theseventrexsoul · 1 year
Ice age × OC
Chapter two
They walked in silence, until they reached a cliff.
She had always wondered where the mammoth was going, what he was going to do.
She'll probably never know...
"Sid should be here by now."
Speak of the Devil. She didn't have time to turn around before he crashed into her, causing them both to fall on the ground.
The Mammoth took him with his trunk, pushing the sloth away from her.
"For the Gods of Olympus, if he doesn't watch where he's going he risks hurting himself and others!" thought the girl, getting up again.
<<Act as if I wasn't there.>>
The newcomer turned and gasped, hiding behind Manny.
The duo looked up, seeing two rhinos a few meters away.
"Frank and Carl" Francyne remembered the two, she had never understood why they would want to harm the sloth.
Yes, he was talkative, clumsy, idiotic, a bit of a pain in the ass and had ruined their snack, but he was a nice and funny guy.
Sid held onto Manny's leg, <<Don't let them impale me, please! I want to live!>>.
<<And get off!>> Manny shook it off, making the little girl giggle.
<<Well, how long are you taking it.>> Frank complained, probably addressing the sloth.
<<We'll take our dusty stuffed animal and leave if you don't mind.>> Carl said to the Mammoth.
Manny said to Sid: <<If it's not them today, it will be someone else tomorrow.>>
<<But I'd rather it wasn't today, okay?>>
<<No one would want today to be her last day.>> Francyne added softly, loud enough to be heard by the two mammals next to her.
Sid was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.
<<Look, we'll break your neck, so you don't feel anything, what do you say?>>
<<Wait a minute, aren't rhinos vegetarians?>> Manny asked.
<<Acute observation!>> added Sid, being silenced by the Mammoth a second later.
<<Who said we eat him after we have killed him.>> said Frank, eager to have fun in that cruel way.
Manny and Francyne exchanged looks; the human knew what was about to happen.
The Mammoth glared at the two rhinos.
<<I don't like animals that kill for fun.>>.
Francyne nodded in agreement. Only humans behaved like this, in a mean and cruel way.
Who did they think they were to feel empowered to take a life?
<<Save it for a mammal that cares.>> Frank replied.
<<I'm a mammal that cares!>> said Sid, looking at the two who protected him with an expression of pity.
<<I care too, and I won't let you hurt the sloth.>> Francyne added.
Manny thought, and seeing the fossilized quicksand between them and the rhinos, an idea came to mind.
<<Listen: if one of you can overcome the quicksand in front of you, I'll give you the sloth.>>
Frank and Carl suddenly looked skeptical: Was it worth risking their lives to get him?
After all, they would have other opportunities to have fun.
They didn't have time to think about it.
<<That's right, buffoons! Take one step and you're dead!>> Sid shouted, throwing a stone, which stopped in the middle of the quicksand, telling the rhinos the truth.
<<You were bluffing, huh?>> Sid asked, realizing he had ruined everything.
<<Yeah, it was a bluff>>
Francyne looked at him with disappointment, how was it possible that he hadn't realized this before?
Frank and Carl charged. She moved out of the way in time, while Manny and Sid were pushed towards the edge of the ravine.
The human managed to catch Sid just before he fell and Manny counterattacked.
Sid cheered, but only for a second; the two rhinos charged back.
<<Stay with the sloth.>> Manny said to Francyne.
He caught Frank with his trunk and threw him away.
The girl saw Carl approaching and she stood in front of Sid.
<<Come on, you inflated balloon!>>
Carl didn't achieve his goal: before he could hit the human or the sloth, Manny grabbed him and threw him away.
<<We did it!>>
Sid cheered, hugging both Manny and Francyne, not realizing he had knocked the Mammoth off balance.
They fall down.
Manny caught the human, so she wouldn't get hurt as they slid down the slope.
<<Are you okay?>> she asked, when they stopped.
She saw Sid on top of Manny.
<<You have beautiful eyes>> he commented.
<<Get off my face.>> replied the Mammoth, standing up and letting go of Francyne.
<<Wow, the three of us! We are a great team! Why don't we go south together?>>
<<Of course not, jump on my back and make yourself comfortable!>> Manny retorted, starting to walk, followed by the girl.
Francyne giggled and turned to the sloth: <<He was sarcastic>>.
Sid stopped for a moment, realizing a detail.
<<Sorry, aren't you going south? The change of season, the migratory instinct....do these things mean anything to you?>>
<<I'd say no, bye.>> replied Manny, who took the human and made her climb onto his back.
<<You have a very soft fur>> she commented, stroking him.
<<Okay, thanks for the help, I can get on by my own.>>
Francyne saw him go, giggled.
"3, 2, 1..."
<<Oh, too much importance is given to this Southern thing! And then the heat, the crowd...>>
Manny rolled his eyes, exasperated by the sloth's irritating presence.
<<Instead think: two bachelors and a human wandering around in uncontaminated nature!>>
Francyne breathed an amused sigh.
Seeing it on TV was hilarious, live... she would have died laughing.
Manny, on the other hand, didn't appreciate his company and made his nervousness very clear, even not in words.
