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Currently watching: Hart of Dixie, Navillera, Sell Your Haunted House
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drama-and-tv · 4 years ago
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Dash and Lily was really an adorably short and sweet watch! I pretty much watched this show in one sitting. There’s something so innocent and pure in this show... which I guess is the whole point since it is a Christmas themed show. I do hope that there’s a sequel to this show - be in the form of drama or tv series. Cause there are only so few scenes where the main leads are actually in the same scenes together - let alone actually got together.
So yes, hoping for a sequel!
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Run On is also another adorable and wholesome show. It has the light and breezy vibe that I generally like but still with a lot of substance. The romance in this drama is also pretty healthy which makes it nice. Not to mention, there is not just one but two couples to root for! And that ending... that ending thematically just fits with the drama!
Definitely a romcom that I recommend to watch!
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drama-and-tv · 4 years ago
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Bridgerton was a sizzling hot fluff brought on screen. A visual fanfiction (in a way it is a fanfic considering how it portrays the Regency era) that you would ravish in reading on a cozy lazy day. The costumes are pretty, the male lead is hot... it’s a purely amazing escapism! Definitely recommend for those into romance.
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What an utter perfection of a show! The Queen’s Gambit has moved me and made me engaged with Beth Harmon and her journey as a magnificent chess player. By the end of the show, I legit teared up, purely out of joy... for Beth and her triumph. Other than the characters’ journeys, I was deeply captivated with the production of the show: the show looks classy and sophisticated, the way the show presented the chess games in unique ways, the music choice (I was enamoured with Beth just as how Harry Beltik did when Peggy Lee’s Fever was playing) etc.
Just amazing!
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drama-and-tv · 4 years ago
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Do You Like Brahms could have been this year's no. 1 drama. The first half of this drama (or so) was just perfect! The way it is moody in atmosphere and how the way the drama just "gets" people with their messy ways are what sold me. In a lot of way, it reminds me a lot of One Spring Night but probably better.
Of course now that I have watched the whole entirety of the drama, I do think that I prefer One Spring Night slightly over this drama. Some of the decisions made in the second half of the drama had made it missed the mark by a bit - one of those is the treatment of other characters outside of our two main leads in this drama (I mean, I wanted to see more)
But all in all, it was still an almost-perfect drama. The chemistry was off the chains. I also think that this is the first time where I actually had heart in my eyes when it comes to seeing Kim Minjae.
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drama-and-tv · 4 years ago
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Emily in Paris was really a nice fun watch! I basically marathoned the whole entire season within a day last weekend. It helps that it was just a 10 half-hour episodes, making it very very easy to consume.
The show itself is very much the perfect type to consume at the moment, what’s with the fact that we are in the midst of pandemic now (though honestly my country is pretty much chilled with this) and how this show acts like an escapism with how Emily is living a pretty amazing life with her amazing outfits and cute love interest around her. Not to mention, she lives in an Instagram-worthy city, Paris. 
It was the dream! 
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
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Into the Ring truly was a delight to watch! It was funny, very well-paced and has a lot of substance and hearts for a romcom. It has both main leads who are very rootable and both of them have tons and tons of chemistry (their kiss scenes are honestly some of the best that I have seen in kdramas). Goo Sera is, hands down, my favourite kdrama heroine of the year and the actress, Nana seriously brings a lot of sparks to the character. It also helps that Park Sunghoon’s Gongmyung was a good contrast to her Sera as the more buttoned-up, straight-laced character.
I guess why I really like this drama a lot is because it felt like an older, more mature version of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (one of my top kdramas of all-time) - both gave me similar kind of vibes and it helps that the female leads share the same dad actor).
I also would like to make a shout out to both the writer and the director. I understand that the writer was a newbie and actually won the scriptwriting contest with this drama - and the quality of the writing really shows with how everything just comes in full circle in this drama. The directing in this drama is really top-notch: I like how quirky and surreal the scenes are in the way they are shot. They are really pleasing to the eye and felt very unique!
Truly, this drama was a gem to watch! I highly recommend anyone to watch it if they are looking for a decently light-hearted drama with plenty of feels and hearts.
