#princet long
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indianaclems · 1 year ago
Gardian of the Dragon Gem
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wulfdreaded · 3 months ago
@princetaled location: le edge of the forest
never  did  the  wolf  think  he'd  be  doing  this.  never  did  the  big  bad  wolf  think  he'd  be  sitting  here  by  the  river  waiting  for  a  prince  to  meet  him.  long,  longer,  longest  story  short  ...  the  portals  made  the  royals  reconsider  their  current  opinions.  zeke  attending  king  stefan's  festivities  at  the  castle  &  got  to  witness  the  charade  all  these  fake,  snitching  royals  put  up  to  lick  each  other's  boots.  honestly,  he  didn't  care  what  they  did.  it  was  none  of  his  business.
not  until  he  was  dragged  into  it  by  none  other  than  a  young  prince  himself.  clumsy  little  thing.  honestly,  zeke  didn't  know  why  he  bothered  to  save  his  life,  but  before  he  could  ponder  over  that  ..he'd  done  it.  a  debt  ..  that  could  not  be  repaid  now,  could  it?  the  worst  was  that  the  little  prince  insisted  zeke  met  his  father  -  the  king,  who  ended  up  with  a  rather  peculiar  proposition  for  him.  not  only  was  he  going  to  be  forgiven  all  his  sins,  which  -  if  you  asked  him..  was  ridiculous,  but  he  was  also  begged  to  help.  long  term.
protect  the  prince.
now,  he  didn't  see  himself  as  a  protector  of  ...well,  anybody.  maybe  he  was,  maybe  the  reason  he  bit  rory  was  ..  that.  he  didn't  know  &  he  wasn't  going  to  think  about  it.  now  here  he  was,  sitting  on  a  rock  at  the  edge  of  the  forest  -  the  castle's  walls  standing  tall  in  the  distance  &  waited  for  the  little  prince  to  find  him.  zeke  wasn't  afraid  to  set  foot  into  the  village  alone.  oh  no,  he  wasn't  afraid  of  anything,  he  was  realistic  &  careful.  yes.
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footsteps  announced  his  presence  before  zeke  could  see  him,  one  of  his  furry  ears  craning  back  to  follow  the  noise  as  it  approached  while  zeke  drank  some  water  he  picked  up  with  his  palms.  "'bout  time."  he  was  told  the  prince  had  something  planned  for  today.  he  ....was  not  curious  what  that  may  be.  not  at  all.  standing  up  &  using  the  same  water  to  freshen  up  his  face,  he  spun  around  to  greet  the  other.  “where'd  you  wanna  go  today?”
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babymapleleaf · 1 year ago
Okay my behind the scenes fun fact for Jim's kit- that orange & skull chew necklace I included? That was made BY AND OFMD FAN and was BASED OFF OFMD!!!! You know how excited I was to find actual fanmerch that I could include in one of these kits???? If I had the money I would buy it just to thank them
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zelphin124 · 1 year ago
SeasonTale Creative Challenge
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Art and Design by PrinceTal
Greetings, Artists, Voice Actors, and Writers! It is I, Zelphin, and I am hosting an (annual?) competition! Introducing the first year of the SeasonTale Creative Challenge! 
This is a competition to express your creative talents by contributing to SeasonTale for a cash prize! There are three ways to participate: Art, Voice Acting, and Writing! Contribute some time to use one of the three involving SeasonTale to enter the challenge for the prize!
DEADLINE IS NOV 15th, 2023, 12:00 AM (GMT-6)
my birthday hehe~
Winners will be announced on December 1st!
Updates are in #scc info
Scroll down for details!
It must be a SeasonTale Sans. (I might do other characters from SeasonTale another year)
You MUST tag #SeasonTale Challenge and @zelphin124 in the post so I can see it! Or DM me on Discord!
You CAN do more than one submission (one per Sans for VA, two for writing)
You CAN do the Season Sanses interacting with OCs or popular Sanses, get creative!
DIFFERENT/SIMPLER OUTFITS ARE ALLOWED! I know they are a pain to draw...
You CANNOT steal/copy from other creators!
