was speaking to you in just last night, right in front of his apartment. It’s clear he only is replying for politeness.
“You have hm, some ice cream, here.”, the brunette hums, again ripping you out of your reverie. Left hand covers your mouth, index and middle finger brushing at the corner but it seems you are not picking the right side.
“Wait, no-.”, he laughs for a quick second, crescent eyes before they shift to something else. His thumb quickly wipes the other side of your lips, and you freeze. You lock dead in your position, eyes slightly larger as he helps you clean up with a soft yet deep “There you go.”
For hours now, Johnny had been the only thing on your mind. From the moment he stepped out of his apartment, the moment his eyes seemed to devour every bit of your body, the moment he left is hand lingering on the small of your waist. To the moment he sat down to eat, legs, strong thighs spread, the moment he talked to the smallest kids from the second building, the moment he lead you behind the fountain with a hand in the small of your back.
But, when Johnny lets his lips capture the tip of his thumb, cleaning the bit of ice cream, you think you might never be able to think about anything else but him, but Johnny.
You have to look away, desperately trying to gather your thoughts, something you can’t do when the brunette’s looking at you with such innocent eyes.
“You okay ?”, he asks like he didn’t do anything, like he did not just do that.
“Yeah, I-.”, you have to leave you plastic bowl somewhere behind you, brain fuming to find something else to say.
“You’re blushing. You had the same look yesterday.”, he notes, and…He knows ? He knew before you did, that’s what his slight smirk tells you. “It’s a shame Ten had to ruin it, but I like this setting better.”, Johnny hums, but he never takes his eyes away.
“Could’ve kissed me anyways.”, you dare to say. Your mouth goes dry, for some reason, biting down on your bottom lip. The brunette comes a little closer, and just like last time, you can't help but get lost in his irises, notice the way his eyes curl at their inner corner, now how his pupils slowly eclipses the soft brown of his eyes.
Tongue poking at the inside of his cheek, his lines a bit closer again, hand sliding under your chin. You stop breathing for a second, eyelids involuntarily growing heavy.
“Did I miss my shot ?”, you can almost feel him mouth the words.
“Maybe, but I can give you another one.”, you manage to tease, face tilting to the side before he even does anything. If he doesn't do it himself, you'll break the distance, but he holds you in the palm of his hand, so hypnotise under his spell you can only anticipate his next move.
“Good, would've hated myself for missing it.”, he says and, as you hoped, the brunette finally lets his lips crash against yours. It's soft, a kiss to taste the water, though he himself taste the chocolate you just ate.
Pillows lips slowly starts moving against yours, you easily follow his rhythm, sighing when his hand moves from your chin to your neck, deepening the exchange.
Your hand easily finds his hair, finally letter your fingers grasp onto the soft locks. It's a soft grip, yet Johnny sighs softly against your lips, sound turning into a slight groan once you bite down on his bottom lip.
That does it for him, the kiss quickly turns needy, desperate, he touches where he can, second hand lightly running up your thigh.
Arms wrap behind his neck to keep him close, body leaning backwards, Johnny has to plant a hand on the marble behind you, second hand wrapping behind your waist.
The brunette doesn't hesitate a second more, like he's afraid of letting go of the moment, afraid you're gonna slip away between his fingers like the clear water of the fountain. Pick tongue laps at your bottom lip, you part them without a moment of hesitation. It's eager, rushed, the taste of the desert you just ate still lingers on your tongue while you get the fruity drink he was sipping on moments before.
Finally, when you have to let go for some air, breathing altered by the exchange, Johnny doesn't let go. Long kisses are planted at the corner of your lips, he takes his time until he travels down to your jaw where you stop him.
And, before he can ask you anything, you quickly grab his hand in yours, “Let's go inside.”
He follows quickly behind, leaving everything behind, you take the second gate of the park. Shorter, you also don't have to walk in front of all your remaining neighbors like this, lips swollen, eyes blown.
You don't think you've ever walked so fast to your apartment, you don't think you've ever been so happy to see Sangkyu's spot vacant.
The silence is heavy, breath still uneven when you push the button of the elevator and the doors open immediately.
If you didn't know the men behind you was as desperate as you were, you definitely understand once he pushed you inside the small cubicle.
He blindly pushes the button to your shared floor, right hand wrapping around your throat to swiftly push you against the cold wall. If he doesn't tighten his grip, you sure wish he did, but you have other things to care about at the moment. The hand previously around your neck plants itself right next to your hand and this time, he has to lean down to capture your lips another time.
Completely pinning your body to the cold metal, he uses his hips against yours, a gasp escaping your lips he uses to slip his tongue between your lips again. And, you let a breathy moan come out of your lips when he pushes his hips flush against your, hard on pressing against your body. Even with the two layers, you can feel him.
You never felt so hot inside this elevator, it moves without stopping at any floor, no music as the silence is filled by your soft breaths and the sound of his mouth against yours.
Beat washes over you, if your panties weren't ruined already, they sure are now. Now that the brunette rolls his hips, slowly, tentatively slow, just to make you feel every inch. Your mind's clouded, body reacting by itself when it archs away from the wall.
He lets his forearm rest against the metal wall, about to travel down to your neck, hips grinding against yours.
When he's about to bite down on the skin of yours neck, teeth grazing over the flesh, the doors open to your floor.
It's Johnny's turn to grab onto your hand, pulling you out of the elevator but he never stays too long away from your body.
Full lips pepper kisses on your face, before he breathes out against your skin.
“Your apartment, yeah ?”
Obviously, you want to tell him, naturally walking towards your door.
“Unless you want your roommate to walk in on us.”, you let a breathy giggle out, facing your door.
Fuck, now out of all times, you can not find your keys. Maybe it's because your shaky hands can barely search your pockets. Hard to blame yourself when the brunette stands behind you, hard cock pressed against you, arms tightly wrapped around your stomach, face buried in your neck.
“Baby, they're here.”, the tallest hums, voice so low it vibrates against your skin. His right hands pats one of your front pockets. A simple “Oh.” tumbles from your lips at that, mind hardly registering the way he still his moving against your body, nickname rolling out of his tongue too easily.
Finally, you manage to force your key into your door, quickly twisting the metal piece before you push the door open.
This time, you don't know if you pull Johnny in your apartment or if he pushes you in, the door is loudly shut before the men tries to take your near your coach, as you drop your jacket off somewhere.
“Johnny.”, you try to whine, but it comes out as a breathy moan as the men soflty sucks on the skin between your neck and shoulder, a pale purple petal blooming. His name coming from your lips sounds oh so delicious, Johnny decides he loves the way it sounds, determined to hear it again and again, louder and louder. “Let me at least close the door.”
When he lets you do so, not whitout a pout on his lips, they find yours again in a desperate kiss, hands grabbing the back of your thighs.
“This dress looks so fucking good on you.”, he growls once you let him pick you up, black fabric riding up your thighs.
“Got dressed up for you.”, you confess, your own lips traveling down his neck when the brunette sits down on your coach. He chuckles lowly, head rolling back, humming at the small attentions you're giving him. “Hm, saw you putting your makeup on and knew you'd look ravishing.”, he says.
Large hands on your hips, Johnny easily pushes your hips down on his thigh.
“Wow, I'll make sure to pull my curtains next time.”, you tease, blooming flowers on his collarbones.
“Give me a fucking show next time.”, he growls out, hand ghosting over your neck before his thumb traces your bottom lip again.
You almost freeze, mere thought of following his oder the next time you catch him in front of his window a little bit too appealing. Having him so close yet, too far to feel his touch, you already felt it for days.
“Come on, ride my thigh.”, you moan out.
Forceful hands help you find a rhythm, one you easily follow once your thoughts get over your dizzy mind. You mouth hands open, hands grabbing onto his arms at the sudden gesture. Johnny only smirks, an eyebrow arching up.
If he didn't before, he sure does look like a god at this very moment. Blown out pupil look directly into your eyes, honey color you know so well eclipsed. Swollen, red lips, a hue painted over his cheeks, small love bites trialing down. Soft brown hair messy by your hands.
“What ? You think I didn't see you glaring ?”, there's a slight mocking tone in his voice, slight embarrassment washing over you but your body follows his voice anyways. Strong thigh under your core, you can barely gather words to reply, it's even harder when he flexs his muscles under you.
Your hips rocks back and forth, delicious pressure against your nub but you need more, more than just his thigh. He has everything to offer and if you don't get it now, you might go crazy.
And so, you tell him. “Johnny, need more.”, your voice sure sounded a lot less weak but the men obliges.
“Impatient little thing.”, he gestures towards your room, and when think you might not be able to walk all the way there without him pushing you against another wall, you surprisingly do.
When you turn around and crawl up your bed, Johnny's quick to follow, hands gripping onto the fabric covering his back before he pulls it over his head.
Defined abs under his caramel skin, strong arms holding himself up, you need a moment to take everything in, hands running down his chest when he hover over your body.
“Take it off.”, he demands, voice almost strict. Leg over his hip, you barely use any force to change positions.
You sit on his lap a second time, supporting yourself on your knees to take off your dress. The brunette uses his elbows, mouth parting when you pull the fabric over your hips. He barely needs any support to sit up, hands grasping the black dress to help you take the fabric off entirely.
The brunette mumbles praises into your skin, lips ghosting over your neck, hands touching wherever they can. Desperate, he maps your body, learning every curve, every inch.
“So beautiful.”, he mumbles out, before his right hand traces the line of your panties.
They're soaked, wet patch on his black jeans and he doesn't fail to notice.
“Already so wet, hm ? Fuck, can I ?”, he doesn't hesitate once you give him your verbal permission, a finger running over your folds over the light fabric.
What a simple touch can do to you, you don't doubt the men doing it also has a huge part in it, but you shiver under the slight attention.
Biting down on his bottom lip, ring clapped hand dips into your panties, where his index and middle finger gather your juices, humming contently.
You're about to complain again, ask him to do something already but he beats you at it, both fingers effortlessly sliding between your lower lips.
“Fuck, ah— Johnny.”, hands gripping his shoulders, your eyes screw shut once he finds a slow and torturing pace, moving in and out as his thumb brushes over your bud.
It's sensual, burning, one hand travels down his chest until you're met with his jeans, quickly working on them once he nods.
You curse his tight jeans for a moment before he helps you push the fabric just enough, alongside his grey briefs.
And fuck, he's big. You knew when he grinded against your inner thigh, but the way his cock slaps against his stomach, head red and hungry, has your mouth parting, core clenching against his fingers.
“Shit, yeah. Good girl, right there.”, Johnny loses himself in praises, head rushing with thoughts he groans out once your hand wraps around his length.
It's probably the honest thing you've ever seen, Johnny's head rolls back, it hits the wall of your bedroom, Adam's appel bobbing up and down. The pace of his fingers matches the rhythm of your hand around his cock, eyes slightly opening just to watch your slender fingers around him and the way you take his.
“You're so fucking tight, god.”, a third finger goes alongside and you have to pose, jaw hanging open and the brunette can not resist.
His mouth finds yours again, kisses deep, messy, hurried. It's like his starving, he growl against your mouth when your thumb runs over his slit and your hips move against his fingers.
“Fuck, wanna taste you.”, he flips you over too easily, a gasp coming out of your lips when you back harshly hits your bed.
Strong hands gripping at your panties, your hear the sharp snap of the elastic breaking under his soaked fingers.
“Johnny !”, it's between a whine and a moan, how can him ruining your panties be so fucking hot.
“Will get you new ones if you want.”, you can barely recognise his voice, his fingers slide the fabric down and he looks up at you, eyes hungry, lips red.
“You have no fucking idea how hard I was when I found your panties.”, he confesses and, before you can reply, his mouth dives in. Tongue flat against your core, your legs instinctively close around his head, but his hands are quick to pin your thighs to the mattress while yours find his hair, messing it even more.
“Yeah ? Fuck, you're so good, your tongue feels so good.”
Johnny only hums, tongue running up and down until he wraps his lips around your button of nerves. The brunette's eating you out like a starved men, shamelessly, the wet sounds filling the room.
When he takes a break to breathe, he pops his fingers into his mouth, cleaning them.
“Taste so good.”, every word he says fires your body up even more, his mouth doesn't even need to speak for it to affect you, but you need him.
He dives a second time, fingers joining this time. Pace a lot less slow, his lips wrap around your bud a second time, focusing on the small button while his fingers quickly move.
In, out, in, out. Long fingers quickly build up the tension in your stomach, cold rings contrasting with his hot breath.
You only need a little bit more, when his fingers curl the right way, his groans vibrate at the right moment. Your fingers tighten around his locks as you come undone, loudly, unapologetically.
Wet lips, glossy eyes, Johnny looks at your figure as you arch your back away from your bed, moaning into the air.
It takes almost minutes for you to come down but, when you do, Johnny's about to dive a third time. Your hand stops his head.
“Want you inside, want to feel you.”, you tell him once you pulled him towards you face again. A quick kiss is planted on your lips where you can taste yourself, before he hides his face again in your neck, breathing heavily.
“Do you have a condom ?”, he asks, blown out eyes looking into your own.
You nod quickly, pointing at your bed table. You hear the brunette thanking the gods, he didn't want to have and walk all the way to his own appartement to get one. Leaning towards the said bed table, he pulls the small door open and find the box there.
Taking a little foil package between his lips, Johnny quickly closes the small door before hovering over you again.
Pearly teeth are used to open the packaging, he doesn't wait a second to roll the material out on his hard shaft, sighing slightly.
“So tiny, can you even take me ?”, it seems the brunette asks himself, hand jerking himself off.
You answer him anyways, “I can, please.”.
Soft smile on his lips, the brunette uses his hand to align himself with your drenched core.
The tallest thought about this very moment for hours the night before, but nothing prepared him for the tightenes, your wet, hot core wrapping around his head.
You both moan in almost unison, Johnny has to hold himself from slamming in. You, on the other hand, have a hard time wrapping your head around how he's stretching you out so nicely.
A mixture of pleasure and slight pain you're quickly addicted to. A hand claws at his back, the tallest moves inch, by inch, by inch.
“So fucking tight. When's the last time someone fucked you properly ?”, his sudden change in behaviour gives you whiplash, you can only whine at his question and mumble something about not knowing when, exactly.
“Please, fuck me.”, if you have to beg, you will but thankfully, Johnny doesn't have much patience tonight. Once he's fully in, he doesn't hesitate to pull out just to ram in. Your body rides up, head thrown back, moan silent.
“Gonna fuck you nice and deep. Stretch you, yeah ?”
You can only nod eagerly, Johnny laughs breathlessly. His forearm supports his body right next to you head, necklace hanging over your body, right hand tightly holding your hip.
He barely gives you the time to adjust, hips snapping at a steady pace.
Headboard sharply knocking against your wall, your thankful your neighbors aren't here. Still sensitive, your moans turn breathless, barely audible. Forehead against your own, Johnny doesn't hide his moans, your name, any profanities coming to his mind.
“Fuck, turn around for me, baby.”, breathless, chest irregularly moving up and down, he helps you do so after moving out.
Flipping you on your stomach, the brunette curses at himself a second time. His body flush against yours, he supports himself next to your head again, second hand affectionaly running in your hair.
He takes you from behind, cock easily sliding in this time. Moans hidden in your pillow, Johnny doesn't take that, using the hand locked in your locks to turn your head.
“Don't hide your moans, wanna hear you.”
Just like he wanted after stepping into your apartment, the tallest has you whining his name, loudly, until you're numbed, fucked dumb until his name's the only thing you know.
A snap of his hips reaches deeper, it's there you feel the tension threatening to break.
It's like he can read you, he does it again, breathy laugh coming out of his lips.
“Come around me, let go. Let go for me.”, it's all you need, you easily follow his order, core tightening around his shaft.
“God, your pussy’s gripping me.”, his hips alter, lips finding yours again. “Gonna make me come so hard.”
Fucked out, yet you managed to raise your hips, core clenching around him. That does it, loud growl resonates in the room, mixed in with your name.
“Are you okay ?”, Johnny asks, voice soft after he pulls out, throwing the condom in your bin.
You hum, too tired to answer, you smile nonetheless when he takes you into his arm, arm pushing your hair to the side.
“This isn't how I wanted things to go.”, he hums, picking a fallen eyelash from your cheek.
“Oh, really ?”, you ask, tired, his hand running up and down your spine putting you to sleep.
“Wanted to take you out on a date first.”, he admits. “But how do you want me to resist when you were calling me like a siren singing at a lone traveler.”
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deobienthusiast · 4 years
forever have my heart
• pairing: lee jaehyun (the boyz) x reader ft. Jacob, Kevin, Sunwoo, and Juyeon + slight mentions of Sangyeon
• word count: 3,545 words
• genre: ex to lovers!au, angst, fluff
• rating: PG
• warnings: sad hyunjae, sad reader, crying hyunjae, basically all about hyunjae
• notes: if the warnings didn’t give it away i don’t know what will🤷🏾‍♀️
• requested: yes | no by anon
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You remember that day like it was yesterday. You remember that entire year, and the year before that. It wasn’t hard to distinguish the day you met Lee Jaehyun, or Hyunjae as he liked to be called. Hyunjae was loud, bold, and out there. He loved having the attention on him, and he befriended people wherever he went. The day you met him was nothing short of a mere coincidence.
Valentine’s day, and you had been stood up. Lucky for you (or so you thought), so did Hyunjae. You both ended up at the same McDonald’s and ordered an oreo mcflurry. Low and behold, their ice cream machine was down. To say you were pissed was an understatement. All you wanted was to drown your sorrows in a large oreo flavored ice cream cup. Was that too much to ask? The boy sitting next to you seemed to sense your anger as he spoke.
“I know an ice cream place just up the way from here. If you want, I’ll take you.” The boy had offered.
Blonde hair covered his head and a grin made its way to his lips. You gave him a confused look as you spoke.
“Do they have french fries?” You asked him.
The boy nodded before holding out his hand. “I’m Hyunjae.”
That day, you shared a large oreo milkshake and some french fries. Hyunjae made you laugh until your stomach hurt and no more tears could come out of your eyes. You both learned that the other was stood up, and Hyunjae couldn’t have been happier. He used the time to cheer you up, and get to know you. That day you got Hyunjae’s number, and you two became inseparable.
Hyunjae became your everything. He exceeded your expectations on love. Making you smile and laugh was his daily mission. You were never alone, until you were.
It seemed as though things were going swimmingly with Hyunjae. You both told each other you loved each other, you had met each other’s parents and families. Everything seemed okay. You were madly in love with Hyunjae, and you were convinced he was the same with you. That was until he stopped showing up.
It started with dates that he’d start showing up late too. Hyunjae would never stand you up, until he did. You never got upset at first. Hyunjae was a busy man. His job required a lot of his attention almost every single day, and you were prepared for that. The time away from you that it took, however, wasn’t something you were prepared for. You pushed through it, though. You did it for love. You did it for Hyunjae, and you thought he would do it for you.
The day you two broke up was burned into the back of your mind. It was a day you would never forget.
It was your one year anniversary. Hyunjae had taken the day off, and he had told you that he prepared a day of excellency and he couldn’t wait to spend it with you. It was a day you were so looking forward to. Except when you woke up, everything went downhill. You tried to look past the silly mistakes that were made, and eventually you did. The day, however, just got worse. Arrangements had fallen through, Hyunjae had gotten called into work. Nothing was going the way Hyunjae had planned it. He did continue to mention a dinner that you two would have when he got off work. Things were starting to look up. You had gotten all dressed up in a new outfit with which Hyunjae had insisted you wear to dinner. Getting all dressed up wasn’t exactly anything you really cared for, but you did it for him. All for him to do the one thing he promised you he wouldn’t do, stand you up. For someone else, at that.
