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Takfiri Khariji Doubt Clarified
"Why should we obey this ruler? We have not given Baya'ah to him!!"
+ Featuring: Deobandi Fazlur Rahman (President of Political Party Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam)
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:08 - Fazlur Rahman tries to justify Khurooj by falsely accusing Hussain (رضي الله عنه )
00:01:06 - Clarification of Doubts by Ustadh Tariq Ali Brohi
00:03:28 - Clarification by Shaikh ibn al-Uthaymin
00:04:03 - Fake Ameer with their sectarian Baatil Baya'ah
00:06:58 - Jamiat Pakistan Ameer Sajir Meer honoring Siyasi Deobandi Fazlur Rahman
00:07:47 - Jamiat Leaders lavishly praising Siyasi Deobandi Fazlur Rahman
00:08:24 - Outro
#jamiatahlehadees #JamiatUlamaIslam #markazijamiatahlehadithpakistan
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Jamiat India's so-called "Ameer" Asghar Ali Mahdi invites & honors the misguiding Murji Innovator Abul Fitan al-Maribee
+ Shaikh al-Fawzan & Shaikh Rabee clarify the misguidance of Abul Fitan (Abul Hasan) al-Maribee as-Sulaymaanee
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:08 - Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan about Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribi & his statements
00:02:39 - Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee al-Madkhaalee on Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribi and Ali Hasan al-Halabi Praising al-Maghrawi
00:04:28 - Outro
#jamiatahlehadees #markazijamiatahlehadeeshind #markazijamiatahlehadithpakistan
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Jamiati Muhammad Rahmani insults Ahlul Hadeeth scholars of India to justify the Shirk of deviant Jamaat Ghuraba
feat. Ghuraba supporters like Nasir Rahmani
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:08 - Muhammad Rahmani defends Shirk promoting Jamaat Ghuraba
00:01:18 - Ustadh Tariq Ali Brohi explains the deviant origins of Jamaat Ghuraba
00:03:58 - Ameer Jamaat Ghuraba explains their innovated principles
00:05:18 - Ustadh Tariq Ali Brohi explains the refutations of Maulana Junagarhi upon Jamaat Ghuraba
00:06:11 - Drama of Abdullah Nasir Rahmani
00:06:42 - Warning of Abdullah Nasir Rahmani against Jamaatul Muslimeen Masud Ahmad
00:07:24 - Abdullah Nasir Rahmani, going against his own principles
00:07:51 - Maulana Junagarhi writes in "Zil Muhammadi"
00:08:51 - Shirk of Jamaat Ghuraba founder
00:09:49 - Shirk of Abdul Wahhab of Jamaat Ghuraba
00:12:21 - List of Ahlul Hadeeth scholars rejecting Jamaat Ghuraba (total 61)
00:14:35 - Maulana Junagarhi's Munazara debate against Jamaat Ghuraba founder
00:15:48 - Muhammad Rahmani's second defence of the Khariji Jamaat Ghuraba
00:16:58 - Jamiat Sindh Ameer Abdullah Nasir Rahmani praising deviants of Jamaat Ghuraba at their madrasah Jameah Sattariyah
00:19:17 - Markazi Jamiat Pakistan Ameer Sajid Meer with Jamaat Ghuraba Ameer Abdur Rahman
00:19:33 - Outro
Further reading:
#jamiatahlehadees #jamaatghuraba #ghurabaahlehadees
0 notes
Hizbee India Jamiat Oath to pledge allegiance to their Innovated Constitution & Baatil Ameer (Asghar Ali Mahdi & Abdul Lateef Kindi)
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:09 - Elected "Ameer" Oath
00:02:17 - Abdul Latif al-Kindi elected via voting
00:02:34 - Asghar Ali Mahdi elected via voting
00:02:49 - Batil Oath of Jamiat India Members
00:03:00 - Constitution of Markazi Jamiat Pakistan
00:03:05 - Outro
#hizbee #jamiatahlehadees #jamiatahlehadeesjk
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Munazara (Debate) of Maulana Muhammad Junagarhi (رحمه الله) with deviant Jamaat Ghuraba founder Abdul Wahhab Sadri
Among other achievements (of Muhammad Junagarhi) in his life full of crusades, is his memorable Munazarah (debate) with his teacher Maulvi Abdul Wahab Sahib (Multani Sadri, the founder of Jamaat Ghuraba). As a result of which the noise of Maulavi Abdul Wahhab's drums was stopped. These debates were not on the issue of Imamate per se, but on the Imamate of Maulvi Abdul Wahab Sahib. In these debates, one of the speeches was very interesting in which Maulvi Abdul Wahab Sahib's Prime Minister of this session Hafiz Maulana Inayatullah Sahib Wazirabadi entered the arena and returned unsuccessfully.
