#yes I know they don’t all have the Wayne in their last names
grayson10yearslater · 28 days
YOU DON'T KNOW GRAYSON: The Construction of Dick Grayson's Identity in Grayson Act I
Like many of us, I first heard of Spyral in Dick-centric hurt/comfort fics. In these fics, the focus is often on how lonely and miserable Dick was during his time as Agent 37. How even after he became Nightwing again, his brothers never forgive him for letting them think he was dead. How the relationship between him and Bruce has been poisoned forever because Bruce savagely beat him and forced him to play dead. Usually Jason, Tim, and/or Damian discover Batcave footage of Bruce’s beat down of Dick, find out Dick was forced against his will into going undercover, and shower Dick with the love and forgiveness he deserves (and also probably kick Bruce’s ass a little). I want to be very clear. I eat these fics up for breakfast. Part of the reason I was so eager to read Grayson myself was for the hurt/comfort fodder.
But Grayson, in tone and execution, is nothing like the fanfics I read. There’s whump fodder, yes, but there is also humor and charm and new gratifying heartfelt relationships built within. Imagine my surprise when I read Grayson for the first time and found that Bruce and Dick’s relationship is not strained and bitter, but actually very tender and nostalgic. Both during and after the infamous Nightwing #30, there is so much affection between them. What got lost in fandom telephone? If Grayson isn’t about Dick at his absolute lowest, being the most miserable and alone sadsack to ever sack, what is it about?
The promo material gives us the easy pitch: identity. “YOU THINK YOU KNOW NIGHTWING…” the ad tells us, “YOU DON’T KNOW DICK.” For my money, this might be one of the best DC house ads of all time. It so perfectly captures the theme and the tone of Grayson. It’s in your face, it’s tongue-in-check, and it is so excited to explore Dick Grayson as a character.
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But then the question remains: Who is Dick Grayson? The last six pages of Nightwing #30, written by Grayson co-writers Tom King and Tim Seeley, ends with Dick himself telling us.
“Who am I? I’ve been a lot of things. I was a son. I was a performer. An acrobat. A member of Haly’s Circus. Part of a family, a legacy. Then came Tony Zucco. He murdered my parents, and I was alone. I was angry. A sad, angry boy looking for revenge. Any revenge. Then came Bruce Wayne. He found me, and I wasn’t alone anymore. I was his ward. I was a son again. He trained me. Focused me. And I was Robin. A colleague. A hero. Partner to the Batman, the Dark Knight of Gotham. I was part of a family again. Batgirl. Commissioner James Gordon. Alfred Pennyworth. I grew older. I became a hero in my own right. I was Nightwing. I was a teacher. A mentor. To Jason…Tim…Damian…and eventually, when I was needed, I was Batman. I was part of a legacy again. Then came the Crime Syndicate. They put a noose around my neck, and I was alone again. I was tortured. I was put in front of cameras. I was unmasked. I was a plaything. They strapped me to a machine, I was their weapon. A bomb. Lex Luthor stopped my heart. Killed me to save the world. I was dead. Or so it seemed. In secret, I was saved. Who am I? After all that, I wanted to go back. I wanted to be who I’d been. A son. Part of a family…a legacy. Robin. Nightwing. Batman. I wanted to go back. But I can’t. Something terrible is coming. And I have to stop it. My enemy is in front of me and I’m alone. Who am I? My name is Dick Grayson. I’m who you need me to be.”
This monologue lays out the foundation: Dick defines himself by his network of relationships, his family. From Dick’s very beginning, family is an all-encompassing word that holds both his biological family (the Flying Graysons) and his chosen family (Haly’s Circus at large) together. Dick sees the world relationally; he defines who he is by how he is connected to others. Even his time as the solo hero Nightwing is framed through the relationship oriented occupations of teacher and mentor. It’s telling that in his monologue he uses the word “legacy” almost as often as family. It’s not just about the individuals he’s connected to, it’s about having a web of connections at all. A safety net. Dick is a trapeze artist. The trapeze is not a solo act. Grayson dares to ask who Dick Grayson really is when he’s not a legacy, not a member of a team, not the ‘and’ after Batman?
Tim Seeley: One of the things Tom and I wanted to do, beyond the drama and conflict between Dick and Bruce, was not another story about the drama and conflict between Dick and Bruce. We didn't want to do another story about how the Robins are exploited and used and eventually turn against Batman. This is still about the two best friends in the DC Universe, but they fight and they have to ask each other to do things that they don't want to. But when it comes down to it, these are the two best buddies that there could be. When they have conflict, it's because it's important. It's because it means something. It's not something to falsify the drama.
To understand what Grayson is doing with the themes of identity and partnership, we have to unpack Nightwing #30. I could write a whole series of posts on Nightwing #30. It’s so densely packed and, by my money, one of the most misunderstood issues in fandom. Every time I reread it, I discover something new to munch on. For the purposes of this post, I will focus on how Dick and Bruce construct Dick’s identity.
Bruce frames their fight as a test. “I need to see if they broke you,” he says, “I need to see if you still have the heart you once had.” This is what Bruce and Dick are fighting over: after being tortured, having his identity revealed by the Crime Syndicate, and killed by Lex Luthor…is Dick Grayson still Dick Grayson?
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Their fight is brutal. And why wouldn’t it be? Dick’s lost everything, even his life, and Bruce was helpless to save him. Both Dick and Bruce are at their lowest points right now. “I trained you to live,” Bruce yells as he strikes Dick in the face, “and I watched you die!” This fight is one of the most bloody, violent brawls we’ve ever seen between Bruce and Dick. It’s easy to see why this confrontation spread like wildfire in the whump-centric parts of fandom. It’s blood, guts, and tears.
The quote from Seeley at the beginning of this section is so illuminating. Despite the reputation this scene has gained in fandom, it was never intended to be “another story about how the Robins are exploited and used and eventually turn against Batman”. This scene is intended to break Bruce and Dick down in order to build them back up again. So why doesn’t that intention always come through?
I think it’s a question of genre. Both King and Seeley have gone on record as really enjoying superhero comics for their genre conventions. They are not interested in anything hyperrealistic or gritty. When Dick and Bruce beat the hell out of each other across the Batcave, it’s more equivalent to two characters in a musical breaking out into a dance number, as opposed to actual physical abuse. Compare this issue to New Teen Titans #55, where Bruce’s single punch there has more traumatic weight in the narrative than all the punches here combined. The violence in Nightwing #30 is much more a visual metaphor for Bruce and Dick’s emotional states. The emotional fight is the real concern for the plot, not the literal physical blows, a convention we see often in the superhero genre. And the emotional fight is over what Dick’s identity is now, after the events of Forever Evil. Who does Dick need to be next? Bruce needs Dick to be someone stronger, someone who can’t die, someone who can infiltrate Spyral and not be corrupted by them. Dick wants to return to comfort, to family. He wants to, as he says later on in this issue, “be who [he’s] been”. 
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For Dick especially, the violence here showcases his struggle with his identity in the aftermath of Forever Evil. As Bruce begins to tell Dick about the Spyral mission, he kicks Dick into the glass case holding the Robin costume. Dick is broken and battered, on his knees on the Robin cape, surrounded by shattered glass and the looming shadow of Batman. This is a visualization of what Dick feels internally: that by agreeing to stay dead and go on this mission, he is shattering everything he once was. Batman is killing him. Bruce is killing the person he used to be.
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Dick can’t accept that. He outright says no and uses the Robin cape to choke Bruce out. Again, that sounds horrifically violent. But on the page, it just feels like symbolism. Dick chokes Bruce out with the Robin cape, tying them together back-to-back. He doesn’t want to leave Bruce again. He wants to stay together. If Dick understands his identity to be Batman’s partner, what does it mean that Bruce is trying to take that away?
Bruce and Dick are at cross-purposes with regards to who Dick needs to be next. As they throw punches, Bruce rattles off intel as Dick says the names of his family like a prayer. Bruce is acting from a place of terror. He just witnessed Dick die and his coping strategy is what it always is: become the mission. Bruce needs Dick’s identity to be mission focused, and that mission is staying alive and keeping their secrets safe (pointedly, the very same things Dick just failed to do). Dick needs to feel reconnected to his old identity, he needs to return to his family and be with them. Both of them are desperately trying to make meaning out of Dick’s death. When Dick tackles Bruce into the Batmobile, saying that he’s alive, it almost looks like a hug. They are not communicating here, but that does not mean they don’t care deeply for each other. It is the same tenderness they feel towards each other that provokes them into such a no-holds-barred fight. They are desperate; both of them will stop at nothing to not lose each other. It’s just that they have different definitions of salvation. 
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Nightwing #30 is an argument of ideology. After knocking Dick to the ground, Bruce plays the mentor. “Why do we fall, Dick? We fall so we can learn to get back up.” The Spyral mission is a very real, very urgent threat. But there’s also a part of Bruce that desperately needs to see Dick prove his invincibility again, for the sake of his worldview. Dick, at this moment, refuses Bruce’s lesson. He peels off the mask Bruce gave him. “No,” he says, “No, that’s not true. We fall because someone pushes us. We get up to push back.” Dick’s resolve is iron-clad. He will never just stay on the ground, not when someone pushed him. His desire for justice will always compel him back on to his feet. That desire belongs to Dick Grayson, not Nightwing, not Robin. Even as Dick argues against Bruce, he proves to them both why he is the only option for a long term undercover mission in Spyral. 
Bruce continues to preach the necessity of Dick’s Spyral mission, no matter the costs. “After this, Bruce,” Dick tells him as he blocks Bruce’s punch, “after asking this, between us – it can’t be the same again.” Bruce knows. He delivers his explanation of his self-identity: 
“I’m hurting you. My family. I’m making that sacrifice. Because I don’t give up. I don’t give in. But what about you? Are you them? Or are you me? After the Crime Syndicate captured you, tortured you, killed you – tell me Dick, my body, after all of this – will you give up? Will you give in?” 
While Nightwing #30 has been laying the foundation of the plot of Grayson this whole time, this is the foundation of Grayson’s Act I’s thematic question: Who is Dick Grayson? Bruce here pitches it as a binary question. Is Dick him? A Bat who never gives up. Or is he “them”? The “them” is ambiguous. Grammatically, it refers to the other heroes who would give up and let Spyral use them. But I think it could be argued that “them” means anyone who isn’t Bruce. The Crime Syndicate. Spyral. The dead. Anyone who isn’t relentless and alive. Dick is a pillar in Bruce’s psyche. It’s an essay on its own tracking all the moments throughout canon and elsewhere stories where Bruce loses his grip on his own identity when Dick dies. He frames this as a binary question not out of sadism, but because this is how Bruce’s worldview works. It is just fundamentally more binary and egocentric than Dick’s worldview. Bruce does not construct his identity (or his understanding of Dick’s identity) in the same way Dick does.
Dick constructs his identity through the relationships he has with people, not if they are him or not. It’s a bringing together of people and identities within himself, not a subjugation. Having those identity defining relationships is an action, not an act of possession for Dick. And Bruce is asking Dick to leave those relationships behind. Dick’s identity is in freefall. He’s losing his family. He’s losing his mantle. After all that loss, one thing remains true: he “is not [Bruce’s] boy”. With that mission statement, Dick delivers the knockout punch that has Bruce forfeiting the fight.
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This spark of independence is what makes Dick a survivor. This is what allows Dick to define himself through his web of connections without being a hollow person who has no true personality, no true self. Dick is not a child, a boy, who just belongs to someone. Not Bruce. Not Spyral. He is his own man. And while Dick will struggle with not being able to behave as a Bat does anymore once he’s in Spyral, if a Bat was truly all he was, Spyral would break him. Dick’s refutation here further proves to Bruce that he can survive this mission. “I win,” says Dick, just a small figure in a sea of broken, burning childhood mementos. Goodbye, Robin. Bruce embraces him in a sidehug, literally pulling Dick under his wing. “Good,” Bruce says. Their pose mirrors the photograph of young Dick and Bruce in the panel. The visuals here communicate what Seeley spoke of in his interview: despite the destruction, despite the goodbyes, this is still two best friends. 
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This is the catharsis of Nightwing #30, the resolution to this fight of ideology and grief. This moment is overlooked because it is so brief compared to the length of their fight. And it’s a messy resolution. I imagine that there are many readers who remain unconvinced of the necessity of the Spyral mission as Bruce’s posits, or the depiction of the physical violence, or many other messy things in the issue. But Dick isn’t unconvinced by the necessity of infiltrating Spyral. The next time we see him, he’s all in on the mission, ready to be “who you need me to be”. Bruce tells a horrified Alfred that he’s “fixed it”. Bruce and Dick both understand that they have to be apart for right now, just for this one problem, and then home will return to them. They both understand it as a sacrifice, not an estrangement. I think a lot of Spyral hurt/comfort fics assume that the Nightwing #30 fight was never resolved. It was. Perhaps in a way that feels unsatisfying to some readers, but Grayson does not make sense if one doesn’t accept that Dick has already made peace with Bruce before he left. 
Dick’s relationship with Bruce is solid when Helena Bertinelli offers him a job at Spyral. It is Dick’s own personal sense of self that remains in jeopardy. The last three lines of the issue are Dick’s monologue: “Who am I? My name is Dick Grayson. I’m who you need me to be.” In bold red letters, the issue tells us “TO BE CONTINUED IN GRAYSON #1!” It could not be more clear what thematic questions Grayson will seek to explore. Can Dick really be whoever he needs to be? Can Dick really become the agent Spyral needs him to be and the double agent Batman needs him to be, all while still being himself? Will being Agent 37 break Dick Grayson permanently? 
“The downside of a solo act. No one around to see you do the cool stuff.”
The first four issues of Grayson are defined by identity crisis. The agents of Spyral struggle to get Dick to let go of his current identity that is rooted in Batman and become Agent 37 more fully. Dick struggles internally to adapt enough to Spyral’s culture to continue to be a double agent, while not engaging in any acts that break the morals he’s so firmly tied to his sense of self. Dick can no longer define himself by a family who isn’t there, so he has to define himself as the person his family once loved.
Grayson #1 sets the stage. We are dropped right into the action as Dick takes down an enemy on a moving train. He uses a gun, but not by shooting it. Instead, he uses it as a boomerang that hits his enemy in the head. On the last panel of the page, Dick sighs to him and says, “The downside of a solo act. No one around to see you do the cool stuff.” Readers turn the page, heightening the gag. Set-up and payoff: Midnighter watches Dick with a pair of binoculars. “Damn,” he says, “That was pretty cool.” This exchange is peak Grayson. Its snappy humor disguises the work it's doing to contribute to Grayson’s central dramatic question: Who is Dick Grayson when he isn’t Batman’s partner, a solo act? Midnighter, looking every inch like a Batman type, tells us that Dick is not as alone as he thinks. But the leather daddies in black aren’t here to rescue him from his loneliness, they are here as his enemies first. Dick defines himself through his relationships. How will his sense of self be challenged by people who don’t want to form strong bonds with him?
Even as a spy, it’s still Dick’s default to make friends. His first use of Hypnos, the mind control implant given to him by Spyral, is to make Ninel Dubov think they are close friends. He says: “I’m your friend, Ninel. You’ve been lonely and afraid for so long. I just want to help you. And you want to help me. That’s what friends do.” Yes, Dick is literally brainwashing the guy here, but his words are a solid definition of friendship. This is how Dick incorporates his friends into his identity: he’s there to help them. Even as Dick is doing the most Spyral thing in the world, using Hypnos on a target, he is still operating under his old construction of his identity. 
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But this classic Dick Grayson approach soon backfires. Ninel activates a very dangerous power in order to assist Dick in his fight against Midnighter. When Dick sees that Ninel is at risk of dying, Dick has to drop the friendship act. He goads Ninel into venting his power and completes the mission. In the past, Nightwing would have been able to talk Ninel down with sincerity. Agent 37 does not have that luxury. Dick’s always been talented at manipulation, by his own admission later on in the issue (“I-I’ve always been good at reading people. [...] Never used it – like it.”), but his people reading skills have always been used for the pursuit of justice. Now Dick is using the skills for morally ambiguous Spyral’s benefit. Under Dick’s own sense of self, he should be bad at being a spy. But he’s not. So what does that say about Dick’s identity? Is he really who he thinks he is?
Dick’s struggle to remain connected to the morals that define his place with his family is exemplified in Grayson #2 by Dick’s struggle to remain connected to Batman. Undoubtedly, Dick’s relationship to Batman is crucial to how Dick self-identifies. Over and over again in this run, Dick’s defines himself as Batman’s partner, Batman’s heir. Batman is emblematic of a moral system that is important to Dick’s understanding of himself, the same system that is at odds with Spyral’s definition of Agent 37. But more than that, Batman is emblematic of a person, a history of a relationship, that is critical to Dick’s self-identity. When Dick craves comfort and support, he reaches out to Bruce about their interpersonal connections. He wants to know if Alfred and Barbara are okay after attending his funeral. In order for Dick to feel centered and stable with himself, he needs to know that the people he includes in his self-identity are okay, too. 
The downside to this way of being is that if Dick doesn’t have access to those people who are his foundation of self, he grows unsteady. But his Spyral mission, by design, keeps him cut-off from his family, for his and their safety. Bruce must rebuff Dick’s desire for comfort. “Birdwatcher,” Bruce stops and corrects himself, sensing Dick’s vulnerability, “the longer we stay on the line the more likely it’ll be intercepted.” It comes off as a chastisement, and it is, but it’s also Bruce giving to Dick the same comfort he would give to himself: focus on the mission. And Dick tries to. “Right. Yeah. Hey y’know what? I don’t need to know. Because I’m going to wrap this up before the flowers on my grave wilt. Over.” But even as he’s trying to model Bruce’s coping mechanism, his real desire bleeds through. Dick wants to return to his family. By returning to them, he’ll return to a congruent self-identity. When Helena sees Dick after this call, she notes that he looks “rattled”. Until he can return to his connections in Gotham, Dick is trapped in the identity limbo of being Agent 37. 
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Dick Grayson, however, is a character inclined to change, whether he intends it or not. Batman may be the most important connection in the web of relationships Dick uses to define himself, but he is not the only one, and the web is always growing. 
Helena Bertinelli, code name Matron, is that first new connection. She is assigned to be Dick’s partner. As someone high up in Spyral’s food chain, Helena is an antagonistic force to Dick’s mission. Her personality is efficient and no nonsense. Their dynamic in Grayson #2 is reminiscent of the dynamic Dick had with Batman when he was Robin. The stoic, more knowledgeable mentor and the playful, confident student. But that dynamic is purely surface level right now. There is no foundation of trust between Dick and Helena, not at the start. Neither of them are under any delusions about their ability to truly trust each other. But for the mission, they must act as partners.
Spyral sends them to find a bioweapon enhanced stomach of Paragon in Farmington, Leicestershire. Their investigation leads them to Dr. Poppy Ashemoore, who has the stomach implanted into herself, and is now an enhanced cannibal attacking them. Dick’s got a plan to take her down. It’s a very superhero genre plan, he’s going to get her monologuing and then strike. He expects Helena, his partner, to have his back. She doesn’t. Helena orders Agent 37 not to strike. Dick’s confused; this is not how the story goes. “She’s a cannibal, Matron! She killed people and ate them! It goes like this: we knock her down, and we take her to the proper authorities!” Helena reminds him that his old ways of identification hold no value here: “She is not a supervillain. She is an asset who happens to be an incredibly self-sufficient genius.” Dick cannot accept the idea that a murderer may escape justice and be rewarded for it, so Helena uses the code word “tsuchigumo” and knocks Dick out.
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After an issue of bonding, it’s a big betrayal. Back at homebase, Helena completes her lecture from the start of the issue about what a Hadrian woman is: “She is unconcerned with righteousness or virtue. She exists only for the prompt and unerring delivery of her charge.” Dick watches from the shadows, sick and defeated. Helena is training the girls, but her words apply to all those who work for Spyral, including Dick. This is the type of person he must become. A strong connection to Helena did not provide him with any relief, just more disconnection. Again, Dick must question his own self-identity. 
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The issue ends with Dick making a mission report to Bruce again. He’s internalized the need to not linger, but can’t resist one last attempt at re-establishing connection. Helena was a failed partnership, but Batman and Robin never die. This time, he appeals to a value Bruce also shares: nostalgia. They share a sweet memory about Babs and Alfred. Dick may not have his relationships present in his life currently, and he’s suffering for it, but the memories of the love he has for them cannot be taken away. Those memories can stabilize his self-identity for one more day. 
But that is just duct tape on the hole in the dam. Eventually, the dam is going to burst. Dick could only juggle being half Agent 37, half his former self for so long. Grayson #3 serves as the ultimate nadir for Grayson Act I. In #3, the struggle between Dick’s relationship-centric self identity and the mission-centric identity of Spyral agents causes the death of two people.
Issue #3 opens with Dick establishing a new connection with a new character: Alia, codename Agent 8. After Helena and Dick are assigned a joint mission with Agent 1 (AKA Tiger) and Agent 8, Agent 8 meets Dick at the shooting range. She isn’t impressed with his shot: “Really? This is how the great Wing-Knight shoots? I see why Mr. Minos has Agent 1 and me bailing you out on this mission.” Dick corrects her. It is both a fact correction and an assertion of his identity. “Nightwing. And you should see me with a slingshot, Agent 8.” Even as Dick asserts his identity as Nightwing, he calls upon the distinctly Robin imagery of the slingshot. Dick’s framing his identity not just as Nightwing, but his time as a caped hero overall. Nightwing isn’t just the Nightwing suit - it’s the entire life Dick’s led up to this point. And that person, he begins with the oath Dick swore to Batman in order to become Robin. Nightwing is the legacy of Robin. And Dick is proud of that legacy. He would rather be good with a slingshot than a gun - that is what keeps him connected to Bruce. This is how he understands himself.
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Still, the back and forth between Dick and Agent 8 begins to cross the line into flirtatious. Her body language is clearly sensual as she corrects his form. “But remember, don’t anticipate the explosion,” Agent 8 tells Dick, “Cause the explosion. Can you do that, Wing-Knight? Can you do that for me?” Dick again reasserts his identity. “That’s not my name. My name is…” The next page reveals Agent 8 in bed gasping Dick’s name in pleasure. It’s a cheesy homage to the brazen sexuality of spy thrillers. But even still, it’s revealing. Nightwing doesn’t make up Dick Grayson; Nightwing makes up a part of Dick Grayson. Losing Nightwing does not mean Dick has lost his identity, it just means he’s lost the easiest way to sum himself up. There is hope for Dick’s self-identity, even as we nosedive to his lowest point. He may not be “Wing-Knight” anymore, but he is still Dick Grayson.
After their tryst, Dick continues to struggle with his identity as an agent of Spyral who should be using a gun, vis-à-vis struggling to understand Christophe Tanner, their target for this issue. “I don’t understand these things,” Dick says of a gun. “Going after a guy like this, with a tool like this. He’s in pain. He should stop the pain. How does this stop anything?” Dick’s worldview is so much about soothing hurt. He’s a fixer. Guns don’t solve emotional wounds. But this worldview has no place in Spyral. Agent 8 says so: “What do you know about guns?” But she might as well be asking what does Dick know about this spy world.
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Dick, Helena, Agent 8 and Tiger track Tanner down. It goes tits up pretty quickly. Dick faces Tanner down alone. He tries to talk sense into Tanner the same way he’s been talking sense into himself: by reminding Tanner of his relationships. “I know about your boys,” Dick says. “I know you tried to save them, and I know what he did. Haven’t you had enough? Haven’t the guns done enough? We don’t need these to settle this. Tell us where the eyes are, and we all walk away. Think about your boys. Some things you don’t shoot your way out of.” Tanner rejects him and chooses his guns. Tiger comes to Dick’s rescue, but not without chastising him. Dick’s method has failed on Tanner. The worldview on which he constructs his identity has failed. Is it doomed to fail for himself, too?
The consequences of this are severe. Agent 8 blows up at Dick for endangering Tiger, her partner’s, life. She calls him out on a perceived hypocrisy: “Oh, yeah, you noble superheroes. Fire laser beams at people. Arrows. Batathingies. But a gun, no, no, never. God forbid! Not a gun!” Nursing the cheek Agent 8 just slapped, Dick can only repeat what he’s desperately holding on to: guns aren’t “the way [he] fight[s]”. His identity is being challenged at all fronts. He can’t risk revealing how much he holds on to the people of his previous life, so he can only cling on to their teachings. Guns aren’t the way he fights. His explanation only makes Agent 8 angrier. “You’re all like Batman,” she says, “little boys under little masks, crying about their dead mommies.” Dick, acting as both the double agent seeking information and the Bruce Wayne defense squad he usually is, asks, “What do you know about Batman?”
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Agent 8 gives an ending argument that hits harder than her slap. “I know he still wears his little mask. What I don’t know is if you’ve taken yours off! You’re not a superhero. You're a spy. With a gun. You’re not Wing-Kinght or Nightwing or whatever. You’re Agent 37.” Here she reveals a flaw at the center of Dick’s identity - if Dick defines himself through his relationships, how can he endanger a partner by not taking the shot? Are Batman’s teachings getting in the way of helping people? But if Dick isn’t Batman’s teachings, who is he? Agent 8 would answer that by saying Dick is Agent 37, a spy who uses a gun. But can Dick really be that?
No. No, of course not. When presented with the shoot or be shot dilemma, Dick does the most Dick Grayson thing he can do: he finds a third option. Dick’s puts together the missing pieces of Tanner’s backstory, tracking him down to the school that his youngest and only alive son attends. He uses the weapon at his disposal that predates even Robin; he tries to talk it out. Dick encourages Tanner to drop the guns and meet his son. “Is that how you want him to see you? With your guns in the air?” Dick reiterates Agent 8’s own defense of guns to him, Dick understands that they “make things go faster”. But, as he tells Tanner, “what’s the damn rush?” 
This time, Dick’s words reach Tanner. He confesses he stole the macguffin of the issue because he didn’t want to see his son through the gun. The Paragon eyes aren’t compatible with him, so he gives them to Dick. The two share a touching moment where Tanner is insecure about his looks scaring his son and Dick jokes about Tanner’s chest hair. This is the type of relationship building that is at the core of Dick’s self-identity. But just as Dick wins a laugh from his once enemy, Agent 8 shoots Tanner. Everything goes to shit from that moment on, right in front of Dick’s eyes. Tanner survives the shot and returns fire to Agent 8, killing her. He then falls off the roof and dies in front of his son. The parallels to both Bruce’s and Dick’s parents’ own deaths cannot be ignored; it is salt in the wound. Dick has defined his life by his mission to save people. Now, Dick is left alone on the rooftop, with nothing but blood, a gun, and Tiger’s desperate voice ringing through his coms.
As Tanner’s son finds his father’s body, still clutching his gun, Tiger speaks, “37. 1. Do you have eyes on Agent 8? Repeat. 37, do you have eyes on Agent 8? 37? 37? Agent 37!” Dick raises his head. Grayson artist Mikel Janín’s composition is spectacular here. Dick looks the reader straight in our eyes. “That’s not my name.”
