#yes it’s a belial reference
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xander-wolk · 10 months ago
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Dunno if tumblr will bonk me for this but I’m risking it
FEH channel version☁️
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cryptotheism · 10 months ago
How did magicians back in the day make seals? Was there a science behind it or was it intuitive?
That's a really good question! The answer is extremely complicated!
When most people these days think of seals they think of goetic seals. But the terminology of "seals" actually comes from the idea of sealing a letter. Specifically, it refers to one of the many apocryphal versions of the story of Solomon and Ashmedai, in which king Solomon uses a signet ring with a special magical symbol on it to command demons.
Now, this is one of those biblical stories that people went absolutely nuts for. Jews, Christians, Muslims, damn near every abrahamic faith has their own take on the story, because let's be honest here it's cool as fuck.
But! The original story from the Tanakh doesn't refer to the seal at all, and focuses much more on controlling the sheyd with manacles inscribed with a secret name of God. The inherent magical power of names of God is a common trope in Jewish literature, but later versions of the tale also include greco-egyptian ideas about the inherent magical properties of language, forms, and mathematics.
So when we look at a contemporary English version of a goetic seal, we are looking at something with literally thousands of years of compiled knowledge behind it. I wouldn't necessarily call it science, or intuition, I would describe it as systematic, and narrative. Closer to how campfire stories are improved over generations as people tell and retell them.
Look at this seal of Belial:
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The idea of the seal itself? That goes back to Babylonian Jewish ideas about written text having power to control supernatural entities. (Google Babylonian curse bowls if you haven't already.)
See how the letters are spaced? That's important. That goes back to neopythagorean ideas about regular polygons being fundamental building blocks of the universe.
The little crosses? Those are probably cruciforms! That's how you can tell Christians were involved at some point.
See how some of the lines of the seal end in little loops? That goes back to ptolmaic Egyptian ideas about magic. If the crosses are cruciforms, these are probably ankh-forms! You see shapes like that all over magical texts from the 2nd-6th century Mediterranean!
These symbols are the result of dozens of cultures and people and languages collectively yes-anding each other for literally thousands of years. They are DENSE with meaning.
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bookishjules · 19 days ago
i've seen this brought up twice now, so while we're on the topic.. the gracelet is not called such as an implication of grace's guilt. the nickname was not coined as much in reference to its intent as it was to its application. grace might not have been the one who created the bracelet, or who wanted it to be used in the first place, but she was the one who gave it to james. she was the only one who could wield its power, and the only one its wearer would be tied to. was it designed that way? yes. but so was she.
in tatiana's eyes, grace was a weapon to be used and abused. she bought her, tempered her in the powers belial bestowed upon her, and then sent her into the world to ensnare and compel men as tatiana directed. the gracelet itself is an extension of that weapon, created purely because grace's reach was found to be limited when it came to james. regardless of their origin or of the hand that wields and whets them, these powers belong to grace. and thus, by extension, does the power of the gracelet.
thought she may have been the one directing the show, the gracelet never tied james to tatiana. at the end of the day, only grace could choose whether or not to exert her power over james, whether or not to free him from that shackle. this is not to say that grace was evil for the times she did manipulate james, because as much as those choices were her own, she was also being manipulated into making them, but it is important to note the role grace does have in this bracelet that is something of a conduit for her powers, and her powers alone. now, did the gracelet and using it on james hurt grace as well? yes. but just because grace's powers hurt for her to use does not make them less her own. to insist that the word 'gracelet' paints a negative view of grace blackthorn is, in a way, to deny some of the agency she did have over her powers, let alone diminish the role she herself played in james' life.
i know i've gone in depth with this but i really have to finish this out by saying.. it's not that serious. there is no implied bias against grace blackthorn when people use the word gracelet. it is, at its core, a convenient term for a bracelet james wears that ties him to grace. simple as that. to fault people for using such a universalized term that does its job of signaling out an item and its significance in one go is to take massive jumps to conclusions that have no clear tether to the subject or evidence. or the ground for that matter.
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theeighthstarinthesky · 3 months ago
Main blog - @virtue1nvain
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The account decor makes this pretty obvious, but Im a kin of Octavia from Helluva Boss.
You can call me Octavia, Belial or Via if you wish, and I don't mind any pronouns at all, but I expect she/her more because it's what i used primarily in source. Im aroace spec, so if you're looking for me with romantic intention I implore you to fuck off.
I'm 15 years old bodily, so yes, that does mean I'm a minor. I don't mind sourcemates above 18 interacting or getting in contact at all, though, so don't hesitate.
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I'm not the most sure on how sourcemates and canonmates work in terms of 'meeting and matching', but just a forewarning for sourcemates who wish to be friends with me that I have little to no memories of my canon and even if I did, you are still practically a stranger to me.
I don't mind people with memories of me as Octavia being affectionate towards me or calling me certain nicknames, but don’t act offended if I become nervous or scared.
We know each other in theory, but we're still strangers. Even so, don't let this dissuade you, I promise I don't bite. Or peck. I'm also not particular on who reaches out to me, or how they relate to source- fictives, fictionkins, copinglinks, irls, so on and so forth are welcome if they wish to talk.
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Idm doubles at all, so dont feel scared if you are- and if you aren't on the little list below, don't worry, I'm still happy to talk.
I've seen quite a few people refer to their close friends who are a sourcemate as theirs? I think? So I guess I'm looking for 'my' my dad. I've got bare-bone memories and no real requirements, I just really want my dad back. Vassago is also someone I'm interested in seeing, I'm not quite sure how we were related, but I know we we're related somehow. And, I guess Loona and Blitzø would be cool to meet again. I'm looking for anyone who's looking for me, no matter who you are.
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Dni list, I guess??
Dni lists don't actually work, really, but I'm using this as a list of people I hate personally.
Basic fuckos (racists, transphobes, sexists, misogynists, nazi, misandrists, homophobes, etc), Proshippers/darkshippers/anti-anti's, wilbur soot/iskall/dream supporters or defenders, pro-contact harmful paraphilias (pedo/zoo/necro/etc), weirdo haters, pro-cringe culture, anti-furries, israel supporters or defenders, anti-palestine, pro-harm, pro-ano/thinspo, anti-recovery, radfems, terfs, anti-mspec, people who think aromantic and asexual individuals aren't apart of the lgbtq+ community, intersex fetishisers, intersex haters, religious people who impose their beliefs, people who hate on or stereotype religions (including Christianity) because of the bad eggs.
