#yeeee long ask!
fifi-goes-to-hollywood · 10 months
What's it like traveling with their child? Are they good on planes or do they cry? Where would they take them?
Seated in the tub, let’s go!
It’s adventurous, depends on age ofc. First months driving - constant crying and one of dads has to be on the backseat (usually Jan, so he talks to the baby and they fall asleep later). Thankfully, soft noise of driving engine will make the baby sleep in seconds, esp on longer drives outside of Ljubljana.
First of all, I don’t think they would fly with parents so early. But, on the plane they will usually sleep with occasional cry „ati/papi, give attention”. The older the toddler is, the more solutions dads will find to entertain the child. (We all know, treating Nace’s tattoos as free coloring book is the main solution here, so at the end of the flight the sleeve will be magically colorful). I don’t imagine the child getting iPad so early, maybe when they get a bit older they would get one hour on Nintendo Switch.
The last question - basically everywhere, where they want to spent quality family time. First of all - driving around Slovenia and wherever in the car’s reach. If needed - flying to uncle Jere (with mandatory North Pole trip!) or auntie Alessandra (or basically anyone from ESC23 family). I don’t think the child will be dragged on tours - when JO is touring, daycare/kindergarten+staying at family’s is a must.
Tldr; adventurous family, wanting to show their child how beautiful the world is.
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merethessc · 6 months
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can i spam post? Please???
first part ig
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supermacaquecool · 1 year
I'm taking that invitation to send more asks!
Shiori, 2/11/26/28
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I'll be honest, at first I found her quite annoying LOL Mostly bc I was tired of how every character in rgu is an insufferable asshole; the fact she turned out to be a vindictive lil shit just reinforced that frustration lol Then, in said Black Rose saga break, I found the parallels between her and Wakaba compelling, so I softened my view on her.... But I didn't truly liked her until I watched the movie LMAO (which I did after I watched ep34 bc we were on another stream break lmao). That moment when she car crashes made me laugh so hard for days, I was instantly endeared. Every single Shiori scene became retroactively awesome 😂😂
11 What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
That I quite like the way her self-loathing is portrayed. Aside from liking when a girl's self-hatred is portrayed in outward, deeply destructive ways, I liked the portrayal on two other levels. It's clear that Shiori's self-disgust is predicated in her inferiority complex, but I quite like how both her efforts to conform to normalcy and not knowing how to deal with Juri's affection fuel that self-disgust and are kind of recursive. That side of the internalized bigotry making issues of self-loathing all the more corrosive and self-sustaining is not a corner you often see turned, but it's so fitting in here. The other layer I enjoy is that she's clearly trapped in this self-destructive, self-sustaining loop of terrible behavior and doesn't know how to break out, it weirdly helped me back when I watched it lol There's not a single good side of Shiori we know about, and, yet, the sense she needs to break out of that pattern is so palpable. It doesn't matter if she's deserving of better, she needs to break free and stop hurting herself and others. That was weirdly really helpful back then.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
TRICK QUESTION. I keep liking girls with strong outer facades, huh? But I have three different scenes in mind. First, when she's talking to Utena and Anthy in her dorm room— when the coversation starts with the usual pleasantries, Shiori's tone is quite high pitched and cutesy (lol), but as she starts trailing off about the relationship she and Juri used to have and how she's undeserving of it, it lowers to a whisper and is overall a more naturalistic tone. I think that was a rare showing of authenticity from her; the fact she gets abashed once she realizes she's said too much and goes back to her Cute Girl voice is So Telling. The other two scenes are her elevator breakdown and her bitter tirade when Juri pays her a visit in ep 29, because they're showing all the ugly, complicated and visceral feelings she tries to keep under a lid (the Voice Actiiiiing for her is kinda Absurdly Great. Like Amazing Performances.)
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Wouldn't be a rgu character if she didn't do a series of unnecessary, petty decisions, one after another. That said, it was sending that letter to Juri, the one Juri reads in ep7 LMAO it's just so wildly petty and vindictive while still being written in that insidious tone, kinda hilarious LOL Specially when you take into account, by her own admission, that dating the guy made her feel more pathetic. She's jsut. Trying to lick her wounds at all costs there, and doesn't even get the satisfaction of a reply (did she Seriously expect a reply to That???). The fact she pathetically repeats the "You must hate me for what I've done" line in her self-pitying non-apology at the balcony just makes it funnier lol This girl is jsut a riot.
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
My favorite thing is people saying something like "I hope you're feeling a little better now?" when i have to admit i couldn't do something due to health issues. Like. I don't. But for the sake of not making this awkward, yes of course i feel a lot better now
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siixkiing · 2 years
❛ you are the peace i crave in this chaotic world. ❜ -Eclipse mayhaps? @sxturn-bxrs
☯  &. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬. | @sxturn-bxrs  ☯
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“Huh — ?”
The sudden admission from the other simian had caught him completely off guard, having not expected it. Not from Eclipse. Feeling a faint heat rising to his cheeks in the moment as flaxen hues stared at the other, trying to process the words spoken.
He had to be messing with him. That seemed to only logical conclusion to what was being said. After all, the other simian did love to fluster him when he could and this was definitely causing a red to dust his cheeks. A soft huff after a couple more seconds ticked by slowly, eyes darting away from the other.
“Y-You’re pulling my tail right now, arn’t you?”
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“You can’t seriously mean that, you’re just trying to get a rise out of me.”
Did a small part of him want to believe those words? He wasn’t sure in the moment. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a little flattered about that. Even if he was certain — to some extent at least — that the other was just playing around with him. 
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altrxisme · 2 years
@anedendarkly asked 9 & 10 for Jo  
better “get to know your character” questions 
9. What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.)
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.)
Johanne’s favorite holidays are actually Father’s Day, believe it or not, and Dia De Los Muertos. 
When she moved to New York for college she met with all kinds of people from different cultures and walks of life. She was already somewhat used to it, since she and her dad traveled often before they settled in Pennsylvania, but she was more aware this time around. 
After she and Jackson came back from Alesund the year they saw their dad for the last time, Johanne was internally a mess and threw herself at work to keep herself from fully going into grieving her father. Some of the people in her apartment building that she befriended noticed and tried their best to help her with it. It wasn’t until later that year when Dia De Los Muertos was observed that Johanne finally responded to them. She only had a surface idea of the holiday so she asked some neighbors who celebrated it to really take her through what it was all about. 
It took some time, but it’s helped her slowly come to terms with her dad’s death and reminded her why she loved Father’s Day so much as a child. Johanne even started carrying an old picture of her with her dad in her wallet as a reminder. 
Which is one of the very few items she never leaves home without. 
Other items she carries on her person without fail are a few switchblades for protection, her favorite lipstick, and a whittled cat charm her father made her when she was little. For work, she makes sure to always pack an extra roll of athletic tape, a few boxes of bandaids and wipes, and aspirin.
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hi can u do a walker scobell x reader fic of u meeting the percy jackson cast as his gf for the first time thank uuuu!!
iPhone screen
Walker Scobell x gn!reader
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Summary: It’s only walkers 5th day of filming for the Percy Jackson series and Leah, Aryan, Charlie, and Dior find out he has a partner through his iPhone wallpaper.
Warning(s): different povs
A/N: Thank you so much for the request love! If there’s anything I can fix please lmk <33 also the italics were being really mean to me so sorry if those are messed up.
Walkers pov
It was my fifth day on set, and it was going pretty normal. I was sitting in a chair off set scrolling on my phone next to Leah and Aryan since it was our break. Leah looked up from her phone and looked over at me.
“Hey Walker?” She smiled and cocked her head a little, I looked up from my phone and over at Leah.
“yeah?” I look at Leah who is staring at my phone where my lock screen is showing.
“who’s that on your lock screen?” She asked with a slight giggle causing Aryan to look up. I proudly held up my phone showing off my lock screen which had a picture of my partner, Y/N, on it.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, my partner Y/N!” I proudly said as I watch Leah and Aryans mouths gape open.
“Your dating someone?” Aryan said while on the edge of his seat, so was Leah. I gave a nod and pulled up a picture of us when we had went to Universal Studios for their 15th birthday and proudly showed the picture.
“Well why haven’t we met them?!” Leah exclaimed with a smile plastered on her and Aryans faces. Aryan spoke up.
“you should totally bring them to set tomorrow walk,” Aryan said as he straightened out his posture in his seat. I thought for a moment.
“Will Rick allow it? I hope I’m not pissing off the producers if I do that.” I shrugged and put my elbow onto the arm rest of the plastic chair. Aryan looked over at Leah.
“I’m sure he will. I brought my best friend on set that one time.” Leah said, “Why are they like annoying?” She asked, I don’t think she was trying to be mean with that. At least I hope.
“No! They’re really chill.” I said with a smile and looked at the picture I had pulled up on my phone and smiled a little more.
“Then bring them! I’d love to meet them!” Leah said as Aryan nodded in agreement. I gave a nod in response.
“I’ll bring them then.”
Later that night, around 12am I guess, I texted Y/N while I was lying in bed.
You: “Heeeyy sweetheart?”
My love<3: “yeeees?”
You: “would u wanna come to set tmrw? My friends wanna meet you :)”
My love<3: “uhh lemme check with my mom.”
You: “kk”
My love<3: “she said it was fine as long as I can get a ride :)”
You: “sure! Me n my dad will come get ya tmrw morning.”
My love&lt;3: “What time?”
You: “Around 8:30”
My love<3: “that works for me. Night ilysm!”
You: “gn hon, ilyttt”
Your pov
The next morning I had to get up around 7:00 which kind of sucked. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and brushed my teeth, combed my hair etcetera, etcetera. I waited at my front door for Walker to show up like a dog waiting for its owner to get home from work. I hummed a bit before seeing his dad’s car pull up and I immediately opened my front door and ran out.
“Walker!” I called out excitedly at the smiling face I was so used to seeing as I ran to the car that was sitting in my driveway.
“Y/N!” Walker called back, he rolled down the window to the passenger seat and looked at me. “Hello my dear.” He said dramatically and kissed me. I smiled and opened the door to the backseat.
“Hey walk,” I smiled and waved at Pete, walkers dad. “Hi Mr. Scobell.” He gave a wave and a tired smile, which made sense, it was 8:00am.
We got to set in around a 30 minutes, which wasn’t too bad. But the set was..intimidating. It was huge and already had cameras everywhere and a big parking lot. Walker looked at me through the rearview mirror with a smile.
“You nervous?” He giggled. I nodded “A little.” I said even though my hands were shaking. “you don’t have to be nervous, everyone is really nice.” He said, “And they’re all really excited to meet you.” That made me calm down a little, I mean, remembering Walker would be with me made everything better. Me and Walker hopped out of the car and started to walk to Walkers trailer where he introduced me to his makeup artist and his hair stylist. He was sat down in the chair where they did his hair and makeup and I sat in the chair next to him. Then Aryan walked through.
