#yellow yoonmin
rencelott · 2 years
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kpop-bbg · 3 months
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serendipetite · 2 years
there's a fanfic i read ages ago and it was so soft and gentle and i can't remember anything at all except 1.) it was on ao3 2.) jimin was getting out of an abusive situation and 3.) a yellow blanket. and it's driving me crazy that i can't remember anything beyond this
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5and3nevermind · 3 months
Visual ties between SGMB and yoonmin
Sometimes people look so hard for ship-related visual clues that it ventures too far into the realm of speculation, in my opinion.
However, I saw some visual clues in the SGMB music video that I simply couldn’t ignore. I won’t try to persuade you with any theories. I’ll just put some screenshots here for you to consider. As I’ve said before, it’s ok for us to notice small details. This doesn’t mean we’re citing it as “evidence.” We’re just making observations. Others are free to conclude whatever they want!
• From SGMB:
So much yellow:
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…and we know that Yoongi and Jimin agreed that yellow is the color that best captures their dynamic. We also know this has been a common trope among yoonminers for years, and possibly it’s a theory that the guys themselves are familiar with? (It seems reasonable to think they might be.)
A blue butterfly:
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Which seems like it could be reminiscent of the one in the Never Mind Comeback Trailer:
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Could it merely be a coincidence that there is imagery that connects Jimin’s new music video to the comeback trailer of the song he has tattooed forever on his body?
Ok, this one might be a bit of a stretch, but blue mushrooms? More than one? Blue? Seriously?
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I’ll admit, I had to google this one, but yes, both mushrooms and mold (including blue mold or penicillium) are types of fungus. So, they aren’t identical, but they’re…cousins? 😂 Again, what an incredible coincidence that Jimin would sing a song (Serendipity) which referred to penicillium (blue mold), and the other members would refer to Yoongi as blue mold more than once and Jimin’s music video would include blue mushrooms!
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Plus…Yoongi loves the color blue:
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He has talked about it, he’s referenced the color blue in his lyrics. This is well-established. And then there’s this.
Anyway, those are just the things I’ve noticed so far. (And we haven’t even gotten to the song’s lyrics yet!) This is a hurried and somewhat haphazard post, but I’m excited and wanted to share some quick thoughts. I may edit this and/or change my mind once I’m well-rested. 😉
The song is so wonderful and Jimin is gorgeous!
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la-taegi · 10 months
[Yoonmin] Winters Song and Dance
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Jimin, the dancer, and Yoongi, the pianist both practice late into the night. One particularly hard night, Jimin sneaks into Yoongi's favorite place to practice at 2 AM to listen to him play originally posted on AO3
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, I love them.
The auditorium was dark, filled with warm air. Hundreds of red velour seats with no one sitting in them. It was empty except for the dust particles that Yoongi could see floating around in the soft yellow light that shone over the stage. This was Yoongis favorite spot to play. He often would sneak into this auditorium through the windows that were cracked open due to the lack of ventilation. He sat comfortably at the piano whenever his thoughts carried him to uncomfortable memories, or dark places. Stress seemed to relieve itself from his shoulders as he pressed into the keys. His eyes closed as he felt the heat of the stage lights on his skin, which would usually bother him except for the fact that snow was piling on the windowsill he climbed through. Some might say it was a bit stuffy, but Yoongi found it to be perfect.
He was so entranced in the melody that played from his fingers that he didn’t notice the creaking window being slid open, nor the figure that came in through it. Cheeks and nose red from the bitter cold outside, Park Jimin tried to be as quiet as possible as not to disturb Yoongis practice. His limbs were aching from dancing into the wee hours of the night. He didn't even take off his leotard. He felt so tired. Feeling the burn in his calves, Jimin wonders if he went too hard this time. He had already tried texting Yoongi, but after no reply he knew he would be here, in this auditorium. Yoongi hadn’t noticed him yet, it was perfect. Jimin sat in one of the chairs hidden in the shadows to listen to him play for a while.
It was a couple of minutes. Yoongi swayed his body back and forth, hunched slightly with his eyes closed as his hands drifted across the keys. Jimin felt so at peace. He loved listening to him play, but hearing him play when he thought no one else was listening was a completely different experience. He watched as Yoongi played a few more measures, his eyes opening halfway in a state of total relaxation and contentment. Jimin saw a lazy smile tug at the corners of Yoongis mouth as the song wrapped up. Oh. So he knew Jimin was there the whole time didn’t he…
“Enjoy the show?” Yoongis voice echoed through the theatre, amused but still soft. “How’d you know I was here?”
Jimin stood up, walking onto the wooden stage ignoring the ache running through his muscles, “I tried to text you hyung~.” He pouts “I knew you’d be here after you didn’t reply or at least read my message within 10 minutes.”
Yoongi laughs a little, turning his body to face the dancer. “Were you hungry?” He asks. Usually, Yoongi would be furious with anyone trying to interrupt his private time with his piano, but this was Jimin and he could never be mad at him when he has such a cute pout on his face and rosy cheeks from the cold.
“No hyung, just was tired and wanted to see you” Jimin mumbles, shifting his weight to one side to avoid hurting his calf anymore than he already did today. Yoongi stares at him for a moment, then his eyes soften and he pats the piano seat next to him, “Sit” he says quietly.
Jimin sits down next to Yoongi, both still facing away from the piano. Yoongi places a hand on Jimins thigh out of habit, and was shocked when he heard Jimin whine in pain. “Jiminie-” his eyes widened as Jimins squeezed shut. Damn, that was the leg that was hurting. “Sorry, just…” Jimin starts, “I’ve been practicing since 10 am today, since I had the day off.” He twiddles his thumbs, staring down at them as he explains. He knows Yoongi is looking at him with worry and doesnt want to see.
