#yes I referenced my user what about it
ormymarius · 1 year
some parts of the fics below
memories fic:
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young dceu orm:
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orm loses the ability to breathe water:
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buddhistmusings · 2 months
Every time I post something referencing the very real humanitarian crisis in Palestine, my "for you" page changes and becomes filled with recommended posts that contain the most vile antisemitic shit.
It makes me so sad, because it reminds me of what an awful job that a movement that was supposed to be about advocating for Palestinian lives has done with boundary maintenance. It is so compromised that social media algorithms don't appear able to differentiate between advocacy on behalf of Palestinians and antisemitic content. The crossover between the two has become enough that a user who engages with content of one kind is recommended content of another. People who are not educated on antisemitism and the covert symbolism it uses might not recognize it right away, so we are seeing an entire group of people, convinced that they are participating in a civil rights advocacy movement also being indoctrinated into a separate hate movement, under the impression that these two movements are the same.
With such poor boundaries being maintained between these two ideally separate movements, and such overlap growing, how long can I honestly maintain that these are two separate movements?
Meanwhile, innocent Palestinians are being bombed, children are starving, far-right governments on both sides of the conflict are gloating in the support they get from American conservatives and leftists respectively, and functionally, I hear nobody advocating for peace anymore, only the destruction of their enemies. Palestinians are being so incredibly demeaned, by both the people who want to destroy them and their sovereignty, and the people who claim to be supportive of them.
Sane, rational people who are advocating for peaceful solutions are disregarded and voices on the fringe are centered. People are witnessing what they interpret as a genocide unfolding and in response are advocating for a counter-genocide. Can they not see how this actively impedes the peace process? They give legitimacy to (false) far-right Israeli nationalist claims of Palestinian statehood as an inherent danger to the safety of the Jewish people, and demean the Palestinian people by suggesting that what they want is revenge and not to live their lives in peace. They've made questions about the legitimacy of Hamas, an evil terrorist organization, central to the movement, instead of what should be the priority, that innocent people are suffering and that this is unacceptable. They have redefined and reappropriated Jewish words to use as antisemitic slurs and convinced their audience that using these slurs is not antisemitism.
Meanwhile, capitalizing on the above mentioned antisemitism, those who want to harm the Palestinian people, deny them statehood, are using the words and actions of these activists as ideological ammunition to fire up their anti-Palestinian base. Donald Trump literally called Joe Biden a Palestinian at the presidential debate as a slur. Republicans are using the word "Palestinian" as a slur. Netanyahu (possibly one of the worst people involved in this entire situation), in his speech to congress, was able to point to the very real antisemitic actions of activists to further cement support for him personally. By the way, saying how antisemitic activists harm Palestinians shouldn't have to be the rhetorical point we resort to. The fact that antisemitism hurts Jewish people is enough to make it a bad thing and is enough to make us avoid doing it, right?
I'm tired of turning in one direction and saying "You should NEVER say something like that about Palestinians" and then turning in the other and saying "You should NEVER say something like that about Jews". It should not have to be said that condemning the very existence of one of two ethnic groups in their shared homeland is unacceptable, and yes, it is their shared homeland, because they both live there and are both from there. It should not have to be said that you should understand what a word means before using it to insult people. Here I am in fact talking about the word Zionist, because that is a family of various movements, some of which are worthy of condemnation, but frankly, the basic premise of Zionism does not demean or degrade Palestinians at all, because it simply is the belief that Jewish people have the right to return to and form communities in their homeland.
I'm kind of opening myself up to get a lot of criticism here, but I wanted to get these thoughts out, because I have been finding them enormously frustrating. My heart breaks for all the innocent Palestinians who are suffering and have a lackluster movement advocating on their behalf, and my heart breaks for all the Jewish people who have lost friends to antisemitic conspiracy. My heart breaks for the victims of 10/7 and their families, as well as the Jewish community who was interrupted in the mourning of their losses. My heart breaks for all of the Palestinians who have lost friends and family in the subsequent destruction in Gaza and the immense violence and famine we are seeing.
Please root your activism in peace and compassion, not hatred and destruction. Please think before you speak about entire groups of people. Learn about what words mean before you use them to condemn others. Learn about Jewish people, Palestinian people, their lives, their cultures, and why they both feel such a strong connection to the land. Make this about healing, love, and reconciliation, and not about being right.
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luxstring · 5 months
Before I begin, let me just say that I am not trying to defame this person in anyway, that’s not my goal, my goal is to show what I discovered in their post and leave it at that. Do not harass the user that I will be bringing up, that’s not the outcome I want.
A few months ago, I saw a mutual of mine reblog a post of someone’s drawing of a twisted wonderland character and then the original beside it to compare, and I won’t lie, it looked traced. So I went to the ops account and found their other works, the op goes by the username kazenomegaminowanpisu. The one that caught my eyes was their BNHA work and realized that some of the panels looked traced from the anime and one was I THINK from someone else’s work. So I messaged them about it in private and of course they denied ever tracing but used the screenshots as reference. I asked if i can see their progress and I was denied the request.
That was the first red flag for me. If you say you didn’t trace but deny a simple request of a video of your progress, I hope you realize how bad that looks for you.
The second red flag was when she mentioned I wasn’t the only who had suspicions of her tracing others work. If more than one person has been cautious of your work, prove them wrong, address it. Bring proof other than a screenshot of your reference and the one you drew in your style, or else nothing will change and one day another person will ask you about this.
Before I reveal what i found, I’ll be leaving a link on the difference between tracing, copying, and referencing, by chihirohowe
If the link doesn’t work then I’ll upload the images, and of course, the credit still goes to chihirohowe
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Click 'Keep Reading' to see what I found
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[I kept trying to find the Og artist for the all the jojo art using reverse image but it kept leading me back to pinterest] The chibi art is from a game called Tears Of themis, Company being hoyoverse.
Now, she did write that she used a reference for the chibi art but left no link for the image she used. That’s not really giving credit is it? She’s using a company property, the least she could’ve done is leave a link or the image she used for the reference
These ones art commissions made by her (yes the cosplay pic and her work aligned with one another, same with the cat) She didn’t even mention that she traced or credit the manhwa The broken ring or The artist of the cat witch, who is Nikury
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That’s all I have to show and say. Again, I don’t want nor wish to defame her, I only want to bring this up, that’s all.
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Yes I shouldn't be encouraging Lily Orchard by watching her content but curiousity got the better of me on the latest one and-SURPRISE-more excuses to shit on her pet hate shows but noticed something funny:
I watched through the credits because she took (unshockingly) a really shitty dig at Ant because he's the new Figure of All That is Bad that she cycles through cause I guess continuing to dig at Courtney was a bad look I don't know
So I checked her credits to see if she actually referenced the video cause she cut his user out of the screengrab (while still making it super easy to find ofc) and this popped out at me.
I mentioned her about her history of plagiarising and it actually got her to block me which LOL but notice the end credit: "Stolen Observations"
Now I absolutely do not think I pissed this woman off enough for her to do this-and said in that post she's been called out for this shit a lot more (my post even said her lifting stylistically from Harris is not that big a deal cause EVERYBODY did it)-but what does this even mean?!
You don't need to credit for this and it's a weird roundabout way of like what she thinks will spite people pointing this out? Cause it's not "observations" people are calling her out for stealing-it's mostly jokes and lifting formats wholecloth while doing little to do much to change them
(aside: it's fine to be inspired to format a video like a creator that inspired you-YMS' earlier stuff lifted a lot from Red Letter Media but he eventually grew into his own identity. Lily just grabs stuff from people she thinks are successful and doesn't do much from there)
If this IS in response to the plagiarism accusations (again not mine I assume she just saw my post in the tag saw it was negative blocked me and never thought of me again) it's such a weird desperate thing do so really? This one bizarre video credit is more fascinating to me than the entire rest of the video
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Teach Me
2) February
AN: Part 2 of Teach Me
Thank you to @harlowcomehome for helping me with this, ily 🥹💜
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“You sure you don’t want me to run to the store for you?” Jack asked from the floor as he was playing dress up with Jayla.
Alyssa shook her head no. “I got it, babe. I’ll be in and out. Just grabbing a few things for Jayla for Valentine’s Day.” She says with a laugh and an eye roll. 
“And hopefully for me too.” 
“Maybe” Alyssa said with a wink, knowing she already had a plan for them. 
She could tell Jack was still worried, he never liked when she left the house late at night. Alyssa walked over, bending down to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. “You worry too much, princess” 
“That’s not funny.” Jack told her, trying to hold in his laughter. Jayla was only 2 but slowly became obsessed with makeup/hair after watching her mother do her own every morning. So now Jack was currently sitting on the floor with lipstick smeared over his lips and barrettes in his hair, with a crown to match. 