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 years ago
I know in obey me the brothers are refered to the 7 demon lords and the 7 princes.
But do you think there are other princes like Belial, Astaroth. Like we know there are other dukes, lords, and queens in obey me.
Ive reread the ars goetia and reread the book of Abramelin.
Sort of, yes!
While yes, the brothers are referred to as the "Seven Rulers of the Hell" alongside Diavolo as the Crown Prince of the Devildom, Obey Me has generally gone with a more directly monarchical structure than exists in actual demonology.
In normal demon hierarchy, there are tons of not only dukes and princes, but also kings, emperors, presidents, etc. The Ars Goetia describes Solomon as having no less than nine kings, as well as fourteen presidents and seven princes. What's more, some demons are listed as both president and king or prince. But this isn't the case in Obey Me.
In the OM universe, they have been quite clear -- in this universe, Diavolo is the Prince of the Devildom, destined to lead the entire realm. He is an only child, and single acting ruler of the Devildom. Though they have mentioned Queen Rose, whose title would suggest that she is some kind of royalty, it seems she is not royalty of the realm. Potentially, since she also visits from some faraway place, this may mean she has regional power, much like the difference between a governor versus a president. However, Diavolo is the one and only Prince of the Devildom overall, and he has ultimate power. The brothers are more like a Royal Council that supports Diavolo in governing the realm.
At a guess, this is likely meant to be a parallel to the Celestial Realm, so that Obey Me could have a single "Demon King" figure as a parallel to God on the opposite end, with Michael and Diavolo having the roles of acting rulers of their respective realms.
As for other nobility, such as dukes and lords, yes, it has been confirmed that there are other nobles for sure. Diavolo has lamented the stuffy, conservative traditional nature of the nobles a few times. In Nightbringer, there is also a mention of the House of Lords specifically, which seems to be a more formal structure of some nobles that Diavolo needs to maintain at least a certain degree of approval from. Plus, Mephisto's bio on the Nightbringer website also mentions that he is born of nobles. And Astaroth, who you mentioned, actually shows up as a name in the popularity contest chat -- the same one where Mephistopheles was first mentioned! So Astaroth is around RAD somewhere, and presumably, most of Solomon's other pact-mates are somewhere in the Devildom too, just not shown or mentioned by name. Their ranks may simply be different in the game, just as Barbatos is technically supposed to be a Duke and Earl but has been turned into Diavolo's butler instead. But yes, other nobles definitely exist!
On a final note, the brothers' titles as Rulers of the Underworld is actually quite special as well, and very separate from any normal title of nobility! While they were also given positions of respect and nobility as the Avatars of their respective sins by the Demon King, NB Lesson 3 actually showed that the brothers earned the title by taming Cerberus, and that was also about when they started actually receiving any minimal kind of respect from the rest of the Devildom.
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rimeiii · 2 years ago
Random demon HCs (SFW)
Eyo, it's your girl, the one WHB poster who's interested in this game for all the wrong reasons with something non-gameplay related for once! Part of what definitely interests me is the demons in general and how they'll play off with each other + the MC. Doesn't even have to be related to the sexy stuff - some of these demons I feel have the potential to have interesting and complex dynamics with each other, particularly the Avisos demons!
So, um. Yeah. Enjoy my brainrot-
(Also I will be particularly biased towards the demons who've caught my eye. Refer to tier list below. So, um. Yeah. Sorry about that orz)
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I feel like out of all the demons in Hell, Belial would be the one most attuned to music. He'd be the one to replay songs again and again, probably wearing noise-cancelling headphones so that he'll truly be immersed in the music. He probably used to love singing as a child, so when his voice was taken away, he was completely and utterly devastated. To compensate, he'd take up an instrument (like an acoustic guitar) or learn how to compose, so that at least he can express his love for music and performance...
Gusion desperately wants to cut down on work, but it's hard. He spends countless days and nights just going around solving problems - and there's an abundance of them in Hell. Honestly, he thought of creating systems to help streamline his work and problem-solving shenanigans, but holy shit everyone just loves wrecking those too, huh. After calculating and approximating the time and effort required to perform his duties, merely solving issues as they crop up is the more effective and less tiring solution to everything. Which is saying something, when that in itself is already tiring as fuck.
Leviathan is a gentleman, through and through. Cool, calm, and collected on the outside, he practically perfected the art of hiding away his negative emotions behind a charming smile and a no-nonsense attitude on the battlefield. The only people able to pry away his emotions from beneath the mask are his fellow kings, the demons of Hades, and eventually MC. And even then, he'll only be able to show his most vulnerable sides to his nobles and, again, MC (eventually). It's hard to win his trust and openness, what with his jealousy often getting in the way of him forming healthy relationships with others.
Beelzebub is actually a pretty bad cook. Like, Mystery Food X levels of bad - at least, starting out. Now, though? Well, the people who said they enjoyed his cooking have somehow deluded themselves to think it's good before the side effects kick in. Does it have hallucinogenic properties? Is it a side effect of Beelzebub's tendency to have weird things happen around him? Or perhaps he really did improve on his cooking? Who knows...who knows.
Naberius and Gusion are the perfect drinking buddies. They'd get together at a random pub somewhere in Hell when they have the time, and they'll spend their time getting buzzed while unloading everything weighing them down at the moment. Honestly, this started as an effort to help Naberius - letting out his emotions bit by bit to ensure everyone's safety is much more preferable than letting his anger and annoyance explode to an extent he becomes a Kerberos. Sometimes, they'll be joined by Bael, although rarely as he is standing in for Beelzebub. More often, Satan shows up and chats with them, as amiable as always - and they end up being his main listening ears if he needs to vent. Satan's secrets are always safe with them, and for that, he is forever thankful.
Leraye and Paimon often make things together! The former has a knack for sewing, while the latter has a lot of ideas for clothes and stuffed toys! Working together, they'd be able to create a large variety of trendy clothing and cute plush toys.
I know a lot of people HC this but yes, Marbas would be a gentle giant. While he's aroused by being restrained, I'd like to think the reason why he's always restrained is because something bad happened while he was doing something while not being restrained. Perhaps he accidentally killed someone with his sheer strength, during a more "daily life" scenario. While his strength is his pride, his ability to heal is a larger source of pride for him - which is why he agrees with the notion that putting restraints on him is for the best.
Sitri is a tea connoisseur! He likes tea, knows which tea leaves are the best, how to make specific blends of tea, how long each tea needs to steep in order to bring out a specific sort of flavor...and among the demons in Hell, there are few who can appreciate the finer details in tea brewing like him. Some of these demons include Barbatos (surprisingly enough), Foras, Bael, Bathin, and Paimon. They regularly get together to sample his teas!