Yoongi removes his hand from Jimins leg and instead gently tllts Jimins head up so that he faces him. “You worked hard Jimin-ah. I’m worried about this, but I’m glad you came to see me.” His eyes were serious and warm at the same time. He leans forward to press a soft kiss on Jimins forehead. “Stay still for a minute” He whispers.
Yoongi gets onto the ground and Jimin is confused. A hand is placed back on Jimins leg and gently squeezes a few times as it makes it's way down to his ankle. “Yeah, your leg’s all tense Jimin-ah..” Yoongi frowns. “Let hyung help.”
Yoongi massages the tight muscles of Jimins calves, his hands working into the knots. “Hyung.. You dont have to..” Jimin pouts as he feels relief flooding his body. “Thats enough of that,” Yoongi chuckles “Taking care of you also makes me feel better, so just look at it as a selfish act.”
So there they were, on the stage, Yoongis magic hands taking the pain away from Jimins muscles. Nothing but silence and the occasional breeze that comes in through the open window. When Yoongi is done, he sits back next to Jimin, who yawns and smiles “Thank you hyung. It feels much better.” He blushes as Yoongi ruffles his hair and faces the piano. While staring at the keys, Yoongi pats his shoulder, asking Jimin to rest on it.
It took a second for Jimin to register the red flushing Yoongis cheeks. It’s enough to make Jimin smile widely and graciously accept his offer. Yoongis lips jut out in an embarrassed pout, which only make Jimin giggle and hug the older boy.
Yoongis hands land on the piano keys gracefully, and he starts to play another song. This one was another soft melody, like the one he played before. This time, it was for Jimin. “Rest. Hyung will wake you when we leave” He whispers, leaning his head against Jimins. He can feel the soft hair brushing his cheek as he glides his hands across the grand piano. Jimin nods and hums something, tightening his arms around Yoongis's waist until the music carries him to sleep.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Stormy! If you've talked about his before I apologize 😂💜
I just can't watch the Serendipity MV without thinking of KM. The date in the corner, the sun, Jimin's eye (like JK's eye in DNA), the calico cat (sudden 🐾 on Twitter), the colorful swirl in Jimin's eye (again like the DNA opening in JK's eye. These are also tied as the trailer and title song), the eclipse, the moon and Ooooh it's so YELLOW 💛
How much influence do you think Jimin had on this MV? Or is is just yet another "coincidence" even though he literally starts the song saying it isn't 😂
Lol I wish I could be more fun and theorizing with you on this one, but I'm not on board with any of these theories 😅 but that's just me!
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For start, I too, was originally confused and thought the date in the corner was a nod to JK from Jimin. But that's been corrected and talked about in this post here
You can find Jimin talking about Serendipity MV in the MV making film from memories, which you can watch in full here. It's only 8 mins
And you can find RM talking about the lyrics and making of the song here, with the reminder that RM wrote the song totally here, not Jimin
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SO with all these things in mind... the connections with the Serendipity MV and the DNA MV were probably done very purposefully by the directors as a way to connect the music videos for the album. The Intro song MV and the Title Track MV. It being jikook who both have it pan into their eyes is simply because Jimins solo is the intro and JK starts off DNA. If a different member had the DNA opening, it probably would've panned into their eye instead. The calico cat was something that Namjoon came up with for the lyrics and that quickly became Jimins favorite part of the song and one he resonated with and started calling HIMSELF a calico cat. The paw prints showing up were because Jimin calls JK his puppy prince and that is a totally seperate thing. Plus the paw prints started showing up in 2016, pre Serendipity anyway. Lol post over puppy prince paw prints here:
The songs were written with nothing to do with jikook specifically but to convey the overall message that BTS were wanting to tell in the album as a whole, and to kick off the story they wanted to tell through their Trilogy of albums as well. So I don't think those connections mean anything other than connections to the album.
All the yellow could simply be about how it Warm and uplifting colors. Plus matching Jimins blonde hair at the time, or that its one of Jimis favorite colors. Lol I don't think Jimin made many choices in the efforts of what happened in the MV. He stated that his favorite part of filming was with the cat, and his least favorite was showing his feet off and that he even tried to talk the director out of it at first, but he insisted and Jimin really doesn't mind. He then just worried about wanting to make sure his feet were extra clean 🤣
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The reason I connect Serendipity to jikook is because they do it themselves, not because of any hints in the Song or music video dedicated it to each other. But because AFTER the song came out, they claimed it as their own. Which I talk about in this post:
Hope that helps 🥰 you are all free to believe whatever you want of course too.
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Summary: Park Jimin and Min Yoongi had forgone the city life months ago, opting to settle into their dream cottage in the woods born of dreams and furnished with love. And it was always going to be them. Until the biggest thunderstorm of the year carried an unexpected guest to their door smack dab in the middle of them living their isolated dream.
Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin, Yoonmin x reader
Warnings: Will be added to every chapter
Chapter list
Piece of Heaven
The yellow Chim
Girl by the stream
The house guest 
Of favorite flowers
Recurrent thunderstorms
Clear skies
The garden in the woods
A night in town 
Homophobia is where you draw the line? 
Sunlit revelation
Coming soon
A/n: This story came to be from a request from my lovely Yoonmin anon, and you can say it's purely self indulgent for me and for them. That being said, I'd love to hear what you thought about it, and as usual, the taglist is open!
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derireo-galge · 2 years
Ravished In A Meadow | 3,1k | yoonmin✍🏼
Omegas Jimin and Yoongi have just moved into their new house. On their first morning there they took a pleasant walk to a nearby meadow, which Jimin thinks is perfect for various activities.