<<You want a bodyguard so you don't become someone's dinner.>>
<<He's not completely wrong... >> commented the human.
Manny snorted.
<<Okay, lead the way...I didn't catch your names.>>
<<Manfred?! Oh, poor us! >> she exclaimed << How about Manny the sulky Mammoth or Manny the melancholy, or... >>
Manny glared at him, startling the sloth, who climbed up a nearby log.
"Now I'll strangle him," he thought.
<< Hey, it's not nice to say certain things! >> added the human, crossing her arms.
Manny grabbed the tree with his trunk.
<<Stop following us>> he said, letting go of the shrub, causing Sid to fall.
<<Okay, you have your thoughts. Act as if I wasn't there, I'll sew my lips shut >> he retorted, continuing to follow them.
"He will starts talking anyway, he can't keep quiet"
In fact, after about ten meters...
<<So, you are a human who can talk?>>
Francyne rolled her eyes, a smile appearing on her face.
"I'm going to have a lot of fun!" she thought.
Second chapter of the story, you can find it on wattpad too.
Sorry for grammar errors but google translate doesn't do his job right and plus I wrote this previously in my language (italian), so the dialogues aren't the same as the original Ice Age.
Hope you like it though.
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theseventrexsoul · 1 year
The Ice Age had arrived.
The frost intensifies with each passing day.
All the animals decided to head towards the south where, probably, there would be warmer and therefore more green pastures.
Everyone, however, knew to avoid humans.
In fact, anyone who had noticed the human not far from the road they were traveling on would have moved further away in fear, even though she was unable to attack them as she was unconscious.
A cold breeze woke her up.
Shivering, she tried to get up, but her headache made her dizzy and she lay down again, on her back.
"I must have taken a big hit on the head," she thought.
She opened her chocolate brown eyes and closed them immediately, dazzled by the light of the midday sun.
The sky was clear, the air was fresh and clean, and the birds chirping were soothing.
She sat up, very slowly, and looked around.
"Where am I?"
She didn't know it, but that place seemed familiar.
The last memory she had was a large yellow-blue-red portal appearing next to her. She had come closer to investigate and was about to call her colleagues, John and Charles, when she was sucked into the portal. Then nothing, she didn't remember anything and now she was in that place.
<< I was just admiring the sunset from the roof of a New York skyscraper... >> she snorted.
She felt like she was being watched, so she turned, locking eyes with a familiar face.
"Manny?!? What the f-!"
The Mammoth had noticed the human being lying not far from the road and approached her.
She looked small, probably she wasn't an adult yet.
He had wondered what she was doing alone in the middle of nowhere.
<<Um...Hello>> she murmured, shaking her hand.
Hearing her voice, Manny's eyes widened, his expression both confused and intrigued.
<<You...can you talk? I thought humans couldn't talk.>>
She shrugged, <<Maybe I'm special>> she lied, <<But where I come from animals don't talk>>.
She couldn't tell him that she could understand him thanks to some earphones she was wearing, one of those gadgets that S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten her.
Manny looked at her, then asked: <<What's your name? You seem small to be walking around alone, don't you think?>>.
Francyne smiled, stood up and approached the Mammoth.
<< Well, I'm only 15 >> she admitted << But in a dangerous world no one should be walking around alone.... my name is Francyne. What is your name?>>
She knew very well who he was, but if she had told him the truth, that she probably came from a different time or even an alternate universe.... He would have gone away, calling her crazy.
And, for once, she didn't want to go on an adventure alone.
<<Well, Manfred, you don't mind if I stay with you for a while, do you? Like you said, you shouldn't go around alone, right?>>
He analyzed her with his gaze.
He didn't trust humans, especially after what they had done to him, but he saw no reason to refuse.
"If I let her go alone, she'll probably get eaten by some predator." he thought.
Francyne didn't seem intimidating or even capable of surviving in that prehistoric world. As far as he knows, humans moved in groups, but she was all alone, she couldn't have made it without help.
Manny sighed, starting to walk away.
When he noticed that she wasn't following him, he nodded at her.
A smile appeared on the girl's face as she strode over to the Mammoth.
"He probably hasn't met either Sid or Diego yet. I absolutely don't want to miss the live show!"
It promised to be an interesting adventure.
So here it is, the first chapter of my fanfiction about my OC's adventure.
You can find it on wattpad too, but it's in my mather language, italian, and I thought I could translate it in here so that anyone could read it.
P. S. This is my story, but the original "Ice age" belongs to the 20th century fox and blue sky studios.
See you soon!
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theseventrexsoul · 1 year
Hi, I'm new here, I don't know how it works but I'm trying to expand my social in some way.
So, I'm a writer on wattpad, I have the same nickname I have here so it won't be hard to find me.
I've just wrote a fanfiction about my OC and one of the coolest cartoon ever "Ice Age".
I'm Italian so maybe you'll need to pass it on Crome to be able to read it.
It's the start of a series of stories with my OC, there are going to be more. I won't publish them until I'll write all the chapters, so it could take some time...
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So...that's it.
Hope you'll like it.
Bye bye!
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