Alyssa gave Jayla kisses all over her face, childish giggles ringing in the air. “I’ll be right back, baby. Make sure to take care of daddy, ok?”
She gave Jack one last kiss before she locked the door behind her but not before saying their phrase. 
“Love You, Mean It!”
“Jayla Rose! Can you explain to me why you waited till the last minute to tell me that you signed up Daddy to make cookies for your Valentine’s Day party”
It was 10pm, way past Jayla’s bedtime but Valentine’s Day was tomorrow and the kids were encouraged to bring baked goods.
“We always make cookies together!” Jayla exclaimed while adjusting her chef's hat on her head.
“Not at 10 o’clock at night.”
Jayla shrugged her and suddenly started playing with her KY chain hanging from her neck, something she did when she was nervous. 
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” Jack asked her, concerned. 
She began playing with her necklace some more and kicking her feet against the kitchen floor. “I just thought it would be fun, you always get sad during this time because of mommy.”
Jack immediately pulled her into a hug, he could feel his shirt start to get wet from her tears. “Hey, it’s okay.” He reassured her by rubbing her back.
“Look at me.” His heart wanted to cry as he looked at her big brown eyes that were filled with tears threatening to fall. “You don’t have to worry about Daddy, that’s my job. You and I are gonna have fun tomorrow. I have a whole day planned just for the two of us once you get out of school.”
Jayla perked up at that “Really?” 
“Yes, really. You know you’re my favorite valentine. Now, let’s wipe these tears and finish these cookies so you can go to bed.”
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misslove: my favorite day of the year
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Ariel loved Valentine's Day, it was her favorite holiday. I mean, her last name was Love after all. Sure, she was 27 years old and single, but there were so many other reasons to love it. Not only did she love the flowers, the pinks and reds but she loved everything Valentines Day stood for, it’s about love, and what’s not to love about love? 
By morning her desk was filled with cards, candy and small stuffed animals. She was sure her planner was underneath all the gifts but Ariel was in no rush to look for it. Her favorite gift amongst them all was the donut bouquet from Jayla Harlow.
Ariel: rumor has it that you burned our classes Valentine’s Day cookies for our party?
Pressing send, Ariel grabbed one of the donuts from the bouquet. Before she could take a bite, her phone buzzed on her desk. 
Jack: didn’t you hear? I don’t clear up rumors
Ariel giggled at that knowing he was referencing one of his hit songs. As she was just about to text him back Jack sent another message 
Jack: but whoever started that rumor is in big trouble, can’t have someone spreading misinformation 
Ariel: you’d be shocked to know what else I’ve been told, but I wouldn’t want to give away my sources 
She moaned as she took a bite of her donut. She always had a sweet tooth. There was nothing like a strawberry frosted donut. 
Jack: well…you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone 
Taking another bite of her donut, she thought about all the things Jayla has shared with her. They were honestly pretty tame, compared to her other students giving her details about their parents divorce.
Ariel: oh you know, just that you get red as a tomato in the sun, you drink ranch dressing (big if true), the source claims they’re better at basketball and soccer than you, and that your idea of dancing is just stomping around. 
Jack: damn this source knows a lot about me 
Jack: and I’ll have you know that I’m very useful on the court
Ariel: hey, don’t shoot the messenger! Just some silly gossip between a teacher and their favorite student 
She laughed at the exchange before taking a glance at the clock, seeing the kids would be back from lunch in 15 minutes. Ariel should be using this time to plan out her lessons for the next week, but right now she’d rather flirt with her favorite students' dad. Lesson plans can wait. 
Ariel: Speaking of the party, are you joining us?
Ariel already knew that he would probably say no, according to other teachers Mr. Harlow never showed up to any of the school's functions. And he hasn’t in a long time. She watched as those three bubbles indicating that Jack was texting back popped up and would suddenly go away. 
Jack: uh probably not…I have some meetings this afternoon. 
While she knew he was going to say no, she couldn’t help but think about Jayla, who is usually very social, was suddenly very quiet today. 
Ariel: Well, if you end up getting out early, we’ve got plenty of heart shaped sweets with your name on it, and I have a feeling Jayla misses you.
She could hear the sounds of tiny footsteps and giggles coming down the hall so she knew her class will be making their way back in. She glanced down at her phone again and saw that Jack left her on read. She tried not to let it upset her, still she decided to send one last text. 
Ariel: the kids are coming back from lunch, Happy Valentine’s Day Mr. Harlow 
She shoved her phone back in her desk just in time to greet her kids back from lunch. 
“Ok, my sweet angel babies, let’s get in our reading circles. Today’s book is all about…LOVE!”
An hour later the Valentine’s Day party was in full swing. After socializing with the other parents and students she sat back and watched with a smile as the kids stuffed their faces with sweets. A small frown formed on her face when she noticed Jayla watching another student coloring with their mom with the same frown. Getting up from her desk, she took a seat next to Jayla. 
“Hi, Miss Love.” Jayla greeted her with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, before she looked down and continued to color. 
“Hi, Jayla! I love your drawing. Is that your dad?” Ariel asked, pointing to the yellow stick figure. 
Jayla nodded her head yes, “I had to draw him yellow because he’s pale, and I couldn’t use a white crayon." Ariel had to stifle her laugh at that. 
“Of course. Well, I came over here to chill with you, if that’s okay?” Ariel asked.
“Yeah that’s fine! Do you wanna color with me?” Jayla asked not even waiting for a reply before pushing a paper towards her. 
Ariel smiled and grabbed a pink crayon and started drawing hearts all over the paper.
“Miss Love, your heart looks like a BUTT!”
“It does not!”
Since most parents decided to take the kids home early because of the party, that left Ariel and Jayla by themselves at the end of the day. 
While Ariel waited for Jack to pick up Jayla, she decided to start cleaning up the classroom, hating a dirty room. As she was picking up papers and pencils off the floor, Jayla called her name from her spot in the class's reading corner.  
“Yes, Jayla?” She replied and looked towards her so that she had her full attention. 
“Do you have a mommy?” Ariel was shocked at that question, she walked over and sat on the floor next to her. 
“Yes, but she became an angel when I was a teenager. So it’s just me and my dad now” Ariel told her
She could tell Jayla had another question as she nervously played with the necklace. Ariel stayed silent giving Jayla some time to process what she wanted to ask next. 
“Do you ever miss her?” 
“Everyday.” Ariel answered almost immediately. 
Other teachers around the school talked all the time about how Jack was a “hot single father” and how no one knew much about Jayla’s mother. Ariel was never the one to gossip so she never dug deeper because it wasn’t her business to know. 
It was quiet for a while as Jayla turned back towards her book, flipping through the pages. Ariel could tell she had more to say but she refused to push her. 
“It’s just me and daddy too.” Jayla spoke after a while. She still was flipping through her book. “I don’t really know—“ Jayla couldn’t finish what she was saying as there was a soft knock on the door. Ariel and Jayla looked up and saw Jack leaning against the classroom door. 
“DADDY!” Jayla yelled as she jumped up and ran towards her father, conversation seemingly forgotten. Ariel stood back as she watched Jack kiss his daughter all over her face. 
“Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, babygirl.” 
“It’s ok, Miss Love was hanging out with me.”
Jack put Jayla down from his arms before he stood up straight and greeted Ariel. 
“Thanks, sorry I was late.” Jack said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
Ariel waved her hand “it’s no problem at all, Jayla is one of my favorite’s students, I’d hang out with her any day.”
Jack smiled at that. “Now, Miss Love…I thought teachers weren’t supposed to have favorites.”
Ariel pressed her finger to her lips “SSH, don’t tell anyone.” Jack threw his head back with a laugh and the sound made Ariel’s heart flutter. 
“Before I let you two go, Mr. Harlow, I did promise you that we had some cookies with your name on it.” Ariel grabbed the case of cookies that she saved back for him. Jack smiled as he looked down at the heart shaped cookies. He could tell they were homemade. 
“Did you make these?” He asked, opening the container and grabbing one out. “Mm, these are delicious.” he said, biting into it. 
“Yeah, I always overbake so I figured since you couldn’t be here I would save the rest for you.” Ariel said with a shrug, she could feel her cheeks getting warm as she watched Jack eat her cookies. God she was down bad. 
“Maybe, I do need to come to these parties, if you’re going to be baking like this.” Jack flirted. 
“Just for the baked goods?” She joked 
“And to hang out with you..”
Jack felt a tug on his pants leg, breaking eye contact as he looked down at Jayla. 
“What about me?!”
“You didn’t let daddy finish, I was going to say I’d love to hang out with Miss Love and my babygirl”
Ariel smiled watching the exchange, her face getting warmer at Jack claiming he wanted to hang out with her. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you all here any longer, so I’ll let you two go. Bye, Miss Jayla, I’ll see you on Monday.”
