1 Nerd 2 Nagas
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Uriah | Orpheus | Hyun-Shik A herpetologist and two nagas share an apartment... What could possibly go wrong?
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 months ago
Does Uriah have siblings? If he does, would they love snakes and reptiles as much as he does?
Nope! Uriah’s an only child, but he has several cousins. Some are a bit squeamish still, but he’s done his best to convince those ones to at least not off any snakes or reptiles they come across.
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 months ago
So… Gotham!Uriah… how does it feel to have two hot snake-men under your belt? We all have our suspicions about you and Kenneth, but what about the other one? Mr. Four-Arms? 😉
Gotham!Uriah: “I still don’t know how I found myself in this situation, and at this point I have just enough sanity left—and a good enough time—to know I’m better off not asking questions.”
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 months ago
Gotham AU 3 - Negotiations
A Uriah & Kenny Lit Piece
It was late in the evening when Uriah finally finished the examinations he’d been called in to perform. Thankfully nothing went beyond routine, surface-level inspection. Every snake he’d gotten to handle proved docile and healthy, kept under excellent care and conditions. If anything, a few seemed close to shedding, and they’d merely be kept back from the—for lack of a better word—unique services Kenneth Huggins’s business provided. The only downside to the day was how long and exhausting it had been. Lab work, diagnostics, sample collection, breeding attempts and so on for his day job, and then this called-in favor on top of eight hours. Uriah was rolling his shoulders to ease tension from his back by the time he caught the elevator to the HR floor.
“Well, at least he’s paying me for my time,” Uriah muttered to himself, leaning against the wall. He sighed heavily, watching the numbers slowly tick by on the elevator screen. This was a strange sort of circumstance he found himself in, knowing the secret the CEO kept, but the additional money was a boon when bills came due. And he did need to go on a grocery run soon…
Though, he’d be lying if he said the money was all that made him accept the offer. He’d crossed paths with Kenneth once or twice since the day the not-quite-normal businessman sauntered into his own office at the institute. The initial attraction was still there. Try as he might, Uriah couldn’t deny the natural charm Kenneth carried himself with. He was cordial, gracious, and very easy to look at. It had been a good long while since Uriah had pursued anything intimate. Kennth Huggins, however, wasn’t the average fling, nor was he standard relationship material, if tabloids were to be believed. Normally, Uriah wouldn’t pay such rumors any mind, but in this case… Perhaps weighing the pros and cons was in his best interest; he didn’t want to end up being a call boy for one of the city’s elite. He’d focus on the pay for his work, and if Kenneth made another move, then he could broach the subject.
He pushed himself upright as the doors opened, sliding sideways past a cluster of clerical staff headed home for the day. Uriah nodded to them politely before heading for the front desk, still manned for the next half-hour.
“Hi, miss. I’m sorry to bother you so close to quitting time, but I was told to head up here for payment?”
The woman looked over the rim of her angled glasses. “You’re in the right place. Something wrong with your direct deposit?”
“Oh, no, no, I’m not a regular employee. Mr. Huggins offered me some extra work, but… Come to think of it, he never did send me paperwork about the payment aspect, just my clearances and the description.”
She seemed perplexed, then raised her eyebrows in recognition. “Ah, yes, now I remember. You’re the herpetologist he brought on for routine checks, right? Doctor Hoffman?”
“That’d be me.”
“Yes, that’s right. Mr. Huggins informed me your pay would be handled personally.”
Uriah lifted one eyebrow. “Personally?”
“Personally,” she repeated. “I did suggest offering you a routine direct deposit, but he said you two were on friendly terms and he’d prefer to cut your check himself. A little unorthodox, but…”
“Seems the usual for him,” Uriah quipped, drumming his fingertips on the counter. “So, where do I go to see the man in charge, then?”
“You can head on back to his office. It’s at the end of the hall there, certainly can’t miss it. He’s not in right now, finishing up his last conference call downstairs, but he should be up in—“ She swiveled in her chair and glanced at the clock behind her. “—Oh, give or take the next fifteen, thirty minutes?”
“Greeeeaaaaaaat,” Uriah drawled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Past closing time…”
“I know it’s a bit inconvenient, but he says you’re allowed to go on ahead. I’ll be locking up things here, but Mr. Huggins always stays late a few times a week. He knew you were coming today, so he shouldn’t leave you hanging too long.”
“Right.” He sighed, turning to trudge down the hall. The skeptic in him began to worry this was an elaborate ruse to avoid paying him for services rendered. “Guess I’ll wait, then. Thanks…?”
“Donna,” Uriah confirmed, nodding. “You have a good night.”
Parting from the desk, Uriah followed the directions he’d been given until he reached the rather heavy and impressive door to Kenneth’s office. For a moment, he hesitated, considering simply coming back in the morning. He was tired, and he’d had a long day, and the last thing he wanted was to be driving home any more exhausted than he was. But he was already here, so he may as well get it over with.
Inside, the office was sleek and, dare he say, seductive almost. Floor-to-ceiling windows along the outer wall with a pleasant city skyline view, a desk that probably cost more than a two of the doctor’s paychecks, and a rather impressive leather couch. For the size, he was surprised it didn’t have much furniture, but then when he considered Kenneth’s unique anatomy… Perhaps opulent minimalism made the most sense. He put his hands into his pockets and traipsed around slowly, letting out a low whistle as he glanced at a small table with a personal espresso machine. One of the nicer ones on the market.
“Well, can’t fault him for taste.” Uriah eventually wound back to the couch. Seeing as he still had plenty of time to wait, he could take a load off. The sigh he let out felt bigger than he’d anticipated as he reclined, eyes on the ceiling, briefly glancing at his watch before letting his arm flop back down. “And now, we wait…”
Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen… The longer he lay there, the more the wear and tear of the day got to him. And it was an extremely comfortable couch. It was unintentional, but Uriah found himself drifting off. He wasn’t sure how long he was out before a gentle tapping to his forehead began to rouse him.
“Doc…Doooooooc… Anybody home in there?”
Groggy eyes blinked open. First, he noticed the pen dangling above his face, lightly poking him. Then, the playful smirk on Kenneth Huggins’s face beaming down at him. “Good evening, starshine.”
Uriah groaned and shooed his pen away, running a hand over his face before sitting up. “Ugh, what time is it…?”
“Eight-thirty, roughly.”
“Wha…? Damn, you took your time.” He’d gotten in to the office at seven.
“Had I known you were waiting, I would’ve ended the meeting early,” Kenneth teased. He ruffled Uriah’s hair, laughing as he was swatted away, and moved to his desk.
“Look, I’ve been up since five this morning. I’m beat, okay? I just came up here to sort out my pay.”
Uriah stood, hands in his pockets again. “My pay, Kenneth? For examining your extensive noodle collection downstairs?”
“Oh, right. Your check. We should settle those terms,” he said casually, leaning back against his desk.
“I mean, you gave me a number when you cornered me at work, remember?”
“But there’s more to this mutually beneficial venture than the money, no?”
Uriah met his jovial expression with one that was work-weary. “Are you suggesting…?”
“I’m a businessman, darling. Negotiations are my day-to-day. I am more than happy to debate terms and conditions of our little arrangement.”
“Ha! Terms and conditions,” Uriah scoffed, lightly scuffing the carpet before walking over to look out the window. For a crime-riddled metropolis, Gotham certainly had its perks in the nighttime views. He watched a few distant headlights cruising the streets below.
“I want us both to be happy, naturally,” Kenneth said with a shrug. “Consent is key, you know.”
Uriah hummed in acknowledgment, and Kenneth watched him watch the city for a few beats of silence.
“So,” Kenneth said, rocking to his feet to approach from behind, “what would make you happy?”
“You’re serious?”
“Of course.”
He huffed, humored. “Well, I’ll be…a member of Gotham’s elite caring about the wants of little ol’ me.”
“Oh, take me seriously for a moment, sweetheart! You wound me!”
“Alright, alright, I get you.” Uriah folded his arms, exhaling as he gave it some thought. “…How serious were you about liking me? What you said, when you found me at work?”
“You mean besides keeping my secret?”
“Yeah. The…other part. Look, I know what the tabloids say about you, I get you’re popular, and plenty of people fall all over you, alright? I’m not expecting exclusivity. I just…y’know, prefer sincerity. If you actually like me, great. If not, I wanna know how far to lower my expectations.”
“If it’s sincerity you want,” Kenneth said softly, hands resting on Uriah’s shoulders and gently stroking down his arms, “it’s sincerity you’ll get.”
“On a scale of one to ten?”
“What? As in how I’d rate you? Don’t cheapen yourself,” he chuckled.
“But if you must know, a solid ten. You’re adorable when you’re playing coy.”
“Ugh, I don’t ’play coy,’” Uriah insisted. But he blushed all the same as Kenneth bent close and kissed his cheek.
“Shall we proceed?” When Uriah hesitated, heat coming off of his face, Kenneth chuckled against his ear. “With the negotiations, sweetheart.”
“Oh. Oh, uh, yeah, I just…don’t know what all to ask for… I mean, I want paid, obviously.”
“That’s the bottom of the barrel right there,” Kenneth teased. His arms held Uriah’s waist, fingertips toying with subtle folds in the fabric of his shirt. “Ask for more. Go big.”
A laugh escaped him. Uriah cracked a smirk.
“Not that big!”
“Fair. Wouldn’t know what to do with the damn thing, anyway.”
“If I may make a suggestion? Perhaps routine visits outside this office, to…ensure my continued sincerity, shall we say?”
Uriah chuckled as Kenneth kissed his cheek, down his jaw, slowly moving lower. It felt good, getting that kind of attention. He let himself drift in it for a moment, breathing, relaxing.
“Mm…Kenneth?” Uriah cracked open an eye, head tilting to the side as he felt Kenneth’s lips getting a little more insistent against his neck.
“This is nice,” he murmured dryly, “but it won’t pay my bills.”
“Won’t it? That’s a shame.”
“You promised to pay me,” Uriah lilted, smirking as he felt a small huff against his skin. Kenneth reached around and pulled at his tie, the knot and his shirt collar loosening.
“Can we play first? My checkbook isn’t going anywhere, and neither are you.” Kenneth’s voice was almost a growl in his ear. Uriah couldn’t help but chuckle softly, patting one of the hands teasing along his torso.
“You just don’t like being told ‘no’, do you?” Not that he was saying ‘no’. Uriah was always very clear when he was putting his foot down, and Kenneth respected his wishes in such circumstances—if not for the teasing even as he’d back off.
“It’s not my favorite word in the English language,” Kenneth joked. Uriah’s shirt was unbuttoned, fabric slipping off his shoulders. Thick, scaled coils pooled around the two of them where they stood. A soft gasp left the man’s lips as the space between his throat and shoulder was lightly bitten. Uriah barely swallowed the moan that tried to escape him. Not yet. He’d make Kenneth work a little more to get those sounds out of him.
“Shall we negotiate, then?” Kenneth purred. Uriah met his gaze through the reflection in his office’s window.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing already?”
He was guided back, coils shifting to allow him to be cornered against the desk. His shirt was lost to the scaled mass, Kenneth’s strong hands lifting Uriah onto the desk’s surface before working on unfastening his belt.
Kenneth whispered into his ear, “What about dinner?”
“I’m not picky.”
Uriah chuckled as a ticklish kiss was placed on his cheek. “I hope you don’t just mean pizza?”
“No, no. I can do better than that, I assure you.”
“So, somewhere nice, then?”
“Somewhere nice,” he confirmed. Uriah felt his belt slowly pulled free. He swallowed.
“What else…?”
Kenneth pulled back and smirked at him, humored. “You’re the one negotiating terms, darling.”
“O-Oh, right, right…” His face reddened as Kenneth eased him down, a coil cradling his head. His eyes roamed the ceiling as he felt Kenneth working on removing the last of his clothes, taking his time. Every gesture was calculated, sensual. He stroked a nearby patch of tail as Kenneth slipped one shoe off, kissing his ankle.
“I come to your place after…?”
“I’m agreeable to that,” Kenneth said with a smile. That one was less playful, more genuine. “For more of this?”
“At least a cuddle, and I get to use my eyes on you.”
Uriah raised his head and gave Kenneth a scrutinizing look. “At least a cuddle, and maybe you get to use your eyes.”
“It’s more fun with the eyes.” Kenneth let his eyes pulse once, a ring of blue breaking up his golden brown irises, and Uriah stubbornly averted his gaze, one hand raised to block further attempts.
“Maybe I want my head to be clear sometimes,” Uriah countered. “I might like to remember the details now and then.”
Realizing what he’d said, he quickly let his head drop back down onto the coil pillow behind it and stared up at the ceiling with a flustered huff. He could hear Kenneth chuckling.
“Don’t laugh,” Uriah pouted, crossing his arms. “Not when you’ve got me half-naked and on your damn desk like this!”
“You’re very endearing, Doc, that’s all,” he said. His tone was genuine again. The end of his tail stroked through Uriah’s hair and down his cheek before playfully tapping his nose. Uriah lightly swatted it away. He almost didn’t realize when Kenneth finally tugged his pants off. But then the handsome creature was leaning over him, hands bracing on either side of his head, smiling down with that dangerous allure of his. He reached up with a hand and traced the line of Kenneth’s jaw.
“Any other demands you’d like to make?”
“Don’t smoke around me, if you can help it,” he replied, voice firm.
“Ah,” Kenneth sighed, amused, “I was beginning to suspect it bothered you.”
“You might be immune to it, but I’m a standard human being and I don’t fancy the consequences of the habit. Or the smell. No offense.”
“None taken. So, I keep my cigarettes out of sight and mind when you’re around. Easily done. Anything else at this time, handsome?”
“…Not at this time,” Uriah said quietly, eyes roaming over Kenneth’s impressive figure before focusing on his face. Knowing what he could do, it was a rather bold move of vulnerability. Kenneth admired and appreciated that. Scales brushed against thighs, bodies close together. Uriah inhaled deeply as a kiss was placed on his forehead first, and then one on each cheek, before Kenneth finally drew him into a proper one. Uriah tried to hold back, he really tried, but Kenneth clearly knew what he was doing, and a moan finally slipped out of him.
“Shall we seal the deal, then? To potentially be amended later, as both parties see fit?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go with that.”
“Very well…Ah, I nearly forgot. Eyes?”
Uriah searched Kenneth’s expression. He was…actually letting him choose. That gave him a small flutter in his chest. As he mulled it over, Uriah brushed some of Kenneth’s hair back from his face, traced his broad shoulders, took in the sight and feel of him. He could’ve never anticipated finding himself in this particular scenario, bargaining what was essentially a friends-with-benefits arrangement with one of Gotham’s wealthiest bachelors. The said bachelor wasn’t human, on top of it all, and Uriah was surprised that little detail didn’t phase him. He gently toyed with a lock of Kenneth’s hair a moment more before he exhaled and fully committed to his decision.
“No eyes. I wanna be lucid this time around.”
“This time?” Kenneth raised a brow and smirked playfully.
“Yeah, well, if you ‘negotiate’ well enough, maybe I’ll agree to it next time,” Uriah teased back. “Maybe.”
Uriah barely stifled a laugh as Kenneth bent closer, hands and coils shifting tantalizingly against his skin. He smirked as a deep purr rumbled against his neck. “You drive a hard bargain, Doc. Very good. It’s a deal.”
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onenerdtwonagas · 4 months ago
BRUH!! This latest piece was phenomenal! I really can’t wait to find out what happens next!
Also, fun little head cannon: Gotham AU Kenny and Orpheus meet and they are a bit off put by each other, but become fast friends over their love for Freckle Muffin 👀
Ngl, the mental image of the two of them growling at each other like disgruntled cats while Uriah is debating who to spritz with a spray bottle cracks me up
(Might have to hit up Kenny’s mun for a proper reaction tho, so I don’t misrepresent the character!)
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onenerdtwonagas · 4 months ago
Pale Eyes
(A Gotham AU lit piece)
(Trigger warning for gun violence)
Of all nights for someone to break into the institute, it just had to be the one he had a date. Not that any night was good for a break in, but Uriah had the sense this was some of the universe’s dark humor at work. And seeing as he had nothing else to do, being tied up in the back of a van after being caught by surprise, he might as well muse over the horrible irony of the situation.
Kenneth promised me reservations at that upscale Italian bistro downtown, damnit. He’s gonna think I stood him up. Unless this is on the news, if he watches the news…
“Hey, you!”
Uriah rolled his eyes to the metal screen that separated his compartment from the front of the vehicle. One of the masked men glared back.