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This is the ultimate rejection of Dick’s Agent 37 identity. He will never be convinced of Agent 8’s and Spyral at large’s ideology. All it’s done is make two people dead and a little boy an orphan. This knowledge doesn’t change the fact that Dick’s mission isn’t over. Lives are on the line, in all directions. He has to be a spy. Agent 37 isn’t his name but still Dick must wear this disguise. How will he adapt? 
As always, Dick’s ability to adapt is helped by the relationships he forms with other people. If Grayson #3 was about the ultimate failure of Dick and Agent 8’s partnership (and I don’t just mean romantically, I mean Agent 8 as an opposing ideology Dick cannot integrate into his sense of self), then Grayson #4 is the beginning of Helena’s growth into that web. Even though Helena has been tasked by the Director of Spyral, Mr. Minos, to root out the double agent in their midst, she and Dick continue to grow closer. 
Grayson #4 starts out with their status quo sunshine-grumpy relationship. Dick is purposefully sucking a lollipop as annoyingly as possible and Helena karate chops it out of his mouth. Dick wraps up the lollipop to send it back to Bruce for DNA sampling, but plays dumb with Helena, who reacts with scorn and disgust. But even after this engineered tiff, Helena immediately tries to comfort Dick over Agent 8’s death. Dick rebuffs her, he knows that death “is part of the job”. He is playing the Agent 37 role that Agent 8 so wanted him to do. Helena isn’t convinced. She tries again to have this conversation with Dick and again is rebuffed. “Don’t worry,” Dick assures her, mistaking what I would argue is Helena’s genuine concern over him with her fixation on accomplishing the mission, “I’m focused. I’m ready. The mission is as good as accomplished.” The status quo is starting to shift between these two, but Dick hasn’t forgiven her betrayal yet.
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The rest of the issue acts almost as a breather episode. The Hadrian students decide to raid Dick’s room for his panties. Dick catches them on the hunt, of course. But rather than turn them in for breaking curfew, he starts a cat and mouse game, leading them in a chase across campus. They want a game? Sure, Dick’s happy to play. This moment is silly and fun but it’s so revealing of how Dick recenters himself in his grief. He wants to be with people without having to be vulnerable with people. He wants to be in the air. He wants the chase. This is how Dick self-soothes a wound to his worldview, to his very identity. 
Helena, out at night investigating Agent 8 as the potential Spyral mole, catches the group. She sends the girls back to their dorms and Dick to Mr. Minos, where he receives his punishment. He is to become the girls’ gay French acrobatics teacher. It’s pitched as a torture for Dick, and while the Hadrian girls are thirsty af, Dick loves being a teacher. Teacher is one of the ways Dick defined himself as back in Nightwing #30 and of course acrobat is Dick’s very essence. The cover story is framed as a punishment for Dick, but truly this is an opportunity for Dick to maintain his old, true, self-identity. 
Helena has another opportunity for Dick’s self-identity too. Later that night, she sneaks into Dick’s bedroom. “I know why you came to Spyral, Dick Grayson.” Dick reacts with confusion. Helena gives an impassioned monologue. It’s a reversal, instead of Helena dragging Dick into the messy spy thriller genre, here Dick inspires Helena to dip her toes into the superhero genre, where impassioned speeches can reach another person’s heart. She says: 
“I saw you tonight. Running across those rooftops. There was a joy in your movement. In your eyes. You loved the night. You loved the chase. You loved being the fearless hero. You loved being Nightwing. When you were outed by the Crime Syndicate. Believed killed. You knew you had to remain dead. To reveal that you were alive could endangered those you loved. Set your enemies against them. You had to quit being the hero. Being Dick Grayson. Now, you fear that you might lose who you are.”
Helena reads Dick like an open book. To know Dick’s motivations so well is dangerous, but Helena does not make Dick bleed for it. She simply walks towards the window. When Dick asks where she’s going, she turns and says,  “I do not want you to forget who you are Dick Grayson. I want you to remember the rooftops. I want you to remember the night. I want you to remember Nightwing.” She smiles, which on Helena looks more like a smirk, “Chase me.” And Dick does. 
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For Dick, this is the remedy for the poison from the last issue. Agent 8 wanted Dick to be someone else. In her worldview, Agent 37 can only exist at Nightwing’s death. Dick must forget everything he was before to be Agent 37. In contrast, Helena wants Dick to remember who he is, which includes (but is not limited to) Nightwing. She wants him to be successful in Spyral not at the cost of his previous selves. Dick has to hide so much of his true identity and belief systems right now. But Helena, at least, can offer herself up as the means in which Dick can still feel safely connected to his old, true identity.
Dick started in Issue #1 utterly alone. He ends #4 chasing after someone who is sour, dark, and perfect into the night, a smile on his face. This ending allows Dick to metaphorically be Robin, Nightwing, and Agent 37 all at the same time. He is able to hold that multiplicity of identity within him because of his connection to Helena. Once again, being a partner act keeps Dick’s identity whole.
“This can’t…this…you can’t do this…I know you. I see what’s coming. You…you…can’t. I have…my enhancements. I have…powers. Dick…Dick Grayson...what…what do you have?” “I have her.”
Grayson #5 is one of my favorite single issues of all time. It should be part of a mandatory DC onboarding when it comes to writing Dick Grayson. It captures the core of his character, his ultimate truth: the unflinching determination to help people in the face of impossible odds.
The issue starts in media res. Dick and Midnighter are helping a woman deliver her baby as Helena tries to pilot a failing plane to safety. The mother dies. The plane crashes in the desert. The baby is alive and crying. Helena, Midnighter, Dick and the baby are two hundred miles away from civilization. Midnighter does the math: they’re dead. There’s no way any of them can survive the trek.
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Dick refuses to accept that. If they die, the baby dies, so they can’t die. It’s just that simple.
Thus far, in Grayson, Dick’s ability to care deeply about strangers has been used against him. A good spy makes people think they care, but they don’t actually care. They exist in order to survive the mission or themselves. Dick’s mission is caring about people; he defines himself through loving other people. Grayson #5 shows us that this isn’t mere naivete. This is Dick’s most dangerous skill. He doesn't have to have special enhancements or powers. As long as he has "her", a person to save, Dick can do anything. His determination arises from his relational approach to identity.
This has been true for Dick since he was a child. Later on in the issue, after Helena and Midnighter have both succumbed to the elements, Dick tells the baby about a dream he once had. The story he tells is a heartfelt and poignant reference to Batman #156, “Robin Dies at Dawn”. “On this world,” Dick says, “I was Robin. I had to save him.” The syntax and order of Dick’s sentences here reveal that he defines being Robin as saving people and he is Robin. In order to be himself, Dick must save people. And he does, even though Dick’s story ends with rocks and darkness, the moral he gives to the baby is bravery in the face of any odds.
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For those of us who are familiar with Batman #156, we know that Dick is hit with rocks and dies. Batman, guilty, grief-stricken, and alone on an alien planet with a monster about to attack him, begs for death. It’s eventually revealed that Robin is alive and well, Batman was just undergoing an astronaut simulation. This meta reference highlights Dick’s superpower in this issue. When Batman doesn’t have Robin, he begs for death. When Robin doesn’t have Batman, he finds more people to save. Dick is able to survive the loneliness and isolation that Batman isn’t because Dick doesn’t define his identity by one person or purpose, but by his ability to care for many people. Today, it’s this baby. Tomorrow, it will be someone else. That’s who Dick is. Dick’s devotion to life itself gives him determination.
Devotion is not something many call a strength anymore. After all, devotion so easily becomes zealotry. Grayson #5 itself warns us of this. A Saudi couple find Dick and the baby and the wife is overjoyed. “We have prayed for so long for a child,” she says, “And here, god has brought one from the desert.” Her husband disagrees. “What is this? God has not brought this boy. This is no God. Look. This is only a man.”
Dick is not a god. He is not even an enhanced guy with a supercomputer for a brain. He is just a man. But when a man makes serving other people his identity, he can do the impossible.
“Who are you? What do you hold inside? Is it love? Is that what you believe?”
If Grayson #5 is about Dick proving who he is to the reader, then Grayson #6-7 are about him proving that core identity to Midnighter and Helena.
Grayson #6 opens with Dick and Helena investigating a prison island. After surviving an attack from a robot orca, they find that their targets have already been slaughtered by the Fist of Cain. While Helena uses her Hypnos implant to get information about the issue’s macguffin, the Paragon Brain, from a surviving Fist of Cain member, Midnighter kidnaps Dick and takes him to the God Garden. There Dick and Midnighter finally have the all out brawl they’ve been building towards. As they trade blows, Midnighter reveals exactly what he thinks of Dick. He states as fact of all the worst fears Dick has about himself during the Spyral mission.
“You traded in the supertights for a decoder ring but you think you’re still the good guy,” Midnighter says, “But you’ve changed. You’re just lying to yourself. You’re one of them.”
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Dick refutes Midnighter’s analysis of himself. First, by refuting Midnighter’s claim that he’s figured out Dick’s fighting style (“You can do jazz. How are you at punk rock?”). Dick is made up of more than what Midnighter claims he is. It’s easy to read this as a rebuttal against the naysayers of Grayson itself: Dick is more than just his mantles. He can carry a solo title with no masks, just as Dick Grayson.
“Comfort. Trust. Family. I gave that up to become a spy. A spider man. A tsuchigumo. I have changed,” Dick acknowledges. “But I’ll always be Dick Grayson.”
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If that’s true, then how is Dick constructing the identity of ‘Dick Grayson’, if not by those ties of family and legacy? Issue #7 will answer that for us in time. Here in Issue #6, there’s still more setting up to do. After Helena is exposed mentally to the Fist of Cain’s plans for mass murder, she awakens to see that Dick is gone. She doesn’t know he’s been kidnapped. The first thing she asks is if Dick left her. Like Midnighter, Helena is suspicious of who Dick claims to be. Is he really her partner? Or will he abandon her the second it suits his goals?  
As Issue #6 sets up the fears Helena and Midnighter have about who Dick is as a person, Issue #7 proves those fears wrong. Cue the transformation magic, Dick is about to go full magical girl.
Issue #7 is an ode to Dick’s legacy. As Robin, Dick represented spring: the joy and new life after the cold death of winter. As Nightwing, Dick represented rebirth, the great rebuilder after destruction. The mantles don’t represent those things intrinsically. They represent those ideals because Dick infused them with the essence of his own person, who lives by those ideals. Agent 37 does not carry that Dick Grayson legacy the way Robin and Nightwing do; it carries the reputation of Spyral. As Dick tries to convince the Gardener to let him and Midnighter stop the Fists of Cain, the Gardener calls him out on this. “[...] You, Dick Grayson, represent lies and treachery. The loss of ideals. The desire for power at the cost of innocence.” Here, in this world, Dick is no longer the benchmark of the superhero community, the guy everyone respects. He’s fallen. He’s been corrupted.
But he’s still Dick Grayson. He’s not going to let a fall stop him from saving people. The Fist of Cain plan to use the Paragon brain to make innocent people kill each other. Gardener believes that this bloodbath will serve as an example for all of humanity and help create a better world. Dick can’t physically fight her, so he uses his other skills: empathy and compassion. 
He tells the Gardener a story about himself.
“When my parents died, I thought that was the end for me. I was freefalling. I thought that I was going to fall and fall until I hit the ground. But someone came to my rescue. He caught me before I hit the ground. He was my net. He taught me to focus my anger. To stop myself from hating the world. From blaming everyone for the evil of a few. And then, I realized how lucky I was. I realized I had to pay it back. I owed it to other people to be their net. I had to dedicate my life to being there to catch anyone who needed it.” 
Dick’s anger is not an explosive, severed heads in a duffle bag kind of anger. After Dick’s parents die, he was never in danger of becoming a thug or a murderer, he was in danger of losing his idealism. Anger takes the form of mistrust, disconnection, and apathy in Dick. It’s “blaming everyone for the evil of a few”. It’s closing himself off from the world and all the love the world offers. 
When one is faced with the type of acute trauma young Dick survived, it’s easy for that experience to make you selfish and isolated. Becoming the Robin to Bruce’s Batman saves Dick from this worldview.  Robin gifts Dick a world of connections - from the bond he forms with Bruce and Alfred, to the people he saves every night on the streets. This is what Gardener is not understanding. There are evil people in the world. The world itself may even be cruel. But that’s not the point. The point is the friends you make along the way, the people you catch in your net. By limiting his scope to the people he can reach, Dick is able to love the whole world. 
The Gardener, moved by Dick’s and Midnighter’s pleas, allows them to teleport to Tel-Aviv and save the day. The Fist of Cain are disguised as the band Sin by Silence; they intend to unleash the power of the Paragon brain at a concert for peace. “But I want you to answer a question Tel-Avi,” lead singer Clutch asks the crowd. “Who are you? What do you hold inside? Is it love? Is that what you believe?”
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So far Dick himself has not dropped the L word. He speaks around it, citing family and catching people when they fall - terms and phrases that absolutely do share the same meaning as love, but don’t sound as cheesy when said aloud. Clutch is able to speak directly to the central dramatic questions of this issue on Dick’s behalf: “Who are you? What do you hold inside? Is it love? Is that what you believe?” Notice here how the order of Clutch’s questions directly ties the construction of identity to a belief system of love. Clutch intends to subvert this by proving that the true self of all people is a murderer, but Dick Grayson answers those questions in the affirmative. It is love that he holds inside of him. That is the belief he is devoted to. That is who he is.
Helena is starting to understand that. When Dick comes to her rescue, she succumbs to the power of the Paragon brain and attacks him.“Agent 37.” She corrects for his true identity. “Dick. You—abandoned me! I hate you! Kill you!” Dick dodges her attack and Helena is able to come to her senses and realize the impact that Paragon brain is having on her. 
“I’m too angry, Dick. I have too much hate,” she says, confessing to Dick her own construction of identity. “I’ve killed. And I’ll do it again. I can’t…I’m too weak even with the Hypnos to get anywhere near the Paragon brain.” It’s only after Helena tells both Dick and herself who she is that she is able to tell Dick who he is. “But you, Dick Grayson. You have no hate. You would never take a life. Everything you do…it’s...”
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She kisses him. It’s an appropriate action for her speech as this is all but a declaration of love. It’s a declaration of Dick’s nobility, the very thing both Midnighter and Helena were scrutinizing in the last issue. Helena says Dick has “no hate” but I think another way of saying that is that Dick is full of love. Kissing Dick “clear[s] [her] mind a little”, freeing Helena of the Paragon brain’s influence. Where once Helena flirted with Dick to assert her identity as the better spy, now she kisses him to center herself as someone who won’t give into hatred and mass murder. She kisses Dick as a way back to her identity, just as she lead Dick back to his identity in Grayson #4. They depart, refocused on the mission.
Dick eventually makes it on stage to destroy the Paragon brain. The brain, in Dick’s own words, offers him up the greatest temptation. “I—I can feel you. Whispering to me. Telling me it’s okay to abandon my code...to let go of my humanity. To fear. To h-hurt. To…k-kill”. And Dick is tempted to give into his hatred. As he recounts later to Bruce:
“I was about to smash the brain on the stage. I hated it. Hated what it had done, what it represented. I just wanted to see it in little tiny bits. But then I realized I’d be feeding the emotions the fist wanted to unleash here. I knew that the people who’d been influenced by its empathic attack wouldn’t stop if I fed it more violence. So I didn’t dash it to chunks on the stage like a guitar. I stopped. And I thought about everything I have. My family. My net. And I changed its mind.”
Dick’s ability to pause and reflect before he acts is crucial here. Even though smashing the Paragon brain to bits is ostensibly a good thing, Dick knows that actions of hatred will only beget more hatred. He has to feed the brain something different, show it a different path. He has to forgive it for making him hate it. He has to teach it about being grateful, about family, about helping people up when they fall. This is Dick’s Moon Healing Escalation moment. This is what has been at the core of his identity, since he pledged to never swerve from the path of justice in the wake of his parents’ murders. His ability to forgive, his ability to love, reminds the brain and everyone in its thrall to do the same.
The issue ends with Midnighter breaking ties with Gardener. “I can’t be surrounded by liars and murderers without becoming one myself,” he says, “I’m not like Grayson.” Dick Grayson is a person who can surround himself with liars and murderers and not become one himself. Midnighter, the man who not one issue ago was Dick’s biggest naysayer is now all but calling Dick incorruptible. Dick’s had to give up a lot of the embellishments that traditionally define him in order to be Agent 37. But he’s kept the core thing that makes him Dick Grayson: his ability to love. The people around him are starting to take notice.
Grayson #8 marks the shift from Act I to Act II. It’s a tying up of loose ends and the opening up of new doors to explore. The macguffin of Act I, collecting the Paragon organs, has been completed. Mr. Minos, the enigmatic boss of the last eight issues, makes his play. He attempts to kill Helena, succeeding only in wounding her. She collapses in Dick’s arms, warning him of Minos’ betrayal. At the same time, Minos attempts to kill Tiger with the newly reassembled Paragon. Dick saves him and they work together to defeat the creature that has the powers of the Justice League. Even the Hadrian girls get to have their hero moment in this fight. Minos’ reassembled Paragon has a flaw the original did not: its heart. The baby Dick saved in the desert still claims the organ as her own. Dick does the one thing he’s been avoiding for the last eight issues: he picks up a gun and takes the killshot. He shoots the creature right where its heart would be. Tiger is astounded. “Agent 8 said you were a horrible shot!” Dick responds as an Agent of Spyral should, “Yeah, well, that’s what spies do. We lie.” This is the triumphant defeat of the villain. In this moment, Dick is able to incorporate Agent 37 into his self-identity without completely shattering the construction of self that came before. Being Agent 37 did not break Dick Grayson; Agent 37 is now another aspect of Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson still endures. 
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Meanwhile, Minos is killed off by the even more enigmatic Agent Zero. She calls Minos bait, a “cliched bat villain” meant to “attract Grayson into [our] web”. It’s clear she will be our new main antagonist. If Act I asked ‘Who is Dick Grayson?’, Act II will ask ‘Who is Spyral?’ Issue #8 ends with a tagline for Act II: “A NEW MISSION! A NEW PARTNER! SAME OLD DICK!”
Same Old Dick is the best conclusion I can think of for Grayson Act I’s thematic exploration of Dick’s identity. Grayson stripped Nightwing and Robin away from Dick, separated him from Batman and the entire Batfamily, and placed him into a situation that routinely demanded he forsake his own personal morals. And yet, somehow, Dick is still the Same Old Dick.
This is the brilliance of Grayson, its ability to synthesize such contradictions. Grayson is both a tongue-in-cheek parody of the spy genre at the same time it’s an earnest spy thriller. It’s both an interrogation and celebration of DC superheroics. It is a story about mistrust, loneliness, and isolation…but also one about friendship, the importance of the connections we form with other people. It’s a story about Dick Grayson, forced out of his element and into the shadows of espionage, still shining brightly as the heart of the DCU.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Let's Exchange The Experience
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Summary: Eddie's been acting strange lately. Slowly but surely pulling away, no matter what you try. But one phone call may just bring him right back to you.
Pairing: Mechanic! Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Word Count: 6,468 (She's a doozy ok, don't hurt yourself)
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), slight angst, drug use, smoking, kinda high sex, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), cream pie, hair pulling, oral sex (f receiving), idiots in love, said idiots screaming while fucking, fluff, happy endings.
A/N: Ok! Part 3! Here she is! Honestly, I'll let this one speak for itself. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: HER.
Kisses 💋
P.S. Reblog and comment something nice or else I'll cry.
Part II Series Masterlist
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You listen to the electronic ringing through the receiver, twirling the curled phone cord as you chew your lip. The nerves of possibly being rejected again was burning in your chest. You have no idea what it was, but Eddie had been acting weird. More weird than normal. It started off as small things at first; his hands shook when he would hand you something or move your hair out of your face, his eyes wouldn’t meet yours for longer than 10 seconds (if even that), or his smile would fall a few seconds faster than normal. You assumed there was something going on, but you also assumed he would tell you about it when he was ready. 
Then it was bigger things, like not letting you sit in his lap during game night with the gang or cuddle during movie nights (which were slowly but surely becoming less and less frequent in the last few weeks). You were starting to fear he’d start avoiding you completely. Your leg bouncing ceased as soon as you heard the ringing stop. 
“Eddie?” You hopefully call into the phone. You hear someone shuffling on the other line before you hear the voice you had hoped for. 
“Hey, Princess,” Eddie mumbles happily into the receiver, a smile was evident in his voice but his words were far too relaxed to be normal. “Been thinkin’ about you.”
“Are you high?” You couldn’t help but chuckle, ignoring the butterflies that flutter in your tummy. His rumbling, throaty laughter is enough of an answer for you to know that he is, in fact, high. 
“Maaaaaybe,” he coyly drawls into the phone. High or not, it was nice to hear him sound so calm. “You wanna come over? Wayne is working a double tonight, and I got a little baggie with your name written all over it.”
Chewing your lip once more, you think it over. It had been a while since you last smoked and work had been stressing you out, not to mention whatever was going on with Eddie. 
“Come on, Sweets, it’ll be good for you. You know it will,” he coos, really pulling out all the stops, he knew you couldn’t say no to him when he spoke like that. You give a dramatic sigh, feigning annoyance. 
“Well, I guess I could,” you hear him chuckling, “I’ll have to reschedule dinner with the Queen and the peace summit with Russia for another day.”
“Gorbachev can wait a day or two, Princess,” he says, “I, on other hand, cannot.”
You laugh softly, a sound that Eddie swears he can live off of, and shake your head. 
“I’ll be over in 10 minutes, Munson.”
“I’ll keep a joint warm for you, babe, don’t you worry,” he sasses before you hang up the phone. The stupid grin you wear doesn’t leave your face as you head out the door. It stayed put as you drive the short but chilly distance to his trailer, only when you get to the door does it falter ever so slightly. You don’t get a chance to knock, the door creaks open slowly, revealing Eddie’s red rimmed eye peering at you through the crack in the door. 
“Can I help you, Madame?” He says in a goofy British accent. You nearly break into a laugh but manage to hold it in. 
“Uh, yes. I’m looking for a Lord Munson. This is the Munson Estate, correct?” You match his silliness and put your hands behind your back snootily. 
“It is, Madame, but I’m afraid you’ll have to state your name and business, otherwise I’ll be forced to set the dogs on ya,” he says, keeping the door ajar. You shake your head with a laugh.
“Come on, Eddie, let me in. It’s cold,” you whine softly. Snow coated the ground and an icy wind swept in from the north, your blue jeans and winter coat did very little to fight off the cold. 
“Oh, right, sorry, Princess,” he immediately pulls you inside, the warmth of the trailer immediately soothing your cold hands. You take your coat off, breathing in the familiar aroma of weed and Eddie’s house. It was comforting scent that you hadn’t smelled in months, work made sure to keep you too busy to smoke as much as you used to. After kicking off your shoes, you turn to find Eddie making you a cup of tea, something you always wanted when you got too cold. 
“I recall you saying something about keeping a joint warm for me?” You ask as you grab a handful of chips, popping some in your mouth as Eddie brings you your tea, focusing extra hard on not spilling a drop. 
“I did! It’s right— wait, where did I put it?” He frowns and spins to search for it, muttering softly to himself as he retraces his steps before finding the neatly rolled joint waiting for you both in the ashtray on the coffee table. He grabs it and holds it up triumphantly, plopping down to the couch. 
“Ha ha! Found it!” He pops it into his lips and lights it as you relax on to the couch beside him, stealing a few puffs off before handing it to you. “Here you are, my dear.”
“Thank you,” you chirp and pluck it from him. God, you needed this. Taking a deep breath, you let the thick smoke fill your lungs, eyes shut as you embrace the coming calm. Slowly, you blow the air from your pursed lips and up into the air, the action has Eddie’s full attention on you. Fuck, your lips are gorgeous. You hum and blink your eyes open. “God, I needed that.”
Eddie smiles and leans back into the couch, snagging the remote from the cushions and turning the TV on. Old reruns of Gilligan’s Island play on while you two pass the joint back and forth. You don’t say much, and for the first time in a while, it’s a comfortable silence. Soon, you find yourself leaning on Eddie, your limbs pleasantly tingly and light, made of feathers and lead all at once. You notice him shifting a lot beside you, his calmness slipping for a moment. A heavy yawn pulls from the base of Eddie’s chest as he stretches his arms above his head, one holding the shared joint comfortably between his fingers and the other coming to rest along the back of the couch behind you. You think nothing of it and choose to focus on the TV, Gilligan found radioactive vegetables and suddenly the entire island has super powers. 
The warmth of Eddie’s arm sliding from the cushions to rest on your shoulders pulls your attention away from the screen once more. Eddie draws is a small breath, hiding the small gasp in the butt of the joint, but the longer his arm stays slung around you, the more he relaxes. With the buzz currently strumming through you, you decide to rest your head on his shoulder and reach for the shared blunt. Eddie hands it over, relishing in the heat as you snuggle in a little closer like you always do and sigh comfortably. His high was slowly starting to come down, which meant the nerves were starting to come back. Swallowing softly, he wills himself to relax (counterintuitive, I know). You look over at your best friend, his jaw was clenched as he breathes deeply through his nose, his leg starting to bounce as he fidgets with the hole in his jeans. 
“You ok, Eds? You look tense,” you ask softly, it was killing you, you had to ask. When he looks back at you, he sees the genuine worry in your eyes. His heart soars when he realizes how close your face is to his, he can smell your shampoo, and God, you were just so perfect. He has to do something. Now or never. 
“Y-Yeah,” he nods, clearing his throat, “I just wanted t-to apologize for being weird these last few weeks.”
“Oh,” you sigh, relief washing over you, “it’s ok, Eds. I figured something was up, but I’m…” you trail off, suddenly noticing how close your faces are too, “I’m glad we’re back to normal.”
“Me too, Sweets,” he says in a slow, deep voice, the sound sends a shiver through you, one you couldn’t exactly hide from him. His lips part as you stare at each other, his pupils dilating as the moments tick by. 
Without breaking eye contact, Eddie takes the forgotten blunt from your hands and sets it aside in the ashtray. The brush of his hands on yours sears your skin in a way you’re all too familiar with. His hand comes back to caress your knee, his touch was gentle and careful, mindful of any boundaries that you might have. Carefully, you move with him, sliding into his lap, your movements unhurried and careful. Eddie takes a deep breath and welcomes you against his body, it was familiar yet different, you’d sat in his lap a million times before but this time just felt different. The arm that was slung around your shoulders slowly drapes itself further around your middle as you both are drawn to each other like magnets, his hold slowly capturing you like a python. 
“Eddie,” you whisper, your own hand coming to his forearm, tracing those goddamn bats once more while the other rests against his shoulder. The second you touch him, Eddie is certain there is no going back for him. This was it. 
“Be my girl,” he says in that low timber, his tone is bordering on begging. He’s scarily serious, a heat blazing behind his eyes. Your noses brush together, foreheads touching, your eyes stay fixed on his as you drink in his words, words you’ve dreamt of hearing for years. “Be my girl.”