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[ a/b/o, vers yoonmin, outdoor sex, sex toys, knotting, slick squirting ]
In the summer mid-afternoon the ground was so warm it felt like the coziest blanket.
The flowers were emitting their scents in the air, mixing perfectly together and it was to be expected that this year's harvest of honey would be magnificent.
The grass on nearby fields was of a waist height. And if you so wished you could hide in there or run through it and feel as the ears of wheat and grass blades are caressing the skin of your tummy.
Their house stood on the border, almost where the forest was ending, and they had a perfect view of several meadows, rich with flowers and herbs. If they ever wanted they could cut some grass and prepare the hay in the rays of the sun and stock it for domestic animals.
And while having all that, they still had the opportunity to gather all the herbs and roots they needed for potions among the trees in the woods.
It was a safe haven, somewhat secluded and peaceful, an alright distance from their village, that was only a dozen of minutes away on a broom.
Yoongi and Jimin has started their new, now together, maybe soon to-be-mated life.
Both being omegas that preferred their own subgender, they had different experiences while growing up. Jimin was a local from this village, a grandson of a well-known healer in this area.
He was brought up in an accepting environment of equality and kindness, with inhabitants of the village praising differences from young to old.
Meanwhile Yoongi wasn't as lucky. He was closeted, quiet, never feeling fully liberated, even with his high position in a pack. With his ancestors being of magic folk he wasn't free in practicing magic and was ostracized when people found out about his preferences.
One night, after finishing the last things he had to deal with, he packed all the belongings he had left and was gone from that place.
He's been travelling for a while, discovering many things about the world and no less things about himself when he heard about a big village in the woods where many tribes lived together. He was there coincidentally on time for one of the bigger holidays of the wheel of the year.
He admired the singing and joyful folks around him until he saw the traditional dances. Many of them passed, representing each ethnicity and belief and then he saw him. A young man moving like water, like fire, stealing air out of his lungs.
He's been making the final circle to touch hands with whoever outstretched theirs to him and in a leap of faith Yoongi offered his.
That's where the dance ended for the man stood still, small fingers wrapped around Yoongi's thumb.
The crowd kept on singing and clapping to the next set of dancers and the boy adorned in bright patterned cottons and with mink tails on his waist was still looking at him, eyes widened in surprise.
- Yoongi, - he said determingly and the young man smiled.
- Jimin.
Wasn't his name the finest piece of music that he heard that evening?
Yes, it was.
- Love?
He heard a soft voice calling to him, bringing him back from the walk through his memories.
- We are finally here.
Fields were turning into forests at the distance, planes of green and yellow and pink were layered at the horizon.
- Our home, - Yoongi drawled, - I love it so much. Even more because I get to live here with you.
Quick fingers got to his waist and tickled him, making the elder squirm away, chuckling.
- So cheesy, just like I want it, - Jimin said fondly, - Would you like to take a walk in the meadow?
The older omega joined their hands together and they carried their slow steps to the tall grass.
They got up not so long ago, still a little sleepy. They had been unloading their things until dawn last night and they deserved a long rest.
They walked among the flowers enjoying the afternoon sun and the warmth of the air filled with pleasant aromas and somewhere among them, on the tips of the petals, they could find the same undertones of their own scents.
Jimin was walking behind, following Yoongi, and his hand was touching his back and playing with his long hair. Suddenly he backhugged him and they both stopped.
- Jimin-ah? Want to sit and rest?
He felt a nod with his shoulder and they both lowered themselves on soft grass, facing the same way and holding hands.
- Hyung, would you like to know what was my first thought when I saw this beautiful meadow?
Yoongi placed his palms on the younger's joined hands that were resting on his soft tummy.
- Yeah, tell me, sweetheart.
He felt Jimin's hot breath next to his ear and shivered.
- I watched as the wind was moving those flowers and all I could think about was how I want to push you into them and get on top of you. How I want to get lost in you, until you are so sated you can walk no more.
His breath hitched.
- Was that really your first thought? - he again felt a small nod as the other's chin was hooked over his shoulder.
- I must admit I like how that sounds...
- Of course you would say that, - the younger said seductively, - And look at that - we're here right now. Just the two of us and the nature. And it's a pretty secluded place, right?
- That's right, nobody will come here.
- Or we could set a spell on the border if you feel uncomfortable?
- No, it's fine just like that, - his hyung whispered, - Come here, my beautiful boy.
And with that the younger pushed the other omega on the ground laying him carefully on the carpet of leaves and flora.
The elder's long wavy hair splayed prettily on the herbs and a lazy content smile appeared on his face.
- You're already enjoying it, aren't you?
- Love it when you get just a little rough, - he whispered hoarsely.
The next moment soft full lips covered his own.
It was a hungry kiss. The movements turned ferocious, speading saliva all over.
Jimin was grabbing and pawing at Yoongi's skin, soft and supple under his palms.
They unbuttoned each other's shirts and the younger omega almost whined at the sight of buff pecs with cutest pink nipples, already pebbling from a gust of wind. He lapped at them one by one, making his hyung arch and whisper his name.
Jimin glided his palms down the smooth skin of the elder's abdomen, taking a hold of his hips and thumbing at his v line.
- Do you know what I have for you?
- What? - Yoongi asked, following the movements of the fingers with his eyes.
- It's a surprise for you.
- What is i-it? That - tell me - don't tease! - he cried out, laughing when the younger's fingers kept tickling the underside of his hardening cock.
The omega picked up his discarded shirt and extracted something out of the pocket. It was a wearable knot made of soft latex.
Yoongi gasped as his lover smirked.
- Would my omega like to be knotted? - he heard a deep whine that was coming out of of his lover's throat.
- Oh yes please, - he slurred, his mind already going hazy with images of what was to come.