“Yeah?” he snapped back.
“You’re one of those specialists, yeah?”
Uriah deadpanned. “What, the ‘doctor’ on my nametag didn’t give you enough of a hint?”
“Oh, great, you picked a smartass. Good job,” the driver complained.
“You said to grab somebody that looked important, I nabbed the first white coat I found!”
“Did you even go over the staff list the boss gave us? He had names circled!”
“I’m sure this one’s on the list!”
“How sure?”
“Girls, please, you’re both pretty,” Uriah drawled.
“Shuddup! Just check his nametag again when we get there, you idiot. Something tells me he’s gonna be uncooperative as hell,” the driver barked.
Uriah huffed, and tested the binds on his wrists. Rope of some kind. A shame he didn’t see or feel anything sharp enough to try and cut with. He’d have to keep his eyes open for something when he got to…wherever this van was driving.
“Dare I ask why I’m even here? I mean, who needs someone from a herpetology unit for criminal activity?”
“You’ll be told only what you need to know when you need to know it, and you’ll keep quiet otherwise if you know what’s good for you.”
Metal clanked, and Uriah caught the barrel of a gun tapping the grate between himself and his captors. Ah. Great. Well, that sobered him up a degree. He’d have to be very alert and mind his attitude until he saw an out. Uriah let his head fall back and rest against the side of the van with a resigned sigh. Maybe, if he got lucky, somebody already had the police working on this incident. Kenneth had money, and his own ‘special skill set’. Surely having a friend in high places would come in handy, this time.
As much as he would’ve loved to hear sirens, the drive remained quiet. He was eventually pulled into some dark garage, and manhandled out of the van and through heavy double doors. Uriah glanced around. An industrial complex? Medical testing facility? He couldn’t tell. Just something far more intimidating than the empty warehouse he’d expected. Eventually he was thrust into an amphitheater of sorts, shoved forward roughly. Uriah fell onto his knees, feeling the end of a gun pressed between his shoulders.
“Gentlemen! Is that anyway to treat a man of science? Let him up.”
Blinking in the harsh blue light of the room, Uriah looked up. He didn’t recognize the smug man before him, either, or any of the other seemingly captive people he now noticed. He was yanked up by the collar, and he pulled away with a glare over his shoulder.
“Quit manhandling! I get the picture!”
“And your name? Let’s see…” His badge was tilted up to be read more clearly. “‘Doctor Hoffman.’ Good, very good. You’ll do.”
“Do for what? Who are you?”
“That information is given out on a need to know basis. And you, Doctor, don’t need to know,” the man said. There was a threat behind his smile. Uriah understood.
“You need me for something, though.”
“I suspect your talents may come in handy for our…latest acquisition, shall we say. My people pulled you up on a list of potential helpful individuals. Care to see your latest specimen, Doctor?”
When the man stood aside, Uriah winced from further exposure to the cold, bright light source of the room. A massive cylindrical chamber stood tall at the center of the amphitheater, pipes and tubing connected at its top and base. It took some time to adjust to the light, but Uriah felt the back of his neck prickle and his blood run cold once he made out what was contained within. What at first seemed to be mechanical tubing turned out to be coils, with a more or less humanoid torso attached. A mask supplying oxygen was secured over the being’s face, and several IV’s were connected to its four arms. It appeared vaguely like Kenneth, when he let his human facade slip, but this…this was something unearthly.
“What in God’s name…?”
“That is precisely what we believe you can help us sort out, Doctor. You and our handpicked specialists.”
“Look, I study snakes, I don’t study…that!”
“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. Doctor Hoffman, there are two possible answers you can give me. One is an enthusiastic, ‘Yes sir!’ The other, well. My associates can walk you through our termination procedure.”
Uriah scowled.
“Tick tock, Doctor. I won’t wait all day.”
“Escort Doctor Hoffman to his new colleagues, will you? And he’ll need his hands. We can keep close enough watch from here.”
His wrists were cut loose, and he was taken by the arm to a row of uneasy individuals, all seemingly taken in situations similar to his. How had he not heard of lab break ins across the city? Then again, bad news was the norm for Gotham. Perhaps he’d tuned it out, as he often did. Served him right, in this case. Once they were left with some space, the woman to his right nudged his elbow.
“Where did they take you from?”
“Gotham Herpetology Institute. You?”
“A distant NASA branch outside the city limits. You wouldn’t know it. Classified. What’s your specialty?”
“Biologic diagnostics and conservation.”
“Smart man. I’m sorry you’re lumped in here.”
Uriah glanced from the specimen, as it were, and up to the higher levels. Thugs with guns in hand were stationed along industrial catwalks near the ceiling and double doors he’d been forced through. Tight security, unfortunately, but too brutish to be something official.
“What do they want?”
“Judging by the mix of specialties they brought in already, they’re hoping we can confirm this…thing…can be used as a sort of bioweapon. They keep us fed and it’s sanitary, at least, but it can’t be anything good. I’m just hoping they don’t off us when they get what they want.”
Uriah nodded to show he understood. “How long have you been here?”
“Two days. First specialists they brought in might’ve been here a week. It hasn’t been long. Somebody said they managed to pick this being up from a crash site. How they beat the government to it, I’ll never know. Feds keep this kind of thing on tighter lockdown than nuclear launch codes, as far as I know.”
Well, shit… Suddenly, Uriah didn’t feel so confident that Kenneth’s connections or abilities would be doing him any good at the moment. Or anytime soon. It seemed he was on borrowed time, only allowed to keep living so long as he was useful.
“Your best bet is to keep your head low and work slow,” someone a few seats over whispered. “You said you’re good for diagnostics, right? Whatever samples they give you, take your time. Fudge numbers if you have to.”
“…Can’t they tell?” Uriah nodded upwards, indicating their overseers.
“The thugs, no. Can’t tell about the big guy in charge. But if he could sort things out himself, what would he need us for?”
A good point. Uriah swallowed. So they all were playing at the same game, then. Better to be on the same team than working solo, he supposed.
“Do they let any of you up close to it? The…specimen?”
“Yeah, I guess, but it freaks me out, personally. I mean, it’s obviously not from Earth.”
“Certainly defies our understanding of the kingdoms,” someone sighed. He had to have been there a few days, based off of the stubble forming on his face.
Uriah didn’t fancy the idea of being kept locked up like this, either. He didn’t know if they’d be let go, but clearly the authorities hadn’t caught on to where several scientists, even ones working for classified offices, had disappeared to. This might be a situation they’d have to collectively finesse their way out of.
For now, though, he looked to the being in the tank. Uriah rose slowly, looking to make sure no one was going to come after him. When none of the guards approached, and neither of the other captive scientists made a sudden move, he slowly descended the stairs to the platform the tank was based on. Uriah stood before it, looking up at the captive being, and felt a twinge of sympathy mixed in with sheer awe. Perhaps knowing Kenneth had dulled him to its anatomy, to a degree—save for the arms and odd color. Maybe it was the light, but the being looked greyish-blue, and the scales on the serpentine tail appeared to shift slowly. There were glowing specks, stars almost.
Uriah froze. He glanced over his shoulder. No one had spoken to him.
Wait… He was hearing it inside his head. Uriah held his breath, looking up at the being, wondering…
Yes. Here. Friend?
It could hear his thoughts. It was projecting? What did it mean?
Me? Are you asking me?
Yes. Help?
I…Don’t know.
The voice of the being sounded disjointed. Uriah was surprised it could communicate with him at all. Or maybe he was hallucinating?
They’ll kill me.
That nagging sympathy attacked his conscience. Uriah wanted out. This being wanted out. He didn’t know what it was, what it could do, but…it asked for help, in what few words it could probably use.
…I’ll try. Give me time.
Damn language barrier. He could speak English, Spanish, and Latin, but he couldn’t speak a language of a being that he didn’t even know. Uriah wracked his brain for a way to get the message across. Perhaps if he only used the words the being had, and with the right intention.
Friend, he thought, hoping his sincerity came through. Will help.
“I’m seeing brain activity,” Uriah heard a scientist speak up. “Maybe it’s dreaming?”
“Is it waking up?” Their captor spoke up, elbows perched on a catwalk railing.
“No, sir, you…you have it too sedated for that,” he replied meekly.
“Well, figure out what it’s doing! I want results, and soon!”
One day passed, then two. Uriah could track the hours by the rotation of the guards, roughly. He’d only get to double-check himself when he had access to the monitors showing the being’s vitals, seeing the counter for how long the computers and systems had been going. The team was only alert with their tasks, or at least appearing to be, thanks to being held at gunpoint under constant supervision. To make matters worse, no one had any idea how they’d get themselves out alive. Uriah hadn’t even gotten much of a look at the facility to know which corridor led where. They could’ve been one short hallway away from the outside, and none of them would’ve known. The most he could do was cast quick glances whenever he was escorted—again, by some thug with a loaded gun—to use the facilities. Nothing looked promising.
And whenever he was close to the being’s containment chamber, he felt an odd buzz at the back of his neck. Sometimes he swore it was trying to reach out again, or preparing to, before someone else would approach or verbally speak to him. It wasn’t until the middle of the third day that Uriah finally heard that voice again.
Help. Out.
I don’t know how.
Uriah drug a hand down his face and sat back, staring at the monitors in front of him. He had made himself useful in the most minimal way possible, confirming, when asked, that the being’s blood samples had contained no known pathogens or toxins. The matrix of its DNA was entirely foreign, of course, so that could’ve been entirely useless information in the long run. But at least he was still kept alive to work on that puzzle, or pretend to.
He heard the door at the back click, and one of the thugs’ voices as he spoke to the others.
“Hey, Callaghan, Dobbs, come down. Boss needs something done.”
“Who’s covering? We’re watching the brains for another two hours.”
“It’s a five minute job. What’re these ones gonna get up to? Not like they can get out, anyway. Sealed all the doors in the complex.”
Shit. Uriah growled beneath his breath. If they’d sealed all the doors, then none of them would be able to get out without whatever security measures were being put in place.
…None of the humans, anyway.
He slowly raised his head, turning just enough to watch from the corner of his eye. A bit more chatter, a threat to keep working, and the doors closed. No guns. No surveillance.
Five minutes was plenty of time for a system failure.
One of the other captive scientists looked up as Uriah moved towards the main controls. The access was password protected, so he’d need somebody with hacking abilities.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying something crazy,” Uriah huffed. He looked around at them all. “Who here is good at breaking into computers?”
“You’re messing with the system? They’ll kill you!”
“Not before the next five minutes is up. C’mon, one of you has to have logged in to somebody else’s account at least once in your lives, yeah?”
Somebody stood up, a man not much older than himself, coming to the controls. Uriah stood back to let him work.
“Not proud of it, but I did manage to break into a few multiplayer systems back in the day. Why pay for limited edition skins when you can hack the game and get em for free, yeah?”
“Whatever works,” Uriah muttered. He eyed the counters on the monitors tracking the being’s pulse. Four minutes and ten seconds…four and five…three and fifty-five…
“We’re gonna run out of time,” someone muttered.
“No, no, I think I got it—Fuck yes! I got it!”
“Move!” Uriah moved in, eyes scanning the screen, shifting through the various data windows open at once. One of them had to have the main system operations.
Three minutes and twenty seconds.
“What are you looking for?”
“Some way to shut this whole thing down.”
“Are you crazy? Just find a way to shut down the security system!”
“What do you think they’d rather spend time looking for, us or their specimen?” Uriah growled, glaring at the screen. “…Fuck it!”
He began pressing whatever ‘shut down’ buttons he could find. About five clicks in, and the bright blue lighting of the room shifted to pulsing red. Something attached to the specimen’s chamber began hissing. A computer system began speaking over the intercom.
“Warning: life-support system failure. Repeat: life-support system failure. Stasis cannot be maintained. Warning—“
“Shit, they’re going to hear that!”
Uriah looked up to the catwalk around the top of the room. Looked like their best shot.
“The rest of you, go! I’ll see what else I can do to slow them down!”
“What about you?”
A few more clicks. He flinched as unstable pressure caused a bolt to be forced loose, and a crack to form along the specimen’s chamber. Someone grabbed the back of his collar.
Before he could react further, another scientist swung a chair right into the monitor. Sparks flew and its electricity choked out. A new addition of alarms added to the din already caused by the system failure.
“We’ve got the doors barricaded! Everybody go, now!”
“C’mon, brainiac!”
Nodding, Uriah scrambled back to his feet to follow. They had a potential thirty seconds to make it to the maze of hallways in the complex before someone broke down the door. He’d reached the catwalk just as he heard the first of the guards banging on it. Uriah spared only a second to look back through the smoke-filled room at the chamber, a massive crack spreading up the side.
Whatever you are—whoever you are—good luck.
He bolted as he heard the doors rattle again, following the rest down the closest hall. The more distance they could put between themself and that room, the better, even if they didn’t know the way out. And about five hallways later, they came to the conclusion that time wasn’t on their side, not if they kept in one group.
“At least one of us needs to make it out,” an engineer panted, peeking nervously around a corner. “If one of us can get out, we can get help. If they find all of us in one place, we’re all dead.”
“And I’d rather at least one out of all of us makes it out rather than none,” another replied in a hushed voice.
Uriah looked to the rest. From where they were now, there were three other hallways they could take, aside from going back the way they’d come. And that was out of the question.
“One third of us goes left, another third goes center, the rest go right,” he reasoned. “We keep splitting up until we can’t. Whatever you do, stay low, stay quiet, and don’t stop until you find a way out.”
Some frowned, others nodded. The young man who’d hacked the computer system clapped him on the shoulder as he split off to the right. “Godspeed, brainiac.”
“You, too. See you on the outside.” Uriah swallowed as he watched them go, following his cluster down the center hall. “…Hopefully.”
Whatever kind of facility this was, it made no sense to Uriah. The blaring sirens and flashing lights certainly didn’t help. He had no means to measure time properly, but it felt like at least half an hour had passed since the original group had split. His cluster had gone from ten, to five, to three, eventually down to just him on his own. And heaven help him, despite trying his best, he’d only just recently found a stairwell. Stairwells were risky; they were confined, and they magnified sound, but as long as he went up, he was bound to find a roof, or a way to it. That was better than wandering aimlessly in the middle of the complex, or getting trapped in a basement. If the chaos he’d kicked off in that chamber led to a fire, he stood a chance of waving down whatever emergency services showed up. His odds were better there than anywhere else.
Uriah paused to catch his breath mid-flight, looking up to try and gauge how many more steps he’d have to climb. It felt like a miracle when the emergency lighting gleamed off of a sign on the wall: Floor 10, Continue to 11 and Roof. Almost. Thank God.
Somewhere down below, a door flew open and slammed against a wall. Uriah clasped a hand over his mouth to keep himself from making a sound, not even wanting his breathing to give him away.
“One of ‘em went this way; they caught him on the cameras before they went down!”
“Which one?”
“The scrawny bastard with the glasses!”
“How d’you wanna do this?”
“…You go down. I’ll head up.”
Uriah got moving again once he heard their own footsteps; it would help hide his own. Two more flights. Just two more. Then maybe a fire escape or some other crazy way out of this hellscape. Floor eleven…there, the door to the roof. He’d heard another door open, and waited as footsteps continued upward. They sounded five—no, four floors down.
C’mon, go in another door. Just any other fucking door.
A door creaked. He held his breath. It closed. Good. Uriah finally wrenched the door to the roof open, bursting out into the frigid air. Wherever they were, it was nighttime outside, a breeze blowing the scent of old weather-worn metal, damp concrete, and smoke. He must’ve started a fire, after all. Uriah scrambled away from the door he’d come from, almost tripping over himself to get to the edge of the building. He had to get his bearings, figure out where they were. Could he see anything important, any signs, landmarks…? The lights made it impossible to find any stars. In the distance, though, he saw the glow of Gotham, and a mess of hills and woods along the way.
Maybe if there’s a direct way off the roof, I could just follow the roads, use the trees as cover…
A muffled boom caught his attention. The far corner of the massive building was up in smoke. Sirens in the distance indicated a fire team had been alerted, but he wouldn’t have time to wait for them. Uriah frantically looked along the ledge he was closest to. No railings, no fire escapes. That couldn’t have been OSHA approved… But there was a catwalk to a detached smokestack, and a ladder built into the brick. A way out was a way out. He’d he exposed the whole time, but he had to try.