Whenever Bathin wants someone to accompany him in his travels, Amon often takes him up on his offer. They'll wander around without any prior destination, dealing with problems that crop up during their travels along the way. They both live in the moment while traveling, letting the winds dictate where they'll head to next. Amon deals with most of the logistics of travel while Bathin would focus more on finding and learning about the points of interest wherever they end up. An MC who enjoys traveling would love being travel buddies with them!
Mammon's way of showing his affection is gift-giving. Though his gifts might come across as overboard sometimes. Because what do you mean he already sent over some more jewels your way? Nobody needs that many jewels, sir! Either way, Tartaros is a prospering land purely because of the many treasures Mammon gives away to his people. Whether or not these overflowing treasures gets sent off to other areas is a different story entirely.
Andrealphus would be the most sympathetic towards MC, I feel. He knows how it feels to lose someone you care about deeply, to have your life ripped away from you in an instant. He had already been in that position a long time ago, and it would greatly please him if MC would let him support them any way he can - up to and including sticking by their side to protect them.
Out of all the demons in Paradise Lost, I feel like Morax would be the one most versed in the logistics involving healing and first aid. Which is understandable - his method of healing involves transferring his patient's wounds onto him in the form of pain. As a result, he'll have to be able to gauge just how far into the healing process he should perform with his abilities - especially on the battlefield. He'd have his nose buried in books during his free time just so he can increase his healing efficacy.
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astrobolical · 1 year ago
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - You Are Here!
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
Now, let's get started!
General - Home Screen
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We aren’t talking about the options you’ll see along the bottom of your Home Screen (where most of the gameplay is) here— that’s further down— but here we’ll talk about the other options you have available to you.
Profile Icon & Profile Options
The circular image in the top-left corner is your profile icon (mine is Belial)
It displays your character’s name (in my case, Aqua), and your accounts current level (19) as well as your chosen devil as your icon itself
This devil, as displayed above, can be different from the devil you display on the Home Screen as your companion
If you want to change your icon, click on the profile picture, and it will take you to a new screen, with a few more options
What can you do on this new screen?
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Note: the edit icons are very small, as you can see above. The little grey text boxes with the teeny pencils. Each of them corresponds to what they’re closest to, each of the following options is prefaced by clicking the corresponding edit icon.
Change which devil is your profile icon (Belial, in my case)
Change your character’s name and gender
View your current exp progress, and how far it is until your next level
Edit your personal message
Display your favourite devils in your showcase
Find and copy your UID (User ID)
Home Screen Devil
This is referring to the devil you see each time you sign in— in my case, Leraye, as seen above.
You can display your favourite devil on your Home Screen by clicking the small circular icon with a tiny Ppyong within it that is beside your profile picture, just beneath the time
You can only display devils that you’ve acquired
Tapping on your chosen devil will have them talk to you— silently, through chat bubbles for most, but L-Grade devils are voiced
L-Rank devils display with their full art, and can be moved around (so yes, you can display anywhere on them, up close and personal if you really want), but S-Rank and below just use their standard avatar
Action Power
A very necessary resource, and a staple you’ll find across most mobile games.
Action power (AP) is what allows you to challenge levels or bosses in Go to Hell Chapters or within Dark Sanctuary
The cost of each level typically increases with their difficulty— but that’s okay!
AP replenishes over real-time, with 1AP returning every 3 minutes
Additionally, the amount of AP you can hold at once before becoming maxed out will increase as your account levels (i.e. at level 19, I can have a max of 181AP)
Guilty Gems
Guilty Gems (the little red ones) are a fairly limited resource in WHB
They are used to buy items from the shop— however it’s best to save them for things like Lesser Keys of Solomon than anything else (1,980 Guilty Gems = 30 Lesser Keys)— but we’ll go over the shop more later
These are received from clearing story levels (additional given for perfecting them), Daily/Weekly/Overall Achievements, and a very minute amount from Hell-Oh! Chats
This is essentially a link to a site from PrettyBusy, where they post information
It usually has to do with upcoming changes or warnings of maintenance— it’s good to take a look now and then!
Any items sent out by PrettyBusy will be sent here — such as maintenance apology items, etc
Items received from raising your affections with your devils will also show up here (we’ll touch on this more further down)
Top-Right Menu Button
Always available as long as you’re not in a level, and sometimes can save you from needing to go back to the Home Screen first! Let’s take a look at the options you’ll find, and where they take you.
“Character” Section
Lobby - Takes you back to your Home Screen
Story - Goes to the chapter select screen (the same as “Go to Hell”)
Dark Sanctuary - Go to the Dark Sanctuary and take on some boss battles for materials
Character - Takes you to where you can manage, upgrade and learn about the devils you’ve acquired (same as “My Devil”)
Album - Takes you to an album that will hold all the CGs that you’ve unlocked throughout the story, allowing you to see them without any text in the way and view them anytime (yes, including the H-Scenes)
Inventory - This is where all of your items will go to— and we’ll touch more on inventory further down
Collect - Takes you to a book that keeps track of all the devils you’ve gotten so far, and how many are currently available— there’s also rewards to be had here! When there’s a notification, be sure to go look
“Community” Section
SHOP - No, I don’t know why this is the only one in all caps, but regardless, this will take you to the shop (NOT the hidden one!)
Achievement - A screen you’ll be visiting quite often, and is talked about further down in more detail
Contract - Head on over and start making some contracts with devils to join your team
“Settings” Section
System - As in almost all games, brings you to a menu in which you see all the options you have available towards the settings of the app and your account
Volume control, notification controls, and account settings are all found here
Under your account you are able to logout, delete your account, etc
This is also where you’ll find a link to contact PrettyBusy, called ‘Inquire’ under your account settings
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You’ll be getting lots of these as you play, and are the various sub goals within the game that give varying rewards. Also, yes, I’m cursing myself for forgetting to take a screenshot before finishing my dailies!
Types of Achievments
Daily - Achievements that refresh daily, and are the same each day, and it is heavily encouraged to at least sign in to do these (they don’t take long!)
Weekly - Goals that reset once per week (these do require regular sign in and completion of dailies)
Overall - Rewards given for various tasks throughout the game, such as satisfying your devils, levelling, level completion, upgrading artifacts, etc
What’s the Biggest Incentive?
