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yourmusicmuse · 1 year ago
Okay so since I last shared memes, I watched the entirety of season 2 in 24 hours and I'm a fourth of the way through season 3- I'm more educated now :3
Expect so much from me when I finish season 3 I will be unhinged <3
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wickedlarkspur · 2 years ago
if yennefer and jaskier don’t pretend to be married again in season 3 i don’t want it
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endiness · 1 year ago
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witchesnet · 2 years ago
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cerealbishh · 2 years ago
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the tiniest snippets of triss and sabrina dancing
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ghostlylicious · 2 months ago
no one spoil me but what the fuck actually happened to istredd in the books. also what the fuck happened in 'a shard of ice' in general what does the ending mean what does yennefer's letter mean what happened to istredd and yennefer afterwards i'm going insane
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waterflowing-under-ground · 7 months ago
The emotional gut-punch that is A Shard of Ice (short story in Sword of Destiny in the Witcher/Wiedźmin book series), upon re-reading it after many years away from the series, on a day where I need to stay on task and be emotionally stable. Suppose it's better than trying to read it tomorrow when I have to concentrate on work. 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺
I know Sapkowski wasn't intending any allegory on autism (although it surely is an allegory for people being cruel to those deemed the "other"), but the "you have no capability to feel human emotions no matter what you think" allegations levied at Geralt all the time, repeatedly, to the point where he feels utterly defeated and even internalizes them to a degree despite knowing that he DOES feel a full range of emotions, plus what actually happens in the end (which I won't spoil) hit home in the worst way today.
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old-deerstalker-hat · 2 years ago
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vulpinesaint · 1 month ago
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yennefer’s perfume has these men fucking RUINED. all the girls on tiktok talking about signature scents and perfumes to wear so your man associates the smell with you would die to have what yennefer’s lilac and gooseberry perfume has going on
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jaskiercommabard · 1 year ago
But what if what if what if Jaskier was invited to the Thanedd ball and he had a little Sandpipering to do during the melange and he did little dancey dancey whisper whisper with his husband and his boyfriend and his wife what then huh what if all their little fingers brushed while they were dancing huh what then WHAT. Even then.
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so far this was a really ship-heavy season I normally am not a shipper with this show but boy did this season change that
My top 5 ships of season 3 of the Witcher
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5. This is a bit of a crack ship since Lambert isn’t coming back in the show, but who wouldn’t love two catty snarky and sexy redheads? I like to think these two find each other in this universe as well
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4. Triss and Istredd: had a ton of chemistry from the moment they were in the library together, loved seeing them work together I'm a fan of the " the other people in the love triangle get together" trope also I love that they are both rocking the 80s look
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3. Vespula and Jaskier: I love that they included her character and the love/ hate relationship they have and that they showed Jask being a slut instead of just stating it, that whole scene with them together took me out
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2. radskier : Joey and Hugh have so much chemistry in the few scenes we got,  Radovid being the one person to see through Jaskiers facade and see him for who he really is, Jaskier not wanting to fall for him but doesn't wait to figure out what the prince is actually up to, if anything, the potential for angst in vol 2, I was skeptical about this but they did it so well, but its not the most shocking ship related thing in season 3.... for me
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Yenralt: wow I didn't think it was possible, after Man of Steel, BvS, and two seasons of The Witcher I didn't think it was possible for Cavil to have any chemistry with his on-screen love interests, but I was wrong seeing them finally choose to be open and tender with one another after all that happened was sooo satisfying, episode 5 managed to do something for me that even the games couldn't do, make me a Yenralt shipper, the recreation of the scenes from the book at the ball were chefs kiss, I also liked that they chose to show tender intimate moments of them in bed and in the bath rather than just a sex scene for fanservice, I love them together and now I'm sad thinking about part 2
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valdomarx · 2 years ago
Follow my lead
Istredd's eyes comb over the ballroom. Among the great and powerful mages of the continent, there is one figure who draws his attention more than the others.
Even in the ridiculous doublet which he clearly despises, Geralt cuts a striking figure. In the midst of the wealthy and powerful who are coiffed and primped and decked out in the finest fabrics and enchantments, his simplicity somehow catches the eye.
There’s a stillness to him, Istredd thinks. A surety and solidity that pulls people in, like the forces which set the stars above in their rotations. 
The sharp staccato of the Melange dance begins, and Istredd takes his place opposite Geralt and Yennefer, acknowledging them with a nod. The opening bars of the dance are simple: a step, and then another, a turn, and a step. Geralt raises one arm, and Istredd mirrors the movement. They step toward and past each other, the back of their hands barely brushing, the brief contact leaving a thrill like an enchantment crawling up his arm. 
Geralt turns. Istredd turns. They pace apart and the music crescendos, syncopated beats building. They swing to face each other once more, and Istredd is drawn toward him, eyes glued to Geralt’s gleam of silver and black, stepping first to one side, and then to the other.
They come closer, and closer, face to face now, and then the music stops. They pause for a moment’s silence, like a gulp of air, and the tiniest hint of a smile plays at Geralt’s mouth. Istredd looks down at his lips, and then back up, and there’s a heaviness in the air like rain about to break.
