#yes my sims look weird I tried
pawsimses · 1 year
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Might have started a little AU in Sims with an old OC (baby brother of Sherry named George) where instead of being separated from Sherry, he gains joint custody and both kids are unfortunately used as leverage to get him to work for the government (because Simmons still has his grubby mitts in this mess and he sucks). So Accidental Dad!Leon AU  His kids are what keep him going
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fairykazu · 4 months
youre dating me! not him! ft. lyney࿐࿔ ✦cws: est. relationship, otome game (i.e. love and deepspace), rafayel my beloved, jealousy, feminine terms are used but reader is gender neutral, crackpost, lyney is trying to be batman to save chaos from gotham (his brain) and ooc ✦masterlist
lyney noticed something off with his girlfriend, giggling on their phone and of course, he thinks that youre either chatting away with your own friends or youve picked up a new hobby.
you have plenty of hobbies but you so happen to be invested in fandom culture.
hes well aware of how you read fanfiction on those websites, totally not because he snooped on your phone and accidentally found them. he will admit though that they are pretty well written, and he did steal some of the tropes and some of the pick up lines just to flirt and fluster you.
but you're not intensely reading fanfiction because you don't have the face, the "oh my god???" or "OH MY GODDD..... ?!?!?!?" so clearly, you're playing something else here. but you were being sneaky!
every time he tries to peek over, you hid your screen, turn off your phone. hell, you even invested into a privacy phone screen. although, these signs do sound like cheating. it most definitely is not because well… to put it lightly, you’re kind of a loser (affectionate) but its his favorite trait of yours!!!
that sounded more backhanded than he intended.
but he has to solve this mystery before the world falls to chaos…
he’s just going to “borrow” your phone. he had a plan and everything. he knew exactly what he was going to do. wait until you sleep, unlock your phone and find out your biggest secret at the moment.
but instead, midway of his plan, you had light mode on??? why are you the devil? knowing he was going to sneak onto your phone, you put your themes to light mode. its a sneak attack on his very character!
a bright light burned his eyes as he lowered the brightness because he will power through!! but he was being too loud when he was putting in your phone password.
lyney noticed you were waking up, quickly hiding your phone under a pillow case. as you yawned, you turned on the lamp, peeling open your eyes, “…mhmm, hey, lyney why are you up?”
“well, i couldnt sleep.” he replied back, snaking his arms around you. you laugh,
“is anything keeping you up?” funny you ASK, the joker of his heart !! you shifted in your side of the bed, facing his way. “ow, what the hell?” you reached under your pillowcase, “huh, why is my phone here?”
lyney, sweating, “um, maybe you forgot?”
“its even unlocked!”
“woww… wonder how it got there.”
silence filled the air as the both of you just stare at each other. well, he looked at your eyes with unwavering confidence and a midge of fear and you were straining your half asleep eyes at your boyfriend.
“um… dont know! okay, fine i did it.”
“if you wanted to know, you can.” you handed him your phone, clearly even more suspicious. not really. he really wanted to get into this dark knight hero guy character.
he swiped through and nothing hut a new game. “oh! dont click that…”
“why?” he clicked on it anyway. he was met with kind of realistic men, painting, winking and other actions. its not as bad as he thought. or even, kind of typical girlfriend behavior.
hearing the theme song, you sighed, rubbing your temples. your tone was embarassed, “i.. its an otome game. i thought it would be weird—”
you met eye contact with lyney as you nervously laughed. “because its a dating simulator.”
you could tell he was processing it in his mind. “wait, youre dating me,”
“and youre playing otome games, which is, dating sims.”
“but youre dating me! not him! ive been feeling neglect lately and you were gone in your prtend world of these…” he looks at the home screen. “very attractive suitors while i waste away to our homelife, trying to be better.”
“good narrative, babe.”
“thank you, i made it on the spot. wait, no, dont distract me!!” he made himself sound serious. “all jokes aside though, im glad it was a game. i thought it was more something serious.”
“such as?”
“like cheating! and i know how that sounds and i know you wouldn’t but the way you acted made it seem bad.”
he saw you load in the information he just gave you and you began to apologize. “dont worry, you just have to pay attention to me and i guess, whoever is on ‘amor and deepabyss’.”
“sounds like a plan!”
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
{Soap walks into Ghost’s office to drop off some paperwork, when he sees the room is empty, He shrugs and was going to just leave the papers on the desk, when he notices the laptop was is on, appeared to be paused on a game menu. On closer inspection Soap realized it was the Sims, Ghost was playing the Sims.}  
Soap: No way, Lt games? Hold on...
[Soap thought one of the girl Sims looked very familiar but isn’t quite sure, he goes in for a closer look..]
Soap, realizing who the Sim is: What the hell is this?
[Ghost comes back to his office holding a glass of water, only to drop the glass when he sees Soap looking at his computer! He rushes to his desk shoves Soap away and tries blocking the screen from view.]
Ghost, to Soap completely mortified: Ah! Wh-what why-, Johnny!! Whaddya doing in my office?!
Soap: I was dropping some papers off, Is that…Ye made a sim of R/n?
Ghost, laughing nervously: I What? Pfft, N-No! you’re crazy!
[Soap leans to the side and stares at the screen more and is further weirded out when sees a sim that looks similar to Ghost cuddling the R/n sim.}
Soap, laughing at Ghost’s misery: Ye made a sim Ghost too? What the hell bro? Are him and Sim-R/n dating or married? Hahaha...Have they woo-hooed yet? got any sim tots running about?
Ghost, embarrassed all to hell: No! Get out of my office dammit! Price!!
Price, in a tired dad tone as he passes by: *sigh* Leave your brother alone, Johnny...
Price, realizes what he said: I said leave the lieutenant alone and get back to work!
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boydepartment · 6 months
MY ONLY LOVE: Jake Sim x Reader: Ch. 15
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description- y/n is an upcoming soloist in belift, she was previously in a disbanded group and the company decided to give her a chance. one day she runs into ex-boyfriend, jake sim, in the canteen. it was awkward and embarrassing and for weeks she tries to avoid him. you can’t avoid people forever though, especially when the company who gave her a chance tells her she has to fake date her ex boyfriend publicly.
genre- exes to lovers, fake dating, idol AU, romcom, fluff, comfort
includes- enhypen, y/n (obviously), bahiyyih (kep1er), hikaru (kep1er), p1 harmony, different idol cameos (i.e probably mark lee, bangchan, new jeans, etc)
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when you got to jakes house, arriving with him, you were taken back by his mom putting you in a bone crushing hug.
“Y/N! DARLING!” she laughed as she wrapped her arms around you, layla got up from her dog bed and started to wiggle at the commotion.
“hi again mrs. sim!” you hugged her back and knelt down to pet layla.
“she remembers you!” mrs. sim smiled down at you and the dog. jake just stood there awkwardly at this interaction, it was difficult to take in you guessed. i mean, it’s not everday that your ex girlfriend from trainee days is in your home again, and now she’s your fake girlfriend.
“and you! you need to try to come home more often!” jake’s mom hugged him after that and let you both farther in the house.
it was just as you remembered it, the family portraits, old trophies from school, even the décor was the same. it shouldn’t be surprising to you, it was more homey than surprising.
you and jake sat at the table as his mom started giving you life updates about the sim family, it was really nice to be around familiarity. you didn’t get that often anymore. what really scared you was that this felt right.
“sooo jaeyun told me about the contract.” she flipped around and leaned against the counter, “is it going okay? they aren’t being weird towards either of you right?”
jake’s mom always looked out for you when you were a trainee and it was refreshing that she was still looking out for you even now, “yeah… i am okay, the only really bad thing was the whole group drama and the fansign…”
from the corner of your eye you saw jake tense up. in fact anytime the fansign was brought up he seemed to become tense.
“i know honey, jaeyun was telling me that some stuff like that was going on with you.” she sighed and handed you a cup of water. you thanked her and took a sip, jake was silent and his ears were pink.
“jaeyun it is not embarrassing that you made sure she was okay!” his mom had a shit eating grin on her face, you couldn’t help but smile behind your cup.
jake blushed harder and groans throwing his head back, “mom stop! you don’t need to tell her!”
his mom started laughing, “anyways, i will leave you two be for a bit alright?” at that she walks off to another room of the house.
“so you kept tabs on me?” you asked, smiling. jake side eyes you and you start laughing.
“its not funny! i just wanted to make sure you were doing okay but i was too shy to approach you! i thought you hated me so anytime something bad would happen to you i would go walking because i was always so stressed because-“
you were smiling and jake stopped talking, embarrassed, “you take walks too? when you’re stressed?”
jake nodded silently
“maybe we should start taking walks together then.” you smiled at him, “if that’s okay.”
“YES- i mean yes, yeah that’s cool. we can do that!”
you took another sip of your water, “good, i’m glad. we should visit here more often too…”
jake’s mouth dropped before he smiled, “sounds good y/n… sounds good…”
taglist- open :)
@bloofairyfox @enluv @kaykay11sworld @tumblemumblr @haisuken @bluxjun @breadlover01 @ghostiiess @filmofhybe @yourmomscuntis2tighy @beomgyusonlywife @enhaz1 @surefornext @stellarpsh @peachyun02 @softiehee @miniature-tragedy @forevrglow @imsodazed @darlingz99 @isawritesss @xoxo-jeans @firstclassjaylee
comment, dm, or send an ask to be added
PLEASE only ask via comment to be on taglist on the masterlist chapter, or teaser
a/n: i am sorry this chapter took forever and the fact it is short af
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
In your opinion who is the best mother in the TVD universe? I think it has to be Hayley. She had made a lot of mistakes, but at the end of the day, Hope has never once doubted that her mother truly and unconditionally loved and supported her. Hayley practically raised Hope by herself. All Hayley wanted is for Hope to have a normal, happy childhood. And unlike many people I don’t think she ever abandoned Hope. Yes, she sent her away to the Salvatore school - but I think that’s because she knew that Hope couldn’t live a normal life in New Orleans and she thought that the best chance of Hope having a semi normal childhood is if no one knew who she was. And in legacies, it’s said that she still visited Hope at school frequently.