The rewards given are quite small, but they add up as you continue to do them
It’s honestly just a staple of mobile games, to encourage you to come on regularly (like the daily sign-in reward, too)
However with the current state of WHB, this also gives you regular access to at least some Tears of Solomon (Hopefully this situation will become better after the next update)
You can get 1 Tears of Solomon per day by completing one of the daily goals, and another once per week— so that’s 8 Tears per week if you’re diligent, which means stronger devils on your team
Note: If you’re actively playing when the day rolls over (3pm UTC), you’ll receive your daily sign-in reward, but you’ll need to restart the app for the daily achievements to reset properly!
That’s about it for these simple goals— when you’re notified you’ve gotten one, be sure to go claim it! There’s some other reward systems we’ll get into later.
Contract - Let’s get some devils!
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This is where you obtain your devils, as well as your artifacts, all wrapped up into one. This is the most central part of the gacha experience— the gacha itself!
Note: From what I can see there is no existing pity system on the standard banners, at least not that’s publicly listed (i.e. if you pull x amount of times without pulling an L-Grade devil, you’re guaranteed to get one)
Costs of Summoning
To make a contract, you’ll need two particular items.
Greater Keys of Solomon (Lemegeton)
Though labeled “Greater” these golden keys are actually the common ones
However, despite being the more common and cheaper option— event pulls rely on these, making them quite important!
This ‘banner’ allows you one free summon daily
You will, however, need 50 of the Greater Keys per 10-pull, and 5 Keys per single pull
Lesser Keys of Solomon (Goetia)
These red keys are the rarer of the two, and ones you’ll want the most
At the beginning, I’d say don’t worry about being too stingy with using them, as getting some units will be beneficial to you— but you don’t need to worry about getting everyone
You will need 30 Lesser Keys per 10-pull, and 3 Keys per single pull
Okay, so what’s the difference, right? Why’s one rarer than the other— and why is there two at all?
The probabilities!
Each Devil and Artifact is labeled with a rarity, with the lowest being B-Grade. These ranks are, in order: B, A, A+, S and L.
Here’s the probabilities while using Greater Keys:
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And here are the probabilities while using Lesser Keys:
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While you have the same likelihood on each to pull a devil vs an artifact (51.50% to 48.50% respectively), there’s some big differences elsewhere.
The Benefits of Lesser Keys
As you can see, the pool itself is significantly smaller; you will not see B or A-Grade at all. This significantly raises the chances to see the rarer ones you may be looking for
L-Grade changes from 0.30% to 2.50% chance— that’s a pretty big jump
That said, you can absolutely still get rarer grades using Greater Keys! (I have pulled L-Grade devils from it!)
How Do I Know What I Got?
Outside of simply waiting to see, like most gachas there’s ways to tell if you may have gotten what you’re looking for before you even see the results!
The spotlights that occur when you pull will light up the king who’s legion you’re pulling from (i.e. if Satan lights up, you have a chance to get him or any devils/artifacts that relate to him, like Leraye, etc)
Additionally, the king(s) will sparkle once the light settles, and each colour can give you an indication of rarity!
Colour Indicators (Subject to Change):
Red Sparkle - B or A-Grade
Purple Sparkle - A+ or S-Grade
Gold Sparkle - L-Grade
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Note: The straw dolls represent unrevealed kings!
Also, if you get duplicates of your devils and artifacts— don’t worry, they aren’t going to waste! We’ll get to that soon.
Event Banners
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These are temporary banners that are available only for the duration of their applicable events.
These banners (at least so far) have a pity system, though it’s a somewhat demanding one— 150 pulls guarantees you who you’re looking for. Their chances overall are upped though!
Now that we have some new companions and artifacts, we’ll go look at the “My Devil” or “Character” screen, and what options you have there-- see you in Part 2!
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another-lost-mc · 9 months ago
I know you have a few OCs that love to read. Could we get a glimpse at their bookshelves or a look at their favorite genres? 👀
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Azra: sci-fi/fantasy, graphic novels, romance/erotica, poetry
Zee: historical fiction and non-fiction, mystery/thriller, reference books/hobbies (sheet music, cookbooks)
Tenebris: reference books/hobbies (magic/alchemy), memoirs/auto-biographies, fantasy, horror
Belial: comics/manga, true crime, mystery, horror, reference books/hobbies (cars, jewelry-making, gem + rock collecting), spirituality (collects books that reference him or mentions him by name, for fun)
Meta: yes. He reads almost anything, in several languages including common demonic. His favourite genres to write are poetry, romance and fantasy.
Gabriel: mystery, historical fiction and non-fiction, reference books/hobbies (photography, travel + tourism in the human world and Devildom)
Uriel: sci-fi/fantasy, romance, contemporary fiction (fluff or humor)
Seraphiel: historical fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, mystery/thriller, romance/erotica
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zoyalannister · 7 months ago
Gracetopher week 2024
Day 7: New beginnings
Read on Ao3
Some of my friends (and some anons too) have the headcanon that, if Christopher had lived, he and Grace would have moved to New York, and that’s why there’s a portrait of Gabriel there in TMI.  1197 words
There wasn’t a day Grace was not thankful for the invention of the Portal. She couldn’t have survived the trip across the Atlantic at six months pregnant.
Christopher helped her get upstairs, where they met the head of the Institute, Mr. Mongerstern. 
“Thanks for accepting to take over this Institute,” the old man said after the due introductions had been made. “I know that New York is on the other side of the ocean with respect to London, but Charlotte Fairchild wrote such a good reference letter for you.”
“Don’t worry, we needed a fresh start,” Christopher said, and Raziel knew it was true. 
Despite saving the world together, the Merry Thieves’ friendship hadn’t survived the battle against Belial. The choices everyone had taken, especially regarding their life companions, had pushed them apart. 
Living in London had become uncomfortable and full of tension, despite the former friends all being in the city only for Christmas and birthdays, and as soon as  it came up in Clave meetings that Mr. Morgenstern had claimed to be too old to keep managing the New York Institute, Christopher and Grace had seen it as an incomparable opportunity.
Charlotte Fairchild had written them a cover letter, and in just three months, they’d received the confirmation form Mr. Morgenstern that they were chosen to overtake his role.
It had been amazing timing, since Grace had found out she was pregnant by then, and raising their child far away from London and all the drama would be perfect.
Mr. Morgenstern guided them through the halls, showing their office and the bedroom assigned to them.
“I have to take care of the last few documents now. I guess that the time difference is unsettling even when traveling by Portal; take some time to settle in and rest. I will announce you as the new Head of the Institute at dinner.”