“I am your girl,” you whisper without a second thought. It was the easiest answer you’ve ever given him. Eddie’s breathing catches in his throat at your words, his hands tightening around you before one slides up your back to cradle your head against his. 
“You’re mine?” His voice was timid now, almost not believing you. You mould your body to him even more, cradling his head like he is yours. 
“Yes,” you say simply, like it was the most obvious and true thing in the world— and it was. Eddie’s eyes slide shut with a sigh, relief washing over him as well as a tidal wave of happiness. You pull his head against yours a little firmer, basking in the quiet hush that took over the trailer ever since your conversation started. 
“Kiss me.” You whisper, your words have Eddie’s eyes snapping open, almost as if he didn’t hear you correctly, so you repeat yourself. “Kiss me, Eddie.”
There were 3 things that you were absolutely certain: One, Eddie Munson had the softest lips in the entire universe. Two, there was no way you were ever going to forget this moment for as long as you live. And three, you were undoubtedly, unconditionally, and irrevocably in love with him. 
Nothing in this world has ever felt so right. 
The tender yet passionate press of his lips on yours had your head spinning, your hand in his hair tightened to help ground you. Eddie’s hold on you tightened as well, the kiss slowly but surely deepening. The first swipe of your tongue across his bottom lip evokes a deep groan from the pit of his chest, your own answering whimper vibrates against his mouth. He welcomes your tongue into his mouth with his own, playing with your tongue happily, taking his time to taste you as thoroughly as he possibly can. You lure his wet muscle deeper into your mouth, the action alone has Eddie panting like he ran a mile. The buzzing high from the weed is quickly replaced with the electric want strumming through you both. 
Soon, breathing becomes a necessity and Eddie reluctantly breaks the kiss. Gasping for air, you can’t help but steal a few more pecks in between heaving breath, each kiss ending with a satisfyingly wet smack. The quick pecks soon turn back into full kisses, tongues drawn back to each other with need. When you shift forward, you feel it; hot and hard at the front of his jeans. Eddie detaches from your lips to gasp, his eyes fluttering as you rest your weight against his hard on. 
“J-Jesus Christ,” he gasps, staring at you with those big doe eyes. He dives in again, not being able to stand to not be kissing you for every long. You hum before breaking away from him once more, your foreheads resting against each other as you breathe in sync. 
“I… I love you. I love you so much,” he professes between deep breaths, the heft of sincerity is clear in his tone, “you’re… you’re everything.”
“I love you, too,” you respond and pepper his face with kisses, drawing a happy grin across Eddie’s face. “Been in love with you for so long, Eddie, so long.”
Eddie groans at that, tucking his face away into the crook of your neck, letting himself finally feast on the delicate skin like he’s always wanted. You shiver when you feel his lips sweep across your throat, messy kisses trailing along the column of your neck. It has you positively trembling, the throbbing wetness between your thighs was nearly unbearable. Sweet moans fall from your lips as he sucks a hickey into the soft skin of your throat, your hips naturally moving against his to ease the throbbing between your legs. 
“Eddie,” you moan out into the living room, the sinful sound reverberating off the walls of the cluttered trailer and filling Eddie’s ears. He curses under his breath, hips lifting up to meet yours eagerly. You fall into a slow yet heated rhythm together, both of you writhing in perfect time. Eddie kisses his way back up to your mouth. 
“Princess, fuck, that feels so good,” he growls, his cock pulses and strains against the seam of his zipper. Each roll of your hips was quickly turning his brain to mush, all he knew was that this was the best thing in the fucking world and nothing could possibly top it. 
“Take me to bed, Eddie, please.” 
Ok, he was wrong. 
“Yes. I—You—Yes,” is all he can get out before he’s rising from his spot with you scooped up in his arms. You yelp at the sudden movements, clinging to Eddie’s surprisingly strong body as he marches you both towards the back of the trailer. Eddie continues to mouth at your neck and lips, switching between the two eagerly while maneuvering you both through the house perfectly. He slams his door open blindly before kicking it shut with enough vigor to shake the frame. 
“Dreamt about this so many times, Sweets, you have no fucking idea,” he groans as he lowers you to his bed, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of you beneath him. The throbbing of his cock is nearly painful when he sees the sight before him: you on your back, your lips swollen and plump from his kisses, hickeys and lovebites that he left blossoming along your gorgeous neck, your hair messy from his hands. 
“Oh, fuck, you have no idea,” he rips his t shirt off and tosses it to the side without a thought before diving back down to you, his mouth attached to the skin of your throat, “you’re so fucking beautiful, y’know that right? Make me so fucking crazy all the damn time.”
He was rambling, he knew it, but really couldn’t control himself at this point. The only thing on his mind was showing you just how much he loved you in any way you’d let him. Your hands eagerly explored the newly exposed skin of his torso and chest, your fingers tracing over the tattoos you’ve memorized a million times over. A pleased grin pulls at your lips when you see him shiver as your hands ghost over his heated skin. Slowly raking your hands across his chest, you cup his jaw in your hands, forcing him to look at you. 
“You’re gorgeous, Eddie Munson,” you purr to him, letting every ounce of emotion you feel for him pour into your words. You see his eyes glaze over as he searches yours, looking for any lies or truths in you, and finding more of the latter than anything else. His face turns an adorable shade of pink, one that you have every intention of seeing again. 
Before he can say anything, you steal another kiss, distracting him for a moment. The feeling of your hands sliding down his body once more has Eddie pulling at your top, silently asking if he can remove it. You nod and he tears the fabric away from your body as quick as he possibly can to return his mouth to yours, Eddie was certain he’d never get enough of your kisses. 
The moment your hands return to his body they start sliding south, teasing the buckle of his belt. A shuddering gasp breaks Eddie’s lips from yours, his jaw drops when you cup the front of his pants. Even through the layer of denim separating you you’re able to feel his length against your palm. From what you can feel, he was thick, and hard, and just begging to be played with. With your bottom lip caught in your teeth, you rub at the bulge eagerly. 
“A-Ah, haaaaaah fuck,” Eddie moans, no shame evident in his voice. He grips the bare flesh of your sides as you touch him, trying to ground himself with his mouth over your bra-covered chest. God, if it was this good through his jeans, he was certain he was going to die when you actually touch him. 
“Eddie,” you moan as he mouths at your nipple through the thin material of your black bra, the sound of his name has his hips surging into your hand. He switches from one breast to the other, giving sloppy kisses and teasing bites to the soft flesh. With trembling hands, you start undoing his belt as fast as you can but whine when the belt doesn’t come undone. “Wanna feel you, baby, please?” You ask oh, so sweetly. 
“Fuck, ok, ok, yeah,” he mumbles as he rises to his knees, his own shaking hands unfasten the belt much faster than you could hope for. You hear the clinking of his belt and the hum of his zipper being pulled down, your face heating up with excitement, your hips wiggling on their own accord. Eddie kicks off his jeans and socks, leaving him in his favorite checkered boxers. You barely get a glance at the tent in his boxers before he’s playing with the button and zipper of your own pants. “Can I take these off, Sweets?”
“Yes, please,” you confirm with quick nods, and that’s all he needed before tearing off your trousers and throwing them behind him without a thought. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he breathes as he hovers above you, his calloused hand tracing the slope of your outer thigh and hip, his thumb rubbing over the elastic band of your black panties (thank God you wore a somewhat matching set—basics for the fucking win). Your face heats up at his words again. 
“You said that already, Eds,” you tease with a bashful smile, and Eddie can’t help but smirk at your reaction, you were so cute when you got all flustered. 
“It needs to be said again, Princess,” his voice dropped back to that husky tone. He was looking a little too smug for your liking. Deciding that revenge was in order, you unclip your bra, letting it slip down your arms before you discard it with the rest of your clothes. The look on Eddie’s face, was exactly what you hoped: jaw dropped wide, his eyes wide and laser focused on your naked chest. He was stunned speechless. 
“I—Fucking hell!” He curses under his breath before eagerly attacking your chest. Loud moans fill the room as he latches his annoying skilled mouth to your nipple, sucking and lapping at it like his life depended on it while his other hand cupped and kneaded the flesh of your other breast just as passionately. His own pitiful moans matched yours, eyes sliding shut as he relishes in the feeling of you in his hands and mouth. 
“Fuck, yes!” You cry out when he pinches your hardened bud between two rough fingers and rolls it, your back arching into his face and hands for more while your hands pulled at his hair and scratched at his back. Eddie shivers when he feels the bite of your nails along his skin. Your eyes flutter when you feel his kisses getting lower and lower, now leaving a trail down your belly while his hands caressed your hips, playing with the bands of your soaked underwear. Settling in on his stomach between your legs, Eddie gently spreads your legs, holding your thighs in his large hands tenderly. A whine escapes you when he kisses along your inner thighs, making sure to leave imprints of his teeth and mouth on the juicy meat. 
He was about to ask for permission to remove your underwear but you lift your hips for him before he can speak. With a pleased smirk, Eddie peels your panties away from your core, going slowly so he can watch the strings of your arousal stick to the gusset of your panties. Eddie can swear that he’s never been harder in his entire life. It takes every ounce of self control within him to not blow his load at the sight of your bare pussy, wet and waiting for him to touch. A loud appreciative groan bubbles from the back of his throat, your confidence skyrocketing at the sound of it. The small smirk you wear is quick to disappear when his tongue licks a fat stripe up the cut of you, collecting as much of your arousal as he possibly can. 
“O-Ohh fuck!” You whimper and lift your head to watch him, Eddie moans as your sweetness coats his tongue for the first time. He knew immediately that he was never going to be satisfied, he would always crave your heady flavor. The feeling of his tongue lapping at your folds rids your mind of any coherent thought, all you could feel was the heat of pleasure coursing through you in perfect time with his wiggling tongue. You grip the long curly locks of his hair for help, head tipping back against the pillow, thighs trembling as his warm mouth surrounds your clit, sucking harshly just to hear you moan for him.  He eats you like he would never be fed again, his movements viciously reverent, equal parts desperate and passionate.
Eddie casts a glance up at you, smiling through the hazy lust that coats his mind. You’re a mess with your sweaty skin shining in the light from his bedside lamp, your hair wild from where you’ve pulled on it, your eyes were screwed shut and your gorgeous mouth was hung ajar to let him hear every single noise you made. He’s got you right where he wants you; writhing and whining above him with his head between your thighs. 
The firm grip he has on your thighs tightens the more you twist and writhe in his hold. The sting at his scalp spurs him on, your high pitched cries of his name and curses fuel his desire. He circles a thick finger at your quivering entrance before easing it into your heat, the tightness of your cunt around his finger has his hips driving down into the mattress on their own accord. 
“E-Eddie! M’gonna cum!” You cry out, not caring if any of the nosy neighbors can hear you. If anything you wanted them to hear you, because Eddie Munson is a fucking God at giving head. 
There’s a building tension in the pit of your gut, fire consuming your every nerve as he works you closer and closer to your high. He maintains the pace of his mouth and finger, carefully adding another finger in with the other, stretching you out as best he can. Your legs shake around his head, his free hand holding your thighs open for him, your back arching suddenly as you draw tight. He can feel your walls pulsing and fluttering around his fingers, his cock flexing desperately with need as you finally cum for him. 
Melodious. Perfect. Beautiful. 
That’s how Eddie would describe the sound and feeling of you coming for him. The sinful cry of his name is the only thing on your lips as you cum. Stars burst behind your eyelids as you fall over the edge, your breathing shallow and erratic as Eddie slows the speed of his fingers and mouth, now giving your clit gentle kisses. Only when you push at his head with a whining plead does Eddie release you with a gasp. 
“You taste so fucking good, so fucking good,” is all he can say through his own heaving breaths, petting your outer thigh while you come down. You feel his lips press soothing kisses to your heated skin, making you grin and giggle breathily. Eddie matches your smile, your release coating his lips still, and if it were up to him, they would stay that way forever. 
“Come here,” you pull at him as he quickly crawls up your body. Your lips attack his the instant they are in reach, the tangy sweetness of yourself on his tongue does nothing to deter you from practically devouring him. Eddie’s brain short-circuits when you play with the waistband of his boxers. “Take these off for me, baby.”
He did not need to be told twice. 
He scrambles to get them off and down his legs, his frantic movements making you giggle and sit up on your elbows. Eddie grins when his boxers are finally kicked to the floor, his skin flushed pink already. Your breath catches in your throat when you see him; he was thick and long, his red tip leaking beads of pearly precum and glistening in the lamp light. You moan softly at the sight, biting your lip as Eddie takes his place on top of you again. He can’t say that this was the reaction he expected, but it was definitely better than he had hoped for. 
Before either of you can speak, you’re pulling him in to a heated kiss and flipping him on to his back. Eddie moans in surprise when his back lands on his bed, but then a pleased purr rumbles into your mouth when you settle into his lap. A pleased sigh flutters from you when his bare skin glides across yours for the first time. No clothes, no barriers to keep you separated. It felt right. 
“F-Fucking hell,” Eddie curses in a soft voice when your dripping cunt settles against his bare cock, the feeling was only what he could describe as divine. Then you rocked against him. “Oh! Oh, fuck yes!”
You whimper when his hands clutch your hips, his bruising grip helping you to grind a little faster on him. 
“Yeah, yeah, a little faster, rub your pussy on me, Princess, just like that,” he breathes out, his eyes glued to the space between you to watch as his cock get drenched in your juices. “Holy fucking shit, baby, that’s so—that’s so hot.”
“Eddie, please,” you moan, the desperation was getting to you, “need you inside me, need to fuck you.”
“God,” he groans and tosses his head back on the pillow beneath him, shutting his eyes to keep from blowing his load immediately. He realizes his mistake the moment your mouth starts to bite at his neck, your plush lips sucking at his pulse to leave matching hickeys that he’ll admire later. “Fuck, ok, Princess—“ he doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you’re rising to your knees with a pretty hand wrapped around the base of his cock to guide him into you. 
The moment his mushroom tip catches your quivering entrance, Eddie is sure that time stopped. You slowly ease him into you, letting gravity pull you on to his dick. So, this is what it heaven is like, you think to yourself before the pleasure renders you thoughtless. You listen to the long moan Eddie releases and naturally match it. Inch after inch, he fills you, stretching your little hole beyond what you’ve thought possible. The wetness you left behind on his shaft and the mix of his spit between your legs ease your descent, allowing him to slip further and further into you until he finally bottoms out. Eddie is speechless, his jaw open wide as he pants, eyes shut tight, his legs were already shaking. Nothing has ever felt this fucking good in his life.
“Oh my God, you’re so fucking big,” you moan in a thin voice, your eyes fluttering at the feeling of Eddie, your best friend, finally being inside you. “Feel so good, Eddie, so fucking full.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he breathes out quickly, trying to regain composure, and finally opens his eyes. He sees you perched on top of him like he’s always dreamed about: your back arched ever so slightly to accommodate him inside you, your eyes looked dazed and fucked out already, plush lips wet with your spit and ajar as you gasp for breath, sweat gave your skin a dewey ethereal glow. 
“Oh God, you—fuck!” He curses again, his brain failing him and leaving him with no thoughts except ‘fuck.’ And he had every intention of doing just that. 
With your hands braced on his chest, you give an experimental grind of your hips. Rolling in a circle, you let your hips move sensually, easing yourself into the sensations. The tuft of hair at the base of him rubs into your clit, the sensitive nub getting just the right amount of stimulation that has you speeding up. Drawing your hips up, you finally start to bounce on him. Soon the precise pace that you found is lost to a frenzy, want and lust taking over your bodies until neither of you can fight it.
“Yes, yes, yes, fuck, Eddie!” You cry out as you lose yourself, Eddie’s firm grip helping you ride him. He gives you a shout of your name in response of his own, his hips lifting to meet yours. He watches the way your face contorts each time he thrusts into you, addicted to the cute scrunch of your nose when he bottoms out. 
“So good, that’s it, good fucking girl, taking me so fucking well,” he rambles in a gruff voice that is eerily similar to his morning voice. The throaty rasp has you clenching around him, pulling deeper groans from the man beneath you. “Such a tight little pussy, Princess, feels so good around me, never wanna fucking leave, wanna keep fucking you forever.”
He knows it’s silly but that’s how he feels. He can tell you like it too, judging from the way you claw at his pecks and throw yourself on his dick even harder. Tipping your head back, you let yourself feel. The blinding, searing euphoria coursing through your veins, Eddie’s brutal grip on your hips, his flush, heated skin sticking to yours, the pleasurable scratch of his body hair, the comfortable softness of his mattress beneath you both. 
Eddie watches as your eyes slide shut, he can see each wave of pleasure crash down on you, the way your face can’t hide how good you feel, how your moans are forced out of you each time he slams you down on his cock, the hypnotizing bounce of your tits in front of him. He couldn’t take it anymore. 
Sitting up, he braces a hand behind him on the bed and wraps an arm around your waist, holding you in place while he takes control. With his knees bent, Eddie is able to drive up into you harder than before. You claw at his shoulder and lean back a little, adding a small grind to his thrusts to send you both into a tizzy. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck! Eddie!” You moan at the top of your lungs, one hand grabbing a handful of Eddie’s hair and pulling harshly. That nearly does him in.
“O-Oh!” He whimpers, his cock flexing deep inside you as his pace falters for a moment before returning to the punishing rhythm. The feeling of your pussy juices leaking down his bare shaft and dripping down his balls leaves him delirious. It’s then that he realizes he’s not wearing a condom.
“Fuck! Princess, you gotta get off! M’Gonna cum! G-Get off! Gonna cum!” He sounds broken, he looks like it too, with his face crumpling with debilitating pleasure. He desperate to keep going right up until he has to pull out, his arm around you getting ready to lift you off of him. 
“No, inside! Want it inside, Eddie, please!” You whine and lean in, kissing sloppily at his open mouth. Your begging is painful to listen to, but it erases any coherent thought in his head. The hand holding him up meets your clit to start rubbing furious circles on it, the rough callous of the pads of his fingers has you seizing up in his grasp. You needed to cum before he did. With his sweaty forehead resting on yours, he watches as you finally fall apart. “Cum inside me! Cum inside me! Eddie!”
You practically scream for him when you reach your peak, your entire body trembling and tensing around him. Eddie watches as you surrender to your high, he’s never seen someone look so beautiful. The unbridled scream of his name paired with your pleas for him to finish inside you is more than enough for Eddie. 
“I-I love you, love you so fucking much!” He grits out through his teeth as he finally comes. Nothing in this world can describe the feeling of his cum finally filling you. The sounds of his loud moans, wanton and bordering on screams, were the most erotic sounds you could ever think of. You cling to him, and he to you, as you both shiver and tremble, riding out your highs together. 
Eddie can barely think, nothing mattered to him except what he held in his arms at the moment. He could hear the ringing in his ears as well as your mixed moans, feel the heaving of your chests and the hammering of your hearts as they beat rapidly. Peeling open his heavy eyelids, he’s met with your own weighted stare. The fucked out expression on your face paired with the knowledge that he was the one to put it there, sent his heart soaring for the skies. He brings both hands to your back, rubbing the dewey skin with a shaking touch. He cradles you to him with a grin so bright you swear it could light up the sky. 
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles in your throat, your arms slung around his neck to pull him into a kiss. It’s sweet and tender, a bit sloppy from your exhaustion but still absolutely perfect. Eddie strokes as much of your skin as he can reach, trailing his hands from your thighs and up your back as many times as he can. 
“I love you,” you hear him mumble against your lips before kissing you again with the ghost of a smile, “I love you,” kiss, “I love you,” kiss. 
“I love you, too,” you whisper back, you feel your face heat up, “that was the best sex I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“Fuck, me too,” Eddie grumbles with a smirk, clearly proud of himself, “I don’t think I can walk after that,” he chuckles, “fucking hell, when you begged me to cum inside you? Fuck, I nearly passed out.” 
You chuckle with him and hide your face in the crook of his neck, letting him hold you a little closer. Eddie grins like an idiot, you were always so cute when you got bashful, and it was funny to see the contrast between the sweet angel hiding her face and the sex goddess who rode him within an inch of his life. His light laughter died off as he lowered his head to whisper to you. 
“I came inside you.” You could hear the worry in his voice, so you caress the meat of his arm before pulling back to give him a reassuring smile. 
“I’m on the pill. We’re safe,” you say gently. In an instant, any and all worries left his body immediately. The cute little wrinkle between his lightly furrowed eyebrows disappeared with a sigh and was replaced by his million-dollar smile. 
“We’re safe,” he repeats and you nod, “so that means I can do that again?”
“If you want to,” you bite your lip when Eddie gives you a mischievous look. 
“‘If I want to?’ Princess, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do for the last 5 years,” he scoffs and shakes his head, “‘If I want to.’”
You giggle at his rambling and play with a strand of his messy hair. A few moments pass in silence as you both bask in the after glow. 
“When did you… did you realize that you love me?” You ask gently, peeking up to see Eddie watching you with loving eyes— like he always was.
“Since you told me my bat tattoo was cool in sophomore year,” he whispers back to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while he smiles at the memory. “You were the only one who actually liked them. I couldn’t look at them without thinking of you, after that. Still can’t.”
“Oh,” you were nearly crying. How sweet can he possibly be, you were going to die.
“What about you?” 
“When you beat up Derek Steinberg for starting those rumors about me. You did it without even hesitating and then you-you made sure that I was ok. You were so kind and so selfless and— no one ever cared about me like that before.”
“Well, it seems we’ve had it down bad for each other for a long time,” he chuckles, lightening up the mood a little. “We’ve got some time to make up, don’t you think?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod with a smile. 
“Dates, dinners, parties… I think it’s time we did some of those.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated and needed because I love them 💖
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blughxreader · 1 year
Platonic Yan!Damian Wayne x Reader
Purge AU. Info on au. You receive your official government letter announcing a yandere's claim on you in tomorrow's Purge. Accompanying it are five crimson letters from the yanderes themselves. ~500 words
Dearest [Name],
What obnoxious drudgery this whole Purge ordeal is! At first, I adamantly protested this process because of its unnecessarily long path in lieu of a simple solution.
Problem: You’re not home.
Solution: We bring you home.
Child’s play, yes? We could have met MONTHS ago, but Father and [REDACTED] wanted to do this the traditional way.
I will say, however, that this administrative route is not without its merits. I suppose it acts as a “closing of a chapter” for you to transition into your new life. At least, that’s what [REDACTED] said. Like pruning flowers, you must cut away the old to make way for the new.
However, I am confident that this arduous process will ultimately be unnecessary. Our family is superior in every conceivable way. I can’t go into specifics, but you will see the contrast immediately. You’ve been wasting away in that lackluster residence with your dull relatives, utterly unaware of your true destiny as part of OUR family.
All that said, I wish to extend to you all the patience needed for you to feel comfortable. If you want to spend these last 24 hours with your progenitors, then so be it. I don’t consider them a threat in the slightest because I know you’ll eventually see how lacking they were. After living with us, you’ll perceive them as the shoddy imitation of a family—one you were never destined for to begin with!!
I can’t wait to meet you. Life will be so much better once you’re here. Everyone has been so angsty and alight with nerves in the weeks prior to your arrival, so it will be such a relief when we can finally fall into our new normal.
I’ve been telling [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] the Cat all about you. [REDACTED] is my Great Dane. He’s a majestic behemoth of a canine—a most regal and befitting companion for us. I’ve told him everything there is to know about you, and since he already knows your scent, [REDACTED] and I will be your first true companions. [REDACTED] the Cat is a slick and temperamental creature who does as he pleases. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do.
We also have a cow, a turkey, and a dragon bat.
Do you like gardens? We have an ever-expanding garden on our estate, complete with a greenhouse, gazebo, and sand garden for meditation. We also have several libraries that you’re more than welcome to. Maybe we can paint together in the mornings?
I’ve always imagined that we could spend every afternoon together. You can entertain yourself however you wish while I complete my schooling, then we will dine and have tea together. After which, we can spend the afternoon
Father said my letter is nearing the word limit, so I will tell my parting thoughts:
Do not let your fear keep you from a better future. Do not fight back.
Until tomorrow,
Your little brother
Notes... Damian threw the biggest tantrum when he found out that the government censors any identifiable names in yandere letters. The first Redacted was Dick, followed later by Titus and Alfred the Cat. Damian's letter was so fun because he's still a little kid. He has endless confidence and minimal empathy, and has a tendency to go on tangents about his pets and hobbies. Nothing can go wrong in his daydreams. My boy <3
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Out of The Woods
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: Hawkins is home once again, and you're determined to keep your peace. The past comes calling.
chapter warnings: slow burn, motherhood, swearing, childhood trauma, fluff, sweet sweet memories and friends bonding again. <3
a/n: I don't want to give spoilers, but we may or may not have a run-in with a certain metal head in this chapter! :O (just a taste, a lil treat bc you've all been so good.)
chapter 3: Silver Springs || series masterlist
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NOVEMBER 4th, 1983
Friday was the best day of the week.
Sure, weekends are great, but Friday night meant movie night at the Munson’s.
“You better not make her watching nothin’ scary, Edward.” Wayne huffed, grabbing his choice of cap from the wall, as well as big winter coat.
Eddie’s hand flew over his heart. “I would never! Not so close to the holidays!”
You threw a piece of popcorn at his head as the laughter bubbled from your chest. “Holidays? It’s not even Thanksgiving!” Eddie motions for you to keep throwing so he can catch one in his mouth. You oblige, but not without a protest of your own. “I would like—no, I demand a comedy.”
Eddie bowed to you, peering up and showing off the piece of popcorn he’d caught at the last second “What m’lady wants, she shall receive.”
The trailer door blew out of Wayne’s grip as he opened it, “Christ, it’s freezin’! Turn the heat on, boy. Your date is gonna freeze to death.”
Eddie gives you a knowing look. There’s no point, his eyes send the message loud and clear. The two of you have told Wayne dozens of times that you weren’t on dates, you were just best friends hanging out.
He didn’t buy it.
“Why does she get the heat? Pretty sure I got frost bite when I got outta the shower today.”
“Because,” Wayne slid his hands into a pair of work gloves as he walked toward you. “I like her and I want her to keep comin’ around.” He bent down, and kissed the crown of your head.
You protested, “I don’t wanna bug you—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Eddie teased. “Ya know you say that a lot?”
“It’s the truth!”
“You could never bug me—ever. Even if you could, who cares? Not like it’s a bad, it’s a good bug you reserve just for me; my bug.”
Your eyes seemed to roll of their own free will, “Eddie.”
He dropped down next to you, putting a hand on your upper thigh as he offered you a twizzler. “Yes, Bug?”
Neither of you had noticed when exactly Wayne slipped out.
You’d compromised that night. Ghostbusters, a little something for the both of you.
About 30 minutes in, Eddie looked at you. He took in how you laughed at something Bill Murray said, how the sound bubbling from your chest made your nose crinkle.
God, he could listen to that sound all day.
When you turned to him, he panicked. Standing quickly, “Uh, shit…here,” he said, not knowing where the hell he was going with the sentence.
Eddie looked around for a moment, what felt like an hour for him was surely only a few seconds. He ended up grabbing Wayne’s old Polaroid camera from the shelf. “C’mon, we gotta take a picture.”