Hayley Marshall without a doubt was the best mother in tvdu, especially considering the events regarding her pregnancy, daughter and her daughter's family.
Hayley loved Hope from the very beginning, don't bring up how she tried to abort Hope because that's just rubbish: she wanted to do it because it would be better for both of them, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it. Claiming Elijah was the first person to care about Hope is so wrong, he didn't give a damn about the fetus but what it could mean to Klaus and his fucked up family at the beginning, he only saw his niece as her own person when she was fifteen years old.
Motherhood was forced upon Hayley and she had no other choice but to accept it, Klaus and Elijah made that very clear and it sickens me how people brush over Hayley herself saying how terrified and scared she was during this period of her life. She was barely an adult, thrown into the most dangerous family to ever live just because she happened to carry a baby and was killed twice because of that same family.
Saying Hayley was a bad mother is crazy, she loved Hope and put her above everyone almost always (I won't praise her for this, though, loving your child is the bare minium a decent parent should do) even if it was above people she cared about. People always bring up how she "stole" Hope in season two to try to put her in a bad light and it's embarrassing every time.
Was it a dangerous and risky choice? Obviously, yes, but Klaus, the father of her daughter, was jeopardizing Hope at the time with his paranoia and refusal to trust his family, and at the time everyone believed he had killed Aiden, a member of Hayley's pack, of course she would panick and run away with their kid. It was wrong nonetheless because she was putting in danger her whole pack, her husband, her daughter and herself, but I'll never blame her for it considering how much shit she went through only because of the Mikaelson.
Like Klaus, Hayley was scared too and this is often "forgotten" by the fandom: like him, she never had any good parent, but this didn't make her stop talking to Hope suddenly. The fandom often justifies Klaus abandoning Hope because he had daddy issues and because of The Hollow, but was it that hard to write letters, answer her phone calls? He ghosted his own daughter when she was nine because she saw him murdering someone, but somehow Klaus is the better parent in tvdu and the one Hope loved the most. Make it make sense.
Caroline was away too from her daughters, but she didn't ghost them the way Klaus did. Hayley was co-leading New Orleans, a whole city full of supernatural creatures, but she didn't abandon Hope either: as you said, Josie herself said she used to come to Mystic Falls frequently just for her daughter. Sending Hope away to school after nearly dying and losing her father was too soon, and while Legacies made everything they could to make these women look like bad mothers (Hope being basically depressed as a child, wanting to belong into the Saltzman family, her line in season three "my mom and dad will come back for me" - though I'm not sure if it should consider it proof, considering it was a weird Star Wars episode -, Lizzie feeling neglected by her mother, etc) they simply weren't.
Caroline and Hayley were both forced to be mothers and both proved to be better than everyone in the series. People should start criticizing the actual bad parents in this show instead of them.
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elisysd · 11 months
Out of the Woods
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Cruel Summer Masterlist
Charles teaches Lyanna how to drive
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
“I’m really not sure about this Charles. Like, not at all.”
“Hey you passed the theory easily, love. First try may I add, and we worked together on the sim for so many hours, you’ll be fine. I promise. And you have me as your teacher, nothing can go wrong.” Charles tried to reassure her.
“So many things can go wrong. I can crash us both and then Julia will be an orphan. And Pierre will be in charge of taking care of her. Pierre, Charles! Pierre! What went wrong in our heads to decide that he would be a great godfather?”
“He is a great godfather! He is spoiling her. But really, breathe, love. It will be fine, you got this.”
“I’m scared, Charles.”
“I’m right here Lya and if something goes wrong, I’ll take the wheel. But I trust you.”
“Why didn’t we try an empty parking lot for my first time? Why did it have to be the track of the Monaco GP?”
“Because if you can manage it, love, you’ll manage anything.”
“Easy for you to say.”
When Lyanna told Charles a few months ago that she wanted to get her driver’s licence so it would be easier to drive Julia to school as they were living on the side of Monaco, Charles had not given her any other choice but to be her instructor. Whenever he got a little time between two races he had taken his role very seriously making Lyanna train on his simulator for two hours per day until he deemed her ready to hit the road. And the day had finally come.
Charles tried his best to reassure her, telling her that they would go easy for the first time. But to Lyanna, easy definitely didn’t mean the track of the Monaco GP. She knew it pretty well because of Charles and the amount of time they had spent driving along, both together and then with Julia. She didn’t know it by heart, of course, but she roughly knows the turns and where they were.
“How can you trust me with your Pista?” she asked with a shaky voice.
“I trust you with my life, love.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.”
“Come on drama queen, start the engine and let’s go.”
And she did as told. And off they were. the first few kilometers went well, at least, in her opinion. They managed to get inside the Monegasque traffic without too much inconveniences and there were no crashes in sight. Little by little, Lyanna was starting to relax. Charles, to her surprise, was not saying much, just giving her a few instruction here and there.
“Lya?” he ended up saying as they were near Sainte-Devote.
“You know you drive at 30 kmph? You can go up to 50.”
“Isn’t it a bit too fast though?”
“it’s really not, love.”
She sighed and sped up as Charles told her. Two hours later and after multiple laps around Monaco, they came back home. Lyanna could already see the improvements and she was actually proud of herself for overcoming her fears. And Charles was not that bad. As they both were getting out of the car and Lyanna gave back his car’s key to her husband, a mini brunette tornado came crashing in her dad’s arms full force.
“Daddy! Mommy! You went vroom vroom without me!”
“Daddy is teaching mommy how to be an as good driver as him.” explained Lyanna as Pascale was coming through the door to greet them.
“Does it mean that you are going to leave me to go with daddy?”
“No my princess, mommy is learning how to drive so she can take you out for ice cream when daddy is away.”
“So cool!”
“What were you doing? And how was school?” asked Charles.
“She was watching Pierre’s win in Monza.” told Pascale making the little girl blush.
“Why are you watching uncle Pierre and not daddy?” Charles was faking to be offended.
“She loves the broadcast. It’s making her laugh. And she needed that after her school day.”
“What do you mean? What happened?” Worried Lyanna as she was bending down to look at her daughter, afraid she had been hurt.
“I wanted to play tag with other girls. And they told me no.”
“Why?” asked Charles.
“They said I’m weird because I don’t play with dolls with them. And I prefer cars. But then boys don’t want to play with me because I’m a girl.”
Lyanna could see Charles’ jaw harden, after hearing that. But it didn’t seem to bother Julia that much. As she was explaining further how she was cast aside by her classmates, she simply shrugged and said that it didn’t matter, she knew how to have fun by herself. Still, Charles and Lyanna’s hearts broke a little.
The next day, the parents dropped her at school, not without crossing paths with Max who was dropping Ethan. The Dutchman shot a death glare to Charles on the way that Charles reciprocated. Both of them didn’t forget the biting incident that happened a few months ago. It was well known in the paddock, ever since, that putting them both in the same room was only resulting in petty comments towards one another. Thankfully, they didn’t try to kill each other on track. At least, not yet.
When they finally left Julia at school, Lyanna took her place behind the steering wheel and drove off to an empty parking lot.
“I’m going to teach you how to park today.” said Charles very seriously.
“You what?”
“Teach you how to park?”
“Sorry I thought you were serious being for a moment.” she laughed as he gave her a puzzled look. “You can’t park to save your life Charles.”
“Hey! I got better with time!” he defended himself.
They spent an hour trying to park the car in different conditions and positions and to Charles surprise, she was good. Really good. Better than him that’s for sure. Not that it was hard.
Days passed and training sessions with Charles resumed. When Lyanna finally felt ready she passed her test and got her result a few weeks later. Charles was not there but she decided to sent him as screenshot telling him that she finally had her driver’s license. Charles was so proud of his wife that he didn’t hesitate much before adding her as a driver on his car assurance contract.
If at first Lyanna was scared to use the Pista, even more with Julia, she quickly got back her confidence. Driving around Monaco was not the hardest thing to do when you knew when the traffic was hectic and when you were used to the city. And Lyanna never really needed to use the car that much, only to bring Julia to school and to pick her up. As for the groceries, she avoided going and would rather use the delivery option. It was easier and it prevented people from stopping her in the alleys to ask for a picture. But today, she had promised to Julia they would bake a cake together and she needed ingredients.
The supermarket parking lot was more crowded than usual and Lyanna had to spent at least 15 minutes turning and turning in the hopes of finding space. She finally found one away from the entry of the shop and tried to park the Pista. It was not easy, the space was not very big and the car next to her was not very well parked. But after a small amount of tries, which she was very proud of, she finally managed to park the car.
She tried to be quick, not wanting to spend more time than necessary in the supermarket. She bought what she needed and even added to her cart sweets for Julia and make her way to pay. Once done, she got back to the car and almost had heart attack when she saw a scratch on the driver side door. Panic started to take over her body when she will have to explain to Charles how she managed to scratch his beloved car. But she knew the sooner she let the cat out the bag, the better she would feel.She checked her phone and texted him to know if she could call him before putting down her phone on the passenger seat and making her way back home.