(But now Hafiz Inayatullah Sahib has completely deviated from this Imamate, as will be mentioned in his biography, in sha Allah)
Finally, the Shudhoodh (perversion) of Maulvi of "al-Amriyah" Abdul Wahab Sahib was impeachment by Maulvi Muhammad Sahib (Junagarhi).
After this, Maulvi Abdul Wahab's rise turned into a decline In which the last push was given by Maulvi Abul Fazl Abdul Hanan Sahib Bihari editor of Al-Hadith Gazette Delhi (and it will be mentioned in the translation of Abul Fazl Sahib, in sha Allah).
[Tarjuma Ulama-e-Hadeeth e Hind Vol 1, by Abu Yahya Imam Khan Nowshahari, pg 187,188]
It's interesting to read that back in the day, Ahlul Hadeeth in the Indian subcontinent used to "drop" scholars, even if they were students of those deviated teachers, if it was found that they have deviated and spreading misguidance.
What happened???!!! Manhaj fell off?
#hizb #jamiatahlihadeesjammuandkashmir #Jamiatahlehadithpakistan #jamiatahlehadees
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Batil Oath of Jamiat India Members
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees Hind,
4116, Ahle Hadees Manzil, Urdu Bazar,
Jamia Masjid, Delhi.
Agreement of membership
I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except Allāh & I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave & Messenger ﷺ
1. I ______ son of ___________ after having enrolled as a member of Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees Hind solemnly oath, making Allah the witness that I shall abide by the Aqeedah, Manhaj & practice of Maslake Ahle Hadees.
2. I am in full agreement of the Aqeedah, dawah & nazbu ayn of Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees & I shall fully agree & follow these (rules) strictly in order to gain the Raghbah of Allah.
3. I shall abide fully by the Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees Hind's rules & regulations as per their constitution.
4. I shall strive to propogate the dawah and message of Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees Hind which is based on the Kitaab & Sunnah to every citizen of India and I shall not be negligent in any way towards this & I shall keep inviting them to enroll into this.
5. For the acquiring of Nasbul Ayn and the execution of the program of Markazi Jamiyyat Ahle Hadees Hind in accordance with its foundational principles & guidance of Markaz. I will not be hesitant for any type of sacrifice & I shall always be ready to sacrifice (my) life and property.
Whatever decision the AMEER of Jamiyyat or the authorities of Markaz take, that is maroof, for the benefit of Maslak & Jamah & the country and the community I will hold it obligatory to follow.
#hizbee #jamiatahlehadeeshydsec #jamiatahlehadees
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Refutation of Shaikh Muhammad al-Junagarhi (d. 1941 CE) رحمه الله (Urdu Translator of the Meanings of the Quran in Urdu published by KSA) & Ahlul Hadeeth scholars of India, upon the Shirk of the founders of Jamaat Ghuraba (Urdu Book: Zil Muhammadi Pg. 23)
Imam of the Ghuraba & his blind-followers have opened the door to shirk
Gentlemen! A treatise called "Zil Muhammadi" aka "Imamat Muhammadi" has been presented before you. This will make the reality of Imaamate Shariah clear to you and the deception of counterfeit & fake Imams will be opened. And ladies, read & save yourself from fake imams & save others too.
