#😬 this a hefty one
sandsorghum · 2 months
yall i have two wolves inside me: pervroommate higuruma and Bodyguard/Knight!Higuruma
Conceptually they could not be on more opposite sides of the spectrum. Plus im, uh, inclined to be a lot meaner to one of them...
Kinda want to write them concurrently though the latter is going to be slow burn, im thinking a good 4-5 installments/chapters? Guess it'll be a period piece so there may be a hefty amount of research involved too @_@ (but anything for him)
Im excited to explore how to portray guilt and yearning and appetites across these diametrically different settings, the varying inflections and expressions but also, always the marvellous challenge of keeping certain characteristics of higuruma consistent.
I doubt the partners will be characterised the same but they def both have a bratty side to them, sorry 😖😳😬
As much as i wanna avoid the cliches sometimes well, it's odd but i feel like higuruma for the most part is such a mature character he involuntarily brings out the brat in me my protagonists. Maybe it's just sharpened by contrast
BUT OK ALSO HANG ON THIS JUST OCCURREDTO ME- Brat taming with Higuruma is one thing but BratHiguruma? Can you imagine? do you dare let yourself dream?
This is the guy who was introduced to us in a bathtub afterall you just know he has that streak of mischievious childish malevolence too and wow someone he can let his guard down around for once and let his inner child out to play? 🥺 GOD I NEED TO STOP WRITING AMD TELLIMG META ABOUT HIM AND SHOW YALL INSTEAD
It's 9am he's a plague on my brain send help
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meirimerens · 7 months
hii, one quastion, I was wondering if you had any pieces of canon lore attached to your vision of Andrey (and Peter I guess too) as bisexual? I remember you talked about what parts of canon made you consider Dankovsky as gay, Burakh as gay, etc but what about Andrey my friend Andrey… Is there lore or is it just pure vibes (which is good too) SORRY if it's already been asked lol
hiiii okay i probally already talked about this but doesn't hurt to talk more we love to talk Ok the two crucial points for me are
his line "You do look like a hero - from the front. But what about the other end? Bend over." addressed at a man was written to be sexually forward [source]. while many men will use sexual forwardness/bluntness not through the lenses of desire but through those of power/threat, a heterosexual man will refrain from sexual forwardness towards another man as homosexual acts are still The Great Heterosexual Male Taboo and in the heterosexual male mind, degrading in itself. tldr i think he means it this time
design documents say of him "Based on Benvenuto Cellini" and while it is pretty hard to find a Renaissance artist who did not go to bed with at the very least the Leg Of Bicuriosity, Cellini was arrested and charged Multiple Times for sexual affairs with men. called a sodomite by another sculptor to his face and all. had to be there in those times. other things appear to link Cellini & Andrey, such as the killing of the brother's killer in an act of blood revenge (which Andrey doesn't canonically do, but that sounds enough like something he would do). but the "multiple times arrested for gaysexing" is a pretty hefty thing in that lore.
tldr I see it for real.
as for peter I think it's funny. andrey hammers your head with "he and i are perfect twins" & since it's not uncommon for multiple siblings to be gay or bi That's Funny to me. also because i like to explore how fundamentally alike & fundamentally different they are, both bi & both living their bisexualities in very different ways. in my mind's eye peter got that "oh he's... 😬 sensitive 😬....." treatment as a kid but discovered himself bi later in life. andrey has lived his bisexuality openly loudly and amorously for longer, having more (multiple at once) lovers. not really a bi thing he'd be like that if he were straight regardless; i just think it contrasts with the In My Mind's Eye of peter getting no bitches before age 29. peter tried to get laid Once and it went so bad they had to kill the guy. women don't really want to deal with him. andrey insisted he come to the all-male gatherings of the capital's students to mingle with Like-Minded Men If You Know What I Mean and he just stood in the corner like that one meme. sensitive white bi boy scaring the hoes at the club. etc
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Anyone know what's up with the weird victim blaming for Macaque 💀 like, there is making fun of him good naturedly, there is criticizing a characters flaws in a reasonable way, but straight up victim blaming as if he fully deserved and straight up asked for this, as if ditching LBD was the bad move?? Lol, she's not some innocent person he had to keep his deal with. I need to stay within my ecosystem but the allure of new S5 art sent me into the tags and I was reminded we have a pretty hefty community dedicated to Macaque slander and the wildest takes. This is one of those I see consistently 😭 alongside bringing in his Jttw personality and how he fully deserved getting killed and that he was always like this?? That everything Wukong said about him was true like did nobody watch S4 or what. It's super funny, like where is this level of vehemence for villains more deserving in other shows??? This monkey is from a kid's show y'all 😭 wheeze, the funniest take I found was thinking him apologizing first would spite us like no, I would love that. That is not the "gotcha" you think it is. Hooray for character development and it's kinda consistent with how he's been. Wukong canonically struggles with apologies to MK, but he's getting better.
oof yeah lmk!Macaque is sO different from jttw!Macaque like 😬 y’all
it is so obvious in s3 that Macky is only helping LBD because he has no choice and is terrified of what she’ll do if he crosses her again. like…..y’all
but tbh i do not stick to that crowd (and i honestly thought they were not on this site but yt lol)
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
I think the first few mdzs chapters made me believe 'jc and wwx are literal adopted siblings'. Ppl reccing mdzs on my tl referred to them as such too and the fantl I read (one of the earlier ExR versions) said in prologue something like 'it was his sect leader and adopted brother, jiang cheng, who killed him'. Afterwards when wwx overheard ppl discussing wwx and jc's relationship it cemented my belief. Wwx was taken in by jc's parents so voila they're brothers.
It was my first time reading cn novel as a westerner so I had no idea that sect siblings, martial brothers and sisters are very different things from actual 'siblings'
As I was finishing the novel I had some doubts but it was later, upon my reread once I was more educated that I changed my opinion. I now view them more as a young master&servant of sorts relationship and/or slightly unequal little toxic friendship. Further underlined that none of the Jiang parents actually considered wwx their child in any sense of the word. A "foster ward" would be the most familial word I'd use if pressed.
That is not to say their relationship wouldn't feel incredibly sibling-like for some people who grew up in similar relationships and applied hefty dose of projection.
However back then it used to be bad to say you don't think of them as siblings on tumblr bc it meant you think adoptive siblings aren't real siblings or you're somehow against wangxian and think wwx and jyl or jc should kiss and that's a crime (yeah idk either weird times) XD
Welp, glad I missed all those times cause 😬 The person who was reccing mdzs on my dash were tryna save me from myself by only posting fanart of wangxian and A-Yuan, and I still squandered their goodwill by trusting the wiki smh.
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porcelainmortal · 2 months
🩵 Magic & Bea and Henry please cause I'm a sucker for siblings being cuties 🥹
Thank you for the ask, @tailsbeth! I am sorry to say that this got really emo and a bit dark, but I think it's hopeful overall. (I, too, love a good sibling relationship but I also can't relate, so... this is where it went. 😬)
I am throwing in some trigger warnings, so please check them below - they are also in the tags. I hope you enjoy!
TW/CW: death, necromancy, grief
The spell was Bea’s idea. Henry didn’t believe in this kind of stuff, despite magic being part of their everyday lives. It might be common practice to conjure cream for your tea or a bone for your dog, but anything much more complicated was, generally speaking, frowned upon. And incredibly unreliable.
So Bea insisting that a necromancer spell could bring their dad back from the dead was outside the realm of reality as Henry understood it. Not to mention the high prices to be paid in order to conduct such magic. He tried to stop her – tried to tell her it was time wasted and might cost a hefty sum from the Law of Three – but she insisted it was the only way to restore their family.
“Think about it, Hen – we come from a long line of witches, one of the most powerful families in the realm – if we can’t do it, who can?”
Henry had reluctantly agreed but insisted that they needed Philip and possibly their mother to help, too. Unfortunately, neither of them were on board.
“Stop playing with magic and start trying to make something real out of your lives,” Philip had sniffed derisively.
Their mother was lost in her grief and didn’t seem to understand what they were even asking, and so, Henry and Bea were on their own. 
Henry gathered the herbs and checked the skies to time the spell for optimal cosmic assistance while Bea planned out the spell and mixed the potions. They went into the graveyard when the moon was at its fullest and began chanting, casting their brew and poultice over the earth around their father’s headstone. 
