#yes. this is why i still identify as a scholar.
neotrances · 11 months
like yes i will be mean to other high functioning autistic ppl whom show on their blogs they are able to write and interpret things from their favorite fandom material but donot put the same effort into general media literacy, im not asking you to be the smartest scholar in the world who knows all the biggest words and phrases im asking you to atleast know how to properly intake information and identify components of media that can be harmful, asking that of grown adults that are actively posting about why they know angeldust and the villain from hazbin hotel are meant to be lovers is not killing anyone
autism is a spectrum and quite frankly not everyone doing this has autism so idk why we are hung up on this i just personally see white autistics do this often and while everyone’s autism is different ofcourse im gonna scrutinize the ones that use their disability as an excuse to not try when they do try when it comes to cartoons and ships, and honestly im kinda over arguing this to ppl who feel so self important that they don’t even want to consider that their unwillingness to improve is directly causing harm, i am not that smart, never have been never will be, i do not know a lot of words, i misspell things, sometimes i struggle to read and interpret things, but i am still able to try to do so, and i still try especially when it comes to media reporting events and discussing socioeconomic problems, i would never gloat or find it funny to say my media literacy is bad and blame that on middleschool as an adult, bc that removes accountability when i clearly am able to interpret and understand things at an adult level, i had ppl react the same way when i pointed out ppl with autism can be racist just like they can be any other form of bigoted bc they are a human being, pretending that autistic ppl can never do or cause harm is unhelpful, and it’s especially unhelpful when i see people who r able to function and understand certain things completely plug their ears and deny any fault or blame in what they do
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sasheneskywalker · 1 month
am i the only person who has never struggled with their queer identity?
i was thinking about it recently and i don't remember ever being ashamed, scared, angry or sad about being bisexual, nonbinary, grayaromantic, grayasexual and polyamorous. (yes, i use that many labels. it makes sense in my head.) i had unrestricted access to the interent from a pretty young age (11) and i discovered what a sexual orientation was after entering more english/american spaces and reading fanfiction when i was around 13 years old. i've just read the definitions and went, "yeah, i'm bisexual. why would anyone limit themselves to loving only one gender?" and that was it. my only frame of reference about queer people was fanfics and cool people i've seen online. my parents never talked about lgbtq+ issues (neither in a positive nor in negative light) and i didn't know anyone who was queer in real life, so you could say i was a blank slate when it came to any preconceived notions or biases (of course we live in cisheteronormative society which probably influenced my views on a subconscious level but i'm just taking about being consciously aware about something here.)
it was similar with realizing i was nonbinary, grayaromantic, grayasexual and polyamorous. i've read the definitions, comments made by people identifying that way, some research papers and books and came to the conclusion that these labels fit me. no angst anywhere.
i came out to my family pretty much immediately when my brother asked me if i was interested in any boys in middle school and i replied with full indignation that if he had to ask about it, he should also ask about any girls i might be interested in. my mother was there too. i don't think any of them took me seriously considering my age (i was 14) and the fact that i had to have many more conversations with my mother about being bisexual (and later nonbinary, grayaromantic, grayasexual and polyamorous) before she believed me in some way and even now she still thinks it's just a "phase" and that i'm "confused" or "just looking for attention" and that my girlfriends are only my good friends (but she still supports my relationship and tries very hard not to be outright homophobic/transphobic). my brother realized like 6 years later and asked me if i really was queer and seemed surprised when i told him i was. i still don't know what my father thinks. i told him i had a boyfriend when i was 15 and i told him i had two girlfriends when i was 20 and his reaction was exactly the same: nodding his head and saying "okay". he sometimes uses slurs but also supported me during a project i was doing on being nonbinary and bought me a book written by a trans scholar on christmas.
and i've never done any official coming outs either. in most friend groups, it comes out naturally that i'm queer when we're getting to know each other and it has never been a problem. i've never been met with a negative reaction. (it's worth noting that most of my irl friends are from middle class families, live in big cities and went to very good schools).
and it's not that i'm not aware about queerphobia existing in our society. i read books written by queer people and i read histories of lgbtq+ communities (and it's often pretty bleak). our country is one of the most homophobic countries in europe. the previous government of our country said that "lgbt ideology" and "gender ideology" are a threat to our nation and should be eliminated. i had close queer friends whom i supported when their families and friends didn't accept them. but it all feels one step removed from me.
i can walk alone at 3am around my city (the capital of poland) as a female presenting person with a rainbow handbag and flag pins in a party outfit and nobody ever bothers me. i went to a pride parade this year and there weren't any counter protests, the police were chill and nothing horrible happened. and despite talking with people who used some passive aggressive remarks and weren't completely accepting, i've basically never experienced violent or threatening queerphobia in my life.
i guess it's just interesting to me how much my experiences differ from common queer narratives i observe in media and in real life around me and how my upbringing shaped who i am today.
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nerdygaymormon · 10 months
Matthew 5:21-48 "Ye have heard it said..."
Five times in Matthew chapter 5, Jesus uses some version of "Ye have heard that it was said...But I say unto you..." Jesus is saying that this text has been interpreted this way, but I'm giving a better way. Jesus challenged traditional ideas, He expanded the interpretation.
We can do likewise.
There's two words used a lot in Biblical study, hermeneutics and exegesis.
Hermeneutics is deciding what we will use to help us interpret the text. We bring our own sensibilities, experiences, and understandings. Scholars may bring historical context, linguistical analysis, and a knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.
Exegesis is what understanding we pull from the text. The hermeneutics we use will affect what meaning we retrieve. This is why reading the same verses at different times of our lives will give us different insights.
Jesus taught that all the laws hang on the 2 great commandments to love God and to love people. I think we can use that as our hermeneutics as we read the scriptures. What does this teach me about loving God and about loving people? How does this relate to loving my neighbor, specifically the vulnerable and marginalized?
I also think about how does this relate to queer people? I bring to this my understanding that being queer is not a choice, God made us this way and expects us to live our life as queer. It's incorrect to view queer people as broken, not worthy, or not good enough. LGBTQ+ people deserve hope and an uplifting spiritual life.
Given those hermeneutics, let's look at the examples we find in Matthew 5.
Matthew 5:21-26
You've heard it said, 'Don't commit murder because you'll be in danger of being judged.' I say if you're angry at your siblings without a good cause, or you call them names, you'll be in danger of being judged and going to Hell. If you've come to worship God but things aren't right between you and your sibling, then leave and make things right before coming back.
Another way to state this is if a person plans to murder someone, but at the last moment doesn’t because of fear of consequences or cowardice, is that person still good with God? No. Don't murder them, but don't even be angry at them. You can't love God if you don't love your neighbor.
How does this apply to queer people? Don't physically harm LGBTQ+ people. Don't murder us, don't beat us up, don't bully us, and don't call us names. Stigma, prejudice, and discrimination create hostile and stressful social environments which lowers self-esteem, decreases psychological well-being, and has other harmful mental health outcomes. Instead, desire blessings for us and hope for our inclusion and equal standing.
Matthew 5:27-30
You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every man who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
It is natural and good for a man to be attracted to women, he can't help that, it's how God designed humans so that we will procreate. But if he's attracted to another man's wife, how does he handle that? Does he merely note that she's attractive and move on or does he lust after her and think about being with her?
If two people have made vows to each other, it's harmful to try to get one of them to break that promise. Loving our neighbor means wanting their happiness and wanting them to have fulfillment in their most important relationship. To selfishly desire something for you that would harm their relationship is not loving. We should wish them the best in their relationship.
Unfortunately, I've had people use this passage to argue that being gay is a sin because I'm lusting after the wrong sort of person, just like the adulterer. And furthermore, by simply using the word 'gay' to acknowledge that I’m attracted to men, they say I'm identifying myself by my sin and I’m committing sin in my heart. That's not a generous or loving interpretation. This is not how straight people apply this teaching to themselves.
This scripture provides no reason to think of homosexual attraction any differently from heterosexual attraction. It's not a sin to be attracted to someone, and there are certainly appropriate ways to express those feelings. But if we seek to have sex with someone and upset their married relationship, that is a sin, as is lusting for that in our heart. A Christian should love their gay neighbor enough to want them to find a rewarding romantic relationship, just as they hope for themselves.
Matthew 31-32
It was said, 'Whoever divorces his wife must give her a divorce certificate.' But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual unfaithfulness, forces her to commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
The law was if you're going to leave your wife, you gotta give her a divorce certificate. This way she can prove she's not married any longer and can pursue finding another husband.
At that time, men had the power to divorce, women did not. Also, women at that time had little power or rights, they were reliant on men. To divorce a wife is to make her vulnerable to real harm, such as poverty, hunger, and homelessness. To not provide documentation that she is no longer married to you and thus prevent other men from being willing to marry her will cause her harm and is not loving.
Many like to say that sexual immorality is the exception clause, you are not justified in getting divorced unless your spouse has cheated on you, in which case you can move forward with splitting up. I don't know. Maybe Jesus is saying that if she cheated on you then she chose to commit adultery, but if you divorce her then you are causing her to commit adultery should she ever remarry, and you'll also be committing adultery if you remarry.
Christianity has long wrestled with these verses. Forcing people to remain in an abusive relationship or letting them split but not get divorced which means they can't remarry, that doesn't seem like it's in their best interest.
I think due to the LDS experience with polygamy and how difficult it was, the church made peace with the idea of divorce and remarriage. Not that we don't discourage divorce, it's seen as a serious thing, but if someone wants to get divorced, we won't stand in the way. And when someone who is divorced wants to get married, we allow that and even give them the highest blessings by letting them get sealed in our temples. We recognize it is to their benefit to get married and enjoy a loving relationship. They have companionship. They have a partner to help with raising the children and the many tasks of life. They can find sexual satisfaction within the bonds of a marriage. They can help each other progress.
I'm glad my church has put aside this and other teachings against divorce and remarriage, and that we recognize what a blessing it is to individuals to get out of relationships which are harming them and also that it is a blessing for them to join a new, loving relationship.
How can we apply this to queer folks? We allow them the same blessings you want for yourself. Let them form loving, committed relationships and bless those with the recognition of marriage because we know such relationships bless their lives.
Matthew 5:33-37
Again you have heard 'Don't make a false promise, you should follow through on what you have pledged to the Lord.' But I say you shouldn't make such pledges, and don't swear by heaven. Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.
We need to keep the commitments we make. Don't be deceitful. Don't make a promise we intend to break. When we make promises that others rely on, all while knowing we don't intend to keep that commitment, it harms them. They take actions that benefit us without getting the same in return. That's definitely not loving our neighbor. We should be honorable and trustworthy and known to keep our word. We should have integrity.
I think of people who say they love and support queer people, call themselves an ally and say we should be treated fairly by society, and then they vote for candidates who seek to block us from having legal protections and rights. If you're going to vote for our harm, then you're not the loving ally you portray yourself as.
Matthew 5:38-42
You have heard it said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you when someone hits you on your cheek, turn the other to him. If someone legally takes your tunic, give them your cloak as well. If you are pressed into service for one mile, go two miles.
This is different from the other examples because those were saying for us not to harm others. These verses are how to respond when we get treated unfairly. Jesus is not saying that we should be a doormat inviting more injury to ourselves.
Jesus' examples are forms of passive resistance. If a Roman legionary tells you to do something, and you refuse, you are punished. If you are unjustly sued, and you lash out, then you go to prison, instead here's steps you can take to highlight the wrongness of what is being done.
I've read that in Jesus' time someone could backhand a person of lower status as a way to assert authority and dominance. If someone backhands you, turn your face so they can slap your other cheek. They can't use their left hand as it's used for unclean purposes, so will they now hit you with their open hand as that shows you're equal? By turning the other check, I am forcing them to recognize my equality or to walk away from my challenge to their dominance.
A person's tunic could be used as collateral for a loan, but not the cloak. The debtor can be forced to give the tunic off of his back, but by also giving them the cloak, they're now naked. Public nudity was viewed as bringing shame on not just the one who is naked, but also the viewer. The one enforcing his rights to take your clothes is shamed.
Inhabitants of occupied territories could be forced by Roman authorities to carry messages and equipment for one mile post, but the law prohibited forcing them to go further than a single mile. A Jew at any time could feel the tap on his shoulder from a Roman soldier and know he has to carry the soldier's gear for a mile. By going the extra mile, it's a nonviolent way to criticize the unjust Roman law and cause the Roman soldier to be at risk of discipline
These are each ways to assert our dignity and to shame others for the how they're treating us. Each is a form of resistance but not retaliation, each is a way of highlighting the injustice without it turning into revenge. This is nonviolent resistance, which can be powerful in changing hearts.
This passage reminds me of the first time I went to a Pride event, it was really joyous and wonderful, except for some preacher yelling about how we're all sinners and going to hell and even yelling insults at people walking by including about what they were wearing. He was really getting people upset. Instead of yelling insults back, or worse, a group formed a circle around him and started singing Katy Perry's song "Firework" and the rest of the crowd joined in, drowning out his hateful words, until security could remove him. We did no harm to him and our actions stood in contrast to his hate and anger. It was a way to affirm ourselves and negate his message
Matthew 5:43-48
You've heard it said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. God's sun rises on both the good and the bad, the rain falls on the just and unjust, in other words, he blesses all. There's no benefit in only loving those who love you.