What she didn’t expect was Jayla to leave Jack’s side and give her a tight hug around her legs. Even Jack was shocked at the action. Ariel got down to her level so she could give her a better hug. 
“Bye, Miss Love. You’re the best.”
“…and they lived happily ever after!”
The End 
Jack read as he closed the book to Jayla’s favorite bedtime story. 
“I love that book daddy, can you read it again?!” Jayla asked while giving him those award winning puppy dog eyes.
Still sitting on the edge of her bed, Jack shook his head no. “Not tonight, sweetheart. You know it’s late.” 
Jayla huffed and cuddled deeper into the covers on her bed and laid her head on Jack’s arm. He always liked to stay with her until she fell asleep. “Did you have a fun day?”
“Yup, Miss Love is so cool, and she’s just like me!”
Jack looked down at Jayla confused, “yeah, how so?”
It got quiet and for a moment, Jack almost thought she was fast asleep before she spoke up. 
“She only has a daddy! Her mommy is gone too, and she misses her everyday just like how I miss mommy” Jayla said softly followed by a small yawn
Jack tried to swallow the lump that immediately formed in his throat. Jayla hardly ever spoke to him about her mother's passing, so hearing that she missed her just as much as he did made the inside of his chest hurt. Jack was scared that if he opened his mouth he wouldn’t be able to stop crying, but thankfully when he looked down Jayla had fallen asleep in his arms.  
Not having the heart to leave her just yet, Jack cuddled in closer, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. While Jack wished Jayla spoke to him about her mom he was grateful that she trusted Ariel enough to open up. 
Jack stayed in Jayla’s room for most of the night before making his way towards his bedroom. He was having a hard time sleeping with all the thoughts running through his head. After tossing and turning for a while, he reached over to grab his phone from the side table, and scrolled till he found the name he was looking for.
“Thank you for talking to Jayla, I really appreciate it.” He didn’t feel the need to elaborate, he knew Ariel would know what he was talking about. With it being so late in the night, Jack wasn’t expecting a reply so quickly, so he was surprised when he got a reply back after ten minutes. 
“Anytime, Jayla can always count on me.”
AN: So happy you all enjoyed the first part and I hope you all enjoy this chapter just as much! Thank you for reading and of course tell me your thoughtssss :)
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hyperfixationsporfavor · 11 months
True Form Sukuna/Reader: A Moment in Time (Part 4- Fateful Warnings)
Author’s Note: Hello people! I’m back with a new chapter of this fic. It’s super short but I wanted to ease back into writing since it’s been awhile. I just started a new job so I apologize for the lack of updates. Hopefully I’ll be able to drop the next chapter sooner. Enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of blood, implied sex, referenced infidelity, sexism, Sukuna
“Recite it again,” Tengen instructed. 
A young Ryomen Sukuna let out a sigh, holding the parchment in his hand closer to his face to make out the text in the dim candle light. 
“When ending the life of a hostile sorcerer one must be wary that they will not come back as a curse, you must kill them with the usage of cursed energy.”
Tengen stood up from her spot behind the table to stare down at the unruly nineteen year old. 
“Correct, so why did you fail to do so earlier?”
Sukuna tossed the parchment on the stack of other scrolls and leaned back with a shrug. 
The instance she was speaking of had happened earlier that day. A curse user had been causing trouble in a small village up north, leading to the deaths of a few families. This is why they had personally reached out to Tengen in a plea of mercy, for the landowning lords could care less about the lives of a few peasants. 
She had decided to send Sukuna in her place, noticing how restless he was becoming these days, only for her protege to carelessly allow him to bleed out. 
“I had every intention of going back to finish the job,” he huffed.
She glared at him. “Yes you did, as soon as you got back from desecrating his wife.”
He brushed off the claims of infidelity with a wave of his hand. 
“She invited me inside while the ugly bastard was out, believe me the little whore was singing my praises joyously.”
Tengen blew past his odious sentiments with contempt. 
“Yes, only for her to meet her end when he returned as a vengeful curse to slice her throat.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes. 
“I was there.”
“Which is precisely why I’m failing to see how you don’t grasp the severity of the situation!” she snapped.
“What situation?” he argued back. “I used cursed energy to exercise him. It’s over.”
“After a completely preventable loss of life.”
Sukuna crossed his arms. “Are you talking about the wife? She was warming the bed of a man you wanted me to kill. Who cares if she lived or died?”
“It’s not just that Ryomen, it’s the way you’ve been handling everything as of late. Aggressively doing the tasks I give you with little regard for the wellbeing of others, blatantly ignoring my teachings, disrespecting my writings. How am I to trust you as my successor?”
Yes, the original reason she had taken the then young boy into her home. Being a woman, even as powerful as she, could only get Tengen so far. So she had begun relying on the presence of a male figure to act as a stand in for her. 
Played the part of Tengen while she operated from behind the curtain. Currently she had been using a fellow she had met decades ago by the name of Kenjaku, a person she had come to trust, but he was aging rapidly, feeling the affects of old age settling throughout his body. 
So a replacement was necessary, and that’s where Ryomen Sukuna came in.
When she had first encountered him she had sensed a powerful presence, verging on becoming predatory. Despite Kenjaku’s protests she decided to take him on as a student, perhaps she could harness his cursed energy and make him useful. 
But now, standing in front of him, Tengen was beginning to realize that not even she could control Ryomen Sukuna, and she feared a time would come when no one could. 
Sukuna stood up, glaring at his instructor. 
“I am not some puppet like that old bastard you have to keep around! And I’m tired of you holding me back!”
“Ryomen, your reckless actions will lead to your eventual downfall.”
He narrowed his eyes on her. “Are you threatening me?”
“No, I’m warning you. If you stray I will no longer be able to help you.”
He let out a bitter laugh and stormed out of the room, out of the house, out of Tengen’s life.
“I’ll never require your help.”
From then on Sukuna strived to grow stronger, and he did, evolving beyond a human body with an appetite that could only be appeased by the taste of human flesh. He lived how he wanted, ate when he wanted, and entertained only those who he found interesting. And at this current moment the one he found the most interesting, was you. 
“Damn him! Damn him!” the lord of the house howled.
His personal physician worked quickly to stop the bleeding while he screamed in agony. The other residents and staff stood around him anxiously, waiting to see if he’d live through the hour. 
The young servant boy was the only person whose mind was still on you and the terrified expression you wore as Sukuna had whisked you away. He trembled as he reluctantly approached one of the palace ladies who hovered next to the physician, the same one who had scolded you. 
“My Lady,” he managed to force out. “What is to be done about (Name)?”
She peeled her attention away from the grotesque scene to face him. “Who?”
He blinked in disbelief. “The maid…scheduled for execution.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “What do you think you imbecile? Nothing. Her fate is sealed.”
The palace lady turned her attention to one of the noblewomen next to her. 
“Better a low status maid than one of us.”
“You!” the physician called. 
The servant boy looked up to find it was him who he was speaking to. 
“More rags. Go now.”
The End. 
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elisaintime · 5 months
The post-episode 3 shift
So we were talking about how AMC's Interview with the Vampire Season 1 handles their choice of making Louis a black man in the early 1900s. This is a really cool change the show made in its AU version of IWTV, and it brought in a whole lot of subjects to explore that didn't exist in the books, making the TV show a very different work of art. But all the initial ideas for this show came from a cishet white man, and while he down the line had assistance from poc collaborators, I still think the show had areas where it could have done better with regards to some of the story beats, character arcs, and plot progression. The other thread got unwieldy with multiple reblog trees, but it's here for reference: https://www.tumblr.com/elisaintime/748738811357462528/woah-i-must-have-missed-something-why-are-people You can see everyone else's discussion in the notes.
I love discussions like this! Please talk to me about vampire chronicles! I live for it! I'm posting this now because I am disappointed that a few people seem to not be understanding several things I said. Maybe I said it unclearly, or maybe they're projecting and jumping to conclusions.
Kind of like how this poster does:
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I deleted/banned every single comment on my videos that talked negatively about the show making Louis and Claudia black or deriding it for trying to be woke (and there were a bunch!). I delete block and ban all forms of hate speech. My channel is absolutely not a safe space for racists or bigots of any kind.
As you can see in the screencap, there is nothing in these comments that is about the race changes. These comments are talking about other changes the show made from the books and don't touch on race at all. The poster who screencapped them is jumping to the conclusion that these commenters liking the books better than the show automatically makes them racist, and that these are racist comments. And this screencap is specifically what I was referencing at the beginning of the other thread. Several people have said this now, that my YT comments section makes a safe space for racists. But these are not racist comments, and there is no evidence that the commenters are racist. This is projection and assumption. If you DO ever notice a racist comment on any of my videos, that I somehow missed, please bring it to my attention so that I can immediately delete and ban the user from ever commenting on my channel again.