Please keep all content PG-13
Payments will be made via PayPal (unless negotiated otherwise)
Specific rules within the Google doc!
All prizes are in USD currency!
First place: $55
Second place: $35
Third place: $20
VAs and Writers
First place: $40 
Second place: $30
Third place: $20
Summer flirting with literally anyone
Particularly a feisty character
Spring cooking with Swap/Horror
Spring loves cooking Japanese Ramen
Autumn being a gremlin, as usual
Usually being feisty while training or hissing at a cat (he’s scared of cats)
Winter meeting your OC/you in the snowy mountains of SeasonTale
The Four Sanses in a training session
The four Sanses exploring a new AU
Spring comforting someone
Summer flirting with someone
Autumn getting frustrated at someone being annoying and telling them to go away
Winter is an awkward teddy bear trying to organize something
Ft. Iro!Sans for a female character/female voice actors!
Make something up! Be creative! Have fun!
Need more details? Here's the Google Doc:
Art and Design PrinceTal
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Oh and Iro!Sans
HAVE FUN! I'm so excited to see what you all come up with!
Been dying to do this for a long time~
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jungkookslipring · 2 years ago
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Not All Sunshine & Rainbows 🌈
Summary: you had an ugly coming out experience with a friend and you were devastated. Carbs-racha comes to the rescue❤️
AN: another experience that did in fact happen lol thank you @felixburneracc for choosing this lovely racha❤️ also to all of my gays, theys, and questioning baes, you are loved, and you are valid.
Happy almost pride month!🌈
Pairings: carb-racha x reader ✨
Genre: hurt/comfort ❤️‍🩹
Relationship: platonic 🫶🏽
Growing up you came from a very loving a supportive family, so it wasn’t too hard to come out to them once you were ready. You were slightly nervous to tell your friends, but half of them were beyond supportive and happy for you, while the others were of course equally as supportive but laughed their ass off and either said “we been knew” or “uh duh?”. You were blessed beyond belief. When you became friends with a new girl early in the year, you shared similar interests and even started going to concerts together. You became very close very quickly, best friends at that. You realized after a few months of being friends, you have not come out to her. It wasn’t until one day you decided to just casually say it, and long story short, it did not go well, and it broke your heart. You had one acquaintance in the past who said nothing but awful things about your community, and you had no problem never talking to them again, vowing to yourself that if you ever had an encounter like that again with one of your “friends”, you would have no problem cutting them off cause you had zero time for fake ass bitches…so why was this so hard? Why were you staring at your friend in disbelief when she said the same hurtful things but in a passive aggressive, more of “this is just how it is” tone? How come you felt so numb yet so hurt at the same time? How come you suddenly had the urge to cry? You excused yourself from her apartment and left immediately. You drove home, your heart torn, and your eyes slightly misty. You were so confused. You have made so many memories together just in the span of a few months, and you felt like it was all crashing down, cause once again, someone who was extremely closed minded, said awful negative things about your community, TO YOUR FACE. When you got home, you sat in your car for a second, trying to process what just happened. You promised yourself you wouldn’t keep anyone who wasn’t supportive in your corner, and now you were fighting with your brain whether or not you wanted to work it out. When you finally got out of your car, you started walking up the steps, and the very second you stepped into your apartment, your vision blurred. Your cheeks were immediately wet and your chest hurt. Being alone was on your agenda but suddenly you felt the need to be in someone’s arms. You turned your butt right around, walking out of your apartment door and back into your car. You weren’t sure who to call first, but that decision was made for you when one of your best friends sent you a pic of brown sugar boba in their hands with the text “thought of you today!’ right under it. You sniffled as you sent back a text almost immediately.
“Hyunjin… can I come over, please?” 😣
You almost didn’t hit send but his hugs sounded so good right now. You hit the arrow and waited. Almost immediately he responded.
Princet: “OF COURSE SILLY COME OVER” 😀 but not too long before sending
Prince: “Wait, is everything okay?” 😶
Your lip quivered when you typed out
“Not really”
You know is phone is surgically attached to his hands when he sends
“Come over y/n”. Not too long after you got two more messages from your friends. They must’ve been next to him or something.