When one group perceives another as 'the Enemy,' it's easy for conspiracy theories, prejudice, and fear to cause us to no longer see their humanity. This leads to seeing all Muslims as undercover terrorists or for some to believe that gay people are responsible for hurricanes.
We are to love everyone. This includes people who aren’t our race, or religion, or nationality. This includes sexual minorities, poor people, that annoying coworker, the politicians voting to limit your rights.
We don't have to agree with them. We focus on the issues and don’t make things personal. We can look for peaceful, constructive ways forward. We can have kindness and goodwill for people even as we disagree.
I think of the hatred toward LGBTQIA+ people by many who identify as Christian. The lack of compassion towards queer people is disheartening, and to be asked to love them in return feels difficult, but it can lead to positive change.
In 2004, 60% of Americans disapproved of gay marriage. In 2019, 61% approved of gay marriage. That's a complete flip-flop in 15 years. There were many who were vehemently against gay marriage and expressed hatred towards queer people. Gay rights advocates were speaking of love, and when gay marriage was legalized, we saw videos of couples joyously celebrating their love, which stood in contrast to the bigotry that had been expressed. It's hard to see the joy and love and believe the hateful rhetoric. Individuals naturally don't want to see themselves aligned with people who are harming and hurting people.
We can keep protesting, keep speaking our truth, keep advocating for those who can't, but don't villainize those who oppose us. Stick to the issues and act with compassion and love. Let our actions stand in contrast against those who view us as enemies.
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Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @elsie-writes , thank you! As has became the usual, this will not be the last line but rather the last section that I wrote. This is from Book 2 of my Testaments series, name still pending!
The man who stormed towards Narul was massive, though not as huge as Narul himself, nor gaunt Sadaric in the Deep Sun’s Cavern. His shoulders were broad, his arms corded and rippled with muscle. The skin of his bared chest was a rich umber, though criss-crossed with such a complex tapestry of scars that the original tone was at first hard to determine. Narul thought he might have been Namutian.  He was lither than Narul, though that was not saying much, and he still towered over even the tallest of the Makorans. He moved in a straight line, not around the stands and carts, but through them, a trail of devastation in his wake. Makorans scrambled to get out of his way, one poor man was too slow and his leg was crushed underfoot. He lay in their dirt, cradling his twisted limb. The newcomer paid no attention to his cries. “You!” He bellowed once more, one scarred finger pointed at Narul. He spoke in Kishite, but his accent was strange, oddly formal in some sense, what one might suspect from a bard or scholar. “Me?” Narul eyed him uncertainly. He couldn’t quite explain what, but some facet of the man filled him with a certain discomfort, almost nausea. The man glared at him, beneath bushy brows his eyes burned with an intensity that Narul could not quite identify. “Fight me! You are big but let us see if you are strong, bastard!” The stranger roared, his fists raised above his head in challenge. Narul frowned, he didn’t think he knew this man, he certainly didn’t remember ever meeting anyone like him. Certainly he could think of no reason why a stranger in a strange land would be calling him a bastard, much less challenging him to a duel. “Do I know you?”  The stranger scowled. “Of course you don’t know me! At least not in flesh! If we had met before I would have already cut you down!” Narul’s frown deepened and he crossed his arms. “I don’t want to fight.” “I don’t care!” The other man spat as he stalked closer. Narul could smell wine, sweat, and blood. “ It is in our nature!” The stranger now stood inches away, though he had to look up at Narul, it did little dampen his ferociousness. Narul could feel Bop in his head, the spirit was agitated. Narul could feel them, like some animal trapped in his skull pacing back and forth. “Bop?” The spirit stopped its fidgeting. “Narul, I remember him.” Narul looked down at the other spiritblood, his mind reeled. “You’ve met him before?” Narul asked the spirit. “Yes, yes I’m certain of it.” Narul thought back to the darkness in which the Deep Sun and the Kosheki had hoarded away thousands of treasures, Bop’s hammer amongst them. “But you said you were trapped in that cave for a thousand years before I found you.”  “I was.”
I am tagging @scribble-dee-vee , @illarian-rambling , @unrepentantcheeseaddict , @the-ellia-west , and anyone else!
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silvereyedowl · 11 months
The Seller of Masks
Valahri Vamane was far more travelled than most, in or out of his country. He had been west of the Great Desert of Myzria and north of the Empire of Niram. He had even seen the Cave of the Blasphemy.
And in all that time and place he had never seen cause to believe that the name of his country was remembered outside of it.
They called it many things, in foreign lands. The Masked Land. Terra Persona. The faceless country.
But he knew what it was actually called.
He came from Teyvīka Muttam, the crumbling Jewel of the West, as it had once been known. Supposedly, according to the ancient legends, the Goddess of Beauty herself had knelt down and kissed the earth in that exact spot, leading the ancients of Terra Persona, the founders of the Old Empire, to build their capital there and name it in her honour.
Even now, it was still the largest city on the peninsula. Even now, the various factions that fought for power in the disunited land considered holding Muttam to symbolize legitimacy.
Valahri had not been back in a long time. There was only one reason he would consider returning, and it had not yet happened. He wasn't sure it ever would.
In that year he was living and working in the north, mainly as a seller of masks. They were mostly unadorned, so people could add their own identifying marks. They weren't the fancy ones custom-made by the blind maskmakers for anyone who could afford them, but they did the job all the same.
The masks he wore, the kind he had worn since his return from his travels, were distinct in their own way. He put his own sigil on the forehead of each one, because he wanted to be recognized no matter what he was wearing. In this, he had his reasons.
Foreigners to the peninsula never really knew how to blend in. Valahri understood why better than most, since he had been to their lands. They were not cursed and did not have to wear masks unless they wanted to.
So he knew the woman he encountered travelling south in the dry season had to be a foreigner.
That she wore a mask was wise. He had heard stories that foreigners who came to the masked land could sometimes carry the effects of the curse with them for a time after leaving. It was better to get used to a mask now.
"Hello, stranger!" He waved as he rode nearer, calling to her in the common traders' language.
She stopped her horse. When she spoke, it was more cautiously. "And to you as well."
"We don't get many foreigners this far north and east. They usually travel straight to the capital."
"How did you-"
"Your mask. And your accent. You sound like a Westerner."
"Oh..." She sounded disappointed.
"I take it you wanted to blend in more? It's not an easy thing for a foreigner to pose as a native here."
"I suppose I should have expected that. But there's little information available about the specific customs of this land. No one wants to think about it."
"Oh, I've travelled a lot of places. This is a cursed land and a cursed people. It's better if no one thinks about us."
Valahri had his suspicions about what reasons the woman might have for coming to Terra Persona. Most of the foreigners were merchants, and he knew merchants.
This woman was no merchant. Very few casual travellers bothered to visit the cursed land. Which meant she was most likely here for a reason.
And those people... well. Those people generally wanted to discover the secrets of the cursed land – a pursuit that rarely ended well.
Valahri decided that right now, he was going to try and stick with this traveller. "But, if you're so interested, you might want a guide."
The woman's body language was hesitant, but then she nodded. "Are you offering?"
"Yes. Selling masks is, in all honestly, just a side job."
"Then let me introduce myself. I am Karas of Galahra, scholar."
"Well met. Valahri of Muttam. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
The two continued down the road together. Karas had questions about the accuracy of the map she had brought along with her.
Valahri wondered, in the privacy of his own mind, just how dangerous the scholar's quest would prove to be. The curse made even knowledge of the masked land dangerous outside its bounds.
Well, if push came to shove, perhaps her search could benefit him as well. And perhaps more than just him...
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groovesnjams · 10 months
44 / 50
"love is embarrassing" by Olivia Rodrigo
The theatricality of Olivia Rodrigo's music sometimes works against her, but put it in a song that isn't a slow ballad and you can generate some real sparks. And maybe performativity is underrated in 2023: it's been part of punk's DNA since its inception, just as it's part of the DNA of every kind of popular music. Rodrigo snarls and chews the scenery (klaxon guitars and a too-polite drum machine, in this case), she plops a fuck into the middle of the chorus. Everything is a performance and listening to "love is embarrassing" I'm never quite able to forget that, but I'm equally unable to knock the song for it. Like yes, it takes a particular kind of theater-kid energy to sing "emBARassing" that way, but also? I've mellowed on theater kids from the days when I used to regularly see them at house parties and karaoke bars. "love is embarrassing" is charming and direct and packed with its share of hooks - and short enough that its particular kind of energy doesn't risk getting old. And that dramatic instinct leads Rodrigo to one of the year's greatest and simplest truths: even if you're not having your heart broken, love is embarrassing. Love means vulnerability and vulnerability is extremely cringe. And if I'm being honest, there's a thinner line between the theater and the concert venue than a lot of musicians - and I - might like to admit.
Olivia Rodrigo, born in 2003, is someone who never knew life without the internet in her home. She was six years old when Twitter went mainstream. Nine when Facebook acquired Instagram. She’s grown up in a world that’s not just uncritical of performativity but outright demanding of it, a world where the goalposts of existence have moved from perceiving to being perceived. We are all theater kids now; Rodrigo is hardly even a noteworthy example of this identity, not when George Santos is a camp scammer congressman stunt queen and Taylor Swift is cosplaying herself cosplaying a high school senior homecoming queen cheerleader in what is ultimately like 70% branding deal with the NFL and 30% embedded footnotes for her scholar diehards. Those two theater kids are over a decade older than Rodrigo – maybe she just needs time to establish her bonafides. What’s more interesting than the way a Disney kid is performative by nature is the way “love is embarrassing” conveys these evergreen adolescent feelings in a way that feels so honest and authentic. I still vividly remember when I first realized love was embarrassing and the pop hit that ruled my high school was Avril Lavigne’s “Sk8r Boi,” a song I viscerally resented for its unrelatability. I think this is why so many women my age – Rodrigolds, if you will – are reliving vicariously through SOUR and GUTS. “love is embarrassing” scrupulously omits identifiers like “he was a punk” and “she did ballet,” (or “she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers”) instead focusing on how runaway infatuation feels and how stinging the fresh slap of its dissipation feels. And she casts herself as the fool, a fool of her own design – that’s a universal experience, we are all the fool at least once. In this way, it’s impossible to dispute the veracity of her lyrics. In this way, she’s not theatrical at all.
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junebugwriter · 1 year
Impostor I
I've got the impostor syndrome bad tonight.
I wrote about it some on twitter, but I'll talk about it here some too. This space tends to be a bit easier for me to get complex thoughts out anyways, because longer form works better for my brain sometimes.
I have a lot of moments feeling like an impostor when it comes to being trans. I used to feel like I was an impostor just for being an academic, but writing a dissertation flipped a switch in my brain I think, saying "ah, yes, I am actually writing a book now as a scholar, I have Made It." But now, my insecurity is seizing upon being trans.
I don't feel like I'm "trans enough." And I know it's not exactly breaking new ground. Society tells me I'm a guy. My upbringing tells me I'm a guy. My body looks like a guy's body. I'm hairy, large, and overall have masculine features. But there's a lot of my body that's not masculine at all.
Take, for instance, breasts. I have them! I've had them since I was a little kid, because I've always been a bit fat. I've actually been quite sensitive about the fact I had them, because I was operating with the understanding that I Am Male and Male Manly Men do not have Breasts, they have Pecs. So I'd try to flatten them, I'd work out a lot, but nothing ever got rid of them, so I came to somewhat accept them. I even kind of got to like them, their feel, etc. It wasn't """manly""", but who cares about that, I have them, and I had to deal with that.
Also, my hips! I've got sort of a womanish waist. And I like my waist! It suits me, and that's great. Not """manly""", but it's cool, it's BONE STRUCTURE, what am I going to do about that? So I grew to accept it, and now I kind of like it!
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I might maybe produce more estrogen in my body than a """normal""" male body, but I won't know until my doc screens me for HRT. I'll put a pin in that, but it's something I think about!
But more than anything, in my brain, I *feel* like a I should be a woman. I identify more with women than with men, in general. I like playing female characters in games, and enjoy movies with more well-rounded and developed female characters. When it comes to attributes and behavioral trends, my behavior makes a lot more sense if I was a woman. I'm more sensitive, more empathetic in general, more submissive and accommodating. And yes, I do realize these are BROAD STEREOTYPES and are anything but scientific, or accurate. Yet I can't shake the feeling... I was meant to be a woman.
I feel that way. It's my brain. It's my heart. And I can't shake it.
But I still look and present as a man in my day-to-day. I'm not out at work. I hope, once I go on HRT and begin changing more of my appearance, the outside of my body will begin to match my insides. But I still struggle with feeling trans ENOUGH.
I just went on a whole ass description of how my brain thinks! And I still! Can't! Shake! The feeling i'm faking it!
What does a bitch have to do to feel like they are deserving of being trans?? Why can't I feel valid in my identity!? All I do is question, and self-analyze, and wonder, and postulate. (I'm a goddang theologian, it's what I do best.) But on and on, I keep circling. Yes. I am a woman. I am trans.