But back to the show itself and my critique of it. I'm always here for talking about vampire-related writing! Let's go!
I still stand by what I said in my videos about the few issues I had with the show's scripts. If you watched my videos or follow all I've said about the show here on tumblr or elsewhere, you'll know how excited about this show I've been from the very beginning, how obsessively into it I am, following every aspect of production and behind the scenes news. You may even be in one of the multiple discord servers with me where we talk about the show constantly. There was much I really enjoyed about season 1, which I was outspoken about in my videos, and people keep seeming to forget. My videos had a greater percentage of positivity in them than negativity. But yes, I did have critiques as well, just like I do with every single piece of vampire media I discuss on my channel--it's the entire point of my channel!--and those mostly had to do with inconsistency in the writing.
What I've said is that the DRIVING FORCE of the plot wasn’t about Louis's struggles with chafing against society as a black man after episode 3, not that there was no more racism. I said he was obviously still immersed in systemic racism all around him, which the show showed us with visual details in the background, despite no one talking about them. This is fine, we don't need it spelled out for us. TV is a visual medium, and that's what the images are there for. But my discussion is about his character MOTIVATIONS on a writing level. His want vs need. His goal vs obstacle. If you're unversed on the techniques of story writing and plot structure, I recommend Blake Snyder's book Save the Cat as a crash course. In ep 1-3, for Louis, it was about being respected as a man equal to others among his society, the citizens of New Orleans, his colleagues and business rivals. Fighting for social opportunities that were limited to him because he is black. That story ends with episode 3 and a new story begins. I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I just said I NOTICED it.
After it all burns down, Louis stops focusing on society respecting him as a human being (which was ironic to begin with, because he’s not human anymore) and his driving plot becomes about making and keeping a family and such. Obviously race is still an element of that in a mixed marriage, but it’s not about his business or social standing anymore, these parts of his life that were SO IMPORTANT to him in the first three episodes. In the books, vampires stop caring about that kind of stuff the second they are made, but the show changed it to take Louis a few years to get there instead of it happening instantly.
Obviously racism doesn't magically disappear or stop mattering once he accepts his vampire nature (which Lestat kind of promises him it will), but it does shift to being a background element for what we see on screen. He is not focused on it anymore, when it used to be the primary driving force of his plot. We hardly even get to see Louis interact with (racist) society again til the finale (and I made this observation on episode 5, which the end-of-episode credits told us was written by a white person). For example, the police that come to their door are bigoted to him and Lestat because they’re gay, but meanwhile, they act completely colorblind. At this point, Louis’s character motivations are about fear of them being caught for murder, and his emotions regarding how Claudia is struggling with her eternal child body and lashing out--about keeping his family together. Not about his racial struggles as a businessman and citizen in outward society.
Yes, we all know there were non-white people in the writer’s room (thank god! Can you imagine?? If there weren’t any, we’d all have been raging from the very beginning! Did you read RJ’s episode 1 script draft before it got revised with the input of black/queer/female editors? OOF), but the choice to completely shift Louis’s driving character motivations away from his impassioned societal race struggle to something different after 3 episodes was part of the original season outline made by white people before any poc were brought on to the team. 
And again, I didn’t say it was a bad thing, it was just something I NOTICED, and the way the show executed it felt very abrupt and clunky. Did I want the cops to not be colorblind and get in some racial digs and microaggressions while they were at Louis’s house? Ew no. But I did NOTICE that they didn’t do that, and how it was so different from the way Louis was spoken to by white people in the first 3 episodes. Did the white writer of this episode perhaps feel uncomfortable going there?
The season told two different stories for Louis, with an abrupt turn in the arc after episode 3. It didn’t feel like an arc at all, but a sharp angle. Starting with Claudia, Louis’s primary drives and character motivations completely change. He no longer wants to be an important businessman respected in society, he becomes “the housewife,” and never once seems to miss his desperately-fought-for social status at all. This comes back to what I said about the show being weakened by trying to shove in too much book stuff. Ep1-3 were all these cool new original ideas from the show with Louis having entirely new character motivations based on the show's changes to his background. They were naturally driven by what him being black in 1910 now meant. But after that story was done, it abruptly shifts back to more of how he in in the books, and trying to suddenly pull him back to his book personality/motivations/goals after giving us this whole new organically-evolved self in 1-3 was notable. I noticed it.
All in all, I think it probably would have worked much better on a writing level if it was treated as two separate mini seasons instead of presenting itself as an attempt at one coherent whole.  
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flyingcakeee · 5 months
Uhm.. something a bit more serious is going to be said here? Kinda? Idk. We're talking about people and TikTok and claiming drivers. Hasn't turned into hate yet, hopefully won't. 🙃
I replied to a video on TikTok saying "Yeah... how we feeling today?" as the video was referencing Logan Sargeant and his path into F1 and I commented after it was announced Alex Albon would be using his chassis in Australia. This is not relevant though.
What is relevant is my profile. My profile name, not user, is "Cake 🍉" and my profile picture is Lance Stroll. In my bio, I have three flags. The Palestinian flag, Salvadoran, and U.S. as my moms side is from Palestine, my fathers side is from El Salvador, and I live in the U.S.
I got a comment from a random account just today (23/4) in Hebrew and when translated says "The name and profile picture who tells her-" with an account tagged. The account who commented is private but the account tagged is not and has an Isr@el flag in the bio.
Yes, Lance Stroll is Jewish, but that does not mean I can't have him in my bio? In fact, the only F1 driver who has voiced his support for Palestine, the only driver to say anything up to my knowledge, is Lewis Hamilton, but I don't necessarily want a pfp with Hamilton because I've had bad experiences with some of the hard core LH fans. Doesn't mean I don't support Lewis, does it now?
Quite a few drivers have said misogynistic things over the course of their careers, some even recently, but you don't see people, especially women, just forgetting that said driver didn't exist.
Drivers don't exist to one group. You don't have to be Japanese to be a Yuki Tsunoda fan and Aussies can't claim the entire fanbase of Daniel Ricciardo and Oscar Piastri, they have fans from all over the world.
Unless the commenters try to interact with me more, I will not be engaging with them and since I've posted edits on my account, I won't be privating either because I'm really just not scared of them.
I can be Muslim and like Lance Stroll, especially when the picture below is my pfp because it's goofy. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk. And yes, that's my pfp. That's what's causing a fit lmao.
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tae-rambles · 3 months
My reaction as I read:
looked up the meaning of Emeth:
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^ interesting... i'm guessing it has something to do with the Iron Giant?
there's also a character from the Chronicles of Narnia named Emeth that serves to promote Christian Inclusivism - basically "as long as you have good intention the Christian god will accept you no matter your religious affiliation" but i don't think that's what Oda is referencing here...
Yamato :( ... but the kids' anger is understandable, he shouldn't have to pay for his father's sins but those are just kids... maybe this cover story will be about Yamato proving himself to the ppl of Wano and becoming accepted? that would be nice
Kaku c'mon! don't be like this! you liked ships when you were a child! and you were a great shipwright in W7! i can see you hurting too! why do you wanna stay w the WG? is it for Lucci? bcs you know he wouldn't leave?
now Stussy hurry!
Luffy and Bonney are so cute together in their Nika forms
just learned a new word: facsimile
Luffy taking the hit to protect those behind him
Bonney worried about Luffy
lmao giants
damn Luffy looks scary there lol
lmaoooo they're using haki that's brutal i'm dying
(also those who said Bonney can't use haki bcs that would make her too strong as a response to ch 1118 - how you feelin?)
Franky! Sanji! that's your captain! they have no mercy fr lmao
is that a drom of nervous sweat i see on Mars? hahaa! >:)
damn how far did he bounce him lmao (serves him right)
no! Atlas! don't go! i have a bad feeling about this...
hello Katakuri :D
yes, the Will of D, unfortunately, your broadcast has been interrupted so what you wanted them to hear didn't get out... but why is Gaimon and his gf shown at that exact moment? is Gaimon somehow connected to the Will of D? or maybe it's about the island of rare animals? there's that theory about the six treasure chests... hmmm... or is it there just to show that not everyone was able to hear the message...
dammit, the marines got the seraphim
also, Peter swallowed the kairoseki bubbles w no problem... do the gorosei really not have devil fruits?
good punch! :D
HOLY SHIT so much happening on the last double page :D
Warcury fearlessly jumping off the shore... are they really not just mythical zoan devil fruit users?
i was hoping for more double Nika combo attacks but we also already knew Bonney wouldn't be able to hold that for for long so it can't be helped (hopefully the anime will provide us w some more shots of Nika!Bonney)
i wonder if Luffy heard the Iron Giant calling out to Joyboy or if he just sensed him w his observation haki
a magnificent left hook! strong enough to break Warcury's tusk! amazing panel
Emeth... the name really suits him :D
Joyboy speaks for the first time! :D well not really since it's just a memory but y'kno... we're gonna hear Joyboy's voice when the anime gets here! :DD i'm so hyped
doesn't Emeth look kinda sad? i feel so sorry for him. he's probably so confused about what's going on since he's been asleep for so long. he keeps calling out to Joyboy but Luffy isn't the Joyboy he's thinking of :(
and a break next week - as expected after three chapters in a row
Great chapter! Loved it! :D
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yosajaeofficial · 2 months
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Hey hey hey! Welcome back to the show, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates!” Where I give obvious monthly updates to my followers about the progress for the hit series that hasn’t debuted yet, “ROTTMNT: The Jayce Myles Comics”! Sorry I haven’t posted this month, I was hella busy with college applications and other projects, but I’m delighted to get back into these updates.