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
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It’s Okay To Not Be Okay is pretty much a korean drama done right. While it does not add anything really new to the table in its themes/story lines/tropes etc etc, it was charming in its own way with plenty of good fan service sprinkling in (I mean really, Kim Soohyun was in this drama to show off how pretty he looks while bawling his eyes out and show off his post-military body). Its quality generally remains consistent and you have plenty of characters whom you can easily root for. Despite the more serious topic being discussed in this drama, this drama also remains fairly balanced (not heavy) in its tone which makes the watching experience very easy and generally smooth-sailing.
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
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The Baby-Sitters Club is seriously a wholesome show! For a kid’s show, it does not shy away from the more serious issues (like diabetes, divorced/single parents etc). Also, even if the show explores these issues, it does not come off as being too “woke” or “pretentious”.
A show that can be watched for all ages with plenty of hearts and substance. It’s also very easy to binge with the episodes being around half an hour each. Highly recommended!
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
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Watching The King: Eternal Monarch is like eating popcorn. It’s very enjoyable even though it does not have much substance to it.
And I knew that it will be like this from the get-go. I knew coming into the drama (considering I have attempted watching numerous KES dramas like The Heirs, Descendants of the Sun, Goblin and Mr Sunshine) that this will be more of a “blockbuster” drama so I adjusted my expectations accordingly.
And of course, the expectations are met and they probably even exceed them (the bar is really really low). The fact that I finished this drama already means something considering that I have never finished a KES drama until The King.
Something about this drama just works for me. Yes, the plot can be confusing. Yes, it requires a lot of suspension of belief. The editing in the first half of the drama is also somewhat lacking. There is also the fact that the romance progression of our main couple is a bit puzzling.
But somehow, this drama just clicks with me despite all that. it just works. And what’s not to like really if you forego all these things? Despite the sudden gymnastics in romance from our main couple, I do like and see the chemistry between them. I also do like that I actually do like the characters in this drama - none of them actually annoy me or are pure assholes/damsels in distress like in the writer’s past work, The Heirs.
So yes, I think I really do like this drama in spite of its flaws. In that sense, it is still an enjoyable and watchable drama.
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Since The World of the Married is like the talk of the town last time, I knew I had to check it out. Especially since I have read from somewhere (most likely, one of the comments in Reddit) that this is basically SKY Castle on steroids. And we all know how I love that drama (it was my no. 1 drama of my 2019).
That comment is not wrong though. This drama is really something! It’s very high drama where things can change in a matter of minutes. There’s a lot of shouting and tears happening that you can’t help but stay focused on the screen. You will also probably shouted at the screen and cussed out at the characters for their poor judgments/choices.
That proves how engaging this drama is, right? And what’s not to like about this drama? The acting is amazing - it is really a no brainer that Kim Hee Ae won best actress for her role here in Baeksang. The drama is also well-shot and beautiful in a straightforwardly sophisticated and mature way.
If there’s one thing I want to nitpick on, it is definitely on how abrupt the ending is. If there’s like few minutes more to the ending, it would make the ending more... settled.
Overall, it’s definitely one of the better dramas I have watched this year. Highly recommended!
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
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If there’s one thing I can say about Netflix’s Extracurricular, it would be “wow”.
This is a really well-done drama. It is nothing like any of the kdramas that I have watched so far - the closest thing which has a pretty similar vibe was the recent Academy Award winning film, Parasite. It is very dark, chaotic and exhilarating as this drama tackles a story about a group of high school students who are involved in the dark world of crime.
The acting is very solid, especially from our female lead, Bae Gyuri (played by Park Joohyun who is apparently a rookie actress whose only other known role is as Jisoo in this year’s A Piece of Your Mind). The way this drama is shot was like a movie. Its pacing is also pretty tight. With just 10 episodes, there is really no room for fillers and the drama just keeps on adding shiz after shiz happening that it makes the whole watching experience very intense... in a good way.
While this drama could easily just be considered completed despite its open ending, I silently hope that there would be a second season. I personally think there are so many plot points that could be explored from here on.
This is honestly, as of now, my top drama of 2020.
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
First half of 2020 tv shows/dramas completed
SO apparently, my original blog “may contain sensitive media” (how my original blog contains them, I have no idea because I don’t think I have ever written nor posted anything that is inappropriate) so here I am, making a new one even though there are just so so many thoughts I poured in that blog since the beginning of 2018. 
I wish I could put all of the contents from there here. But since I don’t know how to do that, I shall only put up my thoughts on the things that I have completed watching this year (2020) that I have put up from there.