- Spread your legs for me. I want to see all of you, - the younger whispered rubbing at the pink knees.
Yoongi shyly parted his legs, hooking his palms under his knees.
- Already so red in the face, you look the sweetest, - at that moment Yoongi reminded him of the finest doll, with adorable blush and long eyelashes.
- Sweetheart, please, touch me, - he begged.
- There it is, - the younger omega said, trailing his finger along the crack and gathering the oozing slick on it. He licked it off, savoring the taste of his beloved.
The fingers were back right away, circling around the exposed hole, prodding at the tight ring of muscles and making sticky sounds. Yoongi was pliant under his touch, spreading wider, presenting nicely.
Jimin penetrated him easily, submerging two fingers in his wet heat, twisting and turning. He didn't go too deep; with the third finger added he only lightly grazed his prostate, stimulating just enough to produce more and more slick, instead of heading to climax.
Yoongi writhed and whined, low and desperate. Jimin circled his other hand around the base of thick pulsing cock and held it tight so the other couldn't come.
- Shh, hold on for me, love, - he said I his soothing tone, hearing his lover moan pitifully, - It'll get better really soon.
He shuffled closer and started thrusting his fingers rapidly, the sounds of thick liquid and slapping being carried away by the breeze.
More slick came out and Jimin kept pulling the asscheeks apart, spitting on the hole, watching the gaping entrance quiver and pushing it all back in.
He glided his palm between his own legs where his juices were dripping freely and added them into the mix repeatedly, until his hyung was stuffed full. His other hand thumbed at the reddened cockhead and stroked Yoongi's length until he was close to coming.
He finished dry, crying and tearing up, with Jimin's three fingers plugging him tightly, not letting a single drop come out. His tummy bulged and the younger omega leaned in to scent and kiss it tenderly.
- My darling omega is bred so well, - he crooned to the moaning mess that was his hyung. - Now hold it in like a good boy.
His fingers left the tightly squeezed hole and he massaged the elder's girth, making him wail from overstimulation and harden the grip under his knees until his knobby knuckles were white.
It didn't take much to lead him to completion, with one hand jerking Yoongi off and another rubbing at the prostate from the outside.
- I can't, I can't hold it, Jimin-ah,  - he cried, tears spilling on his face, - Oh my gods, it's - It's coming out!
With that he orgasmed, throwing his head back in the flowery ground, and all the slick Jimin fucked into him before and what gathered inside from his first climax gashed out in several long streams.
They slpashed all over Jimin's abdomen, warm and sticky, filling everything with their intensified mouthwatering scents. Droplets landed on the younger's cheeks, dribbled down his lips which he quickly licked off. He was practically drenched from the waist down.
He dropped his gaze to the pink entrance and saw whatever that was left coming out of his hyung in stray drops.
He pressed his palm on his lower belly and more gushed out, punching another moan out of the elder.
Keeping his hand there he whispered lovingly:
- That's my prince, you came so much.
He picked up the knot and pushed it to the base of his hard cock, stretching and fitting it snugly.
Yoongi felt spent, like he gave everything he had in him but then something rubbed at his entrance.
- Is my omega ready to be bred with my pups? Want to feel full again?
- Jiminie, - he breathed out, energy level so low he wasn't opening his mouth properly, - Want your pups. Want to come on your cock. Or you coming on mine.
They laughed out loud.
- I will, after I stuff you to the brim until you're carrying, - the younger sounded firm but his hand was still softly rubbing circles into the skin of his hyung's tummy.
- Knot me, my omega, - Yoongi's raspy voice calling out his rank made his heart swell in his chest.
Jimin pushed in slowly, easily bottoming out and stopping at the place where the latex knot sat.
Yoongi hugged his leg so close, the knee was touching his shoulder, and tiredly let go of the other so he could fist his girth while being pounded by his lover.
Little 'ah-ah's were spilling from his red bitten lips on every thrust, his thighs shaking from overstimulation.
Every other second he thought he could take no more, but kept taking his omega's cock, floating freely on the waves of pleasure, oversensitive from being fucked so fast after coming.
He was flicking his wrist just right, turning on the upstroke until his cock started to throb with need.
Jimin leaned in to plant a kiss on Yoongi's spit slicked lips. He indulated his hips, the slapping sounds becoming louder as he used more force.
- Ready for my knot, omega? - he breathed out between the messy kisses.
- So ready, - was Yoongi's answer. - Ngh!
He choked on a moan as he felt himself being stretched wider, almost unbearable until the toy on Jimin's cock popped inside.
He felt immensely full, unable to move away and just taking what his lover gave him. He wanted to stay like that until the sun went down.
He opened his eyes to look at Jimin's face.
It was red with effort, brows furrowed in pleasure. He tensed and growled inside his hyung's mouth, moving erratically, filling his greedy hole with his release, clutching tightly at his shoulders.
- Hyung, - he whined, - My, mine.
- Mine. - his beloved deep voice chanted back.
They scented each other with fervor, leaving wet traces of saliva around each other's necks and along their jawlines. The younger omega was still buried inside the elder, thinking of ways to pull out gently.
He reached behind with his hand, gathering his still dripping slick and lathered the stretched rim of his omega. Yoongi was mewling meekly as Jimin rubbed the puffy entrance and around it, pushing on the skin, carefully easing the toy out.
He freed his cock and pulled the knot off.
- That, - Yoongi pointed his finger into its direction, - Is mind-blowing. I can't believe we tried it here.
- Making great memories already, - Jimin chuckled fondly, tucking the dark locks that fell on reddened face of his lover behind his ears.
Yoongi scrunched his nose at the affectionate gesture.
He hugged the younger tight and rolled them both over, back adorned with stray leaves that clung to the skin of his back.