When she pulled up in the driveway, she saw a notification from her husband popping up. She sighed, get out of the car, took out the groceries from the trunk and went back home. After putting everything in the cupboards and cleaning the kitchen area, she sat on the couch and called Charles.
“Hey, love. Everything’s alright?”
“Hey… no, not really. I have something to tell you.”
“Lya, you are scaring me. Are you okay? Is Julia okay? Did something happened?”
“Yeah, yeah we are okay. Don’t worry. I can’t say the same about your Pista though.”
The was a long silence at the other end of the line and Lyanna was bracing herself for the scolding.
“What happened?” he slowly said.
“I went grocery shopping. I parked the Pista, everything went well but when I came back there was a scratch. I’m sorry, I should have been more careful, the two cars were not parked well and I should have known that it could happen and…”
“Lyanna! For fuck’s sake!” he cut her.
“I’m sorry!” she was on the verge of crying.
“I thought it was worse than that! Don’t scare me like that. I thought something happened to you for a minute.”
“So you’re not angry?”
“If you’d know how many times something like that happened to me, love… Don’t worry about the Pista okay. How is Julia by the way, where is she? I want to see my princess.”
“Julia?” repeated Lyanna.
She suddenly looked up at the hour and gasped.
“Oh fuck! With everything that happened, I forgot her at school!”
@zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard @shikshinkwon@smoooothoperator
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heeseung-min · 2 years
"The serial killer, Jake Sim that has been caught four years ago had escaped from the asylum yesterday. The polices have started to search for him around the cities. Everyone, do not forget to lock your windows and door. Futhermore, if any of you see him, please contact the police immediately."
"I really hope the killer get caught soon. It's really dangerous."
"Yeah, me too. So, can you please be back at home before the dark, Hee? I'm worried about you."
Heeseung pulled your body closer to give comfort you needed. Your husband always come at night since he wanted to make sure all of his work are done. He is really such a hardworking man and you couldn't help but to be grateful to have him in your life.
"Alright, anything for my beautiful wife. I will do the dinner today. You can take care of our child."
"Yes, sir."
It's been a week and there is still no update about the serial killer. Some of your neighbours getting frustrated about the matter while the other just continue living their life.
You were also worried because sometimes Heeseung couldn't get to back early because of his workload at the office. However, today is oddly late for him to be back at home.
Right now, you were making the dinner for both of you and your child and will save some of it for your husband later. You kept him at his play room since all of his favourite toys were there. When you were done serving the food, you went upstairs to call your son but felt weird when heard the boy giggling and like talking to someone.
When you opened the door, you were met with a sight of your son hugging a man closer to him. A man or to be exact, Jake Sim was holding your son while talking to him in a childish way was looking at you with a big smile on his face. Your son also was shouting excitedly when he saw you.
"Put my child down."
"Yours? Honey, he looked exactly like me. Who are you trying to fool, Y/N?"
You clenched your fists when he started to get closer. You turned your eyes down because you were too afraid to look at him. You became scared because of the truth that he had spit.
"You lost your chubby cheeks. Did the man made you like this?"
"You and I are not together anymore, Jake. I'm happy with my husband and you should not come here."
The man in front of you smile and let your son go back down. You asked the child to go to his room and don't come out until you say. Jake looked at how you treat the kid and hugged your body from behind.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You panickly tried to get off him but Jake was stronger than you.
"I just met with your husband. He is really nice looking guy and has good attitude but too bad he took you away from me. So, I put a bomb inside his car."
You already crying from it. Thinking how Heeseung already dead by now. Jake kissed your tears and cupped your cheeks to look at him.
"I am the perfect father for the child and husband for you, y/n. Not him and not other men."
taglist💗: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Cliche Royalty!AU diasomnia dating sim, where:
You were betrothed to the cold Malleus since you were 4, who has never shown you love or interest
Secret childhood friends with sweet Silver, who sadly moved away to serve under the Draconian Kingdom
Your best knight Sebek, who takes his role a bit too serious which causes an awkward, stiff air around you both
Silly tutor Lilia, who maybe has a traitorous gleam in his eyes and happens to be Malleus’ best friend
✍️ let’s expand, shall we?
DID YOU SAY CLICHE ROYALTY AU? AND OTOME GAME ANONIE?! Because hell yes!, I love my cliches, love royalty aus, and please I have so tomes back log that I just wish I have all the time in the world to read and finish and it just keep adding...
okay okay rambling again 
I would love a otome game with the Diasomnia gang but I can already tell that I would feel guilty when I would finish a route and switch over to a new route 😭
Malleus’ route I feel would be the final route. The one where you have to play all the other routes just to unlock his. The poster boy route if you will, which makes sense because he technically is the poster boy for twst.
Malleus is the Crown Prince and you were betrothed to him. 
Your marriage to him was a political one to finally bring peace to both the human and fae race after hundreds of years of fighting.
He was cold to you because he didn’t know how to treat you.
He was strong and many of his kind feared him, so of course, you would fear him too.
not to say you weren’t at the beginning, but you slowly warmed up to him from the constant meetings you two had since you were young.
you saw the way people ignored and went out of their way to not interact with him, while you had friends who adored you.
so you made yourself a promise, while this marriage was a political one, you would love your dragon fae husband.
now Malleus, he wasn’t used to you.
You who would try your best to interact with him, and he tried to act cold towards you, but that all changed.
when you stayed by his side while he was sick, and you fed him soup.
you became the bright light to his dark days.
Anonie, you are going after my heart. I freaking love the friends to lover trope.
Silver and you were friends. 
you didn't know much about him besides the fact that you would meet up with him at the forest and play with him.
one day, he came to you and told you his family was moving away.
both of you were in tears and promised to meet again.
imagine to both your shock when you do meet again, it’s when you are visiting your another kingdom and the knight of the prince was your childhood friend.
I want to say, that silver is the character who is, no matter the route, the one who is always in love with you. All he wants is your happiness even if you do not choose him in the end.
ah yes, the cute knight and royalty trope. 
Sebek has always been your loyal knight.
he pledged his allegiance towards you and only you since you were young.
he followed all the rules and kept you guard even though you told him that he didn't need to.
He knows you might get betrothed in the future, but for you, he’s willing to sacrifice it all and escape with you if it means you will be happy.
ah Lilia Lilia Lilia, you mentioned traitorous gleam in his eyes and my mind went the yandere route, well I prefer the soft yandere usually.
in this route, I want to say that you and malleus are friends.
the kingdoms are friendly with each other and you both get along great.
your parents hope that you two will get along enough to get married.
now you and malleus study by the same tutor Lilia.
he’s funny and makes weird concoctions that you wouldn't dare try and eat. 
you are sure that you have developed a crush on him.
but you can’t help but wonder,
sometimes you see this particular gleam in his eyes that kind of gives you the shivers
but it must be your imagination, right?
and Lilia?
why, he loves the innocence aura you give off.
he wants to be the one to corrupt it.
so you will look at him and only him  
I enjoyed writing these 🙌💕💚 What do you think anonie? what would you add?
EDIT: Now even more with other characters: Ridde Rosehearts Ver. ;
Ace Trappola, Epel Felmier, Azul Ashengrotto Ver.
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funphumph · 6 months
A Question about Terrain Paints
After some hours of googling and coming across interesting details about the Sims 2 game that I didn't know about yet, but not getting an answer for what I had googled for in the first place, I have no choice but to ask for help (and to say sorry if the answer to my problem is obvious for anyone but me):
So, the terrain in one of my lots looks like this:
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This isn't terrain paint, it's the default. Whenever I tried to cover it with new terrain paint, the brown spots were shining through whatever paint I was laying above it. I deleted the few custom terrain paints I had in my game, and while that didn't cause the terrain to turn into a flashing blue surface, the spotty terrain persisted.
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However, now the Maxis' terrains were forming square patterns when spraying them on the ground, only the garden earth paint from the base game was able to cover the spots up correctly.
Using the boolProp lotTerrainPaints false cheat makes the terrain normal again (but then you cannot apply any terrain paint at all), turning it on again transforms everything into molehill country again. Moving the lot to another place in the neighborhood doesn't help either. The lot is the only lot in the neighborhood with this problem, though it's the most played one in the hood - it's a residential lot with four Sims on it.
I took a look at the CC terrain paints that I had taken out and couldn't detect anything suspicious, except that their texture size is bigger than Maxis'.
So my questions are:
"Is it possible that I sprayed too many terrain paints on top of each other over the course of time so that the game had enough of my shenanigans and went on strike?`"
"Are there any cache files to delete other than the Groups and Accessory cache?
"Is it possible to somehow edit the lot file with regard to the terrain paint (never worked with lot files before)? If yes, could anybody point me to a corresponding forum post or something like that?"
I'm reluctant to just delete the lot and pretend nothing had ever happened. I'd prefer to carry out some more experiments first. ;)
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
EDIT: I did some more testing and obviously the garden earth terrain paint (mentioned above) is different than the other paints in that it is able to remove the brown "knolls", but only when you cover the ground with it FIRST and then do the ctrl-clicking.
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All of the other MAXIS terrain paints do nothing but keep acting weird, refusing to make anything else but building square patterns. The testing took place without any custom content.