With that being said, here they go... most of them in the original words that I had typed/written from last time. My only change will be the rating (now I shall use the numerical rating since I have figured how to rate things properly in numbers now) :
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Season 2 of Sex Education was such a delight to watch! While I do feel that it lacks some Otis and Maeve’s interactions (and wtf is that cliffhanger?), I feel that the other characters are given the opportunity to flesh out and have really good story lines. Definitely a step up to Season 1!
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Bad news: The third part/season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is the worst part of the show that I’ve watched so far. Good news: I still somewhat like it.
The main issue of this new-released part is how messy it is story wise. There are far too many things going on that it felt a little bit too chaotic - like there’s the Pagan storyline, there’s that Faustus storyline etc etc. It’s just too much.
What makes me still enjoy it is because of its characters. I am attached to the characters and I wanna see their journeys in this show. For instance, Ambrose and Prudence are probably the standouts in this season because they are just super badass here.
Overall, it’s okay. I would still watch this show when the new set of episodes are released.
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Honestly, Chocolate would’ve been better or ranked higher if they cut down the number of episodes - from 16 to maybe just 8.
Despite its melodramatic tone and ridiculous story line, I actually really enjoyed the initial episodes. I mean okay, the time jumps are a bit too much but I was sold on the emotions and the characters. It’s a melodrama, for crying out loud - it’s not meant to be realistic.
But then, for some unknown reason, it got draggy around the second half of the drama. And it affected my love for the drama. It was like they put a brake on the main plot and save for it the last episode (which it did).
This does not mean that it’s not a good drama. For the most part, I actually enjoyed it and I was invested in the characters’ journeys.
Just that it could be better.
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Honestly, Black Dog was not a drama I thought of watching. The posters and the plot did not make me feel compelled to watch it because for some reason, I thought this drama would be something like those corruption dramas or corporate dramas - while I can enjoy those kind of dramas, I do have to be in the ‘mood’ to watch them.
It was only when I started seeing some gifs/images over Tumblr that I started to consider it. And when more and more people raved about it, I knew that I just have to check it out.
And just like what these people said, it was good. A really good drama, actually! I think what I love about this drama is how realistic it really is. I like that I can actually relate to the world and the characters in the drama. While Haneul and I don’t share the same type of field, I can empathise with her struggles in obtaining/maintaining her employment and sitting for the certification exam. I can empathise with how she tries to navigate the world of school and teaching.
All I know is I have definitely cried or teared up in some of the episodes. (that’s really a feat cause the last time I cried like this in a tv show/drama is season 3 of Anne with an E and we all know how I feel about that show.)
I also love how there is a good balance between drama and comedy in this drama. While this is primarily a drama, I like that it doesn’t feel heavy. It makes it easier to watch multiple episodes in one sitting.
If there is one minor problem with this drama, it is that it feels like the main drama ends with 12 episodes and the remaining 4 episodes are the epilogue or extra episodes. While the remaining 4 episodes are still pretty good, it has somewhat cooled my love for this drama. However, I do appreciate it and it gives a good look at what happened after Haneul’s first year of teaching.
With that, I have contemplated on whether to give this drama the best rating I could give in the drama or the second best. Considering that there is barely any flaw in this drama, I shall give it...
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Season 2 of Kingdom did not disappoint. It maintained the same energy and intrigue that it brought in the previous season. There’s the excitement, there’s the high-quality production and there’s never really a chance for it to falter or drag. Its pacing remains consistent and I remain hooked to the end. I also like that this show does not end in an agonising cliffhanger - it wraps up the main plot that was introduced in the first season and at the same time, teases on what is to come in the possible season 3.
Overall, a really good season!
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I gotta admit, Crash Landing On You was a pretty nice watch! I initially had quite low expectations for this drama - I have hard time being truly engaged in big budget romcoms because they tend to be unrealistic and too fluffy (and I like my dramas pretty realistic).
But to my surprise, I actually really like it. The episodes (particularly the first half of the drama) were candies to the mind and to the eye! Yes, this drama is hella trope-y and there’s a lot of moments which are very unrealistic and are there to be flashy and amp up the romance. But you know, something about this drama just works.
Of course, like a lot of k-dramas, the second half of the drama is less addictive to watch. But it was still a pretty good watch. I mean, it got my mum really addicted and my brother to finally watch a k-drama beyond Kingdom after all these years.