Pup: “Drive safe y/n”
Maknae: “Whatever it is, it's going to be okay”
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to blur your vision so you could drive to their place. They didn’t live too far from you, but you know, safety. Once you got to their place, you pulled up your emergency break and stepped out of your car. You knew your eyes were probably puffy and red, but you knew there would be no judgment, and that was all you needed right now, no judgment. When you got to their floor, you quietly knocked on their door. In .2 seconds, Hyunjin was at the door, his face softening when he looked into your eyes. He didn’t even know what was wrong, but you weren’t one to get upset often. So seeing you so broken was devastating.
“Oh y/n…” he whispered when more tears filled your eyes. He gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the apartment, seconds before your cheeks were no longer dry. Hyunjin pulled you into his arms once the door was closed. Seungmin and Jeongin came around the corner, sharing worried glances at each other before walking over to you and Hyunjin. The tallest held you close as you did your best to hold in any noise that your body was desperately trying to release. The boys could sense that.
“Y/N, you don’t have to be so strong, you can let it out,” Hyunjin encouraged. You shook your head. No. You weren’t going to be weak now. Seungmin came up and started rubbing your back.
“It’s a safe space, y/n, I promise,” Seungmin said comfortingly. You knew that. You knew you could be yourself around them. You knew you could be who you were but you didn’t want to be weak. You didn’t want to show them that side of you. Did you trust them? Of course! With your life! But you’ve always been strong for them, you didn’t want the roles to reverse just yet. It wasn’t until Jeongin came up behind Hyunjin, and placed his forehead on yours to whisper,
“We love you y/n”.
You broke. You broke and you broke down hard. You didn’t think this one friend had that much of an impact on you but it was evident how hurt you were when you were soaking Hyunjin’s shirt in your tears. Sob after sob was ripped from your throat as the boys held you.
“It hurts, it really hurts,” you cry out as you tighten your grip on Hyunjin’s shirt. He leaned his head on yours as he brought up his hand to cradle your skull. They’ve never seen you so sad before, and they were ready to fight whoever hurt you like this. Seungmin and Jeongin went from rubbing your back to creating one big group hug around you and Hyunjin. You hated crying but you had to admit, it felt good letting it all out. After what felt like an eternity. You lifted up your head from Hyunjin’s shoulder and wiped your eyes. He kept a tight yet gentle grip on you as he looked into your eyes that still had a pool of tears in them.
“I’m sorry, it’s stupid,” you croaked. Seungmin shook his head.
“Nothing that makes you this upset is stupid y/n, isn’t that what you always tell us?” He asked gently. Damn, you really were the biggest hypocrite.
“What happened?” Jeongin asked as you laid your head back down on Hyunjin’s shoulder. You closed your eyes and let out a deep exhale. You were drained. Hyunjin stroked your hair.
“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to, y/n, but we’re here ready to listen with no judgment whatsoever, yeah?” He said so sweetly. Dammit you loved your friends so much. Another tear fell from your eye, and Jeongin was quick to wipe it away with his thumb. You let out a shaky breath and nodded slowly.
“Let’s go sit down,” Seungmin suggested, placing a hand at the small of your back. The four of you walked to the couch and sat down. You were seated in between Seungmin and Jeongin while Hyunjin squatted in front of you, gently rubbing your thigh. Seungmin had his arm around your waist while jeongin had his arm around your shoulders, your head leaning towards the youngest. You let out another shaky breath as your eyes got misty once again. You didn’t know how to say it, you were still in shock.
“I uh…I guess I kind of just had a really…really not good coming out experience with a friend…” you whisper as you try to swallow the lump in your throat. Jeongin made a pained noise as he squeezed your shoulder and kissed your head.
“I’m sorry about that y/n…” Hyunjin whispered. You shook your head.
“It’s fine,” you said quietly. Seungmin began to rub your side. You began to explain to them everything she said, and their eyes turned to the size of saucers.
“Y/n, that’s opposite of fine,” Hyunjin said with so much hurt in his voice.
“They had no right saying that kind of thing to you,” Seungmin said right after.
“That’s so awful…” Jeongin whispered as you sniffed on his shoulder.