EDIT2: The plot thickens. I discovered that another MAXIS terrain paint is able to act normal: the mulch terrain (I must have overseen it until now). It's not able to remove the spotty brown terrain like the earth terrain paint does, but you can spray it on the ground like a good terrain paint. What I find weird is that these are the only two earth-like brown paints in the game .... BROWN like the spotty brown terrain. Am I going crazy?
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fateinthestars · 8 months
COMPLETED: The Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 3
Okay I think I'm finally done with this (it's far from perfect (I hate doing roofs manually) but I hope you can all still have some fun with it, and thanks one final time to @star-crossed-mid 's blueprint post for putting this idea in my head). I tried to avoid using the store-bought content I have as much as possible, but there may be a few chairs you'll have to replace. I have all the expansion packs except showtime iirc.
If something looks different from the screenshots under the cut and you want to know what specific item should be there, please ask - I can go check which ep it is in on whether it is one of the few store bought items.
Hopefully this all makes sense. ^^;;
Tour and comparisons between the Sims 3 House and the Mansion in game under the cut. (So loads of images in this post)
And if you're asking will I also make the Gods to go with the house? The answer is I hope so! ^^;;
The Outside of The Mansion
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Apogies for the hash I've made of the roof - doesn't help that the roof has to be all one colour so Hue's area has this weird grey dome. Hopefully it's mostly okay? (I tried to fix the left part of the roof so that it was one triangle at the front like the others but it looks like the only way I could have done that was to shift Hue's room back some more and... yeah sorry ^^;; )
Ground (First) Floor
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Living Room/Parlour
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Leon's Room
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The Reflecting Pool Room
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(I've just noticed the wallpaper isn't on all of this, just use the copy tool ^^;; )
The Baths
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First (Second) Floor
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Scorpio's Room
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Ichthys' Room
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Ikky's room probably has the most creative liberties because... how do you do that in the Sims? Hopefully the fish and wall lights still give off the same vibe! (Also remembered to do the floor this time)
Krioff's Room
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Partheno's Room
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Tauxolouve's Room
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Second (Third) Floor
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Dui's Room
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Zyglavis' Room
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I've only seen the kitchen mentioned in some of the special stories and no picture so far. If it comes up I'll change it but I seem to recall Teo saying 'is that that weird room with all the gadgets?' so I'm taking it it is at least an advanced Kitchen.
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No idea whether there is actually one of not - presumably so if there is a kitchen none of them use. But yeah just basics here so you can play a game of the sims properly if you wish.
Third (Fourth) Floor
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The spiral staircase leading up to the observatory or whatever you want to call where Hue's room is was more a space thing, but I also kinda like that idea for some reason.
Aigonorus' Room
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I said it before but please ignore water you can see on this overhead view, it's from Hue's room upstairs. It's not visible on the flat. Also yes I found some cushions in the decor section since last posting this, that's better!
Teorus' Room
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I thought I'd paid attention to the visible lighting in rooms but apparently I didn't see the candleabra's on the wall here ^^;;
Karno's Room
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Dining Room
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The dining room is meant to have a fireplace but without extending the house back further I couldn't get it to fit without it getting in the way of the chairs. Hopefully it still looks close enough.
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I couldn't see any way to do the canopy and getting room for the balcony was awkward. I hope this is a good enough ^^;;
Fourth (Fifth) Floor/Observatory/Huedhaut's Room
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shadyauthor · 1 year
Strings of their hearts 💕 CH 5
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Waking up, you covered your eyes with your hand at the sudden change of lighting to your eyes. This was weird, you knew the light from your window did shine on your face when you laid in bed in the mornings but it was never this bright. Now that you think about it, what is with all the sounds? All the colors? Why did everything sound so muffled? You rubbed your face, slowly sitting up and realized you were surrounded by people...or rather..puppets.
You closed your eyes and tried to focused on what they were saying to the best of your ability "-dearie are you okay?" You looked up and focused your eyes on the..extremely tall red big bird look-alike??? Where in the fiddly diddly were you? Wait....did your brain just correct fiddly diddly to fiddly diddly?? WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY CANT YOU SAY FIDDLY OR DIDDLY? NOOO.
Oh wait you forgot what was happening for a second, "who- who are you???" You asked, looking up at the 3..puppets? Puppets. Standing around you, "see? I told you I saw 'em hit their head hard, not even two steps out the door and they went falling harder than a tree in timber season, they can't even remember our names!" The orange one said in a worried tone to the other two. Wait a minute....this guy looked AND sounded like that guy from the game you were playing, did you fall asleep and now your having a lucid dream of a dating sim game because your lonely and have nothing else in your life better to do??....likely. Figuring this WAS a dream, you decided to make the best of it "Wait a minute..no no...I remember you! Eddie? Right?" You said looking to your right up at him "Phew I was worried there for a bit, guess you were just still wakin' up! You've been out for a good few hours now, Howdy is on his way right now with a med kit, we didn't know if you were goin' to need it or not" He sighed in relief before rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
You smiled, grateful for their kindness "Thank you, I don't remember what happened, I barely remember what I ate this morning....your Poppy right??" You looked to the much taller puppet that was standing directly in front of you, you needed to make sure that you matched the names to the faces, even though this is a dream, if you embarrassed yourself here you wouldn't never live it down when you woke up. "Yes dear! Thank the stars you remembered, we didn't know what we were gonna do if you couldn't remember anything, we've been very worried. Here, let me help you up, no use in staying on the floor and getting uncomfortable, let's go inside" she held out her wing? For you. You looked at it for a moment before taking it hesitantly and letting them lead you into your 'home', it took you a moment to remember there was a third puppet walking with you and you decided to look at them and see if you could remember their name...but when you looked to them they were already staring at you?? Awestruck??? Nah that part must be your brain making something up, though it wouldn't be that odd considering it was your dream. But what was even more odd was, you haven't seen this character before? Was your brain making up more characters or do you just not remember them?
"Hey...I don't seem to remember your name? I'm sorry" you said, looking to the individual, for some reason, with the way the other two were looking at the third colorful and interesting puppet, they didn't seem like the type to be this quiet? Maybe they were nervous "oh haha, I haven't introduced myself to you yet, I was going to yesterday but it got to dark and you went home before I could" they said, nervously fidgeting their fingers and moved around your house slightly but never straying to far from the group, guess they weren't the type to stay still for very long. "My name is Sally! Sally Starlet" she seemed to be getting more and more energetic by the second the more comfortable she got, even with the noticeable red dusting onto her cheeks. "Oh! Sorry I didn't know, maybe I did hit my head hard" in exchange you gave her your name, she said it a few times, trying it out as it rolled out of her mouth almost naturally like she's known you for years, you already loved how she said your name, it made you feel at home.
"No worries! Hey, I like your home, it looks very nice in here, are these all you in these photos?" She said while looking at the framed photos that lined along the wall in your hall with her arms crossed behind her back,
You looked at the photos the decorated almost every inch of your hall. You didn't recognize anyone in the photos, though you deeply felt like you were supposed to, everything started to feel wrong you didn't belong here, you have to g-
And just as soon as the thought came, it left. You didn't remember what she asked, you nodded hoping it would be a good enough answer for whatever she asked you. She smiled at you and continued looking at the pictures with her hands behind your back, you continued to stare, the two other puppets sharing a confused and concerned look as you spaced out before the third spoke up "you look very different! But you still look just as nice, magnificent even!" She said, putting her hand over her heart as if posing dramatically.
All four of you heard knocking on the front door of what was supposed to be your house. Eddie got up to answer the door, smiling all the way and as soon as he opened the door, a giant MAN HOO BOY- excuse me I mean, an extremely tall green man with antennas and....FOUR??? ARMS?? oh and four legs, basically burst into your home, worry visibly all over his face "who got hurt? Is everyone one okay? what's happening?!" He bombarded question to no one specifically, worried that someone got seriously hurt
"Howdy!" Sally jumped in joy, grabbing onto howdys arm and pulling him over to where you were seated "I maybeeee exaggerated what happened...just a little" she pinched her fingers together, but it was clear she gave him almost an entirely different story "so our new neighbor didn't actually fall down a flight of stairs and then their porches flight of stairs and rip their legs seams?" He looked at Sally, clearly upset she got him so worried over something that could've been so minor. "Wellllll" she rocked on her feet, hands behind her back and looking anywhere but you and the three puppets staring at her "t-they fell in their doorway and fell unconscious atleast! Isn't that atleast half as bad??" She tried to reason, well, it was almost as bad because you could have a concussion but at least your legs were still stitched to your body- wait what??....??
You shook your head, your thoughts becoming fuzzy, where were you again? Oh right. "Come here sweetheart let me check your head" Poppy said, southern love dripping from each word, almost making your face turn red. She gently took the medical box from a still confused...Howdy? Right? Yeah, Howdy. He stood there, watching as Poppy took the container from his hands before turning to talk to Eddie, seemingly asking him what happened. Wow you really need to stop staring, its rude and its getting creepy, you shook your head before turning to Poppy and letting her examine you to make sure you were okay, "Well aren't you a tough little cookie" she said while gently patting your head with her soft fluffy wing "you don't have a single scratch" she said smiling down at you, and oh my god she was so fluffy all you wanted to do was hug her and just stay there till you fell asleep, so much so you started to unconsciously move to hug her, shoving your face onto her neck full of feathers, your arms open wide on both sides of her, to small to fully hug her, this was heaven, absolute heaven.
You just stayed there, rubbing your head into her feathers gently, to caught up in your own little world you didn't notice both of her wings draping over you like a giant warm fluffy blanket, to caught up in your world you didn't notice the audibly loud muffled sigh of relief you let out as you were practically laying on the bird, to caught up in this absolute heaven you didn't notice how the room fell silent, so caught up in your own little world you didn't realize how you drifted off to sleep and was being carried away now..