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For someone who doesn’t know shiz about baseball, Stove League was still a very good drama to watch. It has that underdog story (in this drama, the under-performing baseball team for 2 years in a row, Dreams) that makes it easy to root for. It remained tight and consistent throughout its run. Its tone is very balanced - has good balance of serious and comic relief.
And most importantly, it’s not very hard to like the characters that matter.
Overall, very solid drama!
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When the Weather is Fine is really a good drama to watch at the moment, during the midst of this current pandemic. Even though initially (the first episode) it did not win me over due the drama’s slow pace, I gradually enjoy watching it regardless of its pace and eventually, I was hooked.
This drama has a very calming and “healing” aspect to it even though the subjects dealt can be serious. I like that even though there’s some serious issues here, the drama remains well-balanced and still has plenty of light-hearted scenes. Lim Hwi (the male lead’s younger sister) is definitely my favourite character in this drama as she brings a lot of sunshine to the table with her innocent teen self. Also, the comforting presence of the community (whether it being the Good Night Book Club member or the people/families in the neighbourhood etc) along with naturally serene setting make the drama feels warm.
With that, I recommend watching this drama, especially to anyone who wishes to seek comfort and feel warm.
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Netflix’s Never Have I Ever was an unexpected treat for me. I did not know the existence of this show prior to its release. I did not see any of its promos/trailers etc. So there was no expectations whatsoever prior to watching it.
My brother and I only happened to stumble upon it when trying to find something to watch on Netflix. So you can say that this was a present that came out of nowhere because as soon as I just went into it (within the first few minutes), I already really like it!
This show was funny. It was relatable as someone who comes from an Asian background. And most importantly, it has plenty of hearts. Trust me, I was tearing up when watching the last two episodes of this season (I sincerely hope that the show will be renewed for the next season).
Definitely a really nice show to binge quickly as it only has 10 half-hour episodes.
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Find Me in Your Memory was a pretty decent watch. Yes, it is a very standard kdrama in the sense that the plot is very very generic and there are so so many obvious tropes here. However, its characters and the chemistry of the main leads still made it worth a look. This drama might not be the most unforgettable or unique drama out there, but it is very easy to watch and it makes a good addition to anyone’s watchlist if you want something straightforward and not complicated.
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Man, A Piece of Your Mind could have easily been this perfect drama that I’ve ever watched this year had it only retained its original length. It is not to say that this drama is not good - it is as of now, actually one of the top dramas among the dramas I’ve watched this year.
This drama basically fits the type of drama I typically love: a realistic drama which examines more on its characters and focuses on emotions etc. Yes, I know people have complained that it is very slow but to me, that was part of its charm. I love slowly getting to know its characters and how they are feeling etc. I like being emotionally connected to them and follow on their journeys.
So I’m just sad the drama was cut from 16 episodes to 12 (reason being because of its low number of audiences). While the drama did its extreme best in making it work and it does not affect the main plot of the drama other than speeding things up nor does it really diminish my enjoyment for this drama, I’m just sad on what could’ve been if they were able to keep the extra 4 hours to the story. Like, we could’ve gotten better exploration on the characters etc (especially for instance that character who was played by the evil mother in law from Search: WWW and the Eunjoo’s Homestay residents and even frigging Hoon, Hawon’s colleague... like why was he even in the grandma’s house in the countryside?) . Things would’ve been more... organically unfold.
Despite all this, I still really enjoy watching this drama and I still remain invested in the characters’ journeys etc. Our main leads’ relationship feels warm and comforting. The vibe of this drama is just my kind of taste. And most importantly, I feel comforted watching it until the end.
With that being said, those are some of the shows/dramas that I have completed up until now. Others that I have completed are season 2 of The Sinner (5/10), ITV’s Belgravia (6/10), Netflix’s The Circle France (soooo entertaining with plenty of drama and strategies, 8/10), season 18 of American Idol (8/10) and most recently, Netflix’s Extracurricular (I will eventually share my thoughts on it soon).
Stay tuned.
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drama-and-tv · 5 years ago
Hello, if you happen to stumble upon this blog, welcome! ❤
What you can expect from this blog is basically just my thoughts on the things that caught my attention - normally, that would be korean dramas. 😊 However, there would be the occasional tv shows/movies and possibly, even the songs I like. It could also be anything else!
With that, hope you guys enjoy reading them! In the next post, I will be sharing my thoughts on the dramas/tv shows that I have been watching this year (which I have posted in my other blog almost as soon as I have finished them... but that’s a different story)
Anyways, enjoy!
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