“Hey walk- oh, hi!” He waved at me, “Are you Y/N?” He paused walking for a little to talk to me, never knew I was that interesting.
“oh, yeah. I’m walkers partner.” I shook his hand and he had a big smile on his face. “cool! Nice to meet ya!” He said with a handsome smile on his face and walked off
“see you later!”
Walker perked up, “That’s Aryan, Leah should be here soon cuz she’s always late.” He laughed as I saw Leah walk through. She was even prettier in person. ”Am not!” She playfully punched walkers shoulder lightly as she had a smile abroad her face. “I’m Leah, I’m guessing your Y/N?” She asked and shook my hand
I gave a nod “Nice to meet you!” I said. She let go of my hand and replied with a small laugh. “Lovely to meet you too! See you two later.” She walked off to her trailer and Walker looked at me with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.
“I think you’re gonna have a good time on set today.”
“Me too, Walk, me too.”
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loveandleases · 27 days
What class and/or occupation would each of the ROs be in a fantasy world? And let's say MC is just a random commoner who gets tangled into a bunch of trouble and just wanted to live a peaceful life after being jilted by their fiancee and ostracized from their family? (Except their Aunt, who is the whole reason why MC could start a new life with her in a nice establishment, like an inn or shop!)
Curious how Cam would interact with MC upon his first meeting - but feel free to add the childhood friend factor 👀
😂 Yeeees, this is probably my fav question. You always send good ones! (I just have such an urge to do something fantasy) ❤️ Cam - Rogue! All the way, he's already got practice. Eventually join a thieves' guild and become one of the higher ups before ya know it.
💙 G - Cleric. Probably one of the most prickly cleric's. Would get so pissed when people get hurt, say they deserve it. Then heal them and just mumble the entire time.
💚 Kara - Spellcaster, mainly because she thought the whip was cool. Then she actually began to excel at it.
💛 M - They would be an Arcane Storyteller. With a focus on romance/horror spells.
💜 Isaac - An alchemist! They would be pretty successful in a fantasy setting. Isaac would be a relatively good one, probably doing better than some of the other RO's honestly.
🖤 Ardent - Berserker, a blood thirsty one. Likely has a vendetta against the thieves' guild.
So if Cam and MC were childhood friends, they eventually lost contact growing up. Especially given Cam's initiation into the thieves' guild. Gonna put it below break because long!
Shit, shit shit shit.  
“Get him you dolts. How many fucking times has he made you look so pathetic!?” The man yells, as they try to keep up with the redheaded rogue.
Cam tore down the street, feet smacking against the cobblestone as he made his way around the throngs of people in the market. The guards were hot on his heels, as usual when they get a sight of that red hair. Who can blame them? He placed in the top three for best looking among the thieves’ guild. That thought alone causes his cheeks to flush, as he scratches his cheek. Now is definitely not the time to think about that.
They were getting closer, and he needed a quick way out. His eyes searched the crowd, looking for anything to help with his escape. He didn’t plan on getting caught, especially not today. The item in his pouch could easily fetch 300 gol to the right seller. Enough to cover the medicine for the kids at the guild, enough to put some food on the tables for over a week. With just enough leftover to pay off his tab at the inn.
A few feet away he spotted a fabric merchant’s stall, perched atop the tabletop, swaying precariously with the wind rests several stacks of colorful cloth. A myriad of colors and textures. Some he would never even dream of coming into contact with, well until now. With one calculated move, he slammed himself into the stall, the fabric falling into the dusty street. All except the pale green fabric he quickly grabs and uses to cover his hair. The merchant’s cries of protest cause the slightest pang of guilt. But he doesn’t look back- he knew the guards would be delayed momentarily.
He quickly ducks into a nearby alley, narrow and slightly overcast from the buildings on each side, winding his way through the labyrinth of back streets. The sounds of the bustling market, cries of the fabric merchant and guards fade behind him. The alley growing tighter in spots, the tall buildings cast deep shadows which Cam could easily use to his advantage if needed. As he rounded a corner, his escape was suddenly blocked.
His body collided with that of another, jarring them both. Cam staggers back, his eyes locking on the person before him. A brief flicker of recognition passes over their face, but not enough to make him stop what he was planning. Before either could speak, Cam grabs them. The guards’ steps closer now thanks to this little mess up.
In one quick motion, he grabs them pulling them tightly as his hand yanks out a dagger from his belt. The cool metal pressed close against the neck of the person before him. “Sorry,” he whispered, “I need to throw them off, and you just happened to be in my way.” Their eyes widen, not in fear, which Cam had expected. As the guards rounded the corner, their metal armor clinking loudly, MC with surprising speed, twisted around and slammed their forehead into Cam’s nose, with such force that sent stars dancing in his vision. “Fuck! What the hell, are you stupid. Ow-shit that smarts!”
Both stumbles back, blood pouring from their noses. Cam’s grip on his knife loosened, falling, and his would-be victim shoves him away, glaring at him with such anger it causes Cam’s skin to heat.
Shit, why do they look pretty all bloodied up?
Before he could stop himself, his hand slid up with intent to wipe the blood from the other person. Then it dawned on him…this has happened before. Well not nearly slicing the neck of someone while escaping from guards. But this person had headbutted him before, causing their noses to bleed. So very long ago.
“Red.” He whispers, watching as his former childhood friend looks him over.
The guards stand at the mouth of the street, taken aback by the sight before them. The rogue and supposed victim both stand bloodied. The confusion on the guard’s face was all the time he needed. Cam shoots a grin, vicious as blood seeped into his mouth, that which he spits on the cobblestone. “Tsk, listen I would like to buy you a drink before I take you back to my place, for old times sake. But we don’t have time. So, let’s catch up, ey?” He quickly pockets his knife, grabbing MC’s hand and begins sprinting down the alley.
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sinsofbeauty · 1 year
Red Stained Sunflower Pt. 3
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Cigarette mention/usage, SMUT!!, Fingering, P in V, Unprotected (Stay safe), slight choking, and more but I don’t wanna spoil the fun ;3
Requested?: Yeeee!!!
Overview: If the events that happened the night before weren't enough, then tonight sure as hell would be. After an awkward encounter, you find yourself alone with the man who has such a hold on you. Talking and playing around won’t compare to what you got yourself into tonight.
A/n: This is the last part of this little series!! If you would like to see more Johnny feel free to send me an ask/request! I got a couple in my inbox so I’ll be working on those! Johnny’s a little more soft but can be a bit aggressive in this one so if ya aint feeling it DNI!!
This chapter contains written NSFW content. Minors are advised to not interact!! Enjoy!
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.1 - Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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You weren't prepared for really visiting the Slaughter home the next day. Your heart pumped strangely after Johnny left last night with his confident demeanor and witty remarks. You couldn't sleep all night from it. The man’s scent had still lingered in your room, especially on your bed where he decided to make himself comfortable. You hated him for that. You loved the thought of him but hated that he was constantly on your mind.
Now you were on your way to meet the man, telling your father that you would be at Maria’s for a bit. Lying, so that you could see the trouble that dipped so far into your heart. Walking along the dirt road in your favorite sundress and a small bag, you decided to go through the front instead of the back way close to the gardens like last time. It probably would be easier since it was getting late, the sun coming close to the horizon. 
You hurried your steps as your feet silently patted on the porch, before raising your hand to knock on the door. Your hand was mere centimeters away but suddenly stopped when you heard commotion coming from the other side. And it didn’t sound good either…
“Ya’ keep leavin’ without a trace and don’t tell nobody! The hell ya’ goin’ off to?!”
You carefully pushed your ear to the door to hear if anyone was nearby. If you can recall his name, it sounded like Drayton. The older gentleman who occasionally went by the name Cook among some members of the family. Given that he didn't seem to like your presence, you didn't actually talk to him all that much. When you laugh with Bubba and Nubbins, you may receive sidelong looks or little scoffs from the kitchen. He appeared agitated, and was questioning the person who had turned his mood so sour.
“That’s none of yer damn business, old man.” 
Oh… that’s who was getting interrogated. Johnny. What they were saying appeared to grab your attention, even though it shouldn't have startled you as much as it did. 
“It’s that girl again ain’t it? Ya’ keep goin’ out and followin’ ‘er like a gosh darn puppy!” Drayton had persisted in reprimanding Johnny, his aging voice hoarse with annoyance. “What’s so special ‘bout ‘er hm? She can’t do nothin’ for ya’-“
“Watch yer tone! Before ya’ start ta’ have a real problem on yer hands.”
Drayton and Johnny both appeared to be furious, but Johnny's stance was clearly more aggressive. Given that the older man made a comment regarding other girls, you weren't sure if they were talking about you or not. Your heart briefly ached as a result. You felt a tiny bit envious when you imagined Johnny with someone else. As you refocused on the exchanged words, you briefly dared to blink. 
“Calm ya’self Johnny!” Your ears twitch to the sound of Sissy’s voice. 
“Get off a me!” He growls, sudden footsteps approaching closer the door. “Yer quick ta’ start pointin’ fingers. Do I need ta’ remind ya’ how long ya’ left us fa’?”
“Don’t chu start yappin’ at me! Ya’ know what I needed ta’ do-“
“And I know what I’m doin’, so quit yer barkin!” 
You became aware that you were still listening in as footsteps began to move dangerously towards the door. You immediately moved away from the porch, to the side of the house where the bushes encumbered beneath the window. Bubba and Nubbins emerge from the door moments later once it had opened. You see from the bushes as the two enter the white pickup truck's back bay, with Sissy trailing behind them and moving toward the passenger-side door. Johnny is furiously flailing his arms behind Drayton as the older man stumbles out of the house.
When Johnny came closer, Drayton spun around and pointed a finger in his face as the younger man's brows furrowed. “She’s makin’ ya’ weak boy. Weak! And if I have ta’ tell ya’ ta’ leave ‘er alone again-!”
“What are ya’ so afraid of ol’ man?” The man’s eyelids lower in suspicion. “I don’t have ta’ explain anythin’ ta’ anybody, and I ain’t gonna let ya’ boss me ‘round like a kid.”
“So naive, wait until ya’ mother hears about this,” Cook chuckles, hopping into the truck. “Ya’ care ‘bout ‘er more than ya’ care ‘bout yer own family. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, once she realizes what you are, you’ll treat ‘em like the rest once she tries ta’ leave.” 