You had sat at the highly expensive restaurant for almost two hours, waiting, hoping that he would show up. Only for you to sit and eat a meal by yourself. You didn’t do much eating that night. The sight of other couples loving and doting on each other just made you sick to your stomach. Unfortunately for you, it only got worse. You had taken a ride to the restaurant that Hyunjae had set up for you, leaving you with no way to get home. Almost every car service was booked up for the night. This left you to call a mutual friend of yours and Hyunjae’s. A sweet boy named Jacob. Jacob was one of Hyunjae’s closest friends, and was the first person to meet you when you and Hyunjae got together.
“Thank you for this Cobie.” You had told the boy softly.
Jacob gave you a small, sympathetic smile. “No problem.”
You let out a sigh as Jacob spoke again. “So where is the man of the hour?”
You let out a laugh. “You tell me. Hyunjae had gotten called into work. I guess time just got the best of him.”
Giving Jacob a look, you noticed the confused expression he was wearing. “Cob, what is it?”
“Hyunjae never came into work today. He specifically asked for the day off, and Sangyeon isn’t the type of boss to call someone in on a day they requested off.” Jacob explained.
The car came to a slight stop before you recognized the front yard you were pulling into.
“What do you mean he never came in? Hyunjae told me he got called into work.” You exclaimed.
The quiet boy shook his head. “I had to work today. I had just gotten off when I got your text message. He wasn’t in the office at all. Come to think of it, neither was Juyeon. I remember them talking a few days prior about a guy named Sunwoo. Apparently he was supposed to be in town. Juyeon was trying to convince Hyunjae to come hang out with him and the guy.”
You hummed in response. You had heard about Sunwoo. An absolute party animal who was spoiled to no end. He never had to worry about a job because he had his parents inheritance to fall back on. Hyunjae always claimed Sunwoo brought out the worst in him. Whenever Sunwoo was in town, Hyunjae was off his rocker in an attempt to keep up with the younger counterpart.
“He stood me up, on our anniversary, to spend time with a boy that can’t even keep himself in a committed relationship for longer than a week. Everytime Sunwoo gets into a relationship, he’s convinced that this one is the one. Sunwoo still acts like a child. I’ll never understand why Hyunjae hangs out with him.” You yelled the last part as you hopped out of Jacob’s car, trudging towards your front door.
Jacob had followed you out before a car came barrelling into the driveway. As if on cue, Sunwoo, Juyeon, and Hyunjae got out. All three of them were laughing like there was no tomorrow. The sight of them made you want to scream. Hyunjae’s eyes were focused on his younger friend before they met your cold, desolate stare. He stopped in the yard, the two boys with him not realizing as they bumped into him.
“Yo, what did you stop for? I know we haven’t drank that much.” Sunwoo said with a laugh before he, too, met your gaze.
“You never told me Sunwoo was in town.” You called out across the yard.
It was at this moment that you were glad you and Hyunjae didn’t have any neighbors. The home you two shared lay at the end of a dirt road that only harboured one other house that was all the way at the entry of the road.
Hyunjae’s eyes left yours momentarily as he took cautious steps towards you, eyeing the boy next to you. “What’s Jacob doing here?”
Jacob looked between the two of you. “I provided transportation. That’s all.”
“Yeah. You know our anniversary dinner at the crazy expensive restaurant you booked? The one where you sent a car to drive me there? The dinner that you never showed up to because of him.” You pointed your finger at Sunwoo as Hyunjae gulped. “Jacob told me you never went into work today. The moment he mentioned Sunwoo, I started to wonder. Just how many days did you really put off for?”
Hyunjae shuddered at your tone. “I took my vacation time off. I had accumulated about a month of vacation time.”
You nodded at his words. Not bothering to say anything else, you had headed into your home, slamming the door behind you. You locked it as you heard Hyunjae run up the stairs. His fists slamming hard on the door. No listening to his pleas, you packed two suitcases before coming back downstairs. Laying them on the ground, you walked towards the door, opening it as Hyunjae fell inside. He lay eye level with the suitcases as he scrambled to his feet.
“What is this? What are those?” Hyunjae asked quietly.
He closed the door behind him as you spoke. “I can’t do this anymore.”
You kept your head down. “It has nothing to do with Sunwoo or work. It’s just you. I think we’ve grown apart.”
Hyunjae’s eyes widened as he was starting to pick up what you were saying. “No. No, I don’t think that. We haven’t grown apart. Look at me. You’re my everything. You mean the world to me.”
His voice cracked slightly as he continued. “Please don’t leave me.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at his words. “I’m sorry, Hyunjae.”
You remember picking up the suitcases, and having Jacob take you to a hotel across town. You made sure he didn’t tell Hyunjae where you were staying. That was the last day you and Hyunjae had seen each other. You didn’t feel like going back for any of your things. Everything you had, you shared with Hyunjae. That was almost two years ago.
You still remember that day, but you had managed to pick your life back up and move on. You had your own friends along with the ones you shared with Hyunjae. The only one you really kept in touch with was Jacob. He had helped you pick yourself back up. You eventually got a new place with a roommate. A funny, artistic boy named Kevin. Kevin, Jacob, and you became the three musketeers. Jacob even got engaged to the sweetest girl you had ever met. She was like a female version of Jacob, and he seemed so smitten over her.
“Hey! What are you wearing to Jacob’s engagement party?” Kevin asked you from outside your bedroom.
Opening the bedroom door, you were met with Kevin holding up different shirts. You laughed.
“Those are both absolutely horrible, Kevin.” You told him.
Kevin dropped both the shirts to his side as he whined. “Well help me then. I’m supposed to be one of his groomsmen and I can’t even dress myself for a proper engagement party.”
Letting out a chuckle, you followed Kevin into his room as you walked straight to his wardrobe. He fell back on his bed as you searched through his clothing. You pulled through each pair of pants and nice button up shirts he had before settling on a nice suit. Pulling it out, you laid it on top of Kevin’s body nicely as he lifted his head.
“See? This is why we’re friends. This is why I like you. Who else would help me get dressed for an engagement party?” Kevin said with a smile.
Shaking your head, you headed towards the door as you yelled. “Nobody! Now get dressed.”
You were excited for tonight. Jacob was over the moon in love with this girl, and he couldn’t wait for the chance to have everyone that loves him in the same room supporting him. Plus, Kevin and Jacob thought it would be a good opportunity for you to quote on quote “get back in the dating scene”. You never agreed, but you weren’t going to argue with the two of them because there was never any winning.
You got changed into your outfit of choice, fixing up your hair, and everything else that needed a touch up. When you were finished, you headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. You scrolled through your social media before hearing Kevin yell from the top of the staircase.
“You should’ve just become a fashion designer.” Kevin said as he made his way down the stairs.
His hands were fiddling with the bow tie around his neck as he finished tying it. You looked over his outfit before focusing back on his hands.
“Kevin, enough with the bowtie.” You told him as you headed his way, pulling his hands away from the garment.
You untied and retied the bowtie for him, straightening it out before dropping your hands. “Now, stop messing with it. Don’t touch it. Or I’ll let you walk around the party with a crooked bowtie until someone points it out, and you know someone will point it out.”
Kevin smiled at your words before you both heard a beep from outside the door. “That’s our ride. Time to go congratulate the bride and groom-to-be.”
Smiling, you kept a grip on the water bottle you had opened as you headed for the door. Kevin quickly ran back up the stairs and came back down with a bouquet of flowers as you laughed.
“Awe, Kev. How sweet!” You said before he pulled his hand back.
“Haha, very funny! They aren’t for you. They are for Jacob and Mina.” Kevin said with a smirk, making you roll your eyes.
The car ride to the venue Jacob had booked wasn’t very long as you and Kevin made small talk. He mentioned this funny girl he had met at work, and it made you smile like no other.
“I’m so glad that you like this girl. Did you get her number?” You asked as the car came to a stop.
Kevin shook his head. “I was too nervous.”
You laughed as Kevin helped you out of the car. He clutched the bouquet of flowers in his hand as he headed towards the entrance. Your arm was looped with Kevin’s as you both scoured the building, taking in all the people that were there. You were quick to point out Jacob’s family. His parents and brother were seated at the head table where the wedding party was to sit. You allowed Kevin to take you towards the table as Jacob noticed you two.
He came up to the both of you with a huge smile. “There you two are! I was wondering when the most important pair of my wedding party would show up.”
You and Kevin both smiled as Jacob pulled you both into a hug. He pulled back from Kevin as he walked off to hand Mina the flowers he brought.
“I’m about to go steal your fiancé.” Kevin said jokingly.
Jacob rolled his eyes at his friend as he turned back to you. You gave Jacob a smile as he pulled you in for another hug.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Jacob said softly.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Cobie. This is your second big day because the wedding is obviously going to be the true big day.” You replied.
Just as you said that, you saw him. Your smile faltered slightly as Jacob let his eyes follow your gaze. There, standing in the middle of the ballroom, was none other than Lee Jaehyun. He let out a sigh before looking at you.
“I know you still have your reservations about him, but I couldn’t not invite him. He’s my friend.” Jacob reasoned.
You shook your head. “I’m not mad at you. I can’t tell you who you can and can’t invite to your engagement party.”
Jacob smiled before stopping. “You should talk to him.”
Shaking your head, Jacob laughed. “Probably not.”
He went to speak again before someone yelled out to him. He gave you a smile before walking off. You took the opportunity to get yourself a glass of champagne as you looked over the decorations that were hung up. Pictures of every moment that had been captured in Jacob and Mina’s relationship hung up all around the room. Each picture with a date and sweet caption written on each photo. The captions written by both Jacob and Mina. You smiled as you heard someone speak from behind you.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it? Their relationship? I think it’s incredible.” Hyunjae’s voice said quietly.
You kept your back to him as he chuckled softly, taking the initiative to step forward so that he was beside you and visible in your peripheral vision.
Hyunjae spoke again. “You look amazing tonight. I mean, you look amazing all the time, but especially tonight. Of course, you’ve always stood out to me.”
You gave him a side eye look that made Hyunjae crack a smile. “What? Are you trying to woo me now?”
The boy shrugged. “I don’t know? Is it working?”
You shook your head, turning your attention back to the pictures hung up on the wall. Reading the sweet captions to yourself, you were pulled out of the moment you had created for yourself by the same boy.
“How have you been?” Hyunjae asked.
Shrugging, you caught the boy’s attention. “I’ve been okay. Found a job that I really like. I met Kevin, and he keeps me pretty busy.”
You turned to point at the boy who you had mentioned as he saw you and gave a friendly wave and a smile. Hyunjae watched the way your face lit up as he looked back at the same boy.
“That’s Kevin? He seems nice.” Hyunjae said.
You chuckled. “He’s incredible, in more ways than one. Should’ve given that girl his number.”
“Wait, he’s not your boyfriend?” Hyunjae asked.
The laugh you let out made Hyunjae laugh himself as you covered your mouth.
“Kevin? My boyfriend? Absolutely not. He’s great, but not my type. I’d much rather keep him as my roommate.” You told him.
Hyunjae felt his heart pick up as he spoke again. “Hey, can we talk outside? Just the two of us.”
You finally turned to look at him fully making Hyunjae lose his breath. You looked absolutely stunning. You just happened to get even more amazing as time went on. You kept your gaze on him and went to answer before being interrupted. The devil, himself, threw an arm around Hyunjae’s shoulders, throwing off the boy.
“Hyunjae! Man it’s been so long. I’ve missed you, bro.” Sunwoo said.
Not wanting to be in his presence any longer, you headed outside to get some fresh air. Sitting outside on your own, you let yourself get lost in the night sky before being interrupted, again.
“There you are. I’m sorry about that.” Hyunjae apologized.
Shrugging, you looked at him. “Still hang out with Sunwoo?”
Hyunjae shook his head, catching you off guard. “No, actually I haven’t hung out with him since you left.”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Oh. I didn’t know that. You know, you didn’t need to cut off a close friendship of yours because of me.”
“Yes I did,” Hyunjae started as he sat down next to you. “You are the love of my life whether you’re with me or you’re not. I know my crazy friendship with Sunwoo was a part of the reason you left. I was hoping that distancing myself from him would bring you back to me. Jacob rarely gave me updates, and you never really gave anything away on your social media. I just tried to do everything I could to get you back.”
His statement made you scoot closer. “Sunwoo’s your best friend.”
“And you’re my everything. No matter what, you forever have my heart.” Hyunjae told you softly, looking you in the eyes this time.
Your breath got caught in your throat. “I love you, too.”
“Y-you do? Even after everything?” Hyunjae asked softly.
You nodded. “I never stopped. I think that's why I never bothered to get back out on the dating scene. Despite how hard Jacob and Kevin tried, I didn’t want to be with someone else. I guess I was just always holding on to this hope that we’d be able to try again. Truth be told, Jacob invited a lot of his single friends because he wanted me to mingle with them.”
Hyunjae laughed. “Glad I got to you first then.”
You laughed alongside Hyunjae as he leaned closer to you, his hand now placed lightly above yours, both your pinkies interlocked.
“I missed you.” Hyunjae said softly.
You smiled to yourself as you turned to look at the boy. He leaned his forehead against yours as you took the first step, moving your head just enough to peck his lips.
“Does this mean you’re going to come home with me?” Hyunjae asked.
You pulled away as a mischievous smile made its way to your face. “You’ll have to go, and fight Kevin for me first.”
Hyunjae grinned. “Name the time and the place, my love.”
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btxtreads · 4 years
Underneath the Stars | H.Kai
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➳ The stars will always shine, even if it can never shine brighter than the moon.
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↳ Pairing: Hueningkai x Reader
↳ word count: 4.4k
↳ genre: fluff, like a tinee bit of angst, messy bc i was writing this with no idea of what plot to do also i think the ending is rushed but i still went past 12kst so what use was that rush sakjsjka, Hogwarts AU with a babie hufflepuff kai!
↳a/n: Belated happy birthday hueningie. Ningningdungies enjoy this half-baked Hufflepuff Kai fic
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It was a cloudy day, perfect for students as they walked around aimlessly at the grounds before the anticipated quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff started.
Hueningkai, the Hufflepuff seeker, should have been making his way down to the Quidditch Pitch.
That’s why Y/N was so confused why they chose to be up in the owlery—laughing maniacally at her in amusement.
“Why are you even here?” She whined, clutching her letter to her chest.
“Well, I was curious why you weren’t in the stands to cheer me and Taehyun on,” Kai grinned, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner. “Clearly, you’re more interested in sending a letter to a certain Slytherin,”
Kai laughed again, dogding a flying shoe courtesy of the girl.
“Good aim, want me to train you for Chaser?” Kai said nonchalantly, walking closer to the owls.
“No, thank you. Shouldn’t you be down at the pitch?” Y/N sighed in irritation, clutching the letter closer to her as he scooted closer—his eyes trained on the small envelope.
“Not going without you,” Kai snorted, crossing his arms. “What did you even say in the letter?”
“I’m going to confess—tonight at the Astronomy tower,” Y/N declared firmly, before burning red again as she shot Kai a small pout. “Do you think he’ll like me.”
Kai only gave her a small smile.
“He’d be stupid if he didn’t,” Kai grinned, gesturing his head over to the envelope. “Now, come on. Send that off and let’s go, we have a match.”
Y/N huffed, raising the envelope to Beomgyu’s owl—watching as it opened its wings and flew off to drop the anonymous envelope to Beomgyu.
It’s been a year, huh? Can we meet at the astronomy tower at midnight? I have something to ask you about the Yule Ball in a few weeks. -your admirer.
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Y/N has always been around Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai for as long as she can remember.
Growing up, the five boys were practically hounding at her every day.
Soobin was her older brother, the perfect brother one can have—doting but not too overbearing, talented and charming, smart but can be airheaded most times.
It was through him that she met Yeonjun, his soon-to-be best friend and new next-door-neighbor.
Of course, that automatically meant meeting Yeonjun’s little brother, Beomgyu.
The mischievous pest warmed up really quickly to her—what with their mutual desire to torture their older brothers with endless pranks.
Then, they met Taehyun and Hueningkai through their parents.
Kai’s mother and Taehyun’s father were good friends with their parents, as well as Yeonjun’s and Beomgyu’s.
Of course, a reunion between old friends means a meeting between their children—and the moment Y/N met Kai she swore she found her other half.
Platonically speaking.
Sure, Taehyun and Beomgyu were so in sync with him, and Soobin and Yeonjun were just the perfect hyungs to be.
Y/N was different.
She was instantly hooked the first time he gave her the softest smile—introducing himself as “Hueningie” instead of his actual name of Kai and offering a cuddle of his plushie as a welcoming gift.
It wasn’t until they were around 10 years old when Y/N started realizing what love was—it was what she felt for her other best friend—Beomgyu.
Of course, Hueningkai knew this.
Of course, he didn’t say anything.
Even if he knew her love would hurt him in the long run.
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Y/N rushed, hands shaking as she made her way up the Astronomy to finally tell Beomgyu how she’s felt for years.
She made sure she wouldn’t make him wait—going there thirty minutes before even the agreed time.
But it seems like someone beat her to the punch—two someones.
By the observation deck stood Beomgyu, cheeks burning red as he conversed with a short girl with long brown hair.
Lee Daeun—Slytherin, one of the prettiest in her house, and Beomgyu’s crush since freshman year.
He swore up and down that he grew out of his crush on her—obviously not with the way he blushed a bright red.
“This is you?” Beomgyu asked as he held a couple of envelopes in his hands—all love letters that Y/N herself wrote throughout the duration of the year.
“Yes,” Daeun replied shyly as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I really liked you, Beomgyu, so I thought I should send you some letters,”
Beomgyu smiled softly.
“You do?”
“I do,”
“What did you want to ask me?” Beomgyu asked gently, hand reaching out to grab the girl’s.
“Will you take me to the Yule Ball, Beomie?” Daeun asked, using Kai’s childhood nickname that only Y/N was allowed to use.
Instead of bringing that up, Beomgyu’s eyes brightened up as his smile widened even more.
As Y/N watched the scene from a the doorway, arms circled around her waist and a chin rested on her head.
“It’s okay,” Kai sighed, tightening his grip.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked, hand trailing down to grip his tightly.
Hueningkai buried his face in her hair, muttering as his eyes locked onto the scene in front of him—Daeun giggling non-stop as Beomgyu smiled brightly.
“I’m here to tease you,”
“Then tease me,” Y/N replied, voice wavering. “Tell me how stupid I am for falling in love with one of my best friends.”
“Falling in love with your best friend isn’t stupid,” 
Y/N didn’t reply, watching as Beomgyu leaned forward and planted a kiss on Daeun’s lips.
Kai didn’t speak as Y/N turned around, burying her head in his chest and starting to cry.
He just tightened his grip on her.
“Falling in love with your best friend hurts, Kai,”
Kai smiled sadly.
“I know,” Kai said. “I know how it feels,”
There, four beating hearts stood underneath the same bright stars—nothing but the shining moon to witness the pain and heartache.
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The next day, Kai sat next to Y/N and Soobin in the Gryffindor table—chewing happily on a pancake.
Mina, the Gryffindor prefect passed by.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the Hufflepuff table?”
Kai only grinned.
Soobin, who was the other Gryffindor prefect, waved his hand nonchalantly.
“It’s nothing big,” Soobin replied, tearing into another piece of bread—continuing his statement with a mouthful. “People do it all the time,”
“I’m sorry—house divisions exist for a reason. Tables are separate for a reason and—“ Mina’s eyes hardened, mouth opening to argue more.
A body decked in an emerald green plopped down next to Soobin with a groan.
“It’s 7:00 AM on a Sunday, Mina,” Yeonjun glared. “Literally take that stick out of your arse and leave us alone,”
“A Slytherin—“
“Leave or I’ll tell Professor Binns you cheated on your History of Magic exam yesterday, Ms. Prefect,” Yeonjun hissed, effectively shutting down the girl.
After Mina huffed and marched away, Yeonjun rolled his eyes.
“Good morning,”
Soobin greeted back—mouth still full of bread loaves—while Hueningkai waved.
Y/N just gave a weak smile.
“Why are you here?” Soobin asked once he swallowed down his food.
Taehyun arrived, sitting down next to Hueningkai—his blue robes standing out.