When they finished, everything went eerily still; the animals in the trees quieted, the wind died, even the earth seemed to stop breathing under their feet. And there, at a distance of about 30 feet, stood their father. Well… what their father might look like if all the colour had been drained from his form. His ghostly white figure walked silently towards them, his feet neglecting to leave so much as an indent on the soft earth below them.
“My children,” he began. His voice was the same except for the way it sounded like he was speaking through a long tunnel. All the hair on Henry’s body stood on end. “I know that you’re trying to revive me.”
“We miss you, father,” Bea cried. Henry’s arm wrapped around her as tears sprung into his own eyes.
“And I miss you, my love. More than you can ever know. But this… is not for me. I am not meant to come back.”
“Why not?” Henry asked, his voice cracking unsteadily.
“I am no longer of this plane. I am beyond this life and I am at peace. You must understand that my body gave out when it was meant to. You no longer need me.”
“That’s not true,” Henry argued stubbornly. “We’ll always need you, Dad.”
“You’ll always miss me. But you have everything you need to make your own lives. Henry, you have so much light inside you and the right person is going to come along and help you see that. Beatrice, you have so much talent and ferocity; you must share that with the world and allow everyone to rejoice in it.”
“What about mum?” Bea asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Ah,” Arthur sighed. “Your mother struggles. She searches for me here, even though I am with her and always shall be. One day, she will give up her search and be at peace in the land of the living. When that day comes, you two must be ready. Be there for her. Give her all the love you have set aside for me, she needs it more than ever. You have so much life left to live and although you will miss me, I promise that you do not need me. I have given you all that I can. You have each other; let that be enough.” 
And with that, Arthur started to fade from view. 
“Wait, Father!” Henry cried out, reaching for him. Bea trembled in his arms, reaching out as well. 
“Remember me but do not let my absence hold you back. Go and live,” their father said, his voice fading into nothing more than a distant echo as he disappeared from view.
Henry held Bea in his arms as they sank to the ground and sobbed. He knew that the road ahead would be rocky and difficult, but he knew, now more than ever, that as long as he and Bea had each other, they could get through anything. Together.
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husbandhoshi · 6 months
it's coming eventually 😬 no guarantees when but it'll be a hefty one! and all you horndogs rejoice bc there will be at least 3 smut scenes
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vixstarria · 1 month
Asmodea x Astarion ask game 🫡
5, 14, 23, 28 😬
5. Who’s the first one to quit a new hobby because they’re not great at it on the first try?
Astarion. I think he would be very conscious of anyone seeing the result of his efforts while it's still in the learning stage and is less than perfect. He might develop something if he can ensure that he practices it in solitude though.
Asmodea's been ridiculed or booed offstage in her early bard days enough to have developed a thicker skin for public perception though.
Neither are patient.
14. Who gets the most invested in their hyperfixations?
Also Astarion, especially in the early days of his freedom. He's so amazed that he can devote his time to whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and no one will take it away or punish him for it, that he disappears down a rabbit hole, and good luck finding him.
23. Which of the two would you rather team up with for a game of laser tag?
Shit, I don't know. It's more a question of who would I rather not play against. Astarion is more likely to win. However, Asmodea is more likely to start eldritch blasting the opposite team when she loses.
28. Who brings CapriSun to a frat party?
I have thought about the circumstances under which they might attend a frat party, and I believe they would only be seen at one if they are paid a hefty sum to perform there. The answer is both. They would arrange a huge punch bowl of CapriSun, tell everyone there's alcohol in it, and inwardly laugh their asses off as their 'hosts' try in vain to get drunk.
Thanks for the ask!
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xpeachesncream · 1 year
Hi Nikki!
How are the Bands couple doing? Just re-read it, it’s one of my favorite stories ever, and I’ve been thinking about them ever since. I hope they’re doing well, and that Kai is happy too!
hi there! hehe love the question!! they're doing well, very, very well! 😬💕 even kai! though he's experiencing a bit of a crisis—
drabble 6.5: kai opens up about his crush to jungkook.
word count: 911
warnings: none - just a cute ‘lil bonding moment 🥹
Jungkook gets home from the studio, tossing his eyes onto the counter before catching wind of Kai's bedroom door slightly ajar. Kai came home for the weekend last night, though he's been too quiet— according to Jungkook.
To you, he's fine.
He's probably tired.
He's got exams and stuff.
But Jungkook has an inkling that it could be way more than that, and he's going to find out today o’clock. Man to man.
"Kai?" Jungkook calls out before softly knocking on his door.
"Hey hyung." Kai says as he continues to play on his switch.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." Jungkook pokes his head in and Kai greets him with a small smile before setting his switch aside. "Is my sister still out?"
"Yeah, she's getting her nails done right now." Jungkook chuckles a bit as he digs his hands into his pockets and sits next to him on the bed. "You doing okay?"
"Yeah, why?" Kai chuckles.
"Your sister said you're stressing over exams and stuff."
"Ah, kinda? You can say that."
"Exams, huh?" Jungkook gives him a look and Kai laughs a bit.
"Seriously, hyung."
"Who is she?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've been there before." The rosy tint grows on Kai's cheeks and suddenly, the room feels 10x hotter than before. His palms are sweaty, his heart is racing. He’s doing that weird thing where he thinks wiping his hands on his sweats will make the nervousness go away.
Yeah, Jungkook knows.
"Her name is Gabriella. Or, Gabby for short. She’s in my watercolor class.”
“How long has it been?”
“We just started getting close over the month. We had to work on a few class exercises together.”
“Cute.” Jungkook laughs a bit. “Why don’t you just ask her out?”
“Because I’m not like you, hyung. I just can’t go for it. I don’t even know if she likes me back, it’s hard to tell.”
“Well you never know if you don’t try, right?”
“Yeah, but to be honest, I’m scared. I like her a lot. She’s pretty, she’s sweet, and she gets along with everyone. I’ve been stressing over how I should tell her and ask her out, but I come up with nothing. Then, I think about how she’ll probably reject me and it’ll suck.”
“It’s scary and a big step. I know. But, the best way to go about it is to just be honest about your feelings. If it doesn’t work out, then fine. You guys can still be friends and move past it. One door closes, another opens. You can at least say you tried. I’d hate to see you regretting not telling her when it’s too late to change things.” Kai slowly nods his head before letting out a big, hefty sigh and laying back on his bed.
“This is stressful. God, I hate it.” Jungkook laughs.
“Yeah, but like I said. Be honest. Easiest way to handle things.”
“So, should I just show up at her door and be like ‘hey, I like you?’”
“I was thinking more along the lines of just taking her out for a casual lunch or dinner together. Hell, grab some snacks and milk tea or something and just spend some time hanging out near the river. It really doesn’t have to be that extravagant. What matters is you communicating your feelings and being able to talk about it comfortably. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it and things will flow how they should. No pressure, nothing forced.”
“You’re so good at this.” Jungkook shrugs and does a slight head tilt.
“Nah. Trust me, I’m probably learning the most now with your sister. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Good thing I just went for it, right?” Jungkook smirks, remembering how he flat out told you he wanted to take you out over Facetime while he was in Japan. Kai remembers it too, and how he endlessly teased you about the date. Now, you two have been the only real image and pure example of genuine love for Kai. Things aren’t always perfect, but Kai sees it as perfect— because you and Jungkook are always willing to be honest, communicate and meet in the middle. Never letting things pass for longer than they should, never going to bed mad at each other because of what the next day could bring.
Jungkook is right.
“You’re right. I should just tell her and stop overthinking.” Kai sits up and looks at him. “I should just go for it.”
“Before it’s too late and you can’t.”
“Thanks, hyung. Seriously. This really helped.”
“You’ll be good. You’re still young, you’ve got time and lots of experiences ahead of you. Besides, you’re handsome as hell, smart and selfless. Who would turn that down?” Kai laughs and nods.
“Got me there.” Jungkook stands, ready to leave Kai to his peace. “Thank you again.”
“I’ll always have your back.” Jungkook gives him a small smile. Just as he turns on his heel, Kai calls for him again—
“Oh, hyung?”
“Yo?” Jungkook turns over his shoulder.
“Can you.. not tell my sister right now? She’s gonna flip and I’ll never hear the end of it.” Jungkook chuckles.
“Yeah, sure. I won’t tell her. This should come from you anyway. But, do it whenever you feel comfortable and ready to, alright?”