It's so frustrating. It's illogical. I want to Spock my way to certainty in my gender identity. I want a math equation to settle the questions in my brain, the feelings of my heart. But life isn't like that. I've got to Kirk it out, and act with what's not only logical, but emotionally true as well.
I just... wish I could feel validation without agonizing all the time.
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angelbluediary · 2 years
sunny musings // years in the making
Sunlight. Coffee. Books. Sleeping cat. Distant sounds of people. I'll always envy the ones who know exactly what they want out of life. They visualize a goal and work towards it, rely on it when things get dark. When I visualize my ideal future, I get snatches of more or less what is available to me now, but through a dreamier lens: a prettier cafe; a waterfront town with art galleries and nice roads; Ginger, happy and healthy, curled up before warm windows where she can finally see lizards and birds up close. For years now, I've tried to pin myself like a butterfly and catalogue all my individual parts. To Identify and then Correct them. My early 20s was driven wild by the fact that I can't reconcile even my aesthetics (as if that's something to crave, as if being able to write yourself into a couple narrow corners of the world is what you should want). I've journaled at length about who I have been and who I think I am and what I want, as much as I can glean from the wanting: freedom and sunshine and peace and passion, and pretty clothes, and objects shaped like hearts, and art for my walls, and so on. Years and years of intense soul-searching with only what I'd already known given to me as reluctant answers. Yes, I am still the girl who writes (even if it has been so long since I began any story). Yes, I am still the girl who dreams of art and dance and theatre. Yes, I am still the girl who's obsessed with sex. And when I blink and float back down to reality once in a while, I realize I'm living alone, with my floors covered in afternoon sun, with my happy and healthy cat, and a working coffee machine, and my laptop, and endless freedom in time and schedule. Beyond my anxieties and fears, I already have everything I've ever asked for. So why am I so afraid of the future? I'm missing the art museums and the burlesque shows so I'll simply move somewhere that has these in spades, once my lease is up. I pray my restlessness finds a place to lay down and nap once I move. I was born by the water and love it still; could I be as happy in the middle of the desert? Something pulls me out there still, unexplainable and strange. A gut feeling. But I have time. The desert can wait a little longer.
Adult life feels like permanently being in a state of transition. Being a child and a teenager simply was; that was all there was and all there ever would be. I think I reflect too much for my age. A great challenge of my life now is to extend beyond the thoughts and impulses in my head and explore them in the 3D realm, with my body, to do something physically and outwardly. Like dreaming with eyes open, but recording all the words. Drawing. Reading all my books. Dipping back into the language of scholars and critics. Reaching my hands out to the people I've met, who last I saw them, told me to not be a stranger, to call on them. All I know is that I've held my breath for far too long. My wanting claws at my chest now. A gentle summons, none of last year's desperation. I can almost taste what it is I need. I can almost visualize what I want in order to be happy. But rather than thinking too hard on it, I will allow myself to move and be moved in the real world.
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dinaive · 2 years
What came to my mind, after knowing the meaning of Gibraltar - an impregnable stronghold?
Mountains. ⛰ 🏔
Yes, mountains.
Because mountains are naturally strong structures on earth. They somehow play a role, in minimising the effect of earthquake on the planet. Well, that is an important role. Or else the earth will not be a suitable temporary sanctuary for human being. why temporary? beacuse we gonna die. let's make preparation for the eternal life and aim the Jannatul Firdaus جنة الفردوس.
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Speaking of suitable temporary sanctuary for human being, I am still fascinated with the planet Jupiter. One of its purpose is to protect earth from space debris. Isn’t that amazing. Wonderful creations of Allah SWT.
I believe that all creations of Allah SWT, like the moon(s), stars, planets, mountains, time, space, air, life, death, sadness, happiness, viruses, health, anxieties, and other creations of Allah SWT, have their own ways, of showing their gratification to Allah SWT. Excepts those who chose not to, among the jin and insan.
speaking of jin and insan, reminds me of Prophet Sulaiman. Allah SWT has bestowed wondrous abilities upon him, whereby he can commands the jin, the animals, the winds and the human and perhaps other creations that I am not aware of. Those abilities bestowed upon Prophet Sulaiman peace upon him, was gifts and blessings from Allah SWT. And prophet Sulaiman, was also a King.
There are people who believe that jin have this abilities greater than insan (men).
it made me sad, when the descendants of Prophet Adam - rely on jinny instead of Allah SWT.
may Allah guide all of us who is currently breathing.
and may Allah SWT, suffices us with halal, so that we won’t go looking for haram.
well, Prophet Adam was gifted by Allah SWT to be the superior being and surpass other creations. Even surpassing the angels, with their mighty abilities and perfect symmetrical features. just a reminder that angels are perfect. and human are not.
As the descendants of Prophet Adam peace upon him, this does not mean that we should act arrogantly, by knowing the fact that we surpass other beings. Instead we should stay grounded and try to benefit others.
Now, Prophet Sulaiman, peace upon him. he have a task open to the jin and insan; to bring the throne of Balqis, in a mere instant.
I heard in a lecture, it was a man who was able to do that. Not jin.
Now this reminds me of Prophet Khidhir. he himself have also bestowed by Allah SWT with unusual tasks and abilities. I heard that when he walks, he can make the floras to grow. Based on what I heard in a lecture, I believe that he is a simple man; whereby when Prophet Musa peace upon him, was commanded by Allah SWT to search for Prophet Khidhir, Prophet Khidhir was resting underneath a tree or a resting place with something covering his face. To me, that implicate simplicity in him. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, suggested that Prophet Khidhir might be the Green Knight or Gautama Buddha himself or Gautama Buddha might be the GreenKnight. Or all of them might be, 3 different person. Allah SWT, knows best.
the knowledge of Allah SWT is vasts and I am unable to comprehend with all of it.
However, He bestowed certain knowledge to whom He pleased.
Like Prophet Khidhir himself, he was gifted with the Knowledge of Laduni. Many scholars do not know what is the knowledge of Laduni. Only Allah knows best. I am fascinated with the story in The Al Quran. Between Prophet Musa, meeting a man who was much knowledgable then him and to learn from him. however, prophet Musa does not have the sabr level that acquire for him to learn the knowledge of Laduni. That well knowledgeable man was identified by scholars as Prophet Khidhir. There was another person accompanied Prophet Musa on his journey, and he was identify as Prophet Yusha; Prophet Yusha is the pupil or an apprentice of Prophet Musa peace upon him.
it made me sad, when the descendants of Prophet Adam - rely on jin instead of Allah SWT.
not all jin are evil, there are jin who submits themselves to Allah SWT.
The evils, they are also created by Allah SWT. Remember the surah we familiar with; Surah Al Falaq? In that surah Allah SWT explained; from the evil of that He created. Allah SWT, created evil. Indeed with that verse, justify that everything belong to Allah SWT. Now see how Omnipotent, Allah SWT is.
Now, we have the obligatory connections with the creator of all; Allah SWT. we have the connections with Allah SWT directly 5 times daily. Let see the 5 times obligatory prayers as gifts from Allah SWT.
we have nothing and nothing belong to us, everything is lend by Allah SWT to us and by the fact that we have this 5 times connections with Allah SWT; the Omnipotent, the All Powerful. The One who possesses all things.
doesn’t it humble us, that Allah SWT wanted to see us compulsory 5 times in a day?
we have nothing. NOTHING.
but still, Allah SWT the One who have all things, wanted to see us 5 times daily.
may Allah guide all of us.
and may Allah SWT, suffices us with halal, so that we won’t go looking for haram.
pardon me if i have used inappropriate wording in my writing.
hope you will have a peaceful day ahead.
Salam Alaykum.
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queerofcups · 7 years
what bands are True Emo? bc when i think of emo i think of lo-fi but i'm pretty sure that's bc i'm 18 so i wasnt around for the Real Emo Tunes :(
i’mma answer this publicly because i needed the excuse to be entirely self indulgent, k? 
wait. hold on.
*puts on grad school hat*
so my answer/view on what counts as “emo” is really heavily influenced by this book, Nothing Feels Good, its been years now since i’ve read it, but it includes (may be wholly?) a history of the development of emo as a genre, as well as profiles on some really well known bands. what’s super cool about it is that it was very of the moment. it was published in 2003, which is when emo was gaining mainstream notoriety amongst rock circles, but was nowhere near the cultural zeitgeist it became.
so if you ask me, i’d argue, as andy greenwald identifies in Nothing Feels Good that “true emo” bands would include the likes of Rites of Spring, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jets to Brazil, Mineral, American Football etc*. There’s a really interesting idea that Dan kept kind of bumping up against but didn’t really articulate–that late 00′s emo and the indie music that was fucking exploding around that same time (so, your Death Cab for Cuties, Minus the Bear, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, etc) actually have a common ancestor in the early 00s emo that was coming out of places like DC and further Northeast (as far North East as…New Jersey, eh? eh?). But Dan says some bullshit about the indie guys not liking the emo guys, not exactly? Like sometimes indie guy and the emo guy were the same dude.
And that dude was a dude who was into the hardcore scene/punk, but who wanted to sing about his feelings and heartbreak, and mental health issues, things that were seen as more feminine and less aligned with the more masculine, more politically charged punk/hardcore scene.
And so you have bunch of dudes doing this, with differing levels of alignment with the hardcore scene. On one end of the spectrum you’ve got your Thrices, your Alkaline Trios and on the other end you’ve got your Sunny Day Real Estates, or even further, your Dashboard Confessionals where he’s not even using an electric guitar. 
This, btw, is part of why you’ve got both Death Cab for Cutie and AFI on the same list of bands that are “emo” on wikipedia. The whole emo genre was actually super fucking prolific and because the genre qualifications were so vauge (its “emotional” “rock” music. that’s a lot of musical space to play in) a lot of different sounds were able out of early 00s emo. 
Mix emo with hardcore? You get Thrice. 
Mix emo with goth? AFI and Hawthorne Heights
Mix is with metal? You get Coheed and Cambria, I guess??
Mix it with rap? Dear god you get Brokencyde, undo undo. 
And if you mix it with pop? Well shit, you just built a Fall Out Boy. 
So, Dann, you say, I didn’t need any of this. 
I mean that’s fair, but I’m sure you’re also wondering where the fuck My Chem, P!atD and FOB come in. 
Wikipedia makes the really helpful delineation of emo and emo pop, which is like…sociologically accurate, even if I feel like its not generically accurate. Like, MCR and Panic! at the Disco are two very different genres of band.
Those three bands, along with a glut of other bands in the mid-00s somehow managed to ride the wave of popularity that started with these early 00s emo bands. I don’t want to make it sound like these bands aren’t significant, like these are people who were and are at the top of their craft (and pete wentz). but they were also pretty lucky. they came up in a time when not only indie bands but indie labels were experiencing pretty unprecedented public attention, MTV was still showing music videos, but maybe more importantly Fuse was still showing music videos. There was a whole TV station dedicated to “alt” music (how do people even find music these days? Spotify?). 
Now why were those three bands the ones that made the catapult from Fuse to MTV (so from very very popular alt/indie to straight up popular)?
Teenage girls.
See, emo came out of punk spaces in the mid-to-late 90s, and these spaces (at least the spaces that these particular guys were in) were, more often than not, pretty white/male spaces. Emo might have been about girls, so many girls—girls who agreed to date you, girls who agreed to fuck you, girls that dared to stop fucking you, girls that broke your heart—but it wasn’t really for girls. People who talk about rap music being the most misogynistic genre haven’t sat down to listen to emo. My god were some of those dudes upset about getting dumped.
But pop music. 
Pop music has been the bread and butter of girls, young girls since what, the 1950s aka its inception? Teenage girls created pop music.
And teenage girls decided they liked this emo stuff. And they decided they liked those emo boys. Really they decided they liked MCR and FOB and then Pete Wentz bore panic and lo, the teenage girls decided, it was good. 
(Brendon Urie and Harry Styles ought to sit down and have a talk sometime about how they owe their whole career to teenage girls finding them appealingly non-threatening)
You know why MCR and FOB were so dedicated to “equality” and their pits being “safe” (back when they had pits) and also challenging gender norms in a way that happened to be acceptable (and lbr titillating) to teenage girls?** 
Because teenage girls chose them and Made. Them. Rich. 
You don’t get rich of teenage girls aren’t coming to your shows/in your pit because they might get hurt. You don’t get rich when homophobic assholes, that are also sexist assholes, are coming to your show.