“Is it because Beomgyu and his new girlfriend are getting too disgusting?” Taehyun asked, reaching out to take a slice of meat from the serving plate in front of Hueningkai.
“It’s 7 in the morning—I have no patience for that crap—“ Yeonjun said, before raising his voice. “Or you, Mina—shut it!”
Soobin continued chewing, eyebrows furrowing inquisitively.
“Wait,” Soobin tilted his head. “He has a girlfriend now?”
“Yeah, Lee Daeun,” Yeonjun grumbled.
“But—“ Soobin started, is eyes falling on his sister. “Oh, so that’s why.”
“Can we not talk about this?” Y/N asked.
“Talk about what?” Beomgyu’s voice asked as he appeared behind them, hands on Y/N’s shoulders happily.
“Nothing,” Kai grumbled as Beomgyu raised an eyebrow.
“Okay?” He laughed, hand tugging on the sheepish girl behind him. “Everyone, this is Daeun. My girlfriend.”
Y/N didn’t react, only continuing to poke with her food.
“Hi,” Yeonjun grumbled.
“How exactly did this happen?” Soobin piped up.
“Or when?” Taehyun added.
“Last night,” Beomgyu recalled happily. “Remember the letters I’ve been getting? It’s all her.”
Soobin and Yeonjun—who both found out about the letters—and Taehyun—who, much to the dismay of Kai, suggested Y/N do the letters—all widened their eyes to look at the Slytherin girl giggling next to Beomgyu.
“No, she isn’t,” Yeonjun said, pursing his lips at the glare Kai sent his way.
“I am,” Daeun said happily, giggling as she leaned on Beomgyu’s arm. “And now we’re dating and going to the Yule Ball,”
Before anyone could say anything, Y/N slammed her fork on the table and wiped her lips with a napkin.
“I’m not hungry anymore.” Y/N said.
Beomgyu furrowed her eyebrows.
“Y/N, you barely ate.”
“I lost my appetite.”
“But why—“
“That’s because anyone would lose their appetite with you and your girlfriend around, Choi,” a voice declared. “I would retch.”
Kai groaned, head slamming on the table in exasperation.
Soobin continued eating as Yeonjun started to mix a cup of coffee for him and Taehyun—invested in the scene in front of them.
Beomgyu’s eyes immediately darkened as he looked over at the approaching Gryffindor.
It was true—no matter how much a Slytherin or a Gryffindor liked each others’ houses, there’s always that one person from another house that they hate.
In Beomgyu’s case, that was Song Hanbin.
“I don’t recall you being part of the conversation,” Beomgyu quipped to which Hanbin only smirked.
“I don’t recall your friends inviting you over to eat with them,” Hanbin shot back.
“Technically, we invited no one—they just came on their own,” Soobin said, which was ignored.
“Anyways, Choi, don’t worry your pretty little head—I’m not here for you,” Hanbin said. “I’m here for Y/N.”
The said girl’s head shot up, along with Kai’s.
Hanbin turned, smiling over at Y/N.
“I think you’re really beautiful, and I’ve been admiring you from afar for years now,” Hanbin started.
At this point, Hueningkai’s eyes were wide open—a signal for help sent to his hyungs, who were the only ones who knew about his feelings for Y/N.
Granted, he felt weird that her older brother was so invested in his sister’s love affairs.
Soobin and Yeonjun only exchanged a look of panic, Taehyun next to them signalling a cut across his neck.
“Stop it now!” Taehyun mouthed.
“I think you’re a really smart, captivating girl,” Hanbin continued. “And I’d really like it if you went to the Yule Ball with me,”
At this point, Y/N’s eyes darted all over her friends’ faces.
Beomgyu was positively fuming while Hueningkai was burning bright red in panic.
“She’s not going with you,” Beomgyu replied for Y/N.
“Well, that’s not your choice, is it? Focus on your girlfriend.” Hanbin replied, mocking Beomgyu before Y/N spoke.
“I’m not going with you—“ Y/N said. “I’m going with Hueningie,”
At this, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Soobin and even Kai himself stopped—freezing as Y/N smiled over at Hanbin.
“Thank you, Hanbin. I’m flattered, but I’m already going as Kai’s date.”
“You are?” Kai squeaked as Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows.
“That’s unfortunate,” Hanbin smiled, shrugging as he backed away. “Better luck next time, eh?”
“Sure,” Y/N nodded, looking back at Kai.
“You’re going with me?” Kai said, a hopeful tone to his voice.
“Of course,” Y/N started, but was cut off by Beomgyu shaking his head.
“No, you’re not?” Beomgyu said, making Y/N turn to him.
“Why not?”
“You don’t like him, right?” Beomgyu said. “Why are you going on a dance with him?”
“None of your concern, Beomie, or maybe I should just call you Beomgyu.” Y/N sighed, standing up and sending an exasperated nod to a frozen Daeun.
“Huh?” Beomgyu asked.
“Have a nice day,” Y/N cracked a small smile as she nodded over to the couple.
As she left, Kai stood up—shooting Beomgyu an incredulous look.
“Next time, try to clarify who exactly you’re talking to and meeting,” Kai said. “Daeun didn’t send those letters.”
Kai left, following Y/N.
One by one, Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun took their leave.
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Hogsmeade—the district next to Hogwarts where students frequent to do their purchases and spend on a whim during their stay in Hogwarts.
Soobin and Yeonjun—one of the most sought-after in the school—decided to play a prank on their admirers by going to the ball together.
When offered to buy dress robes together, Yeonjun and Soobin refused to go with Kai and Y/N, choosing to go to instead head to the Shrieking Shack (which the both of them have seen a couple of times already, but still frequent to scare the innocent students looking at it for the first time).
Taehyun decided to be a lone wolf—stating that he’d either leave early or make fun of people with Soobin and Yeonjun.
For dress robes, he said he made a promise to go with his Ravenclaw buddies.
No one has talked to Beomgyu since that day with Daeun.
All five promised to meet up at Three Broomsticks at exactly 7 in the evening. It was currently only 2 in the afternoon.
Kai and Y/N found themselves in Gladrag’s Wizardwear—only among the selected few who decided to go for dressrobes first.
Taehyun was already finished by the time they arrived—waving a goodbye and promising to be at Three Broomsticks.
“Yeonjun and Soobin are going to be stuck in line later,” Y/N said as she thumbed through the selection of dresses.
Kai, with arms already holding a brand new set of plain black dress robes, snorted.
“We did tell them to come with us,” Hueningkai said, eyes locking onto Y/N’s arms. “Will you be wearing all of these?”
“Trying out some of them, yeah,”
“I think you look really beautiful in blue,” Kai said, burning bright red when Y/N looked at him in shock. “Just—Just a suggestion,”
Y/N smiled softly.
“What about red?”
“I think you look beautiful in everything,” Kai said, coughing akwardly as he looked off to the side. “I just really like blue.”
In the end, Y/N got a beautiful blue dress and they left the store with bags carried in Kai’s left hand, and Y/N holding the other.
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Hands still tightly clutched in Hueningkai’s, Y/N pouted as she tried to choose what flavor of no-melt ice cream she would purchase for the day.
“Maybe mint chocolate?” Kai suggested making the girl wince, looking over at the boy who was already eating his own ice cream in the wretched flavor.
“That’s disgusting,” Y/N hissed, scrunching her nose up in disgust. “It’s like eating cold toothpaste.”
“No, it’s not!” Hueningkai argued, making the girl roll her eyes and settle on a flavor.
“Vanilla with Cookie Dough, please,” Y/N requested.
“That’s so boring,” Kai commented as Y/N received her own cup.
“You’re boring!” Y/N shot back.
With a grin, Hueningkai shoved a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream in Y/N’s mouth—laughing maniacally.
Y/N whined as she pulled the spoon out.
“It tastes so weird,” Y/N groaned.
Hueningkai laughed as Y/N continued to whine, stopping when he saw Y/N’s lips with a small crumb of ice cream.
“Your—uh—“ Kai said. “You have um—“
Kai didn’t reply, reaching out and brushing the corner of her lips.
Y/N’s eyes widened as Hueningkai blushed, brushing the crumb off of his hand.
“You had a—“ Hueningkai stopped, eyes locking with Y/N’s. “Something.”
Y/N didn’t speak, eyes searching his as Hueningkai started to lean down.
“Excuse me, are you guys still in line?”
Y/N flinched, stepping back in surprise as Hueningkai turned to a bored-looking Slytherin.
“Oh, uh, no,” Kai replied, hastily pulling Y/N out of the way. “Sorry,”
“Next time, make out somewhere more private than a sweets shop.”
Y/N blushed red as Hueningkai stammered.
Next to them, the ice cream clerk was smiling.
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Y/N sat next to Hueningkai in Three Broomsticks—laughing loudly as Yeonjun and Soobin started to argue about some stupid things.
Taehyun smirked off at the side, chiming in every once in a while to aid either party to make the argument bigger and bigger.
Hueningkai and Y/N sat side by side, hands awfully close to one another.
The Hufflepuff breathed deeply, ready to grab Y/N’s hand and intertwine it with his before—
“Hi,” A voice greeted meekly, revealing a shy Slytherin walking up to the table.
“Beomgyu?” Y/N asked in surprise as Beomgyu stepped forward. “Where’s Daeun?”
Beomgyu pursed his lips, shaking his head.
Y/N’s eyes turned sympathetic, hand reaching out to land on Beomgyu’s arm.
“Beomie, it’s okay, you don’t deserve a liar,” Y/N said, smiling.
Beomgyu only smiled, squeezing her hand on his arm.
“Will you meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight, then?”
Y/N chuckled.
“Sure, if you sit down and eat right now.” Y/N smiled back.
Yeonjun snorted, resuming his argument with Soobin.
Beomgyu smiled and took a seat next to Y/N.
At the side, Hueningkai retracted his hand next to Y/N’s.
He’ll probably have to stay with Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun for the Yule Ball.
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Y/N reached the top of the Astronomy Tower, smiling slightly at the sight of Beomgyu sitting on the ledge of the observation deck.
“Hi,” Beomgyu replied, still looking up at the stars.
“Just you?” Y/N asked, making Beomgyu laughed as he glanced over at her.
“I promise—no Daeun this time,” Beomgyu said, patting the spot next to him. “Sit.”
“What if I fall?”
“I won’t let you,” Beomgyu smiled, hand steadying the girl as she plopped on the spot next to the boy.
There was a beat of silence before Beomgyu sighed.
“This is how it should have been,” He started, eyes drifting towards Y/N. “Isn’t it?”
Y/N only hummed, chuckling softly.
“Maybe, but things happen.”
Beomgyu smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“So you made me all those letters, huh?”
Y/N winced, shrugging.
“Yeah, blame Taehyun.”
“Oh, I will,” Beomgyu snorted. “He told me you didn’t like me,”
Y/N laughed, looking at Beomgyu. “Well, I told him to.”
Beomgyu only sighed, smiling as he combed a hand through her hair.
“I liked you, Y/N, I always have.” Beomgyu said. “If it was you, and not Daeun, that I met up here that night, it would have been you and me,”
“I was up here, that night,” Y/N shared, shaking her head. “I saw what happened—how she told you it was her and everything.”
“And the kiss?”
Beomgyu winced, making Y/N chuckle.
“It’s fine, you know. I had Kai—he followed me,” Y/N explained.
Beomgyu nodded, hand taking hers.
“You know, Y/N,” Beomgyu said. “If you asked me now, I’d say yes.”
Y/N smiled softly—the past few weeks rolling around in her brain.
The one person who cared about her enough to follow her every step of the way, who was there when she got hurt that night.
The one who was there to pick up the pieces and side with her throughout all this time.
The one who always hid in the shadows and backed off when Y/N decided that, no, she wanted to be with Beomgyu instead of him.
She stayed silent, only looking up at Beomgyu who grinned understandingly.
“Yeah, okay,” Beomgyu laughed, making Y/N smile in relief. “So, you don’t like me anymore?”
“Oh, I do,” Y/N laughed. “You’re my best friend, Beomie—I’ll always like you,”
“But?” “Not as much as I used to,” Y/N snorted.
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow as Y/N fiddled with her fingers.
“There’s someone else.”
“I, uh, realized I always liked him—I just never knew.” Y/N explained, groaning at Beomgyu’s teasing smirk. “Shut up, Choi.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“I know you’re thinking it!”
Beomgyu laughed shaking his head as he leaned back on his hands.
“In the back of my mid, I kind of always knew.” Beomgyu hummed, making Y/N sigh.
Beomgyu turned to his best friend, dusting his robes.
“Do you want me to walk you back to the Gryffindor tower?”
“I think I’ll stay for a bit.”
Beomgyu nodded, smiling and kissing her on the cheek.
“Good luck,” he said.
“Thank you,” Y/N muttered, eyes trained up as her heart felt a little lighter.
There she sat, under the shine of the stars—her heart admitting the words her heart always knew.
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Hueningkai stammered as Beomgyu dragged him to the Gryffindor tower, straight from the entrance of the Hufflepuff dorms.
“Beomgyu, wh—“
Hueningkai fussed, successfully shaking the boy off of his arm by the entrance to the Gryffindor towers.
“Kau, where the hell were you?” Yeonjun whined.
Soobin only tilted his head inquisitively as Taehyun seemed unbothered.
“I was—I was planning to come to the Great Hall when the ball started—“
“You had a date,” Beomgyu hissed. “Dude, really?”
Kai furrowed his eyebrows.
“But—“ Kai stammered. “I thought you and her—“
“No, Kai,” Beomgyu sighed, an exasperated smile on his face.
Kai jumped in surprise, heads turning to Y/N as she exited the Gryffindor tower with a soft smile.
Hueningkai melted on the spot as he saw the blue dress Y/N had picked on their trip to Hogsmeade when he mentioned he liked blue.
He stammered on the spot as Y/N walked over.
Yeonjun and Soobin looked on in amusement, wiping fake tears off of their faces as they muttered about how “they grow up so fast,”
Taehyun and Beomgyu looked on proudly, chattering amongst themselves.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Hueningkai started as he offered out his arm, scrunching his face. “I meant you look beautiful every night, but especially tonight—I—“
“Thanks, Kai,” Y/N smiled, looping her arm through his. “You look beautiful too.”
He only smiled.
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A swirl of colors mixed on the dance floor.
Laughter and excitement filled the Great Hall.
By the buffet table, Yeonjun and Soobin fought over the last piece of loaved bread.
Taehyun and Beomgyu idly conversed in a nearby table.
Kai and Y/N awkwardly held hands, slow-dancing upon the insistence of Beomgyu and Taehyun. (Yeonjun and Soobin actually couldn’t be bothered because they were more concerned with the food table.)
Kai coughed softly, blushing a bright red as Y/N smiled in amusement.
“Are you feeling weird?” Y/N asked making Hueningkai shake his head.
“No, I’m okay,”
“You feel awkward?” Y/N laughed as Kai shook his head. “Come on, let’s go out,”
Kai breathed heavily as Y/N pulled him away, her eyes locking with Beomgyu who shot her a thumbs up.
Hueningkai burned a bright red as they exited the Great Hall and made their way to the Black Lake.
“What, are you drowning me today?” Kai teased as he sat by the shoreline.
Y/N snorted, tilting her head.
“Yeah, probably,” Y/N grinned, about to take a seat if it wasn’t for Hueningkai gasping.
“Wait, no—“
Hueningkai pulled off his dress robes and set it on the ground.
Y/N shot him a tiny smile and sat, arms wrapping around her knees.
“So,” Hueningkai said, pursing his lips as Y/N glanced up at the bright moon.
“Remember how we used to look up at the night sky when we were kids?” Y/N asked, making Kai laugh.
“Yeah,” Kai snorted. “I remember we used to say we’d run away with Beomgyu, Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun on broomsticks and live off of Chocolate Frogs and Licorice Wands,”
“Simpler times,” Y/N smiled. “That was before I had a crush on Beomgyu.”
At the mention of the older Slytherin, Hueningkai practically deflated on the spot.
He looked back up at the night sky, eyes trailing over at the moon.
“I think I’m like the stars,” Hueningkai said.
“I’m always there, always shining and waiting for someone to see me—but I always get ignored for the moon,” Hueningkai explained, a penchant look on his face as Y/N turned to him. “but even if I am, I’ll stay there—waiting for that one shot to be seen, even if it’s the time I fall,”
Y/N didn’t reply, leaning her head on her knees as Kai continued to rant.
“I-I—“ Kai said, looking back down at the girl. “I’m a star just waiting for you to see me,”
Y/N smiled softly as Kai continued.
“Y/N, I like you,” Kai breathed heavily, almost as if relieved he spoke the words. “I’ve been holding this back for years and now it’s out. I like you.”
Y/N straightened up, smiling widely.
“Really, and it feels so light to say it—wow. I mean I know you like Beomgyu, and by all the means go for him, but I just really want to admit it and—“
Courage is one of the qualities encompassed by a Gryffindor.
It took great courage for Y/N to lean forward to plant a quick kiss on Hueningkai’s lips.
Kai stopped his rambling, eyes wide as he looked over at Y/N.
His first kiss.
Y/N pulled away, smiling shyly as she looked back up.
“Yeah, yeah,” She scoffed lightheartedly. “I like you, too.”
Hueningkai blinked, hand creeping up to touch his lips.
“You-You kissed me?”
“Shut up,” Y/N snorted, burning bright red in embarrassment. “It was my first kiss too, you know,”
Hueningkai’s smile slowly appeared, widening rapidly as he relaxed in his seat.
Y/N shifted, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulders.
“The stars look beautiful tonight—“ Y/N said. “Brighter than the moon, even.”
Hueningkai only smiled, turning his head to the side as he laid another soft kiss on her lips underneath the blanket of the brightest stars.
175 notes · View notes
lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
A story by Heroes and Vilains. Logan Anker: Allies
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No man is an island. We all need others to rely on.
Previous chapters in masterpost
“You are sure I don’t have to compensate you for your trouble? Yesterday was only a few hours but…”
“Virgil is an absolute angel Logan. He is no trouble at all. You get to work,” Celine assured him.
Logan nodded and knelt down to look at Virgil.
“I have to go to work Virgil. But I will be back in the evening okay?” he asked calmly.
Virgil nodded, squeezing his Stitch tightly to his chest.
“If you need me, just ask for me okay? Promise?” Logan asked.
“Pwomise,” Virgil said as he stepped forward, putting his arms around Logan’s neck in a hug.
“Bye papa,” he said before letting go.
Logan smiled a little and ruffled Virgil’s hair. “Be a good boy okay?”
Virgil nodded again. Logan got up and left, forcing himself not to look back. He felt like he had more trouble with being apart from Virgil then the other way around. Which he supposed was a good sign. It meant Virgil was enjoying his time with the neighbors and that they were as nice as they seemed.
Thomas, as the dean of the college Logan would be teaching at, was of course the one to show him around campus. It was a pleasant work environment as far as Logan could tell.
Big open spaces, the lecture halls were well lit and had good airflow.
Not to mention state of the art educational material and…
“Oh, Thomas! There you are! I was looking for you all over, but then Talyn told me you were showing around a new professor and…” Logan looked up at the cheerful voice and his eyes found a freckled face holding two wide, innocently blue eyes. When their eyes locked the man cut of his rant.
“Oh… Hi,” the man smiled a little sheepishly.
Logan collected himself and approached the man to greet him. “Greetings. I am Logan Anker. I will be starting here next fall,” he explained.
“Patton Bonair! Very nice to meet you,” the man, Dr. Bonair shook his hand excitedly and while normally he would find that overwhelming or even annoying, there was such a pure sincere joy in his eyes that he could only classify the behavior as endearing.
“I teach moral philosophy. Just started last year not too long before our new dean here. We’re all so proud of Thomas for getting that position! He is young, but he is very fit for the job just you wait and see!”
Logan could appreciate Paton sticking up for Thomas. “Yes. Thomas and I met in high school and I had the pleasure of being his roommate in college. He is a very capable man. I trust him to make well informed decision in the faculty and the student body’s best interest,” Logan assured Patton in turn.