Uriah bolted—
A bang sounded behind him, and he only just dodged the bullet that flew past him, ricocheting off of the metal guard rail of the catwalk before rolling to a stop. A second grazed his leg, forcing him to stop as a sharp twinge in his ankle slowed him into a limp. Uriah panted breathlessly, turning to see the corrupt head of operations glaring at him across the roof.
“Well, well, Doctor Hoffman, you’re a bit of a troublemaker, eh? Normally, I admire that trait in a man. Unfortunately for you, in this instance, it just pissed me off.”
Uriah swallowed, his throat suddenly tight and dry. His eyes were fixed on the gun at first, flickering to the billowing smoke overtaking the far end of the building behind his assailant, and then back to the weapon. As the man took slow, confident steps forward, Uriah answered with equally measured steps back, wincing from the pain in his right leg. He was on to the catwalk now, but it wouldn’t do him any good. He knew it, and the man—whose identity he still hadn’t ever figured out—knew it, as well.
“You think you’re getting out of this, Doctor?” he laughed. Cold, full of malice. “I told you, there was one way out of here. Perhaps you just wanted me to handle your termination personally?”
“You’re not getting away with this,” Uriah finally spat back. If he was going to die, he’d at least go out with some spite. “You’ve lost your specimen, yeah? Kidnapped how many people? Gotta imagine you’ve got a long list of folks who want you behind bars!”
“In quite a few countries, but they’ll never get their hands on me. By the time those EMS boys arrive, this place will be one big bonfire, and you and all your little science fair buddies will just be bits of ash in the heap. I’ll be set up somewhere nice and cozy by the time they put the flames out.”
Another explosion sounded, and the entire building’s structure trembled. Uriah lost his balance, slipping and grasping onto the guard rail as the metal groaned and creaked. Whatever was happening, it was going to take the whole place down.
“Looks like we’re out of time, Doctor. Any final words? Maybe if you beg nice enough, I’ll let you live long enough to make all this up to me on the next project. I do hate to waste a perfectly good resource.”
Uriah glared at him. “Go to hell!”
“Have it your way.”
Something surged from the smoke. The man let out a yell as he pulled the trigger. Uriah heard the gunshot, and moments later felt his left shoulder burn with an intensity he’d never felt before. He couldn’t see through the swirl of smoke that the wind had blown through, raising his arm to try and cover his mouth and nose with his sleeve, but he could hear two more gunshots, a yelp, and a wet, snapping, splintering sound. Then, a dull thud before the gun came skittering past him, bouncing off of a pole on the guard rail before falling to the ground far below. Uriah gasped, teeth grit against the pain in his left shoulder, and squinted into the smoke. There was a red glow from the increasing inferno, now, and he could barely make out a figure through it. Uriah backpedaled as it began looming closer, his right hand grasping over his opposite shoulder to try and stop the blood that was seeping through his sleeve. His head pounded, and his vision began to blur, whether it was from his injuries or his adrenaline wearing off, he couldn’t tell.
Two pale blue lights came out of the smoke. Like…eyes. Uriah froze, unable to move any further. He didn’t have it in him. A cough forced its way out of his lungs as smoke began to overwhelm the air. Uriah looked up as the metal creaked again, seeing an eerily familiar silhouette looming over him. Not all human, almost serpentine… His head felt fuzzy, and his vision took a moment to focus, but when it did, he was looking up at the being he’d seen in the stasis chamber. Uriah didn’t have the energy to be shocked or afraid, or any other sensible emotion; he stared up and simply accepted whatever would happen next.
The being leaned close, looking to his bleeding shoulder, then to Uriah’s face.
Friend. Help.
Uriah coughed again. “Y-Yeah? Great.”
The sirens were closer. The building shuddered again. Bricks began falling loose. Glass in windows exploded from the building heat inside. Uriah winced as the catwalk shifted again, forcing him to hold on a little tighter with his good arm. The being adjusted its lengthy tail in return, looking around wildly for an explanation before turning its pale gaze back to Uriah. Before Uriah could even think to ask, the being bent and took him into one set of its arms, initially turning back towards the building but pausing once it saw the roof beginning to collapse at the edge of the smoke. Uriah groaned as his shoulder throbbed again, and he could feel his sleeve growing heavy and damp. How much blood had he lost? How much more could he afford to lose? Did it even matter anymore…?
His blurry vision fixed on the being’s face. It was the last conscious memory he had.
Warm. Quiet. Those were the first things his senses picked up on. Uriah’s eyes cracked open to dim light.
He blinked, unusually tired, and forced his head to turn toward the sound of his own name. His eyes almost forced themselves closed once more, but Uriah fought it. Someone was leaning over him, but there were no blue glowing eyes this time. They were brown, instead, and his vision steadied enough to make out the entirety of the face watching him.
“Hey, Doc,” came the soft reply. Uriah exhaled heavily as a hand brushed through his hair. “Easy, now, easy.”
“You’re in the hospital,” Kenneth explained. “I’ve got extra security outside your door. The police want a statement from you, but I’ve set up an attorney to keep them away until you’ve recovered fully.”
Uriah nodded slowly, then groaned. He shifted his head to look down at his left shoulder, seeing stitches just above the collar of the hospital gown he’d been put in to. He wagered he had similar treatment for his leg injury, even if he couldn’t see it.
With a heavy sigh, Kenneth sat on the edge of Uriah’s bed and frowned. “What in the world happened, Uriah?”
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy,” he said, swallowing thickly.
“No.” Kenneth reached over to the bedside table, uncapping a bottle of water and holding it up for him. “Here, drink.”
A few sips helped the roughness in his throat. Uriah nodded his thanks before trying to answer the question.
“Some assholes broke into the herpetology institute and grabbed me. Next thing I knew, I was in a van, then some messed-up facility, and now…here, I guess.”
“But why? Not because you know me, I hope?”
“No, no,” Uriah reassured, shaking his head slowly. Even that made him a little dizzy. He held his eyes shut until the sensation stopped. “Some…really messed up science project.”
“Like what? A weapon or something? I know Gotham’s got its characters, but you wouldn’t fit into any of their schemes.”
Uriah sighed, eyes searching the ceiling before landing on Kenneth’s face again. “They had a…a thing. A being, really. It looked kinda like you.”
He saw a seriousness on Kenneth’s face that he hadn’t before. A mix of bafflement and concern.
“What do you mean, like me?”
“Not a clone or anything, but…the bottom half looked a lot like a snake tail. Top half…kinda human, I guess, but…four arms. Some other weird stuff. They wanted me to check its vitals and all that shit.”
He watched Kenneth nod, processing.
“…How’d you find me?”
“I didn’t,” Kenneth answered. “EMS did, when they got there. Reports said they found you near a smokestack, just before the eastern side of the building went down. When you didn’t show up for our date and I couldn’t get a hold of you, and then seeing the news about the break-in and you being missing, I had feelers put out, but didn’t know anything until your identity was confirmed through police scanners and the hospital.”
“And they just let you in?”
Uriah saw his expression fall into a sort of helpless smile for a moment, before a softer-than-usual smirk took over. “C’mon, it’s me. You know the kind of charm I have.”
He chuckled, the sound still rough. “Thank you, for all you did.”
“I got ahold of your mother, too. Found her number through the emergency contact form you gave my office. She’ll be in soon; I paid for her flight. I figured she’d be the one person you’d really want to see, after everything.”
His mother… God. Uriah felt his chest swell and his throat tighten, damp heat reaching his eyes. A clumsy hand rose up to wipe at his cheek as the emotion hit him all at once. Kenneth shifted closer and held his other hand.
“I-I almost died, Kenneth.”
“I know. And I’m sorry.”
“Do you know about the others?”
“The scientists, you mean?” Kenneth’s expression fell a degree. “They…didn’t all make it, hon’. I think I saw they lost about seven of them, last time I caught a glimpse of the news. A bunch are here like you, in different phases of recovery.”
Tears spilled over. Had it been the astronomer? The young guy who broke into the computer? What about the engineer who he’d overhear whispering prayers about their kids? None of it was fair. And then for the survivors, for him, how were they supposed to get back to normal?
“What—W-What do I even do? Just…go back to work like nothing happened?” he sniffed, swiping his hand beneath his eye.
“I could always take you onto my payroll full time. No extra strings attached, no questions asked.”
“I-I’ve put so much of my life into that place… And my mom. Hell, she’s got to be scared out of her mind.”
Kenneth nodded. “How about for now, you just focus on getting yourself patched up? I figured I’d stick around, make sure your mother got in, and then when they’re ready to discharge you, I could take you home. Or, if you’d feel better about it, you can come to my place. Plenty of security. Nobody’s getting to you there, I promise. I’ve even got space your mother could stay there, too. Whatever makes this easier for you.”
Uriah inhaled shakily, and Kenneth handed him several tissues from the bedside table. He accepted them with a tearful mutter of thanks, wiping the dampness from beneath his eyes as best as he could.
“M-Maybe. I don’t know. I’ll ask her,” he said. Kenneth nodded and leaned in to kiss his forehead.
“I’m gonna go grab a coffee. Remember, extra security at the door. You’re safe, alright? I’ve got you, Doc.”
Uriah nodded, watching Kenneth move to the door. “Thank you again, Kenny. For everything. For trying to find me.”
Kenneth smiled over his shoulder. “Always, Uriah. Be right back.”
Uriah slumped back against the pillow and raked a hand through his hair. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the past few days, let alone his last memories before he’d passed out. He supposed the next step would be setting himself up with a good therapist. But…would a therapist be able to handle the full truth of the situation? Kenneth could, but Kenneth was a unique circumstance. Maybe he could still get the help he needed with little white lies.
He turned his head and stared out the window. The sun would be coming up in about an hour, so long as the clock in the room was accurate. Uriah’s eyes slowly roamed over the familiar Gotham skyline.
What he didn’t know, was that a pair of pale eyes was staring right back, keeping watch in the distance. The events within the facility were merely a catalyst. The doctor just didn’t know it yet.
19 notes · View notes
onenerdtwonagas · 1 year ago
Uriah & Orpheus meet Asudem
(NSFW Lit piece - 18+ please! Feat. Asudem from @scales-and-spirals <3 )
He had to admit, he was surprised. Uriah hadn’t ever expected to come across such a modern-looking location in the pantheon’s territories; the club wasn’t quite as sleek as an inner-city party bar, but the enchanted crystal lighting and walls lined with polished obsidian tile gave off an uncannily similar effect. Uriah couldn’t help his eyes wandering amongst the crowd as Orpheus escorted him in, his status as a reigning god getting them in without waiting in the line outside; if it weren’t for the occasional tail or set of horns or any other assortment of inhuman features, Uriah could have easily assumed he was in some sort of fantasy-themed nightclub.
“So…how’d a place like this come about?” he asked, speaking over the music as Orpheus guided him to a stool at the bar. “I didn’t think an ancient city would have this kind of nightlife!”
“Us immortals like to party, too,” Orpheus said with a smirk, nodding as a familiar face passed him by. “Funny, this seems moderately tame, actually. Now if any pleasure or vice deities show up, then we’ll be in for a wild time.”
“Vice deities?”
“Oh, don’t worry; they only let the lust and gluttony ones in. Sloth deities kill the mood and the rest…well, bad crowd,” Orpheus said with a shrug. “But somebody has to do the dirty work amongst us gods, I suppose. They’ve got their own dens to play in.”
He motioned to a satyr pouring drinks along the bar.
“Lord Orpheus, it’s been a while!”
“Lamis, good to see you! I figured I’d finally bring my husband around. Uriah, this is the owner of this fine establishment, Lamis. His family has a history with the gods of wine.”
“‘Fine establishment’ my left hoof,” Lamis barked out a laugh. “Den of debauchery, more like it! But that’s what fills the coffers. What’ll it be tonight?”
Uriah looked at the bottles and kegs behind the bar skeptically. He knew immortal brews were stronger than the ones he knew from his human life. Chances are he’d get absolutely hammered, if he wasn’t careful. He leaned closer to Orpheus.
“Uh…what’s safe for me?”
Orpheus chuckled and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he reassured. Then, to Lamis, “Something light and sweet for Uriah, and you know my usual.”
“Ah, still getting used to the strength of our drinks, is he?”
“Kinda,” Uriah admitted sheepishly. But Lamis merely waved him off.
“Hey, the more you can drink, the more gold I make. It all works out! Let me see…got some mild honeyed mead here, from Ambrosios. Think he could tolerate that?”
“Hmm…” Orpheus looked Uriah up and down. “That should be easy on him.”
Lamis nodded and began to pour it out, passing the drink off to Uriah before putting together a much darker glass for Orpheus. Uriah raised an eyebrow.
“What’s all in there?”
“Oh, precious, this is not for you, I can promise you that,” Orpheus laughed. “Nymph liquor would have you on the floor in no time, especially a mix. You’re better off, trust me.”
“Never took you for a heavy drinker,” Uriah teased.
“I behaved myself in the human city for your sake. Someone had to keep you upright.”
“I’m not that much of a lightweight!”
“Maybe not where you’re from, but here?” Orpheus tutted and shook his head. “You’d get eaten alive, love. Although, with this crowd and our intentions tonight, that could work in your favor.”
“Anything else, gentlemen?” Lamis asked. Orpheus took his glass in one hand and slid over several gold coins with another.
“Not now, but I know where to find you if that changes.”
As the bartender walked off, Orpheus took a long pull from his glass and sighed with satisfaction. “Gods, it’s good to get some Bacchai liquor again… How’s yours?”
Uriah finally gave his own drink an experimental sip. It hit the back of his throat with a sweet heat that traveled down slow, and ebbed out from his center. He blinked at the sensation, surprised. Orpheus smiled knowingly.
“Told you. You’ll probably be drunk after you finish that.”
“It’s good, just…wasn’t expecting that. Is it meant to feel like that right away?”
Orpheus nodded. “Just take it slow. We’ve got the whole evening, and little bits at a time ought to keep you loose enough.”
“Right…” Uriah looked out at the crowd again, drumming his fingers against the side of his glass nervously. “So, uh…are you still okay with this? I mean, I get if you’ve changed your mind. I already go to see Kenny sometimes, and everything is amazing with you, I just… I dunno? Want to experiment? See if we both like it?”
“I wouldn’t have agreed to it otherwise, precious.” Orpheus’s hand slowly stroked his back, the god leaning against the bar beside Uriah’s seat. “I’ve no shortage of satisfaction with you, but even I get curious sometimes. Worst case scenario, we back out having tried something new, yes?”
Uriah smiled with relief. “Guess that means we’ve just gotta find somebody… We already agreed guys only.”
“Mhmm… We’ll need a switch,” he hummed over the rim of his glass. “I like to dominate, you like to submit; someone will need to be comfortable with changing it up… Do you like the look of that one?”
Orpheus gestured subtly to a figure across the floor, leaning against a pillar and chatting up a dryad. He hadn’t ever seen a being like that one before, looking like a carving he’d seen in an ancient Hindu temple once. Uriah squinted to try and get a better look. Tall, admittedly handsome, but not quite his type. “Ehhh…kind of intimidating, don’t you think?”
“On second thought, yes…and I get the feeling we’re not his type. Hm. Alright then…”
The two of them kept scanning, unaware that someone was discretely picking up on their intentions. A pair of golden eyes watched from a booth near the back, amber liquid swirling slowly in a glass held by scarlet claws. Their faces were new to him, for how often he frequented the place. He’d remember a pair like them. Maybe, if his intuition was correct, he could change that.
Orpheus felt the subconscious pull. It wasn’t a god or minor deity seeking his attention, but someone had caught on to his presence. Pale eyes panned around the room, trying to figure out who it was. He paused when he noticed Uriah had gone still, lips perched on his own glass, gaze fixed to a far corner. The sensation grew. He slowly traced a claw along his husband’s spine.
“Someone catch your eye?” he asked, leaning close. Uriah nodded, taking a drink before resting his glass in his lap.
“Think so,” he replied.
“Care to share?”
Uriah reached up, pretending to pet his husband’s face in order to guide his eyes in the right direction. Looking, looking…ah. There. Orpheus’s pale blue eyes locked onto a set of golden irises, darkly lined. The naga watching him felt their attentions sync, both beings fully aware of the other at last. Orpheus kissed Uriah’s cheek slowly, maintaining eye contact with the naga smiling back at him.
“Well, well…You have good taste,” the god whispered. “Quite colorful, isn’t he?”
“You like the look of him?”
“I’m intrigued. Do you?”
The heat from the mead made his chest feel a bit fluttery. “Y-Yeah.”
“I think we’ve gotten his attention as well,” Orpheus chuckled. The naga across the room took a sip of his drink, blowing a kiss as he set his glass back down. “Shall I invite him over?”