- My, my, what have we got here, - he mused, looking at the dazzling smile of his beloved, - Someone who bred me so well I don't think I can walk back on my own.
- You won't be on your own, - was the immediate answer and the uttered words held so much weight, so much power in them, Yoongi almost started crying again. He smoothed Jimin's disheveled hair, kissed his forehead, cheeks and nose.
He scented him again, thoroughly, the smell thick and pheromones raging.
Still, one stray tear escaped and landed on the prominent collarbone and the elder licked it off before it ran down the tan skin.
- Love you, hyung, - the angel in front of him said coating the older omega's heart with honey.
- Love you too, pup.
Jimin opened his mouth, welcoming the other's skillful tongue. He metled under his hyung's touches, so delicate and yet so hungry.
He knew his omega was desperate so he hugged Yoongi's waist with his legs, heels pushing on the small of his back, urging to come as close as possible.
- Take me, hyung, - he rambled in utter bliss, dazed with pheromones, - Want you to have me right here, now. Give me your cock, - Jimin licked his plush lips at his last said word, grinding up to brush their lengths together.
He didn't care about the drying slick, them both covered in grass and fluids, about the breeze on their shaking bodies, for the sun shone warm enough.
He only wanted to be connected with his other half once more.
Yoongi gathered the leaking slick with his thick cockhead, angry red from the long wait. He rubbed on the younger's entrance hastily before pushing his girth in one go.
- A-ah! - the omega under him moaned, intense and sweet, - Mm, more, hyung, give me more.
Jimin whined as he thrusted fast, sharp, changing the angle until he found the prostate. Since then he was only aiming at it, chasing their mutual pleasure as quickly as he could. The younger whined and gasped at particularly deep movements.
His head was turning from side to side, he didn't know what to do with himself from the overwhelming sensation of girthy erection penetrating him and spreading him wider.
Their high fell on them like an avalanche, punching the air out of their lungs and making them emit a joint cry of bliss.
Yoongi wasn't sure if he blacked out of the both of them did but the next thing he remembered was lying on the grass that was flattened by their bodies with Jimin propped on his elbow dropping petals all over his chest.
- My prettiest, my beloved, - he whispered.
He seemed to not have any intent of calling for him but rather spilling endearments just because he wanted to.
They should soon get up and go wash everything off of them but Yoongi couldn't move a limb. He was full and content, sated, happy to just looking at his lover.
When the sun hid behind the clouds they shuffled, helping each other up and throwing their shirts on their shoulders.
Yoongi, with a sweet blush on his cheeks, straightened his mini skirt, pulling it down from where it bunched up on his waist.
They were so caught up in their passion they didn't bother taking it off, Jimin just flipped it up. It was hot of him and the thought of him doing it so casually made him so excited, Yoongi had to will away his growing desire.
The omegas held hands on the way back, laughing from the grass tickling their ankles and dusting off tiny petals off their hair.
Their home was awaiting for them with boxes still stached on top of one another, with their writing across each one.
They shredded their clothes on the bathroom floor and sighed at the feeling of warm water spraying on their bodies. Jimin washed the slick and grime off, massaging his hyung's body with the soapy flannel.
He washed his hair, combing through it in search of leftover leaves. Yoongi basked in the feeling of tender fingers on his scalp and soft pecks on his shoulders.
He turned around and did the same for Jimin, rubbing his palms on tan skin, outlining the defined muscles of the younger’s back, chest and thighs.
They dried and didn't bother changing, preferring to stay in their warm bathrobes and thick socks for they only just now started the fire that would slowly heat their living space.
- You know, it's all I'm ever going to think about when I see that meadow, - Yoongi snickered, sitting on a porch with his drink and cuddling up closer to his beautiful lover.
From where they sat they had a lovely view but their eyes firstly saw yhe place of their recent lovemaking.
- I know, - Jimin smirked, - Maybe a thought of that inspired me to do it even more.
- My little minx, - the elder omega sighed into the other's open lips, intertwining their tongues, scents clinging onto each other.
~the end~
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notedinterludes · 2 years
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pettyCA$H 💸 • 🔞 rated explicit
heist au • ot7 pov • ongoing chaptered fic
summary: it’s said that the simple fluttering of a butterfly’s wings is capable of altering the path of tornados…
so, what happens when min yoongi and his team of petty thieves steal the most dangerous man in busan’s prized possession and drown it in the yellow sea?
fucking chaos, actually.
min yoongi should never have touched the mclaren.
genre: crime, drama, humour, romance, angst
ships: yoonkook, namjin, vmin, yoonmin, jihope
warnings (please check carefully on ao3): crime, infidelity, homophobia, explicit smut, dubious morality, recreational drug/alcohol use, shitty parents
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wonderfuldeath · 2 years
.o| Eighth Day. |o.
Warnings : Winter, Fluff, Proposal, Animal’s Attributes
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A slight stress takes him at the throat as he looks at his watch. If he didn’t show he will hate him for the rest of his life. His bushy tail moves from right to left while his thin fingers hit the bar next to him. The walls were beautifully decorated with several light garlands, some of which were in the shape of a Christmas ornament. Their little nose frowns, as he looks at the hour again, pulled on his jacket and goes around the room. Everything seems perfect, straight out of a fashionable magazine. The tree in the back of the living room, decorated with white and gold on its black branches, the very clean coffee table and the rest of the furniture that could still have been in their packaging. A small breath passes his nose, as he takes a slight turn on himself, trying to evacuate stress. It had always been a little too violent between them, and now that they were a real couple Yoongi had the impression that the world had trouble turning normally.