“Thank you very much, Mr. Morgenstern,” Christopher said.
As soon as the old man disappeared out the door, Grace closed it behind her back and let her husband kiss her squarely on the mouth. 
“Do you like it here?” he asked her.
His violet eyes were shining, and she could tell that he loved New York already. 
“Yes,” she replied, caressing the spot where their baby had just kicked her from the inside. “I think it’s the best place to raise Isidore.”
Since the Silent Brothers had confirmed they were expecting a boy, they’d chosen the name Isidore together.
Christopher put a hand on her belly to feel the baby’s movements, one thing he loved doing. 
If Grace hadn’t been already sure that he would be an amazing father, seeing how he was taking care of her during her pregnancy was the confirmation she needed.
“Mom and Dad will move here for a few weeks when the baby is born to help us.”
Grace smiled. Marrying Christopher hadn’t only given her an amazing husband, but had also made her part of a wonderful family. 
“I thought so. I remember they moved to Mumbai for three months when your sister and Ari adopted Rajiv and Oliver.”
Four years ago, only one year after the battle against Belial, Christopher’s family had grown thanks to the adoption of two baby boys, both orphans, respectively from the Mumbai and Cornwall Institutes. By some weird coincidence, both her nephews (Grace would never get tired of referring as such to Anna and Ari’s children) shared the same birthday, and the family had started referring to them as the twins. 
“Speaking of them—Anna says that the twins are impatient to finally meet their cousin,” Christopher said, kissing her bump. “And Alex is over the moon at the idea of having another nephew to play with.”
Alex Lightwood was so close in age to the twins, he was more like an older brother to them than an uncle, and Grace was sure he’d be the same with Isidore, too. 
“I’m happy that the boys are looking forward to meeting our baby,” she said with a smile.
Grace chuckled as Kit kissed her neck and held her close to him. 
“You can tell Anna that she, Ari and the twins can come here anytime,” she said against his shoulder. “After we settle down, we could show them around New York.”
“I don’t think they’ll leave Mumbai anytime soon,” Christopher replied. 
She looked at him, questioning, and he said, “Sorry, I forgot to tell you with our moving and Isidore on the way. Anna and Ari are adopting a one-year-old girl, so they want to adjust to the new addition to the family before traveling again.”
The news filled her with happiness. Their family was growing, and Isidore would have a cousin close to his age to grow up with.
“That’s fantastic news! I’ll write my congratulations to Anna tomorrow,” Grace said sincerely. “Do you know the girl’s name?” “Shaila.”
“It’s a lovely name.”
Christopher agreed with a hum. “Do you want to take a walk? It’s almost six.”
Grace checked the clock in her room, which showed that it was ten to six. With so little time before dinner, it was pointless to just lay down and rest. 
“Yes, we can take a look around by ourselves.”
Christopher offered her his arm and kissed her on the temple, and they strolled through the halls as they talked.
“If we were having a girl, what would you call her?” she asked him.
Christopher didn’t hesitate a moment. “Marie, like Mrs. Curie.”
Grace leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “I wholeheartedly agree. It would be my choice too.”
Christopher smiled. “I know. After two years of marriage and five together, I learned a thing or two about you.”
Grace laughed, thinking that him being attentive and careful of her feelings was the main reason why she’d fallen in love with him.
They kept talking about their plans for tomorrow, what to see of New York first, mapping a route that wouldn’t tire her too much, when Christopher suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.
“Why did you stop?”
Christopher was staring at the empty wall. 
“Don’t you think that here”—Christopher gestured in front of him—“it would be perfect to hang Dad’s portrait?”
Grace couldn’t stop herself: she laughed. “Why would we put Gabriel’s portrait here?”
Christopher was almost as serious as when he talked about science. Almost.
���To confuse our descendants. Of course, Isidore would know it’s his grandfather, but after a few generations the knowledge will be lost, and in one hundred years, all the Shadowhunters of New York who come here will wonder who this man is.”
Grace kissed him between bouts of laughter. “You have a very convoluted sense of humor, but that’s also why I love you.”
Christopher grabbed her by the hips and got closer to her. “I love you.”
His lips landed on hers, and Grace thought it was heaven.
A new city in a different continent, a niece in addition to the two nephews they already had, their own baby in a few months…
It was just the start of their new lives, and Grace was sure she wanted to live every single moment with Christopher.
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troofless · 7 months ago
Chapter 2.2 Notes:
in which yuri commits hypothetical crimes! and flynn hypothetically kills himself idk
no crimes were committed this chapter, except to flynn! poor flynn, oh no. anyway,
fun fact but i tried to search up アザベリ and got azazel/belial stuff on pixiv /pained
so when they talk about general perception of lq, theres a monologue part that goes 彼が特別な訳ではない but i have no idea who tf 彼 is referring to here, whether it’s the scholar or flynn /pain
i feel like rita and this archaeologist must be related somehow
btw i guess we know the answer to what flynn would do if yuri committed crimes (real: kills nobles) for the good of an individual. he’d pretend not to see anything lol (the real hc is that he jails yuri for a year or smth or exiles him from the imperial capital and yuri lives his days out in dahngrest or aurnion idk)
ok so i guess they’re just going to ignore that time the knights came to distribute monsters as food to the lq ppl 
anyway i do wonder if the law is like in abyss where its not illegal to kill someone outside the cities as long as theres no proof it was personal malice
ah yes flynn, going to yuri (emotional plushie slash blanket) first to sort out his thoughts
staring at flynn through a fishbowl ha ha the complicated moral conundrums you are so interesting flynn truly the typical protagonist *looks at yuri* *grabs him by the neck like a kitten* you on the other hand
yuri: so haha if i were to ever yknow commit crimes, totally not murder, would you be okay with it *pleading face pressing tip of fingers together*
flynn: i fucking hate you
flynn: what if actually i just died
idk man maybe flynn would have killed himself if yuri never reappeared after zaude and just like was assumed to be dead
oh yeah and wtf is up with that last sentence, like you couldnt have killed me further with this chapter
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crxxxflx · 7 months ago
  énarxi tis nósou ! Mandela catalog au notes for private use *messy*
(Notes 1: Belial is the name for (ARCHANGEL) Gabriel in this AU. Toonbriel will be refered to as Gabriel, (not archangel) But yes, Michael will be referred to as Archange Michael. Belial is also known as Lucifer aka, Archangel Samael. ***) Notes 2: Please note theres going to be alot of religious topics, and the base plot will be more about religious figures instead of the main characters, they'll be mentioned but... not much exactly!) (Notes 3: Please do NOT and I mean NOT ship any of these characters for this AU. In this AU Mark Heathcliff is abandoned by Cesar Torres, therefore they are not attracted to eachother. Adam and Jonah are ALSO not attracted to eachother, they are at most 'friends' but in this AU it's more of a thing of Sarah keeping them from not being friends) (Notes 4: All alternates and angels/demons in this AU are Aro-Ace, So if you don't like Aro-Ace, just leave.)