And then the music comes crashing back, and Istredd is swept away back into the throng of dancers, his heart hammering in his chest for no good reason. The musicians beat out the final bars of the Melange and Istredd ends up back where he started, staring across the crowd at Geralt. 
Then there are speeches and the usual pandering, but Istredd’s mind is elsewhere. He nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels a presence behind him and a gravelly voice says, “Do something for me, Istredd.”
Geralt’s voice is rich and deep in his ear, and he wants to say, “Anything.” Instead, he turns to face him and gives a sharp, professional nod.
That hint of a smile is back as Geralt says, “Follow my lead.”
And then Geralt’s hand is cupping his jaw, and his other hand loops around Istredd’s waist to pull him in, and Geralt kisses him like there’s not a single other person in the room. 
Istredd melts into him, and it’s really not a hardship to follow, with the way Geralt’s tongue is grazing at his lips and he’s nipping playfully at his mouth. Istredd puts his arms around Geralt’s hips, bringing their bodies into line, and he’s aware of the shocked murmurs of the crowd around them.
Let them fucking murmur. He feels Geralt smile against his mouth, and then Istredd finds himself dropped into a low dip, almost parallel with the floor. Geralt’s arms are strong and firm around him, and he doesn’t fight it. He lets himself be swooped into a scandalous horizontal line, Geralt’s mouth hot on his own, and the gasps from the crowd intensify. 
Follow his lead, Geralt had said, so Istredd throws one leg around the back of Geralt’s thigh to really sell it, grinding their bodies together from face to foot. Geralt moans into his mouth, and the sound of Tissaia hissing about appropriate behavior for the occasion carries through the buzzing gossip of the crowd.
Geralt pulls back by just a fraction so that their eyes meet. The amber irises are sparkling with amusement as he says, “Do you think we have their attention?”
Yen stretches out on the silk sheets, decadent and sated. She runs a hand through the silver tangle of Geralt’s hair where it spreads over the pillows.
“You know, when I asked for a distraction earlier, you kissing Istredd wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
Geralt smiles one of the rare, slow, genuine smiles. She really likes those ones. “It worked out pretty well in the end, didn’t it?”
Yen looks down to where Istredd is fast asleep between the two of them. She lays a fond hand on his shoulder and lets out a laugh. “I guess it did.” 
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years ago
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The Witcher Season 3 Character Posters
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craybii · 2 years ago
Musings on Tissaia & Francesca at Thanedd
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Just finished S3 and can I just say, these two badasses were the standouts of the Thanedd Coup for me.
The unspoken equality between them as Tissaia stands on one side with all the mages behind her and Francesca, the elven queen directly across from her with the Nilfgaardians and the elves.
The way they look at no one else but each other before it all goes to hell, each woman knowing that the other one is the largest danger and threat there - Tissaia representing the human mages of the new order and Francesca representing the ancient order of the times when elven mages built Aretuza.
Finally, the epic moment when Tissaia prepares a deadly spell to kill Francesca (when Tissaia was the very same woman insisting Francesca was not their enemy in S2 while Stregobor and the Brotherhood were losing their shit over the elven exodus to Cintra).
And then the moment it all climaxes in a tragic trade of sorts - Tissaia destroys what Francesca loves most (Filavandrel) in front of her very eyes, so Francesca destroys and burns down what Tissaia loves most (Aretuza). All the other sorceresses - Rita, Sabrina, Keira, Triss, Fringilla, Marti, even Yennefer - are secondary to these two ladies in that moment - truly hell hath no fury like a sorceress scorned for these two proved it then and there. 
And then, once Aretuza is in flames thanks to Francesca, how Tissaia falls into a numb state of sorts - she climbs the tower to resort to the most dangerous and life-draining spell known to mankind to destroy the elven invaders she once defended. This spell destroys everyone and everything - all the northern mages flee out of the way - only Francesca (and Fringilla) stays to fend off the lightning. Finally, when Tissaia can no longer keep up, the moment is perfect when all the northern sorceresses step in front of Francesca, making it clear she will not get to Tissaia so long as they live.
Ultimately, all the sorcerers were good - Rita who stayed there from start to end and defended Tissaia - Marti and Sabrina who destroyed people left and right and Bianca, Tissaia’s poor friend. But Tissaia and Francesca’s magic was by far the most epic of the entire battle. The absolute sheer destruction was amazing to watch. And the way they clearly targetted each other throughout the battle was perfect.
You know what the saddest thing is in the end? - in the books, few people were as close to Tissaia as Francesca was - here, they are mortal enemies instantly.
Side-note: I love how Philippa starts up shit and then escapes the moment it all goes to hell lmao
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geraltgwynbleidd · 2 years ago
Don't spit against the wind, Istredd. It's really bad idea.
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iwillbringyouruin · 2 years ago
That's how we all saw that moment, right?
(This edit was prompted by me thinking about how Geralt would have definitely knocked over those people—who were unprepared no less—like a bunch of bowling pins and it would have been so much funnier for that to actually happen)
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