“Want me to make you a good bowl of Loco Moco to help ease your nerves?” Kai smiles.
“I’ll never turn that down.”
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celiastjamesoscar · 10 months
Professors either are your best friends or your ultimate enemy. That dude needs to take a chill pill. He probably gets off on causing his students misery. Jon, on the other hand, seems so cool and like a fun dude! His love for pictures is everything, I adore it. If you can talk to him about gambling then he's really a chill guy. 4 finals, that's manageable! I'm the same study type as you; procrastinating it and only doing it a short time beforehand. But, I'm the prime example for this bad behavior. Don't be like me and fuck up your finals. So listen up, I will boss you around one more time. You will start studying early on and really put your heart and soul into it. The relief you will feel afterwards will be the greatest thing ever! Listen to me, miss ma'am.
Omg yes Sam and Butter are sharing one brain cell! Oh Sam definitely enjoyed his ball, especially since he lost his two... The new tattoos will be smaller, fineline ones. 1 is an ufo sucking in a human with "get in loser" on top. The other one will be a devil lady (naked) waking up from a nap inside of a coffin. The best news about all of this is that THE HOT MILF WILL BE DOING THE TATTOOS!!!!
Well... technically I'm already "fired" so they can't do anything. After my apprentices is over they couldn't offer me a job so I'm being let go. And because that company is really shitty and never treated us well, I don't give a fuck anymore and will call in sick. I already called in today. Hey! Cutting a banana is hard work! I held it in my hand (first mistake) and cut through it. Then I looked away because I got distracted (second mistake) and somehow cut my thumb. The one that held the knife. I genuinely don't even know how I did that...
YES GRACE THANK YOU!! I just grabbed that poor girl while she was stealing the pigs food. She's so soft and warm and fluffy. Hennifer even looked at me and put her head on my shoulder!!
Lol I don't think her poor husband stands a chance against a bunch of obsessed ladies. We will definitely win and kindly surprise adopt Melissa. I'm sure she wouldn't even mind...
That’s honestly so true about professors. My chemistry one, the guy who gave me a zero, is a complete asshole. It’s safe to say that my evaluation of him will be a long and hefty one. Jon is honestly the goat, im sad that I’m only going to have him for one more semester. although I will be glad that I won’t have to worry about an embarrassing picture of me making it into the slides 😭 4 finals isn’t too bad, and I don’t think any of them are on the same day. At least I hope not. I’m honestly the worst when it comes to studying, but I plan to use tomorrow as a study day, so don’t worry! And to make you proud, I finished my article review paper tonight and turned it in, instead of waiting until tomorrow to do it, which is when it’s due! It was supposed to be 4 pages, but it turned out to be 6 😬
Not Sam losing his 2 other balls! I got Butters 6 tennis balls a couple months ago, and now he only has 2 left 😭 Butters has been a handful today; first he came in from playing in the backyard with a small abrasion on his head which I had to clean it, and now he’s gotten welts around his mouth and on his nose. It looks like he had an allergic reaction to something, but I’m making him sleep in my room so I can keep an eye on him. My two boy animals have caused so much trouble 😭
But your tattoo ideas are amazing!! I remember you sending in those pictures of them too, and I can’t wait for you to get them!! AND THE HOT MILF IS DOING THEM?!?! YOU BETTER BE SENDING IN THE FINISHING WORKS!!
Well since you are technically already “fired,” I guess there are no consequences for calling off work, especially if the company can’t treat the workers properly. And you know what, you absolutely deserve that time off for your traumatic experience with cutting the banana. How the hell did you manage to cut your thumb that was holding the knife??? That’s what I want to know, like how is that even possible 😭
you snatching Hennifer while she was being a menace and stealing the pigs food is honestly gold!! And she even rested her head on your shoulder, that’s so cute!! Also, I absolutely lock her name so much!! It reminds me of Yennefer from The Witcher series. We used to have chickens but we had to get rid of them because A.) they were too loud and B.) my brother got attacked by the rooster and I got in trouble for recording it 🙄
Melissa herself said that her husband doesn’t get jealous, so I’m sure we could figure something out to where we all win 🤷🏻‍♀️
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
So I had a kinda weird week
My parents decided to do a vacation week in my college town while I had lectures and it’s been kinda… uuuuh
I also had migraine two days this week (one actually today, it always gets better after sleep, food and some hefty ibuprofen) and my knees decided to act up
Consequently I actually used my walking cane on campus yesterday after lectures and today in front of people who know me 🫣 [emoji hiding behind hands]
Like, I got my cane early this year and since the semester break I started to actually carry it in my backpack everyday (I don’t need the space for my laptop this semester) but I’m still anxious and shy about using my cane on campus
I used to for my weekly shopping trips. Actually, I even made a surprised pikachu on the topic because “if I’m carrying my cane around anyway, I might as well use it even if my knees aren’t “that bad” because I don’t need to be in pain to use my mobility aid” was such a galaxy brain moment for me!
But it’s different to use my mobility aid in front of people who know me and I’m still worried someone will confront me and ask questions and then I’ll get called a faker because no doctor ever actually told me to get a mobility aid (I live in a country with mandatory health insurance and should actually go to the doctors about getting checked until they find what the fresh hell is up with my joints)
But, uuuuhh, you wanted a story of the day and here’s some anxiety vent 😬 [grimace emoji]
Oof yeah using mobility aid scary.
I live in America so it gets kind of frustrating when I say like “my job took the stools away because we ‘sit too much’ and now I have to stand to use the computer desk and it sucks as someone with a chronic pain condition” to have people out of the US be like ISNT THAT ILLEGAL or something because it’s like no actually most jobs force you to stand for hours on end, meanwhile other people are like “can’t you just get a doctor’s note that says you need to sit because you have chronic pain issues” and to be like “that’s such a slippery slope what if they start denying me hours or something” which considering my old manger also had chronic pain issues and worked full time so maybe not but I feel like people outside of the US don’t realize how fucked you can be playing games with being disabled in the US.
Being called a faker if I ever used a mobility aid would be the least of my concerns, I would be worried it would hurt my chances of getting jobs, hours, housing by myself, etc.
I DO wish that when I was having a bad day a cane would help but unfortunately both of my legs hurt equally so I would need something like a rollator or a wheelchair. My best friend offered to mail me a rollator (bless her) but I said no I didn’t want her to have to go through the hassle.
I’m lucky that I’m on meds that negate my chronic pain but I forgot to take them last night and I woke up in debilitating pain.
The idea of having a cool looking mobility aid is fun though! But hell yeah doesn’t hurt to carry it around with you. Beat the shit out of people with it. Defense weapon if needed.
Oof about your parents vacationing in your college town.
I’m sorry about your migraines, I hope that they go away soon.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
so I ordered those Oak Chunks and put some into a couple of bottles of experimental health potion (one made with rum, the other brandy) and I've obviously never Aged anything before, so tasting them every day has been super interesting. this is going to sound stupid, I guess, but after two days I could really distinctly taste the oak, which for whatever reason isn't what I expected 'oak aging' to do? but also now it's been four days and the whole character of each potion really has changed a lot; there's noticeable oak flavor in there, but the overall flavor profile is also a lot smoother and more cohesive
I guess now I'm not sure what my long term plan is for these test bottles? lmao. they're literally single-serving 3oz bottles that I just put three of the small oak cubes in apiece, so, since I've never done anything like this before and don't know how long is good or whether there's such thing as Too Oaky or whatever, I guess they're probably just gonna keep dwindling while I taste them a little every day until there's nothing left, haha.
So, now I have a proof of concept for aging this drink, in theory, but this isn't actually going to be the final recipe, because it uses a liqueur I can't buy another bottle of anywhere (afaik) 🤔 I still need to figure out what I want the actual concoction to be, and there's a couple of ingredients I wanna try that I still would need to buy. the other thing is, even with the aging, this current recipe is still really strong; maybe I am just a weak baby who rarely drinks, but I can't really imagine comfortably slamming back ~3oz of this as a shooter. so maybe there will be a 'potion of healing' version that's just chambord and honey liqueur (or whatever it ends up being) that goes down a little easier, and a 'potion of greater healing' that's got the added spirits for higher proof, and is also barrel aged...? HMM
ALSO-- I am once again looking at the actual small oak cask we own and going '... jesus, three whole liters though.... 😬' lmao. PROBABLY it would not be worth it to me to buy another smaller goddamn cask just for my dork nonsense, but 3 full liters' worth of spirits is ALSO a pretty hefty chunk upfront, and then we'd have more of this stuff than we'd know what to do with... although, I suppose, it's not like it's gonna go bad.