“Guess I was meant to have at least one person not support who I am…” you squeak out. Hyunjin shook his head.
“That’s not true, no one deserves to go through that,” he whispered, still rubbing your thigh. You were torn cause you wanted to keep your friendship alive but you were hurt. You explained your troubles and the three guys listened intently.
“Whatever you decide to do, we love you, ALL of you, and we support you no matter what, okay?” Seungmin slightly chucked at the end when he wiped another tear that fell from your eye. You give him a tight lined smile as you sniffle.
“I love you guys so much,” you whispered. They hugged you once more, reminding you that you were loved.
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onceuponers · 3 months ago
@princetaled: 6MM & 6MF
Ariel never actually had sex with Eric until their wedding night, which sounds unlikely now given how profusely addicted to sex he'd essentially become since then. Not that it seemed to bother anyone, least of whom Eric himself, who took worshipped his little merlad's body with divine attentiveness.
Yet, despite all their efforts to finally conceive a child and start a family of their own, it never seemed to take. It actually became comical; Ariel could literally be drowned in Eric's cum after a long night of fucking, and still no results. Ariel, optimistic as ever, just took this as encouragement to have sex constantly, as though they weren't already doing just that.
It always starts so innocently, with Eric grinding his clothed cock against the curve of Ariel's shapely ass the moment they retired to bed for the night. But, as ever, neither Ariel nor Eric were tired, and wouldn't be until Eric's boner faded into its flaccid state.
After extended foreplay involving plentiful amounts of kissing, sucking, and licking, they finally proceeded to the main event. Ariel assumed their usual, favored position, with him on all fours as Eric pulled up behind him, preparing to breach his overworked, drooling cunt.
"I love you so much, Eric—" Ariel airily moans, and then—
Absolute bliss.
Ariel didn't have much to compare to before his first time with Eric, but even several years later, he'd yet to find someone who compared to him in all areas. Size, length, girth, virility, you name it. Eric was a man. The kind Ariel knew he would have fallen in love with before they ever met. The kind he saw in his dreams as a little mermaid, waiting to become the person he always knew he would be.
Eric was the realization of his dreams, made blood and flesh. All of him belonged to Eric.
"Barnacle—!" Ariel cries out as Eric's dick fills him so perfectly, stretching his warm, velvety walls as they started rocking together, his voluptuous chest bouncing with each rushed movement. "Eric—!"
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vilyanenyavilya · 2 years ago
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(Header art scene from Checkmate by vanitasmorgue)
Welcome! I write Loki and Tony Stark centered fic. Here’s my AO3
Current WIP:
Lost In Time. Loki/Tony (Frostiron). Word count: 21,700 ongoing
“You messed with time. It tends to mess back. You’ll see.” An accident during The Time Heist sends Tony Stark tumbling through time and space. Tony emerges on a different planet, over a century before where he should be, with no way home. He works to get back to his family the Avengers. While he’s at it, he’ll fix this new timeline too…but more and more time passes and he’s still stranded and he has to make a new life under a new name. A new life that includes Loki in a starring role. Loki was studying the magical arts on Alfheim with his mother’s sister, when a mortal shows up and turns everything upside down. He comes with ill tidings of the future and a determination to change it, and Loki can’t help himself but believe and help him. This mortal is a fascinating puzzle, and Loki itches to put it together. It has -nothing- to do with how drawn he is to the mortal himself.
Neither one knows just how or why their stories are entwined by forces unknown.
Some finished fics:
Checkmate (aka Chess and Chocolate Chip Pancakes in Stark Tower). Word count: 409,000
Loki/Tony (Frostiron)
Tony Stark would never admit to having been in love a long time ago, with a woman from Norway. Now there’s a Norse god in his penthouse threatening him and Earth, but those eyes are familiar… and there’s something seriously wrong happening.
Or: How Tony Stark makes a snap decision to hide his ex Loki in Stark Tower during and after the Battle of New York, tries not to lose his head and his heart doing it and fails. How instead, together, Tony and Loki unknowingly change the path of their universe.
It goes well for years… but secrets come out, more snap decisions are made, everything falls apart, and Loki decides to seize another opportunity. He is a god after all, and what’s a god without power?