Also, the more dangerous problem is their polytheistic incantations (shirkiya mantra aur jantar) for hocus-pocus sorcery (dam jhaadh). This sect is the follower of Maulvi Abdul Wahhab Sahib Sadri & his son Maulvi Abdul Sattaar (as-Sattaar is not amongst the names of Allah). Maulvi Abdul Wahhab continued to publish it for a long time in his life. Finally died without repentance. After him, his son Maulvi Abdul Sattar also has the same attitude. Therefore, read the words of Maulvi Sahib and his son from their scriptures. He sets up a question & then writes the answer himself as follows:
Q: Is it permissible or not, to use the polytheistic words (shirkiya alfaaz) to cure the bite of snakes & dogs etc.?
A: It is not better, yes, if it is necessary for the well-wishing of a Muslim, there is no harm in it. According to saying (Qawl) the Prophet ﷺ
“من استطاع منکم ان ینفع اخاہ فلیفعل”
(Fath) (Saheefa Month of Ramadan Mubarak, year 45)
The title of this book bears the signature of Maulvi Abdul Wahhab as the owner & the signature of Maulvi Abdul Jalil as the editor. And Maulvi Abdul Sattar's signature as Mufti is as follows. Mufti Abu Muhammad Abd al-Sattar Ghafrullah al-Gaffar al-Muhajiri. In this case, these three men agree & participate in these polytheistic incantations (shirkiya dum jhad).
When this fatwa came before the people to read it, people asked Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab that the Ahle Hadeeth and polytheism? Is it not enough to pray for those who have been bitten by dogs & scorpions and bewitched by the verses of the Holy Qur'an & the prayers of the hadiths? From which this man (Janaab) had to accept the curse of shirk?
On this Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab Sahib went several steps further and said thus:
There is no harm if a non-Muslim or a Muslim (who remembers any ruqyah from the age of Jahiliyyah) cures with polytheistic incantations, the one bitten by poisonous animals such as snakes, scorpions, dogs, etc. But this permissibility is not everywhere at all times, but where other remedies are impossible, i.e. where there is no other Muslim person, or if there is, he does not know the Duaa Mathura, or he knows the Duaa Mathura, but is unable to use the Duaa Mathura. So Surah Fatiha is a cure for every disease. Muawadhatayn is a great ruqyah. But the bewitched person whose charm is buried, until these verses are recited on him, there is no benefit until this buried charm is removed. So when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was bewitched, the angels sent by Allah came to him & told him that he was bewitched inside such & such things in such & such a well. So he took out that spell & saw that his hair had been taken & knotted. While reciting one verse of Muawadhatayn at a time, Allah Almighty gave him complete healing.
It is worth considering here that at that time, Jibreel (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) told him ﷺ that magic is buried in such & such a place. But today, when Jibreel (peace be upon him) does not come & tell us, inevitably, a magician who is familiar with this work will have to play with him. And now it is obvious that magicians make polytheistic words & shameful actions, and this thing is forbidden. But it is permissible in case of such helplessness & compulsion. (Saheefah Delhi, Month of Jumadi al-Thani year 46)
Gentlemen! You should carefully look at these words of theirs. Muslims & non-Muslims are being allowed polytheistic incantations (Shirkiya Alfaaz se Jhaadh Phook) to be used, while they are denying healing from the Holy Qur'an. Reciting Surah Fatehah (Al-Hamdu Sharif) & Surah al-Falaq & Surah an-Naas are being called useless, he says that there is no benefit from them. (May Allah forgive us)
On the other hand, they are giving the status of Hazrat Jibreel (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) to magicians.
When Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab's rebellion reached this extent, these scriptures of Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab were presented to the scholars of Ahl al-Hadith by the Ahl al-Hadith people of Delhi and they were asked what they should say about such a person. Do not these passages of the scriptures open the doors of Shirk Allah? Also, what is your fatwa regarding such a person?