“Oh that’s so exciting!!!” Patton giggled. It was a rather pleasant sound.
“I bet you have tons of fun stories,” the other man winked.
Ah. “Nice try. But I will not be divulging such information,” Logan stated firmly.
“Aw, Logan! I knew you secretly cared.”
“I merely assumed that this would make for a mutual beneficial arrangement. I don’t reveal any personal information about you without your consent and you regard my private life with the same amount of respect,” Logan stressed. Not comfortable in showing any kind of fondness for his ally and friend. Not in front of a stranger. Not even if it was a very kind and cute stranger.
One who was watching the exchanged with a very sweet smile and now clapped his hands in excitement as the lights of an idea sparkled in his eyes.
“Why don’t you come over next Friday for movie night? You can get to know some more people and…”
“Apologies but I have prior commitments,” Logan stated before Patton got too worked up over the evening.
“Oh…” Patton deflated at that. “Well I’m sorry I didn’t…”
“Don’t take it personal Pat. Logan isn’t trying to get out of spending time with you. If he was he would just say he didn’t want to come. Trust me,” Thomas explained.
Logan nodded. “Indeed. Speaking of which I should get settled in. I wanted to call Virgil over my break,” he stated as he swiftly left the room.
Virgil was, from the sound of it, doing rather well in his absence. Logan assured him that he would be home soon before hanging up and getting ready to join Thomas in the basement.
Time to get settled into his role as a manufacturer of support items for heroes and a tutor for young heroes in training.
He donned his disguise and his new Shade glasses that cast a shadow over his face so that even someone who stood nose to nose with him wouldn’t be able to discern any facial features or the voice modifier he was wearing to make his voice more monotone and robotic.
He arrived in a conference room where Manifestor and one other person were waiting for him.
“Ah! Brain Storm! Let me introduce you to Sweets. He is an empath and will be assisting you in teaching any young heroes in training. Sweets you’ve probably heard of Brain Storm.”
Logan prepared for judgement and distrust… But that was not what he got.
“It is very nice to meet you,” Sweets stated warmly as he offered his hand. He seemed sincere.
Logan simply nodded. Distance was key. Sweets was clearly disappointed to find him unwilling to exchange more than the most basic of pleasantries. With his colleagues it was hard to escape. But down here, Thomas could explain his aversion to closeness of any kind.
He had a handle on his gift around Virgil. Having him as an emotional anchor actually helped prevent any flare ups even when he lost hold of his emotions.
Maybe he should discuss possible ways to extend this effect to his work environment in some way with Picani next week.
“Oh like a talisman? That sounds like an excellent idea Logan. I must say I am proud of you for making so much progress on your own!” Picani told him warmly.
“It would be nice if you could allow yourself to actually get along with your colleagues. Both as Logan and as Brainstorm,” he finished.
Logan wasn’t sure if he needed that. He did care about being able to actually express some excitement while giving lectures next semester. But he didn’t think any of his colleagues would really benefit from a friendship with him. He was already at his limit of social pleasantries when interacting with his helpful neighbors and he liked them well enough. Thomas wasn’t as exhausting since he knew all his edges and accepted them for what they were. People like Patton were better off never having to deal with those.
When he went to pick up Virgil that evening David opened the door with a smile.
“They are in the garden,” he told him as he led him to the backdoor.
He opened the door and both men looked around, trying to spot the boys.
When they found them though they saw Virgil curled up in a ball shaking with sobs as Janus tried to comfort his friend.
“Virgil!!!?” Logan called out as he rushed over. Virgil stiffened and tightened his hold of his legs.
Logan let himself fall to his knees. “What happened? Are you hurt?” he whispered in an attempt to soothe him with a softer tone of voice. Virgil didn’t respond.
Logan looked up to the other boy. “Janus? What happened here?” he asked desperately wanting to know what had happened to his son.
Janus bit his lip nervously and shook his head. “I don’t know…”
Well obviously that was a lie. “Janus… you are not in trouble. But you will be if you lie about this. Now what happened to Virgil?” he tried to stay calm but he was on his last nerve. The only reason why things weren’t exploding left and right was because he had his hands on his shaking son who he didn’t want to frighten any more.
Janus looked down. “Stitch,” he muttered.
Logan let out a sigh of relief and turned back to Virgil.
“Virgil… are you upset because your Stich got torn or dirty?” Logan guessed.
Virgil hiccupped and a faint move of his head seemed like a nod.
“Can I see him? Maybe I can repair the damage?” he suggested gently.
Virgil looked up tears and snot running down his face. On any other kid it would have undoubtedly repulsed Logan. But this was Virgil and so he only cared that his son was upset.
“Not mad?” he wondered.
Logan allowed a gentle smile. “Of course not. Accidents happen. I am just glad you aren’t hurt. Now let me see…”
Virgil let go of his legs and retrieved the plush from it’s hiding place against his stomach. A good chunk of the ear had come off. From the looks of it it would be easier to cut off the top bit and close the lower one up.
And Logan had an idea of how to soften the blow of the loss of stitch’s ear.
“I think I can do something about this. Let’s go home,” he told Virgil.
His son nodded and waved goodbye to his friend.
Once home Logan got to work. He cut and sewed and he dug in his desk for a surprise for Virgil.
He came back downstairs and handed Virgil the repaired doll. Virgil inspected the shorter ear for a minute and then nodded in approval. “Little, broken, good,” he murmured. Paraphrasing his favorite quote of his favorite movie.
“Indeed and look.” Logan showed the little pouch he’d made from the remains of the ear.
And then he opened the box he’d retrieved from his desk. Virgil’s eyes widened when he noticed it contained all the rocks and leaves and feathers he’d given Logan over the past month. All things that Virgil had considered valuable and so they meant the world to Logan.
“How about we pick out some things to bring with me tomorrow? To keep me safe?”
He was in the unique position where this wasn’t a lie to give the child some sense of control over the separation with their parental figure. This ‘talisman’ would help him keep himself grounded, to remind himself why he couldn’t make mistakes.
Virgil smiled and nodded and carefully selected the best treasures and put them on Logan’s palm, one after the other so he could put them in. Logan took as much care with his task as Virgil did.
“There. Now, how about dinner?”
“Okay Virgil, dad has to go now. You be good to Janus’ papa okay? I’ll see you tonight,” Logan promised as he finished off his daily check in call with his son.
“Bye, bye daddy! Luv you!” Logan felt his heart fill with warmth at that. “Love you too Virgil,” he said softly. Virgil had only recently started saying ‘I love you’, and he seemed to understand the weight of the words, if the look in his eyes every time he used them was anything to go by. Logan was not usually comfortable with voicing his feelings, not even to Virgil. But over the phone he felt less vulnerable and had an easier time returning the sentiment.
“Hi Logan. How are you settling in?”
Logan looked up and was rather happy to see Patton walk in.
He would be foolish not to acknowledge the butterflies in his stomach every time Patton entered a room. But he had no time for relationships, he was still getting used to being a father. Not to mention, he did not trust himself around others enough to even consider letting a stranger in that much. No Virgil had to be his priority and he was already going through enough changes as it was. Besides, who wanted to date a man with a two year old toddler?
“Patton. I am doing quite well. I feel like I am ready for the start of the year.” He gestured to his desk, which he had made his own. An old space themed mug to hold his pens, a clear box for notecards in case he needed to write himself reminders and of course a picture of Virgil taking a nap with his Stitch and his blanket.
“Oh! Who is that precious little angel!” Patton squealed pointing at the picture.
Logan couldn’t help a smile. “Virgil. My… My son,” he said. It was the first time he called Virgil that out loud and it filled him with a warm pride.
“Oh… That is Virgil… How old is he?” Patton wondered beaming at him in a way only Patton could make look sincere.
“Two. Though he’s only been my son for the past two months. He’s rather well behaved for his age.” Logan caught himself about to start boasting about his boy and smiled apologetically at Patton.
“You sound very happy to have him,” Patton pointed out.
“I am…. He is my entire world,” Logan confessed.
Logan kept going to see Picani once a week for about two years. He didn’t stop going after that. But he didn’t need the weekly sessions anymore and he preferred to spend that time with Virgil.
Teaching was every bit as fulfilling as he’d hoped it would be and his talisman worked without fail.
So far he had yet to be involved with any heroes in training. Keeping to developing exercises for civilian gifted, reviewing data and creating tech for sanctioned active heroes.
Virgil and Janus had made it through kindergarten together and had just begun elementary school.
And for whatever reason Virgil had decided  to start playing matchmaker. So Logan sat him down to explain homosexuality to him, in terms Virgil would understand.
“It isn’t funny Thomas,” Logan grumbled over lunch while his friend was figuratively dying of laughter.
“What isn’t funny?” Patton wondered as he joined them.
“Virgil tried to set Logan up with some random woman from the park and he decided now was a good time to…” Thomas stopped himself and looked at Logan questioningly.
“It is fine Thomas. I see no reason to keep this from Patton.” He turned to their kindhearted friend. If anyone was going to be accepting it’d be him right.
“I came out as gay to my son this weekend.” He then turned back to Thomas.
“And there is no point in hiding this from him. If we want the LGBTQ+ community to get normalized we have to start with treating it as normal in front of the children, wouldn’t you agree?”
Thomas thought of that for a moment and nodded. “Yes, I suppose you are right. Should I come out next time I see him then?” Thomas wondered.
“You can if you want to.”
Logan would come to regret that later. Because Virgil’s conclusion to that revelation was that he should get uncle Thomas to be his dad’s boyfriend.
Time just kept spinning out of control and before Logan knew it, Virgil was in middle school.
It wasn’t long before Virgil made a new friend there. He and Janus were spending a lot of time with a boy named Remus, as Logan came to understand. They never invited him over as far as he was aware, but he was with them often during recess.
Until one day at the start of seventh grade Virgil came home rather upset. Remus was pulled out of school due to a rather persistent bullying problem.
“Why didn’t you tell me about that Virgil? Me and Mr. and Mrs. Bullard we could have talked to the teachers and…”
“I thought you’d say I couldn’t be friends with him anymore…” Virgil admitted.
Logan was shocked by that reveal. “Why would I say that?” he asked dumbfounded. When had he ever given Virgil the idea he would prefer he abandon kids who needed a friend the most?
“You say I shouldn’t look for trouble and…”
Oh… Oh. Logan had very soon realized that his son had inherited his birthparent’s selfless and protective nature and he had feared that this would end up getting him in trouble.
So he’d tried to caution him against reckless behavior. This, however, seemed to have left a very wrong impression with his son. That was something he should talk about with Picani.
“Oh, Virgil. I didn’t mean I wanted you to turn away from people who need help. I just meant… Sometimes being brave, being a hero means knowing when you need to ask for help. Promise me that next time, you’ll let people help you okay?”
Virgil nodded and gave him a hug.
And then, not a week later…
“And then this boy pushed the mean kid away and he turned out to be Remus’ twin Roman!”
After that Roman was talked about a lot. Logan had a suspicion that his son had a small crush on the boy and he didn’t know how to feel.
“That is so adorable!” Patton squealed when Logan explained the situation. Logan didn’t know how it had happened exactly. But he often found himself turning to Patton when he sought advice on how to handle certain problems in raising Virgil.
“I’m not ready for him to have crushes though Patton. It is impossible. It feels like only yesterday he struggled to sleep without his blanket and now…” Now his blanket and worn out stitch plushy had gotten a more decorative spot in his son’s room.
How much longer before Logan became just as obsolete?
He gently squeezed the talisman to ground himself and keep his thoughts from spiraling.
“It’s a part of life Logie.” Patton and only Patton got away with calling him that. He didn’t have the heart to ask him to stop.
“But rest assured you will always be important to Virgil. You’re his dad. How can you not be?”
Logan relaxed at that. Right. At the end of the day, Virgil was his son, nothing could change that.
Not even the unforgiving sands of time that had Virgil come down the first day of summer before his freshman year of high school with dyed hair and a new hoodie, announcing himself as bisexual.
Logan felt happy that Virgil felt comfortable telling him this. But also a squeeze in his heart as he realized that once more his boy was growing up.
Virgil had started experimenting with make up a few weeks ago and it was clear he was setting up a shield against the world. Logan just feared that he’d end up being kept out by that shield as well.
@moonlightshow00 @naturallyunstablegamer @alias290 @meowthefluffy @frida0043 @angelic-cali
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docsnotes · 3 years
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Views on Cancel Culture, Woke-ness, Political Correctness & Other Related Issues From The Perspective of an Irrelevant Nobody: Why People Think it Helps & Why it Does Not. By Bradley “Holliday” Rozier I had hoped this first post would be a lot more light-hearted, but after an article and the related tweets I read yesterday, I had to write and share this. So, it is roughly November 2017, I decided to join Greenpeace because I felt it would be a great way to put my mind and anxiety to good use.  Through the connections I made, I ended up with some really good friends and some people who I thought would be a positive asset to my growth and recovery, but ended up not being so.  However, we will get to THAT part later.  First I want to say, generally speaking, I am against most everything the “Woke” movement is against, I simply feel that, tactically speaking, it could and should be handled differently.I was born September 9, 1984 at 10 something PM at what was then “University of Florida Medical Center”, but is now called “UF Health Shands” (Named so after William Augustine Shands, fun fact, W. Shands was not a Doctor, but a politician)  on 8th street in Jacksonville, Florida.  I grew up in culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhood on the northside of town called “Highlands” (named so because it is at a slightly higher elevation than most of the rest of the city) as well as various other places (my biological mother moved, A LOT) so, from an early age, I was presented a multitude of other cultures and backgrounds to embrace and learn from.  The most important factor in this point is my Grandmother, Geraldine Rozier, and my Aunt, Donna Ogle.  Both of whom drilled two very important lessons. Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:31) Treat others as you want to be treated. (‎Matthew 7:12) Now, as many of you know, I have particular disdain for organized religion, as more often than not I see it bring out the worst in people, if you doubt my words, wait for the next thing I post.  Yet, even I can find value in these teachings.  These teachings also come into play with the topic at hand and I feel that this was a necessary preface for what may come out as being exceptionally harsh.  I need you to understand: this is all coming from a place of love and compassion, though I understand how this may be hard to believe as this is my first blog post. This morning, as I drank my coffee and smoked my first cigarette of the day, I was reading a Revolver article about Glenn Danzig (who is easily one of my favorite musicians).  The article was basically him talking about how punk rock could have never have happened in today’s sociopolitical climate. It received A LOT of hate, but the simple fact is, he was right.  Think about this: The Ramones, New York Dolls, The Clash and The Sex Pistols all put out songs that were offencive to some people, however, that was kind of the point.  In 1976 the Ramones put out their self titled debut, on this album was a song called “Beat on The Brat” the 6 repeated lines from this song involve beating some annoying kid with a baseball bat.  On the 1973 self titled New York Dolls debut there is a track called “Looking For A Kiss” which is about pressuring someone to be intimate with the singer.  The Clash, in 1977,again with the self titled debut, has a song called “Protex Blue” which is a song shaming a girl for not being “wholesome” enough.  Finally, The Sex Pistols, who’s name alone may be enough to get them cancelled these days, finally straying from the “self titled” trend with their 1977 debut album “Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols” had a song called “God Save the Queen” which was about anything except saving the Queen.  In today’s world, these bands would have been stopped dead in their tracks and with them, almost 50 years of other artists. Which brings me to what led me to start this and with it, I hope, a dialogue.
The reason people THINK that cancel culture, woke-ness and political correctness works is because it makes THEM feel warm and fuzzy inside.  They got to “stand up” for the “little guy”.  The reality is these people do this for themselves and that is what I am going to illustrate in the next part. The first point I want to make, which I almost didn’t because I didn’t want to seem nationalist, is the Freedom of Speech.  Now, this is often something people mention when trying to explain how “America is the greatest nation on earth.” However, this is not strictly an American right, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217A - 10DEC1948 Code-A/RES/3/217A) which was voted for by 48 Nations, and 8 nations abstained1 states that Freedom of Expression as a fundamental human right.  So, I say this with the full certainty that it is absolutely imperative that ALL people should be allowed to express themselves.
My second point, it is insanely important that we teach ourselves that reality is sometimes offensive.  The world does not walk on eggshells and people will be insensitive, it is a simple fact.  Preparing our children (and ourselves) for this fact is a quintessential part of life.  Now, it would be great if everyone was nice and perfectly well mannered all the time.  If you prepare your children for a flat tire you should prepare them for hurt feelings, conversely, it is also a useful tool in teaching children how they should behave by showing them how they should not act.  Using a negative to teach a positive can be a very effective method.  
Third, let’s talk about being “woke” which will bring us back to one of the people I met through my Greenpeace affiliation who was a negative influence on my life. I have no desire to smear this person, so I will simply refer to her by her initials D.H. I met her at a coffee shop where we met to discuss racism in general, but, primarily in Jacksonville. Our introduction was uneventful, but informative for me.  Over the next few months, we would communicate multiple times and meet up at multiple events. At one point she would call me “one of the most ‘woke’ white guys she ever met” which, at the time, I took as a great compliment.  As time would pass we would start to disagree on certain things, mostly things of basic morality. The final straw was when a mutual “friend” of ours decided that it was morally acceptable to lie to someone who was going through a catastrophic period in her life. She made a comment that I completely agreed with in the general context, however in this exact situation it was incorrect.  She said “He didn’t owe her anything”, which is correct, except for the fact that he broke a promise.  I was raised that if you give your word, you honor it. So, yes, he owed her his word, if not,at least an answer as to why he broke it (which was all she wanted). I mention this to say the biggest problem/misconception with ”woke culture” and it is simply this: Being “woke” does not make you a good person.  I also would like to point out that being “woke” 75% of the time does not undo the 25% that you are an asshole.In conclusion, the idea that “wokeness” and Cancel Culture will fix the problems of our society is absolute garbage.  I feel that the only way we can actually fix things is with a dialogue, not by simply throwing people out when they say things that we don’t agree with. Alienation is not fixing anything, in fact, I would argue that it makes things worse.  It is better to extend a hand than slam a door. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this, I hope to see you next time.
1- For (48) - Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Siam, Sweden, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Against (0) - Zero
Abstained (8) - Byelorussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Ukrainian SSR, South Africa, Soviet Union and Yugoslavia ( artwork is by marisa deroma @marisa_deroma on instagram)
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ellstersmash · 4 years
Three: Sixteen
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Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Solas x f!Lavellan (Modern!AU)
Rating: overall E for Explicit | this chapter T for Teen
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Athi moves the rearview mirror a fraction of an inch. Returns it to its original position, then back. Tough to tell if her discomfort is due to a misjudged angle or the fact that it’s been more than a year since she’s driven anything other than her bike. Not as if she could have let him drive, though. Not in his current state.
“Take this to Saelac,” Solas murmurs. 
He has his eyes shut, but his thumb is still softly stroking hers the way it has been since she pulled onto the freeway. She expected him to pass out right away, but then this city’s policy on roadwork seems to be: Not if we can help it. Every street is scarred with what must be two decades’ worth of springtime patches, and if he couldn’t sleep through a little bit of air turbulence, he sure won’t manage it here.
“How was your week?” he asks, words quiet and slurring together. Enunciation is hard work.
So she tells him about the bar. About the missing, well, everything, and the cleaning list, and Tali’s prediction that Seggrit will be getting more involved with the day-to-day operations, and how for all that she gripes about it, his absence is what makes her job mostly tolerable. Solas nods where more or less appropriate, sometimes smiling sleepily at her tale from the passenger seat.
She tells him about the houseplant she bought. Remembers she forgot to water it today. Yesterday, too. Fuck.
And she tells him about Sera. About their argument and Dagna moving in, and how odd that will be. How sudden it all is, and maybe destined to be a disaster but worth a try, right? She gets the sudden urge to retreat. Three steps at least away from this talk of people moving in together, of possible futures that they’re far too brand new to traverse, even in conversation, even unrelated to either of them entirely. And maybe he feels it too, because he perks up only to fixate on the rally. Asks her when and where and what's it for and who's in charge and whether or not they got a permit and has the audacity to frown when she admits she won’t be there.