Don’t get me wrong. There were boys there. Obviously. Sensitive boys that didn’t fit in with the jocks, bullied for acknowledging their feelings etc. But teenage girls created the Scene.Christ, what was your question?Ok, yeah. You’re pretty spot on thinking of emo as being a low-fi, diy thing, if you’re thinking of it from the same direction I am. But the cultural moment Dan is talking about is defined way more by emo pop/scene than what I personally would call emo.* I mentioned an emo revival in an ask earlier today/yesterday. A lot of those bands are “reviving” the sound of early 00s emo. Which is interesting.**there’s a whole fucking book in the concept of stage gay alone. also the trend of “emo boys kissing” videos. these things are connected, obviously but I can’t quite say how.***this is a tumblr ask answer, so I can’t get into things like the effect of the internet, the breaking down of the fourth wall for fandom, why you can thank/blame Jimmy Eat World for all this, why DIY punk these days sounds the same as emo if you ask me, etc.****yeah I wrote that whole teenage girls made the scene diatribe and didn’t mention Paramore once. Paramore changed the fucking game and there’s a reason every emo band with a girl got compared to them. 
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lowchaosenthusiast · 2 years
if by some odd miracle you're still doing the one word prompts, could you possibly do emsider + matrimony pls and thx
The cetologists at Dunwall’s Academy of Natural Philosophies have long established that whales mated for life. They would sing long melodies, their vocalizations amplified against the ocean waves, though nobody could yet identify a common theme in their tunes.
Scholars would dissect the songs by each and every note, and destroy their strange beauty down to mathematics. The whalers, uneducated as they were, could tell you exactly what had been sung – eternal vows of love. What else could explain the bloated corpses of once-great beasts washing up ashore when their mate had been bleed for meat and oil?
Emily rubbed against her eyes as she considered the calm afternoon passing outside the windows of her secret room. Maybe that had been why she avoided talking about the topic of being wed with any of her suitors. The Throne did bleed her, slowly, and threatened to devour her with each crisis rolling across the Empire. Would any potential spouse survive her, if she would need to sacrifice herself for the sake of her people?
She sighed, leaning her chin against the palm of her hands. She’d always thought she was destined to marry Wyman, in a grandiose ceremony that would stretch on for months. But, after the coup, both of them had changed too much – Emily had very little desire to escape the Tower for a night of misadventures, and Wyman had no desire to spend their time playing second fiddle to the Imperial duties. Emily could hardly blame them.
The topic of heirs was another issue she did not wish to consider for a second, but her Parliament had stopped being subtle with their comments about the crisis of succession. Her mother had already given birth to her by the time she was 27 – yet Emily had not managed to keep a single person which could father her a child.
Well, she thought, a slow slide etching across her face, that was as far as they were aware. She turned, abandoning the sight of Dunwall in favour of rejoining her companion on the settee.
A couple of years of humanity had been generous to the man that used to seem as still as a corpse. There had been no traces of gaunt cheeks or pale shadows beneath his eyes. The Outsider – title gleefully abandoned in favour of a simpler term – had taken to living well.
Emily suspected it may have been the Tower kitchens that did most of the heavy lifting, though she had hoped her presence in his life might have contributed too.
“I believe we had an agreement to not succumb into solipsism in our time off?” He said, as he lifted his eyes from the tome he had been perusing. Leviathan Hymnals, proclaimed the cover, and Emily was certain that book had been banned several centuries ago for heresy.
“Yes, thou I thought this would only apply to you,” she shot back, flinging herself onto the soft seats. She settled against him, thigh to thigh, digging her nose into his clothed shoulder. She breathed in the scent of rain water and sun-dried seaweed, as she gathered the errant threads of her mind. Soothed, she said, “Do you remember that incident with Lady White in the Month of High Cold when she suggested that the Parliament should start looking into whether Euhorn had any other surviving relatives bar me?”
“Certainly. I was there after all,” he answered. He creased the corner of the page he was on – Emily could barely contain her distress at the gesture – and left the tome aside, opting to pull her in a loose embrace. “It has been some time – I thought the incident had been forgiven and forgotten?”
“Pfph, as if,” Emily said, as she positioned herself against his warm shoulder. “I’ve been informed in confidence by His ExcellencyLord Brisbane that if I am notgoing to either announce a public engagement or a pregnancy in the near future, they would have to resort to seeking out my great-uncles and -aunts.” She could feel his hand tracing patterns against her back, comforting her.
“And that distresses you?”
“A couple of years ago I would’ve gladly thrown the crown to the closest person which could take it, duties be damned. After Delilah…” She trailed off, sinking further into the embrace, leaning completely against his wide torso. “She taught me that the tiniest of wiggle in the line of succession is bound to rapture into war and chaos. I’d rather not have a repeat of the coup.”
She half expected a long soliloquy about some monarch which was lost to Imperial history, about honour and selflessness during times of uncertainty. Instead, he said something else.
“Marry me, then.” It was matter-of-fact, so strange for a topic so sensitive, yet completely in tune with this man wrenched from the Void.
She sputtered, though she could not fathom whether it had been from sheer surprise or something completely different, as she pulled herself from his embrace and met his hazel-green gaze. “Are you serious?”
“Completely,” he said, pulling her back into the warm space of his chest. “I do not see a future where I am not standing next to you. We could be wed by tomorrow morning, if you want to.”
“I doubt the troublemakers at the Parliament would like that. We would need witnesses-”
“Beloved,” he interrupted her, dragging his hand from her shoulder-blades to the crown of her hair, “when leviathans vow each-other eternity, they have no audience to their union. We do not need anyone either.”
“I would rather not hear them whine about the legitimacy of our marriage.”
He pressed his lips against her forehead, and let out a graceless snort. “They will whine nonetheless, as you have chosen to spend your days with – and I shall quote Lord Magnus – a Tyvian snake with no good breeding, instead of someone they can parlay whispers though.”
Emily perked an eyebrow at his words. “When did Lord Magnus say that?”
“Irrelevant in the grand course of this conversation.”
A merry fire crackled, creating dancing shadows across the wall. Their relationship had been one of utmost privacy, known to Corvo alone. Not for any grand reasons such as shame – in the time he’d been back among the living, the man which used to be the Outsider had certainly made a name for himself amongst high society. It was soft, gentle easy – bereft of the pressures of her crown and name. As if they barely mattered.
To somebody that used to be an immortal God, maybe duty was not a delayed execution. Maybe it just was – and it would not be the one to kill her.
She hummed against the fabric of his shirt. “What do leviathans vow to each-other?”
“Whale vocalization is too peculiar to transcribe directly to human concepts,” he began, pausing for a brief moment, as if reliving a long-forgotten memory, “but they speak of affection.”
“Could you vow something similar to me, inside the Gazebo tonight?”
Soft lips pressed against her own, pulling her up from her recline. There had been no possession there, no battle of dominance, but sweet joy in their shared breath.
“I will,” he said, before he dove for a second kiss.
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moiraineswife · 3 years
Jasnah and Wit - Presentation Meta
Part 1 of the great saga of Witsnah “WELL ACTUALLY” metas I plan on doing bc y’all have just pushed me That Far. 
Well hello there. I’m GRUMPY. And what I do when I’m grumpy is I channel it into a little thing called spite meta. That’s what this is. It’s me angrily yelling for several thousand words about why this thing is a GOOD thing, actually. 
Today’s subject, the much controversial post Rhythm of War canon pairing that is: Wit/Jasnah. 
So let’s (angrily) explore why this is actually a positive thing for both characters, on a nuanced, meta, character analysis level. Because that’s the only level that I have. 
I admit, I was sceptical and uncertain. But when I actually sat and thought about this for a hot second...It started making a lot of sense to me. And then I thought about it for, like, a hot minute, and it made a LOT of sense to me. And now I’ve thought about it for a hot month, so come. Step into my thoughts, and I will explain my perspective on this all…
Firstly we’re going to talk about clothes. Yes, clothes. Clothes and  what they symbolise for this pair, together and individually. 
He was immaculate, as always, with his perfectly styled hair and sharp black suit. For all his talk of frivolity, he knew exactly how to present himself. It was something they’d bonded over. - RoW, 64
Wit and Jasnah have bonded over the idea of presentation and the effects it can create. Both of them have used this idea to great effect multiple times in the series. Wit displays himself as a more appropriate form of an Alethi highprince at war - a crisp, tailored, military suit in a colour that makes him instantly and easily identifiable in a crowd. It’s part of his subtle mockery of those around him - that the King’s Wit is a better presented highprince than the REAL highprinces. It also makes him recognisable, and it makes him seem professional and able to move easily in high society. 
Equally, we’ve seen him take the guise of a poor beggar so as to sneak into Kholinar and go unnoticed and dismissed when he sneaks into the palace to recover Design in Oathbringer. 
Jasnah, meanwhile, gives a memorable and impactful speech to Shallan at the beginning of Words of Radiance about the illusion of perception. About how by presenting herself as a princess, looking the way others expect, she is able to effectively use her authority. And would be able to similarly do so if she simply convinced people she was a princess, by manipulating their perception of her.
Both Jasnah and Wit understand this idea - of presenting yourself, not necessarily in the way you want to look, but in the way you want others to look at you. Creating for them the thing you want them to see, which enables you to better be that thing. 
It also runs deeper than that. They’re not just people who like to dress well. They understand that this has a power to it. They understand the effect it will have over others. And it’s this deeper thing that I believe they’ve bonded over. 
Because they don’t simply appear put together in their clothes; they appear put together in their everything. Wit and Jasnah are people who are consistently calm and composed regardless of the situation. They do it in very different ways. Jasnah  with calculating stoicism and intellectual calm. Wit with indifferent frivolity and nonchalant acceptance of what’s happening around him. 
The core effect is the same. When the walls are crumbling down, the armies are sweeping in, and everything’s on fucking fire, Wit and Jasnah are two people you expect to be able to look to for direction and a bit of sanity amidst the chaos. 
They’ve both cultivated personalities and personas that revolve around appearing and seeming in control and unperturbed whatever is happening. It’s like their whole Thing. 
So the presentation is not only about clothes and make up, it’s about who they are deep down as people. The fact that they’re always the strong ones. Always the ones in control. Always the ones who aren’t panicking despite the fact that everything’s on fucking fire. 
They’re  people that others EXPECT to behave a certain way. There’s a predictability to them. A dependability. In Wit’s case, it’s that you can rely on him to be esoteric, confusing, and unpredictable, but still. 
There’s a pressure in that. There’s a pressure in always being THAT put together. In always being THAT on top of things. In always being THAT person who can never break down screaming when things go wrong because that’s not who they are and not what people expect. They have to be more than that. They have to be BETTER than that. 
They’re also people that other characters tend to other/deify. Shallan remarks several times about Jasnah being inhuman/beyond ordinary people, and even goes so far as to compare her to the divine, despite her being a heretic. 
Wit, meanwhile, gets asked if he’s a Herald, has that odd air of always knowing things that he shouldn’t, and being in places he shouldn’t at the right times. 
They’re both ‘positively’ outcast. And I don’t mean that in an overly posh English way and being positively outcast, darling. What I mean is that, instead of being shunted outside of the circle of normality, they’re both placed on pedestals above it. Which is a different sort of outcast, but comes with its own package of problems. 
And this brings us to: vulnerability. Because they’ve bonded over this presentation thing, but they’ve ALSO bonded over the fact that they’ve found someone they don’t have to do that around all the time. Someone they can let their guard down with and just be themselves. Someone they don’t have to present and perform for. Someone they can just be HUMAN with. 
So we’re going to look more closely at the clothing aspect of this. Because there’s symbolism here, and it deeply interests me. With a focus on Jasnah, because Wit’s a mystery by design, and Jasnah’s got some more intentional stuff going on here I feel, re narrative symbolism. 
So from the moment we’re introduced to her, Jasnah always looks immaculate. She always looks perfectly put together. Shallan remarks multiple times on her havah, on her make up, on the intricate and perfectly done braids of her hair. Which is a little bit gay on Shallan’s part (which is valid) but it’s also significant, symbolically. 
I talked already about Jasnah’s idea of ‘power is an illusion of perception’, but I feel it’s worth coming back to. Both because of how much it shapes Shallan, but also how much it shapes Jasnah, and informs what we know about her. 
Jasnah is ALWAYS put together. She is ALWAYS perfectly made up, the absolute ideal of the perfect Alethi princess. Even in scenes of distress or ‘downtime’ scenes - such as waiting for Shallan in the hospital, or visiting her after her betrayal, or the relatively more relaxed setting being on board the Wind’s Pleasure. The text makes a point to note that Jasnah is perfectly done up and presenting exactly as she wishes. 
The times we see slips in that are DEEPLY interesting to me. 
The first one I want to look at, briefly, is That Controversial Scene in the way of kings, where Jasnah uses Soulcasting to kill the men who attacked her and Shallan in the alley. 
Just prior to this we see her bathing, where Shallan still remarks on how composed Jasnah is. This is also part of her presentation. She’s entirely naked, but that illusion is still up. She’s still more in control than other people are fully clothed. 
What I find interesting is the specific note that Jasnah does not take the time to have her hair braided before she sets out with Shallan. It’s mentioned as being unbound a few times. 
Symbolically, I like this, because I feel like it speaks to a slight loosening of her usual control. There’s something about that scenario that sets Jasnah on edge. There’s something about it that makes her feel. 
Besides, men like those…” There was something in her voice, an edge Shallan had never heard before.
What was done to you? Shallan wondered with horror. And who did it?