On which the scholars gave the above unanimous fatwa that:
"These words are polytheism & blasphemy. Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab should repent & unite with them, otherwise Muslims should cut ties with them."
The names of the scholars who issued a fatwa regarding them as polytheists are:
Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Sahib, Nubairah Hadhrat Mian Sahib Dehlavi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Rahman Sahib Mubarakpuri رحمه الله
Maulana Sanaullah Sahib Amritsari رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Wahid Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Dawood Sahib Ghaznavi
Maulana Muhammad Ismail Sahib Gujranwala
Maulana Abul Qasim Sahib Banarsi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib Faizabadi رحمه الله
Maulana Ahmadullah Sahib Muhaddith رحمه الله
Maulana Sharafuddin Sahib Muhaddith رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Younis Sahib Qureshi Dahlavi رحمه الله
Maulana Hafiz Abdullah Sahib Rooparee
Maulana Abdul Tawab Sahib Multani
Maulana Muhammad Sahib Surti رحمه الله Professor Jamia Millia
Maulana Abdul Wahhab Arvi
Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Hussain Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Ubaidullah Sahib Attawi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Hakeem Sahib Muhaddith Naseerabadi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Ghani Sahib of Jodhpur رحمه الله
Maulana Hakeem Hafiz Ubaid-ur-Rehman Sahib رحمه الله Umarpuri
And others, numbering a total of 61.
See “Muttafiqah Fatawa Ulama Ahle Hadeeth, published by Army Press, Delhi." (Unanimous Fatawa of Scholars of Ahl-e-Hadith)
But the fatwas of these scholars did not have any effect on Maulvi Abdul Wahhab. And they came down to their Maulavit (Priesthood) & remained adamant on shirk.
امام غرباء اور ان کے مریدوں نے شرک کا دروازہ کھول رکھا ہے
حضرات! آپ کے سامنے رسالہ مقالہ بنام”ظل محمدی” عرف "امامت محمدی” پیش کر دیا گیا ہے۔ اس سے آپ کے سامنے امامت شرعی کی حقیقت واضح ہو جائے گی اور جعلی اور نقلی اماموں کا پول کھل جائے گا۔ اس غور سے کل مرد اور عورتیں پڑھیں اور مصنوعی اماموں سے خود بچیں اور دوسروں کو بھی بچائیں۔
و نیز اس سے بھی خطر ناک مسئلہ ان کا شرکیہ منتروں، جنتروں سے دم جھاڑہ کرنے کا ہے۔ یہ فرقہ اس میں مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب صدری اور ان کے لڑکے مولوی عبد الستار کا پیرو ہے۔ مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب اپنی زندگی میں کافی عرصے تک اس کی اشاعت کرتے رہے۔ آخر کار بغیر توبہ فوت ہو گئے۔ ان کے بعد ان کے صاحبزادے مولوی عبد الستار کی بھی یہ ہی روش ہے۔ لہٰذا آپ مولوی صاحب اور ان کے صاحبزادے کے الفاظ مشرکانہ ان کے صحیفہ سے پڑھیں۔ یہ ایک سوال قائم کر کے پھر اس کا جواب خود ہی اس طرح لکھتے ہیں :
س: شرکیہ الفاظ سے سانپ و کتے وغیرہ کے کاٹے ہوئے پر دم کرنا جائز ہے یا نہیں ؟