"How unfortunate," he says.
Athi groans."Not you, too."
"Excuse me?"
"Sera already gave me shit about it, so if that's your angle I don't want to hear it."
"I did not intend to ‘give you shit,’ no. I was hoping to invite myself along."
"Yes, it is a worthy cause. I had no idea Sera was such an advocate for social reform."
“Then you don’t know her very well.”
“Clearly I have misjudged her.”
“Why are you interested?”
“Why would I not be?”
She tries not to twist that into an accusation. "You just don't strike me as that kind of guy."
"The kind who cares, or the kind who takes action?"
Eyes on the road, it’s impossible to tell if he’s as offended as he sounds. She shrugs. "Both? Seems like you'd rather dig up the past than fix the future."
“Perhaps you have misjudged me, for I do not see the two as mutually exclusive. Take this next exit, then left at the light.”
The change in subject is a welcome one, but she needs her hand to downshift. Squeezes his before she lets go. Not an apology, not for that, but a no hard feelings. His house is only a few blocks away from here, but that’s as much as she remembers because the streets in this section are laid out in a grid and the corners are basically identical.
“Third one down, take a right.”
The yellow house with the overgrown garden jogs her memory. The plants are sad and brittle and dying now and the last time she passed it was early spring, so the perennials had not yet bloomed and the rest was only partially planted. But it must be a sight to behold in the throes of summer. The colorful pinwheels and kitschy glass butterflies sticking up from the withering stalks imply a love of whimsy, and there’s a small white bench surrounded by unlit lanterns under a nearby tree. She hopes she gets to sit there one day. Hopes the neighbors are friendly.
He has her park in his driveway, nose to the garage and she wonders if he’s filled it with more piles and boxes of dusty books or if he just doesn’t want to bother with the door.
Solas points out the house key for her, then grabs his luggage. Once she realizes the lock is upside-down and gets it open, she flicks the front hall lights on and it’s jarring. The house has that hush which places sometimes get after a prolonged vacancy—an absence of sound to soak up and spit out, and the jingle of his keys in her hand and the scrape of his suitcase on the doorframe are too loud. Like it forgot it was ever lived in. 
But nothing else has changed. Not the clutter in the office. Not the cobweb high in the corner. Not even the slight skew of the painting hanging in the living room. Maybe if they’d made these plans before he had left, he’d have tidied up . . . or maybe not. She doesn’t know him well enough to guess.
“If you do not mind, I have been looking forward to a shower all day,” he says and leans his bag against the wall. Starts down the hall toward the kitchen, then stops so abruptly she nearly runs into him.
“I haven’t kissed you yet,” he says, half epiphany, half confession.
Athi threads her arms around him, pleased to discover the tension between them is gone. “I’m very aware.”
His gaze rests on her lips and he blinks slow, as if the effort to open them again is monumental. When he lowers his face to kiss her it is terribly gentle and maybe it’s not on purpose. Maybe it’s just because he’s tired, but it makes her melt. 
Without a reason not to, her hands wander. Slide over the row of tiny gray buttons on his shirt, push the boundaries of his collar. They graze along his throat and through the short dark hair on his scalp, barely there but for the way it catches on her fingerprints. She presses closer before they part, her dazed and him borderline delirious.
“Ok, go shower,” she urges him. “And don’t doze off in there. I’ll have to make fun of you.”
“After that? It is unlikely I’ll be able to sleep at all.” But his dopey grin belies the truth. “Though if you are concerned for my well-being, you are more than welcome to join me.”
Gods, she never sees it coming. He slides straight from stumbling and sleep-deprived to smooth insinuation like it’s his default setting and she wants to say yes. But she knows better. 
“See, that sounds sexy right up until you’re trying to get to sleep with my hair dripping cold water all over the both of us. Besides, I have some snooping to do.” Teasing, of course. She doesn’t care where he keeps his linens or what lies hidden under his socks.
“By all means, peek anywhere you like. Except the attic, which is strictly off-limits.”
Her eyes light up. “Why, what’s in the attic?”
But he only laughs and heads up the stairs. Pauses halfway up and calls down, “Do you need anything?”
Right on cue.
“I’m good,” she assures him. “Go.”
A sharp squeak is followed by the rush of water through old pipes as she skims the shit on his refrigerator. A coupon for an oil change and receipt from an art supply store. Nothing interesting in the least. His magnets are a confused but equally unenlightening collection of local restaurants’ takeout info and unused metal clips.
A few books sit on the island. Sundered: The Scientific Renaissance of Post-Veil Thedas; The Fade: Fact or Fiction?; and An Exhaustive Documentation of Suspected Elvhen Artifacts Destroyed in the Divine Age. She lifts the cover of the top one, flips pages until she comes to a black business card serving as a makeshift bookmark, scans a few lines:
After their own dark period, the Qunari appear to have focused their collective efforts toward adjusting to these new laws of nature. Extensive, detailed records show rapid technological advancement through experimentation and invention, much of which laid the foundation for generations’ worth of progress. Indeed, many modern conveniences can be traced back to their early successes.
Not exactly light reading. Though pretty typical for him, she suspects. What unsettles her is not the books or the boring refrigerator door. It’s the fact that in all of these rooms—the entryway, the study, the kitchen, the living room—all these living spaces, there are no pictures. Not of anyone. His home is steeped in history, but not his own. She's good at being alone, but at least when she inevitably uproots she takes the memories with her. He has nothing. No drawer full of snapshots to match hers, like some sort of trail to prove his existence.
Maybe they’re just very different people. Maybe he doesn’t feel the need to prove anything. Maybe he isn’t the type to take pictures. Or to keep them. Maybe his memories are painful. Maybe they were lost in some tragic accident that hasn’t come up in conversation yet.
Or maybe she’s reading into stuff she shouldn’t be. Again.
At the top of the stairs are two doors and two doorways. Bathroom’s straight ahead, shower still running. Next to that is a closed door, presumably the attic. The leftmost room is closed as well, but unlocked; there's nothing inside but a few file cabinets. The door to the right hangs open, revealing another bedroom. It is small and tidy with minimal furniture: a dresser and a full-length mirror, and a large bed flush with the corner, the thick crimson comforter slightly rumpled near the pillows on one side as if slept in, then hastily remade. A singular nightstand bears a simple swing-arm lamp.
She hunts through his dresser until she finds his T-shirts. Picks a white one with a logo on it from the middle, between freshly-washed and never-been-used. Not beloved—in case he cares—but not the crisp got-it-for-free-and-couldn’t-throw-it-out kind either. Sheds her clothes that smell like beer and citrus and bitters, all but her underwear and leaves them folded neatly on top of the dresser. Then she pulls on his shirt and knocks on the bathroom door frame.
“It’s open,” he yells, and she rolls her eyes. “Extra toothbrushes are in the lower right drawer, and the toothpaste is behind the mirror.”
“Uh huh,” she answers, but is beginning to regret turning down his offer. The shower curtain is nothing but a clear liner and with no door to keep it in, the steam does blessedly little to conceal his form. There’s still time; for more than a moment she contemplates stripping back down and slipping in, but then he shuts off the water and stretches a dripping arm out for his towel so she goes for the toothbrush instead.
By the time he emerges with that same towel wrapped around his hips, she’s finished and gives his reflection an appreciative glance.
He returns it and tugs on her sleeve. “The Lothering Museum of History will be thrilled to have your endorsement.”
“Why am I not surprised that you don’t have a real shower curtain?”
“This curtain is perfectly sufficient.”
“Hey.” Athi raises her hands and follows him into the bedroom. “Not complaining.”
She also doesn’t complain about the precious seconds between him losing the towel and gaining a pair of pajama pants. He’s fit. Cut, not bulky. Studying old stuff and reading books and attending conferences can’t possibly be a direct line to muscle definition and she wonders what he does to work out. If they could do it together. He doesn’t strike her as a runner, but he might enjoy climbing.
Solas interrupts her plans with a brief kiss, trades the overhead light for the bedside one. Four in the morning is hardly late by her standards, but she can tell as his head hits the pillow that he feels it. He tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles, sleepy and sideways.
“Thank you for coming over.”
Athi turns her head and kisses his fingers and whispers, “Thank you for getting naked.”
She’ll be the funny one forever if it means his nose will always crinkle like that.
“I am sorry that I am not—”
“No.” She presses a thumb to his lips to cut short his apology. “That’s not what I’m here for. Really enjoyed the view, though.”
His face is shadowed by the same light shining in her eyes, but the expression he wears is warm. He hits the switch and the room goes dark. She scoots in closer. Tangles their legs. Wriggles until she’s comfortable. It doesn’t take long, like a sign, or a nod from the universe.
We just fit.
Solas is asleep before she’s even ready to try. There are freckles scattered across his shoulders, constellations to trace while she waits. Tries to match his languid breathing. Thinks about where his pictures went. Almost there, then hits the last and loudest stop on her train of thought’s meandering track, and she’s jolted awake.
The bookmark. The business card. The cleaning and packing up. The answer has been stuffed into the back pocket of her least-favorite jeans for weeks.
Seggrit is selling the fucking bar.
She wakes up alone. Sprawled out in sheets that smell like him but without the him they belong to. Adjusting, she stares into the middle distance and listens to a faraway set of sounds—the fridge opens, then shuts, the clink of dishes and creak of the floor.
Seggrit is selling the bar. She has no idea what to do with that news except to tell Tali, have her check the books to confirm. They’ve been behind by at least a month for as long as Athi’s worked there, usually more, and if he’s really going to get rid of the place he’ll have had to catch up.
She rolls out of bed, digs her toes into the carpet. It could be nine or noon or later for all she knows. The sun here is strange, and there’s no clock in this room to tell her so she goes searching for one downstairs.
A mosaic-faced antique by the sliding door claims it’s noon.
“Good morning,” Solas says from the kitchen.
She mumbles something resembling words. Seven more steps and she hugs him from behind and they fit so well and his heart is beating fast and he stops whisking eggs to stand there with her all quiet and it’s not morning anymore and he should have stayed in bed and she needs to text Tali and—
“I want coffee,” she whines. Doesn’t mean to whine, but there it is. What if he doesn’t have any? What if he’s one of those people that doesn’t keep coffee in their house?
She might cry.
“There is a bag in the cupboard at the end there, next to the mugs. I was going to make it for you, but—”
“Say no more.”
Gods, she’s glad he didn’t. No one makes it strong enough, and he’s too cute to disappoint so she would have had to drink it anyway. Pretend that pisswater was fine.
Cupboard on the end, right where he said. She slides it off the shelf and can’t help but flutter as she examines the packaging. It’s the same as the ones she bought—or tried to buy then he bought for her—at the coffee shop last year. Or maybe he just asked for “something strong” at the shop and this happened to be what they gave him, but regardless, he thought of her and that feels good all on its own. Her butterflies settle as she opens the bag, breathes in deep. Pours a generous pile into a fresh filter and fills the reservoir with water.
“Roast date on this is yesterday. Did you really leave me sleeping alone in your house?” she teases and pushes the button to start the brew cycle. “What if I had woken up and you were gone?”
“I did consider that possibility, but weighed against the certainty of the alternative, it seemed the wisest course of action.” He arches an eyebrow. “Was I wrong?”
“No.” Athi revisits the cupboard to shuffle through his assortment of mismatched mugs. “And thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
She selects one of the mugs, a pleasantly rounded stoneware dip-painted in orange and teal and gray. Her unofficial favorite. There is a newspaper, folded twice, laying on the counter between a plate covered in foil and two clean ones. Solas is reading rather than cooking. Maybe he’s fine with rubbery eggs, but she’s not so she leaves her mug to watch the coffee brew, plucks the spatula from his hand, takes over.
“Seggrit’s selling the bar,” she blurts out as she gently stirs, then scoops a heaping golden spoonful onto each plate. “I think.”
To his credit, Solas looks up from the article he’s so engrossed in. “Really?”
She nods.
“How do we feel about that?”
She shrugs.
“Perhaps you should buy it,” he says and moves his plate and his paper to the island. Yanks open the silverware drawer and hands her a fork. “You wanted to put your name on something, right?”
She snorts. “Didn’t mean literally.”
They eat breakfast right there in the kitchen. Hip to hip, or as close as she can get. Sausage from under the foil and rich maple syrup and toast and almost-perfect scrambled eggs and coffee he bought and didn’t make just for her.
Not a bad morning, truth be told.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Solas asks out of nowhere.
He is watching her intently and it occurs to her that she’s been grinning at empty space this whole time.
“Oh,” she says, “it’s nothing,” but her face won’t cooperate and Solas doesn’t buy it.
“It must be quite a pleasant piece of nothing to warrant such a smile. Are you sure it’s not something?” His voice drops low and he leans closer. “Perhaps even something you want to share with me?”
“They say 'bits' here, by the way. ‘Two bits for your thoughts.’ Just so you know.”
“Fascinating.” He doesn’t even pretend to sound sincere.
Oh, she wants to be brave. She makes him work a little harder for it. Keeps it locked up tight until he says please, then she scrunches her nose up where the honesty tickles, and spills even though it’s scary.
“I just . . . it’s nice waking up with you, and”—damn her burning cheeks—“I could get used to it. That’s all.”
Meeting his eyes afterward is a rush. Risk and reward all wrapped up in one because he is beaming right back at her.
“Funny. I was thinking the exact same thing.”
Fuck it. Athi polishes off her coffee. Slides her plate away and faces him fully. Fills her chest with air and bravado. “So what do you want?”
He looks at her quizzically.
“Yeah, context. Before we kissed—at my place, like for real—you asked what I wanted. I said I wanted you, which, I mean, I’ve wanted you since . . . ” She wants to say since the beginning but that’s so fucking cheesy. “Gods, since the coffee shop, I think. But when I asked what I meant to you, you deflected.”
Solas pauses. His gaze drifts, then snaps back. “You are right. I apologize.”
“Also not an answer.”
A full minute, or maybe an hour, passes as he percolates. She can almost see him directing his thoughts this way and that, organizing a response that shouldn’t be this complicated while her own mind skitters from one unsavory possibility to the next. 
“Should’ve sent my questions in ahead of time,” she jokes.
A brief, self-deprecating chuckle as he folds his fingers around hers. “In all fairness, your answer to the same question was efficient, but also vague. Is it so wrong of me to consider my own more carefully?”
“Got me there.”
“I was not trying to win. This conversation is an important one, and I feel it must be approached with both candor and subtlety.”
Candor and subtlety? Athi sighs. New tactic. “Listen, did you avoid the question on purpose?” 
She takes a steady breath—
—and lets it out. “Well then, to be honest, I was kind of hoping we could make out at some point today so . . . how about we put the heavy conversation on hold, just for now, and I return the favor and make this easy for you?”
Solas’ smile is indulgent, if a bit weary. “That would be fine.”
“Good. Ok.” She leans her chin on one hand. “Do you want to be with me?”
“Yes, very much.”
“Like, not just sleeping over and having breakfast, even though we’re obviously really good at that. The whole deal.”
He smirks. “Yes.”
“Only me?”
Athi claps her hands together. “Good! Excellent response time,” she says, satisfied. Stacks their dishes while she speaks. “Anything else to add?”
“That’s it? That is all you want to know?” A mixture of relief and disappointment is plain on his face.
“Ha! Cute. No, see, I want to hear that elaborate answer of yours, I do. I want to know absolutely every single thought you’ve had about me since day one. Also why you stopped coming to the bar”—she starts counting off on her fingers—“and how long you’ve felt this way, what you and Bull get up to at your secret little club meetings, about a zillion other things . . . But as I said,” and she shrugs, “I have plans.”
“I stopped coming to the bar because I already felt this way. Not”—he gestures between them—“exactly this way, of course, but the first stirrings of it. I had been alone a long time, and it frightened me. Next question.”
“Hold on. Same question. You’ve liked me that long?”
“Yes, though I find it hard to believe that you, of all people, did not notice. If anything, I have been too demonstrative of my feelings this past year. Given the circumstances, that is.”
“Too demonstra— Seriously?” Athi is at a loss. Frozen mid-bewildered-flailing, mouth agape like he’s just grown another pair of eyes right in front of her. “Maybe I, of all people, didn’t notice because we spent all that time together and you never said shit, and then—and then!— you invited me over to ask for dating advice which kind of cancelled out any prior feelings you may have demonstrated. I mean, what the fuck?”
“Ah, that’s right.” Solas sighs heavily. “I suppose we may as well sort this out now.”
“Yeah,” she hisses. “Let’s.” She props one elbow on the counter, rests her chin on her fist. Waits for an explanation.
“Athi,” and he scratches his jaw. “I do not know exactly how you remember that conversation going, but the subject of my inquiry—the woman I mentioned meeting—was you.”
Three beats to process, then: “What!?”
He winces—fair, it was piercing—and he half-hides his face in his hands before continuing. “I was attempting to casually express my interest and it did not occur to me that you’d misunderstood my meaning until recently. At the time, I assumed that you were simply not as interested as I had allowed myself to believe and therefore left before the situation became uncomfortable.”
“Well, I did do that.”
“Then, while I was away, I became convinced that a misunderstanding was possible if not probable, so I resolved to try again once I returned.”
“Oh no . . . ” she trails off and grimaces, and Solas just nods.
Such a mess, and for no fucking reason. They stand there in a dazed silence for a while, looking at anything but each other. Finally, Athi peeks over and Solas has his head hanging low like a puppy shamed for eating from the garbage. It’s so sad and so stupid and she can’t keep from laughing. First a little, then a lot, then he’s laughing right along with her.
“So you’re telling me,” she wheezes out between giggles. “We could have been banging for no less than six months already?”
“I’m afraid so.”
She’s swept away by another wave of laughter. When it finally subsides, she’s left with aching cheeks and tears in her eyes.
“Come on,” she says and grabs his hand, squeezes it tight, pulls him toward the stairs.
“What? Where are we going?”
“To make up for lost time.”
32 notes · View notes
smkkbert · 5 years
We ended as Lovers (8/12)
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Summary: Three years ago, Felicity’s life was perfect. She was offered a job at two great companies. Her boyfriend just started his own fashion label, and they picked a perfect apartment to live in together. The more heartbroken she was when Oliver got cold feet and it all ended. Now, Felicity is coming back to Starling City, well aware that she is destined to run into her ex-boyfriend there. While old feelings revive quickly, the pain still goes deep. Besides, for some reason Oliver seems to be angry with her. 
Previous Chapters: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 or read on Ao3
* * *
Chapter 8: Devil in Tuxedo
No matter how many times Oliver had gone through everything that had happened three years ago, in the light of his latest conversation with Felicity, it just didn’t make any sense.
Felicity hadn’t shown up to sign the rental contract for the townhouse, but they had resolved that issue yesterday. They had both messed up with the way they had fooled around instead of saying out loud when and where they would meet. It was nobody’s fault. They had both just messed up.
When he had gone to see her three years ago, trying to talk it out with her three long years passed, Adrian had been there. He was shirtless, and his chest had been covered with water. Felicity had called him from the shower, asking what was taking him so long when she was already wet.
For the last three years, everything about that had seemed quite clear to Oliver. He had been sure that he knew exactly what had been going on in that apartment that day. After all, he wasn’t known to be naïve, and even a shout into his face couldn’t have screamed the truth louder.
After his conversation with Felicity, he wasn’t sure that this was the truth anymore though. If it had been true, Felicity would have known what he had talked about. Instead, she had been completely clueless. She hadn’t known why Adrian had stood in the frame of the door without a shirt.
If anyone had told him that he would believe Felicity if she told him that she hadn’t had sex with Oliver, he would have either laughed out bitterly or punched that person in the face. As recently as fifteen minutes ago, he wouldn’t have been able to believe that he was capable of believing her.
Oliver hurried up the stairs to the terrace, taking two steps at a time. As soon as he reached the head of the stairs, he sat down on the balustrade and reached into the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket. He grabbed the box of cigarettes and put one of them between his lips.