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omentranslates · 2 years ago
Owari no Seraph chapter 128 english fan translation
Howdy welcome pls read and refer to the official at here this is just for fun sorry for the lateness i was outside all day also thank you for leaving nice comments last month it made my day ok thanks for reading
The angel Mika who decided their own end in order to save the First....
Shikama: ...it can't be...Paimon...Mikaela...
Yuu: ...suicide.
Mika: ...just the worst.
Shikama: This can't be happening....
Owari no Seraph 128: Icarus and His Wings
The newest Volume 30 just released from JC to high acclaim!!
Bael: My King!! Paimon!! What on earth was all that.....what is this...
Bael: You idiot, how could you-....why did you go ahead of....
Bael: *breakdown noises*
Bael: .....my King. My King, Paimon surely didn't...commit suicide, right?
Shikama: .........
Bael: God does not permit ending one's own life. Paimon's soul will...
Shikama: Stop talking.
Bael: My King. Paimon loved you more than anyone. Wanted you to return to God's side more than anyone. You know this without me telling you, that this is all part of God's plan. This is all a trial, so...
Shikama: And because of that you'll expect me to just accept it? All of this? This...this...this miserable story...
Bael: My King, you're halfway there. Arrogance like this in the middle of the journey will not be taken lightly...
Bael: *cough*
Shikama: No....not you too.....
Bael: I am truly sorry....for not being able to fight to the end together...but please don't worry, my King. Head towards paradise.
Shikama: This is such bullshit, from all of you. You'd really have me go alone?
Bael: That was Paimon's desire.
Shikama: Then what the hell do you plan to do? Just die here?
Bael: ...since I can't leave him alone. We might as well hold down the fort here for a bit.
Shikama: Bullshit. All of it.
Shikama: I....the hopes you all trusted me with....
Bael: I'm not like Paimon. I never had any high expectations of you, my King. I have no expectations regarding God. Or paradise. Or you.
Shikama: What DO you want out of living, if you hope for nothing in this world, then?
Bael: That's already gone. I'm just waiting.
Shikama: For what?
Bael: For instructions. For the coming of my death, to see the fruition of God's plan, to see how you oppose it. Whatever comes first.
Shikama: I'm......I'm not as strong as you all think I am.
Bael: Please, free yourself. I will support whatever my King decides. Or, well, that may all be already set in God's plan as well.
Bael: *coughing*
Shikama: What do I do? Mikaela...
Shikama Narration: Bael committed suicide soon after. So that his soul would lay in the same place as Paimon's.
*Paimon grave*
*Bael grave*
Shikama Narration: In Hell.
Shikama Narration: Suicide is a grave sin. The two of them will forever be bound to this land. To this...
Amon: My King. Everything's set in place. All the power we'll need for our return to paradise has gathered in the tower.
Shikama: With so many already dead, is there even a point in us being able to go back?
*Belial grave*
Amon: I don't know what you're saying. Isn't this the day everyone's been working so hard for for however many tens of thousands of years?
Astaroth: Let's go! This is for our lost comrades too, we will be the first to return to paradise!
Shikama: Yes, you're right. Let everyone know, then. We return tomorrow.
Shikama Narration: The source of both God's power and angels' lives is here in "Light." Miracles are possible because of this "Light."
Shikama: O, Light.
Shikama Narration: That's why we've been so fervently gathering up all this "Light" into the Tower of Babel. To return to God's side. To return to paradise. That's "Light." However, because all this "Light" is connected to God's power, we are not able to bring about miracles so freely. There are some things forbidden by threat of punishment. There are three most dire of these: Resurrection of life, prolonging of life, creation of life.
Shikama Narration: Thus, the "Light" will not be used for miraculous resurrecion, and it will not be used for miraculous healing, and it will not be used for miraculous creation....but...
Shikama: Combine.
Shikama Narration: I stumbled upon something. A way to use the "Light" without it reaching God's eyes. After many such experiments in conducting miracles unknown to God, I first dared the creation of Mikaela. I created an angel, unobserved.
Shikama: Mikaela.
Shikama Narration: Your creation was successful, and yet I bear no punishment. But this...
Shikama: Is this your lenience? Or just a test upon the bounds of my arrogance? Maybe you're not even watching us at all. If I don't recieve an answer, I'm going through with it. I'm going to convert all the Light gathered in Babel...
Shikama: First, I resurrect Mikaela. Mikaela has enough Light to resurrect and heal all of the angels, and I've gathered it all into seven keys. With that power, I'm going to perform it on all of them. Everyone will return to paradise together, alive. That good?
Shikama: I cannot go back alone. We'll be coming as a group.
Shikama: You never do answer. Well then.
Shikama: O, "Light."
Shikama: Hide from God's sight, change into Darkness.
Shikama: Yuu, I'm going to resurrect Mikaela and save everyone. Convert all the Light stored in Babel to Darkness.
Amon: What is THAT??
Astaroth: What's going on!?
Shikama: So there really is no punishment. Then am I forgiven? Or are we just that completely hidden? Which is it?
Shikama: Ah, Fuck. No good.
The hammer slams down on the First and his accumulated sins...!!
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timetoddddavis · 2 years ago
how would you suggest getting into ultraman? i see stuff you and others post/reblog and it looks cool, but it also seems, uh, all interconnected? and i dunno what a good jumping-on point is!
Hi!! Ok so Ultraman SEEMS really interconnected, and in some cases, it is! The first seven or so shows are all one continuity, and then Mebius shows up all the way in 2006 to be the capstone to that story.
It's also the case for "new gen" shows, those being Ultraman Ginga (2013) to Ultraman Decker (2022), where any Ultra from any era can kinda just show up for a few episodes!
But the extremely cool thing about Ultraman as a franchise is that even though these shows can call crossover, you REALLY don't have to have any extra knowledge to understand what's going on! In every case that I've seen, any reference to another show will be well explained, regardless of if you have any knowledge going in, or otherwise totally understandable. They work really hard to make Ultraman accessible for everyone, especially newcomers.