ج: بہتر تو نہیں ہاں اگر کسی مسلمان کی خیر خواہی کے لئے بوقت مجبوری ضرورت کر بھی دے تو کوئی مضائقہ نہیں۔ لقولہ علیہ السلام من الستطاع ان ینفع اخاہ فلیفعل۔ (فتح) (صحیفہ ماہِ رمضان المبارک سنہ 45)
اس صحیفہ کے ٹائیٹل پر مولوی عبد الوہاب کے دستخط بحیثیت مالک و مولوی عبد الجلیل کے دستخط بحیثیت ایڈیٹر کے ثبت ہیں۔ اور مولوی عبد الستار کے دستخط بحیثیت مفتی کے اس طرح ہیں۔ مفتی ابو محمد عبد الستار غفرلہ الغفار المہاجری۔ اس صورت سے یہ تینوں اس شرکیہ دم جھاڑے پر متفق اور شریک ہیں۔
جب یہ فتویٰ عوام کے سامنے آیا اور لوگوں نے پڑھا تو مولوی عبد الوہاب سے لوگوں نے کہا کہ اہل حدیث اور شرک؟ کیا قرآن مجید کی آیات اور احادیث کی دعائیں اور علاج معالجے سے مار گزیدہ اور کتے اور بچھو کے کاٹے ہوئے اور جادو لگے ہوئے کے لئے دم کرنا کافی نہیں۔ جس سے جناب کو شرک کی لعنت اختیار کرنی پڑی؟
اس پر مولوی عبد ا لوہاب صاحب اس سے بھی اور کئی قدم آگے بڑھ گئے اور اس طرح گویا ہوئے :
سانپ، بچھو،کتے وغیرہ زہریلے جانوروں کے کاٹے ہوئے پر شرکیہ الفاظ سے غیر مسلم یا مسلم (جس کو زمانہ جاہلیتس کوئی رقیہ یاد ہے ) دم جھاڑا کر دے تو کوئی مضائقہ نہیں۔ لیکن یہ جواز ہر جگہ ہر وقت نہیں ہے بلکہ جہاں پہ دیگر علاج ناممکن ہے یعنی جہاں پہ دیگر مسلم شخص نہیں ہے یا ہے تو ادعیہ م��ثورہ نہیں جانتا یا ادعیہ ماثورہ بھی جانتا ہے لیکن ادعیہ ماثورہ کے استعمال کرنے سے قاصر ہے۔ چنانچہ سورہ فاتحہ ہر ایک بیماری کے لئے شفا ہے۔ معوذتین بڑا رقیہ ہے۔ لیکن وہ مسحور جس کا سحر مدفون ہے اس پر یہ آیتیں دم کیجئے کچھ فائدہ نہیں جب تک اس دفن کئے ہوئے سحر کو نہ نکالا جائے۔ چنانچہ رسول اللہﷺ پر جب جادو کیا گیا تو آپ کے پاس اللہ تعالیٰ کے بھیجے ہوئے فرشتے آئے اور انہوں نے بتایا کہ فلاں کنوئیں میں فلاں چیزوں کے اندر آپ پر جادو کیا گیا ہے۔ چنانچہ آپ نے وہ جادو نکلوا کر دیکھا تو معلوم ہوا کہ آپ کے بال لے کر ان پر گرہ دی گئی ہے۔ آپ معوذتین کی ادھر ایک ایک آیت پڑھتے ہوئے ادھر ایک ایک گرہ کھولتے ہوئے اللہ تعالیٰ نے آپ کو کلی شفا بخشی۔
غور طلب یہاں پر یہ ہے کہ اس وقت تو جبرائیل علیہ السلام اور آپ کو بتایا کہ فلاں جگہ جادو مدفون ہے۔ لیکن آج جب کہ جبرئیل علیہ السلام آ کر ہمیں نہیں بتاتے تو لامحالہ جادو گر جو اس کام سے واقفیت رکھتا ہے اس سے کھلوانا پڑے گا۔ اور اب یہ ظاہر بات ہے کہ جادو گر شرکیہ الفاظ اور شنیعہ افعال کرتے کراتے ہیں اور یہ چیز حرام ہے۔ لیکن ایسی لاچاری و مجبوری کی صورت میں جائز ہے۔ (صحیفہ دہلی، ماہ جمادی الثانی سنہ 46)
حضرات! آپ نے ان کی ان ہفوات کو غور سے ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔ مسلم اور غیر مسلم کا شرکیہ الفاظ سے جھاڑ پھونک کی اجازت دے رہے ہیں ادھر قرآن مجید سے شفا ہونے کا انکار کر رہے ہیں۔ اوپر سے الحمد شریف اور قل اعوذ برب الفلق اور قل اعوذ برب الناس پڑھ کر دم کرنے کو بے فائدہ کہتے ہوئے فرماتے ہیں کہ ان سے کچھ فائدہ نہیں۔ (معاذاللہ)
ادھر جادو گروں کو حضرت جبرائیل علیہ السلام کا رتبہ عطا فرما رہے ہیں۔
جب مولوی عبد الوہاب کا تمرد اس حد تک پہنچ گیا تو دہلی کے اہل حدیثوں کی طرف سے علمائے اہل حدیث کی خدمت میں مولوی عبد الوہاب کے یہ صحیفے پیش کئے گئے اور ان سے دریافت کیا گیا کہ ایسے شخص کے متعلق آپ حضرات فرمائیں کہ کیا صحیفے کی یہ عبارتیں شرک باللہ کے دروازے نہیں کھول رہیں ؟ ونیز ایسے شخص کے متعلق آپ حضرات کا کیا فتویٰ ہے ؟