Without further ado, let’s get the show running! I have some fun things to show ya!!!
The Comic
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The month was way too quick for my own good, the comic’s slow. Again, I was busy applying to college and doing other side projects I’m working on. I’m gonna be attending college next month so the comic will have its hardships but I really wanna pursue my education as well, but the updates shall continue like always with all of its fun content! Anyways, the comic: the debut has 20+ pages and my god it’s just insane on how many there are when I’m not even halfway there. I’m impressed with how many pages go by just to tell the story, older pages will be fixed up so it either might be reduced or even more but that’s for future Jae to decide; I’m learning as I go! It’s also better that I show instead of say that I’m just “working on it” since it’s easy to lie to be honest.
The turtles haven’t been seen since I haven’t got to drawing their introductions yet, I’m gonna shart in my pants because I’m scared but I’m literally an artist doing a comic so I gotta do them sooner than later. Maybe the next update you’ll see them? Don’t hold me too much onto that but it might be a cute goal to set, let me know what happened when the August update comes!
Jayce is so silly with her coat huh? She’s just a girl giving it her best, even if they thrift at the worst shop known to man (they’re gonna learn someday…) We also got Rogelio and Jayce being all cool together, I was proud of that page when first sketching it out. They both are so sweet to draw out, hope to see their finalized pages to see their true potential!
Bonus Content: Hidden City Mystical Crystals
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Silly reader, you’re scratching your nose and thinking, “what am I looking at?” You’re in luck! Cuz these babies are actually additional parts about the Hidden City’s lore/magic system. Magic system? Yes, a magic system. The Jayce Myles Comics is going beyond the original canon of Rise and creating many more original concepts and combining it with what was given by the canon. I wanted to show off more of the mystics from yokai because their potential was so much cooler to finally explore when drafting the ideas.
The Hidden City’s magic system is based off of the elements, not too complicated, but has some different rules when compared to other executions of the elemental magic system. That’s for another day, I’m only gonna talk about the crystals and show what they can do. You can reference this update and look into the JMC with this cool bit of knowledge! Let’s get started >:3
Origins of the Mystical Crystals
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These crystals were created based off of industrial flaws people have faced. Basically, I learned about the 1920s construction workers and their working conditions where it made me think “what would the have wished for when they worked?” I referenced from real people, history books, and my own personal experiences to create functions, and help base the crystals off of what I came up with.
The Netflix show, “Arcane” was a great inspiration to combine mystics with technology, the brand was called “Hextech” and it’s system was hella cool to me and it helped a lot when I was working on the crystal’s concepts. The mystical crystals are meant to be used as “tools to help the magic user”, where they can enhance their power, gain a temporary ability, create spells, or use in technology.
The names of them are based off of the Latin languages like, English, Italian, Spanish, and a hint of both Chinese and Korean if you squint really hard. I will go through each of the crystals in a vague manner for ya’ll to see what they can do!
Fire Magic
Fire magic is actually defined as: “The manipulation/manifestation of temperature” instead of just heat, it can be fire or ice.
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LA HEILMAQ: The crystal is based off of quartz in visuals and has the glow like a moonstone! La Heilmaq is the crystal that’s used to help air conditioning in modern homes and create weapons. They’re the most natural crystal to use to create weapons since it’s form holds up so well, it’s as common as bronze in real life! They’re pretty cold to the touch, so be careful and don’t hold them for too long if you’re 1. not a fire magic user, or 2. not wearing gloves. These babies are used for more attacks than defense since they’re pretty deadly if you’ve been penetrated by the crystal itself.
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EL HEILMAQ: This crystal is based off of colored glass from old alcohol bottles, tainted windows, and the power of friendship because this is the one that isn’t the most realistic looking since I made the shape up. It looks like the “BOOM!” shape for a reason~ El Heilmaq is the crystal which contains heat, it’s sealed by the actual gemstone itself so you’re able to touch with your bare hands without getting burned. The crystal can be used for restoring heat in homes, making artillery, and/or throwing them on the ground to create natural firecrackers. Most yokai use smaller bits of the crystal as distractions and the bigger pieces to help the industry by keeping their homes warm, they don’t need boiler rooms or to grab coal because El Heilmaq crystals can already do that for them without causing damage to nature.
The word Heilmaq was based off the English word “Hail” which is Ice, which is to hammer the idea that this isn’t just heat based. The word Maq is gibberish that's made to be another word for "kaboom", which brings more of the fire elements to the word itself.
Air Magic
Air magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of oxygen”!
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LA SENYÁR: The crystal is based off of diamonds and emeralds! La Senyár is a crystal that helps give the air magic user more of a boost, they can crash the crystal and it gives them a boost of air so they can jump higher, dodge quicker, or just blow a gust of wind at the enemy. The crystal itself is used by technology to give it more flight, used in planes, cars, and even shoes! Yes, shoes can also have the crystal, it helps the bird yokai give them a boost to use their wings to fly. The word Senyár is a word based off of the Spanish word, “Soñar” that translates to “To Dream”; it was named this way because the way how the pressure of the air isn’t as powerful or dense, it’s like if you’re walking on clouds, it feels like a dream.
Water Magic
Water magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of water and health”
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LA CANTÉM: The crystal is based off of pebbles found in rivers, ponds, and on rock beaches; there’s also influence by the topaz gemstone with it’s beautiful orange color. La Cantém is a healing crystal, where you’re able to use it on yourself to cool down injuries where it helps heal the wounds. It works both as a numbing solution and healing solution based on the water magic user. With these crystals, you always have to hydrate them in fresh water so the water can absorb into the crystal and used as energy; if it’s dehydrated, then the crystal’s will be weaker. The word Cantém is based off of the Spanish word, “Cantar” where it translates to, “To Sing”. It’s because singing can calm people down, and the crystal helps calm down the injured and lets the healing process go smoothly, it’s based off of my bestie where their singing really was like fresh water to my ears, a great inspiration for this crystal.
Earth Magic
Earth magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of nature”
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EL TERÉM: The crystal is based off of an amethyst visually, and yes, inside there’s a different color! El Terém is the crystal that most fighters use in order to manipulate rocks/boulders, build stronger architecture, or create rock shields when you throw them on the floor. It’s mostly rock based but still hella good to use in battle as a defense mechanism, the rock that’s formed is sturdy too, not weak for it to break easily. Shredder would have no problems breaking it but that guy’s insane. The word Terém is inspired by the word "tear" or "contain", any interpretation rocks! (no pun intended)
Yin Magic
Yin magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of darkness”
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MIE SIÑE: The crystal is based off of titanium black tourmaline and onyx. Mie Siñe is the crystal that contains shadows inside, depending on what the spell is, it either can produce shadows or fog. The usage for the crystal is much more unknown since Yin magic is banned from being used in Witchtown, but the crystal itself has been documented to be used to isolate the enemy when being used. It's also been used to cover the enemies eyes with darkness in order to distract them/become vulnerable sight wise. The word Siñe is a word based on the actual word "Sign" and "Sin", which holds a lot of significance into the story so I won't spoil.
Yang Magic
Yang magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of light”
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MIE PIRE: This dear crystal is based off of the Italian onyx, magnesite, and calcite. Mie Pire is the crystal that contains light inside, any kind of light, it's not just sunlight. It's a bit more tricky and dangerous to use since you can blind yourself with it more easily, so it's also not as used. However, Yang magic is also banned like Yin, but there has still been technological uses for Mie Pire like using it as an alternative for electricity (which saves the bills!) and also used as lamps for more conservative places like Witchtown. The crystal has proved itself useful as a light source, but it can still be used as a defense mechanism by blinding the enemies eyes for a good second of even minute. The word Pire is based off of the word "Pure" which means that this crystal is very raw hence why it's dangerous. Another word it's inspired by is the Latin word "Pyra" which means "Bonfire". Both interpretations are used for this one!