Uriah nodded. Orpheus kissed his temple and straightened, beckoning the naga closer with a tilt of his head and a flirtatious smirk. Uriah knew he was feeling buzzed already; were he sober, he wouldn’t have been so obvious in eyeing up the approaching naga as he slid over, winding through the crowd effortlessly. The vivid red of his sculpted body, the kaleidoscope of colors on his scales, how his eyes smoldered…wow.
“Hello there,” the stranger purred smoothly, resting his elbows on the patch of bar next to Uriah, opposite of Orpheus. “I don’t believe I’ve seen you two here before.”
“It’s been a while for me,” Orpheus replied politely. His hand teased along Uriah’s side. “It’s this one’s first time.”
“Oh? Welcome to the party."
“You come here often, then? I think I’d remember a face like yours.”
Oh. Right to the flirting, then. Uriah took another flustered sip of his drink. Nagas sure moved fast. The red naga seemed to take notice, winking at him. Uriah nearly choked.
“I come and go, here and there, gotta spread myself around. Plenty of friends in plenty of places.”
“Don’t suppose you’d be interested in two more friends?”
“Depends. Do these friends come with names?”
The god shifted, facing him more directly, still keeping an arm around Uriah for his comfort and security, just in case. “Orpheus. Reigning Night God. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
Uriah rolled his eyes, but the red naga merely flashed his fangs in a bemused grin. “A god! You certainly look it,” he said, voice both playful and sultry. “Can’t say I’ve hung out with your crowd often, Orpheus, but the pleasure is all mine. Call me Asudem.”
The two shook hands, touch lingering, before the newcomer—Asudem, apparently—turned his molten gaze to Uriah.
“And what can I call you, sweetheart?”
“Ah…Uriah,” he said shyly, extending a hand. “Er, new elemental, husband to Orpheus, if titles matter.”
“Uriah…I like that.” Asudem took his hand, turning it over and kissing the back of his palm. Uriah swallowed. The air suddenly felt very thick. “So, you two are married? How sweet. What a handsome couple you make.”
“Th-Thank you,” Uriah stammered, only then realizing Asudem hadn’t released his hand. He fought the stupid smile that was threatening to spread across his face. Orpheus barely contained his amusement.
“He’s a gem, this one,” Orpheus teased. He took notice that the end of Asudem’s tail was brushing against his own. How cute, trying to fluster him. He’d have to try harder than that, of course, but it was a nice start.
“I’m sure he is.”
“I believe you were aiming for our attention,” the god purred. “Seeing as you have it…?”
Asudem grinned. “I’ve got a VIP room here. Nice and private, should you like to…get to know one another better?”
Orpheus and Uriah looked to each other. The latter’s freckled cheeks were already warm, his interest obvious. And Orpheus was quite curious about this new face, with his smooth words and sweet manner. He was already wondering what he’d look like, pinned beneath him, coils entangled, maybe with Uriah in the middle…
“Lead the way.”
The music was significantly dulled as Asudem pulled the door closed, leaving the three of them alone in a dusky, comfortable private lounge. True to the nature of satyr-run establishments, there was a large bed at the center, perfect for indulging one’s hedonistic impulses after downing one too many drinks and getting tangled up with a pretty face or two. Orpheus reclined on a sofa, pulling Uriah down onto his lap; he wasn’t just going to hand his husband over without going over the details of the potential new arrangement first. Asudem paused at the mini bar set up near the door, pouring himself a refill before coming to sit opposite of them, his tail winding around so that it could purposefully brush against Orpheus’s.
“Now that we’re alone, darlings, I’d imagine you’d like to discuss our mutual interests further?” he asked sweetly, his gaze eager.
“W-Well, ah, we—“ Uriah cleared his throat. “We were kind of looking to…experiment?”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“It isn’t that things aren’t great between us or anything, we just—I kind of…” Uriah’s face reddened and he looked to Orpheus. His husband rubbed his side and addressed Asudem for him.
“What my husband means to say is, while we have plenty of fun on our own, he’s been wondering about bringing a third figure into the picture, on occasion. Someone we both can enjoy, alone or together,” Orpheus explained. Uriah was surprised at how calmly he put it, almost as if he were asking for a business partnership rather than a threesome. Asudem took it in kind, perfectly relaxed where he sat.
“Ah, I see. The little love’s appetites shift now and then,” he mused. “It’s refreshing, seeing both of you so open about this. Can’t tell you how many hidden trysts I’ve been a part of.” Asudem chuckled and took a drink. “What exactly are you looking for?”
“Someone who can play both sides,” Orpheus said decidedly. Asudem smiled and raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting… I take it Uriah here is often the submissive one?”
“I—well—y-yeah,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh, don’t be shy about it, love. Who doesn’t like getting spoiled with attention?”
“And I do spoil him plenty,” Orpheus chuckled.
“I just…prefer partners who aren’t rough about it,” Uriah spoke up, his eyes flickering back and forth from Asudem’s face and the floor. “I know nagas are stronger than the human partners I’ve been with, and I’m kind of used to it by now, but…still…”
“Aww, you like it gentle,” Asudem cooed.
“He very much does,” Orpheus purred, nuzzling Uriah’s cheek. “And I don’t take kindly to those who would harm him.”
“Of course not. Don’t worry, little love, I can do gentle,” Asudem reassured. “What about you, though, Night God? Are your tastes more brazen?”
Orpheus smirked, tilting his head. “I prefer my partners on the obedient side.”
A subtle spark flickered in Asudem’s gaze. Interest, different from when he’d been looking to Uriah. Out of the corner of his eye, Uriah caught sight of Orpheus’s coils shifting, no longer simply laying still as Asudem’s brushed against him. He wound around the rainbow scales once, squeezing gently; Uriah caught Asudem biting his lip for the briefest of moments.
“Oh, I can do that,” Asudem consented. “If you boys need a switch, you’ve found one.”
“Of course,” Orpheus said, voice like velvet, “I want to make sure my husband is happy with you as our choice. You’ll have to win him over first, if you’d like to get to play with me, little naga.”
Uriah recognized that tone. Orpheus was already doing it, seeking the requested obedience, his pale gaze full of heat as he stared at Asudem. He hadn’t expected that, for his husband to be turned on by the idea of him tangled up with someone else, but then again…when he’d brought up the idea initially, there had been a new sort of intrigue on his face. And the alcohol was already making his whole body buzz, sensitive and primed for the pleasure physical contact could provide. The idea of Orpheus watching him, both for protection and deciding on his own level of interest, made it feel…exciting. Tempting.
“Is that what you both want?” Asudem asked, serious despite the flirtatious tone. “I’ll do nothing without full, unambiguous consent, my darlings. I have my morals.”
“If Uriah is willing, then I am,” Orpheus said, looking down to Uriah. “What do you say, precious? Are you up to it? You can say no, if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Did he want to…?
Uriah looked from Orpheus, to Asudem’s enticing face and figure, and back. He turned and took his husband’s face in his hands, kissing him slowly, and didn’t stop until he heard him purring.
“You’ll keep an eye on things?” he asked in a whisper, letting Orpheus kiss his neck.
“I’ll be right here,” Orpheus promised.
“And you’re really okay with this?” Uriah bent closer and whispered, “Because he’s really hot, and I wanna see where this goes between the three of us…”
Orpheus chuckled and gently bit his skin, drawing out a sigh, fully aware Asudem was watching. His lips brushed Uriah’s ear as he replied, “Go be bad for me.”
Asudem stood as Uriah peeled himself off of Orpheus, the god kissing his husband’s hand and giving the newcomer a nod of permission. Uriah let himself be led to the bed, guided to sit on the edge as the naga leaned over him.
“Any specific kinks I should be aware of? Anything strictly off limits?” he asked, sweetly stroking Uriah’s hair.
“I…really like when you nagas use your tails,” Uriah admitted, emboldened by the alcohol he’d ingested. “And uh…hypnosis, sometimes. But none of that this time, please? I wanna make sure I can trust you first.”
Asudem smiled knowingly. “Understood, sweetheart. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Precious,” Orpheus spoke up. “He likes being called that. Praise is his love language.”
“Is that right?” Asudem bent closer, both hands in Uriah’s hair, claws combing effortlessly through his curls. “Are you precious, Uriah?”
He was guided into a kiss, playful at first, testing.
“Answer me,” Asudem purred. One of the dread-like pseudo-tails on his head shifted, dragging the tip along Uriah’s jaw.
“Y-Yes,” Uriah breathed. Another kiss. Asudem’s tongue swiped across his lips, but didn’t demand access, not yet.
“A little louder. I didn’t hear you.”
“Yes,” he repeated. The naga pressed closer as their mouths came together again, Uriah allowing Asudem’s tongue to play against his own. He felt the naga’s hips between his legs and spread them, allowing him closer, one hand rising to stroke along the scales whilst the other supported him on the bed. Asudem allowed one of his own hands to roam, the other cradling the back of Uriah’s head; his prying fingers found purchase between the man’s legs.
“Precious little Uriah, not exactly little down there, are you?”
Uriah’s eyelids fluttered, gaze drifting for a moment before refocusing on Asudem’s face. He hadn’t expected to get turned on so quickly, but, there he was, already putty in the naga’s skilled hands. He managed a shy smile of his own before he leaned back, lowering himself to his elbows, giving Asudem permission to explore his body further. Orpheus, from his vantage point, observed with growing intrigue.
“You’ve been with other nagas, yes?” Asudem asked, hands working on the buttons of Uriah’s shirt, pushing the fabric aside to tease his fingertips over his chest.
“Y-Yeah,” Uriah breathed. He toyed with one of Asudem’s pseudo-tails, watching the end curl around his finger.
“So you’re familiar with the anatomy?”
Orpheus caught the flicker of confusion on his husband’s face and answered for him. “He’s only been with two, myself and another. With one each.”
Asudem made a sound of understanding, looking back to Orpheus before returning his attention to the half-naked man beneath him. “Best I not overdo it the first time, then.”
“Overdo what…?”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” Asudem purred sweetly. “You just be a good boy let me take care of everything.”
Before Uriah could question him further, he was drowned in kisses all over again, fully lost in Asudem’s touch. The occasional stroke of his pseudo-tails against his face or neck distracted him, only for the feeling of lips on his chest to draw his attention back. Uriah turned his head to the side, breathing heavily, looking to Orpheus for approval as Asudem’s mouth traveled lower, and lower, and lower still. The night god blew him a kiss, his coils shifting sensually, a promise of further affection later.
Eventually Asudem had him fully undressed, his tail beginning to get involved, scales brushing against his limbs and sides. Uriah’s hands grasped at the sheets beneath him as soft kisses were placed on the insides of his thighs. Asudem glanced up at him through his lashes, catching Uriah nuzzling against his tail as it brushed his cheek.
“Nn…your scales are beautiful,” Uriah moaned.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he purred.
“You can put them around me. It’s okay.”
“Are you sure?”
Asudem slid the end closer to Uriah’s waist; he was pleasantly surprised by how readily he responded, raising his hips to allow his tail to pass beneath and wind around him fully. Uriah pulled the portion near his face closer, kissing the scales in a sign of permission and submission.
“Just not too tight.”
“Of course. Now, be nice and still for me.”
Orpheus couldn’t help himself as his tongue traced over his lips, watching the erotic display. He’d seen Uriah trussed up in his own coils plenty of times, but to be seeing it from a new angle, hearing the sweetest of sounds from his husband as the scales caressed his skin, willingly giving himself over to their strength… A deep purr rumbled in his chest, his growing excitement barely contained.
The last of the coiling ended with Uriah’s arms pinned above his head, the end of Asudem’s tail holding his wrists together. His legs were hooked over the naga’s shoulders, his clawed hands holding them still. He admired his handiwork for a few moments, flexing a coil to stroke Uriah’s cheek.
“Just relax, precious. Now comes the fun part.” Asudem cast a glance back to Orpheus, flashing his teeth in a mischievous grin, and then bent his head to pay Uriah proper attention.
Uriah gasped audibly, his whole body flinching, Asudem’s coils responding in kind with a firm embrace. His mouth felt amazing, the warmth and tightness driving him almost to the edge right away. But Asudem hadn’t gone so long without knowing how to draw a pleasant encounter out; he’d make sure Uriah was thoroughly satisfied in the end.
Unable to restrain himself further, Orpheus finally rose from the sofa, moving silently, pausing to admire Asudem’s efforts. He traced a hand along one of his pseudo-tails, drawing a moan from him.
“You’re doing well. Keep that up and I’ll see about rewarding you,” he praised, teasing him a few moments more before reclining on the bed near Uriah, tilting his face for a kiss.
“Shhh. I’m just here to help you enjoy yourself.”
It was overwhelming, having the affection of two nagas at the same time. Orpheus’s tail wound around Uriah in the opposite direction of Asudem’s, his starry scales filling in the gaps between his colorful coils. The end of his tail rested on the other naga’s head, stroking and toying but never fully distracting him from the task at hand. Both could feel the human shaking in their combined embrace. Orpheus drew him in for a kiss as Asudem felt his toes curl against his back. Uriah pressed his head back, lips parting from Orpheus’s as his entire body went rigid, crying out as he reached his limit. Neither let him go, remaining close and showering him in affection as his body rode out the high, slowly easing into afterglow. Asudem pulled back with a satisfied purr, shifting into a moan as Orpheus’s tail gently tugged on him.
“You stay right there,” he whispered to Uriah, kissing his forehead. “I want to see if this one knows how to properly worship a god.”
“Ohh, come and get me,” Asudem crooned.
Uriah barely had his head on straight, but he turned his gaze towards the two as they became a tangle of iridescent scarlet and glittering stars. Scales on scales, twisting around each other, their interaction far more primal. They were so tightly pressed against one another that he couldn’t quite make out what was happening, but he could tell from the combined moans and sighs that Orpheus was making good use of his second set of hands, the first pair pinning Asudem firmly to the bed.
“Would I…ha…have been too much for him, you think?” Asudem panted. Orpheus growled, low and sensual, grazing his teeth against his neck.
“Yes, but…mmm…not for me.”
Fuck, that was hot. Uriah bit the back of his hand as he watched, mesmerized. He’d never seen Orpheus with one of his own before. It looked so intense and sensual. Uriah couldn’t see the full picture, but Orpheus knew what he was doing; his own erection between Asudem’s two, using his hands to play with them both. Ancients, he’d nearly forgotten how good that felt.
“Say my name,” the god breathed.
“Mm…Louder. Say my name like you’re praying to me.”
Asudem’s back arched with a pleasured yelp.
The combined knot of coils convulsed, and Orpheus and Asudem both let out mutual groans and hisses of bliss. Their faces flushed, bodies heated, tails beginning to caress one another slowly as the pleasure ebbed. The two of them stared at one another for a few moments, catching their breath, before Orpheus lowered his face to reward Asudem with a deeper kiss. Eventually he pulled back, tracing his claws along Asudem’s jaw before parting fully to lay next to Uriah. Asudem turned over, moving closer, the human held between the two of them.
“…Well, I think it’s safe to say we all enjoyed ourselves,” Asudem said with a purr, kissing Uriah’s shoulder. Uriah glanced at him, raising a hand to stroke against his face and look at Orpheus. He felt giddy, but he couldn’t tell if that was owed more to the orgasm he’d just had, or the mead from before.
“Babe, can we keep him?”
Both nagas laughed. Orpheus pet his husband’s hair and gave Asudem a sly smirk. “Hmmm… Who am I to say no to you, love? I might be interested in playing with this one again.”
Asudem’s eyes glinted. “Oh, you two are going to be fun, I can tell.”
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onenerdtwonagas · 2 years ago
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I completely forgot to share the doodles I’ve posted to Twitter on the blog! Oops. But here’s a catch-up post, featuring some pics with @ask-nagakenny and Asudem from @scales-and-spirals spirals 💖💖
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onenerdtwonagas · 2 years ago
Good Temptations
(Uriah & Orpheus nsfw lit)
Nearly half a year had passed since Uriah and Orpheus’s mutual confessions. Visits were never quite often or long enough for either of them, but they made each one count. It was refreshing for Uriah, especially, to have someone waiting to see him so eagerly. In the fast-paced human world, dating was an overwhelming blur. There were too many apps, websites, bars, and so on. With Orpheus, though, ‘taking it slow’ was truly slow; never mind that they physically couldn’t speak to or see one another until Uriah had to come to the region for his research work, but when they were together every moment mattered. For someone so different, Uriah felt like Orpheus was close to understanding him better than anyone else.