As you saw Drayton shut the door to the truck, his remarks caused your stomach to churn, giving you anxiety-filled butterflies. The vehicle had been started, and the engine was roaring as it backed into the driveway. Once it was turned around it drove off, leaving Johnny there speechless and heated as ever. You’ve never seen him so upset, so… filled with anger. He tightened his jaw and balled his fists into the palms of his hands, a vein protruding from the side of his temple. He looked like he could kill someone, right then and there. After a period of silence, he took a long breath in and let it out harshly.
“Yer terrible at hidin’.” 
As Johnny's statement rang across the air, your heart leaped and your eyes widened. Before turning around, he had let out an abrasive huff while his tongue prodded at the insides of his cheeks. “Ya’ can stop hidin’ darlin.” He only moves a few steps before his eyes and boots come to a complete stop on the ground. He was perceptive, and that was well noted. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his dark hair as his demeanor abruptly changed. “Come oooon, I know yer out here.”
Although you were uneasy, there was no use continuing to hide now that he had exposed you. A few seconds later, you emerged from the bushes, and Johnny's eyes shot open to meet yours. His chocolate brown eyes locked with yours at that very instant, and you could feel the rage and shame simmering behind them. With the broad grin that covered his face, he did a great job of hiding it. 
“How did you know I was here?” You asked, making him shrug his shoulders. “Could see yer footprints. They moved that way unlike the others,” His fingers pointed down to the ground, making you smirk and shake your head slightly. “Didn’t think ya’d be ‘ere so soon. Hell, thought ya’d go on and ditch me again~.” 
“Well… I uh, was thinking about it. After hearing all that.”
The smile on Johnny’s face faded as quick as it came, tilting his head slightly with the squint of his eyes. “How much did ya’ ‘ear?” He asked, stuffing his hands in his back pockets.
You fiddled with the fabric of your sundress, debating on whether or not to tell him the truth. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it just happened to be a bad time and you didn’t want to get caught knowing they were talking about you. It was reasonable, but then again… maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to lie right in Johnny’s face.
“Enough…” You said, making the man turn his head away. “I know Drayton didn’t like me that much but not as… much as I thought.”
Johnny shook his head, a chuckle coming from his mouth. “Heh, yeah. I got some explainin’ ta’ do don’t I?” The man had lifted his arm, hand gesturing to you as he began to approach. “Walk wit’ me?”
He smiles once again at your head nod when he approaches. He took hold of your shoulders and pulled you along with him as the two of you moved to the side of the house. “So… about that explaining?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m gettin’ to it.” Johnny rolled his eyes playfully, removing his arm from you to run his fingers through his hair again. “So impatient. Next thing I know yer gonna be bossin’ me ‘round!”
“Thought you didn’t like being told what to do.” You say, his eyes narrowing to stare at you in a playful side eye. 
“I don’t.” His voice cracks with excitement, making you giggle in response. 
Both of you had stopped, and Johnny had positioned himself on a car's damaged hood. He had rested against it, his arms crossed, and his head tilted to the side. The male had observed as your eyes silently absorbed the magnificence of the meadows. You were patiently waiting for him to resume speaking, but the breathtaking scenery fully captured your attention. The scene of the sunflowers gently colored by the sun's rays as they sway side to side in the wind. The man behind you, who had hummed at the sight, was the only one who managed to divert your attention away from the view.
Your head turns, staring Johnny with his half lidded eyes. “I should’ve brought my camera.” 
“Why didn’t you?”
“Forgot. I was so busy getting ready that I left it on my dresser.” You had fumbled through your bag in your hip, looking into it for something. 
“Got all dolled up just fa’ me? Ya’ shouldn’t have~.” Johnny was… staring a lot, and it was awfully distracting. You don’t even remember what it was that you were looking for. 
“Oh shut up.” You say, putting your bag away to your hip. “Come up with that explanation yet?”
Johnny sighed and rubbed the side of his stubbled cheek as another smile appeared on his face. “What do ya’ wanna know?”
There were many things you wished to know. Why Drayton didn't like you, whether his family disapproved of you, whether he is seeing someone else, and whatever part of him the older man was referring to. There was just a lot on the table, and you didn't have much time to gather everything from him given how soon the sun would set. “Has Drayton always had something against me?”
“Doesn’t like any girl I bring home,” Johnny explained. “Says it’s a distraction. Don’t know what the problem is when I can handle myself.” 
“Maybe he’s just worried about you?”
“Should worry ‘bout his damn self.” Johnny rolled his eyes at that.
“Okay,” You walk over to him and hop onto the hood of the car to take a seat. “Does the rest of your family… not like me?”
Johnny didn’t say anything for a moment, averting his eyes away from you as he thought about it. The man looked up at the sky, nodding his head slightly. “I… don’t really know.” He finally responded. “Sissy has her suspicions. Nubbins doesn’t really care, I know big boy likes ya’ a lot.” 
“Who Bubba?” 
“Yeaaah,” His grin starts to appear again. “He’s like a kid, likes it when ya’ spend time with ‘im. Yer much nicer than the rest of us.” 
Well that was good to know at least. You smile at that, nodding your head to the thought. “I’m glad that he likes it when I’m around. He’s like a puppy, so energetic when he’s happy. Speaking of-“
“Oh god,” Johnny sighs out loudly. “Don’t— Don’t listen to anythin’ he said beginnin’ with that!” 
“So you follow me?”
“Jesus Christ,” Johnny groans out loud, shaking his head. “I don’t follow ya’!”
“What about the skatin’ rink?” 
“That was one time!” Johnny lifted his arms up as he exaggerated his lies. “That’s cause I wanted ta’ know what ya’s been doin’.”
“I mean you did break into my house,” You teased, making him huff in irritation. “Do you usually just go into places whenever you feel like it?”
The man cracked a bit, chuckling before shaking his head at you. “Breakin’ inta’ houses ain’t my usual thing. I like bein’ more… direct. If that’s whatcha call it.” Johnny shook his shoulders at the thoughts, giving the question more attention than he probably intended. “Maybe… I’ve seen ya’ a couple times in town.” 
“Sneaky thing aren’t you~.”
“Indeed I am~,” He realized right away that you were making fun of him. After pushing himself off the hood, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of crumpled smokes. 
“You’re not gonna smoke are you?” You ask with your eyebrows raised. “Those are bad y’know.”
“So nosey,” Johnny pulls out a cigarette and stuffs it into the side of his mouth. “Yer stressin’ me out with all these questions.”
“I can ask more.”
“Shut up.”
His grin seemed to morph into a naughty one when you were about to speak back to him. The chuckle that rumbled in his throat caused him to avert his eyes. He was aware of what you were about to say, and unlike yesterday, you were all by yourself with him. He smirked triumphantly and drew the lighter from his other pocket as you forced your mouth shut. However, you got an idea and got up off the car hood. You approach Johnny and snatch the cigarette out of his mouth. His expression was priceless and made you laugh out loud. 
“Uhm…hey?” He says reaching for the cigarette before you pull it back. He licks his lips with a sly grin, nodding his head. “Ohhh, okay. So that’s what we’re doin’ hm?”
“Maybe,” You reply. “Yer funny, now give it back before I take it.”
You stood there idly, not listening to a single word Johnny said. Johnny had taken that moment of silence to look over you, before his hand rushed to grab yours. It caught you off guard, your wrist with the cigarette being taken as he pulled you towards him. The front of your body collides with his, a small grunt coming from you. Looking up at the man your eyes widen. Cheeks flushed, you feel his other hand snake around your lower back to keep you there. Oh dear… what did you just get yourself into? “Tsk tsk. Yer playin’ a dangerous game here sweetheart.” Every word in Johnny's voice is dripping with seduction, like a warning sign. “If that’s whatcha wanna do, I’m all up fa’ the challenge~.” Johnny takes the cigarette from your hand and sticks it back in his mouth. What an absolute tease. The way your body effortlessly melted into him gave the man the confidence that he could get away with it. “What~? Wish I did somethin’ else wit’ ma’ mouth?” 
“If you wanted to, I’m sure you would have.” You say narrowing your eyes. 
“Oh really?” Johnny says, his hand behind your back moving to place itself on your abdomen. He moved you backwards, your hands coming in contact with the hood of the vehicle you sat on earlier. “What makes ya’ think I won’t?”
“I don’t know, maybe you do it to all your other little girlfriends.”
Your statement made Johnny laugh, having to take the smoke out of his mouth before it fell out. “Awww ya’ heard that too? Jealous~?” He made your lips purse, your eyes moving away to the side of you. “I’ll amuse ya’, so how ‘bout this. Yer the only one I’ve been talkin’ to fa’ a while.”
You look back up at Johnny, who had stuffed the cigarette back in its little box. “So amused,” You roll your eyes, trying to remove yourself away from Johnny but all he did was stand in your way. He was so close to you, that he practically had you pinned against the car and him. 
“Lookin’ a lil’ sour there honey.” He teased, the cigarette box being placed back in his pocket. “Still jealous~?”
“N-No…” You stammered, swallowing thickly when you tried to look away.
Johnny chuckles as he detects your lies. He was making you so anxious and driving you mad by imagining the other women he's seen. He was undeniably so close to your body that you would bump into him if you even attempted to move. His hands, which were still protected by his grime-stained gloves, advanced to your waist. When his face got close to yours, it made you hold your breath and your heart race.
“Can’t fool me darlin’, yer a terrible liar too.” His nose brushes against yours before he pulls his head back again. “I promise~, yer the only one I got eyes on.” Before you feel them move to your hips, the hold on your waist becomes tighter. You were raised back onto the car's hood a short while later. Johnny reached out and traced his fingertips along your exposed thighs without pausing. “Yer the only one I want.”
Once more, his face approaches yours, but this time he maintains his distance. The once-orange sky was beginning to turn dark, misty blue as the sun dropped below the horizon in the distance. The view in front of you now... drew you in more than ever, and you were unable to take your eyes off of him. Your head subconsciously turned in his direction as quiet breaths filled the chilly air in the silence. 
“I want you too…” You say quietly, making the man in front of you grin.
“Hm?” He hums, moving himself in between your legs. “Ya’ want me?”
The man takes one moment to remove his gloves while you nod your head. He places them beside you, grabs your legs, hooks them around his waist, then grabs your hips. 
“All of me?” 
Your hands that had been resting on the hood, came and cupped the sides of his cheeks. “Yes,” You reply. “I want all of you, Johnny.” 
“Ya’ sure?” The male wasn’t hesitant, he just knew what both of you were going to get into. You knew this yourself, and you nodded once more. “Good, cause I’mma keep ya’ aaaaall to myself~.” 
The man's lips had touched yours at that point. Your entire body experienced waves of arousal as well as butterflies throughout your stomach. His touch was felt, and the satisfaction from his lips lingered on your own. It appeared as though he was directing you through every step due to the way they moved so perfectly alongside yours. He tasted metallic and minty, with a hint of tobacco. 