Take Me In And Let’s Make Mischief. Word count: 18,700
Loki/Tony (Frostiron)
Loki approached the Avenger encased in metal who, with the armor, made a rather impressive hole in the dirt. He looked at the scene and drank his tea. What to do about it was the question. Stark pulled the face plate off, looked up, and around at the area. “Oh, hi Reindeer Games. Where am I?” “You came here Stark.” The mortal looked surprised at seeing him. That was interesting. “It’s Tony. Uh JARVIS? Why’d you take me to Lokes’ Secret Lair?”
A Lifetime of New Year’s Kisses. Word count: 8,000
Loki/Tony (Frostiron)
Tony waited in a ballroom on New Year’s Eve. Just an hour or two ago, he had made a snap decision and made himself a New Year’s Resolution to take a risk. So there he was, waiting with a pounding heart to see if his risk paid off, to see if Loki walked down the stairs to the ballroom to meet him.
In Your Eyes series. Word count: 56,000
Loki/Tony (Frostiron)
Prince Tony of Alfheim is facing an arranged marriage to Loki. The two haven’t seen each other since they were children, but he remembers every moment. The two of them used to be so close … but that was a long time ago. Princet Loki of Asgard, is apprehensive. Not because of Tony, but because they have secrets. They weren’t born on Asgard like the Nine Realms believe. How can a marriage start with a lie? But Loki isn’t the only one with secrets … Tony’s mother is hiding life changing ones from Tony.
The Sorcerer Next Door. Word count: 84,000
Loki & Tony friendship
Tony’s retirement was supposed to be quiet. He got married, moved out to the lakehouse, and rescued some alpacas. It was a little boring, but it was fine, really. He did not expect his neighbor to turn out to be a familiar mischievous enemy-turned-ally who was nursing injuries from the Battle of Wakanda. He also did not expect to end up embroiled in a real life Game of Thrones with death on the line for both him and Loki. Retired or not, Tony was still Iron Man. It was game on.
Mischief Meets Hawk. Word count: 76,000.
Loki & Clint friendship, Loki/OMC
After the Chitauri Invasion, Clint Barton went home to recover. After a while, he went back to active duty. But the loyal agent has been keeping a secret. He’s been spending his free time sorting through over a thousand years of a Norse God’s memories. Because for some reason, the scepter worked both ways. It gave him Loki’s memories.
Clint did not like what he saw, and he hasn’t been able to let it go. He’s a sucker for a seemingly lost cause. Clint’s mission is to get into Asgard, break Loki out, and get him somewhere safe. If only Loki will cooperate and not take his head off.
Tumblr exclusives:
A Kiss At Midnight In Time : Loki/Sylvie
Rating: Teen. Word count: 1,300. Tags: Romance, Reuniting, Waltz, New Year’s Eve
Summary: (Post Loki S1): Loki finds Sylvie at a masquerade ball New Year’s Eve 1977. What else would he do but ask for a dance?
Courtiers : Tony Stark x several people. (bit of a crack!fic)
Rating: Teen. Word count: 2,000. Tags: references to sex, fluff?, humor, Tony’s been oblivious but he figures it out, hopeful ending
Summary: Tony’s tired of all the dates he brings back to the tower leaving with barely a word. After walking in on a group of some of the Avengers, he gets a big dose of answers about why and… he’ll spin it to his advantage.
Happy reading!
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amphiptere-art · 2 years ago
I haven’t had any artistic motivation for a long while, so no art yet, but I do have some physical descriptions.
Infero is about 5’11. His face is designed a lot like the new VRChat model’s, but with the shade of orange from the thumbnail version, and his rays fade from that orange at the base to red at the tips. His left eye (black side of his face) is red (a little reference to his heritage), his right is gold, and both eyes have black star pupils. He has a mouth full of sharp teeth. The red and his eyes glow.
His crest is a hollow sun (all rays the same length), which comes in either black or orange. He has a fluffy orange cloak with that crest in black on the back, and in orange as a clasp. He’s got a fancy ruffled sleeveless orange top with his crest in black across the chest. He’s wears a short red belted skirt with his crest as a buckle, and under it he wears long solid black pants.