That being said, being apart made certain desires…incessant. Despite not wanting to rush into things, Uriah couldn’t help but feel his pulse racing whenever he thought of Orpheus. Everything about him was attractive. His appearance, his voice, how he interacted with his family, the way he’d patiently answer questions and discuss the differences between their cultures. There was a growing hunger that Uriah was swallowing down, even on his latest visit.
“You think your dad is…okay with this? Us?” he asked, having just retreated from the main hall with Orpheus. They were spending a lot of time in his personal chambers on their visits.
“My father? Sure,” Orpheus shrugged. “He knows you make me happy.”
“Yeah, but I am human. Seems that’s a taboo around here, if your sister is being honest.”
“Ah, well, yes. But do I really strike you as a rule-follower?” He smirked and raised an eyebrow, playfully nudging Uriah’s side as he slid around him to lean against a pedestal.
“You do like to please your father,” Uriah pointed out. “And your mom talks about you the same way mine does about me, like you’re some prodigy. ‘One of the most promising demigods,’ were her words, I think?”
Orpheus groaned, eyes rolling to the ceiling as he shook his head. But the hint of pride was obvious in his smile.
“Alright, so perhaps my relationship with you is my only major infraction so far. But I don’t regret it. The rewards far outweigh the alternative.”
“Oh, so I’m the source of this delinquent behavior streak?” Uriah asked sarcastically. The naga slid close and pecked Uriah on the cheek on his way to his bed, preferring to make himself comfortable.
“Hmm, maybe.”
“Ha! As if I could tempt you that much.”
“Do you honestly believe that you don’t?” Orpheus purred, reclining against the nest of blankets and pillows. “There is appeal in something forbidden. Something exciting. I happen to find you very sexy.”
Red tinted his cheeks as Uriah averted his gaze, a shy smile creeping on his face. Orpheus watched him, chuckling in deep, dulcet tones, silver strands of hair falling across his eyes like moonlight.
“You are, you know. Tempting.”
“Please! That, coming from you?”
“Seduction goes both ways,” Orpheus replied with a wink.
“Nah, I, uh... I can’t be much compared to you. Not when you look like—“ Uriah gestured to him before shifting his eyes back to the floor. “—well, the way you look.”
“And how do I look, hmm?”
Uriah made himself look that time, and tried to find the right word to describe just how impossibly handsome he thought Orpheus to be. His mind landed on a word, and he smirked.
That earned a sincere, hearty laugh from the naga. It echoed off of the chamber walls and spread to Uriah. Orpheus’ joy was always terribly infectious. The demigod reclaimed his breath with a smile and extended a hand. His gaze was fond.
“Oh, you... Come here. Lay with me.”
Uriah’s smile was still bashful as he rubbed his neck and approached, letting his hand slip into Orpheus’. He kissed it with reverence before gently tugging Uriah down to join him.
“Sweet thing,” Orpheus whispered, stroking Uriah’s hair, “just what did I do to deserve you?”
“I-I think I’m the one who should be asking that,” Uriah protested.
Uriah smiled down at Orpheus, hands folded on the naga’s chest. Their eyes searched each other’s, feeling the longing they’d both been holding back on. But…it couldn’t hurt to try just a little more, could it?
He bent closer and kissed him. Orpheus brought a hand to his face, the tips of his claws ghosting against his skin before combing through his curls. His touch drew him back in a second time. Uriah allowed Orpheus to part his lips with his tongue. It was softer, slower, deeper, coaxing the tension from him. Hands stroked over hair and skin gently, exploring one another.
“You, darling, are kind and gentle, and highly intelligent,” he praised, his voice a velvety whisper only the two of them could hear. “You’re curious, and compassionate, and absolutely, unrelentingly beautiful.”
“Flatterer,” Uriah breathed, letting his forehead rest against his sweetheart’s.
“I mean every word,” Orpheus promised, his hand now toying with the hem of Uriah’s shirt. He leaned in again, but lower, ghosting his lips against Uriah’s neck. His throat vibrated in a low, sultry purr as his fingertips stroked the warm skin of Uriah’s lower back. A gentle gasp from his human companion caused the demigod to pause, and pull back. He looked first to Uriah’s heated, surprised face, then down, and back up again with a coy smirk.
“Well, well, now I’m flattered.”
Uriah shook his head, smiling despite the embarrassment. “Shut up.”
Orpheus pressed their lips together again. His kisses were always so dizzying, drawing him in more than he could expect. Uriah sighed, looking at him longingly as they parted. The naga’s eyes melted him. There were butterflies in his stomach, as if he were seeing Orpheus for the first time all over again. He always did that to him. Always. It wasn’t until Orpheus let out a soft gasp and pulled away, head pressing back into the bedding beneath him with a groan.
“You okay? What’s wrong?” Uriah’s brows rose with concern, but there was also a hint of disappointment in his tone.
“Nothing,” Orpheus exhaled. “I just have to restrain myself. You wanted to take things slow, so…”
Oh? I did say that, didn’t I…
Uriah glanced down the naga’s body, to the subtle split in the scales just beneath his hips. He hadn’t ever seen Orpheus exposed, but he was suddenly curious. There was a growing want in him, for something more with Orpheus, a desire to push a little further. He slowly reached down, fingertips brushing the place where skin faded to scales.
Orpheus snatched his wrist, blushing profusely. “I meant it, Uriah. You can’t tease me like that,” he warned.
They stared at one another for a long moment. Uriah turned his hand over and brought Orpheus’s to his face, kissing it before pressing it to his cheek. The freckled skin warmed and reddened as Uriah offered a shy smile. “…Maybe I-I’m ready to try going a little further.”
He blinked. Uriah was such a shy, timid, fragile thing... That was part of the allure. He wanted to cradle him against his body and shower him in all the affection he could ever want. The urge was stirring deep inside him, the same one that had been there for the past several visits they’d shared. He longed to hold Uriah, to feel his skin against his own, to hear him say his name out of passion... 
“I can wait until you’re sure, love.”
“I-I’m sure.” He swallowed. “I…I’ve been thinking about you a lot more, lately. Guess I’m curious. About you. W-What it’d be like, with you. Being around you… You do things to me.”
Orpheus couldn’t deny his own fantasies. How many times had he woken up, feverish from the vision of the man beneath him, limbs intertwined with his coils, bodies flush against one another? He tried to resist the growing urges inside him, but it was almost impossible now, with Uriah staring at him like that, offering an invitation. He sat up slowly, caressing his face and drawing him in for another kiss. Uriah closed his eyes and angled his head to deepen the gesture, their bodies eventually twisting as Orpheus pulled his back close against his chest, the human practically straddling his lap.
“You do things to me, too, Uriah,” Orpheus confessed, leaning over Uriah’s shoulder to nuzzle his cheek. “I’ve wanted you very badly several times now, but I don’t want to frighten you, or risk being too rough. You’re not as strong as I am.”
“I’d trust you to be gentle,” Uriah said shyly. He bit his lip as his cheek received another tender nuzzle, and then a kiss. Orpheus slowly placed a hand on his side, stroking up and down from his ribs to his hips. Feeling him, testing him, trying to learn what he could.
“Would you? Truly?”
“Mm... I’ve no reason not to.”
“Claws, teeth, coils strong enough to kill,” Orpheus rattled off, chin perched between Uriah’s throat and shoulder. “Not to mention my powers. I can be very intense once I’m in the moment. But--damnit all, Uriah, I want you.”
Orpheus groaned against his neck, breathing in the scent of his skin. Uriah reached back and caressed his cheek. 
Uriah remembered how he had promised Orpheus several months ago that they would get to that point. They’d been patient, playful touches and kisses but nothing further. But now…
“Are you sure you want this?” Orpheus purred into his ear, feeling Uriah shiver.
“Y-Yeah. I want you, too.”
His lover purred against his skin, kissing his neck and sucking ever so slightly. Uriah groaned and tilted his head to the side, providing his mouth better purchase.
“Tell me how to please you,” Orpheus whispered to him, tracing his tongue over the small bruise his mouth left behind. “What does it take? What do you dream of when you think of me, of us together?”
Uriah swallowed.
“I... I think about you holding me, kissing me,” he began slowly, feeling his want increase as he confessed his secret thoughts. Private dreams he’d kept bottled up for months. The images he’d painted in his mind, the ones he envisioned when touching himself and pretending Orpheus was there. “Y-You drown me in kisses, to the point I can barely stand, and then you...u-um...”
“And then I...?”
Orpheus pressed his lips to his shoulder, long and slow. Uriah bit back a whimper. God, he could barely focus.
“A-And then take me to the bed, and undress me, and...and m-make me yours,” he breathed.
“How?” Another kiss and quiet moan against his skin. “Tell me everything, Uriah.”
Uriah shivered as Orpheus practically begged into his ear. The hand at his waist carefully slipped lower, now exploring his thigh. A second hand found Uriah’s and intertwined their fingers. He took several breaths before he tried to continue.
“You pin me down beneath you. Strong, but not rough. You kiss and touch me wherever you want, teasing me until I feel like my skin is burning. But your scales are cool, and your tail holds me, and I can’t move unless you want me to—“
Orpheus’ roaming hand slipped between Uriah’s legs, causing him to flinch and gasp. The naga looked down over his shoulder at the bulge in his lap, and palmed it gently, listening to the sweet, quiet sound it drew out of Uriah. His other two hands rose to pet Uriah’s chest. Strong fingers caressed and stroked his skin, slipping between his top and his body, making Uriah whine with need. Four hands were entirely overwhelming.
“You feel so warm,” Orpheus observed, his tone curious. Uriah leaned back against him as Orpheus touched him, pressing his hips forward into that attentive hand. He could feel Uriah shivering, his breath hot and trembling against his neck. 
“Aah... mmn... O-Orpheus...”
His vivid green eyes were staring, desperate. One of his hands stroked Orpheus’ face, the other clenching where their fingers remained locked together. 
“What... W-What about you? Tell me,” Uriah whispered.
“I think we have remarkably similar dreams, my love.”
Carefully, Orpheus slid one hand away from Uriah’s chest and moved to his waist, and unfastened the buttons to his jeans. He struggled with the zipper for a moment before Uriah brought a hand to his and guided him, stealing a feverish kiss onto his lover’s neck.
“Describe it to me. Please?”
“Well,” Orpheus purred, sliding his hand back up to begin peeling Uriah’s tank top off of his chest, “it’s mostly the same, starting with holding you and kissing you...”
Uriah forced himself to sit up long enough to allow Orpheus to pull his top off over his head. He glanced back, blushing deeply, his gaze full of nervous desire. The end of Orpheus’ tail slid up and curled beneath his chin, coaxing him to turn around and face him.
“But then I get you out of your clothes, and you let me see you,” he cooed, “all of you...”
Shyly, Uriah shifted, turning so Orpheus could see him from the front. He’d never been completely naked in front of him, before. He felt so exposed, then, but Orpheus placed a hand on his thigh and stared into his eyes. There was a tender awe in his expression as he drank in the sight of him, a blush tinting his dusky cheeks.
“And I look at you, and I tell you just how beautiful you are. And maybe, for once,” he added playfully, “you don’t deny it and let me praise you, because—“ A breathless sigh escaped him. “—you are so gorgeous, Uriah...”
The overwhelming fondness in his tone shook him, and he closed the space between them to hold Orpheus’ face in his hands, lips meeting once more. Orpheus put his arms around him, pulling him close, hands traveling over Uriah’s body freely. Uriah felt himself weakening in his embrace, already surrendering, letting himself be lowered down onto the impossible softness of Orpheus’ bed. He stared up at him, breathing deeply.
“W-What then, Orpheus?”
Orpheus lowered down, silencing Uriah with another passionate kiss. They moaned together, skin tingling against skin, and Uriah gasped as he felt the smooth, cool texture of the naga’s beautiful starry scales brushing against his thighs. 
“Shhh,” Orpheus hushed him, lips moving to the previously underappreciated side of his neck. “Let me explore you properly…”
Uriah squirmed slightly as he felt clawed hands trailing his sides and spine, and scales stroking across his chest. So many sensations distracted him, and as soon as he tried to focus on one, another would vie for his attention, until he was moaning and trembling, limp like putty in Orpheus’ hands. A cry escaped his throat as Orpheus stroked him between the legs, and Uriah tried to muffle the sound by biting down the back of his own hand, but he felt claws on his wrists, followed by coils, and realized Orpheus now held his hands over his head, pinning him. Excitement rushed over him.
He had to take measured breaths as Orpheus trailed his lips down his chest, his abdomen, hands stroking his legs. He squeezed his eyes shut when the fluttery sensation in his chest and the tingling on his skin became too much. His waist, his hips, his thighs…whatever Orpheus didn’t kiss he was stroking reverently with his fingers. It had been a while since someone was so thorough in their foreplay.
“You’re so beautiful,” he purred, teasing his teeth against Uriah’s inner thigh. “My beautiful Uriah…”
Damn, that was hot. Uriah bit down on his bottom lip as Orpheus sucked on the skin, forming a bruise.
“Is this how you wanted it?” Orpheus asked. His tail flexed around Uriah’s wrists.
“Yes,” Uriah breathed, “y-yes, Orpheus...But...Ah...”
“What is it, love?”
“I...If this is going to be our...o-our first time, then... Then I-I want to hold you.” He stared up at him, needing, aching, drowning in the affection and desire he’d been holding inside for so long. “Please?”
“How could I possibly refuse you when you ask like that?” Orpheus asked, smiling lovingly. He loosened his grip, allowing Uriah to raise his arms up over his head and horns to hug his neck, pulling him closer. Their bodies fell flush together, Uriah tangling his fingers in Orpheus’ silver hair and making all sorts of sweet sounds for him. His fingertips dug in to the demigod’s broad, muscular back before trailing back around to pet his chest, which Uriah ducked his head down to kiss and nuzzle against; he could’ve sworn he heard Orpheus’ heart racing deep within his ribs. To think a handsome immortal could feel that way about him, that Orpheus could want him that badly...
“Orpheus... Orpheus, babe, take me,” Uriah whispered, kissing his jaw.
“Do you think I will harm you?”
The question had a more serious weight to it, and Uriah looked down as a result. He could see Orpheus on display, as obviously aroused as he was. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen a naga’s... anatomy before, but Orpheus’ was... Uriah burned and felt his heart skip a beat as he swallowed.
“I...imagine it will be similar to the other times I’ve done this,” Orpheus reasoned, with no shortage of embarrassment in his tone, “but I can’t imagine you’re quite as...flexible as some of my previous partners?” 
“I-If you’re asking if you’re too big,, you’re not,” Uriah replied. But fuck, did he look good. A little larger than his previous partner, but not so much that it worried him. If anything, it just increased his desire even more. Several flustered curses flew around his muddled mind. “, it’ll be f-fine. gentle?” 
Orpheus bent his head down and kissed Uriah’s cheek tenderly, one of his hands cradling the back of his skull. Uriah hesitated only a moment more before hooking his legs up over the naga’s waist.
“I’ve never been with someone with legs,” Orpheus confessed. “Where do I…?”
“There,” Uriah exhaled, feeling Orpheus where he needed him. “R-Right there.”
“You’re sure?”
Uriah nodded, bracing himself. The naga kissed him a few times more, as if apologizing in advance, before Uriah felt Orpheus rock his hips and press in to him. The cry that Uriah let out caught him off guard, and he nearly backed away, if not for the legs that hugged on to him. 
“D-Did I hurt you?” Orpheus stammered, panting against Uriah’s ear. 
“Nnn, no, i-it’s just...ah! Th-The shock...!” 
He turned his face to stare into Orpheus’ eyes and see just how much he was blushing. The naga looked back, eyes never breaking contact, and began to move, rolling his hips against Uriah. 
“You...f-feel hot, and tight,” Orpheus gasped. 
“O-Orpheus...! Easy, easy, easy, a-a little slower,” Uriah warned. His nails dug in to Orpheus’ back as he groaned, doing his best to adjust.
“I’m sorry! I am hurting you, aren’t I?”
“No, no, no, shh,” he hushed, breathing deeply. His hands, even though they shook, found Orpheus’ face and stroked across his cheeks. Uriah stared up at him with warm, loving eyes.
“N-no, babe, you—ah—you’re perfect, just that,” he encouraged. His body relaxed enough to finally allow him to move in time with Orpheus’ gentler pace.