He pulled back from the kiss as his bare hands took hold of the hem of your sundress and raised it just a bit. As he moved from your earlobe to the side of your neck, his lips made contact with your jaw. You start to gasp softly as Johnny grazes your neck with his teeth and nibbles on your tender flesh. He leaned down to your collarbone and softly sucked on the skin there, creating a small hickey in the process. A reminder of what was his.
“Drivin’ me crazy sweet pea,” He mumbled in the crook of your neck, his calloused hands massaging the top of your thighs. The more he dragged on his throbbing need for you, the more vigorously he kneaded them. “Might not be able ta’ hol’ back much longer.”
Your legs are still around Johnny's waist as he pulls away from you, but you move your eyes. They proceeded on to the growth that pressed up against his jeans and the obvious indent of his own erection in a sizable tent. You shiver at the sight.
“Gettin’ cold?” He asks, the man lifting you from the car hood.
“A little,” You half admit, your hands hanging onto his shoulders. “Didn’t think you’d care much.”
Johnny chuckles as he lowers you and unlocks the car door. The man poked his head inside and looked around as it rustled. The back window and the opposite side of the car were covered in sunflowers, and the only damage it appeared to have was a couple rips in the back seats. He moves and motions for you to enter with his hand. A hefty slap on the ass greets you as you crawl inside after taking the bag off your shoulder and throwing it within. You yelp as you turn to face Johnny, who dove with a grin on his face. 
Before climbing on top of you, he crept into the car and shut the door behind him. The man lowered his head back to your face as your back pressed up against the seat cushions and your head leaned forward. “I’ll warm ya’ up real good baby girl,” He adds as he presses his hands firmly on your lovely outfit. He raises it, revealing your (color) underwear, and wraps his fingers around them. 
Once he begins pushing the thin cloth up to your thighs, his lips come into touch with yours. As it slides down your ankles, he grabs them, taking them off your legs. He hums and pulls away from the kiss as you move your dress subtly with your hands to cover any views he might have.
“Hidin’ from me?” Your head slams against the seat as his enormous hand grabs both of your wrists and moves you lower with his other hand. He raises the clothing up to reveal you while pinning your arms above your head. As a result of Johnny's position, your legs were unable to even close completely, so he only huffed amusedly as you attempted. “Be a good girl and I might be gentle.” 
“You better be gentle,” You blurt out loud, earning a hefty laugh from Johnny.
“Riiiight, forget yer still a virgin~.” He sees you pucker your lips, Johnny taking the opportunity to peck them, making you groan. “Take this off will ya’? I wanna see everythin’.”
As you sit up to remove your sundress, Johnny draws back as you blink at him before nodding. You slipped your flats to the ground, nervously staring at Johnny as your sundress joined the pair of shoes. He had taken off his torn-up, black muscle shirt as you were doing this. The muscles you previously noticed were considerably more impressive up close. The scars, the little chest hair, and the flexed appearance of his arms. God, just looking at him made your pussy throb.
With such precision, he swiftly tossed his belt on the ground. Johnny’s boots were kicked off soon after, his jeans going down his legs and off his ankles. “God… jus’ look at ya’…” The man was in awe, his cock so strained that the boxers it held were pleading for release. He spread your legs open, looking down at you as he took in every inch of your body with his eyes. 
Johnny gives you another kiss, this time with his lips flowing against yours and his hands encircling you. He releases the clip from your bra, allowing it to fall as you adjust it to the side. The man was gentle, even attentive. His fingers stroked over you as if you were a work of art. A canvas that he was so tempted to ruin yet was too delicate to damage.
“Mmhn… I want you… Johnny…” Your words were said between kisses, the ones that got more rough with every passing moment.
Johnny pulls back, his pants evident while his lust for you grew immensely. “Yeah?” His voice is low, deep with pure emotion. 
You can feel his fingers rubbing against the slit in your pussy at that very instant. They have an unfamiliar, somewhat unusual feel about it that makes you flinch with curiosity. Before shutting, your eyes lock onto his, and as he rubs his thumb on your clit, you let out a gasp. Oh he knew what he was doing. This wasn’t his first rodeo. 
His eyes dart between you and your aching cunt as the pad of his thumb experimentally strokes your clit. You covered your face in embarrassment at the quiet grunts and tiny moans you let out. But Johnny appeared to enjoy it. How your confidence and shyness seem to win his favor equally. The unintentional bucking of your hips to increase your pleasure. 
“So wet fa’ me darlin’~,” Johnny purrs, his hand adjusting itself. “I could jus’…”
With his words, Johnny’s finger enters your pussy. Your back begins to sag, and you whimper. The man does this while touching your breasts with his free hand and kissing them. You felt dizzy with excitement as he pinched your nipples and took them between his teeth. Your body burned at his touch and you wanted more. 
Your body tensed and jerked in response to the excitement that shot through your abdomen, his finger began curling in the most sensitive parts. Johnny was relentless, making sure that none of his actions left you even the tiniest bit untouched. That was until he slipped in another into your tight hole. This time it felt uncomfortable, and you expressed that feeling too.
“E-Eh… it hurts…” You whine softly, your hands gripping on Johnny’s biceps.
“I know baby,” He says, sending a kiss to your jaw. “Need ta’ stretch ya’ out fa’ me.”
You were speechless when you considered that Johnny was bigger than his fingers. Your hand, let alone your fingers, were much smaller than his. The discomfort you are experiencing right now undoubtedly pales in comparison to what you saw—er, see—in his boxers. He appeared to be on the larger side. Jesus…
Your face twitches as you notice him starting to up his pace. As his motions intensify, the buildup in your abdomen begins to expand and keeps growing. He was skilled with his hands, and within minutes you were on the verge of bursting. As your pussy throbs on his digits, the space between your walls gets smaller as he stares at you with half-lidded eyes. He hums as a result of your hold on his biceps, which also serves as a visual cue that you are close.
“J-John-ny… ah~ s-slow down…” You whine out, your words not phasing him in the slightest. The discomfort had faded to pleasure, your head hitting the window as your legs started to shake.
Curling his fingers he presses against your g-spot, making you squeal. He was merciless, fucking you with his fingers alone made you dizzy. “Thought about this all fucking day,” He growls, his voice cracking with lust. “Always on ma’ damn mind… fuck~, wanna make ya’ cum darlin’.”
“I… wanna cum.” 
Johnny looks at you with a grin, his head tilting. “Ya’ wanna cum fa’ me baby?”
He nods slightly in response to your head nod. The man had corrected himself, lowering his body and bringing his face to your pussy. You tighten up as a new feeling begins abruptly, your eyes widening. Johnny places his tongue on the swollen bud of your genitalia, the muscle twitching as he started lapping at it. While his fingers occupy the space within, he suctions and pleases you with his lips. The sensation of lowering your hands and grabbing Johnny's hair in your fingers was irresistible. 
“Mmhn~! Johnny… fuck! J-Johnny ple-ase!” 
Johnny had been humming along to your moans as they reverberated around the vehicle. Your stomach's coil finally burst, your eyes clamped shut, and your back arched in ecstasy. As he holds you down, Johnny pulls his fingers out of your cunt and grabs your hips with both of his hands. Your climax is coursing through your body as he continues to devour your pussy. His hair was being held in place by your hands so tightly that you worried you may rip it out. Your thighs were gripping the sides of his head as if you were going to break his skull.
“N-No! Waitwaitwait– Johnny!!”
As his mouth violently began sucking on your clit, you begged him to stop. The man, however, remained still, and you then experienced a new feeling. Your cunt gushes, Johnny groaning before quickly removing his face away from your sensitive core. Your grip on his dark hair, which had been locked in your fingers, loosened as you panted. His hands holding onto your hips relaxed while he chuckled. The man licked his lips and then ran his tongue against his teeth as he raised himself to his knees, which kept him on the seat's cushions. You stare at him in the hot atmosphere of a cool night. His chin down to his chest was slickly covered in your juices, he wore it like a medal as it glistened on his skin. A giggle escaped his thin lips as he raised his hand to wipe his face. “Did I just–”
“Squirt all over me? Yes, yes you did~.”
You blushed madly, setting a hand over your mouth and looking away from him. “I… didn’t know I could do that.”
Johnny grinned, “These hands work wonders darlin’.” He ran his hand over your pussy again before patting it, making you jolt at his soft motions.
“Eh– Ah! H-Hey! I’m still sensitive...” You whined.
“Oh I know,” Johnny said, pulling the hem of his boxers down. His cock emerged from that piece of clothing after it had fallen. Although the image had your mouth watering, you were uneasy about having that inside of you. “Bein’ sensitive is the bes’ part. Yer gonna be screamin’ ma’ name as I fuck ya’ senseless~.” You gasp when Johnny moves in between your legs, pulling them apart as he grips his twitching cock. He pumps it slowly, taking a moment to coat your juices on his hard length. Moments later, he lines himself up with your hole, running the loose strands of his now messy hair back.
“You don’t need me to do anything? I mean– I can… you know…” You tried to find the right words, but feeling the head of his cock press against you distracted your thoughts. “Nah, we’ll get ta’ that some otha’ time.” He says, leaning down to you. “I jus’ wanna be inside ya’~.”
His lips make contact with yours, and the sudden penetration makes you tense up immediately. You try to release, but the more he pushes the more pain surged through your lower body. When he pulls back from you, he stares into your eyes, a sudden wickedness appearing in his own. All of a sudden he bucks his hips forward, his mouth opening agape when his full length is inside of you. You whimper out in pain and pleasure. You felt so full that your walls could only squeeze around him, and so sensitive that a simple adjustment made you groan with pleasure. “A… warning would’ve been nice.” You glare at him, the man taking your body and pulling you back down to lay on the cushions. “Oops~.” He purrs, a small moan coming from his throat. Johnny takes your legs and wraps them around his waist again. “Want me ta’ go slow?”
“So considerate,” You say, watching as the man comes down to you. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
The man pulls his hips back before slamming back into you, your eyes widening at the feeling. A shocked gasp wakens the night, and Johnny continues to fuck you like the man he is. Hard, deep, thrusts that send your toes curling, and your hands to dig into his back that you held onto for dear life. The jolts of pure pleasure send you into a state of ecstasy, your mouth sending out nothing but pure, uncontrollable moans. 
“God baby— fuck~! Yer clampin’ on me— shit— uh~.” Johnny moans at you, his eyes watching every single detail of how your body craves him. “All mine… all fuckin’ mine— god!”
His head dips to your neck, placing firm kisses as his hand grip the sides of your ass. He lifts you up slightly, his cock beginning to drill into your tight pussy. 
“AHH~!! Ohmygodohmygod~!!” Your voice sounded so beautiful, getting louder every moment he bucked his hips into you. 