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spookyheaad · 2 years
Big ol art dump (Trigger warning below)
Both KenUno and Tesoro/Stella have rotted my brain faster than age, I’ll tell you that much.
Also working on Tesoro stuff, ideas for the music zine (that’s confidential tho lmao), and some Tesoro/Stella fic stuff.
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I know I posted this already but I cleaned up the lines! Dunno how I wanna color them tho; wanted to do Muken but it’s so dark. I’ll find a way around it tho.
Here’s some more from a sketchdump I’ve been chipping away at.
Been dying on my modern AU KenUno hill recently.
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All I can say is that thoughts are being thunk. I always give my long haired men a haircut for fun. Love playing with their hairstyles.
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Quick little winter outfit doodle (Unohana made the hat so of course he has to wear it)
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Aww a little kiss ☺️
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Shhh don’t tell anyone that Zaraki likes to snuggle/be snuggled.
Ok some Tesoro/Stella stuff :))))
The bleach blonde!Tesoro idea, not very fond of it, but maybe I’ll play around some more. The idea came from a One Piece fighting game where Tesoro has an alternate color scheme that made him blonde. (Can’t remember if I posted this already, but I updated it)
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Bonus follow up image:
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This man has been irreparably damaged by his past, lots of insecurities. But Stella would never lie to him. His voice brings her such comfort.
Finally, some interloper stuff.
This sketch I haven’t touched in a while, so I added some shading and kinda called it a day. I actually like how it looks, it offsets the strong red color.
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This was originally just a Gustave Dore study of one of his pieces from Dante’s Inferno, but then I had an ✨idea✨.
More of Tesoro interacting (kind of, I guess? 😬) with interloper. It’s also been a year since I updated the Tesoro/Stella fic and I am slowly working on new chapters, I promise you that.
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the-pen-pot · 2 years
Ask Meme Reply
thuesing: Hi B, please take your pick of these (or answer them all if you have the patience!!) 😅,🎢,😉,🍷,❌,😬,🎉
Thank you @thuesing! Let’s see what I can do 😁
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
It’s probably Gilded Cage. That’s the only one I won’t let my real life family read, because I don’t want to have to explain A/B/O dynamics to my 81 year old dad. I do draw the line somewhere.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Honestly, I’m not sure. They all have their moments, but it’s probably a toss-up between Gidled Cage, with all its politics, and Hiraeth, with all it’s time-travel wtf-erry.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
My descriptions are on-point, and I’m not afraid of a challenging long-ass story-line.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
No, I do not. Not unless you count tea as “drinking”. I’ve tried, and when read over sober the results were... not very coherent.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Major character death/tragedy. Life is hard, and while I fully appreciate that there’s a catharsis to it, it’s just not for me. I far prefer missing presumed dead because I live for reuniong scenes.
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Gilded Cage. That’s probably the only one. Various family members have read the sherlock fics I have printed into book copies, and The Riven Crown. Maybe they skip the gay sex scene bits, maybe not! Generally speaking, I’m not horrified by the thought of my family etc reading my fics. If they have a problem with it, that’s their problem 😁
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Finishing it. Sometimes even starting it. But yeah, I write a lot of long fic, because I love a hefty book I can sink my teeth in to, and fanfiction doesn’t have someone breathing down your neck going “Do you know how much it would cost to PRINT a book that long?” so, you know, I don’t have to limit myself. If I can actually get to the end of a long story without entirely losing all the will to live and giving up, that’s a success.
And it’s a really good feeling to finally wrap up a huge storyline and declare it done!
Thank you so much for your questions! The ask meme is here if anyone else is interested!
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dianthus-is-moving · 2 years
Describe your F/O to the person who may not know them well! Then tag 10 people to do the same.  I invite any followers who want to fill this out for their f/o(s), I’m always too shy to actually tag people 🙈 If you wanna do it, feel free!!
Thanks for the tag @ungalobrando!! Get ready, I have lots of thoughts about this man, some of these are headcanons because he deserves better
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NAME: Hiromi Higa / Shadow
SOURCE: Sk8 the Infinity
TITLE(S): Lord Shadow, Anti-Hero of S (also dad and peepaw)
PET NAME(S): Honey bear, Romi-bear, punkin pie, piggie, sweet boy, my man (last one is almost always said in weird babytalk voice)
SPECIES: Human / clown
SEXUALITY: Questioning / Bi (there’s no way he’s 100% straight)
PRONOUNS: He/him (sometimes she/her)
AGE: Twenty-freakin-FOUR!! (Though I’ve heard season 1 of Sk8 possibly takes place in 2019... So I guess he’d be around 27-28 now?? Good - our age gap is less than I thought 😅)
HEIGHT: 178cm / 5′10″ (looks taller as Shadow due to hair / boots... also I think this show pulls a Jojo sometimes and character heights are subjective to the situation bc he looks HUGE compared to the other characters at times)
WEIGHT: Only 73kg / 160lbs canonically but I refuse to believe that... there’s no way a hefty dude like him weighs so little. I think 170-180 AT LEAST is more reasonable for him, considering his size.
BODY TYPE: HIM BIG. Brawny and top-heavy. Broad-shouldered, muscular and somewhat toned but still a bit of chub - think rugby player build. Finding pants in Japan is a STRUGGLE cuz he’s tall and he ass too big. Skating is probably great for the buns and thighs tho
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SKIN: Sorta medium beige with cool undertones. Would be SO cute with a farmer’s tan 🥺 Paints his nails sometimes. No real tattoos or piercings because he's too babie (I think he has a tongue ring only bc he lost a bet or had a rebellious streak when he was younger)
HAIR: Fluffy ginger undercut/mohawk. The depth of red in his hair changes with the lighting.
EYES: Gray, but very reflective and expressive
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good/Chaotic neutral... I think...
INTERESTS: His manager 😂😭 flowers, flower language, gardening, music, board games, fitness / body building, makeup, drag, shoujo manga / anime, skateboarding, wrestling, languages (he speaks both English and French to some degree, and knows some Latin... I will not be convinced otherwise)... also kinda nosy and likes to learn about people. Dude’s got the gossip.
SKILLS: Skateboarding, makeup, creativity, sarcasm, costume design, minor pyrotechnics, acting, heavy lifting, customer service, flower arranging, driving (apparently drifting / rally style? Skrrt skrrrt?? WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT SIR???)
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He definitely can also touch his nose AND elbows with his tongue (... Is that a skill?!)
WEAKNESSES: Baseball bats 😂😭 poor baby, but for real... Insecurities, confidence, quick temper, inferiority / feeling like he has to prove himself, overthinking
COMPANIONS: Them boys!!! Aside from his own crew of followers at S, he serves as a brotherly figure / uncle / bruncle to the younger boys. Probably closest to Miya out of the main character group. Friends with Kaoru, idolizes Joe a bit and wants to be closer with both. Reki and Langa have tried to push him closer to Oka 👀
ENEMIES: KAZU (I genuinely hope Hiromi absolutely fucked his shit up and put him in the hospital too)(”Yeah I look bad, but you should see what I did to the other guy”)
PETS: No animals, but lots of house plants. I could see him having fish if anything, especially an aquarium with plants. Probably a fan of marimo moss balls 🥺
WEAPONS: 💪THESE GUNS💪 firecrackers (haemanthus bomb), laser pointer (gladiolus laser), snake ribbon things (violet spider) and apparently 80+ other secret attacks... I guess you could also count his board and the spikes on his costume??
SUBSTANCES: Alcohol (kind of a lightweight), he had cigarettes in the host club drama??? 😬 Hopefully smoking's just an occasional social thing
DRIVER LICENSE?: See above (yes - and he does deliveries for work in that car. Skrrt skrrt.)