"Seriously, what are you doing? ”
Already ready to call him, he jumps when the phone vibrates against the worktop. When the image of what he expects appears, he has his heart that pulsates a hundred at the hour. Maybe in the end he wasn't going to be able to spend the evening. After a great breath he grabs the mobile, unlocks it before carrying it to his ear.
"- You're late.
- I know, I was held back by the snow! I'll be there in ten minutes.
- I don't like it when you're late.
- And me when you spit hairballs. And yet I live with it. ”
The mischievous tone makes him frown as he crosses his arms on his chest, trying to guess by the noise where could be the second. But he was unable to do so he just asked him to hurry, finding the sofa with a tired step, wrapping the blanket that until now had no fold. He did not like the cold, like any self-respecting cat, the cold was his worst enemy. Even in a top floor apartment, the heating almost did, he needed its hot spot. When the door opens, he jump to join the man, who has a slight laugh at this adorable attention. Sometimes, his feline side stood out much more from his human side and it gave quite incredible things.
"- You're late.
- I said I was sorry.
- And that you will be here in ten minutes.
- I'm only one more!
- One too many. ”
The yellow eyes rise to the sky, as he comes to snuggle in his arms, despite the cold body coming from outside. And he can't help but purring with contentment when his fingers pass against his sensitive ears. Outside the snow had already begun to fall. Covering Seoul with its annual white coat, giving a magical impression to the city.
"- Did the guys say they would come for new year?
- I don't know, I didn't get them.
- I thought you and Hoseok were making plans behind our backs!
- Have made plans behind your back, but not today. ”
A slight laugh passes the man's lips as he joins Yoongi on the sofa, finally realizing the problem in the equation. Yoongi was well dressed, a pretty red suit, his hair was well styled and he had even taken the trouble to put on makeup, just to make his eyes even more attractive than normal. And now that silence and love had fallen, he could see the non-natural behavior of the feline. Yoongi was anxious. His tail was waving from right to left, his ears kept shaking and he couldn't focus his attention on the slightest thing. And he arched one eyebrow of the other. In a year of living together, he had never seen him so much on himself.
"- Did you eat?
- No. And you?
- No.
- Okay? Do you want to eat something special?
- ... I thought to myself.. We could go out, right?
- The great Min Yoongi who asks me to go to the restaurant? There is a problem, will the house catch fire? Did you try to do something and did you failed it?
- Don't make fun of me! Do you want to go out yes or no? ”
The desire to tease him a little more had crossed his mind, but he said nothing. Just look at the hour. Almost twenty hours, he explains to her that he will just change, since it was obviously a special opportunity. And then they find themselves together in the older car. He seemed even more panicked, as he hoped he would say no, or something like that. And he can only watch him make the gesture of starting the car three times, without anything happening.
"Do you prefer that we stay at home? Can we have it delivered, you know?
- No! I took a table at Seokjin's, okay? Does it work for you at least?
- Of course. ”
In a reassuring way, he puts his hand against his thigh, to show him that he was with him no matter what happened and the mouse cat, takes a deep breath before starting the car. The streets are deserted, no living soul it was risky to walk in snowy weather and few people had agreed to take the risk this evening. Seokjin had completely abandoned his singing studies to finally take the risk of opening his own restaurant. It had finally worked very well, so several of them were born a little everywhere in Seoul. It was a warm and good place that delighted young and old. A place soft, chill and where you could easily come back.
"- Good evening.
- Good evening, I have a reservation on behalf of Min.
- One moment please... Good. Please follow me. ”
A smile from the waitress seems to make Yoongi even more nervous. And the young woman, a pretty redhead with adorable pig ears, accompanies them to their table. Not too much in the sight of people, but enough for the feline to be able to look everywhere and thus flee in case of danger. Even if in reality, he prefers to fight to death rather than leave his lover behind. He doesn't seem to be able to relax throughout the meal, making it quite funny. Unable to use chopsticks, things he has been eating with since his earliest childhood, he almost spill his dish more than once over him. Yoongi also almost drown in his glass, before deciding to just wait trembling for dessert.
"- Okay, okay, what? Is it a farewell dinner? Are you going to put me out?
- What? What makes you believe that?
- I don't know, you're super strange! So be you deceiving me, or you're going to put me out, or you're going to propose to me. ”
A deep breath passes the feline's lips, as he makes a circular turn of his gaze, as if someone was going to arrive and kidnap his lover. Then he passes a nervous hand through his hair, before looking at his man in front of him, even more lost. And it hurts him, one breath passes the lips of the other, while he puts his hands against the table surprising the feline, who suddenly feels stupid.
"- Ok. Okay, don't bother yourself, I understand. ”
A handful of Won to pay for his consumption, he passes his coat under the empty gaze of Yoongi who seems to regain consciousness when the waitress brings the desserts. With a sharp gesture, he also pays the bill, grabs his jacket without putting it back on and run after his lover already visibly coming home on foot. How this special evening could be so spoiled by his lack of self-confidence. Running in the snow trying not to fall, he catches him with a firm hand, his heart beating fast and the air really sorry to stick to his eyes terrifyied to lose him.
"- What else? Do you want the keys now?
- Marry you! I want to marry you Jimin! ”
The slight shock seems to lose Yoongi, while Jimin stares at him trying to understand if he was making fun of him. Then he takes the black case out of his jacket pocket, to open it on two beautiful rings. A black one with a red gold egg shell, and a white one with small black cat ears, and Jimin goes from the case to his lover, as if reality was going to hit him.
"- Wait, are you serious?
- Yes! Now be nice you want, accept and let's eat cakes.
- Cakes?