Johnny mutters under his breath, stopping and pulling his cock out from you. “Turn around baby,” He motions, watching as you quickly get on your hands and knees. You wiggle your ass, making him tap one of the cheeks teasingly. “Fuckin’ tease.” 
“Your the one who stopped when it was getting good.” You roll your eyes.
He scoffed, slapping your ass in which made you jump. “Ass up ya’ little shit.”
You smile, arching your back as he positions himself against you once more. While Johnny stuffs his cock back inside of you, you chuckle as you feel both of his hands on your ass. Oh, if he wasn't ramming into you before, he sure was doing it now. This position made things a lot easier for him to access. In the deepest places, most sensitive areas, as soon as he hit that sweet spot that’s all he ever did. 
“Tryna get away~?” He grips your hips as you try to pull yourself away, pulling you back on his cock. You squeal, your head shoving itself down in the cushion of the seat while your legs shake tremendously. “Ahhh~ fuck yer tightenin’.”
“Feels s’ good— ah— fuckfuck mmhn~!” 
“Say it again,” Johnny bends down slightly to take your neck into his hand. “Fuckin’ say it again!”
Tears brim in your eyes as his thrusts make your stomach clench, your eyes practically rolling back into your skull. “It feels good!! AHH~!! You feel so good Johnny!!”
“That’s right love, take it~ Take it~!”
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train as your body trembles. As Johnny continues to abuse your g-spot, you scream, your delightful climax intensifying to the point where tears are streaming down your face. As the man squeezed your neck, the shortage of oxygen caused you to start seeing stars as you gushed once more on him. Your voice breaks when he lets go of you, and your head is fuzzy as he fucks you for the remainder of your climax. 
His low murmurs and grunts escalate to become louder growls and moans. He gave you a hard slap on the ass and grasped it tightly. Both cheeks took turns getting reddened handprints. The man's thrusts were more eager, and he was grinning broadly. 
“I fuckin’ needed this— uh~ fuck I needed you~ Doin— mhm~ this ta’ me~…” Johnny threw his head back, taking in his own pleasure. The man was close to cumming, his thrusts starting to become sloppier than they were before. “I’m so close… Y/n, say my name.”
“Johnny…“ Your brain was mush, barely being able to comprehend what you had heard.
He slaps your ass, hard, making you yelp in surprise. “Louder~.”
“Johnny!” You moan louder.
Another firm slap, making you whimper out. “Scream my fuckin’ name~!” He positions himself, his cock pulling out to the tip before thrusting back in. 
“AH~! Johnny— FUCK~!” You scream out, the continuous jerk of his hips driving you wild. “Johnnyjohnnyjohnny— ohh my— MMHN~! JOHNNYYY~!!!”
“That’s… fuckin’… ohh~ fuck~  ha— ah ahhhh~.” 
Johnny stops moving and embraces your cunt with his pulsing cock. His hot cum shoots ribbons into your pussy, coating the walls of your womb with his thick sperm. His pants were just as heavy as yours, and the air in the car smelled strongly of sex. Your head turns to look back at him only to realize he had leaned down, his hand rubbing the small of your back as he huffed. Both of you stayed silent for a while, admiring each other, which was a little different for Johnny.
“You okay?” He asks breaking the airs silence, making you smile again.
“Yeah… just really hot.”
Johnny grinned and drew his cock away from you. Both of you sigh as the feeling suddenly slips away. He settles down and observes while you prepare to follow suit. When he notices you struggling, he smiles before grabbing your arm and bringing you near to him. “C’mere.” 
You move over to him, the side of your body pressing against his. Your entire body relaxes in his arm as your head lays against him, his body radiating a warm but comforting heat. Being around him made you feel safe… oddly enough. Though god, did your lower body throb like a mother fucker.
“Still gonna go with pretty boy on Friday?” His question lingered in the air for a few seconds before you turned your head to look at him. 
“I already canceled that,” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “I have plans.”
“So you do hm?” He says with a smirk. “And what are your plans?”
Johnny understood what you meant after only seeing you grin. He gave you one back, truly pleased with your choice. His expression caused your heart to melt. He knew he had you, he claimed you as his before you even knew it. Can he… really say that this is love? Is this how it actually felt? Like the others, you were drawn in, but there was something special about it. You were the one person he really desired and cared about. The mark of his prey had been on you, his print now painted red on your body. His little red stained sunflower. 
His, and his only.
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie @iorbit @yoong1c0re @thedollmakerkai
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ayyyez · 2 years
Haikyuu you say? Can you do kageyama, goshiki, and Tsuki headcanons? Their love languages, relationship headcanons sfw and nsfw, or anything you want!!
A/N: Bless youuuu! Thank you for sending one in for me and oh this ones really good! I love options. YES KAGS! Some characters I haven't done yet yeeees. I can do this for sure <3
TAGS: relationship headcanons, love languages, dating them headcanons, fluff, smut under the cut, each one has a little bit of smut after the fluff, praise, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time
CHARACTERS: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Goshiki Tsutomu
Kind of awkward almost shy in the beginning like he's afraid of doing something wrong to ruin your relationship. He's aware that the things he says can be taken the wrong way and doesn't want that to happen with you.
If you ask him about it he will just 'I'm sorry, I don't want to mess this up.'
'Mess what up?'
'Us.' He's so serious too, blush over his cheeks and everything.
You have to set him straight and assure him it's fine to mess up. You're not going to break up with him over a misunderstanding. Plus you know what he's like by now.
Give him a reassuring hug and maybe a big smooch and he's all better. Also, he's a sucker for head pats, especially if your fingers really work and get tangled in there. He pushes into your touch like he craves it.
Tobio wants to be good for you so he feels reassured by this even more. He's your good boy.
Speaking of wanting to be good, words of affirmation are very big for him in terms of love languages. Praising him and acknowledging him is assure way into his heart.
Tell him things like 'Wow that set was so impressive!' and 'I never get tired of watching you play.' It really brightens his day. It also gets him going~ if you know what I mean.
Tell him you love him, little compliments about his outfits, that you appreciate him. These all go a long way. 'Damn baby you're looking extra good today!'
He stops and blushes all bashful before a smile crosses his lips. 'Thanks.' He says, pressing a kiss to your temple. 'You look good too.' His hands slide up and down your sides. 'But you always look good.'
'Well aren't you sweet.'
Even that gives him a little extra pep him his step. Being told he is sweet. Because he'll be anything for you! Sweet, loving, affectionate. As long as he can be yours.
Likes spending time just the two of you at home for dates. But isn't afraid to also take you out and spoil you. Kind of gets a sense of pride holding your hand in public.
Also big on other kinds of physical touch but more in private. Relies on you to recharge his battery after a long day. Just falls against you and cuddles.
Craves your warmth and affection. Wants you to stroke his hair. Likes it when you whisper those sweet affirmations to him at the same time.
Likes lying on top of you and pressing his face against your chest. Kind of has thing for you chest. Also a thing for squeezing your chest. The size doesn't matter nor does it matter if you've got breasts or pecs, he's just fixated there.
There are times he likes to just bury himself there, mouth attached to your nipple, sucking and licking to his hearts content. Will nip just to play around.
Works the other nipple with his fingers. Sometimes is there for ages ignoring how hard he is in his sweats.
It doesn't matter that he's been leaking pre-cum for ages. He contents himself by thrusting against you every now and again to relieve it.
It's not until your hands thread into his hair, tug at the roots and pull him up that he remembers to continue to the next step. He's a little dazed and starry eyed so bear with him.
Then your hands are on his cock and he's whining, begging for you to make him cum after he's edged himself for so long without even realising it.
Tsukishima held his cards close to his chest until the moment the confession came and then all of a sudden he's dating you and he's not really sure how to switch to being vulnerable.
His cards don't all come down onto the table right away.
You've sort of got to pry them from him or just wait until he naturally gives them to you (either way he needs little pushes because he's rather stubborn).
He's not overly affectionate and sappy. But will catch you of guard sometimes with soft smiles or stares in your direction.
'What?' You'll ask.
'I'm just looking. Got a problem with that?'
'Not if you give me a kiss.'
'Tch.' Gives you one anyway. And not just some cheap chaste kiss. Puts the whole Tsukki back into it. A big old passionate kiss.
'Happy now?'
'Not quite.'
Rolls his eyes but he's smirking because yeah he's coming in for another kiss. and another and another. The kiss deepens and ohh here comes that tongue at a steady pace. Nice and easy. But oh does it take your breath away.
He can be sweet and a little shit all at once.
Will walk over and bonk you on the head for attention. The second you whip around to scold him he will steal a kiss. Sometimes its on the forehead, other times its the cheek but there's other times its smack bang on the lips.
Pulls away smirking like. 'Hey.'
Punch him honestly, he will just give you another one. Or laugh. Which ever one you don't mind about.
Loves to tease you but really enjoys partners who keep him in check about being a shit or tease him back. Humble him he finds it hot. Will be all 'Tch.' but inside he's like 'Damn, you really can handle me.' Wants to kiss you real bad but won't if it's in public. Just gets all smirky lol.
His love language probably falls more on the quality time side of things. Just being able to hang out and exist together is most important to him.
It doesn't always have to be big dates. He's good with easy hangouts at home with homecooked meals, watching movies together, listening to music and just chilling. Prefers it honestly.
He does, not that he'll admit it out loud, like going out occassionally just to show off that you're together. Kind of has this complex about it. Feels a rush of superiority having been the one to bag you. Drapes an arm around your shoulder or waist proudly, head held high. Ha, you're his.
The complex kind of falls in reverse though in terms of making him feel a little self conscious. Feels like he doesn't deserve you sometimes. Doesn't seek reassurance but tries not to be such an asshole from time to time.
Goes through 'I've gotta be good for you.' Phases. Where he thinks he really needs to be better. You can pick up on it and assure him he's fine, just a little prickly sometimes. 'Aren't we all?'
Huffs when you pepper kisses all over his face to make him feel better. Appreciates it though.
Does appreciate and crave a bit of that physical touch too. Isn't always good at initiating it. Sometimes sits there craving it while staring holes into the back of your head.
That's your cue to climb on into his lap and just hold him and kiss him all over. Nip and suck at his neck to hear those sweet gasps and moans.
His hands will find your waist and hold you tight. That allows you to naturally push down against him. Before you know it the two of you are grinding together.
Exchanging kisses, touches and and dry humping all the way to that sweet friction until that final release. He's not even embarrassed because hey, the both of you got lost in the moment.
The two of you are just crazy about each other.
This guy omg, he flits between hell yeah you're going out with him to wow he can't believe you're actually going out with him. Bear with him alright? He's a bit all over the place emotionally.
The biggest sweetie though. Like, he always has your best interests at heart but is super self sacrificing at the start.