Shallan is unnerved because Jasnah seems calm. But I get the sense, from this line, and from the intense repetition of how unnaturally composed Jasnah appears, that her composure is a front. And that if we had her perspective on this scene, it would look very different from how Shallan imagines it. 
There’s something driving her here. Something beyond the logic she explains to Shallan, about making the city safer, about the guards not doing anything, about how innocent women will not be able to protect themselves from this, and how she wanted those men gone. All of which I believe is true, but that line from Shallan, and the way in which Jasnah goes about this...It feels personal. There’s something else going on behind the scenes that we don’t know or understand.
Regardless. This is the first time we see Jasnah step out of the cultured, reserved, stoic scholar. She’s something other than an ideal Alethi princess and studious mentor in this scene. And the detail of her hair being unbound, contained, wild, for the first time since we’ve met her feels..Significant. It’s an important detail to linger on, I think. 
Which brings us to the next exception to Jasnah’s exceptional presentation rule: her murder! 
Even in the scene before where we see Jasnah, arguably, the most vulnerable that we’ve seen her, in the cabin when Shallan confronts her about her fear of the upcoming apocalypse. It’s only a moment. Only a moment of genuine emotion that Shallan manages to glimpse before the mask comes back. 
This was not the Jasnah that Shallan was accustomed to seeing. The confidence had been overwhelmed by exhaustion, the poise replaced by worry. Jasnah started to write something, but stopped after just a few words. She set down the pen, closing her eyes and massaging her temples. A few dizzy-looking spren, like jets of dust rising into the air, appeared around Jasnah’s head. Exhaustionspren.
Shallan pulled back, suddenly feeling as if she’d intruded upon an intimate moment. Jasnah with her defenses down. Shallan began to creep away, but a voice from the floor suddenly said, “Truth!”
Startled, Jasnah looked up, eyes finding Shallan—who, of course, blushed furiously.
Jasnah turned her eyes down toward Pattern on the floor, then reset her mask, sitting up with proper posture. “Yes, child?”
The text notes in this segment that Jasnah’s poise and presentation is a mask, but it also describes it as her ‘defenses’. This is her armour. It stops people looking too close. It stops them reading her emotion, her weaknesses. This is also one of very few times we see Jasnah attracting spren in the series. 
However, even in this scene, clearly exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed, Jasnah remains perfectly put together. All of her armour, her immaculate  havah, her make-up, her braids, are all in place. Even in this moment. 
Which makes a stark contrast to the next scene we find her in where she’s dressed only in a “thin nightgown”, and is lying on the floor with a sword in her chest. The vulnerability of unexpected assassination. 
When next we see Jasnah, in the epilogue, is when she’s freshly spat out of Shadesmar after an apparently harrowing ordeal. 
Her clothing was ragged, her hair formed into a single utilitarian braid, her face lashed with burns. She’d once worn a fine dress, but that was tattered. She’d hemmed it at the knees and had sewn herself a glove out of something improvised. Curiously, she wore a kind of leather bandolier and a backpack. He doubted she’d had either one when her journey had begun.
Even in another plane, apparently being hounded and in fear of her life, she’s managed to acquire some appropriate clothing, a glove, and a damn bandolier. Because of course she has. Perception. Iconic. 
After that we don’t see her out of anything beyond her famous havah-braids-make up combo. Even when she’s with her family, and Navani remarks in her setting down the mask of the queen, she remains masked. There are still defences up. She never fully lets her family in on her plans, or her thoughts and fears. 
No, the next time we see her symbolically, and emotionally, vulnerable: is with Wit. Perhaps for the first time, fully, without ANY of her usual masks and pretences, and under her own steam and of her own volition. 
Locked away in a central room on the second level—sharing no walls with the outside, alone save for Wit’s company—she could finally let herself relax.
She DELIBERATELY picks a house with a second floor, and an interior  room with no outside walls, with multiple fabrial traps to warn of assassins or intruders. But she manages to relax in  Wit’s company. There’s a trust there. An understanding. A much needed vulnerability. 
Clothing wise, in this scene Jasnah is dressed only in a nightgown and a dressing gown, and is carefully noted to have her safehand uncovered. Jasnah isn’t Vorin, strictly speaking, but she’s still been raised her entire life in a society that views safehands as something inherently sexual/to be hidden. So much so that she takes the time and care to sew herself a safehand glove while in Shadesmar. So all of this is a fairly Big Deal. It’s a Big Deal for anyone. For Jasnah? More miraculous than Kaladin giggling. 
Jasnah Kholin is not vulnerable. Jasnah Kholin is never unguarded. Jasnah Kholin never willingly lets her guard down. Jasnah Kholin is absolutely as paranoid as Elhokar, if not more so. 
She’s made herself a BUNKER at this point. She’s in an interior room, surrounded by traps, there’s spheres sewn into her dressing gown, and she has a wholeass BOAT waiting for her in Shadesmar JUST IN CASE someone manages to get through: guards, an entire BUILDING, multiple rigged traps, then her, with her plate, her blade, her Soulcasting ability, and all of her wit and skill, to somehow manage to wound her badly enough that she has to retreat to Shadesmar. 
This woman does not do trust. She does not do vulnerability. To the point that it is absolutely 1000000% a fault. This IS Jasnah’s greatest flaw. Her isolation. Her mistrust. Her paranoia. 
Anyone that comes into her life she’s suspicious of. She blithely warns Shallan about Kabsal stating he’s only using her to get close to Jasnah to steal from her/kill her. 
We dismiss this, and look at it as brilliance/Jasnah knowing all, because she’s right. But it’s flawed brilliance. Because it’s the ‘broken clock’ fallacy, you know? If you suspect EVERYONE around you of being an assassin...Well, some of them will be. 
Jasnah’s paranoia is another meta, however. But the point here is that: Jasnah doesn’t do anything by halves. She has an ideal for how she wants to live her life and she COMMITS to it. And part of that is her presentation, and the perception she projects, to an unhealthy degree, even around trusted family. 
So the fact she has found someone she can relax all of her INCREDIBLY strict and overzealous masking and enforced personal presentation? Is both very significant in terms of her relationship with Wit, but also herSELF? 
Because Jasnah NEEDS this. She needs it like Kaladin needs therapy yesterday. 
Jasnah is a “strong independent woman” but if you double down on that idea, and follow it up with “Jasnah is a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a man/anyone” then you are absolutely 1000% missing the whole entire point of her character. 
All the Stormlight characters are deconstructions of classical fantasy tropes, to varying extents. 
Jasnah is the ‘strong independent woman’ trope except asking what if you ACTUALLY apply that to an actual human person? What would that do to them? How would that hurt them? And what it does is everything Jasnah is.
Which has been done so MASTERFULLY because we look at all of these flaws, and these objectively negative things that she does to cope with having this label slapped onto her, and we golf clap quietly in a corner and go ‘wow that’s so badass, that’s so cool, let’s totally romantacise all of these actually deeply worrying coping mechanisms and not look at them at all until Brandon smashes us in the face with them like a baseball bat with the nails of Jasnah’s trauma pounded into it’. 
Okay maybe that was SLIGHTLY dramatic. But my point is: Jasnah’s apparent omniscience can also be looked at as extreme paranoia and mistrust. 
Her independence and ability to ‘get shit done’ on her own, to the point she doesn’t tell another living soul about the LITERAL APOCALYPSE for more than HALF A DECADE is actually self-inflicted dangerous isolation. 
Her constantly being poised, and on her game, and never displaying any emotion is actually extreme repression, to the point her own MOTHER describes her as ‘having the empathy of a corpse’. 
Her consistent othering by all of the other characters, from her ward to her mother, deifying her, and othering her, and considering her immortal is actually putting her on a pedestal and cramming an INCREDIBLE amount of pressure to reach an impossible, unattainable, and inhuman level of perfection that becomes so normalised and commonplace that her return from the dead is just like ‘well yeah that’s just Jasnah’. 
And all of these things are INCREDIBLY unhealthy!!! They’re not something any real person should have to do just to exist. Especially not in the middle of an apocalypse. When her father was killed in front of her. And then her brother was murdered. And the apocalypse she tried to warn everyone about is happening. And she’s the most experienced Radiant. And she’s also suddenly a queen of her kingdom. Which has been taken over by the enemy btw. And they’re in the middle of a war. And people are dying. And she’s responsible for those people dying. But also some of her highprinces are treacherous bastards. And oh look here’s a couple of slightly mad Heralds she’s taken charge of and- OH MY GOD PLEASE LET HER NAP!? 
Again. Slight hyperbole on my end but I feel like I’m #Justified. The point is, her suddenly, after FOUR books, having a single person that she can confide in, and be vulnerable with, and admit she’s afraid, and uncertain, and doesn’t know what she’s doing, and isn’t sure she can actually do this, is not ~anti-feminist~ and it’s not “out of character” and it’s not damaging her ideal it’s actually deeply positive, and healthy, and a symptom of Character Growth. 
Jasnah’s is choosing Wit. With her eyes wide open. And she has some reservations about things, because she’s JASNAH, of course she does. But she listens to him. She confides in him. She lets him see HER. She lets him help HER. She admits that she needs that help. She actually says to him, out loud, with full human words, to his face, right in front of him, that she’s frightened. SHE ADMITS THIS!!! Jasnah’s having all this stealth background character development that y’all are sleeping on but I am personally deeply hype about. 
And it’s because Wit UNDERSTANDS her. And she understands him. And this is really the crux and core of this whole relationship for me, you know? This whole idea around them always being The Strong One. and finally FINALLY (for him, too) having someone that they don’t have to be strong for. Or regal. Or composed. Or poised. Or in control. Or even knowing what the fuck they’re doing. 
She can just...Be. She can ask questions. And show uncertainty. And admit to fear. And to doubt, of herself, of the other Radiants, of humanity in general. And have someone to look to, when everyone is ALWAYS looking at her. 
It’s the beginning of an actual support system. Because she needs this SO badly. Because she has her family but she also...Doesn’t have her family? She looks after them. She protects them. From assassins, and then from what was happening in the world/her role in it. Because there’s that line in Oathbringer that she has, about people loving her but still hurting her. 
Navani mentions that after she hit adolescence (and after her parents locked her in a dark room and let her scream herself hoarse because they called her mad, lol) she withdrew. And she no longer asked questions. And she no longer wanted a mother, or a support figure, or someone to take care of her. She rejected all notions of that. Because there was something broken there. That trust was gone. And Jasnah will set aside the crown, and the mask of the queen around her family, but she is only fully vulnerable, and fully HERSELF with Wit. 
And I cannot understate (i feel like I’m doing a Good Job of not understating this here people) how absolutely fucking ESSENTIAL that is. 
Jasnah is NOT a machine. She is not a divine being beyond trauma and pain. She is a human being who has suffered, and who has responses to this. 
Jasnah accepting Wit’s support and companionship is as big a step in processing and healing from her trauma as Kaladin accepting he can’t protect everyone and does not deserve to always carry that guilt. 
I don’t care if you don’t like the ship. I don’t care if you think it was rushed (there was...a year long time skip. Things did not remain in stasis. Things changed. This is an interesting narrative device bringing us into them and letting us extrapolate backwards). I don’t care if you hate the bones of Hoid and never want to see him on screen: I DON’T CARE. 
If you have any respect and regard for Jasnah as a character I need you to acknowledge that this relationship is a positive and healthy thing for her. I need you to see that it’s a step forwards. I need you to see that, from a purely narrative standpoint: this is a thing that should be celebrated for her. 
In terms of Wit, too, this is a good thing. I am not about one-sided relationships where only one person is getting something out of it. Even when that one person is the light of my life Jasnah Kholin who deserves all the things ever. 
For all his talk of frivolity, he knew exactly how to present himself. It was something they’d bonded over.
Coming back to this RoW quote let me make things as abundantly clear as possible re why I’ve bonded over this ship: They’re kindred spirits. They understand each other. In a way that no-one else has understood them for Jasnah possibly ever, for Wit in a very very very very very very very very very long time. 
They’re both brilliant. They’re both intellectually at the pinnacle of humanity. They both know that. They’re also both damaged. They both  cover up that damage with a carefully crafted presentation. Jasnah’s is regal composure and Wit’s flamboyant nonchalance, but it’s a mask in both cases. 
They understand each other. And they understand the need to have what they’ve found in one another: someone they don’t have to be that way around. Someone they can just be with. Someone who understands why they have to be that way with everyone else; but can give them the freedom to be themselves. 
Such parallel. Much power. Very choice. 
I was gonna talk about Other Stuff in this meta but lol. 4k words of clothes screaming later and I feel like maybe this should be part 1 of an ongoing saga. Ahem. 
The take away from this is: I totally understand why Brandon put these two characters together. For the amount of characters he has, he actually has relatively few romantic relationships. None of them are done on a whim, and they’re always healthy, mutual, and positive for both characters. They make sense, in short. 
And these two as a pairing makes sense. On more than a “”””business transaction””””” level of them wanting and getting information out of one another. It makes sense even if there was no Desolation, and no threat to the world, and they were two randomers who met in a tavern and connected. 