If you've watched any toku, I'm sure you've heard 'you can start anywhere, just pick one you like the vibe of!' and that's also true for Ultraman! Every show is a great place to jump in!!
For my personal picks, I should start by saying I've only watched one Showa Ultraman. Sorry Showa fans, I just haven't gotten there yet!! So these recs will be from recent series.
I think I would say Ultraman Orb is a great starting place. The overall story is one about the guy who is Ultraman, and the guy who is his nemesis, their very long journey towards self forgiveness and self empowerment, and the human woman who looks at a centuries long cosmic ballet of spite and hurt and says "no. you aren't nearly as scary as you think you are." I think it has a very accessible, relatable story!
My first was actually Ultraman Ginga, which is a VERY low budget, low key entry in the series. It's about being in highschool, and being friends, and also sometimes you are Ultraman. Ginga gets a bad rep in some circles that prefer more spectacle, but for me it was like, ok so this show was made for NO MONEY, but somehow even with very very little to work with, it got across the IDEAS of Ultraman so simply and so well that it hooked me on the whole franchise.
A third option would be Ultraman Mebius! "Davis you just said Mebius is a capstone to the first like 7 Showa Ultras" yes i know but Mebius is. So good. It's just bursting at the seams with love for the series, and totally understandable for a newcomer. It's the story of a very young alien coming to Earth with no knowledge or experience, and how he frankly fucks up?? But then about how he learns, and grows, and fucks up, and tries again, over and over.
Oh oh oh I would be remiss if I didn't say the current show, Ultraman Blazar, is not connected to any other show, and it's coming out Friday nights, and it's really good so far! It's all on the tsuburaya productions youtube, and simulcasts with both subs and a dub!
SO..... I hope that isn't too much information!! I could keep going, is the thing. Do you want more sympathy for the monsters? X! Do you want a story about fighting the stigma that you're inherently evil because of your birth? Geed! Do you want that same idea but made for no money and more about a found family? Mega Monster Battle! Do you like family shows? R/B! Do you want to watch one of the most influential pieces of Japanese pop culture from the last century? ULTRASEVEN. Do you just want to watch a movie? Revenge of Belial!
Have fun, and let me know if you find one that clicks with you!
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
you should tell us the tale of how you first got into gbf
Ooouh boy what a tale what a tale!
Under the cut because i rambled but the short story, is, my two best friends lured me in with one of my fav trope, with gorgeous men, and with indulging into my seiyuu madness.
the longer story:
The two main culprits in getting me into Granblue are two of my bestest friends, @/nalhegrande (Suzu) and @/baconplasm (Bacon). We've been friends since 2015 or so, we met via the dgm fandom revival of the time, and we've been tight knit ever since. Also at the time my blog was very ff7 themed and my url was a reference to it, which also got the two of them interested in it (relevant to the story)
anyway back in 2019 was my major Hypmic phase, so i was starting to really be into seiyuu then (and i was a huge huge fan of Saito Soma as a result). Suzu and Bacon both were playing Granblue a lot.
First thing that happened was around Granblue's 5th anni, March 2019, when 000 came out, and Suzu was reading Paradise Lost in preparation. Because Suzu busted into my DMs going "ICHA YOU WONT BELIEVE IT, SAKURAI AND SUZUKEN ARE DOING LIVING LEGACY STUFF AGAIN". Because Suzu, knowing me from my "living legacy" url days, knew exactly how to hit me with a truck, as i've been obsessed with over a decade with that trope i saw in ff7 of "the person you looked up to and cared about died in your arms and the only way you can cope is to become their legacy, to become them. But you need to find yourself again.". Which was originated by characters Suzuken and Sakurai voiced at the time.
(Suzuken and Sakurai who themselves were also there during the dgm days. the rabbit hole runs deep. dgm also has Living Legacy tropes to it btw to express how on brand it is for me. And while their characters are super important to me (my current url is a reference to the character Suzuken used to voice, it IS one of the most important character in my life), i did discover them with their roles in ff7, who genuinely shaped my life, so telling me they were replaying the same dynamic somewhere else was a siren song.)(yes that's why i never lived down the Sakurai incident lol.)
Anyway because i'm a sucker for those plots, Suzu explained it to me in major details and in tears, of Paradise Lost AND of Zero and i couldn't help but be invested, so i definitely developped an affection for Sandalphon and Lucifer just then.
(Suzu killed me by mentioning that one of my fav song, that i associated to my Living Legacy pair over here, also fit Lucifer and Sandalphon, and it immediately won me over. Stream Saturn by Sleeping at Last.)
But at the time i wasn't really fan of gacha on principle, so i didn't want to get into it, and everything to get into seemed tedious (i was seeing them tweeting raid battles everytime and all i thought was "yeah no i do not want to be perceived, hard pass"). So eventually while i thought about checking it out, i didn't actually feel like it.
Flashforward a few months during the Summer season. I see the two of them regularly lose their mind over their favorite characters. (at the time Suzu was mainly focusing on Heles and Cain. I say "at the time" because Wilnas is now one of her main husband and he wasn't even a raid battle back then. And Bacon is a Vane stan through and through and a fan of the Knights by extension.). Both of them also really like Percival!
(also yes they posted about Belial once i a while, and i knew more or less his deal then, but i admit he didn't do anything to me then. this might be the most shocking part of this story considering literally everything about this blog, and also the fact he started haunting my dreams before i officially read wmtsb, and i haven't caught a break since.)
anyway Summer 2019 was the year of LanVane SR Unit AND Percival's EX summer art. And of Summer Sandalphon while at it.
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so all of those things were flooding my TL on twitter. Just couldn't scroll anywhere without seeing those.
I cared for Sandalphon thanks to Suzu at this point so i was *points* everytime i was seeing him. I've identified Vane as Bacon's boy so i was fully seeing him as a Blorbo in law at this point.
But it was my first time running into Lancelot and Percival.
And i fell in love with Percival in this one singular art.
Like i looked at it thinking he was the single most gorgeous man that had ever graced my screen. Everytime my friends were retweeting this picture i would freeze a second and stare at it mumbling "it can't be right".
Eventually i shot Bacon a message about it especially since she was the one posting most about it. But i did one slight mistake when i told her "yeah that guy you keep posting? i think i have a case of the down bad, can you tell me more about him" -------- i mixed up Lancelot's and Percival's names.