You have to be like boy! You need to tell me what you want too! This relationship is between two people! Please!
Appreciates you so much for it. Takes awhile to get there but is finally to be able start actually breaking that habit and tell you how he's feeling and what he wants to do.
Takes you on cute little dates. Starts wanting to show off in other ways other than just his volleyball skills. (totally compliment him on those btw he will love you forever)
Shows off by taking you to restaurants he thinks you'll like. Really gushes if he is right and you like the food. 'I'm just really good at picking places, I'm so glad you like the food.'
You snort but don't pay it much mind. 'Sure thanks for bringing me.'
You've got to give it to him for at least getting his confidence back right? It's kind of sweet.
Always asks permission to do things, like even the little things, doesn't just do it. 'Can I hold your hand?' or 'Can I hold you.' even 'Can I kiss you.' It's very endearing.
He has a blush on his cheeks every time even after you've been in a relationship for awhile. It's not that he's nervous anymore he's just really excited still. He will always be exited to be with you!
Really wants you to be at his games (if you can). He says it gives him extra strength knowing you're there cheering him on in person. Always asks for a kiss before the match too. It's for luck.
If you can't make it to the game he will ask for two extra kisses for EXTRA luck. Honestly he will just miss you but you don't need to know that. He also just likes kissing you.
The first time he tried to kiss you he accidentally got your nose. Was so embarrassed you had to grab him and kiss him to make him calm down. It didn't calm him down but it made him stop babbling lmao.
His love language is also Word of affirmation so praise that guy! Tell him you appreciate him and that he's the coolest, most talented guy you know.
One time, in bed while you were giving him a handjob you told him that he was the hottest, strongest ace you've ever seen and he let out the loudest moan and came right there and then. You just caressed his face and stroked him through it.
That's how you learnt that words of praise REALLY affected him. Especially in the bedroom. You could be in the middle of making out or having sex and a few praising words will having him moaning and tettering on the edge.
It's fascinating to watch just how quickly his brows knit together and his whines spill out.
Goshiki is very big on reciprocation too. He never likes to leave you hanging if he cums first. A bit of an overachiever too. If he cums once before you, he wants to make you cum twice.
Will spend hours going down on you. Kissing and biting up and down your thighs. Sometimes gets a bit hung up marking you he needs some help getting directions back to the main event.
Won't ever forget to please you though. Just likes to admire every inch of your body first.
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 9 months
Imagine what Jordan Li is thinking meetin you on campus for the first time:
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"Where'd you come from, Angel? Never seen you before. Fuck, I gotta know you."
"God, look so innocent; wanna change that so bad. Mama doesn't even know how gorgeous she is."
"Fuck you got on? Must wanna end up hangin off my dick huh?"
"Y/n.. pretty name to match a pretty girl.."
"Shit, almost caught me starin. Can barely keep my eyes off you. Gotta be more careful."
"Jesus Christ, that ass is fat as fuck. Bet its soft too."
"The fuck is that loser introducin himself to you? Should fuckin kill him for makin you laugh- such a pretty fuckin smile though."
"That's my girl; don't need no asshole walkin you to class. Such a good girl for me already and you dont even know it."
"Mhm, just as smart as you are pretty. Fuckin knew it.."
"Yes! Glad we got multiple classes together. Need to keep a eye on my new girl."
"Hate having to partner up.. Shitshitshit, you walkin my way!"
"Mama's not that shy. Glad we're partners; can't wait to spend some time alone with you."
"There goes that pretty fuckin smile again."
"Fuuuuck, can't believe my dicks this hard just from listening to you talk. Please, please don't notice, princess."
"So quiet now that it's just us in my room. Wonder what you're thinkin..?"
"Standin so close, wanna touch you so bad.."
"Smell so good- wait.. Why you lookin at me like that mama?"
"Holy shit, cant believe you kissin me! Mmmm.. Lips so fuckin soft; taste so good y/n."
"Knew it, ass is plush as fuck.."
"Man, you ain't playin huh? Mama's onna mission. Good girl, sit right on my dick. Perfect.. So perfect for me, feel so good against me."
"Don't wanna - fuck - gonna cum in my damn pants if ya pretty ass don't slow down."
"Not shy, definitely not shy. You're asking to get fucked sweetheart.."
"God damn needy as fuck already, poor baby can't stop beggin for it."
"Needa slow this down.. Don't want it to end before I get my prize."
"So fucking wet, shit.. Mama's drippin down my wrist. Squeezing so tight round my finger like this. Fuck!"
"Impatient little girl, pushing me to lay back so you can take what you want. I'll allow it- this time.."
"See? Told you to let me dig you out with my fingers first; lil pussy's way too fuckin tight."
"Fuck-it's-in! So fucking warm inside, so fuckin warm. Chokin my dick so gooood. Keep fuckin me sweetheart, please dont stop."
"Skin so soft; you're a fuckin goddess. Cant keep my hands off you."
"That's it, take what you want from me y/n cause I can promise you next time ima do the same."
"Oh you wanna play? Don't tease me mama, you don't wanna see what happens next.."
"Fuck, perfect titties I ever seen. So plump, so goddamn soft. Gotta pinch these pretty ass nips."
"Takin this cock like a fuckin champ, honey. Got me leakin in yo shit.. Ohfuck Pleasedontcum, pleasedontcum, pleasedontcum!"
"Sound so pretty baby. Yeah, keep moanin for Daddy. Let em know know who's makin you feel this good."
"So lucky to have you like this honey, thank you. Thank you so fuckin much."
"Thats my fuckin girl, lickin your juices off my hand. Thas it suck Daddy's fingers, show me how you'd suck my dick y/n."
"Gotta nasty lil mouth, know that? Make me cream in this lil pussy way you talkin."
"Shit, pussy milkin me like you bouta cum. Yeeees baby, want that so much! Lemme feel it.."
"Fuck- cant even slide out honey! Cummin already? Mmmm.. Barely even rubbed that puffy lil clit before you came allover my fuckin cock."
"No y/n! Bring that ass-wait.. sit on the edge of the bed? Why, whatchu got up ya sleeve mama?"
"Ooohshit, your mouth feels amazin baby. Just like that y/n, ain't gone take long pretty girl. Got me on edge- fuuuuck, you suckin my dick like you gettin paid honey."
"Love how you lickin the tip. Oh fuck, keep doin that."
"Thas it, massagin my balls just how I like it. Feel that nut buildin mama?"
"You really down there playin with my needy lil kitty already? Pussy soakin wet from deepthroatin Daddy, huh?"
"Got me shakin for you princess. Yeeees, ain't nobody suck dick like my baby. Finna fill those cheeks up.."
"Fuckme, the way you lookin up at me right now- ohshit, can't take that gorgeous smile with a mouth full of my dick!"
"Yeeeees, y/n! I'm cummin! No, no, no, come back here; stay on this dick. You started it so you gone finish it mama. Mmmmmm.."
"Uh uhn, look at me. Good girl.. Ass better not ever be embarrassed for makin Daddy feel good."
"Swallowed without bein told: Good girl."
"Naw, you puttin them clothes back on fa no reason; ain't goin nowhere.. You mine now, Angel.
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chadfallout76podcast · 7 months
"Deah Shroud!: A Nick Valentine Mystery" EXPLAINED and AMA
It never occurred to me to do this last year, but a lot of people have asked me questions about our Fallout 4 play in the last year in the Discord, so I wanted to open an AMA but also explain "Death Shroud!" and some of the broader themes involved in it.
Part 1: Pre-production
Before I get into the story, I wanted to explain how this production even came about. Over the years after working together on some official community projects with Wes Johnson through Bethesda, we became good friends. I took a couple of his acting classes and he talked about the Fallout For Hope charity initiative I started and asked for help in organizing the gaming community for his Alzheimer's Association fundraiser. The idea was to host a month-long digital event of discussion panels, game shows, improv and a play with as many different voices of video games, film and TV as we could round up. In our second year of his VoiceAPalooza fundraiser, I wanted to do an original old time radio show and see if could bring back as many of the cast that we could from Fallout 4. It was Wes who first suggested an adventure with his Silver Shroud character (that he voiced in Fallout 4's radio plays) teaming up with Nick Valentine (voiced by the amazing Stephen Russell). Valentine is, for me, one of the best written, unique companions in Fallout lore.
So, I reached out to Stephen Russell who had joined us before for charity work and he was all in on bringing Nick Valentine back to life! After that things moved fast with Bethesda's Pete Hines and Emil Pagliarulo joining us to have some fun for a good cause. We tried to get EVERY companion from Fallout 4 that we could, but schedule wrangling is tough, and some people are just impossible to track down or find. Matt Mercer would've loved to have joined us as Macready, but unfortunately scheduling didn't work, so the best we could manage would be a holotape (the only reason our snarky gun running merc had to take the big sleep in the story).
After having everyone plugged in to reprise characters, it was time to put fingers to keys and find the story...
Part 2: The Deep Lore
The origin of this story started with a thought: how would the NPC's and characters we love perceive modification of their universe by us? We, as players aren't the true creators of this universe or these characters (Bethesda is). If anything, we the players are the equivalent of "lesser gods", reshaping it in new ways, unexpected and subjective ways, and sometimes even chaotic ways (I'm looking at you avalanche of adult mods with realistic jiggle physics and Thomas the Tank Engine Vertibird).
It started with a mental image of the small ways in which we start out modding games, or even the first mods we (using the "Engine of Creation) actually create. I had a mental image of Magnolia doing her thing, singing away sultry in a crowded and smoky third rail when she looks one way, back the next and sees new curtains. A subtle thing, something a little startling, but in a universe where recreational drug use is met with a YEEE YEEEE WHEEEE...a change you simply dismiss as being overtired or a little too juiced.
I'm a sucker for old time radio. I grew up listening to classic radio horrors like The Whistler, Suspense, and Lights Out on vinyl records and cassette tapes when I'd spend summers with my grandmother on a little island off the coast of Canada. Getting the tone, feeling and sound to stage an old-time radio show was the easiest part of this whole process...it's baked into my brain lol. The key of course is finding the right narrative voice.
Enter: Bill Lobley. If you play Fallout 76, he is the announcer for the "Tales from the West Virginia Hills" holotapes, but before that he's a prolific voice actor, maybe best known for his role as the truly vile Jeremiah Fink in Bioshock: Infinite. He has a FANTASTIC transatlantic voice for old time radio and was perfect as narrator in the script.
Part 3: What Is Going On?!?!
I had the base idea, the voices to pull it off, but what was the meaning and message of the whole thing? I always start there. From a meta experience level, the story is about dealing with subjective reality that’s being torn apart. After Fallout 4 launched in vanilla, we the players changed that world and reshaped it with mods. The small changes in perceived reality are meant for the omniscient player (us) and are not meant to be perceived by the characters themselves...and yet, what if they were? And if they were...WHY?! The answer was right in front of me: there's a difference between something born into a world and something MADE into a world.