You smiled through your confusion, “Why?”
Eddie shrugged, “Because we never do! And I wanna remember this even when we’re so old we can’t remember our own names.”
“You want to remember a randoms Friday night?”
He nodded. “If it’s a Friday night with you? Always.”
The whirr and click of the camera went off before you knew what was happening. “Eddie, I wasn’t ready! I’m gonna look like a fucking Goblin!”
The timber of his laugh made your heart race. Eddie pulled the film from its slot beneath the lens. “Don’t sell yourself short, Bug. Troll maybe, but never a Goblin.”
You elbowed his ribs at the exact moment he connected with the couch.
“Oof.” He laughed. “C’mon, smile?”
Eddie put his arm around you, pulling you in close. A second later, the flash blinded you both, leaving you dazed and giggly for the next minute.
You held out your hand, and gestured to where the photo of the two of you was laid out to develop. “Let’s see it then.” You demanded.
Eddie pulled it off the coffee table, looking at it before he handed it to you.
He wasn’t looking at the camera, no. His eyes were on you, and he was smiling harder than he’d thought was possible.
He saw how you were leaned into him, your hand holding his as it draped over your shoulder, the light behind your eyes, the smile he couldn’t get enough of.
Eddie felt it then.
So immediate and sudden it felt like his heart got struck by lightning, and it was then that he realized two things:
That this feeling, whatever it was, couldn’t possibly end well.
And two?
He is so fucked.
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It became easier to breathe.
You hadn’t realized just how suffocating life here had become. To be back in Hawkins and still feel like you were hiding and alone. Though now, and in the weeks since you’re run-in with Robin and Steve, it all got a bit brighter and a little less heavy.
Steve was committed to putting the past behind you, a sentiment he all but drilled into your head the first night he visited Maggie and you at the house.
“You did what you thought you needed to do to make it. You’re back now, though. Let us be there for you.”
He also became Maggie’s own personal jungle gym. Whenever they watched a movie or had a snack together, your daughter could be found on top of him in some way. They especially enjoyed watching cartoons on Saturdays; Maggie perched on top of Uncle Cheeseball’s shoulders, because according to her it was the ‘best seat in the house.’
Robin couldn’t be deterred either.
She’s over at least three nights a week now, and Maggie is obsessed—like, seriously obsessed. It’s the sort of bond you watch from afar and admire, the way your friend opened her heart to your daughter. How she’s protected her innocence and encouraged her silliness.
Kids aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. They’re loud and messy and demanding in a totally innocent way. They require you to think before you act and never put yourself first. It’s why any dates you’d been on over the years hadn’t worked out, most people disappeared after they learned of her. Not that you cared, Maggie was number one in your life, and you were damn proud of that.
But now here you are, the life you had been convinced you’d never have was happening before your eyes.
“And ya know what else, Miss M? Your Mom fell right on her butt and slid all the way down the hill!”
Maggie’s laughter echoed off the your living room walls.
“Hey! It was December and Hillcrest is notoriously icy when it snows!” You feigned insult, and tickled Maggie as her laughter multiplied.
“Mom! That’s so silly! How'd you stop sliding?” She questioned.
Robin’s eyebrow quirked up, “Yeah, how did you stop sliding?”
You sighed, embarrassment painting your face. “Steve—Uncle Cheeseball had to catch me.”
The two of them howled with laughter, “Yeah-yeah, laugh it up. I don’t like this, you’re in…cahoots!”
“Excuse me!” Robin objected. “I am a responsible adult!”
Maggie stood with her hands on her hips. “Yeah! Me too!”
You leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Alright, well, it’s bedtime for all adults and former children.”
Maggie whined, but let out a yawn mid-grumble.
“See? Proof.” You booped her nose. “Go on, you have school tomorrow. Teeth, pjs, bed, okay?”
Maggie hugged you, “Okay, Mama. Goodnight, Robby! I’ll see you on Friday for pizzas!”
She ran the few feet to your friend, and squeezed her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, kiddo.”
Maggie, by the grace of God, listened. She was so worn out from laughing and dancing and playing with Robin that she crashed as soon as her little head hit the pillow.
“Want me to take the trash out on my way?” Robin asked, hands full of the nonsense she’d brought along with her.
“Is there a 3rd hand in there I don’t know about?” You nodded towards her, “No, Robs. I got it, I just gotta do the dishes first.”
Robin smiled behind you, relishing in the gratitude she felt having you back. “I-I’m so proud of you.” It was a near whisper, and when you turned to your friend, she had tears in her eyes.
“Maggie is…she’s so cool! And you’re obviously an incredible Mom. I’m just, I’m sorry you felt like you had to stay away.”
Your own eyes burned at that. You walked to Robin and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry too, I’m sorry I didn’t call, or write…I just didn’t know how to—to be here.”
She nodded into your embrace, adjusting the items she cradled. “Well, you’re here now. Anything you need, say the word and I’ll be here, Steve too.”
You pulled away, “I know.”
Robin grabbed her keys with the few fingers she had free. “I don’t mean to ruin the beautiful moment of love and friendship, but have you thought about...him? About what’ll happen if you see him again? I mean, Hawkins isn’t exactly a big town.” She avoided using his name, and that didn’t go unnoticed.
It’s all I think about.
Fingers toyed with the hair tie around your wrist, “I wouldn’t even know…” your voice faded out. “I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it, I’ve been here for a while already, and haven’t even heard anyone mention his name.”
That was true.
Everyone used to talk about Eddie Munson. The troublemaker, the cult leader, the devil-worshipping freak. The boy who was corrupting you, and ruining your future.
These backwoods hicks had no idea just how good he was back then. How kind and gentle and full of courage he was. You couldn’t understand why they hated him, not when you found it so easy to love him.
“I didn’t wanna upset you—“
“You didn’t,” you’re quick to reassure her, “it’s a logical question, and sure, maybe I’m avoiding the subject, but I appreciate you looking out for me all the same.”
Robin shrugged as if it was the most simple thought in the world, “Always.”
She left after an additional 5 minutes of arguing about helping you clean, to which you would not allow.
Cleaning up after a long day, while exhausting, was your only time to yourself. It was the one part of the day Maggie wasn’t asking something of you or looking for something or covered in something sticky.
Why is it always something sticky?
The dishes were done, and the counters were clean. You plopped on the couch, and turned on whatever the tv was playing at this hour and had just begun to fold the laundry, when the stink of the trash left by the door nearly had you retching.
“Nope, not waiting til morning…”
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“Steve, Steve…” Eddie laughed.
The boy threw his hands up in frustration. “Eddie, I’m serious!”
Eddie slapped his friends shoulder. “I appreciate the worrying, pal. I’m fine, I had one beer let’s see…” the metal head looked at his watch, “an hour and a half ago. Why the sudden concern about my health and safety, hm?”
Steve blanched at the question, stumbling over his words. “T-There was an accident tonight! Drunk driver hit the pole on Cornwallis. Cops everywhere, ya know?”
Steve knew exactly why the thought of Eddie getting hurt or worse was suddenly a new phobia he developed. He had just hoped he’d hide it better than this.
Eddie sighed, “Great,” and stood, grabbing his keys out of his pocket, “back roads it is, gonna take me 20 minutes to get home now.”
Steve stood too, causing Eddie to glance back. He pinched his friend’s cheek, “Would you feel better if I called you when I got home, Stevie?” Eddie mocked, pouting his lip.
Steve pushed him away, “Shut up, man. Fine, that’s the last time I give a shit about my friends.”
Eddie laughed, “Nah, I appreciate it, Harrington. I’ll see ya on Friday right? Still looking your car over at the shop?”
“Yeah, yeah. See ya Friday.”
Eddie left Steve’s apartment smiling to himself.
What a good dude.
By the time he hit Cornwallis, the detour was worse than expected. It took him down several back roads and side streets Eddie is usually able to avoid all together.
Not to mention Forest Hills trailer park is on the opposite side of town from Harrington’s place. Eddie is usually able to zip down Main Street to save some time, but with Cornwallis a no-go, it was an addition pain in the ass to avoid the one-ways.
“Oh come on.” He griped. The car in front of him was going what seemed like negative miles an hour. He whipped the wheel to the left, evading the current route and instead, opting for an old way he remembered like the back of his hand.
Even in the dark.
It was eerie. To be on this street that he'd driven hundreds of times, knowing it wasn't leading to you.
He could practically see you, the way you’d sit on the curb until he got there, bag packed with your essentials for a few days. Wanting to get the hell out of this place before your Dad came-too.
The street was dim, lit only by the few flickering street lamps. He attempted to drown out the glimpses of the past, turning up the radio, and blasting Crazy Train so loud it made his windows shake.
Six houses away.
It was a subconscious entity; these memories shouting from the void and demanding to be remembered.
The porch light to your old house was on. “Huh…weird.” Eddie whispered to himself.
His van was barely at your mailbox when he slammed on his brakes, nearly getting choked by the seatbelt. He skidded to a stop, and killed the music.
Either he’s high as a kite, or it was you. Standing right in front of him as you dragged the trash can to the curb.
He’s hoping it’s the former.
You, rightfully so, looked like a deer in fucking headlights. Jumping back when you heard the screech of his tires.
But you know that van—you’d know it simply by the way it sounded coming down your street or by the shape of the headlights shining through the Hawkins fog.
The rusted hinges groaned when the drivers side door opened. Eddie was moving, but he wasn’t sure why. Not when very fiber of his being was screaming at him to stay in the van—to keep driving. Did he listen?
Of course not.
Eddie Munson says your name so softly and with such disbelief, it almost sounded like fear coating his tongue.
You, unlike the boy—man before you, were frozen.
That was the first thing you’d noticed. Eddie still looked like…Eddie, just a manlier—a more rugged version of the boy you’d loved.
He had five o’clock shadow covering his jaw. Cheekbones that were more defined, the hollows more pronounced. His hair was shorter, shorter than you remember it, anyway and he wore boots—work boots. Gone we’re the torn-up Goodwill sneakers he’d saved up weeks to buy.
He was in a black henley and dark wash jeans, though he still had his signature wallet chain and denim jacket.
Your heart slammed in your chest. Your dinner churned in your belly.
You could go. You could turn around and ignore him, walking back into your home and do exactly what he did to you.
But you wouldn’t, you’re better than that—better than him.
“W-Why…what are you doing here?” He half-mumbled.
“Minding my own business.” The strength in your voice surprised you.
Eddie was quiet, very uncharacteristically so, before he shook his head…presumably in an attempt to sort out his thoughts.
“But you’re, you’re here. You’re in Hawkins.” You could practically see the proverbial egg shells he was walking on.
Was he…afraid of you?
Good. You thought. He should be.
You crossed your arms, “Nothing ever did get past you.”
He was stuck. Quicksand was pulling him down, holding his body tightly and dragging him into the Earth’s core. He couldn’t breathe, he was dying.
At least that’s what it felt like.
Eddie cleared his throat. “How, um, how long—“
“A while.” You interject.
How long had you been here? How long were you staying? It didn’t matter, the answer is the same.
“And you’re staying here.” He nodded to the blue house he’s rescued you from hundreds of times.
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” You we’re cold, colder than he’s ever heard you.
Eddie took you in now. You were the same in every way that mattered. Older, sure…but still you, and for that, Eddie couldn’t be more grateful.
You had new smile lines. Were you happy? He hoped to whatever God was listening that you were.
“It’s not, shit. I—I know it’s not. I just didn’t know—“
A noise from inside the house startled you. Your head whipped around, fast as lighting.
Shit. Maggie.
“You okay?” He asked.
No, no, no.
Ignoring him, you turn and start walking back to the house, when Eddie calls your name again, not daring to move from where he’d planted his feet.
You all but spit at him, “Leave, Eddie. There’s nothing left here for you.”
And you meant it.
When you were safely inside, you check Maggie, who was sound asleep.
The noise must have been the door, or the wind, but it scared to half to death.
He didn’t deserve to know her, and maybe that’s selfish, but you aren’t ready to share your daughter yet.
Not with him.
Who knows, maybe you never will be.
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harrywavycurly · 5 months
What You Deserve Part 12: Is This You?
Masterlist: Here
CW: Mentions of death
Tag List: @littlered0000 @saramelaniemoon @ali-r3n @sapphire4082 @sweetmoonlove0214 @eddies-girl-22 @darknesseddiem @peaches-roses-sins @blckburd @comeonatmebruh @daisy-munson @cultish-corner @mrsjellymunson @aol19 @micheledawn1975 @2000babies @marshmallowgem @ang3lc @angelina16torres-blog @transparentenemypenguin @alilstressyandlotdepressy @josephquinnsfreckles @plk-18
A/N: This is going to upset a lot of y’all for possibly two reasons but trust me it hurt my heart to even write it, but I still hope you enjoy✨
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“So what did you think of the class?” “It was…good…nice yeah…you looked good…really uhm good…yeah…” “thank you….but I meant did you think it helped you at all?” “Oh right…yes…I did uh…learn some good stuff and I think if I took a few more classes I’d feel a little better about uhm…being home…alone more.” “Well you’re more than welcome to come to the next one or…even just a regular kick boxing class if you’re interested?” “Oh that sounds fun…uh where…are we going? This is-” “where I grew up…” “you grew up here?” “Yup…right…here actually…” “it looks nice…is that the van you’ve been working on?” “Yeah that’s her…she’s nearly done…would you like to go inside?” “Oh uhm yeah yeah…let’s go.”
“This isn’t what I was expecting the inside of this trailer to look like.” “I had it upgraded last year…but something tells me you would’ve liked the way it looked originally…” “how did it look? Not that this isn’t nice…it’s very well done whoever did it-” “I did…I didn’t want anyone else to mess with it…so I just did it when I had time….took me a while but it was worth it.” “You like doing things yourself don’t you?” “Only important things…like this…and the van…” “and Dave…you fixed him yourself.” “Well he’s pretty important isn’t he?” “I think so…but you really grew up here? Was it just you and your parents?” “Me and my dad yeah…Wayne.” “Wayne? That’s a good name for a dad…I like that name.” “It is a good name isn’t it? That’s why I named the garage after him…it felt like a name people would trust leaving their car at…he was a great mechanic…taught me everything I know.” “I agree…naming the garage Wayne’s Auto Shop was a smart choice…that’s a huge reason why I started taking Dave there.” “That makes sense…I think you and him would’ve gotten along really well.” “How long has he uhm….been gone?” “About three years…but uh feel free to take a look around…” “Okay…I have your permission to be nosey?” “Yes…open all the drawers and snoop through all the cabinets you want to sweetheart it’s fine.” “If you say so…”
“Eddie?…Eddie is this…is this you?” “Oh yeah…yeah that’s me and the Hellfire club from high school…you know a few of those kids like that’s…Dustin…and Mike…and Lucas.” “That’s cool and all but is that your hair that’s down to your shoulders?” “Yeah…I used to have long hair for a while until I got tired of wearing it up for work so I just cut it….why do you look like you want to cry?” “You had…this beautiful hair and you just chopped it off?” “I mean I can grow it out again if…you want? I just got tired of it and wanted a change that’s all.” “You’d grow it out for me? Really?” “It’s just hair sweetheart…if you want it long then sure…I’ll let it get long…where did you find this picture anyway?” “In the back bedroom…can I ask…what are we doing here?…really?” “Uh well…I know you don’t feel comfortable being alone at your house…because of William and…I wanted to show you this place because if you want…you could…move in…” “I could move in here?” “If you want? William doesn’t know this place even exists so you’d be perfectly safe…not that you aren’t safe at your house now but I just want you to feel comfortable being alone…so just know this is an option if you want it.” “This is huge Eddie I couldn’t just…move in here…this is your house.” “Baby does it look like anyone lives here?” “No but…this is where you grew up and you probably have tons of memories here and-” “I do…I have lots of great memories of living here…but I took those memories with me when I moved out a long time ago…so now you can come in and make some of your own…in a place that you feel comfortable and safe in…because I know everyone in this park so trust me…you’ll be safe here.” “I’ll think about it…” “okay…that’s totally fine take all the time you need.”
“So…this is the van huh? She’s nice…smells like weed in the back though…” “That’s probably because I used to drive this around to make drug deals at house parties and offered customers the back seat to get high in for an extra fee.” “Ah so you’ve always been a business man then?” “Oh yeah….I’ve always found a way to make a living..now I just do it legally.” “Steven told me you used to be an asshole….is that true?” “I was an angry teenager…I used to be mean to people before they got the chance to be mean to me so yeah…I was an asshole.” “I can’t imagine you being mean on purpose…” “Well good thing you didn’t know me back then sweetheart because I probably would’ve made you cry…Wayne always used to get on my ass about the way I treated girls…” “really? But you’re…you’re so…amazing?” “Now I am…because I finally became the man I was meant to be instead of the one I thought I wanted to be…” “and that’s because of Wayne?” “Yeah…we had a rough few years right before I graduated high school…I used to just yell at him and he’d stand there and take it…and then he’d just hold me while I cried and told him I was sorry…he always used to tell me he knows the man I can be if I’d only stop fighting it…so I just…stopped fighting it.” “Well thank god for Wayne because…I quite like the man you are right now…” “yeah…thank god for Wayne…ready to go sweetheart?” “Yeah…I’m ready…thanks for bringing me here Eddie.” “You’re welcome…thanks for listening.” “Anytime…I like listening to you talk about your dad and your wild high school days.”
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Take It Out On Me Part 27 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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Warning: Soft Doms Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie & Sub Fem Plus Size Y/N, SMUT, dirty talk, a bit softer than the norm with these two but she's preggo so lol FLUFF, they love her and the little one. We find out the gender and get a name for da baby.
ANGST, Steve's dad makes an asshole cameo, the three of them confront the other parents to tell them reader is pregnant. Those are the biggies. Not my normal level of angst :)
Word Count: 4696
Series here/ Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
“Hey guys. Thank you for coming and please have a seat.”, Steve instructs your parents as he gestures towards the couch where Wayne was already waiting. 
“Okay…is everything alright?”, your mother asks in a worried tone.
“Yeah, everything’s ok, Mrs. Y/L/N.”, Eddie answers as he sits in one of the chairs they placed on either side of yours. 
The three of you came up with a game plan since the last time all the parents were addressed it didn’t end well. You were going to do the bulk of the speaking when it came to your parents but if they addressed one of the boys or reacted as they had before, Eddie and Steve would take over to promptly end the conversation. They weren’t going to allow you to be hurt again especially after your hospital visit. 
Now they had two lives they needed to look after and protect.
Once your mom and dad were seated, you smiled as you handed your mom a little envelope and back away to take a seat near your protectors. 
No one says a word as she opens the paper and pulls out its contents. Your eyes close as you physically prepare for the fallout and you hear your mother heavily exhale.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“H-How? I don’t…I thought you were on the pill? At least…I mean…you told me you were.”
Your father cringes at your mom’s words as he continues to process what he’s hearing.
“I am…was…Before we went to Italy, we had an incident where they needed to switch the birth control. The nurse told us to wait a week but my doctor said that was wrong.”
“What?!”, your mother and Wayne exclaimed at the same time causing you to recoil a bit. 
Steve petted your head to calm you, assuring you everything was still alright.
“That’s more than just being wrong, sweetheart. Jesus, what is your doctor doing? Did she fire that nurse?”, Eddie’s uncle asked with what you could immediately tell was genuine concern.
“She said she was going to talk to her—”
“She needs to more than that! I’ll go down there and talk to them myself—”
As you folded more into yourself, Eddie glanced at Steve ready to jump in; the other boy agreeing.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, please, with all due respect we need everyone here to be calm—”
“And how do we do that, Steven?”, your father asked sharply. “This is a pretty big fucking deal.”
“Well, you better fucking figure it out because we’ve already had one scare that put her in the hospital and it won’t happen again!”, Eddie growled. 
“What?! I don’t…what happened…why didn’t anyone call us!? Edward, she’s our daughter!”
“And she’s our wife!” Everyone became silent at the metalhead’s outburst as he blinked realizing what he said. “Girlfriend…she’s our girlfriend…That we have never abandoned but you have. WE needed to make sure she was safe first.”
“Is the baby ok?”, Wayne asked, breathing a sigh of relief when you nodded. 
“She panicked and, again, for fear of how people would react tried to break up with us. She was so stressed…she was in pain…”, Steve relays as his jaw tightens hating the memory. 
“So, I’m assuming because this was an accident you don’t know who’s the father?”, your dad asked as he stood up and began pacing. 
“Please don’t call my baby an accident.”, you whimper. 
“He’s OURS and we love him.”, Eddie announced making you smile softly. 
“Could they get a sex?”
“Oh, no, Wayne, it’s still too early. I’d call that parent’s intuition.”, you mom responds flashing a grin his way. 
“Ok, Bev, I’m trying really hard but I need to be the reality check here. She just graduated college, Steve works at a video store, Eddie works at a record store. How are they going to take care of a child?”
“Mr. C offered to let me continue interning for him and then next school year I could teach if the principal still wants to hire me.”
“Robin and I have a plan together for the non-profit. We actually have meetings with investors within these next couple of months.”
“That’s amazing, Steve.”, Eddie’s uncle praises making the boy smile in appreciation. “And you, Ed? Last I spoke with you, you were working to get recording time.”
“Yeah, the guys and I have a lot of money saved. We’re hoping within the next month we can get something out. Funds have slowed a bit since I started putting money aside for Y/N.”
“What about the birth certificate? You both can’t put your names on there.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh, Steven? Have you already crossed the bridge of your feelings about how this child is going to have one of your genes? How it might cause animosity that this kid looks a bit more like one man than the other?  How it could drive you crazy to NOT know.”
Eddie steps forward squaring his shoulder as he comes toe to toe with your father. 
“That’s OUR kid. I don’t care if he’s biologically mine or Steve’s. As long as he’s happy and healthy…as long as he knows BOTH his father’s love him…no matter what. I don’t fucking care.”
The other man places his palm on his friend’s chest to calm him, pushing him back towards you. 
“Are you going to tell Bill?”, your mom inquires. “With the way he reacted about Y/N, I’m sure he’ll take this well.”, she says sarcastically. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything. They haven’t been in my life for over 4 years.”
“I know, baby, but you should give them the chance. At least your mom…”
“I’d go with you but your dad placed a restraining order on me.”, your father sighs as he places his hands on his hips. “Don’t laugh at me, Beverly.”
“I can’t help it, Robert.”
“Are you mad at me?” Your voice cuts through the room as both boys back up so you can see your parents. 
“No, honey. We aren’t mad. We’re just concerned but like Mr. Munson here we want our daughter to be happy and healthy.”, your mother coos as she gets up to hug you tightly to her. 
“Ok, so tell me again what else you need?”, Masie asks as you two browse the baby section of the store you two were walking around. 
“The most expensive thing we need is a crib. Besides that, um, a stroller, a car seat…my mom said we can’t have enough bottles.”, you giggle. “I was thinking for the baby’s room, maybe, we could do like a Wizard of Oz thing. Wayne told me a story about how that book always comforted Eddie.”
“I can do that. Did they have a preference or…”
“No, they said I should just do whatever I wanted.”, you giggle. 
It had been a couple of months since you guys talked to your parents and the reality of everything was beginning to set in. The first time you felt him move you cried for an hour scaring the boys to death. 
“Is…is this normal?”, Steve asked as he petted your head. 
“Yeah, I’m just so happy. We’re having a baby.”, you sob.
“Oh, sweetheart.”, Eddie chuckles as he pulls you to his chest. 
“What do you think, little dude? Do you want bottles with lions or elephants?”, Masie inquires as she leans down to speak directly to your tummy making you laugh harder. “Both? Sounds good.”
“Nope. I won’t hear it. I’m buying these for my new little best friend.”
“Your nephew.”, you correct. Your best friend pauses as she straightens up and her eyes meet your own. “Masie, you’ve been with me since kindergarten and through all of my chaos. You’re my sister and I love you.”
She wraps her arms around your neck, kissing your cheek when she finally pulls away. 
The sudden sound of glass breaking catches your attention as you both turn towards the noise coming face to face with Mrs. Harrington’s wide-eyed expression. Without addressing you, she abruptly swivels around, dropping everything in her hands as she powerwalks out of the store.
Steve was already pacing in the living room mentally preparing himself when the sound of loud banging on the front door echoed through the house. 
After kissing his lips, you and Eddie backed away to allow him to take control as he casually began opening the door to his home. Before he could do anything about it, his father burst through uninvited, huffing as his wild eyes landed on you.
“How dare you, you little whore!”
As he began charging your way, the metalhead pushed you behind him as Steve slid between him and his father to cut him off. 
“No. If you want to talk we can talk but you will NOT speak to her like that.”
“I’ll speak to her any way I see fit! I’ve put up with this farse long enough, Steven. This is not a relationship, you three aren’t married, and that bastard doesn’t belong to you both!”
Before anyone could do anything about it, the younger Harrington’s fist flew knocking his father to the floor. 
“Eddie…”, you whispered in fear, gripping his arm. 
He could feel the worry you had for them practically radiating from you and his protective mode instantly kicked in. 
“Don’t move.”, he commanded, stepping forward to place himself beside his friend. “Get out.”, Eddie growled as he yanked Mr. Harrington to his feet and shoved him towards the door. 
“You’re done, son. I’m cutting you off. No more installments into your account, no more inheritance from me or your mother. Nothing, do you hear me, NOTHING will go to that thing. I don’t care if it is biologically yours.”
“Fine. I don’t need anything from you, Bill. You both weren’t there for the worst moment in my life. What makes you think I’d want you there for the best? I can’t wait to be father so I can be nothing like you. Now…GET…OUT!”
As soon as his father left, you wrapped your arms around Steve’s waist and clung to him as his arms remained at his sides. 
“Are you alright, man?”, Eddie asked as he came up beside you both. 
You could feel it coming off his agitated frame as your cheek rose and fell with each heavy breath of his chest. He was furious. 
He was angry that his father was despicable and continued to hurt him even now. He was pissed that anyone, let alone his own blood called his baby that he already loved so much a ‘bastard’ and a ‘thing’. Steve felt betrayed by his mother who immediately ran to her husband knowing how he’d react without coming to speak with him herself. He wanted to kill him for disrespecting you and even THINKING he could charge at you to lay his hands on you. 
But more than anything, he was hurt that both his parents still didn’t seem to give a damn about him or his happiness. 
Tilting back, your palms cup his face as he continues to look past you into the void.
“Daddy, baby, look at me.”
It took him a few seconds and some more soft murmurs before his eyes glassy eyes met yours.
“I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve the bullshit he puts you through. I know you’re a good man and I have no doubt you’ll be an amazing father.” When his forehead presses against yours, you feel his breathing begin to calm. “It’s ok, honey. You can still use me.”
Glancing towards Eddie, he waits for his friend to give him a nod letting him know he thought it would be ok. You three were still intimate but it was much softer than before. They didn’t want to trigger another episode or hurt you too much even after getting the ok from your doctor. 
Since that point a lot had happened and all of you were just genuinely too exhausted to do anything more than cuddle. 