جس پر علماء نے بالا اتفاق فتویٰ دیا کہ:
"یہ کلمات شرکیہ و کفریہ ہیں مولوی عبد الوہاب کو ان سے توبہ کر کے موحد ہونا چاہیے ورنہ ان سے مسلمان قطع تعلق کر لیں۔ ”
جن علماء نے ان کے متعلق مشرک ہونے کا فتویٰ دیا ان کے نام ہیں :
مولانا سید ابو الحسن صاحب نبیرہ حضرات میاں صاحب دہلوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الرحمٰن صاحب مبارک پوری رحمہ اللہ
مولانا ثناء اللہ صاحب امرتسری رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الواحد صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد داؤد صاحب غزنوی
مولانا محمد اسماعیل صاحب گوجرانوالہ
مولانا ابو الا ابو لاقاسم صاحب بنارسی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد یوسف صاحب فیض آبادی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا احمد اللہ صاحب محدث رحمہ اللہ
مولانا شرف الدین صاحب محدث رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد یونس صاحب قریشی وہلوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا حافظ عبد اللہ صاحب روپڑی
مولانا عبد التواب صاحب ملتانی
مولانا محمد صاحب سورتی رحمہ اللہ پروفیسر جامعہ ملیہ
مولانا عبد الوہاب آروی
مولانا عبد الغفو�� صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد حسین صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبید اللہ صاحب اٹاوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الحکیم صاحب محدث نصیر آبادی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا ��بد الغنی صاحب جودھ پور والے رحمہ اللہ
مولانا حکیم حافظ عبید الرحمٰن صاحب رحمہ اللہ عمر پوری وغیرہ۔ جن کی تعداد 61 ہے۔ ملاحظہ ہو” متفقہ فتاویٰ علمائے اہل حدیث مطبوعہ آرمی پریس دہلی۔
لیکن مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب پر ان علماء کے فتووں کا کوئی اثر نہ ہو۔ اور اپنی مولویت پر اتر آئے اور برابر شرک پر اڑے رہے۔
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Shaikh SafiurRahman Mubrakfooree (رَحِمَهُ ٱللّٰهُ تعالى) warns against the Sufi Deobandi Makki al-Hijaazi (Mudarris in the Haram of Makkah)
May Allah ﷻ protect the Haramayn from deviated people holding teaching chairs over there like Makki al-Hijaazi
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:09 - Introductory speech
00:00:26 - Questioner recording
00:00:48 - Recording of Makki Hijazi defending deviance
00:01:54 - Shaikh SafiurRahman Mubrakpuri refutes Makki Hijazi
00:05:13 - Scans of Deviated Hanafi Fiqh books
00:05:34 - Outro
Further watching:
#deoband #bidah #makkii_al_hijazi
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Maturidi Fatwa: Prayer (Salah/Namaz) is invalidated by reading the Quran but not by looking at private parts of Naked women
Disgusting Maturidi Fatwa (Followed by Deobandi/Barelwi/Sufi/Blind-Muqallid Hanafis)
References, scans in Arabic & Urdu:
al-Ashbaah wan-Nazaair - authored by the Maturidi ibn Nujaym