Boy, that took me a month to make😔 anyways, thank you EVERYONE for following and liking my au and story so far, its amazing how much attention this is getting already and it makes me so happy
@elegantkidfansoul @fic-fortress
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azzazz03 · 10 months
TS4BG - Surfer
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The Sims 4 Base Game Hair converted to The Sims 3.
I felt that the hair for children was scanty and weird (ugly), so I tried to convert this hair, and also I tried to make a default replacement for cmHairShortMessy ! I hope you guys like it!
General information:
Name            : Surfer
Poly              : 3,1 K | 1,9 K | 1,1 K
For                : Male (Child)
Recolorable : Yes! (Base & Highlights)
Mesh            : The Sims 4
To see more screenshots visit my Patreon.
Known Issues:
Hair looks too plastic in CAS but would look normal in the world.
This is the first time I've made a default hair replacement, and after I tested it it didn't cause any problems in the game, but if you experience it contact me immediately!
Download: MediaFire (.package) | DR - MediaFire (.package)
Please don’t re-upload my conversion. Credit to EA and Maxis for The Sims 4 mesh and texture.
Useful Tags below
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fizzigigsimmer · 10 days
Bake Off: A Harringrove Sim Story
Chapter 4
Copperdale studios, early morning.
The commercial break ends and we're back with Nancy and her guest's Steve & Billy on the couch of her morning show.
Nancy: Welcome back! I'm Nancy Wheeler and this is 'Good Morning With Nancy'. Before the break my guests, the owners of Harringrove Cafe, revealed the first two teams in Copperdale's very first amateur baking competition. But there's one more team left to introduce. Steve, Billy, everyone is wondering who made the final cut!
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For the first time Billy looks almost more excited than Steve.
Billy: Team 3 is the best team in my opinion. There's Robin Buckley, of Dirty Paws training center; who is a bit of a spazz yeah, but is actually pretty good in the kitchen. Although I still say it's weird she cooks in the same kitchen where she makes dog treats.
Steve: Hey! It's not like she doesn't wash everything in between.
Billy: Whatever you say. I don't know if I trust it. But I'd trust her partner Chrissy Cunningham with anything. She's like, my favorite person.
Steve pouts. He seems a tad jealous.
Steve: You can't have favorites Billy!
Billy: Oh please. Everyone knows Chrissy is my best friend. Best friend. Favorite. What's the difference?
Steve: Yeah but, people will think their team has an unfair advantage if you go around telling everyone that!
Nancy: Hmmm... but isn't Robin your best friend, Steve?
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Steve: For the duration of the competition I have decided that I have no friends. I'm 100% impartial.
Billy rolls his eyes as Nancy laughs.
Nancy: Aren't you two banned from the Karaoke machine for life because you tried to sing that Toy Story song in Russian and wouldn't let anyone else have a turn?
Billy starts to giggle at the memory and Steve blushes.
Steve: Okay. Maybe it's a good thing the final vote is up to the public.
Nancy: Yes, I think so. But the question on my mind is how did you convince her to get involved with a very public show like this? Robin is known to be very camera shy.
Billy: Yeah, I've been wondering that too.
Steve: Well...
A few weeks earlier....
Steve walks through the park on a cloudy afternoon with his best friend Robin. With them 'Captain Roger' an excitable boxer breed that Robin is pet sitting for a client. Steve has been trying to convince Robin to participate in the Bake Off but Robin is reluctant. The idea of being on TV makes her too nervous.
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Roger gets a scent in his nose and starts to run ahead. Steve notices a sign in the park reminding people to leash their pets.
Steve: Hey, is he okay off leash?
Robin: Of course. It's part of the training. I like this park because it's usually empty this time of day and we can work on heel and return commands without being disturbed too much.
Steve was never allowed to have pets growing up and is always very fascinated by Robin's work with animals. If only Billy weren't allergic.
Steve: He really comes back on command? That's so cool. What a good boi! You're a good boi aren't you Roger.
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... In the studio
Billy: *sighs* You tried to pet it didn't you?
Steve: What! Why would you think that?
... back in the park
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Steve goes to pet Roger, forgetting what Robin told him about Roger disliking people reaching for him suddenly. Robin cries for him to wait but it's too late. The fearful dog goes on the attack and Robin gets bit separating them.
Steve: Robin! You're bleeding.
Worse! Roger has run off. Along with Robin's paycheck and possibly the reputation of her business!!!
Steve: Lets get you to the doctor. Thank god the clinic is close.
Robin: Forget about me! Get the dog!! Roger! Roger here boy!
Steve: Stop, before you hurt yourself. I'll get him and meet you at the clinic.
Robin: Are you sure? What if he tries to bite you again.
Steve: That was my fault before. I won't forget to go slow this time. Just trust me, alright?
Robin: I trust you. You better find him Dingus!
Later at Copperdale Health Clinic ...
Robin sits on an exam bed while nurse Chrissy cleans her wounds and wraps them to keep them from getting infected.
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Chrissy: There. You're all done, Robin.
Robin: That wasn't so bad.
Chrissy: It's a good thing you didn't need any stitches. But what's wrong, Robin? You look upset.
Worried, Robin gets up and begins to pace.
Robin: I'm worried about Steve. I mean he's a complete dingus for forgetting Roger is people shy, but I still don't want him to become a chew toy. He's probably puppy chow by now.
Chrissy: I'm sure he's fine Robin. Steve's always come through for you before hasn't he?
Robin: *sigh* That's true I guess.
DING. Over the sounds of the busy clinic an elevator arrives down the hall.
Chrissy: Robin look!
It's Steve, and trotting happily at his side is Roger. Robin isn't going to have to explain things to his owners after all.
Steve: You owe me big Robin.
Robin: Oh as if! This was all your fault to begin with. If anything I owe Chrissy. She's the one who patched me up and kept me from worrying about your stupid ass.
Steve and Chrissy share a look and Chrissy's smile turns just a little bit evil.
Chrissy: True. And I know exactly how you can repay me.
... Back in the studio
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Billy: If I didn't know better I'd accuse you of blackmail. Did you two plan that whole thing?
Steve: Slander. I would never put someone in harms way just to achieve my goals Billy.
Billy: Yeah you would. Does Christmas of 86 ring a bell?
Steve: That was an accident! How was I supposed to know a moose was that dangerous?!
Nancy has heard this story so many times. Desperate to save her show before it can devolve into another retelling she jumps in.
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Nancy: Let's meet the teams, why don't we?! Joining us on the stage this morning is team #1 Max Mayfield and El Hopper! Give it up for team one.
The audience cheers as Max & El walk out from backstage.
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El: Thank you for having us!
Max: Yes. And that moose thing was half your fault Billy. I told you not to feed it peanut butter!
Billy: It was a baby Max! Was I supposed to let it starve?
Nancy: *raising her voice* Argyle Beachem and Eddie Munson of 2nd Grove, everybody. Come on out Team Two!
The crowd roars as Eddie and Argyle appear, waving to the crowd and posing for the flashing of lights as Eddie's fans start to rapidly take pictures. Laughing Argyle poses beside him and encourages them to get his good side.
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Nancy: *smiling* And last but never least, give it up for Chrissy Cunningham and Robin Buckley. Our Team Three!
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Nancy: That's all the time we have today folks. Tune in next week as we kick off The Harringrove Cafe: Amateur Bake Off, and watch these six talented competitors compete for the crown of Copperdale's most talented amateur baking duo! I'm Nancy Wheeler and this has been, Good Morning With Nancy!
The end...
This marks the end of the completed chapters. I will share some stills from the baking competition because they're super cute, but sadly I don't have time to finish the story. Thanks for joining me on the ride and I hope y'all had a good time!
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woonierkiz · 1 year
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CHAPTER SUMMARY. Jake Sim skipped his violin lessons to hang out with his friends, and they suggested going to Starbucks. However, he doesn't know how to order a drink at Starbucks. But when he saw this cute barista, he couldn't stop stuttering and making up a weird combination of a latte. When the barista asked for his name, he thought she was making a move. So, he gave his number instead!  After that horrible memory of his, he continued his journey as an idol. However, things turned sideways when that cute barista was a senior of him AND SAME LABELS. Will he continue to embarrass himself? Will he grow some balls?
pairings. pre-debut jake (for now until chap 4?) x pre-debut fem! yn
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The cold air of the air conditioner engulfs jake's figure as he feels refreshed from it. His golden-brown eyes were fixed on the cafe; The cafe only has a few customers and mostly drive-thru.
"Why are you even here? " Jake asked them as he slightly pushed Vince's shoulder (Vince a.k.a. the science addict and Arthur's neighbor) " To relax, duh, " Vince said sarcastically while rolling his eyes, and Arthur's laugh echoed at the cafe making a few side eyes from them.
" Shut up! " Jake whispered while he sat, as he looked at the man whose side-eyeing and bowed his head for an apology which the man reacted by huffing and doing his business.
" Jake, Can you order us some matcha lattes? " Vince pleads while making puppy dog eyes makes Arthur fake barf, and Jake rolls his eyes out.
" Why me? You can order that yourself and order me a chocolate chip latte. " Jake asked ignoring his friend's request as he looked at the menu. " Bro, you never ordered by yourself. I want my child to learn baby steps. " Vince smiled giddily making his dimples show and took his phone as he tried to distract himself. Arthur laughed while agreeing with Vince as he updated his girlfriend.