Lifting you into his arms, Steve carried you to the bedroom and laid you on your back horizontally across the mattress. After tearing away your clothes, he opened your legs wide and spit into your cunt before falling onto his side next to you and sliding his arm under your head for you to use as a pillow. On impulse you raised one of your legs in the air and his heavy breathing warmed your cheek as he guided his cock inside of you. 
As his fingers dug into your thigh, he set a rough pace as he absorbed the feeling of being inside you like this again. Glancing to your other side, you watched as Eddie came around the bed and knelt down by your head. Your fingers reached for him but he shook his head as he tenderly took hold of both sides of yours and turned it till you were facing the other man. 
“He needs you right now, sweetheart.”, he whispered in your ear as he gently played with your hair that hung over the end of the mattress. 
“Mmm—feels so good, Sir.”
“Yeah, baby? You’re going to cum already? It’s been a while since we’ve been able to take care of you, huh.”
Steve abruptly pulls out of you and shuffles around till you feel his tongue rapidly flick your clit as two of his fingers thrust in and out of your core.
“Fuck! Daddy, please.”
Placing your hand on the back of his head, you hold him to you as your back arches off the bed and you cum, groaning as he drank you in. 
“Color, baby?”
“Green, Sir…Fuck…”
After taping your pussy with his length and making you twitch at the feeling, he slides himself inside of you again, stretching your leg up his chest so he could cling to your thigh for leverage as he pounded into you. 
Eddie continued to gently kiss your forehead, cheek, or any other part of your skin he could reach with his lips. 
“Right there, Daddy. Just like that. Fuck, I love you so much.”
 Steve’s pace suddenly slowed and your eyes locked as he blinked as if coming back into the moment. Dropping your leg to the side, you promptly wrapped it around his waist as he leaned down till his head was by your ear. 
“I’m not…too heavy…am I?”, he panted.
“No, Daddy. You feel perfect against me.”
“I love you, Y/N. I’m so s-sorry for how my family treats you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Threading your fingers in his hair, you held him as tightly as you could as you rolled your hips underneath him encouraging him to continue. 
“It’s ok, Steve. All—All I care about is how they make you feel. I’m sorry—fuck—I’m sorry they can’t see what an amazing man you are.” Finding his rhythm again, the bed began to subtly shake as his cock abused your g-spot. “Oh my god. Just like that, Daddy.”
With Eddie having long moved out of the way, Steve’s palm clung to the sheets next to your head as he groans. 
“Fuck, baby. You wanna cum with Daddy?”
Nodding your head, your nails drag down his back as your pussy quivers around him and the coil snaps. Grunting at the feeling, he slowed his movements but not his intensity as he slammed his seed inside of your cunt. 
“Good girl. Shit, you feel so good. Do…Do you need anything?”
“10 steps ahead of you, sweetheart. Here, sit up and drink this.”, Eddie instructs as he hands you a glass that you knock back. “Whoa, whoa. Babe, you’re going to throw up. Slow down.”
“Jesus, Steven. Fucking fucked the vocabulary out of our girl here.”
You and Steve giggle as he takes your cup and leaves to get you more. 
“Can we take a bath? I’m a little sore.”
“Yeah, honey, of course.”
Carefully guiding you out of bed, the former jock fills the tub with warm water as the metalhead comes back with more for you to drink. 
“Slow, baby. Good girl.”
As soon as everything is ready and the bathroom is smelling like sand on a beach, Steve takes your hand and helps you in, placing himself behind you as he cleans you and gently massages your lower back. 
When he abruptly pauses you can’t help but giggle when you take hold of his palm and move it back over your tummy. 
“He loves you both. Every time you talk or touch me, he does a little dance.” Eddie sits on the floor outside the tub and places his hand beside Steve’s. “Say something.”
“Listen, little rockstar, I know you’ve heard a lot of craziness out here but I promise it won’t be that chaotic. Whoa.”, he breathes when something pushes up towards them. “We love you, dude.”
“Ok, are we all ready to find out what this baby is?!”, Masie shouts from her spot at the end of the table in your backyard. 
Today was the afternoon of the baby shower and you were so grateful for everyone that came. You half expected people to treat you differently but just like your reception you threw for the boys so many people came to celebrate this new milestone with you.
Your family from New York surprised you by coming down to see you, the family, and what the new edition would be. Your uncle loved Masie, helping her get things together for the party and decorating. Your parents and Eddie’s mother came as well with her little ones which the metalhead loved watching you interact with. 
As Wayne held the string to lift the pinata that read “The Baby Is…” off the ground, you gave the large bat to one of his half-sisters and spun her around making her giggle. Robin and Mr. C stood as far out of the way as possible enjoying the view but trying not to get whacked in the process. 
“Op! You have to swing harder than that!”
With one final hard hit your mouth fell open in shock as pink confetti and candy hit the ground. 
While everyone cheered, your eyes met theirs as they smiled and shrugged.
“I guess we’re having a girl!”, Steve beams as he comes around to give you a hug. 
You giggle from your spot at the sink as you continue to wash some of the dishes from that evening. Steve said he just needed a minute to rest and the next thing you knew, you heard him snoring on the couch with his arm slung over his eyes. 
“I’m telling you. Kid sleeps like a rock.”, Eddie grins as he enters the room and tosses some trash into the bag nearby. “Did you have a good day, sweetheart?”
“I did. It was nice to have some fun without all the drama we’ve been dealing with. What about you?”
“Yeah, I had a good day to. My favorite part was watching you with my siblings. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” The way he said that gave you pause as you turned off the facet and dried your hands. “I know we always talk about how Steve and I aren’t going to be like our dads but I hope you know that even though you love your family very much there are some things that will be different and that’s ok, baby.”
Blinking back your emotions, you wrap your arms around him as he lifts you off your feet. 
“I don’t want her to ever feel unloved.”, you murmur into his chest making him smile as he tilts back your head to kiss your lips. 
“She won’t because her mom and dads already love her so much. I can’t wait to meet her. I’m going to show her Dio and Judas and—ow!”, he teases when you lightly smack his chest. As you turn to head back to the sink, he tugs on your wrist bringing you back in front of him. “We, um, we haven’t talked about it yet but… I know…the titles…you don’t have to use them anymore…”
Taking a hold of his chin, you lift his face till his eyes meet your own and he doesn’t know if you can tell but he appreciates the softness behind them. 
“Do you want me to stop using them?”
“I mean…NO but…”, Eddie chuckles nervously. “It’s not like you can call me and him that stuff in front of a kid.”
“Yeah… but I can do it when we’re alone.” Pressing your lips to his, he groans against your kiss as your palm slides down his chest, past his stomach, to the bulge in his jeans. “You’re always going to be my Master and Steve will always be my Daddy. Even when I use your names those titles don’t fade. I’m yours, baby.”
“You are, pretty girl. Fuck.”
“You can use me to, Sir, if you need me. It’s been so long since I felt you inside me.”
“I—mmm—are you sure? You’ve been on your f-feet all day.”
Grinning, you lean forward to trail soft kisses along his chin, jaw, and up to his ear. 
“Then sweep me off them.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs as he takes ahold of your head in both hands and crashes his lips back to yours. You have no clue where he’s taking you as he starts walking you backwards till you bump into the table. Hastily, he unbuttons your pants, sliding them down your legs with your panties and kicking them aside. 
Eddie effortlessly lifts you onto the flat surface and as he fumbles with his belt you suck that sweet spot on his neck that you know drives him crazy. Giggling as he stumbles out of his jeans, he smiles as he licks his palm and strokes his cock a few times before effortlessly sheathing himself inside you. 
Resting his forehead against the nook between your neck and shoulder, you mewled as you felt his jaw fall open and his breathy moans warm your skin. Your hands cupped one of his cheeks just below his ear, pressing him to you while the other clung to his own shoulder as your arm rested behind his neck. 
“Just like that. Oh my god.”
“I know, baby. Fuck me. I know exactly where that spot is inside you. Right…here…”
At his last couple of words, Eddie slammed his hips into your own making you cry out as his cock perfectly hit that sensitive spot inside you. 
“You’re going to have to learn to be a lot quieter, princess.”, he chuckles as you smirk. 
After giving you a quick kiss, he guides you till your back is flat against the table and he takes hold of your legs, pulling you closer to the edge as he holds both limbs up with his strong arms under your knees. When his eyes meet yours, you already know what he wants, even giving you a helping hand as a long line of spit falls from his mouth onto your clit. 
As your fingers come down to rub his saliva into your bundle of nerves, Eddie bites his bottom lip to stifle a loud groan of his own as his pace hastens. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You look so fucking beautiful like this.”
A string of repetitive uhs fall from your mouth as the surface shakes underneath you. 
“Shit. Talk to me, sweetheart. I wanna hear you.”
“God…I’m…you’re gonna make me cum. Please…Please, Sir, cum with me.”
Chasing both your highs, the metalhead pounded into you till he felt you tremble and your pussy squeeze his cock like a vice. 
“That’s it, baby! Good girl. F-Fucking good girl.”, he praised as his rhythm faltered and he coated your insides with his release. “Fuck…are you ok, babe?”
Still trying to catch your breath, you nod and give him a thumbs up that makes him laugh through his teeth. Taking hold of your arms, he playfully lifts you up to a sitting position and pulls you into him for a hug. 
“What about you, Daddy? You ok?”
Steve chuckles as he sits up and peaks his head over the back of the couch.
“Jesus, woman. I swear you have superhero levels of hearing. Yeah, I’m alright, honey.”
After helping you to the floor, Eddie took off your shirt and started walking you down the hall to the bathroom as Steve followed leaving his pants unbuttoned, holding them up with his hands. 
“I heard you trying to hide your moans. I know what you touching yourself sounds like.”
“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”, you laugh as you stick out your tongue. “We should show her that movie all the time…The Princess Bride. It’s so good.”
Something flashes across Eddie’s face only for a moment before he grins at you both and steps into the shower bringing you with him.
“Hey. What was that? What passed through you mind?”
“Nothing, princess. It’s silly.”
After brushing some of his damp hair away from his eyes, you cup his face in your hands. 
“Tell me.”
His chocolate eyes flicked to Steve behind you as he stepped into the tub before sighing and shrugging his shoulders. 
“I want to refer to you as my wife. OUR wife. Obviously I already feel that way…fucking saying it without even thinking. Add in the fact that you’ve been with us for 5 years, through fucking everything and now you’re about to the mother of our child. I just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m being too sappy or cliché.”
“Eddie, baby. It’s a piece of paper we don’t need—”
“I know. I was just saying.”
“Can I talk?”, you giggle.
“I don’t know. Give it a try.”, he teases making your grin grow.
“I was going to SAY…It’s a piece of paper we don’t need because like you said we’ve been together through everything and we’re adding to our family. Eddie, if you want to tell people I’m your wife…tell them. Fuck what the assholes of this town think.”
Steve’s arms wrap around you from behind as he kisses your shoulder while the metalhead trails small pecks from your forehead down to your lips. 
After cleaning you up and drying you off, Eddie curls up against the headboard and fiddles with your hair while the other boy lays on his back in front of you both browsing through a book someone had given as a gift filled with baby names.
“We should name her after one of the elves in Lord of the Rings.”
“No, no. You are not giving our baby a nerdy name like Frido or something.”
At Eddie’s exasperated sigh and Steve’s mispronunciation you spit the water you had been drinking back into your glass as you laugh hard. 
“Look what you’ve done now, Steven. You’re killing the woman we love.”
“Shut up. What about you, honey? Any suggestions?”
“Um…”, you hum as you think for a moment before something pops into your head. “What about Molly?”
The pretty boy pouts out his lips in amusement as he and the metalhead nod. 
“How’d you come up with that?”
“The Breakfast Club.”, you whine as your voice cracks in embarrassment and you cover your face with your hands. 
“No! No, baby, don’t hide. You definitely have to break that down a bit.”, Eddie jests as he pulls at your wrists so they can see you.
“We met in detention… The first time I saw it with Maze it made me think of us. Steve is the jock Emilio Estevez who had problems with his father and being popular. Eddie would be Judd Nelson’s bad boy with an asshole family and a school system that didn’t seem to care. I’d be Ally Sheedy’s weirdo feeling ignored by her family… Molly Ringwald is the princess and since Ed already calls her that…just made me think…Molly.”
Crawling up the length of your body, Steve kisses your lips and then your stomach before falling beside you as Eddie did the same. 
“I like that name. Molly.”
“Molly Munson-Harrington.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank @nailbatanddungeon
@sidthedollface2 @justanotheryn @pedropascalslilbaby
@marsupiooo @mandyjo8719 @bexreadstoomuch
@chelebelletx @perdopascalslilbaby @shayeddie @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso @micheledawn1975
@paleidiot @mrsjellymunson @dashingdeb16
152 notes · View notes
This is in response to the "Jason pretending to be/gaslighting himself into actual pregnancy" thread.
What exactly is Alfred’s and Bruce’s reaction to the…news? Like, how did they get told? Did the batkids (-Todd) sit them down, bring the board out, and try to quickly explain the ‘hey your son/grandson may be pregnant, yes it’s possible, halfa biology is a fun thing isn’t it?’ and all that jazz?
Or did Jason announce it randomly in the middle of chaotic family dinner and acted like he didn’t say anything odd, or did he bring it up offhandedly before waking away and ignoring any calls for him to return
Lmao maybe in a different world Jason chooses to announce it during a gala, Peeta ‘if it weren’t for the baby’ Mellark style, and then just let hell ascend.
Or did Danny break it by just simply asking Jason how the baby was
The first time the other boys breakdown.
It’s decided that Jason would tell Alfred at his own time and so they focus on Bruce.
They sit Bruce down in the cave and lay out their evidence the best they can.
And when the others come in later to suit up Bruce tries to bench Jason and that does not go down well.
A full screaming match that hasn’t happen since Jason’s switch, that ends with Bruce just shouting,
“I don’t care what happens out there right now, I can’t allow a pregnant person to put themselves in danger!”
And Jason just freezes in place, the cave is dead silent. Half of the clan is just looking on in confusion. The other boys are refusing to look in their general direction. Stephanie folds herself in half with a laugh and Alfred just raises an eyebrow.
Jason’s has to catch himself on the table to stop himself from falling over from the stitch in his side.
The second time is after the Desiree incident he goes to talk to with Alfred alone.
The what ifs were keeping him up, he needed to talk to someone who wouldn’t judge him.
They sat together under the island lights with tea and Alfred gave him a gentle hug .
Jason admitted that he didn’t know why he was crying anyways. It was his choice, he knew it was for the best.
Maybe it was just how bad he’s been feeling for the last week.
Alfred doesn’t judge and reassured Jason that he was allowed to feel such ways.
The third time it was real casual, so casual in fact that they others just through he was joking.
When the others realized he had completely kicked the last of his smoking habit and just said “for my baby” they thought he had quit during the prank.
When he declined a drink with Bruce and Dick he just said “baby” and they assumed he didn’t feel like it and was joking.
When Jason said he wasn’t going to patrol for awhile they assumed he was taking a well deserved vacation.
It wasn’t until he was a good four months along did they take a hint.
Dick, poking Jason side jokingly: Man little wing, not so little now. I know you’re on vacation and all that but you’re starting to let yourself go.
Jason not looking up from his writing: Gee Dickhead, thanks. Not like I’ve been growing your first nibling or anything.
Dick:…. What?
Jason: you know? My baby? Little thing making a mess of my guts rn?
*The others tuning in at the breakfast table*
Jason: guys, seriously. Did none of you take me seriously?
Damian: it was hard to after the last time
Jason: why’d you think I’ve sat out all the breakouts the last two months???
Tim: I just thought you were being a dick man.
Jason: Thanks. Old man, you good? You have been staring ahead for quite some time.
Bruce, mildly choked up: hmmm
Jason: ok good anyways what do you think about the name ‘Martha Jane Todd Wayne’ for a girl? I thought Jane Martha first but I think Martha Jane sits better on the tongue.
Bruce with an even more choked up expression: hmmm
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sammysficfactory · 1 year
Gone and Back Again
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Clark Kent x blackcoded!reader
tags: angst, hurt/eventual comfort, fluff
summary: clark chose the world over you, and comes to regret his decision.
wc: 4.7k words
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abandonment
notes: bruce wayne cameo🤭, clark is a coward, reader is a MOTHA..NO DRAMA, yes the baby is named jonathan, feedback is welcome
beta reader comments: damn 6 years a secret?? them glasses work wonders
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"Clark is that you? Why are you up?" Clark freezes when he hears your sleepy voice. He pushes what looks like a large bag out of your line of sight.
“Go back to bed sweetheart, I’m just going for a drive. I’ll be back in the morning.” Clark walks through the dark and places a kiss on your forehead and your large belly. You nod sleepily.
“Alright, be safe. I love you.” Is all you say before you find yourself drifting off to sleep again. Clark sighs in relief, he never planned on leaving his wife and coming child, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
The next morning, you wake up to a cold and empty half of the bed. It seems that Clark hadn’t come back from his late night drive. You don’t think much of it, writing it off as him losing track of time. But when hours start to go by and Clark hasn't returned, you find yourself getting antsy. You pull out your phone and call your husband.
“Come on, pick up..” You murmur, pacing around your living room floor. Clark doesn’t answer, even when you call a second and third time. This wasn’t like him at all, even when Clark was at work he made sure to pick up if you called a second time. You begin making calls, starting with his job.
"Good morning, Daily Planet. May I ask who's calling?" a woman answers.
“This is Y/N Kent, Clark Kent’s wife. Has Clark come in to work today?” You ask, doing your best to keep your voice level. You hear some typing before the woman on the other end answers.
"I've just checked the schedule, and he's not on it...He didn't give any warning either. Did something happen?" You sigh, that was definitely not the answer you were hoping for.
“No, it’s fine. Thank you for letting me know.” You sigh heavily.
“No problem, Mrs. Kent. If anything comes up I’ll call you back.” She replies before hanging up. You make a few more calls, calling some friends to no avail. You pace around the house in a panic, trying to think of places where Clark could possibly be. After a few minutes, you grab your car keys and drive around the city, looking in all of the places you think Clark could possibly be, all to no avail. You sigh, deciding to call your last resort. The only person you know with the resources to find your husband.
"Hello? This is Bruce Wayne..." You sigh in relief when he picks up.
“Bruce, it’s Y/N. Clark is missing.” You cut straight to the point, there was no time for formalities in your mind. You can hear Bruce move around on the phone.
“Are you sure? How do you know?” He asks, not wanting to jump to conclusions just yet, but the panic in your voice was unmistakable.
“Last night he said he was going for a drive and that he’d be back by morning, but he hasn’t shown up. I’ve done everything, I’ve looked everywhere. I even called his job. I don’t know what to do, and I’m starting to panic.” You quickly run through the events, tapping your fingers on your steering wheel as you drive back home.
"It's okay, just calm down. I'll get some people in the area to search for him." He says, trying to ease your worries.
“He said he’d be back by morning. It’s already past noon. What if he’s…” You trail off.
"Hey, hey. Calm down. Let's not jump to conclusions. He'll be alright, trust me. I'm doing everything in my power." Bruce is already setting things in motion, and that much comforts you slightly.
"I'll get in touch with you soon, okay? I gotta go." Bruce hangs up and you walk into your home. You check every corner of the house, every room, closet, and the attic. Nothing. Your phone rings and you pick it up, not caring to check who it is.
“Clark?” You answer nervously.
“Hi, honey.” Your husband’s voice comes through the phone and you sigh in relief. Your worry quickly turns into concern.
“Clark, where the hell are you?! I’ve been worried sick about you!” You exclaim. Clark sighs, his voice tense.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me very closely. Are you in the house?” He asks, his tone tense and urgent. You sense something amiss, so you sit on your couch, listening intently.
“Yeah, I just got back.” You answer, you can feel his distress through the phone.
“I’m gonna tell you something important, you have to listen.” He sounds serious.
“I’m listening, go ahead.” You hear Clark go silent for a few moments, creating a tense and thick silence before speaking up again.
“I’m…Superman.” He confesses. You’re silent with disbelief before you reply.
“Clark, do not lie to me right now. I swear on everything holy if you’re lying to me-” You warn before your husband cuts you off.
“Y/N, I'm not lying! I always wanted to tell you, but I was scared..." Clark was telling the truth, and he can't deny the hurt he was about to cause you.
“I…Clark. This is a lot.” You sigh.
"Look, I know this is too much, I'm sorry, I wish I told you earlier. I just... couldn't say it. How do you expect someone to say -‘hey, I'm Superman’ to someone they love." Clark remarks.
“Clark, we’ve been together for six years, and we’ve been married for three of them. You’re telling me that you couldn’t have told me before?” You feel yourself growing angry and frustrated.
"I never wanted to keep secrets from you, I just didn’t know how to tell you." All Clark feels is guilt and shame.
"I love you, Y/N..."
“Clark, just come home.” Your voice wavers, for the first time the entire day you can feel yourself about to cry.
"I want to, more than anything..." Clark's heart hurts when he hears how distraught you are.
"It's not that simple, Y/N. If I come back, I'm putting you in danger..." He tries to sound reasonable, but he can feel his own resolve weakening.
“Clark, honey, please. I can’t do this on my own. We’re about to have a baby! You can’t just leave.” You plead over the phone. Clark's eyes start to well up as he hears you beg him to return. He hates hurting you.
"I have to keep you and the baby safe." He'd do anything to be with you... and yet, his fears still dominate him.
“We can still be together, we can still be a family.” You try to appeal to him through your tears.
"You don't understand." Clark can't control it as the hurt and guilt comes out as anger.
"I can't be with you or the baby. The world needs Superman. It's my responsibility." He immediately regrets his tone as soon as he finishes his sentence.
“Clark…” Is all you can manage to say, hurt and shocked by his tone. Clark takes a deep breath.
"Y/N, let me explain. I love you. I don't just love you, I’m in love with you. It's taken me a long time to know who I am... but this I know. I know I love you, Y/N. But the world needs me." The honesty in his voice catches you off guard.
"I was afraid of what you would think. I was afraid of hurting you by telling you. But, I had to tell you the truth. I couldn’t keep lying to you." His voice is as pained as his expression that you don’t see.
“How am I gonna take care of the baby when it grows up? What if it has powers like you do? Clark, I can’t do this on my own.” You sob.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. But the truth is I can't be with you. You and the baby deserve better than me. This is the kind of choice that comes with having the powers I do." The shame he feels is overwhelming. Clark can't believe what he says. He never meant for this to happen, but here he is, tearing his own home apart...all for the greater good.
"It's not your fault. I swear. You're amazing. I just... I can't do this." He hangs up the phone and you sob. The “greater good” had just ripped the love of your life out of your hands, and the crushing weight of having to give birth and raise a baby alone felt almost too much to bear. Your vision blurred by tears, you call Bruce to give him the news.
“Did something happen?” Bruce asks, but when he hears your soft cries he knows the news he’s about to receive isn’t good.
“You can call off the search, he told me everything. He told me that he’s Superman, and that he’s not coming back.” You feel yourself unravel the longer you have to speak. Bruce sighs.
“So he told you.” Is all he says in response.
“You knew?” You ask, feeling angry. Bruce takes a breath as he figures out how to explain his knowledge.
“I did know. I’m Batman, so we work together often.” He confesses, guilt and sympathy translating through his tone. You’re silent save for the occasional sniffle or hitch of your breath.
"Are you going to be okay?" There's a pause, no response from you.
"Y/N?" he calls for you.
“I don’t know. I’m eight months pregnant with a baby that might get superpowers when it gets older, and the only person who can help them won’t be there.” You exhale shakily, feeling absolutely helpless at the moment.
“Y/N…” Is all he says.
“I don’t know if I can do this…” You reveal weakly.
"Y/N, you're strong and you can do this. I know you can." Bruce tries to stay positive, but his encouragement is unconvincing. He can't help but worry for you and your baby.
"Can you... just tell me you'll be okay?" Bruce asks you, wanting you to hear yourself say it. You stay silent, not really believing him but decide to oblige him anyway.
“I’ll…be okay.” You say, your confidence wavering at best. You can hear his small smile over the phone.
“That’s right, you’ll be perfectly okay." Bruce's tone is filled with confidence once again, even if his heart is worried for you. He knows it's not going to be easy, but he knows that you’re stronger than your doubts are trying to convince you are.
"If you need anything, call me. Okay? I'll do whatever I can to help. You're not alone in this." Bruce reminds you, but it goes in one ear and out of the other. You can’t help but feel completely and utterly alone.
“Thank you, Bruce. Thank you for being a good friend.” You sniffle, giving him a satisfying enough answer.
“Always.” Bruce replies before hanging up, leaving you alone in your home.
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After Clark left, you decided to focus all of your energy on giving birth and working to raise your son. The years have passed and your son has grown.
You shop around with your five year old Jonathan, your hand in his small one. His face looks just like Clark, with jet black hair and large, kind eyes. Jonathan is bouncing with energy, he seems as excited as a five year old can get.
“Jonathan, you can’t bounce around too much in the store. You might knock something over and hurt yourself.” You warn your son lightly, but your tone is firm.
"Sorry, mommy." Jonathan says with an apologetic shrug. As you walk through the aisle, your eyes settle on a familiar tall figure. You hope Clark doesn't see you, but it appears he already has. Clark stops at the shelf next to the two of you. He notices you and Jonathan, and he can feel the tension.
"Hello, Y/N." Clark's quiet and polite greeting punches you straight in the gut. The realization of his presence happens all too quickly.
He's right in front of you.
And it's surreal.
Clark looks just as handsome as you remember him, his eyes still full of kindness and joy. Your heart races as you look away, and you aren’t sure if it’s out of anger or love.
“Clark.” You greet him curtly, bitterness rearing its ugly head and making itself known. Clark's eyes search yours, looking for even a sliver of love.
"Y/N, I missed you..." He's holding back. It's a struggle.
"I know it's been a long time, and I've hurt you... But I need you." He starts.
"I want to try again. I want to be with you, I want to be with my family. I made a mistake, and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you." He looks at you, his eyes full of regret. You look away from Clark, diverting your attention to your son.
“Jonathan, go choose a cereal. Mommy will be watching from right here.” You suggest to your son. Jonathan nods and runs a little further down the aisle and you turn back to Clark.
“It’s been five years, Clark. I gave birth in that delivery room alone when you were supposed to be there. You missed every milestone, and left me alone to take care of our child.” You say calmly, but there’s an unmistakable edge in your voce.
"You're right. But I just wanted to protect you, I wanted to keep you and Jonathan safe. I was scared that if I was here with the two of you, it would’ve put you in danger. If something would’ve happened to you, I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself." Clark looks at you. He can't bear to see you like this, to see your broken heart on display, showing him just how much pain he had caused.
"I made a mistake, I know... but I love you. I want to make this right. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I didn’t regret leaving you and our son behind. You and Jonathan, you're the people I want to wake up beside. Please, just let me make this right." He pleads.
“You don’t think I was scared? You don’t think that every night that I was pregnant with your baby, I was scared? When you left, I had no one to rely on except for myself. I was supposed to bring that little boy into this world with you by my side, but you abandoned us.” You clench your jaw, doing your best to stay quiet and not make a scene.