Even now, he could still see Felicity’s face in front of him. Felicity had been so clueless, her eyes showing so much confusion. She couldn’t have faked this. Even if she could have faked it, he knew she hadn’t. Felicity was a lot of things, dishonest was not one of them.
While he was searching for his lighter in the many pockets of his tuxedo, his gaze fell through the window and into the living room where people had gathered already. Oliver guessed that most guests had already arrived since it was already seven-fifteen. At least Adrian was already there, standing together with their mutual friend Tommy Merlyn and Sara’s sister Laurel.
If one person could bring light into the darkness, it was Adrian. He was that linking piece between his version and Felicity’s point of view. Even more so, he had reaffirmed Oliver’s suspicion, saying something about being caught if Oliver remembered correctly, so Adrian definitely had to answer some questions now.
Oliver threw his unlit cigarette into the flowerbed carelessly and walked towards the door with large steps. His anger caused him to use way too much strength on pushing the door open. It banged against the wall with a loud noise.
His voice was a lot louder than intended. The few heads that hadn’t turned in his direction when the door had hit the wall, turned to look at him now. Nosy eyes looked him up and down, taking him in. From the corners of his eyes, he could see them turning back soon.
Adrian’s gaze was the only ones that stayed focused on him. He had his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at him with a mixture of interest in what was going on and maybe some suspicion of what it was. He casually pushed one hand into the pocket of his pants and took a sip of his champagne. Oliver wasn’t sure, but he believed that the corners of Adrian’s lips were twitching in amusement, a dark and cruel kind of amusement.
He approached Adrian with the same quick and strong steps he had used when he had stepped into the house. He straightened his shoulders, making himself as tall and as broad as possible, but Adrian seemed unimpressed.
“Oliver,” he said, his voice light, “it’s been like forever since we last talked. I mean how long has it been? Three years?”
There was something about the way Adrian looked at him and the way he talked to him that told Oliver that his unwell feeling towards him was right. There was something wrong about Adrian. He definitely had his fingers in all of this.
“What happened between Felicity and you that evening three years ago when we were supposed to sign our rental contract?”
His voice was lowered to a dark growl. As much as he wanted to grab Adrian by the lapels of his jacket and pin him against the wall, he didn’t want to cause a scene like that. This was Sara and Nyssa’s night, and he didn’t want to ruin it for her. He would do his best, so nobody would realize what was going on here.
With a brief glance past Adrian’s head, he could see that he had already failed. Tommy Merlyn was standing right beside him. Although he kept his eyes lowered to his feet, pretending to be busy drinking his beer, Oliver could see that he had his eyes pricked up. He was listening, but Oliver couldn’t care less.
“That’s such an old story, Ollie,” Adrian said, shaking his head, “we should move past this, don’t you think?”
“Don’t avoid the question.” Oliver almost hissed the words, staring at Adrian angrily. “What the hell happened back then?”
The pretended surprise in Adrian’s gaze gave way for an amused grin. It spread on Adrian’s face, and he couldn’t even hide it when he took another sip of his champagne.
“If you really want to know,” he said, pretending that Oliver was asking the impossible for him and releasing a long sigh, “it started on the couch. We were just talking, celebrating her new job in Gotham City, when Felicity suddenly suggested having sex.”
Tommy whispered his name warningly, probably knowing Oliver a lot better than Adrian did. Adrian didn’t listen. If he did, he didn’t care.
“I wanted to decline,” he continued, “but she said she was in urgent need of a real cock filling her. She basically jumped at me, and I could feel her desperation. I guess she wasn’t taken the way she wanted and needed in quite some while, so I did that for her. We got into the bathroom and under the shower. After your little interruption, I ripped her clothes off her with my teeth and took her. Hard.”
Oliver had to tell himself to breathe in and out slowly. His lungs seemed unwilling or unable to take in any air. He needed it to keep his already clenched fist from hitting Adrian right in the face. His knuckles were tingling with the need to do so.
Adrian’s words got Oliver’s imagination spinning. He saw snippets of ideas of what Adrian and Felicity might have done that day. For the last three years, those imagines had managed to sneak their way into his head again and again. They were tormenting him when he was less expecting it, making it hard to fall asleep or focus on the model grinding against him.
Shaking his head, Oliver shook those thoughts off. He couldn’t allow them into his head now. They would only distract him when he should focus on pushing Adrian for the truth instead. He had been waiting for the truth for too long already.
“God, she screamed my name so loud that I thought her neighbors would call the cops.”
“I don’t believe you,” Oliver hurried to say, pressing his fists close to his body to keep from punching him after all, “because Felicity says that nothing happened between you two. I believe her.”
For a split second, Adrian’s face faltered. It was almost like he was trying to figure out which tactic to continue with.
“Maybe she’s lying.”
He had chosen wrong because now Oliver knew that Adrian was hiding something. For the last three years, he had pretended that he and Felicity were best friends and maybe hooking up occasionally. Claiming that she was lying went against everything he had tried to make people believe so far.
“Felicity’s not lying,” Oliver said, his voice still low, and shook his head, “according to her, nothing happened between you two.”
Oliver didn’t know what he had expected. Maybe he had thought that Adrian would lower his gaze guiltily and say that he might have exaggerated a little bit. Maybe he had imagined him to frown in confusion and say that he had no idea what was going on.
Instead, Adrian’s grin widened. “I guess that, if she didn’t lie, I must have been the one lying.”
So, Oliver guessed it was true. Adrian had been at Felicity’s apartment that evening, and he had used a fortunate but innocent moment to pretend that he had had sex with Felicity. He had put a wedge between him and Felicity, and he had done so purposefully.
“I guess you did?” he asked, his voice still lowered to a whisper. “You did lie?”
Adrian chuckled, raising his glass to him, and nodded his head. He emptied his glass of champagne and put it onto the tray of a passing waitress. He released a long sigh then, nodding his head once more.
“Yes, I did,” he admitted unashamedly, “I lied, and it was so easy to make you believe it. I mean what did I really have to do other than standing in the frame of the door without a shirt and tell you that it was exactly what it looked like. You just believed me, not one single glimpse of trust in Felicity’s loyalty or faithfulness. It was almost too easy.”
Oliver sucked in a deep breath against the heavy weight that seemed to press down on his chest. All the pieces of this giant puzzle that had never seemed to fit together finally fell into place. Everything made sense now, or at least it made more sense than it had before.
“God, it was so much fun watching you put yourself through all of that misery.” Adrian chuckled once more. “When I decided on this plan, I thought that you would just sulk a little bit and move on to the next girl maybe. Instead, you fell into this utter misery and let yourself be annoyed with it even years after that.”
There had been uncountable times that Oliver had seen Adrian during some occasion. They had never talked to each other, but Oliver had always felt like Adrian was rubbing that evening with Felicity right into his face. He had always managed to flash him a grin or toast his glass to him or even just nodded his head in his direction in a way that made sure that Oliver remembered that evening.
“God, it was just so much more than I could have hoped for.” Again, Adrian chuckled, and his gaze intensified as he took Oliver in. “You must have really loved Felicity.”
There was an almost honest surprise in Adrian’s voice. After everything he had done and everything it had done to Oliver, he was still surprised that Oliver’s feelings for Felicity had been sincere.
Oliver’s head was spinning from all this information. He had a thousand things to say, but he couldn’t get a word out. His throat felt tight. His heart ached. It felt like his world had been hit by an earthquake.
Three long years, he had hated Felicity for leaving him and jumping into bed with Adrian before Oliver even got a chance of convincing her otherwise. He had doubted everything they had had, thinking that it might have never been real, at least not for her. He had been unable to give love another try because his heart had still been hers which had made him hate himself a lot more than Oliver had known until a couple of days ago.
While the party was still going on Oliver’s world felt like it had stopped. There was nothing and nobody there, but Adrian and him. Even if a masked gunman came into the mansion now, he wouldn’t be able to focus on it.
Adrian had ruined his relationship with Felicity. He had ruined all the memories and all the plans Oliver had had. He had taken away Oliver’s belief in love.
“Why?” Oliver asked out in a whisper because that was what it all came down to. “Why did you do it?”
Adrian stepped a little closer to Oliver. He was one of the few men that was just as muscular as Oliver. They had a similar physique, but Adrian was just a little bit taller than Oliver. He wasn’t intimidated by Oliver’s physique like he was used to with most men.
“I wanted you to know what it’s like to lose someone you love. I wanted you to know what it’s like to have a friend take that person away from you.”
Oliver didn’t understand. He didn’t know if it was because of the rushing blood in his ears or because of the flood of information that seemed to be hitting him today. Maybe it was that, again, Oliver was missing some information though. He didn’t know.
“I don’t… what?”
Adrian’s jaw clenched, and his muscles tensed. Whatever his motives were, anger seemed to accompany them.
“Do you remember Emma?”
Emma. Oliver tried to recall every Emma he knew. Emma Watson. Emma Stone. Emma Roberts. Emma Thompson. Emma Darwin. Emma Frost. Emma Swan. Emma what’s-her-name-again from Jane Austen’s book.
Oliver doubted that any of those Emmas had caused Adrian to ruin his life. He couldn’t think of any other Emma though. Maybe some of his models had been called Emma, but he had only met those during the last three years. Even if it had been earlier, he doubted that any of them had had and connection to Adrian. God, even if they had, how could he have taken them from him?
Adrian shook his head, not believing that Oliver wouldn’t even know who that Emma was. Apparently, she must have been an important person in his life.
“Emma Gibson.”
Admittedly, that name rang a bell for Oliver, but he couldn’t focus on finding out where he had heard that name before. He was too churning by everything he had found out in the last twenty minutes. He was surprised he didn’t lose consciousness.
“She was a year under us in high school,” Adrian said, his voice lowered to a dark growl now, “and she has been to most of the parties we have been too. I was into her. During Tommy’s birthday party in our senior year, I have talked to her for hours, and I wanted to ask her out on a date. I just left her side for like ten minutes to get us some drinks. When I came back, you were already leading her upstairs for some quick fun. I was forgotten.”
Oliver would lie if he said that he remembered exactly who Emma Gibson was. During his time in high school, Oliver had done some seriously dumb things. Drinking way too much and hooking up with way too many girls were just two of those. He had never knowingly hooked up with a taken girl, especially none that was taken by a friend. If he hadn’t known about Adrian’s crush, Oliver didn’t doubt that he might have tried his luck.
That was the entire reason Adrian had turned Oliver’s life upside down and turn it into something that, in Oliver’s opinion, was close to a living hell?
“A high school crush?” Oliver asked, his voice louder than he probably noticed himself, shaking his head in disbelief. “Because of a high school crush, you pretended that you and Felicity had sex, so I would hate her?”
Adrian’s answer was as simple as that, making Oliver falter. He waited for him to continue. There had to be more, but Adrian didn’t seem like he wanted to continue. For him, it really was as simple as that.
“She was a high school crush.” Oliver felt a thousand emotions mixing in his chest, making him feel hot and cold at the same time, rubbing his breath and making his heart pound, “and Felicity was the love of my life. You made me hate the only woman I have ever truly loved because your high school crush decided to rather have sex with me than talk with you?”
Again, just this little answer. He said it so naturally that Oliver actually wondered if he was the one being wrong. Maybe he was the one not taking this seriously enough when he had actually done a terrible, unforgivable thing that made him deserve this.
Oliver doubted it. Maybe he had deserved a warning. He had deserved to see that going for his pleasure so easily might have hurt others. But losing Felicity had been more than a warning. It had been more than he had deserved so much more.
“Do you have any idea what you have done?
“Oh, it’s very simple,” Adrian said, his grin now turning almost evil, “incredibly simple really When I met you at the gym and you told me that you had to leave to sign the rental contract for the townhouse, I realized that you must have messed something up. Felicity had told me about the loft after all. So, what did I do? I stole your phone to make sure you wouldn’t be able to contact her and let you go there. Meanwhile, I went to the loft and followed Felicity home after that, making sure that she wouldn’t run into you. Then I invited myself over to her place, using some excuse. I told her that I had met you at the gym, which was the truth, but I might have lied a little when it came to the future of your relationship. You know, I needed a reason to spend a little more time with her after all, and comforting her after her idiot of a boyfriend wasn’t able to deal with her strength and her success.”
Adrian must have waited years for the chance to get his revenge. For years, he must have waited for Oliver to find someone who really meant something to him. Then he must have waited another few years until there was finally a situation that opened up a chance to drive a wedge between Oliver and Felicity. He had used the misunderstanding regarding their future home and Oliver’s terrible first reaction to Felicity’s job offer to break them apart.
And it had worked. Two years of real love destroyed within a couple of minutes.
“What about the shower?”
Oliver had to know the whole story. Although he already knew that none of what he had thought to be true had really happened, he needed to hear the entire story to the end. It was the only thing keeping him from lashing out right now.
“Well, Felicity wanted to take a shower, but her showerhead didn’t work properly. I helped her fix it when you finally knocked at the door. I left her there, the water sprinkling around, while I left my shirt in the living room and opened the door for you.”
“To make it look like you had sex with her.”
“Felicity’s inability to form sentences that don’t carry some kind of ambiguousness made it very easy.”
Felicity had called for Adrian to come back because she was already wet. She hadn’t meant to tell him that she was ready to continue having sex with him though. She had meant that she was actually soaked by water from the showerhead. Adrian had just made it look differently.
“Really, it was so easy to make all of this work once the right situation was there.” Adrian sighed. “The only thing that would have made it even better was if Felicity had actually let me fuck her. I tried to seduce her, but that girl was just as loyal as a puppy, saying her heart was all yours and that she was a faithful soul. It was annoying, but it was ironic given how easily thought that she was the biggest slut.”
Oliver couldn’t say if it was the word slut in reference to Felicity, the way Adrian had said that he had wanted to fuck Felicity or maybe the entirety of this situation finally being enough for Oliver. Either way, something inside him snapped. His muscles that had been so tense that he couldn’t have moved even a second ago suddenly moved.
With one purposeful movement, he punched Adrian right in the face. His head moved back, and blood came from his nose. Oliver saw it, and a part of him believed that it was enough. He should stop right here.
As much as Oliver told himself that, his muscles refused to listen though. He went at Adrian again and again, punching his face, his stomach and everything else he could reach. Adrian did his best to hit back, and he did land quite some hits as he was just as trained as Oliver was. Despite the strong punches, Oliver barely felt any pain.
His rage blinded him for anything but the undying need to hit his knuckles against every inch of Adrian’s body. Every muscle in his body was aching with the need to hit him again and again until that freaking grin was finally wiped off his face.
Eventually, Oliver managed to take Adrian by surprise and push him backwards. He ended up on the floor, sliding over the hardwood for a few feet. Several people jumped out of the way, making room for him. Maybe the fact that they had quite some viewership should have told Oliver to finally stop now, but he was still caught by his rage.
Before Adrian could sit up, Oliver lunged at him. He pinned him down to the floor with one hand and used the other to punch his face again and again.
Three years of misery and three years of misdirected anger crushed down on Oliver all at once it seemed. His body wasn’t able to carry it all. He would go inside trying to keep it inside of him. It just had to be left out.
He was still going at Adrian despite how firmly his fists were punching his ribs when his arms were grabbed by two hands each. He was lifted off Adrian and pulled back. He fought the hands, but their grip was too strong.
“Oliver,” John, who was holding onto his right arm, warned him, “it’s enough.”
No, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough. He wanted to break every single bone in Adrian’s body. He wanted him to feel the same pain that Oliver had felt for three long years now. He wanted him to feel that much pain that he felt he couldn’t possibly be happy ever again. For the rest of his life, he should feel that there was a void, something that nothing and nobody could ever fill.
Oliver tried to fight off John’s and his father’s hands, but they were only increasing their effort to hold him back.
“This is not over yet, Queen!”
Adrian jumped up onto his feet and took a step towards Oliver. Tommy Merlyn stepped in front of him and held him back though. He had trouble to keep Adrian in check, but he did somehow.
“So come here!” Oliver yelled at him. “I’ll gladly break some more bones in your face.”
Adrian just laughed. His dry and mischievous laughter almost echoed through the room. It felt like it was stabbing Oliver right into the heart once more. Adrian still enjoyed this. He enjoyed how Oliver was lashing out at him.
Oliver almost managed to sneak one arm out of Robert’s strong hold. He was about to put just a little more effort into freeing himself when something in the reflection of the large mirror over the fireplace caught Oliver’s attention.
His heart stood still when her recognized Felicity. He hadn’t noticed that she had returned from her moment alone outside. He wasn’t sure if that would have changed anything, but at least her presence here wouldn’t have taken him by surprise like that.
Oliver turned his head back over his shoulder. He wanted to see Felicity directly rather than looking at her in the reflection. She was standing somewhere behind him, her arms wrapped around her body tightly. Sara and Nyssa were standing beside her, comforting her with their arms wrapped around her. If the shocked expression on her face was any indication, she had been here long enough.
Their gazes met, and Oliver felt his stomach drop in response. For three long years, they had both lived in misery. They hated each other, blaming the other for the misery they had lived in. No matter how much they had loved each other, their hate and disappointment had outweighed everything else.
Oliver had loved Felicity like he had never loved anyone else. For the first time in his life, he had been able to see himself settling down and having a family of his own. He had been ready to throw caution into the wind and go all in. He had never done that before.
“Let me go,” Oliver said, his voice hoarse, “let me go now.”
Instead of letting go, John and Robert tightened their grip on Oliver though. They probably assumed that he would lunge himself right back at Adrian, and Oliver had to admit that that suggestion wasn’t that far off the table. His rage was still there, just beneath the surface.
He wouldn’t attack him once more though. Adrian wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth for Oliver to show his darkest, rawest and cruelest sides to Felicity. He had shown her enough of the bad person he could be already. He shouldn’t make it even worse by beating Adrian to death right in front of her eyes. With the rage inside of him, he was sure that he was physically able to do so if he didn’t restrain from it.
“I need to get out of here,” Oliver said, “or I will kill him.”
John and Robert faltered. Oliver couldn’t see it, but he could feel his dad and John exchanging a long look. They probably still doubted him.
Eventually, they let go though. Oliver’s eyes met Adrian’s, and for the break of a second he thought about punching him once more. No matter how many times his fists had met Adrian’s face, it still didn’t feel like it was enough. It would never be enough.
Oliver could feel Felicity’s eyes on the back of his neck though. He knew he couldn’t punch Adrian once more when she was watching him. As much as he wanted to, he just couldn’t do it. Felicity has always brought out the best of him, so she couldn’t show her his worst.
So all Oliver did was taking in a deep breath, turn away and leave. He had to get out of here. He couldn’t have anyone around him. He needed time to process what had happened and- whatever.
With Felicity’s words, he just needed some air.
 * * *
 Oliver looked like he was either going to murder someone or commit suicide. He looked ready to attack and about to admit defeat at the same time. His muscles were tense, but his head her was lowered.
As soon as Oliver was out of sight, Felicity turned her head towards Adrian. His face had taken quite some hits. Blood was coming from his split lip and the bruise over his eyebrow. The skin around his red eye until down to his cheek was already beginning to swell. By tomorrow, it would shine in all colors of the rainbow. Still, Adrian was smiling about his triumph.
The cat was out of the bag now, but he had succeeded with his plan nonetheless. He had showed Oliver what it was like to lose someone he loved, and he had probably rubbed it in just by showing up where Oliver was every once in a while. He had certainly put him through quite some heartbreak. That Oliver had lost control of himself like that tonight was probably just the sweet cherry on top.
Noticing that she was trembling from how shaken she was, Felicity wrapped her arms around herself even more tightly. Her heart was racing, pounding against her ribs that felt like they were pressing down to keep it in check. It took away the room her lungs would need to take in a breath, causing them to ache with the need for oxygen.
Back in the garden, when Oliver had told her what had happened three years ago, she had thought that there was an easy explanation for that. She had believed that it had all been an unfortunate series of events that had made things look so different from what they had been.