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
update…i wrote almost 500 words of joowon drinking wine and thinking about the case + dongsik. now i have to actually write dongsik in the next scene (whatever the heck that is) and why is he so difficult to figure out. like, isn’t that joowon’s job. Wow
for reeeeeeeeeealllllll! when i tell you i struggle to write dong sik, i mean I STRUGGLE TO WRITE DONG SIK!!! it shouldn't be that difficult, he's just some guy! just one local man with a backstory and a huge collection of jackets (and emotional baggage) and yet, here i am, going "what do???" congrats on your 500 words!!! let it come to you, i know you can do it!! don't try to force the creative juices, they'll find a way to flow eventually. you've picked a hefty topic, cause that boy sure has his issues with drinking- especially, when you take his mum and dad 😬 and their history with drinking 👀 into consideration
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^ here's ha kyun's beautiful face to help you on your journey
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gingernut1314 · 9 months
Confidence: Zoro
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
Summary: You have never been defeated. No man or woman to have ever partaken in your challenge have come out victorious, only further solidifying your reputation. That is, until Zoro comes wandering into the bar you have set up your latest challenge in. You're confidence and his inability to back down from a challenge has Zoro feeling rather--weird toward you. A weird feeling that has him staying around you longer than he knows he should.
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, heavy alcohol use, mild talk of age difference (everyone in this fic is 18+), smut (dom x dom, p in v, hand job, fingering), very, very mild anime spoilers, Zoro not knowing what emotions he's feeling for 6K+ words
Word Count: 6.9K (Oops--my hand slipped)
A/N: This is my first time writing for Zoro soooo please be nice to me 🫣 I tried my best lol. And you already know I'm sorry about the word count--this whole mini-series was born from an inability to control the word vomit I type down, so the same thing happened here 😬 This is the 2nd part in the requested 'Confidence' series and I hope you all enjoy!!!
↞ to Confidence Masterlist and original request | to One Piece Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠
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“She has never been defeated. No man or woman alive can best her.”
“She’s as strong as a man.”
“No--as strong as ten men.”
“Ten--” A scoff, “try a hundred men.” 
These were the whispered and bewildered words of the patrons of the bar Zoro had wondered his way into. Words that piqued his interest as he made his way towards the bar, eyeing the gathered crowd of men just off to the side. An interest that was stifled when a mug of beer was placed in front of him--beer he’d been itching to have since he hoped off the Merry and onto the docks
Just when he had taken that first, refreshing sip of the wheaty drink, his name floated amongst the whispering. His name, his recent bounty, and his skill--skill they bet would take down whoever you were.
And Zoro was completely uninterested, a deep sigh huffing through his nose as he took another large, gulping drink. This would mean he would have to leave the bar he had just found. Leave because his name would only gather unwanted attention to him and his crew who had been trying to avoid attention of any sort.
You tucked a handful of berries into your pocket as the man before you cradled his arm, which you had so unfortunately snapped. Had just readied yourself to take on the next man who sat eagerly down in front of you when you caught a flash of green hair--of three swords strapped safely to a hip.
Roronoa Zoro.
He was a man you had heard rumors of throughout your travels through the Blue Seas. For an ex-bounty hunter, alleged demon, and holder of a hefty bounty he looked awfully--young to have gained all those titles and glory. Titles and glory that come with hard work--years of training. Years after tortuous years you had undergone to get to the level of skill you had achieved. 
You were proud of your achievements and no man, young or old, would make you feel any less…but it didn’t stop you from needing to challenge him. To test your power against his and see if he could finally beat you after all these years.
“A man carrying that many swords,” You called, silencing the crowd who gasped collectively, parting to allow you a better view of the pirate who was making his way out of the bar, “must be making up for something rather…small--weak.” 
Zoro stopped in his retreat, unwittingly taking the bait you had thrown at him
He turned his eyes, which were as dark as the night sea, onto you, looking like your remark hadn’t affected him--a remark you’ve known to throw many a man into a wild rage.
“Hardly.” He huffed on a blink. He watched you grab the man who sat before you by the scruff of his shirt and throw him out of his chair, sending him rolling onto the floor and nearly knocking over another who got in his way. Watched you gesture toward the now-empty seat before you.
“Then prove it, pretty boy.” You said, confidence and ego dripping from your every word. Dripping from the way you held yourself to the way you kept your features in that of cool, collected, confidence. It was a confidence and ego that called to Zoro’s own--called to it in a way he could not ignore as he usually would.
You smirked as he made his way over, sitting down in his seat--sitting down in his seat in a proficient way that anyone else in this room would have thought normal. But it was far from normal. You saw it for what it was--a call to his true abilities.
“How will I do that?” He asked you dryly. You placed your elbow on the worn, wooden table and raised your hand to silently let him know to take it. The famed swordsmen did no such thing, only eyeing it. “An arm wrestle? That is hardly a challenge.” He all but scoffed at you. 
“Oh? Scared?” You teased, making the man narrow his eyes the slightest bit at you. “Thought you weren’t making up for something?” Zoro grasped your hand in his, steadying his elbow just a little ways before your own. 
Zoro noted your hand was strong and calloused just any decent sword wields would be--but it also sported elaborately painted nails in a beautiful shade of purple with gold detailing. 
He liked those colors was the next thought that crossed his mind before he could shut it down.
“If I win?” He asked, knowing better than to take your bait twice. Your eyes lit with excitement as a chuckle spilled from your lips. A chuckle that took him utterly off guard.
“If you win, I’ll buy you a drink and let you do as you wish to me. Whether that be death, a task needing to be fulfilled, berry, or a quick fuck in the alley. You’re choice.” Zoro’s gaze fluttered over you again. Confidence--such confidence that had their hooks buried deep in his flesh. Hooks he knew he needed to rid himself of before something bad came his way. 
“You buy me a drink and show me to the docks.” You nodded at the fair wager. “And if you win?” You let your eyes wander over the swordsman’s body--over his strong stronger, calm features, and lips that you could tell were just full enough to be perfectly kissable. 
“If I win, you buy me a drink and give me one of your earrings.” You said eyeing the three, golden earrings dangling from his ear. Ones that had hardly moved as he walked over to you. Hardly moved as he sat and took your hand in his own. It was all call to the skill you were about to pit yourself against. 
Your response surprised Zoro. He’d taken on many challenges and won many duels, but never once had someone asked him such a thing. Such a strange request.
It only made those hooks dig deeper.
“I agree to your terms.” He said, readying himself to take you on.
“And I do yours.” You spoke on honey-dripped tones that had few men around the room huffing in flusteredness. 
Berry was passed around as bets were made. Whispered words laid just under the surface of the silence which had fallen over the bar. Whisper about who would win, how they would win, and what in all the gods’ names was Zoro thinking for just asking you for directions and a drink.
Zoro and you gave each other a brief nod before your challenge began.
You knew in an instant he had earned his bounty as such power bore down onto your arm--power that had your excitement whirl around in your chest, a laugh you couldn’t control spilling from your lips.
Zoro knew just as quickly that you had earned the reputation he had heard whispered around the bar. Knew that you weren’t worth ten men--not even a hundred. You were worth a thousand. 
But Zoro was, unfortunately for you, worth two thousand men. 
Arms shook, sweat pooled and dripped down brows, the wooden table whined and shook until--
Your arm budged. Budged and struggled to regain what little space you had lost. Another cheerful laugh flew from your breathy lips. 
A laugh that had Zoro’s chest feeling all--weird. 
Why were you laughing? You were losing?
Another inch was lost to you. And then another and-- 
The table snapped in two beneath the power roaring around the two of you. You were pulled from your seat and all but into the lap of the man you had nearly lost to.
You cursed, angered at the cut-off challenge only to find a deep, rumbling chuckle spill from Zoro’s lips. A chuckle you instantly liked and wanted to hear more of. A chuckle that rumbled through you as Zoro leaned in close, his breath brushing against your cheeks in a way that had your body heating.
“Let's get that drink.”
You both ordered a round for the other. A round that turned into two, then three, then four, until it was turning into another full-on challenge. One the patrons around the bar fed into by buying you both shots and drinks. 
Berry once again flowed. Bets were made and whispering dealings on who would win floated around the now music-filled bar. 
Zoro finished his eighth beer when he turned to find you finishing off your own eighth, flashing him a smug grin that had that strange feeling stirring in his gut.
“Slowing down?” You teased him, grabbing for your fourth shot given to you by one of the men sitting closest to you. 
“Hardly.” Zoro scoffed, ordering himself the same shot you had been given. “Just let me know when you need a break, princess.” He said in that dry wit he teased you with. 