" Fine, just matcha latte, right? " Jake asked while he went to the counter and his friends said yes. He doesn't feel any nervousness; he's just going to order a latte, that's it. There is nothing to worry about right?
But his eyes are fixated on the ground as his hands reach for his pocket to get his wallet as he hears such a sickening lovely voice. He looked up at the cashier welcoming him.
" Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you today? " She smiled at me while greeting me. He doesn't know what to say right now. He might be corny, he have never seen such a beautiful girl before maybe he did see some other pretty girls but never felt this way by looking at him. 
" Uh, 3 pumpkin spice lattes, please… " Jake asked in a soft tone as his posture straightened, trying to make himself more presentable. He forgot what he was supposed to say as the cashier hummed in and replied, " How tall do you want your drink, sir? " While her fingers typed his order, " the tallest one. " The cashier looked at him and nodded in reply.
He noticed the subtle glance of the girl and he thought nothing of it until " What is your name sir? " He felt his brain pause for a second.
My name? Name. Oh OH, IS SHE!? there is no way like NO NO NAURRR. I mean I'm kinda handsome not too much just average BUT STILL, IS THIS MY TIME?
he thought while he took a small piece of paper from his pocket and wrote his number and name, the cashier looked in confusion when the boy suddenly wrote something near the cashier's table.
" Here. " Jake gave the folded piece of paper from the girl and gladly took it from him as she opened it making her smile widely and cough. " Wow, Well thank you for making my day, Jake. But, I wasn't asking for your number just your name so I can put your name on your drink. "
He felt so embarrassed and nodded, he looked at his friends and saw them trying not to laugh out loud while smacking each other in laughter, he felt his face turns hot and placed the cash on the counter. Not looking at the girl waiting for his receipt and when he got it. He walked fastly to their table and sat in utter silence.
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preview ≠ next ♡ masterlist.
TAGLIST. @astrae4 @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @lalalalawon @dimplewonie @shinrjj @captivq @enhy4me2
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peanutmcflurry · 6 months
What are your thoughts of Tomorang as a Southeast Asian Simmer? I'd genuinely like to hear your thoughts.
I'll share mine as a Malay person with Indonesian ancestry myself.
I'd discuss mostly about the cultural aspects of this DLC since my culture is RARELY represented in the western media, so having a Sims DLC that's sort of based on my culture is really cool as fuck. I am not gonna touch on the renting aspects of it, I heard it's buggy and to be fair I haven't played enough on the renting gameplay as much.
So when I got the pack and looked at the world for the first time, I did notice there are two lots with names in Malay language. (or Indonesian) This made me surprised since I assumed the pack was mostly about Thai culture and didn't expect much.
One is called "Zosul Taman Botani" or translated to "Zosul Botanic Gardens." I can't remember the other one. But they're both translated well, no mistakes there! But other than that, there's.. not a lot of lots? There's the market, but isn't it a rehash of City Living's, or Snowy Escape's markets?
Well, I went and played the game. Now here's what I noticed.
The atmosphere and the tropical setting reminded me a LOT like a village area in some parts of Malaysia or Singapore pre-rapid development. It has this "Kampung" (Village) vibe to it, and I love it. I really do. I'm assuming this has to be the same for villages in many parts of SEAsian countries.
I wasn't raised in a village environment nor have I personally visited one (HAHA I'm an urban city person please forgive me-) but I've read and listened to stories about it at school and from my parents before. The furniture, decors, and buildings looked somewhat similar to how my parents/grandparents/great-grandparents would've lived in during their time, just more wooden, I think. The marble is accurate, village kids would always play marbles back in the day, I know my parents used to. I don't know about now, they might be an iPad kid who never went outside.
Squat toilets are accurate, and you'd be surprised to hear how it still exists in modern shopping malls in Singapore and Malaysia, and there's only like 1-2 stalls of those per bathroom but you don't see many people using it, and if there are, it might've been older generations or people who really need to go that bad. Even then, I hardly see squat toilets in Singapore's apartments. Many people use the widely used modern toilet we have today.
I can also tell you that the decors, walls, and floorings sometimes do appear in apartments with Malay families in it today. So, yeah!
And yes, the iconic plastic chair, too. I swear those plastic chairs always appear in a many Malay wedding parties and from my late grandparents's place. The tuk-tuk is also cool too, sounds like it's used in Singapore and Malaysia in the olden days. You hardly see them anymore except in Thailand, maybe Philippines, and maybe even Indonesia? It does seem nostalgic to those who've rode it before so yeah! It's nice!
So yeah, in terms of gameplay interactions,
Your sims would greet each other just like how the Thai folks do with a sawadeekap. I think that's cool!
I believe the faith Tomoranis practised in the game was the equivalent of Thailand's form of Buddhism? Which is actually really neat, not gonna lie. I don't know how accurate this would be for Thai Buddhists folks and I'm not familiar with Buddhism myself, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
But then that also got me confused af. Is the world and culture supposed to be a weird Thai-Indo-Malay-Philippines fusion? I mean, I know it's majorly Thai, but there's two lots I'm certain that are in Malay/Indo language, and there are cuisine based on many Southeast Asian cultures? They'll be referred to as Tomorani cuisine in the game as you see your sim's moodlet mentioning it. So that's why I'm VERY puzzled. I know the game tries to make Tomorani a whole Southeast Asian fusion so that us SEAsian players can feel included, but it's important to remember many Southeast Asian cultures can be different, too.
A part of a culture can be different and not practiced in another culture. That's why I feel hesitant to put my simself or my simself's family with the Tomorani culture trait, as much as I love it. It feels as if it ain't a part of my culture and it rubs me off the wrong way to see my simself's family to greet or pray like Thai Buddhist people because well, none of us are Thai lol and I don't wanna feel like I'm culturally appropriating something I'm not a part of.
It doesn't matter that I have super distant Thai or Dai Chinese ancestry in me. I was never raised in those cultures and I can't claim I'm a part of those. They're all dead way before my grandparents were born. I can say my Indonesian ancestry matters, though.
Though I'm not extremely familiar with everything in Indonesian culture, the Malay and Indonesian culture/cuisine/language are super similar and many relatives of my relatives are part Javanese (Based on Indonesian's Island of Java. NOT JAPANESE FROM JAPAN.) or part of an Indonesian minority like the Bugis people. It's just that we don't really speak Indonesian (we can still somewhat understand) or Javanese. My late grandparent did spoke the Bugis language but not our descendants, tho. Javanese and Bugis language are like a whole different language and script to learn.
But yeah, only the Thais would greet people with sawadeekap, and they practice Buddhism. Majority of Malays, Filipinos, and Indonesians in today's world do not practice Buddhism and we definitely do not greet people like that, haha. Those are very uniquely Thai.
Ancient Malays and Indonesians did practiced Hinduism or Buddhism (maybe a combo of both) in the ancient times. I'm not sure about Filipino but it *might* be similar? Then the majority of Malays and Indonesians converted to Islam after dealing with traders from the Middle east. So now you got majority Malays and Indonesians raised or ID themselves as Muslims. There are Indonesian Christians, but they are the minorities.
The modern Muslim Malays and Indos would greet with a salam. This is like a handshake, but you only kiss the hand if it's your relative or someone older than you?
This can depend on your age, if the other person is also Malay/Indo, and your gender. It's something like.. How the Japanese have different ways of bowing to people.
The cuisine could be.. better? They did nasi lemak fucking dirty and it LOOKS absolutely nothing like a typical nasi lemak. It looks more like.. Beehoon noodles or chicken noodles?
Goddamn have the Sims team ever look at a picture of nasi lemak on GOOGLE? Satay is fine, it is accurate af and I like that. Just found it odd that the satay's peanut condiment was gone after your sim took the first bite.
The kopi luwak is funny to me, I never tried it before but I can tell you it's basically poop coffee from a part of Indonesia. It's quite expensive and what they do is feed the coffee beans to the civets, then the civets poop it out. They clean the poop away, and pick the coffee beans. They then sell it as Kopi Luwak. To be honest, I was expecting funny moodlets when your sim drinks it or realizes it's poop coffee, but unfortunately I don't think there's one. But I wonder why aren't there other coffee or tea options? There's a LOT of drinks in Southeast Asian cultures, or maybe add a Sim's version of Nestle's Milo. It's like Nesquik but it's originated from Australia, and this is consumed in every food court or places you eat at. At least in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
I do think the food and drinks are wasted potential though. There's a lot of cuisine they could add, like sinangag/fried rice, mee soto, teh tarik, or even special fried instant noodles.
In conclusion I'd say that this pack is okayish in terms of diversity. I mean, I'm rarely represented in the western media so I guess this isn't too bad. I'm disappointed with the lack of gameplay content in the world compared to other worlds like Sulani or Komorebi and I know this game focuses more on rental and being a landlord but it's just.. There's so many types of lots that can be included. I'm sick of just having a bar as a lounge area just to meet the local sims and how the lots are so SMALL for an EXPANSION pack. This is just as bad as Del Sol Valley, but even then I can assume housing is difficult in real life Socal Hollywood.
What about a museum for Tomorani heritage culture? A restaurant, a spa, and other types of lots would honestly be a GREAT choice but unfortunately they're locked behind DLCs! ✨️
I have really mixed feelings about it. It could be better. It's not the best, but it has a lot of room for improvements.