Maraqi al-Falah Sharh Noor al-Idah - authored by ash-Shurunbulali
For details watch:
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Juhhaal Jamiatis & their Baatil Ikhwani principle of "Take the Good from Everyone" misintepreting the Hadith of Ayat al-Kursi of Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه
Featuring: Adv. Faiz Syed, Abu Zaid Zameer & Abdul Ghaffar
Plus correct explanation of the Hadeeth from Major scholars like Shaikh al-Fawzan ﷾ and Shaikh Abdullah al-Bukhari ﷾
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:09 - Explanation of the Hadeeth by Shaikh al-Fawzan ﷾
00:00:46 - Misinterpretation by Adv. Faiz Syed
00:03:46 - Collaborators of Faiz Syed: Ather Khan, Zaid Patel, Salahuddin Maqbool, Kazim
00:04:08 - Collaborators of Faiz Syed: Siraaj ur Rahman, Zafar ul Hasan Madani (Zakir Naik employee), Qari Suhaib (Zakir Naik employee), Arshad Basheer (Scammer Nowhera Heera Gold employee)
00:04:21 - Collaborators of Faiz Syed: Sanaullah Madani (Zakir Naik employee), Abul Kalam, Adv Nizam Khan
00:04:47 - Collaborators of Faiz Syed: Abu Rizwan Muhammadi (Slanderer of Muslim Rulers), Abdur Razzaq Jamai
00:05:00 - Misrepresentation by Abu Zaid Zameer
00:07:20 - Abu Zaid Zameer recommends Jalaluddin Qasmi (Zakir Naik employee) & Syed Meraj (who considers Shirk Deities to be Muslim)
00:08:05 - Abu Zaid Zameer meets Takfiri Tauseef ur Rahman
00:08:37 - Abu Zaid Zameer with Muhammad Rahmani of Hizbee Abul Kalaam Center
00:08:46 - Misinterpretation by Abdul Ghaffar Jamiati
00:13:15 - Explanation of the Hadeeth by Shaikh Abdullah al-Bukhari ﷾
00:15:27 - Outro
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R.K. Noor Madani Jamiati (employee of the Innovator Zakir Naik's Peace TV Urdu) meets the Innovator Ali al-Halabi
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:09 - RK Noor in Misguiding Peace TV's program "Islam ke Aaine Mein"
00:00:38 - RK Noor with the Innovator al-Halabi
00:00:53 - RK Noor with Turathi Slanderer Anees ur Rahman
00:00:57 - RK Noor with Ponzi Scammer Arshad Basheer Madani (Heera Gold)
00:01:10 - Outro
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Who defends innovators al-Maghrâwî, Saleem al-Hilâlî, Ali al-Halabî, al-Marîbî
Scholar: ´Allâmah Ahmad bin Yahyâ an-Najmî
Question: The followers of al-Maghrâwî argue against us saying that Shaykh Salîm al-Hilâlî and Shaykh ´Alî al-Halabî recommend him because these two defend al-Maghrâwî and [Abûl-Hasan] al-Ma'ribî. Should we consider them to be as them (these two)?
Shaykh an-Najmî: What we know is that the one who defends innovators (Mubtadi'ah) is considered to be as them.
As for al-Maghrâwî, then it is undoubtedly confirmed from him that he says that a collective Islâm is missing since a long time back and what is left today are only individual cases. This is what he says.