His body is black with an intricate swirling orange pattern. His hands are orange on the back and black on the front, and end in sharp claws. He gave himself digitigrade legs (because I think those are cool) that end in black feet with orange claws. He has black toe beans. When Lunar decided on a tail, he started using one too, a thin black wire one ending in the orange version of his crest.
When Lunar’s wearing his tiara to play pricet, Eclipse wears a gold tiara with an orange gem shaped like his crest in a center, and a smaller round black gem fitted in the center of the orange one. The orange gem glows.
Vim was initially the same size as Infero, but is currently around 3’8. His face is light blue on the left and pale yellow on the crescent. His left eye is yellow (current model), his right is pink (old model), and both have silver crescent pupils. He gave himself a pair of little fangs. All of it glows.
He wears a fluffy light blue cloak covered in little silver glitter stars, with Lord Eclipse’s orange crest as a clasp. He’s got a blue turtleneck neck with big poofy yellow sleeves, with a big silver crescent in the center. He’s got a little yellow skirt with glittery silver stars. His pants are dark blue and lined with silver crescents down the sides.
His actual body is light blue with glowing silver stars. His chest has a glowing yellow crescent on either side, curved inwards around a big glowing star in the center. His arms and legs are lined with glowing lunar cycles. His paw pads are a darker blue and glittery. He’s got retractable silver claws with blue glitter on his hands and feet. He’s got a silver wire tail that ends in a glowing yellow crescent. His legs are digitigrade, like his brother’s.
His favorite crown for playing princet is a silver tiara covered in gold glitter, lined with bright yellow star-shaped gems, and a pink glowing crescent-shaped gem in the center.
Revenant are 5’11, like Infero. They pretty much like canon Bloodmoon, but with sharper teeth, sharper claws, a red devil tail, and black toe beans.
Puppy is 6’8 and looks like his canon MCFNAF skin, but in a style more like the FNAF games or SaMS. He did get a tail installed to match Infero’s, but that’s the only difference.
Thank you. I'm probably going to make my own ref illustrations of these guys. Hope you don't mind. Definitely going to have blue moon interact with your guys. Just got to wait until the computers not broken.
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 2 years ago
That’s perfectly fine. You draw things your way, if you feel like drawing them.
I see Lord Eclipse’s preferred form being about Bloodmoon’s height, because I like the idea that he prefers to be short. His face is designed a lot like the version in the SaMS thumbnails, but his rays fade from orange to red at the tips. His right eye (black side of his face) is red (a little reference to his heritage), his left is gold, and both eyes have black star pupils. The onky glow is his eyes and the red in rays.
His crest is a hollow sun (all rays the same length, empty circle in the middle), which comes in either black or orange. He has a fluffy orange cloak with that crest in black on the back, and in orange as a clasp. He’s got a fancy ruffled sleeveless orange top with his crest in black across the chest. He’s wears a short red belted skirt with his crest as a buckle, and under it he wears long solid black pants.
His body is black with an intricate swirling orange pattern. His hands are orange on the back and black on the front, and end in sharp claws. He gave himself digitigrade legs (because I think those are cool) that end in black feet with orange claws. When Lunar decided on a tail, he started using one too, a thin black one ending in the orange version of his crest.
When Lunar’s being a princet, Eclipse wears a gold tiara with an orange gem shaped like his crest in a center, and a smaller round black gem fitted in the center of the orange one. The orange gem glows.