The word Mie is based off of the actual Italian word "Mie" which means "My". It doesn't truly mean mine, because it's also inspired by the Spanish "Mira" that translates to "Look". It can be interpreted any way you want!
Thank you for coming to this lovely update! I've been working really hard to get the comic rolling and to also balance out my personal life with it, but I'm proud of how far I've come in the span of a year! Lots of progress has been made and it's getting much more exciting to create for the JMC. Have a wonderful day/night and see ya'll soon.
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Interview with the Omnitrix
@floralflowerpower Wanted to make sure you got to seeee Find it on ao3 buds!
With the Hybreed defeated and a new playlist of aliens to figure out, Ben let himself enjoy the parties going on at home and gave Ken the pout of his life when he was denied any alcohol.  “If I’m old enough to save the galaxy from genocide, I think I’m old enough to drink.”  Apparently, it didn’t work that way, but Mom agreed with Ben and he got a whole 8 ounces of some fruity blend of stuff.  He was dizzy the rest of the night on into his sleep.
When the celebrations were done with, Ben found himself sitting in his room, staring down at the Omnitrix.
“We saved the whole galaxy because you can alter genes on the fly.  Can you… can you answer me if I ask you questions?”
In his own voice, the watch responded, “Affirmative.”
“Would’ve been great to know but that’s my fault for not checking I guess.  So, the way that you returned the DNAliens back to human form, would you be able to fix Albedo back to his original form too?”
“Well, that’s on the list I guess.  Ben 10,000 mentioned putting a lock on you, is there a way to make sure other people can’t transform me without my consent?”
“Affirmative, morph lock currently disengaged.  Would you like to engage the morph lock?”
“Oh my god, yes!  Engage morph lock, please.”  The watch beeped twice, then clicked, and Ben pumped his fist in the air.  “Awesome!  Okay, what else… hey, how come back when I was a kid you turned me into the wrong alien and timed out at random?”
Ben swore he felt judgment that wasn’t his hitting him from all sides.  “During referenced time of 2004 A.D. to 2005 A.D. Omnimatrix Model 1.00 was far more delicate and susceptible to glitches and damage.  User Ben Tennyson only activated the primary transformation function properly once: the very first time.”
Ben sucked on his teeth with a wince.  “Is slamming your dial the problem?”
“Transformation countdown was randomized with each excessively forceful activation.  Morph randomization is a result of built-up damage and errors typical of any prototype.  Morph randomization has since been fixed, and morph duration reliant on charge.”
Ben tilted his head, scratching his neck.  “Alright, that brings me to another question that paying attention in science class and going on adhd spirals on the internet has had me confused about.  Nothing comes from nothing, so where do you get your charge?”
“Original power source: pocket dimension crafted by First Thinker Azmuth, to which an increasing number of black holes lead, filling it with white holes.  Current secondary source: user Ben Tennyson’s excess mana, which would otherwise damage User Ben Tennyson’s body.”
Well shit.
“Elaborate on the mana part.”
“User: Ben Tennyson produces large quantities of previously unknown energy, now classified as mana.  Other sapient beings are observed to produce varying quantities of mana, the smallest being found in Galvanic Mechamorphs.  User’s human body is insufficient for containment of natural mana production.  Previous glitches involving excess mana generation include manifestation of consciousness within ectonurite genomorph.
“Reference: Verdona Tennyson of Anodine indicates failure to regulate User’s excess mana production will result in User’s human body becoming a mass of mana charged plasma, similar to the revealed true form of Verdona Tennyson.” late User’s excess mana production will result in User’s human body becoming a mass of mana charged plasma, similar to the revealed true form of Verdona Tennyson.”
Ben took a deep breath in for 4 seconds, held it for 4 more, and let it out over the course of 4 seconds.
“Asking Grandma about that is also on my to do list, at the top probably.  I just need to figure out how to contact her.”  Ben rubbed his temples and considered whether or not he could handle more answers to his questions.
“Hey omnitrix, are you able to change my human body?”
“… Have you changed my human body in the past?”
After a moment of making the kinds of changes most teenage boys would when presented with that kind of opportunity, Ben furrowed his brows in thought.
“Hey, Ship remembers all of the things he’s upgraded, so how come when I was Upgrade I never kept the blueprints for all the stuff I upgraded?”
“Galvanic Mechamorphs are completely mechanical entities with nanites in place of cells.  The Galvanic Mechamorph stores consciousness and memories very differently from how a human being does.  Maintaining a record of your memories and consciousness during the disassembly and reconstruction of your brain is no small task.”
Ben nodded, shrugging.  “Too complicated to do when you’ve got more important things to prioritize, got it.  So, before I go and figure out the new aliens you’ve given me, I’ve got one more question.
“If my excess mana brought Ghost Freak to life, are you alive?”
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starseungs · 2 months
choose 5 moots! what do you think of when you see their usernames or when you talk to them? (i.e: the ocean, because...)
another game from my anon/s !! let's see 👀🙏
@starlostseungmin — star gazing <3 its the starlost lol i love stars and the night time. plus keisy is so comforting to me she's literally the big sister i always wanted !! always love talking to her especially during evenings shshshs
@hanjsquokka — i think mana's user is supposed to be like "han jisung quokka" but i keep reading it as "hanji's quokka" so to me mana is jisung's quokka... love her so quokka mana would actually be rlly cute i would keep her as a pet and spoil her
@starlostastronaut — i wont lie to you, all i can think of is neil armstrong 😭😭 my bad teri,, blame skz for referencing him so much lol but pretty self explanatory ... he's an astronaut. on the nicer side, he's on the hall of fame (aye) and i believe teri also needs to be on the hall of fame so it all checks out (will binge ur works soon lovely <3)
@l3visbby — another user im sure is supposed to be read a different way that i do 😓👍 ik this is like "levi's baby" possibly but my brain always reads it as "love is baby" WHICH MAKES NO SENSE WHERE DID THE O COME FROM 3??? so yes, me thinks love is ola because ola is an amazing person with amazing music taste and i think she sent me smth on dc that i have yet to reply to-
@ss3oung — ok not much thoughts abt the user meaning but i just wanted to talk about how excited i get whenever i see this user in my notifs??? seo ilysm pls never stop sending me stuff i love talking to you aaaaa <3 its always a blast to see ur asks lol
finally a moot game with explanations are yall proud of me 🤗💓
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certkidwhocantdomath · 7 months
The artist's user is literally on the top and bottom of the art.
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You May Just Live To Regret It
Additional tags: Blind Character, Blindfolds, Referenced Character Injury, Character Death, Angst, Hurt/no Comfort, Kenshi Takahashi needs a hug, Kenshi Takahashi-centric, Survivor's Guilt, Backgroud Relationship
"I guess the ayes have it, outvoting Kenshi here. Motion carries!"
It should have been him.
"Lead the way, Ashrah."
It should have been him.
That’s what keeps echoing in Kenshi’s head, as he guides the hand on his shoulder through the Living Forest.
"Lagging behind, Takahashi? We gotta keep going."
He was scared to look back, like Orpheus, afraid that if he did, the person following him would be lost forever. Kenshi stepped up his pace following their new friend from the Netherrealm, Ashrah, in the hopes of finding Shang Tsung’s partner in crime.
"There you go. Don’t worry about me, Kendoll. I know it’s hard to stop thinking about me but we gotta find this Quan-Chi first."
It happened so fast, yet Kenshi knew he could have been faster, smarter, he could have fought off Mileena’s hold on his shoulders in her feral state, he could have shouted at Johnny earlier to duck but all he did was watch as Cage ripped the princess from him and she-
"God, this reminds me of Wicked Planet," Johnny mused, listening to the sounds of the forest around him.
Johnny will never be able to see a movie again.
The spine-chilling scream of agony echoes in his ears, drowning out his cry for Johnny, as Mileena’s sais stabbed into the star’s skull-
"We had this forest in the second act-"
Kenshi turned his head by instinct to ask, "The manticore battle?"
It was a mistake.
The sight choked him with guilt painfully in his chest, Johnny’s smile marred by the red blindfold covering his gouged out eye sockets. The same salve treated cloth he wrapped as gently as possible around the man’s head, the barest he could do to relieve the immeasurable pain he had caused.
You saved me, and it cost you everything.
How can I ever forget that?
"It was a pain to shoot, but man did it come out epic."
Because of him, Johnny’s career, his entire livelihood, is over.
He can see how Johnny’s mood had improved since they escaped Shang Tsung’s laboratory, how Kenshi had angrily talked the martial arts actor out from leaving him there, dragging him out, because he had to live, he had to-
Takahashi smiled despite how horrible it felt to do so.
"I can picture it exactly."
And yet the smile was worth it to see Johnny brighten at his words, to feel then the assuring squeeze on his shoulder, silently communicating to him.
I’m not dead Takahashi. I’ll work my way round this, even if it takes years to do it.