And so instead she mostly shared Lancelot and Vane stuff, and i didn't realize it was because i was wrong on the name, i just thought she went on a tangent. But because i was interested suddenly Bacon tried to grapple me in by doing what Granblue Fans do best: "if you think he's pretty WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HIM--" and she shared pictures of various characters, including, of course, Mister Sieg's Yukata art. (while i was losing my mind because i knew his VA (Kakashi from Naruto's fame, Angeal from ff7) so it was also a thing)
Anyway also this was the funniest bit of this exchange:
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screenshots taken before a disaster.
you'll notice that because she just called Percival "that bitch" and because i mixed up the names causing a misunderstanding well. She couldn't properly exploit my thirsting on Percival's summer art. And Belial had to insert himself in this conversation first.
... and that's the day i started the game. or, at least, made an account.
I got very lost at the time, so the three of us made a group chat then to keep discussing gameplay stuff, and well, about anything under the sun.
They held my hand through it slowly, i participated to the summer free pulls (falling in love with Summer!Rosetta this way) and all... but i didn't play long enough to be hooked so i ended up falling off, but with the promise to my friends i'll get to it eventually.
Percival, most gorgeous man on earth, was slipping through my fingers.....
(though eventually misunderstanding was cleared lmao and friends were like "yeah actually that tracks, but we won't say a word, just come and see him")
Anyway i was hard in hypmic at the time, and especially into Saito Soma's career as a singer because of it. So my friends were also trying desperately to hook me in with various characters that shared those seiyuu, the biggest catch at the time being Shiva.
Because Soma's character then only had a SR and very little important contents. It took a few years for Feather to get some serious stories after all :). (plus he is in a total different range than i'm used to when it comes to that) (also ironically i kept pulling Randall's units over Feather's units, which originally annoyed me but then i found it really funny i kept pulling the guy who wanted to see Feather and couldn't find him. the irony of the fact i had songs by the two of them (and Lu Woh's VA) on my phone at the time escaped me for about a year (bc i admit i wasn't a major fan of the music unfortunately), where Randall was still my underrated R/SR fav character, not ready to handle the fact his seiyuu was going to play my favorite a3's character and definitely ruin my life the moment i realized he was there in gbf being a fav all along.)
On this journey, because i listened to a lot of others Soma's bands, one of the major draw ended up being the fact i listened to another band he was in with Eguchi Takuya, so when Bacon started to talk about Vane's seiyuu, i was here and armed with "oh yeah i have flirty songs by him" and having this torture device (affectionate) was a huge motivation to get into gbf even more to bully my dear friend.
then in September/October A3 came out and it ate my life away so it halted me getting more into gbf at this point (and EguTaku being in it i could still continue my torture agenda)(we all kinda got in it so it was still madness.)
Anyway then again in my usual fashion of "i don't get into hyperfixation, hyperfixation gets to me (by hunting me down for sports)" i ended up randomly having a dream about Percival, which i totally forgot about, but i was so worked up about it i grabbed the game again in November 2019 and just binged a chunk of the main story and the Dragon Knights events.
This whole mess was its own long story, because it turned out i didn't end up liking Percival in his first event appearance and i was betrayed as hell, but BFAF made me reconsider everything about him and now i'm a Percival expert and lover. But my friends were then allowed to see me in full downspiral.
But it sealed my fate. After that, i was too hooked and i didn't want to leave anymore. And while i took some breaks here and there bc of burn out, i've been playing Granblue daily ever since.
then in December or January (right in time for Light GW then) Suzu dragged me into her crew, and Bacon joined in eventually - and since both of our crew had the same problem (half of our crew was inactive, the other half was tight knit though), we ended up merging the crews' active players together, and now here we are and we've been at it for years.
(and i've read wmtsb around February/March 2020 for the full timeline - since 000 and the maydays weren't in the sidestories i had to watch them on youtube then too. I know it was the date bc it was right in time for Seeds of Redemption, the 6th anni event, and it was the most emotionally overloaded period for me as a result lmao. But it basically sealed my fate then, no way i turn away from this game after just how emotionally packed this one month was.).
so that's the long story.
the short story:
My two best friends informed me of a lovestory's trope similar to the one story that destroyed my life, of the most gorgeous man on earth, and fed right into my seiyuu madness, and now i'm stuck here with all of you to discuss Belial's balls.
the more you know, and now you know who to blame. (be nice to them, or else 🔪.)
i hope the read wasn't too tedious ahah
Take care ;D
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challengingpieceofham · 4 months ago
I would have 11-15 only if I didn’t move recently, and the place where I moved has a small bed and I also couldn’t take all of my plushies, so I only have 3 on my bed right now
Anyways, my full plushie list would be
• 2 emotional support demons, one being gitd. The first one is named Belial (Beli), and the second one is Belial^2 (Belili) which is on my bed (I also have a keychain ESD which I think is named Belial portable aka Bel)
• Mango the landshark, named Macaron
• A big orca plush (not from IKEA), named Themis (The Greek god yes)
• I have a small blåhaj named Sushi, which is currently on my bed
• I have recently (yesterday) acquired a big blåhaj which doesn’t have a name yet (name suggestions welcome) which is also on my bed
• A 🪿 plush! Named Goose (very original)
• A snake plush from IKEA, named Frank (I wonder who’ll get that reference)
• I have a small Leopard plush named Tiger, I named it when I was super young and it was a genuine mistake, but it was funny enough that when I found out, I kept the name
• A stingray plush from a Mexican airport which doesn’t have a name and never will have one :3
• A big Eevee plush which I got literally not even a week ago as a gift from a friend, which also needs a name :3
• I used to have a whale plush from IKEA named Cthulhu (Cal) but I gave it to a friend to smite her parents which decided that she cannot have more plushies
• A ghost mango landshark has been paid for and will arrive in a few months :3, so I also need a name for them
I also had a few angry birds plushies but I don’t think I have any of them anymore, and it was a long time ago so I’m not including them
That should be all of them, and I don’t plan to stop with acquiring more :3
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goldenteaset · 2 months ago
Easily swayed by the pyon pyon,,,
Indeed, anon! Besides Hermit and Chrysaor, my favorite outfit/Class for Djeeta is Sage, so yes, very easily swayed by the pyon-pyon over here. =v=
...I don't think I mentioned this before, but when Belial calls Cammy "honey bunny" I imagine it's a localization of "Cammy-pyon". It's an overly-cute, lovey-dovey sort of honorific. (He's used it before when referring to Tachibana Rika on twitter/X as "Rika-pyon", which she was very surprised by for obvious reasons!)
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