The more she thought about it, the more she had wondered about Adrian’s role in this entire story. He hadn’t told her that Oliver had stopped by that night. Even if Oliver had just knocked at the door, seen Adrian and disappeared again, Adrian should have felt obligated to tell her.
Eventually, Felicity had decided to come here and confront Adrian, but he and Oliver had already been in a loud conversation that had caught everyone’s attention.
There was a deadly silence in the room. The small group of people that had been invited to the rehearsal dinner seemed unsure what to do. Everyone was frozen in place from the awkwardness of the situation. Some people were whispering with each other as quietly as possible, others just stared at their feet.
Nyssa, who had her arms still wrapped around her tightly, squeezed Felicity once more before she took a couple of steps away. She stepped right in front of Adrian, who looked at her with an arrogant expression on his face.
“You,” she said with her voice full of anger and pointed at Adrian, “are going to leave now, and you better not show your face tomorrow or ever again for that matter, or a swollen face is going to be the least of your problems.”
“What, you don’t want me at your wedding anymore?”
Adrian laughed out loudly, and Felicity honestly wondered if Adrian was crazy. He looked like he had lost his mind. He was unrecognizable, nothing like the man Felicity had thought was her friend.
“Mr. Diggle,” Robert said, “please kick him out.”
John didn’t have to be asked twice. He stepped forward and grabbed Adrian from Tommy. He didn’t even try to be gentle. Instead, he just dragged him outside. Adrian didn’t really go easily, but he had no chance against John.
Felicity felt her throat starting to burn. She managed to take in a breath, but the air only got into her lungs stutteringly. Tears were prickling in her eyes.
It all still felt incredibly unreal. She had heard Adrian saying everything he had done to drive a wedge between her and Oliver. She had heard him admitting that he had done so to hurt Oliver. He had purposefully spread lies to hurt him, and he had hurt her with that. She had been collateral damage, nothing more.
“Okay,” Moira finally found her voice and clapped into her hands, “I apologize for this… incident, but let’s not let that ruin the evening. I think we can all need some aperitif now. Raisa.”
Raisa quickly nodded her head and hurried into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Moira gestured for the musicians to continue playing. She shot Robert and Thea meaningful glances, and they hurried to start some conversations.
Just like that, the world seemed to move on for everyone. Only Felicity’s world felt like it was still standing still.
“Hey,” Sara said gently, putting her hands to Felicity’s shoulders and turning her around to her, “Are you okay?”
Sara looked at Felicity intensely, trying to get an honest answer from Felicity. She was barely able to hold her friend’s gaze, feeling uncomfortable at the thought of having to find out how exactly she was feeling. Felicity wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t break down if she let all her feelings in right now.
“No,” she said, shaking her head, “I’m not okay.”
How could she possibly be okay after this?
Sara was about to pull Felicity into her arms, probably intending to comfort her, but Felicity couldn’t have that right now. She wasn’t ready. Taking a step back, she lifted her hands in front of herself in a deprecating gesture and shook her head.
“I can’t do that right now,” she said, her voice sounding choked, “I’m sorry. I just-I need-I can’t stay here tonight. I swear I will be the best maid-of-honor tomorrow, but I need to go.”
Sara nodded her head, not even hesitating. “Of course. Call me if you need anything. I’ll drop everything here and be right by your side.”
Felicity shook her head and pulled Sara into a tight hug, whispering into her ear, “You enjoy this night and think about nothing but this dream you are living. Only a couple more hours to the wedding. Enjoy every second of it.”
Sara wrapped her arms around Felicity tightly, holding her just as close as Felicity was holding her. They stayed like that for a long moment until Felicity let go, turned around and walked away. She felt like she was on the verge of crying, but she didn’t want to cry, at least not in front of everyone here.
Holding her breath in a weak attempt to hold back the tears that tried to fight their way to the surface, Felicity hurried to the front door. Although her ankle was hurting like hell, she ignored that. Limping would only make it take longer for her to get away from here, and, god, she really needed to get away from here.
Too overwhelmed by everything that had happened today or these last days really, she didn’t look where she was going and promptly ran into John.
“I’m sorry.” She intended to just push past him, but a glance towards the door and the thought who could be right behind it, made her stop and turn back to him once more. “Where is Adrian?”
“I sat him into a cab and told my security staff not to let him inside ever again.”
Felicity nodded her head. The Queen’s only hired the best of the best, especially when it came to security. Oliver had told her that Thea had almost been abducted once. A trio of petty criminals had tried to abduct her from the playgroup she had gone through once a week, planning to press money from the family. Since that day, every member of the Queen Family was accompanied by security staff wherever they went, at least if they didn’t manage to get rid of them.
Adrian would never come here again. Maybe, at least if he was smart, he would leave the city. The Queens were quite influential after all, and he could easily make sure that Adrian’s career would get stuck and his reputation in the city was ruined. It wouldn’t be an honorable thing to do, but sometimes it was best to fight fire with fire.
Oliver would certainly be grateful if Adrian left Starling City.
“Do you know where Oliver is?”
The questions fell from her lips before Felicity even knew exactly what she was going to do with the answer. Was she just going to nod her head and go home? Was she going to talk to him? Was she going to look for him?
“When I got outside, he was just leaving the property on his motorcycle. I guess he needs to clear his head, and a little high speed ride is probably going to do the job best.”
Felicity nodded her head slowly. There were three things that helped to clear Oliver’s head – designing, sports and a ride on his motorcycle.
“Do you need a ride home?”
Felicity shot John a confused glance before she remembered that she had taken a cab to come to the mansion. She didn’t have a car here and she probably wasn’t fit to walk anyway.
“No, I can call myself a cab and-“
“I will tell Rob to drive you.”
With that, John stepped outside and waved for one of the black limousines that were parked on the forecourt. The young man behind the steering wheel let the window down and perked up his eyebrows at John.
“Ms. Smoak needs a ride to her hotel. If she needs any stops on the way there, all her wishes are your command.”
Rob nodded his head. “Of course, Sir.”
Felicity knew that it would probably be the most polite thing to say that she didn’t need the ride. She could indeed just call a cab. She didn’t have the energy to put an unnecessary fight though.
When John opened the door to the backseats of the car, Felicity stepped closer to the car. Before she got in, she put her hands to John and smiled at him. She doubted that it reached his eyes, but she was sure that he got the gesture behind it nonetheless.
“Thank you, John.”
“If you need anything, just call me.”
Felicity nodded her head, although she doubted that she would call anyone tonight. She was going to hide under her blanket and cry her eyes out, so she would hopefully be okay for the wedding tomorrow. Nothing was allowed to overshadow that.
“Goodnight, Felicity.”
Felicity sank into the soft leather of the backseats. While John closed the door for her, Felicity put on the seatbelt. When the car started rolling, she leaned her head against the cold window pane and closed her eyes.
It all made so much sense. Now that those missing pieces had fallen into place, she had no idea how she hadn’t known that there was something fishy in their break-up before. She had always considered it unfinished because it had been.
Another sigh fell from Felicity’s lips, and she squeezed her eyes shut firmly. She tried to blend out the world around her, trying to forget about everything for just a second, so she could catch her breath. Her thoughts wouldn’t stop spinning though.
Now she got why Oliver had been so angry with her all the time. Until now, she hadn’t got why he could be so sweet and so aroused by her in one minute and then so angry with her the next. She hadn’t understood why he would be angry with her at all. She had thought that she had been the one who had been left, and then she had thought that it had all just been a misunderstanding. This entire time Oliver had believed that she had slept with Adrian.
What Adrian had done to them was unforgivable. No matter what motives he had had, they didn’t excuse his behavior. All the pain his actions had caused just couldn’t be excused with a past heartbreak. At least to Felicity, they couldn’t.
Frowning, Felicity wondered what Oliver was thinking about all of this. He had certainly looked like hell when he had attacked Adrian, and he had looked just as terrible when he had left. Knowing that Adrian blamed him for what he had done to them, Felicity wouldn’t be surprised if Oliver adapted that thought. Oliver was always quick to think the worst of him and blame himself for things that weren’t his fault.
“I’m sorry,” Felicity said, leaning forward towards Rob a little bit, “but could you please stop at OJQ?”
“There is going to be nobody there,” Rob said, “the company’s headquarters closes at eight and-“
“I need to stop by the atelier,” Felicity said, “please.”
Rob didn’t need to be asked twice. John’s order had been clear. He was supposed to take her wherever Felicity wanted to go.
The drive to OJQ didn’t take long. When Felicity had asked to be taken there, it had been closer than the hotel. It took barely three minutes before the limousine stopped in front of the atelier where Felicity wasn’t surprised to find light. She had known that Oliver would end up here sooner or later.
Felicity wanted to send Rob away because she could easily call a cab once she was done here. She already knew that he wouldn’t disobey John, so she knew she could spare the breath.
“I’ll be right back.”
That was all she said before she got out of the car and closed the door behind her. A cool gust of wind hit her, and Felicity wrapped her coat around her even more firmly. With quick steps, she crossed the distance towards the atelier and stepped in.
As soon as her foot had crossed the doorstep, she could hear the loud noises from the back of the building. The curtains, that separated Oliver’s working area from the rest of the spacious atelier, moved back and forth from the movements behind them. If Felicity was asked to make a guess, she’d say that Oliver was leaving out his anger at everything in his reach right now.
Pressing her lips together, Felicity considered turning around on her heels and leaving Oliver alone. Maybe he wanted to be alone. She’d understand if he needed time alone. She’d even understand if she was the last person he wanted to see right now. Still, she had to check if he was okay. He might not be ready to face her, but she had to see him.
Felicity crossed the distance towards the working area. Pushing the curtain aside, she stepped in and stopped dead in her tracks. Her breath got stuck in her throat, and her heart started racing at what she saw.
The atelier looked like hell. Scattered pieces of wood were lying around, looking like parts of a chair or something. Several mannequins had suffered the same fate. The pieces of fabrics that were always lying around wherever Oliver worked were mixing with what looked like ripped clothes and torn paper.
In the middle of the mess, Oliver was standing, his face screwed up in anger as he continued to beat the hell out of everything in his reach. His shirt as well as his face were covered with sweat, proving how much force he had to be using. The knuckles of his hands were already bloody.
There was something incredibly sad about what view she was met with. It looked like Oliver had destroyed everything he could just like Adrian had destroyed the bliss of a life they had been living three years ago. He wasn’t able to punch Adrian again and again, so he was punching whatever else was there.
“Oliver,” Felicity whispered, her voice weak, “stop it.”
She didn’t know if Oliver didn’t hear her, or if he was just too caught in his rage. Either way, he didn’t stop. He just tore apart a dress that looked a lot like it was embroidered in long hours of painful handiwork, threw what was left of it to the floor and flipped the massive wooden table that was the center of his workspace. It crashed to the floor with a loud noise.
Felicity’s heart jumped up into her throat. She flinched almost violently, making the muscles in her back twist. She was sure that she could still feel it tomorrow or next week for that matter.
She yelled his name from the top of her lungs, but still he didn’t show any reaction. He went right at the table, starting to punch it again and again. If his bruised knuckles hurt, he didn’t let that stop him. He just continued to hit the table again and again, making the wood splinter.
Felicity felt incredibly helpless as she watched him like that. She could see that he felt helpless too. He was at his own rage’s mercy, unable to control it. She had never seen Oliver or anyone else for that matter like that.
Determined not to let him hurt himself any longer, Felicity stepped towards Oliver. She hesitated for a moment before she grabbed his wrists and turned him around to her. Her gaze met his, and it took a lot from her to not let go of him. Instead, she tightened her hold on his wrists.
Their eyes were locked on each other’s. Their gazes were intense, both of them unable to hide how disturbed they were after everything that had happened tonight. They were shaken, angry and hurt. Knowing that they both felt the same only multiplied the way they were feeling by a hundred at least.
What Adrian had done to Oliver, he had done to both of them. They had both been the victims of his intrigues. They had both suffered badly from his actions.
Something in the expression of Oliver’s eyes changed. It grew even darker, and he hurried to take some steps back. He looked like he was barely holding onto a thread of self-control. In his eyes, Felicity could see his fear. If he was going to let that tiny thread, he was scared of what he was going to do.
Felicity felt her voice break and stopped. She took in a deep breath and cleared her throat. If she wanted to calm Oliver down, she should get a hold of herself. Otherwise, this wasn’t going to work. They would only infect each other with how messed up they were feeling, making it worse instead of making it better.
Oliver went over to the only real wall of his workspace. He put his flat hands to the wall, leaning all his weight against it and letting his head dangle between his shoulders. He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head again and again. It didn’t seem to help him though, so he leaned his head against the wall, probably trying to cool it.
“I just wanted to check how you are doing.”
She would have almost told him that she had wanted to check if he was alright, but she already knew the answer to that. There was no way that he was alright. Every cell of his body seemed to scream that he was anything but alright.
Oliver didn’t answer. He stayed where he was with his forehead against the wall and his eyes screwed shut. His face didn’t do anything to hide in how much pain he still was.
Felicity whispered his name, wanting him to answer or to at least look at her. She wanted any kind of reaction from him. She got a reaction, and it almost made her flinch.
Oliver turned around to her with a quick movement. His eyes were directed at hers, almost piercing right through her. Felicity felt her breath getting caught in her throat. Although she wasn’t scared that Oliver would hurt her, she had trouble to stop herself from taking a step back when Oliver suddenly approached her.
He reached out his hands for her face. Felicity expected his grip to be firm. She thought his hands would hold her face between them with so much force that she would feel like her head was about to crack at the touch.
Instead, Oliver’s hands were incredibly gentle. They came to rest against her cheeks, holding her carefully like he was afraid of breaking her. He was holding her like she was his greatest treasure, something he didn’t want to lose or even hurt at all cost.
His eyes were locked on hers, the expression in them so intense that Felicity felt her heart going out. Everything inside of her started aching. Her heart was beating irregularly, stuttering in her chest.
“Do you have any idea how much I have hated you for the past three years?” Oliver asked, his voice so hoarse that it was barely recognizable, but his right hand stroked down her cheeks gently like he wanted to soothe the hardness of his words. “I hated you so much that I-“
His voice broke, turning into a sob that Oliver was barely able to muffle. He took in a sniffling breath, lowering his eyes for a moment. When he lifted his gaze eventually, tears were welling in his eyes.
“All this time, I hated you;” he told her, his voice lowered to a whisper, “for nothing. I hated you for absolutely nothing.”
Felicity could feel the pain in his words, and they hurt her just as much as they certainly hurt him. For three years, she had hated him too, maybe not as much as Oliver had hated her, but still. Her anger had tried to eat her alive for most of the past three years.
“I have seen a life with you.” Oliver’s voice a lot gentle now although it was still hoarse. “Three years back, there was nothing I wanted more than you or us. I mean I had a plan. I wanted to buy a puppy for us to raise together. I wanted to propose to you.”
Felicity’s heart skipped a beat or twice at his words. She had known that Oliver had been very serious about their relationship. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so hurt that she had considered moving to Gotham City. She hadn’t known that he had thought that far ahead. Getting married was quite the thing and so was a puppy, at least for Oliver.
For the break of a second, an almost broken smile showed on Oliver’s face. The corners of his lips twitched slightly. An expression of utter love spread in his eyes. He almost looked like her Oliver, the Oliver she had fallen in love with again and again for the two years they had been together.
Before Felicity could give into the low tingling in her stomach, his facial expression hardened though. He looked angry again, and Felicity felt her body mirroring that anger.
“We could be married today,” Oliver told her, “but instead I spent the last three years hating you. I thought that you just forgot all about us the moment things got a little rough. I thought that I didn’t mean as much to you as you meant to me. I hated you for it. With every cell in my body, I hated you, and it was all because of my actions and-“
Again, Oliver’s voice broke. He lowered his head, staring at their feet. His hands continued stroking over her face. His fingertips were calloused, but his touch was so very gentle.
Holding her breath, Felicity waited for Oliver to do anything. She waited for him to continue speaking or to look her in the eyes again. He didn’t do either of that though. Instead, he took several steps back, still not looking at her. With his gaze locked onto the floor, he shook his head again and again and again.
“I can’t do this right now,” Oliver whispered, his voice defeated. “Can you go? Please?”
Felicity didn’t want to leave him like this. She didn’t want to be alone with the image of him beating everything to crap in here either. She was sure that it would haunt her now. If she turned away from Oliver, she would see him completely out of control again. She wouldn’t be able to close her eyes without seeing him taking everything apart.
After everything that had happened today, Felicity just didn’t have the energy to put up a fight. She couldn’t tell Oliver that she didn’t want to leave him alone like that or that she herself didn’t want to be alone tonight. All she could do was nod along to whatever he said he wanted. It might be weak, but she couldn’t help it.
“Goodnight, Oliver.”
Not turning away yet, Felicity watched Oliver for a moment longer. He stood in the middle of the mess he had made, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his pants and his shoulders hunched. He looked as lost as Felicity felt.
Since she couldn’t do anything to help him or even help herself, she turned around and left. Everything was broken, and maybe they were just too broken to fix it. 
* * *
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lynhudsonchase · 4 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔟𝔬𝔯 (A Short Story)
A 3-Part Mini-Series about our fellow Archons from Mondstadt and Liyue!
I love the best friend/brotherly dynamic that these two Archons share. And although we were never really given a scene in the game between the two, I do hope in the future of Genshin Impact that these two would meet and have a conversation together.
Hope you enjoy!
[AO3 Link]
PART 1/3: The Condolence Gift
Zhongli’s POV
A few hours after the events that had happened with the Traveler, the Salt God Archaeologist, and the Fatui Antique Fraud at Guyon Stone Forest, Zhongli returned to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to retire from a day full of revelation and reminders of the past.
However, upon arriving at his desk, he spotted a gift wrapped in the heinous way possible and a letter placed under it. It was in the shape of a bottle. The brown paper bag hung off a canvas string too short to do a double knot around its neck with the exposed old cork and green bottle peaked through the wrapping. In a moment of contemplating the gift, the Ferrylady walked into the room and grabbed a couple of items off the shelves for the on-going funeral service when she noticed Zhongli eyeing the gift.
"The Traveler passed by here an hour ago before you arrived to drop off the gift, Mr. Zhongli. The floating guide he was with noted that it was from an old friend from Mondstadt, who wanted to offer his condolences." She spoke of note, her hands filled with bottles of perfume and incense as she stepped out of the room.
Zhongli picked up the parcel, slid the brown bag off it with ease, and viewed the bottle's label. From the looks of it, it must've been aged for almost six decades—if Zhongli did his math correctly. Of course, it was Dandelion wine, from the Dawn Winery. Zhongli loved the wine from there. I mean, who doesn't?
He searched around his desk for a bottle opener, finding one on his shelves of antiques and knickknacks. He was slowly reminded of how he came into its possession after a swift exchange with the captain of The Crux Fleet.
He pulled up a small glass as well and took his time to open the bottle, twisting the cork with much precision to avoid shattering the aged cork. With a  'pop, ' he immediately could smell a day in the summer, the fruity and flowery fragrance of the dandelions in spring, beautifully blended into perfection.
He poured himself a glass and swirled it in front of him. He admired the golden liquid as it cascaded against the glass walls and took a sip, enjoying the heat down his throat and the taste of a time where life was easier and quaint.  Ah, Yes, a fulfilling condolence gift indeed.
Zhongli then picked up the envelope that accompanied the gift. He hinted amusement at the amateur looking letter and spotted a hand-drawn windmill in the corner of the envelope. He pulled out the letter, leaned against his desk, and continued his drink.
Dear Old Friend,
It has been a few centuries since we last spoke on a personal note. It was very recently that I heard from a mutual traveler of ours that you go by the name of Zhongli now, and not...well, you have had hundreds of names back then it was hard to catch up. I also wanted to give you this rare vintage wine that I had stashed away, a condolence gift to you.
I thought it was time that I reached out to you again, especially since after my long slumber and decision to allow the City of Freedom to rule without my interventions as their Archon. It was also a good time now to visit the beautiful city of Liyue and what it had become in this day and age.