You take someone like Magnolia or Nick, both synths, that obviously weren’t naturally born from two people. They were conceived as an idea...a human idea sure, but still they were made, not born. Without even needing to say in the script, the Trickster from the Grognak comic books who shouldn't exist yet does IS also an idea. Some MADE into a world but not born...a different world sure, but still the creation of it. Nick, Magnolia, any synth as ideas themselves would sense that the world was wrong and being changed in a way no one else would because of fundamentally who they are and what they represent.
Everything that unfolds is because Nora as a keystone event in the Commonwealth, a focal point of the causal nexus making her a unique entity in that world. A causal nexus is the link between a cause and its resulting effects and ignore the science mumbo jumbo, because here's an example of how that works:
The Sole Survivor, Nora, listened to Kent's message, chose to answer him and put on the outfit of the Silver Shroud. As a unique figure she shifted perceived reality of everyone in the Commonwealth by becoming the Silver Shroud, acting like him and making people believe that a fictional character exists.
Unfettered belief and faith in an idea = manifested reality.
Rejected belief and faith in the idea = dispels that reality.
This HAS happened before in Fallout lore in the instance of people with horrifying backstories and personal tragedies choosing to become someone else such as the Mechanist (Fallout 3 and Fallout 4) or even the Ant-Agonizer (Fallout 3). This time however it was a unique figure who did this, a figure fated and meant to reshape the Commonwealth for good, bad or ugly.
This opened a door, the door through which another figure could influence and enter a new universe provided it take the form of something already in it...a reality side-step into the form of the Mechanist. Concurrently, the moment that happened, reality counterbalanced by making the Silver Shroud who was already believed to be real BECOME real as the ying to the Mechanist/Trickster's yang.
Now at home in reality, the Trickster found himself very much alive and unbound by story but had very little power to do much at all. He needed something more, an idea and faith that already existed in the Commonwealth with the infinite universe of ideas made, but not born like himself. His goal wasn't power, it was to sow chaos, reshaping reality into a realm for any and every idea despite the consequences to reality itself.
So what did he need? The belief in the Old Gods and a focus point of belief in the idea: a staff. The universe is as adaptive as it is remarkable and where the Mechanist had its opposite: the Silver Shroud, the Trickster needed its twin: enter Sheogorath...because what better staff to tear apart and reshape reality than the Staff of Sheogorath. There is a quest added in the new Skyrim Anniversary Edition in which you can build it for yourself with a few items: Branch of the Tree of Shades, Ciirta's Eye, Fork of Horripilation. In this universe it would have to fashioned with things FROM this universe.
Two eyes were needed:
The eye of a True Believer: Kent Connolly
The eye of a True Seer: Mama Murphy
Affixed to the top of a staff of the purest heartwood from a Twice Born Tree. Living wood from Harold, born a man who eventually mutated into a living tree.
Lastly, it had to be soaked in the tears of ages end: barrels of radiated blessed waters courtesy of the Cult of Atom.
The Trickster had no magic of his own in this universe in which to act, but thankfully courtesy of some powerful allies, he was able to make contact with shadowy cults and worshippers of the old gods who gave him the name of someone truly of faith in the old magic to make all of this work: Jebediah Blackhall, who in this spin of the universe did unfortunately get his hands on the cursed book: the Krivbeknah.
Finding allies was all too easy, as the events post main quest left the Commonwealth changed. To many, the Sole Survivor and his/her companions would be hailed as heroes. To others, they would be villains, particularly in light of what Nora CHOSE to do to the Railroad to end the synth threat for good. That's a lot of blood on the hands of heroes...
As the Mechanist/Trickster, Blackall and the Lombardos began using the staff, its changes and shifts in reality rippled backwards through time, as changing one specific thing would change its entire existence. You change some curtains and the manufacturer of those curtains only every made one pattern...the world object becomes changed universally. Tapping into the Engine of Creation to make these changes, leaves anyone MADE not born aware of them as they don't fit into the design as it shifts around them. Nick, Danse, Magnolia would all feel and see it, be thrown off for a bit before settling into the changed reality state.
At the climax when everything starts falling apart and you get everyone from GlaDOS and the Joker strolling on in, the only way to end it all is to separate the Trickster from the Staff and restore the saved intended state of reality. The Silver Shroud finds himself powerless against the Trickster...only someone from this universe would be able to intercede, hard wired into the Engine of Creation itself as an existing element connected throughout its framework and history. After sending the Trickster off packing to the moon (thanks GlaDOS), but its a little too late for reality. It collapses around them, finding themselves elsewhere...the point between the mind, creation and the outcome of reality.
After the Shroud fades away, Nick has the power and choice to roll the universe, his universe back along the tapestry of choices that led him here. They all were haunted by the choices they made the first time around, something Nora couldn't live with...that ultimately led her relationship with Danse to fall apart. So Nick decides to go back further, as far back as he can go and he finds himself back in his office with Ellie waking him up.
There are consequences to what he's done, that he's not yet aware of, ones that will become clear in our next episode. The synths remember, as he remembers...Danse, Magnolia and everyone else remembers the fall of the Institute. They all find themselves at their starting point, moving towards their intended fated position to encounter the Sole Survivor. For Nick? He's starting down the path that will led him to be held prisoner and meet the Sole Survivor for the first time.
As he'll soon discover however, things don't play out the same way this time. Moreover, while he was rolling back reality to an early saved state, he made a huge mistake and completely forgot about something and someone so incredibly important...
You'll have to wait to see what that is...
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 3/8
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
"Hmmn. No speedos in sight." You observed the beach from left to right.
"Maybe you were thinking of Brazil?" Alicia said, appearing beside you. "Yeah, that must be it. Brazil. "
You shrugged, happy nevertheless. It was a beautiful day, no clouds in sight, the sun hot against your skin. You wore a sundress to Alicia's frustration. However, it was not worth getting burned again.
"So where are the guys. They told us to meet them here, no?"
"I dunno?" You said. Perhaps they were running late.
"Found them." Alicia shirped.
She turned your shoulders for you to look in the right direction. What you saw made your cheeks burn more than the sun did. It was Ruben, Fabio and Theo, all sweaty playing a game of beach volleyboll.
"Ladies, you made it!" They stopped the game, to their opponents dissatisfaction. They were playing against children, really small children. "Y/N, you're here, at the beach." Ruben approached you with a brimming smile on his face. He wore no shirt only swim trunks. Never had you seen so many outlined abs on such fare skin. His body tanned easly.
"Yes, no speedos in sight." You joked, trying to play it cool. However it was difficult, seeing as Ruben was checking you out. Sure, your sundress hid more skin than a bikini, but it did nothing to hide your curves, and the fact that you wore no bra.
"You look..."
"Warm." You smiled, cutting Ruben off from complementing you. He chuckled.
"Yeah, that's the word I was looking for, hot. You look hot."
You shook your head at his smugness, it was silly, but tempting.
"So, do you girls want to join us?" Theo asked, raising the volleyboll in his hand. "In that case it will be you guys against me and my nephews." He turned to the children who looked displeased to have their game interrupted by two females.
"Um, I think we'll pass." Alicia said, dragging you with her to where the taning beds were.
"Did you see how fit he was?"
"Who, Ruben?"
"Yeeees. You should definitely climb that."
Alicia giggled, rubbing sunscreen on her legs. "You know, tap that."
"Alicia. English please." You demanded.
She rolled her eyes. "You should fuck him Y/N. How long has it been since you had sex? And don't...." She said, seeing as you were about to protest. "Don't count that little rendezvous you had with your coworker Byron."
"First of all, he was not my coworker when we...you know. I wouldn't do such a thing."
"Oh please. Save that for whoever caught his head between your legs, which by the way, is your current boss."
"Again." You said, fueling Alicia's laughter. "None of us worked together back then. We were all still in university."
"Funny how life works." Alicia held her flat stomach to ease her spasms. "The three of you, now working at the same school." One might think she would die from laughing so hard.
"Yeah yeah, very funny."
"Oh come on, don't be mad. All I'm saying is that if you have the chance to fuck a hot rich guy, take it. Ruben is both of those things."
You chuckled in response as the two of you fell back against your taning beds. There was a marina up ahead. With boats the size of houses.
"Imagine being on one of those." You dreamed.
Alicia nodded. "I would definitely fuck a old rich guy for that."
"I suppose." You grimarced. Alicia always had a strange way of seeing things.
"Oh my god, look!"
"What?" You sat up, raising your sunglasses to see better.
"That one."
Alicia was pointing towards one of the smaller fleets. A yacht named Deria. "Check out the flag." She said, reffering to the one waving on top of a mast. You recognized it as the flag of the UAE. As a kindergarten teacher you knew most of the flags of the world, it came with the job. Alicia however, only knew of this particular flag because you had spotted it every where in Dubai.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She said, raising the usual concern within you.
She stood. "Come on, let's ask if they'll take friends of Muhammed Siddiq for a boat right."
Apperently the Siddiq family was known all over the middle east, especially in Dubai. After a brief phone call, the crew was happy to have you Alicia, Ruben Fabio and Theo on their boat. Theo's nephews were happy to come along too.
"Again, tell me what you do for a living?" Ruben asked, once all of you were on the boat, somwhere in the middle of the sea.
"You know...." You said, trying to snort the question away. However, you and Ruben were alone at that moment, making it hard for you not to give him a straight answer. And so you lied. "I have a consultant company that deals with clients all over the world."
Ruben raised a brow, impressed by the fact.
"Yeah. I guess you can say that I'm a busy woman."
"Not too busy, I hope?"
Ruben leaned over the boat railing, enjoying the view of both the ocean and.... "I really like you Y/N. I hope that we can...."
You were interrupted by sudden commotion on the top deck of the boat.
"It's Remy." Theo said.
Ruben and you had rushed upstairs to find everyone surrounding Theo and one of his nephews. The boy looked pale, struck by a sudden seasickness.
"He has never been on a boat before. His mother won't let him." Theo said, voice shaking. "I didn't know it was because...."
"Hey, it's okay." Ruben stepped forward calming his friend.
A sudden instict within you kicked in. Quickly you rushed to be by the boy's side, swooping in to care for him. Everyone even gave you the space to do it. The crew adviced you to stay on the top deck whilst they turned the boat back to shore. And so you did, the boys head resting in your lap to the slow movments of the ship.
"Mamãe." He groaned.
"Shhh." It's gonna be okay."