- I didn't get my dessert. And I really wanted to have a chocolate cake! ”
The yellow eyes rise to the sky, while Jimin simply takes the ring, putting it under the cat's delighted gaze, before being brought back to reality when a sneeze takes him. Quickly putting on his jacket to try to warm up under the monstrous laughter of his lover, they join the car hand in hand. And even if, he had caught a good cold, just looking at the ring on his finger while Hoseok is taking care of him, while Jimin’s at work makes him smile with all his teeth.
" - Not that bad you see, he said yes. No need to worry so much.
- What if now he realized that it was a mistake? ”
The cat's anxious look rests on Taehyung peeling potatoes while Hoseok can clearly hear him reprimand. Just making him shrug his shoulders, while Yoongi seems suffocated. They were going to have to get married quickly.
Just to be sure.
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mightbekelly · 2 years
HeartHush - An Arranged Marriage YoonMin AU
Ship: YoonMin
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 18.2k
Yoongi and Jimin's marriage is not one of love, or like, or even friendship. It's one of familial obligation. They've been married for six months and their tactic of being tolerable towards one another is slowly becoming intolerable. That's when Yoongi turns to a dating app: HeartHush. Not to actually date anyone, but in hopes of finding some sort of connection with someone. Anyone. But what happens when that anonymous user is someone closer to him than he can imagine? 
Without even thinking, Yoongi taps the sequence of buttons to open his night time ritual. Just because he's forced to be alone doesn't mean he has to be lonely, he reasoned when he downloaded the app just six weeks after his marriage. HeartHush advertised itself as a way to anonymously meet strangers and make romantic, flirty connections. There are no photos, no names, nothing personal. There's no way to even know if the information anyone is sharing is even real, but it only asks for things like age and interests. There's hundreds of questions members can answer in order for the algorithm to make better matches.
HeartHush opens up and Yoongi immediately goes through to start answering more questions. He has had a few attempts at conversations, but none of them went anywhere. The hope is that if he answers more questions he'll be connected with someone that can actually carry a conversation since that's what he really wants. If he wants to just get off, there's plenty of porn and his own little toy collection to do that. No, he wants to have at least the illusion of connection with another person. So every night he opens the app and answers question after question as an excuse to not actually have to talk to anyone. In his opinion, if the app tries to offer someone with a less than 95% compatibility, then that person is not worth his time. Yoongi settles in for another long night of rapid fire question answering.
"If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?" The question is inane. How would Yoongi plan to have those three items if he didn't know he would be stuck there? He answers anyway: phone, water bottle, emergency flare.
"What's your ideal evening?" Yoongi doesn't even have to think: an evening at home, cuddled up with my partner watching a movie.
"Favorite feature on your partner?" This question does give Yoongi pause. He doesn't even know if he has a type, so he shuts his eyes and tries to think. If he were letting his gaze fall on the ideal partner, where would it land? A sudden flash of Jimin's ass in those leather pants as he went out the door comes to mind. Yoongi licks his dry lips and tries not to think about that too hard. He answers: ass.
Eventually, sleep begins to pull at the corners of his mind and it becomes harder to focus on the questions. A yawn escapes his lips and he decides it's time to call it a night. He closes the questions and gets ready to exit out of the app, but there's an alert on the match-finder icon. Yoongi opens it, expecting to glance at a score of 87% or below and close it out just to make the alert disappear, but is shocked by what he sees. There, on the match screen, is a 98% match for him.
The user's name is "Chimmy" and he's currently online according to the little green dot by their profile icon: a yellow cartoon puppy. Yoongi clicks on their profile. The man is a few years younger than him (or so he claims) and seems to be interested in music, dancing, and cuddles. Yoongi can appreciate that. There must be more to the user, but Yoongi can't see all the questions they've answered that the app has processed to come up with such a high percentage. Yoongi's curiosity is piqued.
He clicks on the message button at the bottom of the profile where a text screen opens. Despite being tired, Yoongi is curious if this Chimmy is as good a match as the app seems to think he is. He taps out a quick message.
SUGA : Good evening, Chimmy. I hope this message finds you well.
Yoongi hits send before he can think too hard about the words. He hasn't initiated many conversations on this app, but it's the kind of message he would want to receive as a means of starting. Almost right away, the three little dots that mean the person on the other end is responding appears. He waits, rolling onto his side to rest his hand against the empty pillow beside him. 
CHIMMY : Hello, Suga. Well, enough. CHIMMY : I don't think I've ever scored this high a match with someone before! SUGA : Me neither. I probably spend more time answering questions on this app than actually talking to people. CHIMMY : Oooh, that makes me feel special. So, what are you doing this evening, Suga?
Yoongi smiles as he looks at the screen. This is probably the best opening to a conversation he's had on this app, ever.
SUGA : Honestly? I was just about to put the phone down and go to sleep. What are you doing up so late? CHIMMY : I'm at a friend's house watching a movie, but it really isn't catching my interest. My schedule has been totally flipped lately: staying up all night, sleeping all day. SUGA : I feel lucky to have caught you, then. What movie are you not watching? CHIMMY : LoL. Some zombie flick. It's not my kind of movie. SUGA : What is your kind of movie? CHIMMY : I prefer dramas or romances. Something that I can watch curled up and comfortable with someone else. Not something that makes me feel like I need to jump up and run at a moment's notice. SUGA : Same. I also prefer documentaries for that reason. CHIMMY : I wouldn't be opposed to documentaries, but I haven't watched many myself. CHIMMY : I might get distracted, depending on who I'm watching with. 
Yoongi chuckles and imagines how easy it would be to get distracted during a movie by the person curled up against his side. The body heat of another, the smell of their shampoo, the feel of their hair as he calmly cards his fingers through it. How easy it would be to lose yourself in the presence of another person. 
SUGA : That may be a perk, depending on the company. CHIMMY : I'm a cuddler. It's the whole reason I'm at my friend's right now. CHIMMY : I guess you could say I was feeling a bit touch-starved.