They tangled together, the naga sneaking in teases along his lover’s freckled skin, catching his moans and whines with kisses. Uriah shoved his head back into the pillow as Orpheus brought his coils closer, letting them brush across his skin, adding to the symphony of sensations coursing through him. The sounds Uriah made were like a siren’s song to him; he wanted to hear more of them, louder, sweeter, striving for perfection in pleasing him after waiting for a small eternity to finally share such intimacy.
Uriah arched up against him with a yelp of ecstasy. But Orpheus kept moving, kept petting and kissing, determined. He wouldn’t be satisfied until felt Uriah completely melt in his arms. He held him closer, tighter, a primal growl of pleasure vibrating in his throat.
“Babe, I... I-I’m so close...!”
“A-Almost... A little longer, love—“
He felt Uriah’s hands clench against his back as he threw his head back and cried out Orpheus’ name like a prayer. With only another roll of his hips, Orpheus felt his own pleasure peak, and his voice melded with Uriah’s. Their grip remained tight against one another as they trembled, gasping for breath as the height of their passion began to transition into a soothing afterglow.
Uriah moaned, turning his face to nuzzle into the closest pillow, and weakly lowered his legs from Orpheus’ back. The naga pulled away carefully before sliding close, cradling Uriah’s head in the bend of one arm and holding him with another. He lazily intertwined his tail with his legs, feeling Uriah’s toes curl against the scales.
“Uriah. My Uriah. You were so...perfect,” Orpheus praised. He lowered his face to kiss his forehead. Uriah caught his breath between gentle touches to his hair, and stared up at Orpheus with eyes soft as a sunset. The naga knew he was entirely snared, then; he would’ve done anything for those eyes.
“Yes, Uriah?”
“That...that was... Y-You were...”
He sighed and smiled, and reached up to tuck some of Orpheus’ bangs behind his pointed ear. His fingertips lingered along the well-defined shape of his cheekbone and jaw. He looked positively ethereal, staring down at him so affectionately.
“I’ve never felt like this, after,” he confessed in a whisper.
“And how do you feel?”
Orpheus hovered close, their noses barely touching.
“That was…incredible. I-I love you...”
“I love you, too,” Orpheus purred.
Uriah chuckled suddenly.
“I was just a temptation before. What now?”
Orpheus grinned and laughed quietly with him.
“Oh, I’m in deep now. You little troublemaker.”
They drifted off together, lost in each other’s affections, kisses slowing until they simply rested against one another and breathed in the shared embrace of sleep.
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onenerdtwonagas · 2 years ago
Uriah & Orpheus
Happy Accidents
(Rated R for a Really good time~)
“…Oh. Uh oh.”
Uriah glanced between the vials of flowers he had just handed over to Anthea, and her unreadable expression. He’d offered to do her a favor and collect some potion ingredients for her, now that they were on civil terms, but it seems that something always went a bit amiss, despite his best efforts.
“‘Uh oh?’ What do you mean, ‘uh oh?’ Those are the ones you wanted, right? Nymph’s Kiss?”
“I did ask for Nymph’s Kiss,” Anthea sighed, one brow rising as she scrutinized Uriah. “But these are Nymph’s Bliss.”
He frowned, arms crossing. “You said five petals and three stamen around one carpel, right?”
Anthea pinched the bridge of her nose.
“No. Six petals, five stamen, one carpel.”
“Oh.” He paused, arms dropping to his side in sheepishness. “Well, it’s no big deal, I can go and find the right ones.”
“You…may want to just go sit the rest of the afternoon out,” she said, a hint of warning and exasperation in her tone. Uriah tensed.
“You’ve no idea what Nymph’s Bliss is, or what it does, do you?”
“Okay,” Uriah huffed, “you look annoyed but you sound concerned, and I can’t tell how worried I should be.”
“I wouldn’t worry, exactly,” Anthea said slowly. She put her hands on her hips and fixed Uriah with a pointed stare. “Nymph’s Bliss contains a pollen that acts as a strong aphrodisiac. And they’re in the height of their season. Meaning you’ve just inhaled a lot of pollen.”
Uriah felt a flush of embarrassment wash over him, followed by confusion.
“I don’t feel anything,” he said, shrugging.
“Maybe not now, but you’re going to feel it soon.”
“How soon?” Uriah asked skeptically.
“How long were you near them?”
“I dunno. Twenty minutes? Half hour, tops.”
Anthea shook her head and rolled her eyes to the ceiling of her chamber.
“Soon enough that if I don’t want to hear you making a fuss, I’d better go find the Nymph’s Kiss flowers myself.” She set the incorrect flowers aside, tucked safely in an old chest in the corner, before gathering some clean vials for her new venture. Before she left, she looked Uriah up and down for a few moments and frowned.
“Just…stay here and wait for my brother to get back. He’ll know how to handle you.”
“I said I was fine!“ Uriah protested, hands thrown up. But Anthea merely huffed and slid past him. He watched her go with mild irritation, scuffing his shoe on the stone floor. Well, if he had nothing better to do, he might as well wait for Orpheus to return home. Maybe they could go somewhere together; it had been a while since they’d had a proper date. Orpheus would probably enjoy the time away.
He was halfway up the stairs that led to his husband’s chamber when he felt heat creeping up the back of his neck. Uriah paused, frowning in confusion, brushing his fingertips carefully over the nape of his neck. Strange. He didn’t feel anything there. No drafts of jungle air, either. What a weird feeling—
Another wave of heat ebbed along his spine. Uriah felt his face grow warm, his entire body experiencing the odd sensation until it reached his extremities. His fingertips tingled. His vision swayed for a moment as he pressed back against the cool stone wall, eyes wide as he realized, much to his growing embarrassment, Anthea hadn’t been pulling his leg. Not with how certain parts of him were starting to feel.
“Ohhhhh shit.”
It took a little longer than usual to finish climbing the stairs, what with his head growing fuzzy and distracted. Once in the privacy of Orpheus’s chamber, Uriah paced back and forth slowly, trying to calm himself down.
“Deep breaths,” he told himself shakily, “just take a few deep breaths. It’ll pass, right? Can’t last for too long. Yeah. This’ll be over before Orpheus—“
God. The thought of him sent a shiver down his spine. Uriah swallowed thickly.
“—gets…back… Okay, breathing isn’t cutting it. Uh… Sheesh.”
He felt dizzy for a moment. Putting his hand on his forehead didn’t help; every time he touched himself, accidental or on purpose, it set his nerves on fire. All of his senses felt heightened, but the stronger it got, the calmer he felt, too. Like he was drugged. Hypnotized, almost. What he wouldn’t do to be hypnotized by Orpheus right then, tied up in his coils and at his mercy. Oh, the positions his husband could put him in…
“Shit. Stop it,” he scolded himself. “For the love, I’m not that desperate!”
Uriah glanced down at himself, and the growing bulge between his legs.
“…Or maybe I am. Damnit.”
He wanted to be touched so badly. He wanted Orpheus. His pulse felt heavy. His pants felt tight. Maybe he should take them off? No. Behave. Orpheus liked when he behaved, called him a good boy, his precious sweetheart…
Uriah hid his face in his hands and groaned, leaning heavily against a pillar. Another rush of tingling warmth made him wish he’d rather be leaning against his husband.
“Goooood when did I turn into such a hot mess?”
“Uriah?” He peaked through his fingers, face burning, as he heard Orpheus call for him. “I’m back, love. Are you in here?”
His heart throbbed a little stronger as Orpheus slid into view. The god spotted him instantly, head cocking at an angle and a gentle, sympathetic smile on his face.
“Ah. So Anthea was telling the truth. Poor thing,” he tutted. “You always manage to get into some sort of mishap when I’m not around, don’t you?”
Uriah exhaled slowly, dropping his hands from his face. His eyes remained fixed on Orpheus, staring a little too longingly at his face, his body, the seemingly endless starry scales that covered his gorgeous tail. Orpheus chuckled as he came close.
“How do you feel?” he asked, genuine concern mixed with curiosity.
“Hot and bothered,” Uriah answered with no hesitation. He blinked, taken aback by his own blunt honesty.
“Yes, Nymph’s Bliss will do that. Tried it a few times myself when I was a bit younger. Don’t tell my parents, though,” he joked, winking. Uriah felt his mouth run dry, and Orpheus was looking more and more like the best goddamn glass of water for his growing thirst.
“This…i-is getting a little out of hand,” Uriah stammered. “I-I don’t think I’ve ever felt like…like this, without your hypnosis b-before.”
“A bit overwhelming, isn’t it?” Orpheus lifted a hand and cradled Uriah’s chin in his palm, watching as his husband melted in front of him, sinking to his knees. Uriah closed his eyes and moaned as his thumb brushed across his lips.
“Easy now,” he purred. “You’re alright.”
“God, Orpheus, just…just do whatever you want to me,” Uriah begged. He tilted his face and kissed his palm obediently. To hell with his dignity, he could be embarrassed about that later. He’d absolutely lose it if his husband didn’t touch him then and there.
“Oh?” Orpheus’s smile perked in amusement. “Anything?”
“Idon’tcare,” Uriah slurred, exhaling heavily. Orpheus placed a second hand in his hair, slowly combing his claws back towards the base of his skull until Uriah let out a submissive whine. His second set of hands ghosted down Uriah’s neck, sliding to his shoulders, feeling every subtle shiver beneath his fingers.
“And I thought I was bad when I’m in heat,” Orpheus teased. But his smile remained loving, welcoming, as he caressed Uriah for a few more moments, testing him.
“Orpheus,” Uriah moaned, “I swear if you do not strip me down and pin me to your bed in the next five seconds I am going to lose it.”
“I think you already have, precious,” his husband chuckled. “Be patient…”
The end of his tail curled over Uriah’s hip, slipping between the fabric of his tunic and pants to find purchase between his legs. The effect was immediate, Uriah flinching and gasping as he was stroked.
“There, that’s a little better, isn’t it? Poor sweet thing, so overstimulated you’re getting cranky. You have to ask nicely if you want me to be good to you, precious.”
He leaned heavily into Orpheus’s touch, hands weakly bracing on either side of his waist for support as his tail teased him. Back and forth, back and forth, slow but steady.
“Ask nicely,” Orpheus repeated, petting his hair.
“Mmmnn… P-Please,” Uriah whimpered.
“Please, what? Use your words, love.”
“Please…” He swallowed. “Please fuck me, Orpheus…”
“My, you used that word. You really are in deep, then.” Because Uriah was usually too shy to speak that way. He must’ve inhaled quite the dose of the flower’s pollen. Not that Orpheus was complaining; he’d always been a little curious, wondering if anything other than drawn-out hypnosis could make get him so riled up. It would seem he had an answer. “Well, there’s only one way to fix that, now, isn’t there?”
Uriah stared up, hopeful. He felt Orpheus’s tail curl once around his torso, lifting him back to his feet to kiss him properly. It was a good thing he kept a hold of him; Uriah was already swooning, knees weak, arms all but limp as they wrapped around his neck. Orpheus made sure to place his hands strategically on his body as he carried him to the bed.
“Are you going to be a good boy for me?” he purred into his ear.
“You promissse?” He smiled at the tremor he felt race down Uriah’s spine.
“I-I promise.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
Orpheus’s lips found purchase on Uriah’s neck. Removing his clothing was easy enough, even with every twitch and shiver of Uriah’s overstimulated body. He’d done it plenty of times, so many he felt confident he could have undressed him blindfolded. He drug the tips of his claws and the very edges of his teeth along his skin, relishing all of the soft sounds Uriah produced.
“A shame you didn’t happen to bring any of those flowers up here with you,” Orpheus teased, lips pressing in a line down his chest. “We could’ve been in for some real fun, then…”
“I-I can barely take it as it is,” Uriah panted. “How—“ His breath hitched as Orpheus’s tongue traced over his skin. “—l-long does this last…?”
“A few hours,” Orpheus answered, half distracted as he kissed Uriah’s hip. “But of course, it’s an awful long time to wait just for it to get out of your system. Why not have a little fun with it, hmm? I think I like this unhinged side of you.”
“I am not unhi—A-Ah!” Uriah’s hips bucked as Orpheus wrapped a hand around his erection.
“You’re thinking too much,” Orpheus crooned.
“Nn! Mmm… I-I’m only horny because of that…Mm…damn plant,” Uriah insisted. He glanced to the side as starry scales slithered close, the end of Orpheus’s tail carefully slid beneath his head, curling downwards over his shoulder to begin wrapping around him. Rushes of heat and pleasure sparked through his veins as the scales coiled around him, the loops around his shoulders and torso growing thicker as they went.
“G-God, Orpheus,” Uriah groaned. Feeling himself growing impatient as the touch overwhelmed him. “Y-You’re teasing me. C’mon.”
“What did I say about being patient? You’re letting it all go to your head, and not the one we want. I already said you were thinking too much,” he said playfully. “Perhaps…you are talking too much, too.”
The end of his tail curled around Uriah’s hips as it had before, sliding down to replace his hand, allowing his fingers to stroke the inside of his thigh. Before Uriah could react, the dense, heavy coils around his torso gave a squeeze, cinching and conforming to his body. The loop around his shoulders pressed tight around his neck, and for a moment Uriah was rendered totally helpless in bliss. He saw stars. His entire body shivered. He closed his eyes and breathed as deeply as the gentle constriction would allow, the air escaping his lungs in a shaking moan. Orpheus was leaning close when he opened his eyes again.
“That’s more like it, isn’t it? You already love when I coil you. Can only imagine how it feels now,” he observed. “It’s certainly nice to look at.”
Damn, he loved how Uriah looked just then, sweet and submissive and begging for him with his eyes. Orpheus pressed his mouth to Uriah’s, tongue toying with his, letting out a sensual moan of his own as he felt Uriah press his legs against either side of his waist. Uriah gently pulled at his lower lip with his teeth as he withdrew.
“Orpheus…I need you,” he breathed. “Please, babe…”
“Shhh. I’ll take good, good care of you,” Orpheus hissed, nipping at him in return. Uriah flushed as he felt their hips align, his husband pressing against him. “You just be a good boy and keep moaning for me.”
Uriah didn’t need to be told twice, or told at all. He was a complete mess, mind and body entirely submitted to Orpheus as he felt their bodies rocking together. It was strange, being completely lucid despite how stimulated his body felt; the intensity of Orpheus’s touch was magnified by the effects of the pollen he’d accidentally inhaled. Everything struck him tenfold. Every squeeze, every kiss, every thrust of his husband’s hips… If not for the repeated conditioning under Orpheus’s hypnosis, his body wouldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds. And Orpheus was all too eager to please, giving his all in this unexpected experiment of theirs, every bit the dominating, generous lover he’d always been for the man beneath him. If Uriah begged him go deeper, he obliged. Slower, he listened. Anything to draw out the moment and see what sort of new heights they could reach.
But even as skilled as he was, Orpheus couldn’t keep it going forever. He had his own limits, and he felt them approaching fast as Uriah crossed his ankles over the small of his back and hugged him closer. His throat rumbled with a deep, long growl as he felt Uriah clenching around him.
“God, O-Orpheus, right there…Right there… J-Just a little more,” Uriah whined.
“Mm…Almost, precious,” he promised, voice husky in Uriah’s ear.
“G-Give it to me.”
“A-Almost,” Orpheus repeated.
One, two, three more strong rolls of his hips, a squeeze of his coils, and their combined outcries signaled their release. Orpheus closed his eyes and panted, sinking onto his elbows to nuzzle Uriah’s cheek, purring for him. Uriah, on the other hand, was practically numbed by the waves of pleasure crashing over him. He almost didn’t register Orpheus’s gentle voice asking him if he was alright.
“Mmm…mhmm,” he replied at length, completely out of breath. “I…fuck, that was good, Orpheus…”
“Feeling better?”
Uriah nodded.
“Just…don’t let go just yet. Still kinda…y-y’know,” he admitted bashfully.
“I did say it would be a few hours before it wears off,” Orpheus reminded him, kissing his cheek.
“Yeah. You did.”
He paused, returning Orpheus’s affectionate nuzzles and kisses for a few peaceful moments.
“…You think you can do that again?”
Orpheus blinked. His expression shifted, half amusement and half surprise.
“Oh, you are going to be the death of me, darling.”
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
I just read the lit piece and it’s soooooo gooooddddd!!!! I wonder who helped Uriah with those old cuffs?
Tbh I was picturing Kenny, because the mental image of a human Orpheus meeting Kenny is HIGHLY amusing to me XD
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
Human!Orpheus Meets Naga!Uriah
(Haven’t written for these two in a while! Enjoy!)