“Princess--I like that. I think if I win, instead of buying me a drink, you’ll have to only refer to me as a princess.” Zoro raised his shot glass for you to click yours against. The liquid warmed your throat as it flowed downward, a warmth that spread through your body again when your eyes caught sight of the swordman’s strong throat bob on his swallow. 
“Fine. I still want a drink. But you’ll buy me a bottle of sake instead. A nice bottle of sake. Top shelf.” You nodded, pushing your empty shot glass away and replacing it with your ninth beer. Zoro was quick to follow. 
“Of course. Only the best for the great Roronoa Zoro.” 
You two had five more beers, two more shots, and a tiny cup of cheap sake before most of the partons left for the night, defeated. The bar closed soon after the last handful left and you two were kicked out, ending your second challenge before it truly began. 
“What bar closes before one?” Zoro gruffed as you two walked through the all-but-deserted streets of the port town. Only a few drunken men stumbled home, singing off-tune shanties and relieving themselves against the sides of buildings. 
“The kind whose clientele should have gone home an hour ago.” You huffed, placing a hand on the sword at your side absentmindedly. “I will show you to the docks. I assume your captain is waiting for you.” Zoro eyed you again like he wasn’t sure what to make of you. “Tell me…how did the mighty hunter become the prey?” 
“I am still plenty the hunter.” He said with that smugness that mirrored your own.
“Oh of course. A 60 million berry bounty doesn’t come from just laying down and being complicated.” You said, all but purring his way. It had that feeling in Zoro’s gut fizzing again. Made him want to challenge you again--over and over until a victor was found. 
“You tell me since you seem to know so much about me already.” You huffed, turning your face away from Zoro. He watched the moonlight make your eyes sparkle--watched your painted fingernails tap over the hilt of the sword at your side. One he could tell from the hilt was of strange make and good caliber. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, Roronoa Zoro. Your name has been whispered in the wind for a long time now. Your face now posted everywhere one can find space.” You said pointing towards the nearest building, where a few wanted posters had been plastered onto. 
Sure enough, there was Zoro’s face and bounty just next to Luffy’s goofy grin. 
“Stories of what you did in Alabasta are told in many a bar I’ve conducted my challenges in. I have good ears. Nothing more.” He almost would have believed you had the corner of your mouth not twitched. Had your painted nails not tapped over the hilt of your sword again.
“Who are you then? Bounty hunter? Marine? Pirate?” Zoro’s gut clenched as you turned your gaze back onto him. A gaze that pierced through him like a dagger. You chuckled. A chuckle that tickled at Zoro’s ears in a pleasant way that had his gut unclenching, only to clench up again like some fist. 
“I am merely looking for the one who will finally win my challenge.” Zoro wanted to know more. It was almost like a need to know who you were. Had you been a pirate once? A bounty hunter, just as he had? Who had trained you and how long would you be able to hold out against Zoro’s own blades? 
And it was all very--weird. Weird that you were making him feel all strange inside--making him want more of that feeling. 
You came to a stop at the entrance to the docks, Zoro stopping with you, his eyes hardly leaving your features. 
“I am sure you will be able to find your way back to your ship from here?” Zoro huffed, scanning over the docks, easily spotting the ram's head of the Merry just a little ways away. “Then it has been an honor to challenge you. May our paths cross again.” You said with a small bow of your head before starting off in the opposite direction of the Merry. 
“We haven’t finished the challenge yet.” You paused, looking back to Zoro with a small smirk.
“I have more sake on my ship if you wish to continue there. I doubt any bar for miles will be open.” Zoro scanned over your features once more. Over your body which you held so confidently.
He shouldn’t. Not when everyone in this town and the next knew what his face looked like--what Luffy’s face looked like. 
He needed to get his crew out of here before the Marines came sniffing around…but your smugness and ego and confidence were pulling at Zoro in a way he had only felt once before towards Dracule Mihawk, but this--you were different than the great swordsmen. You with your shining eyes and painted nails adorning his favorite colors of purple and gold. 
He should go. Leave you and your challenge…but Zoro had never been known to make good decisions before.
And he never backed down from a challenge. 
“Sake it is.” 
Your ship was tiny compared to the Merry, but seeing as it was a vessel manned by one person, it made sense. It was cozy and filled with trinket after trinket. Swords, daggers, and all sorts of weapons hung on the walls. Rings, necklaces, and all sorts of treasure sat on shelves blocked off by glass--and was that a finger bone sitting next to a golden goblet? 
Zoro came to realize these were trophies from your wins. Trophies his earring would surely join if you won against him--which he thoroughly doubted. 
You requested that he remove his boots before fully entering the inner workings of your vessel, just as you had. He obeyed the request without questions, not wanting to disrespect your hospitality. 
He watched you move around the small kitchen area, pulling two, wooden o-choko cups from the cabinet and then grabbing a bottle of sake from the fridge. 
“Let’s make this fun.” You said, sitting down at the kitchen table, gesturing with your hand holding the sake bottle for him to join you. “I have three more bottles after this one. Every time we finish a bottle and a victor hasn’t been granted, then we get to ask the other a question and you have to answer.” 
Zoro hesitated at your request. He knew better than to share details of his life with anyone. Hell, his own crew hardly knew much about his past…but he came this far. Had already boarded your ship and accepted your hospitality, he couldn’t leave now. 
And he couldn’t refuse the offer of free sake. 
“Only four bottles? Please, that’s nothing.” Zoro said sitting down across from you, taking one of the wooden cups and holding it out in sign to fill it. You poured the liquid into Zoro’s cup before passing the bottle to him, repeating the process but with your own cup. When both cups were filled, you lightly touched your cups together before taking that first sip of the fruity, apple-hinted sake you had purchased just the other day. 
“If you're that eager for me to ask you a question, then might as well just skip right to the chase.” Zoro huffed in something like mock amusement.
“Get to drinking, princess.” 
You both sat, sipping on your sake and passing the bottle back and forth to refill each other's cups. You both made idle, yet engrossing chit-chat about different types of swords and their capabilities before you finished that first bottle of sake. 
“Tell me your name.” Zoro requested as his first question.
“I feel like that is a waste of a perfectly good question.” You mused, rising from your seat to grab the second bottle of sake stored in your fridge. 
“You have to answer, remember? Your rules.” You chuckled, filling Zoro’s cup with the freshly open bottle of sake. But you told him, family name and all. A name Zoro repeated low and slow, rolling it over his tongue as his brow furrowed in thought. 
“Sounds familiar.” 
“I can assure you, it’s not.” Zoro let it go with a casual shrug as he took the sake from you and filled your cup. You both clicked glasses and took your first sip. Your eyes scanned over his chest, which his shirt hung open to expose. “How did you get that scar? Pretty nasty.” 
Zoro took another sip from his glass, watching you closely. Scars were seen by most as failures--as defeats. Gods’ know how many times you had scarred one of the men who had challenged you just to see the devatated look on their faces. 
“I challenged Dracule Mihawk to a duel. Lost.” He said simply like it was hardly a big deal. He said it simply even when that name shot through you like a hot iron. A name that had your anger rising in your chest.
Zoro took note of the anger that flashed through you at the mention of Mihawk. An anger that looked more like wrath than mere anger. He wondered what that was for? What had happened to make you hate the man so much…maybe that would be one of his questions. 
“Why--” Zoro cut you off with a shake of his head. 
“Keep drinking, Y/N, and if you make it, you can ask.” You huffed and continued to sip on your sake. 
The second bottle was finished much quicker than the first, mainly because you had been chugging your cups like an utter fool so you could ask your question. 
“Sake is meant to be enjoyed you know.” Zoro gruffed at you as you stood. 
“Ask your question.” You commanded. Zoro blinked his eyes at you, amusement flashing in them as you opened the fridge door. 
He liked your anger. It was fun to tease out of you.
“What’s with the finger?” He asked, shoving a thumb over his shoulder. That seriousness and anger that had overcome you banked the slightest bit at his question. You’re shining eyes gleamed in excitement at its mention. 
“My first trophy. He lost his challenge to me and instead of paying up the berry I had asked for, he tried to kill me. Took his hands for it.” You mused, eyes unfocusing as you remembered back. “Lost them both along my travels. His pinky is the only thing that remains.” You said, wiggling your pinkie at Zoro who laughed. A laugh that was hardly above a chuckle, but a laugh all the same.