Touch-starved? Yoongi frowns as he feels a deep resonation with the phrase. He hadn't even considered it, but it's been six months since he was married. How long before his marriage since he's had any kind of intimacy with another person? His last boyfriend was easily two years before that. 
SUGA : I'm not familiar with that term, but I think I've been enduring the same lately. CHIMMY : You don't have any friends who will help you with that?
Yoongi considers the question. He tries to imagine if Seokjin or Hoseok would let him cuddle with them, even platonically. Seokjin seems like he might be a little stiff, but he doubts the man would deny him if he asks. Hoseok would probably be more open to helping him, but that would involve asking. Admitting that there's something wrong in his life that he's refused to talk about. It's true that his friends know he and Jimin aren't close, but they don't know how completely distant they are. He also knows it's his own fault for not talking about it. 
SUGA : They might if I asked, but I'm not sure I can ask. CHIMMY : Don't let toxic masculinity keep you from getting what you need!
A surprised laugh bubbles out of Yoongi, but he can see how Chimmy may jump to that conclusion. And maybe it's not too far off the mark. 
CHIMMY : Sometimes you have to ask for what you need. People can't read your mind.
Yoongi frowns. That is amazingly astute. He drops the phone for a moment to gaze at the empty side of the bed. Would things be different if he had just asked Jimin for what he needs or wants? It feels like they were so careful around each other that now there's a code of silence. He picks the phone back up.
SUGA : That's a very good point. I'll take it under advisement. CHIMMY : Good. SUGA : Can I message you again? I've really enjoyed our conversation, but my alarm is going to go off pretty early in the morning. CHIMMY : I'd like that. Then you can tell me if you managed to ask for what you need and how that goes. SUGA : No promises. CHIMMY : Fine, for now... Have a goodnight, Suga. SUGA : You, too... when you do get some sleep.
Yoongi closes the app and rolls over, his back to the cold vastness of the far side of the bed. He places his phone on the bedside table and gazes at the glowing numbers of the alarm clock. 11:04. His alarm is going to go off in less than seven hours. 
His eyes flutter close, but he doesn't feel comfortable. After shifting about, he rolls onto his back and grabs the spare pillow. He curls around it, soft but cool against his chest. He buries his face into the fabric and smells only fabric softener. He sighs, trying to imagine holding someone else. Anyone else. Only then is he able to slowly drift off to sleep.
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kittygangggg · 5 years
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honey yoonmin
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5and3nevermind · 2 months
My delulu moment of the year is believing that Yoonmin really got together last year and this album is jimins declaration of love
Anon, that isn’t delulu at all! And thank you for asking this because I love talking about this topic. 💛
I love the timeline issue; I’m not sure why. I’ve tried to look at every possibility: 2016, 2018, Ch 2. I even considered the unlikely possibility that they got together during debut era. (I don’t think they did, but I considered it!)
Whenever I’ve done this, I’ve always come back to the same answer: something changed in March 2016, and I assumed that change was taking a step forward.
However…there have absolutely been times when I’ve wondered if they didn’t become official until much later. So, let’s explore that scenario!
A lot of what we saw during Ch 2 between these two was similar to what had come before but just more. More references to hanging out together, more hand-holding and back-rubbing, more working together, more whatever-the-heck-you-want-to-call-Yoongi’s-birthday-live-when-he-responded-to-all-of-Jimin’s-comments-but-ignored-the-other-members-and-then-Jimin-posted-a-video-of-himself-watching-the-live-and-loving-it.
To me, there’s no question that something shifted during late 2022 and 2023. I had interpreted it as new openness…but maybe it was actually a new relationship?
And now we have SGMB. Something about it feels like new love to me. I’ve seen theories that this is a fan song due to some of the references to 2012, to standing on stage, etc. And that’s entirely possible. However, if this is a love song about another member, shouldn’t we expect a lot of those types of references?
We also have nods to Serendipity (which is definitely not a fan song, in my opinion) in both the lyrics and in the music video. And on top of that we have some little yoonmin clues like Yoongi’s birth flower, the blue Never Mind butterfly, and the use of yellow.
This is a very long-winded way of saying that I’ve been re-evaluating lately and wondering if my previous timeline was off. 😅
If they started dating during Ch 2, I think it could’ve gone like this… (speculation ahead! ⚠️ 🤡)
I think feelings were there for a long time, and maybe even acknowledged, but they weren’t in a position to pursue a relationship. Too busy, too difficult to keep the secret, etc, etc. Once Ch 2 was in sight, things changed. While the stakes would always be high due to their careers, focusing on solo work took some of the pressure off and allowed them more freedom. Maybe this seemed like a good time to give a relationship a try?
In this scenario, I think mid to late 2022 is a good guess of when things changed. We’ve got the BST dedication, the first moon tattoo, and Jimin lingering around Yoongi’s studio and saying he chose his live title…all of that in March 2022. Those were unique moments that don’t really compare to anything we’d seen before.
Anyway, I can’t believe how long this answer is and I feel like I’m just scratching the surface!
My point, anon, is that I don’t know. 😂 I still think it’s possible that something started years ago, but I also think your theory about a much more recent development is reasonable. SGMB has definitely caused me to reconsider some things. Can’t imagine how we’ll feel after we hear the rest of the album!
Thanks for the ask!
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minjeogi · 3 years
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Ꮺ ࣪˖ 지민 ♡ 윤기.
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ast-cwti · 3 years
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月がきれい .
  ﹖ ılɥ ⭒  ҂  J   ⌁  𝐘   ⟳  🜸  ←
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yoonminist · 4 years
2021’s color is yellow and so is yoonmins....you know what that means....
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