Orpheus lowered his camera and looked at the last shot he had taken. The vivid fuchsia plumage of the parakeets’ heads stood out perfectly against the green foliage around them. He grinned with satisfaction, and switched back to the active screen, closing his left eye and refocusing on the birds across from him.
“That’s it,” he murmured, watching patiently, “stay nice and still for me…”
His shutter clicked several times before he leaned back against the tree trunk in his harness, adjusting the camera again. So far, this had been a highly successful trip for the nature article he’d been working on. His editors were going to swoon over the wildlife shots he’d managed to collect; the flock of parakeets that served as his current subjects were giving him tons of material to work with. Combined with the orchids, butterflies, and a handful of other animals he’d been able to capture with his camera, Orpheus was confident he’d be getting the cover photo slot. Supposing the team that had been sent to the Sahara didn’t come back with something better.
…Maybe a couple extra photos couldn’t hurt. He had a week before he had to return home, and Orpheus could work on the finishing touches to his final draft on the plane ride back.
“Alright, pretty birds, just a few more,” he sighed, steadying his camera once more. The lens had just focused in on a juvenile’s face when a sudden noise drew all of the birds’ attention. Even Orpheus looked up, startled by what sounded like a person crying out. When he glanced back towards the birds, they all tensed and took off, squawking as they flew through the canopy. Orpheus blew out his cheeks in a disappointed huff, closing up his camera in order to make a safe descent back to the ground.
On the way down and as he was packing up the climbing gear, Orpheus kept glancing in the direction the bizarre noise had come from. It sounded far too human to be an animal. At least, not any animal he’d ever heard—and he had been on plenty of trips to recognize a human scream compared to a wildcat or primate call. Something told him he should probably leave it be, but at the same time, curiosity nipped at the back of his mind. As unlikely as it was, it very well could be an undiscovered species. Or perhaps an amusing anecdote to go on the cryptozoology blog he ran on the side. Both ideas appealed to him.
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” he reasoned to himself. Adjusting the straps of his backpack and rechecking the location of his pocket knife—just in case—Orpheus began to carefully make his way in the direction of the unknown noise.
After about twenty minutes of walking, however, his determination was beginning to wane land frustration was swiftly replacing it. He knew he wasn’t crazy; he’d absolutely heard something, but there wasn’t a single clear sign of any kind of animal or human activity. No noticeable tracks in the mossy soil of the undergrowth, no tufts of fur or loose feathers, nothing. Orpheus huffed and swiped the back of his hand across his brow, pausing in a small clearing to think. His eyes wandered around as he began guessing as to where the cry might’ve come from, reviewing in his head any known species or folklore he might have researched on his way overseas for the trip. Every culture had their sort of ‘Big Foot’ creature, but that seemed far-fetched at best…
Hold on. Orpheus’s vision snapped back a pace, squinting. That wasn’t a vine dangling from the trees, that was a rope.
“Oh, geez,” he groaned. Somebody might’ve fallen. Or there could have been poaching in the area, and something got caught. Either way, he’d have to check it out and potentially report it to the nearest conservation facility. He chided himself on the walk over, stepping carefully over a few logs and stones, ducking beneath a tree with a split trunk.
“So help me, if I end up in trouble because I busted some poaching gig… Yeah, there’s a headline they’ll wanna print: ‘Missing Photographer Found Shot In—‘“
His words stopped abruptly as a flash of movement and red caught his eye. Orpheus halted immediately as a loud, low hiss reached his ears. That sounded like something big. And angry. Inhaling slowly, he visually scanned the foliage around him until his gaze landed on what appeared to be a patch of scales. They moved, and he swallowed thickly. Those were snake scales. Huge snake scales. Bigger than any snake he had ever seen, and he’d accompanied a group searching for anacondas once. But where was the head, if he heard hissing? Orpheus lifted his gaze, and immediately flinched back.
“Holy shit!”
Just ahead was the rest of the creature: it’s impossibly long tail melded seamlessly into a tanned human torso, complete with a human head and face. Piercing green eyes glowered at him through auburn hair and the holes of a weighted snare net. Orpheus’s mouth went dry as he stared back, chest heaving, thoroughly shaken. He’d read about these creatures. Naga. Half serpent and half human, some cultures considered them divine. They were beings of myth, though, not…real.
But this one was. And it—he—was rightfully cross. Afraid, even, hissing like a cobra with lips peeled back to reveal sharp fangs. Orpheus glanced back down along the body, eventually coming to the other problem: a trap clamped tightly down on a portion of the naga’s tail, blood leaking out around the metal teeth of the contraption. Poaching equipment.
“…Okay. Okay, okay, uh… Christ,” Orpheus stammered, slowly running a hand through his pulled-up hair. The naga hissed again, it’s coils bunching before the snared portion gave a sharp flinch and the hiss cut short, fading into a pained whine. Lowering his head, the naga panted, trying to shift beneath the net but only causing himself further pain.
“Wait, don’t—“ Before Orpheus could step closer, the naga snapped his head up and hissed again. Orpheus grimaced. This wasn’t going to be easy. He’d likely get himself killed. But leaving something like this, something half-human, to suffer, felt wrong.
“Alright, I get it. You’re not happy,” he said placatingly, raising both hands. “You want out of that, right? …What the hell am I doing, this thing can’t talk to me.”
Orpheus carefully set his bag down, maintaining eye contact with the naga, who watched with a furrowed brow and deep frown, but otherwise remained quiet. Muttering to himself again about how insane the entire ordeal was, Orpheus reached into his pocket slowly and fished out his knife, flicking it open. The naga tensed and growled, low and loud like an alligator bellow.
“Easy, easy,” Orpheus hushed, inching forward. “I’m not gonna hurt you, okay? I just gotta cut this crap apart, then we’ll get to the nasty stuff down there with your tail. Can… Can we do that without you trying to kill me?”
To his shock, the naga went silent and nodded once. Orpheus faltered, staring in bewilderment.
“…You understood that?”
He got an impatient growl in response.
“Right! Sorry, I uh…sorry.”
Clearing his throat, Orpheus crouched down at the net’s edge and began the tedious process of cutting the tangled ropes away from the naga’s body.
“This is insane. I’m insane,” he muttered to himself. “I’m talking to a snake-man, in the middle of nowhere, cutting him out of a net…” He glanced up at the naga briefly, caught the intense stare of his green eyes, and went back to the task at hand. “Yep. Crazy. I’m crazy. Must’ve hit my head somewhere along the line. This is all a hallucination.”
“I’m not a hallucination.”
Orpheus swore and nearly cut his hand.
“You can speak?!”
“Don’t stop! Get me out of here,” the naga hissed through clenched teeth.” Orpheus gawked for only a second more before he resumed cutting the ropes.
“God damnit all, this is—I don’t even know what this is anymore!”
“Just hurry up before whoever set this up comes back!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying! Stop fidgeting!”
“I’m not—“
Both fell silent as a flock of birds erupted out of the foliage a few meters away. Orpheus held his breath and exchanged a frenzied look with the naga.
“Come on,” he hissed, fangs bared anxiously. “That could be them! They’re gonna kill me!”
Orpheus cursed under his breath.
“Try to stay calm. Do you have a name?”
The naga scoffed.
“Yes, but what’s that got to do with it?”
“Just tell me your name. Talk. Keep your mind off it.”
“Uriah. It’s Uriah.”
“Uriah? Well, can’t say it’s the best experience meeting you, but my name’s Orpheus.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m more worried about dying than exchanging pleasantries!”
“Just one more…there! That oughta do it. Now just hold still, I gotta pry this piece of shit open,” he muttered, looking at the trap clamped into the naga’s tail. It appeared to be similar to a bear trap. He’d seen plenty in his expeditions and in some of the wilderness classes he’d taken; one had to know what to watch out for when traveling through wild territory, especially if there was big game that hunters were desperate to catch—legally or otherwise.
“Damn, this is a nasty one…but I think I can get it off. It’s gonna hurt though.”
“It already hurts,” Uriah growled.
“Yeah, well, it might hurt worse for a few seconds. Just uhhh… Ah!” He grabbed a fallen branch, small and barren but still pliant, and passed it over. “Bite down on this.”
“Do you wanna break your teeth?”
Uriah relented with a whine and held out a clawed hand, taking the branch with obvious hesitation and looking at Orpheus with wide, uncertain eyes once it was between his teeth.
“I’ll be as gentle and quick as I can, okay? It’s not gonna be pleasant, but I’ll do my best.”
All he got from Uriah was a timid nod. Bracing himself for the grisly task, Orpheus carefully assessed the trap’s grip. It was a rusted, ugly old thing; any human who would have been unfortunate enough to step on it would absolutely have needed a tetanus shot afterwards. Why a poacher would be using such a degraded piece of junk was beyond his reasoning, unless they really didn’t care about the state of the animal afterwards. Which, for a poacher, that tracked. But, seeing as it was similar to a bear trap, he had a good idea of how to open the damn thing.
“Alright, here goes nothing.”
Inhaling and bracing himself for whatever unpleasantness was to follow, Orpheus placed both hands on either side of the trap’s teeth and pushed down. The springs at the bottom ground and squeaked, and over Uriah’s pained hisses and whines he could hear the telltale sign of pressure releasing from the metal bits. Carefully, so as not to slip and cause it to re-clamp, Orpheus pried the teeth back, grimacing as they eased out of the naga’s scales and bloodied flesh underneath. Once the metal was entirely free of Uriah’s tail, he forced it down the rest of the way.
“Okay! You’re out! Move!”
Uriah didn’t need told twice. The branch he’d been given was spat out, nearly bit in two. His tail lashed away instantly, recoiling several feet back as Orpheus also lurched away. Before he could think on his next steps, though, Uriah struck out with the end of his tail, flinging the trap towards a tree trunk with so much force the teeth were forced through the bark, pieces of rust and loose metal flying loose and clinking down into the soil.
“I was gonna need to document that to report it,” Orpheus sighed in protest. He looked towards Uriah and his mouth snapped shut, seeing the naga rise to his full height. He wasn’t a hulking creature, his muscles surprisingly lean for what he expected to be an apex predator of sorts, but he was still taller than him—especially with Orpheus sitting in the dirt. Uriah glowered at the remains of the trap and growled, that same deep rumbling he had heard before, and then turned to Orpheus.
“Hey, easy, easy! Don’t be mad at me! I just got you out!”
Uriah’s clawed hands reached out and, much to Orpheus’s shock, grasped and lifted him by his shirt as if he weighed absolutely nothing. Before he could question it further, the naga swiped the back of his hands across his shoulders, flicking off dirt and bits of plant matter; his tail held up his previously discarded pack. Orpheus accepted it, his face blank with surprise.
“Uh…well what?” Orpheus asked dumbly. Uriah rolled his eyes and huffed.
“Do you want to be here when the people who set that crap up get back? I don’t. C’mon.”
“You want me to follow you?”
“No, I want you to stand here and give them directions to the nearest trail,” he hissed back sarcastically. “Just keep pace, alright? Sheesh.”
Shrugging helplessly, Orpheus hesitated only a second or two before following Uriah’s lead, all the while internally chastising himself for what had to have been the most vivid fever dream of his life. The entire ordeal felt more fiction than reality, but…it all felt very tangible. Real. He wrestled with those same thoughts as he kept up with Uriah, the naga casting nervous glances back at him every so often as he led him deeper into the old growth of the jungle. It was quiet between the two of them, awkwardly so. So much that apparently the naga felt uncomfortable with the silence and decided to break it.
“Why did you help me?”
“You could have left me there. Or captured me yourself,” Uriah muttered. “Why didn’t you?”
“Uh, well, for one, poaching isn’t exactly my style,” Orpheus huffed. “That is, it’s illegal. Can’t imagine any animal or their parts are worth the jail time and fines. Plus it’s just…eesh—“ He made a gesture of discomfort with his hands. “—Y’know?”
“…Right. ‘Eesh.’” Uriah’s mouth twisted in slight curiosity. “So, you’re not a hunter?”
“Nah. I’ve gone fishing before, but hunting’s not for me. I’d rather hold a camera than a gun.”
“Ah, yes, that reminds me. No pictures.”
“What? Aw, c’mon, you’re a scientific marvel—“
Uriah turned abruptly and gave Orpheus a stern look.
“No. Pictures. Do you understand?”
Orpheus held up his hands placatingly, swallowing.
“Okay, okay, yeah, uh, I got it. But…why?”
The naga exhaled sharply and gestured to his neck, where a pale mark circled his entire throat. A scar.
“I’ve had my fill of attention. Let’s put it that way.”
“…Somebody held you captive?”
Uriah frowned.
“A man with bizarre powers, and an interest in the arcane,” he answered lowly. “I was his…pet, for lack of a better term. Something to amuse him, impress people who thought it was some nifty party trick. I managed to get away once; I wouldn’t be so lucky a second time. A friend only recently helped break the collar and cuffs I was stuck in a short while ago. So no photographs; he’d use them to track me down.”
Orpheus took note of the sullen slope in his shoulders and the downcast demeanor in Uriah’s body language. Dream or not, it was an awful story. Taking several strides to catch up and look to Uriah’s face directly, Orpheus gave him a look of sympathy.
“I’m sorry you had to live like that. No pictures. I promise.”
Uriah paused and stared at him, the faintest hint of a smile on his face.
“Thank you. And for freeing me, too. As far as mortals go, you’re alright.”
“Oh, well, let me just tack that up on my wall,” Orpheus joked. “‘Most Alright Human.’”
A small chuckle escaped the naga as he shook his head. Orpheus took note of the slightly pink tint to his freckled face. Strange, for an inhuman creature, he was rather attractive.
“Come on. It’ll be dark in a few hours. The least I can do is offer you some shelter until the morning. My friend might be able to help me get you back where you belong, then.”
“I’ll take you up on that. Besides, your tail could use some antibiotics. I’ve got an emergency kit in my bag. If that’s the plan, then, after you.”
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
How do you think Naga Uriah would meet Orpheus and Kenny?
As awful as it is, I think the poor darling would end up meeting them because he got himself stuck in a trap somewhere and needs somebody else to free him. Naga Uriah would’ve been kept away from the wild for a while, so his survival skills would be quite a bit rough.
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
Honestly Uriah? I probably would’ve been as freaked out as you if I saw a wild Kenny at my work XD
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
Ok so. Just finish some reading. I gotta say very cute and steamy that it made me blush like a tomato. You ok Uriah? Kenny really has a way to someone to be wrapped around his finger or pointing out wrapped in his coils don't you think? Lol oh my gods Kenneth really is something.
Uriah: “H-He certainly knows how to use his charms and uh, assets well…” -tugs at shirt collar and swallows- o///o
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
Gotham AU 2: Good Business
Uriah idly tapped the tip of his pen against the desk, watching the percentage on the screen fluctuate. Ninety percent to go, eighty-nine, eighty-eight, eighty-seven… He exhaled through his nose and cast his gaze aside to the tank nearest him, where a ball python was staring back steadily, head barely peeking over its bundled-up body. She was a very tolerant animal, all things considered, but he could tell that she wasn’t thrilled about the morning’s bloodwork routine. At least she hadn’t tried nipping him that time, unlike previous check-ins.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” he scolded dryly. “I don’t decide when the samples get taken, I just do the dirty work.”
The snake’s tongue flickered out. His lips curled up in an amused smirk.
“Yeah, yeah—“ He poked out his own tongue. “—to you, too.”
The phone on the wall rang, and Uriah paced away from the computer to answer.
“Diagnostics center, Doctor Hoffman speaking.”
“Oh, there you are! I thought you’d be done by now.”
“Hello to you, too, Dea,” Uriah quipped. “Sorry, still waiting on one final patient’s results to wrap-up.”
“Don’t tell me—“
“Pepita,” they said at the same time. Uriah looked back at the snake as the lab’s secretary chuckled.
“Yeah, we’re talking about you,” he teased. Sure, she probably couldn’t understand him, but it just felt right to talk to the snakes he was working with, regardless. They weren’t objects, after all; treating them like a fixture in the room felt rude.
“So,” Uriah sighed, redirecting the conversation, “what was it you needed, Dea?”
“Right, right! Well, you have somebody looking for you.”
“As in another employee? Somebody from the board?”
“No, one of our donors.”
“You’re being awful cryptic,” Uriah muttered. “I didn’t have any appointments today. Did they give a reason for their visit? Because if it’s about making some sort of contribution, they’re better off scheduling a talk with the board of directors.”