It was--stunning. And hardy and fit him so well. One you wanted to hear again and again.
“What a pity.” You shrugged as you sat back down across from the swordsmen. 
“Why challenge Mihawk?” You asked, pouring Zoro more sake. He found that seriousness began to seep back into your features. “That man walks with death herself. She shadows him--sponsors him like some god would their chosen champion.” Zoro took the bottle from you and returned the favor. 
“Because I made a promise to someone a long time ago that I would become the world’s greatest swordsman. Mihawk is the holder of that title. I thought I would win. I was wrong.” He said simply yet again. 
Said it so simply--too simply, like he hadn’t gone up against Dracule Mihawk and left the encounter alive. Went up against the hawk-eyed Warlord, who had hadn’t always been as such. Who had once hunted those very marines he now served. Marines he had slaughtered regardless of who their deaths might hurt. Zoro had walked away from that true demon alive and was playing it off like it wasn’t a big deal. 
“I do enjoy myself a man with a vow,” You said, trying to lighten your mood, before clinking your cup with Zoro’s. “And a death wish.” Zoro held your eyes as you took a sip of your sake and he a sip from his. Eyes that dug into him deeper than any had before. 
“Any swordsman worth their weight in the steal they carry has one.” 
“I’ll keep drinking to that.” 
You both finished the third bottle in the span of half an hour. A bottle that merely had you feeling full rather than anything more fun. You found you were able to withstand the effects of alcohol the more you learned how to control your body in ways others never would. Ways Zoro seemed to understand as well. 
“What are you? Truly.” Zoro asked as you pulled the last chilled bottle of sake from the fridge. 
“I am nothing now but a lone traveler…” You said shutting the fridge door with your hip. A movement you saw Zoro track with those deep, dark eyes of his. “but in a past life one might have found me selling teas in my mother's shop.” 
Zoro watched closely as you sat down before him, something like pain flashing through your eyes. A pain he himself had felt once before. “Until death knocked on my door and changed that.” Your voice dipped dangerously low as you poured sake into Zoro’s cup before passing the bottle to him. “Then I did a quick stint as a pirate.” Zoro filled your cup, placing the bottle in the middle of the table.
“That’s how I know you. You had a bounty.” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Had. A long time ago.” You huffed, “Why the three swords?” You asked, changing the topic and pulling that calm and collected mask back on. Zoro’s hand came to rest on the three swords at his side when brought to their attention once more.
“My vow--I made it to a friend.” He said, deciding it wouldn’t hurt to tell you of his childhood friend. At least just vaguely. It wouldn’t hurt when you had told him just as vaguely of your pain. “When she died I was gifted her sword. I then crafted the Three Sword Style which I have been perfecting ever since.”
The fourth bottle was finished off just as you two had gotten halfway through discussing the ways you both had trained in swordplay, which took a pause as you poured the last half of the sake into Zoro’s cup.
“Why seek out defeat?” He asked, taking the bottle from your hand. His fingers curled around yours, holding them there as he leaned forward. Fingers that all but made your skin sizzle like you were touching fire. You slide your hand out from under his, trying to forget about the feeling of it against yours. “You are the strongest woman I have ever come across. Why look for your skills to be diminished?”
“Why seek out fame?” You asked back on a near snap, which the pirate hardly seemed to pay mind to your tone. “Why seek out titles that are only words to be spoken? Why seek out a title that will only have silly little boys, like yourself, hunt after you and inevitably kill you?” 
Zoro blinked at you. He ignored your jab at him once again. A jab that was only meant to rile him to anger. He was collected enough to not take your bait for a third time that night.
“I have a death wish, remember.” He said, taking his cup in his hand, leaning in closer than he needed to fill your cup. “Your turn.” He said with that gruffing voice. A voice that had your body growing warm. A warmth completely unrelated to all the alcohol you had drank. 
“Because I’m tired of winning.” Zoro watched you raise your cup for it to be filled. He watched your eyes as he filled your cup. Eyes that shined brightly yet held a dullness to them that called to that exhaustion you claimed. He placed the sake bottle down and raised his cup for the last cheers of the night.
“Are you sure you’re not ready to tap out?” Zoro asked, keeping his cup just out of reach of yours. Asked in that dry humor of his that had you narrowing your eyes at him.
“Hardly. Are you?” Zoro chuckled. A chuckle you paused your riling emotions to listen to. To memorize dispute only having just met the man. 
A man who could beat you despite your continued challenges. You knew he could--had felt it during your first challenge. You were big enough to admit defeat when it came time for it. When someone truly earned it. And Zoro had earned it…but you couldn’t help but want to keep his company a little while longer. 
“Hardly.” And your cups met each other in a gentle kiss before you both took that first, last sip. “What now?” He asked, leaning back in his seat heavily.
“I don’t know.” You said on a shrug, taking another sip as you leaned your forearms on the table. “A drawl?” The room fell quiet--a quiet that lasted all of two seconds before the both of you were laughing at such an absurd idea. 
“I didn’t know you to make jokes,” Zoro said as his laughter evened out. 
“Oh, I’m sure I have pulled a chuckle or two from you tonight,” Zoro smirked, sipping his sake. “This table is sturdy enough. We could try arm wrestling once more?” He eyed you long and slow. Eyes that danced over your face and down your neck. 
“Finish your drink and then we can resume your first challenge.” You smiled, excited as you set on sipping your sake faster than you knew it should be sipped. But you couldn’t help it. Not when you were eager to get back under that power that rolled off him in waves. To press your own power against it and feel it wane against his fire. 
 You both slammed your cups to the table and had your hands clasped together hardly a minute later. It seemed you both were eager to complete this challenge. 
Zoro gazed into your eyes and you gazed into his on a pause. A pause and a nod of the head before the challenge resumed. 
Once again, you were reminded of his power. Of how good it felt to feel your strength weaken against his. 
Arms shook, brows beaded with sweat, and heat pooled in your abdomen. A heat no man had been able to stir for a long, long time. No man had been worth its sizzling flames. 
A little noise spilled from your lips. A noise that had Zoro’s attention pulling from your shining eyes to your lips. Lips that hung parted on that small noise that had that weird feeling grow and thrash about in his abdomen. 
“Fuck.” He cursed on a deep rumble that had you clenching your thighs together against the frustration building in you. 
“Fuck, Zoro--win.” You all but begged the swordsmen, whose teeth were clenched so tight you thought they might fracture under the pressure. “Win, win, please.” You continued. 
Despite your pleas for him to win against you, you hardly gave up your hold on his hand. Hardly gave into his power. You fought against it, just as he fought against yours. A fight that your arm had just begun to yield under when Zoro cursed yet again. 
Zoro couldn’t focus. Not when you were making those little noises and begging him to dominate you. Couldn’t focus when you looked just as bright as your eyes--when your painted nails were pressed flush against the back of his hand. Not when that weird feeling wanted him to win against you in another way. 
The alcohol. It was the alcohol making him feel this--needful for you. 
He knew that wasn’t it. Knew he was hardly even tipsy. He knew he had felt this way as he had drunk his first beer. 
“Fuck it.” He hissed, reaching across the table to grab your cheeks in his free hand. You sucked in a breath as he all but pulled you across the table, lips pressing harshly against yours. You fought back against his lips in a fiery kiss that any outside might have thought looked more like two dogs mauling at each other's faces than any true kiss. 
But it was a kiss you felt your body ignite against--that you could taste the sweet, fruity sake you had drank on his tongue and lips. One that made your pussy throb and your limbs grow fuzzy as you climbed onto the table, knocking over the empty sake bottle as you crawled over it. 
He all but pulled you off the table into his lap where you moved so you could straddle his waist and press your kiss down onto him. 
Hands grabbed at clothes and relieved the other of their shirts, which were tossed to the ground before lips were rapidly moving against the others. Your hands smoothed over his hard-earned, muscle-lined chest, feeling the slight raise of the scar Mihawk had given him.  
Zoro’s calloused hands moved from where they grasped your hips upwards, sending goosebumps rising along your skin. 
He felt a scar along your hip bone, one that cut up your side, and another he felt just under the edge of your bra. But never once did he feel a scar on your back. 
You were a true swordsman. A true warrior. 
It had him grabbing you tighter. Had him hosting you up as he stood before pinning you on the table, fingers unbuckling your belt and unbuttoning your pants.