There’s a personal connection there. There’s an intimacy, and an understanding, and a sense of looking into another person’s eyes and saying ‘yes. You know. You feel it too’. They go through life in much the same way - standing out, never quite fitting, never finding anyone on their level that can relate to them or compete with them or challenge them. 
They have someone who can fulfil them. Someone who can actually meet and exceed their abilities for once. But equally someone who can ground them, and meet them at their lowest point, and allow and even encourage that vulnerability. 
TL;DR: this relationship is positive for both characters, and healthy, and important for both and this is a hill I WILL fucking die upon. Just watch me. 
More metas to follow. Bc I have more to say. Not as long as this one, in all likelihood, bc I feel like this is the Lynchpin argument for this pair. But still. More to say.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I have thoughts for Pack Mentality stuff, it's rough and I haven't thought it out yet, so bear with me.
Okay, so pack mentality is a thing, and yes everyone can square up and throw down as needed on command basically. However, there are roles that each person is just naturally inclined to. Some scholars, researchers, and even stories and books suggest that these Roles have many variables, such as rank, what kind of demon you are, and various personality traits.
Any demon who hears this will call bullshit. Nobody really knows the how's and why's of it, and frankly nobody really cares. Except maybe the other races but to be expected, demons do it with them too simply to try and understand the workings of the other cultures. It's normal and natural.
Kits also do it, but it's more a game to try and figure out what your innate Role will be.
A demons Role is kind of like a secondary instinct, something they're naturally inclined towards. All, or most, demons can fight or contribute to the safety and defence of the Pack, but that's usually during times of strife, war, and lean years that people focus more on combat skills and the like.
During peacetime, though? When demons can just be and settle into their homes and pack lives? Usually you only have two 'protectors' or 'enforcers', the actual combat oriented pack members whose main job is security and the protection of the Pack, it's their job to identify and remove any potential threats, or maneuver the situation (or people) so that potential threat doesn't become an actual one. Or on occasion break up fights/quarrels within the pack so mediators actually have a chance to do their job. You may have more of these types for larger packs, but typically you only need one or two.
Mediators are kind of exactly that. They're the advisors and diplomats, more often than not Pack Leaders because of this (no the stereotype of 'strongest leads' is not true, or rarely is, and even those packs have their secondary as mediators who focus on internal while the leader works on external).
You have the caretakers, the homemakers and busybodies, they do most of the cooking and like to keep things relatively clean and organised- every pack is different, so where one may have a 'everything has a place, every place has a system' kind of situation, another may be 'can you see the floor? Are the dishes done? We're good' kind of method. They're often the ones with practical skills, too, like small home repairs. (Meliodas is NOT a caretaker, and is not allowed in the kitchen unless he's getting a glass of water, and even then the pack prefers him to be supervised)
You have creche keepers (or whatever term you can think of), they're a lot like the caretakers but with an inclination towards kits and kids. They're usually the parents of the group. Don't be surprised if you have a creche demon among a pack of adults with no babes in sight, just because they're adults doesn't mean they don't need a parent. They help with personal issues that either can't be brought up with the mediator or they don't want to, for various reasons (think it's not important enough -parent will call bullshit but continue-, the mediators have enough on their plate, it's really a small thing, only really affects that one person, or they just need a listening ear, maybe some advice?)
Healers are another one, while less know and generally considered less needed due to rapid regeneration abilities of demons, they still hold an important role and only an idiot thinks them unimportant.
There are a lot of 'sub roles', like jesters/lighthearts, berserkers, tanks, scouts, teachers, etc.
For angst potential, it can be extremely detrimental for a demon to be forced to take on a role they aren't inclined to. Physically and mentally, and has been known to cause irreparable damage in extreme cases.
Now, while most have One Role they are naturally inclined to, that doesn't mean they can't or don't branch out into others. Healers can easily pull double duty as a creche or caretaker. A protector can also be the one to keep things lighthearted and fun.
And of course you can have multiple pack members have the same role, sharing the responsibilities, which is often necessary with larger packs.
So, what roles can you think of, who would have what role? This all accumulates into my thoughts that Estarossa would be a caretaker kind of Main Role, to everyone's surprise. He's surprisingly domestic when allowed to be. The problem was, thanks to Dear Old Dad (may he rot in pieces & pain), thought that wasn't appropriate for a Prince, even the forgotten disappointment of a son. Hence he was forced into the role of a fighter, and yes while he is an excellent fighter, hell that might of been one of his secondary roles because he enjoyed it so much, it wasn't his natural inclination. If he had been permitted to at least indulge in his nature, in his instincts, it wouldn't have been so bad. But due to the reinforcement and punishment if he was ever caught doing anything not befitting a prince, like cooking or mending clothes (even on the battlefield!) he couldn't really develop properly and became more of a berserker. Even his own pack mates could be at risk if he lost control.
Thankfully their dad is dead and all the realms are at peace and everything is nice and the Commandments have a Big Home with many cozy spots and nests and everyone has been allowed to begin healing and learning/relearning their true natures.
(This can probably be mixed with any AU, really, if you want).
Oh my goodness i LOVE this idea!
I definitely agree that Estarossa was forced into a role he wasn't supposed to be. He definitely strikes me as a caretaker-type rather than a fighter, because he was known as the 'worthless brother who couldn't even hurt a fly'. His dad automatically forced him to be a fighter, even though his instincts screamed at him that he didn't want to be a warrior, even though he was really damn good at it.
Ok so because I'm actually hooked on this idea I'm gonna make a quick little list of what I think each of the commandments' roles would be (and feel free to change it if you want!)
Zeldris- protector
Estarossa- caretaker
Meliodas- protector
Galand- peacekeeper
Monspeet- caretaker
Derieri- protector
Melascula - healer (i'm not too sure aout this one-)
Drole- peacekeeper
Gloxinia- Healer
Grayroad- creche keeper
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Why a hand gesture has South Korean companies on edge 👌
It took three years for players to notice the "offensive" hand gesture lurking in one of South Korea's most popular multiplayer games.
When players made their avatars laugh, talk or give the "OK" sign in "Lost Ark," they clicked an icon featuring a gesture that might have appeared benign to many: an index finger nearly touching a thumb.
But some of "Lost Ark's" users began claiming in August that the gesture was a sexist insult against men, and they demanded its removal.
What happened next underscores a trend in South Korea among anti-feminists, who have been increasingly pushing companies to repent for what they see as a conspiracy within the government and private companies to promote a feminist agenda.
Smilegate — the creator of "Lost Ark" and one of South Korea's biggest video game developers — quickly complied with the requests for removal. The company removed the icon from the game, and vowed to be more vigilant about policing "game-unrelated controversies" in their products.
A gender war has been unfolding in South Korea for years, pitting feminists against angry young men who feel they're being left behind as the country seeks to address gender inequality. 
Now, though, the latest development in this war is reaching a fever pitch. Since May, more than 20 brands and government organizations have removed what some see as feminist symbols from their products, after mounting pressure. At least 12 of those brands or organizations have issued an apology to placate male customers.
Anti-feminism has a years-long history in South Korea, and research suggests that such sentiments are taking hold among the country's young men. In May, the Korean marketing and research firm Hankook Research said it found that more than 77% of men in their twenties and more than 73% of men in their 30s were "repulsed by feminists or feminism," according to a survey. (The firm surveyed 3,000 adults, half of whom were men.)
The fact that corporations are responding to pressure to modify their products suggests that these anti-feminists are gaining influence in a country that is already struggling with gender issues. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that South Korea has by far the largest gender wage gap among OECD countries. And roughly 5% of board members at publicly listed companies in the country are women compared to the OECD average of nearly 27%.
A suspicious sausage
The online firestorm that has spread across South Korea's corporate landscape kicked off in May with a simple camping advertisement.
GS25, one of the country's biggest convenience store chains, released an ad that month enticing customers to order camping food on their app, promising free items as a reward. The ad showed an index finger and a thumb appearing to pinch a sausage. The finger-pinching motif is frequently used in advertising as a way to hold an item without obscuring the product.
Critics, though, saw something different in that hand signal. They accused it of being a code for feminist sympathies, tracing the use of the finger-pinching motif to 2015, when the symbol was co-opted by Megalia, a now-defunct feminist online community, to ridicule the size of Korean men's genitals.
Megalia has since shut down, but its logo has outlived the group. Now anti-feminists are trying to purge South Korea of its existence.
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Source: Megalia, @starbucksrtd/Instagram, @gs25_official/Instagram
GS25 removed the hand symbol from the poster. But critics still weren't satisfied, and began trawling the advertisement for other feminist clues. One person pointed out that the last letter of each word featured on the poster — "Emotional Camping Must-have Item" — spelled "Megal," a shorthand for "Megalia," when read backward.
GS25 removed the text from the poster, but that still wasn't enough. People theorized that even the moon in the background of the poster was a feminist symbol, because a moon is used as the logo of a feminist scholar organization in South Korea.
After revising the poster multiple times, GS eventually pulled it entirely, just a day after the campaign launched. The company apologized and promised a better editorial process. It also said it reprimanded the staff responsible for the ad, and removed the marketing team leader.
The online mob had tasted success, and it wanted more.
Other companies and government organizations soon became targets. The online fashion retailer Musinsa was criticized for offering women-only discounts, as well as using the finger-pinching motif in an ad for a credit card. The company defended the use of that motif as a neutral element regularly used in advertising, and said its discount program was meant to help expand its small female customer base. Still, founder and CEO Cho Man-ho stepped down after the backlash.
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South Korean demonstrators hold banners during a rally to mark International Women's Day as part of the country's #MeToo movement in Seoul on March 8, 2018. Dongsuh, the Korean company that licenses a Starbucks ready-to-drink line in the country, was attacked in July after one of its Korean Instagram accounts published an image of fingers pinching a can of coffee. The company pulled the ad and apologized, saying that it "considers these matters seriously." The firm also said the image had no hidden intent.
Even local governments have been caught up in the pressure campaign. The Pyeongtaek city government was criticized in August after uploading an image to its Instagram account that warned residents of a heatwave. It used an illustration of a farmer wiping his forehead — and critics noticed that the farmer's hand was shaped similarly to the finger pinch.
"How deeply did [feminists] infiltrate?" one person wrote on MLB Park, an internet forum used primarily by men. Another person shared contact information for the city government, encouraging people to flood their channels with complaints. The image was later removed from the Instagram account.
Gender wars
At the core of the anti-feminist campaign is a widespread fear among young men that they are falling behind their female peers, according to Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University.
The sentiment has grown because of a hyper competitive job market and skyrocketing housing prices. The government has also rolled out programs in recent years to bring more women into the workforce. Proponents of those programs have said they're necessary for closing gender gaps, but some men have worried they give women an unfair advantage.
Another compounding factor: Unlike women, men in South Korea have to complete up to 21 months of military service before they're 28 years old — a sore point for some men who feel unfairly burdened.
Anti-feminists have also taken umbrage with President Moon Jae-in, who, when elected in 2017, promised to be a "feminist president." Moon pledged to fix the systemic and cultural barriers that prevented women from participating more in the workforce. He also vowed to address sexual crimes in the wake of the global #MeToo movement.
This year's corporate pressure campaign adds another complication, as brands weigh the possible fallout.
Young men are "big spenders," said Professor Choi Jae-seob, a marketing professor at Namseoul University in Seoul. He added that many young people today are driven by personal political values when they buy things.
Ha, a 23-year-old university student, said he pays attention to what companies say about gender issues before making a purchase.
"Between two stores, I would use the one that doesn't support [feminism]," said Ha, who declined to give his full name because he said that gender is a thorny topic among his peers.
Ha said he's far from alone. When his friends were discussing the GS25 camping poster, for example, he was surprised to find that many of them felt the way he did: "I realized that many men were silently seething."
"I realized that many men were silently seething."Ha, a 23-year-old university student
The gender war leaves companies in a tough spot, according to Noh Yeong-woo, a consultant at the public relations agency PR One.
By not responding to allegations that they are taking a stance on gender issues, that could lead to what Noh called a "constant barrage of accusation" and the creation of a stigma. It also means that companies are actively monitoring online groups and studying what their users have designated as hidden codes or associations, to avoid being called out.
"They are continuously checking for the next problematic symbols," Noh said of brands in South Korea.
Stigmas and fighting back
Some women, though, say that the corporate apologies are also creating a climate where some people are afraid to identify as feminist.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism," said Yonsei University's Park, referring to the mass hysteria to root out communists in the United States in the 1950s.
Lee Ye-rin, a college student, said she has been a feminist since middle school. But in recent years she has found it impossible to be open about her stance.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism."Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University
She recalled an incident in high school, when some boys openly heckled a feminist friend of hers while that friend was giving a class presentation on the depiction of women in the media. Lee and her classmates were too scared to defend the friend.
"We all knew that a person who would step up and say that feminism is not some weird thing would be stigmatized, too," Lee said.
In response to this year's anti-feminist pressure campaigns, though, some feminists have been fighting back. The apology over the camping poster from GS25, for example, prompted feminists to call for boycotts against the company. Some people shared images online of themselves shopping at rival stores, using hashtags that called on people to avoid shopping at GS25.