If there was anyone who would change Hollywood to adjust to him, it was Johnny. He doesn’t know how, but…
Kenshi swears to help him every step away, to try and start repaying the star for saving his life.
"Woah there, Samurai Jack. I gotta stop you right there."
Kenshi felt Johnny’s hand on his chest, stopping him from following Ashrah and the others from stopping Quan-Chi’s soul stealer machinations.
"Johnny, you heard her! Millions could die. And I can’t-"
I can’t stand by again and do nothing to stop it from happening.
"I know, Takahashi, I can’t fight with you guys. I’m blind now, not stupid."
That made Kenshi flinch, and the reaction distracted him enough for Johnny to unclip the sword from behind his back. The swordsman turned to face him and-
“Which is why we don’t want you tripping us up out there for the both of us.”
In Johnny’s hand was Sento, waiting to be taken.
Kenshi’s heart stopped.
Johnny pushed his ancestral sword, what he swore to reclaim, into his tattooed hands, grip tainted with the remains of the actor’s blood.
The man gave him his signature smile as he clipped the old sword to his back.
He didn’t deserve Sento anymore, if he ever did, why was he giving it to him, after he lost his sight because of him, leaving him vulnerable and unable to-
"I can’t. Not when you’re-"
It’s his fault, it’s all his fault-
It should have been him, not Johnny-
Johnny grabbed his wrist firmly, the star’s gaze piercing into him, even when blindfolded now.
"I saved your life. And when you save those people, your dept to me is repayed."
"Johnny, it-it's not that simple! I-"
"It is that simple."
Kenshi’s hands trembled slightly, Johnny’s hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
"It’s yours."
The Taira clan’s legacy, returned after centuries apart…
Kenshi raised the sheathed katana, feeling as though an invisible bond was reignited within him.
Then before he could utter another a word, say anything back to Johnny, thank him or protest he didn’t deserve it in his dishonor, Quan-Chi’s spell disrupted them, as the necromancer created a monstrous soul amalgamation they needed to stop now.
Kenshi Takahashi…
In your time of need, the Taira will not fail you.
"Well... Clearly, I underpaid for that. Did you know it could do that?"
"The legends never mentioned mystical powers. The souls of my ancestors live within it... They intend to guide me."
"Just don’t forget who gave it to you, Takahashi."
"I swear on my life, Cage. I won’t."
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
They were close to the portal, every battle they’d fought was won and all they had to do now was run as fast as they can from Sun Do’s forces. Quan-Chi may have escaped but what mattered more was their own withdrawal, back to Earthrealm, back to Liu Kang.
Johnny had given him Sento, with all that they went through together, and Kenshi could see it exactly, what he would do with the Taira’s ancestral sword guiding his clan out of the yakuza, freeing them, and being by Johnny’s side as they rebuilt their lives together-
"Run, Kenshi!"
Syzoth, Kung Lao and Ashrah made it past the glowing mist of the portal gate, disappearing to the other side and no doubt Kenshi knows when Liu Kang learns from them all that this mission, that yielded neither Shang Tsung nor Quan-Chi, cost the eyesight of one of his champions-
"Get them!"
"Johnny, we’re almost there!"
He refused to look back, he was sure they would make it, he was a hand outstretched away, the other holding Johnny’s-
Kenshi abruptly stopped dead in his tracks.
His hearing was deafened by the sharp sound of breaking bone.
He had to look back-
Slowly, agonizingly, his stomach dropped in what must have been a second to take in the sight-
Johnny raised his hand to grasp Reiko’s spear pierced through his chest, blood spilling out in a gasp. The blindfolded star took a step back from the strike, staggering.
No, no-
Outworld’s forces were closing the distance and Kenshi couldn’t move, he can’t, he has to-
Johnny, through the excruciating pain, smiled at him.
"See ya, Kenshi. Don’t forget to live, okay?"
Then before he could stop him, Johnny kicked him in the chest, sending Kenshi through the portal to Earthrealm and on the floor-
"Johnny, NO!"
And the last thing he saw before Liu Kang’s fire brought him back, was Johnny turning to face General Shao and his soldiers charging at him, the superstar smirking as he took his last stand.
─────────ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ─────────
After he had yelled his entire heart out, he began sobbing and weeping at the pain of losing a friend.
The weather must have known what he was feeling right now in this very moment. Because when he screamed his lungs and vocal cords out, thunder had struck next to him.
Another one of his loved ones..
Just like Suchin.
Just like his mother.
Just like his father.
The gods must be punishing him for his sins as an assassin and working as a member of the yakuza.
"Kuso… Zenbu watashi no seida… Warui no wa watashida… Watashi ga subekidatta nda!" He whispered then yelled at himself.
Kenshi continued his mantra of survivor's guilt and self-loathing, uncaring about the violent rain hitting his back, until he noticed something shiny on the now muddy ground.
A dogtag.
His eye brows furrowed and he grabbed it and wiped the mud off.
The text on the dogtag brought more tears to his eyes.
Blood: YOURS
Religion: CAGE
Johnny must have thrown it into the portal before it closed and before he was brutally killed. Johnny had told him about how his mother had this dogtag custom made for him as a birthday gift.
He brought the dogtag to his chest, right where his heart is, and clutched onto it like it was the most precious thing in the world. Because it is, his blood is on your hands and this dogtag is the only thing left of him.
Kenshi put the dogtag on and stood up. He wiped the tears from his eyes and started making his way towards the academy.
Kenshi entered the academy, not caring about the fact he was soaking wet, and was instantly greeted by several familiar face.
Kung Lao was the first to notice him. But he also noticed another thing.
"Kenshi, where's Johnny?"
Tears welled up in Kenshi's eyes again and he looked down at the ground and shook his head.
Everyone knew what had happened.
Johnny is dead.
"H-how?-" Raiden attempted to ask but was interrupted by Kenshi.
"Stabbed through the chest by Reiko's spear." Kenshi's voice was hard and stern, clearly it intimidated everyone.
Or rather, nearly everyone.
Bi-Han walked towards him with his brothers attempting to stop him.
"Brother, please-" Kuai Liang tried.
Bi-Han walked up close to him and growled in his ear. "What did you just say?..." Bi-Han's voice was deeper and more intimidating than usual.
"I said, Johnny was stabbed through the heart by Reiko."
Bi-Han got even closer and more quietly whispered.
"You swore you would protect him. That you would bring him back me and his daughter."
Kenshi did swear that and he failed to fulfill that promise.
Having had enough, Kenshi walked past Bi-Han while aggressively and purposefully bumped his shoulder against Bi-Han's own.
When he passed Liu Kang, he brushes his cold wet sleeve against Liu Kang's.
Now, there was only one other person to face.
Cassandra Carlton "Cassie" Cage.
Now I will admit, I've never written angst before but this was actually pretty good! And remember those coldstar headcanons centered around smut? That was my first time writing smut too!
Next will write about coldstar's first kiss and then Johnny's revival!
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I find it so fascinating that we have regional speech patterns for social media websites.
Like sometimes I will be talking to people irl and I can tell from their cadence, speech patterns, and phrasing what social media site they spend most of their time on.
Twitter users tend to speak irl in short punchy sentences, often with a fair bit of relevant jargon to the topic at hand that I don't hear most other people use offline. They're often also immediately defensive of fairly innocuous statements, like they're expecting people to attack and they're getting out ahead of potential criticisms. (I've also noticed more and more when I'm watching TV and a character starts talking and I think "ah yes, script writer. I ALSO read that Twitter thread. I see you.")
Tumblr users tend to be a bit more prosaic and there are particular phrases, and especially the way they voice opinions, and I can TELL they're referencing a tumblr post. (I've twigged multiple tumblr users in the wild just from hearing them talk about AI art and I'm like yep, I know exactly the post that you read)
Instagram users tend to communicate with more facial expressions, emojis, references. They break up paragraphs like they're chunks of an Instagram carousel.
I don't spend enough time on tiktok or Reddit to have a solid grasp of the voice but there definitely is one. Things they emphasize. Details they decide are relevant or irrelevant. Obviously the whole "unalive" thing is an easy target.
Anything I missed?
(and yes, I do have Gretchen McCullochs "because internet" on my to-read list but have yet to get around to it)
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sumikatt · 9 months
frankly, i think your point about "some people train their own AI art models" is inherently flawed because rhe vast majority of people are not training their own model. they are paying for a service which was trained on art that was taken from the internet and used without permission in order for a machine to try snd recreate something similar bit by bit. i havent gotten a commission from someone who isnt a friend of mine in well over a year because people are just choosing to generate art with AI. i dont think AI art isnt "real" art because yeah, i agree with you, the whole idea of real art or not is complex. however, it is an undeniable reality that AI is trained on the work of artists all over the world who do not even get asked for permission before a tech company makes money off of their hard work.