Hey another bit of reference of I believe infero? This got buried FAR JEEZ
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scarlet-curls · 5 months ago
I have one! Princet Vesper Ilius Ozul:
Princet is the gender neutral term for prince/princess because I headcanon the Twili raise their kids to figure out their own gender expression as they grow up
I think Vesper is just another word for twilight because even I need to be cliche sometimes
Ilius is their middle name, named after Ilia because Link hopes that their child will be just as kind and humble as her
Ozul is my headcanon for Midna's surname and you bet Link took it when he married her
I don't have much on little Vesper yet since they're just gonna be there for like. an epilogue at the end of a Very Long fanfic trilogy I'm working on, but here's some spoilery details under the cut:
Twili/Hylian kids have vitiligo with patches of skin for each parent, so Vesper (and the child of Zelda and a Twili OC called Sonnet) both have the cool grey skin of Twili and the paler skin of their Hylian parents
Since Midna is a transwoman in my fic, she isn't Vesper's birth mother. Instead, her best friend/cousin Sonnet (they/them) volunteered to be the surrogate, getting pregnant through insemination rather than the old fashioned way. Link is still the bio dad though, and because of his own upbringing and background, he was really worried about the baby "rejecting" Midna as its mother. Fortunately, that never happened, and Midna was still able to take potions to breastfeed Vesper
In this fic, Midna has done a lot of morally questionable things, though for entirely sympathetic reasons. Link has too, but to a lesser extent. The hurt caused by their actions is still felt by many during Vesper's life, so it's something they find out at a young age and really struggle with. How could their cool and amazing and kind parents do such awful things? It's the toughest parenting challenge Midlink face, but it's also why they're working so hard with Zelda to build a world where their children will never be pushed to such extremes as they were.
Vesper may also take the throne as soon as they're of age rather than as soon as Midna passes/feels ready to retire. This is because Vesper represents a clean slate for both the twilight realm and Hyrule: after all, they weren't the one to commit their parents' sins. Unfortunately, they are still expected by some Hylians to "repent" on behalf of their mother in particular, without any regard for the fact that the Hylians were actually the ones on the wrong side of history in this fic. They also have to deal with some Twili being apprehensive about their Hylian side and Hylian parent and navigate a whole lot of new challenges that no other Twilit ruler ever had to deal with.
Anywho, call into the void and the void might answer! Thanks for the chance to yell about this
*calling out into the void*
hey, we should all make midlink fankids
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indianaclems · 6 months ago
Nur and Long argue.
Long: I'm my moms favorite! the proof they asked the dragons to create me.
Nur: No it's me, I was chosen! You they have to support you now!
Long: they wanted me because you were only the failed draft!
Raya who hears them bickering intervenes.
Raya: What's going on kids? I hear you screaming, you're not arguing.
Long rushing over to Raya and burying her face in her dhoti.
Long: Nur is mean she says you didn't want me!
Raya: Nuuur!
Nur: What, but you're a liar, Má Long says you don't like me and he's your favorite.
Raya: What-.
Long: Má am I your favorite?
Raya: Okay, that's what it was all about... raya breaths while massaging her temples.
Raya: Children you want to know who is our favorite child to Ma and me?
Both: Yeeees
Raya : follow me.
Raya takes them to their room and takes a box.
Raya: I have placed inside this box a picture of our favorite child
The two children look and see a mirror...the two look at each other and blush understanding what Raya wants to tell them, the two reconcile.
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babymapleleaf · 1 year ago
Crying over the KK Slider birthday song 🥺🥺🥺
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zelphin124 · 1 year ago
Hi Zelphin I hope you have a great day. I wanted to ask something how did you ask those who dedigned the seasontale characters I mean for each seperate character it's a different person with different art style sooo that should have took you long to find the right person how did you even find them did they come to you or did you asked them?
Sorry if I asked too much. The reason I'm asking is because I wanna make an AU of my own but I don't know how to draw😅
Ah, yes! How I designed the SeasonTale characters.
Honestly, I gave the concepts of SeasonTale that I had in my head to a very talented artist, PrinceTal on YouTube. I gave them their personalities and what I expected their clothes to like, and paid them to design the SeasonTale boys. They did a wonderful job with it!
TLDR: I commissioned someone to help me with the designs. I came up with the idea and what I wanted, and they drew it.
Good luck with your AU! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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digimonlover09 · 1 year ago
Glint is happy to play with the child. He’s allowed to take a break from work at any point if it’s because one of the princets asked. So he can play as long as Ravenous wants.
Frenzy hisses lowly and climbs up the walls. Observing from a greater distance. Ravenous is nervous enough to aggravate him, but not enough to send him into immediate attack mode, plus Glint is glaring at him, so he retreats instead. Glint will let them have what they want, as long as it’s not Dying Fire’s, his job comes with a very generous paycheck so he can replace anything Ravenous eats.