Our dear friend the Traveler did not note of anything in our earlier conversation of where I could find you in Liyue, but he did say that you'd be the one to find me, and that was better than nothing. I do enjoy the thrill of experiencing the city within its walls and people.
I hope to see you around,
Venti. Indeed, Zhongli was unfamiliar with his new name, how many millennia had passed since he'd spoken to the Anemo Archon, who also had a different name before. Despite their cities being neighbors and well business-trading partners, the Adepti and the Archon of Mondstadt do not share the same relationship. He took another sip of his drink, his thoughts calculated the traveler's words and what he meant with"I'll find him?."
A new day has come to Liyue and Zhongli has decided to spend his morning overlooking the harbor as he used to do when had first decided on his current form, to blend around the locals of Liyue and all of its busyness in the harbor.
He stepped out of the funeral parlor, closed the double doors behind him, and made his way down towards the harbor, overlooking the two towers that serve as the opening arch for incoming trading ships. The smell of trade and business was distinct around him, the Liyue folk shouted orders and commands, and buff laborers passed crates and canvas sacks from trader ships.
In the corner of his eye, he could make out a ship from Snezhnaya, the ship's sail was a violent indigo color and the symbol of the Tsaritsa tainted on it. Fatui laborers could be seen carrying in cargo on board—perhaps an early delivery back to their motherland.
The hustle and bustle of traders around Zhongli provided ease from yesterday's events. He could tell that the people of Liyue had come a long way from the Archon War, having to flee from the Guili Assembly all those millennia ago to establish the mouth of bountiful trade in all of Teyvat. Morax couldn't have earned this city's credit alone, this was all done by the people of Liyue.
His thoughts are suddenly disrupted by the sound of a lyre. An uncommon instrument in Liyue. It was then he noticed a small group gathering nearby the Guesthouse Building. This piqued his interest as he headed towards the small crowd. In the middle of it was a bard in the oddest of green fashion, looking not older than fifteen, playing a slow tune on his lyre.
So this the City of Trade,
What beauty lies in a place so self-made,
Where its people are full of pride
A bard such as I feel so unqualified
to bask in what has come together through time and tide.
Zhongli smiled in amusement at the bard's rhymes, they were not horrible for a child, but they were very rusty for an Archon. The crowd around them also seemed amused. But of course, such amusement had to dissipate when two Millelith guards approached the growing audience.
"Hey! What is all this commotion?" Zhongli watched from the crowd as the bard stopped his playing, looking confused.
"I was just playing with my lyre, humming some lyrics I made up. I didn't even notice the number of people that had formed around me," he defended.
"Hmm. I see." The Millelith spoke, clearly unfazed. "Alright folks, get back to what you were doing. There is no need to start forming a ruckus this early in the morning."
The crowd started to disperse in disappointment, it's not every morning that the people of Liyue get to enjoy the arts during their work hours. Zhongli remained where he stood and watched the guard interrogate the bard.
"And where are your parents? You don't seem to be from around here." The second guard spoke.
"I came here alone." The bard shrugged, "Also, I'm quite older than I look, Mr. Guard, sir."
"Yes, well, we can't have you attracting crowds in the busy harbor. Kids like you always manage to make a mess of things here. Why don't we escort you somewhere less crowded. " The Millelith guard was ready to kick the bard out of Liyue before Zhongli finally intervened.
"The bard is with me. I've been looking around for him. He's an old friend from Mondstadt." The bard looked up at him and tilted his head in registration—obviously perplexed.
"Mr. Zhongli, sir. We highly apologize." The guard released the bard from their hold and saluted the consultant then went on their merry way.
The bard was surprised by how quickly the man in front of him dismissed those guards. He brushed off his clothing and checked if his lyre was okay before looking up once more to speak. A smile finally played on his lips.
"Hello, old friend."
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 135
It was fairly late in the evening by the time fear stopped paralyzing you enough to move. To get anything done. Tony had not moved from his spot upstairs all day, either. But he was currently, technically, on a mission. And you were just sitting in your office. Eventually, when sense returned, you decided to do something about it. 
“LUNA.” Reaching up to press on the left side earring cuff to activate your visor, a litany of information popped up in your view. Even though you hadn’t asked for it, there was also a simultaneous Iron Man link screen in a very small box in the lower right hand corner. Interesting. 
“Yes, ma’am?” 
“Let’s start some new security protocols.” The last time Kilgrave had grabbed you off the street, you’d been without her. Without the tech that might have mattered most. Although Kilgrave had made you abandon the Heart Reactor- you would never know if he would have made you take the earrings off, too. And it was far too late to start speculating now. 
“What would you like to set up?” 
Well, for starters… “Go back on Trish Talk’s website and grab the archive of her show from yesterday. The male caller at the end… I want you to isolate and hold a recording of it. If that voice gets within thirty feet of me, I want an instant activation of the suit.” 
“Working now, ma’am.” 
“I also want a direct phone call to Tony if the suit gets activated that way.” It was too late to wonder about all the what-ifs. But maybe you could pretend you were as smart as Tony. Things happened. And kept happening. But he never let that slow him down. He never let that stop him. 
No matter what terrible things happened, he always used what he learned to build something better for next time. You could do that, too. 
After a few seconds of silence, she answered again. “Protocols are now being established. Voice has been isolated.” 
“If the suit gets activated and Tony gets a phone call, I also want a GPS ping sent to Tony. If for some reason I lose the suit, I still want you tracking me through the visor.” What else, what else… “If that voice calls my cell phone, I want an immediate trace ran and all information on the phone number associated with it.” Tony had given you tech. You had to use it to your advantage. The way he did. You had to be smart about this. Give yourself shortcuts so hopefully you wouldn’t end up in a situation like that ever again.
Because Kilgrave was coming for you. There were no longer any doubts about that. 
“Oh, and another thing…”
“I’m listening, ma’am.”
After lulling yourself into a sense of newfound security that you hoped wasn’t false, you decided to test your luck. Kilgrave had only just started, and he seemed to have some sort of plan. Really, though, you did wonder how smart he was. He was entirely manipulative, this was true. But how much of that was just due to his powers? How heavily did he rely on them? 
Moments of you- and him- in that kitchen in Brooklyn… for that brief sweet moment when you’d broken free… you’d felt the horror in the air. His lack of thought that he’d ever be bested had nearly been his downfall. And if you only moved just a little faster, maybe you would have been free of him a lot sooner. Hard to think about, still. But… it really did raise the question of how much Kilgrave was prepared for, and how much he just figured out on the spot. 
He’d definitely captured Steve and orchestrated some plan to potentially kill Trish at the same time- and he’d gotten his hands quickly on Pepper too. Someone you’d considered to be far more innocent in all this. Though, you didn’t really think that was a thing he cared about in the slightest. He had hired Jessica’s neighbor to take pictures to track you… and do who knew what else with. How far did his spiderweb go? You’d have to figure it out soon. Slowly you were removing pieces off his board, but even through Pepper he’d sounded confident that that’s what he’d wanted. 
Or was that merely what he wanted you to think? The entire thing was frustrating. 
Happy was going to be the next one sent on vacation, simply because you didn’t want to risk him, too. Even if he was technically your head of security. But while you still had him, you called for him to take you to and from a restaurant so you could stealthily pick up some food. Stealthily in the case of making it look like just enough for you. But clearly in open defiance of Kilgrave. If he was watching. From any number of shadows that littered the streets. 
Tony had said you’d been getting paranoid. Maybe that was true. It was hard not to, when you’d suddenly found yourself locked in a battle with a nemesis that could make anyone do anything he wanted them to at any time. Chefs could poison your food. Drivers could total your car. Random passersby could beat you with a bat in the street. People in your very office could be infected- as he’d already proven he was capable of doing. 
But if you lived that life in perpetual fear of him, he won. Still. You had to be smart about this, too. You both couldn’t just lock yourself away and you also couldn’t run around flagrantly if only to show you weren’t scared of him. How could you not be? Honesty would call it being terrified. But maybe if he knew that he would win that way, too. He wanted you scared and weak and vulnerable. 
You couldn’t give it to him. 
Once safely back inside the lobby of the Tower, you decided to try and tell Happy to go on a small paid vacation. But. Of course. He intended to fight you every step of the way. Respectfully, as always. But his swift refusal really did put a pit in the bottom of your stomach. Pepper had also fought, a little, but when you’d told her it was for her safety she quickly understood that probably meant she was better off just listening to you. 
Instead, Happy surprised you as he walked you back towards your private elevator (newly refinished as Tony in his infinite skill of multitasking had fixed), he merely said, ”This is about what happened last year. That guy that took you.” Not a question in the slightest. Just. Telling you he already knew what this was about. 
It didn’t take long to guess how that was. “Tony told you?” 
“I’m head of security, remember?” Grinning, though it was half-hearted.  “Seems like something I should know about. So I do.” The question of when Tony had had the time to brief Happy about all this was probably not important. You did wonder what exactly Tony had told him, though. 
“Yeah. Well… whether or not I agree- he’s dangerous. And I want you somewhere safe.” People in your private, personal circle needed to go away. Whether or not that was smart. They were just more fodder for Kilgrave. And you couldn’t have that. 
“Feeling’s mutual. But I have a feeling you aren’t about to take off, either. So neither am I.” He crossed his arms, perhaps a little overtly on the defensive. 
How on earth had you gotten stuck with such infuriating men? Tony and Happy were more alike than they realized. Refusing to listen to reason. ...even if it was noble. And usually in the service of you. “I could fire you.” A threat that held no weight whatsoever. 
Yet he just shrugged it off. “Tony will hire me back.” 
“I don’t want you caught up in this, Happy.” How much clearer could you make it? 
“Yeah. Well, you are. So that means I am. It’s not just my job, you know. I care about you, too.” You sensed he wasn’t trying to make you feel bad on purpose. But he did so regardless. 
A heavy sigh escaped you. You couldn’t force Happy out. Even if you somehow managed it, even cruelly with a firing, you had a feeling he’d just shadow you anyway. Oh the pains of having friends. “I’m going to get you one of those ear pieces from Tony’s lab. I just booked a bunch of security protocols.” The only thing you could do was hope to get a ping off him if Kilgrave did try to snatch him. He wouldn’t have a suit for protection but hopefully this would be enough.
Preparation. That’s all you had. That was your only tool. Finally he nodded. “Yeah, sure. Fine. Whatever it takes.” 
Calling the elevator, finally, you gave him a brief but tired smile. “I appreciate it- just so you know. That you want to stick around. I still don’t think it’s a good idea. But… thank you.” 
His own smile was a little more sure. “You’re welcome.” 
Back upstairs, you brought the food directly into the penthouse bedroom knowing Tony had not otherwise moved from his spot at the desk. Though as you entered, you noticed the telltale slump of his shoulders. He was achingly tired, yet his brain was still racing. You couldn’t recall the last time he’d slept. Which was a problem. Giving him a small touch on the shoulder to gain his attention, “I brought dinner.” 
His head tipped back, “Thanks. I’m finishing up. Suit’s gotta stay in the jet bay for repairs anyway.” His disappointment was an obvious note. 
“No scepter.” 
“Nope. No alien parts. Nothing. Hydra rats in jail is something but. Ultimately not what we were looking for.” Starting to ramble just a little bit. 
You pulled up another chair to sit aside him, putting the takeout boxes on the corner of the desk. “How’s the team?” 
“Asleep. We have a layover in Seoul. As usual, no one even thought to thank me for the nice hotel rooms.” Playing at that usual mock offense. 
“What’s in Seoul?” Not that you thought a Hydra base couldn’t be located just about anywhere, but a hub like that seemed like asking for too much trouble. Too many eyes. 
“U-GIN- uh- Doctor Cho- actually- JARVIS can you put this- here-” Reaching up after that mountain of clipped starts to push a holographic video window in front of you both. “This is Doctor Helen Cho. She runs things at U-GIN.” 
You regarded her image on the video screen, waving back when she waved to you. “Nice to meet you.” 
She was a pretty woman despite her slightly stoic demeanor, deep dark eyes with hair tied up in a messy bun. She and everyone around her were in lab coats. “You, too. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Tony stole the generic all good things I hope moment by speaking before you could. “The team stopped at her lab. Nat got hit pretty bad. Cho is the leading tech geneticist in the world right now. Cleaned her right up.” 
“Ah.” The pieces fell into place. “You’re our new in-house doctor?” 
“Hardly.” Her smile was light. “I think I have a lot more meaningful work to offer than patching scrapes, no offense to your team. But I would like to come visit the labs. And help where I can. If you need us.” 
“They have this thing called the Cradle over there. Sad I can’t visit it in person.” 
“I don’t want that thing bumbling around in my lab.” 
“Excuse me. My suits do not bumble.” 
She and Tony seemed pretty friendly with one another. It was nice, in a way. He really seemed to warm up to scientists, for obvious reasons. You wondered if he’d met her before all this, though. And while you were at least partially interested in this Cradle thing, you were otherwise too tired to engage in what would probably not make a lot of sense to you anyway. “Can’t you bring it here?” 
Helen answered with a definitive shake of her head. “There’s only the one. And I’d like it to stay where it is.” 
Tony half-grinned. “There’s only one right now.” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Stark.” 
“I’m ahead of everyone.” Waving his hand dismissively. “This little you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours thing we’ve got going on…” 
She shook her head with a roll of her eyes. “Let me see your labs first. Then we can talk about all that.” You assumed they had entered into some contract with each other. Probably more verbal than anything. He’d probably offered her help to mass produce these Cradle things. Especially if one could be of such use to the team. You weren’t sure how Nat had gotten hurt, but if this doctor had managed to heal her in a matter of moments… yeah. Pretty impressive and worthwhile endeavor to go after. 
No wonder Tony was all over this. 
Whether it was his own tiredness or yours seeping into him, he thankfully decided to be the one to breach the awkward quick goodbyes. “Yeah, well. Probably sooner rather than later. I’ll let you get back to your work.” 
You gave her a small wave. “It was nice speaking with you. Thank you for helping the team.” 
She nodded in return. “You’re welcome.” 
With the video window closed, you turned to face Tony, reaching up to gently lift that techband off his head and face. In its wake, little red indents of telling all-day use stood out to you, and you worked your hands over the marks lightly. “You should eat. And then get some sleep.” 
“I’ve got too much to do.” Already putting up a fight. 
Holding his face in your hands, you gave him a look just short of pleading. “So do I. But neither of us are any good running on empty.” 
“Speak for yourself. I basically invented the manual on running on fumes.” 
“That doesn’t mean that’s a good thing- or that you should.” Just as he geared up to continue arguing you cut him off, “Tony. I’m asking you. For me, please. Eat something and then try to lie down for a few hours. Please.” Soft as you asked, watching his eyes. 
His hands covered yours, quickly dropping to your wrists, thumbs working circles over the insides. His eyes dropped, and his nod was defeated. “Yeah. Okay, honey.” 
Sitting forward you brought him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Thank you.” Getting Tony to slow down was never an easy task. For you or for him- especially for him. So him acquiescing because you were asking him meant the world. 
The two of you moved to the living room to eat, again using the TV as white noise static to fill an otherwise anxiety ridden void that was slowly consuming the both of you. At least until you found strength enough to start filling him in on the day’s events. “I sent Pepper on vacation.” 
“Probably smart.” 
It would have been easy to sidestep why, but he deserved to know. “Kilgrave got to her.” 
The small chill that he projected stood out when he reached to put a hand on your leg. Steadying himself more than you. “Yeah? And did what?” 
“Just made her say some threatening things to me. But. That was more than enough reason to send her away. I tried to tell Happy to leave, too, but he wasn’t having any of it.” 
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, backing away from that high. Then he shook his head. “Guy’s as stubborn as an ox.” 
“I threatened to fire him.” 
At least this got a little grin out of him. “I’m sure he handled that gracefully.” 
You smiled back. “He seemed to think you’d automatically rehire him.” 
“I must have given him the wrong idea at some point.” Lifting his hand from your leg, he held his arm up, so you easily moved to him, letting him put it around you as you sank closer to him. “LUNA sent up your fresh security batch. Really good stuff. JARVIS is working on cleaning up the edges.” 
“I just thought some preventative measures were important now more than ever.” Tony’s praise always made you warm but it was easy to deflect. This was the obvious thing to do. That didn’t make it smart. 
“You did that while I was busy playing exterminator. I hadn’t even gotten that far yet.” 
“You would have.” 
He gave you a little squeeze. “Maybe. But. Now I don’t have to.” 
Because you weren’t useless. You weren’t ready to just sit there and take it as it came. You weren’t his damsel in distress to save every time something terrible came up. You were strong and capable. 
All these ideas floating in the air around you as you snuggled closer. “Except for cleaning up.” Teasing, just a little, as you raised a hand over his heart. 
He breathed out a quiet amused noise. “We can’t all be perfect.” His own hand raised, fingers lacing with yours. Just holding you there. “I love you. We’ll figure this out. He won’t be out there forever.” 
It was his resolve you were lulled by more than anything. You and Tony would figure this out. Kilgrave would be put down eventually. This was the promise he was making to you now. “I love you, too.” 
And you believed him.
For all his reluctance to sleep (as it was such a waste of his time), as soon as you laid down with him, Tony was out like a light. You, on the other hand, laid awake. For a very long time. Sleep only came in short bursts, punctured by all too real nightmares that you tried to stifle as they thrust you awake over and over. Your suffering could not be allowed to infect Tony. And, thankfully, he slept the whole night through as you forcefully kept a lid on yourself. At least one of you had to be free and clear. And, since he was the smarter of the two of you, it seemed more advantageous for that to be him. 
It left you weary and anxious when you eventually scuttled down to your office the next morning. Trying to pretend like things were normal. That Kilgrave wasn’t in as much control of your life as he was. Really, you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was out there. Doing something. He wouldn’t be quiet for long. 
The ring of your personal cell phone got a complete startle out of you, and your heart started hammering as you looked at the unknown phone number on the screen. He’d called you once, he could do it again as many times as he pleased. Part of you hoped he would, so that you could try and figure out where he was hiding. It was the only reason you weren’t contemplating changing your number at this point. 
But. When you answered, it was Jessica’s voice that greeted you. “I dealt with Malcolm.” 
“Oh.” You tried to steady your breathing. “Okay. What’s the story with that?” 
“Kilgrave had him on the hook for drugs. Won’t be a problem anymore. That’s all.” Succinct and angry as always. You couldn’t really blame her. She was probably getting as much sleep as you were these days. Which was none. 
“Okay. Well. Thanks.” There was no way to drill her for information right now. You just had to take her at her word. But when she didn’t immediately hang up you started getting suspicious. “...is there something else?” 
“There is, actually.” Another long pause. Your heart squeezed. Here was the other shoe. It was probably something very bad. “...Hogarth and I are starting a survivor group. For Kilgrave’s victims. We’re doing it to collect testimony. So obviously you don’t have to go.” There was that usual sass and bite there. That undertone of calling you useless. “But. I thought maybe it might help you.” 
That however was… strange, at best. You might not have known Jessica for very long and really didn’t know anything about her other than that she was crass, always seemed to be pissed off, and always on the war path but… that seemed sort of… genuinely caring? 
Had something happened to her? Was she finally warming up to you? 
...probably lofty dreams for something so small. Your optimism really was the worst. “I can’t be seen there.” Then you had to go ruin it by saying something like that.
She scoffed. “No. Of course not. Don’t know what I was thinking.” 
“But-” Quickly speaking so she wouldn’t hang up. “Tell me where they’re meeting. Maybe I can figure something out.” If you wanted to go. This all seemed very public. And like a trap. And… also like something you weren’t sure you could handle. 
Victims of Kilgrave? Was the point to make you attend to make you feel terrible? For the people that had come after you? Optimism warring with pessimism and a shred of self loathing. And the latter was winning out. 
The first meeting was apparently tomorrow. It didn’t really give you a lot of time to think about it. 
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