I agree it’s a small, small portion of people making their own models that ensure that all art involved is used with consent. Many people buy a subscription or credits to generate what they want. Most people probably use free credits on Discord to make a meme or anime girls. Many people use it many different ways, yes.
I’m sorry you’ve lost a client over it. I know commissions are hard. Freelancers without dedicated clients would be the ones to suffer most from the popularity of AI art. I can’t say I’ve felt the impact myself, since it’s also very popular to be anti-AI.
Actively searching through job boards, I also feel like it has barely affected those listings. Maybe one of like 300 art jobs in the USA/Sweden asked for AI experience (Prompt Artist), and it was an AI startup. The “normal” art jobs like UI/UX, Environments, Materials, Concept, Technical, Animator, etc all still asking for 3 years experience for entry level lmao. Saw an intern position that required an “industry-standard” portfolio. So still a pain as it was before advanced AI gen.
Many paid AI art services have takedown options for their training sets and can block names from being prompted. If you were a popular enough artist to be in a training set, you can remove it and block the majority of AI art users from copying you—like you said, a majority of people use these services instead of self-hosting.
(Sending DMCA takedown requests are actually pretty easy. I had to send one to an old teacher who reposted my art and a bunch of classmates’ art on her ArtStation. that was funny lol)
I’m not sure how I felt when I went to search up my art on haveibeentrained. Because I’m a nerd, I’d preemptively blocked scrapers on my portfolio, so nothing was there when I looked. Searched up my legal name, my old Twitter (which had some popular pieces), my old DeviantArt usernames. Nothing there, either. I was probably pruned from the set for being low-quality. Kinda funny, I thought I’d be good enough to include at least once. Maybe next time.
.safetensors / .ckpt files (which are the models Stable Diffusion runs) have no image data in them, by the way. It is all math and numbers in there. There is no way of telling what was included in the training set, unless the dev(s) that made the model release it publicly. The models themselves are usually around 3–6 GB, though there’s larger ones and mini ones.
Like my own silly brain, there’s no way of tracking down the exact art pieces the software was referencing off of when it generates something. Am I making money off of another artist’s hard work when I remember how to draw heads from a Proko video? Am I ripping off photographers when I recall their pictures when drawing my characters? I’m not a tech company, but I still make money off of the things I copy and filter through my mind and hand.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. Of course, the core issue is capitalism. How different would people see this medium if money were not an issue? How futuristic, how exciting it is to visualize something from words alone. It’s that art machine I’d always wanted as a kid, where I think of something and it pops out on the page finished.
I think it is worth to uplift those who use the medium as ethically as they can, as @are-we-art-yet is doing—having a do-not-use artist list, avoiding corporations, don’t try to undercut traditional artists. Like with any medium, there’s a variety of artists. Some are nice and do their best to have a good impact, some don’t care at all about the ethics of their art.
I’m still pretty firmly a “traditional” artist. I won’t stop drawing or give up because of AI. I play with AI on my own hardware and power for fun and for getting ideas (is that stealing?). It’s mostly replaced scrolling through Pinterest for me, but I still save people’s art and photos that I like in my computer, so I can look at em later, maybe get inspired. And steal like an artist, I guess.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 20/04/2024
5 Nights of Snop Dog
Season 1 Featured on: Five Nights at Freddy's Original Soundtrack
Ripped by The Living Tombstone
Requested by Sabybeal, fezaki, robvatopper and an anonymous reader! (Request Form, Discord)
Yes, you read the ripper's name right. The very same The Living Tombstone whose headlining Five Nights at Freddy's fan song was recently featured in the franchise's debut feature film, has three credits to his name on the SiIvaGunner channel. And while yes, there's lots to say on the latter two as well, his debut rip back in Season 1 has been THE most requested rip for me to cover on here for a very good reason. For the annual weed day of 4/20, I shall provide you all with your long-running request - 5 Nights of Snop Dog.
For as much as SiIvaGunner as a channel has grown over the years, it's easy to forget that it all just started with a group of SoundCloud shitposters fucking around. The indirect nature of the channel's usual content means that this history isn't exactly one that gets brought up a lot, you can find traces of it in rips like History of the Enemy and anecdotes from team members on Twitter or Discord, but it really isn't all that important to how the channel has evolved since. SiIvaGunner began as an evolution of ideas flirted around with by SoundCloud's shitpostier side - "SoundClown" - and gradually grew to form an all-new audience completely unaware of just how the channel was started to begin with. I wrote a narrative in my post on Shopping on Star Road that the rip felt extra impactful as a tribute from one side of SoundCloud to the other, but really - how many of you reading knew that the SiIvaGunner team had notable history on the platform?
Of course, all of this talk about SoundCloud and SiIvaGunner's origins all circles back to the channel's founder, Chaze the Chat. He's contributed to many a good rip that I've covered on here, be it passion projects like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover) or sillier stuff like Take You To The Desert - but sure enough, he was on SoundCloud making silly mashups as far back as mid-2015. In that timeframe before SiIvaGunner but during his mashup days, Chaze the Chat would receive an outright legendary comment on his profile, a comment that you'd see echoed from time to time in the early days of SiIvaGunner itself from others in on the joke. Sometime in 2015, user Crimpsonfang9 handed Chaze the Chat one very simple ask: "I have a request - its five nights of snop dog".
It's the kind of unintentionally hilarious thing that was bound to become a running gag, the perfect storm in so many ways. The misspelling of Snoop Dogg, the completely unclear idea for the mashup (what music does FNAF have to put snop dog in?), the idea that this would have to be requested rather than just made by the person themselves...SiIvaGunner itself would, and still do, get tons of requests from new fans, but if you want something made, the best way to do it is to get it done yourself - but for this one legendary request in particular, Chaze the Chat saw it fit to go the absolute extra mile. "Five Nights of snop dog" HAD to involve The Living Tombstone's Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Song, and what better way to get that done was there than to ask the man himself?
And so, on one July day, we were treated to 5 Nights of Snop Dog, with an opening dialogue directly referencing the inside joke, bringing it all full circle. The rip delivers exactly what you'd expect from that story and its title, with Drop It Like It's Hot's vocals tuned to sound like the ones in the FNAF Fansong, althewhile being synced and pitched to the former song's instrumental. Nowadays we have rips like Bloody Freddy doing much the same thing, made by people from the SiIvaGunner team itself, but to clarify - back in Season 1, back in 2016, NOBODY knew how to get these vocals to sound that way other than The Living Tombstone himself (And I don't even think we had the song's instrumentals available?). It's a bit similar to how Grand Dad Metropolis absolutely amazed people back in the day as a seemingly-impossible feat, but more than even that, 5 Nights of Snop Dog was the kind of rip that could've ONLY been made with The Living Tombstone's involvement. Amidst all the laughs at the meme finally being realized, I very clearly remember just how many people were full-on in awe at how good the rip sounded, marveling at its mere existence.
Granted, it is still a little rough around the edges - the robotic tuning of the Snoop Dogg vocals paired with the pitch shifting makes it a bit difficult to even identify what's being sung from time to time, but that doesn't mean this was in any way a rushjob. It's still a banger, for one, but also sprinkles in some tributes to SiIvaGunner itself, showing that this was more than just something the team paid TLT to do for them. There's of course the opening dialogue exchange mentioned before, there's the bit where the vocals are suddenly yet surprisingly seamlessly pitch-shifted to The Flintstones theme partway through, and the song signs off with the iconic introduction to The Next Episode - where Snoop is edited to introduce himself as "It's the motherfuckin' D-O-G", referencing Crimpsonfang9's original misspelling. Those are the kind of tiny touches that I absolutely live for: It reminds me of how all the Jay Eazy rips on the channel, like You Are Book Smart, eventually started editing the introductory "S-R-G" to just say "S-G" as a reference to the channel's name.
And, hey - speaking of Crimpsonfang9, he actually got to see 5 Nights of Snop Dog, and he's seemingly still following the channel today! A comment of his approval was left and pinned on the video, truly bringing it all full circle after over 7 months of waiting. He did it! The "five nights of snop dog" guy got what he wanted! And his legacy lives on even today with many of us oldheads who still follow the channel, as I still see the meme occasionally pop back up in comments sections from time to time, even showing up in videos on the channel sometimes I'm not mistaken. It's such a fun reminder of just how far the channel has come, how this gag started by a SoundCloud user who would get bizarre mashup requests by the handful of people who found his work, has grown into this massive community of enthusiasts - in some ways, I might not even be here writing this today if it wasn't for everything that 5 Nights of Snop Dog represents!
So, Crimpsonfang9 - Thanks for the request! It alone led to one of the most perfect examples of how SiIvaGunner loves to play with its fanbase, iterates on its in-jokes - and gives you the sort of payoff you'd never think would be possible.
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