“You chose the world over your wife, and you chose the world over your son, I’m not giving you the chance to do it again.” You poke his chest angrily, and you can see Clark’s heart break right in front of you. It doesn’t feel as good as you thought it would, even after all that time you still hated seeing him hurt. Clark watches you in your quiet fury, his eyes searching yours.
"Y/N. I messed up... I know." His eyes are wide, his voice is desperate.
"I'm terrified I'll lose you again. I'm terrified this is my last chance. That I won't get another." His heart is tearing in two, he wants his family back.
"Y/N, please... for Jonathan." Clark is trying to be strong, to be better... and it's breaking him to see you so upset.
“You lost me when you left, Clark. But your son deserves to have a father, so I’ll allow you that. Come over Saturday afternoon so I can properly introduce you to him. I still live in our house, so you know where to find me.” You brush past Clark, wiping a tear away when you walk to Jonathan.
It's a small step, but Clark knows that everything has to start somewhere. He watches you walk away with his son, and he knows that he can't lose you again. He needs to prove himself and make it right.
Time passes, and Saturday arrives. He can't stop himself, he knocks on the door. There's a tension and Clark's heart is racing. He wants everything back... to be with the woman he loves and the child that needs him.
A few moments later, you answer the door.
“Hey.” You greet him.
"Hi." he replies awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck.
"May I come in?" You nod.
“Yeah, come in. I’ll grab Jonathan from upstairs.” You usher him inside before calling Jonathan from the bottom of the stairs. Jonathan all but runs down the steps. When he sees Clark, Jonathan hides behind your legs as you introduce them to each other.
“Jonathan, this is your dad.” You say, trying to coax your son from behind you. Clark waves at him, but doesn’t say anything.
“Can you say hi to your dad, Jonathan?” You ask, squatting down to Jonathan’s height, trying to reassure him that everything was okay.
"Hi..." Jonathan's voice is shaking, he's frightened by the strange man. He slowly moves out from behind your legs and stands in front of you. You keep your hand on his shoulder to remind him that you’re right behind him, and that he doesn’t have to worry.
“He looks just like you, Jonathan. You two have the same hair, same smile, same eyes.” You continue to try and help Jonathan warm up to Clark. Your son steps out a little more and looks up at Clark, shuffling his feet out of nervousness. He sees the similarities between him and his father and decides to take a step closer.
“Do you want to give your dad a hug?” You ask Jonathan, noticing how Clark desperately wants to hold him. Clark has never seen Jonathan until that day in the grocery store, and wants to immediately start making up for lost time.
"Umm..." Jonathan looks between his mother and his father and hesitates. It's all new and scary to him, and understandably so. He walks towards Clark and puts his arms out. It's the first hug of many to come for Clark and Jonathan. Clark's heart nearly explodes from affection, he has been waiting for this forever. He holds onto Jonathan tight, not wanting to ever let go.
You smile at the image before you, but can’t help the pang of sadness that hits you when you think about the day he left. Jonathan and Clark look happy, hugging each other tightly.
"Jonathan..." Clark holds him tight, and vows to himself that he'll never miss another day, another moment of his son's life.
"Y/N, I love you. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I love you." He says to you, still holding onto his son tight. You struggle to find what you want to say, opening and closing your mouth like a goldfish.
"Tell me what you’re feeling, Y/N." Clark says quietly. He's still holding onto Jonathan tight, but he doesn't want you to be upset with him. He feels his heart breaking, as you seem unable to speak. He knows he hurt you. He's so desperate to make it right.
“We need to talk in private then.” You reply, not wanting Jonathan to hear you say anything bad about Clark. You send Jonathan upstairs to his room.
"Okay, Y/N." Clark's anxiety is building, he knows you still have a lot of anger toward him. He knows he deserves that. However, he wants to fix all the problems the two of you have. He loves you, and he wants you back.
"Talk to me." He says gently. You sigh, sitting in a nearby chair, gesturing for Clark to do the same.
“I don’t have a problem with you spending time with Jonathan, but I’m not sure if I can get into a relationship with you again.” You admit.
"Y/N, I made a huge mistake. But I swear to you that I won't ever leave again." Clark's voice is desperate and longing, he wants just one more chance. He wants to be the best he can, by being a father and now a husband.
"Jonathan needs us, he needs his mom and his dad." Clark's voice has a pleading in it, all he wants is for his family to be together.
"Y/N, let's give it a chance. Just one chance." He implores.
“How do I know that, Clark? How do I know that when shit gets tough, you won’t just up and leave? I went through that, and I don’t want Jonathan to go through it too.” You ask. Clark winces, he knows that your fears are valid, but he can’t help but get hurt by your tone.
"You can't know, I guess." He's being honest with you.
"But I want to prove to you... to Jonathan... that I’ve changed." Clark's eyes still have that same desperate pleading in them.
"Please Y/N, you don't understand how much I regret what I did." He holds onto your eyes, willing you to believe him.
"And I will never leave Jonathan... I promise. Never again." You shake your head.
“Clark, you don’t understand. When you left, I was so alone. I was so scared. I had to give birth alone. When the doctors and nurses asked where you were, I couldn’t give them an answer. When Jonathan started school last year, he started seeing other kids with their dads. Do you know what he asked me? He asked me where his dad was, and I couldn’t give him an answer.” You tell him everything you had been feeling up to this point, the weight of it being lifted from you as you speak. Clark can feel his heart breaking as you tell him about your struggles. He didn't realize how the decision he made affected you and your son.
"Y/N, honey, I'm so sorry. I should have been there for you... for Jonathan. Please, give me... give us a chance." His voice is genuine, filled with regret and pain.
“It took you five years, Clark. I wanna give us another try, but how do I know you won’t leave?” Your eyes well up with tears as you speak, your once firm voice beginning to waver.
"You can't know... You can't know if I'll ever leave again. But what I can promise you is that I won't give up. I won't give up on you, and I won't give up on Jonathan." Clark holds onto your hands, his voice filled with love and compassion.
"Please Y/N, just... just give us another chance." He wants you back, he needs you back. He can't cope without you.
“If I do this…you have to promise me that you won’t run. That you won’t run away when stuff gets stressful.” You sniffle.
"I give you my word, Y/N." Clark's voice is filled with sincerity and determination.
"I'll never run away, not again. The one time that I did it... I destroyed everything. I won't ever do it again." He looks at you longingly, he knows that he needs you. He needs your love, your warmth, your affection. He can't live without you.
"Please, Y/N. Please give us another chance. I'll do anything.” You stay silent for some time, trying to figure out how you feel.
“Okay.” You nod hesitantly. Clark immediately wraps his arms around you in a gentle hug, he's been yearning for this moment for years. He holds you tight, unwilling to let go.
"Y/N, I love you so much. I love you. I love you." A tear rolls down his face as he holds onto you, the pain and fear, the regret and hurt, it all subsides in an instant.
"I love you." He repeats. He'll never run again. He holds onto you, his hand rubbing your back.
"I can't believe I put us in this position, Y/N. I was stupid. But I won't let it happen again. We have to be there for each other, Y/N. We have to communicate. We have to trust each other to share our fears." He smiles, you’re finally back in his life.
"I'm going to spend every day making it up to both of you." He promises you.
“Let’s start slow. I don’t want to change Jonathan’s life anymore than I already have with you meeting him.” You suggest. Clark nods in agreement.
"Of course, Jonathan is still so little, and this is a big change. Slow and steady, that's how I'll repair everything." He kisses the top of your head.
"Jonathan deserves to have a mother and a father. Let's work together to give him the best life possible." He's happy because you’re back in his life. The pain, the tears, the sleepless nights, they're all over. It's time for a new start, he can't imagine himself being with anyone else but you.
"I don't want to push too hard... and I want to earn your trust back. It's all about you and Jonathan, all of... this." He points to you, then to himself, then to Jonathan's room.
"Jonathan is going to be so happy when he sees all of us together. He needs a family Y/N... and I’m ready to give that to him." Clark pulls back from the hug, looking you in the eyes as he makes this promise. You place your hands on his broad chest, looking up at him and allowing yourself to relish in the familiar and comfortable hold of Clark.
“Can I…kiss you, Y/N?” Clark asks, this is all still fresh and he doesn’t want to move too fast, but he can’t help the urge to press his lips to yours.
“Yeah, you can.” You nod, feeling Clark lift your chin gently and bring your lips to his. The kiss doesn’t feel like fireworks or explosions like you’d expect it to. It feels more like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a fire, like sleeping after days of insomnia, or finding water after walking through a desert for an excruciating amount of time. You don’t understand why, until you realize it. When you kiss Clark, you’re finally giving yourself the love you had been deprived of for so long. The two of you reluctantly break the kiss.
“Thank you. For all of this.” Clark smiles breathlessly at you. You nod.
“Don’t make me regret this, Clark.” You warn, holding his face in your hands.
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It’s been about a year since your reconnection and ultimately rekindled romance with Clark, and he hasn’t let you down. He’s done everything he can to prove just how willing he is to stay with you and Jonathan. He’s been by your side as much as he can, occasionally stepping away for his heroic duties, but making sure not to miss any milestones.
“Daddy, mommy, look at me!” Jonathan does a flip on his trampoline as you and Clark watch him from your back porch. You and your not-really-but-still-legal husband smile in amusement.
“Be careful, buddy. Don’t hurt yourself, your mother already told you to be careful.” Clark warns, and Jonathan nods. You look at Clark impressed.
“Okay, Mr. I-mean-business. You need to do that more often.” You chuckle as Clark rolls his eyes playfully, pressing a quick kiss to your lips with a smile.
“Whatever. I reprimand Jonathan when I feel he needs it.” He tries to justify himself, but you give him a knowing look.
“Clark, please. Jonathan has you wrapped around his finger.” You snort, and he looks away sheepishly. Clark spoils your son, especially recently after Jonathan’s powers began to show up. Clark has been helping Jonathan control his newfound powers, especially his enhanced strength. Just a few days ago, Clark had to talk Jonathan down from pulling the kitchen door off the hinges after you told him he couldn’t eat ice cream for dinner.
“You know what I’ve been thinking about lately, honey?” You ask Clark. He shakes his head, looking at you.
“What?” You take his hand in yours.
“I guess you did choose us in the end, just not in the way we would’ve wanted. You chose to save the world, and technically Jonathan and I are part of that world.” You answer, rubbing his knuckles as you’re deep in thought.
“You’re right. But I like this choice best, don’t you agree?” Clark tilts his head slightly. You nod.
“Yeah, this is definitely the better option.”
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Enchanted to Meet You
Danny forced a smile as Vlad clasped a hand over Danny’s shoulder and introduced the twenty-year-old as his ward to the older couple in front of him.
It had been three months since the death of Danny’s parents and since Vlad had taken him in. Sure, Danny was in his twenties, but he had still been living at home, and had still been working with his parents for them to better understand him and who he was as Phantom. Things had been going well until the GAV malfunctioned and exploded with the two in it. Suddenly, living in Fenton Works was far too stifling, too lonely and quiet. 
Vlad had decided to step in at that time and take Danny in. He saw the pain in Danny’s eyes after the funeral and offered his home. In that time, they had learned to understand one another. Things were still stiff and stilted between the two but it was getting better, they were understanding one another in ways that they hadn’t before. Not only that but Vlad was trying, he was trying to be a support for Danny and honestly, that’s what he needed. 
Jazz had thrown herself into her work, had focused on classes, and isolated herself, leaving Danny alone and floundering, not knowing how to handle his parents' deaths. Clockwork had been the one to push Danny into staying with Vlad and had said that this timeline was different than the last time Danny was taken in by Vlad. So he had agreed. 
But, his Godfather had been forcing him to be more social than Danny had ever been in his life. The only time Danny had really gotten time for himself was in his dreams when he would finally see his soulmate each night. 
Soulmate dreams were a taunting hell if he was going to be completely honest, Fate had to have been a sick bitch for giving people soulmate dreams. The dreams gave soulmates the chance to talk to one another, spend time together, and get to know one another. The only problem with the dreams was that upon waking up, a person never remembered the name of their soulmate or where they lived.
Danny had taken to calling his soul mate Birdie in the confines of his mind. He couldn’t remember why he called him that, but it felt right, felt important. 
“Daniel, why don’t you grab some refreshments?” Vlad asked, looking down at Danny who tore his eyes away from the ground to glance up at his godfather. He swallowed and nodded his head before he looked at the couple in front of them and forced a small smile. 
“It was nice to meet you both,” Danny said, his voice still didn’t feel like his own. The couple gave him a small smile and he listened as he walked away. 
“It’s so sweet of you Vlad to take him in,” the woman said kindly. “I heard what happened to his parents, so devastating.”
“Yes, well he is my godson, becoming a legal adult does not change anything and he needed someone to rely on. I was happy to take him in,” Vlad said honestly. Danny rolled his eyes as the couple tittered and cooed over Vlad for being such a good godfather. 
Danny stalked towards the refreshments table and sighed to himself. He hated things like this. The forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place. The only difference was that this was a gala in Gotham rather than an empty mansion in Wisconsin. 
Here was full of walls of insincerity, shifting eyes, and vacancy. Everyone here was desperate to be seen as something they weren’t. They were desperate to impress everyone, hell, even Vlad was desperate for people to see him as more important. He wanted to be seen as on the same level as Bruce Wayne of all people which if he was going to be honest was impossible. 
Danny grabbed a glass of punch and took a sip when he felt eyes on him and glanced up, meeting the gaze of someone who felt far too familiar. It was like everything vanished the moment he saw his face and Danny’s breath caught in his chest. 
The halfa watched as the man stepped forward. His eyes whispered, “Have we met?”
He took in the silhouette of the man as he started to cross his way towards Danny. His hair was a dark, raven black, had piercing blue eyes and a beautiful chiseled jaw, a small smile graced his face and had Danny nearly tripping over himself as he set down his drink and met the man in the middle of the ballroom. 
“Ghostie?” The man whispered as the two made their way to one another. 
A small smile quirked up on Danny’s lips. “Birdie?” He asked in response and the man let out a soft laugh, running his fingers through his hair. 
“What is a guy like you doin’ in a place like this?” He asked, pulling Danny’s hand in his. 
“Oh you know, evil Godfather who wants to force me to socialize,” he said softly. Birdie frowned at that, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that Danny had seen him do millions of times in his dreams. 
“It’s only been three months,” Birdie whispered.
Danny gave him a forced smile and shrugged his shoulders/ “What about you? It’s only been two months since you know?”
He had remembered the dream clearly. Danny had appeared in their dream, they were sitting upon the shore of a lake, Birdie–Dick’s legs had been pulled up to his chest as he stared out at the water, and a tear ran down his cheek. Danny knew immediately that something was wrong, something had happened and he didn’t think it was something he would be able to fix or help with. 
“Jason died,” he whispered, resting his head on Danny’s shoulder. “I didn’t save him.”
“I’m so sorry,” Danny had said, wrapping his arms around Dick’s waist and holding him close to him as he sobbed. And now two months later he was finally getting to see his love in the flesh. 
“I know,” Dick whispered, giving Danny a sad smile. “But I told Bruce I needed to get out and try. He’s a wreck, still but  I’m hoping this would be a nice distraction for both of us. Would you like to dance, Ghostie?”
Danny smiled. “You can call me Danny,” he said, taking Dick’s hand and allowing the older man to pull him onto the dancefloor. 
“Dick,” he said and Danny laughed and rested his arms atop Dick’s shoulders. 
“Unfortunate,” he teased, the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly. “I don’t know about you but this is the best gala I have ever been to,” Danny said softly as Dick spun him around the dance floor carefully. 
“Been to a lot of galas, have you?” Dick asked, his blue eyes sparkling. Danny laughed, throwing his head back as he did. The playful conversation started at that point, Danny managed to counter all of Dick’s quick remarks with his own. It was reminiscent of passing notes in secrecy. Nothing else mattered in that moment. The gala faded away to the background, none of that mattered moment, not the people, not none of it did, not when Danny had Dick in his arms in real-time. He didn’t even care that he could feel Vlad’s curious gaze on them. 
He was far too enchanted with Dick to even care. 
The night was sparkling and Danny didn’t want to let him go. He was wonderstruck, blushing more than he had ever done before.  He couldn’t help but wonder if Dick knew just how enchanted Danny was. 
The two danced through the ballroom for the rest of the night, not realizing that all eyes were on them. How could they when they only had eyes for one another? Danny smiled as Dick spun him with one arm and dipped him low, his lips brushing along Danny’s for just a moment. 
“This is everything I have ever dreamed of,” DIck whispered and Danny let out a soft chuckle. 
“ Lies,” he accused in a teasing tone. “I was there, you never dreamed about us dancing.”
Dick let out a hum and pulled Danny back to his chest. “You’re right, I think our dreams were full of flying instead,” he said, the question in his voice despite the fact that Danny had never voiced it. The unspoken question hung between the two of them and Danny knew what he was asking. Was Phantom real? Just like Danny wondered if Nightwing was real. 
“Maybe I can sneak out of my hotel room tonight, we can fly together. You’ve boasted about your own talents for a while now. Maybe it’s time I get to see them in action,” Danny whispered. 
A blinding smile filled Dick’s face and he rested his chin on Danny’s shoulder. “I need you to know just how much I appreciate you,” he whispered in Danny’s ear. “You’re the only thing that has kept me sane, that has kept me normal and, Danny you’re amazing.”
Danny felt something lodge in his throat at that. How could he get Dick to understand that he had saved Danny in the same way? That Dick’s unflappable love and support had been the only reason Danny hadn’t gone to hide out in the Ghost Zone for the rest of time? The hope of getting to meet his wonderful Birdie one day was enough to keep him going when everything else felt like it was falling apart.  Dick had been the one to hold him each night and keep Danny from falling apart, had been there to stitch up the broken pieces and listen to Danny sob. And then Danny had turned around and done the same for him when Jason had died. They had become the support that they each so desperately needed when no one else could provide it for them.
Danny scoffed and brushed a strand of hair out of Dick’s face as he smiled at the man. “You’re just saying that,” he whispered. 
Dick just laughed and shook his head before he twirled Danny around once again. 
It was two AM and Danny was lying atop the roof of Wayne Enterprises, his hand wrapped around that of a gloved hand that belonged to Nightwing as they stared up at the ceiling. 
“Phantom,” Dick whispered, staring up at the sky. 
“Nightwing,” Danny whispered back, racing the stars with his eyes, memorizing the barely visible constellations that hung in the cloudy sky of Gotham City.
“Who do you love?” He asked quietly. Danny pulled his eyes away from the stars when he heard the crack in his soulmate’s voice. 
“Isn’t that obvious?” He asked quietly, cupping DIck’s face in his hand and wiping the tear that traveled down the vigilante’s cheek. “It’s you, Birdie. How could it be anyone else?” 
If he remembered correctly, his love didn’t hear those words as often as Danny would have liked. Not from his adoptive father, not from anyone in his family. So, Danny would have to mitigate that. So this was Danny now praying to anyone who would listen that this was the very first page, not where the storyline would end. 
“I have to go soon,” Danny said softly. “And so do you, you have patrols.”
Dick frowned. “When do you leave?” He whispered. 
“Tomorrow morning we fly back to Wisconsin,” he said with a sigh. A smile slowly grew along his face, though as he stared at his soulmate. “But, now that I know where you live, you’re just a flight away from me. And as you saw tonight, I can fly pretty fast.”
Dick let out a soft laugh. “Well, my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again,” he said quietly, memorizing the freckles upon Danny’s face. 
Danny felt his heart lurch and decided to say the words he had back as he was leaving far too soon. “I was enchanted to meet you, Birdie,” he said quietly as they sat up and looked at one another.
Dick slowly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Danny’s lips. “I love you,” he murmured and a blush covered Danny’s face. And he would never admit it, but the blush lasted all the way home. And Danny knew that he would forever wonder if Dick just knew how flawless their first real night had been together, that Danny had been so wonderstruck that he danced around his bedroom all alone, wondering if Dick knew that Danny was so utterly enchanted to meet him outside of his dreams. 
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here's something short and goofy for you guys bc this song has been stuck in my head all morning.
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“So, Eddie?” Steve asks while he, Robin, and Eddie are lounging around Family Video on a slow Tuesday afternoon.
“Yes, Stevie dear?” “Where did the ‘Big Boy’ thing come from?”
Steve watches as every bit of Eddie freezes under his gaze. 
“Yeah, I’d like to know too, what’s up with that Munson?” Robin says, leaning forward on the counter beside Steve, pushing all of her right side into Steve’s left.
Poor Eddie.
“Oh, uh, well…” Eddie’s brow furrows for a moment before something seemingly comes to him in a moment. “You know how loud the rumor mill can be, Steve-o.”
“Whattya mean?” He knows what he means, he just wants to see what Eddie will say. He also knows It’s gotta be a tortuous question for the metalhead, especially one who’s crush is the one asking him. 
That was the other thing; after Eddie’s accidental pain-med induced schmoozing of Steve and the prompt forgettening of ever saying anything, Steve (and Robin) had come to the conclusion that he’s super into Eddie too.
Now it’s just a matter of getting Eddie to admit it, and having fun flirting and making him squirm a little in the meantime.
“Well, the phrase itself is from a song, but you do know your lovely conquests would talk, right?” The blush on his cheeks just makes him look cuter.
“And you believed them?” Robin states more than asks.
“Well there’s no way I’d ever know one way or the other!” Eddie laughs, his cheeks darkening.
Ignoring the myriad of things he could say to that, Steve instead asks “What song?”
“Huh? Oh, uhm, it’s from this random tape that Wayne picked up on the road a couple years ago. Has this weird art on the cover of some guy and like, skeletons and stuff? Dan something? It’s all yellow-y orange and blue..”
“That sounds so familiar…” Robin mumbles when Steve asks, “How does it go?”
“The song.”
“Uh…” Eddie zones off into the distance and starts mumbling to himself.
Robin is still mumbling to herself too, “That sounds so familiar, what the hell?”
Eddie presumably finds the lyrics then, because he starts singing. “Big Boy, real cool, you can tell he’s no one’s fool, And he tries so hard to come off like a star.” Eddie starts dancing around in front of the counter, “You can tell by the way he combs his hair, by the cocky grin and that moody stare. By the way he leans and juts out his hip...” He sings, pointing at how Steve is doing exactly that.
Steve laughs, waving him off, “Okay, okay, I get it! You can st—”
“Elfman!” Robin calls out suddenly.
Steve and Eddie share a look. “Who’s an elf?”
“The Dan guy from your song, Elfman? Was his last name Elfman?”
Eddie snaps his fingers at her, “That’s it! Danny Elfman!” “The guy from Oingo Boingo!”
There are a few beats of silence.
“Don’t look at me like that, he’s the singer in Oingo Boingo! My parents love their stuff, and they did that song in Weird Science!”
“Which song?”
“..Weird Science.” she says as if that was obvious.
Something clicks in Steve’s head at the name, too. “Wait, I know I've seen that name somewhere else...” He rounds the counter and toward the shelf he knows the tape he's thinking of lives; it’s a goofy movie, he’s watched it before on some of his long solo shifts and it’s honestly kind of grown on him.
He grabs up the first copy he sees, one of the Family Video plastic clamshells, and brings it back to the counter, popping the tape into their tape player.
The opening credits start up, and at the title card: “Oh hey, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure! I love Pee Wee!” Eddie says, excitedly jumping up to sit on the counter in front of the TV (and Steve).
“Yeah you do..” Robin mumbles.
“Shut up,” Steve grumbles, elbowing her a bit harder than necessary, “Look.” he points up to the text on the screen. 
“Damn, this guy’s everywhere!”
“‘Music composed by Danny Elfman’. Holy shit! Good memory, Dingus!”
“Thanks! Now what is this about Eddie loving Pee Wee?”
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nepobabyeurydice · 27 days
New au idea: annabeth gets fatally injured in New Jersey and the closest safety is the Wayne manor. She’s with Thalia for the quest and the extent of Thalias knowledge of Annabeth’s dad’s side is what she accidentally let slip (much of which wouldn’t make sense without the context Thalia also has of being neglected by a parent) and what she babbles out through nightmares when they were on the street. Could either go the route of her still begging for Bruce even after anything, or being scarily quiet and only mumbling apologies. No matter what she knows, Thalia has her own idea constructed of him based off of Beryl and absolutely despises him. Annabeth has given Thalia his address at some point in time in case of something like this happens, but neither of them thought it was an actual possibility of them going back.
Either the Waynes have to desperately try to hide the bat thing while also giving Annabeth medical care, or have to immediately reveal themselves to Thalia. There’s lots of tension as Bruce is trying to reconcile as best he can while having flashbacks to the last woman who kept him from his son with an incredibly similar name, Thalia doesn’t believe in forgiving parents because of her own undealt with trauma and is also getting flashbacks to the last time she left a kid with a clearly incompetent parent for even a moment. Annabeth can be anywhere from wanting to leave as soon possible and only keeping Thalia from going homicidal because of her siblings, to wanting to also make amends.
Both of them are intensely protective of Damian because they see themselves in him, and a surprise adoption plot may or may not be on the rise. Tim is either mostly ignored or seen as evidence bruce is still a piece of garbage. Thalia and Jason either bond over the whole being dead thing, or she calls him out for taking it on a 13 year old kid (the same age Annabeth was when they finally reunited). Depending on Dick’s role in Annabeth’s running away, Thalia is either sympathetic because of being an older sibling, or thinks he’s just as guilty as the weird butler they have.
Obviously, Jason inspires some angst about identity and the fact he has the same as her brother. Bonus points if this is pre-hoo so Thalia is dealing with her own emotional train wreck without talking to anyone. Basically, everyone is trying to accomplish different things and coping badly with their own trauma. Bonus bonus points if Beryl and Bruce had dated when Thalia was super young or Jason was an infant, so she holds that against him for not saving her/them and he also feels super guilty that two kids he failed had to keep each other alive.
Annabeth calling Bruce while bleeding out in Thalia’s arm: come pick me up? I’m sorry to bother.
Bruce and Dick: WHAT THE FUCK??
Thalia: I see they don’t want you back.
Alfred picks them up and Thalia hates him immediately because I think they should be rivals, punk v british old man. Also, Alfred did not like grunge and really liked Britpop and Thalia fucking hates it.
Thalia already knows about them being vigilantes she just thinks they all suck at it and need to do systemic change with the amount of wealth they have. Yes, Thalia has read theory. I’d think this best takes place between SOM and TTC so we’re in like October-November, wait no October, I want a Halloween showdown.
I don’t think I like the Talia-Thalia thing because I’ll be honest, I don’t say them the same way, so instead, more about being kept from his child who he thought dead.
Thalia: You never learn do you?
Bruce: She wasn’t yours to keep.
Thalia: Technically I’m her aunt and pseudo-sister so fuck off bitchass.
Annabeth is mostly bedridden and ideally this means that Damian is also injured and thus they are bed rest buddies. Thalia is basically guarding their door and Damian feels oddly safe with her snapping off sparks and lightning every time Jason or Tim approach the door.
Dick is allowed in, in this AU I think that he knew Annabeth was abstractly alive since he thinks he would’ve felt it although he’s kept it to himself. Annabeth is touched. Also, I can’t be mad at Dick for too long given he was in SPACE for the whole thing.