“Nah, I think he’s here to see you, specifically. Hold on—“ He could hear her asking someone, but not their reply. “—Yep! Asked for you by name and everything!”
“Huh… Well, alright then. Seems this computer is lagging today, anyway. Tell them I’ll be about ten minutes, okay Dea? Gotta put Pepita back, first.”
He exchanged a sign-off before hanging up and looking to the snake with his hands on his hips. Pepita sunk her head a little lower into the ball she’d tangled herself into. Uriah tutted and put on a fresh pair of gloves to handle her.
“Okay, Pepi, don’t make this hard on me. I’ve got company, apparently. You’ll be back in your comfy tank soon enough.”
A few minutes and a thorough hand-washing session later, Uriah arrived at the main office floor hub and glanced around, still massaging a trace of sanitizer into his hands—just for good measure. He didn’t see anyone standing out right away. A few scientists and interns milled about, but nobody he didn’t recognize. Uriah strode to the desk where Dea was signing off on a package delivery, finishing her name with a feminine flourish before offering the mailman a flirtatious smile.
“Dea! You said somebody was here, right? Did they leave?”
“No, I told them where to find your office so they could wait there. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the waiting room seats aren’t exactly the comfiest.”
He frowned.
“You just let somebody into my office?”
“Relax, I just told him the room number.”
“…And that you tend to leave your door unlocked,” she admitted. Uriah shook his head. “What?! I was being hospitable!”
“They were shmoozing you, weren’t they?”
“Oh, can it and see for yourself, Doctor,” the receptionist quipped. Nevertheless, she seemed far too happy with herself.
“You’re a right flirt, Dea!” he called over his shoulder, adjusting his lab coat and ignoring whatever teasing comeback was slung his way. Uriah fidgeted with the cuffs as he rounded the corner down the hall he was appointed to, reaching his open office door and tapping his knuckles against it to alert whoever had been waiting.
“I’m sorry you had to wait. I was in the diagnostics wing waiting on some results. What can I do for—“
He froze as he finally lifted his gaze upwards, feet stuck partway across the threshold. Leaning against the window frame was a tall, muscular, well-dressed man, whose long copper hair framed his strong jaw and fell down broad shoulders. Brown eyes sparkled with mirth and a smile spread on his face. A dam in his brain broke, memories bursting out and flooding his mind, memories he still hadn’t yet to fully comprehend or explain. And an entire slew of intimate ones, on top of it all.
“Hello again, Doc!”
Uriah gawked, then suddenly remembered himself, and quickly glanced up and down the hall before ducking into his office, shutting the door abruptly, and flinging the blinds to the interior window shut. Mr. Kenneth Huggins chuckled.
“Nice to see you, too.”
“What—in—the—world—are—you—doing—here?!” Uriah hissed out, in measured beats, gesturing at the man in pure shock.
“Paying a visit to a friend, of course.”
“You can’t just waltz into my office! I work here!”
“Miss Deadra didn’t seem to mind,” Kenneth said with a smirk. “Lovely lady, that one. Very helpful and accommodating.”
Uriah groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d have to have a serious talk with her about that, once the matter at hand was solved.
“Of course she was…”
He turned and began shrugging off his coat to hang it on one of the pegs on the wall, and paused when he saw Kenneth’s crisp woolen coat hung up already. A skeptical glance was cast back at the man, who merely lifted an eyebrow.
“…Make yourself at home, why don’t you,” Uriah mumbled, tossing up his own coat and brushing past Kenneth to get to his desk chair. He placed both hands on his temples and rubbed slowly, sinking back against his chair with a long, drawn-out exhale. How was he supposed to process everything happening? Everything that had already happened? There was so much to unpack and his brain was still reeling in recollection of sensual touches and colors of an unnaturally soothing nature…
His thoughts were broken up by a soft tap on his desk. Uriah opened his eyes and blinked, glancing from the paper cup before him to Kenneth’s face.
“…What is this?”
“A peace offering, if you will,” he said amiably, easing into a chair opposite of him. When Uriah continued to stair at him, he elaborated, “Green tea with ginseng and honey. I assumed seeing me would surprise you, at the very least. Thought this would calm you down.”
A weak huff of dry laughter fluttered out of Uriah’s chest. But, whether he thought it wise or not, he found himself reaching for the drink anyway, giving it a slow swirl in his hand.
“Thanks,” he said, at length. Kenneth merely nodded. Silence filled the gap between them for what felt like hours. Uriah didn’t know what to say, and Kenneth didn’t press him, so he bought time to think by taking a few quiet sips. He didn’t admit it, but it was good tea. No sense wasting it. But silence wasn’t going to get either of them anywhere, and Uriah would have to find something to say, eventually. He opened his mouth to try, then closed it, opened it again, and took another long drink.
“…What are you doing here?” he asked again, at a loss for where else to begin.
“Seeing you.”
“For what reason?” Uriah pressed.
“Because I wanted to.”
Kenneth’s smile didn’t diminish even as Uriah frowned at him.
“What? I like looking at you. It’s a good view.”
“Ken—“ He inhaled to calm himself. “Mr. Huggins, I work here. It’s inappropriate.”
“We could go elsewhere, if you’d prefer.”
“That’s not the point,” Uriah huffed. “I don’t—I don’t even know why you’re here. I’m not even sure what happened the last time I saw you!”
“Oh?” Kenneth cocked his head, observing. “What do you think happened last time?”
“You…” He swore under his breath. What he thought was the truth felt insane to think, let alone say out loud. Uriah felt his cheeks burn and he lowered his gaze, staring stubbornly at the cup of tea in his hands.
“I…? Go on, I won’t laugh.”
“You… Y-You, um…grew a tail,” Uriah stammered sheepishly, “a-and uh…d-did something…to me…with you—y-your eyes…”
Rather than tease or mock, Kenneth nodded.
“That’s one way of putting it, yes,” he said calmly, kindly.
“W-We…oh God, we slept together.”
“That, too.”
Uriah sank even further into his chair, hiding his face in one hand and steadying the tea in the other. He refused to make eye contact, choosing instead to let his gaze fall on a random niche of his office: an unsuspecting space between his desk and the wall, focusing on it in hopes of lessening how horribly hot his face felt.
“Th-That was real…”
“It was.”
“Ohhhhh God almighty, what did I do?” Uriah slurred into his palm, setting the tea properly on his desk and leaning heavily into his hand. He uttered several more muffled curses, unable to see the fond grin forming on Kenneth’s face as he began to ease up out of his chair.
“Did you mind it?”
“Enjoy it, perhaps?”
“Be honest now, Doctor.”
Kenneth had quietly shifted around to stand behind Uriah’s chair, watching from behind before reaching his hands down slowly to rest them on the man’s shoulders.
“What else?”
“U-Um… I-I mean, I don’t get it, what happened, but…”
“But…?” Kenneth’s hands gently squeezed, sensing the knots in Uriah’s slender frame. The poor thing had his nerves all twisted and tensed.
“I…I liked it, a lot,” Uriah admitted, hand dropping from his face. He didn’t pay much mind to the pleasant touch on his shoulders, at first. Had his neck been sore like that all day? Hmm…
“That’s a relief. I was worried I’d spooked you off,” Kenneth chuckled. “You hadn’t responded to my calls or messages.”
“Thought I was hallucinating for a while. I mean, a tail? Who’d believe that?”
“Yes, who indeed?”
Uriah leaned into Kenneth’s touch.
“You did still pay me, though, for uh…checking your snake. Paid well, too.”
Kenneth hummed in confirmation. He grinned as he bent down closer to Uriah’s ear.
“Which brings me to the reason for my visit. Suppose I have an offer for you, Uriah?”
“One with multiple benefits,” Kenneth hissed, his voice a low whisper. “You do a little something for me, I do something for you, perhapsss?”
“Ye—wait, hold on, hold it! Time out!” Uriah sat up suddenly, blushing again, spinning his chair to face Kenneth properly. The latter held up his hands and grinned like the Cheshire Cat himself.
“You—You stop that,” Uriah faltered, pointing an accusing finger.
“I’m being serious, darling. I think I have a proposition you’ll like.”
“The last time you ‘had a proposition’, you nearly scared the hell out of me,” Uriah countered.
“But you didn’t say anything to anyone, now, did you?”
“Which makes me trust you. Like you. Two things working quite well in your favor, Doc.”
Uriah forced himself to remain still as Kenneth bent down and braced his hands on the arms of his chair, their faces hovering close. He could smell the warm, welcoming scent of Kenneth’s cologne, like a small tempting embrace of its own. Swallowing thickly and summoning his nerve, Uriah held eye contact with the inhuman businessman before him, silently queuing him to continue.
“Atlas does need someone to check him from time to time, but so do the reptiles my company houses. And you’re so very fond of Atlas already.”
“There are a lot of talented herpetologist and veterinarians in this city. Why me, specifically?”
“Because you have enthusiasm. It’s not work for you. I hadn’t even promised pay before you agreed to have a look at my boy, and judging by your record, I’d say you thoroughly love what you do.”
“My record?”
“I may have done some background checks,” Kenneth said casually, shrugging. Uriah scoffed and crossed his arms.
“But—“ Kenneth redirected. “—I can also trust your confidentiality, both for my business and my more…personal matters. And I do like my privacy quite a bit.”
“Uh-huh. And this all leads to me doing…what, exactly?”
“Stay on here, at the institute, of course, but I’d like to have you as one of my privately contracted herpetologists. Make sure my pet and the animals at my company are well with routine visits, report back to me with any issues, and be paid handsomely.”
“How handsomely?” Uriah asked dryly. He expected some piddly amount, certain no one outside the field would know exactly what to pay, but when Kenneth leaned close and whispered the number into his ear, Uriah nearly choked on the air in his lungs. He stared back at the man in shock, his eyes wide and face blank compared to Kenneth’s cool demeanor and charismatic smile.
“Mhmm. And, perhaps, if you’re partial to it, a few additional benefits could be thrown in.”
“Some nice dinners, a few plus one slots on some gala invitations, the occasional evening rendezvous… I’m very open to negotiations,” Kenneth purred.
“You… Y-You’re serious? About a-all of that?”
“You’d be held to nothing you don’t agree to, of course, but as for the rest, I don’t think you’d mind being held to that,” he teased, winking.
Uriah inhaled slowly. The entire encounter hadn’t been what he’d expected at all. He had half-believed his meeting Mr. Huggins in the first place had been a fever dream. Seeing him in his office also felt unreal. But the offer he was being given, scandalous as it felt, was tempting him to forego his reservations. What were the pros and cons?
Cons, obviously, he’d be working a bit more—but he did very much love what he did, so was that even a con? Either way, he’d be giving up some free time. Maybe a bit more wear and tear on his car, but not by much.
The pros, however… The pay was more than fair, he’d get to spend more time actively handling snakes—something that was limited with the lab work and number-crunching research he had to do. And then there was the fact he’d be seeing more of Kenneth. Uriah couldn’t help his attraction to him; he was charming, enticing, and handsome. Odd eye colors and snake parts included. Even when he was effectively being blocked into his seat by him, Uriah couldn’t help but get a small thrill out of it.
“What do you say, Doc?” Kenneth asked, voice like velvet. “Have we got a deal?”
“…I’m interested,” Uriah conceded. For a moment, he thought Kenneth was going to lean in and kiss him. He braced for it—
Uriah blinked as Kenneth straightened suddenly, beaming. He floundered for his wits as he watched the man stride confidently around the desk, reaching for the door.
“I’ll let you know when I have a contract for the business parts all drawn up. Shouldn’t take too long; my clerks are speedy with the keys!”
“I—wh—H-Hey,” Uriah stammered, pushing himself out of his chair to follow him. “You’re just leaving? Now?!”
“I’m a busy man. Places to be, people to bargain with, money to make, you get the drift,” Kenneth rattled off. “But we’ll talk soon, okay, sweetheart?”
“Can you just—“
“Oops, almost forgot my coat!”
Uriah paced up to him, flabbergasted.
“You really are something else, you—“
“Ah, one last thing,” he cut him off, turning abruptly as he slung his coat over one shoulder. Uriah flinched, caught off guard before Kenneth’s free hand rose up and tilted his jaw. Heat flooded to his face yet again as their lips pressed together. He relaxed as Kenneth brushed his fingertips up along the side of his face and back into his hair. They parted slowly, Kenneth’s expression warm.
“Don’t forget to finish that tea,” he reminded Uriah gently. “You seem like you could use it.”
“O-Oh, uh…y-yeah. Okay.”
“Good boy.”
Kenneth gave him one last affectionate touch before swaggering out the door. Uriah shook off his surprise and nearly tripped into the doorframe, sticking his head out to shout after him.
“Hey! Warn me next time you’re gonna show up!”
“Ta, darling!” Kenneth laughed over his shoulder, raising a hand in a casual salute of farewell. Uriah felt his mouth twist into a flustered line, made worse by the few curious glances thrown his way. Uriah snuck back into his office, shutting the door once again and huffing. Eventually, he looked back to the half-full cup of tea on his desk and reached for it, pausing when he noticed the message scribbled into the side in black marker:
‘Here’s to good business! XOXO - Kenny.’
“That teasing sonofa—I’m gonna smack him next time,” Uriah muttered, pointedly facing the message away from him before taking a drink.
((A second lit piece from the Gotham AU that @ask-nagakenny had for Kenny, and I couldn’t help but run with <3))
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
What’s the most dangerous creature that Uriah has come across? Or not exactly dangerous but powerful?
Uriah: “Dangerous? The Blackscale nagas. They’re a very aggressive and venomous clan of nagas that worship the war and chaos deities, primarily. Very hungry for power and territory and don’t care who they have to kill to get it. Orpheus’s family has had a few encounters. They’re more reptilian than other nagas, and I’ve been told that their ideal of pure bloodlines has given them inherent insanity—hence the continued violence. I came way too close to them once and that was more than enough. As for the most powerful? I-I think Cairn threw me for a loop. I’ve met a lot of strong beings since meeting Orpheus, but his presence alone is intimidating. I can tell he’s capable of a lot, as far as magic is concerned, but I don’t know how, and uh…I-I’m mildly concerned that I’ve apparently amused him. Something tells me that’s not a good sign.” -sweats nervously-
(Tagging @scales-and-spirals for a Cairn mention lol)
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years ago
Yeah, I have a little bit of family stuff in regards to Uriah! They came later than all the nagas in the development stage lol.
Uriah is an only child but he had a decently sized extended family! His father passed from health complications not long after Uriah finished his college education, but Uriah highly admired him as his father was also very academic and was super enthusiastic about his son’s studies.
His mother lives a good long life—probably into her 90’s—and is a very nurturing presence. I haven’t decided if she had a career herself or if she was the stay-at-home mom sort. Orpheus and her hit it off almost immediately because her personality is so similar to his own mother; she was one of the few trusted family members who knew the whole story with Uriah when it was approaching the time he couldn’t hide it much more. Orpheus made sure to personally visit her and use his magic whenever needed to make her more comfortable in her old age. He performed his own blessing for her burial when she passed, too, with Uriah’s approval, and will visit the grave with his husband. She knew her grandson for a little while too—though the naga aspect did always seem a bit odd lol.
Out of Uriah’s extended family, his cousins and their kids were his favorites; his aunts and uncles didn’t quite get his fascination with reptiles, but his cousins (who were practically siblings to him) always thought he was the ‘brave and smart’ one to be calm when a stray noodle would wind up in someone’s yard, and just start spitting out whatever facts he knew about it. At least one of his cousins ended up convincing their parents to let them get a pet snake because Uriah was able to help them get a good setup and all the knowledge they’d need.
When Uriah had to start backing away from normal human life, he selected a handful of his remaining family to tell the truth to, because he didn’t want them to think he’d died or something awful happened to him. It was obviously shocking, but the people he picked eventually adjusted and he’d still visit them occasionally. Said family just started a bit of a ‘family myth’ for future generations that Uriah was always looking out for them and their best interests, and he’d be there if anything happened. Which, Uriah absolutely would; he keeps tabs on his family even from a distance. A great niece or nephew may find a special gift their parents “can’t explain” on their birthdays, or they joke a snake in the yard is one of “Uncle Uriah’s” friends saying hello.
I should develop his family more, they’re a good bunch lol
Since I’ve had a few asks like the last one where people try to ask about Kenny, too, I just wanna remind folks I do *not* own Kenny in any capacity. I love drawing him and occasionally sneaking him into lit pieces for fun, as long as his mun is okay with it, but that’s it. Please direct questions for Kenny to his own blog at @ask-nagakenny C:
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