Balancing act
As there doesn't seem to be much hope of finding middle ground for those waging South Korea's gender war, experts say companies have to figure out ways to avoid being dragged into a brand-damaging fight.
Noh, from PR One, encouraged companies and organizations to educate their employees on gender sensitivity — and even reconsider the use of symbols that have become heavily politicized.
Finger-pinching motifs "are images with complex metaphors and symbols and they already carry a social stigma," he said. "So, once you get involved in it, it's hard to explain them away ... the issue keeps spreading until they are removed as demanded."
Park, the Yonsei University professor, said that part of the problem is that many South Korean companies are led by older men who don't have a firm grasp of present-day gender issues. The average age of an executive-level employee at the country's top 30 publicly traded companies is 53, according to a 2020 analysis by JobKorea, a Korean version of LinkedIn.
That suggests a level of irony. Maybe it's not that some of these companies have a specific agenda, as online critics are accusing them. Perhaps for some of them, high levels of leadership are just not in tune with the debate.
To Park, the vitriol directed at companies has also buried some of the underlying, systemic issues that contribute to gender inequality, along with debates about how best to crack the glass ceiling or address the division of labor at home, among other concerns.
"Some very important debates are being buried," Park said, adding that today's gender war is being fought on the tip of the "iceberg." "It's not a fight about the fingers."
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XIV
Part I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Part XI - - - - Part XII - - - - Part XIII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
Plo Koon woke to find himself chained in a dark room.
Somewhere behind him he could hear steady dripping; it was uncertain if that was deliberate or not.
He strained to discern anything in the dim light, but the walls of his prison refused to form into anything recognizable.
Cautiously, the trapped Master cast his senses out, only to find them reflected back at odd angles. He decided to wait before attempting to push any further past what his captor wished him to see.
Time passed strangely, but sooner than expected there was the sound of a pressurized airlock opening and, distantly, a raging ocean.
The airlock cycled through its rotation and Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped out of the amorphous shadows looking...decidedly worse for the wear. 
Plo ached at the sight. His normally carefully maintained beard was a scraggly mess. His robes hung tattered and bloodied. Of particular concern was how dry he looked, skin cracked and bleeding for want of water. The figure standing before him with a dead-eyed glare resembled less an accomplished Jedi Master and more the wretched husk of one. 
“Who are you?”  Obi-Wan's shade hissed. The chains around the Kel Dooran tightened. 
Well, however he might view himself and others...at least he’s willing to fight to defend what remains? At the bare minimum he’s not acting intentionally self destructive...
“Good Morning, Obi-Wan. I am a Jedi Master and your friend. I have been attempting to reach you through your rather impressive shielding. I must say, you’ve done a remarkable job confining me in this mental construct, its been sometime since anyone has managed to get the best of me in this arena.”
Obi-Wan snorted. “Don’t try and flatter me, you barely fought back. You could easily have forced your way anywhere, but for some reason you let me corral you, presumably to try and gain my trust. Now answer my question. Your presence is very much light so I doubt you’re Sidious or...Vader. I could be wrong obviously, but i can’t see either of themselves putting this much effort into that sort of mask...just tell me who you are, and why you’re with them.”
“I am Master Plo Koon, a High Council Member, and I am not unknown to you” he elaborated without hesitation. “I am glad that you can identify that I am a light force user. Can you not sense familiarity within my force presence, even so far within your domain?”
Obi-Wan reared back and the dripping noise in the corner stopped.
“It’s a trick. We might be in my head but that doesn’t mean I’m surrendering any of my thoughts to you,” Obi-Wan snarled. “I felt Plo Koon’s death, he was one of the first...and even if he somehow survived he would never work with the Sith to invade my mind. Never.”
“Obi-Wan. Listen to me. Please. I am not dead. I am not working with the Sith. I was brought in to reach you because no other method was working. You are in the healing halls at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.” Plo spoke calmly, but implacably, “We believe you have either experienced a uniquely detailed vision, or a run in with a dark-sider. Whatever has happened, I can feel the lingering impression of unsafety. But here and now, you are not in any immediate physical danger. There must be something I can do to convince you of your present physical location.”
“A uniquely detailed vision, huh? ha!” Obi-Wan replied, gesturing wildly. “Ha! You expect me to believe that what, the last four years of my life were a detailed prophecy? Why?”
“You...believe you have lived years beyond the rest of us. I take it the- what you remember has been dangerous enough to warrant maintaining abnormally tight control over your mental walls, precluding simply reaching out to ascertain the truth yourself.”
“Clearly my control wasn’t enough if you’re in here.” Obi-Wan muttered.
“I do apologize for the intrusion, but we’ve already used every other tool at our disposal to reach you. I repeat, is there anything that can be done to convince you that you are, from your perspective, ‘in the past’. You are a High Council member with a grandpadawan. It’s been two years since the start of the clone wars. You recently finished an extended clean up of the Mon Cala sector after your victory.”
Obi-Wan stared at him curiously. “If I set a test and you fail, will you agree to dispense with the pretenses?”
Plo-Koon hesitated. “Perhaps I’m making this deal in bad faith, as I am know I am Plo-Koon, and that everything I have said is the truth... but I swear that if you somehow prove that neither of those things are true and I am secretly working for a sith lord, I will...reveal that.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Best I’m going to get, I suppose.”
The chains holding Plo-Koon loosened. Before he could respond, there was a hurtling rising sensation that he struggled not to fight against. After a disorienting moment, he found himself in his own body, feeling vaguely seasick. Obi-Wan blinked awake, apparently unfazed by the precautionary bonds holding him in place. Master Aerdo’s gaze flicked between them intensely. Plo-Koon held up a clawed hand to forestall any interruption while the two gained their bearings.
Obi-Wan spoke first:
“Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation”
“...What?” Koon replied, honestly confused.
“Cihynglo was a renowned Kashykian Jedi, her mediations are, well i suppose were considered a quintessential example of High Republic cosmic poetry.”
“I’m familiar with Cihynglo- my master used to speak of her fondly.” Plo Koon said slowly. “Though I can’t say I’m familiar with her Fourth Mediation.”
“Hmm. Yes, well her poetry in the last few decades of her life got increasingly, well, esoteric. While most of her work was widely translated and distributed, she requested that those who wished to read her fourth Meditations do so in person, so as to experience without dilution the full calligraphy and artwork that accompanied her words. She only ever produced two copies. Any guesses where they were kept?”
Obi-Wan’s voice started out in the steady tones of a born lecturer, only to grow bitter towards the end.
“Is one in the temple?” Master Koon asked.
“Yes, one was held in the Master’s wing of the temple archives. The other was housed in a place of honor in The White Forest’s Great Tree of Knowledge. Considering both libraries were reduced to ash in the first month of the Empire, it is quite impossible, even for the Emperor, to find a copy.” 
His vague attempt at a smirk quickly fell flat. 
“I was privileged enough to be granted time to begin reading it once, but, alas, an emergency situation in the intergalactic war you created meant that I had to run off mid-sonnet. Bring me that book, let me hold it, read it, and I will believe that I somehow unlocked the secret of time-travel while overdosing on Spice.” 
Obi-Wan paused, catching his breath. “In the next fifteen minutes, please. Any more than that and you might try tracking down the few surviving Wookie scholars.” Koon flipped open his comm. “Master Nu, I have an urgent request.”
“Nu here, go on,” came the response.
“This may sound strange, but it is crucial that Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation be brought to the healing halls, room seven. Within the next 15 minutes.”
“You do understand you’re talking about a physical book, not a flimsi-stack or a holocron. It’s not meant to leave a climate-controlled room.”
“I promise you, I would not ask if it weren’t life or death. Please Jocasta, I’ll explain later.”
“I’ll be there in 10. It had better be one durned good explanation.”
Obi-Wan looked bemused. ”You’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“I am glad you were able to come up with a test you found meaningful. Remember, you have friends here, regardless of whether you experienced subjective time travel or an incredibly detailed vision.”
They waited a little longer. Obi-Wan critically examined Master Aerdo.
“I’m a Senior Soul Healer” they offered at the non-verbal prompting.
“How interesting.” Obi-Wan remarked dryly.
They sat in awkward silence for another minute. 
They were all equally trained in suppressing fidgets, coughs, or other nervous tics, which made the wait that slightest bit more unbearable, each second nearly imperceptible from the one before.
Eventually the sound of heavy boots moving at speed approached.
Master Nu strode in, gently cradling a great burden. The book gleamed large and vital in the light of its stasis wrap. Her eyes widened at they took in Obi-Wan, still cuffed to the bed. 
“Cihynglo’s Fourth Meditation, as asked for. I trust you have an excellent explanation for how a book of poetry is a matter of life or death.”
“I’m hoping that it will convince our friend Master Kenobi that I am who I claim to be and we are where I claim we are.” Koon gently pulled the book from her grasp and reverently placed it on Obi-Wan’s lap. Obi-Wan stared at it uncomprehendingly.
“Obi-Wan, I’m going to uncuff you now. I trust that you will use your freedom to examine our ‘proof.’ We will physically intercede if you make any attempts at self harm.”
Master Nu gasped. “Then the temple rumors...I don’t understand.”
Obi Wan picked up the book as if he was afraid it might bite him. With an irritated snort, he opened brusquely to the middle, and began carelessly flipping ahead.
Master Nu started forward, offended, but Plo Koon held her back. “Please Master Nu, patience-”
Finally Obi-Wan seemed to reach the page he was looking for and stopped. “..And still the rain fell like blood of the womb” he murmured. “That...I tried to think of how the line ended but I...”
Everyone watched as the book shook in Obi-Wan's grasp. He turned the page, gasping slightly and murmuring as he read. “This is...a little gross, but oddly touching. I certainly would not have come up with it myself...but its so clearly...” They watched his react, eyes darting wildly and brow furrowing in confusion.
Several pages later he dropped the book abruptly.
“This is impossible,” he gasped.
Nu darted forward, carefully snatching it from his lap, "I am endeavoring to practice tolerance, but how is destroying an irreplaceable piece of literature supposed to help anyone?!” she snapped
“I admit I wondered that myself, but when I imagined what harm the Sith could do with some of the archive’s more practical works, I understood your decision to torch the collection” Obi-Wan responded dreamily. “I suppose the more beautific works would likely have been destroyed anyway...”
“Torch the archives? I would never.”
“But you did,” Obi-Wan insisted feverishly. “I found your message when we searching for survivors. There were so many bodies piled at the archive door that I was almost hopeful that they had managed to...but I suppose they held out just long enough for you to complete your task.”
Nu backed away slowly. “That sounds like quite the disturbing vision, Master Kenobi.”
“It wasn’t just a vision, it was my life. It-visions don’t last years!” he said, finally growing hysterical. “I remember everything! That gods-awful mission to Cato Nemodia! Getting takeout food with Anakin! The smell of burning flesh in the creche! Singing to Luke! The last year of the war! All of you! You crying after Dooku’s death,” he added gesturing wildly at the archivist. “It was so awkward! You were embarrassed! You told me that for some stupid reason you had ‘held out hope’ it was all an insane uncover mission, that he wasn’t really- Three years alone in the desert! I remember three years of living on fucking Tatooine, how could that possibly be a vision!”
“I...hadn’t told anyone that,” Nu whispered with a hint of alarm. She glanced at Plo Koon, daring him to comment. “I know its very much unlikely at this point, and by any measure, he’s taken things too far, but he’s gone on such long shadow missions in the past...” she looked away.
“Oh, Jocasta...” Plo sighed.
“Master Kenobi. I cannot explain how you came to have such detailed knowledge of the future,” Aerdo said, drawing focus back to the bewildered Obi-Wan, who had shifted into a defensive crouch on the bed. “But I do know one reasonably sure fire way to establish that this, us, is the present. Open yourself up to the force, please, just let yourself listen to what it has to say.
“I...want to, of course I want to believe- but the idea that I’m here- it’s, if you’re real than you can’t possibly understand, its too good to be true.” Obi-Wan responded brokenly.
“I know things have been clouded of late, but, if nothing else trust in the force to not lie to you.” Plo-Koon urged. “If you keep closing yourself off like this, how can you possibly learn if things are better than you think”
Obi-Wan collapsed from his crouch, knees folding underneath.
“If I am...even if I am in the past... Sideous might be watching...i didn’t- i don’t know the extent of his gaze- even if...” he trailed off.
“If it makes you feel safer, you are of course free to again raise your shields to whatever extent you feel necessary once you have verified your reality.” Aerdo replied smoothly.
Obi-Wan looked warily at the three Jedi in the room.“I...” he started, trying to articulate the swelling hope and fear only to find himself at a loss for words.
Aerdo shot him a reassuring smile, “If you don’t feel ready right now, that’s perfectly understandable. We’re very happy you’re willing to reach out as much as you have already. Would you like to pause this discussion for now so we can find you something to eat? I believe a simple broth is a customary first post-bacta meal, but if you have any special requests I’ll do what I can.”
Obi-Wan let out a deep breath, dropping his head into his hands. “I- I need to know, don’t I?” he mumbled. “Force help me...you win.” He took one last, searching look at the faces of his fellow Jedi before closing his eyes and surrendering himself to the force.