You stroked his head to calm him down. He closed his eyes, allowing you to go on. The sun was setting in the sky to a low summer breeze. As you gently held his head and offered him a cold compress, you felt a presence behind you. It was Ruben, admiring the way you were soothing his friends nephew by telling him random facts about earth. Facts he probably didn't understand, since they were all in english. Nevertheless, the purpose was to be patient and nurturing, and it was clear that the boy felt safe and comforted in your arms.
"You have children of your own, no?" Ruben asked.
You turned your head and smiled. "I just want to make him feel better."
He nodded understandingly, slightly annoyed that you didn't answer his question. He approached, plotting down beside you.
"You're good with children."
"Do you have any of your own?"
Yes, twenty of them.
"No. But someday."
He nodded. "How many do you want?"
It was cute, how serious he seemed with these questions. You chuckled. "I guess as many as my husband decides to put inside of me."
Ruben's eyes widened, his gaze shifting to the boy asleep in your lap. "You're kidding?"
"Not really." You shrugged. "It all comes down to that, no? How many children a man wants to put inside of a me. I mean how many babies would you like to put in a woman?"
He blushed, regretting having gotten you into this topic. But then his face stilled, his expression confident, eyes piercing yours. "It depends on the woman."
You gasped, but not because of what he said and how it made your insides errupt. "I wasted our night." You said, in a sudden realization.
Ruben's expression faltered, but did not look disappointed at you. "You'll give me your number, no?"
"Sure." You mumbled, wanting to give him more than that.
"Hey." He raised your chin, seeing as it fell. "I'll see you again, no?"
His face, it looked so handsome in the pink son. That's what you did what you did. That's why you leaned forward and kissed him, although Ruben's hand under your chin was already brining you towards his lips.
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luke-shywalker · 18 days
he’s still a baby to me
I thought only girls did this sort of thing, Leia thought to herself as she navigated Han’s electric clippers around Ben’s head. Her fourteen-year-old son sat there, stone-faced, his knuckles gripping the edges of the kitchen chair.
Leia was currently performing damage control on a self-inflicted haircut. Ben had grown out his hair long enough to brush his shoulders, and he’d worn it like that for a few years, irritating Han to no end—but Leia knew Ben hadn’t cut it to please his father.
“Is everything going alright at school?” Leia asked carefully, sweetly, the same way she would on any other Friday night. But she knew that Ben saw right through that in an instant.
“Yes,” he muttered curtly.
“Are you feeling all right, sweetie?”
“I’m great.”
Leia paused, considering her next move like it was a game of dejarik. Honestly, sometimes it kind of was. Teenage boys were an unfathomable mystery.
Ah—she had it.
“I cut my own hair, once, too,” she said lightly. “When I was about your age. Women on Alderaan would always grow their hair so long—because of the traditional braids. I chopped all my hair off one day, just to give my attendants a heart attack, and had to wear hairpieces whenever I was out in public for the next five years.” She chuckled at the memory.
No response.
Gee, tough crowd, Leia thought.
Ben tugged at his long sleeves. These were the last days of summer, when school had already started but the air was still hot—not like the cool autumns of Alderaan, which had always seemed to come early as if to usher in the winter festivities as quickly as possible. But all summer long, Ben had been living in that same disgusting sweater, oversized and pilling—she had to force him out of it once a week to get it into the wash, and yet it still wasn’t enough to keep that old hand-me-down of Han’s from smelling distinctly of boy—
But a new thought had occurred suddenly to Leia, and her motherly instincts kicked into overdrive—teen angst—haircuts—scissors—blades?—and she found herself seizing his arm and rolling up his sleeve in one quick motion. “Mom!” he yelled.
But there was nothing to find. Only a pale, skinny wrist that hadn’t seen a single ray of sun all summer. She relaxed.
Kind of.
“I was…checking your eczema,” Leia fibbed. “Do you still put your cream on every night?”
“Good boy.”
I wish I knew what went on in his head, Leia thought.
And then: …No. No, I don’t.
She remembered having her own share of teen angst, at his age—but, it had been quickly replaced by some very real trauma that had turned her forty years old at nineteen.
She had had some wild thoughts in her time. Scary thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Did everyone, she wondered? Or, was it just her…?
Anyway…she had to trust that Ben would turn out okay. Just like she had.
…Force, she thought to herself as she turned off the clippers and dusted off her kid’s shoulders. Did I turn out okay?
She stood there a moment, staring at nothing, trying to figure out whether or not she had turned out okay, whether or not she was raising her son okay—but Ben interrupted her racing thoughts.
“Mom, can I go now?”
Leia blinked rapidly. “Yes, yes, of course, sweetie. Come back downstairs for dinner around six, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” said Ben, even though both of them knew he wouldn’t be coming down until twenty-seven “Ben, dinner”s after six-thirty. “Can I play hologames with Poe?”
“Are they appropriate?”
“You’ve literally killed people, Mom,” said Ben, and bounded upstairs, nearly tripping himself over his too-long legs. “You don’t get to tell me what’s appropriate.”
“Ben Solo, where did you pick up that attitude of yours?” Leia yelled up the stairs.
But that, of course, was a ridiculous question in this household, and one that didn’t necessarily require a response.
Leia sighed and stooped to sweep up the hair trimmings by hand. Her knees ached a little. The short locks of black reminded her of the thin wisps of hair she had saved, in a little traditional chest she had received from another Alderaanian ex-pat at her baby shower. She stood up again, and remembered how it had felt to carry him.
He’s still a baby to me, she thought, fingering the strands.
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indianaclems · 1 month
Nur and Long argue.
Long: It's my moms favorite! the proof they asked the dragons to create me.
Nur: No it's me, I was chosen! You they have to support you now!
Long: they wanted me because you were only the failed draft!
Raya who hears them bickering intervenes.
Raya: What's going on kids? I hear you screaming, you're not arguing.
Long rushing over to Raya and burying her face in her dhoti.
Long: Nur is mean she says you didn't want me!
Raya: Nuuur!
Nur: What, but you're a liar, Má Long says you don't like me and he's your favorite.
Raya: What-.
Long: Má am I your favorite?
Raya: Okay, that's what it was all about... raya breaths while massaging her temples.
Raya: Children you want to know who is our favorite child to Ma and me?
Both: Yeeees
Raya : follow me.
Raya takes them to their room and takes a box.
Raya: I have placed inside this box a picture of our favorite child
The two children look and see a mirror...the two look at each other and blush understanding what Raya wants to tell them, the two reconcile.
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fruit-salad-ship · 5 months
Let them have moments of soft!
I will share one I have thought about for the last two days.
Injured and in hiding, the girls retire to a safe house, patching wounds, passing bandages, and peach being the frontline has sustained some serious internal bruising, she hurts, so she pops some pain killers and clumps on an old dusty couch. Her head lolls to the side to watch plum applying a plaster to her arm, she sees her boss’ white clothes muddied, blood splattered, her hair is not it’s regimented style, her nail polish is chipped, her skin sports damage. She is not herself, and yet peach can’t help but fall back on a daydream. Hazy with her meds she doesn’t seem to mind being caught looking. Plum asks her what, a defensive tone, and peach rolls her head to be comfortable and indulges in her little secret.
She tells plum about the secret wish she’d had. She tells her that in another life, she’d have loved to have met her like a normal person. No violence, no spite, no job between them. Peach paints this picture of running a strawberry farm, selling them by the punnet at a farmers market. She is happy, with no one there to tell her what to do. Plum shows up to her stand, and they both seem to click, a background thought in their heads of ‘oh. I was made for you.’ As they fumble around conversation, with peach’s cheeky grin and plums open smile. Neither girl was damaged, they had a normal upbringing with no trauma to shape them into what they are now. Plum buys two punnets after being offered to try one, and they’re good, they’re so good, peach knows it, she grows em with care. Her parting words are that she’ll be here again same time next week, if plum likes them she should come back and get some more, you know, while they’re in season.
Plum of course comes back, same time next week, looking as radiant as ever, and this time peach works up the nerve to ask her to go for coffee sometime, if she likes, don’t have to. Plum agrees. They go on this coffee date and laugh, genuinely laugh. Have fun. Go on other dates, and this is where peach describes a bunch of things that even in her real life, even now sat on that dusty old sofa, plum would enjoy, she knows because she’s been around her long enough to have picked up on her interests.
Plum once upon a time would have used her quirk to get this story, but peach offers it freely, a cocktail of pain killers keeping her calm and numbing out the pain she’s managing. To plum, this is a gift she did not expect to get, always she has to extract information with force, but this is handed to her, this gentle notion of another lifetime where they get to be normal is offered up with peach’s smiles and weak laughter, aware enough that she’s being stupid saying it out loud.
Plum eventually says peach is wrong. It takes a while to find the words, but she toys with a thread on a cushion and mulls over the story. It’s not that it’s bad, she says it’s that she’d have asked to go out with peach first time they met, she’d not wait to see her again, and she’d not let peach lead. There’s no way. This gets a laugh that hurts, but her big guard can’t help it. Of all the things to have an issue with, that was it? Typical.
Peach slips into sleep and leaves plum to chew over the notion of what if. A woman impossibly cautious, daunted by personal connections, fearful of meaningful relationships, she’s been burnt so many times, now it’s natural to guard herself.
Once they’re back to work and healed up, the story hopefully is forgotten, peach put it behind her, plum however, can’t. She’s tried, she’s really tried, but it’s hard to look at that black clad woman beside her and imagine her being anything but a brutal gun for hire. The idea of her being slack, being sweet, is alien. It’s even more abstract to imagine plum would be on the receiving end, even after how she’s treated her, after how they clash hard, how many times she’s used her quirk to mess with her.
Plum stands in a shop later on, peach is gone, it’s just her, eyeing a tray on a shelf, biting her lip in thought, trying to be brave about something so stupid. She picks up the item, buys it, and takes it home. It’s placed on the kitchen table, where she looks at it for a longtime, with wine, over dinner, while sorting out emails and paperwork. Her eyes always return to the thing she bought.
It’s not until the next day, peach back in guard rotation, that she gestures vaguely after her shift ends for the night, trying not to meet the gaze of her member of staff, a woman who’s gone above and beyond in her work. ‘It’s for you.’ Stated simply as she continues typing on her laptop, not even giving peach a moment of her time, as if she had better things to do, when in fact she’d thought about this for almost 2 days now. It made her nervous. Peach picks up a tray of 6 strawberry starts. Little baby plants that need time and care, but could grow healthy. The only hint peach has gotten that her story didn’t just get thrown in the trash as she’d expected.
Neither say anything, plum can feel her looking over, but peach goes home, and carefully plants them up, and waters them in, and looks at them with a very gentle smile. In another life, they’d have been better, had a good honest chance at love, but who’s to say they don’t deserve it in this one? It’s all they got, may as well try to make something of it.
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Doodle for fun^
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