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog How’s Dying Fire handling the giant metal eating child being babysat in his home?
Infero pats Ravenous on the head and congratulates them on having a fun day.
How would Glint react to Ravenous kind of bothering them. Mostly in a child like fashion. Also to the point that Ravenous accidentally follows him home. And just won't leave 'because new house, new things' fun.
Glint is happy to attend to the child. He’s a bit nervous because if anything happens Infero will kill him, but he enjoys caring for young children, gets a sense of fulfillment out of it that he doesn’t quite understand (it’s the Daycare Attendant programming).
Of course, Ravenous following him home is definitely cause for concern. He’ll instantly alert Infero, so there aren’t any unpleasant misunderstandings. Infero will let Ravenous stay with Sun until dinnertime, then come pick him up. During that time Glint is basically just babysitting, which he isn’t opposed to. Frenzy is just lurking in a corner the whole time. Dying Fire’s also there, since he lives there.
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nonuggetshere · 2 years ago
I adore you’re art style xx when the vessel was still pretending to be pure before the sealing what do you think would happen if someone that wasn’t the pale king or white lady discovered they’re impurities? Cause I love the idea of them lashing out in a moment of stress but also, hear me out, they have a really moment of genuine joy/happiness. For example herrah showed them baby hornet for the first time and they started fussing over her without realizing it or starting purring or sm. Or they see something really pretty or cool and can’t help but stare ect
I just really want hollow to be happy, sorry for the weird question but I just wanted your opinion xx keep up the amazing art xox
PV revealing they're not truly hollow in a moment of unbridled joy is such a bittersweet idea. It's cute but you just KNOW some absolute shitshow is gonna follow.
I feel like what would happen varies greatly on who saw it and what they did;
I feel like people who were close to and loyal to the Pale King would disregard very subtle signs because the king is the expert and he says they're hollow, so it must be true, right?
People like Herrah though? She knows he's full of shit and would be more sceptical if she saw something like this.
I think things like starting at things they find pretty or tilting their head towards music they enjoy would be more likely to get disregarded as a response to stimuli. Things like fretting over their baby sister or purring to her? Yeah, considerably less so. (though I think if Pale King was in enough denial he'd try to rationalise it as a parental instinct of sorts, but would have to face the truth at some point)
This actually reminds me of the scenario I thought up recently, where the dreamers find out because they found Pure Vessel playing with their little sister (they're also closer in age in that AU so they're still a baby themself). I feel like Herrah would be ready to go scorch earth for this baby and perhaps would even assume the worst in Pale King and think he knew but lied to all of them.
Or that AU where Herrah kidnapped adopted little Pure because she found out and decided she's not gonna let a child go through that, so they grow up in Deepnest with their little sister- actually, have this Deepnest princet sprite edit I made a long time ago
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They've got LAYERS to cover up their identity a little better (ik it doesn't look like an outfit you'd find anybody wearing in-game but I couldn't stop myself from adding more details for fun) I ended up naming them Silk in that AU :]
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onceuponers · 3 months ago
@princetaled: 23 MM & 23 MF
Ever since Ariel and Eric gained access to those portals that allowed them to explore other realms they previously couldn't, they really hit the ground running and took advantage, forming all sorts of alliances and agreements with their royal counterparts in each. Most of them were boring business; Ariel had no interest in these.
He did, however, enjoy the interpersonal relationships he formed with his new allies. Particularly the more... intimate ones.
Kit was the first they really bonded with, which led to a certain arrangement that allowed for, well, this.
"Your cock is so big, your highness...!" Ariel marveled, looking up at Kit from this vantage point. They'd spent the afternoon exploring the grounds outside his family's palace, and got a little carried away once they stopped upon a wooded green with plenty of shade. Plenty of area to hide in, as well.
Kit was not as big as Eric, of course. Few were. But that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy giving the man a blowjob, or...
Savor the feel of his long, thick cock as is stretched his cunt open, nearly as satisfying as when his own husband did the deed. "Barnacle—!" he gasps out, his voice naturally sing-songy but especially so when in a state of intense pleasure. "Don't stop, Kit—!"
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