Jason approaching the door to yell at Annabeth: You better let me in.
Thalia, summoning lightning: you better kill the joker first.
*zaps Jason when he pulls out the ‘I died’ card and kicks him several times before asking Annabeth if she wants to see him.*
He’s not allowed to complain when he’s got what she wanted for her own brother Jason.
IN LOVE with the concept that Bruce and Beryl dated which is now making my head spin with TRISTAN and Bruce dating for PR. Annabeth and Piper would die inside.
Basically, the moral of the story is that Thalia is the superior sibling/pseudo-parent and that everyone else are just clowns, also they steal Damian but give him back because Jon Kent started crying.
Makes TTC so much worse don’t you think?
Thank you for the ask!!!! Sorry for the lateness!
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bat-writer · 1 year
we need a part 2 to the pregnant reader please and thank you 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Love your work btw!!!
A/N: i didnt think the lash would do so sweep but HERE WE GO! I also turned this into a mixture of head cannons and a regular fic
Warnings: descriptions of birth and delivery
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You were actually overdue by a couple of days. Your baby was supposed to come during last week, but they decide to take their sweet time.
However, this meant it was just more strain on your body. Unfortunately I meant your back eight more your feet started to swell and you were honestly very ready to be over with the pregnancy.
The doctor had told you to move around as much as he can’t to try and get labor to start the barista shoes and wanted you to rest and not push yourself more than you had to
Finally on a rainy night you started to have contractions! It was felt more like a cramp and lasted for about a minute or so, so it was still a bit early
Bruce was up right away and ready to go but you stopped him
“Labor can take hours hun, especially for a first baby. Let’s wait it out a little bit and we can get going alright?”
You were WAY TOO CALM in this situation. Bruce was baffled. But, he listened to you and instead had asked Alfred to have the bags and car on standby for when you were ready
Bruce was very supportive and attentive to your every need. He’d squeeze your hips, massage your back and anything else thay would sooth the contractions
“Just let me know and we’ll be at the hospital in no time” he would whisper to you as he rocked you side to side
Once it was time for you to get to the hospital, he made a phone call that you were on your way. Of course, he was never wanted to be seen as someone who abused his power or his name, but in your case, he only wanted you to have the highest of quality in things
So he made sure to book the hospital suite with only the best labor and delivery nurses of your choice.
Yes, he actually printed out the resumes of the nurses in the hospital and let you choose😭😭
This is Bruce Wayne. Batman. This man was the embodiment of fear some wood, even say that he did not know what fear was very different. In fact, he’s never felt more fear than he does now looking at you. He knew that this is a process. The millions of women go through but he still couldn’t help but feel like a child not know what to do.
You were squeezing his hand and your eyes were squeezed shut while you were trying to ride out this contraction. Sure he’s seeing you during your period, and how it was painful, but this was a whole other situation where the pain continue to escalate, and all he can do right now to see if you was to give you support
Once you arrived at the hospital Bruce help you out of the car by one of the nurses rolled out a wheelchair for you to sit in. He followed the nurse closely as he try to keep a close eye on you if his predictions were correct, you should be about 4 to 5 cm dilated
“ your doctor should come in a few minutes to check on your dilation. Please feel free to get comfortable and hit the call button if you need anything.” the young nurse informed you as she rolled get you into your room, and handing Bruce your hospital gown. As he helps you to get dress he also takes time to admire. Of course, it was always tractor for him, but he was also admiring all the hard work you have done in the past nine months.
“ do I really look that bad that you’re staring at me that much?” You asked him
“ no, not at all. In fact, far from it” he said, with a smile when you kiss your forehead. “I’m just admiring my work is all” he quips
“Ha ha mister slick- oh oh ahhh” you he’s in pain as you lean on your husband for support. It was basically like leaning on a brick wall.
“That’s in just breathe. You doing great.” he tries to comfort you to which you respond.
“ easy for you to say…..you don’t have a babies head prodding…..at your vagina” you breathe out between
“ fair enough, darling. You’re right, but I know that you really are strong and you’ll get through this. The contraction lasted for about two more minutes. After that you felt completely zapped from energy. Bruce helps you get into bed in a few minutes later your doctor walks in.
“ hello Mrs. Wayne how are we doing today? Are we ready to have a baby“ she asks trying to lift the mood give her a very pinned thumbs up, and she completely understood. “ All right I’m gonna give you a quick check just to see how far we are in dilation.” She says before checking and measuring “ looks like you’re about 6 cm just 4 more to go! Let me or the nurses know if you need anything else. She dismisses herself from the room.
“Only 6?” You groan “ and here I was thinking that I was around 8” you chuckle
“ well, you said it yourself, these things take time, especially if it’s a first“ he then comes and sits next to you on the bed and brings you into his arms. You can always sense whenever you needed “tell me what is on your mind“
“… because this entire time I was kind of in a trance about the pregnancy. I didn’t really take time to reflect on what’s really happening“ he knew you way too well for you to try and fake it and say you were fine. So you had just came out with it “when I felt the first contraction that’s when it honestly started hitting me that it was time….. and that it’s really happening” you admit
“Yeah it is…” he said still just listening
“I Just….feel overwhelmed” you sniff as your eyes well with tears “i don’t know what I’m doing or what’ll be good or bad for the baby”
“ well let’s look at it this way you do amazing boys. You force moves. Are you awesome like a mother would. That doesn’t excuse your feelings and fears about becoming because it’s something scary.” he comforts you “ but you’ll have me and the boys every step of the way”
For the rest of the night you were going through the motions of each contraction. Your doctor came in every hour or so to check on you. the boys even stopped by while they were in patrol for the night! They said once the baby was born they’d come back to visit again. You really appreciate them for coming by and seeing you, it made it just a bit more bearable. You had made it up until 3:26 am when it was time to finally push.
Bruce held your hand as you pushed with any energy you had left. You had always heard about women who explain the birth story and how it was the worst pain they had ever felt. It’s not that you didn’t believe them but now you can completely confirm what they were saying. This had to be the most intense pain that ever felt in your life. You didn’t know if you wanted to cling onto Bruce and have him comfort you or curse out for him doing this to you.
Either way, he would have taken it because he knows you are in a position he could never really experienced. But he tried his best to support and comfort you through the process.
“ That was a good one you’re doing great” he’d encourage you as he wiped your sweaty forehead. He may have looked very calm and collected, and so he was absolutely freaking out. You were in immense pain, and he can virtually do nothing about it. Here you were in front of him, sweaty screaming, and crying. All he was doing was feeding you ice, chips, and water, and letting you squeezes hands. Take me as you want.
“ you’re almost there. I know you feel tired, but you’re almost there. It’s almost over.” in fact, was speaking half truths because you truly do not know how much longer until your baby was in the world with you.
“ I know this is difficult, but I know you’re stronger than this. On the next count push with everything you have.” of course yes remember you were married to Batman meaning he was gonna push you until you were successful. Course in a loving way because he just wants. And in this case it’s for your health, and the babies health.
“Aaaahh!” You push again and fall back on your pillow panting
“Breath hon, breath. You’re doing good” he encouraged you.
It took you about an hour and a half from that first push to get her out. You don’t think you would experience anything like labor and delivery again. While it was something scary, painful, excruciating…… It also turned out to be something wonderful.
You were in Gotham’s best hospital with your newborn baby girl laying on your chest. She was only taken off to be cleaned and weighed. She passed all of the health tests with flying colors. And from what the nurses say, she is a perfect baby. Bruce, of course following in observing their every move.  he loves you so deeply and his love for you only grew more and now it is shared with the person that was made with that love. He really could not ask for more.
Bruce was absolutely gobsmacked. He didn’t know what to say or how to react he just felt this immense, warm happiness and relief in his chest.
“Look honey…we have a girl” you smiled tiredly “she’s so beautiful”
“She really is…you are incredible. I’m so proud of you.” He complimented you laying a soft kiss to your lips.
“Here, why don’t you hold her?” You said lifting up the tiny human for him to take a hold of. His large hands supported her tiny body. The same hands that were used to fight crime no carry the life that he had made with you out of love.
Funny enough, she had the pout you claimed he did and that Damien got from him. You know that he looked at it he has to agree she does have his pout. But it looked better on her than it did him. She was perfect. Especially her eyes. She has your beautiful Y/E/C eyes, his favorite thing to look at
“did you make up your mind on a name?” He asked as he sat in the chair next to your bed.
“Well i was thinking of one but I could decide if you would like it or not” you answer
“Anything you pick will be perfect”
“Well. I thought Ila (eye-la) would be nice”
“I agree it’s a very pretty name,” he agrees
“But.” You add “I want her to have a middle name”
“Ans that would be?”
“..Martha” you smile “Ila Marth Wayne”
“Y/N…really? He asked with wide eyes. You wanted your daughter to carry his mothers name?
“Of course hon. It’s the least I can do”
Bruce looked down into his hands and saw how the entire world and multiverse slept peacefully in his hands. His beautiful Ila.
She was another reason he caught and became better for create a better Gotham
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buckysbvtch3 · 1 year
and they were roommates
Summary: You come home from work and hear roommate Eddie on the phone saying some…interesting things about you.
eddie munson x reader
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You’d spend the whole day working at the local coffee shop and to say you were relieved to get home was an understatement.
It’s not that you hated your job, it was just super draining. Hawkins had its upsides and downsides, and unfortunately, your job as a barista meant you dealt with both.
After high school finished and you all decided to put the paranormal events of the past behind you, you and Eddie had decided to move into a little apartment together.
It wasn’t the most luxurious of living spaces, that was for sure, but it did the job.
Eddie needed his own space after the upside down as well, which meant that although he loved Wayne, he decided to move out. Your and Eddie’s plans had been the same so moving out together was pretty much a given, considering you were both short on money as well.
Eddie worked mornings and some nights at the car workshop meaning you didn’t actually get to spend that much time together given the conflicting schedules.
Your lack of savings on both parts had also meant that an interesting compromise had to be made… the was only one bedroom.
While Eddie had continuously insisted on sleeping on the couch, there was no way you’d ever allow it—and besides, you two were friends so there was no reason for it to be awkward…
Dumping your bag on the couch and locking the door behind you, you listened out for any indication of Eddie’s presence. He said he’d be home when you finished but you got let off early today as it wasn’t busy.
“Honey I’m home!” You jokingly drawled out as you made your way to the bedroom. You two had always had flirty banter.
The sound of Eddie’s music reached your ears as you got closer to the door but you stopped at the sound of his voice.
Who was he talking to?
You’re curiosity got the best of you as you rested your ear against the door.
I don’t know how much longer I can do it, man. It’s fucking terrible—it’s like—I don’t know. It’s just so fucking frustrating. I don’t think I can like this much longer man, she drives me crazy.
Who was he talking to?
More importantly, who was she?
You couldn’t help but feel your heart crack just a little bit. Sure you’d decided as soon as the living arrangement begun to put your feelings behind you but it was hard considering you spent every night with his body heat taunting the whole side of your body. It’s was cruel.
Its fucking cruel dude, I think I have to move out. I can’t live with her anymore.
Your breath got caught in your throat and you put your hand on knob of the door ready to confront him. If he had such a problem with you why hadn’t you ever realised. Why hadn’t he ever said anything?
God, and the clothes she wears! Those little pyjama shorts need to be burned—It’s like the universe is against me! How the fuck am I supposed to not be heard twenty-four-fucking-seven?! It’s a curse, man. You gotta help me out here, I don’t know what to do.
Oh my god…
This was news to you, that’s for sure. Even with such obvious evidence of Eddie’s attraction being right in front of you, you had your reserves.
Okay, yes he was attracted to you…but was that the extent of his feelings for you?
You weren’t sure if that would be worse or better than him feeling nothing.
The silence between his last words told you the other person was speaking, but what were they saying? You pressed closer to the door and a loud groan of the hinge gave you away.
Panicking, you jolted back towards the door, picking up your bag as if you’d just got in the door. “Home!”
You heard some loud shuffling and Eddie clearing his throat before a wide, slightly panicked, smile took over his face.
“Hey Angel, how was work?”
Those pet names were going to be the end of you. Eddie had always been a gentleman, but he never called any of the other girls in the group the same pet names he uses for you and it was confusing and frustrating.
Was he just being polite? Did he think you two were closer than he was with the others? You’d hoped so considering you lived together but the conversation you overheard definitely is making you question all of the things you’d previously brushed off as Eddie being, well, Eddie.
A tilt of his head made you realise you’d been staring and that you’d waiting too long before answering his question. Your cheeks immediately reddened as you snapped out of it.
“It was good! Jo let me off early because it was quiet… not like I get many tips when it’s quiet anyways,” you managed to get out, now recovered from your previous fluster.
“Well that’s good then doll, can’t have you working that pretty head of yours too hard anyways. Too good for that place. Too smart.”
You’d already had this conversation with Eddie about applying for scholarships numerous times. He urged you to, knowing you’d get them but you don’t want to leave your life behind.
“Yeah yeah… I know.”
You went into the room while Eddie waited on the lounge room as you got changed. It was routine for you two. Practically second nature. You couldn’t help but wish he’d walk in one time and finally make a move after all these years. The tension was frustrating and you’d always wondered if you could push him over the edge. Your doubt had always stopped you, but after hearing what he’d said you couldn’t help but wonder if there was…more to his feelings.
Your desire overtook the logical side of your brain as you saw your shortest frilly pyjama set. You usually reserved your little singlet and short sets for actual nighttime, respecting your and Eddie’s minimal boundaries, but you were feeling brave tonight.
Slipping it on and checking out yourself in the mirror, you smiled. You did look amazing in this set. If you were eddie you’d probably be hard too. You had to stop from getting ahead of yourselves. Pushing doubt and embarrassment aside, you walked out asking if eddie wanted to get takeout.
You pretending like you didn’t see the way his eyes practically bulged out of his skull as he saw you, seating yourself at the coffee table and opening your draw of menus you two had collected from around town. Leaning over, you’d definitely given him a bit of a glimpse down your top.
He cleared his throat harshly and sat across from you. “Yeah, sure—whatever you want sweetheart, we can pop on a movie as well.”
By the time the pizza had arrived you two were about half an hour into Scream. You had suggested it, knowing it was Eddie’s favourite movie. And tonight was about,well—him, to put it lightly.
It’s not like you wanted to torture the poor boy, but you were hoping that in your efforts he’d snap. Tonight was the last night you were pushing aside your feelings, you’d decided. Even if all he wanted was to bone you, you’d decided you’d tell him how you felt anyways, it was only right. Besides, you knew Eddie wasn’t really that sort of guy, sure you knew he’d slept around a little after high school, but so had you. It was no secret. It’s not like you could exactly hide your private life that well considering you slept in the same bed.
Not that you’d ever brought back anyone to the apartment, but neither had Eddie. It was just a given. It was one of the things you’d liked most about Eddie. He’d always respected you and your space, knowing you’d respect his.
Eddie had gotten up to grab the pizza and you could help yourself in what you did next. He’d placed it in the middle of the coffee table in front of the couch and once he’d sat down with a piece, offering it to you, you smiled and shook your head insisting on him eating it and grabbing your own.
You stood up, half in front of him and bent down, taking maybe a little too long to grab a slice. You knew your ass was almost directly in front of his face as you’d bent down.
You felt that your shirts had ridden right up as you’d bent over, and your heart was racing a million miles an hour knowing that there really was no going back after this. You just prayed he didn’t catch on to what you were doing.
Eddie shot up from his spot as you’d sat down next to him, thighs touching.
“Bathroom!” He exclaimed a bit too loudly as he walked a bit weird down the hall.
You had to hold in your laugh. He was definitely hard. You felt a bit guilty but you also didn’t want your game to end here. You weren’t certain that he was going for a wank but you didn’t want to risk it.
Gaining confidence knowing that at the very least he was definitely attracted to you, you waited about a minute before getting up and standing outside the door.
“Hurry up you’re gonna miss the best part Eds!” You smirked, knowing he had to come out now, knowing you were outside the door.
He was probably just taking a breather but you wouldn’t have any of that—you loved when he was flustered. Too adorable.
“Oh my goddd,” you practically moaned, “this pizza is sooo gooood.”
You heard a bang and a quiet curse from behind the door. Holding back a giggle you continued.
“Is it just me or does this pizza taste waaaay better than normal? Mmmmm…”
You almost ruined everything at the laugh you had to cover up with a slight cough. Deciding you were done now, you made your way back to the couch.
You two finished off the pizza without much more happening. You made the same jokes and quips as you usually would until the screen went blank out of nowhere.
“Eddie!” You knew we was sitting on the fucking remote. This happened at least once a week.
“It’s actually not me this time! Get up and check your own side!” He whined.
You get up and lift the cushion, only for it not to be there. “Get up, Eds!” He let out a long whine. “I’m comfyyyyy.”
He could be such a sook sometimes but you couldn’t help but find it adorable. His eyes were slightly glazed over with what you assumed was tiredness.
You decided to get it yourself and reached under Eddie shoving your hand under the cushion searching for it.
You two continued bickering, him insisting it wasn’t there and in your efforts to prove him wrong like you always did, reaching even further meant you somehow ended up in his lap.
The position went over your head as your hips moved, arm reached further between the cushion.
Eddie stilled beneath you and you breath caught in your throat at the reason why.
You could feel Eddie in his entirety. Hard. Against your thigh.
You were both frozen. Barely breathing.
Wide eyes connected as you were both lost for words. Eddie broke first.
“Shit—I’m sorry I…”
Your mouth caught up to brain and you stumbled out, “No—I shouldn’t have…”
Heavy breaths connected as you realised just how close your faces were.
You couldn’t help but glance down at his extremely kissable lips. You’d always been fascinated by every aspect of him, but especially his lips.
He licked them almost on instinct, causing you to lick yours as well without a thought.
“Y/N, I…” Eddie breathed softly, eyes full of lust but also something…warm?
“Please Eds,” you breathily responded, desire clear on your face.
That was all it took for Eddie to press his lips to yours. It started off surprisingly soft, the feeling of his lips against yours consuming you entirely. You were buzzing. It was just you and Eddie in this moment. His hands were on your hips and yours behind his neck gently tangled in his hair. You sighed into the kiss and he pulled even you closer.
His kiss slowly turned deeper, licking your bottom lip, hoping to kiss you deeper.
Opening your mouth, his tongue stroked yours and the fire in your belly was getting deeper. Unbeknownst to you, you had started slowly moving your hips against his.
He groaned deeply, pulling away from you. “Wait—” he squeezed your hips. “You need to stop for a sec.”
Rational thinking beyond you, the sting of rejection was overwhelming. So many emotions were rising to the surface and you couldn’t help your eyes glazing over. Maybe he realised it was a fantasy and he wasn’t actually enjoying himself. Maybe he realised having you as a friend was better. Maybe you kissed grossly—
Having realised your train of thought and seeing your eyes all glossy he immediately panicked.
“No! You don’t understand—j-just hear me out baby,” he stuttered out. Nerves evident in his voice. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles into your hips and he pulled your head down to his shoulder.
Mouth right next to your ear, unable to look you in the eyes in fear of rejection, he explained himself.
“I want you so bad, you have no idea. God, darling I’ve wanted you so bad for longer than you could imagine. You have no idea how badly I want to keep kissing you, but I can’t without knowing if you feel the same.”
His hand had moved to the middle of your back rubbing up and down gently. Your breath hitched wondering if what he was about to say was what you’d always dreamt of hearing.
You leaned back, looking him in the eyes, giving him a shy smile of encouragement.
“Look, I—I know I’m not the best guy out there, especially not for you. And I thought that all these years I could push down my feelings for you, but I can’t. And I don’t want to give you the wrong impression so I need to give you my whole truth. I—I love you Y/N… and you don’t need to feel the same because I know it’s a lot and I’m completely fine if you want to go back to being just friends or you want me to move out or you never want to speak to me again but I just needed you to know and Steve keeps telling me you feel the same but I don’t know if that’s true and I don’t want you to feel forced in to anything just because I feel that way—”
Hearing what you needed to hear, you interrupted his rambling by pressing your lips back together, and this time you took control of the kiss, moving even further up his lap eliciting a loud groan.
“I love you too, Eds.”
Requests open!!
Thanks for reading guys!!
Not proofread sorry!
Please let me know if you want a smut part two! Or a normal part two 🫣!
Comment any ideas you have with this Eddie and reader as well because I’m thinking of making a few different one shots from the same universe!
Would you guys be into that?
Anyways thanks for reading!
Love you all x
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
If I Should Stay
I’m not gonna lie… if there was a part to leave as my last one for a month… I’d choose this one. I hope y'all like it as much as I do! ❤️
Part 1 | . . . | Part 40 | Part 41 | Part 42
El watches the proceedings with wide eyes, and grips onto Steve’s hand the moment he’s close enough. “It’s time,” she says. She might be asking; she’s not quite sure.
Steve’s face falls. “Almost,” he agrees, pulling her into a hug. She goes gladly, tucking her face into his neck. “I think we’ve got one more day,” he murmurs, not letting go. “Are you up for some training today?”
She pulls back to look him in the eye. It’s the easiest way for her to make sure he’s telling the truth. “I will be stronger?”
“That’s the goal,” Steve nods. “I don’t know if it’ll work.”
El thinks about it, then nods. “I want to try.”
“M’kay. Have you eaten recently? Alli made some pretty great mac and cheese we can heat up, if you want it.”
El had mac and cheese before. It was cold, because she had to wait for Mike to bring it to her in the basement. The noodles were rubbery and the cheese didn’t taste good. She scrunches her nose, but Steve doesn’t look like he’s lying, so she relaxes her face and nods. “That would be good,” she tells him.
He smiles and ruffles the little bit of hair she has. “‘Course, El. I’m gonna heat this up, and while you eat, we can talk, okay?”
“Okay,” she answers, and watches as he puts some of the pasta into a bowl and sticks it into the microwave.
As it’s heating up, Steve turns to Eddie and Wayne. “Eddie, think you can bring him up to speed? We’ll be in the dining room if you have any questions.”
Eddie nods and waves his uncle out of the kitchen in the direction of the living room, already speaking faster than Eleven had thought possible.
When they’re both sitting at the table, her with a steaming bowl in front of her and a fork in hand, Steve starts talking. “First things first,” he says softly. “Eleven. That’s not your name; it was a number assigned to you.”
She perks up. “You know my name?”
Steve nods. “Jane.”
“Jane,” she tries out, then nods decisively. She likes it.
“So eleven. The number. That means there were at least ten others. We know Vecna, Henry Creel, is One. That leaves nine more.”
El shakes her head. She knows this. “They all died.”
Steve gives her a sad sort of smile. “Not all of them. You meet your sister, Kali. She’s number eight. She can make you believe you’re seeing something that isn’t there. She’s very powerful, and she taught you how she got that powerful.” He puts his fingertips together with his palms apart. It looks like a spider on a mirror, and El gets sidetracked for a moment by the image.
“What do you know about fairy tales?” Steve asks, and El blinks and chews the bite she’d just put in her mouth.
“They’re fake,” she eventually says. “Stories about things that never happened, that can’t ever happen.”
Steve smiles at her. “Yes, but there’s still lessons to be learned from them. Can I tell you my favorite version of a fairy tale called Sleeping Beauty?”
El perks up again. “I know that one! A witch curses the princess so she falls asleep forever until her true love finds her and kisses her.”
Steve nods. “That’s the most popular version,” he agrees, lips tilted up. “But that’s not my favorite.”
She tilts her head. “What is your favorite?”
He grins at her. “Once upon a time there was a princess. She was cursed, you got that right, but it wasn’t by a witch. It was by a fairy who hadn’t been invited to her first birthday, which is a very big deal when you’re a princess. So the fairy curses her to fall asleep—her and the rest of the kingdom—when she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel when she turns eighteen. Everything goes exactly as the fairy had said, and eighteen years after she casts the spell, the princess—Aurora—falls asleep, only to be woken by true love’s kiss. The fairy came to check on Aurora and found her sleeping, just as she’d planned. But something unexpected happened: the fairy felt compassion for her. She took to sitting by her bedside every day, waiting for the princess’s true love to appear. Finally one day she goes to leave and presses a kiss to Aurora’s forehead. Can you guess when happened?”
El frowns. “She woke up?”
“Exactly,” Steve nods. “She woke up because the fairy loved her. True love can come from anywhere. It doesn’t have to be romantic.” He takes one of El’s hands in his own and looks into her eyes. “Kali taught you to use your anger to get stronger. I want you to try to use love. It’s the one thing Henry Creel doesn’t have.”
El thinks about it. “I don’t have to kiss anyone.”
Steve chuckles. “No, you don’t have to kiss anyone. But you know me, right? You know Mike and Will and Dustin and Lucas. And you know Robin, Eddie, Nancy, and Jonathan, now, right?”
“Right,” El nods.
“And do you love any of us? Do you want us to stay safe?”
El thinks carefully about the question, then nods. “Like the fairy.”
Steve’s eyes crinkle as he grins at El. “Just like the fairy.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy @paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Chapter four: Proof
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Arkham Knight/Jason Todd × Bruce's daughter!reader
Summary | Jason won’t believe you no matter what you say so you decide to find proof.
Warnings | Angst, so much angst, but also fluffy moments here and there, Jay needs a hug, he’s doing his best.
Words | 2.8k
Notes | I didn’t add any smut to the beginning of the chapter sorry guys😔 I’m probably going to add more at the end of the fic tho
Ao3 link | <3
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Chapter three
A few hours later you were laying with your head on his lap as you both read a book, the news playing faintly on the tv. You jolted up when you heard it. 
“We’re coming to you live just minutes after the explosion at Wayne Manor, following the dramatic unmasking of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne as Batman.” You stared at the screen in shock listening to her explain what happened. “It was reported that Wayne and another man were inside at the time of the explosion, the whereabouts of his daughter are still unknown. Though no bodies have been recovered on the scene yet, officials highly doubt that anyone made it out alive.” Even though you didn’t want to believe it, they were broadcasting live footage of the manor on fire, the entire front part in pieces on the ground. 
“No…” You said quietly, still staring at the screen in shock. “No, that- that doesn’t make sense.” The tv went black, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from it. You felt Jason’s hand on your shoulder and distantly heard him calling your name, but you kept your eyes on the empty screen. 
“I have to… I need to find him.” You said through a breath, standing up and walking to the bedroom to get dressed. You felt numb. You still didn’t believe this was true and honestly you don’t think you can handle it if it is. An arm on your bicep turned you around and you were met with the sight of Jason, brows furrowed, asking you where you’re going. 
“I have to find him.” 
“No! No. This can’t happen, he wouldn’t let this happen.” You said, pulling away from him to change clothes. 
“Call him.” 
“I don’t have my fucking phone.” You snapped, immediately regretting speaking to him like that. 
“I know.” He held out a phone and you stared at it with furrowed brows. Why is he letting you do this? After he went through all the trouble of not letting you contact him. Instead of questioning him, you took the phone in shaky hands and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail, so you tried again. Then the house phone. Then the bat phone that he barely even uses. Then Dick. 
“Who is this?” 