He likewise says that the one who has intercourse with his wife in a forbidden way has taken her as a god. This means apostasy (Riddah) and exclusion from Islâm -- and refuge is sought with Allâh.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmi warning against the innovators
00:01:32 - Promoters of al-Halabi: Tim Humble
00:01:36 - Promoters of al-Halabi: Abu Usamah Goldie
00:01:44 - Promoters of al-Halabi: Abu Suhaib al-Bassam
00:01:52 - Promoters of al-Halabi: Umar Jamayki
00:01:56 - Outro
Further reading:
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Demonstrations only became known through the West | Shaykh al Fawzan ﷾
Question: When Hay'at Kibar-ul-'Ulama committee ot senior scholars released the Fatwa about demonstrations being forbidden due to their disadvantages, there were some who divided demonstrations into two categories
They said that they are allowed if they are peaceful and devoid of destruction, devastation, looting and mixing between the sexes and are performed only for the purpose of demanding rights. And If they consist of destruction, sabotage and devastation, they would then be considered to be forbidden. How do you refute them?
Shaykh al-Fawzan: We ask him if demonstrations have any basis with the Muslims, regardless of which era. Demonstrations only became known through west.
There are no demonstrations in Islam at all. Islam calls for orderliness, peace and tranquility and warns from chaos. Rights are not achieved through chaos and turmoil
Rights are only achieved through prescribed ways and not through demonstrations. No one has been hindered from submitting his complaint or (hindered) from asking for his right. No one has been hindered from this.
As for the demonstrations, they do not belong to Islam. I say and repeat: They do not belong to Islam or the character of the Muslims
They have only come to us through the western societies to split the Jama'ah (community), disperse the people and start animosities.
That is their purpose.
(Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymin said that demonstrations are from the newly Invented matters and that they were not known to the prophet or the Sahabah.)
#salafi #protests #demonstrations #politics
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Demonstrations are always chaotic and harmful to a Society | Shaykh al Fawzan ﷾
Question: We've read the Fatwa, or the clarification of the Hay'at Kibar-ul-Ulama' (committee of senior scholars). However, there are those whom say that the countries wherein it is demonstrated allow the demonstrations. What do you say about this?
Shaykh al-Fawzan: Let us look at the reality. What have these demonstrations contributed with?
Is it not true that they're not steady and that their situation isn't under control?
A person should look at the consequences and judge the matters by their consequences.
Let us look at these demonstrations and all the chaos that they are behind.
How is their situation now? Is it under control?
Have they proclaimed some country and have they received any power?
I don't think so.
Thus, we should look at the consequences.
#salafi #protests #demonstrations #politics
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About establishing Islâmic parties - Shaikh al-Albânî
Scholar: Imâm Muhammad Nâsir-ud-Dîn al-Albânî
Source: Silsilat-ul-Hudâ wan-Nûr (402)
Question: Is it allowed to establish an Islâmic party as the Islâmic bloc in Algeria?
al-Albânî: No, it is not allowed ya akhî (brother). We have already discussed this in detail. There is no partisanship (Hizbiyyah) in Islâm.
Questioner: No Hizbiyyah in Islâm!
السائل : هل يجوز تأسيس حزباً مثل الجبهة الإسلامية للإنقاذ في الجزائر أم لا ؟
الشيخ : قد ... ولا يجوز يا أخي هذا سبق الكلام آنفاً بتفصيل ، لا حزبية في الإسلام
السائل : لا حزبية في الإسلام
#salafi #politics #politicalparties
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Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree (رحمه الله) about Qutbiyyah (sect of Ikhwaanul-Mujrimeen)
Heads of Qutbiyyah: Sayyid Qutb, Hassan al-Banna, Abul Aala Maududi, Abul Hasan Ali Nadawi, Fathi Yakan, al-Qaradhawi
#ikhwan #qutbiyyah #qutbi #ikhawanulmuslimin
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Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree (رحمه الله) about the Qutubi Surooree al-Munajjid (IslamQA)
Featuring: Innovator Syed Qutb's deviant brother Muhammad Qutb with Takfiri Khariji Salman al-Audah
#islamqa #salafi #bidah
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