Zoro yanked your pants down your legs, trailing hot, opened-mouth kisses along your scarred skin making a huffing moan escape your lips. You ran your fingers through his green hair before grabbing for your pants which he wasn’t pulling off fast enough. 
You yanked them off, grabbing him back against you and claiming his lips harshly as you rose off the table onto your feet. 
Zoro’s back hit the wall, making the swords and other various weapons rattle upon impact. You wasted no time in going for his belt, which fell away from his hips under the weight of his three swords. 
They had just fallen to the floor with a dulled clatter when Zoro was turning you so that he could slam you against the wall, throwing his skillful power into you which had you moaning in gleeful pleasure. A throwing star, which had been hanging just beside your head, fell to the ground and embedded itself in the wood there. 
You wanted him to do that again. To move you despite your own power fighting against him. 
Your hands grabbed for Zoro’s pants again as his hands grabbed for the clasp of your bra, which he fumbled with and found he couldn’t figure out the mechanics of. One last harsh kiss was given to Zoro before you pushed him away, going for the clasp behind your back. 
“Pants.” You grit at him. He huffed at your commanding tone, but did so regardless of his want to ignore it. 
His breath hitched in his throat as you threw your bra off, your breasts falling from their confines and making his mouth water at their heft. You yanked your underwear off just as Zoro had finished pulling his pants off, leaving you both bare to one another. 
Your eyes scanned over his body shamelessly. Scanned over the scars he bore--the large one cutting across his chest, another smaller one on his shoulder, and two more rounding his ankles. Scanned over the sheer amount of strength that radiated off him that you needed to grab and feel against you all over again. Scanned over his cock, which twitched in the open air, precome already spilling for its tip.
Zoro looked over your body just as you did. A body that was strong--well-honed muscles built throughout it from the years of training he knew you had gone through. Muscle that did nothing but enhance your utter femininity. From your hair to your shining eyes to that shade of purple he found your toenails were painted as well. 
Zoro thought you might have been the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. 
You were grabbing at Zoro just as he was grabbing at you. Lips caressing in that harsh manner that had your abdomen burning. Bare bodies pushed and pulled and felted at the other in a way that had your head spinning. 
You slammed Zoro into the door that led to your chambers, his teeth finding your neck in a pinching bite that was sure to leave a bruise as your lips pulled away long enough to open it. You shoved Zoro through the open doorway, his hands grabbing for your arms to pull you with him. 
He used the momentum of your shove to switch positions with you, lips claiming yours as he guided you back toward your bed. When the backs of your legs hit the frame, you climbed onto the plush mattress before he could shove you down, not wanting to give your position up quite yet. A position you wanted him to fight you for. He climbed in after you, lips hardly leaving the others.
That push and pull began again. You tugged at Zoro who tugged right back. It was a continuation of the challenge you had been waging to see who would come out on top--literally now. 
Your fingers brushed down his strong stomach before wrapping around his hard cock, pumping him nice and slow in a way that had him hissing out a breath. You watched his brows furrow under your admissions--watched as the corner of his lip twitched in a near snarl as your thumb passed over his dripping head. Your touch spurred his hips into motion--thrusting into your hand with each pass of your thumb. 
“I think I like this type of wrestling much better, don’t you?” You teased, tightening your grip just that much more around him. His fingers dug into your skin. Dug hard enough you were sure it would leave a mark. You wanted it to leave a mark. “I think I like the idea of having you come all undone first, looking so, so pretty.”  
His hips halted their mindless thrust, eyes narrowing down at the smugness that had filtered into your bright gaze. 
“Is that--” He hissed, finding your hand stilling working him in a way that was tortuous. “Is that a challenge?” You smirked. 
“Should it be?” You continued to tease, eyes fluttered to look at his parted lips which huffing breaths floated out of. 
“Same rewards?” He asked, making you nod.
“If that’s all you still wish for, then yes.” You lulled, leaning up to brush your lips against his. “But I think you’ll find it a harder challenge to win then--” You sucked in a shaky breath when a finger dipped into your needy folds. A finger that had found your clit in seconds and was applying just the right amount of pressure and type of touch to have your hips moving to get closer to such pleasure.
“I’m sorry,” He huffingly teased back, pressing your chest flush against his as a shit-eating grin plastered itself onto his kiss-puffed lips. Your hand paused its working of Zoro’s cock at the sudden sparks he sent shooting through you. “What were you saying?” 
“How--how did you--fuck,” You cursed, grabbing hold of his shoulder for balance. Jolt after jolt of pleasure rushes up your body. Pleasure you had only even been able to fully give yourself. 
“I think,” He gruffed brushing his lips against your ear, making a shiver rush up your spine. “That I’m going to have you coming all undone for me, Y/N, and then enjoy myself the best sake this little island has to offer.” His gruffing voice rang in your ear.
“In your dreams.” You huffed, swallowing a moan that wanted to escape. 
Zoro grunted as you resumed moving your hand up and down the length of his velvety cock. A movement that had Zoro stopping the circling of your clit only so he could shove your thighs open wider, all so he could sink a finger into your dripping pussy--and then another. He curled and pressed them into that spongy spot up in you that had stars flying across your vision--stars that grew in number when his thumb found your clit once more. 
Huffs and pants and grunts and cut-off moans between near-violent kisses filled the space as you fought to get each other off--to get the other to lose the challenge you had been trying to finish the whole night. 
You pulled away once more when Zoro gave a deep-chested moan. A moan that had his brows knitting together and his hips jerking against your hand as if to pull away because--oh yes.
“It’s okay, pretty boy. It’s okay. You can come for me. Yes, yes, please come for me.” You comforted, placing a gentle kiss on his flushed cheek and picking your pace up just that much faster. “So strong. So powerful. Come on my hand and let me taste just how--” Your words were cut off as Zoro pulled his fingers out of you only for them to wrap around your throat in a tight hold. A hold that nearly had you coming right then and there. 
He pinned you to the bed, your hand slipping from his cock in the process. But it didn’t stop you from wrapping your legs around his waist and rubbing your dripping, needy pussy against his twitching and as equally needy cock. 
“You talk too much.” He hissed, the hand not pinning you to the bed running down your body so that he could reach for his swollen cock. “I’m gonna make you come so hard around me you won’t remember how to speak.”
“Yes--please.” You panted out as he pressed the tip of his cock against your fluttering entrance. A pant that turned into your own deep-chested moan as he sunk himself into you, inch by glorious inch. A moan was met with Zoro’s grunts as he bottomed out in you, your pussy flexing around him as it worked to accommodate his size. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up enough to claim his rough kiss once more as his hips began to move his cock within you. 
His pace gradually began to quicken. A pace that grew so brutal, that tears brimmed in your eyes at the pleasure he pounded into you. And when his thumb found your clit again--oh gods you knew you might not win out against him. 
And as lust and pleasure fogged your brain, you found you wanted him to win. Just as you had wanted him to win against every other challenge you threw his way that night. 
“Zoro--oh fuck, Zoro keep going. Please, please, please.” You begged against his panting mouth. He kept up his wicked pace, the sinfully wet sounds of your pussy getting utterly destroyed filling your ears and adding to the pleasure that was rolling through you. 
Sweat slicked over skin, bodies buzzed and shook, lips moved frantically and hungrily. And that release your body begged for built and built and built and you had just began to tip over the edge. Your finish just a breath away--hot ribbons of come shot into you.
Zoro had come just seconds before your pussy was clenching around his twitching cock. Just seconds before you were moaning his name and holding him close as you’re finish rushed through you. His solid body fell on top of yours, chests full of uneven and choppy breath. 
“You win.” He huffed into your neck. You sighed deeply, running your fingers through his green hair. 
“I was only teasing--” Zoro pulled his face away so he could look into your eyes. Deep, dark eyes that never looked away from your face as he unhooked an earring from his ear lobe, holding it out for you to take. 
“You win, princess. Fair is fair.” You gently took the gold earring from his hand, brushing your knuckles over his cheek. A touch the swordsmen leaned into, his lips leaving a burning kiss to your writs. “Put it next to the finger.” You laughed, leaning forward and placing the softest kiss of the night to those lips of his. Lips that kissed you back just as soft--slow. A kiss that had your heart beating against your ribs.
“Just for you, pretty boy.”
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Tags: @lostfirefly
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