“Oh my god you’re okay. Bruce said you were taken.”
“No I- I’m fine.” Did he not tell him about Jason? “Have you seen the news?”
“Not yet, why?” 
“There was an explosion. At the manor. My dad and Alfred were inside.” He was quiet for a moment and you held your breath as you waited. 
“Shit. Are they okay?” 
“It- it said they think they’re dead. Dick, did he tell you about anything he had planned? Where he would go- anything?” 
“No… But I mean, he revealed his identity, it’s not surprising someone would do this.” 
“No- He’s not- they’re not dead. He wouldn’t be that stupid, it has to be some kind of staged thing. And plus they haven’t even found any bodies yet.” He said your name softly and you knew he was about to make you feel delusional. Just like he did with Jason. 
“Don’t fucking call me crazy again because I was right last time.” You hissed, practically shaking from all the emotions you were feeling. 
“What? What do you mean you were right?” You glanced at Jason. Your dad really didn’t tell him... Why wouldn’t he tell him? 
“Jason… He’s- he’s not dead.” He was silent for so long, you almost thought he hung up. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” He said lowly. 
“He’s alive. He was the one who took me.”
“You’re with him right now?” You glanced at him again, finding his jaw clenched as he stared at the wall next to you. 
“Yes.” Once again, the prolonged silence made you think he hung up, but you just waited anxiously for his response.
“Is he okay?” He finally asked, voice just barely shaking. You stared at Jason, debating how to respond. 
“He will be. Please help me, Dick. You know him- he wouldn’t let himself get blown up, he’s not that careless.” You begged and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“Let me call some people. I’ll let you know if I find anything.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course. And- will you just… tell him I miss him? And I’m sorry for giving up on him so easily.” 
“I will.” He hung up and you slowly lowered the phone from your ear, watching Jason turn back to face you. “He misses you.” You handed him the phone and he rolled his eyes as he put it back in his pocket. 
“I’m sure he’s plenty happy with his new baby brother.” He scoffed, walking back into the living room. You trailed after him, sitting next to him on the couch. 
“You should go see him.” You said softly. 
“I’m good.” He picked up his book, trying to ignore you. 
“Even if you don’t consider them your family anymore, they’re still my family. You can’t avoid them forever.” He looked over his book at you with narrowed eyes. 
“Watch me.” He spat, then focused on the page again. 
“Jay, I’m serious.” 
“So am I.” He fired back. You sighed and looked away from him- you don’t want to argue about this right now, not while you’re so worried about your dad and Alfred and…
“Oh my god…” You muttered, suddenly remembering. “Oh my god, Blue.” 
“That thing is still alive? It was ancient when you stole it.”
“I don’t know if he’s still alive, that's why I’m freaking out.” You gritted, even though his response almost made you laugh. “And I did not steal him. It was the cat distribution system.” 
“Okay, princess.” 
“And he’s not an ‘it.’” 
God you hoped he was okay. Especially after he lost Jason too, he deserves to know he’s still alive. As your thoughts moved back to Jason, you thought of another idea. 
“Do you still have your… Arkham Knight resources?” This time when he looked over his book at you, it was with curiosity. 
“Bruce pretty much took all of it down but I still have some.”
“Can you- Will you help me?” You asked nervously. When he didn’t respond immediately, you continued. “Not for him. For me. Please, Jason.” Lowering the book, he sighed and looked away from you as he clenched his jaw. 
“Fine. For you.” He muttered, making the corners of your lips turn up. He went to his room, closing the door behind him, and you waited anxiously. It only took a few minutes before he was walking back out. 
“I have someone looking into something, but honestly it doesn’t seem very promising.” He said, sitting back down next to you on the couch. 
“Thank you, Jay.” You gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek, making him blush. “What would I do without you?”
“Probably die in an explosion since you would’ve gone home.” Your smile turned into a frown and you could see the exact moment when he realized what he said. “…Too soon?” He asked nervously. 
“It happened like 20 minutes ago so yeah- too soon.” You glared at him, but when he gave you a sheepish smile, your expression softened. 
“Noted.” Instead of letting you reply, he scooped you up and placed you on his lap, hugging you from the side. “I’m sure he’s okay. You’re right, he’s not that careless.” He said, rubbing a hand up and down your leg to soothe you. As a comfortable silence filled the room, you kept repeating the reporter’s words in your head. 
“Wait… How did they know he’s Batman?” You leaned back enough to see his face as you stared at him with furrowed brows. 
“Scarecrow gave him an ultimatum.” He shrugged eyes not meeting your own. “This time he actually chose to save Robin.” He added bitterly. You mulled his words over in your head. You want to help him get over this, but how do you reverse months of emotional manipulation? 
“If you think that, then you also think that I didn’t choose to save you.” That made him scoff. 
“No I don’t.” 
“Well, he stopped looking after I stopped. So I guess that means I’m worse than him.” You shrugged. 
“Stop. I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work.” 
“I don’t even think you really understand what I’m trying to do, Jay.”
“You’re trying to manipulate me! You’re trying to feed me the same lies he fed you.” You almost thought he was about to throw you off his lap to the floor because of how angry he sounded. You were silent for a moment, debating how to respond. 
“You really think I’d do that to you?” You asked quietly, staring into eyes that wouldn’t meet your own. 
“He’s your fucking dad, why wouldn’t you?” He spat. Ouch... It’s understandable that he’s hurt and angry, but it still hurt knowing he thought of you like that. 
“Got it.” You whispered. Should you get off his lap? He’s still holding you though... Should you leave the room? Change the subject? “I would’ve thought that out of everyone, you’d trust me the most to tell you the truth.” 
“I’m not- That’s not it. I'm sure you’re telling me what you think is true but that doesn’t change the fact that he lied to you.” 
“He didn’t though!” This back and forth was getting really old. “You know what? I’ll prove it to you.” You got off his lap and walked to his room again to change into your clothes. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He sighed, trailing after you. 
“I’m gonna go watch the damn video myself. It’s on the batcomputer and there’s another entrance to the batcave besides the one in the manor. So I’m gonna go watch it, then we’ll know.” 
“Are you crazy? You can’t go there.” 
“Why not? They already blew it up, I doubt they’ll do it again.” You sat on the edge of the bed as you put your shoes on. 
“You’re not going.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. You stopped tying your shoe and looked up at him.  
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s too dangerous. You’re not going there.” He shrugged and you clenched your jaw. 
“You know what, Jason? Fuck you. Do you think I want to watch a video of the love of my life being tortured and murdered? I’m doing it for you.” 
“For me?” He scoffed, frowning at you. 
“Yes! Because whatever Joker said to fuck with your mind is still affecting you and no matter what I say, you won’t believe me.” You finished tying your shoes, then stood up, walking to the front door, but Jason grabbed your bicep and turned you around. 
“You said you weren’t going to keep me here forever.” 
“I’m not.” He sighed. “I’m going with you.” Even though he more than likely meant to protect you, it gave you a sliver of hope when he agreed to go. Maybe that means he’s going to be more open minded about all this. 
One long, silent drive later and you were entering the batcave. Everything pretty much looked intact- at least no one’s found this yet. You sat down in front of the computer, Jason standing behind you with his arms crossed, scowling. 
“Would’ve been somewhere he wouldn’t think I’d look…” You muttered, running through the options in your head. After a few minutes of trying a couple things, Jason sighed. 
“Can you just admit that you were wrong and this was a waste of time?” You ignored him, continuing to try and guess the password for a locked folder. After the fifth guess, the login screen was replaced with a dark, blurry screen. This has to be it, but now that it’s right in front of you, you’re having second thoughts about watching it. You shouldn’t show Jason either, that’s messed up on so many levels. You can just convince him another way. 
“This was stupid,”
“Play it.” He demanded, staring blankly at the screen with a clenched jaw. 
“Play it.”
You took a deep breath and, with a shaky hand, pressed play. It opened with Jason, exhausted and broken, the J mark somewhat fresh on his cheek. 
“Have you got something to tell the nice man, Jason?” The sound of Joker's voice made you sick to your stomach. 
“My name.. is Jason Todd.” 
“Who do you hate?”
“Batman.” He only hesitated for a moment, but with the way he said it, you knew he was telling the truth. 
“Excellent.” The video zoomed out suddenly, showing him sitting in a chair, not even restrained. “Of course you do.” Joker rounded the camera and leaned down so only his face was in the frame. At the sight of him, you just felt blinding rage. You could barely even hear the video because you could only concentrate on him. The loud gunshot, followed by Jason being flung backwards, snapped you out of it though. He laid there, not moving or breathing, until the screen went black again and the video ended. 
You sat there, holding your breath and staring at the blank screen, building up the courage to turn around. When you did, you found him still staring at the screen, brows furrowed in confusion as his bottom lip trembled. Then he started shaking his head. 
“That doesn’t make sense. He already replaced me months before that. I saw the picture.”
“Tim helped look for you.” You said quietly, worried you’d set him off. “Honestly, part of me thinks that the whole reason my dad recruited him in the first place was to have more help.” You debated adding this next part. “And are you sure that’s how long it was? Or is that just what he told you.” 
“No… That's not- it’s a trick. Or he edited it or something.” 
“That didn’t happen to you?” You could tell just by his face that it did. 
“I don’t understand.” He muttered, brows furrowing even more. 
“Joker lied to you. He manipulated you. Is that really so hard to believe?” You tried to put the explanation right in front of him, but he still couldn’t see it. 
“But, he-“ 
“No, Jay. Just answer this. Would Joker lie to you?” He nodded. “Would I?” He was frozen, just staring at you. “I know you need more time and I’m not trying to force you back into the family right now, but”
“No.” He said, significantly harsher. “If Bruce was the cause of everything, then I can still get revenge. But if it was Joker… that’s it. I can’t kill him, I can’t do anything.” His voice started shaking and he glanced away from you. 
“Jay…” You stood and cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing over the marred skin that you’ve slightly gotten used to by now. You wanted to tell him that he doesn’t need revenge to get closure, but other than slowly just getting over it, the only way you would be able to get closure was if the Joker died from something worse than a fucking disease. 
“I felt the same way. I wanted to kill him myself for what he did to you and the fact that he just died from a disease feels like mercy. Do you want to know the one thing that helped me start to get over it?” He just barely nodded. 
“Don’t laugh at me for sounding cheesy, but.. love. Getting you back, feeling whole again, just made revenge seem less important. That’s what family does. They make you feel whole again and I can tell you that right now, our family is still missing something and I know you are too.”
“I can’t go back. Not after everything.” He whispered, biting his bottom lip when it started trembling again. 
“You came back to me.” You said softly. 
“That’s different. I didn’t try to kill you.” 
“Jay, I think if I can forgive you trying to kill my dad, then the others will forgive you just fine. They all miss you a lot.”
“I- I don’t…”
“Just start small. We can get lunch or something with Dick, so you can work your way up to it.” You suggested, carefully monitoring his expression so you don’t push him too far. 
“I’ll think about it.” He said quietly and you gave him a small smile. This was the best case scenario- him saying anything other than no. You pulled him into a hug, standing on your toes so he’d be more comfortable, then used one hand to run your fingers through his hair like you used to. 
“You don’t have to be alone anymore. I’m here now, and I know everyone else will be too, if you let them.” You said softly, making his grip tighten around your body as he kept this head in the crook of your neck. 
Chapter five
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
Girls Talk Boys
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"Girls Talk Boys."
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Word count: About 3,200 words
Warnings: 18+, Some ‘smut’ not much though kissing, talking about sex, some touching, but nothing too vivid. Talks of sexual relations, hidden relationships, sex toys implied. Henderson reader, and of course Eddie and Max never got hurt. 
ANOTHER WARNING: Max does imply asking about sex toys and how people are in bed just like most teenage girls I know, I know she’s young but going off how I was at 14/15 I was buying them already and experimenting with things like that. She DOES NOT DO anything sexual, she just teases Nancy and the reader and asks about their sex life. But if it’s going to bother you I ask you please to not read it, or hate on it since again I am writing based on how I have experienced life.
Summary: After defeating Vecna the party has made it mandatory to have dedicated hang out days. It is boys/girls night at Steve and El/the byers. Eddie and the older Henderson Sister have a secret relationship while people ask why they aren’t together. 
Author’s note: Hello everyone! I am back with another story! I feel great to have been able to write not one, but two stories! Especially after not having had motivation to do anything in months. I had gotten inspiration for this actually weeks ago but just couldn’t find a way to put it in words. I was driving and girls talk boys by 5sos came on off my playlist and it got me thinking. And yes I did listen to the song 10 million times while writing this. It is 3 AM where I am, so I have not proofread and don’t want to wait to post because I was excited about this. I hope you all enjoy! 
Writing Masterlist
Summer of '86 was unlike any summer before. It felt like there was more pressure to make it as normal as possible for all of us, especially after what we've been through the last couple of years. We all realized after the final battle against Vecna we were bonded for life and needed to make sure we took care of each other.
Which is why that March after the government somehow cleared Eddie's name, we started having dedicated nights for the party outside of our usual hangouts. The second Saturday had became movie/game night for everyone. While the 4th Saturday of the month was dedicated to boys/girls night.  
It was something that was all agreed upon. We would switch out homes, parents fully understanding the need of it. (Well besides Mr. Wheeler of course, but Mrs. Wheeler is quick to put him in his place.) Though it seems the usual hosts tend to be Steve and El/Byers. Steve's parents still don't seem to care to be home and Joyce somehow convinces Hopper we're all grown enough to be alone and that if anything were to happen, it would somehow happen even with them there by reminding him of high school.
All the parents knew of everything though. After the upside down broke through to the real world, there wasn't anyway of hiding what we all had been dealing with the last couple of years. Steve's parents just wanted to make sure their house was okay, while the Sinclair's were pissed to find out both of their children had put themselves into dangerous situations.
Dustin and I's mom wasn't happy with us, after having lost our father she didn't want to experience the loss of someone else important to her. (We didn't have the heart to tell her what happened to Mews though, that will forever be a secret.) Max's mom couldn't believe she had moved her daughter to a place more dangerous than California, when she moved here in hopes of keeping her safe.
Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. Wheeler didn't have a lot to say, Mr. Wheeler still doesn't believe that we've spent the last couple years actually fighting these things. He claimed we all had great imaginations, while Mrs. Wheeler was in shock but made us promise to tell her and the other parents if anything were to ever happen again.
Wayne didn't care about the upside down, or the monsters. He was just happy his boy was safe, and had gotten cleared of all chargers. He claimed to have known the government was hiding more than the masses were being told of. Said if they had just been honest, maybe none of this would of ever happen.
I don't really know what happen with Argyle’s parents, to be honest I'm not even sure if they know, with him being 18 when the events happened. Robin's parents at first wanted to move her away, to shelter her from all of this. She was supposed to be focused on graduating and band, not getting involved in this mess. But she convinced them to stay since she was already 18 and an adult, plus since she only had a few months till graduation.
Which talking about graduation; Nancy, Robin, and Eddie managed to graduate. Nancy and Robin were a given but Eddie got through with a loophole. After the 'earthquake' ruined half the town, they wanted to push out all of the students to make room for those who needed shelter. So basically everyone got passed for the remainder of the year.
But the weirdest thing to have happened since Vecna is Eddie and I. After Eddie almost got killed in the Upside Down, I couldn't keep my feelings a secret anymore. Little did I know before speaking out to him about it that night in my house, he himself was preparing to tell me how he felt.
Both of us couldn't imagine having not told each other how we felt and didn't want to risk another moment. That night lead to where I am today, pinned under Edward Munson as he begs me to skip girl's night.
It was June 28th, 1986. The last Saturday of the month and instead of getting prepared for going to El's, I was listening to Eddie's excuses.
"Come on sweetheart, do we really have to go tonight?" He teases against my neck, lips loosely moving against my skin while he leaves small, sweet kisses. The air was thick and heavy as he held me beneath him, letting his rough hands hold my hips in place while his lips explored my body.
My body ached with desire at the thought of staying in the sheets with Eddie. With my hands running beneath his shirt, nails lightly scratching into his back as he bites my earlobe slightly, causing me to gasp softy.
"No," I moan lightly, his tongue swirling around my collarbone before he bites the sensitive skin. "B-But, I think it would make everyone question where both of us were." I stutter, feeling his hands roam up underneath my shirt onto my stomach, shivering from the touch.
"We can just say we forgot," He breathes, continuing to work on my body. His lips trailing kisses up my neck to my lips, connecting his with mine. My brain fogged as his tongue traced my bottom lip before entering my mouth. Moaning into the kiss, I roll my tongue against Eddie’s, his hands moving to feel under my breast, cupping them slightly.
Part of me wanted to say fuck the others and stay right here melting beneath his touch. But I can't, we can't. Pulling away, I set my forehead against his. Both of us breathing heavy as we look into each other's eyes.
"Eddie, till we tell everyone, we can't risk anyone asking anymore questions than they already do." I tell him, feeling my chest move up and down heavily. Eddie nods slightly, understanding.
We both had wanted to keep it a secret because we hadn't wanted to give our friends another big change to deal with. We felt like it wasn't fair to them especially after everything that had happened, given we didn't expect to keep it a secret for so long. But the town was finally getting back to normal.
"We don't have to sneak around much longer, I promise." I smiled at him, pushing back his hair out of his face.
"I know, (Y/N). The town has almost everything rebuilt and people are finally starting to move back into their homes." He nods, leaning over to grab a cigarette off the nightstand. I watch as he sits up, lighting it before leaning against the wall of his bed.
Wayne and him had gotten a good amount of hush money from the 'misunderstanding' and bought a nice little house for the two of them here in Hawkins. People were fleeing after having realized Hawkins was more 'cursed' than they thought. But that meant that Wayne finally had his own room ever since having taken Eddie in when he was a boy. I hated how it had to of happened, but I was happy they were able to make the best of things.
I smiled at him as he offered the cigarette to me, taking it between my fingers. Bringing the cigarette to my lips, I inhaled deeply picturing the reactions of everyone once they knew.
"Do you think they would find it weird? Even though they keep asking why we aren't together yet?" I look at him, watching his eyebrow furrow as he takes the cigarette back between his fingers.
"Why would they find it weird?" He asks, blowing smoke out of his lips. Shrugging, I blush slightly.
"Because it actually happened? And maybe they will find it weird because they didn't expect it to." I tell him nervously.
"Do you think dating me is weird?" Eddie teases, passing the cigarette back to me.
"No," I laugh as the smoke bursts out of my mouth.
"Well then they shouldn't think any different." Eddie reassures me placing his hand on my knee, giving it a light squeeze before handing me the cigarette with his other hand.
"It's just this will be big news to them, especially Dustin. He looks up to you so much." I sigh, putting the cigarette out in his ashtray.
"I know sweetheart, but I don't think them knowing would change anything, hell like we said they keep asking both of us when it's going to happen." He reminds me, drawing circles on my knee with his finger lightly.  Eddie chuckles, causing me to smile I turn towards him.
"What?" I laugh lightly.
He smiles slightly, shaking his head.
"It's just you've never actually told me what the girls say to you." Eddie tells me, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I felt my face redden as he looked at me, knowing there was a reason I never told him about what goes down at girl's night. It's the same reason I try to not pry about boy's night.
Pulling my hands to my face, I feel a nervous laugh escape my lips.
"They just ask the normal things. Like what I think of you, if would I date you," I tell him, as my voice trails off " or If  I would uh um sleep with you." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear the last part.
But unfortunately Eddie did, causing a grin to spread across his face, brown eyes shinning.
"Oh and what do you say? Would you sleep with the freak?" He teases.
"Wouldn't you wish to know." I laugh, shoving my shoulder against his.
"Well I tell the guys I think the world of you." Eddie smiles knowingly, connecting my hand with his.
Girls night has been a on full spring, El and Max shoving Chinese takeout into my hands as soon as I walked through the door. We watched some movies we all brought since we couldn't check out movies from Family Video after it had been destroyed. We also painted our nails, and even convinced El to let me pierce her ears after watching Grease.
It had been a fun night so far. Which is why at 1 am when we ended up laying around the living room, I knew it was far from over as our monthly talk was executed.
As always Max started the conversation, turning towards Nancy.
"Okay, so Nancy we need to know. How is it with Jonathan being back?" Max asks innocently, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth, watching as Nancy smiles. "Leaving your bedside drawer alone now?" Max continues, getting straight to business as Nancy's eyes widen while her face goes red.
I laugh, as Nancy gasped.
"Max," She laughed nervously, tossing some popcorn at her. Giggling, Max puts her hands up in defense.
"Hey, were were all thinking it." Max shrugs as Robin chuckles at the sight.
"You still didn't answer her question Wheeler." Robin smirks making Nancy glow more as she pushes her hair off her shoulder nervously.
"It's uh- um been nice." Nancy admits, "And yes, I've-um been leaving my bedside drawer alone more often now." She said sheepishly, bringing her hands to her face as we all erupted in a howl to her response.
Still giggling Max turns towards me, still wanting to start off tonight's talk headstrong. I raise my eyebrow at her in challenge as she grins in acceptance.
"Now enough about Nancy, how about you (Y/N). Have you found someone to take place of the box in your closet?" She questions, making all the girls turn towards me.  I shake my head, popping a few M&Ms into my mouth.
"I think you need to stop snooping through our rooms and take a look under your boyfriend's bed." I laugh, leaning back into the couch.
"Erica has said some things." I tell her as she shakes her head in disgust.
"Uh gross, I don't care to know what boys look at. They go feral over a piece of bread." Max shudders. Making us all snicker at her sudden repulsion.
"But let's be real, has anyone caught your eye yet?" Robin continues for Max, making eye contact with me. As I shake my head, shrugging.
"I'm just not looking to get into a new relationship." I admit, telling partially the truth. El furrows her eyebrows at me.
"Don't you want to be happy?" El asks, making me shake my head at what this poor girl has been taught.
"You don't need someone to be happy, and my box in my closet takes care of me very well." I tell them, pointing at the other three. They all share a glance before Nancy turns back towards me.
"You know who I think would be okay with your box?" Nancy says, making me hum in response as she gains confidence.
"Eddie." She smirks as Robin claps in excitement.
"Oh yes defiantly! Remember when we were in his room and saw the handcuffs on his wall!" Robin reminds Nancy. Causing Max to smile in response.
"He defiantly is a freak for reasons people don't know." Max nods as the older girls nod in agreement. Poor El looked confused, not understanding how far sex can actually go.
"Why would he have handcuffs in his room? He's not a police officer." El asks, causing all of us to laugh nervously.
"That's a conversation for another day honey." I tell her as she nods, understanding I'll explain it to her a different day. I was trying to not let my face redden at the conversation at hand, because I had defiantly used those handcuffs on multiple occasions; on me and Eddie.
"I still haven't heard a no, have you ladies?" Robin raises a eyebrow, glancing at the girls.
"I have not either Robin." Nancy agrees as all their eyes go back on me causing me to laugh lightly.
"Eddie is just a friend." I lie causing all of them to roll their eyes.
"So was Jonathan." Nancy states.
"And so was Lucas." Max reminds, making me feel defensive.
"That doesn't mean me and Eddie are going to become anything." I point out.
"But he likes you." El states, not understanding why we wouldn't date each other.
"What?" I choke on my drink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
"He likes you, I can tell." She tells me.
"He most defiantly likes you." Nancy agrees.
"And you like him too." El points out.
"I don't think you guys know what you're seeing." I roll my eyes, throat starting to tighten under the pressure of the girls.
"(Y/N) will you please just admit you're into him." Robin begs. As Max fights herself on sharing a piece of information, before deciding to share it with the room.
"You're over there almost every night for some reason." Max speaks up.
"You pay attention to when I'm over there?" I look at her, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie's home hadn't been the only one available in the neighborhood he moved to, just like his trailer wasn't the only one to get ruined. Max once again had became his neighbor as her mom had to find a new place to live.
"Funny enough the nights you aren't there, Eddie doesn't seem to be home either." Max smirks, knowing she connected the dots a few months ago as the girls soak up the information.
Nancy's face lights up as she realizes what she just heard.
"OH MY GOD." She says sitting up, slamming her hands on the floor.
"OH MY GOD!" She squeals, "You two are already dating!" She points at me as my face turns red, not knowing how I could get out of this.
Everyone jumps up slightly at my face turning red. Sighing, I pick up a Twizzler.
"You can't tell anyone." I point it at them as they scream. After everyone calms down Max leans forward.
"So does he really live up to the freak title?" Max asks, causing a laugh to escape my lips.
Eddie's P.O.V
Instead of being in bed with (Y/N), I'm stuck here listening to Dustin give Steve Harrington love advice. Not that I don't find it amusing that King Steve is now needing a 15 year old to tell him what to do to find a girlfriend.
"I'm telling you that you need to find your Suzie dude." Dustin tells Steve while all of us guys lay in different parts of the living room. Steve looked annoyed with the young boy, wondering why he always felt the need to help him.
"How come you don't bug Eddie on finding his Suzie." Steve says defensively, wanting not to the the topic of conversation.
Curiously I glanced at Dustin, wondering why I haven't heard him bug me on finding someone for a few months actually.
Anyone could tell that Steve's words had taken Dustin aback especially by the way Dustin goes to speak and then pauses for a second when he realized all the eyes were on him. Putting his hands up in defense he goes to speak.
"Okay it's not my place, but I think Eddie has already found his Suzie." Dustin tells us, making my throat turn dry.
"What do you mean?" I ask, rubbing my neck slightly. Dustin turns to me, raising an eyebrow.
"I mean, I hear you sneak into my sister's room every other night." Dustin reveals, causing everyone to gasp. "My mom might be deaf but I'm not, and those walls are thin." He tells me.
"Hell yeah man, you found the girl of you dreams. Good for you dude." Argyle smiles, lifting a his drink at me in cheers. While I nod, before turning to Dustin.
"Dustin I don't know who you're hearing but it's not me." I shrug, trying to keep my cool as the boy rolls his eyes.
"How many other people roll up listening to heavy metal? Plus you park right down my alley." He tells me. "Also, I'm not stupid." The younger brother reminds me.
"I park down your alley at midnight, why are you out at midnight?" I question him, leaning towards him.  
"Why are you down my alley if you're not dating my sister?" He challenges, leaning forward as well.
"Hold up, hold up. You're telling me Munson here is screwing Henderson?" Steve asks. "How the hell did that happen?" Causing a chuckle to escape my lips, I always knew he had a thing for her, it's probably why he was nice to Dustin in the first place.
I watch as Dustin physically gags.
"Ew dude, don't say that. She's still my sister." He shakes in disgust.
"Well it sounds like you've been listening to it for a few months." I laugh, pulling my beer up to my lips.
"They make Walkman's for a reason." Dustin shivers.
While everyone else caught onto the words that just left my mouth.  
"Months?" Mike and Lucas's eye's widen.
"Months," I nod.
"Now that's not fair, I thought she was off limits." Steve shakes his head in annoyance.
"She was supposed to be, but it looks like someone didn't listen." Dustin eyes me, causing a chuckle to escape my lips.
"Okay, to end on a serious note. I am going to need you guys to not say anything because your sister will kill me if she knew I told." I explain to them.
Thank you!
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