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elisysd · 6 months
51. Heaven knows I should let go, it’s nothing that I don’t already know
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Bad Omens - 5SOS
She was not used to triple headers anymore. She had barely the time to rest when it was already time for Zandvoort. It was always a peculiar atmosphere. People were always very passionate there. She had arrived on Wednesday, to work a little on the side, away from the whole show that would start the next day. She wanted to work on a few documents about the next car sent by Maranello at the beginning of the week. She could have done it in her hotel room but she preferred to work in the atmosphere of the garage, surrounded by the smell of burned rubber and metal.
She sat on the floor and pulled out her laptop from her bag and started to read through the documents, taking notes and writing questions that were popping into her mind. She chewed on her pen. Some data from the testing were not correlating the data from the sim. And it was not as if the gap was minimal which worried her. For a moment she feared that they were going in the wrong direction in the development. A brief vision of a certain USB stick popped into her mind and she briefly regretted not having it near her… She promised herself she wouldn’t use it to work on the current car development but, after all, there was no wrong finding inspiration in a car that was performing really well for the next one. It was not cheating. It would not be the exact same anyway. And a lot of cars were getting inspiration from other teams for their development, there was nothing wrong with it.
As she was focusing on her screen, she heard footsteps coming in the garage. She looked up her laptop. It was weird. No one would come here unless there were mechanics that needed to set up the car and she had checked with her dad, they would only arrive during the afternoon. She stood still, listening to the sounds made by a person who clearly didn’t want to get caught as they seemed to move slowly and tried to stay as quiet as possible. She put her laptop on the side and got up to find herself almost face to face with a man in an elegant black suit.
“Julia? What are you doing here?” asked Carlos, clearly surprised to find her there and could she dare to say, a bit uncomfortable.
“I’m working. I could ask you the same thing.” she replied.
“I’m… going on a trip down memory lane.”
“Reminiscing on the times my dad was kicking your ass back then?” she smiled.
“He was not. We were equally talented teammates.” he scoffed.
“Sure… If you want a full trip to reminisce on your time as a driver, I can get my dad. I’m sure he still has a few videos of you both on tracks.” she was about to take out her phone when Carlos stopped her.
“No! I mean… you don’t need to bother him. So how does it feel for you to join the team?”
“Nice. I’m still getting used to everything.” she said, a bit defensively.
“It’s brave, you know. To stay on the side. To not help the team developing the current car when you could as you’re always near and in Maranello. To wait. I don’t know how you do it. I would sneak around, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. You’re definitely better than me. You follow the rules like your dad and you’re wise like your mom. They must be so proud of you. Their perfect daughter.” he said in a calm voice, slowly turning around her like a lion toying with its prey. She felt a shiver down her spine. “But anyway, I should get going. I have people to meet.”
“Carlos?” she called him out as he was leaving.
“Yes, Julia?”
“Remind me again how many championships you won?” she smiled
She saw a brief glimpse of anger in his eyes as he stared at her before finally leaving. She knew she shouldn’t have said that, that it would only irritate him more and it would come to bite her in the ass. But she hated what he implied, the implicit threats. She should have gone straight to her dad to tell him that Carlos was lurking in the garage but nothing had happened, it was all good and when she came to her room she was caught off guard by Martin standing in the middle of the bedroom, a huge teddy bear in his hands.
“If you don’t want to go to the fair, it’s the fair that comes to you. There is one a few kilometers away from the track and we went there with a few people from the team. I knew you would find that boring so I didn’t ask you but… yeah. I won that for you.” he explained, blushing as she was staring at him not knowing what to say.
“Oh well, that’s a nice gesture… thanks.” she awkwardly smiled.
“You don’t like it.”
“No! I do… it’s just… I don’t even know if I’m supposed to tell you anything.” she sighed.
“You know you can tell me anything.”
“It’s about the car and data. It’s not matching. I’m trying to understand where the gap comes from but I fear we are making a huge mistake in the development. And Carlos was there for no reason and that worries me…”
“Hey, breathe Julia. I trust your judgment and I trust your skills. Whatever the problem is, you’ll find it, I know it. And as for Carlos… maybe he wanted to see Elijah? It wouldn’t be surprising, he is one of his sponsors.”
“I don’t know. I have a bad feeling about this weekend.”
Martin forced her to sit on her bed as he got behind her and tried to appease her by applying slow massages on her neck and shoulders.
“You have to relax. Nothing bad will happen, you’ll see.”
She hoped he was right.
Ethan hated Zandvoort and what it meant for him. It was always a very tense weekend where every single one of his moves were scrutinized. Everywhere he was going, the shadow of his father was looming above him. He could see it in the eyes of the fans, in the eyes of the race stewards who were looking at him and of course in the sea of orange he was welcomed with anywhere he would go. He didn’t consider him as his own homerace, too much history, too much weight on his shoulders with the feeling he had to have a good result there. But still, he had a special helmet for his dad adding a gold lion, the five championships he had won with the years associated with them. It was simple but with a strong meaning, a way for him to embrace his lineage, hoping it would help him to make peace with it.
The qualifying had been great, far from the pole he had been on the week before, with a nice sixth place, behind his teammate. Kyle was on pole and able to race, making Ethan feel relieved. He knew how racing was Kyle’s everything and he hoped it would go well for him. On Sunday morning, when he arrived, he immediately found his dad and mom talking to Charles and Julia. Max had a hand on the girl’s shoulder and was laughing with the Ferrari team’s principal. He rolled his eyes. If only he could find a way to avoid them… but he knew it was useless and he was a better man than that. Or at least was trying. He straightened his posture, put a nice smile on his face and went to the group. He put his arm around his mom’s shoulders, kissing the side of her head as he shook Charles’ hand and winked at his dad. He didn’t want to ignore the brunette who was staring at him but he didn’t know how to act around her anymore. So he stared, in a very awkward way as he saw her blushing and looking at her feet.
“We have to go on a run as soon as you’re back in Monaco, Leclerc! It’s been so long.” said Max.
“Eager for me to beat your ass?” replied Charles with a smile.
“Julia? Care to join us, so you can be the referee.”
“I’m not sure I can keep up with you…” she grimaced.
“Enrico said you made great progress, I’m sure you could, Ju’.”
“Maybe Ethan can come. So you have company while you’re dad and I are fighting.” added Max.
“Dad… I hate running!” whined the blonde.
“You need to work on that cardio, son. It’s important.”
“Oh, don’t worry I’m sure Ethan’s cardio is doing more than okay. His girlfriend is taking good care of it.” Julia snorted, arching an eyebrow.
“Girlfriend? What do you mean?” said Max, caught a little off guard.
“She is talking about Sofia.” Ethan explained.
“Sofia? Are we talking about the same Sofia?” Max repeated.
“Because he is screwing more than one Sofia?”
“Sofia is my therapist.”
He saw Julia’s mouth open and close, before blushing of shame and for a moment he felt like an idiot for having played her. From the corner of his eyes he saw Charles and Max leaving and he quickly apologized to the girl.
“So… you’re seeing someone.” she said when they finally were alone.
“Yeah. It feels good. I’m starting to understand myself a bit more. She helps me feel more grounded, focus on my races. It’s nice.”
“I’m glad. I… I hope you’re not doing that for me? You don’t change for me, I mean.”
“I do that for me. I needed it. I do that for me, then for the sake of my family and the unresolved issues I have with dad… and you. I want to understand where and why we went wrong. So I can be better. I want to be a better man.”
“Don’t change too much, though. I like it when you’re a little asshole.” she smiled, nudging him in the shoulders.
When he got back to the hospitality, he was grinning. His interactions with Julia were still awkward but it started to go from weird awkward to nice awkward. They had still a long way to go before even considering being friends. Somehow, it was still hurting him. He missed her. A lot. Even if it was just her screaming at him, it was still something. He hated her indifference more than anything else and it had always been this way ever since they were kids. If back then  he wanted nothing more than to make her frown, now he wanted her smile. But he would take everything she would give him.
He arrived in the hospitality, right on time for the pre-race meeting. He sat down next to Chloe who was already there, reading her notes. She smiled at him giving him a high five as he started to do the same. They went through the procedures and the strategy one last time and when they finally got out of the meeting room, Ethan wanted nothing more but the peace and quiet of his driver’s room. But when he opened the door, he didn’t think of finding Louis there, reading on his sofa.
“Louis? What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to hang out with you before the race. There are too many people in the Ferrari’s hospitality.”
“Do your parents know you’re here?”
“Yeah, I told mom.” he shrugged.
In fact, even if Louis had indeed told his mom that he was going to find Ethan, Lyanna had not heard him and was now freaking out, in the arms of her husband who was on the verge of sending a search party for his son. Julia had tried to reach him but quickly stopped as he had left his phone in the hospitality.
“He can’t be far away.” tried to reason Martin who was rubbing her back to appease her.
“You don’t know my brother! The last time he ran away, we found him alone, sitting in the middle of the woods.” Julia harshly said.
“Is there a place he would like to be in the paddock? Maybe a quiet place?” Martin ignored her.
“He hates attending races… I know he said he was going more to see Ethan than to support dad.”she sighed.
“Maybe he is with him? Do you think he could have gone to Ethan, to wish him luck?”
“I mean…. Maybe? It’s a possibility that is worth trying.” she said, putting on her coat and walking towards the exit.
“Go, Ju’, we'll stay there in case he comes back.” her dad told her.
She ran to the Maserati hospitality as fast as she could, Martin following behind, but was stopped in her tracks by the security officer.
“I’m sorry miss but you don’t have the badge to enter.”