He opened a small hole in his mental barricades and tentatively allowed his thoughts to drip out. Tentatively, he trickled over the bank of Plo Koon’s being (expecting a frigid burn) only to find a warm and heartbreakingly familiar pool of tempered kindness. 
He ran, slightly faster now, over the other Jedi presences in the room. Having finished his course without encountering any dark undertow, he ebbed back. There was an indistinct impression of something heavy giving way.
Obi-Wan’s Shields Fell Like A Dam Beneath a Tidal Wave -
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
a non-filipino's guide to trese: ep 1
So some of my mutuals decided to check out Trese aka the Netflix adaptation of the Filipino horror comic book series that I keep rambling about here and then since well um most of my mutuals aren’t from the Philippines fshfs I decided to make a long-ass post that basically consists of me rambling about the cultural context present in Trese with fun little tidbits about Filipino folklore. I’m not an expert on Filipino mythology so um I just typed out the stuff that I know and the stuff that I looked up on Wikipedia so um take this with a grain of salt aaaaa I’ll save the extensive google scholar research ramble on folklore present in Trese for another day.
I’ll try to find the sites where I got some of the information from cause um yea I kinda had a bit of a hard time finding the other shit so um once again, take the stuff here with a grain of salt. Also, feel free to add more info if you guys got any!
+ MRT and LRT (Manila Metro Rail Transit and Light Rail Transit) are train systems in NCR (the capital region) and yea them suddenly stopping and malfunctioning in the middle of the goddamn rail is a daily occurrence and we have been trying to deal with this bullshit for years but alas, corruption and negligence are sweet sweet drugs.
+ When the MRT broke down, you'd see a red bee in the flashing billboard right? Well that's Jollibee and that's probably the most well-known fast food restaurant chain here heck there are even branches of it abroad!
+ According to many youtube comments along with other social media posts that I am way too tired to link here, the opening theme is an Ifugao ethnic song called Balluha'd Bayyauhen but with modern accompaniments and I think the song is about a fruit called a balluha that the character in the song tries to it but cannot swallow. (someone please correct me if I’m wrong here fjkfs)
+ The first um monster that we see Alexandra interact with is the White Lady of Balete Drive. White Ladies or “Kaperosa” are a type of female ghosts typically dressed in ghostly white dresses or similar garments. According to legend, she died in a car accident while driving along Balete Drive (a two lane street formerly lined with Balete Trees which are said to be a home for spirits and mysterious creatures) in Quezon City while other accounts say she died waiting for the arrival of her lover; others also say that she was a teenage girl who was run over and killed by a taxi driver at night and then buried around a Balete tree while another variation of the tale claims that a student from the University of the Philippines was sexually assaulted and killed by a taxi driver nearby and so said ghost haunts the street in search of her murderer. There are many other variations but according to local rumor, the legend was fabricated by a reporter in 1953 in order to make an interesting story. What remains consistent in many variations is that apparently taxi drivers would be stopped by a beautiful lady asking for a ride and if one would look at the rear window, they would see that the white lady in question is bruised and drenched in blood.
+ There are a lot of mentions about "lakans" and stuff in reference to Alex and her father right? In precolonial times, the term is used to refer to the paramount ruler or the highest-ranking political authorities in Tagalog communities (so um NCR and some parts of Region 4). In Muslim communities, they are called sultans while communities with strong trade connecitons with Indonesia or Malaysia called them Rajah. Datu is umm the more generalized term though when it comes to discussing the leaders of the precolonial Filipinos.
+ So, Alex’s mom is a babaylan and back in the pre-colonial period, each barangay (which a native filipino term for a village or a district; said term is still used today to describe um divisions in municipalities like) had them and these are basically Philippine shamans and they specialized in communicating with the spirits of the dead. To my knowledge, the role of babaylan went to women and yea people assigned male at birth but then identified as female were also allowed to become babaylans and they would be treated with the same respect given to any woman back then (honestly I dunno much about lgbtq+ stuff back in the precolonial times but all I know is that precolonial Filipinos were much a lot more welcoming towards trans identities bUT THEN THE SPANIARDS CAME AND UM ERR RUINED THAT); also the writing Alexandra's mom did in that one scene with the dagger is in Baybayin - preHispanic Filipino script. I dunno what she wrote down though. .
+ Also I kinda find it funny that the people here esp those who were at the White Lady scene are um,,, not at all surprised? Like yea quite a number of filipinos have their own superstitions and beliefs and all that but um yea the people in Trese seem very used to the bullshit,,,which in retrospect, isn't at all inaccurate fsdfd I MEAN WE DEAL WITH UNSURMOUNTABLE AMOUNTS OF BS ON A DAILY BASIS SO I DON’T THINK DEAD GHOSTS WOULD EVEN FAZE MANY FSKJDS
+ The one that appears right before Alexandra talks with the duwende (the one in the manhole) is called Laman Lupa (which i guess translates to um "What is in the earth"? just um YEA THEY ARE DIRT CREATURES). normally this is an umbrella term for duwendes and nunos but in Trese they are servants of these aforementioned creatures.
+ Duwende (which came from the Spanish phrase "dueno de case" which means "owner of the house") or dwarves in Filipino folklore are known to be mischievous and magical environmental guardians. They are believed to reside in trees or under earth mounds (those that live in the latter are called nuno sa pundo or old man of the mount) which is why quite a lot of Filipinos say "tabi tabi po" or “excuse me” when wandering around a forest or earth mounds as a sign of respect and in the hopes the duwende won't torment them. If the person is friendly, the duwende can also be friendly in return and will bring that person good lucl; otherwise, those who destroy their homes by stepping on them will face their wrath in form of heartless curse and predictions of ominous and disastrous fates. A duwende's color also depends on their budhi or conscience: to my knowledge, white duwendes are kind, red ones give protection amulets, green ones are firnedly with children and the black ones give nothing but trouble.
+ Chocnut aka the snack Alex bribes the nuno with is a very yummy chocolate snack made of coconut milk, crushed peanuts and cocoa powder. They are umm about an inch in length and maybe half an inch in width so it's fairly small; that being said I WANT THE CHOCNUT THAT ALEXANDRA HAS CAUSE HOT DAMN THAT'S A BIG CHOCNUT
+ In Trese, the creatures in the MRT scene and in the warehouse Alexandra visits after she talks with the duwende are called "aswang". In Philippine folklore, it is an umbrella term for any kind of monster so um an aswang in Luzon would be very different from the aswang in Mindanao. According to what I saw on wikipedia, they can be classified in 5 categories: the vampire (self-explanatory um they drink blood), the viscera sucker (the manananggal, i'll get to that next time), the weredog (cats and pigs are also possible but um yea they target pregnant women), the witch (self-explanatory boom curses and stuff) and the ghoul (they gather near trees in cemeteries to feast on human corpses). Aswangs are often described to have a long, hollow tongue, sharp claws and sharp teeth, although they do also have human forms.
+ To my knowledge, Ibwa, the leader of the aswangs in the warehouse, is a creature from Tinguian or Itneg mythology (they, like the Ifugao, are an indigenous ethnic group in northwestern Luzon) though I could be wrong about this dksfsf Ibwa seems like an ethnic filipino term tho wah I can't remember where I once read that. But anyways, Ibwa often stalk sthe house of a dying person to steal its body. In order for the ibwa to NOT succeed in that, some people burn holes in the garments of the dead and put a sharp iron object on top of the grave since those are most powerful weapons against aswangs which is what Alexandra uses to subdue the Ibwa and kill all the other aswangs (the knife alex uses is named Sinag which means "ray of light".)
+ Also umm Bossing is a nickname of Vic Sotto - one of the three pioneer hosts of Eat Bulaga! which is the longest running Philippine noontime variety show. Over time, most probably due to the show's popularity, the term "bossing" then became um slang for "boss" or "chief"
+ Translation of what Alex says when she's stirring the eye inside the cup: “In the eyes of others, secrets will reveal themselves.”
+ Sidenote: The English dub's pronunciation of many of the tagalog lines are um yea they r pretty good but they could use a bit of work but then again I'm really not that good in speaking in Tagalog so who am I to judge gkdkf sorry po guys conyo po ako-
+ Maria Makiling is arguably the most famous of all the diwatas (ancestral spirits, nature spirits, or deities) in Philippine Mythology; she is associated with Mount Makiling in Laguna as the guardian spirit of the mountain. Mount Makiling is said to resemble a profile of a woman and people associate the profile with Maria herself. She is also known as a goddess by the name of Dayang Masalanta and people would pray to her for safety and to stop storms and earthquakes. That's the goddess Alexandra's mother mentions right when she tells Alex to hide. (Translation to what she said there: Maria Makiling, goddess of the mountain, bless us.)
+ Also Mang Inasal posters can be seen in the MRT station backdrops and um it’s a very famous restaurant chain here and they serve lots of barbecue and other filipino stuffs and i miss them a lot God their halo halo is very yummy
+ Santelmo - oki so this is the fire face thingy that Alexandra summons inside the ruined train. This is the shortened version of the term "Apoy ni Santa Elmo" or "St. Elmo's Fire" - this is a weather phenomenon wherein plasma is created from an electrical discharge from a rod like object in an atmospheric electric field. This phenomenon was used to warn of imminent lightning strikes or storms (there is a chapter in Noli Me Tangere where Pilosopo Tasyo talks about that bUT I'LL SAVE THE NOLI ME TANGERE RAMBLES FOR ANOTHER DAY). But according to Philippine folklore, santelmos - which are said to be souls of people lost as sea - are balls of fire that appear where accidents or big arguments happen. In Trese, santelmos (alex's santelmo being "The Great Spirit of the Binondo Fire") can be called to assist in supernatural investigations
+ Translation of what Alex says when she draws the circles to meet with the purple ghosts: "Souls, where are you off to? I'll be entering too, so please open the door."
+ Remember the scene at the train with all the purple ghosts and the woman in a veil? Yea the woman is an emissary of a goddess named Ibu and she is the Manobo (again, another indigenous ethnic group but this time they're from Mindanao; fun fact we have around 134 ethnic groups) goddess of deceased mortals and the queen of the underworld; she also serves as a psychopomp and guides the newly deceased souls to the other side (having an MRT be the ride to the underworld isn’t in the legends tho so fkkjsf)
+ The aswang in the top hat is called Xa Mul and according to the Isneg/Apayao people (yay another ethnic group but this time in northern Luzon - the Cordillera regions to be specific), they are an evil spirit known to swallow people whole.
+ Alex has two henchmen right? Yea they are named Crispin and Basillio and No I still don’t know who’s who and I'm really sorry about that fsfjs so anyways the names Crispin and Basillio are actually those of two brothers featured in the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo novels (Crispin is younger and Basilio is older) which are basically the national novels here cause um yea written by national hero Jose Rizal as sociopolitical commentary about the Spanish regime here. I don't know if I want to spoil this cause I kinda want other people to read the novel too fskfs BUT ALL IN ALL, ONE OF THEM DIES IN LIKE THE 10TH OR 11TH CHAPTER OF NOLI ME TANGERE (and the novel has 64 chapters btw) AND UM YEA-
+ OKI SO TO ADD MORE CONTEXT TO THE SQUATTER STUFFS MENTIONED IN TRESE (we r gonna use the tiny font here because holy shit this rant is long): So,in the Philippines, especially in the capital region, there are lots of slum areas called squatters. These are dense urban settlements made of compact makeshift housing units that aren't really officially recognized by the government. This is um very reflective of the poverty situation here and there are maaany factors that come into play here and if i were to go into depth about this topic, that rant would probably turn into an academic paper so for the sake of brevity, let's just say that Things Are Fucked Up Here. Oftentimes the poorer sectors are being ignored and left to their own devices despite tons of campaign promises to make things better and easier for them. The communities that live here are incredibly vulnerable to floods, fires, and the like and afaik no concrete solutions have been in effect to protect these people and their settlements. There have also been many times where squatter areas are dismantled or demolished despite protests of people living in those areas and yea I understand the need to make space and the need for renovation but the people should still be offered some sort of temporary settlement or financial compensation thingy that doESN'T fuck them over but alas, we have an anti-poor government. That being said, I really like Trese Ep 1's portrayal of governmental negligence, but I also have some thoughts, especially in regards to the mayor being arrested THAT FAST which um believe me, NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS BECAUSE MANY MAYORS AND A LOT OF POLITICIANS HAVE THE POLICE IN THEIR POCKETS SO UM ERR YEA JUSTICE IS RARELY A THING HERE BUT UM ANYWAYS YEA THE GOVERNMENT LIKES TO SHIT ON THE POOR WOO LET'S SAVE THE USE OF SOCIOLOGICAL LENS ON THIS MATTER FOR ANOTHER DAY
+ The news channel reporting the arrest of the mayor is ABC-ZNN WHICH IS AN OBVIOUS REFERENCE TO ABSCBN aka the top media conglomerate here (that has been fucked over by the government so many times to the point that they had to shut down operations last year which is all sorts of unfair so seeing them being referenced here kinda made me happy gksfks)
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