“I know but… I have reasons to think my brother is with Ethan and…”
“Sure. That’s a new one. Get the hell out of here.”
“But mister…”
“Julia? Is everything alright?”
“Chloe, oh my gosh I’ve never been so happy to see you! Have you seen Louis?” Julia asked.
“Well, no… but I can ask if Ethan saw him.”
“Please do.”
They waited a few minutes before Ethan arrived, Louis right next to him and Julia ran to her brother, not without glaring at the security officer. She hugged the young teen as he didn’t really understand where the sudden burst of affection was coming from.
“But I told mom!” he complained when Julia explained the whole family was freaking out.
“Next time make sure she listens to you, Louis.” Julia replied.
“How did you find me this fast, though?”
“Martin thought you would be with Ethan, since you like him…” Julia explained.
“Saint Martin coming to save the day once again…” Ethan commented with a half smile.
“I mean, Louis loves you. I just thought that if someone could at least help us out it would be you.”
“Next time he does something like that and tells me he warned someone, I’ll text you. To make sure.”
She smiled at him, running her hands in the hair of her brother as he was making an annoyed face.
“We should go… you have a race to focus on and so does Martin.” Julia finally said when the silence became too awkward.
As they were leaving, Ethan screamed at them to wait a moment and ran to the hospitality, before coming back to them, a Maserati’s cap between his hands which he put on Louis’ head.
“I need my number one fan to wear it so it brings me luck.” he smiled, hugging him.
Seeing Ethan acting all sweet and genuine around her brother never failed to make her feel fuzzy and warm inside. She joined her mom after Martin left her at the hospitality. She didn’t even remember if he had kissed her. She was surprised to not care that much.
“Ethan is great with your brother.” Lyanna said after Julia told her everything.
“He had always been.”
“You know, I saw how Louis changed around Ethan. He is more open towards people, more expressive, less in his own bubble. It’s great. I never thought I would see him like this. You know what Louis told me yesterday?”
Julia shook her head as her mom was clinging to her mug of tea.
“He said he wanted to go to university when he would be able to. He doesn’t feel ready for high school but he says he wants to study more outside, in the library. And he wants to take guitar classes. When I asked him why guitar, he said that Ethan told him it was the way to get girls. I laughed because he said it in such a casual tone, you should have heard him… Ethan helped him so much and I don’t think he knows it. I want to thank him. Would you be okay if I was inviting him for dinner, maybe when the season will be over?”
“No, of course not. You’re right, it’s a great idea. Louis will be happy.” she replied with a lump in her throat.
“What about you?”
“Mom… I think I made a huge mistake.”
Ethan felt calm in his car. The orange army of fans wasn’t phasing him anymore, his dad watching him wasn’t giving him any added pressure, really he was okay and ready to race. So when the lights went out he confidently maneuvered his car through to avoid any overtakes. In front, Elijah was already fighting with Kyle for the lead of the race, something the American was not ready to give up on so easily. As for Ethan he was following Chloe closely. The strategy was simple, since she was in front, he had to protect her until the team would tell him otherwise.
The laps went on one by one and for the first time in months Julia found the race boring. Each car was following each other without anything interesting happening. No crazy overtakes, no strategy mishaps, no scary move from anyone. Julia even had to admit that she got so bored that she had started drawing to take her mind off things. The more she was thinking about Martin and their relationship, the more she started to come to terms with the fact that she had jumped into it blindly and stupidly. It would never work out no matter how hard she would try. It had been sweet and lighthearted, it had helped her heal a little and get her confidence back. But that was it, they wouldn’t go further than that. It was doomed to fail from the very start, she had always known deep down. She had been too stubborn to admit it. She hadn’t been fair to Martin either and even less to her. Now, she had to find the courage to tell him.
“Fuck, Ferrari is ferrarying…” swore Lyana, making Julia jumped, not used to hear her mother swear.
“What is happening?” Julia asked, looking up from her drawing.
“They screwed up Elijah’s pitstop. He is now P15…”
“He is going to come back in front.” Julia commented, focusing more on the race.
It didn’t take long for him to regain his position, behind Martin this time. They were both aggressively fighting for the P3 and Julia was surprised to not hear any team’s orders asking them to bring both cars home safely. Elijah was pressuring Martin and Julia knew better than anyone how prone to mistake he could be under it. She hoped with everything she had that nothing would happen. The team didn’t need that after the comeback in the standings they had managed before the summer break.
Julia anxiously started to bite her nails until she heard the whole hospitality gasped before she saw the images. They both had crashed. On the replay, she could see Elijah going for the inside and overtaking Martin but as he drove past Martin, his rear slightly touched Martin’s front and as he tried to stay on the road he slipped and took Elijah with him in the gravel.
Both drivers were getting out of the car angry and Julia swore she had seen Elijah pushing Martin in the shoulder. For a moment she wondered if she should go to him, to comfort him but now Ethan was in the fight for a podium as well as Ludwig, Kyle and Chloe and she really wanted to watch her friends. Martin probably needed time to cool down.
When he had seen the Ferrari’s out, Ethan had smiled inside his helmet. Now he was in the fight for a new podium and nothing could stop him, this time he would stand on a step and he wouldn’t have any doubts of where he was supposed to be.
“You’re faster than Chloe, we are switching positions.”
And indeed his teammate slowed down a little in the long straight line to let him pass, giving him full permission to go and catch Ludwig to take the P2. He managed to do so in the penultimate lap and when he finally crossed the line after Kyle he let out a scream of joy, quickly followed by his race engineer.
“Second P2 in a row, let’s fucking go!”
“You know what they say, Ethan. Never two without three.”
“No, next time I want a win. I’m tired of being second place.”
Julia was clapping her hands in front of the race results. She was so happy for her friends but most of all happy for Ethan. She knew how underpressure he must have felt during the weekend and seeing him achieving a podium in a race he was more than dreading, she was proud of him. Whatever his therapist was doing with him, it was working. She got out of the hospitality to face a journalist that cornered her and shoved his camera right to her face.
“And we are with Julia Leclerc, future member of Ferrari’s engineering team. We all saw the crash that happened today between your drivers. Is that a lack of communication between Martin and Elijah or a lack of communication inside the team? We were all surprised to notice no team orders.”
“Well… I mean.. I don’t know, that’s a question you should ask to their team principal.”
“We also saw a very nice battle towards the end, what did you think of it?”
“Of course, Kyle is an exceptional driver. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to see him win another race. He is the kind of guy who, when he starts on pole, nothing can stop him. But I’m really astonished by Ethan’s driving lately. It’s so calm and precise, he always had an amazing racing intelligence but I feel like he improved a lot on it. And his overtakes are one of the cleanest of the grid. It’s just a matter of time before he stands on the highest step of the podium. Truth be told, if I were a team principal I would try my best to sign him and give him the car he deserves because the car he is in currently is not made to fight for pole positions and podiums. That’s how talented he is.”
She didn’t know where it was coming from but she couldn’t have helped herself to spill her guts to the journalist. And it felt good. She smiles and thanked him before running to the podium's celebrations.
She made her way to the front right in time for the trophies to be given. Ludwig, Ethan and Kyle had a huge smile on their faces and when the champagne popped, she had never seen them being this happy to spread it. They were drenched and Julia was sure that the hug they were giving to one another would be on the front pages of newspapers.
When she came back to the hospitality to find her boyfriend, his race engineer told her that he had left straight after the meeting. He didn’t even bother to send her a text to tell her he was already back at the hotel. When she arrived in the room, he was scrolling on his phone, barely looking at her. She laid down next to him, trying to catch his attention.
“If I were a team principal I would try my best to sign him and give him the car he deserves because the car he is in currently is not made to fight for pole positions and podiums. That’s how talented he is.” he said in a bitter tone.
“I don’t even want to talk about it, Julia.” he cut her.
“I’m sorry… he asked me about the race and…”
“No matter what it will always be him. You always come back to him. Always! When I’m right here. I could give you the world Julia, I want to but you don’t let me!”
“I’m trying! You said it was enough for you!” she argued.
“Maybe I lied! Maybe I was wrong! Maybe it’s not enough. Maybe I thought I could make you forget him, I could make you happier, I could be better than him. But I can’t fight against your feelings Julia! He is not physically there but he is everywhere!”
“What do you want me to say?” she asked.
“I don’t know? Fight for me! For once, stop running away and fight for something! Choose me.”
“You can’t ask me that! That’s not fair!”
“Because you’ve been fair with me? That’s rich coming from you.” he laughed, looking at her like a mad man.
“Do you think that I decided to still love Ethan? I can’t control it! And I’m tired of fighting it! I know I’m not fair, and maybe I never was. I know you didn’t deserve it, I know it was selfish to ask you to love me when I can barely look at myself in the mirror. That’s twisted and wrong. I know all of that! But you can’t ask me to choose you. I can’t lie to you. I can’t lie to myself. Not anymore.”
She was about to leave the room, when he called her out and what escaped his lips made her heart sink in her chest.
“I love you, Cecile!”
“Cecile?” she repeated in disbelief.
“I meant, Julia. Gosh, no… I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened, I…”
She let out an emotionless laugh.
“I don’t want to hear it. It’s useless. We know that this, whatever it is, will never work out. It was stupid to try and I’m sorry if I led you on. Truly. You deserve better. We both deserve better.” she said through the tears.
“So it’s over…”
“It never really started.” she stated, leaving this time for good.
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Author's note: So Martin and Julia are over! Finally! And no it doesn't mean that she will run straight into Ethan's arms... you know me now.
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